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OCTOBER 15, 1996
Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran, Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie, Councilman
Joseph L. Townsend, Jr., Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva, Justice Louisa P. Evans,
Councilman William D. Moore. Also present: Town Clerk Judith T. Terry, Town
Attorney Laury L. Dowd.
9:05 A.M. Tom Maher, P.E.,' Vice President, Dvirka & Bartilucci, met with the
Town Board to discuss the Southold Landfill Closure Investigation Summary. Mr.
Maher reviewed the groundwater sampling, water supply sampling, test trench
orogram, explosive gas survey, surface leachate survey, and vector survey. Mr.
Maher would like the Board's comments on the report, and a meeting will be
arranged for him to sit down with them and discuss in depth the landfill closure
10:35 A.M. Reverend Marvin Dozier and Dorothy Wolf, members of the Anti-Bias
Task Force Steering Committee, met with the Town Board to bring them up to date
on what they have been doing during the first year the committee has been in
existence. They presented their recently developed protocol, and the Board placed
a resolution (21) on the agenda to adopt the protocol and their mission statement.
There is also a resolution (3) to reappointment certain members of the Anti-Bias
Task Force Steering Committee, and a resolution (20) to advertise for four new
11:05 A.M. - Former Chief of Police Stanley Droskoski met with the Town Board to
discuss a discrepancy he has with the amount of severance pay he received when
he retired. He presented his case, stating he believes he is owed an additional
$16,000, and might take legal action is the matter isn't resolved in his favor.
On motion of Councilman Moore, seconded by Supervisor Cochran, it was Resolved
that the Town Board enter into Executive Session to discuss the CSEA Memorandum
of Agreement, and proposed new contract. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Supervisor
Cochran, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Oliva, Justice
Evans, Councilman Moore. Also present: Town Clerk Terry, Town Attorney Dowd.
1:15 P.M. Town Board placed a resolution (22) on the agenda to appoint Howard
P. Dickerson to the Southold Town Agricultural Advisory Committee, and a resolution
(23) to appoint Kristen L. Grathwohl as a School Crossing Guard for the
Oysterponds School crossing.
1:25 P.M. - Stuart Lowry, Director of The Nature Conservancy Bioreserve project,
and his associate, met with the Town Board to discuss the 260 acres of land on the
south side of Route 48, east of Albertson Lane, Arshamomaque. Mr. Lowry said
that following a study of the property, it should definitely be saved, and Nature
Conservancy would like to take the lead in coordinating the partners who would
acquire the property. They would be willing to do the appraisals and coordinate
the funding.
1:50 P.M. - Town Board placed resolutions (2q & 25) on the agenda to refer
proposed "Local Law in Relation to New Residential Uses" to the Southold Town
Planning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning.----Councilwoman Hussie
presented a proposal for redesign of the Cutchogue Disposal Area to meet'DEC Part 360
OCTOBER 15, 1996
requirements, and incorporating existing structures in the plan. This will be
discussed again at the October 29th work session.----Supervisor Cochran submitted
a letter from temporary part-time Clerk Typist Ann Morris, who was hired to fill
in while Claire Toy is on maternity leave. Ms. Morris advised Supervisor Cochran
she was under the impression the position was permanent. TISeB0ard reviewed their
recall from the interview with Ms. Morris, and the resolution hiring her, and agreed
she was fi~lly,al~.pri~ed'of~the,natui-e;of the position, and the fact .it will terminate on
December 2, 1996. Supervisor Cochran will convey this to Ms. Morris.----
Memorandum from Supervisor Cochran to Town Trustee President Albert Krupski ~with
regard to engaging the services of several individuals and ordering certain materials
for several drainage projects, in violation of the Town's prescribed Procurement
Policy.----Councilman Moore will set a date to interview Erich Haesche, applicant
for the vacant Landmark Preservation Commission position, and notify the ,B~ard. He
will also set a date for the organizational meeting of the new Police Advisory
Committee.----Letter from Suffolk County Executive Gaffney asking for the Town
to officially designate addi~tional parcels for inclusion in the program for acquisition
with Suffolk County Dri:nking Water Protection Program funds (resolution 26). ....
Board placed two resolutions (27 8 28) on the agenda to adopt a Negative DeClaration
in the matter of the change of zone of Riverhead 13uilding Supply CoYp., and to set
a public hearing on the petition for November 12th.
2:45 P.M. Town Board reviewed the resolutions to be voted on at the 7:30 P.M.
Regular Meeting.
3:10 P,M. - Work Session adjourned.
A Regular Meeting] of the Southold Town Board was held on October
15, 1996, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York.
Supervisor Cochran opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with"the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran
Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie
Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr.
Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva
Justice Louisa P. Evans
Councilman William D. Moore
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Town Attorney Laury L. Dowd
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: May I have a motion for the approval of the audit
of bills for October 15, 19967
Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that' the followin~l bills be and hereby are ordered paid:
General Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of $90,618.73; General Fund
Part Town bills in the amount of $13,65[t.~6; Highway Fund Whole Town bills
in the amount of $3,700.5q; Highway Fund Part Town bills in the amount of
$2¢5,07[t.53; Capital Projects Account bills in the amount of $16,100.00;
Employees Health Benefit Plan bills in the amount of $23,23/~.52; Fishers
Island Ferry District bills in the amount of $10,3~t9.~2; Refuse F, Garbage
District bills in the amount of $70,101~. 85; Southold Wastewater District
bills in the amount of $9,3tt5.27; Southold Agency & Trust bills in the
amount of $[t,321.11; Fishers Island Ferry District Agency and Trust bills in
the amount of $71~.73.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Approval of the minutes of October t, 19967
t 42 OCTOBER 1996
Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of October 1, 1996, Town Board meeting be
and hereby are approved.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Settlng the date for the next Town Board meeting.
Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southold Town Board
will be held at 4:30 P.M., Tuesday, October 29, 1996, at the Southold
Town .Hall, Southold, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman
Supervisor Cochran.
This ,resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: As you can see from the agenda we have many
reports listed. These reports are on file in the Town Clerk's Office, and
they are available to the public if they are so interested during regular
business hours.
1. Southold Town Building Department Monthly Report for
September, 1996.
2. Southold Town Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility Monthly Report
for September, 1996.
3. Southold Town Justice Bruer Monthly Court Report for
September, 1996.
Lawrence Healthcare Town Monthly Report for September, 1996.
5. Lawrence Healthcare PBA Monthly Report for September, 1996.
6. Southold Town Clerk's Monthly Report for September, 1996.
7. Southold Recreation Department Monthly Report for September,
8. Southold Town Trustees Monthly Report for September, 1996.
9. Southold Town Justice Evans Monthly Court Report for
September, 1996.
10. Southold Town Justice Price Monthly Court Report for September,
11. Southold Town Community Development Monthly Report for
September, 1996.
12. Southold Town Police Department Monthly Report for September,
13. Southold Town Investigator's Monthly Report for September, 1996.
1. New York State Department of Transportation Notice of Order
establishing a No Stopping Anytime restriction at the entrance to the Cross
Sound Ferry Parking Lot on Route 25, Orient, Town of Southold.
2. New York State Department of Public~Service regarding study of
Regulation of Cable Television Service in New York State, and hearing
consumers' comments.
1. Michael DesGaines Environmental Educato'r for Cornell Cooperative
Extension thanking Supervisor Cochran for meeting with him to discuss
On-Farm Composting Program.
2. East End Seaport F, Marine Foundation Festival Committee thanking
Southold Town Employees for participating in 1996 Greenport Maritime
OCTOBER 15, 1996
1. 8:00 P.M. on a proposed "Local Law in Relation to Lake Drive".
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: The Town Board has a policy that if there is any
conversation or any remarks you would like to address the Board as far as
resolutions are concerned, that happens at the time of the resolutions. If
there ~s general information or a topic you would like to have input, and
that comes at the end of the meeting after all our regular business. We
will be stopping at eight o'clock tonight for a public hearing on a Local
Law in Relation to Lake Drive, a stop sign. In addition to the Reports we
have Public Notices and Communications as a part of our agenda. If I may
we will begin with the resolutions.
1.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to sign the 1997 Program
application for the Southold Town Youth Services Program.
1 .-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice EvanS,
CouncilWoman Otiva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I want to take just a moment because I neglected
to ask if there is anyone in the audience that would llke to address any of
the resolutions.
PHIL VANBOURGONDIEN: On Number 17 about Youngs Avenue and
Traveler Street as a bus stop, and parking area. Could you explain? Is
that going to be for Sunrise Bus, rather than up here by Feather Hill?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Yes, this all began with some of the merchants
that felt that people traveling to New York, and leaving their car there
first thing in the morning, and not picking it up until night, and of
course, parking in the main parking areas, and we know that Feather Hill
has dwindled down to very few businesses, so the parking nearest their
store, of course, is the most important to them. As we talked about it, and
talked with the Transportation Committee, I suggested that perhaps the bank
would be willing to lease that property to us over on the corner, because
the Transportation Committee is working on making by the train station our
transportation hub. We met with the railroad people, because in the
beginning they weren't open to too many suggestions, as we had as far as
landscaping, and redoing the train station over here. So we did meet with
them on more than one occasion, and we came to a meeting of the mind, and
that will be landscaped. We'll have the lot across the street leased from
the bank. There will be lighting. There will be some benches. There will
be a telePhone. The people using the bus stop will move over there. Mr.
Brown has agreed to that, and it will make it easier for everyone being able
to leave their car if they so desire, to pick up people, people coming off
thb train now at least have the availability of a telephone, and some other
services. We're hoping it wil work out. When it's all finished, I've seen
the plans, it should be quite lovely. The Mattituck station will be redone
at the same time. They're going to be working on Mattituck, also.
PHIL VANBOURGONDEIN: Great. Excellent idea. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Is there anyone else that would tike to speak in
relation to any of the resolutions? (No response.) If not, we will continue
with resolution #2.
,144 OCTOBER 996
2.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies
the General Fund Whole Town 1996 Budget to cover shortfalls in the
Assessor's budget line items:
A1355 . 4. 500. 200 Appraisals $ 2,300.00
A1355.~t. 100. 100 Office Supplies $ 500.00
A1355.tI. 500. 100 Legal Counsel 1,800.00
2.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Eva ns,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran,
3.-Moved- by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
reappoints the following individuals tot he Southold Town Anti-Bias Task
Force - Steering Committee, for-the following terms, they to serve without
October 30, 1996 through October 30. 1997:
Reverend Marvin Dozier, Chairperson
Sabrina Crenshaw
Al Falkowskl
Mark Gagen
Hiller Kahn
October 30. 1996 through October 30. 1998:
Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva
Reverend Lynda Clements
Viola Cross
Dorothy Wolf
3.- Vote. of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
4.- Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southoid hereby
reappoints the following individuals to tt~e Southold Town Substance Abuse
Committee, effective October 2~, 1996 through October 2U, 1997; they to
serve without compensation:
Clement Charnews, Jr., Chairperson
Supervisor Jean W. Cochran
Beth Dzenkowkowski, DARE, JAB
Cynthia Kumelos-Smlth, Fami y Service League
Kathleen McKeighan-Simpson
Elizabeth MacNish
Rory Simpson
4. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
5.-Mbved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for two additional
members for the Southold Town Substance Abuse Committee.
5.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
OCTOBER 15, 1996
6.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussle, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town of the Town of SouthOld hereby reappoints the
following individuals to the Architectural Review Committee and Hamlet
Committee - Robert I. Brown, effective October 17, 1996 through
October 17, 1999; he to serve without compensation.
Hamlet Members - effective October 17, 1996 through October 17,
1998,~ they to serve without compensation:
Fishers Island: Reynolds duPont, Jr.
Orient/East Marion/C;re'enport: Yam Rieger
SoutholdfPecon|c: Edward D. Dart
New Suffolk/Cutchogue: Howard Meinke
Mattituck/Laurel :' (vacancy)
the Town Board: Ayes: Council man Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
6. - Vote of
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
7.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for a Clerk
for the Tax Recelver's office, approximately six (6) weeks during
December/January, and again in May, at a salary of $6.30 per hour.
-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Coch?an.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
8.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute an agreement
between the Town and Eugenia Cherouski (Folk Dancing $17/hour) for
the Fall 1996 Recreation Programs, all in accordance with the approval of
the Town Attorney.
8.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend r Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
9.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva,
WHEREAS, there was presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Southold, on the 15th day of October, 1996, a Local Law entitled, "A Local
Law in Relation to Parking - Goldsmith's Inlet"; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 5:05 P.M., T~'esday, October
29, 1996, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, 'Southold, New York, as
time and place for a public hearing on this Local Law, which reads as
A Local Law in Relation to Parking - Goldsmith's Inlet
BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
I. Chapter 65 (Parking at Beaches) of the Code of the Town of Southold
is hereby amended as follows:
Section 65-2A(6) is hereby amended by addinc~ the following:
(6) Parking area located at the terminus of Mill Road,
Een~j-=l~an~=-~J~ur~d, and both sides south on Mill Road
to the intersection of Second Avenue, Peconic, known
and referred to herein as "Goldsmith's Inlet Beach".
tl. This Local Law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of
* Underline represents additions
Overstrike represents deletions
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans.
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
9. - Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
10.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Ollva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase
of 10,000 yards (More or less as may be needed) of Screened Sand for ice
control and highway maintenance by the Superintendent of Highways.
-Vote ef the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants
permission to the Cutchogue Fire Department to use Depot Lane and New
Suffolk Lane, Cutchogue, for a Halloween Parade, beginning at G:00,
Thursday, October 31, 1996, provided they file with the Town Clerk a One
Million Dollar Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the Town of
Southold as an additional insured.
. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oiiva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
12.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants
permission to Recreation Supervisor Kennett~ Reeves to attend the NYSRPS
"Benefits of Parks and Recreation", a one day seminar to be held on
Monday, December 9, 1996 at Bethpage State Park, and the registration
fee of $57.00 shall be a charge to A7020.4.600.200, Recreation
Administration, Meetings ~, Seminars.
12. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
13.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman OlJva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby, modifies
the General Fund Whole Town 1996 Recreation Department budget as follows:
A7310.~.600.100 Recreation Administration $ ~,00.00
(Youth Bureau-Mailing)
A7020.~. 100.550 (Sports Equipment) $2,600.00
A7310.u,.600. 200 (Youth Expo) $1,039.39
13.~ote of the Town Board: Ayes:
C6uncilwoman Oliva, Councilman
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Recreation Administration $ 600.00
(Office Supplies/Materials
(Temporary/Seasonal Employment) $
(Youth Program Supplies $' 131.55
(Meetings & Seminars) $ 57.00
(Youth Program Instructors) $2,600.00
(Beach Manager/Lifeguard Mileage $ 426.811.
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Huss.ie,
14.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes the closing of Village Lane, Orient, from 1:15 P.M. to 2:00 P.M.,
October 31, 1996, to allow The Oysterponds Union Free School to hold
their annual Halloween Parade; provided they file with tt~e Town Clerk a One
Million Dollar Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the Town of
Southold as an additional insured.
14. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
OCTOBER 15, 1996
15.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to readvertise for members of a
Swimming Pool Feasibility Committee in Ti~e Traveler-Watchman and The
Suffolk Times.
-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor' Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
16.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussle, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts
the bid of Azko Nobel Salt Inc. for supplying the Southold Town Highway
Department with 500 tons (more or less as may be needed) of Bulk Salt
(mineral crushed rock) for Snow and Ice Control, at a price of $1tl.39 per
ton delivered, all in accordance with the bid specifications.
16. - Vote of t:he Town Board: A yes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
CouncilWoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman klussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
17.-Moved bY Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute a License
Agreement between Cutchco Corp. and the Town for a non-exclusive
revokable license to utilize a portion of the property at the southwest
corner Of Youngs Avenue and Traveler Street, Southold, as a bus stop and
parking area, at a license fee for each year the amount equal to the real
estate taxes payable with respect to ti~e property; said License Agreement
all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney.
17 .-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
18.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies
the General Fund Whole town Recreation Department 1996 budget as follows:
F rom:
To '-
A7020.4. 100. 150
Recreation Administration $ 1,029.05
(Beaches/Personal Services)
Youth Program Supplies $ 536.00
Brochure Printing $ 493.05
18.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman OlJva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
19.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Proclaims October 2~, 1996 as UNITED NATIONS DAY in the Town of
SOuthold in recognition of that great international organization formed in
1945 to maintain international peace and security and to achieve
international cooperation 'n solving economic, social, cultural, or
humanitarian problems.
19.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice E~ans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
20.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussle, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for five (5) members of
the Anti-Bras Task Force Steering Committee to fill vacancies.
20. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
21 .-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussle, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby adopts
the following Mission Statement and Protocol for the Southold Town Anti-Bias
Task Force - Steering Committee:
The Anti-Bias Task Force shall promote diversity, unity and understanding
in Southold Town. It is their mission to organize educations and group
activities as well as legal a~d legislative efforts to eliminate all forms
of bias and prejudice.
Serve as liaison between the community, including religious ~nstltutlons,
and government when an issue of bias occurs or is perceived to have
Serve as the community resource to which the public should be
encouraged to turn with complaints about bias-related incidents.
Organize activities and educational forums to help foster good will and
understanding in the diverse Southold population.
The Task Force can act only on specific complaints from individuals or
groups. It has no investigatory or police authority and serves in an
advisory role to individuals, groups or government.
Protocol 1. An individual (or group) complains about a specific incident
directly to the local police, which judges it to be bias-related and, hence,
a crime. PD should report to an established contact on the Task Force.
Task Force, without interfering with police procedures, should monitor
progress. If deemed advisable, Task Force can communicate with the
"aggrieved" an~d offer to assist. This includes outlining additional
government resources that are available. Bias-related incidents should also
be reported to the Suffolk County Human Rights Commission and its
Anti-Bias Task Force.
Protocol 2. If an incident is reported directly to a member of the Task
Force, the indl.vidual or group shall immediately be referred to the Police
Department. After confirmation that it is, in fact, a bias incident, the
Task Force should follow the procedures outlined in Protocol 1, including
reporting the incident to the Suffolk County Human Rights :C:ommlssion and
its Anti-Bias Task Force for guidance and investigation if nature of
incident justifies.
Protocol 3. "Aggrieved" is not satisfied with progress on complaint for
whatever reason. Task Force responsibility is A) attempt to act as
intermediary between parties and resolve differences, and B) inform the
"aggrieved" of further steps he/she can undertake. This includes filing
complaint with the following: 1. Town Board, 2. Suffolk County Human
Rights Commission. 3. Suffolk County Anti-Bias Task Force. /~. New York
State Division of Human Rights, 5. U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights
The role of the Task Force in all of the above is to work with individuals
or groups,, including putting them in touch with appropriate authorities at
each leve of government, and to provide lists of various resources,
including legal services, they may avail themselves of.
21. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, J ustice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Su'pervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I would iust like to say a little something. This
mission statement, and the protocol steps, that we just passed, will be sent
out to many, many agencies, and organizations within the town. It will be
sent to schools. It will be sent to the churches. I think it is important
that, and I'm speaking on behalf of the Board, I think it is important that
the community understand and know what our position is, and, also,
important that they begin to learn the work, and the responsibilities of the
committee. I see Mrs. Wolf here. She was in this morning to discuss this
with the Board, and you are on the committee also, aren't you? You are not
on the committee? Okay, I thought you were, but, thank you for joining us
this evening, and we would like to commend the committee on it's work, and
we certainly will send this around to all the places that should receive
OCTOBER 996 1 49'!
22 .-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Sou:hold hereby appoints
Howard P. Dickerson as a member of the Sou:hold Town Agricultural
Advisory Committee, effective immediately through August 11, 1998, he to
serve without compensation.
22 .-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
23.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED tl3at the Town Board of the Town of Sou:hold hereby appoints
Kristln L. G~athwohl as a School Crossing Guard for the Oysterponds
School, effective immediately, at a salary of $23.39 per day.
23. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Otlva, :Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
24.-Moved by Counc~!man Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED tl~at.0ursuant, to .A. rticle 8 of the Environmental Conservation
Law, State E[nvir~0nmental Quality Review Act, and 6NYCRR Part 617.10,
and Chapter gl~ of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given
that the Soul, hold Town: Board, in conducting an uncoordinated review of
this unlisted action, has determined that there w]ll be no significant
effect on the environment.
DES. CRIPTION OF, A.CTION: Proposed "Local Law in Relation to New
Residential Uses",' which amends Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the
Town of Sou:hold by adding definitions for three types of medical
facilities: Life Care Communities, Continull~g Care Facility and Health Care
Facility, and the definition of Historical Society and Chil'd Care. The
proposal has been determined not to have a significant effect on tt~e
environment because an Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted
and reviewed and the Town Board has concluded that no significant adverse
effect to the environment Es likely to occur should the proposal be
implemented as planned.
24.-Vote of the ~ownl Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oilva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman tttlssie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duty ADOPTED.
25.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore,
WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Sou:hold, on the 15th date of October, 1996, a Local Law entitled, "A
Local Law in Relation to New Residential Uses"; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is directed to transmit
this proposed Local Law to the Sou:hold Town Planning Board and the
Suffolk County Department of Planning for their recommendations and
reports, all in accordance with the Southold mow~ Code and the Suffolk
County Charter. This Local Law reads as follows:
A Local Law. in Relation to New Residential Uses
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Fown of Sou:hold as follows
Chapter 100 (Zoning) of the Code of the Town of Sou:hold is hereby
amended as follows:
1 Section 100-13 is hereby amended by _a_ddin_.g the following definitions:
A structure or series of structures desi..~.ed to provide,
purs~anl to a life care contract, a comprehensive, cohesive
~rrangement for the elderly in accordance with a license
pursuant to New York Public Health Law, Article 46. A Life Care
community may include a tong-term Continuinq Care facility
as an inteqral but accessory service for residents of the Life
Care Community.
An institution that is licensed to provide health care under
medical supervision to in-patients. 'The facility_provides
continuin.q, skilled nursing care on a_lor~-term, extended
basis. May be otherwise known as a nursing home, or hospice.
A structure and premises re.qulated by the State of New York
and used to provide an inteqrated ran.qe of medical and or
SuF.qical servicesi primarily for in-patients on a 24 hour 15asis.
Health services may require surgical facilities._ therapeutic
ar__~__d diagnostic equipment room_~s, cou..n_se_ling_ r_acilitie_s_,
convalescent Care equi_pment and trauma care services.
put-patient clinics an d other forms ct ambulatory health
care facilities may exist as accessory and inteqral services
to the in-patient services. Supporting or accessory uses
may include a kitclien for pre_p_aration qf patient meals, cafeteria
or sr~acld¢Offee shop_ for em~o__y~es and visitor_~s ~gift shop, laundry,
~)hrarmaCy and s_t~ff ~-~-for boo--~-e~, administ'fation -'
medico! records;etc.) May be otherwise known as a .qeaeral or
specialized hosp;i~al, or a rehabilitation center.
An institution devoted to the preservation of information, artifacts.
structures and other evidence of a human community or enterprise
that existed in the past.
A residential structure and pro_p_p_erty used_principally as a
residence, where child care ~s_orovided by the resident for a
total of five (5) or fewer children other than those of the
care.qiver. This use must be in accordance with the requlations
go_vemin.q HOME OCCUPATIONS in this Zoninq Code.
2. Section 100-31(B) 5 is hereby amended by detetinq and adding the
followin g:
(5) Philanthropic. eleemosynary or religious institutions.
eare= health care, continuin.q care, aqd life care facilities, but
excluding facilities for the treatment of al types of drug addiclion.
subject to the following requirements:
3, Section 100-31(B)is hereby amended by adding tine following:
15_ Historical Society_.
4. Section I00-31(C) is hereby amended by adding the following:
11. Child Care.
Section 100-42(a)is hereby amended by a_ddin.q the following:
~_3~.' Continuinq Care and Life Care
OCTOBER 15, 1996
Section 100-42(b) is hereby amended by _a_ddiog the following:
(4). Health Care Facilities.
7. Section 100-42(C)(1) is hereby amended by addin.q the following:
(1/ Accessory uses as set forth in and regulaled by
§100-31 C(1 ) through (7) and (9) _a_ELd_.(._l_l~ of the
Agricultural-Conservation District and subject to
conditions set forth in §100~.33 thereof.
II, This Local Law shall take effect upon filing wlth the Secretary of
* Underline represents additions
Overstrike represents deletions
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Basically it is giving the right for the llfe care
communities, and continuing care facilities, especially as a right in our
hamlet district area, and allowing it as a Special Exemption in tt~e
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I would just like to point out that it's a small
change. We added a couple of definitions, that update the current
institutions we call nursing homes. There are in this country many
facilities that offer different levels of care for people, for elderly
people. As you know Southold has a demographic that i!~ quite largely
elderly, and we feel there is a need for this kind of facility in this
comrnunity. The place where these things would most logically go would be
in our hamlet density districts, where you are allowed the most dense kind
of dwelling, because within the llfe care facilities you have different.
kinds of living arrangements, basical y people that have lived by
themselves, and take care of themselves, and then if that isn't sufficient
they move up to what we call a nursing home, but which we have listed
here, which now is defined as a conth~uing care facility, and from the~"e is
a need for health care, which is known as a hospital. We think it's time for
this. There are people that their corporations are interested in Southold,
and we want to allot a place for them to come. That's why we made this
change. Aisc, we have allowed historical societies to move into residential
areas, because most of them exist there now. So, we are conforming zoning
to conform to the existence of our historical societies. Child care
basically conforms to New York State Law on child care. Anybody that has
five or less is a legal use in their house. That's basically it. I realize
thaUs highly confusing, but that is what this is about.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Joe. Anyone else have a comment? If
not, may w.e have the vote.
25.- Vote of the Town B0ard: Ayes:
Councilwoman OHva, Councilman
Supervisor Cochran.
-I"hJs resolution was duly ADOPTED.
CouncJhnan Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
26.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute an
authorization to the Suffolk County Executive for the acquisition of the
following additional environmentally sensitive parcels under the Suffolk
County Drinking Water Protection Program:
1000-121-~-J-8.2 Barbara Kujawski/WJlliam Rusch .'1.7
1000-121-ll--9.3 Barbara Kujawski 11.7
1000-121-1l-8.1~ Marilyn Catz [1o7
1000-121-5-1.9 Henry Raynor 2.8
26.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councllma~ Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regu atlons
pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review) of the
Environmental Conservatlon Law, the Town Board of the Town of Southold,
as lead agency, has determined that the proposed actlon of Rlverhead
Building Corp. for a change of zone from Hamlet Density (HD) Residential
District to Light Industrial Park/Planned Office Park (LIe)- District on
certain property located on the south side of NYS Route 25, Oreenport,
New York, (SCTM#1000-0q6.00-01.00-002.001) will not have a significant
effect on the environment and that a Draft Environmental Impact Statement
need not be prepared; and be it
FURTBER RESOLVED that this determination is issued in full consideration
of the Criteria for Determination of Significance contained in 6NYCRR Part
617.11, the Long Environmental Assessment Form Parts I, I! and the
following specific reasons:
1. The Tow~ o£ Southold !Planning Board re~iewed the subject application and recommended a
dcclaradon for tho change of zone for the forD'S re~ons: surro~ding properd~ ~e mo~tly
commerdal, thc nature of the usc will not rcquko l~go volumes of water nor~g¢ner~ta large volumes of
~ew~cr. and the ~angc of zone to LIO is in kccping with {ho commcrclal ?-il ~torc~o thc north and
LIO ~ne to the ~t.
2. T~ough ins~ctlon and ~nsulta[ion of environmcntal rcferenc~ it has been determined that the site
doing not eon~ain sensitive environmental resources.
3. The proposed action Mll no~ set signide~[ pre,dent, ss it rcproscn(x a unique seeable,
The ske and location of the subject site makes it less d~rable HD residential uses. in consideration of
adjacent land usus (induding thc giverhcad Building Supply facility to ~e w~st..7-11 convenience store
to the north and the LIRR ~a&g to the south) and in view of the inabilliy to provide adeq,ale
The c~st~g Rlverhuad Building Supply facl ity is considered to be pre-e~st~g and non-conforming ~th
respect to building setba&. Approhmately 3~ linear feet of ehsting s~uctures on thi e~stlng
Rivcrhead Buildlng Supply property are ~thln 5 feet of the common property:6he ~th trio subject site.
Thc c~rent To~ of Southold Zoning ~de ruqulr~ a mhimum side ~rd set~a~ 8f'30 feet in the LIe
zoning distri~, ~ feec ofw~ must be landscaped when adjacent to p~cels zoned HD. If residential
deT~opment on the subject site were to oc~r it may be adversely impacted b- thg lick of'adequate
buffering 6n the adjacent site to the-vest,
6. The proposed action would Ct:trait the expansion of thc ~:~sting building materials storage and sales'use
and would aUow for the better design of the facility, ~th side yard buffers from adi$~nt'resldendal sites
to the east, allowing for a more appropriate transitional zone.
7. ia consideration of site eharacrerNti~ and surrounding land uses. Lie zoning would permit thc highest
and b~t use of ~e subject site.
8. ~Utbough the action was not specifically recommended in recent master plan update3, t~e action appears
cousistent ~th To~ comprehensive pl,nnlng in consideration of site specific
9. Thc proposed a~ion ~ for a change bi zone and flJrihcr re~ew ~nder ~e Planning Board s;te
r=~cw process ~ll be ncccssa~ prior to development of the gubje~ site. At. thaLtime, v~iou.s m~pects of
~e projc~ may be addressed including buffered setbacks, site layout, and locations.of saniia~ and
i0. Frcposed proje~ h not of si~ificntt-m~}ult~:de or impact to warrant the pr¢~a~a~ibn'of ~ ~rnfl
'~11 not ~use a signifi~nt burden on nalural or ~mmunRy t~ourc~.
of Uie To~n Board: Ayes: Just[ce Evans, Councilwoman
tlussle, Supervisor Cochran.
27. -Vote
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman
Abstaln: Councilman Moore.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
28.-Moved by Councilwoman Flussie, seconded I)y Councilwoman Oliva,
WBEREAS, Riverhead Building Supply Corp., by application dated August
9, 1996, petitioned the Town Board of the Town of Southold for a change of
zone on certain property located on the south side of NYS Route 25,
Greenport, New York, from Itamlet Density (HD) Residentlal District to Light
Industrial Park/Planned Office Park (LID) District.; and
WiiEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board and the Suffolk County
Department of Planing have prepared official reports and recommendations on
the aforesaid petition; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets 8:00 P.M., Tuesday,
November 12, 1996, Southold Town Hall, 5809~3 Main Road, Southold, New
York, as time and place for a public hearing on the petition of Riverhead
Lumber Corp. for a change of zone, at which time all interested persons will
be given an opportunity to be t~eard; and be [t
FURTtl/R RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and site hereby is authorized
and directed to cause notice of said hearing to be published in the official
newspaper pursuant to the requirement~ of tile. law.
28.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran.
Abstain: Councilman Moore.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
OCtObEr, 12, 996 1 5
29.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for a
Mattituck/Laurel Hamlet Member for the Architectural Review Committee to
fill a vacancy.
29. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, CouncJlm,n ¥ownsend, Councilwoman Ilussle,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
AMENDED 12/I0/97 by Resolution #12
30.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman HussJe, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold t~ereby grants
permission to the Southold Village Merchants to use Oaklawn Avenue and
Youngs Avenue, Southold, for a parade to bring "Santa" to the Gazebo on
the Town Green, beginning at 3:30 P.M., Saturday, December 7, 1996,
provided they file with the Town Clerk a One Milllbn Dollar Certificate of
Liability Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured.
30. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: May I have a motion to recess for a pubic hearing?
Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it .was
RESOLVED that a recess be called at this time. 8:00 P.M., for the
purpose of holding a public hearing.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Hussie,
SuperVisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Councilman Moore, Justice
Townsend, Councilwoman
Meeting reconvened at 8:03 P.M.
31 .-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie,
WHEREAS, there was presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Southold, on the 1st day of October, 1996, a Local Law entitled, "A Local
law in Relation to Lake Drive"; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board held a pubic hearing on this Local law on the
15th day of October, 1966, at which time all interested persons were given
an opportunity to be heard; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby enacts Local Law No. 18 - 1996,
which reads as follows:
LOCAL LAW NO. 18 - 1996
A Local Law in Relation to Lake Drive
BE IT ENACTED, by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows:
t. Chapter 65 (Parking at Beaches) of the Code of the Town of Southold
is hePeby amended as follows:
1. Section 65-2 (Designation of parking areas requiring permits) is
amended by adding the following:
(B) The following road ends are hereby designated as Town of
Southold "Parking by Southold Town Permit Only" areas:
(16) Lake Drive, Southold, along both side for a distance
of one hundred (100) feet easterly and westerly from
the intersection of Lake Court.
Il. This Local Law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of
Underline represents additions.
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Moving right along at this point if there is any
public comment on any given topic you would like to share with the Board,
this is the opportunity. Is there anyone that would like to address the
Board? Mr. Carlin?
1 5~4~ OCTOBER 15, 1996
FRANK CARLIN: Many of people have said to me, Frank, I haven't seen
you at a Town Board meeting in a long time. Have you been away? No, I've
been waiting for a new set of batteries. They were on special order. So, I'm
here tonight. It's very important this evening that I have the opportunity
to discuss some important matters on this issue, that is going to be taking
place November one in Laurel, as a Laurel resident, and a taxpayer. It's
very important that I'm allowed to express my thought on this issue on the
Mattituck Library revoting decision. It's very important that I'm allowed
to express my thoughts on this.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Frank, may I just say that, that is a special
district, and it's the library district, and you are more than welcome to
make your comments, but these comments should also be directed toward that
FRANK CARLIN: It will be directed towards that district in writing.
Received this flyer here from the Mattituck Library the other day. There is
one comment up above here that says, many of us have been wondering why
the vote for the building project failed, when the majority of the voters
voted, that should have said yes on it. My thoughts on it, back in 1991
the Laurel School had a 1.3 million dollar bond issue for school extension.
It was voted down by the people of Laurel. Maybe they are trying to tell us
something in Laurel. That enough is enough. Enough of school taxes,
enough of library taxes, and especially Laurel School tax. Now let me
explain. I've been hearing, oh, what's SB0.00 a year more added to our
taxes. Let's review a little bit here. A house in Laurel, equal house in
Laurel, an equal house in Mattituck, assessed at $6,000 the Mattltuck house
in Laurel resident will pay $357.00 more in school taxes. On the whole of
North Fork Schools, Laurel will receive a reduction of State Aid in 1997.
We lost $8,000 Laurel did in their school district, when the County bought
88 acres of property east of Alvah's Lane, Suffolk County Water Authority
well over 32 acres of land in C~amp Malowe- For every acre bought by the
Suffolk County Water Authority at Camp Malowe, Laurel School assessment
will lose $155. per acre. I hope the people in Laurel realize it. Lord knows
what our taxes are going to be in Laurel School this year for '97. We have
three Superintendents in there already ira three months. Lord knows What
it'5 going to be. We have the second highest school rate now in the whole
Southold Town. That is why some people in Laurel, especially our se,nlor
citizens who are living on a fixed income, young people who are trying to
raise families, and pay off houses, that $50.00 can mean a lot to them.
That's why. You want to hold a public meeting, don't hold one in the
library. Hold it in the Peconic Civic Center. A school, we all pay school
taxes. You don't have to hold a public meeting in a library. We must get
our elected officials in Albany to pass a bill that will say, one time
school vote only on a budget or bond issue. Joe Sawicki from years back
tried to pass a bill, Bill ff6573, but couldn't get it passed. We need to
have that'. We need to have this second time voting, I call it, no rules
voting techni.c, when you vote the second time around. In 199~ we had to
vote three times for a school budget in Laurel. The second time it went
there was no fine tuning. When somebody puts up a budget the second time
around with no fine tuning to me it's an insult to the people's intelligence
who voted it down. That is exactly what is happening here November 1. I
don't care what Terry Rose said, the President of Mattituck Library. I don't
care what Jeffrey Nickles says, the Director of the Suffolk County Library
System. It is wrong to require the people of Laurel to vote the second time.
We don't vote twice for our President. We don't vote twice for elected
officials. Even the Board of Mattltuck Library only votes once. Why should
the people in Laurel be required to vote twice. It doesn't make sense.
Because it lost by six votes? Let me tell you an example here, our
constitution back in the 1800's, it came to a vote. Two States, Virginia and
New York, they held out. They couldn't get the constitution passed. They
debated it, debated it, and finally at the Virg'nia convention, they voted
it in by a vote of 89 to 79, only ten votes. You had six votes there in
Mattituck. Like I said, no difference is there? New York after finally
debating it had their convention, finally passed it by a margin of 30 to 27,
a difference of only three votes, so why are people saying, it's only six
votes, well, let's vote it again. It's wrong. Period. It's not right to
make these people vote again for something that was voted down. Just like
Joe Tyson fighting for world championship bout, and gets knocked down,
OCTOBER 15, 1996
and..counted out, and gets up, and says, I want another shot. We got to
use logic. Reason, that is what we have to use here. It's not right. I
don't care, llke I said, this is my opinion (tape change) A lot of senior
citizens, that fifty dollars means a lot. Somebody said, oh, it only means
an evening out for dinner. Well, some people can't afford an evening out for
a dinner. We've got to consider what are taxes are going to be in Laurel
and as far as the Laurel School goes, that's our problem with our taxes.
You know, if our school., a comparison, Oysterponds school taxes are half
of ours. It's a better school. That Laurel school was built back in the'
twenties, in fact 1923. I don't think it has a sprinkler system. It has
outlived it's time. I went to a TaxPac meeting two years ago, and I gave
two questions to Senator LaValle. He answered one. This is the one he
answered. I ask about the Laurel School. He said he'd been to Laurel
School, and it should be closed down. This problem might have been
eliminated if both schools, Laurel and Mattituck, were consolidated. We
wouldn't have had this problem, and I'll repeat it again, that I'm going to
say it in writing. It's not fair to the people in Laurel to be required to
vote ,again. To me, it's an insult to their intelligence to people who voted
this thing down. Thank you. Before I leave, one more thing. What do you
thir~k about my new batteries?
SURERVISOR COCHRAN: Wonderful. Energizer bunny. Thank you Frank.
Is .there anyone else that would like to address the Town Board? (No
response.) I call from any reports from the Town Board starting on my left
with Councilman Townsend.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND. I won't take up much time, because I know
that Ruth and Laury have to make it back to vote for the library vote, to
vote on the library in the Greenport-Orlent area. That closes at nine.
Also, Frank, just as a point, if they had stopped after the first count I
wou.ld have won. It was the second count, that I lost on. When you referred
to the vote when I ran against Frank Murphy, and lost by a' few votes, on
first count I won. On the second count, that's when he won. I agree with
you. You should stop after the first count.
FRANK CARLIN: I was going to also mention, if that's the case, if you
make it the way it is now, if you don't stop it, when you run for office
then you lose the election by ten counts, I want another vote. Wouldn't
that! be nice?
SUP. ERVISOR COCHRAN: I think in Joe's case, though, it wasn't a
revote, it was a recount. Ruth?
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Not too much except to just thank the Anti-Bias
Task Force. The members on it have worked so hard in the past year to
really get things together. They set up a protocol. They have set up some
very important meetings, which I will be reporting on, and they will be
getting some publicity for, and my thanks to them for all their work.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Councilman Moore? Louisa, anything from Fishers
Island? Alice?
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: I would like to remind everybody that ten days
from today, which will be Friday, October 25th, the people who do the
Peconlc County feasibility study are going to be here in this year at four
o'clock to answer any questions, and it's really the last opportunity that
we have to ask those questions, that are on the tips of our tongues. So, if
you can make it, please, be here four o'clock on October 25th for the
Peconic County meeting. The people from Philadelphia, who did the study,
will be here to answer the questions. That's all. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Also, my past Town Talk meeting was on Peconic
County, and I had as my guest Tim Kelly from the Suffolk Times, and John
Rusch, a member of the Executive Committee. So, if you have the
opportunity, tune in, but please try to make the public meeting so you can
have any of your ~uestions answered.
OCTOBER 15, 1996
FRANK CARLIN: Can I ask one more question? I just want to say this to
Senator Fred Theile. If Peconic County gets passed you had better make
sure that you have enough Sheriffs, because maybe Mayor Kapell would
get the idea of suing the County for not enough police protection~ like he's
suing Southold Town, then it will mean more money out of the taxpayers
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Frank. I would like to share a
couple of things with you that the Board is working on the preliminary
budget; and we will have another session tomorrow. I attended a meeting at
the Cutchogue Library this past week on Fort Corchaug. They are still
looking for ways to buy additional land over and above what we have set
aside, and we're able to purchase. Also, I attended a meeting on the
Historic Maritime. As you know I have been serving on that committee with
the Secretary of State, and Bernadette Castro from PaFks. We have,
think, two more meetings to go, and then our report has to be sen~ to the
State Legislature for approval. It's really been an interesting committee,
and I have met,a lot of nice people. I attended the EaStern Long ,Island
Roundtable this past Monday night at the college in:Riverhead: The: topic
was the new business incubator which is located in Brookhaven Town. It's
there to help businessmen. Although it just started it'S begi'nni!ng: perk
already. It was interesting, and it should be an asset to the eritire,area.
Then I had the privilege of attending Homecoming Parade in Mattituck, and
help judge the float, and as you saw in the newspaper the SoPhomores bea~t
out the other classes. They were all good, and we would llke to congratulate
them on their 'nvolvement. Then i have lots of little new friends. I had the
opportunity to go to Mattituck School, and speak to the second grade, Mi~S
Dickerson's class. The topic was, why it's important to' vote, and these
are second graders, and it was interesting, they have ~ ab0u~
the campaign, about the candidates. I said to them, they ' watch
the news every night for at least five minutes just to begin ~p the
habit, and they all told me how boring that was. But, they were great. I
really enjoyed it, so I have a lot of new friends in that a~ea. I would
just llke to say that sometime the role of the Supervisor is t6 bring people
or groups together to work together. Now, we've had problem in the
Mattituck area for a long, long time at the Inlet, as far a~~ ~he dunes are
concerned. The property belongs to the Mattituck Park Dist[rict, and the
four wheel drive buggies come down from Riverhead, and ride the beach,
and break down the dunes, and I think it's about fifteen, sixteen acres:.
The neighbors have been complaining for many, many years about th~s. The
Park District has had great difficulty in trying to enforce, or keep people
out with these vehicles, so I am meeting, and brought together the Mattltuck
Park District, the New York State DEC, and representative of the neighbors
in that area. Then after bringing them together, and they are going tp
begin to work together, I stepped back. My roe was finished_. B~t, they
are now workir~g together to try to solve the problem. The DEC is possibly
interested in obtaining, leasing, or obtaining that property. They have the
mechanism .in. place to protect it in a better way than it has been protected
in the past. So, it"s gratifying to know that you can bring different
groups together, and get them to work, and communicate, and then step
back, and let them carry the ball, and I wish them good luck in their
committee, and their findings, and hopefully something good would come out
of it. Having nothing else this evening. I'll say good night. Thank you-for
joining us, and a motion to adjourn.
Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at
8:25 P.M.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.