HomeMy WebLinkAboutLazos, Christopher TM, � PJUL 2 3 2024 � Office of the Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone: 631-765-1939 Facsimile: 631-765-6639 MEMORANDUM To: Glenn Goldsmith, President Trustees From: Amy Schlachter, Confidential Secretary Date. July 2024 Subject: CEHA Decision — Lazos Attached please find the Town Board Decision. Thank you! Ld JUL 2 3 2024 COASTAL EROSION HAZARD BOARD OF REVIEW TOWN BOARD: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 4 �z .. r . In the Matter of the Application of DETERMINATION FOLLOWING PUBLIC HEARING of Christopher Lazos and Marissa Lazos --_-......_........__------------ --.,....__.---- -x PRESENT: Albert J. Krupski, Jr., Supervisor Louisa P. Evans, Councilwoman Jill Doherty, Councilwoman Brian O. Mealy, Councilman Greg Doroski, Councilman Anne Smith, Councilwoman APPLICANT: Christopher Lazos and Marissa Lazos, c/o Patricia Moore, Esq., 51020 Main Road, Southold,New York. LOCATION: 1200 Leeton Drive, Southold,New York SCTM# 1000-59-1-1 ZONE: R-40 Residence District- Coastal Erosion Hazard Area- VE Flood Zone RELIEF REQUESTED: Appeal of Administrative Decision of the Board of Town Trustees under Chapter I I I of the Southold Town Code, for: (i)proposed third-story addition 36.4' by 34.4' (1,077 square feet) to existing dwelling; (ii)proposed three-story stairway access addition enlarging the footprint of the existing dwelling; (iii)proposed lot coverage of 37.3% where 20% is permitted; and(iv)proposed gross floor area of 3,066 square feet where 2,100 square feet is permitted; all to be located within the VE Flood Zone and Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. DETERMINATION: The April 25, 2024 determination of the Southold Town Board of Trustees, acting in their capacity of Administrator of the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Law(Chapter 111), is hereby Affirmed. PROCEDURAL HISTORY Applicants are the owners of a substandard parcel in the R-40 Residence District, measuring 16,595 square feet where 40,000 square feet is required. The lot is located in a VE Flood Zone and Coastal Erosion Hazard Area(CEHA). The parcel is improved with a 2-story dwelling, 36.4' by 34.4' with attached decks and shed in accordance with Certificate of Occupancy Z10232 dated October 31, 1980. The Board notes that the dwelling was previously moved and forced to retreat to the south after suffering storm related damage. The dwelling pre-dates FEMA requirements and maintains a habitable ground level. Development proposals in the CEHA are regulated by Chapter I I I of the Town Code. Applicants require a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area(CEHA) Permit to proceed with their plan to significantly enlarge the dwelling and increase its footprint. Chapter 111 of the Town Code regulates such development activity in coastal areas so as to minimize or prevent damage or destruction to man-made property, natural protective features and other natural resources and to protect human life. The application for a CEHA permit was referred to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Coordinator, whose written comment dated November 15, 2023 was made part of the underlying record. Following a review of the development plan, the LWRP Coordinator determined that the applicants' development plan, to add a third habitable floor on this dwelling that sits within a primary dune, to be inconsistent with LWRP policy standards, due to the environmentally sensitive nature of its primary dune and FEMA Flood Zone VE location. Notably, applicants offered no expert testimony on these issues. While a representative of Cole Environmental did appear during the Trustee's second hearing on April 17, 2024, the testimony of this witness did not deny impacts to the dune and protective area, but indicated only that such impacts could be mitigated by "reducing the width of the footpath to the beach to 4 feet" and installing an I/A waste water system. No attempt was made to address the potential impacts of the proposed increased dwelling footprint,proposed increased lot coverage, proposed new three-story addition or proposed new 3rd story addition on the existing structure. Upon the application of Christopher Lazos and Marissa Lazos for a permit to increase the footprint and add an oversized addition to the dwelling located in this environmentally sensitive parcel in a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area(CEHA), the Southold Town Board of Trustees conducted public hearings on November 15, 2023 and April 17, 2024. The record included the submissions of the applicants, in addition to the written comment of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP) Coordinator. The Board of Trustees conducted a field inspection at the time of the application for the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area permit. Field inspection revealed that the dwelling was situated in the primary dune. The Trustees noted "[w]hen we did field inspections there is actually a retaining wall on the north side right in front of that basement, to prevent sane from going into the basement,because that dune wants to migrate into that house and it cannot due to the construction of the house. So it is creating an environmental hazard and affecting the environment and the habitat, and it is a primary dune we would like to protect". (See, Board of Trustees hearing record dated November 15, 2023). On April 25, 2024, this application for a CEHA permit was denied. In pertinent part, the Trustees denial was based on a determination that the extensive, proposed development would have a detrimental effect upon the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the Town, in that it would be located within and cause disturbance to, a protective primary dune. (See, Board of Trustees Determination dated April 25, 2024). Applicants now appeal that determination to the Town Board, acting in its capacity as Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Review. Unrelated to this proceeding, the record also indicates that the companion application of the applicants for a wetlands permit was also denied by the same Board of Trustees action of April 25, 2024. Christopher Lazos and Marissa Lazos have instituted a court action challenging that determination. In accordance with Town Code Section 111-25, applicants appeal the denial of their request for a CEHA permit to the Town Board in its capacity as the Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Review. The public hearing on this appeal was conducted by the Town Board on July 2, 2024. The record includes the underlying record of the Board of Town Trustees, in addition to the Application for Appeal dated May 17, 2024. On July 16, 2024,the Board voted unanimously to affirm the determination of the Town Board of Trustees and to deny the applicants' appeal. DE ERMINATION ON APPEAL Upon all of the evidence submitted and the testimony adduced at the public hearing conducted in connection with this application, and upon due deliberation thereon,the Town Board, in its capacity as the.Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Appeals, hereby finds as follows: FIRST: Applicants propose a development plan which increases the footprint of their home, increases lot coverage on the parcel and adds a full, habitable third-story to the dwelling. As proposed, applicants' dwelling would be precedent setting, as the only dwelling with three habitable stories in the entire neighborhood. Applicants seek a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Permit because this large-scale development is proposed in an environmentally sensitive area, involving a dwelling that is located within a primary protective dune and in a FEMA VE Flood Zone. Specifically, applicants' development plan includes the following: - Removal of a portion of the second-floor deck wrap around deck; Removal of existing 1,374 sq ft dwelling roof, i IL.. 2 3 2024 Construct a new 36.4' by 34.4' (1,077.5 sq. ft)third floor addition; - Construct a new 12' by 34.5' (412.3 sq ft)third floor wood deck; - Construct a new 3-story addition 7.6' by 15.4' (115 sq. ft.) increasing the existing footprint of the dwelling. Applicant does not contest that this collective activity would disturb the protective primary dune. The Board notes that the entire parcel is low lying and the applicant proposes this development activity within the high- risk flood prone VE Flood Zone. SECOND: By decision dated April 25, 2024, the Board of Trustees denied a CEHA permit for applicants' large scale development plan, finding that the proposal would have a deleterious effect to the fragile Coastal Erosion Hazard Area,making it more susceptible to erosion by wind, currents and extreme weather conditions. THIRD: The applicants are therefore before the Town Board seeking an appeal from the denial of the Board of Trustees. As such, the application is therefore considered under Section I I I of the Town Code. That Chapter designates the Town Board as the Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Review, requiring it to decide appeals on the issue of whether the Trustees erred in applying the following criteria: A. No reasonable, prudent, alternative site is available. B. All reasonable means and measures to mitigate adverse impacts on natural systems and their functions and values have been incorporated into the activities design at the property owner's expense. C. The development will be reasonably safe from flood and erosion damage. D. The variance requested is the minimum necessary to overcome the practical difficulty or hardship which was the basis for the requested variance. E. Where public funds are utilized, the public benefits must clearly outweigh the long-term adverse effects. [Southold Town Code § 111-20] AVAILABLE REASONABLY PRUDENT ALTERNATIVE SITES FOURTH: Applicants contend that the only alternative to the development plan is to demolish the existing dwelling. Notwithstanding,the Board finds that the applicants have feasible alternatives to the proposed development plan by the internal modification of the existing two-story dwelling to accommodate the asserted need for additional bedroom space. [ 6 ,sJ A 23 202.4 , ALL REASONABLE MANS OF MITIGA ICI HAVE BEEN INCORPORATED FIFTH: Applicant proposes to reduce the width of a beach path to a 4-foot width and add an I/A waste water system at the premises. Only the proposed new 3-story addition would be constructed with breakaway walls to minimize erosion and damage to life and property in emergency weather conditions. No mitigation is proposed to the existing two-story dwelling. SIXTH: While applicants' claim that this new third-story, 1,077 square foot addition, is a `non-major' improvement which does not require the incorporation of mitigation to the existing two-story dwelling,this argument is misplaced. The Trustees were entitled to consider the lack of such mitigation in its determination of whether to issue a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area permit for the substantial development proposed,which would increase the footprint and square footage of this dwelling and add a new third-story. The Board notes that a primary dune is the primary natural protection against flooding and erosion. Large disturbance of such areas has a negative effective on surrounding areas. The incorporated mitigation falls short of counteracting such negative effects. As such,the Board finds that it was reasonable for the Trustees to rely upon their field inspection, the LWRP inconsistency and the lack of adequate mitigation in denying applicants' request for a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Permit. THE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOOD AND EROSION DAMAGE. SEVENTH: On this issue,the record is devoid of any expert testimony on behalf of the applicant. It was therefore reasonable for the Trustees to have accepted the conclusion of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator, that the project is inconsistent with the LWRP, that the parcel is located in the FEMA Flood Zone VE which makes it highly susceptible to frequent storm surge with wave action, that loss of structures will occur overtime, that structures in these areas should be minimized and not expanded and that the breach of the lot coverage limit sets a precedent of potential loss in this structural hazard area. Upon consideration of the record, the Board finds that the Trustees did not err in determining that the proposed development plan fails to address flood and erosion considerations. TIDE VARIAN+ E RIB UESTED 1S "THE MINIMUM NECESSARY EIGHTH: Applicants do not address this issue at the time of the Trustee hearing and it was reasonable for the Trustees to determine that the proposed development plan is not the minimum relief required. On appeal, applicants' representative contends that"construction over the existing �' dwelling is the minimum construction which maintains the existing conditions of the property. . . " The Board finds this unsupported claim to fall short of the required showing. NINTH: In determining the minimum relief necessary, an applicant must establish that the size and scale of the development proposal in a protective area is the minimal relief necessary to overcome the hardship or practical difficulty. As proposed, the footprint and lot coverage of the residence would increase, and the structure would be precedent setting with three habitable stories. CONCLUSION In accordance with the powers vested with this Board pursuant to §220-24 of the Code, as the Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Review, to hear, approve with modification or deny requests for variances or to affirm, wholly or partly, or modify the order, requirement, decision, or determination of the Administrator, by written decision, after public hearing,the Board hereby concludes as follows: The Administrative determination of the Board of Trustees is hereby affirmed. Applicants' proof failed to establish the lack of reasonable alternatives,that all responsible means and measures to mitigate adverse impacts on natural systems and their functions and values have been incorporated into the activities design,that the development will be reasonably safe from flood and erosion damage and that the variance requested is the minimum necessary to overcome the practical difficulty or hardship which was the basis for the requested variance. Therefore, upon motion duly made and seconded, the members of the Board present and having voted to affirm the administrative decision of the Board of Trustees and deny the appeal, the application is accordingly denied. Dated: July 16, 2024 Albert J I ��ki, Jr., 'uperv�sor RESOLUTION 2024-643 SCHEDULED DOC ID: 20457 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2024-643 WAS SCHEDULED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DULY 16,2024: WHEREAS, Applicants Christopher Lazos and Marissa Lazos appeal to the Town Board, in its capacity as Coastal Erosion Board of Review, following a denial by the Board of Trustees of a Coastal Erosion Hazard Area(CEHA) Permit to construct certain additions and modifications to their dwelling located at 1200 Leeton Drive, Southold,New York(SCTM 1000-59-1-1) under Section I I I of the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Law(The ?Law?); and WHEREAS, on May 17, 2024, applicants submitted an application to the Town Board of the Town of Southold seeking to appeal the determination of the Board of Trustees, or in the alternative, seeking a variance from the requirements of the Law; and WHEREAS, on July 2, 2024 the Town Board conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the instant appeal with an opportunity for all interested parties to be heard and testimony was taken of the applicants? consultant; now, therefore, be it: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold does hereby adopt the Findings and Determination dated July 16, 2024, affirming the Board of Trustees denial of a CEHA Permit and denying applicants? appeal. Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk c, Af�"If � `Vil Glenn Goldsmith,President ®g S0 Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ®� ®�® P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski Southold,New York 11971 Liz Gillooly G Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples ® a® Fax(631) 765-6641 c®UNTI,� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 25, 2024 Anthony Portillo AMP Architecture P.O. Box 152 Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: CHRISTOPHER & MARISSA LAZOS 1200 LEETON DRIVE, SOUTHOLD SCTM# 1000-59-1-1 Dear Mr. Portillo: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its Regular meeting held on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, AMP Architecture on behalf of CHRISTOPHER & MARISSA LAZOS applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, and Chapter 111 of the Southold Town Code, Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas, application dated June 28, 2023, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator recommended that the proposed applications be found Inconsistent with the LWRP, and specifically Inconsistent with the following coastal policies: Policy 4.1 Minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards. The Coastal Erosion Hazard Line splits the parcel with a shift landward to account for the no seawall area. Part of the single-family residence and deck are located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 4.2 — Protect and restore natural protective features. Natural protective geologic features provide valuable protection and should be protected, restored and enhanced. Destruction or degradation of these features should be discouraged or prohibited. New construction is prohibited in natural protective feature areas (primary dune). Only non-major additions to existing 2 structures are allowed on beaches or primary dunes. The distance from the proposed actions to the natural protective feature (primary dune) is 0 feet; a minimum setback distance of 100 feet is required pursuant to Chapter 275-3; and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on November 15, 2023 and April 17, 2024, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in'question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the structure, as applied for does not comply with the standards set forth in Southold Town Code Chapter 275-12 A. Adversely affect the wetlands of the Town; and Chapter 275-11 A (8); No structures on beaches, bluffs or dunes unless approved by the Board at its discretion based on its site inspection. Including but not limited to shading of the dunal rea; increased danger of flood and storm damage; weakening and undermining of lateral lands; adversely effecting wetlands of the Town; adversely effecting natural habitat. This is considered a large addition to an already overburdened property; and WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the request, as applied for, will have a detrimental effect upon the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, ' and, adversely weaken or undermine the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity; and WHEREAS, the structures, as applied for, do not comply with the standards set forth in the Southold Town Code, Chapter 111-9 A. Is reasonable and necessary, considering reasonable alternatives to the proposed activity and the extent to which the proposed activity requires a shoreline location; 111-13 A. (5) Nonmajor additions to existing structures are allowed on primary dunes pursuant to a coastal erosion management permit and subject to permit conditions concerning the location, design and potential impacts of the structure on the primary dune; Chapter 111 does not prohibit non-major additions to the primary dune, however it is case specific and each proposed project needs to be carefully reviewed against the projected harm to the protected feature; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that for foregoing reasons, and because the proposed action is located within the coastal erosion hazard area and at or on a primary dune area, and because the proposed action is not permitted in such area pursuant to Chapters 275 and 111 of the Town Code, that the Trustees deem the proposed project to be impermissible under Chapter 275 and Chapter 111, and, 3 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for the foregoing reasons, and the Failure of the applicant to address the concerns of the Board listed at the public hearing of November 15, 2023, taking into account the Inconsistent report by the LWRP; the Board of7rustees DENIES the Wetland and Coastal Erosion Permit application of CHRISTOPHER & MARISSA LAZOS for the existing two-story dwelling consisting of a 36.4'x34.4' (1,249sq.ft.) ground floor to remain; existing 36.4'x34.4' (1,249sq.ft.) second floor; existing 5.7'x20' (113sq.ft.) second floor front wood deck to remain; remove a 7.6'x15.4' (115sq.ft.) portion of existing second floor wrap around deck with existing 3.11'x30.2', 11.10'x34.4', 7.6'x32.10' (769sq.ft. total) wrap-around second floor deck to remain; remove existing 1,374sq.ft. roof and construct a 36.4'x34.4' (1,077.5sq.ft.) third floor addition and 12'x34.5' (412.3.sq.ft.) third floor wood deck; construct a 7.6'x15.4' (115sq.ft.) three story addition with ground floor section to be structural supports with break-away walls, second and third floors to be habitable spaces; install an I/A OWTS.sanitary system landward of dwelling; and to install two (2) 8' wide by 2' deep drywells to contain roof runoff); and as depicted on the site plan prepared by AMP Architecture, received on November 2, 2023; and the site plan prepared by Cole Environmental Services, Inc., received on April 2, 2024. This determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Very truly yours, ,�L 64"- Glenn Goldsmith, President Board of Trustees GG/dd OFFICE B . STRUNK P L L C 37 Windmill Lane,Southampton,NY 11968 MAILING P.O.Box 5087,Southampton,NY 11969 Phone(631)482-9925 Fax(631)482-9924 nica@nicabstrunk.com nicabstrunk.com April 17, 2024 _ Board of Town Trustees Town of SoutholdAPR 2024 Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Application of Christopher and Marissa Lazos for a Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit at 1200 Leeton Drive, Southold Dear President Goldsmith and Members of the Board of Trustees: I respectfully submit this letter on behalf of my clients, Christopher and Marissa Lazos, applicants to this Board for a wetland and coastal erosion permit. Mr. and Mrs. Lazos seek a permit to construct an additional floor on top of their existing two-bedroom home, for the purpose of adding three additional bedrooms to accommodate their family, which includes three children. They also seek a permit to construct a three-story addition with a footprint of approximately 116 s.f., consisting of a new stairway, which is needed to reach the proposed additional floor. The Lazos home preexists the Town's wetlands and coastal erosion regulations, having received a certificate of occupancy for an addition to the dwelling as far back as 1966. This Board does not have the power to require the Lazos' preexisting home to be elevated above the base-flood elevation for the applicable FEMA flood zone. My understanding from my review of the minutes of the last public hearing on this application is that the Board may take the position that the existing structure should be elevated above the base flood elevation applicable in the FEMA flood-hazard zone. But the Town Building Inspector has already determined that such elevation is not required pursuant to Chapter 148 ("Flood Damage Prevention") of the Town Code, because this project does not constitute a "substantial improvement' that would trigger the application of such elevation requirements. NICA B . STRUNK P L L C i April 17, 2024 APH 1 7 202 Page 2 z The Building Inspector's determination is not subject to review by this Board. The Town Board has explicitly delegated the determination of a project's compliance with FEMA flood zones to the Building Inspector alone. See Town Code § 148-11. Any appeal from the Building Inspector's determination with respect to FEMA compliance must be made to the Zoning Board of Appeals. See Town Code § 148-22. This Board does not have the power to vary the detennination already made by the Building Inspector with respect to the issue of FEMA compliance. Municipal authorities have no inherent land-use power, but exercise such power only by legislative grant; otherwise, their actions are ultra vices and void. Kamhi v. Planning Bd of Yorktown, 59 N.Y.2d 385, 389 (1983). See also Commco Inc. v. Amelkin, 62 N.Y.2d 260 (1984) (ZBA has exclusive power to grant variances and Town Board could not intrude on that power). Here, the Town Board has delegated the authority to detennine a project's compliance with FEMA to the Building Inspector. This Board has not been delegated any power to require compliance with FEMA base-flood elevations. Accordingly, it is respectfully submitted that any attempt by this Board to enforce FEMA elevation requirements as part of a coastal-erosion or wetlands permit would be ultra vices and void. The proposed project is entitled to a Coastal-Erosion Hazard Permit, subject to reasonable conditions. The proposed project would increase the footprint of the existing dwelling by 5.1%, making this a nonmajor addition, which does not qualify as a "regulated activity" under Town Code § 111-6. Town Code § I I 1-13(A)(5) provides that such nonmajor additions are allowed, subject to reasonable conditions, in this primary dune area: -Nonmajor additions to existing structures are allowed on primary dunes pursuant to a coastal erosion management pen-nit and subject to pen-nit conditions concerning the location, design and potential impacts of the structure on the primary dune." (Emphasis added.) Here, the Board has expressed concern that the existing structure, with habitable space at ground level, may be impeding the existing primary dune in some manner. But the existing structure is not before this Board for approval. The Board's purview here is to consider the impact of the regulated activity for which a permit is sought— i.e., the proposed nonmajor addition. In this case, there is no evidence to suggest that the proposed additional story and the small staircase addition (which will comply with P L L C E 1 7 2024 April 17, 2024 Page 3 FEMA base flood elevation requirements) will have any impact whatsoever upon the primary dune. Accordingly, this nonmajor addition is entitled to approval, subject only to reasonable conditions that rationally relate to the impact of the proposed addition. There is no authority for the Board to require any changes to the existing, long-permitted structure. The proposed project is entitled to a wetlands permit under Chapter 275 of the Town Code. The wetlands laws of this State recognize that the maintenance of pre-existing nonconforming uses and structures is a matter of vested rights, which are constitutionally protected. See Town ofSomers v. Comarco, 308 N.Y. 537 (t955) (° [g]enerally, nonconforming uses and structures are constitutionally protected and permitted to continue, notwithstanding the attempted contrary provisions of a new or amended zoning ordinance"); Keller v. Haller, 226 A.D.2d 639 (2d Dept 1996) ("[i]t is the law of this state that nonconforming uses or structures, in existence when a zoning ordinance is enacted are, as a general rule, constitutionally protected and will be permitted to continue, notwithstanding the contrary provisions of the ordinance"). When the tidal wetlands laws of the State of New York were enacted, the legislature was careful to ensure that the new restrictions would not impair the vested rights of properties improved with pre-existing structures in proximity to wetlands. In the State tidal wetlands regulations, 6 N.Y.C.R.R. § 66 1.10 ("Existing land use and development"), the legislature provided that structures lawfully preexisting the adoption of the wetlands laws were entitled to be maintained: "(a) No provision of this Part shall be deemed to prohibit or require the removal of any land use and development, including any structure, lawfully in existence on August 20, 1977." While the State has authorized delegation of freshwater wetlands regulation to local governments (see ECL § 24-0703), it has not authorized delegation of tidal wetlands regulation. See Warren 's Weed § 152.03 ("The state program relating to freshwater wetlands may be administered by a unit of local government, whereas no provision is made for delegating the program relating to tidal wetlands.") NICA STRUNK B . P L L C P R 1 7 202 April 17, 2024 Page 4 u To the extent that the Town of Southold regulates tidal wetlands, therefore, it does so by virtue of its home-rule powers under N.Y. Const. Art. IX, § 2(c) and Municipal Home Rule Law § 10(1). Importantly, however, those home-rule powers allow a municipality to adopt local laws or ordinances that are not inconsistent with State law. As the Court of Appeals has explained: "[i]nconsistency is not limited to cases of express conflict between State and local laws. . . . It has been found where local laws prohibit what would be permissible under State law, . . . or impose prerequisite additional restrictions on rights under State law, . . . so as to inhibit the operation of the State's general laws." Consolidated Edison Co. v. Town of Reel Hook, 60 N.Y.2d 99, 108 (1983) (internal citations and quotations omitted). Thus, this Board's wetlands regulations must be consistent with State wetlands regulations, and they must protect a property owner's vested rights to maintain preexisting, nonconforming structures, such as the Lazos' home. Consistent with that legal framework, Chapter 275 of the Town Code empowers this Board to issue wetlands permits for "operations" performed in wetlands a term defined in Town Code § 275-2. The "operation" at issue here is the proposed addition to the existing dwelling. That is the only activity subject to review in connection with this application. The maintenance of the existing structure is not the subject of this application. Town Code § 275-12 (`Standards for issuance of permit") states that the "Trustees may adopt a resolution directing the issuance of a permit to perform operations applied for only if it determines that such operations will not substantially: A. Adversely affect the wetlands of the Town. B. Cause damage from erosion, turbidity or siltation. C. Cause saltwater intrusion into the fresh water resources of the Town. D. Adversely affect fish, shellfish or other beneficial marine organisms, aquatic wildlife and vegetation or the natural habitat thereof. E. Increase the danger of flood and stone-tide damage. F. Adversely affect navigation on tidal waters or the tidal flow of the tidal waters of the Town. G. Change the course of any channel or the natural movement or flow of any waters. H. Weaken or undermine the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity. I. Otherwise adversely affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the Town. NICA STRUNK B . P L L C April 17, 2024 APR 20 Page 5 J. Adversely affect the aesthetic value of the wetland and adjacent areas." There is no evidence to suggest that the proposed additional story and new stairway with a 116 s.f. footprint — the only "operations" that are the subject of this application — will have any of those enumerated adverse impacts. Accordingly, the wetlands permit should be granted. The LWRP Memo contains no specific findings that would support the denial of a coastal erosion or wetlands permit. The LWRP Memo does not provide a basis for this Board to deny either a coastal erosion or wetlands pen-nit. The memo states: "the proposed structure and sanitary system are located within FEMA flood zone VE El 13; a structural high hazard area with a 1% chance of annual flooding with wave velocity. In reality, flooding occurs on a more frequent level. Structure[s] in these areas should be minimized, not expanded." This conclusory statement finds no support in the Town Code. In fact, it is inconsistent with the provisions of Chapter 111 of the Town Code, which affirmatively allovvs nonmajor additions to structures on primary dunes. As for the requested wetlands permit, the sole reference thereto in the LWRP Memo states: "The distance from the proposed actions to the natural protective feature (primary dune) is 0 feet; a minimum setback distance of 100 feet is required pursuant to Chapter § 275-3." This statement is incorrect. Section 275-3(D) of the Town Code ("Setbacks") provides minimum setbacks from "Wetland boundary or bank' and "Top of bluff." It does not provide a minimum setback from a primary dune. Thus, the LWRP Memo contains no findings that would support the denial of a wetlands permit or coastal erosion pennit. Conclusion The proposed addition is the only activity for which coastal erosion and wetlands permits are needed or sought, and it is the impact of the proposed addition alone that is properly considered in connection with the pending applications. The applicants are entitled to maintain the ground floor of their existing dwelling, as a matter of vested NICA STRUNK P L L C April 17, 2024 Page 6 rights. Because the Building Inspector has determined that the proposed addition does not constitute a "substantial improvement," the dwelling is not required to be elevated to the base-flood elevation of the FFMA flood-zone district. That determination is not subject to review by this Board. There is no evidence to support a detennination that the proposed addition will have anv adverse impact upon coastal erosion or wetlands. For all of these reasons, the coastal erosion and wetlands permit applications of Christopher and Marissa Lazos should be granted in full. Respectfully submitted, /'/ ZA;�_ Nica B. Strunk PR1i' '0 � TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM 'l lr I(wrx t,so 6ltold, ;Cod t>t,;t tttic iiobilatt„� iqflxst eif tsttct, t€}tt ditc lets€trio€z �n�al,Ist. t ,ra�cP t t�J31sr ct,m i 1 t .Ii t€tx t of tfrE C#?rri r...i r,1,tr, tcl ,tryfitrsa,tstartwa<lrrtltrt_sl rt t17 Ettt;tt lr>s,�.t li[�_c,rrrEtEctw4itcr wt, rti_<+1li�cy ;[totits, tg eta6 s..irtatr i litre c<s,rs-�y°tc>�zt ski<t E�rr�ca. YOUR NAME: .. S �:U,vk °...0 ..... _ (Last name,first name,a;nidd e anitial,untess you are applying in tits name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate.the other pet-son,s or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance _. _. Trustee _�.� �..... Coastal Change of`Lone Erasion Approval of plat Mooring _., Exemption from plat or official map ................., Planning ...__. _. g Other (If"Other"',name the activity.)„ I)o yoga (or dirt'>ugh yrit r c ouipally.spouse,sibliitt,p milt,or child have.1 relationship w ith ltty ot€ic(t or colployc c: ot`tlao Towtr of'Southold? ioctltaclos by blood n}atriagc,or b.rsttrc :,trim test."Bua tsar�s itttvtc�,t°'star sts al.tr>rrst nc:loding,a partnership,in which(tic town offccr orcnilrloyc,, as evi.n a t)martual owlic yship o (or cinplca)t7 ant la))at corporation in w1lich tht.tcavrn Office tv Of e inlilt`tyt e owns wore than 5'%of the.shaves YES T NO If you answered"DIES",complete the balance of€his forn-t and date and sign where hldica€ed. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person __ .__ _._. - :_. .._ _........ .. I rescrit)c the,rolationship l t(ween yourself((lac srl pl'sc:arnt�a cntr`r:presarttative)and the town officer or employee.Either shack ilre,approp,riate line A)through D)and/or descrRv,in th>f space prodded. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply): A)tlic owner of w atc:r than 5%of.tltc shares of the corporate stock of the applic�ln.t (when the applicant is a c orl )ration); B)the legal or'bencricial owner of any interest in a anon-corporate entity(whin the applicant is not a cor ation); C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or I7)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP .... Subnn%tted this clay Pamela A. Harms f;rnrotfitac Notary Public, State of New York print Name l —� g ' o. 01 HA6337'487 xi t in Suffolk County Commission E"xnires 02/29/2028 425 Montauk Highway Environmental Consulting East Quogue, NY 11942 (631) 369-9445 Wetland Project Management Attn: Elizabeth Cantrell Town of Southold Board of Trustees 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 AH � . Re: Christopher and Marissa Lazos 1200 Leeton Drive Southold, NY 11971 SUM NO.: 1000-05900-0100-001000 Dear Elizabeth, Enclosed are the following items: 1. Four (4) copies of a proposed restoration plan 2. One (1) original and three (3) copies of a Transactional Disclosure Form for Chris Cole 3. One (1) original and three (3) copies of a Transactional Disclosure Form for Kate Rummel Sincerely, *VWZJhr Amanda MacDonald Cole Environmental Services, Inc. info@coleenvironmentaIservices.com www.ColeEnvironmentalServices.com APPLICA.NUAGENUREPRESENTATIV]E TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The'fown of Southold's Code of Fihir prohibits conflicts of interest on t to port or town officers and en nl%t ees.The �urnose This form_is to prnvicle tnfar»natinn which chin alert the town of possible conflicts of'ntkcesi and allow it to ttnkc whatever action is r ece:sa to avoid same. YOUR NAME: .,f✓ ✓ (L t name,first name, piddle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance _ Building Variance Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion W Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map �.,..,_. __— Planning �._..._ Other (If"Other",name the activity.) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship Nvith any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relutionship"includes by blood,marriage,or busiucss interest."business interest"means a business, including a partnership,in which the town ofticer or employee has even a partlal ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5`o the shares. YES .�---..._�_. NO If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold ...-- Title or position of that person _---_.- --- Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicint/agen(/representative)and the town officer or employee.Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply): A)the owner of greater thwi 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the appliept (when the applicant is a corporation); _I3)the legil or beneficial Owner of tiny interest in a non-corporate entity(when the .� applicant is not a corporation); O an officer,director,partner,or employee of tine applicant;or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this day of ✓i 20?� Signature Print Namet,LL✓t S. l Form TS I APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM I'he'Cown of southold'�Cntle pf'F Ethics prnliibits conflicts of interest on the part of tnwn officers,Ind enl iioyecs.The purnosc Krf this tirrrn fs to nrovidle information which can alert the town drf nossibie conf)icts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is I1CC6Stijo f0 iiVQld 5aIl1C. YOUR NAME: N�� ► - - —..•. (Last name,first name,gilddle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.if so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building _..� Variance _. _. Trustee �... _.._� Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring __..._.._ Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If"Other°',name the activity.) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling.parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the'I'own of Southold? "Relationship"includes by blood nprriafge,or business interest."Business intorest"means a business, including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 51%of the shares. YES NO ., If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold.-, ­.___^.—.- _._- —Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the ipl)licarltlagent/representative)and the town officer or employee.Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or descrilx:in tine space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5`%,of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); Il)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(where the applicant is not a corporation); �_C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the upplicant;or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted his 1 day of Vl 20 2` Signatur Print Name A t tG R u tM, 4 Form TS I GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 2. The I/A OWTS tank shall be Installed at level in all directions In all cases, pumps shall have a high level alarm (for dual-pump 10. rare must be taken to ensure all transport lines drain I I D ® l� (with a maximum tolerance In any direction of +/ one quarter Inch) on systems, the high level shall also start the second pump) and be, positively. Transport lines above the frost depth shall drain after •"� ® N 0 1" I. The Installer must hold a current Liquid Waste License pursuant to a minimum 3-inch thick bed of properly leveled and compacted sand designed for freeze protection. For dual-pump systems, an each dose or be insulated (if not possible to drain transport line, a o Suffolk County Code, Chapter 563, Article VII (septic Industry (free from rocks) or pea gravel. electronic control capable of selecting the lead pump shall be 24" minimum burial and 2" minimum thickness x 24" wide expanded N-45 52 2011 Businesses) through the Suffolk County Department of Labor, provided. rigid polystyrene plastic Insulation above the pipe is required). Licensing and Consumer Affairs, pursuant to Suffolk County Code 3. I/A OWTS Tanks shall be provided with a single outlet. A - §563-79. The Department of Labor, Licensing, and Consumer Affairs distribution box/manhole or distribution leaching structure may be 9. If transport pipe requires drainage after each pump event, a 11. Care shall be taken to Install transport line in an undisturbed _ _ _ _ - - ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION PLAN maintains a list of licensed I/A OWTS Maintenance Providers. required for all systems with multiple leaching structures unless an 1/4"(P weep hole shall be placed In a location within the discharge trench bottom $ not to over-dig. If trench bottom Is over-dug, a alternative design Is approved by the Department. assembly that allows for drain-back. Spray from the weep hole shall layer of I" minus construction gravel or I" crushed stone shall be - 2. All I/A OWTS must be registered with the Department In be directed away from sensors $ controls. If transport pipe slopes placed to bring trench to specified grade. In the presence of _ - - - - accordance with Article lot of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code 4. The top of the I/A OWT5 tank shall not be located greater than towards a PSD having a lower elevation than the dosing tank'e, boulders, heavy roots, or other obstacles, the basal area may be I - - - - - - -TER 1200 LEETON DRIVE prior to the Department granting certification of completed 2.5 feet or less than one foot below final grade. maximum water level, an anti-siphon device should be Installed on excavated as necessary d backfilled with a maximum of 10" of - - - - - Efl�E OE V`I?� construction on as built" plans. the pump discharge assembly or at the highest point in the piping A5TM 0-33 sand to the trench bottom design elevation, and then �, - - - - - - - - I o SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 5. At a minimum, all sampling manholes shall have 20-Inch covered system. backfilled with native soil material. - - - - - SCTM NO.: 1000-059.00-01.00-001.000 3. An executed Operation and Maintenance Contract between the access openings to grade located over the inlet and outlet. Maintenance Provider and Property owner must be submitted to the Covers shall be either 20-inch diameter watertight and _ Department prior to approval of the I/A OWTS registration by the Insect-proof locking cast Iron covers or thermoplastic covers at 20,850 SQUARE FEET P p Department in accordance with Article la of the Suffolk County final grade. All covers shall be designed in accordance with section . art ', a`"z o 5a ntary Code. 5-III of this standard. : `y q Y I - e ,. a �E E 4. All Installed I/A OWTS are re ured to have on Initial 3-year 6. When sampling manholes are approved to be Installed in a � :a SUBJECT PROPERTY I SCALE 1 = 10 cl p 9 a \ a F o x r, - warrant and operation/maintenance service contract. After the driveway or parking area, the manhole shall be designed to b •, ,; 1, y "a�F.r,.. �Su✓'.a' 3 �.a.,l '° Y ;"' 'a"�" �JV on and maintenance service contract has traffic bearing to meet the requirements of AASHTO H-20 or F ,, Initial 3 year operation g q - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -expired, property owners are expected to maintain an operation HS-20 loading. and maintenance contract in accordance with Article la of the Suffolk Count Sanitary Code. 7. The outlet Invert elevation shall be a minimum of 0.1 foot below y the Inlet Invert elevation.' THIS IS A RESTORATION PLAN BASED ON A SITE PLAN - 5. wh q Hiner an I/A OWTS requires a vent, the unit shall be vented to the _ - roof of the residence bein served. Vent pipes shall extend a 8. Sampling manholes shall have an inside diameter of 2 feet or an r ���, M--' `� �"�� � �: � ,,., � ,•• '� �; ' _ - I BY: minimum of 6 inches above the roof line and the to of the vent Inside area of 2 foot b 2 foot. r •° � �.;;•, "�� , . •• a , ? - - P y ' q na AMP ARCHITECTURE t,s I shall have a minimum horizontal separation of 12 inches to the sloped portion of the roof. in cases where it Jr. not practical to CI. There shall be a maximum retention depth below the outlet Invert ��;,� �;,�a�« ;«�� � � � r ", � ,;�, , ' � 1 10200 MAIN ROAD p P p p �� vent the system to the residence roof, a vent pipe may be piped to elevation of six Inches. the exterior of the residence and terminate a minimum of 15 inches a 5 �, a �' �.���.� UNIT 3A fit >y � ��r' , ,. +� ,;' ,F,:�« ''. � are q „p r V �. xQ .; a ,ram �,r"x G4 above rade and at least I foot from property lines. These vent 10. All sewer pipe penetrations in the sampling manhole shall be ,. d ,.. PO BOX 61195 g r', ,r.<+ rx 3� 2: ZCM 5 .r �3 b«;T � pipes shall be located a minimum of 3 feet from any window or watertight. ���� ��� ~,",�F ,� � � ,�' ': •� �� ��� RIM doorwa and must terminate with a carbon filter device. All vents y a � i' ��� y y' MATTITUCK, NY 11952 -5�"'<� x�`�<«t�r'#� 1 a v x �^�� y � � r'� '��, �� t� I I I wl R pipes must have a minimum diameter of 2 Inches. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS: ' . �' 0 1 ii I F- E �, � >_Iri>= 6. Installation and use of the I/A oWTs must conform to the CONTROL PANELS ,. w �"x.R, " �max, a: .. ,. ,5 :..; �.,, ,, ,> 1 '' - LANDSCAPE PLAN PREPARED BY COLE ' I. The control panel box must be laced outside on a suitable s ., . , � =<•,a• ««.= " >. ` ,, Department's approved I/A OWTS guidance document prepared In p p P Pp 9 P p .�.� � � � ,. " .� . .... �.. � < ,.".,.•,.• � - - - - - ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ON 04. 1.24 of pedestal near the structure that it serves. Alternative) the panel ,.,., ~ „. � ., � : . . .., _� „ ", . ,,,:. - accordance with the standards for Approval and Managementp y, p � �x , . � e`z it - -- - - ct referable Innovative and Alternative Onslte Wastewater Treatment stems. box may be mounted on an outside wall of the structure ( a utilit room and not a living space). Other locations for mounting y - 9 p g REQUIREMENTS: n a MINIMUM DESION rd, the panel box will be considered by the Department o case-by-case basis and with I/A OATS manufacturer approval. 1. I/A OWTS tanks shall be constructed of precast concrete, ,,, COLE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES fiberglass, polyethylene polypropylene, thermoplastics, or other 2. The name of the I/A OWTS O$M Provider must be clearly materials in accordance with Department standards and IONYCRR, Identified on the outside of the panel and include a phone number 425 MONTAUK HIGHWAY Appendix '15-A. The use of steel tanks is prohibited. to contact in case of alarm. EAST QUOGUE, NY 11942 2. Hiner an I/A OWT5 requires a septic tank for pretreatment the 3.y Exterior panel placement enables the system to be serviced at LOCATION M septic. tank shall be designed In accordance with sections 5-10-1 an time, eliminatingthe need to access the Inside of the building AP and 5-1041 of this standard. 4. The panel box must be within view of the system location to help - _ - _ _ - - 631.369.9445 - - _ 3. Unless otherwise specified, the facilitate operation and maintenance. SCALE::leaching structure/system that NTS - _ - - INFO@COLEENVIRONMENTALSERVICES.COM follows on I/A OWTS shall be designed in accordance with section 5. The control panel shall be placed at a comfortable height for _ - - 5-101 and 5-110 of this standard. access In accordance with Federal Emergency Management Agencyiz (FEMA) flood zone requirements. � ,- ��� _ WWW.COLEENVIRONMENTALSERVICES.COM 4. At a minimum, all I/A OWT5 treatment tanks shall have 20-inches` ,•,,,••• >' I - a..,,: covered access openings to grade located over the Inlet and 6. The panel shall meet National Electrical Manufacturers outlet. Covers shall be either 20-inch diameter watertight and Association (NEMA) 4X specifications. TAX MAP # 1000-5a-I-I - Insect-proof locking cast iron covers or thermoplastic covers at final grade. All covers and chimneys/risers shall be designed to 7. All below grade wiring must be, run in electrical conduit. The ZONING DISTRICT R-40 NO accordance with section 5-111 of this standard. conduit must have appropriate seals to prevent gases and moisture VE from reachingthe control panel or unction boxes. + \'A ZONE - 5. When a I/A OWTS fs approved to be Installed in a driveway or p J � f VE (E kin area, the unit shall be designed and/or Installed to " ZONE parking a g 8. Each system shall be equipped with a functioning warning system 5 ",... - - ,:, withstand HS 20 or H 20 loading as designated by AA5HTO. which will activate audible and visual alarms that can be readilya5 �� ic7L1 "C31N G ', F _ seen and heard by the occupants of the building served. The 6. Garbage grinders shall not be permitted when an I/A OWT5 15 Department recommends a telemetry device be Installed to % LOT utilized as means of sewage disposal. provide Immediate remote alarm notification to the O$M provider DESCRIPTION (FOOTPRINT) AREA covered by the O$M agreement. COVERAGE •7. Water softeners shall not discharge into an I/A OATS and the Department recommends water softener backwash be connected to q. Systems which are not designed to flow by gravity are TOTAL LOT AREA 20,e,50.0 S.F. an onslte drywell acceptable to Town or Village building recommended to be equipped with a control panel with means of Departments. connecting a portable generator to operate the system during a TOTAL LOT AREA TO TIE LINE power outage. MEAN HIGH WATER 16,5c15.0 8. I/A OATS tanks shall be watertight and constructed of sound and durable materials that are not subject to excessive corrosion or PUMPS, BLOWERS, LEVEL SENSORS, AND CONTROLS: TOTAL LOT AREA LANDWARD OF 6,120.0 S.F. decay. 1. The electrical junction box serving the pump motor and floats C.E.H.L. 7 must be watertight and located outside the I/A OWTS tank chamber. 9. All tanks must be watertight. Two methods of ensuring tanks are EXISTINO 2 STORY FRAME HOUSE 1,241.0 S.F. 20.4% o, watertight shall be either vacuum testing or water pressure testing 2• An blowers located outside of the I/A OATS unit must be laced methods as follows: on a y ad (concrete, plastic or fiberglass) and have a soundproof EXISTING 2ND STORY DECKS 8' I _ - P p g P 882 %.0 S.F. 14.4 enclosure cover. (INGLUDINO OVERHANG) I 10. Vacuum testing: Seal the empty tank and apply a vacuum to four (4) Inches(loomm) of mercury. The tank is approved if 410% of 3. All pumps and float trees must be accessible and serviceable EXISTING STEPS $ LANDINOS 118.5 S.F. I.c1% - - DWELLING w/ vacuum is held for two minutes. from access openings. " PUBLIC WATER EXISTING AG 16.0 S.F. 0.5% 01 1 il. Water testing: Seal tank;fill tank with water to outlet Invert Schedule 40 PVG float tree 4. The floats shall be attached to a Sch r� < elevation, let stand for 24 hours. Refill the tank to the outlet Invert that can be easily removed for service or adjustment. The floats PROPOSED ADDITION 115.0 S.F. 1.1% after the 24-hour period Is complete. Let the tank stand for an shall not be attached to the force main. g additional 10-hour period. The tank is approved If water level is TOTAL AREA OF ALL STRUCTURES 2550.5 S.F. 595A% held for the 10-hour period. Water pressure testing is 5. The Department shall observe the pump system operate through recommended to be, done onslte after Installation. a normal operating cycle. DWELLING w/ ` MAXIMUM LOT GOVERAOE ALLOWED: 205vo PUBLIC WATER f I/A OWTS TANK CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS: b.lnspection for leakage of the force main fittings will be made I. Non-concrete prefabricated 1/A OWTS tanks shall conform to the during the pump test procedure. MAY 17, 2022 NOTE: International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials PRESSURIZED SHALLOW DRAINFIELD (PSD) REQUIREMENTS: I. FLOOD MAP DATA: (IAPMAO) "American National Standard for Prefabricated Septic MAP #: 36103G0154H - EXIST. EXIST. I_ I i TEST HOLE DATA � EXIST. SHED \ - N(P'R1G p A Tanks" AN51 ZI000-2007 and any applicable revisions/updates. I. P5D trench bottoms shall be Installed no more than 30" below OVERHANG FRAME DECK _ _ -- - - Wf''T�R I I �Pil �'2 2�R finished grade and have 6" minimum cover above the leaching MAP DATE: Oct/25/200ci MGDONALD GEO5ERVICES UNDER DECK _ - I 2. Non-concrete tanks shall be factor assembled or assembled In structur Whenever possible, the P5D's basal area shall ben the FLOOD ZONE: VE13 $ VEI6 FOB 1258 O' - - PROPOSED (b.d'X12.3') V~ the field/distribution facility by a certified representative of the original native soil. ench bottoms shall be scarified before SOUTHOLD, NY Ilq-71 DECK - _ PIER LINE --- 2. 51TE PROTECTION/SILT FENCING TO BE PROP. I/A OATS CONTROL tank manufacturer. Installation of the PSD components. (631) -165-36Ti INSTALLED AS REQUIRED BY THE TOWN OF PANEL (INSTALLED ABOVE _ _ - - _ - \ L_ =� �, °r.l ees 3. Each tank shall be identified by the manufacturer with the 2. Wastewater shall be dispersed through a 5CH 40 PVC or HIPPIE SOUTHOLD. DFE, ACCESSIBLE FROM manufacturer name or logo, capacity and number of openings, and distribution pipe network. EL.=7 EXIST. FRAME DECK) .4' - - date manufactured, permanently marked at the inlet end of the tank. 3. SURFACE WATERS OR WETLANDS ARE ------ - _ - 3. Schedule 40 PVC or equivalent sweep elbows shall be Installed BURIED ELEC. LINE LOCATED WITHIN 300' OF THE PROPERTY. 4. All walls, floors, roofs, and access covers shall resist an applied at the distal end of each PSD lateral to allow maintenance and PRO_F05E[�ROOF DECK MIXED SAND, force of 500 pounds per square foot (psf). inspection. A standard 010' elbow shall not be used. Close sweep LOAM, GRAVEL LANE / _ - ABOVE EXISTING elbow and with either a ball valve or a male threaded adapter ff 4. ELEVATIONS REFERENCE NAVD Ic188 p��R PIER LINE / SECOND STORY 1 5. Precast concrete covers and risers are not permitted on threaded cap;the threaded and shall accommodate attachment of non-concrete tanks, unless otherwise approved by the manufacturer. a residual head measuring device. 5. NO VISIBLE WELL5 LOCATED WITHIN 150' OF 3.0' SUBJECT PROPERTY LINES. 6. W J Whenever practical, non-concrete I/A OATS tanks shall not be 4. A minimum spacing between P5D rows/trenches of 2' shall be SW PALE BROWN FINE I _ O located within groundwater. For Installations that are placed within maintained. PSD trench widths and lengths shall not exceed 3c1" or TO COARSE SAND I / Otu groundwater, particular care must be taken during installation, 60', respectively. THE FOLLOWING LOTS WITHIN 150' OF PROPERTY 5.0' 7 I - - - - -- -- -- - - - - = EnFOH HIGH -bedding, and backfilitn to prevent dama a to tank walls, and all - - - - - - - - tanks should be sold by th manufacturer completely assembled. If, 5. P5D's shall be dosed no more than 0.25 gallons/SF/dose. The UTILIZE PUBLIC WATER AS PER SGWA: i COASTAL EROSION _ -I - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l -�ER because of size, the tank is delivered to the site in sections,all discharge assembly in the dosing tank shall be provided with a i HAZARD LINE i / EXISTING TWO STORY - - - joints shall be sealed with watertight gaskets. All tanks shall be check valve 6 mechanical disconnect from the pump to the SCTM #1000-58-2-I i _ __ tested for water tightness after Installation using a method discharge assembly, reachable within 12" of finished grade, and a # I I FRAME HOUSE SCTM 1000-58-2-2 i specified by the manufacturer and approved by the Department. valve to hydraulically separate the chamber from the PSD. 5GTM #1000-55-2-3 i I EXIT. OUTDOOR (GARAGE SLAB ON i WATER IN PALE S�IOWER UNDER SCTM #1000-5ci-I-3.1 � 51„1 BROWN FINE TO I - �_ �RAIIE--UN®ERJ- 0 T � \ 7. In cases when tanks are installed In roundwater, the design 6. Pumps which dose the PSD following a non-timed dosed system DE K w/o DRAIN_ - PROPOSED 3RD STORY \ EXIST. SANITARY SYSTEM NOTE: g 9 P 9 y SCTM #1oo0-5c1-I-12 COARSE SAND 1.5"4) PUMP-BACK RECIRCULATION I w Z professional shall submit buoyancy calculations to prove the weight shall be wired on the same electrical circuit as the I/A OWT5. i (5 X5.2) (4 BEDROOMS) O \ V.I.F. LOCATION OF EXIST. SEPTIC SCTM #1000-5c1-I-13 I- - of the tank (with or without anchoring or the addition of ballast) will i PIPE, CONNECTED TO GRAVITY -- OAR. EL.=7.26' * P \ 5Y5TEM/CESSPOOLS ABANDON PER be at least 1.5 times more than the Haight of the water displaced. 7. Pumpselection $ design shall be verified $ finalized b I/A OATS 5GTM #1000-5ci-i-14 INLET PIPE FROM HOME w/ 4"x4"x1.5" The buoyancy calculations shall be done using highest p Installr;design presented utilizes the standard pump size specified SCTM #1000-541-1-15 I S.F. EL.=16.41' ~ _ \ \ SGDHS STANDARDS i TEE PROVIDED BY SEPTITEGH I Ll La \ expected/recorded groundwater elevation with the tank empty. Soil by I/A OATS manufacturer for typical applications. Pumps shall be SCTM #1000-561-1-I6 I N d \ cover on top of the tank(s) shall not be considered when sized to provide 2' of pressure head at the distal end of each i i� FUEL NOTE: O} 101 / \ \ determining the amount of anchoring or ballast weight required. distribution lateral, but less than 7 AG of residual head to avoid loud i PROP. INFILTRATOR IM-1530, (ILW PROP. hissing when system Jr. pressurized. Liquids within distribution system 15.0' i 2-COMPARTMENT, 1500 GAL. I 5' MIN. ABOVE-GROUND PROPANE TANKS O MIN. I/A OATS INSTALLATION STANDARDS: shall flow at minimum 4 maximum velocities of 2 ft/second $ 8 STORED BELOW EXIST. FRAME DECK ft/second, respectively. COMMENTS: GROUNDWATER SEPTIC TANK; VENT SEPTIC IL \ I PROP. / TANK (SEPARATELY FROM I/A' BELOW I. Install I/A OWTS tanks according to manufacturer's ENCOUNTERED 5.0 G.O. recommendations while conforming with these standard. All 8. PSD's require dual pumps to be Installed when system is not GRADE OATS) TO ROOF OF OARAOE I I GONG. <5" FROM WOOD EXIST. applicable recommendations provided by the manufacturer shall be designed to flow by gravity in the event of a pump failure, or when GRADE W'�`LK FRAME DECK 0 Implemented. the PSD system Is maintained as part of an I/A OWTS 04M contract. I 3' \�1� O I SU - ® - G®LINT HEALTH LTll DEF " RTNTFR®\Y L DRAINAGE SYSTEM CALCULATIONS: ® MIN. N- A OF IMPERVIOUS 1,046x 2" RAINFALL EVEN251 C.F. TORAGE REQ.'DH.S. REFERENCE NO. -- ® > 3 4 > (1) 5'0 DRYWELL PROVIDES 42.2 G.F. PER FT. OF DEPTH ® I I MIN' Exti PROP. 10' _ 5' - (3) 8 x 2 DEEP D.W. PROPOSED = 253.2 G.F. STORAGE PROVIDED PROP. 7'x32"x2.5' DEEP P. O l� v O >> MIN. MIN. GONG. PAD' ANCHOR BOTH } m I O 1-:> ? TREATMENT TANKS TO PAD 0- M 50- Ul to-�,ai \ / DRAINAGE SYSTEM INSTALLATION NOTES: 3' X p EXP. Q X p • A MINIMUM OF 10' SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN STORMWATER v� MIN. lu W O CHAMBERS WATER SERVICE LINE, UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES, SEPTIC PROP. INFILTRATOR IM-1550 COMPONENTS, LEACHING FIELDS, SEWER COMPONENTS, AND THE EDGE OF SEPTIC TANK HOUSING SEPTITEGH 50, N ALL FOUNDATION WALLS 5TAAR 0.75 I/A OATS; VENT I/A O -7 EXP. �0 TEST I i fY • A MINIMUM OF 5' SEPARATION 15 REQUIRED BETWEEN 570RMAATER OATS (SEPARATELY FROM SEPTIC 5' DUCTILE IRON HOLE I 1 EXISTING CHAMBERS $ PROPERTY LINES TANK) TO ROOF OF GARAGE MIN. PIPE BETWEEN 50 1 4' /-^ EL.=7.4' • 5TORMWATER GHAMBER5 SHALL BE INSTALLED 6" MINIMUM ABOVE THE I/A OATS PSD EXPO MIN. I - MISCANTHUS SIINENSIS • COOHFST NNECT NEGT ALL GU TER �LEADERS TO ELEVATION.NDNATER EAREST STORMWATER CHAMBER. DRAIN PROP. PRESSURIZED SHALLOW 10' PROF. I I TO B E REMOVED FIELD LEACHING SY �-STEM w/ (5) i 50 MIN. ROWS OF (4) INFILTRATOR QUIGK4 PLUS I --Z STANDARD LOW PROFILE CHAMBERS; - SITE LAYOUT NOTES: MAINTAIN 2' MIN. BETWEEN ROWS 3 3 3} I 1,150' LU 1. THI5 15 AN ARGHITEGT5 SITE PLAN $ IS -- SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR. THE INFORMATION ZONE VE (EL 13) REPRESENTED ON THI5 SITE PLAN 15 TO THE _ �-1-- ARGHITEGT'5 BEST OF KNOWLEDGE. ZONE AE (EL 12 o I li RELOCATE EXIST. OO.00 5L�rj �j�j �jQ EXIST. WATER UTILITY POLE I RELOCATED WATER SUPPLY LINE 4 OVERHEAD I SUPPLY LIE C 2. SURVEY INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED ELEG. WIRES FROM A SURVEY DATED JULY 01, 2022, _ _ _ 1 I M05T RECENTLY REVISED SEPTEMBER Ocl, EXIST. WATER MAIN - - - _-_-_ - _- - - - - - -J - - - - - IVI 2022, AND PREPARED BY: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 5 10 20 50 40 5C - - - - - - - - - 5GALIGE LAND 5URVEYINO I I I \ / MJSLANDSURVEY.GOM S I TE PLAN I L E T O N � R I Y GRAPH I O SCALE ,f K 6 � 4 (651) c157-2400 SCALE: I" = 10'-0" Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Brooke Epperson <bepperson@amparchitect.com> Sent: Tuesday,January 16, 2024 9:01 AM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Cc: Darcee Aufenanger; Doug Scharadin Subject: Re: Lazos 1200 Leeton Drive Adjournment Request Thank you Elizabeth. We will follow up by the last week in February if we need to bring in any revised plans or documents. On Tue, Jan 16, 2024, 8:55 AM Cantrell, Elizabeth< l abet c(it J soutilold,oy.0 wrote: Good Morning, As requested the Lazos application will be postponed to our March 20, 2024 public hearing agenda. If another site inspection is necessary, field inspections are expected to be on Tuesday, March 12tH Please be advised that if this application is not reopened with modifications in March, the application would most likely be subjected to Town Code Ch. 275-8G—Tabled Applications: If an applicant tables an application for any reason, it will be considered withdrawn if it does not go to public hearing within four months of the time it was tabled. After such time the applicant will have to reapply for a permit. A.d.a i un isa rratmiv c: A.ssisrr:rit Town. Of SOUthold Bon .trrt of"I manFsten es Office 631-765-1892 ll n ::I. n liw In rl : ' �ourl.c,ls6a�� F1az1y s<''': From: Brooke Epperson <be erson am architect.com> Sent: Monday,January 15, 2024 1:49 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc town.southold.n .us> Cc: Darcee Aufenanger<daufenan er am architect.corn>; Doug Scharadin <dscharadin am architect.com> Subject: Re: Lazos 1200 Leeton,Drive Adjournment Request 1 Hi Again Elizabeth, Can we please re-reschedule this application to the March hearing? Thank you On Wed, Jan 3, 2024, 8:54 AM Brooke Epperson <hep er on&am ch'tect corn> wrote: Thank you! Brooke Epperson Design Director A M P Architecture Design + Build Office: 631-603-9092 WWW o : LgNi: ct o On Wed, Jan 3, 2024 at 8:42 AM Cantrell, Elizabeth=elizabetlic(cbw i . oLItlrold�P, wrote: Good Morning Brooke, Yes we can reschedule this application to the February 14, 2024 public hearing date. The field inspection date is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 2024. sdmW Town Of SOUthold Board. of Tru.uste c4,s Od=6ice: 63 1-765-1892 Email: ��ia�1��t!��C�a�sc���t:l�calrlrab�rr��xu�°. gym 2 From: Brooke Epperson<bepperson@Lam architect.com> Sent:Wednesday,January 3, 2024 6:52 AM To:Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc town.southold,n .us> Cc: Darcee Aufenanger<datifenan er am architect.com>; Doug Scharadin<dscharadirm am arch tect.com> Subject: Lazos 1200 Leeton Drive Adjournment Request Good Morning Elizabeth, Can we please adjourn our upcoming January hearing for this application to February? Please let me know if this is ok and if you need anything from us. Thank you ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 3 Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Brooke Epperson <bepperson@amparchitect.com> Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 4:13 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth; DiSalvo, Diane Cc: Kyle Subject: 1200 Leeton Drive Lazos Application Good Afternoon, The application for Chris and Marissa Lazos, 1200 Leeton Drive Southold, was adjourned from the November to the December 13th Hearing. Can we please postpone this application to the January Hearing? Thank you Brooke Epperson Design Director A M P Architecture Design + Build Office: 631-603-9092 ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. i OFFICE LOCATION: � TM MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Glenn Goldsmith, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, AICP LWRP Coordinator Date: November 15, 2023 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for CHRISTOPHER& MARISSA LAZOS SCTM#: 1000-59-1-1 The Zoning Board of Appeals issued a determination(7809) on the action in October 2023. AMP Architecture on behalf of CHRISTOPHER&MARISSA LAZOS requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit for the existing two-story dwelling consisting of a 36.4'x34.4' (1,249sq.ft.) ground floor to remain; existing 36.4'x34.4' (1,249sq.ft.) second floor; existing 5.7'x20' (113sq.ft.) second floor front wood deck to remain; remove a 7.6'x15.4' (115sq.ft.)portion of existing second floor wrap around deck with existing 3.11'00.2', 11.10'x34.4', 7.6'x32.10' (769sq.ft. total) wrap-around second floor deck to remain; remove existing 1,374sq.ft. roof and construct a 36.4'x34.4' (1,077.5sq.ft.) third floor addition and 12'x34.5' (412.3.sq.ft.)third floor wood deck; construct a 7.6'x15.4' (115sq.ft.) three story addition with ground floor section to be structural supports with break-away walls, second and third floors to be habitable spaces; install an I/A OWTS sanitary system landward of dwelling; and to install two (2) 8' wide by 2' deep drywells to contain roof runoff. Located: 1200 Leeton Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-59-1-1 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me,the proposed variance is INCONSISTENT with the below listed LWRP policies and therefore, INCONSISTENT with the LWRP. 4.1 Minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards. i l r 1. J rr Q� j Figure 1. Subject lot and Coastal Erosion Hazard Area(brown line). The Coastal Erosion Hazard Line splits the parcel with a shift landward to account for the no seawall area. Part of the single-family residence and deck are located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. The purpose of Chapter 111, COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREAS is to regulate, in coastal areas, land use and development activities so as to minimize or prevent damage or destruction to man-made property, natural protective features and other natural resources and to protect human life. In addition, the purpose of Chapter 111 is to regulate new construction or placement of structures in order to place them a safe distance from coastal hazard areas. § 111-4. Purpose. The Town of Southold hereby assumes the responsibility and authority to implement and administer a Coastal Erosion Management Program within its jurisdiction pursuant to Article 34 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law. In addition, it is the purpose of this chapter to: A. Establish standards and procedures for minimizing and preventing damage to structures from coastal flooding and erosion and to protect natural protective features and other natural resources. B. Regulate, in coastal areas subject to coastal flooding and erosion, land use and development activities so as to minimize or prevent damage or destruction to man-made property, natural protective features and other natural resources and to protect human life. C. Regulate new construction or placement of structures in order to place them a safe distance from areas of active erosion and the impact of coastal storms to ensure that these structures are not prematurely destroyed or damaged due to improper siting, as well as to prevent damage to natural protective features and other natural resources. A. Minimize potential loss and damage by locating development and structures away from flooding and erosion hazards. The subject parcel is located in the FEMA Flood zone VE. This area is highly susceptible to frequent storm surge with wave action. Loss of structure will occur over time. III �/ i � l✓ d�/ r � l � � r � r Ji � �il� ���Xr>�r ,h� ✓r� l�rri ✓� ;�i�y%/ /%� ,�� ' nr <<� ��� I 1 ���'✓ riir� � y y r/�i/��st//r/r� %/ r�P�'U F F ur j��/ " %r' � i ✓ r ✓ i//// � r�//d ✓ a r � r , r�r i� >� �/�%�r�l�ra�r r� ' 1 ✓r ' I ✓��. ✓(� '��Il)'��"""/ �/ illi Ir �r ' ,li�/' 'r�i, "i �i�//�%/ r�i I ,� rr /iii/�r,i//i �r/�' 'a 1 r tri✓ �r� � l„' � �r„K� �� ��/i ✓�' i� u� �i �, r ir. // /�ii I i �� Is %l � ✓,✓ ��lra �«"f�` //�/il '//� "/ )/i.a r� r � � �//���/rr�� p� ' � �ri� f i fel �! � r ��. �rr✓� � �i/ r�l�r�/1 d� vii : 9�✓�� � �%' i b�9 ,�/,�, .` ps y ,✓ � / � / / m 1r rl' ryrri r/r r J; j f(/i/� � r � r 1/ ✓ 0 �%i r%% 1 Y 1 � ���/r g� ���lljl� F �`' I %r r✓' � I . Figure 2. Subject parcel and FEMA Flood Zone VE. 1. Avoid development other than water-dependent uses in coastal hazard areas. Locate new development which is not water-dependent as far away from coastal hazard areas as practical. The proposed action does not have a functional relationship to coastal waters and therefore is not a water-dependent use pursuant to § 275-2. A Water- Dependent use is defined as: § 275-2 Definitions; word usage. WATER-DEPENDENT T USES --An activity which can only be conducted on, in, over or adjacent to a water body because such activity requires direct access to that water body, and which involves, as an integral part of such activity, the use of the water. The uses include, but are not limited to commercial and recreational fishing and boating facilities,finfish and shellfish processing,fish storage and retail and wholesale fish marketingfacilities, waterfront dockfacilities, shipyards and boat- building facilities, navigation aides, basins and channels, industrial uses dependent upon waterborne transportation or requiring large volumes of cooling or processing water and which cannot reasonably be located or operated at an inland site, and uses which primarily provide general public access to marine or tidal waters. As inferred above, the proposed structure and sanitary system are located within FEMA flood zone VE El 13; a structural high hazard area with a 1% chance of annual flooding with wave velocity. In reality, flooding occurs on a more frequent level. Structure in these areas should be minimized, not expanded. The breach of the lot coverage limit sets a precedent of potential loss in a structural hazard area. 4.2. Protect and restore natural protective features. Natural protective geologic features provide valuable protection and should be protected, restored and enhanced. Destruction or degradation of these features should be discouraged or prohibited. A. No development is permitted in natural protective feature areas, except as specifically allowed under the relevant portions of 6 NYCRR 505.8. Natural protective features area nearshore areas, beaches, dunes, bluffs, and wetlands and associated natural vegetation. The natural protective feature area as defined in § 111-6 Definitions is a land and/or water area containing natural protective features such as a beach or primary dune. NATURAL PROTECTIVE FEATURE AREA --A land and/or water area containing natural protective features the alteration of which might reduce or destroy the protection afforded other lands against erosion or high water or lower the reserve of sand or other natural materials available to replenish storm losses through natural processes. New construction is prohibited in natural protective feature areas (primary dune). Only non- major additions to existing structures are allowed on beaches or primary dunes pursuant to § 111- 13. The distance from the proposed actions to the natural protective feature (primary dune) is 0 feet; a minimum setback distance of 100 feet is required pursuant to Chapter § 275-3. Findings; purpose; jurisdiction; setbacks. Require that the applicant amend the application to meet the above policies to the greatest extent practicable, minimizing damage or destruction to man-made property, natural protective features and other natural resources and to protect human life. Pursuant to Chapter 268,the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Honorable Lori Hulse, Attorney Cantrell, Elizabeth From: LYNNE NORMANDIA <Inormandia@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 3:34 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Subject: Lazos application SCTM #1000-59-1-1 My Dear Trustees, I cannot support yet another monstrous house: this time with an approved 3rd floor. It is impossible to be silent and watch the destruction of the beach community I live on. Mistakes have been made long ago. We now have codes to prevent it from happening again. The house requesting a Wetlands application is no stranger to our wet lands; it was moved back from the encroaching Sound in recent memory. It has no protection and winter storms have come ever closer. We who have lived here year round have watched as waves from Nor'easters drain onto Leeton Drive, leaving gullies where they pass between houses. With the removal of long-standing native bushes and grasses and destruction of a nicely built up dune on either side to allow for this house to build upward and outward, our buffers are gone. "Keeping within the footprint" (already larger than permitted) covers up the truth - Driving support pillings into our fragile dune system will only weaken it for all of us. Please use our laws to protect us. And please allow us to Zoom your meetings! Thank you for your good work, Lynne Normandia 2100 Leeton ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Brooke Epperson <bepperson@amparchitect.com> Sent: Monday, November 6, 2023 12:56 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Subject: Lazos 1200 Leeton Drive Stake Out Attachments: IMG 6954.JPG Hi Elizabeth, When the Trustees make their field inspections I wanted to point out that for Lazos, the proposed addition on the right side of the house is within the existing deck area. We staked out where the corners of the addition will be so the Board knows that area is where the new habitable space will be above ground level. Thank you Brooke Epperson Design Director A M P Architecture Design + Build Office: 631-603-9092 ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. i /F � 7� , �, , � � �� ,r� �, �rY �, F '�„ ,� �� /��'�, ���»� z �� � , �� r' d "�'�� � i�1, r ' i r /� / ri , ��r � �/�i/� / � 'ri � h�� �, u W Wl/ / �/r i i � �� �/�� ����� d I� rt,'' iY / �% 1 �r/�� � 'j/ ��r/f� ��' !� �/ r ' %r/ �"' l< / i,/ //l r / //� (, / r l i �,, r/, J ///l� //� /, /d � � / ✓ /� rrx ,//�G,� A F � �� did O�r r /00 � %� ` � � r� �, �1�,7p� �,� }'it ����... �� ��� �%���� �/r�d� I h l� 4, r, 0 �� `dio%i �6� ��. �, r��r, ` I�' � �i l�Y�:; n r �;,( .& A %�i li, vww �� iwu�, f^, f. r �� „ 11" ., :� ���' ���. s w���r +I�s f ��*,; � yr T�,, �. s � � /r i//i/4 i%/r%i/a rf' /� r,/�i�i'r �%all��/o%/����iJ�;l�r%�r���ioi/��k'. r � rr dr r%l�ii F���/��ril�it/.�i ri.ri,,,,l�i r/r%r i/Gf�i/���%/%r�0�7/,i/r ��i �„ , . r; ,,,�„�, , Glenn Goldsmith,President / w�_, e"q Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice Presidento� y< ` 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski c" x P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y • 0� � Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples �� r Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: Completed in field by: AMP Architecture on behalf of CHRISTOPHER & MARISSA LAWS requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit for the existing two-story dwelling consisting of a 36.4'x34.4' (1,249sq.ft.) ground floor to remain; existing 36.4'x34.4' (1,249sq.ft.) second floor; existing 5.7'x20' (113sq.ft.) second floor front wood deck to remain; remove a 7.6'x15.4' (115sq.ft.) portion of existing second floor wrap around deck with existing 3.11'x30.2', 11.10'x34.4', 7.6'x32.10' (769sq.ft. total) wrap-around second floor deck to remain; remove existing 1,374sq.ft. roof and construct a 36.4'x34.4' (1,077.5sq.ft.) third floor addition and 12'x34.5' (412.3.sq.ft.) third floor wood deck; construct a 7.6'x15.4' (115sq.ft.) three story addition with ground floor section to be structural supports with break-away walls, second and third floors to be habitable spaces; install an I/A OWTS sanitary system landward of dwelling; and to install two (2) 8' wide by 2' deep drywells to contain roof runoff. Located: 1200 Leeton Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-59-1-1 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt. 275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: Present Were: G. Goldsmith N. Krupski E. Sepenoski L. Gillooly E. Peeples cc LOT COVERAGE ZONING REGULATIONS MAIN BUILDING PROJECT / ZONING DATA SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE 280-4 SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE 280-124 flt a o TAX MAP# 1000-541-I-I 1� 0 0 w 3 ZONING DISTRICT R-40 NO DESCRIPTION (FOOTPRINT) AREA % LOT `, COVERAGE EXIST. PROP05ED COMPLIES \ ` / y =I a:S LOT AREA 0.48 ACRES TOTAL LOT AREA 20,850.0 S.F. W zo o� CofO - ADDITION TO DWELLING Z2597;10/28/Igbb MIN.FRONT YARD 35.0' 341:1' 3q.5' YES CofO - ALTERATION TOTOTAL LOT AREA TO TIE LINE® 16595.0 S.F. - DWELLING 210232;10131/14180 MEAN HIGH WATER MIN.SIDE YARD 10.0' Iq.7' Iq.?' YES 3,' 6 '1 ;; n W w o F Z TOTAL LOT AREA LANDWARD OF CofO - ACCESSORY STORAGE 6,120.0 S.F. MIN.COMBINED G0 W o w SHED ADDITION 224717;10/241/141416 C.E.H.L.AL SIDE YARDS 25.0' 65.6 58.1' YES a .. m F a 5 s CofO - DECK 357gq;7/5/2012 EXI5TIN6 2 STORY FRAME HOUSE 1,2441.0 S.F. 20.4% _ o='z 2 , MIN.REAR YARD 35.0' 74.3' 74.3' YESNOV a z"o a w CofO -PRE-EXIST DWELLING 37328;12/16/2014 EXISTING 2ND STORY DECKS I N o V 2 2 L a; Q a=p a 882.0 S.F. 14.4% ; W M E a,= (INCLUDING OVERHANG) MAXIMUM HEIGHT 35.0' 34.2 34� YES o. c LL a w s CofO - RESIDENTIAL z o(Cc o= ALTERATION 37996;12/28/2015 _._ _ _... EXISTING STEPS d LANDINGS IISS S.F. Lg% �" ¢ 3 FEMA FLOOD ZONE VE13 d VEI6 EXI5TIN6 AG 16.0 S.F. 0.3% WETLANDS DISTRICT 757"1 d ?5770;6/22/2011 -L O N O 15 L AND 5�N fl����-�� - o "a a F. a DEC DISTRICT PENDING PROPOSED ADDITION 115.0 S.F. I,q% - 1.24.'~ 1 -------- g z Q Q 5 BEDRM. TOTAL AREA OF ALL STRUCTURES 2380.5 S.F. 38.41% --------- ----- - @ ? N o e a W a o SUFFOLK COUNTY HD APPROVAL PENDING MAX GAP. 1 -----eve°P""i°` 1 K g o z I_z� AWN L --0 MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE ALLOWED: 20% ------- I 41 �I 'z i oo��2 HABITABLE SPACE EXISTING PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACES< 8" FROM GRADE NI 1 =z w aw�40 FIRST FLOOR AREA 7418 S.F. 798 S.F. EXISTING GONG. d MA5.WALK 263.8 S.F. 4.3% - ____-------------'--------j4' F a W 3 a a z¢w SECOND FLOOR AREA 1,2441 S.F. 1364 S.F. EXISTING WOOD WALK 48.4 S.F. Ob% �1 __ THIRD FLOOR AREA O S.F. 4104 S.F. TOTAL LOT COVERAGE INCLUDING a C Ioosa' 1MME~L STRUCTURES<8" FROM GRADE 2692.7 S.F. 44.0% 1 �� E o 113 a TOTAL BEDROOM COUNT 2 5 1 E AREA OF PROPOSED ROOF DECK ABOVE EXISTING DWELLING AND EXISTING DECK - INCLUDED IN COVERAGE = 410A S.F. 1 I F ___ s�c; �ovcrm� ----------- 1 X11 SITE LAYOUT NOTES: o _ \ a4s+ + o'11.24' i O - --------' _-_ - - 6' W I. THIS IS AN ARCHITECTS SITE PLAN d 15 lo' a�4' ` ------ ----- I L_ SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED - -- 1146' 1 s 1 SURVEYOR. THE INFORMATION __ \ w2' I - REPRESENTED ON THIS SITE PLAN 15 TO THECwaT� - --__-_- - _ ARCHITECT'S BEST OF KNOWLEDGE. -_ I _ - - - - - - i / '�• \ NAY BALES AND/OO((�1 SILT - 1 < J \ FENCNi6 TO BE UTILI� ).1 HIEN - -- - '- 2.SURVEYINFORMATION WASOBTAINED IIS , ,� EXIST. EXIST. �yr�® \ DVRlN6CONs7RmtoN _--I-ytpTEf�M -7Oof - - - W 4-1 FROM A SURVEY DATED JULY 01,2022, _ O � FRS° LFS,ER DECK __--- - iO E 1 t I M05T RECENTLY REVISED SEPTEMBER 09, o' yyt, �� 16.471123') __ --� - _ _ - - ( q [rs*ATm" 2022,AND PREPARED BY: PIER LINE I I u 45e1 SGALIGE LAND SURVEYING __ I ---"-;tea _ I MJSLANDSURVEY.GOM (631)957-2400 INE - ABOVE EX ISTINS > u i a t--- -- ----------- oo _ 1� ,vaoue n` PIER LIlE Q [_ sEcow srOlsY > I 1". J - ------_ _ Q) - - I Q pp }I - I G' - - i ' 101 * +0.W lG i� _b, 4 p �, ' $1 1oi ', - - - -_`�-FEZ - -_ 1t jO0'FROM NIEsH_ ealasw COASTAL EROSION - -. - T-J- - - - - - - m __---1 y�gTER MARK ntuc.wm } I �� '/!___. _-_ `\ --- ♦aumi+oatrLT I ,/ HAZARD LINEEXlsMINS 7 EXI5T.OUTDOOR WORT ORY (BARACE•SLAB ONFRAM HOUSE _ - - 983' -'� �_1.',•_ aawie nwe�°cx - o r 1D(as@iwc t_p MMS p yg r DUNDER ORAC" _ 9RDsroaY- K/O DRAIN (4BEDROOF6) F [ GAR EL.7.26' \ \ IO' PROP. PROP.INFILTRATOR 10-1590, 2-00 IC.TAM RT S GAL. �- _ SEPTIC.rRAT VENT 5EPI1c �3, � DW✓' I I Q � - "' i / / _ rw'm WOO-_-- TANK(SEPARATELY FROM VA I t �1 I /^ ���{{( I Y lCbTAI 5071°N + - - �YlAT6�MA1� OW75)TO ROOF OF 6ARAFE I I�GONO.ta'FROMI hIDOD EXIST. LUae _ / - - 4. .__ ERADE WALK FRAFE DECK - - IFRGhT YAs�`S=Te�K I I wimo°R �(a�w�[^1Ae a_ - - • fn LLJ HAY BALES ANO/OR SILT O I I I ' I I p -I `, �`I < Z epi PDZIN&TO BE UTILIZED 1 g 1 Q I p CURINS CONSTRUCTION i I r!3 I! I I O 1 1 / l 1 Q - z -MY BALM OI c TANK Hdi�IN6@OR/MIM-1i59s0om I j1 ! J-1 U �I�N (i mZ//�� ��II�'IIiI I O aTwm°rrwTe°n9aa rTcaD'N�www�ac"rmreNavT e 1I- FENCINS PROF.1- 4IIN1 d Cl NO AND O 1 eraumDlsTURBANCEvu 0Z OOr Z 519TITEOHPROP.IWLTRAT NJ=1- U I 6' re in whir�1 Sp* 1 ' J p■ �3 .1Oii �i N iTAAR 0.75 VA OWTSt VENT I/A O J I i Y! TEST ' 1 q OLL TS(SEPARATELY FROH SEPTIC 7 NOTE I i TAW.)TO ROOF OF OARAE£ ��pp�EL.o7A' J y t I1 I J i 1 J / JR (I �� I I TiAcroiw O ' S V) p'q PROP.PRE'SMRII®SWJ10W 10' 1 wrwan v�amrwnv� 1 1 J / O /\t� LEAOHINS SYSTEM v✓151 PROP. rN fir,. I p t�� .✓eOF(4)INFILTRATOR GWICK4 PLUS c�T _ _ _ RR7788PP I ' wvavmnlrx�w mmelwa� ` z Zt MAINTAIN 2'HIN. ROYb - I w� w NITMTOI arsA'W° J DW♦ z �tI>,;u? fr. i el g ARD LOW PROFILE CF(At'EiEtSr 6 ` I I - l 2 m- -- {-- IJ rr w[wvn:uwmen 6I I , r W a •''� `SSI I` k'3 ZONE VE(EL 10)- \ _ r - _ _ 01' ai 30 W S=TE EAST. t 100.001 I - t� - _�' ., �. 1� Too 00 1 / '�I zarc Ae MEW- 20 =h--- ® AE -(fir 5 5 ' EXIST.WATER I UTILITY POLE RELOCATED wATsx -- y5^s53o'w 4 C. •� SUPPLY LINE 4 OYER EAP '�IIPPLY LRE �' rya, _.� '3,. yam' L: 6.97-+- ELEC.WIRESomc n•,m wal _ �+wav_ __1_________________ b, ___ � o EXIST.WATER HAIN� +626 ---- --J---------- _--____ - .an -------J---- � ;P� aIVE LEETON DR Or �5. � L iL LEETON DR I VE ENLARGED SITE PLAN PROPOSED SITE PLAN Q SCALE[ 1" = 20'-0" SCALE: V = 30'-0" o a n W 4T N GENERAL SYMBOL KEY: E45TINS TO REMAIN --�-�{ NEW FOUNDATION WALL NEW WOOD FRAME w OZ�T=) NOV — 2 LLJ�WJ 2023 a aws�¢ I >8 lox F�}JW a z�oa� po N z n o w s s ua'i `n a g 5 fiOUD a LL O TO BE w S �roeeoarvLlSlm o <?aLLZ. o ews7lNs Roor r '�- to ee nca4C7Lrsr� O 0 L a W¢ 7O eC Oa1&ROMfJ'3 -__-___ _--------___11 " _--------------- -1 G a O W a N¢ -------- "J = a ¢ L_______ _ ____ __ ------ J a m o zaz}}�uuQo a9 Z E Z-- C W W Z.¢ v ? LS Ow3ZZ ¢SF¢a W=N U W 2=Z F w aa mW3 2 K O o n � gnYa= MOST,DECK n N N n N Q V(3 2 U 9M 9r. 4 p� o W u o f f O H �aaaU f �iRI �11i +j WEST ELEVATION (LEFT SIDE) ROOF DEMOLITION U N m SCALE. 1/W= I'-0• 4—j e� � 0)_ WAST a LIVIEMST. A Q) Q Lad Bfir. I it i MAY 17,1031 8D st. ✓9D Sl. F.XI D42 MALL 1 1 1 TO a IsTm SF® TEST MOLE DATA 1 romm OP EXIST. PM t2w HGDOMAI�6F�RVIGES ® 1 iVWK TO BE SOUTr106 11411 e OP4141 FM J Z IX [� hid c/) Ex15L FY GT to er. 18 N � Q z BEDROOM@ TO BE� i n i M WL Pr+ac+os®vRrrBL P a LLu G C� iii — J Q J O �s r�-� 1 S,, 4 OC PORTION OF ewer. i DRAT NA6E GALGULATION5 sy r°o'�co sAw — t' 04 N CT— TOTAL I cPrrc m GE I . - f O O prI 1 I Oab was 1 1 1 j�' ,lam-Pym w TOTAL IMPERVIOU5 ROOF COVERAGE 1506 S.F. ' gyym (^' o u 5TORAGE VOLUME REQUIRED WA7et a PALe V �` °' vE74oLmaarar� ii x51.0 G.F. '` % co vase � j, a. PRor�e��ANo�vroRr ro ALL�T® II (2" RAINFALL EVENT x ROOF COVERAGE) ,sw, STRZTUVAL rWORTO TW COMBGe@Ir ew517r16 eoolaJ �-'L �' - r1 ��`? ,' a OPAWD194 ITIONORo"TmW10L 5 TOWFml ED 5TORAGE PROVIDED PER VERTICAL FOOT OF &0 DRYWELL DEPTH rEFPORARY SrrGRIri.69W PW P0IMB MOTee; I.uerALL lar.rnsTs�susoae Pea oe41uT1ax TOTAL DRYWELL DEPTH REQUIRED 5.q FT. 44 PMALS (VOL.REQ'.D/VOL.PROV. PER FT DEPTH) eor�€Rrs.d+mic"ATax 1.RobP ae le MIST.dlmel. ` L ar,OUlrellm SO' 3.USTALL 781"wm rat FROM=rLmf*SCOLD 10— '+�'w N ewsT.mooR.iolsrsTommon m PROVIDE (5) 5'gP x 2'DEEP DRYWELLS daAoe �'�� 7��� �, 4.REMOJE Tar.MSTS 4 d wEm i CN SECOND FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN DRYWELL CALCULATIONS 4 TEST HOLE DATA �� SCALE,NT5 C Q SCALE=Ila'- 1'-0• o a CCENER,4L SYMBOL KEY: EUST.PJMEMORT z EXI571NB TO REMAIN r==l NEW FOUNDATION WALL �.% i } "• ' z n 3 I' HEN WOD OFRAME _ NOV - 2 2023 I a a zow� 1 w ppJmaF �$o Z c~i 3 w EXISTFNS SEOOit FRASIUW FLOOR \ m t Y g w ELF/.SLA' d Zcxipavwi C Jaxy¢j N a a �IIII^ 44 U yea W 2 1 S I � ���� D pLLOySjU 2 0 o a)o)LLz3 Nowa � o Oas�i wa¢upia Egg Mram i- EASMOE 1� 0000w at-Qom ELEV. Z ¢S F Q p EXISTING FRONT ELEVATION LL W y"'SZ W SCALE. I/V I'-0' 2 K O a 6 p N N gap..0 x O15 a \ O �ww.¢O OOdU Q) U + � m I � (D 4 EXISTING REAR ELEVATION Q SCALE. I/H'-P-0' LLl � > 0) � z o � NO Zz 0 wo Q _ O O = O f" cv �t,o RSD Avon 4 N i �{� {` NKIA a a�� f, }`�,•n est 740, EXISTING RICHT ELEVATION Q SCALE, I/H'-I'-0' o a z m 0 z fj< NOV 2 20223 w 'o Zw 0 wqo�:- -7 6 z o-:0 4 U) M z C�l lo Z<o IE z Z= z s f� z mmzt� Z<Mlo 0 ui?.=E z.b cr — — — — — — —cy — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —cr — — — — — — - 8 t= 3:Z z ox z m Rz. 0 41'-41 1,6 0 5V-2' 7C) 4—j Q) m EXIST- + C 0 0 MOST, —2�2' P.V. —4 1 -- . EMT.AR LU F- sp. Z LID 0 f Z =.Gkr. 0 Z LU FX15T, EAST, BArPZQH amms6m ,Ir C) 2M AW 0 E .. 0 ELECTIoa-c cn Jr D ch MZOTRICAL me" L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 04 0 5 10 2 MOM PROPOSED C-MOUND FLOOR PLAN GRAP141C SCALE t/s.-:v-o- SCALE. 1/6'-V-o' I z Z N t . �Wa0 zow3 CL All 't i •i L. Z �'2Y 1+-l�i'h - y. - :6 - .'<.:',,,.J!.Y`, _ .`'^;+v'dy''ryvs+C:^s p• { - _ _ ipi 0= IS It m W,iL m A- 0 ` y,a- '.,(e 1. .k._ .l. ety "*'• t Q W N I � a Z o O W m S • ': ,- •- ' _ Ir�3� lisµ., a zwFHa z<z o :ir.F 5 D HUE �'. L. �" 61 _ W O W 3m:Z Z v ww3aa PIER LINE n N ZawOS EXI5T,DECK WALE.NTS f7 0O O O a U — — — — — — — — — LO!OP RtOP.RGQ DlGK_ R.-�e�Oe _——— __ _ °� i'•`-,__-. __._. __ ., .kDo'+>Er E109TB1B GVG - ----_--- -------------- -' 2616 -�.� SOV - 2 ?023 J 4-1 1 a) m , j T x�SLDRo lfxN SLOR —�(Pd✓•9LOR a 444 EXIST �(, �6• —! p K I J K W4 Sr. t„ EXIST, � d n m sr.sr n n K E'er El N OP. Oo Or. p d1 <��l ! >ffi e�ar.l R � � E ❑ 4 r-e d S nee•. ear. I ° xe o'—�s�e `e `4 t -om ro eaa+. ei $ F,�Gr I �, p �, �e. Ld p t+ LUM vilramm p Z EL95I. EAST- V x D'ISLAM � ;x, n . n Q L I.LI i9 S rx uJ cog WASIM -3 0 o Eo O O < n W ti ^'c.Y \;•,/7 0�! J�LS�M I /•.,\f@P17J -r X� LL O s a0 4 r� � a � .14I' '3 'M16 -11 EX19T_Y 04 \Cn Lo 1"1 • �,tii O 5 10 20 0 5 10 20 Q PROPOSED SECOND FLOOR PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE 1/8—r-o• PROPOSED THIRD FLOOR PLAN GRAPHIC SCALE 1�5^-1'-0• a "V o a — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - — — — — — — — ----- — — — — — — —I , , "--Ll-- —-.— z ca IL -T T ZO ol ZO<1 0- 0.z C.x 7 ol or IM Z. 'Z''WL W. z cl I -"ST.Cfrrmy- OR.-�w i2 FN.-cs' R.1-1 LZ Z. 2 0 23 zwo NOV ti . . A (n ma It 0 amu (D 4-j EA5T ELEVATION (Rl C-7HT SIDE) C) WALE, 5Ab* 11-0. (D rn 4-j !E + C: 4 dkf?0P IRMM HVIC*IT — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — CD VELEV.4mz. U—) (D 12 T_7 1-6111UST.RM16e HE104T TMR0 FLOOR PH2j ,X—a'v ' YELUV.+25.b. a) cr- 0 z tjj a rm LLI 0 C*j 0 '-10 LL EWSMS SEO�FLOOR FIRSH (n 0 CL 0 Mot=wm I'm 0-4-131 m a. 1:10=0 =1 E71 FF71 gggm El".#1.2' 5OUTH ELEVATION (FRONT) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — NOV 2 2023 —oo 0 q o M. T-Ll- .0. oz<-G. va rl Z.,M-.2- I ti s 9. z lnm-- il Z2 Z m C'm rrm Mo w z �,HOL "o- Htmo (D AVlFL-ZE,-0JA4Wr MAM 4-1 NORTH ELEVATION (REAR) 0 9-1ALE. 115'= V-0" G) m 4—j - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :E + a- o 57 lilt I yl �l 0) Z 0 Z 0 Lu- d W um C14 H 111111111111 11111 It]H 111112 0 T-4 0 U) 0 OP N cv NEST ELEVATION (LEFT SIDE) SCALEs 1/45"= P-0, EARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASE ON DLIBER 13024 PAGE 0113 E E iv JUR 2 8 2023 Soulttold Town Board Of Trustees (FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT USE ONLY) KENNEYS ROAD NOTE: NOTE` - - - - - - - NO VISIBLE WETLANDS WITH IN 300' NO VISIBLE WELLS WITH IN 150' OF SUBJECT PROPERTY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY , f I TAX LOT 3.1 PVC I 1 I I FEN LL l o w 1 I I 12.8' - 1 I e° 210.00' b II S49°24'30"I'F' I • ,6 + —— PVC 170.09' '0 °F". I vl z NATURAL FEN. I I 1 T 1 1 T ^•� 10,w VEGETATION 1 I'1 I 1 I 11 ; \I din N '10 l O61 pI I TAX LO� 1 I �� / / c C ' I p, yon WO D PLAT. M 12.3e� I ' 6 of a 1 i Ic O 1 I OQ IA PROPANE + H D TANK 39.36. T I q ,� I 1 ST E < + I +6� Lo NATURAL 1 0' s w I R SID N E VEGETATION 1 + x m '" F=6. 1 a 3 O I v I wI PE K 2 86 n w I w + 1 LIQ ^p z i + 10�11\ o pt oo 3 I �Av fl� A O 3 .3' /' QI III _, � 1 � I II I 1 I A ( I �\ WOOD-CURB HOWER WALL 10" I T N I \ RET.WALLS "^� 1 ".19 PVC— PVC �6 I I ---� a• NATURAL FEN ,�°° FEN +ea FND O VEGETATION 0.6' Oy4'� �/ PIPE a z 6'PVC FEN. a z i 1 207.00-� ;I 4°24'30"W-, TAX LOT 1 00N_, �IIW N 1 N I W w NOTE: NI N FEMA MAP #36103CO154H SYMBOL LEGEND EFFECTIVE DATE 9-25-09 E] MONUMENT FND QO MANHOLE TEST HOLE 0 I.P. /I.B. FND EM "A"—INLET TREE NOTE: ® I.P. /I.B. SET 0 "8"—INLET © SHRUB To555 SPOT ELEVATIONS D YARD INLET • BOLLARD NO WETLAND FLAGS WERE OBSERVED E0, UTILITY POLE D YARD INLET ♦ WETLAND FLAG AT THE TIME OF OUR SURVEY >— GUY WIRE ❑D ELECTRIC METER CANT. CANTILEVER J.]OTE:. UTILITY POLE W/LIGHT © GAS METER FE.FENCE j LIGHT POLE O WATER METER MAS.MASONRY NO SEPTIC OR DRYWELL LIDS WERE SIGN M GAS VALVE PLAT.PLATFORM OBSERVED AT THE TIME OF OUR PVC FENCE (PVC) W.W. WINDOW WELL LOT AREA SURVEY —0— STOCKADE FENCE (STK) � WATER VALVE B/W BAY WINDOW —X— CHAIN LINK FENCE (CLF)0/H OVERHANG C/E CELLAR ENTRANCE 20,0.48. S.F. —— WIRE FENCE R/0 ROOF OVER 48 AC. A FIRE HYDRANT D.C. DEPRESSED CURB A/C UNIT ® CROSS CUT G.O.L. GENERALLY ON LINE A STAKE IND GRAPHIC SCALE 0/L ON LINE 30 0 15 30 * ALL ELEVATIONS REFER TO NAVD88' DATUM Q ( IN FEET ) 2109/29/2022 REVISED SURVEY RRT TR 1 inch = 30 ft. 1 1 107/13/20221 UPDATED CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS TR JDL REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY CHK o` NEwy Q SURVEY OF PROPERTY Q- � t_E A p O �•'•• Fla /C ti 9 SCALICE 1200 LEEfON DRIVE * and s u ry e I n SITUATE r g TOWN OF SOUTHOLD mjslandsurvey.com P:631 —957-2400 SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 050736 Q a DR.:MC CREW.:JP SCALE: 1" = 30' � �A ND S� TAX MAP NO. DATE SURVEYED:07/01/2022 JOB No.S22-1867 1 1000-059.00-01.00-001.000 CER FIGDIONSZED ON THJS GODNDARYASURVEY NAPDITION 10 THIS SURVEY SIGNIFY THAT THE MMI WASPREPARED INNACCORRDACE WITH THE CURRENTR'S SEAL IS A ON OF EM91NGECTION CODE OFOP'RACICED FORDIAND SURVEYSYADOPTED BY MEEORK STATE ATION LAW.NEW YORK(STA ENLY ASSOCIATIONSURVEY MAPS WIM OF PROFESSIONAL LARDESUU�YEYONR•SIEC.THEED SEAJ.ARE CERTIFICATIIONGSNUINE TRUE AND CORRECT COPIES OF LIMITED TO PERSONS FOR WHOM METHE BOUNDARYYSURVEY MAP 15WORK AND PREPARED OTO IIDN.E(,) TITLE COMPANY,TO ME GOVERNNENTAL AGENCY,AND TO THE LENDING INSTITUTION USTED ON THIS BOUNDARY SURVEY MAP.(4)THE CERTIFICATIONS HEREIN PRE NOT TRANSFERABLE(5)THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENIS PRE NOT ALWAYS KNOWN AND OFTEN MUST BE ESTIMATED.IF ANY UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMENTS OR RCROACHMENS EX19 OR ARE SHOWN.THE IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS ME NOT COVERED BY THIS SURVEY.(6)THE OFFSET(OR DIMENSIONS)SHOWN HEREON FROM THE STRUCTURES TO ME PROPERTY LINES ME FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND USE AND THEREFORE ME NOT INTENDED TO GUIDE THE ERECTION OF FENCES,RETANING WALLS,POOS.PATIOS PWTTINL AREAS. ADDITIONS TO BUILDINGS.AND ANY OTHER TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION.(l)PROPERTY CORNER MONUMENTS WERE NOT SET AS PMT OF THIS SURVEY.(8)THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED WITH A SPECTRA FOCUS 30 ROBDTIC TOTAL STATION. (9)THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHTS OF WAV MD/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD IF MY.NOT SHOWN ME NOT GUMAVTEED.(10)SURVEY IS SUBJECT TO MY STATE OF FACS WHICH M UP-TO-DATE TITLE EXMINATION WAY DISCLOSE f T�������111111f i11111i - -=�IIII Facing Northeast: Front of the Dwelling Facing East: Front/ Right of the Dwelling Facing Southeast: Right side of the Dwelling Facing Southwest: Rear of the Dwelling Lazos Residence-1200 Leeton Dr, Southold Applicant: AMP Architecture All Photos Taken: 04.04.2022 Facing West: Left/Rear side of the Dwelling Facing North: Front/Left of Dwelling Facing Southwest: View to the front yard Facing Northeast: View to the rear yard Lazos Residence-1200 Leeton Dr, Southold Applicant: AMP Architecture All Photos Taken: 04.04.2022 wnee �� kem ax ��x, �, 'a "' � � /! y` rw e ,.7E'• s¢E sno rvo 6u urvE p Ila ��',J xae�, � � \� � � 'o � �?.� ,o c e°g�' a`° '`fes& x n �2 sa 2"O sy �a � a, •• �.,. syd a na � ''� ;& d nm as ,. rp Y J. t _y Jr i a s .. k3! ,a`' J-R ✓ Y,f O^fa.P f•F. Ye O 3 ''.'� Jti�•ti> a s f 1 ,t.QA ®, v,"O A' y;",� .aa °�f f �. xx sA oen117 Ot ae �x � tl +n b� ♦ �_ a•R, \ :h y ° F •� M s�� �a ° r. .\ � C, '�- zs a r- e14 SA RO 1M7 g, 8 ,a a'•- 3 _ rr' .OWN or SOUTHOLp /C a t fid. .,; " d^ a .d S, " h°•r rc� `K d''A.� �•f J GREATFOW 4 f ; O ¢•�y, i 1g '.a 'QFC. c. shr •a6 t.T•' [`8 .q ,�� s.+a r' ,.'s.\�w +fai ,are ad ,'y t `� '� w'�y a r�D.. •y °ky '� ,S - 4 ,&,fie .� g, ✓ * . ,'4) 71 r b A6F,p�f ' � J.$R N 7 A 3 _.j"¢- rv• .�&' 2�6 r" M T VJYG g �, a a, � � R'��• � '�6 ��, a�,, 5 yr i � g r\' � �, e� ,�, .�+.vska,. � h�, - ,ro�o.ca«....«ro D• �� � ,r� � � .a.� a ��,f #, mie ��i�;t t•�¢s �,, a e ��n p:F< _ era a t� ".(v u1 •f l� aC� � �o k "9 a � �qrv[) axe s C }�\, e> c• S ' aN o+a'1�,c.- x � f O y J �d� 8 " w• i 8. � § u ,� ao a � Op.3 Com,^ es 4 ,x �J S�.•Y z4e '� a� •... 2 [s 'a .A E2 ..\ w h rcvaawe'raav a, WO FOVMr KGNfMx O h ; V. aa ,ztle a, a #A,ieR CutiE .moo-�,> �� SEE SEC.NO OE6 SFE SEC 1Jo oea r O M Q OUPITY SUFFOLK N noricE n w,.,,,, tow srcncry rvo �.�.,,.. --'= +^.� u� ,^ R.ea p—yT k,Agm y V or N — —— ——— — --- ,R 059 121) .. A+,r.art a>,mei reaeso+ p a ,...ew r,.w •.w. ,..u..... ;.: � .x. a �a a� au.a-- A M P Architecture Address:10200 Main Rd,Unit 3A P.0 Box 152 Mattituck NY 11952 Phone:(631)603-9092 Design + Build November 02,2023 Wetlands Permit Application ! �; NOV 2 2023 4 I i i Lazos Residence i y 1200 Leeton Drive Southold, N.Y. 11971 SCTM: 1000-59-01-01 Project Description: Please Note:All Proposed work is within the existing house and existing wood deck footprint Removal of Existing Roof-1,374 SF Removal of Portion of Existing Wrap around Deck @ Second Floor-7'-6"x15'-4" (115 SF) Existing Ground Floor—No Changes; 36'-4"x34'-4" (1,249 SF) Existing Second Floor—36'-4"x34'-4" (1,249 SF) Proposed Ground Floor,Second &Third Floor Addition—7'-6"x15'-4" (115 SF) Ground Floor to be structural supports with break-away walls;Second and Third Floors to be habitable spaces Existing Wrap around Deck @ Second Floor—Areas to remain 3'41"00'-2", 11'-10"04'4",7'-6"x32'- 10" (769 SF Total) Existing Front Wood Deck @ Second Floor—No Changes; 5'-7"x20'-0" (113 SF) Proposed Third Floor 36'-4"x34'-4" (1,077.5 SF)Addition 12'x34'-5" (412.3 SF) Rear Wood Deck New IA OWTS:To be installed at front of property (3) 8'Wide x 2' deep drywells Page 1 of 1 3 y John G.Stein,Chairperson y Town Hall,53095 Main Rd. Lauren Standish,Secretary P.O.Box 1179 • `� Southold,NY 11971 y'flpl �.a0! Telephone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 Conservation Advisory Council Town of Southold At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held on Wed., August 9, 2023, the following recommendation was made: Moved by Inga Van Eysden, seconded by Shannon Wright, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT,the application of CHRISTOPHER & MARISSA LAZOS to construct additions and renovate the existing dwelling and replace the existing traditional sanitary system with an I/A OWTS sanitary system. Located: 1200 Leeton Dr., Southold. SCTM#59-1-1 Inspected by:/John Stein, Inga Van Eysden, John Chandler, Shannon Wright Vote of Council: Ayes: All Motion Carried R ' BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall ���� SO. 53095 Main Road • P.O. Box 1179 Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson �®��� � Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora Eric Dantes Office Location: Robert Lehnert,Jr. Town Annex/First Floor Nicholas Planamento ® �� 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) �r�,�� Southold,NY )��471 Cou D ECEI http://southoldtownny.gov ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel. (631) 765-1809 P0 U Wth 04: TI 051�nC I e�rk` FINDINGS,DELIBERATIONS,AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF OCTOBER 19,2023 ZBA FILE: #7809 NAME OF APPLICANT: Chris & Marisa Lazos PROPERTY LOCATION: 1200 Leeton Drive, Southold NY 11971 SCTM: 100-59-1-1 SEORA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without further steps under SEQRA. SUFFOLK COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: This application was referred as required under the Suffolk County Administrative Code Sections A 14-14 to 23,and the Suffolk County Department of Planning issued its reply dated May 9, 2023 stating that this application is considered a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact. LWRP DETERMINATION: This application was referred for review under Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. The LWRP Coordinator issued a recommendation dated August 22, 2023. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available, it is recommended that the proposed action is INCONSISTENT with LWRP policy standards and therefore is INCONSISTENT with the LWRP. Policy 4.1: Minimize losses of human life and structures from flooding and erosion hazards. The Coastal Erosion Hazard Line splits the parcel with a shift landward to account for the no seawall. Part of the single-family residence and deck are located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. A. Minimize potential loss and damage by locating development and structures away from flooding and erosion hazards. The parcel is located in the FEMA Flood Zone VE. This area is highly susceptible to frequent stone surge with wave action. Policy 4.2: Protect and restore natural protective features. Natural protective geologic features provide valuable protection and should be protected, restored and enhanced. Destruction or degradation of these features should be discouraged or prohibited. In granting this relief, and based upon site inspection by Zoning Board of Appeals observing a substantial vegetative dune on the subject property which would be adversely impacted by the demolition and excavation that would be required to conform to FEMA and with the conditions imposed in granting relief and the installation of a Page 2,October 19,2023 #7809, Lazos SCTM No. 1000-59-1-1 I/A OWTS Innovative/Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment System, the Board finds that the points brought forward by the LWRP coordinator will be mitigated and therefore finds the application LWRP CONSISTENT. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The subject, non-conforming, 20,850 square feet (16,595 square feet buildable), .48 acre, rectangular-shaped, waterfront parcel measures 100 feet on Leeton Drive, then runs north 207 feet into the Long Island Sound, then runs east 100.05 feet, and returns south, 210 feet back to the roadway. Additionally,the survey illustrates the present edge of water,the delineated high-water mark,the primary dune(top) and the Coastal Erosion Hazard Line bisecting the residence. The property is improved with a one-story wood-frame residence, raised on pilings with a full finished habitable floor below which also includes a garage, attached wood decking and access stairs, gravel driveways, wood walkways, an outdoor shower and a frame shed as shown on the survey prepared by Jason D. Leadingham, Licensed Land Surveyor and dated July 1, 2022. BASIS OF APPLICATION: (Adj. from September 7, 2023) Request for Variances from Article IV, Section 280- 18; Article XXIII, Section 280-124; Article XXXVI, Section 280-207A(1)(b); and the Building Inspector's March 10, 2023 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling; at 1) exceeding the maximum permitted two and one half(2 1/2) stories; 2) gross floor area exceeding permitted maximum square footage for lot containing up to 20,000 square feet (buildable) in area; 3) more than the code permitted maximum lot coverage of 20%; located at: 1200 Leeton Drive, Southold,NY. SCTM No. 59-1-1. RELIEF REQUESTED: The applicant requests variances for alterations and additions to an existing single-family residence where the Gross Floor Area, as proposed at 3,066 square feet, is in excess by 966 square feet, of the 2,100 square feet maximum permitted by the Code, which includes a proposed a third floor living space where the Code §280-18, Bulk Schedule limits residential structures to two and a half stories and proposed lot coverage of 37.3% where the Code permits a maximum of 20% lot coverage. As part of the sites build-out the applicant proposes to expand the footprint of the house with a two-story addition on the east side of the structure measuring 7.5 feet by 15.5 feet. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Multiple letters, both in support and in opposition of the project, were received prior to the public hearing at which time neighbor's spoke in favor of the application. The applicant provided the Board with the following architectural drawings: • Proposed site plan, second floor demolition plan, proposed floor plans, proposed elevations, labeled SD-1 through SD-7, prepared by Anthony M. Portillo, Registered Architect and dated September 21,2023 • Proposed site plan, second floor demolition plan, west elevation/illustrating roof demolition, proposed floor plans, proposed elevations, labeled SD-I through SD-6, prepared by Anthony M. Portillo, Registered Architect and dated March 22, 2023 • Sky Plane sections, labeled SKY-1, prepared by Anthony M. Portillo, Registered Architect and dated February 23, 2023. The applicant's property received prior Zoning Board of Appeals variance relief in decision#2494 in 1978,allowing the residential structure to be moved and relocated closer to the roadway (Leeton Drive) with an insufficient front yard setback. The structure is located 39.7 feet from Leeton Drive. At the time of the relocation the ranch-style residence was placed on a piling foundation that, overtime, was enclosed to establish a finished first floor with living space consisting of a den, a bathroom, storage areas and a garage. Since the relocation, the dune has grown substantially around the west, north and east sides of the residence. Improvements on the subject parcel are covered by the following Certificate of Occupancy: #z-2597 dated October 28, 1966 covering an addition to a one family dwelling. #z-10232 dated October 31, 1980 covering alteration to a private one family dwelling. #z-35799 dated July 5, 2012 covering reconstruction of an existing deck. Page 3,October 19,2023 #7809, Lazos SCTM No. 1000-59-1-1 #z-37328 dated December 16, 2014 covering a Pre-Certificate of Occupancy. #z-37996 dated December 28, 2015 covering interior alterations to an existing dwelling. The existing dwelling presently has lot coverage of 35.5% where a maximum of 20% is permitted. The expansion of the residence represents an addition of 115 square feet or 1.9%, establishing the proposed lot coverage of 37.3% where a maximum of 20% is permitted by Code. The expansion is necessary in order to create a stair well to access the proposed third floor addition which will contain three bedrooms (proposed plan illustrates conversion of a two- bedroom residence to a four-bedroom residence). The applicant's agent has stated the proposed alteration and additions do not constitute a `technical' demolition as the majority of the original structure will remain, with the exception of the roof framing which will be removed to allow for the addition of a second floor. The proposal is not required to and will not comply with FEMA requirements. The applicant proposes the installation of an I/A OWTS Innovative/ Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment System. The September 5, 2023 Public Hearing was adjourned to the October 5, 2023 Public Hearing in order to allow the applicant's agent to discuss with their client various alternatives presented by the Board. On September 22, 2023 the Board received communication from the applicant's agent containing a cover letter indicating revisions to the plan presented, including the addition of an IA sanitary system and clarification on the removal of a roof overhang that will become a third-floor waterside balcony. At the October 5, 2023 Public Hearing the applicant's agent/architect presented the Board with a presentation of comparative Gross Floor Area and sky plane for houses in the immediate neighborhood, illustrating the proposed GFA and sky plane is in keeping with the scale and community character of the waterfront location. At this meeting, the applicant's agent/attorney also presented to the Board a presentation packet illustrating the history of the property, an analysis of other ZBA relief granted in the immediate area for residential variances, and also a statement responding to the LWRP coordinator declaration of INCONSISTENT. While the case has been made that the site's improvements will mitigate the LWRP coordinator's concerns making the project CONSISTENT, the applicant's attorney incorrectly stated at the public hearing that the proposed addition over an existing dwelling was EXEMPT from Code §1 11, pertaining to the Coastal Erosion Law. After the hearing and upon further review the attorney confirmed there is NO exemption. FINDINGS OF FACT/REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on September 7 and October 5,2023 at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property and surrounding neighborhood, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant and makes the following findings: 1. Town Law U67-b(3)(b)(1). Grant of the variances will not produce an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties. The Kenny's Beach and Leeton Drive area is a beach community consisting of various lot and home sizes developed over the past 75 years. Many of the area houses and the waterfront homes in particular have been updated and expanded. The applicant has illustrated that the proposed Gross Floor Area, as recently included in the Zoning Code of the Town of Southold, while excessive by approximately 966 square feet, is in keeping with the community character and the majority of homes when averaged within 500 feet of the subject parcel. Likewise, the addition of a floor over the existing living space, not deemed a demolition by the Town of Southold Building Department, while `technically, a nonpermitted third floor, functions as a second floor. The original residence was relocated to its present location with a valid building permit in 1979 and while there is finished space at grade(first floor)the alterations and additions do not require the property to meet FEMA standards. If, however, the structure was to be raised to make it FEMA compliant, the same `finished' level would remain, which includes a customary garage. Other homes in the immediate area also include similar floor • Y Page 4,October 19,2023 #7809, Lazos SCTM No. 1000-59-1-1 plans as evidenced by the prior relief granted for residential projects in this area. Finally, the applicant proposes an addition,to accommodate a stairwell,increasing lot coverage by 1.9%,potentially,de minimis in nature. The existing house lot coverage is 35.5%a result of the change in Code between the actual lot size and the buildable area. Without the modest 115 square feet addition the existing residence presently exceeds the allowable limit without impact on the surrounding neighborhood. 2. Town Law 5267-b(3)(b)(2). The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance. While the applicant could expand their home laterally, this would increase the lot coverage and would have negative environmental impact on sensitive wetlands and the natural protective dune. However, the applicant proposes constructing a second story over an existing residence with virtually no impact on the environment,which is reasonable and avoids an additional increase in lot coverage beyond what is currently proposed. 3. Town Law 5267-b(3)(b)(3). The variances granted herein are mathematically substantial, representing 100% relief from the code relative to the construction of a habitable third floor,46 percent relief for the proposed excessive Gross Floor Area, and 85 percent relief for the total lot coverage. However, the Gross Floor Area as calculated is reasonable when compared to the average home size within 500 feet of the subject parcel, a technical third floor which functions as a habitable second floor is common to single-family residences in this beachfront community and within the Town of Southold in general, and the expansion of the footprint of the residence by 115 square feet for a functionally required stairwell represents an overall increase of 1.9% over the present legally established lot coverage, which is de minimis in nature. 4. Town Law 5267-b(3)(b)(4). Evidence has been submitted to suggest that a variance in this residential community will have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood. The applicant must comply with Chapter 236 of the Town's Storm Water Management Code and install a Suffolk County Board of Health approved I/A OWTS Innovative/Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment System. 5. Town Law 5267-b(3)(b)(5). The difficulty has been self-created. The applicant purchased the parcel after the Zoning Code was in effect and it is presumed that the applicant had actual or constructive knowledge of the limitations on the use of the parcel under the Zoning Code in effect prior to or at the time of purchase. 6. Town Law 5267-b. Grant of the requested relief is the minimum action necessary and adequate to enable the applicant to enjoy the benefit of alterations and additions to a single-family residence consisting of an expansion of the footprint, with a two-story addition measuring 7.5 feet by 15.5 feet, the addition of a habitable technical third- floor with cantilevered waterside balcony establishing a Gross Floor Area of 3,066 square feet and lot coverage of 37.3% while preserving and protecting the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety and welfare of the community. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: In considering all of the above factors and applying the balancing test under New York Town Law 267-13,motion was offered by Member Planarnento,seconded by Member Lehnert,and duly carried, to GRANT the variances as applied for, and shown on the proposed site plan, second floor demolition plan, proposed floor plans, proposed elevations, labeled SD-1 through SD-7, prepared by Anthony M. Portillo, Registered Architect and dated September 2f, 2023. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall install a(I/A OWTS) Innovative/Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment System approved by the. Suffolk County Department of Health Services. Page 5,October 19,2023 #7809, Lazos SCTM No. 1000-59-1-1 2. The building shall meet New York State Building Code relative to the use of a third floor and pursuant to the NYS Building Code, the applicant shall install a fire suppression system. 3. The applicant shall receive approval from the Southold Town Board of Trustees. This approval shall not be deemed effective until the required conditions have been met.At the discretion of the Board of Appeals,failure to comply with the above conditions may render this decision null and void That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate.of Occupancy, when issued. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. IMPORTANT LIMITS ON THE APPROVALS) GRANTED HEREIN Please Read Carefully Any deviation from the survey, site plan and/or architectural drawings cited in this decision, or work exceeding the scope of the relief granted herein, will result in delays andlor a possible denial by the Building Department of a building permit and/or the issuance of a Stop Work Order, and may require a new application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any deviation from the variances)granted herein as shown on the architectural drawings,site plan and/or survey cited above, such as alterations, extensions, demolitions, or demolitions exceeding the scope of the relief granted herein, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses,setbacks and other features as are expressly addressed in this action. TIME LIMITS ON THIS APPROVAL: Pursuant to Chapter 280-14®(B) of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become null and void where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been procured, and/or a subdivision map has not been filed with the Suffolk County Clerk, within three (3) years from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may, upon written request prior to the date of expiration, grant an extension not to exceed three (3) consecutive one (1) year terms. IT IS THE PROPERTY OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE CODE REQUIRED TIME FRAME DESCRIBED HEREIN. Failure to comply in a timely manner may result in the denial by the Building Department of a Certificate of Occupancy, nullify the approved variance relief, and require a new variance application with public hearing before the Board of Appeals Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Planamento, Lehnert, Weisman, Acampora, and Dantes. This Resolution.was duly adopted (5-0). Page 5, October 19,2023 #7809, Lazos SCTM No. 1000-59-1-1 2. The building shall meet New York State Building Code relative to the use of a third floor and pursuant to the NYS Building Code,the applicant shall install a fire suppression system. 3. The applicant shall receive approval from the Southold Town Board of Trustees. This approval shall not be deemed effective until the required conditions have been met.At the discretion of the Board of Appeals,failure to comply with the above conditions may render this decision null and void That the above conditions be written into the Building Inspector's Certificate of Occupancy, when issued. The Board reserves the right to substitute a similar design: that is de minimis in nature for an alteration that does not increase the degree of nonconformity. IMPORTANT LIMITS ON THE APPROVAL(S) GRANTED HEREIN Please Read Carefully Any deviation from the survey, site plan andlor architectural drawings cited in this decision, or work exceeding the scope of the relief granted herein, will result in delays andlor a possible denial by the Building Department of a building permit and/or the issuance of a Stop Work Order, and may require anew application and public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Any deviation from the variance(s)granted herein as shown on the architectural drawings,site plan and/or survey cited above, such as alterations, extensions, demolitions, or demolitions exceeding the scope of the relief granted herein, are not authorized under this application when involving nonconformities under the zoning code. This action does not authorize or condone any current or future use, setback or other feature of the subject property that may violate the Zoning Code, other than such uses,setbacks and other.features as are expressly addressed in this action. TIME LIMITS ON THIS APPROVAL: Pursuant to Chapter 280-146(B) of the Code of the Town of Southold any variance granted by the Board of Appeals shall become null and void where a Certificate of Occupancy has not been procured, and/or a subdivision map has not been filed with the Suffolk County Clerk,within three (3) years from the date such variance was granted. The Board of Appeals may, upon written request prior to the date of expiration, grant an extension not to exceed three (3) consecutive one (1) year terms. IT IS THE PROPERTY OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE CODE REQUIRED TIME FRAME DESCRIBED HEREIN. Failure to comply in a timely manner may result in the denial by the Building Department of a Certificate of Occupancy, nullify the approved variance relief, and require a new variance application with public hearing before the Board of Appeals Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Planamento, Lehnert, Weisman, Acampora, and Dantes. This Resolution was duly adopted (5-0). eslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson Approved for filing le- /),,,; /2023 Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Cantrell, Elizabeth Sent: Wednesday,August 2, 2023 9:49 AM To: 'Brooke Epperson' Subject: RE: Lazos 1000-59-01-001 Good Morning, No problem. I will hold the application and slate it for our September 13th agenda. Sincerely, geoakld Senior Office Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees Office: 631-765-1892 Email: elizabethc@southoldtownny.gov From: Brooke Epperson <bepperson@amparchitect.com> Sent:Wednesday,August 2, 2023 9:34 AM To:Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: Lazos 1000-59-01-001 Hi Elizabeth, We are on the August 16th hering for this property. Can we please postpone this to the September hearing? Thank you Brooke Epperson Design Director A M P Architecture Design + Build Office: 631-603-9092 www.amparchitect.com ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. i FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD,N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: March 10, 2023 TO: Lazos, Christopher 76 Beverly Dr. Albertson,NY 11507 Please take notice that your application dated February 7, 2023: For permit to: construct additions and alterations to existing single-family dwelling at: Location of property: 1200 Leeton Drive, Southold,NY County Tax Map No. 1000—Section 59 Block 1 Lot 1 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction on this non-conforming 16,595 sq.ft. parcel (buildable area 6,015 sq.ft.) in the Residential R-40 is not permitted pursuant to Article XXXVI Section 280-207 which states lots containing up to 10,000 square feet of lot area cannot exceed a maximum gross floor area calculation of 2,100 sq.ft. in size. The proposed construction has a calculated gross floor area of 3,066 sq.ft, exceeding the permitted maximum of 2,100 sf by 966 sq.ft.. In addition the proposed third story is not permitted pursuant to Article XII Section 280- 18 where the Bulk schedule allows the maximum permitted stories at 2 %. Lastly, and in addition the proposed construction is not permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 280-124 which states lots measuring less than 20,000 square feet in total size require a maximum lot coverage of 20%. J The site plan shows a lot coverage calculation of 37.3%. A orized Signat r Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, ZBA -- ^� .__ . D a v PROJECT�ZOhtIN6���A.-.--- a - - - !_UT GO�fI�E2{�C3E _ - _ - -- -- �LONG ISLAND SOUN - G DESCRIPTION(FOOTPRINT) AREA %LOT _�y4 = Q°�i. .' 1 -------� , =a z 3 a TAX MAP# 1000 501 I 1 COVERAE Q ZONING R DISTRICT _r -40 NO TOTAL -- -- - -_=-- — - Ir ----_ ------- \ 0 3 w �nLOT AREA TO TIE LINE ® 1 20 z ,e,50.0 B.F. 1 ___---forw*a i �J T a w m j LOT AREA ########## MEAN HIGH WATER __ -- ---- . --- ___ u �io�wa ._... _. a w o COfO -ADDITION TO DWELLING Z25g7;10/28/Igbb TOTAL LOT AREA(LANDWARD OF 6,120.0 S.F. NI o w_ C.E.H.L-) 1 m z a w a COfO ALTERATION TO r - � A }w w z z Z10232.10/31/Ig80 I `� DWELLING � -K,_ EXISTING 2 STORY FRAME HOUSE i 1256.2 S.F. — —20.5% 9 ____--- -- -- -----�+ I 'll, m�W _ --- - -- Z24717 10/21/Igg6 N F EXISTING 2ND STORY DECKS � I,OIO.B S.F. � Ib.S%� + w� SHED ADD TIONORY STORAGE 357gq;7/5/2012 9 �j g� GofO - DECK -- - - 100.3��,��� 2U w m D o PROPOSED ADDITION 115.0 S.F. Lq% 1 ,��®"� tj 1Y - Q Z}�_ ZE 1 GOPO -PRE-EXIST DWELLING 37328, 12/I6/2014 z TOTAL AREA OF ALL STRUCTURES 2382.0 S.F. 38.q% ° � 1 _x=o GofO -RESIDENTIAL 37ggb;12/28/2015 __ ____--- - --_ o4zz ALTERATION -- 1 -� w o z a Y w «*MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE ALLOWED - 20% --�� a - FEMA FLOOD ZONE VE15 $ VEIb H0""' p ___-- -I° Southold Town 3 -- - -- - - - WETLANDS DISTRICT 7577 $ 75-MO;b/22/2011 ---- ---- J z -- - - - - .. - 1 yo�oa�a �6c�.Y_G Q PU 6JEsS DEC DISTRICT PERMIT#AND DATE - DING' z a -.- _ � a g wNoww UIRED t�dUIRED vE"l5,4GIC5 --MA[N SUIL - - EXIST. PROPOSED COMPLIES - - - _ ---- -- � � � x o x - F V a a a a x + SUFFOLK COUNTY HD APPROVAL �, PERMIT# #OF REQ � - - - - --- - ZoF 'u ae HABITABLE SPACE EXISTING PROPOSED FRONT YARD 35.0 3q.7' 3q.7 Y 1 l N �TAraH 1 FIRST FLOOR AREA 7q8 S.F. 7q8 5.F. SECOND FLOOR AREA 124q S.F. 1364 S.F. SIDE YARD 10.0 Iq.7' Iq.?' Y --- T_ e a L _ BOTH 51DE YARDS y - = -_ THIRD FLOOR AREA O S F. q04 S.F. 25.0 65.6' 58.1' Y �- A o REAR YARD 35.0 74.3' 74.3 Yof a + +ew \lo O n I / ------0 - -—----- ter. 10 0 nQ •o' Tor of DUNE _L_ -I- sr TOP OF DUNE / 9 a I u34' - ----- ( O 1 Jlo v +9.74' 10 1 weH L_ _JI i HAY BALES AND/Op SILT Fe+clne TO eE unpaw IN DUFtINB GON9TR GrION - I EXIST.SHED _ UNDER DEOK PROP., 9•J4' PRAM EXIST. (6.9'XI23') —__ PIER LINE j 1 c°"ceA v'war' rww�e or'cx � li 10 - - - t- - v ---------- 785 - Po9 _ROOF6EGK h I m / •prone wo DW.' d PROP. PRO ED 1 - s _ G/E eX19TIN6 e•auo oron.aw¢e« +e.ar _ SS3 PROP A9 ' < PIER LIRE � I O FIRST STORY � 10 „rep m n.d r 1 rc �I >I �r- ( � aarrracore,�n'cn� +.,,,o � �� c +.,m• I ELn.a' .- 1 � - - I - - s - - - - - - - �� �( .1 z COASTAL EROSI ON o �� - - - - - - - - _ - HAZARD LINE uT000R n exl9rNs m°9raRY - e 1 S40OL-R - (6ARABE UNDER) _ S8�' K _ W �� I 100.00 6 c{ LHVERK I PROPOSED sRD 9T6RY" h 75' __ \ — 'Q rA- °35'30"W n.ae 1 -6PSi IEL..7.46' / F • + VA - _ 13 `\ < —.Mc`s — Z p z z I 0 // , >_ I� - _ g LEETON DRIVE N O � k) �° O° b '!° Q � � 0 � LLI PREP. 1 PROP05ED 51 TE PLAN ° �°'. a o I..— T. VOLK FRAMeEXIgOW-K; -- I _ i I _ GRADE J ss�FRONv YnRo�eranoK N SCALE: I" 30'-O" N Q i a --HAY BALES ANDioR SILT I I I SITE LAYOUT NOTES: 0 OI 1 I. THIS 15 AN ARCHITECT'S 51TE PLAN R IS o FENGNS REPRESENT LIMITS OF - 1 PROP.! ll 1 PROP.1 OLEARINS,ERADINS AND DW m DW i SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION BY A LICENSED 0 CROUND DISruRBANOE•• I +bye, SURVEYOR. THE INFORMATION n. Y I i I I REPRESENTED ON THIS SITE PLAN IS TO THE r ARCHITECT'S BE57 OF KNOWLEDGE. HAY BALES AND/OR SILT FENUNB To ST UTILIZED 2.SURVEY INFORMATION WA5 OBTAINED I DURIr 6 coasrnL�noN +690' p C e.99 EL=7.4' - o i ��{{°� B ' PROP.) �a FROM A SURVEY DATED Oq-2q-2022 AND �yP F of PREPARED BY: TEST DW m HOLE - 1 SCALICE LAND SURVEYING r MJSLANDSURVEY.GOM o -- — — — ENLARO ED 51 TE PLAN a o � SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" GENERAL SYMBOL KEY: �p II $ �a U EE NEW FOUNDATION WALL EX15TINS TO REMAIN NEN WOOD FRAME m zarwaF, �JUN 2 8 2023 � o w wws3ai,.F O¢O w w U az1-j?Z Z w Ri of Trusflles y~ w w on 0-�0 �ozm�^-la z az z g ¢ I m� ¢r _._. EXISnNs ROOF W Z i F Z o //�TO DL'Df_'MOLI9F® o i in Z�,U nN6 ROOF _- -__ -- _ EX1 1.ROOF -.-- To EXI9 ro BE vawLlSMm w w,z 3 a ----1 z ------�- -----_-_ 1 '- .....----- m a w o a a w m wzo�ooin sow<¢sa �oaaaax 7F7 = = N I III II' EXIST.DEOK W 0 i LEE _ '—_ - _-- a) 1 i WEST ELEVATION (LEFT SIDE) ROOF DEMOLITION I SCALE: I/5"=I'-O" Ucl {� F%In* D 9r. I_MN6 ROOM I ICI R�✓� lP49r. I L MAY IT,1032 FXI9nNS NULL ro BE 0&40USNm 1 i TEST MOLE DATA =/ PoZanoN of EXIST. McaoNA e ¢vIOEs W DOK TO 5E POe 1256 f� I De•70LI91® i ....... 90UT70LD,NY 11411 > 0) 9�LTesaen 4 Z it 'i N 0 —_ EXIST. _.. 0 1 1 EL.T.4' Z FYI4r w�sot �i -- ——— — N H p z BROOM(. EXISTING NtlN MV®SAND,LOAM, Q To ISE Ra wJm� ",.1I� , SRAva pp� pT.yd,L ry Q ^ W J 54 PALE ERONN FINE o ! PORnON OF EXIST. TO GOAR9E SA20 -- O N O f I vEuc TO Be DEMMIS M to vex o — CIRAINA6Ec"i��.CeUL+4TI©N5—`—__---- a NNTee IN PALL NEW IMPERVIOUS SURFACE TION NOTE: ? AREA-PROP05ED ROOF 3 i1.2 S.F. 9 DEMDU °OAS 9A a PROVIDE SHORING AND SL"POKT To ALL ArrwTED �' 11 ' AREA R ADDITION 111 a 9Tm4TLRAL HR SERS PRIOR TO nE C.OMF84^m-cNT EXISTINE G�OOIe or ANr VEMOLInaN OR Oolemw TIOK - To BE Rs+ovED r2"RAINFALL EVENT°5URFAGE 233.1 ' AREA ...„„l Iso• .. TFMPnasav.u+OcIN6NEh10 9r?LIN6 NOTE9 42.2 GU.FT.VOLUME PER FOOT 5.5 S.F. 1.1NSTAu.-Tar Po9Ts i 61RDER PER DEnwLmoN PLAN*Pee DETAILS. 5 m POOL .� i�.-. �5.01 eaa+ e INST,�rffiv&ERNM PROPOSM PLANS,9EeuaE w'-o• PROVIDE(5)5'm X 2 DEEP ORYWELL5 D1°A'DG N EXIST.FLOOR JOISTS TO HEH 611®0¢. ID 4.REMOVE TEMP.POSTS 4 BIRDeE9. _v^ Q N SECOND FLOOR DEMOLITION PLAN DRYWELL GALGULATION5 4 TEST HOLE DATA SCALE:NTS Q Q 51-ALE: 1/5" 1'-0" 0 a _ r C ENERA�L SYMBOL KEY: E19T R'D�"�' ' a x ----------- �I .nob'-- .. a P I� I € EXI5TIN6 n TO REMAIN NEW FOUNDATION WALL "�"" � a.?L.'V I NEW WOOD FRAME — stry Z w a T 000 — I Jw�w=z L� r o= o EXISTI SECOND FIN15Hm FLOOR Fiei.:as:--'---'--� - it w o o x -- --- - -- ----- -- �— __ ----------- FL-- LE 7 11 F� g o O w EXIST.FIRST FINISHED FLOOR ( -.. I ELL i - W:nx x�x:n BASELIIff 'J L -' -- -- _--_ - -- - - F oo x ¢x 1 ELEJ.bO, Uaaa ax EXI5TINO FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = P-0" nn,, W 7C) -- - U — FJ �l' 1 m l 3H �Iii �I�I ( W1111, Ii ail � i �i l s-- Q (� CD = — 1 =- I j H EXI5TINO REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 115"= P-0" w N Z 0 O NF_- ZO z w J Q O � o� � N (I 'III I� �_I1�1��� ' I�II111 ' illli III �� i,lllll I�� 1 (I 0 it a I,I - -= M EXI5TIN(5 RIGHT ELEVATION w w aLp o � GENERAL SYMBOL KEY: w0 C o a r�� EXI5TIN6 TO REMAIN NEW FOUNDATION WAL_ ,1 i a¢a4a V y ( NEW WOD O F9FIR,-MEr.JME S r 9 U N� P 8 202< i ovro flt:Tt I{3 dEa a? z z 0 x a w oZm�Na -i C¢woaor �z — 0w¢oa'a o n2xFOo owoaz�vi IoLL+aol- I- � — — --. - I x"¢z 3 a -- — — .. ' azwiMw, _a¢a ad'1-oUrw �V~ISSF--SN I W 41'-II' x,3. T'�• U - - (D +� m - + 4EXIST, U c L 1' O EXIST. O cl EXIST. BASEMENT A ne er. 2'-2' c-� 0%IST. It e NAWLGR�� EXIST. 'a• 0 Z fr9 —) Z _ 0 ~ o EXIST. 9 EXt@ — — .J Q J O J BATT ROOM M 9r. GrTi er. � � 0 "ST. l i o N O 200 AMP K.✓"TRIGAL J 5,'2. .� _...�..��� NH. CL lee x. I a ' �FLIIU°AL I N � QN 0 5 10 20 PROPOSED GROUND FLOOR PLAN A CSC v SCALE: I/8" I'-O" p a �a o GENERAL SYMBOL KEY: I Qom 1—T I� NEW FOUNDATION WALL ¢ � EXI5TINS TO REMAIN rT3a a q o T 0 NEW WOOD FRAME a�x s m 4 g 'J 2 t Q xx1-wpw REi 97 ' I,. 6J �1`ir+r3 o~ QWO Z Z Q T w Q _-O q J U _ y Z w Jc2 V 1 U 1r--d'2' e' S ,s->fl U'`ti olo'�l6`t'd!� w w ac p o � aZZ Iz"'¢oQra Z. SZ o N Z i U Oywjp QZ wN O S U N 0 J Z�i Q 0 Q Z a z w o a a wN 2 x H S Z U r O U r U Q Q d Q S I EXIST I �DECK i 34'3• 94'3' T-0. U = 3. 26'-0' — J M tI r S — PROPOSED y • VBrK U c �- = �•910irc6.9LDR•.�> 6erbe yLpR ... 69be MDR v � bT•w 4 eer.• LIVIN9ROOM 1 lII t1 2EN -1Tio Plllopoem MASTER PROPOSED! ! Yf 1 RI el•. I BED 'JM i, �' ®EDROOM i FYle+1 � � L Y c Y s i 13' 1 rA � Q 1 n y ( 4 �• - .. -orm To eELOW- � W p a R / ._ 4-O• ! Q LK QS-1• DUILT-IN _ 2'ae• GL.. n bl el. I i Lk O O I � � I n �• � �% I O* � OMIST, W V ISLAND Z eE . Ell,M e—� — •• R 4 z �� . J J O a O©! 4 - Y s > p — N '� 0 (^. 4 NALLWArLn Q r 1 41'II' EXIST,DEOK r lu u. '(A] m r QN 0 5 10 20 0 5 10 20 (gyp PROPOSED 5EGOND FLOOR PLAN GRA 5C 1'g"=1'-°" PROPOSED THIRD FLOOR FLAN GRA � x �OZ�mV T-' Ill gg � o°3aao ,.n... ,.�.,.s. N o L �.._T- �17 r��r z¢cai 'oo oia��w -71 --E �`L F.da. wwo�oa jzZQOZ'a '' O 0 Z N x aa Z Q r �16T.GRIMILY^. —_ .�....= ti Z I w T= a F W U~2 2 H S N F O U N i-oaQaax 71 I IIL: +-� U — N — - — -N M EA5T ELEVATION (RIGHT SIDE) C7 + 51-ALE: 1/5" = I'-0" ! 1 Q (� �FRor.RIDGE HeleHr ----------------------- ELEV.KIB---------- _ t---I X, - -- 4 EXIST.RIDGE HEIS—HHT----- R20POSED THIRD FLOOR FINISH - ____._� _'-.o w - _ _pp_ zo z Jp w p w J REV I♦6.SEGOND FLOOR FINISH 'I1i� i i I _-� �r.my�=.._ '_— ______�'��-:..---'-- � �i ) i , III I�� it I �i i I III i ' ' Q e-I •— ---•---- I III I �._..._�. -.._._....._ ..�.- r III 0 a [71[ EXIST.BARf��6R4Utm FLOOR I i _ I AYEriPFiE AD T GRADE i I _ — - _ _ - ELEY..'I.�' ,vw) O _ SOUTH ELEVATION (FRONT) a w f 3 zz R _- _ e . .., m�z....az Zw�K�U o x a Hill 0 i z o'^o¢ 0. F W az:dp�aw z F _ '7IIII ZU 15 I ulla . i 1Ell :il�l� I'I 1 — — —� m { — v- , V,l _ —� —_- - -— ---- -- —==� - 4--J --- --- - _ ___ () WE5T ELEVATION (LEFT 51DE) *F + SCALE: 1/8" = I'-O" U aCl wm I i I 0, i i I — I'I �) Nzo o � _ N = p Z Lu LL ill ul'!11 �� 1 �111 IIII�. '=III:1 ill II �� o o -- 0 III �_ �_ illll I,I � QN NORTH ELEVATION (REAR) � V) SCALE: I/B" = I'-O" C o < fiL Glenn Goldsmith,President D Town Hall Annex �� to 54375 Route 25 A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President � P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski ! L Southold,New York 11971 Liz Gillooly G Telephone (631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeplesol�• yo Fax(631) 765-6641 �. courrrt,�� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD This Section For Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit Application Wetland Permit Application Administrative Permit Amendment/Transfer/Extensi nZ Z Received Applicatioq- $' 3 ,7—Received Fee: $ 2Y3� •' Completed Application: •2$� Incomplete: ` SEQRA Classification: Type I__ Type II Unlisted Negative Dec. Positive Dec. Lead Agency Determination Date: Coordination:(date sent): E � E I V E —TLWRP Consistency Assessment Form Sent: 1 '3 L CAC Referral Sent: f0 S d Date of Inspection: .1?19 3 JUN 2 8 2023 Receipt of CAC Report: Technical Review: _ Public Hearing Held: — �� Southold Town Resolution:� _ Board of Trustees Owner(s) Legal Name of Property (as shown on Deed): Christopher and Marissa Lazos Mailing Address: PO Box 152, mattituck, NY 11952 Phone Number: 917-224-0074 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - 59-01-01 Property Location: 1200 Leeton Drive, Southold _ (If necessary, provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT (If applicable):AMP Architecture (Anthony Portillo) r Mailing Address: PO Box , Mattituck, N.Y. 11952__ Phone Number: 631-603-9092 Email: aportillo@amparchitect.com 11)31,1.3 Board of Trustees Applin kion GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): 20,850 SF Area Zoning: R40 Non-Conforming Previous use of property: Single Family Residential Intended use of property: Single Family Residential Covenants and Restrictions on property? Yes _IEI_No If"Yes", please provide a copy. Will this project require a Building Permit as per Town Code? Yes _nNo If"Yes",be advised this application will be reviewed by the Building Dept. prior to a Board of Trustee review and Elevation Plans will be required. Does this project require a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals? Yes =No If"Yes", please provide copy of decision. WMhis project regp rg- any demolition as per Town Code or as determined by the Building Dept.? Yes JVJ No Does the structure(s) on property have a valid Certificate of Occupancy? Yes]::I_No Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date ❑ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? I' I No ❑ Yes If yes, provide explanation: — Project Description (use attachments if necessary): Please See Attached AM P Architecture Address:10200 Main Rd.Unit 3A 13.0 Box 152 Mattituck NY 11952 Phone:(631)603-9092 Design + Build June 28,2023 Wetlands Permit Application Lazos Residence 1200 Leeton Drive Southold, N.Y. 11971 SCTM: 1000-59-01-01 Project Description: Removal of existing roof—1,256 SF Ground Floor —No Changes;36'-6"x41'-11" (1,533 SF) Existing Wrap around Deck @ Second Floor—No Changes;4'-1"x18'-6", 11'-10"x46'-0",7'-6"x33'-0" (779 SF Total) Existing Deck @ Second Floor—No Changes;5'-7"x20'-0" (113 SF) Second Floor-7.5'x15.3' (114.8 SF)Addition Third Floor 7.5'x15.3';34.3'x36.5' (1,366.8 SF)Addition 8.2'x34.4' (282.1 SF)Wood Deck New IA OWTS:To be installed at front of property (3)8'Wide x 2'deep drywells Page 1 of 1 Board of Trustees Applic ion WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: Renovations and Additions to existing residence New IA OWTS Area of wetlands on lot: 14,730 CEHA square feet Percent coverage of lot: 70.6 . % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: 74_3 feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: 86.5 feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? NA cubic yards How much material will be filled? NA cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: NA feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: < 1% Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: NA Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): Majority of proposed work is within existing residence w/ minimal demolition. Board of Trustees Applic on COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: Alterations and additions to existing residence New IA OWTS Are wetlands present within 100 feet of the proposed activity? �No Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? No Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated? NA (cubic yards) How much material will be filled? NA (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: NA Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts to the subject property or neighboring properties reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed, including erosion increase or adverse effects on natural protective features. (Use attachments if necessary) Majority of proposed work is within existing residence w/ minimal demolition. The proposed IA OWTS will be replacing the existing traditional sanitary system and built according to current standards with minimal environmental impacts 617.20 Appendix B Short Environmental Assessment Form Instructions for Completing Part 1 -Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review, and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part 1 -Project and Sponsor Information Name of Action or Project: Lazos Renovation Project Location (describe,and attach a location map): 1200 Leeton Drive, Southold Brief Description of Proposed Action: Proposed Additions & Alterations to existing residence Proposed IA OWTS Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone:631-603-9092 AMP Architecture E-Mail:aportillo@amparchitect.com Address: PO Box City/PO: State: Zip Code: Mattituck NY 11952 1.Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes, attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that ❑ may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? NO YES If Yes, list agency(s)name and permit or approval: ❑ NYS DEC, Southold BD and ZBA, Suffolk County HD 3.a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? .48 acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 0 acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? .48 acres d. Che I land usat occur on,adjoining an ar the prop9SLAaction. Urban tRural(non-agriculture) Industrial Commercial ❑✓ Residential (suburban) Forest [:]Agriculture ✓Aquatic ❑Other(specify): Parkland Page 1 of 4 5. Is the proposed action, NO ( YES N/A a. a. A permitted use under the zoning regulations? ✓ b.Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? ✓ 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural NO YES landscape? I ✓ 7. Is the site of the proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environmental Area? , NO i YES If Yes,identify: GEHA [[:] 21 S. a.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? NO YES b.Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? ✓ c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? 9. Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? NO YES If the proposed action will exceed requirements, describe design features and technologies: ❑ ❑ 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: ❑ 11. Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment: ❑ Proposed IA OWTS; Existing septic to be removed/abandoned 12. a. Does the site contain a structure that is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? ✓ 1 I b. Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? IV 13.a. Does any portion of the site of the proposed action, or lands adjoining the proposed action,contain NO PYES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? ✓ b. Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into, any existing wetland or waterbody? �/ If Yes, identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: 14. ntify the typic habitat types that oc n,or are likely to be found on tf,�-project site. Check all that apply: ✓ Shoreline Forest Agricultural/grasslands Early mid-successional Wetland Urban Suburban 15.Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal,or associated habitats, listed NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? ✓ 16.Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES 17. Will the proposed action create storm water discharge,either from point or non-point sources? +NDO If Yes, a. Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties. ✓ O OYES b. Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems�10 f ✓anm drains)? If Yes, briefly describe: ES Gutters will lead to drMells Page 2 of 4 18. Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that result in the impoundment of NO I YES water or other liquids (e.g.retention pond, waste lagoon, dam)? If Yes,explain purpose and size: ❑ ❑ 19. Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed NO YES solid waste management facility? If Yes,describe: � ❑ 20.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing or NO YES completed)for hazardous waste? If Yes,describe: ❑ I AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name: AMP Architecture Date: 06/01/23 S ign atu re: Part 2-Impact Assessment. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part I and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 1. Will the proposed action create a material con flictwith an adopted land use plan or zoning Elregulations? 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? ❑ ❑ i. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? ❑ El 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the El 1:1establishment of a Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? S. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or El 1:1affect existing infrastructure for mass transit, biking or walkway? 6. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate ❑ ❑ reasonably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: El Ela. public/private water supplies? b. public/private wastewater treatment utilities? El 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important historic,archaeological, ❑ architectural or aesthetic resources? 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources(e.g.,wetlands, ❑ waterbodies,groundwater, air quality,flora and fauna)? Page 3 of 4 No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 10. Will the proposed action result in an increase in the potential for erosion,flooding or drainage ❑ problems? 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? Q Part 3-Determination of significance. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3. For every question in Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large impact may occur",or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact,please complete Part 3. Part 3 should,in sufficient detail, identify the impact,including any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant.Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting,probability of occurring, duration, irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short-term,long-term and cumulative impacts. Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Town of Southold-Board of Trustees Name of Lead Agency Date President Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) PRINT Page 4 of 4 Board of Trustees Applic Lon AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) I/We, Christopher Lazos and Maria Lazos owners of the property identified as SCTM# 1000- , 1000-59-1-1 in the town of Southold New York, hereby authorizes AMP Architecture to act as my agent and handle all necessary work involved with the application process for permit(s)from the Southold Town .Board of Trustees for this property. Property Owner's Signature Properiy Owner's Signature SWORN.TO BEFORE ME THIS. . :DAY OF_UCS/l1�Qi� . , 20,a-..24- _ Catherine Affrontl Notary Public State of New York " _ ..: 1110.0144856709 Notary Publ' comm scion(Expires April G%J& Board of Trustees Applim on :AFFIDAVIT Christopher Lazos and Maria Lazos BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S)AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM.ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S),IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION,I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES,THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES,INCLUDING THE CONSERVATION.ADVISORY COUNCIL,TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS APPLICATION, INCLUDING.A FINAL INSPECTION. I FURTHER AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY AND AS REQUIRED TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ANY CONDITION OF ANY WETLAND OR COASTAL EROSION PERMIT ISSUED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES DURING THE TERM OF THE PERMIT. Si a of'Prope weer Signature of Property OwnerP SWORN,TO BEFORE ME THIS,;. DAY Alp__ C�t�;^,Ine Affronti N tarn Puhlk,State of New York No.01AF4856701 Notary-PAIW// Co mlunlSS10rd16icpires April 1"4,206 APPLICANT/AGEff/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southolds Code of Ethics Mhibits conflicts of intemst on the cart of town officers and cm2LgMs.The Dumose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of pmsible conflicts of interest—and allow it to take whateveraction is aecessan+to avoid same. Youitmm : Christopher and Marissa Lazos (Last name,first name,jhlddle initial,unless you aro applying in the name of someone else or other entity.such as a company.if so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval ofplat Mooring Exemption born plat or official reap Planning Other (If"Other',name the activity.) Do you personally(or through your company.spouse.sibling,parent.or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or-business interest."Business intemr means a bhrsioess, including a partnership.in which the town officer or employee has even.a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO .F if you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applIcantAWnt/representadve)and the town officer or employee.Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,otr child is(check all that apply): �A)the owner of greater than 3%of the shares of the corporate stock orthe applicant —n (when the applicant Is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any Interest In a non-corponde entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C)an officer,director.partner.or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this d of 20 Signature Print Name Form T51 C�,k j LC%IZV,5 VA I A C a-S APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees.The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME: Anthony Portillo (Last name,first name,.tpiddle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If"Other',name the activity.) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent;or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship"includes by blood, marriage,or business interest."Business interest"means a business, including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee.Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply): f2A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant _n (when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the —Rapplicant is not a corporation); C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this.1 St day of Jule 2o23 Signature Print Name Anthony Portillo Fortn TS 1 Board of Trustees Apply -,:ion PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS APPLICATION NAME & SCTM#: NAME: s 9 -/- 3c STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK residing at being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the day of , 20 , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office located at , that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by CERTIFIED MAILIRETURN RECEIPT. Signature Sworn to bcforc me this Day of 720 Notary Public Board of Trustees Application PROOF OF MAILING.OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS APPLICATION NAME & SCTM#:- ,6cc, ' and VAO.6 SSo U-a,203 lvoo-5q-01 -6I NAME: ADDRESS: '%O u-,6 Pr 56G \c, 5ecL+c)� -7 Rca\,J Vk()3b � Me1��11e , `may �1Vl"1-1 130C� Pror}ie5 )-LC, NM5, Ny 11-7 iAU ti$ ONar�O��► R,ve� P�� ��-C (o Qeard seer �3(-Ocwy n,V41 \n31 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK �I k,, hS('' ,residing at �0200 _M[a, R xlck, 5`�l b+u k NN 11G52 ,being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the .:I% day of Nkc)Qe Pt , 20�2a deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names;that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office located at HO L byc I-cane, c�� UCI�, 1�1�I 1��9J2 _ _that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by CERTIFIED MAIL/RETURN RECEIPT., Signatu Sworn tobcforc me this Day of NQ Ue-" - „20. �t.a BAR13ARA H.TANDY Notary Public,State Of New York No. 01 TA6086001 Qualified In Suffolk County'' Notary Viiblic Commission Expires0 `�•!$.'aQa,`7 7022 2410 0002 0223 8506 7022 2410 0002 02.23 8483 C y i y�m'1 0 (Dcom m m,,, m ib 6`y 08 3 2 p- G V=SO 0 - _ 3 3 3 m a h-' (V!�'ca1.'� 'c 'S m' ma m mwi CL ;! ✓"b W c 'V�•Y � 9 7�0 a'3 T 1'W°! '� 40CL ON - L®t7 4Yi' a g.? 5 _-Q�. [.»� • S • 'L ��� mCl a $V r'+t , rt IL /' m • n � ,M i • y�r•. . j L?.; a 3y �,:i of V { 7022 2410 0002 0223 8490 SENDER CVMPLETE THIS SECTIOI� COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ig azITAN''d,69 EI[10 El EIR 100 ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Sig at re �° ch ■ Print your name and address on the reverse ❑Agent ! a ® m m m w ■ so that we can return the card to you. X ❑Addressee ! �s oa a a w m 3 m w • ■ Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, B. Re eived b Printe Name C. Date of Relive � B = m - P Y( )� Delivery r9 0, a » U y is j or on the front if space permits. p s(,► �- - p�(mot '= a o s ;� :?` • 1. Article Addressed to: �wr� C" "= x �y - 1 D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes i i k [n o t n T U and an sc i la Sc d,4 C. If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No ! o z m r = a Me1J;il�. Ny �r��� I II I'III'I I'II III I II II I IIII I III II�III I'I I I I IIITypo � itz 3. Service ❑Priority Mail Expressri e ' S } ❑Adult Signature ❑Registered MailTM t''i' • i ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Registered Mail Restricted ❑Certified Mal® Delivery I ,���^ v ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConfirmationTM ! c�y 9590 9402 7156 1251 8954 95 - ❑Collect on Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation ,r��, 4 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label El Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery ;ty r `,� Mid � ;s i .t r. --"Rail ;:C<J � '� Mid - I't 7 I]2 2 = 4 0 t 0 0 0 2 '0 2 2 �#8 3 o)it Restricted Delivery }/T )�` ( V --- - —-' - --- - = — -- --- - Domestic,Returri,Receip#` PS Form 3811 July2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 • Glenn Goldsmith,President $UF Q�i �, Town Hall Annex '' 54375 Route 25 A.Nicholas ICrupski,Vice President ; � � y-� Eric Sepenoski P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly 1''+Y` Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 :i BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD t x BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of CHRISTOPHER& MARISSA LAZOS I COUNTY OF SUFFOLK " STATE OF NEW YORK { I AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING t .DO.NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM LI11!TIL THE.P_OSTING HAYREMAINED INPLACE FOR.ATLEASTSEVENDAYS PRIOR TO THE.PUBLIC, i HEARING D'9.TE-COMPLETE THIS-FORM ONEIGHTH DAY OR LATER 1 ,,,residing at/dba i 1 being duly swom, depose and say:-v ? That on the 743Ylay of NoveMb-e4, ,2023,I personally posted the property known as 1200 Lee-bn �(1'1�fP sc)k Ah�\A by placing the Board of Trustees official noticing poster where it can easily be seen from the street,and that I have checked to be sure the noticing poster has remained in place for a full seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held`Wedne day:'lNove—mber15 2623. Dated: D vnm bele I d (signature) Sworn to before me this 5 day of NOV•20 a3 BARBARA H.TANDY Notary Public,State Of Now Yark • No. 01 TA6086001 Oualifled In Suffolk County IV tary Public Commission Expires q�•�S• mod`] r Milk * 1 •r! f,_"1 .. _ ; �k� .. , 1 Mom* r �` �� �r {NOTICE OF HEARING MM111[�lr 1111v$v wvt W a t..w- Me*.,I w.!Mr 4rlt et --4 ra�1 tirirl�MiI�/I 4-"Om M wi%a"ma %&V""m"" %ftehmook.%to ovs► wow"Mri/rwuM�l�- 111 I TMIRK� fora ftft.d ra-w awl a rm"o io.www www Nw Mw + t 0"ol k.i Pon"Our rw"Woft *.w+.,�N,a Ni r �L,i+�rt A•4�a ar+�•a+•r a rratl!l 1#l�w 1+�++wrr►�..� a.as t..!i�r.r.wt+t• .......i?vvi►! ril tiir.lm t go~form""t••+t+iokow ar" 0-04 Aw w""omen Ilk go" i l {Rtis a [srt p Ir(MMfw A ""441~406" � iigiMrll�Mb err►rn w��a»�t.+Mi�1.lMrn M �M/aA srwM*vr•/u a••M . 4Li tip r4 YN M MMa"lJ sir t M l i as sir rrra+Isw �ofta�nrutt r 1 sits a iujwaA 7++4,r"Mm"+rrltiv""iimmo wn"Oft soft aft"Wo Wwot • ". ^woW&ar** Ar ft wwww"Mm%woo*tw WI amp ' woo mosa ft wa N tufto-"Wt woo ti T•4*irti+rra ii r ""p,—0—Aw twsr+i.1M Lam!M^MratMA KY40~ON►l �I ft AMA SAW M .n.�"m..wwr r.mow.rrw�..��r,w.ter�w ri.�■w..r►..r•as�ra..wn�,q+„r.�,.,r �wNMsnw �i tAf i rt wrr.r few$00 f "P�op w■um- 04. 4 46 AI 16 • t r t " M, J ' , NUTILEL. Uim HtAmI1,1ING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, concerning this property. OWNER(S) OF RECORD: CHRISTOPHER & MARISSA LAZOS SUBJECT OF PUBLIC HEARING.: For a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit for the existing two-story dwelling consisting of a 36.4'x34.4' (1,249sq.ft.) ground floor to remain; existing 36.4'x34.4' (1,249sq.ft.) second floor; existing 5.7'x20' (113sq.ft.) second floor front wood deck to remain; remove a 7.6'x15.4' (115sq.ft.) portion of existing second floor wrap around deck with existing 3.11'x30.2', 11.10'x34.4', 7.6'x32.10' (769sq.ft. total) wrap-around seco`n'd floor deck to remain; remove existing 1,374sq.ft. roof and construct a 36.4'x34.4' (1,077.5sq.ft.) third floor addition and 12'x34.5' (412.3.sq.ft.) third floor wood deck; construct a 7.6'x15.4' (115sq.ft.) three story addition with ground floor section to be structural supports with break-away walls, second and third floors to be habitable spaces; install an 1/A OWTS sanitary system landward of dwelling; and to install two (2) 8' wide by 2' deep drywells to contain roof runoff. Located: 1200 Leeton Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-59-1-1 TIME & DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Wednesday, November 15, 2023 — at or about 5:30P.M. If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) which are available online at www.southoldtownny.gov and/or in the Trustee Office until to the day of the hearing during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. BOARD OF TRUSTEES * TOWN OF SOUTHOLD * (631) 765-1892 Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all.of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, each answer must be explained in details. listiniz both supporting and non- supporting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions,it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 59 -01 _01 PROJECT NAME Lazos Renovation The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Board❑ Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees ❑� 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital ❑ construction,planning activity, agency regulation, land Iransaction) ❑ (b) Financial assistance(e.g.grant, loan,subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license,certification: ❑ Nature and extent of action: Alterations and Additions to Existing residence Proposed IA OWTS Location of action: 1200 Leeton Drive, Southold Site acreage: .48 Present land use: Single Family Residence Present zoning classification: R40 Non-Conforming _ 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: AMP Architecture (b) Mailing address: PO Box 152, Mattituck, NY 11952 (c) Telephone number: 631_603-9092 Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ No❑✓ If yes, which state or federal agency? C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable The proposed work is staving within the footprint of the existing dwelling. Minimal work is proposed to the existiriq ground & First Levels of the existing. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑✓ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria ❑✓ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable The proposed building addition is staying within the allowable building height by Southold Town Code. Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria Z Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable All proposed work will be done in accordance with safety codes and best means of practice for environmental protection Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of.Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria FVI' Yes ❑ No ❑Not Applicable All points of impervious surfaces will be connected to d_ rywells and a new IA OWTS system will be installed Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑No ❑ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑No❑✓ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ❑✓ Yes ❑ No ❑Not Applicable A new IA OWTS system will be installed and the old traditional septic system will be removed PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Ye❑ No Z Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No 0 Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III— Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No❑ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable PREPARED BY AMP Architecture TITLE Applicant/Architect DATE 06/26/23