HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-10/22/1996-SSOUTII()LI) TOWN 13OARI) SPECIAl_ MEE-I'I N(; OC'FO[~tER 7_2. 1996 A Special Meeting of the Southold 'l-~wn Roard was callecl Io order by Supervisor Cochran at 4:30 P.M., Tuesday, October 22. 1996, at the Southold Tow~ Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southolcl, New York. All Town Board members signed a Waiver of Notice of Town Board meeting. Present: Supervism- Jean W. Cochran Councilwomm~ Alice J. Ilussie Councilman Joseph L, 'Fownse~d, Jr. Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva Justice I_ouisa P. Evans Councilman William D. Moore Town Clerk Judith F. Terry Ora motion of Justice Evans, seconded by Cc, uncilw(m~an Ilussie. it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Tnwn ~l South(fid does hereby prel)are and approve as the 'P~ltminary Budget of II~e 'l'~wn For the fiscal year beginning o~ lhe 1st day of January, 1997, the itemized statemmH of estimated revenues expenditures hereby attached and made a part of this resolution; and be it FURTIIER RESOLVED that this Board shall meet at 3:~0 o'clock P.M. on ll~e 7th day of November, 1996 for the purpose of holding a public hearing on said Prelimi~ary Budget, and after all persons attending said hearing shall have hacl at~ opport~mity to be heard in favor of or against the Preliminary Budget as compiled, or for or against any item or items therein contained, that saicl hearing be thet~ recessed thereafter be convened at 7:00 ()'clock P.M. on said day for the same purpose; and be it FURTItER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk shall give notice of such hearings in the manner provided in Section 108 of the mow~ Law and that such notice be published in substantially the following form: LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PLJBLIC HEARING ON I997 PRELIMINARY RUi)GET 1997 PREL MINARY CAPITAl_ HUDGET NOTICE iS HEREBY GItVE~ that the Preiimi~mry Budget and Prelimi~ary Capital Budget of the Tow~ of Southold, Su[folk Cot~nly, New York, for tl~e [isc, I y~ar beginning or~ Janu.ary 1, 1997 has been com[~lele(I a~cl filed i~ the Office of the Clei~k at the Southold Town Itall, 53095 Main R~md, Southold, New York, where they are available for inspection and where copies nmy he obtained by any interested person during business hours. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and Preliminary Capital Budget and holct a public hearin9 thereon at the Southold Town tlall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, in said Town at 3:0(1 o'clock P.M. and al 7:00 o'clock P.M. on Thursday, November 7, 1996, at at sucl~ I~earing any persons r~ay be heard in favor of or against the Preliminary Budget a~(i Capital Budget as compiled, or for or against any item or items therein contained. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 108 of the town Law, tt~e following are proposed yearly salaries of the members of the Town Board, the Town Clerk and the Superintendent of Highways, to wit: OCTOBER 22, 1996 Supervisor. ..................................................... $ 5~1,709.00 Councihnen - q at .............................................. $ 20,888.00 Town Justice Fishers Island - Town Board Member ............ $ 23,81q.00 Town C;le~q( .................................................... $ 53,908.00 Superintendent of Highways .................................... $ 58,209.00. SUMMARY OF TOWN []UDGET -- 1997 Fund General Appropriations $11,969,5q2.00 Less Less Estinlated Unexpended Amount to be Revenues Balance Raised $2,077,672.00 $Tq6,SqS.00 $9, lq5,022.00 General Outside Village $ 810,237.00 Highway - Townwide $ 1,102,989.0(I $ q78,GqS.DO $169,559.00 $ 162, (130.00 $ 38, 900.00 $ql. 100.00 $1,022,989.00 Highway - Outside Village $ 1,959,010.00 $ 82,000.00 $286,615.00 C o rain u n i t y Development $ 181,221.00 $ 181,221.00 $ Dated: October 22, 1996. JUDITII T. TERRY SOLJTI1OLD TOWN CLERK $1 , 590,395.00 1997 TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD PRELIMINARY BUDGET .................................. ! , 50() . O0 ?, 6 )6. OCTOBER 22, 199~ ~1 Ago] O. 0 36,051 .DO I I1/, 915.00 115,000.00 115.000.00 A9015.0 279, ~J56.~0 543. 2511.00 501,000.00 501 ~000.00 A9030.0 393, 395.36 410 OOO.O0 ~97. 000.00 qg/,OOO,O0 A9040.0 153,094.5'1 161 231.00 125,000.00 T25,000,00 0 I(}.(}O ~ . (}{)0. O0 3, ~30g.O0 ~, OO{)-gO OCTOBER 22, 1996 99.99 I, ? 11 .02 ?O0.t,)O 600.00 gUI) O0 105,700. 14 196~000.00 197,000.00 197,000.00 905.00 I ?,OOO.OO 20, ~OO.O0 20,~00-00 3) 1,105.96 130 OCTOBER 22, 1996 0'1'111','R ?/~X. 1~400.0{l 15,000.00 ]5 gOO-D0 OCTOBER 22, 1996 OCTOBER 22, 1996 '~ 67. i' ) I¢), ODO .{}0 110.00¢). {)¢1 571.25 §,000.00 5,000.00 S,O00.O0 20,000,00 20,0U0.00 25.367.20 400.0(I lO,O00.O(} I0,{)00.{}0 OCTOBER 22, 1996 .29 SCHEDtJLE OF SALARIES ()F EI_EC-FEF) OI=FICIAL$ Officer Salary Sapervisor Members of the Town Board (4) ~ Tow. Justice and Member of the Tow. Board. Fishers Island Town ,Jnstices (2) ~ Town Clerk' S.peri.tendent of Higt~ways 'fax Receiver Assessors (3) ~ Trastees (5) ~. 54,709 20.888 23,814 33.2611 53,908 58,209 23,110 41,D00 6.953 Vote of the Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwomau Otiva Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cocbran. This resolution was declared duly ADOPTED. On motion of Justice Evans, seconcled by Councilwoman llussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Sot~lholct does hereby prepare and approve as the Preliminary Capital 13udgnt of the Town of Southold for fiscal year beginning on t~e' 1st day of January, 1997, the itemized statement or proposed project5 and manner of funding for a tl~ree year Capital improvement plan for fiscal years ending 1997 through 1999, hereby attached and made a part of this resolution; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board shall meet at 3:00 o'clock P.M. ou the 7th clay of November, 1996, for the purpose of holding a public hearing on said Preliminary Capital Budget, and that after all persons attending said hearing shall have had an opportunity to be heard in [avoF of or against the Preliminary Capital Budget as compiled, or fo~ or against any item or items therein contained, that said hearing be then recessed and tbeFeafter be reconvened at 7:00 o'clock P.M. on said day for the same purpose; and be it FURTItER RESOLVED that the Town C~erk shall give notice or such hearings in substantially the following form: (The Preliminary Capital ~udget is includecl in the legal notice for the 1997 Preliminary Budget which is recited in full at the begiurHng of these mlnutes.) 1997 PRELIMINARY CAPITAL BUDGET Tow, of Three Ye~qr Capital hugrovement Plan For Fiscnl Years EndinR 19q7 through 1999 '1 70 OCTOBER 22, 1996 A -[ -- Trans ~ DPW DPW EP FIRC [~_vie w_ Trails~ 1 Sail_Storage Building iPolice De_pt. Classmmn Skippers Lane Bulldiead !~HRC Standby Generator V~'H1 i Computer Hardware DP }Computer Software DP :Exterior Deck HRC 75.0001 A 9.0001 A 20,000i A 35.000'[--~ [8.500} A 22,000] A 18,500~ A 195.ooo1_2 ......... _6.8. TqL.. ...... 6a.772!__D__- 40.000 D 2.500' D 2.500~ D 7.5001 A ' Ki£¢hen Cooler HRC Kitchen Freezer }IRC , 2,0001 Geriatr/c Chairs ~IRC !.3501 A !Dishwashe~ FLRC 10.000! A iTotal General Fund Whole Towu 407.0001 119.6221 99.772f : i S0tiil:~Wast e Di~t rli5I(: One Box T~aller SWD ...... Z.5o°_L .:! ............................................. i Scalehouse SWD 50.0001 D Ffrmksfer Station SWD 1.000.0001 D .Payloader SWD 90.0001 D Landfill Closure SWD 9000.0001 D B~flldozer SWD 190,0001 D Total Solid Waste District [.147,5()01 9.690.0001 GILiaN D':TOT,Lt,S t: 704:5001 9.809:6221 99:772 ! $ llllllllllrY i Gener;tlL~l~nd Wli01i~..:r6wa,i:i: · Appropriations Bonded Indebtedness Total General Fund Whole Town 172.0001 A 48.3501 A t 28,5001 A 2350001 D 71,272! D .} 71,2721 D 407.D001 119.6221 99.7721 Bonded Indebtedness 150.0001 Total H/ghwav Fund Whole 'Town 150_0001 Sotiiti:Wiist e::D i§ ffiit:i.i- · ;Appropriations ~Bonded Indebtedness 7.5001 A D 9.690.0001 D Total Solid Waste DistriCt 1.147,5001 9.690.0001 _Financing::$ources.V:j. 7., [:.~ __ '7 .. 1~ ~ Appropriations 179.500t A Bonded Indebtedness t.525,0001 D T6tals: 1.704 5001 9,809,622[ 99.772 48.350~ A 28.5001 A 9.761.2721 D 71.272 D_~ Vote of the Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Olive, Councihnan Townsend, Councilwoman tlussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilwoman Olive, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie~ it was RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at ~1:35 P.M. Vote of the Board:- Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Olive, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was declared duly adopted. // ' Judith T. Terry ~/' Soulhold Town Clerk