HomeMy WebLinkAboutNYSDEC - Tidal Wetland Rehab - Broad Meadow CA 12984 RESOLUTION 2022-934 ADOPTED DOC ID: 18582 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2022-934 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON NOVEMBER 29, 2022: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A.Russell to execute a Cooperative Agreement with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to facilitate the Town managing tidal wetland rehabilitation planning and = work on certain lands of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation being situated in the Town of Southold,NY,known as Broad Meadow subject to the approval by the Town Attorney. Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sarah E.Nappa,Councilwoman SECONDER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman AYES: Nappa,Doroski,Mealy, Doherty, Evans,Russell FO�K�oG 0 C42 z o � Office of the Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone : 631-765-1939 Facsimile: 631-765-6639 MEMORANDUM To: Denis Noncarrow, Town Clerk From: Missy Mirabelli Secretary to the Town Attorney Date: October 31, 2023 Subject: Cooperative Agreement between NYSDEC & TOS Tidal Wetland Rehabilitation- Broad Meadow With respect to the above-referenced matter, I am enclosing the original Agreement together with the Resolution. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. /mm Enclosures cc: Accounting John Seponoski 1 CA 12984 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS Cooperative Agreement is entered into by and between the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (hereinafter referred to as the "Department" or "NYSDEC"),having offices located at 625 Broadway, Albany, New York 12233, and the Town of Southold (hereinafter referred to as the "Town"), having offices at 53095 Route 25, Southold,NY 11971. WITNESSETH WHEREAS,the Department and Town each own and manage property in Southold,NY containing tidal wetlands for purposes of protecting marine fish and wildlife habitat, improving water quality, providing open space, and increasing coastal resiliency; and WHEREAS, it is beneficial for the Department and Town to work cooperatively on projects that protect and enhance tidal wetland function;and WHEREAS, the Department and Town agree that the Town shall undertake tidal wetland rehabilitation planning and work on certain lands of the Department being situated in the Town of Southold,NY,known as Broad Meadows Marsh;and WHEREAS, the location of the above State Land is shown with more specificity in Schedule A -Land Description,attached hereto and made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, Environmental Conservation Law §3-0301 authorizes the Department to promote and coordinate management of water, land, fish, wildlife, and air resources to assure their protection, enhancement, provision, allocation, and balanced utilization consistent with the environmental policy of the state, and WHEREAS,the Town is charged with hiring design and construction contractors; and WHEREAS,the Town anticipates receiving grant funding for this wetland restoration work from a North American Wetlands Conservation Act Grant; and WHEREAS, the above Grant Program is administered by the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service;and WHEREAS, the Town will enter.into a sub-recipient agreement with Ducks Unlimited (the grant recipient) in order to receive the above Grant funds; and Page 1 CA 12984 WHEREAS, the costs for the implementation of wetland restoration activities, including restoration activities authorized in this agreement,are partially covered under the Grant and by additional Town funds and private funds from Ducks Unlimited;and WHEREAS,under the terms ofRes.No.2022-934,the Town will utilize the acquisition of Brushes Creek Preserve as a match for the above Grant; and WHEREAS, in addition to enhancing the environmental benefits provided by the State Lands, it is anticipated that wetlands work under this Cooperative Agreement-will also result in benefits to the Town r of Southold,specifically to the Town of Southold's 16.4-acre Whitcom Property,north of Broad Meadows; and WHEREAS,the Grant Agreement included the overview of a work plan for the services provided under the grant, and the Town will utilize a consultant to further develop the work plan and the permit i applications; and WHEREAS,the final work plan, including a monitoring plan will be completed and be part of the permit application including,but not limited to NYSDEC Temporary Revocable Permits (TRP) and Article 25 Tidal Wetland Permits; and WHEREAS,this project shall be conducted by the Town , in coordination with NYSDEC. NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants set forth herein,the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I. Term This Cooperative Agreement will commence on May 1,2023 and will remain in effect through December 31,2027,with the option to amend or extend this Cooperative Agreement by the mutual written agreement of the parties. ARTICLE H. Scope of Work A. Pursuant to its authority in the Environmental Conservation Law §3-0301, the Department grants to the Town the right to enter upon lands of the Department,more particularly described in SCHEDULE A, for the purpose of implementing the Project ("Project") set forth in SCHEDULE B - Scope of Work, (hereinafter"Scope"). B. Subject to the other provisions of this Cooperative Agreement and to appropriations,the Town agrees to manage the design and implementation of the Project, as set forth in the Scope (Schedule B). Responsibilities of the Department are also set forth in Schedule B.The parties agree that each party's responsibilities are as detailed therein. The Scope of Work may be modified by the mutual written agreement of the parties. C. Subject to Article III below,should anticipated funding be reduced or become unavailable to the Town, the Town shall make a good faith effort, subject to appropriations, to prioritize and complete any Page 2 CA 12984 portion of restoration work which has been commenced and thereafter, other work as determined in consultation between the parties. ARTICLE III. Cost A. There shall be no cost to the Town to enter upon the State land. There shall be no cost to the Department under this Cooperative Agreement. i B. The Town shall bear the cost of its restoration work under this Cooperative Agreement. i C. Subject to Appropriation of Funds The Town is subject to the amount of funds appropriated each fiscal year and any subsequent modifications thereof by the Town Legislature and aio liability shall be incurred by the Town beyond the amount of funds appropriated each fiscal year by the Town Legislature for the Services. i D. If the above appropriation is discontinued or modified, or the Town fails to receive funds originally intended to pay for the Project, or to reimburse the Town, in whole or in part, for payments made for the Project,the Town shall have the right to determine whether or how to continue the Project. In such event,the Town shall make a good faith effort, subject to appropriations and in consultation with the Department,to complete any portion of the Project which has been commenced. ARTICLE IV.Representatives; Contact Persons Cassandra Bauer and John Seponoski are the authorized representatives and will be responsible for the administration of this Cooperative Agreement. For the Department Cassandra Bauer NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Marine Resources,Bureau of Marine Habitat 123 Kings Park Blvd Kings Park,NY 11754(631)444-0474 cassandra.bauer@dec.ny.gov For the Town John Seponoski Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971, (631)765-1800 Page 3 CAI 2984 ARTICLE V. Notice Unless otherwise expressly provided herein,all notices shall be in writing and shall be deemed sufficiently given if sent by regular first class mail and certified mail, or personally delivered during business hours as follows: 1.) to NYSDEC or Cassandra Bauer at the address on page 3 of the Contract and 2.) to the Town at the address on page 1 of the Contract or as to either of the foregoing,to such other address as the i addressee shall have indicated by prior written notice to the addressor. All notices received by the NYSDEC relating to a legal claim shall be immediately sent to the'Town and also to the Town Attorney i at Southold Town Annex Building 54375Route 25/P.O.Box 1179, Southold,NY 11971 ARTICLE VI.Termination X A. This Cooperative Agreement may be terminated by either party giving the other 90 days advance written notice of such intent and the reasons therefor.Neither party shall enter into or otherwise create new obligations relative to this Cooperative Agreement, following receipt of such notice,without the j written consent of the other party. Both parties agree to enter into good faith negotiations to resolve any differences and provide for an orderly closure of this Cooperative Agreement if agreement cannot be reached. B. In the event of a termination the Town shall make a good faith effort, subject to appropriations, to complete any portion of the restoration work which has already been commenced in accordance with the terms of approved plans of the NYSDEC Article 25 Tidal Wetlands Permit prior to termination. See Articles II and III of this Contract. C. Following such good faith effort made subject to appropriations,the Town shall be released from any and all liability under the Cooperative Agreement, effective as of the date of the termination notice except as provided in Article 1X. ARTICLE VII. Confidentiality The Department and the Town agree to maintain the confidentiality of data collected as part of the wetland restoration Project, in accordance with the requirements of federal and New York laws and applicable policies. Data collected pursuant to the restoration Project shall not be disclosed except as permitted by law. ARTICLE VIII.Public Access to State Land The Town shall request the Department to restrict access to State Land by the public during construction. Upon such Town request, the Department agrees to restrict/close public access to State Lands during the tidal wetland restoration, rehabilitation, or construction phases of the project by placing conspicuous signage on State Lands and posting notice of closure on the NYSDEC public website.The Town reserves the right to temporarily halt work under the Cooperative Agreement until the Department restricts such access. Page 4 CA l 2984 ARTICLE IX: Town Indemnification a. The Town agrees that it will indemnify and hold harmless the Department from and against all losses from claims, demands, payments, suits, actions, recoveries and judgments of every nature and description brought or recovered against it by reason of any negligent act or omission or tortious act of the Town, its agents, employees, suppliers or subcontractors arising out of or in connection with this Cooperative Agreement. i b. Neither the Department, nor any person employed by the Department, nor any person engaged by the Department to perform work under this Agreement, shall be, represent, act as, or be deemed to be, a representative, employee,principal, or agent of the Town. F j ARTICLE X: State Indemnification a. Subject to the availability of lawful appropriations, and as provided by New York State's Court Of Claims Act and Section 17 of the New York State Public Officers Law,the Department hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town for any and all causes of action in law or equity, arising directly from the negligence of the Department or its employees, to the extent attributable to said negligence, in the use and access of the Premises, for the Purposes as described on the attached form. b. The duty to indemnify and hold harmless shall be conditioned upon delivery to the Attorney General by the Town of the original or a copy of any summons,complaint,process,notice,demand or pleading within five days of receipt. c. The Department, for and on behalf of its employees, hereby releases the Town from any liability directly arising from the use and access of the Premises, to the extent said liability is directly attributable to the negligence of the Department or its employees. d. Neither the Town, nor any,person employed by such agency,nor any person engaged by such agency under contract to perform work under this Agreement, shall be, represent, act as, or be deemed to be, a representative, employee, principal or agent of the Department or the State of New York. ARTICLE XI.Insurance Considerations Prior to commencement of any work on Department property, the Town agrees to obtain, or require any contractors working on their behalf to obtain, insurance in at least the types and amounts detailed in'this article. For the purposes of this article, Contractor shall mean any entity doing work on Department property. The Contractor shall procure, at its sole cost and expense, all insurance required herein.During the term of the contract and any renewal or extensions thereof, the Contractor shall maintain in force, at its sole and cost expense, policies of insurance as required herein. All insurance required herein shall be written by companies that have an A.M. Best Company rating of "A-," Class "VII" or better. In addition, companies writing insurance intended to comply with the requirements herein should be licensed or authorized by the New York State Department of Financial Services to issue insurance in the State of New York.The Department may, in its sole discretion,accept policies of insurance written by a non-authorized carrier or carriers when certificates and/or other policy documentation are accompanied by a completed Page 5 CA 12984 Excess Lines Association of New York (ELANY) affidavit or other documents demonstrating the company's strong financial rating.If, during the term of policy,the carrier's A.M.Best rating falls below "A-," Class "VII," the insurance must be replaced, on or before the renewal date of the policy, with insurance that meets the requirements above. The Contractor shall furnish to the Department a certificate or certificates with the appropriate endorsements showing that it has complied with this Article. The insurance documentation shall provide that: • Liability and protective liability insurance policies shall provide primary and non-contributory coverage to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation for any claims arising from the Contractor's Work under this contract, or as a result of the Contractor's activities. I • The State of New York,NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, its officers, agents and employees, 123 Kings Park Blvd, Kings Park, NY 11754 shall be listed as Certificate Holder on all liability insurance certificate(s), as additional insureds on endorsement(s) and on additional supporting documentation. • The policies shall include a waiver of subrogation endorsement in favor of the Department as an additional insured. The endorsement shall be on ISO Form number CG 24 04 or a similar form with same modification to the policy. • Policies shall not be changed or canceled until thirty (30)days prior written notice has been given to the Department; as evidenced by an endorsement or declarations page. • Insurance documentation shall disclose any deductible, self-insured retention, aggregate limit or any exclusion to the policy that materially changes the coverage required by the Contract. • Endorsements in writing must be added to and made part of the insurance contract for the purpose of changing the original terms to reflect the revisions and additions as described. A copy of these endorsements must be provided to the Department. • Applicable insurance policy number(s)referenced on the ACORD form must be referenced in the supporting documentation requested by the Department and supplied by the insurance company (e.g. endorsement page, declarations page,etc.). • Worker's Compensation and Disability Benefits certificates shall name the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 123 Kings Park Blvd,Kings Park,NY 11754 as entity requesting proof of coverage. • This Contract shall be void and of no effect unless the Contractor procures the required insurance policies and maintains them until acceptance or completion of the work,whichever event is later. If at any time during the term of this contract the coverage provisions and limits of the policies required herein do not meet the provisions and limits set forth in the Contract or proof thereof is not provided to the Department, the Contractor shall immediately cease Work on the Project. The Contractor shall not resume Work on the Project until authorized to do so by the Department.Any delay, time lost, or additional cost incurred as a result of the Contractor not having insurance required by the Contract or not providing proof of same in a form acceptable to the Department, Page 6 CA 12984 shall not give rise to a delay claim or any other claim against the Department. Should the Contractor fail to provide or maintain any insurance required by this contract, or_proof thereof is not provided to the Department, the Department may withhold further contract payments, treat such failure as a breach or default of this contract, and/or, after providing written notice to the Contractor, require the Surety "if any" to secure appropriate coverage and/or purchase insurance complying with the Contract and charge back such purchase to the Contractor. • Should the Contractor engage a subcontractor, the Contractor shall endeavor to impose the insurance requirements of this document on the subcontractor, as applicable.The Contractor shall determine the required insurance types and limits, commensurate with the work of the Subcontractor and maintain the certificate or certificates and endorsements for all subcontractors hired as part of the Contractor's records. I The following types and amounts of insurance are required for this Contract: i 1. Wo�`le�s''Coiaipensakion: i For work to be performed in New York State,the Contractor shall provide and maintain full New York State coverage during the life of this contract for the benefit of such employees as are required to be, covered by the New York State Workers' Compensation Law. If the agreement involves work on or near a shoreline, a U.S. Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act and/or Jones Act policy as applicable must be provided. Any waiver of this requirement must be approved by the Agency and will only be granted in unique or unusual circumstances. Evidence of Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability coverage must be provided on one of the following forms specified by the Chairman of the New York State Workers' Compensation Board: FORM# FORM TITLE C-105.2 Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance (September 2007, or most current version) U-26.3 State Insurance Fund Version of the C-105.2 form SI42/ Certificate of Workers' Compensation Self Insurance GSI-105.2 CE-200 Certificate of Attestation 'of Exemption (when Contractor meets the requirements.) All,forms are valid for one year from the date the form is signed/stamped, or until policy expiration, whichever is earlier. Please note that ACORD forms are NOT acceptable proof of New York State Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage: Additional information can be obtained at the Workers' Compensation website: IitElti:%/�t.xajiv:,�.itc�b.nv.r�:t►v/c.unCc�n'tlmciinlC�iiit�it� +Grp/l:';n��lci �crs;��i Page 7 CA 12984 2. Disability Benefits: For work to be performed in New York State, the Contractor shall provide and maintain coverage during the life of this contract for the benefit of such employees as are required to be covered by the New York State Disability Benefits Law. Any waiver of this requirement must be approved by the Department of Environmental Conservation and will only be granted in unique or unusual circumstances. Evidence of Disability Benefits coverage must be provided on one of the following forms specified E by the Chairman of the New York State Workers' Compensation Board: FORM# FORM TITLE DB-120.1 Certificate of Insurance Coverage under the New York State Disability Benefits Law DB-155 Certificate of Disability Self-Insurance CE-200 Certificate of Attestation of Exemption (when Contractor-meets the requirements.) _...... ... ... All forms are valid for one year from the date the form is signed/stamped, or until policy expiration, whichever is earlier. Please note that ACORD forms are NOT acceptable proof of New York State Disability Benefits Insurance coverage. Additional information can be obtained at the Workers' Compensation website: http://www.wcb.nv.gov/content/n1ain/C:mployers/Emp gycrs.tsp 3. .=Comn�ercinl Gener::al I:iabilety Insurance:;: Contractor shall provide and maintain Commercial General Liability Insurance (CGL) covering the liability of the Contractor for bodily injury, property damage, and personal/advertising injury arising from all work and operations under this contract. The limits under such policy shall not be less than the following: • Each Occurrence limit—$2,000,000 • General Aggregate—$5,000,000 • Products/Completed Operations—$5,000,000 • Personal&Advertising Injury-$1,000,000 • Damage to Rented Premises-$50,000 • Medical Expense-$5,000 Coverage shall include, but not be limited to,the following: Premises liability • Independent contractors • Blanket contractual liability, including tort liability of another assumed in a contract • Defense and/or indemnification obligations, including obligations assumed under this contract Page 8 CA 12984 • Cross liability for additional insureds • Products/completed operations for a term of no less than 3 years, commencing upon acceptance of the work, as required by the contract The following ISO form must be endorsed to the policy: a. CG 20.10:.11 85-6r.-an equivalent—Additional Insured-Owner,Lessees or Contractors (Form B) Limits may be provided through a combination of primary and umbrella/excess liability policies. The CGL aggregate shall be endorsed to apply on a per project basis for construction contracts. 4. Business Automobile Liability:_ Contractor shall provide and maintain Business Automobile Liability insurance covering liability I / arising out of the use of any registered motor'vehicle in connection with the contract, including owned, leased,hired and non-owned vehicles.Such policy shall have a combined single limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage of at least$1,000,000. If the Contractor does not own, lease or hire any registered motor vehicles or will not be using any vehicles on State Land proof of Business Automobile Liability Insurance shall not be required for this Contract. However, Contractor is required to execute Business Automobile Liability Insurance Attestation. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility and liability that owners and operators of any registered motor vehicles entering State Land to conduct work under this contract carry the same Business Automobile Liability Insurance of the kinds and amounts listed above. NYS Department of Environmental Conservation reserves the right to request proof of the same. 5. Umbrella and Excess Liability: When the limits of the CGL, Auto, and/or Employers' Liability policies procured are insufficient to meet the limits specified, the Contractor shall procure and maintain Commercial Umbrella and/or Excess Liability policies with limits in excess of the primary;provided,however,that the total amount of insurance coverage is at least equal to the requirements set forth above. Such policies shall follow the same form as the primary. ARTICLE XII: Additional Clauses. A. Severability It is expressly agreed that if any tern or provision of the Cooperative Agreement,or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall be held invalid or unenforceable to any extent,the remainder of the Cooperative Agreement, or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and every other term and provision of the Cooperative Agreement shall be valid and shall be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law. Pap 9 CA 12984 B. Merger; No Oral Changes It is expressly agreed that the Cooperative Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties and that all previous understandings are herein merged in the Contract. No modification of the Cooperative Agreement shall be valid unless in written form and executed by both parties. { C. Governing Law The Cooperative Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State s of New York,without regard to conflict of laws. D. No Waiver It shall not be construed that any failure or forbearance of the Town to enforce any provision of the Cooperative Agreement in any particular instance or instances is a waiver of that provision.Such provision i shall otherwise remain in full force and effect, notwithstanding any such failure or forbearance. E. No Intended Third Party Beneficiaries The Cooperative Agreement is entered into solely for the benefit of the Town and the Department. No third party shall be deemed a beneficiary of the Cooperative Agreement and no third party shall have the right to make any claim or assert any right under the Contract. F. Cooperation on Claims The Parties shall render diligently to each other,without compensation, any and all cooperation that may be required to defend the other party, its employees and designated representatives against any claim, demand or action that may be brought against the other party, its employees or designated representatives arising out of, or in connection with,the Cooperative Agreement. Article XIII. Publications Any book,article,report,or other publication related to the Services provided pursuant to this Cooperative Agreement shall contain the following statement in clear and legible print: "This publication is fully or partially funded by the Town of Southold and in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation." This remainder of this page is intentionally left blank. Page 10 CA12984 SIGNATURE PAGE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Cooperative Agreement has been duly executed by the parties hereto and the individuals listed below are authorized to sign and execute this Cooperative Agreement on behalf of their respective parties on the date appearing below their respective signatures. TOWN-SIGNATURE DE ARTMENT SIGNATURE By: By: "Zi dde-k S� Print Name: S ca Print ame:Nan ,Lu si r Title: Supervisor Title:Director lanag ent&Budget Services Dated: 101 1b I a*3 Dated: 0 311003 3 Additional Town Signatures and List of Schedules and Exhibits on the following pages Page 11 CA 12984 Additional Town Signatures Approved: Town of ahold By: Name: Scot Russell Title: Supervisor y Date: i E I Page 12 CA 12984 List of Schedules and Exhibits Schedule A Land Description Schedule B Scope of Work i 1 r i t Page 13 CA 12984 Schedule.A'-Land Descrilition Broad Meadows Marsh located in Orient, NY (part of New York State's Long Beach Bay State Tidal Wetlands Preserve), immediately south of Route 25 and east of Narrow River Road, with central coordinates of 41.14950278, 72.27694444. Remainder of this page is intentionally left blank Page 14 CA 12984 Schedule B - Scope of Work Scope of Work(iV AY 1. 2023 -Dec 3.1,2027) O.bjc6tiV6: This Cooperative Agreement shall authorize the Town to enter and perform work on the State lands, as described in the Scope of Work. The Scope of Work includes the following items, subject to appropriations. Prepare plans for restoration of tidal wetlands at one Department-owned property at Broad Meadows,with the Town as the lead for restoration plan development,permitting,construction oversight and monitoring. For any work undertaken by the Town,the Town shall obtain permits as required,and shall use good faith i efforts, subject to appropriations, to complete permit-approved restoration design and monitoring plans. IThe employees and any contractors or subcontractors of the Town who conduct the restoration and monitoring of state tidal wetlands must abide by rules,regulations and other laws that apply to such State lands, in particular, 6 NYCRR Part 661. Dve -view: Subject to appropriations, the Town agrees to manage the design and implementation of the wetland restoration project for one Department tidal wetland property at Broad Meadows. The Town agrees to coordinate with the Department's Division of Marine Resources staff and other project partners and stakeholders to develop an appropriate restoration design for the property. The Town may carry out/construct permit- approved restoration designs and monitoring at Broad Meadows. The Town shall make a good faith effort, subject to appropriations,to complete any portion of restoration work which has been commenced. This restoration project is being undertaken at the Town's discretion and may be abandoned at any point prior to commencement of construction activities at Broad Meadow Marsh. However, if/when the Town commences any construction activity on the site, the Town shall make a good faith effort, subject to appropriations,to complete restoration work as per the terms and approved plans of the NYSDEC Article 25 Tidal Wetlands Permit. The 113-acre Broad Meadows Marsh is impounded at its downstream end by an earthen berm approximately 230 feet long.Portions of this earthen berm were breached during Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and subsequently restored.Downstream of the 230-linear foot earthen berm are the tidal reaches ofNarrow River featuring intact and high-functioning tidal marshes. The twin culverts within the southern earthen berm are undersized and restrict tidal flows to the upstream marsh.Due to'the restriction,Broad Meadows Marsh is currently dominated by the invasive plant Phragmites. Removal of the tidal barrier presented by the twin culverts will result in ecological recovery of the Phragmites-infested marshes through conversion to tidal or brackish marsh. Therefore,the Town, in coordination with NYSDEC, plan to replace the twin culverts with one or more self-regulating tide gates that would increase the typical tidal range within the marsh but would block higher tides and storm flows that would inundate roads and property.MHHW and SHW(tide elevations)would be blocked as these inundate adjacent infrastructure. Post-construction measures will be taken to protect this infrastructure in other ways,allowing the MHHW and SHW to eventually be allowed into the marsh. Therefore, as sea levels rise, the tide gates can be managed accordingly, and the adjacent infrastructure will not be impacted. Page 15 CA 12984 The Town will utilize Grant, Town and private funding from Ducks Unlimited to hire design and construction contractors to replace the existing twin culverts with self-regulating tide gates. Additionally, the fill generated by installation of self-regulating tide gates and culverts will be used to fill a portion of the north-south ditch and create a berm that would prevent enhanced tidal flow from flowing towards the farmlands.A flap gate or low-level weir could be installed to allow the stormwater from the farm to drain i north into Broad Meadows Marsh. Additional hydrology improvements, native plantings and invasive species management may also be considered. The development of the engineering plans will build on the recommendations in the Peconic Estuary Partnership Narrow River Tide Enhancement and Phragmites Management Conceptual Habitat Restoration Design Report. All work will be conducted in coordination with the Department. The Narrow River,NYSDEC's Broad Meadows Marsh and the Town's Whitcom property border the tidal reach of the Narrow River downstream of the earthen impoundment and are pan of the Orient Harbor Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat. Orient Harbor and its tributaries are of statewide significance due to the presence of an important commercial shellfishery, habitat provided for overwintering waterfowl, and estuarine nursery and feeding habitat provided for many fnfsh species. This project was identified as a"high priority"restoration project in the 2020 Peconic Estuary Partnership Habitat Restoration Plan.These habitats within coastal NY are under constant threat of development, sea level rise, and coastal habitat loss and thus protection is necessary to provide critical habitat and mitigate historical and future landscape threats. 1V diheiffldn 4f Scopc 4f Work- The Scope of Work may be modified by mutual written agreement of the parties. Rcstnonsibilii�ics-of.the Town: Subject to the foregoing portions of this Cooperative Agreement and subject to appropriations,the Town agrees to undertake the following responsibilities: The Town will 1. Hire and manage a contractor to develop final design drawings, scope of work and contract specifications for Broad Meadows; 2. Apply for and obtain appropriate regulatory permits for approval ofrestoration plans including but not limited to NYSDEC Article 25 Tidal Wetland Permits; and Federal and United States Army Corps of Engineer permits. 3. Conduct appropriate State Environmental Quality Review Act (N.Y. Environmental Conservation Law Article S) ("SEQRA") and National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C. 54321 et seq. (NEPA) reviews related to permit requirements. 4. Submit to Department's primary project contact (identified in Article IV) final approved restoration and monitoring plans and specifications no less than thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of construction. Page 16 CA 12984 5. Hire and manage a construction contractor to carry out work as per approved plans and scope of work, after receipt of appropriate regulatory approvals and written approval of the Department's primary project contact identified in Article IV. 6. Submit all required reports associated with Federal and State permitting as is required. F z 7. When conducting construction, the Town will provide for daily on-site construction supervision by appropriate staff or a contractor, knowledgeable in the field of wetland restoration, to direct work activities. This person(s)will be approved by the Department. 8. Notify the Department of the preconstruction and construction meeting schedule within 30 } days prior to the start of restoration work. i ' 9. Implement prec6astruction meetings and, during construction, periodic site and status meetings including submission to the Department of written meeting minutes to advise project status, identify problems in the field or necessary project modifications and keep record of agreed upon actions. 10. Respond to Department requests to modify the approved work associated with this agreement. 11. Complete the restoration as per permit approved drawings. 12. Conduct final construction walk-through and permit compliance meeting with all regulatory and SEQRA/NEPA involved agencies. 13. Submit construction close out and final compliance approval by all permit/regulatory agencies. 14. Assist the Department with maintenance of the installed tide gates following construction, as necessary. A separate maintenance agreement may be established between the Town and the Department. 15.Data collected during this project such as elevation surveys, tidal data, soil data, pre and post project monitoring data shall be submitted to the Department by January 31"of each year following data collection. The Town will provide the Department with raw data and data analysis products such as spatial data,GIS files and results.This data will also become publicly available. Responsibilities of the Department: The Department shall undertake the following responsibilities. 1. Provide access to State Lands, as shown in Schedule A—Land Description, at no cost to the Town, for the Town and hired contractors to perform the Work. 2. Provide program oversight,coordination and technical review to the Town on restoration plan development.Attend scheduled preconstruction meetings and progress meetings. Page 17 CA 12984 3. The Department's Division of Marine Resources Technical Contact identified in Article IV will review and, if appropriate, approve restoration designs in a timely manner. 4. Department staff shall be responsible for post-project monitoring as needed and required by the permit upon completion of the restoration work and will share such data with the Town. 5. Conduct appropriate permit compliance review of approved plans for closeout of construction. x End of Text i 1 I i Page 18