HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-11/26/1996SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD
NOVEMBER 26. 1996
Present: Supervisor Jean W, Cochran, Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie, Councilman
Joseph L. Townsend, Jr., Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva, Justice Louisa P. Evans,
Justice Louisa P. Evans, Councilman William D. Moore, Town Clerk Judith T.
Terry.., Town Attorney Laury L. Dowd.
9:10 A.M. - Edward Siegmann, re presenting the Southold Town senior citizen
organizations, met with the Town Board to request them to adopt a resolution in
support of the new School Tax Circuit Breaker Program. The Board will review the
proposal and urged Mr. Siegmann to also take his request to the local school boards.
9:30 A.M. Joseph Gold, Chairman of the Land Preservation Committee, met with
the Town Board to review resolutions 12 & 13, engaging two real estate appraisers
to prepare appraisals of four parcels of land for possible acquisition with the new
bond for the acquisition of development rights in agricultural lands.----Mr. Gold
also discussed a memorandum from Town Attorney Dowd recommending that inasmuch
as the Town has spent significant moneys to purchase agricultural development
rights, that this investment can be protected by explicitly spelling out the rights
and duties associated with such purchase. Mr. Gold said that the committee
discussed the proposal, but feels the program is working fine as it is, and would
not recommend making any changes at the present time.
10:10 A.M. Stuart R. Lowrie, Director of Conservation Programs and Government
Relations for The Nature Conservancy, and his a§soc'iate Paul Rabinovitch, met with
the Board, ~t'o bring them-uphto date on the involvement of The Nature Conser,vancy
in assisting the Town in preserving the Arshamomaque Wetlands. He submitted a
proposal to act as the Town's agent in this respect, and the Board placed a
resolution {26) on the agenda to accomplish this.
10:25 A.M. Merlon Wiggin, Vito Caporusso, and Bob Link of Mariculture Tech-
nologies, Inc., met with the Town Board to discuss the proposal to develop a
commercial aquaculture operation for the production of summer flounder. The
proposal includes construction and operation of a hatchery facility to rear summer
f:tounder from eggs to fingerlings for approximately one year, at Clarks Beach, on
County Route 48, Greenport, bounded to the east by Inlet Point County Park and
the north by Long Island Sound. The proposal also includes construction and
operation of 1/4 acre open net pens for the grow-out phase of the operation, for
a tbtal grow-out area which could reach 200 acres. The grow-out area is to be
southeast of Plum Island. The Town Board made it clear that a change of zone
would be required on the property. Mr. Link stated that the State Law recognizes
aquaculture as being equal to agriculture~ however, he was informed the laws of
Southold Town does not. The Board also made it clear that throughout all of the
permitting activities conducted by Mariculture Technologies, the Town has not been
approached or kept informed. Mr. Link assured them that that would be corrected
and they would be kept up to date in the future.
10:50 A.M. The Board discussed the application of Eugene and Alphenic Martin
to place a single family trailer on their property at Tuthill Road, Cutchogue, to re-
place a trailer that was destroyed by fire. The Board agreed that if the trailer had
not burned, it would have been renewed, therefore, a resolution {21) was placed
on the agenda to permit the trailer.
11:15 A.M. Solid Waste Coorclinator James Bunci~uck meet with the Town Board
to review Landfill Operations with regard to yellow bag disposal, scale violations,
and salvaging.
]1:55 A.M. Engineering Inspector James Richter met with the Board to discuss
[he recently constructed bridge over Brushes Creek, Laurel. Mr. Richter assured
the Board that structure itself has not failed. It has settled, but he does not feel
it will settle further. He described the construction technique and materials, and
advised the Board that the Highway Department will level the road so that it is
smooth and even.
12:30 P.M. - Recess for lunch.
~:35 P.M. Work Session reconvened. The Town Board placed a resolution (2'/)
on the agenda appointing Nancy N. Kormendi as a Clerk in the office of the Receiver
of Taxes,----A resolution (28) was placed on the agenda appointing members to the
new Swimming Pool Feasibility Committee.----The Town Board received a resume from
a Clerk Typist at the Southold School, indicating her interest in transferring to a
Clerk Typist position with the Town. Councilman Moore will contact the applicant
stating that at the present time the only vacancy is a full-time Clerk Typist position
in the Building Department while Claire Toy is on a leave-of-absence.- .... The Board
discussed a memorandum from the Board of Ethics recommending a code change
concerning recusal of an employee in the event of a conflict of interest. This was
referred to the Code Committee.----A memorandum from the Board of Ethics
concerning an inquiry by a member of the Board of Appeals was referred to the
Town Attorney inasmuch as the Board of Ethics lacks jurisdiction in this matter.----
Town Board reappointed Herbert Ernst to the Architectural Review Committee to
replace Robert Pettit (resolution 29).----Discussion with regard to labor relations
negotiators.----Proposed contract from NYNEX which would allow the town to receive
significant discounts on home-region local usage (resolution 30).----Letter from the
NYS Liquor Authority asking if the Town Board has an obiection to the issuance
of a license to Hair of the Dog Inc., Fishers Island. {Justice Evans recused herself
from this discussion as her husband has an 'interest in this corporation). Board
members had no objection to the issuance of the license.----Supervisor Cochran
presented a proposed "Southold Town Farmers Bill of Rights" to the Board, who,
after a brief review, referred it to the Code Committee.----Memorandum from Senior
Accountant John CUshman transmitting a proposed tme management and payroll
system by Automatic Data Processing. Mr. Cushman is exploring other systems for
the Board's consideration,
2:30 P.M. On motion of Councilman Moore, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
Resolved that the Town Board enter into Executive Session to discuss employment
history. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Supervisor Cochran, Councilwoman Hussie,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Oliva, Justice Evans, Councilman Moore. Aisc
present: Town Clerk Terry, Town Attorney Dowd.
3:05 P.M. - Town Board reviewed the resolutions to be voted on that the 4:30 P.M.
Regular meeting.
4:05 P.M. - Work Session adjourned.
A Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held on November
26, 1996, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York.
Supervisor Cochran opened the meeting at ti:30 P.M. with the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
Supervisor Jean W. Cochran
Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie
Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr.
Councilwoman Ruth D. Ollva
Justice Louisa P. Evans
Councilman William D. Moore
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Town Attorney Laury L. Dowd
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: May I have a motion to approve the audit of the
bills November 6, 19967
Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the following bills be and hereby are ordered paid:
General Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of $169,497.24; General Fund
Part Town bills in the amount of $9,170.52; Community Development Fund
bills in the amount of $20,000.00; Highway Fund Whole Town bills in the
amount of $10,693.90; Highway Fund Part Town bills in the amount of
$21,265.26; CHIPS (Highway Part Town) bills in the amount of $18,749.02;
Capital Projects Account bills in the amount of $6,017.00; Hashamomuck
Pond Drainage bills in the amount of $298.99; Fishers Island Metal Dump
Capital bills in the amount $816.119; Employee Health Benefit Plan bills in
the amount of $26,934.07; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in the amount
of $48,159.65; Refuse & Garbage District bills in the amount of $19,555.44;
Southoid Wastewater District bills in the amount of $1,283.63; Fishers
Island Sewer District bills in the amount of $707.09; Southold Agency &
Trust bills in the amount of $6,811.93; Fishers Island Ferry District Agency.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: A motion to approve the minutes of November 12,
Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of the November 12, 1996, Town Board
meeting be and hereby are approved.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Ollva,
Councilman. Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolutioi~ was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: To set the next Town Board for Tuesday,
September 10, 1996 at 7:30.
Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Ollva, it was
RESOLVED that the next meetln9 of the Southold Town Board will be
held at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday, December 10, 1996, at the Southold Town
Hall, Southold, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: It's my honor, and I have a special privilege
today, to do presentation of two proclamations. As many of you know,
young people are my favorite kind of people. There's nothing wrong with
that, believe me. We have two teams here of young gentlemen that play
football, Panthers, unbeatable, strong by reason, get out there and play
good ball, and some really good sports. I went to the game on Sunday, and
I was impressed not only with their playing ability, but, also, with the
sportsmanship they showed on that day. it's something special that you are
a sport playing sports, and being involved, not just how to run with the
football, but many other things. So, the Town of Southold is very proud of
your young people. I thought it would be a nice thing if you could come in
today. Each and everyone of you can get your face on T~. It's the
beginning of the Show, so you don't have to watch the rest of this. First
lets have Mr. Cooper and your team up here. I would like to present you
with this proclamation.
Moved by Supervisor Cochran, seconded by the Entire Town Board
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to recognize
COOPER, and Assistant Coach JOE DAVIS, for winning the Suffolk
County Police Athletic League Championship; and
WHEREAS, this championship is an example of the spirit, dedication, team
work and sportsmanship of the PECONIC PANTHERS - 10 YEAR OLD
DIVISION, needing a tie to win their championship, tied Riverhead 16 -16,
ending the season with an overall record of 8-1-1; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southotd wishes to
publicly recognize and congratulate the PECONIC PANTHERS 10 YEAR
OLD DIVISION, their Coach BILL COOPER and Assistant Coach JOE
Dated: November 26, 1996.
Mark Bonds
Michael Clark
Justice Cooper
Erik Curko
Joseph Davis
Vote of the
Councilwoman Oliva,
Supervisor Cochran.
Ed Deptola
Stephen Farrand
Joshua Finne
Christopher Flanlgan
David Harbes
Board: Ayes: Councilman
Councilman Townsend,
This resolution was duty ADOPTED.
Courtney Knispel
Casey Lauterborn
Jasoin Peters
Kevin Smith
Christopher Walters
Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Hussie,
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Here is something special that each of the Board
members have, and we give them out from time to time, but I think it was
important toda~y to give you this. This is a Southold Town button, that you
can wear on your jacket. We congratulate each and everyone of you. Thank
you for coming in. Come on up here. I watched you on Sunday. This is
the 12 year old division.
Moved by Supervisor Cochran, seconded by The Entire Town Board,
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to recognize
MOHRING, and their assistant coaches FRED LIGON, STAN
County Police Athletic League Championship and the Turkey Bowl; and
WHEREAS, this championship is an example of the spirit, dedication, team
work and sportsmanship of the PECONIC PANTHERS -12 YEAR OLD
DIVISION and the devotion of their Coach JOHN MOHRING AND
FARINA, SR.; and
championship game, defeated Center Morlches by a score of 25-6, and the
T~Jrkey Bowl where they defeated Wyandanch by a score of 21-7. ending
their season with an overall record of 10-0-1; now. therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to
publicly recognize and congratulate the PECONIC PANTHERS 12 YEAR
OLD DIVISION and their Coach JOHN MOHRING and Assistant Coaches
Dated: November 26, 1996.
NOVEMBER 26, 1996 229'~
John Cielatka
John Cochran
Matt Conneely
Gerald Crenshaw
Cedric Davis
Vote of the Town
Councilwoman Oliva, CoL~ncilman
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Tom Farina, Sr John MohrJn, Jr.
Chris Harris Aaron Pacholk
Michael Langer Kyle Schadt
Chaki Legon Chris Szymczak
Stephen McNeil Bill Walters
Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans.,
Townsend, Councilwoman Huss|e,
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Again, on behalf of the entire Town Board, and
our Town Clerk, Judith Terry, we offer you congratulations for a good
season. You all did a nice job. I think it is great that you came ~n. We
have Mark Mellas with us today, too, who has been very involved in the
program. Mark, maybe you can tell us how many kids we have in Southold
in the program itself.
MARK MELLAS: We have about seventy kids this year, and we had about
36 cheerleaders.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thirty-six cheerleaders, no wonder you won with
all that cheering. I, also, understand you are raising funds to put lights
up at Tasker Park.
MARK MELLAS: We have about half of what we need now. We were told
that it was somewhere around $11,000 to $12,000 range. We have about
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: The team has always played in the Greenpo~-t
field~ but a field was laid out up at Tasker Field, and that is where they
will be playing in future, and as Mark says they have been raising funds
for lights, so any help anyone from the community can give them to reach
this goal. They are a bunch of good kids, and it keeps them busy. Thank
you very much for coming.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Reports are listed. If there are any reports, that
you are interested in, copies can be obtained from the Town Clerk.
1. Lawrence Healthcare Town Health Insurance Report for October,
2. Lawrence Healthcare PBA Health Insurance Report for October,
3. Southold Town Justice Bruer's Monthly Court Report for
October, 1996.
u,. Southold Town Justice Price's Monthly Court Report for October,
5. Southold Town' Justice Evans' Monthly Court Report for October,
6. Southold Town Planning Board Monthly Court Report for October,
7. Southold Town Police Department Monthly Court Report for
October, 1996.
8. Southold Town Investigator's Monthly Report for October, 1996.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We do not have any public notices.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We have some communications.
1. Ralph S. Solecki, Professor Emeritus, Columbus University in
regard to Fort Corchaug.
2. Gary M. Charters, President of Greenport Board of Education
with ~thanks for School Board Proclamation.
3. Andrea Gurv|tz, Vice-President Leisure Marketing of Long
Island Convention and Visitors Bureau in regard to an article about the
North Fork which appeared in the Glasgow, Scotland, Times.
4. PSD3 John Raynor memo to Supervisor Cochran regarding
Fire Department dispatching.
5. Bessie E. Swarm, Executive Director, and Barbara D.
Schriever, Fund Drive Coordinator, C.A.S.T.'s appeal for 1996 Christmas
Fund Program.
1. On the question of the Acquisition by the Town of Southold, of
the Development Rights in the Agricultural Lands of Anna Fiore and
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: The Town Board has a POlicy that if you are
interested in addressing any of the resolutions that are on the agenda, you
may do so prior to the adoption. If there is something else you would like
to share with the Board, that comes at the end of the meeting. We wilt be
very happy to have your comments. So, at this time we will continue with
the resolutions. Is there anyone that would like to address any of the
MARY RAKAUSKAS: I think I'm addressing the Board on a matter of
propound ignorance. What is the Municipal Investors Service, Corp. under
Resolution #9? What is their function?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: It's one of the services that the Town uses, and
they are having a kind of a thank you to the people, that they work with
throughout the year at this holiday season, and four people from the
Finance Department will be attending this luncheon that is given as a thank
you. They are a municipal investors' service that the financial people use
in the Town, as far as investments are concerned.
In a manner of speaking, is it a profit making
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We make a profit on our investments, yes.
MARY RAKAUKAS: I don't mean you. I mean do they.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We have a contract with them for our
investments. Are there any other questions 'n relation to any of the
resolutions? (No response.) If not, we shall continue with the passage of
the resolutions.
I .-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes a refund of $100.00 to Richard E. Bozsnyak Jr.. which amount
represents the fi'ling fee for his trailer permit application which was
denied by the Town Board.
I. V~te of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
2.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold is hereby
authorized and directed to advertise for resumes in The Traveler-Watchman
and The Suffolk Times, for a part-time Account Clerk for the Accounting E
Finance Department, 17-1/2 hours per week, at salary of $8.40 per hour.
2.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oiiva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
3.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Hussle, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold is hereby
author, ized and directed to advertise for resumes in The Traveler-Watchman
and The Suffolk Times, for a part-time Account Clerk for the Accounting ~;
Finance Department, 17-1/2 hours per week, at a salary of $8.40 per hour.
NOVEMBER 26, 1996
3.-Vote-'of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
Th~s resolution was duly ADOPTED.
4.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes Lawrence Healthcare Administration Inc. to pay the medical bill
of Pamela Anshutz, which bill was submitted by the medical provider more
than 90 days after service was rendered.
4. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes~ Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Ollva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
5.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts
the bid of Tri-State Recycling Co. for the Removal of Scrap Tires from
the Southold Town Disposal Area for Calendar Year 1997, all in accordance
with the bid specifications.
5.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,.
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
6.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Ollva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts
the bid of Oak Tree Farm Dairy, Inc. in the amount of $.1~95 per 1/2 pint
for supplying Homogenized Pasteurized Whole Milk to the Southold Town
Human Resources Center for Calendar Year 1997, all in accordance with their
bid proposal.
6. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
7.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts
the bids of Rob's Food Service and Landmark Food Corp. for supplying
food for the Southold Town Nutrition Program for Calendar Year 1997, all in
accordance witt~ the bid specifications.
7.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Cbuncilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
8.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts
the bid of Enterprise Packaging Corporation for supplying the Town with
Yellow Plastic Garbage Bags for Calendar Year 1997, in the amount of
$32,690.00, all in accordance with the bid specifications.
8. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Supervisor Cochran. Abstain: Councilwoman
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
9.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of .Southold hereby grants
permission to Personnel Assistant Barbara Rudder, part-time Account Clerk
Annette Jordan, Principal Account Clerk Connie Solomon, and Senior
Accountant John Cushman to attend the Municipa Investors Service
Corporation meeting and luncheon to be held on Friday, December 6, 1996,
from 11:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. at Smithtown, N.Y., using a Town vehicle
for travel.
-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oltva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
lo.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of theTown of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute agreements
with the following ~ndivJduals for-the Winter 1997 Recreation Programs, all
in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney:
NOVEMBER 26, 1996
Carol 13enso~ (Country Western Line Dancing) ..................................
Harry Beresford (Men's Basketball) ......................................................
Thomas Boucher (Guitar Lessons) .....................................................
Michael Carbonaro (Magic Show] ........................................................
Eugenia Cberouski (International Folk Dancing) ..................................
George Constantinidis (Self Esleem. Speed Readi~},q) .......................
auren Egan (Adult CPR; ....................................................................
(Pediatric CPR) ............................................................
(14eartsaver) ...................................................................
East End insurance Services (Defensive Dri,/ingl ...............................
Bob Fisher (Computers} ......................................................................
Tom Fox (Cartdon Drawing) ............................................................. :
¢tidden Lake Farms (Horseback Riding) ...........................................
Eleonora Kopek (Arts & Crafts) ...........................................................
Mattituck Lanes (Bowling) ...............................................................
Jim Mikelbank (Youth Basketball) .......................................................
Martha Prince (Step Aerobics) ............................................................
Jeanne Ruland (Body Sculpting/Aerobics) .........................................
Cynthia Sturner (Ballet) .......................................................................
U S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 18-8 (Adult Boating) ....................
YMCA of Long Island (ParentFFoddler Program) ................................
$ '1
$35/pc. rson
$SOlperso~ ~
$175/rmr so~
$20/ho~ ~r
$25tl ~o~ ,'
10,-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Ollva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
~.l.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants
permission to Senior Planner Valerie Scopaz and Councilwoman Ruth
Oliva to attend the Peconic Estuary Program Negotiations Training Seminar
at Southampton, N.Y., on November 20 F, 21, 1996, and the $20.00 per
person registration fee and travel by Town vehicle shall be a legal charge
to the 1996 Budget.
1~ .-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Coancitman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
12.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby engages
the service of Andrew D, Stype, Certified Real Estate Appraiser, to conduct
an appraisal on behalf of the Land Preservation Committee on the following
Cecil & Marion Young
Route 25, Laurel, N.Y.
Approx. 12.9 acres
Walter Gatz/George McDowell
86110 Oregon Road, Cutchogue, N.Y.
SCTMf~ 1000-95-1~. 1
Approx. 31 acres
Donna Dzugas-Smlth
Tuckers Lane g CRq8, Southold, N.Y.
Approx. 28.3 acres
12.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
OWMBE 199 233
13~-Moved by CouncilWoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby engages
the services of David Wimpelberg, Certified Real Estate Appraiser, to
conduct an appraisal on behalf of the Land Preservation Committee on the
property of Lois Woodhul , Elijah Lane, Mattituck, N.Y.,
SCT#1000-108-3-6.1. Aprox. 28 acres.
13.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Co'uncilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
14.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants
permission to Personnel Assistant Barbara Rudder and Principal Account
Clerk Connie Solomon to attend the Year End Seminar for Software Support
Agreement clients of Business Records Corporation, on Monday, December 9,
1996, from I0:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M., at Babylon, N.Y., and the use of a
Town vehicle for travel to the seminar shall be a legal charge to the
Accounting & Finance Department"s 1996 Budget.
14.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
15.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes the refund of $100.00 to Wine Services Inc., which sum
represents the return of a bid deposit for the screened sand for ice control
and highway maintenance proposal.
15.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
16.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W, Cochran to execute Addendum 1
to the Traffic Signal Installation on CR qB, Middle Road at Horton Lane,
Southold, acknowledging the equipment was installed in accordance with the
Agreement between the County of Suffolk and the Town of Southold.
t6--Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
I7.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes a refund of $15.00 to Rosario LaDuca, which sum represents a
cancelled Yard Sale Permit fee.
17.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran,
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants
permission to Detective Beth Dzenkowski to attend the Advanced Course
for Police Juvenile Officers being offered by the NYS Division for Youth
and NYS Police Juvenile Officers Association, on December 10, 11, 12,
1996, at Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and the necessary expenses for travel shall be
a legal charge to the Police Department 1996 budget,
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
234 NOVEMBER 26, 4996
i9.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councihnan Moore it was .
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies
the General Fund Whole Town and Community Development Fund 1996 budgb~;
to provide budgetary items for the Suffolk County/Town of Southold Home
investment Partnership Program:
General Fund Whole Tow~.
A.990 ! .9.000.200 Transfers for Other Funds
Transfers to Comnmnity Developmem Progr,qm
A_$660.4.600. t00
CotlllnunJty Developmem
Housing lmprovemenl Program
$ 40.0O0.00
$ 4O.00O.00
Commtmiw Development Fund
CD.2743.01 Community Development Grant
Home [uvestment Partnership Program Grant
CD.503 t_00
Transfers From Od~er Funds
Transfers from General Fund
Community Devetpmem Program
Home Investment Partnership Program
19.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councihnan Moore, Councilwoman
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
20.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereb
authorlzes and directs the Town Attorney to draw upon the $10,000 Letter
Credit posted as a performance guarantee by Frank Cichanowicz ill for ti
Wild Oats major subdivision at Peconlc, if the Letter of Credit extension
not received by the Town Clerk by Noon on December ~, 1996.
20.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliv~
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
2t .-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oilva, it was
RESOLVED that the application of Eugene and Alphenlc Martln for th
renewal of their single family house trailer permit, for a trailer Iocate~l,
on the We~st side of Tuthill Road, Cutchogue, which permit expires
January 15/ 1997, be and hereby ~s granted. .
21.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva~-
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
22.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold here[
authorizes the reduction of the performance bond for Angel Shores, a male
subdivision at Southold, from $223,000.00 to $20,000.00, all in accordar~¢
with the recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board.
22.-Vote ~f the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva~?i:
~ ~ ~---~ncilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. )}'~:~
This resolution was duly ADOPTED. '
.OVEMBER 26, 1996 25 5
23.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussle, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva_, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby waives
the $150.00 filing fee for a variance to the Board of Appeals by Anthony
SyIvestri, whereas a building permit was issued, and at the foundation
inspection it was discovered that there was an error, and Mr. Sylvestri
must obtain a variance to the setback requirements.
23.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Ollva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies
the Southold Waste Management District 1996 budget as follows:
SR.8160.U,.L~50.100 Newsletter Publication $ 2,363.27
SR.8160.~.[~00. 300 Public Information/Printing $ 310.62
SR.8160.1~.~00.600 Scale Maintenance 1,841.50
SR.8160.~.u~00.825 Glass Removal 150.00
SR.8160./J,.I~00.670 Mack Quarry Truck Repairs 61.15
5R.8160.~,. 100.995 Signage $ 830.75
SR.8160.~.100.900 Landscaping Supplies $ 108.96
SR.8160./~.100.600 Misc. Equip. Maint./Supplies 721.79
F rom:
SR.8160.4.500.200 Architects/Engineers $ 5,000.00
SR.8160.u,.100.200 Diesel Fuel $ 5,000.00
SR.8160.4.u~50.200 Advertising $ 1,000.00
SR.8160.~.100.110 Pre-Printed Forms $ 1,000.00
SR.8160.4.450.300 Informational Brochures $ 696.50
SR.8160.~. 100.110 Pre-Printed Forms $ 5~3.~0
SR.8160.~.100. 150 Scalehouse Paper/Supplies lU~3.10
SR 8160.~,.600.300 Travel Reimbursement $ 837.83
SR.8160.Lh100.573 Maint./Supply Trommel Screen $ 837.83
SR.8160.4.600.300 Travel Reimbursement $ 837.83
SR. 8160~.100. 573 Maint./Supply Trommel Screen $ 837.83
SR.8160.~.600.~,00 Postage $ ~, 18~. 18
SR.8160.~,.100.57B Malnt./Supply Leaf Shredder $ 4,18B.18
S~.8160,~.100.650 Garbage Bags $ 8,~55.90
SR.8160.4.100.575 Maint./Supply Leaf Shredder $ 3,000.00
SR.8160.[~.~00.810 C&D Removal 5, ~55.90
SR.8160.[~. 100. 225 Lubricants $ 3,000.00
SR.8160.~.~00.8t0 C&D Removal $ 3,000.00
SR.8160.~.100.500 Motor Vehicle Glass $ 1,000.00
SR.8160.q.~00.810 C&D Removal $ 1,000.00
SR-8160.~t.100.590 Maintenance-Mack Tractor $ 2,000.00
SR.8160.U~.q00.810 C&D Removal $ 2,000.00
SR.B160-~,.[~00.B20 Plastic Removal $ 1,000.00
NOVEMBER 26, 1996
SR.8160./~.q00.810 C&D Removal $ 1,000.00
SR.8160.4.400.8~0 Hazardous Waste Removal $12,000.00
SR.8160.4.~00.810 C&D Removal $12,000.00
F rom:
SR.8160.4.~50. 100 Newsletter Publication $ 936.79
SR.8160.~.~00.810 C~.D Removal $ 936.79
SR.9901.9.000.100 Transfer of Capital Fund $55,960.00
5R.8160.4.~00.810 C&D Removal $55,960.00
24.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Ol|va,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
25.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies
the General Fund Whole Town 1996 budget to appropriate donated funds for
the Tasker Park Playground Improvements:
A.2705.70 Gifts and Donations
Other Donations $ 1,601.32
Tasker Park Playground $ 1,601.32
25 .-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
26.-Moved by CouncTIwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore, .it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes The Nature Conservancy to act as the Town's agent in the
preservation of the Arshamomaque Wetlands, all in accordar~:e with their
letter of proposal dated November 17, 1996.
26.-V0te of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
27.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints
Nancy N. Kormendi as a Clerk in the office of the Receiver of Taxes, for
approximately six weeks during December and January, and again in May,
17-1/2 hours per week, at a salary of $6.30 per hour.
27.-Vote of .the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran.
This resol~Jti0n was duly ADOPTED.
28.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints
the following individuals to the Southold Town Swimming Pool Feasibility
Committee, effective November 26, 1996 through November 26, 1997, they to
serve without compensation:
Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie, Chairperson
Laurie Consuamano
Cynthia L. Goldsmith
Joseph J. Lizewski
William F. ~lullen, Jr.
L.G. Ostermann
Frank S. Thorp, Jr.
28.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran;
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
29.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Ollva, it.was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby replaces
Robert Pettit, Southold/Peconic Hamlet Member of the Architectural Review
Committee, with Herbert Ernst, effective immediately through October 17,
1997, he to serve without compensation.
29.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
30.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Ollva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute a Letter of
Commitment, NYNEX Usage Agreement, which will allow the Town of Southold
to receive significant discounts on home-region local usage, which discounts
are based upon an agreement between NYNEX and the New York State Office
of General Services which allows all New Yor~ State government entities the
same terms and conditions the State has negotiated.
30. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We have a hearing in about two minutes. I did
just get a news release in the office today from Ed Wankel, New York
State Office of Parks and Recreation, and Historic Preservation, and it
indicates that there will be a tree lighting ceremony to take place at
Orient Beach State Park on Friday December 6th at 6:30. It's their ninth
annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony, and along with the lighting of the
tree traditional holiday music will be performed by the children of
Oysterponds Elementary School, and Santa Claus will show up to light the
tree. Everyone is welcome to join this joyous celebration. Hot chocolate,
cookies, and hot dogs will be served. Canned goods will be welcome for the
needy. If you would like more information you can call 323-2400. This is
from Ed Wankel,. who is deputy to 13ernadette Castro for the New York
State Parks. It just happened to come in today. I just want to share a
little something with you. The young people that were here today as far as
playing football, I have a grandson involved, and I did go to the game on
Sunday, and they played another team, and I don't think it's important who
the team is, but they had scored against us with seven, and then we scored
with seven, and then we scored for the second seven, so it was fourteen to
seven. At the beginning of the fourth quarter the Panthers did score
another one, and one of'the kids, and these are 12 year olds, one of the
kids on the other team took off his jersey, threw his helmet to the ground,
took off his shirt, and walked off the field, and the rest of the team
followed him. I just don't think I have ever seen a display of such poor
sportsmanship by young people in my life. They left the field. The refs
called the game, because it was our game, anyhow, at least we all felt we
were secure enough with the three touchdowns, and the kids lined up on
the field, these young people, as yOU always do, so the two teams meet and
shake hands, and the other team refused to come out on the field, and so
the coach said, okay, guys, let's go home, and then the other team decided
they would come out on the field. Our team lined up again, and they did
shake hands. That's why I said a little bit as far as the importance that
the kids learn in these involvements isn't just playing the game. There is a
lot more to it, and I was very proud of these young people in their
sportsmanship, and their behavior, not only their game playing. I think we
have a pretty good bunch of kids in town, and we certainly will try to
support them in every way we can. I think it's 5:00 o'clock, and we do
have a public hearing scheduled for today. I need a motion to recess.
Moved by Councilwoman Ollva, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that a recess be called at this time, 5:00 P.M., for the
purpose of holding a public hearing.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Meeting] reconvened at 5:15 P oM.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We will now .go to Number 31.
NOVEMBER 26, 1996
..-Moved by Councilwoman Otiva, seconded by Councilman Moore,
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to purchase
the development rights in the agricultural lands of Anna Fio~e F, others;
WHEREAS, the Town Board held a public hearing with respect to said
acquisition on the 26th day of November, 1996, pursuant to the provisions
of the Southold-Town Code; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the public interest that the Town
of Southold acquire the development rights in the agricultural lands set
forth in the proposed acquisition between the Town and Anna Fiore
others; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby elects to purchase the development
rights in the aforesaid agricultural lands owned by Anna Fiore & others,
comprising approximately 36.5 acres, at a sale price of $6,925.00 per acre;
said pr6perty located at ~2100 Main Road, Peconlc, N.Y., Suffolk County
Tax Map No. 1000-86-01-09; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is
authorized and directed to g've notice of such acceptance to Anna Fiore
others; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and
directed to execute any and all required documents for the acquisition of
sa~'d development rights.
3].-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: That ends our resolutions and our agenda. At
this time, if there is anyone that would like to address the Board, please,
feel free.
ANNA CO$1MANO: Good evening, my name is Anna Cosimano. I am a
resident of Southold, and a member of the Ad Hoc Animal Rescue
Committee. This is the week of Thanksgiving, and I certainly have a lot to
be thankful for this year. I would llke to share my wonderful Thanksgiving
news with all the Town Board members, and especially all the wonderful
people who have stood beside me in my fight with the North Fork Animal
Welfare League-. Tonight I can finally come forth with wonderful noise (tape
change) I have a copy, it you would like from the Judge, which states all
the checks and application cards must be accepted by the North Fork Animal
Welfare League. To all of you who have patiently waited month after month
only to balance your checkbooks, I thank you. You'll be getting literature
from us shortly. Our fight with the League isn't over yet, as we have
much more work to do until this matter is completely resolved. There are
still a lot of animals at the Shelter, who aren't going to have much to be
thankful for, so, please, go to the Shelter, adop~ a dog or a cat. I have
here a newsletter from summer, 1995. This newsletter lets the members know
what is going on at the Shelter, past and present, and to thank some people
for different things they have done for the Shelter. This newsletter is, or
rather was, sent out twice a year to all th.e members of the League. So far
none was sent-out this year. On the front page it clearly states that it is
a no kill shelter. Only animals who are incurably ill or uncontrollably
vicious would be euthanasia, as it should be. Yana was in neither
category, but they killed her, rather than adopt her out to me. Also, on
the' front page is a picture of a dog named Bruno. Bruno was our poster
dog, and was loved by everyone at the Shelter. Well, almost everyone.
Bruno would stay in the office with the help, and greet people, as they
would come in, and would even go in the truck with the workers, just for
the ride. I had the pleasure of knowing Bruno for his gentleness alone~
Bruno was taken off all medication, and the workers had to stop giving him
special baths. Bruno had a skin disease, and without the medication he got
progressively worse, and had to be euthanasia. The worker offered to pay
for his cremation, and was turned down. A member of the Board of
Directors offered to bury him in her pet cemetery, and was also refused.
So, Bruno was put in a garbage bag, and brought to the Town Dump as his
final resting place-by the Vet and a member of the Board of Directors, who
was at the time the Shelter liaison. This was a poster dog a month earlier.
How can these people, who are still there by the way, expect me to believe
their monthly report on why recent animals were destroyed. Don't they know
all their reports are public information at the Town Hall? Starting with
page one, the League was going to have numerous fundralsers for a new
shelter. The League has close to a a half a million dollars from estates
investing it, and expecting us, the members, to answer their needs? Page
two, on special thank you section it clearly states my name for purchasing
at my own expense, pettys. I'll show you. Luckily I had one saved.
This is what we would put on our backs as we walked the dogs. It clearly
states my name for purchasing pettys, at my own expense, for volunteer
dog walkers to wear, so people would know that the dogs were shelter
animals for adoption, not privately owned dogs, both for my work in the
kennels, and for being there regularly to walk the dogs. What happened in
the next two months to turn these few people against me? Well, I saw too
much, and reported it. That's what happened. They said they were going
to have the volunteer dog walkers back, but so far the professional dog
trainer hasn't trained people how to walk the dogs yet. That was in
November, 1995. Last but not least I have a financial statement 'from the
accounting firm for North Fork Animal Welfare League, dated December 31,
1994, and it clearly states, quote, they are not a private foundation, as
they claim they were by refusing to accept new, and renewal, members'hip
applications and checks. I thank you all again for being patient with us all
these months, and I wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving. Mine certainly
will be.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you. Is there anyone else, who would like
to address the Board?
MARY RAKAUSKAS: I just wanted to thank the Board. I think you
received thanks from the local papers, and so on, and I'm sure you have
had verbal thanks from lots of other people, about the stop light at the end
of Hortons Lane and 48. Believe me when I tell you, it's a blessing. You
don't have to risk life and limb to make a left hand turn to get on to
and also, it improves the pace of traffic, as it were, down Horton Lane, so
thank you, again. My name is Mary Rakauskas. i live in Southold.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: is there anyone else?
MILDRED BOYCE: My name is ~lildred Boyce, and I'm resident of
$outhold. I would like to take a few minutes to add Anna Cosimano's
presentation. The Ad Hoc Animal Rescue Committee since it's inception in
March of this year has always felt itself to be a more creditable
organization, than the present administration of the North Fork Animal
WElfare League. We received confirmation of this in Judge Undewood's
decision dated November 18, 1996. At the hearing on August 28th, three
members of the Ad Hoc Animal Rescue Committee testified. They were Anna
Cosimano, James Bitses, and Mildred Boyce. The North Fork Animal
Welfare League presented one member of it's Board of Directors to testify on
behalf of the League. In his memorandum Judge Underwood observed the
following, and I quote. After receiving their testimony, and observing the
demeanor of the witnesses, we found petitioners witnesses, that is Anna
Coslmano, James Bitses, and Mildred Boyce, to be the most
creditable. We are very grateful to the Judge for this confirmation of the
creditability of the Ad Hoc Committee, and we believe this is a view
shared by most animals lovers of Southold Town. Thank you, and have a
Happy Thanksgiving.
Thank you.
Anyone else like to address the
HANK KUEHN: Thank you. I have a question on Brushes Creek bridge.
About two months ago I was here discussing the bridge, and the question of
a $100,000 grant. At that time I was told that there was a public hearing
on the grant. Now, I've checked with the Board of Trustees, Jim McMahon.
He said there was no hearing. I've checked with the Town Clerk's Office,
and at that time you said you believe there was a hearing.
TOWN CLERK TERRY: What sort of a grant?
HANK HUEHN: A $100,000 grant.
TOWN CLERK TERRY: We don't have hearings. I wouldn't have said that.
We don't have a hearing on grants.
TOWN CLERK TERRY: You were talking about a hearing on a bid maybe.
Were you talking about a bid?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Do you mean the fact that we received a grant of
$100,000 from the grant to build this bridge? You are not required to have
a hearing.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: We authorized the application for that bid.
TOWN CLERK TERRY: We awarded the bid by resolution.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: An application for the grant, that is done by
resolution. When Jim says this money is available, then we authorize it by
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: To apply for the grant, and then we receive the
HANK KUEHN: Then deciding what is going to happen to this $100,000,
there is no public discussion?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: When you apply for a grant you have to tell them
what you want to use it for.
HANK KUEHN: I am not suggesting that you would use it for the bridge.
I'm suggesting that perhaps the public could have had some input as to what
type of bridge was put up.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: There are permits that are involved in that,
and that is maybe where hearings would have been held, if they were held.
That's where they should have been held, if they were going to be held, as
opposed to the funding. If you are going to build normally that's where the
hearing would have been, not about getting the grants, but building a
structure. I don't know if they were required in this instance.
HANK KUEHN: Don't you think it's a bit incongruous. I just brought
out the $1'5.00. You can have the approval to send somebody to a Christmas
lunch i'n Smithtown. All these little things that this Board discusses and
votes on, and yet when $100,000 is appropriated by some part of the State
government, and given to Southold to build a bridge, there is no further
discussion about. It iust said Town Highway Department build a bridge,
here's a $100,000.
TOWN CLERK TERRY: There were actually four resolutions involving in
this. There was one resolution to authorize going to bid to purchase the
culvert, is what it was called, a pre-built culvert. Then after we
accepted the bid there was a resolution to award the bid, and then there
was a resolution at another point in time earlier this year to go to bid to
install this., and then we accepted the bid by resolution. So, there were
four resolutions that dealt with this.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I think the problem is that what you are
ggtting at is that the neighborhood, there's a new bridge coming in, and the
neighbors didn't have a chance to express it's opinion, or see the design,
or wasn't notified of the kind of thing, that was going to happen, and now
we've got a problem there. We~ve discussed it this morning in Work Session
about the nature of the problem. That is something that, you know, quite
probably we haven't got an obligation to do that, a legal obligation
apparently, but it probably should have been talked about in the community
before. I think the way it was presented to the Board was that this was
not going to be a significantly different..it was not going to create
significantly different access. As a matter of fact, those questions were
asked, and it was not supposed to be a problem. So, when it was built, and
these problems arose, it was as much a surprise to us, as it was to you. I
think you are Fight though. There should be some process where the
community can get involved on something that is as significant as this. It
apparently there is no requirement by law to do it, and so it wasn't done.
I think we have learned a lesson to degree, and also to look at these things
very closely. We are looking at the problem now. I think that's what you
are getting at.
HANK KUEHN: I would like to see some sort of a process on these type
of things. I know this is water under the bridge, so to speak, but in the
future certainly, that $100,000 is taxpayers money, and I think 'it should be
given as much consideration as some of these picky little things, that you
are wasting your time with.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: It's the same thing. We have to have a
resolution to give back money, arid we ~ave ta have a resolution to authorize
expenditure of that $100,000. We did that.
HANK KUEHN: Why don't you look at why you have to do this? If the
Town Clerk has it in her budget to send somebody, whoever it was, to send
some of their own employees that they are responsible for, to Smithtown
for a luncheon for two, or three hours, or four hours, if that manager of
that department doesn't have enough confidence, or you don't have enough
confidence in that management, then he or she shouldn't be manager.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: I think one of things that the Town Board relied
on considerably was the word, replace, and I think I brought this up when
somebody else mentioned this. We ~elied on the fact that we expected that
whatever was there before was going to be replaced in essence the same
kind of thing would come back. The access would be the same. The going
underneath would be the same, and I think that's what we relied on. It
turned out that replacement was not exactly the right word to use.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Just let me clarify this. I'm not quite sure where
you are looking for ~nput. Now, when the Town applies for a grant, we
receive grants in Town Hall, the Police Department, the Nutrition Center, in
all avenues of government where there is Federal funding, and State funding
available for municipalities to apply for. We apply for that with a
specific program. So, a grant is applied to replace a bridge. When tl~e
grant comes in, then you begin to execute the job and work, and part of
that is the bid process, that Judy just spoke about. That we would send
out for bids, this is the job, this is the specs, this is what we want to
happen. Then once the bids come in, and they're reviewed by the Board,
they would then vo~e on which bid they are going to except, and then the
procedure of the bridge gets replaced. Now, if you would clarify for me.
i'm not quite sure wher, e you want the public input. Do you want it at the
time of the grant?. AFe you looking for notification of neighbors, that
something is going to h~ppen of this magnitude in their neighborhood?
HANK KUEHN: Cert~ain y, the changes are a possibility. They are
changing their access to the bay. The neighbors should have notification.
I think there should be input sometime before you decide what kind of
bridge you are going to put in.
should come.
I wanted to clarify where you felt the input
HANK KUEHN': Based on the comments you have made several times, I
don't think you would have voted for that type of bridge, if you had the
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: If I had the opportunity, yes. I think it's
unfortunate, I think what was evaluated was the cost involved.
HANK HUEHN: When you get a $100,000 does that mean that the Town of
Southold is not eligible to add some money to that? I mean are you limited
to that $100,0007
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We have many grants, that the Town receives,
that are matching funds. You know, fifty percent usually is a matching fund.
In a case like this, in this particular case, there was no
HANK HUEHN: If that bridge would have cost $120,000 it was in the
realm of possibility, that the Town would pick up the other twenty, but that
wasn't considered?
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: The other problem is the fact' that the Suffolk
County has actually built a number of bridges along New Suffolk Avenue,
Peconic Bay Boulevard. They come in around $600,000, $700,00~ a piece for
a regular bridge, such as was there before. I think in that instance the
amount of mone~y does carry some weight.
HANK HUEHN: If that was brought to the attention of the public,
perhaps they would be more satisfied with what they've got.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSlE: We have learned a lot from this.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I was meeting with the Superintendent of the
Highways yesterday morning, and he said, those other bridges by the time
you were-finished cost close to a million dollars, and this was what could
be, I hate to say it, if we could afford it at the time, but evidently
that's the way it was. We're keeping an eye on it. We had our Town
Engineer, and this morning he gave a full report to the Board, because we
did receive from your group the photographs, and the correspondence, and
so forth, and we all have been down there to look, and we concerned, and
we will be receiving update reports. It's felt that it has settled as far as
it's going to settle. There is still macadam topping that has to be applied,
so we'll just keep an eye on things.
HANK HUEHN: The Director has finally come up With his comments to what
he said several months in terms of the depth of the drop. Even his last
comment that was in the Suffolk Times about you can get a rowboat through
it at low tide, which is a considerable change from his original position.
Of course, if you get out at Iow tide you got to wait until Iow tide to get
back in.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We thank you for your comments, and the Town
Board will take them under consideration. There has to be a mechanism to
let neighbors know what is happening in their neighborhood. Mr. Bitses?
JAMES BITSES: My name is James Bitses, a citizen of the Town of
Southold, member of the Ad Hoc Committee. The people in the television
audience, who don't know what this is all about, just listen to Anna
Cosimano, the lady that spoke just before. I'm going to bring them up
speed by telling them that it all started over a dog, a beautiful Alaskan
Malamute by the name of Yana, and Mrs. Cosimano was crazy about
the dog, and what was crazy about her, she used to go the pound, and
comb it, and walk it, and feed it, and the dog used to turn itself inside
out when it saw her. She had told them any times, I'm going to adopt this
dog. This is fine. One day, unfortunately for Anna Cosimano, and
Yana, she was at the Shelter when she saw one of the officials of the
Shelter kick a dog viciously several times, while it was being held, and
loving animals she objected. She remonstrated, and she went to the
committee, the Board of Directors, and said, look at what is happening
here. You can't allow something like this to be perpetrated in this Shelter,
and they said', why not, you really didn't anyone do anything? Did you
now? She said, no, I saw her kick the dog viciously. They said, Anna,
you llke Yana don't you? I'm going to adopt Yana. Well, if you want to
adopt Yana, maybe you didn't see anyone kick anyone. She said, what
are you trying to tell me? Are you trying to put the muscle on me? You
are talking to Anna Cosimano. They said, well, Anna, I'm sorry but you
can not adopt Yana, get lost, we don't want you around here, and within
several weeks they killed the dog. That is known as reprisal. Only the
most degraded and vicious people resort to reprisal. They assumed that
they would win through intimidation. You only win through intimidation if
the person, who is being intimidated has no courage, and they had picked
on Anna Cosimano, Mother Courage herself. They discovered this~ and
they have discovered this since, to their chagrin, their edifice smashed
down around them by none other than Anna Cosimano the leader of the
courage. In any event, we started a campaign to bring in members. We
brought in 300 members, approximately three or three and a half thousand
dollars, and they, the committee of six, who then had control of the
Shelter, rejected them amass. They said, oh no, this is not a public
organization. This is a private organization, and this private organization
consists of the six of us. Well, our only recourse was to go to Court. We
did. We went before Judge Underwood in Supreme Court, and early |n the
year briefs were filed by the attorneys for the s~x. and by the attorneys
for us, the Ad Hoc Committee. Judge Underwood telegraphed the punch,
and he decided that they committed an act beyond the purvey of their
authority. But, they insisted on a hearing, so they could not only sit on
the law. As you heard from Mildred Boyce three members of the Ad Hoc
Committee testified, certainly impressed the judge, and why not? We were
honest. We have the moral high ground, and one of their party addressed
the Court, as a witness. He was npt impressed. But, that one party sank
their case. Their lawyer, the committee of six, observed in his post-trial
brief, as long as the corporation, the committee of six, that is, the gang
of six, complies with the certificate of incorporation, and by-laws, it may
not be compelled to admit these members. In other words, they are saying,
we six now control, now own the Shelter. it is the finding of this court,
however, as long the corporation complies with the certiffcate of
incorporation, here's what the Court said. It was finding of this Court,
however, that the responded did not comply with the by-laws of
corporation. The by-law in question states the Board of Directors, quote,
may reject any application for reasonable cause. This appears to empower
the Board of Directors to consider membership applications on an indi¥1dual
basis. For cause, for cause, you don't go around in this country like you
do in-Nazi Germany that says. into the concentration camp with you. Out.
DO this. Do that. You will have to have cause. You ha~e to I~aYe. a
reason. The adoption of a rule, which disallowed prospective members amass,
in other words for three or four hundred people that we brought in each
with his $I0;00 check. The adoption of the rule which dis~allows prospective
members amass to be considered, may be considered a ultravirus act, an act
beyond your authority. In other words, it can't go
entire body for no reason at all. The manner 'n which
the applicants for membership in their organization is uncontroverted.
was described by respondents witness. Who stated? The
applications in question, since they were received amass,
amass without consideration of any individual applications.
have the authority to do this. That was an ultravirus act.
established, that's us, the Ad Hoc Committee, have
their entitlement to the relief requested. Then, of course, it says,
will hold elections within thirty days. Probably they will be held ar~u
December 19th. So, their edifice retreated to the tt~elr castle,
paper castle, their edifice is down arouno their heels in ruins,
four hundred people with short swords ready to finislh the job.
Churchill said, in war implacable. Now that they have beSn ut;terly route~,
and defeated, by the Supreme Court of the State of New York. If they ~i!l
adopt our fifteen members and if they will resign amass, in other worcls~
they abdicate, bring over the organization to us in good order, the leases,
the bank accounts, and everything else, that go with it, we will then
the election called for in this Court Order, and allow all who have P~id
their checks, in other words, for our members, under the ruling here come
in and vote. In that way they can pass over the scepter to us in a circll
manner. If they want further war, we'll give it to them. We have ~00 to
600 irate people in this town that could eat them alive. So, that is
offer. If they wish to abdicate united we will accept their application.
Thank you.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Jim. Is there anyone else that would
tike to address the Board?
JODY ADAMS: I have three pages, which I'm not going to read tonight,
because it just doesn't fit too well with the Panthers, and even with this.
They will be read, or most of them will be read in part, and may be given
to you. I think you, Mrs. Cochran, are the most extraordinary hypocrite.
All day you have been speaking about the morals and ethics of football, and
ali these things, and yet you have no such idea in regard to your beliefs.
You have brought up a child, who does not have these ethics.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: [ am not going to sit here, and listen to your
insults, to your accusations. My son was brought up as a gentleman, and
he remains one, and I will not tolerate your behavior. I don't intend to
listen to you. Now, if you are here to disrupt a Town Board meeting I am
not going to let it happen. If you would like to make a appointment, and
come into my office, you are more than welcome. You have never, never,
asked for an appointment, yet you continue to come into Town Hall, and be
disruptive to every department.
NOVEMBER 26, 1996
JODY ADAMS: You are acting llke a police officer.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you. There's nothing wrong with that
either. I'm not going to sit here and listen to you. If you have something
of value to say, say it. if you want to personally attack me, I am not goir~g
to sit here and listen to you, Jody Adams.
JODY ADAMS: Will the Board listen to me?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: That is their decision.
brief comment.
As I say, I am not intending, other than to make one
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Then let's make the brief comment without your
JODY ADAMS: No, let us ask the Board whether they are willing to allow
me to speak.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: What is the topic?
JODY ADAMS: May I just get to thi~ one point, which is brief, and maybe
we can take this up another time?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: If you have a brief statement, get to it.
JODY ADAMS: If you will give me time to find it. At the meeting on
October 1st, which was a very similar one at the end, which was..
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Please, let's not have comments from the audience.
I'm trying to control my temper as it is. Jody, please, make your point.
You said it was short. Please, do it.
JODY ADAMS: On October 1st, when there were a similar cast of
characters before this Board, you said, no, no, no, the Board can not
speak until every fact of what she 's saying has been thoroughly
investigated. I have here in the minutes. This is page 17, 10/1/96,
theoretically exact transcript, I note, Judy, I had asked to maintain the
tape, and by some miracle of conscious, or unconscious conduct, she
destroyed it.
TOWN CLERK TERRY: Unconscious conduct, and t have obtained for you a
video. You didn't look at it.
JODY ADAMS: Which is inadequate, because the tape is no good.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: What is it about?
TOWN CLERK TERRY: She hasn't even looked at it.
JODY ADAMS: -Of course, I've looked at it. I saw it on television.
Anyway, this is page 17, 10/1/96, as transcribed without any tape to check
t~e accuracy of the transcription. Supervisor Cochran, ! had said
something. Mr. Bitses was getting up, and saying something, and you cut
us both off. You saldr I'm not going to let any member of the Town Board
answer this at this point, Jim, because we have not had time to investigate,
or verify, or check on the facts, or so forth. So, it would be out of line.
James 13itses, Jean, my point is, she may have legitimate issue here, a
constitutional issue. Supervisor Cochran, thank you, Jim, we will have the
proper people check the allegations, being perhaps your son. ! will call on
the reports from the Board. Mr. Townsend? In other words, I was cut
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSlE: What was the topic, Ms. Adams?
talking about, it. What was it, that you are referring to?
You keep
JODY ADAMS: Do you want me to read the whole thing?
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: No. Just tel me what the topic was.
NOVEMBER 26, 1996
JODY' ADAMS: The topic was the police report. The fact that the Police
distorted an incident on the record that a plaintiff was told, sign it
anyway. Okay? And this had to do with issuance of an Order of Protection.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Then the topic was a police report?
JODY ADAMS: Yes, police conduct of which Mrs. Cochran's son was
one of the Policeman involved.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: I was confused because we were dealing with the
Animal Welfare League, too, and I didn't know which road to travel.
JODY ADAMS: She says, why don't I come in and talk to her. One, she
is a police moll, M.O.L.L., moll.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: You are being insulting.
JODY ADAMS: I am being mildly humorous, and I could be much more
insulting than that.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Your humor is not appreciated.
JODY ADAMS: Nor is your conduct, nor the conduct of your son.
JODY ADAMS: As I say, we were cut off then. It's a fact, as far as I
know, as we have not looked into it. Right? Nobody has done anything
else. That was it. Ha. Ha. No more speech. No more free speech. No more
discussion. No, you know, we can look into the facts, that anything was
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Are you finished?
JODY ADAMS: No, I'm asking, has anything been done?
COUNCILMAN MOORE: Had your day in court? This an Order of Protection
issued by an elected official, a Judge of this town, yes or no?
COUNCILMAN MOORE: Okay, have you had an opportunity to have your
hearing as to that Order of Protection?
wrong Board.
You had that opportunity. You are coming to the
JODY ADAMS: No. Wrong, I am not. This is one of a vast number of
areas, that, you know, I really believe you are wrong.
COUNCILMAN MOORE: That's fine. We can have a difference of opinion on
that, but this Board can't rule upon or act upon an Order of Protection.
JODY ADAMS: I'm not asking about the Order of Protection. I'm askrng
you to look into the actual Police report, to look into whether, in fact,
this is what happened, because the plaintiff said it was marked.
I don't believe that's the function of this Board,
JODY ADAMS: I believe it is the function of this Board to see that the
Police report accurately.
245 NOVEMBER 26, 1996
COUNCILMAN MOORE: If it is a report that you question you can file your
own paper work, saying, I think it went this way. If you disagree with
how the report was done, file your own piece of paper as your own ~eport
on whatever it was, whichever party you were in that thing. I¢ you have a
complaint about the way the Police Department runs, and any particular
officer, put it in writing, and swear to it. Swear to whatever objection you
have, or questionable conduct you have, and it will be looked into.
JODY ADAMS: To whom do I swear?
COUNCILMAN MOORE: Before a Notary as the truthfulness, and accuracy
of what you are stating in the document-
JODY ADAMS: And who will look into it?
COUNCILMAN MOORE: The Police Commission will look into it. This Town
Board will run it through the proper channels with the Police of Chief.
There's a procedure to use here if you are complaining of the behavior of a
police officer.
JODY ADAMS: Why didn't you tell me on October 1st?
COUNCILMAN MOORE: You were talking about an Order of Protection being
rightfully, or wrongfully granted.
JODY ADAMS: No, I wasn't. I was talking about a variety of things,
which are outlined here, and that are outlined on the tape.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I don't think we are here to argue back and forth.
JODY ADAMS: Wel, we're here because Southold Town Police Department
requires oversight. Now, Mr. whoever, wanted also to address you on this
thing, and was cut off by Mrs. Cochran. You have to stop being so
sensitive to these things, or you really should not be in office.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you very much. We'll let the voters decide
JODY ADAMS: Yes, we will. Additionally I need to know whether the
Board will listen to my statement, if not tonight, at another time, or am I
going to be silenced.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: As Mr. Moore said, we have a procedure.
JODY ADAMS: That's not the point.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Yes, it is, though. You want us to do something.
JODY ADAMS: No, no, no, I'm not talking about that now. I will make a
sworn statement. I will present it to you. There's not a problem with
that. Okay? What I have here is three pages, most of which are quite
rational, and I would like to say, that I do not want to be either arrested,
or cut off, or insulted any more than you do. I want to be heard. If they
are insulting you, don't listen to them, but I think you ought to, or listen
to them on tape at another time. My question is, whether i'm going to be
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We try to give you everything you request.. You
are always in here with Freedom of Information papers. It continues,
continues. I don't think you have ever been denied any information, or
anything that you have requested, and we are certainly not going to
prevent you if you come in with signed affidavits.
JODY ADAMS: You just said, you're going to walk out.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Well, because you are a most annoying person.
JODY ADAMS: It's your son who is destroying my life.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: That's fine. I'm glad to see it that way.
NOVEMBER 26, 1996 247'
JODY-ADAMS: May I? Will you listen? Will you take it down on tape?
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSlE: Go ahead, and make it.
JODY ADAMS: It was written last night. It requires some editing.
Alright? This is addressed to Southold Town Board, possibly Judge Price,
possibly a transcript to the Board of Ethics. and the Board of Ethics has
been sent a copy of this, and it says, especially to Supervisor Wlckham. I
know my mouth is getting dry.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Haven't we received this already?
JODY ADAMS: Ne. It is just llke everything else I say, which is
covered with ties. There is a pattern so to speak. I have yet to find out
accurately how much money your husband takes home on his pension, and
what other benefits he has. Would you care to share it?
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSlE: If you want to make a statement.
something we are supposed to answer back and forth.
JODY ADAMS: If the Republican party were less confined,
learn more, you know?
anything else.
This is not
you would
This has nothing to do with Republican, or
JODY ADAMS: Judy, would you find out when that material is available?
TOWN CLERK TERRY: It is not available. We do not have retirement..
JODY ADAMS: You said I could have the information.
TOWN CLERK TERRY: I said I would look into it. I checked with our
Accounting Department. If that information is available from. the New York
State Retirement System, it does not come here.
JODY ADAMS: Okay, now, I'm asking Mrs. Cochran if she is willing to
tell us the amount of money her husband gets. I can ask her a question.
Sh~ can refuse to answer.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: What does my husband's retirement got to do with
JODY ADAMS: It has to do with you, and the police, and the amount of
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: That's the New York State Retirement system. It
has nothing to do with the police at this time in his life.' Write a letter
to them, and find out-
JODY ADAMS: You don't want to say. It's part of the public record.
Some time ago the Town Ethics Board ruled that participating in the choice
of a new police chief for Southold Town would not be proper for your
becoming involved. I believe that your position as Supervisor is one of
constant unethical and moral violation. This stems in part from your
character or tack of it, but most especially the facts. Every word you
utter profits your son, and his family. You agree with Mayor Kapell of
Greenport, that better to spend money on police than waste it on lawyers.
Many lawyers and most police share that element of waste (tape change) I
would note, also, that in my opinion Mayor Kapell has contributed to our
ongoing lose of freedom. The overt expressions of fear by the Southold
Town Board, and the Suffolk District Attorney demonstrated in bullet proof
doors in the District Attorney's Office in Soutt3old Town Hall. The Town's
sudden interest ~n guns for it's court officers and other expressions of
terror demonstrated by the arrival of more than a few black faces in Town
Hall. Mayor Kapell in his desire for respectability for Greenport which,
re§rettabty is supported by many prominent black residents of the Town has
used the police change to enhance the illegal activities of the the town
police in roustlng loitering black persons from certain areas to create' the
appearance of decency. ! don't object to the end, but I do object to the
means as encouraged by Kapell and allowed if not enjoyed by the Town
Police. On October 1 the Town Supervisor choose to interrupt an interesting
discussion in which her son was an important part, saying the Board would
not discuss this matter without every fact being known. A complete
investigation of which no other word has been heard by me. I raise this
question today, Mrs. Cochran, if your son has violated the law, repeatedly,
and should lose his job and be imprisoned, are you going to aid and abet a
complete investigation, or do everything in your power to impede it. Even
if you are a different person, would you not die a large amount internally,
if you had to assist in depriving your grandchildren of their father, and
the financial benefits he has enjoyed? I'm saying, you lack objectively. I
am ashamed of you. I am ashamed of the residents of Southold Town, and I
am continually horrified by the permitted and encouraged actions of the
police in the Town of Southold. That the Town meekly incorporated the
police from a defunct department full of variety of acts of corruption does
not raise my hopes for you or this community. We'll skip that. because I
have to look into it a little further.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Are you finished? The quote was not my quote.
JODY ADAMS: Which was not your quote?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: The one about money on police was more
important. That was a quote made by the Trustees. It was misprinted. I
never said that.
JODY ADAMS: Okay. Thank you. I'm sorry. That happens quite often.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We'd like to bring this to a close, Jody.
JODY ADAMS: I'm almost there. I'm almost there. During the public
meeting of October 1, Judy Terry spoke privately to the Supervisor, when
an active discussion of these things were taking place. Judy Terry claimed
that accidentally she reused that tape, which I had requested, erasing what
she did. I believe it was intentional, and if unintentional her unconscious
was acting intentionally. I believe this Board has Texaco beat by a mile,
and most of you lack any awareness of what you do and will not do, and
how thoroughly revolting to some of us your actions can be in certain
ins.tances. That's because of the lawsuit. I may be a little more cautious.
in addition to profiting by about $200,000 a year by the police, that's you,
Mrs. Cochran, and her advocacy of them, to driving a truck with an
external sign, shit happens, while her son arrests and banishes people
from Town Hall and while the Town..you did do that. Didn't you at one time
have that sign on your truck?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: My husband has a truck.
JODY ADAMS: Had a sign saying, shit happens.
SUPERVISOR GOCHRAN:' Finish your statement.
JODY ADAMS: Mrs. Cochran allows a distorted system of law via her use
of the Town Attorney not to mention what the Town Attorney espouses.
When found that the Town seems to have overcharged for years on C.O.s,
her response is, how do we protect the town, not, how do we repay this
wrongful act of theft? Then I end, again, not being presented the way I
would like it. Mrs. Cochran, I hope you will try to see yourself and your
family as I see you.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you for your comments. Yes, sir? Please
state your name.
JIM HICKEY: Jim Hickey. Mattituck. I am here to speak on an article
that was written in the Suffolk Times two weeks ago by Tim Kelly, in
regards to the proposed LI LCO gas compression station east of
Briscotti's. Mr. Briscotti I'm pleased to see that he's not bothered
with it, because he works nine to five, and the plant will go into operation
presumably after nine o'clock at night, and that the Planning Board, Mr.
Kassner, he approved the' site, and so this made about as much noise as a
chirping bird. Tim went on to say how the south side of the road is
changing. It used to be ali lots and woods, anti now the only lot is behind
Briscotti. Well, 95% of that lot behind Briscotti is my backyard.Back up
NOVEMBER 26, 1996 2i4~9"~ '
a little now, and go back about forty years, when the State Department of
Public Works, as ~t was known, moved the road. That's when Main Road
became Old Main Road, which most of you can remember. The State put the
road in. Let's get one other thing. The area was a glacial kettle hole,
which the DEC considers a fresh pond, and apparently nothing can be
touched within 300 feet of an area such as that. Well, the kettle hole
started way up by Sepko's farm, and came all the way down, ended in my
backyard. The State built the road. The shoulder sunk, because the bottom'
of the kettle hole was all a bog. The State came back with a crane. Oh,
LILCO telephone pole, .a light pole, sunk also. The State came back with
the engineers~ scooped out the bog, redone the whole thing.. Came out
beautiful. Now, we go up to the late 50's, the property on the south side,
LILCO is purchasing. It was owned by Frank Murphy Garden Center.
Now, Frank decided he would fill that kettle hole in, only he didn't remove
the mu~ck, ,the bog. So, there were stumps, you name it, put: on 'that bog,
and huge pieces of concrete, rock, you name it, it's there. Now, LILCO is
going to build a gas compression station, which means the gas main is going
to go through it. A gas main consists of steel pipe. The only way you can
attach steel pipe is welding. Now, this is go ng to be compressed,
compressed natural gas, which is the most unstable substance on the face of
the earth. That's how dangerous it is. Now, apparently whoever
test for them here didn't go all the way down. Basically now
going to build a building on a pile of rubble on top of a bog. You are
going to put a main in t:here with steel. You know that bu to
settle. When the building settles, and there is a steel pipe it
it's weakest point, which would be the well. So, that is basic
have to say. I think they should take another look at it,
Cross Sound Ferry will ihave another spot to put the ferry in. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN;: Thank you, Jim, for your comments. Anyone else
like to address the Town Board? (No response.) If not, I'll call on anyone
with Board reports. Joe?
State Assembly by SE
the way school taxes
little less on properl
area, because we are
high compared.to some
right direction. Does
why Mr. Silver is /
consolidation proposal~~
the big issues, that I
between the various d
community investment
lot of people are iht
believe it would be a
them. I, also, wen
Greenport waterfront
displayed at the Amer
until the holidays, so
you want to see an e;
to go. It's really fas
did really enjoy-it, a~
chance to look at all o~
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: Anything I say now seem to be anticlimactic. I
did, I guess, represent the Town Board at a monthly joint meeting of the
School Boards, and it: was a very interesting meeting. It was somewhat a
long meeting, and a very challenging agenda, that dealt with such heavy
weight topics, as 'teacher tenure, and proposals to modify that somewhat.
They discussed possibly use of joint educational, and recreat:ional
facilities between schools, and libraries, and modifying hours, so that
schools could use libraries, and, also, having the Town Recreation Programs
come out of the Town Hall, and into the various ends of the town more than
they do now. There was a discussion of a bill, that is being held in the
eaker Silver. that would be a first step in changing
are paid. It would put more on a person's income~ a
y taxes, and it's felt that that would benef|t our
called land rich, and yet our income level is not, that
of the other areas. So, that would be a step the
~t benefit the urban areas, particularly, t's
}olding it in committee. They also discussed! the
· and that was a real ~ye opener to me, because all
~ake it such a difficult issue, difference in
istricts, problems with community investment, and
in school facilities came up. It is something tha~ a
.~rested in, and these meetings are monthly, and I
good thing if the public got a chance to try to a~tend
to the opening of the various proposals fo~ the
which was fascinating. There were 500 plans all
can Legion Hall. They are going to hold those there
if you haven't had a chance to get down there· and
:ample of creative minds at work, that's a great place
cinatin§. Some I don't pretend to understand, but I
~d I plan to make that a regular visit so I can get a
COUNCILWOMAN OLIV, ~: I agree with Joe. I went to see the exhibits at
the American Legion in Greenport. and they were really fascinating, There
were five that I thought were possibilities that I would prefer, at least.
to see in Greenport. but I don't know exactly who they choose but it was a
wonderful exhibit, and was wonderful in the sense that you got people from
NOVEMBER 2.6, 1996
Greenport. It certainly put Greenport on the map, and Hopefully people will
want to come out and visit here. I also attended the Pecon.ic Estuary's
Program workshop in conflict resolution in consensus building. We did a lot
of role playing by taking opposite sides than we usually do, and it was
really very interesting, and I hope I learned something from it, and will be
able to take what I learned, and put it forth into practical applications,
and I, also, today we approved appraisals for four new Farm Preservation
parcels; one in Laurel, one in Mattituck, one in CutcHogue, and one in
SoutHold, and this will be paid for out of the new bond resolution. So, you
can see that your money is really being put to good use from what the
voters decided upon, and we are real Happy that we will be abl'e to preserve
more and more farmland. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving to everybody,
COUNCILMAN MOORE: It will be short. I had an opportunity to represent
the Board presenting a proclamation to Chris Saunders, who was named Boy
Scout Man of the Year for 1996 in the Peconic' Bay District, and on behalf~:of
the Board I did that. Last year the Man of the Year Award they've gotten
politically correct in Boy Scouts, and recognized that there is a h~lf of
the population out ~there, that don't meet the qualifications of men, they
want to recognize them and include them. for next year, so they've got
together With the Boy Scouts.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Bill. Alice?
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: I'll be even shorter and say, I have nothing to
say tonight.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I would just llke to report that the ad hoc
group that is meeting in relation to graffiti, and vandalism, we have- had
several meetings, and we did have a meeting about a week and a half ago,
and then we had a small work group, but we're moving along, and it's not
just a group that is developing ideas, and thoughts. We also have a action
plan. So, I think as this group begins to move along more and more, you
will be very pleased with the results. I know I am. Also, we had the
ribbon c. utting of which Councilwoman Ruth Oliva also joined us for the
Cans for' Kid~. We Have received a $25,000 grant from the More Charitable
Foundation to get the program started, and then the cans through the year,
from now until next year, we should be able to collect enough in the income
to support the program, the S.O.A.R. Program. Also, I went down to
Creenport, and I was very impressed with the many, many applications that
were submitted to the Village of Greenport. I picked out six, but they
didn't pick the one I liked. I would like to just take a moment to
apologize to the Board for my lose of my little temper. I do get very
protective. I'm like a mother bear that protects Her den.. I shall continue
to be that way. I love my family dearly, but I do apologize to the Board
for not having a little 151t more patience, but I will have the next time.
Okay, I would like to close it'down. May I Have a motion to adjourn?
Movec~ by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at
6:15 P~M.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Oli¥~a,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
THis resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Judith T. Terry
Southold Town Clerk