HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-11/12/1996SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD NOVEMBER 12, 1996 WORK SESSION Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran, Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie, Councilman Josepi~ L. Townsend, Jr., Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva, Justice Louisa P. Evans, Councilman William D. Moore, Town Clerk Judith T. Terry, Town Attorney Laury L. Dowd. 9:05 A.M. Board of Appeals Chairman Gerard Goehringer appeared before the Board to advise them that an article in a recent edition of The Traveler-Watchman was erroneous. The article reported that the Cross Sound Ferry lawsuit was against the Board of Appeals, when the lawsuit's against the Planning Board. Also, the newspaper reported that the Board of Appeals had failed to enforce its decisions regarding the Tank Museum, when in fact the Board of Appeals does not enforce the code, but only rules on it. The Traveler-Watchman will print a retraction in the Thursday, November 14th edition. 9:10 A.M. Alphenic Martin, accompanied by Para Graeb, met with the Town Board to request permission to place a new house trailer on her property to replace one that was recentl-y destroyed by fire. Ms. Martin advised that the trailer had been there for several years, and she relied on the rental income. The Board adv_ised Ms. Martin that the trailer is in violation of the Town's policy on trailers, and they would have to.-review the history of the property before making a decision, They wlit reconsider it at the November 26th work session. 9:25 A.M. Joseph Gold, Chairman of the Land Preservation Committee, and Tim Caufield of the Peconic Land Trust described the proposed acquisition of the development rights in the property of Anna Fiore and others, Main Road, Pe.c_0nic, (The Town Board will hold a public hearin9 on this question at 5:00 P.M., November 26th - resolution 24) and the acquisition of approximately 13 acres of the overall q3 acre parcel by the Peconic Land Trust. }:40 A.M. Richard Bozsnyak Jr., proprietor of Rich's Quality Auto Body. Route 25 and Pequash Avenue, Cutchogue, met witl~ the Town Board to request permission to locate an office/storage trailer at the site of his auto body business. Mr. Bozsnyak was advised that the proposal does not meet the criteria for _a trailer permit, therefore, they must deny his application. 11:20 A.M. Councilwoman Oliva reported to the Town Board on the latest progress obtaining financial reports from the North Fork Animal Wel'fare League with regard to th'8 Dog Pound. She distributed an inspection report of the pound by the NYS Dept. of Agriculture and Markets, and accounting reports by RFC Associates for the months of July, August and September, 1996.----Councilwoman Oliva also reported on the progress of the Goldsmith lnlet/Kenny's Beach Working Group.---- Town Board amended a previous resolution with regard to the purchase of property for use in an affordable housing project under the supervision and ownership of the Walsh Park Benevolent Corporation (resolution no. 25).----Board placed a resolution (26) on the agenda to accept the proposal of Rickert Construction for the materials for a fence for the Fishers Island Metal Dump.- .... A resolution (27) was placed on the agenda to allocate $800 to the Henry L. Ferguson Museum, Fishers island, from the 1996 Grant Program Funds.----Memorandum from Senior Planner Valerie Scopaz requesting permission to note the nine days she spent at the Countryside Institute as working days -on her timesheet_ Town Board did not feel this would be appropriate, and denied tile rec?esL.- ...... Ti~e Roard set 7:30 P.M., November 20th to interview applicants for the Swimming Pool Feasibility Committee, and 8:30 A.M., November 26th to interview the applicant for Clerk in the Receiver of Taxes office.----A resolution (28) was.placed on the agenda to readvertise for applicants for the Anti-Bias Task Force Steering Committee, Architectural Review Committee, Hamlet Member, Mattituck/Laurel, Substance Abuse Committee, and Conservation Advisory Council.----Town Board discussed the bridge at Brushes Creek, Laurel, which seems to be experiencing some structural problems. The Town Attorney was asked to check the contract and secure a report on the structure from the Town's Engineering Inspector James Richter.----A resolution (29) was placed on the agenda to appoint Lauren Cunbiss as a Weekend SNAP Driver.----Resolutions {30, 31, 32) i~_~' were placed on the agenda to remove Josephine Boyd from the Landmark Preservation Commission and as a member of the ArChitectural Review Committee, whereas she has relocated out of state and filed to submit a resignation; to appoint Deborah Winsor to the Architectural Review Committee to represent the Landmark Preservation Commission, and to advertise for a new member for the Landmark Preservation Commission to replace Josephine Boyd.----A resolution (33) was placed on the agenda to adopt the 1997 Annual Budget and t997 Capital Budget.----Councilwoman Hussie reviewed the recommendations c~f the Solid Wa:ste Task Force with regard to the Closure Investigation Report, and the closure concepts to be submitted to the DEC.--r-A letter was received from George Wilson, the Suffolk County Commander of The American Legion, reminding the Town Board of the various statutes with regard to veterans. The Supervisor will respond that the Town of Southold is cognizant of those laws and abides by them.----Councilwoman Hussie discussed the restriction of purchase orders until after January 1, 1997. She was in need of landfill reclamation literature, and Senior Accountant John Cushman told her the expenditure was not allowed until after the first of the year, and she was, forced to charge it to her own credit card. Supervisor Cochran said she would be reimbursed as soon as possible, but unnecessary expenditures are being cU)rtailed until after the first of the year.----Memorandum from Town A~torney DoWd with regard to the ~erger Ordinance was referred to the Code Committee.- .... Letter from the NYS-DEC granting the Town'~ request for an extension for operation of a temporary transfer station at Cutchogue until January 31, 1997, and listing the ...... operating conditions which must be complied with, or the authorization may be re- voked.----The Town Board reviewed the description for a proposed position for an ~ employee to assist the Supervisor and Town Board in planning, coordinatio,,n and .... implementation of Building Department programs and policies. The descrip~i0n will be sent to civil service for classification.- .... Letter from Mid Island Salvage lCorp. protesting the award of a bid to Franza's Universal Scrap Metal, Inc., staling they should not be penalized becaL~se their bid arrived late. The Board revieWed the file and found that Mid Island had ample time to submit their bid, and will award the bid to Franza (resolution no. 18).- ..... Request from Claire Toy for an extension of her maternity leave (resolution no. 34). 12:35 P.M. - Recess for lunch. 2:~5 P.M. Work Session reconvened, and Councilwoman Hussie discussed her proposal to require a $5.00 annual resident permit for taking mulch or dropping or recydables. This-will be considered, perhaps for implementation some time in 1997. 2:35 P.M. - Town Board reviewed the resolutions to be voted on at the 7:30 P.M. Regular Meeting. EXECUTIVE SESSION 2:50 P.~, On motion of Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was Resolved that the Town Board enter into Executive Session to discuss contract negotiations, personnel, iitigation. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Supervisor Cochran, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Oliva, Justice Evans, Councilman Moore. Also present: Town Clerk Terry, Town Attorney Dowd. ~.:05 P.M. - Work Session adjourned. 1,96 REGULAR MEETING A Regular Meetingl of the Southold Town Board was held on November 12, 1996, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, Supervisor Cochran opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr. Councilwoman Ruth D. Ollva Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman William D. Moore Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Laury L. Dowd SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: May I have a motion to approve the audit of bills from November 12, t9967 Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the following bills be and hereby are ordered paid: General Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of $90,~t37.36; General Fund Part Town bills in the amount of $3,8~t3.23; Highway Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of $2,807.37; Highway Fund Town bills in the amount of $7,338.54; CHIPS (Highway Part Town) bills in the amount of $100,738.88; Capital Projects Account bills in the amount of $1,100.00; Hashamomuck Pond Drainage bills in the amount of $5~t.62; Fishers Island Metal Dump Capital bills in the amount of $218.1~0; Employee Health Benefit Plan bills in the amount of $27,150.21; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in the amount of $9,02~t.78; Refuse ~ Garbage District bills in the amount of $5,881.27; Southold Wastewater District bills in the amount of $13,635.22; Southold Agency & Trust bills in the amount of $6,681.38; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in the amount of $1,721.77. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Otiva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: A motion to approve the minutes of October 29th. Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the October 29~ 1996~ Town meeting be and here are approved. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Supervisor Co'chran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Board Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Ollva, it was RESOLVED that the next meeting, of the Southold Town Board will be held at Lb30 P.M., ?uesdayf November 26, 1996f at the Southold Town Hall, Southold, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Cou ncilma n Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: As you know the Town Board has a policy in relation to addressing the Board. We do our resolutions, if you have any input you would like to give to the Board on resolutions prior to passing of the resolutions, we will take them at that time. If not, we will take your comments at the end of the meeting if it is general conversation, or general input. NOVEMBER 12, 1996 I. REPORTS. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We have on file the reports in the Town Clerk's Office. If you are interested in any, they are available. It is public information. 1. Southold Recreation Department Monthly Report for October, 1996. 2. Southold Town Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility Monthly Report of October, 1996. 3. Southold Town Clerk's Monthly Report for October, 1996. Southold Town Trustee's Monthly Report for October, 1996. 5. Southold Town Animal Shelter Monthly Report for October, 1996. 6. Southold Town Building Department Monthly Report for October, t996. II. PUBLIC NOTICES. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: communications. We have several public notices, and 1. U.S. Army Corp of Army Engineers, Notice of Complete Application of Bernard Fisher to construct a pier and platform in Jones Creek, Mattltuck, New York. 2. U.S. Army Corp of Army Engineers, Notice of Complete Application of Mariculture Technologies, Inc. to install net pens for a pilot flnflsh aquaculture project offshore of Plum Island, New York. Ill. COMMUNICATIONS. 1. Assemblywoman Patricia A. Acampora, to Supervisor Cochran in regard to Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996. 2. Governor George Patakl to Solid Waste Coordinator James Bunchuck with congratulations for being selected a recipient of an Achievement of Excellence Award. 3. Linda Goldsmith President of Oyste[ponds Board of Education expressing appreciation for recognizing the Board of Education. ~. Karl Beard, National Park Service to Neboysha Brashich, Chairman of Southold Transportation Committee in regard to Moore's Woods Trail & Recreation Plan project. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS. 1. 8:00 P.M., on the proposal of Riverhead Building Supply to amend the Zoning Code. 2. 8:05 P.M., on the proposed "Local Law in Relation to New Residential Uses". V. RESOLUTIONS SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: At this time we will go into passing of the resolutions. If there is anyone who would like to address the Board in relation to any of the resolutions, please, feel free. Mr. Carlin? FRANK CARLIN: Just what does that mean, Item 17, clothing for the uniforms? SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: shirts, their pants, everything, Frank. The clothing uniform? their coats, their They are uniforms, their jackets, raincoats, hats, FRANK CARLIN: Is that for everybody, SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Yes. Is there anyone else who would like to address the Board in relation to resolutions, please? Mr. Tuthill? LARRY TUTHILL: Larry Tuthill. With regard to 33, I know you had a hearing on that. ~ would just like to say, I believe there's going to be at least a five percent tax increase, and I know, Mrs. Cochran, you pledged that you would reduce taxes when you got into office, and I would just suggest to this Town Board to do more to reduce taxes. I know the last Town Board discussed at least putting a resolution before the Town in regard to the taxes, the Assessors, and this term tile Town Board has spent $5,000 to look into another building, perhaps a bigger one, I'm just suggesting you look for ways to reduce the number of people that you have here working in Southold Town Hall, and that you don't have to spend further for more people;' more pensions, more offices, and thus you will be able to make your pledge of reduced taxes, and that, of course, would help everyone in South01d Town. I mean, as everyone here knows, you don't need me to tell you-that one of the biggest complaints of people here in Southold Town, are the taxes. They don't complain, that there too many people and stuff, Highway Department and that the roads aren't being done. They don't complain of costs. What they do complain about is taxes. I know everyone up here has campaigned for decent taxes. My suggestion ,is that you work on that. I'm sure you have many excuses as to why taxes should be increased, why they should go up 5% now. I',l just suggesting that there are ways that you can look at in regard to reducing it. Thank you. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: i would just like to share with you that is a tight budget. The entire Board through our work sessions went llne bY hne through the budget. We are beginning to pay for the last bond issue Farmland Development Rights, which increases somewhat. Also, with the hiring of additional police officers we tried to keep it to the bone. We will. We will continue to watch the spending, and be as thrifty as we possibly can throughout the year. So, we have kept it down as much as we can. COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I would like to respond because I'm not familiar with what people campaigned on for last election. I do know what I said during the last year, the year before the current administration. I voted for a policy to hold taxes to cost of living increases, and even then I knew it would be difficult, and in this sense my plan to vote for this budget. Everything in this budget I don't agree with, but we have negotiated, and I believe you are quite right that where taxes really increased is in personnel. That's where you have the built in costs go on, and on, ands on, and up, and up, and up. We did cut a couple of full-time jobs out of the budget. The two blg issues, and I think Supervisor Cochran touched on them slightly, were additional personnel. We hired six new men to offset depletion in the force, that had been occurring over ten years, and that is a big issue. The total increase in the police budget, I think, was around $600,000. Those men in the first year w!ll be .makin~ about $250,000 to $300,000 of that. The rest is increases In rebrement funds, which is a new policy. Last year we put $150,000 in this year. We have $250,000 in for retirement to pay lump sum retirements. That alone almost brings it from the cost of living to the 5%, that one new policy. We had a debate about that, should we increase the police budget by that amount? We had never done it before. We know we're going to have some retirements. It just happens that about five or six people may actually retire this time for a variety of reasons. When you plan on retirement it's not only just 'how long you've been on the job, it's how much you made tn the last year. Well, in the last year with all the overtime a lot of the Police Department made an awful lot of money. So, this year now we have this new staffing coming in we expect that some people, rather than haying their pensions reduced, will take advantage of retirement, and we'll have to pay a lot of that retirement. I would rather not see it all lumped into one year, but that's the way we've done it, and you know, that the majority will, and I don't think one person should hold up the whole deal. You know, you have got to have a budget, and a workable budget. The other thing, of course, we have, and ! think the Supervisor mentioned that in her budget message, was the unusually heavy snow year. That's going to upset the amount of unexpended balance we have in the Highway Fund'. Probably there is about $100,000, so if you take $150,000 out of the Police Department budget, and $100,000 out of the two Highway budgets, you would end up with a cost of living increase. I fully expect that next year we will hopefully balance out that increase, so that we end up with an average of cost of living. I'm not giving up on that. That's my response. We did spend a long time, a lot of debate. You have to go ahead with these things. I don't- think it's productive, like in the State, or the Federal government, or wherever, where you have budgets held up forever, because of the individuals involved- As I say, I think it is a tight budget in most areas. It's tight in most areas. There is less personnel involved than more. The only two areas that we really paid increases substantially were NOVEMBER 12, 1996 the Police Department, and the Highway Department. The other thing that is in there, that we're going to mention, there was an increase in the Councilman's Budget, the Councilman's salary. That has not been noted. No one asked us that question, but, I think, it's 3%, and the first time I've ever voted for an increase in the Councilman's salary. It hasn't been increased, I think, in ten years. So, that averages out to .3% a year, and we are one of the lowest paid, other than Shelter Island. Shelter Island is the lowest paid Councilpeople, and they have a population of a thousand. We are the next lowest paid. You can judge for yourself if we deserve it or not. That can express itself in the voting booth, but I want to go on record, that we are aware of that, and we're addressing it, and that is my feeling. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: If I may add to that. I didn't take the raise, but I feel that the raises to the Councilpeople are very well justified. As Joe said, they have not had a raise in many, many years, and they put in a great deal of time, and 3% was very nominal. Also, it's unfortunate that the weather channel the other night said that we're going to have a winter as bad as we did last year. The signs are exactly the same, so keep your fingers crossed we don't have, and we can save that $100,000. I would like nothing better, believe me. is there anyone else that would like to address the Board in relation to any of the resolutions? FRANK CARLIN: Item 33 is it? We could have saved some money a couple of years ago, when we took the Landfill away from Ray Jacobs. Why did we take the Landfill away from Ray Jacobs? Why did we put it into somebody hands, being the Supervisor there for $35,000 and $40,000 a year. That wasn't necessary. That was handled by the Highway Superintendent, and it should remain by the Highway Superintendent, but the last administration removed it from him, and turned it into a private management there. YoU could saved some money. Now, we get $2~J0,000 from Greenport for the budget, that should help our budget. Like I said last year here, they kill us on this police overtime, since we took over the Greenport Police Departn~ent. I mentioned that last Board meeting. That's part of our problems here, and we're both going to have a bad winter this year, so next year we won't have that much to look forward to, our taxes being reduced. Another thi.n.g, we float too many bonds in this town, too many bonds. Land Preservation issue bond, this bond, this bond, and this bond, you hav. e to pay it back. You have to pay it back in interest. You put too many, bonds in this town. You still have to pay it back. Who pays it back? The taxpayers. SUPERVilSOR COCHRAN,: That's true, Frank, but this last one the taxpayebs made the dec~sion to approve the bond. Thank you, Frank. Is there ar~yone else who would like to address the Board in relation to any of the resolutions, that we will be acting on? (No response.) We do have a hearing at 8:00 o'clock that we will be recessing for. - Moved [~y Councilman Moore, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes the following budget for 1996 for the Employee Health Plan: interest E Earnings Retiree, COBRA Contributions Interfund Transfers ~venues~ M$.2q01.00 M$.2709.00 MS.5031.00 15,000.00 73,000.00 906,000,00 Appropriations: MS. 1910.~.000.000 Insurance 58,000.00 MS. 1989.4.000. 000 Medicare Reimbursement ~,2,000.00 MS. 8686.~,.000,000 Administration 26,600.00 MS.8686.~.200. 100 Telephone (Modem) 125.00 MS.9060.8.000.000 Medical Benefits 867,275.00 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 2.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to Recreation Supervisor Kenneth Reeves to attend the 2nd Annual Downstate Recreation Conference on Wednesday, November 20, 1996, at the Westchester County Center, and the $53.00 registration fee, and necessary expenses for travel shall be a legal charge to Recreation Administration, Meetings & Seminars, A72020.11.600.200. 2.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolUtion was duly ADOPTED. 3.--Moved by 'Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts, with regret, the resignation of John J. Hagerty III, member of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council, effective November 4, 1996. 3.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 4.-Moved by Justice Evans. seconded by Councilman Moore. it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the establishment of the following Capital Project, effective ]mmediately, for paving the Human Resource Center parking lot: Capital Project Name: Human Resources Center Parking Lot Financing Method: Transfer from the General Fund Whole Town Budget: Revenues: H.5031.75 Transfers from Other Funds ~5,091.00 Appropriations: H.5650.2.100.905 Off Street Parking, Capital Outlay Fee for Services, Non-Employees HRC Parking Lot +5,091.00 q.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councllwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 5.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the following 1996 Budget modification to the General Fund Whole Town to appropriated donated funds for the Tree Committee: To; Revenues A2705.30 Gifts & Donations, Tree Committee $ 1055.73 Appropri~{ions: A8560.4.400.200 Trees and Tree Maintenance $ 1055.73 5.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Cou nciiwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 6.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute a Contract Budget Modification Request to the Suffolk County Department for the Aging, for a modification to the Nutrition Contract, which modification results in a zero net change. 6. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 7.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute a Contract Budget Modification Request to the Suffolk County Department for the Aging, for a modification to the SNAP Program Contract, which modification results in a zero net change. 7. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 8.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, |t was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute a Contract Budget Modification Request to the Suffolk County Department for the Aging,. for a mooification to the CSE Senior Day Care Program Contract, ~.hich modification results in a zero net change. -VOte of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,  ouncilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsendr Councilwoman Hussie, upervlsor Cochran. rFhis resolution was duly ADOPTED. 9.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of East Coast Mines, Ltd.~ in the amount of $5.98 a yard~ for supplying the Southold Town Highway Department with 10,000 yards {more or less as may be required) of Screened Sand for Ice Control and Highway Maintenance, all in accordance with the bid specifications. 9. - Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans~ Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. to.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund Whole Town 1996 Budget to allocate funds for payment of the. Conservation Advisory Council's secretarial services through the end of the year: From: A3610.u,. 600. 200 To: A3610.1.200. 100 10.-Vote of the Town Councilwoman Oliva, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Miscellaneous: Meetings & Seminars $ ti00.00 Part-time Employees: Regular Earning $ Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, .-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute the Stipulation Agreement in regard to the Police Officer James D. Franke disciplinary action. .-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. ~'~ 12.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints the following individuals to the Goldsmith Inlet/Kenny's Beach Working Group, effective November 12, 1996 through November 12, 1997, they to serve without compensation: 202 OVEMBER 12, 996 Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva, Chairperson Edward Seidman, resident of Peconic Shores Donald Stanton, resident of Kenny's Beach John Holzapel, Southold Town Trustee William Daley, Chief, Coastal Management Section, NYS-DEC Lou Chiarella, NYS-DEC, Stony Brook Richard LaValle, Chief Engineer, Suffolk County DPW Fred Anders, Division of Coastal Resources, NYS Dept. of State 12.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Evans, Hussie, 13.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Burr's: Reliable Inc., in the amount of $.05 per gallon over Bayway Refining Company's tank car consumer rack price, for supplying the Town with Heating Fuel Oil (No. 2 Fuel Oil) for Calendar Year 1997, all in accordance wit.h the bid specifications. 13.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochr:an. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 14.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of All American Fuel Co., in the amount of $.0493 per gallon over Bayway Refining Company's tank car consumer rack price, for supplying the Town with Diesel Fuel for Calendar Year 1997, all in accordance with the bid specifications. l~.-Vote of the Town Boa rd: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 15.-Moved by CouncilWoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of All American Fuel Co., in the amount of $.0693 per gallon over the Bayway Refining Company's tank car consumer rack price, for supplying the Town with Gasoline for Calendar Year 1997, all in accordance with the bid specifications. 15.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 16.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that' the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Hoppy's Cleaners loc. for cleaning the uniforms of the members of the Southold Police Department for the period from January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997, all in accordance with the bid specifications. -Vot~ of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 17.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of $outhold hereby accepts the bid of Charles Oreenblatt Inc., at a total amount of $668.90, for furnishing to the Southold Town Police Department Uniform Clothing for Calendar Year 1997, ali in accordance with the bid specifications. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman .Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 18.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva,_ it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of FranzaJs Universal Scrap Metal Inc. for the removal of Scrap Metal from the Southold Town Disposal Area for Calendar Year 1997, all in accordance with the bid specifications. t8.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. L : 19.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of tile Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Chemical Pollution Control, Inc. for the Removal and Disposal of Household Hazardous Wastes from the Southold Town Collection Center for Calendar Year t997,, all in accordance with the bid specifications. 19.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund Whole Town 1996 Budget to provide funds for the purchase of CD-ROM changer/reader for the Town Attorney: To: A.1680.2.400.450 From: A.1680.1.200. 100 Central Data Processing Equipment PC Peripherals $ 325.00 Central Data Processing Personal Services Part Time Regular Earnings $ 325.00 20.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans. Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 21.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 1996 Budget to provide funding for the September, 1996 ferry travel relating to the Fishers Island Metal Dump: General Fund Whole Town To: A9901.9.000.100 Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to FI Metal Dump Capital Fund $ 477.2t From: A9018.8.000.000 Police E, Fire Retirement System Contributions $ 447.21 Fishers Island Metal Dump Revenues: H8.5031.00 Transfers from Other Funds Transfers from General Fund Whole Town $ 477.21 Appropriations: ". H8,8160.2 Refuse & Garbage, Capital Outlay FI Metal Dump Remediation $ 477.21 2I.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman HusSle, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 22 .- Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts, with regret, the resignation of Frank Gillan, Senior Citizen Aide for Fishers Island, effective December 31, 1996. 22 .- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. NOVEMBER 12, 1996 23.-Moved-by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes Justice Louisa P. Evans to advertise for a new Senior Citizen Aide for Fishers Island, eight (8) hours per week, at a salary of $8.90 per hour, effective January 1, 1997. 23 .-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 2q.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets B:0g P.M., Tuesday, November 26, 1996, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, as time and place for a public hearing on tile question of the acquisition of development rights in the following Agricultural Lands: Anna Fiore 8 others, SCTMff1000-86-01-09, 43.~t~ acres, ~2100 Main Road, Peconic, N.Y. 2 ~. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 25.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby amends resolution no. 1, adopted on August 1~[, 1996, to read as follows: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby goes on record in favor of purchasing, from the' County of Suffolk, the property identified on the tax rolls as 100-010-7-7, owned by Mrs. Ernest Middleton at the time of her death, and acquired by the County due to unpaid taxes; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that Supervisor Jean W. Cochran be authorized to send a letter to the Suffolk County Department of Real Estate indicating the Town's interest in purchasing the property for use in an affordable housing project under the supervision and ownership of the Walsh Park Benevolent Corporation and in accordance with the Town of Southold's Affordable Housing Program. 25. - Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 26.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the proposal of Richert Construction, Killingworth, Connecticut, in [he amount of $2,387.00, for supplying the materials for a fence for the Fishers island Metal Dump. 26. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor C-ochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 27.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby allocates $800.00 to the Henry L. Ferguson Museum from the 1996 Grant Program funds~ 27. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Ofiva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 28.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussle, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes in The Traveler-Watchman and The Suffolk Times for the following: Anti-Bias Task Force members (5) Architectural Review Committee Hamlet Member, Mattituck/Laurel Substance Abuse Committee members (2) Conservation Advisory Council members (2) 28.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Evans, Hussie. 29.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Lauren Cunbiss, provisionally, as a Weekend SNAP Driver, effective November 16, 1996, for 10 hours per weekend, at a salary of $6.18 per hour. 29.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 30.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby removes Josephine Boyd from her position as a member of the Landmark Preservation Commission and as a member of the Architectural Review Committee, effective immediately, whereas she has relocated out of state and has failed to submit a written resignation. 30. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, CouncilWoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 3I .-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Landmark Preservation Commission member Deborah Winsor to the Architectural Review Committee, to fill the position vacated by Josephine Boyd, effective immediately through October 17, 1998; she to serve without compensation. 31 .-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman OlJva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 32 .-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes, in The Traveler-Watchman and The Suffolk Times, for a member of the Landmark Preservation Commission to replace Josephine Boyd. 32.-Vote Of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 33.-Moved by Supervisor Cochran, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearings on the Preliminary Budget and the Preliminary Capital Budget for the fiscal year beginning on January 1, 1997, and heard all person desiring to be heard thereon; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold does hereby adopt such Preliminary Budget as the Annual Budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of January, 1997; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby adopts the Preliminary Capital Budget as the Annual Capital Budget for this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of January, 1997; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that such budgets as so adopted by this Board be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board: and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the 'Town Clerk of the Town of Southold shall prepare and certify copies of said Annual Budget and Annual Capital Budget as adopted by th~ Town Board of the Town of Southold, together with the estimates, if any, adopted pursuant to Section 202a, Snhdi'vision 5 of the Town law, and deliver a copy thereof to the County Legislature of the County of Suffolk, Adopted 1997 SUMMARY OF TOWN BUDGET t997 ADOPTED A i Gene~ $11fl69,542 $2,077,672 $746,848 9,145,0~ [ B Gene~Bide Vffiage - 810,237 478,648 169,559 162,0~0 ~DA j m~w~-To~de _ 1,102,989 38,900 41,i~ 1,022,989 lDO m~my-~uide Win:ge . ~;~ 82,000 286,615 , 1,590,395 ¢CD Co~m~ D~elopment ...... ~ - -'-J~SF 181,221 0 0 SF East-West Fi.m Protection District $259,454 $5,100 $2,200 $252,154_ SM Fishers Island Ferry District '~ ___1,539,070 t,095,200 223,870 _ 220,t200 SM1 Southold Shores Road Imp. 0 0 1,951 (1,95.1..)_ SM2 West Creek Estates Road Imp. 0 __ 0 0 0 SM.3 Shorecmst at Arshamomaque Rd. In!p___ 10,303 300 1,800 8,203 SM4 Lands End Road Imp. __ __ !3,725 800 0 12,92~" SR Solid Waste Management District 2,440,371 t,722,750 0 7iJ,~]- SSI SoutholdWastewaterDistdct __. 306,552 139,557 160,400 6,~'~- $S2 Fishers Island Sewer District 17,700 17,700 0 0 F.L R~use & Garbage District 371,250 0 0 371,250 Orient Mosquito District 40,000 0 0' 40,000 Orient.E~t Marion Park District $16,000 $0 $0 Southold Park District' . 124,500 '- 0 0 124,5'00 Cutchogue-New Suffolk Park Dist. -- 68,250 0 0 68,250 _ Mat[!!uck ?a:[k D!s~ - 200,~} 10 11,800 3,300 185.710 $292,200 $3.200 $0 $289,000 351,188 42,600 0 308,588 209,468 2,070 0 207,398 860,240 10.000 0 850,240 715,783 4,500 0 71t,283 0 651.856 -~Fishers Islm~d Fire Distri_c~_ --:~Drient Fire District /East Marion Fire District [Southold Fire District ~Cutchogue Fire District ~ibt6~Ei~i~!{::::::::!:::i:::.i:i:i::: ~:~:::?:::? ::::::::?5::::::: :: 651,856 JUSTICES PERSONAL SERVICES AlllO-i EQ1}IPHEHT 5 ] 11S . 2 SUPERVISOR PERSO{I{XL SRRVICE5 A]220- 1 EQUIP{tERT A1220.2 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSE A!220.4 TOTALS I 50,652,00 80.652.00 80{652.00 90,552.84 101,199.92 94.375.00 83,556.00 83,556,00 84,700.00 S4,700.00 168,256,00 16S,256.00 205r456.50 214,116.00 700,600.00 201,§28.00 201,425.00 4,857,64 2,534.01 275.00 2'75.00 275.00 20.943.46 ~S,930.99 26,450,00 26,450.00 ~fl,450.OO 99,609.9l 95,763 00 91,7OO.00 94.400.00 94,400.00 97 .74 529.00 5,095,00 133,435.32 15,215.00 15,775.00 175.00 11,~35.00 14,365.00 14 365.00 14,365.00 49,601.59 52,435.00 45.35R,00 4S,350.00 4R,350.00 ASSESSORS PERSONAL SERVICES i1355.1 187,014.70 EQUIPHERT A13~5.2 CONTRACSUAL EXPENSE AIB55.4 ]l,708.B~ TOTALS~ 195,723.O2 20,43~.00 2H,93U.O0 27,438.00 27~4~U.00 TOWN ATTORNEY PERSOSAL SERVICES ~1420.1 99,369.22 110,659.$0 119,500.O0 EQUIPMENT A1420,2 748,98 200.00 CONTRACTSAL EXPEESE A1420.4 67,566.11 97,610.00 106,BO0.OO TOTAl, SI 167r9~4.3i 20~ 469.0~ ?~6 300.00 EQUIPHENT A1440.2 CONTRACTUAl, EXPENSE A1440.4 TOTAL$~ BUILDING5 AND GROUNDS PEI1SONAI~ SERVICES A1620-1 TOTALSI 32,030.16 24~.35 149,590 03 151,668.00 105,SO0.O0 105,500.00 I05,BO0.O0 S 050,00 7,636.00 206,436.S~ 205,640.00 190,800.00 19O,~O0.O0 19SmSOO*O0 25,000.00 25,000.00 42,354.64 49,600.00 47,000.00 47,000.0S 47,000.00 60,146.17 66,100.00 64,100.00 64,100.00 64~100.00 43,113.72 52.026.00 1¢,184.]7 6.360.00 64,945.20 91,604.00 55,600.00 05,600.00 S5,600.00 2.500.S0 2,5S0.00 2,500.00 64,250.00 64,250.00 64.250.00 252r293.75 242,500.00 247~500.00 247,500.00 247,500.00 1,305.00 1,500.00 [,305.00 1,305 00 1,305.00 ~2,494,00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.O0 253,590.75 326,494.00 290,005.00 298,005.00 29~,805.00 396,063.3! 410,243.00 444,900.00 4~9.900.00 439,~00.00 8,1§5.60 10,000.00 3,000.00 2,000,00 2,000,00 h3120.1 _2,911~80.21 2,975,345.00 3~507,500.00 3,401,900.00 A3120.2 105,719.61 117,020.00 155,056.00 155,056.00 A3120,4 146,752.06 165,427.00 177,000.00 169,000.00 3,164,1.59.88 3,257,792.00 3,030,556.00 3,725,956.00 3,~01,~00-00 155,05~.00 169.000.O0 117,075.19 119,360.00 ~34,500.00 ]34,500.00 134,500.00 13,097.14 13,800.00 20,650.00 20~650.00 20,650.00 26,974.40 33,90~.00 28,219.O0 28, 119.00 2~,719.00 2],900.00 19,600.00 19,600.00 I9.600,00 19,400.00 19,600.00 200.00 960.00 960.00 960.00 200.00 9~0.00 960.00 960.00 114,999.96 110,000.00 12},000.00 121,000.00 121,000.00 1,648,13 1,500.00 1,700,00 1,700.00 1,700+00 4,730.02 9,300.00 7,000.00 1,500.00 6,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 7,500.00 3,500.00 ~,500.00 ~,500.00 4,023r668.56 4,204,953.O0 4,749,275.00 4,632,275.00 4,632~275.00 143,8~9,21 t45,420.00 154,525.00 154.525.00 143r069.21 ]45,420.00 154,525.00 154,525.00 154r575,00 37,500.00 4{),085.00 41,800.00 41,000.00 41,800.00 7,]00.00 7,200.00 7,200.00 7.200,00 16,927.54 16~950.00 21,500.00 21,500.00 ?1,500.00 16,927.54 i6,950.0~ 21,500.00 21,500.00 21,500.00 314,300.02 320,635.00 343,025.00 343,025.00 343,025.00 6,591.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7.000.00 7,000.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 ' 300.00 3OO.OO 6~891.00 7~300.00 7,300.00 7t300°00 32,908.00 32,9~8.00 34,000.00 34~000.00 ~4,000.00 34~000.00 6,597.7t OFFICE FOR WOH£N PE[ISO~IAL SERVICES A~142. ] EQU IPME~IT A7020. ~ 10, 4OO.OO 2,000.oo 2,OO0.00 2,000.DO 2,O00-00 297,073.23 345,097,00 351 gO0.O0 3§1.800.00 351fO00.O0 1,307.64 000.00 3,300.00 3.300.00 3,300.00 190,551.42 IR0,065.00 194 }05.00 194.105.00 194,1§5.00 4~9,732.29 526,767.00 549~205.00 549.205.00 549t205o00 54~,359.00 570.062.O0 592,505.00 592.505.00 592,505.00 2,789.00 30,674.80 40,930 O0 37,905.94 40.131,60 19,337.26 10,975.00 95,990,00 100,036.60 71,000.00 71,000.00 71,000.00 23,7'?~-00 23,775.00 23,775.00 69,196.56 7;,470.95 75,OO0.OO 75,000.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 334.75 ! 945.6I 334.75 1,945 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.011 45,000.00 45,000.00 45.00(1.00 45.000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 0,g00.00 0,B00.00 10,000.12 10.300.00 lO,O00.O0 10,000.00 10,000.~0 112.50 250.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 609.50 4,575.00 7, ]50.00 5.650.00 5,650.00 376,696.35 395,968,60 411,225.00 409,725.00 409,725.00 2~,000.00 20,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 20,000.00 20,f)O0.O0 35,000.00 35.000.00 35,000.00 09.239.31 95,O22.00 77.765.00 77,765.00 77,765.00 9,319.66 15,000.00 9,319.66 15,000.00 15r947,63 7,541;.00 6,000.00 6,000,00 6~000.00 COHHUH ITY DEVELOPMENT PERSOEAI SERVICES A0660 CON~'~ACTUAL EXPENSE A8660 TOTAL HONE & COMMUNITY SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS NYS RETIREMENT AS01p POLICE RETIREMENT A9015.8 SOCIAL SECURITY A9030. WORKER'S COHPENSATIOU A904 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE A9050 CSEA HENF, FIT FUND A9055 DOG LICENSES A2544 SALE OF SCRAP A2650 SIIIOR SALES~ OTHER A7655 I NSUP, A[ICE 1}ECOVER IES A7600 SCELLAG EOUS REF'UND PRIOR YR EXPEND. A2701 GIFTS AND DONATIONS /%2705 P~EVIOUS BUDGET A8 SUPERVISOR'S PRELIttINARY ADOPTED ACTUAL A~END~D TENTATIVE BUDGET BUDGET 1995' 1996 1997 1997 1997 3~,974.00 39,068.00 42,600.00 42.600.00 42~600.00 12.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 6.00 6.0~ 6.00 [6,000.00 17.600.00 17,600.00 17,600.00 17,600.00 16,000.00 17,600.O0 17,600.00 17,600.00 17,600.00 36,051.00 110~915.00 115,000.00 115.000.00 279,456.80 523,258.00 501,000.00 501,000.00 501.000.00 393,395.36 470,000.00 497,000.00 497,000.O0 497,000.00 153,094.57 161,231.00 125,000.00 125~000.00 125~000.00 13,271.00 22,000,00 20,000.00 20,000,00 20,000,00 50,215.62 61,374,00 65,000.00 65~000,00 55~000.00 269,822.95 300,000.00 330,000.00 330,000.00 330.000.00 444,512.40 439,513,00 412,000.00 407.000.00 487,000.00 96,592.40 160,250.00 160,250.00 155,200.00 155,200.00 290,316.56 435,043.00 306,000.00 397,400.00 397,400.00 16,773.]0 ~2r634.OO 22.066.00 16,0E4.OO 16,0R4,00 391 ,0411,94 760.066,0R 705,700.00 705,700.00 705,700 39] ,~46 .94 760 ,066.00 705,700.00 705. 700.00 705,700.00 24,500.03 36,650,46 272,134.49 20,000.00 24.000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 32,000,00 39,000.00 39,000.00 39,000.00 225,000.00 225,000.00 225r000.00 225,000.00 ],5~4.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 4,571.13 3,025.00 4,125.00 4,125.00 4,125.00 {O6,076.00 89,200.00 148,750.00 ]48.750.00 148~750.00 4,E97.62 5~000,()0 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 25,362.00 59,762.75 57,200.00 69.000.00 69.000.00 69,000.00 29,803.75 107,213.60 22,790.00 19,000.00 ]9,000.00 19,000.00 19,O00.O0 54,359.92 54,277.00 51,627.00 51,677,00 5[r677.00 A2401 204,000.96 250.000.00 210,000.00 770,000.00 270,090.00 A2410 37,994.34 33,300.00 52,500.00 52,500.00 52,500.00 A2440 176,140.47 223,532.00 216,311.00 216,311,00 716,311.00 A2450 643,49 500.00 500,00 500.00 500.00 499,587.76 507,317.00 5~9,]1].00 539,311.00 539,311.OO 2,620.50 3,000.00 2,600.00 12,057.17 12,500.00 11,900.00 134.793.34 127.700.00 133,700.00 2,600.00 ~,600.00 11,900.00 11~900.00 133,700.00 ]33,700.00 l~g.200.O0 ]4R,200.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 I .000.00 1,000.OO 71,000.00 71,000.00 68,150.OO 75~000.00 70,000.00 490.75 150.00 150.OO J50.OO 24,174,02 25,674.77 1.150.00 3,]50.00 3,150.00 a,O00.O0 [50.00 3,150,00 2B,305.99 20.000.00 10,000.00 lO.000.O0 I0.000.00 25,599.55 14,740.00 2.920.00 2,920.00 2,920.00 STATE AIDE MORTGAGE TAX A3005 ST AID HISCELLAIIEOU-g A5089' NOVEMBER 12, 1996 PEEVIOUS BUDGET AS SDPERV] SEE' S PRELI H I{I;%R¥ AIX)PTED ACTUAL AHENDED TENTATIVE BUDGET BUDGET 1.995 ~996 ]997 3997 1997 586,809.53 415t000.00 415..000.00 415,000,00 4]5,000,00 21,850.63 1~,557,00 50.00 50.00 50.00 5,997.00 6~000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 lO,OO0.O0 3,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 32,011.00 31,635.00 31,~15.00 31,635.00 31,635.00 446,668.16 474,192.00 459,6RE.O0 459,6B5 DO 459,605.00 22,012.00 25,000.00 25,00q.00 25,OO0.O" 5,000.00 746,048.00 60,754.69 28,300.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 12~E64.00 42,000.00 15.000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 41,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25~000.00 73~618.69 111,300.00 60,000.00 60.000.00 60,000.00 384,311.85 454.00 5,228.65 189,994,50 196,968.00 239.000.00 23g. RO<.OO .21 t 3,500.1.2 3,605.00 3,700.00 9,700.00 ~,700-00 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 3,500.12 4,055.00 4,150.00 4 150.00 4,]50.00 3,500.12 4,055.00 4,150.00 4,150.00 4,150.00 5,740.00 19,134.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 20~000.00 53~251.69 35,]25.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 15,5~2.14 32t555.00 lO,O00.OO 10,000.00 ]OmO00.O0 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 6,07~.90 9~947.00 10,000.00 lO,O00.O0 lO,O00.O0 60,627.81 79,26].00 82,500.00 02,500.00 82,500.00 3,626.89 3,627.00 5,627.00 3,627.00 3,627.00 2~763.00 2~546.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2~400.00 6t390.69 6t ]73.00 6.027.00 6,027,00 6t077.00 68,053.44 90,500.00 lO] 000.00 10[,000.00 lOl,O00.O0 713,622.70 827t366.00 E11.83'I.00 010~237.00 010,237.00 700.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 NOVEMBER 12, 1996 APPROPRIATED FUND EQUIPMENT DA512O.~ COIlTRACTUAL ~XPEUSE DA5120.4 t4ACBINERY PE[ISOIIA~L SERVICES DA5130.1 COIiTRACTUA[ EXPENSE DAS] 30, 4 DA5142.2 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL SOND hNTICIEAT1ON NOTEDA97 [}EBT SERVICE IIITEREST BOND AHiICIPATION NOTEDA9730.7 TOTALSt STEER USES T[~AIISFER TO OTUER FURS DA9901.9 PREVIOUS BUDGET hO SUPERVISOR'S PRELIUII{AR¥ ADOPTED ACTUAL 5MENDED TENTATIVE BUDGET BUDGET ~q95 1996 1997 1997 1997 7,560.00 5,000.00 7~500.00 7,50U.00 7,500.00 185,780.74 1}~,000.00 197,000.00 197,000.00 197,000.00 11,925.00 t0,200.00 10,200.O0 10,200.00 10,200.00 19,985.00 17,~00.00 20,~SS.OO 20 800,O0 20,800,00 78,336.20 65,000.00 BS,O00.OO 95,O00.OO SS~OOO.O0 19,544.00 323,1~0.94 294,000.00 320.500.O0 320,500.00 320. 500.OS 5,40~.00 4,400.00 4,900.00 4t900.00 4,900.00 27,705.96 7,9]'1.9R 5,000.(10 {I,OflO,O0 g,OOO.OS O,000.OO 35t623,86 5,000.00 8,000.0(} ~,0OO.O0 H,O00.00 51.232.59 10,000.00 2,000.00 2~000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 51,232,59 14,f)OO.O0 2.OE0.00 ~.0OO.00 2,000.00 66~54fl~00 66.540.00 66.548.00 6~,548.00 66,54B.00 20,000.00 1~950.00 1,~50.00 1,950.00 ],950.00 37,236.44 40,000.00 43,000.00 43,000.00 43,000.00 33,828.79 34,689.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 4,321.52 5,S2~.00 S,O00.00 5,000.00 5~000.O0 ~O,5~2.75 9~,590.OO 95,~OO.OO 95,000.00 95,OOO.OO 34,216.20 35,200.00 35,200.00 35,200.00 35,200.00 19,515.03 23,515.00 25,520.00 25,520.00 25,520.O0 "i TOTAl APPROPRIATIONS! 982,771.30 1,104,060.67 1,105,206.00 1~102~9~9.00 1,102,989,00 USE OF HOIIEY & PROPERTY IHTEREST A[;D EARNINC, S DA2401 EHPLOY BE BENEFITS NYS RETIREHENT 009010.8 SOCIAL SECURITY 1)59030.~ 001 002 0O3 O04 O05 006 OO7 3,020.00 2,000.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.'00 479.35 4~0.00 500.00 500.00 500,00 ]5,000.00 35,000.00 35r000.00 35,000.00 35,000,00 35,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 J,O00.O0 794,222,20 825,000.00 514,623.54 600,000.00 1~300,045.02 1,425,000.00 18 896.00 62.991.00 62,000.00 62,000.00 62,000.00 6~,797.17 63,200.00 63,~00.00 63,700.00 63,700.00 55,917.4{ 00,102.00 60.000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 14,546.67 16,57E.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 5,509.20 5,509.00 3.600.00 3,600.00 3,600.00 156 030.42 213,600,110 224,200.00 224,200.00 224,200.00 4,413.05 4,000.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 4~200.00 650.25 650.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 5,064.10 4,650.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 ~,000.00 1,,961.35 65,000.00 15,O00.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 78,961.35 65,000.00 75,000.00 75,000.00 15,000.00 62.00 35,300.67 312,455.00 2E6,615.00 206,6]5.00. 286,61~.00 25,000.00 36,00<.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 92,500.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 90~000.00 5,000.00 25,221.00 1~,400.00 15.000,00 15,000.00 15,000.00 25,221.00 25,271.00 25#221.00 PREVIOUS BHDGET AS SUPERVISOR' S PI1P, I,I HII[ARY ADOPTED 181,221.00 101,221.00 181,221.00 181.221.00 168,408.00 170,500~00 186,375.00 186,375.00 106r375,00 168,408.OO 170,500.00 lf16,37E.O0 106,375.00 106,375.00 73,079.OO 73,079.O0 73,019.00 73,079.00 73,079.00 73,079,00 2411187~00 251t579,00 259,454.00 73,079.00 73,079.00 73,079.00 73,079.00 259,454.00 ]06.26 lOS.Os t0o.oo 1oo.oo 1o0.0o ............................................................... lO6,26 1oo.oo IOO,O0 IO0.O0 100.00 6,197.15 4,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 ~,000.00 6~197.15 4,000.00 5,000.00 S~O00.O0 5~000.00 2~400.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 2~200.00 0.42 200.00 U.42 20O.00 1,109,41 700.00 1,109.41 7¢)0.00 22,117.03 4,400.00 0. 000, O0 255.00 255.00 0,255.00 42.00 NOVEMBER 12, 1996 2t!5 pREVIOUS BUDGET AS SUPERVISOR' S PRELIMIHAR¥ ADOPTED ACTUAL Al{ENDED T~RTATIVE ~U~ET ~UDGET 75.75 1,000.00 250.00 75.75 I , 000. O0 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250 ,OO 14,000.00 9,0 )0 R0 9,000.00 2,218.82 1,000,00 1,620.00 1.053.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 }0,303.0U INTEREST g EARItIEGS LANDS END ROAD DISTRICT TOVfN ATTORR EY CONTRACTUAL EXPETISF, SH4 I 420. 4 C, EN EiI AL REPAIRS pERSOHAL SERVICES SH45110.1 CAPITAL OUTLAY SH451t0.2 TOTALS~ DEBT SERVICE PRII{CIPAL BOND AETICIPATION SERIAL BONDS S1{497]0.~ SH49710.6 TOTAL ApPROPROPRIATIONSt 1,912.96 1,000.00 ?50.00 25U.00 250.00 1,912.96 1,000.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 74,442.50 ],574.~1 3,511.73 77,960.23 16,448.00 12,500.00 12,500,00 16,44~.00 17,500o00 12~500 O0 12,500.00 12,500.00 41763.95 1,500.00 4,763.95 1,500.00 975.00 975.00 975.00 975.00 663.95 000.00 000,00 663.95 000.00 000.00 (2,~23.82) {2,923.~2) 000.00 800.00 3,427.20 53,6~3.90 74,553.00 19,400.00 79,400.00 53t64~.90 74,559.00 79,400,00 79,400.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 79.400.00 79,400.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1]0,000,00 llOrO00.00 110,000.00 2! 6 NOVEMBER 12, 1996 REFUSE & GARBAGE PERSONAL SERVICES SR8160.1 EQUIPMENT SR8160.2 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SOCIAL SECURITY SR9030.8 UNEHPLOYtIENT ItlSU~ANCE ER9050~8 CSEA BEIIEFIT FUND 8R9055.S TOTALS t PREVIOUS BUDGET AS SUPERVISOR'S PRELIHINARY ADOPTED 6,550.00 21,837.00 22,000.00 22,000.00 22,000,00 40,00].59 43,804.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 13,O90.31 13,423.O0 10,O00.O0 IO,OOO.OO IO,0OO.OO 571.25 5,000,00 5,000.00 5,00U.O0 5,OOO.O0 6,620.79 S,289.00 9tO00.O0 9,000.00 9,000,00 66,841.94 92,433.00 ~6,000.00 R6,000.O0 06,000.00 60,(t00.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 60tOQO.O0 60,000.00 ~OlO00.O0 1~,000.00 ]9.000.00 18,000.00 18.000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 2,405,699.63 2,242,006.00 2,440,371.00 2t4~Ot371.O0 2,440s371.00 350.84 300.00 500,00 500.00 ~ 500.00 61,300.00 41,114.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 61,650.84 4],714.00 40~500.00 40,500.00 40,500.00 120,560,00 125,000.00 125 000.00 125r000,00 125,000.00 20,497.17 21,000.00 20 000.00 20,000.00 20,000,00 ],722,750.00 1,722,750.00 2O.SO0.O0 28.800.00 20,~00.00 28,000.00 20,800.00 26,309.84 15.000.(]0 24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 117,000.00 160,{00.00 117,000.00 ]60,400.00 160,400.00 160,aO0.O0 160,400.00 160~400.00 NOVEMBER 12, 1996 P~EVIOUS BUDGET A~ SUPERVISOR'S P~ELItlINARY ADOPTED ACTUAL hHENDEI) TgNT~TIVE BUDGET ~UDG~T 19~5 19~6 1997 I~97 SS21090 SS22128 SS22129 SS22130 2,500.00 2,500,00 2,500.00 2,500.00 666.25 1,500.00 666.25 1,500.o0 27,000.00 67,400.00 67,400.00 67,400.00 25,367.20 400.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 3,000,00 3.000.00 2.100.00 5,050.00 5,050.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,S00.00 550.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2~000.00 2~000.00 2.000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 I 750.00 650.00 1.550~00 1,550.00 3,750.00 3,650.00 3,550,00 ],550.00 3,550.00 7,590.00 5.000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 ~,000.00 7,594.00 5,000.00 5,000,00 5,000.00 5,000,00 23,033.93 17,662.00 12,700.00 12,700.00 12~700,00 23.033.93 17,667.00 32,700.00 12,700.00 12,700.00 30,627.93 22.6~2.00 17,700,00 17,700.00 ]7,700.00 .29 ]0,O67.50 17, 700.00 t7,7OO.O0 17,700.O0 17,7OO.OO 10,0~7.79 17. ZOO. O0 l'7, 700.00 17,700.00 17,700.00 20,579.53 17,700.00 17~700.00 ]71700.00 17~700.00 SCHEDULE OF SALARIES OF ELECTED OFFICIALS (Article 8 of Town Law) Officer Supervisor Members of the Town Board (q) t~ Town Justice and Member of the tewn Board, Fishers Island Town Justices (2) @ Town Clerk Superintendent of Highways Tax Receiver Assessors (3) @ Trustees (5) @ Salary $ 5q,709.00 20,888.00 23,81q.00 33,260.00 53,908.00 58,209.00 23,110.00 41,000.00 6,953.00 Adopted 1997 Town of Souflmld ~me Ymr ~pital Impr~ement Plan For Fh~ .1999 Vault Monitoring~STstem Seaview Trails §ait Stom. g~_Building Police DepL Classroom _Skippers Lane Bulldaead bi_mC Standby Genem£or Van Computer Hardware Computer Software Exterior Deck Kitchen Cooler Kitchen Freezer }efiatric Chaks Dishwasher 68,772 2.500 10.000 1.350 Total General Fund Whole Town ] 407,000 i 19.62~ I 99,772 150 0001 I ~ / hrot~ ~wa~ ~d Whole Town } [ · One Box Trailer ~-calebouse Yransfer Station 'ay~loader Landfill Closmm Bulldozer ~tat Solid Waste District Town of ~outhold Tl~ree Y~r Capilal Improvement Plan For Fiscal Years Ending 1997 through t999 I 9%7721 -] Appropriations ed Indebtedness General Fun---------~ ~3/hote Town 48,350 71,272 119.622 A ~ 28,500 D [ ;/1,272 -- 99,772 ll3on~edi~debt~¢ss ' .____1 15o,oooI D [Total Highway Fund Whole Town ] '-~ 150,0001 ._1 ~ ................... ::~+':-':., .¢.;-?~ ~ 1,704,56bt ~0t~Si: '..: !. ~ -'v¢.:,:.¥-:?'::": : ..':: i:':i:¢ii .......... ' .......................... NOVEMBER 12, 1996 tAppropfiati-ons ~[ I 1.79,500t Al 48,350| A Bo[qded Indebtedness - --~ ~,~,-~[-- D-~__ ~,761,272~ Tof. al~:: .i .?~-~, ::- . - .... I 704.500[ 33.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Supervisor' Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Moore, Justice Evans Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: I would iust llke to say tt~at, we did work very hard on this Budget, and I am sorry that we couldn't keep It. in the policy of just increasing it as the cost of living increases, but there was some extraordinary expenses with the police, and of course, with the snow removal. I did have some disagreements, too, especially with the lowering of the bag prices for garbage. I do feel that you have to take the overhead [nto consideration when you deal with that, and I do think it does encourage people to recycle, and the prices are high. .... AMI~NDED by.. Resoluti.,q0 #2~1 1/21./9,7 .-~¥~ove(] Dy bouncHwoman UIIVa, seconuec~ by Cou~qciiman Townsend, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby amends resolution no. 20. adopted on April 30, 1996. granting Claire Toy a Maternity Leave-of-Absence from July 9, 1996 througt~ December 2, 1996, by extending the Maternity Leave-of-Absence to October t, t997. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsm~d, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: That's the end of our resolutions. motion to recess for the hearings. I will take a Moved by Councilwoman Hussle, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that recess be called at this time, 8:00 P.M., for the purpose of holding a public hearing. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Couficilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Meetinq reconvened at 8:~I0 P.M. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Since on the first hearing with Riverhead Building Supply Corp., there was no opposition with the zone change, may I have someone present Resolution #35? 35.-Moved by Councilwoman HussJe, seconded by Justice Evans, WttEREAS, RJverhead Building Supply Corp., by petition filed August 9, 1996, applied to the Town Board of the Town of Southold for a change of zone on certain property located on the south slde of NYS Route 25, Gre.enport, New York, (SCTM~1000-0q6-01-2.1), from Hamlet Density (ltD) Residential District to Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park (LIO) District; and WHEREAS, the said petition was referred to the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning for official recommendations and reports; and WHEREAS, the Town Board, pursuant to due notice, held a public hearing thereon on the 12th day of November, 1996, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that RJverhead Building Supply Corp. be and hereby are granted the relief demanded in sald petition on the above described property, which is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Main Road distance westerly 557.81 feet from the h~tersection wlth the westerly tine of Ninth Street, as measured along the said southerly side of Main Road, said point of beginning being where tl~e division line between the premises herein to be described and land formerly of Colgate Design Corp, intersects the southerly side of Main Road and from said point of Beginning, running thence the following two courses and distances along said last mentioned land: (1) South 11 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West, 169.61 feet; (2) South 78 degrees 311 minutes 00 seconds East, NOVEMBER 122.00 feet to land now or formerly of Long Island Raih-oad Company; thence South 84 degrees 10 minutes 110 seconds west along the northerly side of said land a distance of 262.90 feet to land now or formerly of Fleet Lumber Co.; thence North 12 dbgrees 08 minutes 00 seconds East along the easterly line of said land a distance of 736.52 feet to the southerly side of Main Road; thence Northeasterly along the southerly side of Main Road north 7fl degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds east, 13[1.3~1 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing 3.5 acres. 35.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. Abstalh: -Councilman Moore, Councilman Townsend. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. COUNCILMAN MOORE: Based on the comments, that were raised by the Zoning Board, a~d by cort~ments that were raised similar to those what were J"aised tonight in regard to hospice, I would offer an amendment to the proposed Local Law in Relation to Residential Uses, as follows. 36.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, WHEREAS, there was presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, on the 1Bth day of October, 1996, a Local Law entitled, 'A Local Law in Relation to New Residential Uses"; and WHEREAS, this Local Law was referred to the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County Department of Planning for recommendations and reports; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on this Local Law on the 12th day of November, 1996, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby enacts Local Law No. 20 - 1996, which reads as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 20 - 1996 A Local Law in Relation to New Residential Uses BE IT ENACTED. by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of Southold is hereby amended as follows: 1. Section 100-13 is hereby amended by _adding the following definitions: LIFE CARE COMMUNITY A structure or series of structures desiqned to provide,. a comprehensive, cohesive livinq arran.qeme nt for tl~e elderly in accordance with a license pursuadt to New York ~ublic Health Law, Article 46. A Life Care community may ~nclude a Ion~q-term Continuinq Care facility as an inteqrat but accessory service rot residents of the Life Care Community, CONTINUING CARE FACILITY An institution that is licensed to provide health care under medical supervision to in-patients. The facility provides continuin.q, skilled nursin.q care on a !onq-term, extended basis. Shall be otherwise known as a nursin~ home. HEALTH CARE FACILITY A structure and premises regulated by the State of New York and used [o .orovide an integrated ran.qe of medical and or surgical services, primarily for in-patients on a 24 hour basis. Health services may require sur~qical facilities, therapeutic and diaqnostic equipment rooms, counselinq facilities, convalescent care equipment and trauma care services. Out-patient clinics and other forms of ambulatory health care facilities may exist as accessory and integral services to the in-patient services. Supportin~l or accessory uses may inctude a kitchen for preparation of patient meals r cafeteria or snack/coffee shop for employees and visitors, .qift shop, laundry, pharmacy 'and staff offices (for bookkeeping, administration, medical records, etc.) Shall be otherwise known as a .qeneral or spec a ized hospj~.__a__r_eh_.a_.~.[__t_a_~,i_~D__c. An_t_e_.E,_r_~.~.t_!!Oj.n~e__o%8~.l~ NOVEMBER 12, I996 221 HISTORICAL SOCIETY An institution devoted to the preservation of information, artifacts. structures and other evidence of a human community or enterprise that existed in the past. CHILD CARE A residential structure and property used principally as a residence, where child care is provided by the resident for a total of five (5} or fewer children other than those of the c_a_r.e.qiver. This use must be in accordance with tile reclulations governin.q HOME OCCUPA_TIONS in this Zoning Code. 2. Section 100-31(B) 5 is hereby amended by deleting and addinq the following: (5) Philanthropic, eleemosynary or religious institutions. b, gsF~it, ale¢-4 ur~ir~ g-a nda:e etqq g m e e,-e r- s 3,qif~ad ums-.fer-gener, aPmedioal ¢~re: health care, continuing care, and life care facilities, but exmuding facilities for the treatment of all types of drug addiction, subject to the following requirements: Section 100-31(B) 5(e) is hereby amended by detetin.q and .addinq the following: (e) Any ~ur-efng-heme~-he~l~ital-er-sana~erium health care, continuin.q care or life care facility_shall meet the following standards: 4. Section 100-31(B) is hereby amended by _a.ddin,q the following: 15. Historical Society. Section 100-31(C) is hereby arnended by addin_o_g the following: Child Care. 6. Section 100-42(A) is hereby amended by ~adinq the following: (3). Continuin.q Care Facilitx_pnd Life Care Community.. 7 Section I00-42(B) is hereby amended by addina the following: LB_). Health Care Facilities. 8. Section 100--42(C)(1) is hereby amended by addin.q the following: (1) Accessory uses as set forth in and regulated by §!00-31C(1) through (7) and (9) and (11) of the Agricultural-Conservation Distrid. and subiect to conditions set forth in § 100-33 thereof. I!. This Local Law shall take effect State. Underllne represents additions Overstrike represents deletions upon its filing with the Secretary of Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilwoman PI|va, Councih'nan Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Townsend. Councilwoman Hussie, NOVEMBER 12, 1996 SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: At this time if there is anyone that would like to address the Board on any given topic, anything at all, we would be very happy to hear your comments. Mr. Carlln? FRANK CARLIN: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. What I'm about to say tonight some people might not llke, including some politicians. But, these are my thoughts, and my opinion. I want to read you an article here that was in the Newsday of August, 1996. I won't read it all, but I'll read you some highlights of it. it's called casinos, called pot of gold for New York. I'll read yo.u a few of the paragraphs there. Albany, New Yorkers love to :gamble ~n casinos, and if they had their chance to spend their money in this state billions of tax dollars would pour in. Thousands of jobs would flourish, and local economy would boom. That was a message sent to Governor George Pataki. Yesterday, task force on casino gambling in a lengthy report, that gives the administration the ammunition it would need to progressively expand the industry around the state, including a possibility on Long Island and New York City. Even before he heard the report Pataki said, I think the most important thing is to start losing billions of dollars to Other states. The report from t;he financial task force members concluded gambling would generate up to $55,000,000 in personal income tax, $223,000,000 in sales taxes, and 35,000 jobs. Empire State could recover 50% of the money now expended by New Yorkers in Atlantic City casinos, which is $642,000,000, and at Foxwood at $51,000,000 in Connecticut. But, this would involve a change and amending of the State Constitution. If the Legislation approves they will ask in 1998 to allow casinos upstate. Under the current scenarios neither Long Island nor New York City is eligible for casinos, but the report concludes that both could provide locations for casinos. The money that this casino would generate in the Grumman property would be tremendous for the State. In New York now, which is owned by a Indian reservation is none being built. Can you imagine the amount of tax revenue that the State would collect, like it said in this paper here, plus how Riverhead would benefit by property tax revenues corning in to replace the Grumman taxes on their land. To me this makes more sense then I think about putting up an avlaUon museum on 2,900 acres. What is that going to do in the winter? Will that create the people, or the business that the casino would do in the wintertime. You could have professional boxing there in the winter, wrestling there in the winter. Long Island would really be jumping with jobs created. It would be an answer to reducing the Cross Island Ferry traffic. The problems about people complain about too traffic from the Cross Island Ferry for Foxwood. It would reduce a lot of your Cross Island Ferry traffic. The people would have no need to go there no more. New York State says, no gamble on Long Island, and no casinos upstate right now. Let me say this, you all know what keno is and lotto, don't you? Play a number and watch the video machine, right? What do you do when you go to casinos? You sit there and you play numbers and you watch the video screen, so what's the difference? TI3e only difference is you can't do it here in a casino, but you can do it New York State, but they call it lottery instead. There's no difference, it's the same thing. Hotels could be built, the County would profit by this. I just hope that this property of 2,900 acres will be used for something that would create jobs for people, and the economy here, not for something llke a golf course. You got a golf course just south of Grummans. A race track, we got one already. Again, I just read in the papers the other ~tay of about this aviation museum building on 2,900 acres. That would attract the amount of people the casino would attract, it's a minor-thing. If people don't like it, that's tough. These are more thoughts. Get this island moving, and the State wants money, here's how to make it. This is the way to do it. I wrote a letter to Patakl on this. I wrote a letter to Senator LaValle, and I wrote a letter off to Supervisor Stark on this thing, my opinion and my thought on it. It might never be created. They'll probably end up arguing about this thing for months and years. That won't make much difference but we need something that will create jobs, and this is an opportunity for the State to get millions of dollars of tax monies. This is the way to do it. In this report Governor Pataki even looked at it, and I don't know what to say about it. Another thing I want to finish up with. I found another one, a short one. Remember six or eight months ago I came in front of this Board, and said, you know that North Fork Bank facility over there that's vacant on Youngs Avenue, and Traveler Street would have been ideal for the Town Hall. You all looked at me, nothing happened. That was lost. That was ideal for the Town Hall, parking space, and room. In fact, you could have used this Town Hall if you're thinking about that swimming pool thing, you would have made this Town Hall into your swimming pool. You could put this to use. There's an old saying, you can't let grass grow under your feet. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I don't think it was that, Frank, it's unfortunate that the appraisals took over two months, and it shouldn't have, but they were finding difficulty in appraising the building and finding comparable buildings in this area. It's unfortunate. It took so long. FRANK CARLIN: That was idle there. You wouldn't want anything better than that, but you, llke I say, you can't let grass grow under your feet. I'm going to call the shots, and that's the way I see it. I may never be here no more tonight, who knows. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: It's your opinion. We want to go home. It's been a long day. FRANK CARLIN: Let me just say two more things. I was asked the other day what I thought of Peconlc County, so I haven't had a chance to mention it. I can't say too much, but there's two things I want to say about it. Everything is on paper. Another saying goes with that, another old time saying, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, but sometimes we can tear a lot of clothes on the way over that fence. Keep that in mind. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Frank. Is there anyone else who would like to address the Town Board? Yes, sir? SAL GARGANI: I know the hour is late. The Board before was in a mood to take care of senior citizens as per discussions, and certainly I fati into that realm. A while back a request to this Board, it was a very small one. If they would engage in some dialogue with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority regarding the senior fares. Perhaps through Patrlcla Acampora has demonstrated a very close relationship to senior's needs. What I'm getting at is the language of the MTA is very narrow. They say we'll give a senior citizen half fare twenty-four hours, if they are coming from New York to Long Island, but the reverse is not true. If you boarded the train in the morning, and as you know we only have one train here in the morning, Southold 5:29 from Greenport, and you are confronted with full fare. Now, there aren't too many jobs available in Southold, and that's something you have to know, but some of us do have access to employment outside the town limits, and require the use of railroad, but when you are confronted with full fares, measured out against part-time salaries, it just negates the whole incentive. All they are saying is, th'at is you board a train that is going to enter New York City Penn Station before 10:00 A.M., the designated rush hour, you have to pay full-fare. Now, take it from me, I have ridden the 5:29 train in the morning, you have your choice of seats, not only here, but also at R0nkonkoma, also at Jamaica. There was really no problem at all. Now, the New York City Transit Authority which is a subsidiary of Metropolitan (tape change) I certainly hope that you do. I think it would be a tremendous help for a lot of senior citizens for a lot of reasons. You know, just one more thing, the most contrary part about this whole thing is that they are not allowing the senior citizen the half-fare going into New York, and if you picture this going into New York, people are boarding this train in various locations, so the impact is minimized, but when they say, hey, you can go in Penn Station, and get trampled going down the stairs, and survive, and get on one of our trains for half fare, that's okay. But, I have to tell you something, you have to be an O.J. almost to nego~tiate Penn Station at five o'clock at night, as opposed to 5:29 coming out of Southold. I would really appreciate any help you can give me in this area. 224,, - NOVEMBER 12, 1996 SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you very much. Is there anyone else that would llke to address the Board? (No response.) If not, I'll .gulckly ask the Board if they have anything they would like to share or report starting on my right. Louisa? Alice? We would like to wish Alice Happy Birthday. It's right on the day. Today is her birthday, so, Happy Birthday, Alice. We had birthday cake early in the day. Bill? COUNCILMAN MOORE: Last week was our first meeting of t~he Police Management Advisory Committee. We have a good group of people working on that committeef bringing a wide range of experience and background it. Our fist task is to see if we can't get our computer program squared away. We have a new computer person working downstairs, and hopefUlly we can come up with some tools, and the Town Board will maximize the efficiency of our department provide the best service we can at the most cost effective manner possible, so looking forward to the continued work of that committee. 'SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you. Ruth? COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: I agree with Bill that the Police Advisory Committee was a very constructive meeting, and I enjoyed it. Also, a couple of us took a ride down Rachel's Road off of Elijah's Lane just to look at these affordable homes down thbre, and frankly we found them' to be quite sufficient, and very nicely done. I just wanted to add that. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Yes, I think they are greatly improved over when they first constructed. Joe? COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I'd like to concur with Bill's opinion of tl~e Police Advisory Committee. I think it's a good thing. We have a lot of new variables in the police department, many new employees will be coming on board soon. We have seasonal employees, probably more than we had last ti.~ne. Believe it or not, this will ali help, ~ think, contain costs. If we can use the brain power available in Southotd town, and the expertise and professionalism that people that are on the advisory committee have exhibited already. It's encouraging, and I'm sure we will get some good citizen input. Just an aside, I'm not looking for a response, but I'm not a big fan of gambling as a productive use of people's time, not that I'm a prude, but I think that I wish Frank would use his influence with the McDor~ald's Club to make it their corporate headquarters up in Calverton. That would be a pretty good use for that probably. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I wanted to say, HapPy Birthday to Alice, and we've had a busy two weeks, and we've been meeting with our landfill consultants in trying to get some of that straightened away, and we're going to have to be taking some direction, as far as our landfill is concerned, and speaking of the landfill we are going to have a ribbon cutting up at the landfill on the 18th, which is a Monday at 11:00 O'clock in the morning to begin our progfiam, Cans for Kids. I have been saving cans all summer and my husband will be happy that we are going to get rid of them. As you heard, we went through the Budget hearings, which took a great deal of time and effort by the Board, and I thank them for that. On Friday i did attend the Fire Chief's Council, their annual dinner down to Porky's, and each year they 'nvite the Supervisor, and this was the first time they had to invite a lady Supervisor, so it was interesting to meet with the Fire Chiefs and be the only female in the room, but I know most of those guys anyhow. They are a good bunch of people, and they do an excellent job for the community. We have also been having school children groups go through the building, and learn more about government which we encourage all the time. So, with that, I will say, good evening, and thank you all for joining us, and please, come again. Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at 9:05 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Eva ns, Councilwoman 'Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councllwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duty ADOPTED.