HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-03/19/1996SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD
MARCH 19. 1996
Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran, Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie, councilman
Joseph L. Townsend,~ Jr., Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva, Justice Louisa P. :Eva~,
Councilman william ~D. Moore, Town Clerk Judith T. Terry, Town--~Attorney Labry
L. Dowd~
9:00 A.M. - dent and Executive Director of The Na
Conservancy, and her assocm met with the Board to better acq
them with Nature Conservancy and their work on Long Island and in the Town of
9:30 A.M. - The ToWn Board began a review of the resolutions to be voted on at
the 4:30 P.M. Regular Meeting.
9:45 A.M. -John and
the Town Board
Trailer permit.
Mr. and Mrs. Callahan purchased a parcel of property from the Sawicki family con-
taining a potato barn, and on that same parcel there are two mobile homes, although
only one was under permit by the Town. Mr. and Mrs. Callahan are seeking to
retain the trailers and Obtain renewal of the trailer permit. Ms. Moore explained
that the trailers are occupied by migrant workers for local vineyards, and thAy had
formerly worked on the Sawicki farm. The Town Board took the matter under
consideration and will 'make a decision at their April 2nd meeting.
and their attorney Patricia C. Moore, met with
the. Callahan's application for renewal of the Sawicki
Moore excused hi~nself from discussion dueto Conflict.)
10:10 A.M.-- Bill Wilson, Southampton College, Institute for Regional Research, made
a presentation to the T~wn BoarcJ on conducting a survey of the Town designed
provide pivotal factual i The cost of the survey is approximately $5,200,
and would be based le interviews with a random probabili;~y Sample
of residents, condt )ton College students supervised by faculty.
t0:40 A.M. - Mark Wagner, Cameron Engineering, met with the Town Board to
review the Board's options..with regard to the decision of the Village of Greenport
to discontinue staffin~~ and '0peratio~ of the Southold Wastewater Treatment Facility,
effective April 1, 1996. '(-P~esent during this discussion was Rich Magiil, Doi}~:::
Morris, Kevin Terry - wastewater carters, who offered insight into the problems
at the plant, and offered to work with the Town to resolve the problems.)
Supervisor Cochran advised the Board that she has made arrangements with
Riverhead Town Supervisor' James Stark for the carters to take their waste to
Riverhead on a temporary 'basis.' She also asked for a resolution to engage H2M to
conduct an independent ;]valuation of the plant (resolution no. 45), and stated she
will be working with a temporary advisory group including former Supervisor Frank
Murphy, Councilman Moore, Senior Accountant Cushman, and George Desmarais of
11:20 A.M. - Town Justice Rudolph H. Bruer met with the Town Board to discuss
a replacement for Grattan Sr. who served as a Court Officer. The
Town Board auth, ~n Clerk to advertise for resumes, and
and Jus criteria they woul'~t like to see for the
11:35 A.M. - Senior Planner Valerie Scopaz met with the Town Board to discuss an
in~itation to the Town to 't~'k~ part in the Suffolk County Industrial & Commercial
Incentive Board's legislative proposal to the County Legislature. The SIC&CIB will
be p~r.oposii~l..legislation whereby the Town would be able to provide partial exemption
from full taxation ~eriod for new business investments ;in
strategic indust specified geographic areas. The Tow
reviewed the ~agreed it would be beneficial to invite a re
of SIC&CIB to pril :2nd work session. Ms. Scopaz advised the Board.- that
Villages interested in tak this program are to be included within the
Town's proposal; so th~ of Greenport should be notified of the program.
Supervisor Cochran will d an invitation to the Village of Greenport to attend
MARCH 19, 1996
the April 2nd work.
proposed budget mod
Planning BOard
appropriations f~
received more than
accounting office cannot
Scopaz presented -the Town Boa~
)ed that the anticipated revenue for the
budget line is $5,000, however, the
set at $1,000. The Planning Board has
payments for environmental review services, but the
for those services because of the $1,000 limit in the
appropriations for this budget line. The Board asked Ms. Scopaz to discuss her
request: with Senior Accountant Cushman and submit a proposal for the April 2nd
meeting.----Receipt of a request from County Executive Gaffney for the Town's .plan
for the 1996 distributi~ Tax (resolution 34).----Town Board
placed a resolution.,
resolution (31) was
for Police
Of the AgriCu
1995. A resolution (37)
whose terms expired in 1995.-
for Scale Operato
the list for
on the ac~
on the ac
resolution (41} to
of those members
appoint two Home Health Aides.----A
~nda appointing a part-time Data Entry Clerk
on was placed on the agenda (36) appointing
Wed the m~i~bershi~
i exp, i_~ed in;AUgust,
enda to reappoint four of the members
,iewed the ci;~il service list of :eligibles
Hogge (reso!ution 38) who has held a
so~e of the'individUals on the top of
vacanc ~.--~-Resolution 39 wes placed
)ers ~rk Preservation
~o nother
hree new members to vacancies
12:40 P.M. - Recess for lunch.
1:55 P.M. - Work
establishment of a
Services Van.----TI
Caracciolo who adv
legislation that woul(
dredging of local
informed the Tc
the piacement of an ac
for the 1996 Southc
McMahon said he is
that com~
resolution adopt,
to the b'~,laws of the
tioning the To~n
stating, the
if additional a
;ession reconvened and the Town Board agreed to the
oct (resolution 44) for the purchase of a Human
,ussed a letter from County Legislator Michael
several legislators are considering the introduction of
towns to provide 10% in town matching funds for
The Board agreed that Mr. Caracciolo should be
go on record opposing such legislation.----Executive
~,met with the Town Board to request permission for
ement in the newspaper announcing new applications
own Affordable Housing Program (resolution 43]. Mr.
~ list of applicants for the Elijah Lane project.----
corning the Town's f~anchise agreement with
hold this matter for further ~nformat~on.----
~al Committee of Pebble Beach Farms concermng a
Board On December 27, 1995 appr~oving .amendments
s Lot Owners Assocmt~on, Inc., and ques-
do so. A response will be sent to the committee
)used amendments by appropriate resolution, and
required, such as the associati'on membership, it is a
matter separate and distinc~ from the Town Board's action.- Letter from County
Legislator Caracciolo t~ran~mitting a draft resolution authorizing, empowering, and
directing the County ~)eP~irtment of Law ;to acquire fee title to pro,per{y in [he Town
of Southold under the 1'/4% Drinking Water Protection Program. He asked whether
the Town Board approved or disapproved the proposal. A response will be sent
to Mr. Caraccioio inf~ormiing him the Town Board approves the content of the
proposed County Le~i~l~{u~;~:. resolut, ioo.----The Board reviewed the applications
under the Town s Grants Program, and placed a resolution (46) on the agenda to
award g~ants to some of'{he applicants. ~'his matter will be placed on the J~pril 2nd
work session for a review of the remaining applicants.
On motion of Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Supervisor Cochran, it was Resolved
that the Town Board enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel, litigation,
and attorne ~te of the Board: Ayes
Councilwoman Oliva,
Co~ Town Clerk Terry, Town Attorney Dowd.~-Z-
During this Executive Session. a resolution (47) was put on the agenda to hire Erick
Heins, Stephen Ryan, and Raymond Van Etten as Police Officers.
4:00 P,M. - Work Session adjourned.
A Reg
19, 1996, at the
employees pa
at our beaches.
Southold. At th|
Please bow
the communi
audit of bills ~
of:the Southold Town Board was held on March
Road, Southold, New York.
ng at 4:30 P.M. with the Pledge of
aan W. Cochran
Alice J; HUssie
)h L. Townsend. Jr,
illiam D, Moore
T, Terry
r Laury L. Dowd ---
This past ~week we had one of our Town
a~Court Officer, Traffic Control, helped us
I, and true employee of the Town of
like to ask for a moment of silence.
and how he served
begin with the approve of the
/ I have a motion?
Town bills in ~the
the amount of
Island Sewer'
Trust bills i
Vote of the
This resolutio~
Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the following bills be and hereby ordered paid:
Ceneral Fund Wholel Town bills in the amount of $237,718.11; Ceneral
Fund Part Town bills in the amount of $9,169.21; Highway Fund Whole
~9; Highway Fund Part Town bills in
Land Development Rights bills in the
CaPital bills in the amount
fit Plan bills in the amount of
District bills in the amount of
District bills in the amount of
;trict bills in the amount of $66,627.61;
in 'the amount: of: $3,4~2[t.13; Fishers
of $914.17; Southold Agency and
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, CouncilWoman Hussie,
COUNCILWOMAN COCHRAN: Approval of the minutes of March 5, 1996.
Moved by Justice Evans', seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of the March 5, 1996, Town Board meeting
be and hereby is:aPprOved; .
Vote of the'TOwn BOard: Ayes: Councilman Moore. Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva. Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran,
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by
will be held
Hall, Southold~ NeW York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:
Councilwoman ' OliYa, Councilman
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
e, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
ula~ meeting of the Southold Town Board
ay, April 2, 1996, at the Southold Town
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
SUPERVISOR cOcHRAN:'' 'As you can see we have a public hearing
scheduled at !5:00 P,M~ on a "Local Law in Relation to Environmental
Quality Rev,ew , so= no matter .what point we are in business we will stop
and adjourn t° h01d the hearing.
MARCH 19, 1996
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: As .you see from your agenda reports have been
filed for the.month. These are on file in the Town Clerk's Office, and if
you're interested in ~ you certainly are more than welcome to
come into' the Town .t them.
1. Southold TownrPlanning Board Monthly Report for February,
February, 1996.
3. Lawrence Healthcare
Bruer's Monthly Court Report for
Town Claim Analysis for the month of
PBA Claim Analysis for the month of
Justice Evans' Monthly Court Report for
Justice Price's Monthly Court Report for
February, 1996.
5. Southold Town
Fe bru6a, ry, 1.996.
· soUthold Town'
February, 1996.
7. Southold Town Program .for the Disabled Events Program for
January, 1996.
8. Southold Town Program for the Disabled Events Program for
February, 1996.
Southold Town Investigator's Monthly Report for February, 1996.
Southold Town Board of Trustees' Monthly Report for February,
Southold Town Police Department Monthly Report for February,
12. Southold Town Recreation Department Monthly Report for
February, 1996.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We have public notices, and communications.
1. Engineers, New York District, application of
Suffolk Public Works to dredge with ten years
maintenance and L I t Deep Hole Creek, Mattituck, New
York. Comments to be received by April 5, 1996.
2. New York S. tate Department of Environm.ental Conservation, notice
of Complete AppliCatl0n b~"i Mariculture Technologies, Inc, who proposes to
develop a~; c?~mer.ciai a~iuaculture operation for the production of
summer flounder, Including construction of a hatchery facility and
acre open net pens at Clark's Beach, County Road ~8, Town of Southold,
New York. Commen. ts to .be received by ~pril 26, 1996·
3. Slate Environmental Quality Rev.ew Notice of Completion of Draft
GElS and Hearing for the proposed Suffolk County Golf Course Proposal,
developing additional County golf course facilities that are
environmentally sensitive throu, ghout Suffolk County owned property.
Comments to be received by Aprd 8, 1996. .
It. Sb~Jthoid Town's'bev~lopmentally D~sabled Recreation Program for
the months March through June events for 1996.
1. New York ·State Depabtment of Environmental Conservation,
Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials in regard to Southold Final
Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan.
· 2. J~mes.R. 'Stark~ Ri¥~rhead Town Supervisor in appreciation of
their support with the E9~i Program, 'and John Raynor's efforts.
3. Thomas D.-Dinackus, in support of the American Armoured
Foundation, inc. in Mattituck.
Pamela Burford, Director of Special Projects for the Long
Island Railroad in regard to Long Island Railroad East Side Access Project.
1. 5;00 P.M., on a proposed "Local Law in Relation to Environmental
Quality Review".
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We go on to discussions items we had during the
day. We had a full schedUle today, but we were fortunate in that we took
most of the business,, and was able to complete it. It's difficult when
the meetings at q:30, so we kind of push ourselves along, but everything
' I would like to share with you that
before r
Town Board on
resolutions. E
solution On the agenda that you are
to the Town Board, that now is. the
Iook down througl~ the resolutions,
tions it's now. Later on at
have' the opportunity to address the
lc, that you would like to over and above the
ED S1EGMANN: Ed Siegmann from Mattituck; I'd like to discuss q?,
resolution 47, the hirin~'.of~the four police officers. Is the Court case
settled that you were Waiting for on. that?
ED SIEGMANN: a suggestion, i understand, according
to the paper, you bu. >r four or five police officers?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Five. We have one that's just retired, that we
would replace, so that gives us a total of six.
ED SIEGMANN:. I'd a suggestion for what's it's worth. If
everybody is serious ~ with hiring· I would suggest that
you reach an agreement with Heins, with yourselves, and whoever it's
necessary to reach: an
another one.
and you hold
finally settled.
until I read last
Travel er-Watchman
shoWs in there i
protedt the town
belong there. I do
anything were
you're lea
It's a shame that s.
about not being
because I can
trying to see to it,
force. I think
an agreement could be ret
would solve the
with their
would be better to
that you have doubl
~nt. Civil Service, I assume, would be
the officers, that are needed in town,
: cost back pay, when the thing is
one way, or another on this,
newspaper, that came out, the
Times, and with the record that :it
why some people were trying to
on the force who possibly doesn!t
he ~does, or he doesn't, but if
read. in the paper I can only say ! feel
· that you might not need.
the Board were criticized so much
and hire straight doWn the line,
~t '1 read in the newspapers that they were
proper people can be put on the police
3eople in the town feel the same way, and if
:1o according to what I'm suggesting, it
until the law, and until the courts
or until Civil Service was finished
the police force. If it
,een on, t think' it
than to put someone-on,
he should be there or not.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank yo.u for your comments, Ed.
don't think that would be
officer in question a
We know that.
had discussed
talking about. One of
issues here. One thi~
presented to us as
respond to that? Mr. Siegman, !
I mean, it would be possible if the-
but Civil Service will not allow that.
don't think that's going to hAPpen. We
~s before, the very proposal that you're
that has concerned us is there are two
a'critical shortage, or what has been
'rage. and I have no reason to doubt it. a
critical shortage of policemen, and then you have the issues relative to
Mr. Heins, and what's fair, and what 'isn't, you know. The problem is
that they're confused. Both of them are joined, they're merged. There is
this resolution on the agenda to appoint Heins and Ryan, who are listed
on the preferred list. We're required 'to hire them before hiring anybody
else. This is on the agenda, and today I came 'up with another proposal,
that ! think addresses the PBA's concern. The PBA has quite
MARCH 19, 1996
have to addres
after the vOte I
it now. I'll give
Proposal for
~aid that we have shortage, and we
resent it in this fqrm, because i think
opportunr~y, so I'd llke to do
It's the PBA Southold Town Interim
~ersonnel shortage. The PBA has
urgent need for police staffing. We
are prevented by .Civil Service requirements, and litigation. The contract
a lows hiring of part-time offic~ers.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: ;Excu.se me, Councilman Townsend. May I just
remind you 'that this was EXeCutiVe Session that this was discussed.
COUNCILM D: It was discussed in Executive Session, but
we went into it ,as that we had to go into Executive Session.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: '.You presented it to us in Executive Sess{on.
think he's out of'tine.
I just want the record to show,
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: Laury, do you think this is a problem?
You said you discussed this with our Labor
Yes. I discussed the wording to avoid this
talking to the
into a problem.
the Union.
You're presenting it at a ToWn Board before
· because that's where I think you'll run
,ed this as something you wanted to bring to
TOWN ATTORNEY DOWD:, Great. You should bring it to the Union before
you bring it to the public.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I suppose..but we have it on the agenda. If
you don't bring it to the meeting, how you going to...
TOWN ATTORNEY DOWD: I admit you run out of time, because it came
along a little late, I think you're going to run into problems similar
to the asr week.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: . I don't know, basically it doesn't. . it's a
proposal, but I d6n't ~ee mt relates to the.. I think it's a solution that
would help. Unfortunately we got advise from the Town Counsel, that I
can't bring it up,. and I'm afraid that '1'11 never be able to bring it up
at this point, so I guess I won't. I'm not sure that's the case.
TOWN ATTORNEY DOWD: I think you could bring it up afterwards, Joe.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Laury, a~e you ruling that it is out of order?
TOWN ATTORNEY DOWD: I'm not ruling it out of order, i'm just saying
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN; You're giving us advise that it is?
TOWN ATTORNEY DOWD: Yes, it could create a problem.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you. What I would like to share with
you, Ed, is the fact that when you have a preferred list, that's the only
place you can hire. It's been, in order, to get to an open list, it's
been a year and a half. We have two and a half years before this list
expires, so we have two and a half years of looking at the same problems
of shortage of police officers. I think right now we're operating with
thirteen. Even if, at this point, we were able to go, and hire from the
MARCH 19, 1996
open list, there isn't even a training session until August,
going to be a ser pl
there is n,
Southold Town
so. I put it on,
it's been one delay after
so this -is
the summer. Plus until this llst expires
we can go. So, I feel, as Supervisor of
responsibility .for the health, safety, and
:. I think it has gotten to the
sion. Those that choose to vote
'hos. e that choose to support it may. do
it's time that we come to ,a conclusion.
year and a half.
ED SIEGMANN: I think:you misunderstood what I said.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: /'11 let you come back., Ed. Officer Tirelli?
officers are hire(
have ever
between '
had homicides. I've
had a shooting in
the answer. We
ridiculous that we
vote the right'
fourteen active
VINNIE TIRELLI, JR,.: My name is Vinnie Tirelli, Jr. I'm
President of Southold Town PBA. John Sinning was my partner-about a
week a. nd a half ago. A.t approximately 5:55 A.M. we responded to a
domestic disturbance.- Whlle apprehending a man, who had threatened his
wife, we were both injured, as was the suspect. Treated at a local
hospital. As a res' Jries John will miss approximately six
weeks of work. I've 'nformed by my doctor at three o'clock today,
I'll be out for anothe days at least. Pending an MRI, I may
need surgery. On y, March l[~th, two more officers were
injured while subduing a man who attacked one of our officers for no
reason, injuries were relatively minor, except
for the fact le officers was bitten on the finger resulting
in an open woul the age of hepatitis, all the.garbage
that's going, i we may never know what disease this
man has, blood test without his approval. Mr.
Townsend you stated that we need seasonal part-time officers, Seasonal
until September. Every major indident that I
n my. ten years as a police officer, .have been
;r May, not during the summer. I've
icides. I've had hostage situation. We
a.couple of weeks ago. Seasonals are not
full-t~me professional" strong police Torce. It's
what we have. I'm hoping you're going to
It's getting out of hand. We now have
~cers. One rumor I want to squelch ',before the
vote,' because I may be addres.sing you after the vote. There's a rumor
going around started 'by Tom .W~ckham last y.e. ar, that sai.d, no.body in PBA
wanted to work With I~riC Heins. It's a he, an outright he, I mean
it's an Ul
on the PBA
work with this man
years. I was
was never approachedi.
don't want to work W~th
plain out lie,
just hopi,n.g y~
a little bit easier.
an misinformation. It's a lie. because nobody
anyone, whether or not they wanted to
I've been Vice-President for four
~ched. Jamle Cinas, who was ~Presldent,
if that is what is holding people up, that we
knock it out of your heads. That's just a
h how much of a lie that is. i'm
and hire him. You'll make our jobs
lot safer. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: 'Ladies and gentlemen, I would appreciate-no
demonstrations. OkaY?,:-Let's just move this along in an orderly fashion.
Thank you. Mr. Carlin?
FRANK CARLIN: Frank Carlin, Laurel. I said this once before, and
I'tl say it again. You hired last year a lawyer from Mineola, who in
turn hired an investigator to investigate Mr. Heins. He found nothing
wrong. He found nothing that was negative. Everything was positive on
this man. The Grand Jury went through the whole case, and found that
there were no charges against the man, so i don't understand what the
argument is here, becaUse a newspaper comes out, and says things. They
must have reviewed
man. I'm going
say later, or some
hearsay. I said it
ever been proven guil
those facts. There were no charges against the
short tonight. I might have something to
speak, but this is it'. It's all
all hearsay. In my opinion it's all
~roven guilty. I don't think this man has
· Thank you.
MARCH 19, 1996
SUPERVISOR ~COCHRAN: Thank you, Mr. Carlln, for your comments.
Is there anyone ~else '0vet on th~s sd, that would like to address the
Board? Is there anyone in the middle? Yes, ma'am? Please, state your
name ·
JUDY WHITTINGTON: .My name is Judy Whittington. I'm here as a
Southold resident. What I have to say is, that we've all heard all the
negatives'on Eric HelnS~His name has been more than dragged through
the mud in Southoid Town.: Having said, that the allegations, as Mr.
Carlin and ~Other people have said, the allegations; not the crimes, not
the convictions, are: Out of line. I would venture to say that there
probably could be volumes written on Eric Heins on the positive side.
Ail the things he's done as a police officer as he served Greenport
Village. That we never hear about. You never hear any of that stuff. I
know Eric on
our Southold 1
Southold Police
hire ~ Eric
I've only
Village :e
nobody has~ s
Steve Ryan~ and
family. Hire Eric
,rofeSsional level. I've worked with him in the past.
that Eric Heins would be a<redlt to
I think many of the police officers on
ow feel. I implore the Board, please,
ven't listened to that many town meetings.
'That was at the abolition of Greenport
think there's another vTctim here, that
There have never been allegations .against
I~Yan still is without a job, and not supportlr~g his
Hire Steve Ryan. They're good police officers.
not, we'll move
address the Board? Yes, sir?
you. Anyone else from the center? If
side. Is there anyone that would like to
PHIL My name is Phil VanBourgondien,
Southold. I with the gentleman before. As long as the
courts have not rul this Civil Service part of it, why are you in
such a big hurry for the sake of'a few more weeks? You stated before,
that you waited, and it's been going on and on. Is there any big rush
now, that 'you can't Wait a few more weeks. ] think this is just a
hurry-up, and w~ ~ I look at the statement made by Mayor Kapell in the
paper of the char and so, which have never been proven. I'm
perfectly with that, and it reads like a storybook. But the
point that I'm ti make is that this particular gentleman has
laws~ g and with a resume like that I wonder
what 'e hired in the police department. If he gets
hurt he'll be suir Town Board for being hurt. He's suing Eastern
Long Island Hospit , He!s suing the Trustees of Greenport. He's suing
the County Civil Service Department of Suffolk County. He's suing the
Town Hall ,and fort Supervisor. This is nothing but lawsuits going on,
and when Mr. K~ out, and says all these things that he had
done while ,~ force, which haven't been proven, why
are you in '? Why can't you wait a little bit longer? You
made the statement he's a great officer, Mrs. Cochran. ~e's not
been proven guilty, but look at his resume to date. Are there any
assurances, that You .artent going to be loaded with a flood of lawsuits,
if he were hired? An6ther thing I would like to say is, I read the paper
regularly. I've been away a good part of the time, and everybodiy has a
right to speak out in this world. This is what the United S~ates is
about. I'm frankly a little tired of reading in letters to the editor in
the papers all the time, the PBA crying about one thing or another. I
never have opened the paper but what Mr. Tirelli and the PBA hasn't
got something to say., If he wants to speak as an individual, he can
speak as an individual. Why does the PBA have to be in there? it just
goes on, and on, and on, I'm a little tired of it. I'm sorry, but I
think that I've done a lot of research into what the police departments in
other parts of the country are doing, and what they're paid, and the
risks that they take, and / don't think that things are so bad in Southold
Police Department as they make it out to be. Thank you.
JUSTICE EVANS: Jean, can I address two of those issues?
SUPERVISC : I want to respond, because most of his
me. ! have not said that Eric HeJns is'a
great officer. I ~ is a good officer, and that he served
Greenport well for eight years. He is a good police officer. I have
absolutely no guarantee~ no matter which way the court case goes, that
there will, or not be law suits. ,There could very well be no matter which
way it goes.
out front,
town, so I
~e can, sue the town, does not mean that they wln.
le. ~ You can, walk down the sidewalk here
· and~fall and break a leg. You can sue the -
that only policemen sue. Okay, and I
uestions,~that you would ,like
a newspaper each week,' I
into col
not the
officer, and there'
as on what you said that it's every
and who's,to ,say who~s :right~-or wrong
ge? It's nothing we can take
the faCt. that 'they have a suit
CitiZen's bring that
but I a )ne
with'an ,~ crime. Bu~t~ that's
a crime; It's
or not fit for, an
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Louisa. Is there anyone else from
this side of the room..,~ that would like to address the Board on this
resolution to hire Hems, R:yan,' and VanEtten? Okay, I'll come back
to you, 'Mr. Si~gmann.
that since it's
Service is h
people fare ho.
agreement that
there to pay
had to say, I passed no judgement on Heins. I
ms is guilty or he's not guilty, but I do feel'
that if the PBA is honest about it~ if the Civil
t; if Heins is honest about it, and if you
no reason in the world that an
you hire the rest of the people. I
We know that there's shortage
but I'm saying, that as long as
JId be satisfied, if you make an
gets back pay, this wHi satisfy both
in t~he budget for it. The money is
~e. Thank you.
the Board on this resolutmn.
briefly Il
Helns and
in a police
home, because of
co-workers, friends:
shortage, and we ~d
another two
been four weeks
that, so we're g(
Let Mr. Heins ~
Thane you, Ed. Anyone else like to address
'is Toni Ann Sinning, and I'would just
this off for another two weeks is a
~. This needs to be dealt with now. Mr.
are each week.-, I think that shows a total
would be very, very much needed
iband is unable to work, unable to do things at
which is part of his job, but with that his
are put in a position where they are at a
need police officers, it can not wait
~ two weeks will be another two weeks. It's
I :first started coming here, and Heins more than
a.nd we're going on, and nothing is being done.
h~.m. prove himself on his own merit, if he does
Will be' brought up, but we are taking steps
to move forward.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN; ' Is there anyone else? Some people have come in
since we started.,~ ~ Is 'there anyone else that wants the opportunity to
address the Town Board? Any B~ard members? Would you like to express
anything at this time? Joe? Ruth? Bill?
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: On this particular thing?
MARCH 19, 1996
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Do you want me to say it now instead of saying
it later?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: You can take your choice. You can say it at the
time of the resolution, or you can say it now. It's your choice.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSlE= Well, since we're all talking about #47, the
premise upon which the Greenport Police Department was disbanded was
that it was g~oup of people~ that they couldn't possible
do anything ~ you were to listen to the Mayor!s last
editorial, or mec ~Vas all one person's fault. That seems
ridiculous. I : we can follow anything, unfortunately that
we read the by that man. He Ts just taking
the facts There are no facts here. There are
lots of allocations. There are lots of rumors, and we can hardly_ as a
Board deal with something susceptlve having to deal with rumors, and
allocations. That's all ! wanted to say.
SUPERVISOR We have anoth.er minute of so. Does anyone
want to speak on the lo=her resolutions, other than this one? Now
is your timb. (No response.)
Rescinded April 2, 1996.h~. Resolution #15
1 .-Moved by Councilwoman. HuSh!e, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVI~D that the 'Town Board of the Town of Sou=hold hereby
authorizes Data Control Supervisor Jeanne Ruland to attend a meeting of
the DP/MIS Management of Suffolk County Towns, at the Town of
Brookhaven, on Wednesday, March 27, 1996, beginning at 9:30 A.M.,
and the necessary expenses for lunch and mileage for travel shall be a
legal charge to the 1996 Central Data Processing Budget.
1.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva; Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
2.-Mo ed by Councilwoman Hussle, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVI~D that the. Town Board of the Town of Sou=hold hereby
rescinds resolution no,. 8, adopted on February 6, 1996, engaging the
services of Andrew D. Stype, to conduct an appraisal on behalf of the
Land Preservation Committee on the 'property of Donna Dzugas-Smith,
whereas the agrlcultur~at, p.reservation' funds are running Iow and there will
not be sufflcie~t fUndslt~ purchase the 'Dzugas-Smith property..
2.-Vote of the ToWn '~Boa~d: ~Ayes= Councilman Moore, Jt~stlce Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, COUncilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
3.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussle, seconded by Justice Evans,
WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of tile Town of
Southold, on the 19th day of March, 1996, a Local Law entitled, "A
Local Law to Require Parking Permits Year Round"; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the ~Town Board hereby sets 8;00 P.M., Tuesday, April
2, 1996, Sou=hold Town Hall, Main Road, Sou=hold, New York, as time and
p]ace for a public hearing on this Local Law, which reads as follows:
A Local'L. aV~. to Require Parking Permits Year Round
I. .Chapter 65 (Parlklng at~.Be~ches) of the Code of the Town of Sou=hold
Is I~ereby amend~d:~'s fOllows= '
1. Section 65.~2 (D) is amended as follows:
D, A town parking permit shall be required for all vehicles
parked in the areas described herein. Failure to have or to
properly display such permit shall be a violation of this code.
· '
beach- perm,*, sha+F be-reqtnred- ~ aH-~ime~
and- October- ~5 of eaeh-¥e~'-.-A- b~ratqn- p~rmlt sha+F n~t ~
re~-_Hred-'att or. her' trime~, of ~he
This Local Law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of
COUNCILWOM.A.N HUSSIE: Before this we had it, that you just had to
have a permit between May 15th and October 15th. It proved to be
unwieldy. We're now requiring a permit all year. The hearing will be next
Board meeting at eight O'clock.
3.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes'.
Supervisor Co
This resolut|on was ADOPTED.
Moved by
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
I have a resolution to recess for the
Vote of ,es:
Councilwoman rmn
Supervisor Cochran. ' ~
Th]s resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Meeting reconvend at 5:05 P.M.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN; You would llke to speak on a resolution, sir?
Councilman ToWnsend, it
called at this time, 5:00 P.M., ~Tbr the
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman~ HussJe,
ALFONSE MARASEL; The scale operator.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: :On the scale? Yes, that's a resolution. Would
you come to the;mike, and' give us your name?
to speak about the
Hussie. Did you see mY letter?
is Alfonse Marasel, Orient. I'd like
recycling center. I sent a letter to Mrs.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: .'Yes. I'm putting together an answer for you.
ALFONSE MARASEL; I didn't have 'an answer, so that's why ! came.
I have to be a little bi[ more Patient. Is that right?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Sir, I'll have to stop you at this point, because
the operator operator is under-discussion today, but
it's not anything a res01Utlon. You may at the end of the
meeting address the B0ar relation to what you have there, but at this
point we're only addressii3g in relation to the resolutions. So, if you
want to hold that for'later we'd be very happy to hear your comments.
We'll continue, and pick up' on #11,' I believe, Judy, we're on?
q.-Moved by CouncilWoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Townsend,
WHEREAS, there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of
Southold, on the' 19th da~ of March, 1996, a Local Law entitled, "A
Local Law to Modify the :. Annual Financial Disclosure Statement"; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the' Town: Board hereby sets 8:02 P.M., Tuesda.y., April
2, 1996) Southold' ToW. l~ Hiill, Main .Road, Southold, New York, as.time and
place for a pubic hearln.g. 'on this Local _Law, ~hich reads as follows;
A Local Law to M0~lfV'the Annual Fmanmal Disclosure Statement
I. Chapter 10 (Ethics,;-' -' '~ode of) of the Code of the Town of Southold
is hereby amended as follows;
1. Section 10-2 is'amended to add the following definition:
IMMEDIATE FAMILY MEMBER - A spouse or any person
claimed as a dependent in the town officer's or
employee's latest':indivldual state income tax return.
2. Section 10-16 D (1) is amended as follows:
[1) Disclose, with spect to any office, trusteeship,
dJrectoi p or other position held in a
business, ~ 'oprietary or not-for-profit
association, prol: or not-for-profit association
held by a town~ employee or ~D~u~e-
immediate family member, the nature of the position
and the name and address of the organization.
3. Section I0;161D (3) is amended as follows:
(3) Describe the' nature and location of any real
property or investments within the town, or within
one (1) mile of .the boundary of ti~e town, in which
the officer, employee or ~pouse- immediate
family,meml~er li~s' a financial interest.
/4. Section 10-16 D [~) is amended as follo'ws:
(~) Identify earl1 interest in a trust, estate or
similar beneficial interest (except for IRS eligible
retirement plans) in which the officer, employee or
spotJ~e- immediate family member has an
investment in excess of two thousand dollars
5. Section 10-16.D (5)is amended as follows:
(5~ List the name and address of donors of all
gifts received .by the officer, employee or
~potts-e- immedia~:e family member excluding
gifts from a r..elative, which have an estmated value
in excess or five hundred dollars ($500.00).
6. Section 10;-16 D (7) is amended as follows:
q .- Vote
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman
Supervisor Cochran.
Tl~Js resolution was duly ADOPTED.
(7) Describe any interest ti~e officer, employee or
~r~tJ~e- immediate family member has in any
contract involving the town.
This Local Law shall take effect upon fiIMg with the Secretary of
Understrike/bold represents additions.
Strikethrough represents deletions
of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice
Townsend, Councilwoman
6.-Moved by by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts
the bid of Gabrlelli Truck Sales Ltd., Medford, N.Y., in the amount
of $611,805.00, for supplying the Southold Town Highway Department with
one (1) 1996 Ford LN8000 truck, equipped with a Swenson Model
APB combination dump body and spreader, all in accordance wlth the bid
6.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, J-usUce Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran,
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
5.- Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes printing of the "Guide to North Fork Parks ~ Beaches" at a
cost not to exceed $700.00.
5,- Vote of the Town Board; Ayes' Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran,
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
7.-Moved by Justice EVans,~i~econded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the ~'own Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes the. following modification to tl~e General Fund Whole Town 1996
Budget to provide the Tax Receiver's expenses at the
Assoclat~on of Towns a ;gal notices which were not included when
the budget was pr 1995:
- A1330.q. ~s and Seminars
A 1330. [1.6~ qotices
A1330.1.300.100 Seasonal/Temporary E.mployee Earnings $ 650.00
7.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Coch~an,.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
8.- Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies
the General Fund Whole T,ow?..1996 Budget to transfer the expenses
relating to vehicles from the: indiwdual departments to Central Garage:
$ 600.00
Central: Crara~ze
A. 1640~4.10~.200 : Gasoline & Oil
A. 1640.4.100.500 Motor Vehicle Parts & Supplies
A, 1640.4.400.650 Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs
From: Supervisor
A. t220.4.100.200 Gasoline&O~
.4,1220.4.100.500 MotorVehicle Parts&Suppfies
A. 1220.4.400.650 Vehicle M~ntenance & Rep~r~
$ 500.00
A. 1355~4~ 100.500
Motor Vehcle Parts&Supplies
$ 500.00
Town A~orney
A. 1420.4.100.250
Gasoti~e & Oil
$ 400.00
A. 1620.4.400.650
Gasoline & Oil
Motor Vehicle Parts & Supplies
Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs
Commimity Develooment
A. 8660.4.100,200 Gasoline & Oil
A. 8660.4.100.500 Motor Vehicle Parts & Supplies
,4-8660.4.400.650 Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs
8.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman
Supervisor Cochran. - .....
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
$ 300.00
$ 250.00
Councihnan Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN:.. I would just like to give a little explanation on
this, because as you can see it%:qulte a llst of transfers. What we have
done is we have set up fleet management for all of our vehicles. We have
many vehicles that-come as second-hand police cars. We have vehicles
that should have been taken to the Landfill five years ago, We have
vehicles that are not re-registered wtmn they should be. We have
vehicles that aren't serviced for a long period of time. I could go on
and on the condition of the cars, that our employees in Town Hall use.
What we're trying to do, and Ray Jacobs, Highway, will be reviewing all
MARCH 19, 1996
the cars up there~ We'll.be looking at them to see which ones can safely
be kept. There's now a .system in place for re-registering, for cleaning
them. It was to the point where if we had a storm storm, which we had a
lot this winter, there.was no one responsible for cleaning the snow off
the cars. No one knew ;who's job it was. So, the Board has looked at
this, and we have put this into place so we're hopeful that the taking
care of your vehicles is done in a better system. Thank you.
9.- Move
Patricia Sanchez ia
Home Health Aide for
9.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:
Councilwoman Oliva, CoUncilman
Supervisor Cochran,
This resolutlon was duly ADOPTED.
seconded by Justice Evans, it was
the ~own of S0uthold hereby, grants
lease-of-absence from her pos~tlon as
artment of Human Services, effective
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman llussie,
10.-Moved b
lO.-Vote of
Councilwoman Oliva,
Supervisor Cochran.
)nded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
of. the' Town of Southold hereby grants
ly A. Weingart a maternity leave-of-absence,
eptember, 1997.
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
lman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
11 .- Moved by Councilwoman Hussle, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it
RESOLVED that the Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts
the bid of Gabriel Ltd., in the amount of $58,885.00
($6[~,385.00, less trade of 1985 International w/aerial
device) for suppl~ Commissioner of Public Works with-a 1997 Ford
F-800 truck with aerial lift device and llne body, all in accordance witt~
the bid specifications.
~ ~ .- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
i2.- Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby amends
resolution no. 10, adopted on January 10, 1996, accepting the proposed
reduction in the assessment of Southampton Lumber Corp.
SCTMff1000-11[t-11-2[~.3 from $27;~00 to $19,500 for tax year 1995/96 to
reflect a reduction to: $19,000, all in accordance with the
recommendations of the Southold Town Board of Assessors.
~2.- Vote of the To.wn Board: .Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva,.. Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
t3.- Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board 6f the Town of Southold hereby accepts
the proposed reduction in the following assessments, all in accordance
with the reduction in the following assessmerits, all in accordance wlth
the recommendation of the Southold Town Board of Assessors:
Owner SCTM#
1) Greenport Yacht & Ship 1001-5-3-10
(1994/95, 1995/96)
2) Prime Purveyors Inc 1000-84-3-1.1
(1993/94, 1994/95, 1995/96)
3) William E. Zitek 1000-56-2-2
(1994/95, 1995/96)
4) Raynor Suter Hardware
(1994/95, 1995/96)
5) Chamlotte Jurgeson
(1993/94, 1994/95)
Current Reduced
Assessment To
60,500 33,400
23,600 11,000
t6,700 12,400
26,400 16,050
73,265 35,000
MARCH 19, 1996
13.-Vote of the 'Towr Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman 'Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution, was dulyi-ADOPTED~. · ::.. .
SUPERVISOR COCHRANi"~:¥Ou can see that the Board is reluctant to
voting on lowering-- someohe~s, taxes. This is through the grievance
process with the Assessors,~nd then they recommend to us where there!s
an equity that they readjust. Soi we don't like to see taxes taken away
from us, but we'd like to work to keep..them low.
lq.- Moved by Councilwoman Hussle, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants
permlssion to Town Recreation Department!s 1996
summer, fall and res in The Suffolk Life; said charge of
$~00.00 per insert, is '.to be made to A?020.~,.tI00.300, Recreation
Administration, printing.
1L~.- Vote of the TOWn Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
SUpervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: That does not mean we've chosen yet
another paper fOr our legals. It's just the most efficient way to
d~strlbute the recreation brochures. The least expensive based on a
survey, that the Rec Depar{ment had made.
15.-Moved by Councilwoman. Hussie, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the ToWn Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies
the Solid Waste Management District 1996 budget to correct a budgeting
error which ,w. oul.d have resulted in a structural deficit in the Solid Waste
Management Distrmt ~for 1996;
P~_evenues: '
SR. 5990.00 Appropriated Fund Balance
SR. 8160.2.500.900 Capital Reserve Allowance
SR. 8160.4.400.805 M.S.W. Removal
$ t 00,000
t5.- Vote of the T~ a~
Supervisor Cochra
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Hussle,,
t6.-Moved by Councilwoman, Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southotd hereby grants
permission to the members of the Conservation Advisory Council to attend
a one day conference entitled, "Innovative Uses of Breakwaters in Coastal
Erosion Control: Integrating Shoreline Protection and Estuarine Habitat
Enhancement", presented ~y New York Sea Grant on Friday, March 29,
1996, from 8=30 AiM.;tD l~i00 P.M., at the Ronkonkoma Holiday Inn, and
the $5.00 registration fee, and necessary expense for travel, shall be a
legal charge to the Conservation Advisory Council's 1996 budget.
16.- Vote of the 'Town Board: Ayes; Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
MARCH 19, 1996
17.- Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants
permission to Deputy TOwn Clerk Linda J. Cooper to atte.nd a New York
5ate Department. of EnVirOnmental conservation Sporting License Issuance
Seminar on Tuesday, 6, 1996, from 9:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M., at the
DEC Office, Stony and the necessary expenses for travel
and lunch shall be a 1~ to the Town Clerk's 1996 budget.
17.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Cour~ilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it
19.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Moore. it was
RESOLVED that the · ToWn Board of the Town of Southotd hereby
authorizes the release.S96,070.00 currently being held by the Town Clerk
in a passbook as ai ~n.d. for ·roads and .improvements in the major
subdivision of West Mill, Mill Road, Mattltuck, all in accordance with the
recommendation of the Southold Town Planning Board and Engineering
Inspector James A. Richter.
19.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore. Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly .ADOPTED.
20.-Moved by CouncilmJn. Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that tlie ' Town Board of the Southold hereby grants
permission to the Greenport-Southotd Chamber of Commerce to use the
Town parking field located on the south side of NYS Route 25, Southold,
on Saturday, May 25, 1996, from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., for a "Memorial
Da Craft Fair", provided they file with the Town Clerk a One Million
Dollar Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the Town of Southold as
an additional insured.
20.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oiiva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
21.- Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute the
understanding between Albrecht, Viggiano. Zureck & Company, PC,
at a fee not to exceed $5,000.00, for the preparation of a needs and cost
analysis with regard to the Town's need for addltlonal space for Town Hall
and the most effective' alternative to meeting the needs of the Town in the
most cost effective manner.
21 ~- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman
Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor
Cochran. No: Justice Evans.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
22.- Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the ToWn Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants
permission to the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry
District to accept the bid and ' enter into a contract with Diaz
Contracting, Fishers Island, NY, the lowest bidder, in the amount of
$1~ 800. 00, for' repair-of the Fishers Island Community Theatre ceiling,
all in accordance with the bid specifications.
18.- Moved by Councilman ToWnsend,
RESOLVED that the ' Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and .d. irects. Lawrenc.e Healthcare Administration~ Servh:es, Inc.
to pay the medical bdl{' of V~ctor Lessard, Bruce Stewart, and James
McMahon, which ! were submitted by the providers more than 90 days
after service was d.
18.-Vote Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussiet
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
MARCH 19, 1.996-
22.- Vote of the ToWn ~ BOard: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice EVans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Counciin~an Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
23.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it
23 .- Vote of th
Supervisor Co¢
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
24.- Moved by
accepts, with
Clerk TyPist: for
24.-Vot~e' of the
Supervisor Cochran.
of the Town of Southoid hereby
lerk to advertise for bids for the
for the Superintendent of Highways.
Councilman Moore, Justice EVans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
{esol. #4
seconded by Councilman Townsend, it
Board 'of the Town of Southold hereby
nation of Linda Knoernschild, part-time
.. effective March 22, 1996.
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
;ouncilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
25.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the ToWn Board of the Town of Southold hereby
accepts, with re, grot, the resignation of Patricla Breese, Day Care Aide
for the Human R~source Con.ret, effe. ctJve April 1, 1996.
25.-Vote of the ToWn Board: Ayes. Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
26.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it
wa s
RESOLVED that own Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes an to advertise for resumes for Home
Health It Day' Care Program, 17-1/2 hours per week,
$6.18 per'hour. ' ' '
26.- Vote of the ToWn Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman OliVa, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
27.- Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for 150.000
square yards, more or less as may be needed, of Polymer Modified
Emulsified Asphalt Pavement Course (Micro-surfacing) for the
Superintendent of Highways,
27.- Vote of the Town BOard: Ayes: Councilman Moore. Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva. Councilman Townsend. Councilwoman Hussle~
Supervisor Cochran,
This resolution was duly ADOPTED',
28.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes the following budget modification to the Southold Wastewater
Disposal District 2995 budget tO cover overexpended line items:
SS1.8130.2.000.000 Sewage Treatment, Equipment $ 1,500.00
5S1.8130.~t.000.000 Sewage Treatment, ..Contr. Exp. $ 1,500.00
28.- Vote of the 'Town :BOard: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
MARCH 19, 1996
29.-Moved by Councilwoman.Hussie, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the ,Town. Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants
permission to Venetia MCKe~ghan, Director of Human Services, to
place an advertisement in the newspaper to advertise a series of
caregiver workshops to be held at the Human Resource Center. The
workshops will be in coo ~ with Health Services At Home, a local
health care ay for the advertising.
29.- Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilw, Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
SupervisOr Cochran.
This res61ution was duly ADOPTED.
30.-Moved by
$21~5.00 (because
and t rate on
Safety Commur
30. -Vote of the
Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it
Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants
ety Dispatcher III John Raynor and Public
de Kumjian to attend a Communications
entitled, "Policy and Procedures
National Communications Institute at East
and the tuition in the amount of
ming with NCI, they are offering a 2
) shall be a legal charge to the Public
3oard: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilman Townsend, CouncilWoman Hussie,
Supervlsor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
31.-Moved by
appoints I
.... 31 . - Vote
seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
Board of the Town of Southold hereby
as a part-time Data 'Entry Clerk at Police
ly, 17-1/2 hours per week, at a salary of
Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
This resolution Wa~ d.uly ADOPTED.
32 .-Moved
per annum,
32.-Vote of
Court( lan
Supervisor Cochran.
by Councilman Moore, it was
of the Town of Southold hereby
Contingent Public Safety Dispatcher,
September, 1997, at a salary of $23,302.63
Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
33. - Moved
of $8.60 per..
33.-Vote of
Counci h ~,va
Supervisor Cochra n.
seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was
'own Board of the Town of Southold hereby
Clerk to advertise for resumes for the
~for a maximum of 20 hours per week, at a salary
yes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
34.-Moved by Co
oman Hussie, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED Board of the Town of Southold hereby
allocates 1/! for Landfill Capping totalling $[r2,2[[6.00 for
1996 for debt relating to the Serial Bond issued for the
Hydrogeological [ vestigation at the Town's Cutchogt~e Landfill; and be
FURTHER RESOL~ED~. THAT THE Town Clerk is hereby directed to
forward a copy ~Jf this resolution to Suffolk County Executive Robert J.
Gaf f ney.
34.-Vote of the ToWn Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
CounciJwoman Oliva, COuncilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
MARCH 19; 1996 ,~t
35.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
Health Aide;
salary.of $6~18 pe
35.-Vote of the ~Tow~
Councilwoman Oliva, ~ Councilman
Supervisor Cochran; ' ·
This resolution was
hour; said a
Board of the Town of Southold hereby
:r and Robin A. Harris as part-time Home
.ng services for the elderly under
17-1/2 hours per week. at a
Councilman Moore· Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
· April 2, 1996
, ~econded by Justice Evans, it was
Board of the Town of
part-time Public
per week, at a sa
3;60' per
to the candidates satisfadtorily
Department of Civil Set;vice:
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: I would like to clarify that. These are
operators· who will be:On the list available as they are needed. They
have to meet the necessary qualifications that go through all the steps.
36. - Vote
This resolution
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
37.-Moved by Justice E~ans, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it was
RESOLVED that th~ Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
appoints the following individuals- to the Southold Town Agricultural
Advisory Committee, for~a two [2) year term, effective April 11, 1995
through April 11, 1997;!: they ~to serve without compensation: Eugene
Vanden Bosch, John Sidor Jr., David Horton, Frank McBride.
37.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution wasduly ADOPTED.
38 .-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it
RESOLVED that the Board of the Town of Southold hereby
appoints Jean .M. position of Scale Operator, from the
Suffolk County Department' of Civil Service Certification of Eligibles,
effective immediately, at a salary of $13.05 per hour.
38.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva; Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
39.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
reappoints the following individuals as members of the Southold Town
Landmark Preservation Commission. for a two (2) year term, effective April
5, 1996 through April 5, 1998: Clifford J. Benfield (who is also
appointed Chairman), Ralph Williams, Josephine Boyd, Robert C.
Kassner; they Lo serve without compensation.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: They do an excellent job, I might add, too.
MARCH 19, 1996
39.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
40.-Moved by Coun¢ Hussle, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it
wa s
RESOLVED ti rd of the Town of Southold hereby
reappoints individuals as members of the Southold Town
Transportation Comml for a two (2) year term, effective April 5, 1996
through April 5, 1998, they to serve without compensation: Neboysha
R. BrashJch, own, Victor A. Brown, Robert W. Brown
(Christa Brown e), Dwayne H. Early, J. Bernard Jacobsen,
Barbara Michelson.
zl0.- Vote of the Town 'es: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans.
Councilwoman Townsend, Councilwoman ---Hussie,
Supervisor Ccc}
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
· -Moved by Justice E
authorlzes and ¢
(3) memb~
effective April
.-Vote of the
Supervisor Cochran.
seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
}wn Board of the Town of Southold hereby
the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for three
rtation Committee, for a two (2) year term,
gh April 5. 1998.
: Ayes;i Councilman Moore, Justice Evans.
ncilman Townsend, Councilwoman Huss|e,
This resolution was.duly ADOPTED.
42.-Moved by CouncilwOman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the' Town Board .of the Town of 5outhold hereby
authorizes and he Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for a
part-time Clerk TyI the Recreation Department.
-~-- q2.- Vote of the Board; Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oliva,' ' Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran,
- This resolution was d.uly ADOPTED.
q3.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Boa rd of the Town of Southoid hereby
authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to Place a Public Notice in The
Traver-Watchman End The Suffolk Times, announcing new applclatton
for the 1996 Southold-Town Affordable Housing Programs.
~3.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Ollva, Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
qq.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman eltra, it was
RESOL~VED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes the establishment of the following Capital Project, effective
m~medlately, for the purChase of a 15 passenger van for the Human
Resource Center: .
C~tp{tai Project N, ane: L-I_uman Services Van
F~nanclng Method: Fund Transfer frown General Fund Whole Town
Bbdget: Revenues:
Transfers from Other Funds
$ 19,404.00
A, ppropriations:
Buildings & Grounds, Capital Outlay
Motor Vehicles
19,404 00
.- Vote ' of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Oltva, Cobnc|lman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
SuperVisor .Cochran.. -:
This resolution Was duly ADOPTED.
45.-Moved by Councilwoman .Hussie, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that the Town BOard of the Town of Southold he?by accepts
the proposal iof Georg, W. Desmarals, P.E., Vice President, Fi2M ·
Group, at
services in con
evaluation at the:
45.- Vote of the
This res(
of $1,500.00, for professional engineering
a site visit and equipment
er Waste Treatment Plant, all in
lated March 18, 1996.
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
~d; Councilwoman Hussie.
museums .in town.
today. We
had reviewed we're
maybe, the histori~
concerts on the
support in one ~wa~
46.- Moved by CouncilWoman
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: In a way of explanation our grants program is
where amounts of money are given to different non-profit organizations, or
We're. d.o. ing it by application, and calling it a grants
submitted their applications, and we reviewed them
finished reviewing them all, but those of which we
~g to pass on. It's like, for instance, $800.00 to,
's money that we give each year for the
: are community things, that we all
er, and we add to that support.
Hussie, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
allocates the following funds for 1996 under the Southold Town Grants
Incorporated LI~ Chapter of the-New York State Archaeological
Association a/k/a S0uthold Indian Museum - $1,200.00
Summer ShoWCasei C. oncert Series of Southold, Inc. - $2,000~00
Oysterponds His(orica. t society- $800.00
Douglas Moore Memorial Concert Committee - $[100.00
Raymond Cleaves.American Legion Post 861 - $350.00
Veterans of. F0reign Wars ~9205 - $350.00
Mattituck H~st0rical Society - $800,00
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.- Greenwing - $350.00
Burton Potter Post American Legion - $350.00
Railroad Museunl of Long Island - $800.00
Stirling Historical Society- $800.00
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Laur.y, this is being presented as a whole. !
want to remove myself-from voting on the Indian Museum, because I'm on
the Board of Directors; So, I will abstain on this one.
46.- Vote Of the Town .Board: Ayes:
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman
Abstaln: Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman Hussie.
47.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it
RESOLVED that the Town of the Town of Southold hereby appoints
Erick R. Heins, Stephen Ryan and Raymond VanEtten as Police
Officers for the Town of Southold, effective immediately, at a salary of
Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED to table Resolutions #L[7, so that a proposal be presented to
the Southold Town PBA.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We have a motion to table the resolution.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, No: Councilman Moore, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was LOST,
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: As the resolution has been lost we will take the
vote on the Resolutio.n, to .a, ppoint Erick Heins, Stephen ~Ryan and
Raymond VanEtten as Pohce Offlc~rs with the Southold Police Department.
MARCH 19, 1996
I v. ote~]'d like to make a comment, if I
ma, :this whole matter seems to be played out
in publl c comments session, and through the papers.
As Board member~ : constrained.to talk about the merits, or demerits,
strengths and weakness of the case Involving personnel matter. There's a
reason for that. Matters involving personnel are entitled to
confidentiality, in this case it seems to be tossed out the window, not
just recently, but over the cou. r. se' of this entire matter with involving
the Village of Greenpor ~nd it's police department, the Grand Jury,
release of
Mayor had his hands
and dragged a man's
sit about the strer
case. ThisF
of 1.99~, our Poll,
the '96
way down the line, to the release of
way into the paper, that somehow the Village
That's unfortunate, because we sat here
the mud, and I don't feel that I can
~esses of the case, and bs of the
ppen. any time recently. May
~t put the Town on not /ere
and the Tow~ wisdom
.It's in
,as no
a~ :police
abolish it.
~ and some
lng Out refund Checks,~ .u in
cks, Still the Police I~J'¢lng issue goes
,of '9~ Charges don't gel fi]ed 'to
.il October of '95., N~W, ~e wai;t, and we
the courts will rush, :an~! hurr~.up~ and
move on. We had 6Xplain~d {he last "t~mt~, that
Board mere and
the 29th, the
a decision on this mat:te~, have
Jr ToWn Attorney expla
that the decision,
decision as ;Board
we can't handle :th,
saving pr ~Pc~sition.:~
history, ha
and deal with
wait, and we wait
give us a
what we~
have been w~
pape rs were
it. Today is the
could be appealed,
even if it is to
is going to be
recently cr~e;
because I don't want
tell you is ;I've
to go to
far~ the
won't even share
wait. We have a s
back in February
said at the
going on, to the
~he Police De[
' of
y soon. Sot
I'm in such a
the strengths an,
for legal
:~ich I
no ~e; on to
to come out.
can check the
into it, I spent' c
the number of specialI tours, presently
February, sgpp sow seaS"on,, that
the Chief, and ;the ~ve to
turn down vacation requests for people who wan~ vacat y.
That tells me something. It tells me we have a shortage, We need to hire
officers, I've told you before, obviously I've weigh the case. ~ haven't
played it out in public, but I vote yes for this resolution. I want to
move forward. Thank you.
JUSTICE EVANS: with an explanation. I'm sorry Joe couldn't
give his pFoposa ike to give him the two weeks to make
his proposal to perhaps it could alleviate our police
manpower problem ~ve us the time. As I've said before, I
don't know the answer to whether the officer in question is fit or unfit,
I can only make the isi0n he's fit. I'm not allowed by Civil Service to
make a decision he' I'd like to see if it could go to the Civil
Service hearing; an 'have to reevaluate this in two;weeks, but I
would like Joe to ha~ to submit his proposal to the PBA.
Tirelll. I think it's
has to 'look into
no, at this time. ~
see explored. I db
that a decision will
I don't know if it is a right answer', Mr.
Lion, and each member of us
whether we can vote, yes or
nsend has a proposal, that t'd like to
3d.from the Clerk in the Justice's Offices,
I don't like seeing you people
understaffed. I've asked for some figures with that, but at this time,
and it's only my own conscience,, I have to vote, no,
that would '1
which way ~
with extra ~
there hasn'l
problem, and~l d0r
able to. We~ve beer
negotiating with-atto
logical step,
it would
are ;epa.
admit, gl:yen
that's 'it, ~nd'i won
As everyo, ne is making statements, we were
the:,pBA't0 hire before the vote was taken, so they
the Creenport force; I don't think
thing to do. We didn't know
t that.polntlwe' would have'ended up
with dbWn the road! S~nce' then
,hat we haven't tried to soT~e this
Town Board's faul[ 'we have not been
I ' with tl3e individuals. We've been
~ a very, very..you know,
was last October. Since that
.= two issues
:an resolve the
I have to
the same
dO is 10ok at my proposal
the p¢obiem. Basically,
SO ['~m no.
turn, when we!ve 1
block put
direction. It!~
this p~;oblem
47.- Vote of the TOwn
This resolution was
q8.-Moved by Co~tncil
Law in Rel~
Law on the
were given
which reads as 'follows:,
I would just like to 'say, that I feel llke every
olvethis problem, that we've had a stumbling
If, just said ~.that we have discussed it
and nothing has been resolved, It
ill continue to work in a
Board does not see fit to solve
Councilman Moore, Councilwoman
No: Justice Evans, Councilwoman
by Councilman Moore,
the Town Board of the Town of
1996, a Loi:al law entitled, "A Local
· Review Law"; and
by the Town Board On this Local
at which time all interested persons
~ be heard; now, thei~efore, be it
~oard hereby enacts Local law No. 1 1996,
LOCAL- LAW NO. I - 1996
A Local Law 'n Relation to Environmental quality Review Law
Chapter 44 (Loca! Laws, Adoption of) of the Code of the Town of Southold is
hereby amended~as f°lbws:
1. SectiOn 44-3 is amended as follows:
No decision to carry out or approve an action, other than a,q setien-tisteCi~
~ePee~F-See~. ~e-RulesT as a Type II action shall be
made by'a toWn agency until there has been full compliance with all re-
quirements 0f this chapter and the Rules,. pFe~ded, he~ver, that
.he~ein s.hal~ne~e~s prohib[[in~
~ ~~t!r:q.~ of Con~mPom~ee~mn~n~!. en~e~n~
e~nemi~ibiti.~ ~,~e~die~ ~Rd p~m~a~,a, ,~u
b~e~m~es neee~a~fe~latb~f = pr~p~e~
in such
2. Section 44-4 is amended as follows:
Consistent With the Rules ~ind the criteria therein, the actions listed in
Section ~!7 4,2 617 4 of the Rules as Type I actions are likely to have
a significant effect on the environment.
B. rConSistent with the Rules and.the criteria therein, the acEons listed in
Section ~ 617.5 of the Rules as Type II actions are deemed not
to have a s gnifican[ effect on the environment.
C: Consistent with the Rules and the criteria herein, all actions nol
identified as a Type I or Type II action shall be an unlisted action.
3. Chapter 44-8 is amended as follows:
A. If the town agency determines that the proposed action will not have a
significant effect on the environment, the town agency shall prepare,
file and circulate such determination as required by Seet~ep, 6!7.7(b) o¢
the Rules, and thereafter the proposed action may be processed with-
out further regard to this chapter.
If the town agency determines that the proposed action may have a
significant'effect on the environment, it shall prepar6, file and circulate
such determination as required by Section 8! 7.7(5) of the Rules, and
thereafter the proposed action shall be reviewed and processed in
accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the Rules.
Chapter 44-10 is amended as follows:
Upon completion of a draft environmental impact statement prepared
by or at the request of the town agency, a notice of completion con-
taini e' · .... ,~ ;,~ ~ · ~4 7 7~,4~ ,.~ ~.
ng th specified ~nformabon epeeifie., veet-ien ..... e
Rulee shall be prepa,ted, f ed and circu ated as provided in See4ie~
6-1~a~lJ¢-) 617.9 and 617.12 of the Rules· In addition, such notice
shall be published in the official town newspaper and a copy thereof
posted on the Town Clerk's signboard. Copies of the draft environmen-
tal impact statement and the notice of completion shall be filed, sent
and made available as required by See~ier~617.7-(e~Rd (f)-ef the
B. In. the event that the town agency determines that a public hearing
shall be held on a draft environmental impact statement, notice thereof
shall be filed, circulated and sent in the same manner as the notice of
completion and shall be published in the official town news paper at
least ten (10) fourteen (14} days prior to such public hearing. Sue,~
net-iee-ehalPaleo st=te4he-ptaee-whe~e-subetant4ve-wr-iP, en comments
~nvironment-aPimpaet-stateme~y be sent-an~t~ate
beferewCnich sueh comments shall-be rose!vent-. The hearing shall com-
mence no less than fifteen (15) .calendar days nor mere than sixty (60)
calendar days of the filing of the draft environmental impact statement,
unless the town agency determ' nes that additional time is necessary
for the public or other agency review of the draft environmental impact
statement or where a different hearing date is required as appropriate
under other applicable law.
Chapter'44-11 is amended as follows:
If, on the basis of a draft environmental impact statement or a public hear-
! determines that an action will not have a sig-
merit need
Section 44~14 is amended as folloWs:
final environmental, impact state-
.tire d~claration may be Prepared, filed
No decision to carry out or approve .an action which has been the sUbject
of a final enVirOnmental impact statement by a town agency or'by any other
,,agency'Shall-be'made until a reasonable time period after the filing and
C:onsideration Of the final environmental impact statement. Where the town
agency .~ncy for an action, it shall make a decision
whet he action within thirty (30) days of the filing of
the final.e~ ., ment~
7. Sections 44.15.A. & B. are hereby deleted as follows:
Consistent with sociat, economic and other essential considerations of
state policY, to the maximum extent practicable, from among the
re~ Iternatives thereto, the action to be carried out or ap-
inimizes or avoids adverse environmental
effects the effects disclosed in the relevant environmental
im ents.
B, All practicable means will be taken in carrying outor approving the
action to'minimize or avoid adverse environmental effects.
Sections 4~4-15 A. and B. are amended by adding the following:
Findings must:
A_.. Consider the relevant environmental impacts, facts and conclusions
disclosed in the final ElS;
B__= Weigh and balance relevant environmental impacts with social,
economic and other considerations; ·
C. Provide a rationale for the a.qency's decision;
D. Certify that. the requirements of this Pad have been met;
Certify that consistent with social, economic and other essential con-
siderations.from amon~ the reasonable alternatives available, the
action is one that avoids or minimizes adverse environmental impacts
to the maximum extent .practicable, and that adverse environmental
impacts Will.be av°i(ied or minimized t0the maximum extent pr.ac-
ticable b9 incorporating as conditions to the decision those mitigative
measures that were identified as practicable.
Section 44-18 is amended as follows:
-Where more than one (1)agency or department is involved in an action,
(he procedures of Sections v,;., 617.6 andy, ~ .~ of the Rules shall be
foil owed.
Section 44-19 is deleted as follows:
Aotiene-,~de~-er-appreved pr~er-to the-date~ ~r.~oified~mA, .,ele-8-ef
Section 44-20 is amended as follows:
Where an action Subject to this chapter involves an applicant, a fee shall
be paid:to the town in accordance with 6, NYCRR 6 !7. !~ 617.13. Where
the-tewr~-~ust-prepare-a-firmPenv~;ronmentalqml~act s~tement, the-fee
¢¢'~rge~o the =t~l~lioant~hall-be4he-aotua! cost-inec~rce~-by-the-town.
II. This Local Law shall take effect upon its filing with the Secretary
of State.
Lt8.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Councilwoman OlJva, : CoUncilman Townsend, CouncilWoman Hussie,
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN.: That's the end of our resolutlons. If there is
anyone that would' like to address the Board on any other given topic
please feel free a tn~s time.
ALFONSE MARASEL: As I was saying before, you haven't received
my letter. I think that scale in the recycling area is incorrect,
absolutely incorrect.. I spoke to Jim, and asked if my scale was State
registered, bathroom scale; it Is not a State registered, but $15.00 is
quite a bit. NoTM, hate ,you looked into this scale?
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE; I did check it out, and one of the big problems
is that the scales, that you went over with., the mailbox aren't really
calibrated only to deal with between ten and twenty pound objects. They
don't discern, they can not figure out something that's only three pounds,
or two pounds. They deal with twenty pounds. There's also the problem
of, if you have a little bit of weight if there's a wind blowing, it can
upset the amount that comes up on the scale. Tile scale that you went
over is really' only for big trucks. I would suggest to you, Mr. Marasel,
that you use a yellow bag~ It's a lot cheaper, and you can put more stuff
in it.
yellow bag.
This was metal.
I could not put metal in the
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Well, don't tell them I said that.
ALFONSE MARASEL: -A couple 6f weeks ago, what could I do with
this metal, and he said, put it in a yellow bag. i didn't put it in the
yellow bag.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: The problem is you only have a little bit of
stuff. Maybe the next time would be to wait until you had a greater
amount of metal, that yoU could bring.
ALFONSE MARASEL: Like metal coat tlangers. I don't know what else
i have. Nails. I'm working oll my fence, and taking out the old nails.
That would only come up to about a couple of pounds-
..26° MARCH 19, 1996~
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN;~ ' May I suggest if you have coat hangers, that
you recycle th~ through' the local .laundries. The dry cleaner right
in Southold Will .lake ali' your old hangers, or down at Hol~py's ,n
Creen l, because then it saves them some
money. But of these places rather than throw
them in the of you.
i'll have to wot
weight 0n there.~-
I!11 have 'to take my bathroom scale 'with me, and
.the~'wind. Good t~hlng I don't rely on my own
COUN I; know 'it doesn't make you feet any better, but
a tot of people :myself included. I brought a
aerial, which one hand. It certainly didn't weight
twenty pounds, and ! paid t : full plaice, for it...
ALFONSE MARASEL: You would think in a case like that, you should
have a sign before we get in there.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSlE: That we certainly can do. What would you
suggest it say, Mr;i Marasel?
ALFONSE MARASEL: gn at the scale, this mechanism is
influenced by the wind,' Chances.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: Perhaps the Solid Waste Committee could look
at the option of 'having a scale at' the scalehouse, that would be. smaller
and accurate, and'since you've run into this problem, and lot of people
have run into we could create something for twenty pounds
or less, you could scale. If we could figure some way not to
hold up traffic i that.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: That's one of the problems. We can look into
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We're going to send it to Councilwoman
Hussie, with her c~)mmittee, and they'll try to come up with a better
solution. Okay? Tha6k you. We'll take Mr. Carlin next.
FRANK CARLIN: Frank Carlin. ! want to ask our wonderful
cameraman one question before I start. Is your camera equipped with a
thermostat, or overheat switch, because sometimes it can get hot when I'm
up here, you know? Tonight I'm going to fire off two of my sixteen inch
guns on the battleshiP, .the C '
arhn Watchdog. Unbelievable. question
for Judge Evans, when you have a stray dog on Fishers Island, what d°
you do with him?
on the island.
In my experience I've never had a stray dog.
But, any dog on the island, you must ·have some dogs
FRANK CARLIN: What do you do with them? Do you have a shelter
there, or where do you put them, m' what do you do with the animal?
animal anywhere.
I haven't had an experience with having to put an
So, you have no animals on all of Fishers Island?
JUSTICE EVANS: No. The only complaints I deal with, or I have dealt
with so far with animals are more nuisance complaints. Generally the
people have talked with their neighbors, or whoever, and resolved them
among themselves.
MARCH 19, 1996
FRANK CARLIN: Okay, life preservers on. I've always
wondered why we have. Board here. Riverhead has five.
Southamr t you're going to say to me. Fishers
Island, got man or woman, on Fishers Island. Well,
my opinion :. We-need a Judge, and a representative.
I'll tell you why.. Farmland Preservation issue, that have anything to do
with Fishers Island?
JUSTICE EVANS: It comes out of our taxes.
FRANK CARLIN-' It has nothing to do with the land, though. What
about the taxes now? What about the land? ..Do you have problems there
on Fishers Island.
JUSTICE EVANS: No, people don't llke paying for the preservation.
FRANK CARLIN: That!s what I'm saying. Police Department. Anything
to do with Fishers Island? They have their Constable and State Trooper.
JUSTICE EVANS: No. We have part-time Constables. We have Bay
Constables, and the Detectives have come over several times to help us
out with problems tl~at we've had there.
FRANK CARLIN: Big deal. McDonald's. Have you an issue
McDonald's? Do you travel from Fishers Island to go to McDonald's?
JUSTICE EVANS; Thankfully we don't have to worry about McDonald's.
McDonald's issue, that we had to fight for four year
You have your own landfill there. You could use our
YMCA, have any effect on Fishers Island, using the
already. Landfill.
landfill over here.
YMCA over here? You're going travel from Fishers Island over here to
Laurel for our YMCA? ·Animal Shelter, an Animal Shelter here. I always
wondered why we need., if you're going to have a Councilperson in
Fishers Island, then let.hlm only vote on th'e issues that effect Fishers
JUSTICE EVANS: Hr. Carlin, I'm sure if the Town agreed to reduce
the taxes, so that we wouldn't be paying for these things you talk about,
then maybe we would be willing just to represent Fishers Island issues.
FRANK CARLIN: You ,should, because you vote on things, my opinion,
has nothing to do with'~ Fishers Island. A good example is McDonald's.
YMCA, you voted o.n it,to give away property in Laurel, that had nothing
to do whatsoever w~th F~shers Island.
JUSTICE EVANS: Except that we help pay for that property.
FRANK CARLIN: So do we. Just like, changing back for a second
after the police, again, Greenport had the opportunity to vote to abolish
the police department, but yet this Board last year never gave the people
in Southold the opportunity to vote if they wanted to accept the police
department. Was that fair? You did the same thing with the YMCA in
Laurel. I had it up to here with this town. Believe me, I've had it.
Can't vote on an issue here. Can't vote on an issue. You ought to
ashamed of ourselves, 'but back t(J Fishers Island. I said once before, in
fact I mentioned a year ago, we should setl Fishers Island.
JUSTICE EVANS: It's not yours to sell.
FRANK CARL1N: What do we need it for? Sell it. We can use that
money. You have to bring kids into Connecticut to go to school.
JUSTICE EVANS: The Town doesn't own the property.
FRANK CARLIN: i'11 tell you another thing. I'm fire my last big
sixteen inch gun here, and here it comes. It's going to have an atomic
warhead in it, I say we go back to the two party system. Republicans,
and Democrats. Stand on your own two feet, You're a Republican, you're
in the Southold paFty. You're a Democrat, you're in the Southold party.
I don't know who I'm voting for half of the time. Stand on your own two
feet. If you're a
That's my two sJxtee.
say anything tonight,
spend too much time.
much Ionger~ I'd like
thing, if I' may,
off. This is no six
.gentleman last meeting ca
Mayor Kapell
people, if he had so
a Democrat. Republican be a Republican.
uns i'm 'firing off tonight. I wasn't going to
ve got to go to a party tonight. I can't
and I'm not going to stay too
say else. I'want to say-one more
pervisor. It's on my chest. I've got to get it
un. This is a forty mi. lllmeter j~b. A
and he said the question, why didn't
f? Why .didn't he just hire: new
trouble with the police department, and nobody
could seem to answer that;. See, I sat here, I should haYe answered, but !
let it go. I want to answer it tonight. It's a simple question to
answer, and I have to give Mayor Kapell credit. It's logic. If you can
hire a t for $~2~,0,000 a year, why would you want to
spend a Ye. ar? So, you go, and dump it into Southold,
and we accept 'it, a we got now. This is problem we
have now. -~hat'~' u can become a hero. YOu: give out
$250 to every ta for property taxes. So, now .what he
does, he dump plant in our hands now. We have
to .support thai we going to have dumped in our lap
now? We got people in"~his town going to start Pealizing whet is going on
here. I got a :stion I:want to ask Mayor Kapell, but I want him to
be here when I a one simple .question.
the Mayor?
Frank, why don't you go to Greenport and ask
FRANK CARLIN: Well, I'll go to Greenport. Maybe they'll shoot me if I
go in there, i don't know.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Frank. Mr. Siegmann?
ED SIEGMANN: That's a hard act to follow. Number one, was there
anything done to continue the Tax Committee that was working? Are they
going to take it up?
SUPERVISOR C.O( We reviewed it, what last Board meeting? We
plan to look nd see what's feasible, and what isn't. We had
too much 'on our ~ y to even consider it.
ED SIECMANN: I thought that they had a very good report, and that
you should really continue it, if it's possible. They had some ideas in
there. Let me ask you something, in reference to Resolution ~,~,, about
the purchase of a van.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: For the Nutrition Center.
ED SIEGMANN: Let me explain something to you, and you might not
have to buy one. I've picked up a letter from Forbes..
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: i'm aware. He was on television, and he said,
that he was working for getting Nutrition vans. We haven't heard
ED SIEGMANN: He came up with nine vans. He gave them away, but
he didn't give Southold any.
ED SIEGMANN: So, I got a hold of him to find out, hey, how come one
town got four, and 'Southold got none? ! was told that they are
considering some more vans, and that they're going to have somebody from
Forbes' Office to get back to me_ to talk about the possibility of a van
for Southold, So, I would suggest, don't buy it right away, because
there may be a van coming from Forbes.
now. It's corni~
than putting it out
i think it's a situation where we need it
contract, so it certainly is a lot .cheaper
I call..
ED SIEGMANN: I ~ave about six, seven vans now, I think
it's good to ask Vel :r she needs this immediately or not. If
she doesn't maybe we car get one free.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: You're right, because our plan does call for
replacing a van each year, so~ this would certainly be able to be
put..(Tape change.)
ED SIEGMANN: Councilman Moore, I listened to your impassioned speech
before about dragging somebody's name through the mud, and I agree with
you 100%, but I would suggest to you, that also should be remembered at
election time.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Thank you for your comments, Mr.
Siegmann. Mrs. Sinning?
TON! ANN SINNING: ..W. hen I had. the opportunity to speak before my
blood was absolutely boiling, and it was very difficult to speak. Earlier
today I of notes to read before the Board today,
some of would have been inappropriate to speak
publicly., I dec 'ead it. However, when ! was sitting over
there people had to say, which they're
entitled ~o say, my lan to boil. My blood is beyond boiling, and
as Mr. Carllri sai( if the camera had a thermostat, I wonder if
it would still be.working. I'm very disappointed. I direct this to Mr.
Townsend, to Mrs, Oliva, and to Ms. Evans. As you are searching
your conscJel I hope, and I honestly believe that at
some point in this on, and on, and on, and we make new
propositions, a lis. Time continues to march on. I
honestly feel that .we a~e going to have an .a. bsolute tragic incident happen
within the town, Wh~re' somec~n.e will be kl}led, someone
wilt be
whether it be a civilian, a child, ora poi,ce officer. If you look at my
husband Officer ~irelli. they are not small men.
They are q wear a uniform, and carry a gun, and
both arel still when this tragic incident occurs, and we
still do not :have 16 I hope at that time you can
search i~ , and you can still stand by the
decisiol police officers. This is not going to
go that we speak to, they back
the e ever says anything against Eric Heins.
Hire re ,we go, and do you know three people that
are agair on ou It's embarrassing.
SUPERVISOR;COCHRAN: Thank you, Mrs. Sinning. Officer Cinas?
JAMES GINAS: Good James Ginas, Vice-President of the
PBA. I Would just like matters on which I went publicly, on
record, to the regarding the hiring from the preferred
llst. Civil Serv options in this case. A, hire and
suspend, or sus hiring. The burden of proof in either
case, dealing with is the same. Again, urge the Board
to hire the e Greenport Department off the preferred llst,
and if you feel that someone is not fit to be an officer in the Town of
Southold, then suspend him, and .have the hearing. But, et s get on with
the hiring process. We can. not wait any longer. The Academy, a six and
a half month 'start in August. Once we get through
the existing membe preferred list, we have to then look at the
regular C late August academy gets candidates out of
the academy and at best scenario next summer before
they're ready ~d do the job without constant supervision.
We're Ioeklng: at o, we can get people on the road to
supplement our de can not wait any longer. ! urge you to
hire, and if you someone is not fit, then suspend, but let's
move on With ,this. too much time. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, sir. Officer Tirelli?
VlNNIE TIRELLI, ' JR'..' . Vincent Tirelli, Jr., PBA. One thing I'd
like clarified, you hi~ed five part-time dispatchers?
MARCH 19,199o~
hired you hired nine?
ou hired nine. You hired, tonight, you
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: They're part-timers.
VINH~E TIRELLI. JR.: You now have more public safety dispatchers
than you do police officers.
can call on.
These are part-timers, that we
VINNIE TIRELLI, JR.: I'd like to add to a couple of things, that Mr.
VanBourgondien said; My job is to look out for my membership. My job
is come here, and make nbise, and make basically make your lives
miserable, because our lives are miserable. That's my job, and I keep
doing it, until it's no longer my job, and I hope that whoever follows me
will do it. I'm here out of frustration, of the lack of movement, and with
egards to the h~rlng, of new. police offlc.ers for the town. In the past
several years the soUthold PBA has stating adna_useam, that new police
officers are and the added demand for the
Town of 'the addition of the Village of
Greenport. Politics, ,'al attitudes on the part of :some
politicians, sitting on the Board, made the additiOn of
these much needed' poliae officers a political issue, instead of a public
safety issue. I have repeatedly, stood here in front of the past Board,
and in front of this one, practically begging you, put poli-tlcs aside, do
the right thing for the people of Southold, instead of finger pointing,
and grandstanding on the so 'called moral issues, that become the weekly
fare of 'both Town Boar.d me.etings, and the local newspapers. The Town Of
Southold has become a joke in the eyes of many. I promised myself not to
think on individual' battles to .show you, what you should be doing,
however, now recourse is to do so. The entire Greenpokt
Police D~
months, cost
SUffolk Count~
numerous interview, s; .anC
local politicians
For those of y,
the case
or targets fop the'i
police officer, you ,
Judge Sol Walcher
wanted to. I repeat-
an investigation, which took several
· s in taxpayer's money, initiated by the
~'S Office. After these several months
allegations, and a lot of sensationalism by both
sPapers. No indictments. W.er'e hand. ed d. own.
~nderstand' what an ind~ctmen!t IS. ,t's ~a
that ,d in
'may committed. In ten a
tict almost anyone for anythi mcr,
you can indict a ham sandwich if you
earlier, no indictments Were handed
down after a lengthy, investigation by the Suffolk County District
Attorney's Office. Tl~e previous B~ard hired a lawyer, at taxpayer's
expense to see if they c~Uld get. past this so called undesihable fo~mer
officer He hi'red a privat~' nvestigator,' again, at the tax a ers'
expense, who ,conducted ..from what I've been told, a thorough
investigation, aimed 'specifically at discrediting': this !man. This
investigation revealed that there was nol~hlng to prevent the: Town from
hiring this officer. Certain Board members still, not only failed to act,
but denied the eXistenCe~ of this investigator's report. So, now, I ask,
where oVerwl ag~ inst this man? Why are you
wasting which have already been
gone over? Wh' bf the PBA,
and the needs ch
against this man
I'm sure they've
hold such
of officers,
immediate effect
challenge one of
it's a drop in the what's needed to safel~ serve the
needs of the peopl . ~ pr°ud of the members 6f the PBA.
Through all the neg~tiwsm created by comments made .by m~m~ers ~f ~his
Board; and the pre~muS:'0ne, they have ~ePformed their dutm~ admirable,
and with great professi0nali~m~ ~The PB~' has been cooperatihg with
Town Board in covering the shortage. They have sacrificed time off,
family, vacations. They have worked double shifts, triple shifts. They
MARCH 19, 1996
have been blamed for putting excessive pressure on the Board to hire
To that, I plead guilty. I have been pressuring you
ou shoUld have acted on a long time ago, and that
additional people.
to act on
pressure has not
they been
off lc
We re tired.
red in sever
ha,, ;eh named
laug ~. YOu
Stat~ TrooPe
essive. PBA members have done everything
the Chief of Police, and this Board. Some of
this issue. You've done nothing but
portrayed as a big, evll money
was so I wouldn't be sitting here every two
you of the need to hire more
at's money out of our. pocket.
The Town and the PBA are currently
lated to the staffing shortage. The PBA
mayor, because the Town
the village. I Say, the Town
roi the town. Is it worth the
itself in these lawsuits wh~t~ all the
that they agree .we so desperately
sense has: been lost. so many
and . they ~hey
f hire this guy? I keep telling them, ask
[ a' comment by Joe ToWnsend.,, :It made me
need~ heJp, we should cai
you been for the last ~v|d
thor his own
for a trooper to get;
3 trouble? Wouldn't I week
treat the
White Hous
'11 tell yQu
~een going on. Tt
3oard? Mr. Corwin?
Now. DaMe
to Ioca
3US to ,me
target ~f his
excuse to not ac
to all
have hea~
stumbling block
lives are at
~ his letter to tht
my father sai,
Heins on his alia,
same standard. If
are in tonight. Th~
~ of
n, we
you, sir. Is there 'anyone elsie who
Mrs. Flatley?
iS Sue Flatley. My h. usband !s a Southold
J,:think pretty much Vinnie has ~aid it all. The
the Town seems to be :so worried! about
in this whole event, I'd'like to a~k the
would be, if a severely
knowing that years t.o
s could have been taken over :in the dn~e th~s
Thank you, Sue. Anyone else like to address
ID CORWIN: My name.is David Corwln. This morning I witnessed
¥own Board and ir'iS', audience engage in what always been something of
ort, dumping on Greenport. While Greenport was once again bashed,
~ress flitting around like brown trout in a holding tank at feeding
As the rank arises in what will probably become the stinkiest story
MARCH 19, 1-996
in the local newspapers they'll have in 1996. I would like to set the
record straight, at least frOm my prospective as a resident of Creenport.
I am; of course
the ~ Villag
the Town.
_~Qnducted in the
and the
also say
dumped;! it's
top of !the
State Law. 'Ther~
The TOwn of
sing the most recent bone of contention between
of Southold, the Scavenger Waste
I don't know what led to the: Village's
operations of the Scavenger' Waste Plant to
s are d{
~ run the /or
taken. 'my turn yelling at the~ town: ~n
Plant at a Villa( g,' In my
and :the Town,
the: Cu~
~ d
own of ,,Southol
Uandfitl, ri on
~1 a~nd
TOWn :Board.
~ ,' forcec of
a modern ant.
ha'f ye
of Sour
Plant iS
,; went
ddes iof
did not want
Plant wj
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Dave. Yes?
VINNIE TIRELLI, SR.: Vlnnle Tirelli, Sr. Joe, in all the years
with Greenport Police Department was there ever a case where, they tried
to fire a policeman? You being an ex-Mayor in Greenport, ~s the only
reason I'm asking you.
COUNCILMAN TOWNS'END: There were cases were they were'brought
up on disciplinary charges.
VINNIE TIRELLI, SR.: That's within the Police Department?
rather than be fired.
I think in most incidences they retired
is, these si
last year. These
of the bb
joke. Everyone
Fhere were cases. You know what bothers me
This didn't happen yesterday, or
: over the last.twenty years. In fact, one
n'l' moved out here, was the case of a police car
catc. hing fire, and you know it was a
about it, but I never saw any action taken. You
lose a $10,000, at that~time, car, something should be said.
for the
you can't hire sol
impossible, But,
wrong, and we
sudden they
whole [
guys? At
head, and
never read
because you
stuff must
the PBAr,
know if
what ult
going to
these guy
they have
All these
the way. There's no accountability
hired all these people, and I knOw
~; and predict what their character will be. That's
the way these guys had to be doing-something
read about it. We never heard about it. All of
so corrupt, and so bad, that you had to abolish the
~1o one's ever asked, well, who hired these
y do something wrong? There was no
All of sudden everything came to a
to fire all these people. I mean, 1
' have happened. That's why I asked you;
and you are a Councilman, too, and so this
· It had to, because what I'm reading now, the
,e, !hoTM come Creenport never cleaned it up as it
~udden everything comes to a head, and fire
the gentleman who came, up, and knocked
day they put these pohceman on, 1 don't
oing to lose all this overtime. So,
have against hiring these people? It's
Take a look at the overtime, that
.i to be gone. So, what motive ~Nould
ng you to hire these people7 Thank you.
COUNCILMAN I believe that their motives are pure~ I
believe they concerned. I don't believe for a minute that
they're not conce bout the under-staffing. That's why I've prepared
something Jlly enable us to staff, to help, if the PBA will
go along with it. can't get into it. But, I would hope the Board would
allow me to transmit it:to Officer Tirelli, and that he can meet with
his PBA, and we cOuld. talk about it relatively soon. I think that it will
accomplish the goals. I think we won't hurt anybody's position. I think
that we can solve
I'd like to do.
develop, I was
know, there were
and we did our:
problems then. :
problem you were
in the closed Grand Jury report.
blem, and separate these two issues. That's what
as your other question about how these things
ago now. '79, I got.out, but, you
with the police department back then,
:solve them, and gradually we did resolve the
been a whole new generation of problems. The
about the car burning, I believe, was mentioned
It was mentioned prominently.
report. The
That was only two years ago, the Grand Jury
ppened sixteen years ago.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: Not to my knowledge.
two different car burnings.
We're talking about
VINNIE TIRELLI, SR.: This was outside the Village of Greenport,
They had no reason to be there. ~rhe guy was on duty.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I don't think it was seventeen years ago.
VINNIE TIRELLI, SR.: Thank you very much.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Detective Flatley?
MARTIN FLATLEY: This is for Joe Townsend. This big proposal that
all of a sudden is holding up hiring of any new police officers, how come
this proposal wasn't aired a year, -and half ago?
MARCH 19, 1996
COUNCILMAN 'TOWNSEND: Because it didn't occur to me a year and a
half ago.
MARTIN FLATLEY: Was it appropriate then?
was appropriate.
It probably was appropriate then. Yes, it
MARTIN FLATLEY: Then i~°w come it wasn't made up then? A year
and a half later, all of sudden there's a big p~;oposal that's going to
save all .. ~'
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: Sometimes when' you're confronted witl~ a
problems, an answer~ appears.
MARTIN FLATLEY: You were confronted with the problem a ~rear and a
half ago,
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: Everyon.e, .I think, on this d.ais probably
thought t woUld resolve,, you kno~, significantly before this time.
MARTIN FLATL see where any proposal between the
Town of South.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: All I ask is you not condemn it before you
look at it. That'S all. If this Board authorizes me to give it to you.
need more PBA members
officers. There's
Southold, and the
police the Town of
the ¢
anything to do w
you have to authorize any..
a, PBA position to hire more men.
We don't
Town of Southold needs more police
deal between the Town of
about how many people are required to
-esidents of the Town of Southold are
police officers. I don't see why it has
Because we have a contract with you, and
MARTIN FLATLEY: We don't authorize the Town of Southold hiring new
police officers.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I can't get into it.
MARTIN FLATLEY: I think you already checked with the Town
Counsel, and I know'there's other attorneys on the Board also. Do you
think this new proposal is going to be a savior to our hiring problems?
TOWN ATTORNEY DOWD: The Town will be presenting this as soon as
the Town authorizes it to the P, BA, and that's the person they have to
talk to legally before theY~can bring it out to the public.
MARTIN FLATLEY: The PBA still has no input as to hiring in the Town
of Southold. It's up to the Town Board to hire police officers for the
Town of Southold, not the PBA;
TOWN ATTORNEY DOWD: That's ~our opinion.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: The Town Board does the hiring.
MARTIN FLATLEY: The Town Board does the hiring. The PBA works
in agreement with the Town Board as to the conditions of employment, not
how many police officers We need in the Town of Southold.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: We can't discuss it now,
discuss it with you as Part of a meeting.
I'll be happy to
m sure we will discuss th~s.
MARCH 19, 1996
VINNIE TI.RELLI; Thisproposal that we're not a owed to talk
about, that We~i~e :to-be talking about, the Board has to approve
before I can even r about' it as president, this is going to be
discussed at your next meeting, which is another two weeks down the road?
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I would hope that I could get authorization
to submit it to you soon, immediately. I'd like to do that.
VINNIE TIRELLI, JR.: I'm not doing a~ything for the next two
weeks, anyway, I'd be more than happy to read it. I will be more than
happy to submit it: to my attorney for perusal, and I have a meeting
coming up on :the '28th, and you can put it before the Board. I agree
with what Marty said; This should have come up a long, long ti,me ago,
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Is there anyone else, that would like t~o-address
the Town Board? Mrs. Neins?
proposal, ,just like Mr
year ago in Febr~Jal
of all of the
to remove my
tears, w
told them of my
been an issue in
things, that this ma
of the
conclusion of that' meE
g~asses, he as
our address was,
I'm Janet Helns. I would just like to
Councilman Townsend. You brought up a new
:tatley said. This has been almost two years. A
first started to print in the newspaper
that Civil Service in the Town of Southold had
st, my children and I went to visit
s office. My' children brought Mr. Wickham to
what they' thought of their father. What I had
I brought his personnel file, which had never
of' anyone. No one seems to speak of the good
of the years that he devoted his time,
.~hildren, and his wife, to do things for the better
and-in the Village of Greenport. At the
with Supervisor Wlckham, in tears, removing his
who was five at the time, where we lived, what
)hone number was, and he also asked us if we
would be interested in taking back a proposal to my husband, offering him
a position in the ,~Town of Southold in the interim of being hired, as a
police officer to do'?ecu~ity work. Now, I ask you, is this the same man
that then turned a.~'oubi~; and concocted all of the things that he has
presented t6 you; My1 C~i:ldren would be here this evening, if I thought
that it would have b~enl ~ecessary, and each and everyone of them could
told you exactly .what Mi. Wickham said. It's quite contrary to what he
prints in the newspaper.' Thank you.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: Mrs. Heins, I'm sorry for the pain that
you have been put t.hrough, and Eric has been put through.. I don't
know what You're talking iabout as far as what Mr. Wickham said, That'.s
the first ti~e hearing ~at: The issue, I think, that if we have this
hearing we Can just resolve it qUickly, and,.
JANET HEINS: Then I ask you, excuse me, why didn't the Mayor, who
wrote this lengthy letter to the newspaper, that was printed, mind you, in
both local newspapers, unlike, the meeting that was recorded on in both
papers? It was llke they 'were at two .totally different Board meeting. The
Mattituck Watchman reports one thing, and The Suffolk Times reports
another. We have to start to wonder here, what is the real root to this
problem, and Mr. Townsend, I' can't help but think that you have .
reason to have a personal vendetta against my family. Guaranteed, i will
put my hand on any bible. On one occasion i had to come to you, and
speak to in regards to your abusive language, and filthy language on a
tennis court. You smirk. My children didn't find it funny, nor did their
friends, nor did the other neighbors in the town, when on an afternoon
they had to return home, because of that language, and when they ask
you to stop, your answer was, where is your adult? Where is the adult
supervision? My Children don't need adult supervision to go behind our
house, and play tennis, or basketball. That's only part of your vendetta.
It goes very deep. Thank you.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thank you, Mrs. Helns.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: That's ridiculous.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Is there anyone else who would like to address
the Board? (No r.e. spons.e;) Hearing none, I would like to end the
meeting on just a Ii[fie hghter note. I faxed this letter over to the
Honorable who is Supervisor of Southampton
Town. Dear PerviSor It is with great pride and pleasure
that I offer my sincerest' congratulations to you, Coach Carl Johnson, and
the members of. thel Bridgehampton Killer .. Bees basketball, team, on
winning th.e. Class D='State Championship. It takes a lot. of time, effort,
a-~d dedlcatmn ~S of hard work~'t~ make a winhing team, and
your boys h is; not imPortant, If you believe in
yourself, and work as a: team; .you can realize your goals, Please extend
this. SOme
that South old
reclamation of
I don't know if people are going to be interested in
si II Island, but we received word today,
000 long term Iow interest loan for the
Jmp on Fishers Island. I can't tell you what
that means in exact doi:laps, but it does save us quite a on
getting this low interest loan. it's . provided er
Pollution Contro. lling Revolving. Fund, which is ad.
York State Envlron~ental ~Facihty Cooperation. So, hopefully~ we can
finance the reclamation :of the Fishers Island Metal Dump at a Iow interest
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: .Thank you. Alice?
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: I just want to supplement what Mr. Tirelli,
Sr., said, about the Crand Jury report. The very beginning of the
report the Crand Jury, or whoever wrote it, started out by saying that a
great deal of the problems is due to the malfeasance, misfeasance, and
nonfeasance of the :Trustees in the Village of Creenport, and that's where
all of OUF problems~.stem_from.
SUPERVISOR COCHR'AN: Councilman Townsend?
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I would just like to be able to transmit this
proposal to the PBA, and let them consider it.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: Can you wait until I read it at home?
SUPEVISOR COCHRAN: I'd like to digest it' too.
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: Could we all agree to digest it, because I
don't want to delay it any further.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: By Thursday morning?
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: By Thursday morning.
JUSTICE EVANS: Judy, do we have to have a vote, or can we do that
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: We don't put it in form.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We can do it by phone. You know if you read
it, and digest it whether or not you're going to support it.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: I was thrilled last night when I heard on the
TV, that the Killer Bees won. I think it's great for a small school with
only like fifty some people, that they were able to attain a Class D
Championship. i think it was absolutely marvelous. I'm very proud, of
PAUL SZARA: I'd like to add to that. It's the only school in New York
State, that has won six times.
MARCH 19, 1996
COUNCILMAN MOORE: ~Nothing, thanks.
SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Can I have a motion ~to adjourn?
Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was
RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at
6:32 P.M.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:
Councilwoman Oliva, Councilman
Supervisor Cochran.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Councilman Moore, Justice Evans,
Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
~ "J~clltl~ -~. Terry
Southold Town Clerk