HomeMy WebLinkAbout49932-Z 1r - TOWN OF SDUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE -4_ SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit #: 49932 Date: 10/23/2023 Permission is hereby granted to- Zuniga, Roger 112 Brenner Ave Bethpage, NY 11714 To: construct alterations (finish basement) to existing single-family dwelling as applied for. At premises located at: 75 Wild Cherry Way, Greenport SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot # 52.-3-27 Pursuant to application dated 10/11/2023 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 4/23/2025. Fees: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING - ADDITION OR ALTERATION $903.50 CO - ALTER_ATION TO DWELLING $100.00 Total: $1,003.50 Building dfor .� �� ��. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD — BUILDING DEPARTMENT ' Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O_ Box 1 179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 s Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502 : F _soiatholdtnn _ Date Received APPLICATIC)IN FaR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only - `. D) Z Z PERMIT NO. qqqz ?= Building Inspector: OCT 11 w23 Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form (Page 2) shall be completed_ :f< Date: l/YV- (7G7T'OlE3,F-:7-JP- 20-3_ OWNER(S) OF PROPERTY: Name: Mr_ Roger Zuniga SCTM # 1000- 052_00 - 03.00 - 027.000 Project Address: 75 Wild Cherry Way, Southold, N.Y_ 11971 Phone #: 516-250-5763 Email: Rog_Zuniga14@9mail_com Mailing Address: -7.5 WNIL.D C-H& Al Way , SoJT7t,ot.D, 1�)• /1471 . CONTACT PERSON: Name: Nigel Robert Williamson Mailing Address: P_O_ BOX 1758, Southold, N.Y_ 11971 Phone #: 631 .834.9740 Email: nigel_arch itect@hotmail_com DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Nigel Robert Wiliamson R-A. Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 1758, Southold, N-Y_ 11971 Phone #: 631 -834.9740 Email: nigel_arch itect@hotmail_com CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone #: Email: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION =New Structure =Addition RRAlteration =Repair ElDemolition Estimated Cost of Project: ®Otheril �i+a3 # LI Will the lot be re-graded? =Yes RgNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? =Yes I0!OlNo ASEHEr.3r r Q 1 a o �,30� So - jFT- iYJ _ ,a~l 1 r - �ez_ pd- Tes 284 ma- �= Cid ) �. if3R SQ_ - � iQ i F-AJ C-l.ts-2- € D A i, LIQ it fir) I t' s,al i D k- ;I2X> S .moi r. 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: Single family dwelling Intended use of property: Single family dwelling Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to R40 this property? OYes RWNo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. lig Chock Box PLfte.r a _ The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by Chapter 236 of the Town Code. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zona ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County New York and other applicable laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted By (print name): Nigel Robert Williamson IRAutharized Agent Owner Signature of Applicant: Date. // '`OG`rb$Ell xxn,-13 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF Nigel Robert Williamson being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is the Agent (Contractor, Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of Or Tt7g�d 20 --7.� Na a v; J- JAN"vi I Regfs ration No-C32.�_A6052 8,5 A c ruatlid treuolls' oty EOWNERA RIZ cornet io expires Fete ary (Where the applicant is not the owner) Roger Zuniga residing at 75 Wild Cherry Way, Southold N .Y. 1 1 971Nigel Robert Williamson do hereby authorize to apply on my tae o the To of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. (lZ Ow is Sig ture Date Roger Zuniga Print Owner's Name 2 CEIMOVIONS HEREDN SW*Y THAT THIS PIAT OF PROPERTY 15 A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A RECENT SURVEY MADE UNDER MY DIRECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DUSTING CODE OF PRACIM FOR LAND SURVEYORS Of THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS SAID COMFICAl1ONS SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON WHOM THE SLRNVEY WAS PREPARED AND ON THEIR Saw TO THE TITLE COIJPANY.GOVERNMENDIL AGENCY AND LENDUBIG BNSImTITINN LISTED HEREON.7lDS CERRFlCATION IS ONLY FOR THE LANDS DFSCRsm HEREON.ITS NOT A ComFICATKIN OF TREE 20NUNG. OR FRE®OM FROM ENCUMIRANCE5. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT NOT TRANSFERABLE 70 ADDITIONAL OR SUBSEOUENT OWNERS. LAND NOW OR FOMERLY OF DALY S 14025'00"E. 140.00' FE is IDB CKATN LIIVS FENC8 03B T� 2z:n B B Fl Fsosz tYB a1 23W �•I 1.89tn i4 00 00_ FB CONCRSiB 2.05 47 {ti INOWEIND root O_ a 0 �n GATE "- 1.T9 c x . O W 0 J37 OOD LOT a MB GATE 5 0 cam F 41 1111 LOT 37.1' 6 19,E jSTORY AME& 4 MASONRY FE —1 DWELLING a�s W 1&41'21.41 „T 1: 0 212' O w O LOT E. z La g FM N 1425'00" W 140.00' INE OFFSETS OR DIMENSIONS SHOWN FROM 7HE 11611PROVEMENTS 70 THE PROPERTY LINES ARE FOR A SPECIM PURPOSE AND USE.AND THEREFORE ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE USED AS A GUIDE IN THE M=ON OF FENCES,WALLS.POOL%77AYM TO BUILDRM OR ANY ORIEL IIAPROVE]IENIS SUBSURFACE AND ENVIORMMMAL CONDITIONS NOT SHOWN.PROPOW CORNER MA UMTS WERE NOT SET AS A PART OF INIS SMV.DISOIENTS AND OR OF IF ANY NOT SHOWN. PJM LAND_SUR.VE NO,f PLLP- UNAUTHORIZED ;IALTERATIONVE, OR - P- -�DmoN 1�7=�Is suR�,ler ;Z;--A - - 132 CLYDE T/S� 16 VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF WEST SAYVI LE,NY 11796 NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. PHONE 631-563-0400 FAX 631-563-5808 PlM3URVEYIN A.OL.COM LOT:5 REVISIONS MAP OF.SHORECREST AT ARSHAMOMOGUE IAL ,APRIL&1971 NO.5594 COUNTY:SUFFOLK: S1TUATE.- OLIDTOWN OF SO LD COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT CERTIFIED TO: NO..,WLT- 1871b BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S ROGER ZUNIGA&DEBRA ZUNIGA SHALL sm sEAL. AND REDASIGNATURE SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED A TRUE FREEDOM MORTGAGE CORPORATION,ISAOA/ATIMA AND VALID COPY INTRACOASTAL ABSTRACT CO.,INC. PROJECT wo---2019-500 WESTCOR LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY DRAWN CM CMUMED BY.PM S 1 N=30' DISTRICT:1000 SECTION.'52 ELOCR;0 !Pl SL`27 Se /�( 'k rs TABI FR301Legend J(� (�-J\U CLIMATIC AND GEOGRAPHIHI C DESIGN CRITERIA ------------ To be removed GROUND WIND DESIGN SEISMIC SUBJECTTO DAMAGE FROM WINTER ICE SHIELD FLOOD -----_------ 1 st. Floor SNOW DESIGN DESIGN UNDERLAYMENT HAZARDS LOAD CATEGORY TEMP. REQUIRED Existing Walls Z• SPEED TOPGRAPHIC SPECIAL WIND- B WEATHERING FROST TERMITE 13 YES ZONE (mph) EFFECTS WIND BORNE LINE I REGION DEBRIS DEPTH "// ZONE New Walls 3 LEY-ra) 3"/ 4� 30psf 130 YES YES YES SEVERE T-0'• MODERATE 1 TO EX 1ST I"G- TO HEAVY 5EpriG'gTT EM, MANUAL J DESIGN CRITERIA t 1 ELEVATION LATITUDE WINTER SUMMER ALTITUDE INDOOR DESIGN HEATING[ Extg.Foundation Walls Zai i HEATING COOLING CORRECTION DESIGN TEMPERATURE TEPERATURE k 1,•41 I^n E E FACTOR TEMPERATURE COOLING DIFFERENCE r9A�'"'I� LLL COOLING WINDVELOCITY WINDVELOCITY COINCIDENT DAILY RANGE WINTER SUMMER New Foundation Walls �ALVL Basement TEMPERATURE HEATING COOLING WET BULB HUMIDITY HUMIDITY _ DIFFERENCE 2" EJEGTD2 PUMP. PLUMBING RISER DIAGRAM 1 •XTG. W10poo EK.TG• wiMDow FLR . -ULL 5'16% LR,- GILL 5-•10%8" GILL - HD. 1'-4" EXTG, WA.STL. pig C"L F000DATiOW W,&LI GILL- HD. 11,4" V ,f 1.1 D.. :�REHOVF_ EXTG. 11IASt-1►tJc' HAW10E. DP_AIPC. V� i--__ � _�s �— SS t TC �j T D i _I_ o- '�A 0 GQ�FG�TI� ��ML:OGATE EXTa W&St4EQvEXTCr, PiQES TD BE L-r-rr EXpoSED(T'�P) L� ( leeI ' 1 Mov;r r=XT4.J Fi` DPYEK IV MIZAGC PM. E I` 1! EXTC-• A,5TL- 00c" WIN Dow- 1 It 7"1I Got.1c. �L1�iTN L�— _ co LAX , _ SD/GOF-7: _ Fir:GSTe D111G p�LL>T Jt✓, i i GvA1ZURAIL So S{`A�R. 1lJ5TAtL 'Ns Pu_�2 ( tIUrAGTV2E2S r^-- 1------ -- --- -- o II AST2UCTIOt1. COP_Q_R DMIT ; 1<IT4-EK SOLID OR SALISTI;P_5. - - LESS THAtl 4" $ETWEEiJ EALUSTP-R.S L'i1 5t)/co. EXTG. I�QSTE {�►p� I F_X, 5T C W G , PQT TO LIJGP,O_Arl4 OM EXISTM� r -o 2-(n x 6-8"u orkr-T 4x 3ii;x 4 SIMO-LE AI GLf— 5TL. WIM1•I 0T STAIR , Ly DQ02 vd/ S01IN501.1 O : : EXTCr. Gmv (sem FLODR._ $ ►GIC-LII.tt-EL S1�P02T•�DQ - - Recreation Room ;x 5UDIW& DOOR HA2DWAP.E ! ; " i OUfJD4Tl0;J WALL. EXISTt►.1G B1Z1GK1�}021C. Storage « f GLG, 8 Ii L ALVM1uUM BRALkEI- 1 L)NDL-25iDE T m a OF 5 AIIZ. 20'--7" 899 SQ. FTGLG- NGNT .. ExrG. lo"1Ts. WI;tL P> c6SSE� W u�ro 6l><�6�TiE 3 - 289 SCS. �: 0 \ GRw•DE I � � i'�,a125}�ALt C p� � EXT&. LILLY COL.,/ ! O ski -n X135 _ �o"x 6-11GQ TIES �,- �s/c,. h 3�' i `2i +„ t - 4TTAcuED 5f_ 1SW �TP-t LAIC 5 T�c1n15. Ai M Pat 1MSUL-ATloM,- }`-15 T Nas MAAV'U-f- F02HAL.DEH`LJPE l,4 F2EI: kRAfr FAGED 84-tT5 BT:TW>:Eu x 4" STubs. LADDER Sf}ALL NJiVt: AIJ 11JSIDL W i DrN 0 uor LL55 THAN If SU/GO' 3'O"x 6,-8 EXTG. CHU. 5HALL PR EfT NOT LF-55�aF ) – j WALLS;-�a' GHP. 8D- otJ 27z4:' WD.sruAs C I(o"o.c. Fou�lDar100 WALI, 3"Ft?oM rif WALL SHALL 8E ! AIRSPAM M10- TO FXT'C-. GMU WALLS. O; ` METaL_ BaTrOH T"RAGk W/ SiU- SR&L UUDEI? �XT� y� \S AGED uo1` MopE. A►J 18"o-c. METAL Top TUAGK_ CTy P� ' ' VE QTIGALC Fi02 THE �[JLL ` P'PE tfEiGHT 0 E WIIJDO WALL.. ------ _ _ _ WINDOW WELL DETAIL- A EXTG. GIRDER-._ Unexcavated ��_B,2., r UF1DE2.$tDE• � \\ ' " « 3 I WINDOW A.1JDE2SEM .400 5Ea1Es w/J.usGEI L SCTIE.t l. 3-O"x 6=8" GX135 2=B't;~1 O• 3'-5�i° N I .O. E I ExTG. W INDoIJ I I -Lie FL --CLLBV aOwp_Y 0PF_di,* ' __a. "H P-0.EXTCso G,&L. N_2:6•xro�8• Utility Rm. DILL- HD. 1'-4-'* ALT GTR.1G HOT i r r_K1 pHOTOVOLTIG �Q >^IerElz N!✓ATETz . 139 SO. FT M PoWr: SouTUE J (� 1 M\� GLG, NCtNT. 7-538 i �icTG• 5ERV10E i NOTE: _ 6-16 ` �. plZOV I AE SE SLOGk1 NG 80TH C. Fw VEtZTIGAtLLi 4 HOI2_ IMTALLtj TD ALL- r GX135q S un z L' GOI�GEALED �t�eFT 6IJ(NGS. 3 :v BASEMENT PLAN 1;307 SO. FTd To EXTG WIIJDN VIELL Proposed basement alteration For 5,/2 4-0" 1'5�' Nigel Robert Williamson Architect Mr. & Mrs. R. Zuni a ,r 75 Wild Cherry Way, A P.O. Box 1758 Southold N.Y. 11971 Phone 631.834.9740 Southold. N.Y. 11971 $TOtL/aC,E AR'F.A R6VISED� RM � " ' S.C.T.M. 1000-052.00-03.00-027.000 SCALE Yj" I-U' DATE! 22"°,&pP-1L,2023. REG ENCYt Greenfire GF55-2 Freestanding Pellet Stove Model GF55-2 f) , . . ,32tCatQtpt VOz Emissions(grams/hr)EPA Certified 1.8 gram/hr GyaEden (EPA H -* **y.,. 75% Efficiency(EPA t.HV) 81.90/0 Flue'•Stze' ' 3".(76mm) f US Biomass Tax Rebate Eligible** Yes 5 4 *US Biomass Tax Rebate eligibility is based on the HHV value being greater than or equal to 75%. **When using optional top vent adaptor kit(GF55-920)and 3"to 6" _ " '- flue adaptor(3PVP-X6).See instruction manual for further information. GF55-2 DIMENSIONS 231/1x" ',.,;a r dyJ ; (586mm) 19/16" .,,,.�• ;; (40mm) 19�/te" (494mm) 341/6" (866mm) T 131As" (332mm) 0 247/16" (620mm) 24" (610mm) f i 1--5 a/4" i (146mm) I .HHI OQU888�8aH 191��08 20 5N6" (SOSmm) 14 6/6" I (356mm) I 129/1s" i (319mm) _117/16" -1. 611/tfi (291mm) i(25mm) (170mm) _ tr CLEARANCES CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLES ALCOVE CLEARANCES These dimensions are minimum clearances to combustibles, however it is highly recommended that you leave sufficient room on each side(20" where possible) for servicing,routine cleaning and maintenance. Minimum width 36•(914mm) This pellet stove requires floor protection.The floor protection must be non-combustible,extending 6"(150mm)beyond the full width and depth of the unit including 6"(150mm)in front for ember protection. Floor Protection: Width 36-7/16"(934mm) Depth 36"(914mm) 0/ 6n min. Minimum Height 48•(1219mm) s 0 6" 6• min. min. Maximum Depth 0 30•(762mm) Alcove Clearances MOBILE HOME INSTALLATION •Secure the heater to the floor using the holes in the pedestal of the appliance. •Ensure the unit is electrically grounded to the chassis of your home Minimum (permanently). 6"(150mm} WARNINGS Do not install in a room people sleep in. Floor Protection CAIQION:The structural integrity of the manufactured home floor,wall and ceiling/roof must be maintained. Back wall •Outside fresh air is mandatory.Secure outside air connections directly to fresh air intake pipe and secure with three(3)screws evenly spaced. Adjacent 3•V6mm) wall 2" 61mm) m 3 a 6• v! (152mm) 00- m *) : If the unit is installed as a comer installation, Hearth Pad dearances change from 2"to 3", see"Comer thru Wall Roodn9 Installation"section. steel Frn"re Minimum Clearances to Combustibles ,r,•�a9 yon Ground wire drectly securely fastened connected to metal rhassts Mobile Home Install Mounting REGENCY r VENT TERMINATION REQUIREMENTS Letter Minimum Clearance Description AboVe.9rassr tbpf wood­ -aih&Combusttkm6te6Mi.,' B 48 in(122cm) From beside/below any door or window that may be opened.(18"[46cm]if outside fresh air installed). 'From,above ye�any jdoor or Wt,, a, may be open ail installed) V D 24 in(61cm) To any adjacent building,fences and protruding parts of the structure. E 24 in'f6km) eaVe or overhang F 12 in(30cm) To outside comer. _G 121n 30C ,To inside corner,combustible waill veiti"ca I'Ko'di zontaI:"terminations) J 7. H 3 ft(91cm)within a height of 15 ft(4.5m) To each side of center line extended above natural gas or propane meter/regulator above the meter/regulator assembly assembly or mechanical vent other :771_ 11�111 'Fro 'a -afrif take Ip -3, n 12 in(30cm) Clearance to non-mechanical air supply inlet to building,or the combustion air inlet to any appliance. Clearance above roof line,fog.vertical terminations L 7 ft(2.13m) Clearance above paved sidewalk or paved driveway located on public property. E opm C BQ L qAIL Op'r: Terminatlon CapResRestrictionion Zone Air Supply Inlet A Gas Meter M(r­*.ft-rw aff—,d) Allowable exterior vent termination locations 1. Do not terminate the vent in any enclosed or semi-enclosed areas such as a carport,garage,attic,crawlspace,narrow walkway,closely fenced area,under a sundeck or porch,or any location that can build up a concentration of fumes such as stairwells,covered breezeway,etc. 2.Vent surfaces can become hot enough to cause bums if touched by children. Non-combustible shielding or guards may be required. 3.Termination must exhaust above the inlet elevation.It is recommended that at least five feet of vertical pipe be installed outside when the appliance is vented directly through a wall,to create some natural draft to prevent the possibility of smoke or odor during appliance shut down or power failure.This will keep exhaust from causing a nuisance or hazard from exposing people or shrubs to high temperatures.In any case,the safest and preferred venting method is to extend the vent through the roof vertically. 4.Distance from the bottom of the termination and grade is 12"(30 cm)minimum.This Is conditional upon the plants and nature of grade surface. The exhaust gases are hot enough to ignite grass,plants and shrubs located in the vicinity of termination.The grade surface must not be lawn. 5.If the unit is incorrectly vented or the air to fuel mixture is out of balance,a slight discoloration of the exterior of the house might occur.Since these factors are beyond the control of FPI,we grant no guarantee against such incidents. NOTE:Venting terminals shall not be recessed into walls or siding. CY1 � REGEN EXHAUST AND FRESH AIR INTAKE LOCATION Outside Fresh Air Connection: Outside fresh air is mandatory when installing this unit in EXHAUST: airtight homes and mobile homes. ,Baselbtunitio bent&ir, AlFresh-airintakeisstronglyrecommendedfbralI installations. Side of unit to center of flue 6-11/16"(170mm) Failure to install intake air may result in improper combustion as well as the unit smoking during power failures. ;Center b-.unit ;I/A j 46M�Im' When connecting to an outside fresh air source,'dor not use plastic or FRESH AIR INTAKE: combustible pipe.A 2"minimum (51mm)ID(inside diameter)steel, aluminum or copper pipe should be used. It is recommended,when .Base"'OfU`h"jt:tiy"clehterbfiritake�- you are installing a fresh air system,to keep the number of bends in the pipe to a minimum. Side of unit to center of intake 11-7116"(291mm) Centerb unit to center.o L INSTALL VENT AT CLEARANCES SPECIFIED BY THE VENTING Outside MANUFACTURER. wall E 2-ID Optional (51 mm) Elbow 4..—5 3/47-1. i (146mm) Outside Air Connection ' DD�BBBBBDa�a��9���Oglp O8� CORNER THROUGH WALL INSTALLATION OCd d 20 511e 4—Fresh Air Intake (50 M) 14 5/8" (351 M) I 1 3"(7.5 cm) Wall thimble manufactured by pellet vent manufacturer. 11 7116i---.� 1--6 1111e� (291mm) 1(25mm) (170mm) Freestanding Inlet and Outlet Location 3- (7.5 cm) Comer Installation REGENCY' HORIZONTAL EXHAUST THROUGH WALL INSTALLATION Vent installation:installventatclearancesspecified bythevent manufacturer. i A chimney connector shall not pass through an attic or roof space,closet �i orsimilar concealed spaces,or a floor,or ceir)ng.Where passage through Exhausl Tube a wall or partition of combustible construction is desired,the installation 3"(75mm)ora'(,comm) shall conform to CAN/CSA-B365 Installation Code for Solid-Fuel-Buming -��•or•�•yen, Appliances and Equipment.Only use venting of L or PL type with an inside wall Thimble diameter of 3 or 4 inches(7.6 or 10.1cm). 1.Choose a location for your stove that meets the requirements stated in this manual and allows installation with the least amount as'Maw vvhh screen of interference to house framing,plumbing,wiring,etc. or Termfnatlon cap 2. Install a non-combustible hearth pad(where necessary). 3. Place the appliance 15"(37.5cm)away from the wail.If the stove Flesh tar bftke Ho Tempereture RW is to be set on a hearth pad,set the unit on it. SMcone Required 4. Locate the center of the exhaust pipe on the stove.Extend that line Straight through wall Installation to the wall.Once you have located the center point on the wall,refer No to pellet vent manufacturer installation instructions for correct hole .Some horizontal through wall installations may require a"T"and 3 to 5 size and clearance to combustibles. feet(91 to 152cm)of vertical pipe outside the building to help naturally S. Install the wall thimble as perthe instructions written on the thimble. draft in the unit Maintain an effective vapour barrierin accordancewith local building .This may be required if a proper bum cannot be maintained,after the codes. stove has been tested and the airflow set. 6. Install a length of 3"(76mm)or 4"(101mm)vent pipe into the wall a This is due to the back pressure in the exhaust caused by airflow around thimble.The pipe should install easily into the thimble. the structure. 7. Install the fresh air intake. See "Outside Fresh Air Connection" e All sections of pipe must have three(3)screws evenly spaced and all section. horizontal and vertical vent sections located within the house must have 8. Connect the exhaust vent pipe to the exhaust pipe on the stove, a bead of high temperature silicone installed on the male end of the pipe Seal the connection with high temperature silicone. before installation to create a gas tight seal. 9. Push the stove straight back,leaving a minimum of 3"(8cm)clearance 'The termination must be 12 inches(30cm)from the outside wail and from the back of the stove to the wall. Seal the vent pipe to the 12 inches(30cm)above the ground. thimble with high temperature silicone. •A 45°elbow may be used in place of the termination cap(or stainless 10.The pipe must extend at least 12"(30 ten)away from the building. steel termination hood). If necessary,bring another length of pipe(PL type)to the outside of the home to connect to the first section.iso not forget to place high temperature silicone around the pipe that passes through the thimble. Wall framing 11.Install a vertical pipe,or if all requirements for direct venting are met, install vent termination. The stainless steel cap termination Horizontal frame manufactured by the vent manufacturer is recommended.However, for thimble when the vent terminates several feet above ground level and there are no trees, plants, etc.within several feet, a 450 elbow can be used as termination.The elbow must be turned down to prevent Vent pipe rain from entering. 0 Termination cap Wall thimble Straight through Wall Installation-Side View O� REGENCT r.1 11 tlytAlAtt_0 06CUCT it VERTICAL RISE WITH HORIZONTAL INSIDE VERTICAL INSTALLATIONS TERMINATION INSTALLATION 1. Choose a stove location that is ideal. Refer to"Locating Your Pellet A 450 elbow may be used in place of the termination rap(or stainless Appliance"section. steel termination hood). 2. Place the unit on the hearth pad(if installed on a carpeted surface) and space the unit in a manner so when the pellet vent is installed vertically,it will be 3"(76mm)away from a combustible wall. Termination cap 3. Locate the center of the fresh air intake pipe on the unit. Match so° that center with the same point on the wall and art a hole about 2" Wall framin (51mm)in diameter. 4. Install the fresh air intake pipe. Vertical section of vent pipe 5. Install the tee with clean out Horizontal frame wall strap forthimble 6. Install the pellet vent upward from there.When you reach the ceiling, make sure that the vent goes through the ceiling fire stop.Maintain a 3"(76mm)distance to combustibles and keep attic insulation away 1 11 from the vent pipe.Maintain an effective vapor barrier. an 7. Finafly,extend the pellet vent to go through the roof flashing. Cle ourtee 8. Ensure that the Iain cap is at least 24"(610mm)above the roof at the shortest side of the vent Wall thimble Rain cap-ensure cap is at Through Wall with Horizontal Termination least 2 feet(61 Omm)above the roof at the lowest point THROUGH CONCRETE WALL Storm collar WITH VERTICAL RISE INSTALLATION Roof flashing A 450 elbow may be used in place of the termination cap(or stainless steel termination hood). Roof ratter Rre stop with This is the recommended installation to use if there is a concrete or Supportcobr retaining wall in line with exhaust vent on pellet stove. Cetling joist The termination must be 12 inches(30cm)from the outside wall and 12 inches(30cm)above the ground. Horizontal frame for thimble Termination cap Vertical vent pipe Wall thimble 90°ebow Well framing Clean out tee with Vertical section Pipe adapter of vent pipe / Q/ �.._ ? Coscetet'!t1 s / NOTE: All vent sections must maintain 3' (76 mm)clearances to combustibles. Inside Vertical Installation Clean out t Vertical rise with Horizontal Termination REGENCY' ! HEARTH MOUNT INSTALLATION Damper Removed Refer to Figures on tate left: r Fastened Open 1. Install the hearth pad. 2. Lock the fireplace damper In the open position. 10"(25.4 cm)Mantel 3. Install a positive flue connector at tate fireplace Minimum 8'(20stove cm) dampers or seal the chimp at the to from top off stove 4. Connect a tee to the exhaust pipe. p Connector 5. Install flexible stainless steel liner or listed pellet vent to the top of the chimney. Clean-puttee Min 6"(15cm) Hearth pad or other floor protection Masonry Fireplace Combustible Floor Freestanding Hearth Mount Installation Rain cap Storm collar Seal plate(cover plate) Existing masonry flue Vent pipe(single wall stainless flex pipe or solid PL vent) Flexible vent connector (use this 5 foot[152cm] section of pipe to vent past fireplace damper or small shelf) Fireplace damper location Clean out tee Existing fireplace Freestanding Hearth Mount Installation Overview REGENCY TOP VENT ADAPTOR KIT & 3" (76 MM) TO 6- (152 MM) FLUE ADAPTOR (APPROVED FOR VERTICAL INSTALLATIONS ONLY) 3PVP X6 3'(76mm)pipe lengths to class A chimney p 0 oo GF55-920 *In order to achieve the maximum rated efficiency of 75%HHV purchase of a top,vent adaptor kit(GF55-920)is required- Use the sheet metal screws provided to attach the kit to the rear of the unit as shown. Please see kit instruction manual for more detailed installation instructions. The stove must also be connected to a 6"(152 mm)Class A flue(where permitted) using the 3"(76 mm) to 6"(152 mm) Flue Adaptor(3PVP-X6). See separate instruction manual for complete details. Note: Part#6DVL-ADT Simpson Duravent DVL adaptor would also be required to connect the 3"(76 mm)-6"(152 mm)increaser to class A chimney when going through the wall or ceiling when using Simpson Duravent Duraplus/Duratech chimney systems.Not required with DuraTech Premium or DuraTech Canada.DTC ceiling supports feature a built-in flue extension which eliminates the need for this Simpson Duravent DVL adaptor.