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REMARKS _ , T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- w ----------------------- 1 I PLAN UPDATED ___________________________________________ ______________________________ _ - 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING BOARD 27 a oa ----- -1 08.15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3--------------- I X REFERENCE WITH CIRCLE lo.is.2o23 4 PLANNING BOARD -------------------------- w -------------------------------�� � �� - ---__------------ - - -_� � 11.22.2023 5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT --------------------------- I A-XX.O ------------------------------------------------------------------- 01.08.2024 5 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS _ _ -- - --- --- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- --- 01.17,2024- 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT 19.7 2os -- ------- -- -----------rn ------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------" '' --`----` ------------------- 02.05.2024 -8 PLANNING BOARD MEETING ` ---_TAX.MAP_iOM--'107_'L1--1Q----------------------------- Tf�'jIN =C 7GNED,PUE_sUANTTOSOUMOLDTOWNCODT,&r,CnOIV 02.21.2024 9 UPDATED FOR LPC APPROVAL ----- ------------------------ ------------ 2°�-131(Tj,AC�tVO`WL)vIDOCSTHATTHECON�?'_TIO:'dSOFTE�'"SITEPLAN DATUM ---- --- -q�- r """-----------------------------� -{T9UNO .SII11THaLIID�VELDPMF�LT_QLG_PlLS�------------ 04- ' --------------------------------__-- 10.5 J -- '2,- ":'Y. 7ALS FORTH I�^�'Tf�ItFSOLUT2'aN0'"AP^;"OVAL DATED 0221.2024 10 ISSUCD FOR PRICING_ -------------{ '� �IT-1JS��AGRLCIlLZURAI�-- � - --- ------------- / !2!D ARE AC (SfCi:CO 'TIONSONT.ESOLUTION� - -- 03.21.2024 _11 TOWN MEETING 0129.2024 12 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL ------------------------------------ ------ PARCEL I --------- !'SG ----------------------------------- ------------------ -------------------------- P P TNAat �O� DIMENSION CENTERLINE 04.04.2024 13 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT ---T�4'87T sq�t. -------------- t4racres-------------------------- r f IL9�"Z------------------------------------------------- I S (./ 04.09.2024 14 LANNIN A REVISED FOR APPROVAL 04.17.2024 15 100% CD 9. ,4LrT' .11ZEDSEGNATIIRI - - - - TIT► DATE �� 04.22.2024 16 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL n.7 -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------`- APPVOVLD?AV 11 ^ 05.16.2024 17 PLANNIPJG BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL -- 80 ------------------------------------------------ TOWN OFSOCTH LAA:vLNGE0AM) u ALIGN 05.22.2024 18 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- --_---_---_------_-_-_-_-_---_-----_----_--__-_- a.�.... �y0 05.23.2024 19 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL .." -----------_------------- ---- 6 I.L7 r2-24 - L Cr1AI FF.b"<!?V SIG\ATCF1�; _ - - -- - _ � 16.1 NOT INCLUDED -- � � - -- - 29.6 (j) OVER ALL � Nam:T�e�; �*e t*veE �p"•a+�TM�'�E�r re"'�t�a p�ic�o!c�;�*r�^+(it) -- ® SCALE: 1:100' r11-dsir�r'�&..o!' "so1C'Ce-!•mil2-432A. IN SCOPE OF WORK 462.92' N W01'39"W -- - - -- I LIST OF DWGS LOCATION PLAN NTS ABBREVIATIONS DW BSMI: SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE ACOUS. Acoustical CONC. Concrete EXT. _Exterior GALV. Galvanized M.O. Masonry Opening STOR. Storage V.I.F. Verify in Field _ - --�-- - - - - --- - -- - -Relocate- - -- 9 --y----------- t ADJ. I Adjustable CONSTR. Construction F.A. Fire Alarm G.B. Grab Bar MTD. Mounted STRL. Structural W. West ---- --_1---!- - - ----. -RAD- Radius- - - -- ----- A-000.00 TITLE SITE PLAN T _ -. - Above Finish Floor CONT. _ Continuous _F.B. Flat Bar G.C. General Contractor) MUL. Mullion S- Suspended -- - Ps�rr __-_- -_-.. _ R.D �oof__Dr_ain --- P -- W/ With AGGR. A grate CORR. Corridor F.D. Floor Drain GL. Glass/glazing N.I.C. Not in Contract _REF -Reference SYM. - Symmetrical W.C. Water Closet ---- -- -- . - --- - - - -- - - A-001.00 SITE PLAN PROPOSED - AL. _ Aluminum CTSK. Countersunk - FDIC-_ Foundation GND. Ground Q. or # Number _ -REFR.- Refrigerator TRD. _Tread IND. _ Wood _-_- VINES ON MILL pp _F.E. GR. Grade NOM. Nominal -RGTR Register T.B. Towel Bar APPROX. A roximate CNTR. Counter FE Fire Extinguisher W/O I Without 16505 MAIN RD A-111.00 FLOOR ROOF PLAN ELEVATIONS ARCH. Architectural CTR. Center F.E.C. Fire Extinguisher Cab GYP. Gypsum N.T.S. Not to Scale REINF__Reinforced __ T.C. i Top of Curb WPC Waterproof -- -- MATT /� ASB. Asbestos DBL. Double F.H.C. Fire Hose Cabinet H.B. Home Bid O.A. Overall �Q'D. Required_---._-_-_- TEL. Telephone WSCT. Wainscot ITU K, NY 11952 A-112.00 PROPOSED WINERY OFFICE FLOOR PLAN N.C. Hollow Cab OBS. Obscure BD. Board DEPT. Department FIN. Finish -----_--..--,_REQU'D.____Required__._-_. ..--- TER. - Terrazzo WT. Weight BLDG. Building D.F. Drinking Fountain FL Floor FDWD. Hardwood O.C. On Center TAG. Tongue and Groove ELEV. Elevator _-- _-_--_ _� RESIL___----- Resilient--- -_____-___._----_ A-113.00 PHOTOMETRIC - -- - - - - -- ---- --- -- - - - g - ---- --- BILK. Block DET. Detail FLASH. Flashin OWE:--i�rdwa�e O.D. Outside Diameter (Dim.) THK. Thick _ _ __ -__ -__ - _ - _ -- 1�M. ___-_Room _-- - _ -___ I _-_ _ _ EP Electrical Panel) FTC-�To�low Metaf - OFF. Office ___-Rau h_0 enin T.P. I Top of Pavement EXIST. Existing %M IU BLKG. Blocking DIA. Diameter FLUOR. Fluorescent -_ ----_ __--- .--_-- _-- -- - - - _ -R,O, g p g _ -_ ___! DEVELOPMENT 11 BM. Beam DIM. Dimension F.O.C. Face of Concrete HORIZ. Horizontal OPNG. Opening South Toilet Paper Dispenser EQUIP. E uipment - - ---- ----- -- - - -- - ------- T.P.D.- DEVELPMENT SITE a` --- ___ SITE BOT. Bottom DISP. Dispenser F.O.F. Face of Finish ;�iR. Hour OPP. Opposite- -I S.C. Solid Core T.V. Television MECH. Mechanical "I - - -- -;-HGT. ----Height -- ---- --- --- - -- --------- -- - ---- B.T.B. back to back DN. Down F.O.S. Face of Studs 1 PRCST. Precast S.D. p p I T.W. To of Wall MISC. Miscellaneous TITLE -- -- - -- --- -- - - _ - - __Soa Dispenser - P,__ _____ Drawer INSUL. Insulation PL. _1 Plate SECT. Section-_- TYP. Typical EQ Equal �.�1 L1.. 1 INT. ---_Interior--_ -_-- -P_LAM. - CAB. Cabinet DWR. FPRF. Fireproof _____ » . C.B. Catch Basin D.O. Door Opening _F.S Full-Size_ Plastic Laminate UHF. Unfinished •:. :�0.1 CEM. Cement DR. Door FT. Foot or Feet LAB. Laboratory________ PLAS. ! Plaster S.C.D. Seat Cover Dispenser_______ U.O.N. Unless Otherwise N_o_ted _ ---- - :--- -- - - - -- y - -- - p -- J CER. Ceramic DWG. Drawings F.T. LAM. Laminate PLYWD. ' Plywood SH. Shelf UR. Urinal PROJECT No: 2121 NORT - - - -- -------- ------ ----------- - ----- -- - ---- -- -- - {�\ �ENJ.cpe�y �� DRAWING BY: sm C.I. Cast Iron Eh. Bch-• --_ FTG.-_Footing Treated-_ ---- _LAV. Lavatory PR. Pair SCHED. Schedule - V.C.T. Vinyl Composition Tile � ,�, ___ - _ _ FURR. Furring . ------ ---- -- -- --- -- - - -- ��61 O� DWCHKG BY: gc CLG. Ceilin J �xpanslon Joint LKR. Locker PT. Point SHR. Shower VERT. Vertical - -Elevation LT. Light 1 Paper Towel Dispenser., .,; ,�, '� CLO. Closet __ _____ _ -_ F&I Furnish__and_Install _g P.T.D.� P P _ SHT. Sheet __ VEST. Vestibule �- a , CLR. Clear EL-EC. IElectrical MAX. Maximum P.T.D R Combination Paper Towel SIM. Similar I ---- -------- -- ------------ ------L- - --------- -PUT Future---- --- -- -I-- --- - P --- - ----------------- - --- ---------- --- ---------,---------------------- A 000■00 COL Column j GA. Gauge__ M.C. Medicine Cabinet Q.T. Quarry Tile I - - �, irk: =- --- ---- ----- --- ---- ------ -- .�' ��. OF tQ\ -lam CADO FILE No: I VINES ON MILL OWNER: I 16505 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NY 11952 BUILDING USE BUILDING FRONT PARKING EASEMENT LINE I% •/ / /y%%�s.,; ii%" TAX MAP NO 1000-115-02 2.4 SIZE SF HEIGHT GFA SETBACK REQUIRED PROVIDED -' � FOUNDATION WALL EXISTING ZONING: AGRICULTURAL(AC) 4"X4" 8" SLAG ON GRADE— MIN. 24 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(R-80) EXISTING BLDG EMPLOYEE OFFICE 1,630 2 STORY 1,630 OFFICE(1,200 SF)200SF= 6 WOOD POST DEVELOPMENT LOT AREA: 2.06 ACRES(89733.6 SF) 6 1-1/4-SLOT r,! �!';" 8 ° PROPOSED: NEW BLDG:SF 5,200 SF ACCOYA'WOOD ° d 4 © 4"POST ° d d ° \� 'M \X, \x, \x EXISTING BLDG:1,630 SF+2,430 SF EXISTING BLDG STORAGE 60'X39' 2,430 1 STORY 2,430 STORAGE © ACCOYA WOOD \//\//\ \/\ \� TOTAL 9,260 SF o ® � \ \\ \ �, e d °° \//////�/\�\I 1 PRODUCTION 1 PER 200SF DESIGN/ARCHITECT: / PRODUCTION/FERMEN 50 X110 5,200 30 -1 STORY 5,200 100 =9(1,800 SF(PRODUCTION 9 //\\//\\// 9,260/89733.6=10.3%(LOT COVER) NEW BLDG TATION/STO RAG E AREA)/200 SF) { :' © ° FRONT YARD SET BACK: MIN. 100 FEET FROM RIGHT-OF-WAY ANCHOR /�\//�\�/�\�/�\�/�\ d ° °° \ \ \\i NO MORE THAN 60 LINEAR FEET OF o SLOPE FOR DRAINAGE TO CONCRETE — — \//\// / ° ° ° \ \//\� CODE 280-50 FRONTAGE ON ONE STREET TOTAL SF COVER LOT 9,260 10.30/ 9,260 TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED 15 x—.—x—x ° ° \/�\/� ° ° d° ° d ° a ° HEIGHT: MAX. OF 35' °d \\ \\ d \/\/\ d GLEN COBEN ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC FOOTING 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 /'4 r P P.O\/G Q C Y TEL:212 689 2779 TYP. FENCE POST DETAIL TYP. MECHANICAL PAD FENCE TYP. DETAIL AT EASEMENT LINE x: 1033 PLAI�E�II'�G P®/\RD email: glen@glenandcompany.com TOWN OF SOUTHOLC � CIVIL ENGINEER: PARCELS TO BE MERGED, o pf.tF [2� 1202a JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INTERNAL LOT LINES / BOX616 SOUTHOLD,NY11971 TO BE ELIMINATED Q.,.. 631-765-2954 -- - o L Ill c� FOOTING SHALL BE BUILT 6"AWAY FROM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: EASEMENT LINE. REFER TO DETAIL DWG. DILANDRO ANDREWS ENGINEERING, PLLC 158 COUNTY RD 39 SUITE 10 Y 11968 33,9 I SOUTHAMPTON N _-2 g� 631-259-3959 .ram• '�. / _, .._ S 16.32.36" E 31 6. — . .---- _ 3 3 5 —Ls X 380,00' OA. EXISTING 32 e T r T `. . . - Y' LOAd' N G .`.`. . .` . . . . .. .—z .-_ .-- . -- x ` . . .. . . . . . . . . , 27` ,10° o . . . . . . . . . . � `�` • CRUSH PA 3 \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2;, . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. 33,9 ti `x' 1TE.TR . 1, UNDER RO F COVER • `�`3` UTILITY POLE . . . . . . . . . . �a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UTILITY 'MARL i 10, \: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`.`.`. . . .`. . .'. . —�- /� l . . . . . . ` `. . . . . . . . . .`. . .`.'. .`. . . . . . . . . . .`. . . . . . .`. . . .� POLE . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . �� . . . . . . . . .�RAss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ` c ONCRE E I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . .`. . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r DEVELOPMENT OF RIGHTS ARE .� o I y . . . . . - . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 'i I . . . .`t `.`.'. .`. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTACT FOR PORTION OF LOT 2.4 I O •+ X. - - . . . . . . I I `.'.`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`. . . . ` . . . -. . . : .- —I 33,9 „� I ` ` . . �```. . . . `32.4".. '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ° o. . . .Ix3U NORTH `.'.`.'.`. '.'. .. I x337 0 �� x3 „ — ..`.`.`.'.'.'. .`.`.`.`.`. .`.'. .`. .`.`. .'.`.`.`.`.'.` °'°.` .`. ..'. .'.'.` ' o . . . . . . .. . . . . . >-� c� O MECHANICAL I I/ . . . . .f - _ `_ _ : 29:= ,,. . . . . ` �' .�. . . . . p� X. m -+1. PAD FENCE I _CN I •. • R �• W1 � o 441 O . �I 76'-7» EXISTING �p <I `Sq1 All legal rights Including, but not limited to, copyright and design •�`EfZJCAN,ARBORVITAE•+ patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and plans shown on this .Dl.... 1ST RY �..[L m I _ — — — — —� 1 STORY . . .' '. . . . . M P g g 9 - - - zz,, rl `,''' , ;` . ` document are the property of Glen Cohen Architecture &Design PLC, • e'y WIN RY GRAS` NK GARAGE - -p4° - and were developed for use solely on this roect. The may not be QI / ` o. P Y P J Y Y N ` ''i / 15 1 0` `�°y°` `/ used or reused in whole or In part, except in connection with this N • . . P w I 4 13 . . . . Q project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RO UCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O P J N .�, - o �I GRAVEL TRASH/ ' ' ` ` �,` ` , •, `, ,',`, Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. • CONCRgTE FER F_NTATION D) I / ` . . . - Q Q� c 2023 .`I. 50'X1 10'= z1 I 30' / ' �, 9, TOOLS •X .. 4 O �e CID . . ) X 5,20 SF OP. m�. 1 L. I �o TYP. d.. . . . . . ' . . .` `.X 31,5.. . . . .` . . .` SUBMISSIONS Imo.`. . . . .`. . . . . . ` .'. .` 34,G FF-3 ESIS IycE — 2 o I 34,1 x aT E; +. a` - ` `� DATE '10. REMARKS . . . . . . . . . .` X -- I I 33.2 3 5 J El.`.`.'.`. . . . . ,. . . . ./ 12,01.2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED �1 .. �. 20 i-- . . . . . . . . .`. . . . ' ' ` ` ` . '.`. ` 04,10,2023- 2 PLANNING BOARD .`. - . . .`.`.`.`�' `�`. . . . . . .' { I 351 X N .`>+. . . . . . . . 08_15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD . . - .'�•. . . . . I P' ,r g' ' ` ` ` ' ' ' .(`jSS , of°` 1016.2023 4 _ PLANNING BOARD • X 3 I . 30'_p„ 5 ` - ` 11 22.2023 5 EUILDING DEPARTMENT X 33,51 ` I 4 f ` 9 ` ` ` ` . `. .`.`• ' 01.08.2024 6 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS • - - I �- TYP _ '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`.'. . `.' . -- - I` 01,172024 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT • COVERED % �' - . O 02.05.2024 8 PLANNING_BOARD MEETING ` . . LANDING II 5 XL1 . N s. ` .. .��T fiR� 02.21.2024 9 UPDATED FOR LPC_APPROVAL . . . . . . 12 .)�, ` co 2 3 ),` . . .C V ``.` `. . . .`B UTILITY ISSUED FOR-PRICING---- -- .`.-. . .. 3 02.21.2024 10 _ j. - 7 O - /� 03.21.2024 11 TOWN MEETING .`.'.'. / �'l y . . POLE --- . . . - 03.29.2024 12 6 - ` N � .` PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL ` - CONCRETE �! GRASS = 'x +�i 04.04.2024 13 . X. +�:, 3`9 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS -- F� •. . ` - PAVER AND `- ' ° •�� . .. - . - 0 2 j �, 29 6 ` 04.09.2024 14 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL �2` ,.'/ 0417.2024 15 100% CD SHALL BE PROVIDED AND `.y. . . DRIVE OVER -:. - - . • -`- . . . ` C� .` + - 04.22.2024 16 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ® - . . CURB .` ` - . . . SECTIONS 503.1.1 THROUGH 503.1.3 . . ` ` . .` `.` ' `. "' ' , - -` `GRASS' ' ' ' 05.16.2024 17 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL 05.22.2024 18 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT `.x�3.1',`. . . .' . . . . . `X` - x 3 ^" A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �RepR O� QiAR` 05.23.2024 19 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL I` -X x3 �.`.`. • `' C N ' ov ' AZT X ` 2 W RECEIVED Y*Y . ` ' ' ` . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . a . . . -- % • GRAVEL - - - . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . JUN 0 4 2024 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `:' `.O' . . . 1 . . . . .'. , t ` DOB BSCAN: . . . . . . . . . , r0.`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Southold Town . . . . . . �' . . . . . . . . /04', Planning Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . .;A .'.`.`. .' I . . . . . . . ..`.`. . . . . / �n }{} . . .` `. . . . . .`.`. GRASS . . . . . . . . . . . . .7'�. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . I . . . .`. .`. . .`. . . . . .`. . . . . .`.'.'.` . . . '.`. `r.F ` ` `` ' P° '..+�'� . . `GRA` . . . . . . . . .`> �1T� `T . . . . . . .`. . . . .'.`.`. .'. C`. . . . .LG. 2 i� `N. `3 5: . TR` . . .`.. . . . . . . '.`.'.10. .'. . . . . . . .. .' I . - n . . .`.`.`.`.'. . .. . .`. `` 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .N . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . Y`aiRC ;X`•'.`•�F�ASS .`. . . . . . . . ` ti, \� Icr \ `. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`. . . .` ` �`.'.'.`. . . .` . .y. 30 .`. . . . . . . `.`. `.'.`.`. .`.` '. . . . . . .. . .` ' . .`. . . . . . . . .` . .. . . . . . . . . �R `TR ` ` . . ` VINES ON MILL X . . . . . . . . . . B7�c `BI`e . . . . . . =`y... . . . . . . . . . . . CATCH . `aP° I. ��- 16505 MAIN RD . U. \ .SL�t '��.T .���: r.-mob`` % . I . . . ,A' `'/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `+` . . MATTITUCK NY 11952 • 1:.�- BASIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . +.' `.' . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. .'. .'. . . . . . �` . . _ . . r--�—��-..+..` .-ITS'..:. . ,,,,�+r.r�.° ''1_'..'.`.`.'.`. . ` .`.`. " . . . . . . . . . .`� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,FOUNID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LEDGE 0 F P `. . . . . . . . . . . . - M fd SHEET TITi E . . . . . PAVEMENT 1....` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MENT O 0� 1010 FIRE HOSE —CONCRETE AP��N EDGE OF PAVEMENT11 r -- nI - \ 156'-10' SITE PLAN MILL L_pPROPOSED - UTILITY EDGE -CIF. PAVEMENT / POLE — 1 r �N & SIGNATURE PROJECT No: 2121 71 SCALE: 1 —2 — � 9�� AWING BY: sm O J .> �� CHK BY: gc _.. 3 0 4 Dill.'G Na PROPOSED SITE PLAN CRATE A-001.00 1 SCALE:1 =20 _ FIRE �HYDRANT CADO FILE No: '�'�� 5 b.Q OWNER: T T T 4 5 6 T 7 OP OP OF" - — - - - - 30-0 I I , STANDING SEAM DESIGN/ARCHITECT: ' GUTTER I I I I I -__�___..._ __ .-� 'y=,'-,,,,•:9�;�., BOTTOM. OF ROOF B 20-ot !,7 r,�-.. `:"�'�_��.��, I - - I I Y at.•-'�i r"b��4°af+'^,3 - r�°:.} e �1 Jvs'R• x S-,r9 SIDING _ I1T-01 {ll r TRIM I ( I 2 ((1 n - GLEN COBEN ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC - _ - _,.-._ ._ - ._ 7 _ _ �� 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 VINES O N M I L L � ���;��' ,��;��< — � - - � --� I I .-_,___--- -.------- ---.__-... FAX:212 689 1033 TOP OF_ EMU CU L �.a: _ F - GROUND� I I I I _ _ _ email:glen@glenandcompanycom - - - ` CIVIL ENGINEER: PRODUCTTON WEST 6 SCALE:3/32"= 1'-0" 4 JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. A-111.00 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 631-765-2954 G E D C A G T D C A I - - - - - STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: -------------- DILANDRO ANDREWS T -- - I ENGINEERING, PLLC -_ - - - -- — I I 158 COUNTY I -- - CRL1 H PAD � LOADING ON 39 SUITE 10 TOP OF OF n1 QenaamEso anc nn — _ _ I SOUTHAMPTON,NY 11966 30-0-0 Y rEwnswnsw« om TRIM u smEEo-vrewo I 631-259-3959 newirs wn ,ia oxx I wu m I I I I I I I II I BOTTOM. GOOF ' 7 - -------- --- ----� 7 I - - - -- RECEIVED ------------SIDING _ I I MAY 2 4 2024 TRIM I ----- —-- I I --- --- -— -- =_ --- - -- - _ — I I Southo Town �_01 ► _—___--_ ( I I I Planning Board I I I TOP OF CURBS_ GROUND Y I I O 0 0 NORTH { — — — — - — - — _ I 6 / _ - » -- ( 1HTH I d .. I I I \ �/ o� P U DN F " PRODUCTION SOUTH � I O O O All legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and plans shown on this SCALE:3/32'= 1-0" P 9 9 9 f "y +� f=+ rttC .y I I ( 1 1 o document are the property of Glen Coben Architecture &Design PLLC, 77 and were developed for use solely on this project. They may not be 1 1-- =_ ~ , t-•i ,j!« I I I I F used or reused in whole or in part, except in connection with this _ s+A 1l Z project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. I LU LU Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. r F1 i� �,t #~ st`�, A G c - - ( 1 1 ►a- PRODU�TI N a c 2023 O a I o ° 3 ti \ t- < 0- TOP SUBMISSIONS a ,» 1 *'" ► +Y� —�- x ua e a w E Eo-svc wo U U Y _ •. OF ROOF ¢ Q 30-0 TRIM Aprsuwrtuawwwa I ( 1 U, I I DATE N0. REMARKS - Radrs 1101f au�E KRII uwc Nl UAIIC B W E ED-YIC NO [` \ LL yaa; -u SITE PLAN UPDATED ��; .. _, ,�,� Il.. ._�:. t ,, � R.,4 ,.:.: 1 t�,,,.• ',�A* 5 - - O LLl � I � I Y 12.01.2022 1 p 04.10_2023 2 PLANNING BOARD a, I - - ;. - - - - -- LL 3 I < ., • ,- it .• �,� � "A-��°"'¢� / � 0 08.15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD % . .., ,-_•.•• " ;"` - s,•w, \ � 1016.2023 4 PLANNING BOARD " - 20 0 1. ."... _ - _ - - -- -- f • � ,,,e�; 'ar; '� ,,,lY e BOTTOM. OF ROOF �/ � CAT' ALK � _.. - s, 1L222023 5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1....': ..,, ., .x - .,.5 .,: ,V • _.. . .'.,;� ,.".".,.' '" - Y - r- ,`i5, i �: � �„"" -_.-- — - - - I it to,•, �,. '. / / 01.08.2024 6 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS - — — — Ol17.2024 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT I ��QernanoN. I- R-111.OD - k \ - - - - . . - PLANNING BOARD MEETING EYE wnsn 02.05.2024 8 F rt,w..• .' SIDING DN ►,'' .. °, t"' -ate' ,n ,r, ..." .�' .d«a ', ;';> T V - - - HI ® - - - - ISSUED FORPRICING PPR - - - - - - -- 02.21_2024 10 - I I I 1 OVAL -r!. ..r•. ,*.' A .;.Seel'}'- nai1�,';^.�.�.;;e.;', _ ..:„� �a.: .. i�.'v->.y - - - - .- 4 :•`.. _s xe. "' 'w't „,. - TRIM - - _ - - - 03.21.2024 11 MLE -c - I ( I I I 1 1 TOWN TING , ..," ;« :+ ,ti' PLANNING BOARD _. -- Z�ry ,;: ..,. REVISED FOR APP �, ik, ,r "`�. -'�-' ��"•- ``�: aR.-M,�,nX.e ,'r �;:1� �`- 4 — 0 03.29.2024 12 ROVAL ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT a, .4t :t6 ws`' ..A ';:,,. sn,e.., '.,,g" ^;x1 . ,,py;,w;,,. "Ht Fx,'"' e.r '" %!_. r ,. _ -. >s"»• ,.. ..y,r�'� - w — - 04.04.2024 13 I I - ^' - PLANNING AR BO D REVISED FOR APPROVAL ;� 04.09.2024 14 100% CD C 04.17.2024 15 v.?. `w, ;"Ru' ,p», p' . " `,,d va,w ,�-, ' ` ,i<r@x.- `�c'...w -•a'C_',�.s�-, OFFICE 04.22.2024 16 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL :k. z:=.` TOP Q CURRZ �.w .�.�_..,., -- STORAGE - - 0-0 I 05.16.2024 17 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL - - - - - 05.22.2024 18 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT 05.23.2024 19 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL I -- - - - BARRELHui � — - - --- --- - -- -- ---- -- ----- CELLAR O 00 O PRODUCTION NORTH I __ 0 1,2 SF O 0O 03 4 SCALE:3/32"= 1'-0" - -- - -- -- - \ O° ° O 7 T T � D7111'{f4 TOP OF ROOK -- - - - O O � u I Ito ED O 30-0 Y - - - - I I _ I I ° o ° I - I O O O H ° O I - - ° O O O O ° a II STANDING SEAM � -- -- — RF-01 I i III � I CO � I — GUTTER 2 BOTTOM. OF ROOF 20-0 yyr%°. •_ I I I VINE I FR l�S4sc�,�'SSc�F• I _ ___ _ SON MILL 16505 MAIN RD r SIDING "_�� ,,�.:� ,.�• ,,� =,�, MATTITUCK NY 11952 'y r 1 SD' ,.�:,, •xN TRIM �.7 " A `<�r „- I G F B A r (II Anil— o al�! / SHEET ME TOP_OF CUR_B� - \ O O O O A-111.00 0 GRl o� I I ( I FLOOR ROOF PLAN ELEVATIONS RED AR ���StA J.COP C�Yj� SEAL & SIGNATURE PROJECT No: 2121 FtED ARC DRAWING BY: sm "J.COBFtiyi�� CHK BY gc 3 PRODUCTION EAST 2 ROOF PLAN 1ST FLOOR PLAN * ''� * �* DIG No. SCALE:3/32"= 1'-0" SCALE:3/32"= 1'-0" 1 SCALE:3/32"= 1'-0" A-1 I 1 100 OF N`c� Ofi NEB CADO FILE No: OWNER: DESIGN/ARCHITECT: GLEN COBEN ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 FAX:212 689 1033 _ email:glen@glenandcompany.com — CIVIL ENGINEER: ENCLOSED r I I JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. PORCH I UN EXCAVATED', l PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 631-7652954 --- - -- I L — — — — — —1 _L REF. t - � — — � • — — — — �- _— i -- ''1 � _ (� •- 'aI( (II, ,- III STRUCTURAL ENGINE ER: STORAGE DILANDRO ANDREWS OPEN TO ABOVE ENGINEERING, OPEN TO BELOW SUITE10 PERGOLA PERGOLA SOUHAMTON,NY 11 I I 631-259-3959 DW I I EM LOYE I I I ® I BREAK ROOM' I41 CRAWL SPACE i I RECEIVED . .I , PATIO I ":- I I • �I Mf'�Y 2 4 2024 S0UtI1OlTTOVJl1—' UP I I Planning Board i,-- Q I I I I I DN 100 I I i i -- - - NORTH LLt .. d d. - - - - ® --- - - - - ® --- I r- STORAGE CL. CONFERENCE I ) All legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design ROOM BATH patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and plans shown on this (_ . document are the property of Glen Cob en Architecture&Design PLLC, and were developed for use solely on this project. They may not be used or reused in whole or in part, except in connection with this HALL I BATH # 1 I project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. W D c 2023 SUBMISSIONS L. I I ' DATE NO. REMARKS I ( I 12.01.2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING BOARD BATH #2 —— — — — — — ' I J 08.15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD DN -___- I I I ( 10.16.2023 4 PLANNING BOARD — - - I - 11.22.2023_ 5 BUILDING_DEPARTMENT =s=_ , i ♦ I UNFINISHED CELLAR 01.08.2024 6 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS L — Ot 17 2024 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT 02.05.2024 8 PLANNING BOARD MEETING —— I — — O I I II 02.21.2024 9 UPDATED FOR LPC APPROVAL_ 02.21.2024 10 ISSUED FOR PRICING_ STORAGE MEETING o I III , DN 03.21.2024 11 TOWN MEETING -- U I I I iI a• I 03.29.2024 12 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL - - ROOM 04.04.2024 13 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT 04.09,2024 14 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL 04.17.2024 15 100% CD UP I I 04.22.2024 16 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL OFFICE I ENTRY OFFICE I r _ I 05.16.2024 17 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL 05.22.2024 18 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT II 05.23.2024 19 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� 1 COVERED PORCH r UNEXCAVATED I � t DW ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — J. EISCw: — PRO�T SECOND FLOOR PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLAN FOUNDATION PLAN VINES ON MILL 3 11 — 1 2 „ — 1 1 if — 1 11 16505 MAIN RD 3/ 16 - 1 -0 3/ 16 - 1 -0 3/ 16 - 1 -0 �+PP��.0VE® CY MATTITUCK, NY 11952 PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTH OLD Slial 7111E DATE (jI,-( �Z021.E PROPOSED WINERY OFFICE FLOOR PLAN 00 EDIG PROJECT No: 2121 Gj BEN Coe CiS/� DRAWING BY: sm G c�)I o CHK BY: gc C n� US Na A-112.00 2213g �4 CADO FILE No: OWNER: NOTES VOM SITE LIGHTING SCHEDULE CALCULATION SUMMERY CAL TYPE UNIT MAX MIN AVG FIXTURE DESCRIPTION WATT MOUNTING LEGEND LOCATION CITY FIXTURE VOLTAGE(V) LLF FIXTURE IMAGE NOTES LUMENS ILLUMINANCE FC 3.7 0.0 0.17 MANUFACTURER MODEL# (W) HEIGHT TOTAL LUMENS: 8624 TOTAL AREA TO BE ILLUMINATED:36,000 SF '�" • M1W5ihi1FYPA\Ile+ FOOT CANDLE VALUE MUST NOT EXCEED 5 FOOT CANDLES SELUX LIGHTING AST1- W IDACE PER SOUTHFOLD TOWN CODE CHAPTER 12 172. XL1 PARKING 1 R1-1-5G225-30-UNV(Prorated LED 2700K 120-270 25 0.900 DARK RTIFIE RTIFIED KY ROVED 2411 LUMENS 12'-0"AFF DESIGN/ARCHITECT: THE TYPES OF TIMING DEVICES:ASTRONOMIC TIMER SWITCH IS USED TO from 13131580 01) CONTROL EXTERIOR LIGHITNG THE PROPOSED OPERATING HOURS OF LIGHTING:AN HOUR BEFORE SUN RISE TO AN HOUR AFTER SUN SET. ALL NONESSENTIAL EXTERIOR LIGHTING SHALL BE TURNED OFF WITHIN 1/2 HOUR AFTER THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS AND/OR WHEN NOT IN USE. _•,,,.�,' SELUX LIGHTING IDACERTIFIED ) ;•. XL2 WALK WAY 6 NT-3-LG4250-30-BK-UNV LED3000K 120 6.7 0.900 DARK SKY APPROVED 259 LUMENS 3'-0"AFF GLEN COBEN ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 FAX:212 689 1033 email:glen@glenandcompany.com �; •.;•k;.A.' ,<k, , CIVIL ENGINEER: SELUX LIGHITNG: `,-' WALL IDACERTIFIED 1533 LUMENS 10'-0"AFF XL3 3 MELD-SD-W-MP325-30-BK- LED2700K 120 20 0.900 . j, '3 JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. MOUNTED �` ,. .°.': r: ; ;: DARK SKY APPROVED UNV `°''.'''. i: "y' PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 631-765.2954 0 C 0 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: . . . . . . . . . . DILANDRO ANDREWS G .Ci i1 .0 J .0 J. 0 i .1 C (i 0 0 0 . 0 J. ' C . 0 ENGINEERING, PLLC 156 COUNTY RD 39 SUITE 10 • • • • • • • • • • • SOUTHAMPTONON,NY11968 ----0 3 .2 _ t; .G ! . ) ) ;! . „ C 0 Q 631-2593959 J • r} !., •„ r, r:1'- D ` X n I 5 )4 11N4 (: i1 . , .! . „ Q f C . (i �.7 i C .t) . J C '117 RECEIVED 0.9 0.3 _ •C .C' •' C. U . J . P° °� ,�I .0 J 0 r, r, rl 0 ' E 2 4 2024 \ • _•- - *0 • • • • • • • • • • • • SOUL 0 d Town 0.3 0.5 0.2 J.1 _ C .G u. J 0.0 J. , C .C' i t! . C' C' C C'. GI G . J CI. J Planning Board C.2 0.7 2. 3 i!. 0. 1 C .C' 0 . :) J . 7. ., „-G i:. 0 i).0 .) . . ., .0 J . G ii.n i1.0 :!. . C C .0 i J 0 Fi o o NORTH 1,:1 1 D-SD-X4AP325 D-XX-0NV - F, '� 1: 1� I} } •s='I� ;I I'. i} (j ! ;? , !', i} (i 1 ;t fi , , i r 0.2 0. Z. 9 �' . i i). 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REMARKS 0 0 . 0.9 1 :;. ,, (:' . : 3 /. 0.6 0.8 0.2 i). , -- ; r.?ELD-S r.,1F'325:?0 x-LJN" - r.1H. 10 i 12.01.2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED • • • . . • • • • • . • • • L • • • • • 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING BOARD G 2 .0 - ' 0.3 C . 1 f;' i) ;} :) . , U. 1 i:. . 0 3 . ° 1 .3 2.1 p.5 ° - 08+15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD , 10.16_2023 4 PLANNING BOARD 11.22.20235 BUILDING DEPARTMENT �_ . _ • • • • • • •' • • • • • • • •I • .v • 01.08_2024__6 PLANNING_BOARD REVISIONS rI 0 0 .2 C . 1 t: .rJ C! .0 J . U. 7 0.2 0.6 .0 3.7 O'.7 C'. C'-J ". J C i? U . J I � 0117_2024 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT rJ 02.05.2024 8 PLANNING BOARD MEETING P�P�0���® � 02.21.2024 9 •, } •., , 11 I '� •� r 'i, IJ_ - ,�i 1 J ( UPDATED FOR LPC APPROVAL C .0 _ J4w 1 C . 0 0 J. J 0.1 O.2 0.5 ;.6 1. 3.2 C.6 _ 0 . 0 C .) 0. 1 d __-- a 02.21.2024 10 ISSUED FOR PRICING ---- ! PLAF'NIK'G rOAKD 03.21.2024 11 TOWN MEETING*6 • • • • • -:-----: • . • . • . . . • . • • �/ 03.29.2024 12 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL 0.0 ; . 0 O. 0 C . C' U. ;: 0 C'.C) O. 0 1). D 1 c.- C .0 J. .I J. J J .0 0.3 0-.51 1 ._ C C 0 Q.3 , TOV/1"a Of SOUTHOLD 04.04.2024 13 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT x� d 04.09.2024 14 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL �� f ° h�rv� �•'�� NT-X-LG4250-3 NV ° • . • • • . . ' . . ., �f -mot 04.17.2024 15 100% CD C t;' .(! ! J . 1 2. ^ O O .;) I ;) . :: i). _ 0.2 0 . 6 1 :i . ;' ! . C C . ` a..3 MH:3 [ 1 I�V v�" 04.222024 16 PLANNING BOARD REUSED FOR APPROVAL DATE i NT-X-LG4250-30-B NV wrv' \ ti 05.16.2024 17 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL -- -- MH:3 1 �`�"'"" 05.22.2024 18 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT 05.23.2024 19 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL t) .0 J . 1 1 . 1 1.4 , C . 1 O . 0 C:.C! u.':) 0 .0 l 1 G u . 0 .U . C' G! . : J. " 0.2. 0.2 0 . 7 i , Ci }. 0 C! . 0 . 0 C . r ). l ---- NT-X-LG4250-30 $K-UNV (7, 0 n.0 0 .7 }. , ). C . 0 %:,CI i).i? ). 7 1 C C' .'J 1 i? . 0 C .0 C' . C. }. 3 i t MH:3 0:2 - -0.1 0.2 �.0 C .0 C' .G' !'.0 Oyu Z` - POLE DOB EISCAN: o "`P COVER PLATE C 1. U ) T-9-L 250-3 K-UNV o v p T-X-LG 250-30-BK-UNV 1 • H:3 GALVANIZED STEEL ANCHOR BOLTS VINES ON MILL I ►--i GRASS 6505 MAIN RD �) ala MATTITUCK, NY 11952 //\` \/ I Ia /\/\ ELECTRICAL CONDUIT & 0 j3\ \\, al T I \ \ GROUNDWIRE 20 MIN. DIA. CONCRETE �). " •:) t-' i:.r C"' ,<, / \/ PIER W/ 6 - #5 REBARS SHEET 7111E AND #3 HORIZONTAL TIES '\j @ 11" O.C. PHOTOMETRIC AND •) t / /\ a - SOILSCOMPOUND"\\\\` \ DETAILS \/, PROJECT No: 2121 �G G�EN`w�eF` 1� DRAWING BY: sm CHK BY: gC DWG No. PHOTOMETRIC PLAN LIGHTING POLE BASE DETAIL A-113.00 1 SCALE: SCALE:3/4"=1'-0" 91' 2?136 �O� CADO FILE No: 0 N�� S 18'33'51" E 10 4-D lb 2185.76' FOUND MONUMENT + ',' 4- I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I N 36.8 t 3616 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I 30,3 31.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ObRNfR B RN 1.0N 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I f I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 , ► 1 1 I 1 ► 1 1 ► , 1 1 ! I 1 1 , 1 1 I 1 � ! ► 1 ► 1 1 ► I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I ► ► ► ► ► I I 1 , ► I 1 1 1 ► , 1 ! ! 1 ! I 1 ► ! 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Z ► ► ; ; ; ' --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- �, / W �10 -- F% TING z ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ——————————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ' 15TOR IS PROD TION IN ♦`` ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ ``♦ __________________ --------- —______ ___— FERME—ONRL ' TOOLS , V/ ON� 5.190 RF �• g 4 e -------------------------------------------- d z---- FF-35' �� VI N EYARD' SToE,XSDD a o\♦ -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------__ ------- ROWNTEROFSOEDRE O ECEIVE®------------------- ------------------ 3 •• VINES ON MILL L BARN OMGE 9 • POLE BO'%39�t,3a0 SE 12 11 1 ♦ ♦ ♦` ♦` ♦♦ ` ` ` ON IF-S- I PB 6 CO 1 A? r MILL LANE !� C co ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ya .,, w— w- JUN 2 5 2a24 = w >< cfl ----------- 7L: r- � o y� 4 MATTITUCK, NY ♦` ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ --- LLC -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- f �, 0 co __ Southa Town ♦ --------------------- ------------ � I � � Planning Board a. O 2,1 ❑ EDGE OF PAVEMENT 12'DRAINAGE PIPE N 17.52'31" W L J L—J \i n AREA UNDER ROAD 1426.28' EA FOR HEALTH MILL LANE EDGE OF PAVEMENT N 16.32'36" W BA9 EDGE DF PAVEMENT MILL LANE 8 Q DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP O EDGE OF PAVEMENT 1.86' EDc�OF PAVEMENT � • 380.00 O.A. MONUMENT � MILL LANE S 17.52'31" E S 6'32'36" E mcE of PAVEMENT Pow 1424.17' 361.94' MTMH DRAIN Cr FIRE HYDRANT o UTILITY POLE `! I ,•QF P.lEh✓Y SEE DETAIL LAYOUT 01%;BUILDING LINE SHEET 3 AREA 2 . 09 ACRES BUILDINGAREA DRAWN BY: JF/JP MAY 15, 2024 SCALE: AS NOTED TOTAL ACREAGE: 51 .79 SHEET NO: DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS PLAN AGRICULTURAL LAND: 49.70 SCALE: 1" = 75' VACANT BUILDING NO WELLS LINE / � PROPOSED v r "2 WATER 33,9 - 31,6 SERVICE RPZ 33.5 BOX / SUBJECT t�,attit m x ELECTRIC PROPERTY , ;. Hiat�C! 3a ° SERVICE 32.8W 1 / ' LOADING t . 34.1 4 CRUSH P 9 ° W W �/ W -_- b'`' W W F^ x 33,9 E -� W W R -UNDER RO F COVER �- E E o W x --3 -- E W k-Cuta"ogee , -" ----- E E U ILI Y P E -� High SchooE o x 32,8 x 32,_ E x UTILITY I ^ CONCRETE E 32, 5,.. 8'X5' x 34,2 GRASS POLELO SEPTIC TAN / E �/ � N 5'LIQUID W DEPTH e ` .�111P I 0 / sntat Care of „ L.L ,k(M;chbel. as O CO x x 31,6 I 3 LPp O O x 33,7 33.9 x 34,3 32,4 /x 30.8 Z (� /a 10' DI'`A33, A\ GRAVEL O / x 16' DEEP E ANIC / ,. .&_ s �. Y � .pia 3�.,...,,.: � Z Z U I / 8 0 FO KLI FT RAMP / O 11 ;. H / GRASS TO ASEMENT O t3ur lad cf Goon P D C c.n el 1 arch Q F w � � EXI TING 1 � EP � GRASS ► a . .,,. ,, E ,,. , . .. :,tfotk" W a0 f-- EXISTING 0 � w < 1 STOR g AS 1 S RY W SANITARY M / KEY z GARA TO / MAP 0 x 1 ' D PRODU TI 15 14 13 BE REMOVED/ N SCALE: NTS x 16' DEEP Q O � CONCRETE FERM - ATION BLD TRASH/ � � � 50' 10 - 5,200 SF TOOLS Q a� `� C° x N SLA 1 - 8 12 DEEP x30,6 O TEST HOLE DATA z 0 4,o F = 35. x33,6 EP�� x / Q,' 2 34.1 x \" i LP / (NOT TO SCALE) (� U 33.2 3 5 HYDROA TION O a NO 3 Q AN400 / ` �� 12/19/2023 WATER OR SANITARY 35,o x � (/� � ELEV. = 33.5' x 33,5 x 33,9 BOLLARDS • • • IT 1 STORY EXISTING \\ 4 PAD FOR • EXISTING / OL DARK BROWN LOAM S \ COVERED PAD FOR AIR PUMP p STEEL BARN STORAGE AND CONTROLS • • • VENT LINE / WATER O. 5 .SANDING 11 O 0 60'X39'= 2,340 SF \ AIR LINE SERVICE O ON SLAB x33, CO \ 12 11 10 9 8 7 ,?o, `° ELECTRICAL UTILITY CL BROWN SANDY CLAY FF = 34.5' CONCRETE \ 6 o ONNECTIO POLE 3.0' x3 CO C cmI 4 3'x3' CONCRETE 0 0 0 0 �� ?9 6' W 3 9 /i , / PAD FOR AIR PUM O �Q� EN�qR W WJ TO 23' AND CONTROLS �v Y l / SP BROWN FINE SAND x 33,1 � - - �--- --x332- -�x 33,0 ,gReo R� I 1 x 33,1 x 33.1 1 x GRAVEL NN CO ��co V STEP x�3,2 1 i 32,7 x 14j 0 M - t,� o co SC BROWN CLAYEY SAND x 333 1 33,6 1 i T N A Z � 4 NC 1 0.0 I 1 .302,M �o x 32 AIR LINE SS' I x 32,7 1 1 1 i •• • ELECTRICAL 0 3 1 1 • 3 0 3 1 1 1 GRASS 1 • CONDUIT O CONNECTION IN SP BROWN FINE SAND I 1 3 1 1 HYDR ACTION • • 0 / Q 1 1 AN400 • • O 8' AA x r- -i GRASS (� LP x12 DEE ,2 LJ x32.5 "i HEGW 1 EP 32,8 x GRASS 2 33 i x 31,6 BOLLARDS �. i I -� 23. 0 ELEV 11 .6' L --- - � 9 LI - -------- x x 32,5"�'�"""°"" --- -- ,- ------------------------- v 0 '/ / - " " -- -- - - - 2 / CATCH NO WATER ENCOUNTERED _ } N 16032f36►1 w PROPOSED -- - ..._ _____._ _ _ ------ 32 31.6 BASIN TEST WELL # S5-3324.1 Z GRADE 3 $O OOP -- ---- _.. : HEGW 2010-04-19 = 11 .26' ELEV. Z o EDGE OF PAVEMENT O•A. FOUN ELEVATIONS BASED ON N AVD (1.988) W _ O MO T = Z F- LO . -1 0 N MILL ONCR APRON 1 EDGE OF PAVEMENT PROPOSED l�=rrr,,,OVED FAY U Q U) GRADE r�f.KN#1NG COARD VINES ON MILL RECEIVE® co ZO -- --- UTILITY TC%*M Or- SOUTHOLD MILL LANE JUN 2 ,� 2o2a w CD CD x 2 POLE DATE C�12-�Izof MATTITUCK, NY =^ " ° ✓ O Planning Board L� O x 30.4 SITE DATA �� �"�' w AREA FOR HEALTH Cn SITE AREA: DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP 0 SITE PLAN GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ZONE 4 SCALE: 1" = 20' 51 .9 ACRES NOTE: LEACHING NO SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 300 FEET PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: 261 .6/1 .5 = 174.4sf EXISTING: 11 ,012sf PROVIDE 1 LP 8' dia X 12' deep .G� ��wr NO WELLS WITHIN 150 FEET PROPOSED: 10 259.00sf [ ] � "Fr0 [1 ] EP 8 dic X 12 deep ALLOWABLE SANITARY FLOW (DENSITY) PRODUCTION WINE MAKING ?''-u :f �, ALLOWABLE FLOW FOR SITE = 600gpd/acre USAGE: 750gpd TOTAL SITE: 51 .79 ACRES 'AR c soN�;��, AGRICULTURAL LAND: 49.70 ACRES SEPTIC TANK: 750 x 2 - 1 ,500gallons 51 .79 ACRES - 49.70 ACRES = 2.09ACRES SUPPLY: 8'dia x 5' liquid depth = 1 ,500gallons 2.09 ACRES x 600gpd/acre = 1 ,254.0gpd allowed LEACHING SEWER DISPOSAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS 750gallons / 1 .5 = 500sf FERMENTATION BUILDING - 4,200sf x 0.04gpd = 168.Ogpd DRAWN BY: JFIJP STORAGE BARN = 2340sf x 0.04gpd = 93.6gpd USE: GARAGE = 375sf x 0.04gpd = 15.Ogpd [1 ] 10'dia X 16'deep L.P. FRAME BARN - 2,205 x 0.04gpd = 88.2gpd [1 ] 10'dia x 16'deep E.P. MAY 15, 2024 SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE = 300.Og�d TOTAL FLOW PROVIDED: 664.8gpd HOUSE SCALE: AS NOTED SEWER DISPOSAL DESIGN 4 BEDROOM X 110gal/br = 440gpd FERMENTATION BUILDING = 168.Ogpd HYDROACTION AN400 = 440gpd SHEET NO: STORAGE BUILDING = 93.6gpd LEACHING: 261 .6gpd [1 ] 8'dia x 12' deep LP 3 USE TANK = HYDROACTION AN400 = 440 gpd [1 ] 8'dia x 12'deep EP CONCRETE I/A OWTS General Requirements COLLAR STOPPER END 1.Installer shall provide a certification of the installation and construction(W.W.M.-73)from a PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR R PLUG REGISTERED ARCHITECT for final approval of the system HOUSE 2.The installer of I/A OWTS must hold a current Liquid Waste License pursuant to Chapter 563 Article VII(Septic Industry :' Tr Businesses)and Endorsement J(Innovative and Alternative Treatment System Installer)through the Suffolk County ELEC. CI - RISER & COVER r. ^' Department of Labor,Licensing and Consumer Affairs,pursuant to Suffolk County Code§563-79(II)(J).The Department PANEL of Labor,Licensing,and Consumer Affairs maintains a list of licensed I/A OWTS Maintenance Providers. LOCKING COVER D ETA I L 3.An executed Operation and Maintenance Contract between the Maintenance Provider and Property owner must be FIBER JOINT submitted to the Department N .T.S. EXTERIOR RATED PACKING 4.All installed I/A OWTS are required to have an initial 3-year warranty and operation/maintenance service contract. JUNC77ON BOX BELOW GRADE IN 5.When an I/A OWTS requires a vent,the unit shall be vented to the roof of the residence being served.Vent pipes shall REMOTE PLC CONTROL PANEL SPRINKLER BOX 20 AMP BREAKER extend a minimum of 6 inches above the roofline and the top of the vent shall have a minimum horizontal separation of 12 W/ HP80 COMPRESSOR Cl SEWER PIPE inches to the sloped portion of the roof.In cases where it is not practical to vent the system to the residence roof,a vent T //_ (TYPICAL) pipe may be piped to the exterior side of the residence and terminate a minimum of 18 inches above grade.These vent pipes shall be located a minimum of 3 feet from any window or doorway and must terminate with a carbon filter device.All PVC PIPE D3034 vent pipes must have a minimum diameter of 2 inches. 36'X 361X 6' CI 3d SDR 35 Provide 2"vent pipe from the OWTS To the single-family dwelling and connect to the waste WITH 6X6 1D/10 WIRE P P 9 y 9 LI2 BEND pipe venting system within the house.Pipe shall have a positive slope from the OWTS to the TO SEPTIC house so liquid will drain toward the treatment unit CONTROL PANEL & AIR PUMP ELEVATION 12 AWG OF WIRE TANK 2 STORY � IN J" PVC SCH FROM DWELLING 6.Garbage grinders shall not be permitted when an I/A OWTS is utilized as means of sewage disposal.In addition,water N 80 CONDUI T softeners shall not discharge into and/A OWTS. w 4 BEDRM .Install I/A OWTS tanks accordingto manufacturer's recommendations.All applicable recommendations provided b the HOUSE CONCRETE COLLAR N N .T.T S. y F- F.F. 34.0' WATER TIGHT FRAME & COVER HEAVY DUTY CAST IRON O_ D C./. 60° PVC WYE C/ TO PVC manufacturer shall be implemented O W/ APPROVED LOCKING DEVICE LOCKING COVER TO GRADE \-HYDROAC77ON USA HOUSE ADAPTOR 8.The I/A OWTS tank shall be installed at level in all directions with a maximum tolerance in an direction of+/one J 0 } STOPPER END PLUG & SECONDARY SAFETY LIDS CON77ZOL PANEL ( yUJ FINISHED GRADE I � quarter inch)on a minimum 3-inch thick bed of properly leveled and compacted sand(free from rocks)or pea grave {.. J � Z EL. 33.0' EL 32.0' C L_EA N OUT D ETA I L_ 9.The top of the I/A OWTS tank shall not be located greater than 2.5 feet or less than one foot below final grade. 1 >- Y I.E. 32.5' "'-'- ""' ""'- ELECTRIC RISER DIAGRAM z z � 1' MIN. TRAFFIC BEARING 2' MAX SLABS N .T. S . N •T• S . Electrical Requirements Q H 4" SDR PIPE I.E, 1.E. 1.Control Panels Z Q k- CLEAN OUT 31.5 31.4' a.All wiring and equipment are to be installed by the electrical contractor in accordance with the tY Q 1. +, r National Electric Code(NEC)and local codes. 1/4" PER FOOT MIN. PITCH FLOW 31E 0' y b.The control panel box must be placed outside on a suitable pedestal near the structure that it serves. Z •;;,:•..,:.;;• Alternatively,the panel box may be mounted on an outside wall of the structure(preferable a utility Q MIN. 4 DIA. SANITARY PIPE ':s�,:."' }.'• ; LINE room,and not a living space). SDR 35 c.The control panel shall be placed at a comfortable height for access. 1 8 PER FOOT MIN. I� r,;:;;: ':'• to •>,, i . r d.The panel shall meet National Electrical Manufacturers Association(NEMA)4X specifications. �: ; PVC WASTE LINE �tI ,r•,,.:::•: e.The conduit must have appropriate seals to prevent gases and moisture from reaching the controlLO 8 E LL ., I ,.:,r'„" :.y'. t''.fit'.•�;,�.i'��';e: 12 -0 4.0 SDR 35 j.::••� •r.::^::•.a:, :,,.'::,•�,�,...: ; panel orjunction boxes. "`'� '` SINGLE UNIT CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK f.Each system shall be equipped with a functioning warning system which will activate audible and PROPOSm !' '�•`E'?.:•`r:^ti:''.;`L ti: ;: visual alarms thatcan be readily seen and heard by the occupant's of the building served. HYDRO-ACTICN 8'min. -: : �:.�„•Y::_;c .';.`.;x ^y;:: ••. . .,.':•;'>. .,�, �;;; 2.Pumps,Blowers,Level Sensors,and Controls r^ ��� a f�•'• ''_^:' "' • ;: "` a.The electrical unction box servingthe um motor and floats must be watertight and located outside U) ��; ;;� '`•:1";'s •.+•�•: ".+;.":r; *:; the I/A OWTS tank chamber. b.The Department shall observe the pump system operate through a normal operating cycle. •.•";;r:-;•.,., !.•:;.'�•:••:. ,..,r .•_;:.,,:;;:;���. c.Inspection for leakage of the force main fittings will be made during the pump test procedure. J' 0" MIN HEAVY DUTY AND L❑CKING CAST IR❑N COVER T❑ GRADE GROUND WATER v EL. 11.6 FINISHED GRADE General Construction Notes 11 HIGHEST RECORDED GROUNDWATER [1] 8' DIA X 12' DEEP LEACHING POOLS HIGHEST EXPECTED 8 THK TRAFFIC GROUNDWATER 1.LOT AREA:51.9 ACRES BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN SAND & GRAVEL [11 8' DIA X 12' DEEP EXPANSION POOLS BEARING COVER 2. 2,5' MAX 2' MAX CHIMNEY 3.BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION FROM A SURVEY BY JOSEPH PETITO LAND SURVEYING NOTE NO CUT OR FILL REQUIRED 20' I LAST DATED JULY 23,2023.ELEVATIONS REFERENCED TO THE NAVD 88 DATUM HYDRO-ACTION A N-4 O O D ETA I L LEACHING POOL D ETA I L 4.ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AS REQUIRED INLET MIN. ®® ® ® ® ® 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION AND DEPTH OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE HOUSE SEPTIC SYSTEM PRO I E 4' DIA SDR ®® ® ® ® ® COMMENCEMENT TU WORK.THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED ALL SUBSURFACE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE 35 PVC PIPE PLANS IS CONCEPTUAL AND MUST BE CONFORMED ACCORDINGLY IN THE FIELD. PIT( ) J'/1' ® ® ® ® ® ® 6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SECURING ALL NECESSARY PERMITS BEFORE COMMENCING N . T . S . WORK. 60, 0 ®® ® ® ® O T ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND DEBRIS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN,COUNTY,STATE ®® ® AND FEDERAL LAWS.CODES AND ORDINANCES CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DISPOSING OFF ALL 1 STORY UNSUITABLE MATERIALS OFF SITE DEBRIS SHALL NOT BE BURIED ON THE SITE. PRODUCTION F x 8.ALL PRECAST STRUCTURES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE COUNTY AND COMPLY WITH THEIR REGULATIONS. FERMENTA TION O Ca f O 9.ALL PRECAST STRUCTURES SHALL BE MANUFACTURED WITH 3,000 PSI 2B DAY STRENGTH CONCRETE. ON SLAB CONCRETE COLLAR w HEAVY DUTY AND WATER TIGHT FRAME & COVER h--1 1 N OCKING CASTING 10.SANITARY PIPE TO BE SDR-35 PVC OR AS SPECIFIED ON PLANS FF = 35.0' HEAVY DUTY CAST IRON �. TO GRADE W/ APPROVED LOCKING DEVICE U I" FINISHED GRADE 11.DURING CONSTRUCTION,EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TO BE UTILIZED AS NECESSARY TO STOPPER END PLUG LOCKING COVER TO GRADE L J PREVENT THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT TO OFF SITE AREAS,PONDS,DRAINAGE INLETS.THE METHODS AND & SECONDARY SAFETY LIDS I+ W MATERIALS EMPLOYED IN THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL FIN/SHED GRADE w h+� EL. 33.0' EL 33.75' A 10' MAX W 2 5, 24' 24 CONFORM TO THE NEW YORK GUIDELINESFOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL. I•E.� - "-'- "'��=�1�=IIIII=_ h+l � MAX 2' MAX 12.ALL BACKFILL SHALL BE SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL COMPACTED TO 95%MAXIMUM DENSITY AT THE OPTIMUM 33.5 ' MOISTURE CONTENT AS DETERMINED BY STANDARD PROCTOR TEST. 1� MIN. TRAFFIC BEARING H e" MIN. TRAFFIC LOCATE DROP "r" 2 MAX SLABS BEARING TOP-� "t'.:�t, 20'MIN 20'MIN {k' UNDER ACCESS 13.ALL COVERS ON TREATMENT UNIT SHALL HAVE LOCKING COVERS 3' MIN LEACHING OPENING FOR 4 SDR PIPE 1.E. I.E. ... COLLAR INLET 6" MAINTENANCE CLEAN OUT 32.1 32.0 `. . ,1F•1 '' SECTIONS 12" -11 OUTLET ' ' .� �.' � s .,�.,.t•.;y. '- MIN. 4" DIA ', 6• 10" '�" ( ,• ri APPROVED PIPE 1/4" PER FOOT MIN. PITCH I'E ��'` ''"'"`r' "" PITCHED Y" PER FT. BAFFLE MIN 4" DIA APPROVED - 4 14" ' FLOW 31.75 '` K :r,r ,:>' �'. . ' 18" PIPE PITCHED �" PER FT { /��� �'1���® �� ( 1 1 1 MIN. 4 DIA. SANITARY PIPE LINE ;i,•;. '`,"; gA WALL / 9.d,rr ' { W,y ; �^ f !!!SDR 35 1I:1J;: y.':.: :;-., y I 1/8" PER FOOT MIN. s" PVC WASTE LINE + } 'rr 6 MIN PENETRATI❑N 3' MIN PL!'aP'v MIG 00tiRD IJ Ll8c .,� . `:;.:..i ,K�!; INTO A VIRGIN SDR 35 =w " '.`, : ;. STRATA OF SAND TQt"I�Iti OF SC?UT�4t?LU } PROPOSE ::,.• •' ;. ...s:'«' :.•.....::; ^-- AND GRAVEL HYDRO-ACTION L- �tr~ y' 'y�: HIGHEST REC❑RDED GROUNDWATER 5^ �.x Z AN-400 ° :a i '`f' '`'�> ' l:Te ;j BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN SAND AND GRAVEL F �`'T w .r •. a ..�... �'�:I::i A" s � .1. CONCRETE LEACHING POOL DESIGN AND Z r '�•;• ICJ.,j'+:rr"i,:i..i:,'�:...:. <'w`r ..�'' �'} ,,,•'� ~� CONSTRUCTION DETAILS wLO 3'-0" MIN U Q O GROUND WATER .�' -' ti [11 8' DIA X 12' DEEP LEACHING POOLS 0 HIGHEST EXPECTED VINES ON MILL Z RECEIVED - ° BACKFILL IMATERIAL GHEST CTODBED CLEAN ONDSANDE& GRAVEL [11 8' DIA X 12' DEEP EXPANSION POOLS GROUNDWATER - - MILL LANE Dr PUMP/COMPRESSER POWER CIRCUIT 120105 JUN 2 5 2024 LU X NOTE : NO CUT OR FILL REQUIRED =OO�I' MATTITUCK NY �_ 0 m HYDRO-ACTION AN -400 DETAIL LEACHING POOL DETAIL Nx cB1 ,�. ,Ml .,I �ti J PAGE µ y 4,IM I Ll o � SPRAY 1 SOu--�oTd Tawn „Nr ' VNT 1 PUMP Planning Board d O N N ----� MOTOR/PUMP RATINGSI b" ti ., � �� i 3/4HP 2 115V W f1 BAN ITARY SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE _ .� --�-0 .� -'''-�_�� Cn FERMENTATION BUILDING cB2 csR 5 LOOPS - PUMP t 3/4HP 2A115V r P - 7 REUMP w3/4 RATINGS, AREA FOR HEALTH LT H I r n -----; MOTOR j 15,0 F.L.A. DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP 1 STORY N • ' PRODUCTION / �i CB3 M3 Il FERMENTA TION DIX Xx r "` T� �/MIXER \PUMP RATINGSI "�0� �� PUMP t 3/4HP 2 115V ON SLAB CONCRETE COLLAR • �"" N -----� MOTOR j 15,0 F.L.A. WATER TIGHT FRAME & COVER IIE-d FF = 35.0 HEAVY DUTY CAST IRON CB4 , STOPPER END PLUG W/ APPROVED LOCKING DEVICE LOCKING COVER TO GRADE MOTE PLC CONTROL PANEL °^ ---I- TOPPER c1 -----7 COMP\\COMP, RATINGS, & SECONDARY SAFETY LIDS /HP80 CDMPRESSDR 1 1/4HP 2 115V II_" FINISHED GRADE � N MOTOR i 1.E. EL_330' _ EL 33.0' 5% SLOPE / 5.4 F.L.A. pV N� ''Y C NOTE\ALL MOTORS "' = 11=I1111= m MUST HAVE INTERNAL 33.0' ' = 1n OVERLOAD C 1 MIN. TRAFFIC BEARING PROTEC 2 MAX SLABS w LR1-Q1 IIMAM .. Wr t �• /�*� q 4" SDR PIPE 1 E. w LR1-02 PIN(/VN M2 w" C ' ...�� .. r - nn"ex � CLEAN OUT 32.5 32.0' } :' ':`,'`" ;:i i':': P A ECIRC RUNNING ` p C? e:.: � r: s",` B 1 E. .,.'..',: '�:.:, �„ LRI-03 YELAW M3 1/4" PER FOOT MIN. PITCH 31.5' "`� !�. ' ' MIN. 4 DIA. SANITARY PIPE "' `�;� ` t; ;"; ;�:• GUNNING a` SDR 35 :t�:, �rT , y>:���": ,z,,. D Ill „� 1/8" PER FOOT MIN. ;' ^'` s =:• :-.: : :''.:'=a.;�:, LRl PVC WASTE LINE LR1-04 ,!,i,.;i•.' i•..•: <'..,.: ;r.:;',, au REn It 16 PLC INPUT > 3,.'•M,Z.:;ty'r-,`, .i,E::"';' ',ti; all AS-1 SDR 35 •. ;•;;r• . . ; :•i:::..,.:"�. ::�,:. .+..t;'. :::.��.,•,.`:...r .LI, un RUN AUD, 8 min. .:. . : s...�:.; ALARM '.•,ti,',...�,:,ir.•.:l<�?.'.y : :+::�';¢::,`:�•. ; ;r.. :Y.•:- :;: L ° HWA MUTE (TEST ALARM i:.••:..•e•;.". r•�K�,' w Ile is ;Y;.,w''s.`.ttt r x'�~ i�:�~i', t.`•' * I LIGHT :; ::•. '.. . ;,,:..;.s~ RED DRAWN BY: JF/JP ).%s,`: :•: 1' �.i:i':u.,,;.::y�• '� �':t: ENABLE xu 1 rc r<L " PLC INPUT f [11 10' DIA X 16' DEEP LEACHING POOLS BILL OF MATERIALS VERRID MAY 15 2024 [11 10' DIA X 16' DEEP EXPANSION POOLS ITEM PIN DESCRIPTION OTY: "" 3 r�, 4 CSR YD..�, 12 PLC INPUT HA-180053 AN400,245 NITROGEN REDUCTION COMPLETE 1 lW v"Anw 14 PLC INPUT A 180052 TANK,PRE/PUMP 400 1 Twl CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK LEACHING POOL D ETA I L B 130002 KIT,SNG 2 TANK CONNECTING STANDARD 1 TIME DOSE 17 PLC INPUT c 100110 ASSEMBLY,RE-CIRCULATION 245 COMPLETE 1 a.o DEMAND SCALE: AS NOTED GR9E}Pd�B�4S4 TER� o EL. 11.69 D AN400-P AN400 W/PLATFORM COMPLETE 1 HIGHEST EXPECTED E EC50-30-L-80-PLC OPS,EC50-30-L-80-PLC 1 SPRAY o T"""" O@PLC INPUT HIGHEST RECORDED GROUNDWATER GROUNDWATER NOTES, FLOAT SWITCH TO BE RATED 2 AMP AT 120V MINIMUM, BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN SAND & GRAVEL W1 Bl DASHED LINES MAIN PANEL IINDICATE ITEMS NOT CONTAIN ISCONNECT MUST BE PROVIDED BN THE PANEL: W1ALLER SHEET NO: NOTE NO CUT OR FILL REQUIRED REQUIRED TORQUE FOR TERMINAL BLOCK SCREWS IS 16 In-Lbs, C C FIELD WIRING MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 60'C COPPER WIRE. FERMENTATION B L_ D G PROCESS WASTE Y T E CHANGES TOLERANCES DRAWN BY DATE F DECIMALS C.BARRICK 11/3/16 CHEMATIC, ELECTRICA N . T . D zz"pow MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONI FRAxfxCTIONAL CAL I AN400 245 NITROGEN REDUCTION SYSTEM COMPLETE »•'�»�'AINw SEPTIC PRODUCTS E ANGLES AS NOTED 120105 APPWVED fri SIGM1TUtE MTFi REV. PART A %•"WE- FULL hydro„�ctiolt 05/31/17 0 HA-180053 .MANHOLE DETAIL CAST IRON INLET FRAME & SOLID 8"THICX REINFORCED CONCRETE COVER TO GRADE. TRAFFIC BEARING SLAB _\ I r ASPHALT ROAD SURFACE ON CAST IRON INLET BRICK WAY BE USED TO- REINrORCED, 4,000 PSI E 4-COMPACTED RCA BLEND. GRATE&FRAME 6' IRON GRATE & FRAME TO CONCRETE: SLAB IR 5"1 12" 5" ADJUST CURB INLET CAST 7 A TRAFFIC BEARING E- TYPICAL SURFACE ELEVATION A 11-AL4 Jq MAXIMUM OF 12 INCHES. 48 REINFORCED 4,000 PSI A PRECAST CONCRETE r t. 9. CATCH BASIN ZD 2" 'PRECAST CONCRETE STANDARD STEPS CHIMNEY C a O.C.-Typ Lj LM L"Lgi zo _T M Cl Co 1p�j I 1W < 6"X6"X W4=4 W.W.M. V WASHED 'STONE BEDDING [3 101. 0 1 8"TRAFFIC BEARING A 13 C9 9 DRAINAGE PIPE.TYPICAL E3 M V n- W� QQRQ INLET DETAIL 18" C CAST IRON OUR13 INLET REINFORCED, 4,000 PSJ GRADE GRATE & FRAME. 3,000 PSI CONCRETE SLAB TRAFFIG BEARING 1 4 A <1 CHANNEL DRAIN 'CONCRETE SLA13 [33 M LEACHING RINGS TO BE LO W/6X6-10/10W.W.F. C\1 WIRE 7T71 BRICK MAY PL: USED TO 0[31 COVERED WITH FILTER CLOTH z W ADJUST CURB INLET CAST 13 C1 0 1 0'-O"±- 5'-O"± REINFORCED 4,000 PSI IRON GRATE & FRAME TO < mu 0. I�IR,.kl 0()0 PS PRECAST CONCRETE 26' SURr*ACE ELEVATION A RETE CATCH BASIN t -1 MAXIMUM OF 12 INCHES. 0 0 6" ROADWAY 48 aj _X�X__Ax x_x�x_x_x_x_x 91 7.-X-7-X-X 0 e, I -:-x----I-x-x �Z::X\_Ix�. 4 Q MIN.- FROM 5'-D* U) _j IEEE:: M�� =� (/j z Z] < ffffiffi TO 2T-O" CLEAN SAND >: FILL. ASPHALT GRAVEL W 6"COMPACTED BASE PAVEMENT MU . �e _// 2"THK COMPACTED 2 MIN.- z z COURSE EXISTING I WATER Q WEAR COURSE 0 2%81 Min. CLEAR SAND 24" BANK RUN OR OTHER 6' WASHED GRAVEL FILL < SUITABLE MATERIAL STONE BEDDING W SLAB DETAIL, 26" Z 0 0 5; 1 < TRENCH DRAIN DETAIL A-A ASPHALT CONCRETE APRON DETAIL B-B REINFORICM MMC CUROB DETAIL Z 2 NOTE: �e- PEARING CON�IPETE SLAB SCALE: NTS < SCALE: NTS SCALE: NTS NOTE: THICKNESS AND NOTE: z MINIMUM 4,000 PSI CONCRETE FVNF0RCDvfEN1 rOR SOIL L0 @ 28 DAYS AND TRAFFIC �DAOING BY C:> AN ENGNEER imical Section Leaching Pool ALL LEACHING POOLS TO Scale: NTS HAVE LOCKING CAST IRON < STANDARD PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH BASIN ry (4"X4` - Typical) (5 FEET TO 2C FEET IN DEPTH) COVERS TO GRADE VACANT BUELDIT-sIG TsTO WEEES ]LINE PROPOSED 33.9 2" WATER 31.6 0 213611 E SERVICE RPZ 90 LOADING TC 35.5 W ---- W ___� W x 33.5 437 OA. ELECTRIC 32,8 BOX 34.1 CRUSH P 0 SERVICE x x 33,9 W W W UNDER RO F COVER E E C:) W W � E U ILI Y P E W - E E x 32,8 x 32, E ------- UTILITY 8'X5' CONCRETE TC 35 35 x 342 GRASS � E 2.x POLE SEPTIC TAN E 5' LIQUID DEPTH 0 CO 3 3.9 TC 35 32.4 x x 31,6 /%pprIOXIED BY 3 A33, LPO 0 0 x 33,7 x 34.3 Ix 30,8 10' Dr 4 TC 33.5 0 Q� rLANtilliNG rOARD x 16' DEEP 8' 0" FOqKLIFT RAMP E ANIC C) CV GRASS,-- TO ASEMENT D .1�1 I C 411 TOWN Or- SOUTHOLD EP EXI'$TING GRASS MTE Z-7 TC 35 TC 34 1 SaFRY EXISTING i-7.oz-q -0 10' DIA 1STOR ASS ' GA AGE SANITARY TO 0 x 16' DEEP CONCRETE PRODU TI TC 34.5 1 14 13 BE REMOVED/ 41:� Z FERM TION BLD TC 35 GRAVEL TRASH/ 04 W 50' 0 = 5,200 SF , /V W x N SLA ONC. 1 TOOLS 8' DIA x 30,6 1:7 4�0 /..Z UJI K 0 4.0 LIP x 12' DEEP DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS (D TZ 0 F 35.0' TC 35 3.6 x z U-) ESIS NCE 1\ EP 1 0') 2 34.1 x LIP LU (0 0 _j 0 U 33.2 3 5 HYDROA TION o BUILDINGS < z CD AN400 Frame House - 1560 sf x 2" = 260 cf 260 cf/42.22 6/1 LF U) [,- NO WATER OR SANITARY 3 35.0 o 0 0 1 x 33.9 x TC 34 BOLLARDS 0 0 A Use (2) 8 foot diameter x 4 foot deep dry well (DW) - (0 T_ X30.,jcz LL (n - co 4 3'xTCONCRETE 41 Fermentation/ Production - 50'x 110' = 5500 sf x 2" = 916.7 cf 916.7cf/42.22 21.7 LF C/) CD CD 1 STORY EXISTING 0 (_A_� /EXISTING ui >< \\COVERED PAD FOR AIR PUMP 0 0 B Use (2) 8 ft dia x 12 foot deep U_ 0 STEEL BARN STORAGE �_ANDING 0 AND CONTROLS 0 VENT LINE WATER 0 M 60'X39'= 2,340 SF 1 0 SERVICE Metal Barn - 2340 sf x 2" = 397.8 cf 397.8/42.22 = 9.42 If 0� - ON SLAB X33, CID 12 11 AIR LINE C Use (2) 8 foot dia x 6 foot deep 0- 0 TC 33.5 9 8 1 2,0, ELECTRICAL UTILITY FF = 34.5' 6 T 7 CONCRETE 3 GRASS C 33 ONNECTIO POLE Garage - 700 sf x 2" = 116.6 cf 116.6/42.22 = 2.7 If RECEIVED 35 PAVER AND TC 33.5 x 7, CID C CM1 I W 3 9 D Use (1) 8 foot dia x 4 foot deep 0 DRIVE OVER 0 0 0 0 '29 6' W NOTE: EXCAVATE DOWN 10' OR GOOD SAND AND JUN 2 5 2024 0 TO 23'HOI E CURB n W W BACKFILL WITH SAND AND GRAVEL TYPICAL 'own x 33,1 - - I Q - (D 0 -S.. Planning Board /;zs Q TC 37.5 < 4-2:7 WALKWAYS & TERRACES co 0 -1 (zi 3'x3' CONCRETE x 33,1 X x 33. PAD FOR AIR PUMP 44i GRAT J .7 x 0 Irz, x J3.2 33.6 T KI AND CONTROLS ('V kQ� 0 cc West of Buildings = 2860 sf x2"= 476.6 cf 476.6 cf/42.22 11.3 LF 'V11 r,�bz .� I Q C. F use (1) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep DW I L1.7 x 33 3 F TC 33 Tc 33 k3o D, x32 AIR LINE GRAVEL X32.7 G - FORK LIFT RAMP 12' X 120' = 1 ,440sf 1,440sf x 4" 480cf 480cf 42.22 11.37 L 0 3 0 ELECTRICAL 0 Use (1) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep 01 0 0 CONNECTION IN 0 3 1 GRASS HYDR CTION 0 0 CONDUIT 1 0 0 81 0 x PARKING DRAINAGE I AN4 0 x 12' DEE L _J 2 L L _J x 32,5 C) (H) - DRIVEWAY 200' x30' x2" = 1 ,100cf 0) 40' x 30' x 2" = 200cf I\ EP 32,8 x GRASS x 31.6 1* x 313 BOLLARDS 0 30' x60' x2" = 300cf 32 N 9 Pavers 100' x 15' x 2" = 250cf -------------------------------& 0 12" CHANNEL DRAIN (�c 7x r2 5- TC S72-5 ELEV 32.0 A 2 CATCH 1850cf/ 42.22cf/ft = 43.82cf 1,850 cf DRAWN BY: JF JP N 16032136" W PROPOSED TC 32.5 31.6 BASIN Use: (4) 8'dia x 12' deep DW GRADE A 380- 0010-A. EDGE OF .................. (1) - PARKING 70' x 70' x 2" 816.67cf JUNE 18, 2024 bil _B EDGE OFIDAVEMENT 816.67cf/42.22cf/ft = 19.34' MILL 5' A ALT APRON PROPOSED Use: (4) 8'dia x 1 O' Cleep = 40' DW GRADE (J) - PARKING 40' x 30' x 2" 200cf SCALE: AS NOTED UTILITY 200cf/42.22cf/ft = 47 SHEET NO: Use: (1) 8'dia x 8' deep DW SITE PLAN x 30.4 5 SCALE: 1 20' OWNER: S 18°33'51" E Lo 6,) 1� 2185.76' POUND — ��— —' MONUMENT ,�(i���� �� �� �� �� �� �� b +'+ + X 35.7 T 1t �� t 30 3 3L1 + + + + + + + + + + r + + r + r + I I + + 331 368 3616 f I 6- I I I , I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I t 1 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ► 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 N Q ''� 1 f I I I f I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I ► ► ► ' r l r l r l l l l l l ► 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 N,J LAND NOW OR I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I f I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! 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They may not be EDGE OF:„��';,L,• to �� 'iw / 5=5N EDO_E IF' IV INT MILL LANE - � ' - _ ' ""` used or reused in whole or in part, except in connection with this Lae' e�L LF IAoe+Lei --A project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. PAVEMENT MILL LANE---�----J /p -- -- �, fiiYfZ..,RAVEMFNT 'POLETY C 2023 Xlao --- 1 .3 S 17 52 31 E ------------------------ - - - - ------ ------ ----- -- -7 HYDRANT ----------------- ------------------1424_17'-------------------------------------------------------- Ja`��..�� ,PATE FiYE SUBMISSIOPJs CLOUD WITH REVISION DELTA 1 --------------------1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE N0. REMARKS --------------------------- , ______ 12.01 D022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED E 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING BOARD ----------------------� ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -- --- - - ---- --- -- -- J I -- - l 08.15.2023 3 PLANWIG BOARD --------------------------------------------------------------------31,�------------� - .�,-� - - � I I 10.16.2023 4 PLANNING BOARD --11 AA'' vv q 278 X REFERENCE WITH CIRCLE - _____ l ) A_XX.O 11.22.2023 5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT --------- - - 197 20.a ____________________________________________________"-------- _ _ _ 01.08.2024 6 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS ------------------------------------------------------------ ____ ------------ - 01.17.2024 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT ` __TAX.MAP-IQM--1117='L'L-1Q______________ 02.05.2024 8 PLANNING BOARD MEETING __________________________________-- �-------4Tg'M0-FSWTFMUaD.EVELOPMEN-T-13nFiTSJ_________------------ DATUM 02.21.2024 9 UPDATED FOR LPC APPROVAL ------------------------------------ 5 '1' 10' (AP�'A�2€.�I-T1J.SE:.AGRJ�l1L'Cl1RA1.�-- - 03.21.2024 11 TOWN MEETING ------------------------------------ PARCEL ( ---------------- --' 03.29.2024 12 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL ----------------------------------- ------------------�'24'8779-qM7-- --------- OL - DIMENSION CENTERLINE 04.04.2024 13 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT ---------------------------------- 9B ---------------- t4-34acrc�s--------------------------� - -- -------- --- -_ _ _ _ _ ' S O4.09.2024 14 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL ---------- 17,7 -- -- I ' - - 04.17.2024 I 15 100% CD ---------------------------------- 80 ------------------------------------------------J ^ ^ 05.16.2024 16 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL ---------------------- ----------------------_ 05.22.2024 17 ISSUED BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL ----------- - ---------------------- __ a ALIGN 05.22.2024 18 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT --------------------- ------------ ------------------------- _____________________--- 05.23.2024 19 ANNINGBOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL ------------------- 4B ® \ / - - -------------------------------------------- •- .- 161 OVER ALL SITE NOT INCLUDED 29 b IN SCOPE OF WORK 1:100' ` 462.92' N 15001'39"W ._ ._ - - I LIST OF DWGS LOCATION PLAN NTS ABBREVIATIONS DOB BM: SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE ---------- — --- -- - ------- - -ADJ. Acoustical CONC. Concrete EXT. Exterior GALV. Galvanized 0. Masonry Opening Relocate STOR. Storage _- V.I.F. j _Verify in__F_ie_ld ACOU_S. LL' Ad'ustable CONSTR. Construction F.A. Fire Alarm G.B. Grab Bar MTD. Mounted STRL. Structural W West J - ------ -- --- - - ----------- -RAD -----radius A-000.00 TITLE SITE PLAN A.F.F. Above Finish Floor CONT. Continuous -_--- - F.B_ Flat Bar G.C. General Contractor MUL. Mullion _ - R.D._____--Roof-Drain SUSP. Suspended W With AGGR. Aggregate CORR. Corridor F.D. Floor Drain GL. Glass/glazing N.I.C. Not in Contract SYM. Symmetrical A-001.00 SITE PLAN PROPOSED — --- ---- -- — _.________.__REF _Reference-__ Ym _w.0 _ water Closet__ AL. Aluminum CTSK. Countersunk �FDNFoundation - GND. Ground e. or # Number _ _ 1ZEFR. Refrigerator TRD. Tread Wp, Wood- VINES ON MILL ------- ----------- - ----- APPROX. Approximate CNTR. Counter F.E. Fire Extinguisher __ GR. Grade NOM. Nominal T.B. Towel Bar 16505 MAIN RD A-111.00 FLOOR ROOF PLAN ELEVATIONS ---------- - --- ------- - - -g — -------- - ____RGTR- 1Zegister_.___ J_W/0 Without -- - -------------- ARCH. Architectural CTR. Center F.E.C. -Fire Extinguisher Cab GYP. Gypsum N.T.S. Not to Scale --REINF�-Reinforced T.C. Top of Curb W_P. Waterproof ASB. Asbestos DBL. Double F.H.C. Fire Hose Cabinet H.B. _Home Bid O.A. Overall TEL. Tele hone MATTITUCK, NY 11952 A-112.00 PROPOSED WINERY OFFICE FLOOR PLAN ------ -- — — -- - - -- -- - -REQ D_- Required-_-_ _-- _ ._- P__ WSCT. Wainscot _ BD. Board_ DEPT. De artment H.C. Hollow Cab OBS. Obscure P FIN. Finish EQUD.—Required-_-__ TER._ Terrazzo_ WT. We_ight _ BLDG. Building D.F. Drinking Fountain HDWD. Hardwood O.C. On Center A-113.00 PHOTOMETRIC — _ 9 _9 FL._ Floor �ESIL.____FZesilient-_.__-__.__._ T._&G. Tongue and Groove ELEV. Elevator BLK. Block DET. Detail FLASH-.—Flashing �DWE.-- Hardware O.D. Outside Diameter Dim. THK. ThickElectrical_ _ _ - ------- - - ------ N1✓T----Aoilow-T1eTal - M Room ___ EP Panel t` BLKG. Blocking DIA. Diameter FLUOR. Fluorescent__ OFF. Office �,0._—Row h O enin T.P_ - - Top-of Pavement EXIST. Existin DEVELOPMENT -- — ------------ ---- g SHEET TITLE BM. Beam DIM. Dimension F.O.C. Face of Concrete HORIZ. Horizontal OPNG. Opening South T.P.D. Toilet Paper Dispenser EQUIP. E ui ment DEVELPMENT SITE - - - --- --- -- - --- -- --- -- ----------- --- ------Toilet_ --- ------ - SITE BOT. Bottom DISP. Dispenser F.O.F. Face of Finish Hour OPP. Opposite S.C. Solid Core elevision MECH. Mechanical -- - e of - --------- - - - — id - -------- T.V.T.- --- l ..,.., GT.-_-Heighf--- - - B.T.B. back to back DN. Down F.O.S. Face of Studs _ PRCST._ Precast S.D. Soap-Dispenser _T.W. Top of Wall MISC. Miscellaneous TITLE 411 LN Cabinet DWR. Drawer FPRF. Fireproof INSUL. Insulation PL. Plate SECT. Section TYP. Typical EQ Equal --- -- ------ --CAB.--------- - ----- T. Tterior-- --C.B. Catch Basin D.O. Door Opening F.S. Full Size P.LAM. Plastic_Laminate UNF. _ Unfinished _ CEM. Cement DR. Door FT. Foot or Feet LAB. Laborator PLAS. Plaster S.C.D. Seat Cover Dispenser U.O.N. Unless Otherwise_ Noted _ -- -- - ---- �- - -- - -y-- -- ---- -- -- -- --- CER. Ceramic DWG. Drawings LAM. Laminate _ PLYWD. Plywood I SH. Shelf UR Urinals PROJECT No: 2121 NORT ----- ------- - - F.T. Fire Treated - --- y -- - -t - - ------------- - — C C C.I. Cast Iron _ Each LAV. Lavator _PR. Pair g ,y DRAWING BY: sm f F1C. Fong Y --_ - j-SCHED. Schedule V.C.T. Vinyl Composition Tile _ _ EN J.co fj CLG. Ceiling J. expansion Joint LKR. Locker PT. Point SHR. Shower VERT. Vertical `��Fti CHK BY: go 9 FURR. Furring L) g -----FL- -- evation DWG Na --- ---------------- -- CLO. Closet FOCI-_Furnish_and_Insta LT. Light P.T.D. Paper Towel Dispenser SHT. Sheet VEST. Vestibule _ t - ----- CLR. Clear ELEC. --- ElecfricaT---- Maximum P.T.D R Combination Paper Towel SIM. Similar A�000�oo ------- —-- ----- -- --FUT.- MAX.T.-----Future_ / — p - - --- --- - - COL. Column GA. Gauge M.C. Medicine Cabinet Q.T. Quarry Tile --- 19 2213e �Q' CADO FILE No: 4� I VINES ON MILL OWNER: I 16505 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NY 11952 BUILDING USE BUILDING FRONT PARKING EASEMENT LINE TAX MAP NO 1000-115-02 2.4 SIZE SF HEIGHT GFA SET BACK REQUIRED PROVIDED FOUNDATION WALL I ExISTING ZONING: AGRICULTURAL(AC) 4"z4" 8" SLAG ON GRADE MIN. 24" ! LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(R-80) EXISTING BLDG EMPLOYEE OFFICE 1,630 2 STORY 1,630 OFFICE(1,200 SF)200SF= 6 WOOD POST — DEVELOPMENT LOT AREA: 2.06 ACRES(89733.6 SF) 6 1-1/4"SLOT - i /,% '"%",%, a ° a ° PROPOSED: NEW BLDG:SF 5,200 SF ACCOYA WOOD ° d © 4"POST ° ° d d Xxl Xxl �I �x �x EXISTING BLDG:1,630 SF+2,430 SF EXISTING BLDG STORAGE 60'X39' 2,430 1 STORY 2,430 STORAGE © ACCOYA WOOD ° \//\//\//\/\//\� TOTAL 9,260 SF /\//\//\�/ 1 PRODUCTION 1 PER 200SF DESIGN/ARCHITECT: = - -/-/=:, PRODUCTION/FERMEN 50 X110 5,200 30-1 STORY 5,200 100 =9(1,800 SF(PRODUCTION 9 9,260/89733.6=10.3%(LOT COVER) NEW BLDG TATION/STO RAG E AREA)/200 SF) d ° \ FRONI YARD SET BACK: MIN. 100 FEET FROM RIGHT-OF-WAY a NO MORE THAN 60 LI N EAR FEET OF SLOPE FOR DRAINAGE ANCHOR /// // // / / ° \ \ \V'\\ \\ 9,260 10.30% 9,260 15 ' _ TO CONCRETE I \/\/ ° ° / // CODE 280-50 FRONTAGE ON ONE STREET TOTAL SF COVER LOT TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED �//� HEIGHT: MAX.OF 35' ° d ° d° ory �j/\\j/\\ ° d ° 77 GLEN COBEN I ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC FOOTING 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 4 �Si P. FE emX:212:glen@ 1033 email:glen@glenandcompany.com :1/2"=1'-0" / CIVIL ENGINEER: _� JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. PARCELS TO BE MERGED, / � PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER INTERNAL LOT LINES / �� PROFESSIONAL SOUTHOLINEER 971 TO BE ELIMINATED ,r 631-765-2954 Q ' • c� FOOTING SHALL BE BUILT 6"AWAY FROM w STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: EASEMENT LINE. REFER TO DETAIL DWG. DILANDRO ANDREWS ENGINEERING, PLLC 158 COUNTY RD 39 SUITE 10 — 33.9 SOUTHAMPTON,NY 11968 -....- . 2 9 7 631-259-3959 �'--• — •►•�. �.,�— S 16 32 36" E 31,6 _ 3 5 r .� • r . r r r r r ♦� r r r . • • r r r T. --------_____ . .araaa • • rrrrrrr rr — — — 3 - r r r X 380.00' 32 8 a r` `. r ..`r r r r • r a r � \ -' -' r _ _ OA. EXISTING ` T r T " —11 + x i r . . r' LOADING N G N r r r r r r r r r r r _ --z - - - --�— —,_ .- - r r . . a --a r r a r r .'1` 27'-10" r a r a r r r r r r • r r r r a a a a r r - - • . . a'a aaa . • 3 `�` CRUSH PA 3,9 \ o r`. r r a a r . . . r r r r`r' `a a' . a r rrr ' ` r r . . r r r`r' 'a•. a rrr` ` r , rrr arar r r . r . .33,9 . . r r r r r a a . r r r r r TE rIR I` . r r r r rr •X3r 3`r . . . . r r . r • a r r a UTI�I;iY POLE 1 UNDER RO F COVER a rr rrrr rr = r . rr • a r r rrr r r rrr rr r . a _ — — — — — — — r r r . r . r a r r . r . r . • . . r . aaa . rra 'MAPC . r • UTILITY r r r r r .• a r — - - - a r r r a a rxr a r Y I- _ 3'� r r r r r a r r r r • r r r � r - r a r r'x32.8r r r • r • r r r • r ,, rr r rr . . . . rrrra • rr . `.'. . . . ` ` r • r ra r I 10° rr r r • rr rrrr rr .'r`rr r '. . r r PO LE E -� r r r rrr a a r a CON / I ` 4-' r . .•1 . rarrrrra rr .'rr aaa ' • . , CRE1�E �� a • a • .�FtA3S rrrrrr r r r r r a r r a a r r r r r r r r r r ar r r rrrrrrrrrrr . . a agar r rrrrrrrr r r -z� r • • rrrr • rrrrr a�. ra �I L3:; I . N I \ %: +,% arar . . . . rrrrrra r . r .. r ra . . r rrarrra`a`a`r rrrra r cnI i, �r rr . araaarrrr a - rra ' • r . rrrrrr r rrr rrrrrrr rrrr r DEVELOPMENT OF RIGHTS ARE - . ... . . . . . . . . C) I • - - • . r . r r . • r . , rrr . . . r I , I r`�•rrr • . . . . . r rra rrrr . rrr . rr . aa . r rrr INTACT FOR PORTION OF LOT 2.4 I --- O • - r - - - • X �.�. r-r - . . r r r r r r r -n l I \ r rrrr .X. r r a r a r a r . .•• a I O r r r+ + yr a r r r ` `32r4' `•'. r ` ` r r r r r . r rp x3 r r • 33,9 I x 33,� rrr r a r r r ` °.' r ' NORTH r`r r r r r r r x33,7 O �l - - — r r a r r • rr`r .`•`r'•`• r •'r •' '.'r`r`r`r`r r r r °' •. '. r r 'r a r`r `�`. . r r`a`r a`r < " 1 / . . .` ` '`' ' _ `r r`r r`r`. r r r . . r`r`r r r r °` r r a r r . a a a3,6 . . . r r r a O I\ a •'a a ':.'�' 'r a a a . _ _ . a129:= r • r • r a •r . 'ar'arrr` �` � Q . —nl .. MECHANICALr}. r`rararrr � • rraa .`r01- GRAS — - �l r ..__. r • a . . . . . . .rj• 171 X` 3 m �I PAD FENCE I N I �•� r • r r °•r `I r . . . • • cn o O �I EXISTING r . . . . . rrr . . r a a a r 'r °` arar . a r r `r '. r r ' r D+. <I : . — 76-7 I r r r •STE`TpE • a`r a r .'1 STORY . cps ` 1 All legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design r .`A• SCAN+AR8JD �/�ITA `" patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and Ions shown on this 1 ST RY CI_ 1T1 I _ _ — _ _ J M` ;/ P 9 9 9 P L0 ' `r`.`r' r r zz 2 rl X /. N , • r �• .a a document are the property of Glen Coben Architecture &Design PLLC, C� WIN RY Gf2AS` GARAGE °4° J and were developed for use sole) on this project. The may not be Q / `' or r % Z P Y P 1 Y Y cv ` ` ' r ` ` `� / r 15 °` `°e°+ r used or reused in whole or in part, except in connection with this r !T1 rrr 14 13 r r r r r r N O I t� - Q , • r • - • PRO UCTI�N � • • • • • • -`�,� r O project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. J' ` ` ` ` ` `•` CONCR TE FER F' -i1' I GRAVEL o TRASH/ ` r ' r ' ` ` Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. . . .`.` `rrrr rrrr ` �j _iJTATION A� N - rrr • • r .'a`r`r`a'• arra'a ` °' rr Q Q c2023 I. 'I - 50'X110'= �' z �` I 30' / TOOLS r Xr3fl �' a r r . r I 0l `i 9 . r �`�" O �+ r a 9+ • I . x 5,20 SF ON �I 1 <"� P �:; a d<.• • a` r .X 31,S.•. • r oe° ` rrrr o Qom' L� suBMlsslolJs -- • r LIP ' TYP. 6 rP,.�` r��a +` j• r .— .=. r +—. 34,G FF=3 ' _ a� I ( 34 1 x °PT • E• .`+`+ r 4 -r r .+r .r. -. a .±� O DATE N0. REMARKS . . . . . a . . . a rar • rrrr I X ESIS ICE 2 I 33z 3 ,5 E `• rrr . . r • rr . . • .'�` a a • a �v Q� -- •'• a • r`.`. I 20 — — — — J R • r ' - y-• • / 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED ` �� 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING BOARD .' ` r ` a'•`r r r `a`•`• r a r r I 135 0 x N ' r'. r r r .,. .r. -aIT 08.15.2023 3- PLANNING BOARD + .r r r .r . r r a a r . . . r a a r I P• g' y r` • •r o a r r r-,GLASS .r r °f" 10.16 2023 4 PLANNING BOARD r x 3, 9 30'_b" — - 9' 5 • • a a• • • •r•- ` , 11.22,2023 5 BUILDING_DEPARTMENT f x 33.5 r/ 01.17.2024 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT 4 TYP a -• ` ` • + r •+• •` r r . ` ` • ` + + +••r 01.08.2024 6 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS Irr I ' li �' • rr rrrr . . rrrr . . r r` ----- --- O 02.05.2024 8 PLANNING BOARD MEETING COVERED I % ' r a UPDATED FOR LPC APPROVAL 'r' I LANDING / rJ XL1 `v q• . r r r . r r a SITaftt r oz.21.2oz4 s _ . r I a ` r r r r r r r UTILITY r 12 11 1 0 9 $ - • O ` 23•,. • •C��-` • a B 02.21.2024 10 ISSUED FOR PRICING 7 •O - •E`� gri- • T 03.21.2024 11 TOWN MEETING 03.29.2024 12 + -. �. 6 - - • ` n% • r Y.`.• POLE PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL . . .` CONCRETES. GRASS �r r • . x r `�?. • •Q�, *` --- " 3`9 04.04.2024 13 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS �' ` ` '.` ` PAVER AND ` ' �� ` 23>> ` ` ± �� • 04.09.2024 14 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL _ (� 2g.61 0417.2024 15 100% CD ---------_� \\ / DRIVE OVER • ` • ' ' ' - ' ` ` ` • • • ` - *•'+ t •• `• 04.22. 4 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL SHALL BE PROVIDED AND I ` . — `-;• - •- , . ..-.,, a .'a•. a • . . r . .• ;r 202 16 MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURB . . . . . r . r a a ` • • • a a 05_16.2024 17 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL r r r SECTIONS � RASS` _C I O 05.22.2 4 NS503.1.1THROUGH503.1.3 . rrra � � . rrr . . ar . . rrrrrara q R� 02 18 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT '• �`3,1` ', r r r a`r a a`r` ` 'X` �." x 3 r r r r r . a r e O�� Q '�R` 05.23.2024 19 PLAf1fJING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL . . .r.rr." rra r r r • r`r r r - :�- A - r` r • r r`r r a r`r` N � ,` d �, o a r r r r • r r r • r r I A r • r r 7• a r'a - ` `r `r r .X,33. a rg,• .'• a ' `x'J O� •X� r .. r r N Q / r .cGNc '. r r •' � I . . . - I`rrr r . . rrrr ` rrrr r ra " A . . . r`•`. .`r' rr . r . r3Q �. ', x3 �a'r` `B� • r r'• -� a r r a`.�r .�•-•_r rar ra a a • r:�` ' �w` p-o —` Py `. . . . . . `. ` 2" RECEIVED r r ` - a . r r r r r r . r • r . . . . • ,I[•k:' • •, . 'g`. \ 'a` r°�P ; r°-, -`.• - •`a' a r r r r . .'+'. ra rc2'.•• r :'�r` a r . rrr . . rrrr rrr r • • I� EE ` �. r r a r . . GRAVEL r r r� ' r r r a a r JUN 0 4 202� r `arrrarrrrrr . rrraaa rar rrr rr r • rr • • rarrr r r r a .0 r r ` `r`r r 1 'r`r' r rr a r a • r .' r r .'• r' ` %, ;' t Doh BSCIW: . . . . ' r rrrrra • rrrrrrrr r rr rararraaa I r a r . . . ra rarrrrrrra . . . r . . rrrrrraa . . . SoutholdTown r r r r r . r r r r 'r r r r r r r r r r • - r r r „ - r r /��,`r r r r r r Planning Board r r rr I r rr r r r a ra r a 9 rr arr . rrr rrr . rrrr `r'rrrrrrrrrrr r r r r r a • r �n r r r r r r r r`7�. a a a a r r r • • .r aC,RASSr I r r r • r r a r .',' o rar rrr r G• r arr ra arrr • r .aa • r • raaaraa . . . aaa • r a rr • raa r .rarr • ar rrr . • • a • • r ` ` P o • - r • ',Lr• r r r w r a r a r a r ++ �..` yr a/ r r 't� `• r r r r x I `r a s aGRAS�.'.'r'.' r r ` ` r r r r r r a < . ` ,r`a'a`rr z '•' . 'r r ar ar 1 R `ter r a r r r r r r •aa':`:`r•r`r•r•: �. ` I =' a .�, . r r , , TR a � MAPLEr'a r . r r r r a r . r a r r r r rra ,� . • =� '.'r` r Y`B11ZC �'X` ` GLASS r' a r31+ r . arr r rr • aNr r r . r I a . r rrrr rraaa ar r . rra a . . . r . • \� • r a • r r r r r r +. r r r 30' r`a` • ' .`a - `a" , . `r` rrr . rrr `a `rr rrrrra r . r rrr .' rr . . JR I TR ' • r` 'aa'r ` r ' rrrr • r . r ` � ,�� r . r - - . r' r`r` a`r` r VINES ON MILL x • . rrra . . arrrrrr rrrrrrrr`� rrrr r �`.PI ar rr rar . r ` / .`� „may` ' ''rrt'�r • . .`•'. r`•`r`. r ` r • r`.`a' I `r` .`r '. r'r • . a • ` `• ''°.P`° r - Ir•• CE., ` ` ` 16505 MAIN RD a. . . . . . . . . .rrrr r ���.�:`= ��-r- - '= : :;:: . a a r r . . i • . . •'.' •r • r r . . :� :/ CATCH ` ` ' ` ' . ' ` ' . ' `'_""T"'"�a:' _- ' ' ` ' .. OXI� r MATTITUCK NY 11952 " " BASIN arrrrrr .` a . . rrrr . ra rr r rrr rrrrrrrarrrraaarar •_` rrrr , rrrrrr . aa' r . rrr rrrr r . rrrr rrr _ _ . rrra rr . rr r• aaa . rr rar . r rra .._ r r r . . r r r r r r r . r ::.;. :�nl;'r . r . r • . . :• W`:`:': .�=: r r r r r r • • r r . r • r • r r `. r r r . r a r a r . r."dt�\r' . .� r • r' r . r =`@�`'•��`+�'•,r '•.�T�1'�!� r � r r 'a`r r r • r a r rr r r a�rr1C°�.I'36 a` ar r r r r 1, 1 a s r . .. .. a r a . . . . . r . r'�N r r . . . r . r r r r . \ a • r r r a . . r r • r r r r a r r . . r :FOUNrD -. rr • rrraraarar • aarara . ... . ra • • . . ra • a . . rrrr .'. rrr r r . r . r r rrrrarrarrrr a•a r rr r .' . r • ` ` r EDGE OF PAVEMENT - `M O PJ Uiv E N T 0 1 O 0 SNEET TITLE \.. FIRE HOSE EDGE OF PAVEMENT n n I _. --CONCRETE AP��N 15610 SITE PLAN MILL L .� vC \ Y PROPOSED _..... .-._. UTILITY _EDGE OF_PAVEMENT --�- - " \ __ —————————— / POLE 1�— 1 RC & SIGNATURE PROJECT No: 2121 — — I Y: sm �� BEN Bic �F Cl BY: gc DWG Na 30.4 PROPOSED SITE PLAN - GRATE , �r A-001.00 SCALE:1"=20' FIRE (P �r� 22' �`t CADO FILE No: HYDRANT �O I ti OWNER: T T 3 T 5 6 6 7 OR OF ROOF -- - - - - - - - 3I o-or-$ — — - - I I STANDING SEAM DESIGN/ARCHITECT: I i Rf-01 O „ GUTTER BOTTOM OF R F p<=" ti• •,,�, N,�,;�x�T�r�xr�� I - __ I � I I I II I II I ^:�f...,�. "•i J a .. I I SIDING C`CZ .4 C.',`C y.✓�S."4. ;:-4�`ti�1 I I i 'll I' ' ' +'�`4i,i•i /7,�.. ''=>M,- ')a`_i.SlvAt - III I I - - , ��� ,•`�:{,•:'�-, � ITT 01 I 'I ! �`` ' .� TRIM I( I I I'll' I I I CBE, GLEN CO BEN III �r ® ARCHITECTURE + AR TORE DESIGN, PLLC TOP OF CURB mot" VINES ON MILL ` } - 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 ' , TEL:212 689 2779 0'-0" Y = — FAX:212 689 1033 GROUND 1 0 I email:glen@glenandcompany.com CIVIL ENGINEER: �n,Y2!TON WEST JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. A-111,00 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 631-785-2954 G E D C A G T D C A 8 8 — — I — — — — STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: -- - I 50' 0" — - DILANDRO ANDREWS T T B T ENGINEERING, PLLC TOP OF ROOF I _ I CRU H PAD LOADING SO COUNTYON 39 SUITE 10 3� TRIM LL4A�CRAEIIm-YFWD - ---- I 631-259-3959 _ SOUTHAMP N,NY 11968 rmairs Igli TIli1Q MEP WK ru e m x aeo-vrt uo I rxx„rs urrt ,:a rnm wra. WD-01 - I 14 BOTTOM. 020 - - RECEIVED 7 — — ;w SIDING MAY 2 4 2024 -- O - - - WD-02 � T � — I Southold Town TRIM I I I =- I I Planning Board i Z - I TOP 0 F CURBS I -- -------- ---- �, GROUND O NORTH -1=0 I I --------------- �E — — — — — I O ss — — — — — — - - — P UP I. . Y , ��`� _ ' �•'�� � , �• _ DIN yION SOUTHO potent rights, in the deli ns, arrangements and plans shown on this ,� ment are the propery of Gen Architecture& Design PLLC, P . x, ,• I I � I I o da uI - ,,,,vii � , I I / and were developed for use solely on this project. They may not be > Syr•6;.41 — used or reused in whole or in part, except in connection with this I�h }Z• A fit, I O I project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Compony. i_I W Glen Coben Architecture & Desi n, PLLC. ( Z N 9 Y Q c 2023 .}t ,�? 1� � .+ "t� A o c I — -- -- ---- I / ¢ PRODUCTION ( Q m \ Q O O o SUBMISSIONS Y - - TOP OF RO.OFrI . •' Y_ uancs mecso-suE wo '-_ Q Q a_ 1. " : r+ 30 O — ma rs uan .a pnx w x I U H U TRIM ur a mw s m i er�sue ao tye 9 �a rt8. T * rmxxrsuar�u¢pmwe \ I DATE NO. REMARKS r i A... - �$ .' J #_r. • , _ _z • 5 - -- -- - / J Azi 12,01.2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED .d t•'•__ f _ st; Y 1 _ - .., � `,R. .-t ,r ` - f = 'e,' ? '•'.e�, . g t. ��, ;� + 45 -  - — = - ---- 5 -o I - 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING 4. j a •.II e i _. _i i1_ �f ~s'� .`�° .y •� r — ! w �� —o I 0 G BOARD yew, I 12 I I I ( 1 / " 0 08.15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD BOTTOM. OF ROOF — \ / CANNING BOARD 20-0'- I I / O / l CAT ALK 11.22.2023 5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT a ,a,_„. ._.,.. • �` n -!` I o \ 3 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS 01.08.2024 6 - 01.17.2024 7 SUED FOR DOB PERMIT 4 } T -111.00 1 --w....' - PLANNING BOARD MEETING EYE wnsH 1 2.01 2024 9 I ,F -1. - - — "-•.-.,.�.: . ow I;n 02.2 . UPDATED FOR LPC APPROVAL r.•;•r SIDING A 1100 � -- - -9 _ _ 1 RI E 0 DN 02,21.2024 10 ISSUED FOR PRICING .4 1• „ _ .zF° Fu WD 02 I k FY TRIM - - - - I 03,21.2024 11 TOWN MEETING �.�• ;w :ti ,,ff.. '` .`� ' rp. a,• Rom. — \ REVISED FOR APPROVAL ND-01 03.29.2024 12 BOARD - *"' c, `:nSk ,x., g., 3', fy :4,i: p.# ,<.•e '9 sau,.,n.F .,, rr ,t a"•.; ,.✓"a ,,,. - _ � `o PLANNING ';, - '1, <' ;'�.�`.•,h.�„i°;' `v'+a'.,.«. ^ ,y` ,k't'.. a �' ..d'�'°' .,i" I I 4 — — - --- — — — — — — 4. 4 4 , `'a' o"t r- `s. ",.s:.," A ��'•' •:A ,;Y".,�, ten, „'._ `' .. '�;pm ' w+9'"°•,:y:" - 4 co —— — 0 0 ,202 13 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT .a, `R 14•' '•`08 '-3 .ry a* 1°; �,,:..4 ;3, „5 °`?`"+..:'_'. i r,i-::.:. I - - Fa 04.09.2024 14 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL --- - 04.17.2024 15 100% CD ---- - OFFICE I I 04.22.2024 16 1 PLANNING BOARD REVISED TOP OF CURB - --- II SED FOR APPROVAL - - -` -- -d-• STORAGE - ""` "' H "' • - ar • - 0'-0" V I I I 05.16.2024 17 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL GR -0 — — — — 05.22.2024 18 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT 05.23.2024 19 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL BARREL t - - CE LAIR HID EA 1,2 SIF In Ulu a 1 3 ( ) - - - - - - = I - - — - - I - - TOP 0 0 �- - - - -- H - VA El STANDING - I i I T NDING SEAM I I PWDr�.T I -I I I I I GUTTER — — — i I I — I 2 F I I I ,.,,•�: — BOTTOM, 0 ROOF I II I c„ I lid—�0 9 : VINES ON MILL , I - , I :<>k .<'.'.:r' 16505 MAIN RD I III i � �,y �':'g< ,;.• ` ,�,: I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - illI st, w+• 'Li'"° d,'sr' I MATTITUCK NY 11952 I SIDING ' I j .v :I I F,^ I ° I 1 ,fix r � a I I , I I F TRIM I B I I I G � r l.- ..f 1 II I ® SKEET 1IU TOP OF CURB O O O 0 0, GRGR O I I FLOOR ROOF PLAN ELEVATIONS -,��RED A�cy SEAL & SIGNATURE PROJECT No: 2121 G�SN J.CO& �). RED AR DRAWING BY: sm PRODUCTION EAST ROOF PLAN w � � � � e�aF"ti%�, GHK BY: 9c 3 1ST FLOOR P LAN `� °""G No. SCALE:3/32"= 1'-0" � SCALE:3/32"= 1'-0" 1 t°"� • 1 ' t" * SCALE:3/32"= 1'-0" A-111,00 22136 4Q� �OP IN CADO FILE No: OWNER: DESIGN/ARCHITECT: GLEN COBEN ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 FAX:212 689 1033 _ email:glen@glenandcompany.com t I I CIVIL ENGINEER: ENCLOSED r a ,I I I JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. PORCH ( , U N EXCAVATED I PROF ESSIONAL ENGINEER BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 631-765-2954 I ® REF. STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: STORAGE — — — — — _ I ( I DILANDRO ANDREWS PERGOLA OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO ABOVE I ENGINEERING, PLLC I I •, I 158 COUNTY RD 39 SUITE 10 PERGOLA I I I I ` ( I I SOUTHAMPTON,NY 11968 e 631-259-3959 DW EMPLOYEE: ® I BREAK R OMI I CRAWL SPACE RECEIVED °' PATIO i � ! :I i. : I 20Z4 I ( e. I I d I SOL1ti 1� Town Planning Board UP I I y I DN I i it i l it p l l II M N II I I I --- - -- -- — — — - _ - - _ — _ I NORTH -- e. A. A STORAGE ; �• I � : .I CL, , CONFERENCE I : .I ROOMI I All legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design BATH I I patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and plans shown on this I ' document ore the property of Glen Coben Architecture & Design PLLC, HALLI BATH # 1 I I ! I used and wor6reused developed whole orn port, exc solely on eptP n lconnecl on with this ect. They may not be 4' ( I project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. I' I Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. W D I' , I I % I c 2023 t I I I I' • '{ SUBMISSIONS DATE NO. REMARKS 12.01.2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED BATH #2 _ _ _ _ _ _ 108.10.2023 3 PLANNI lG BOARD I ( I I 10.16.2023 4 PLANNING BOARD UNFINISHED CELLAR I I 11.22.2023 5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT ® Is=ems i 01.08.2024 6 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS 01.17.2024 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT tY I I 02.05.2024 8 PLANNING BOARD MEETING —— _ 0 I 02.21.2024 9 UPDATED FOR LPC APPROVAL _ --- — 0 I L I 1 I a 'I 02_21 2024 10 ISSUED FOR PRICING STORAGE MEETING _ o I �: DN 03.21.2024 11 TOWN MEETING -- - ROOM _ I I 03.29.2024 12 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL m • .,;. •a 04,04.2024 13 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT -- • 04.09.2024 14 PLANN'NG BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL 04.17.2024 15 100% CD I UP ( I 04.22.2024 16 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL OFFICE I I ENTRY OFFICE I I - I ( I 05.16,2024 17 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL 05.22.2024 18 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT ( tl I 05.23.2024 19 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL 16 -- --- --- - -- --- COVERED PORCH I UNEXCAVATED I - _ J' I DOB B,: 0 0 0 - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i- - _ ,- - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - -. � - - _ _ =J NAM SECOND FLOOR PLAN r� FIRST FLOOR PLAN FOUNDATION PLAN VINES ON MILL 3 — 11 L II — II 1 If _ 11 11 16505 MAIN RD 3/ 1 b — 1 -0 3/ 1 b — 1 -0 3/ 1 6 — 1 -0 MATTITUCK, NY 11952 SHIM MBE PROPOSED WINERY OFFICE FLOOR PLAN PROJECT No: 2121 o�� �� DRAWING BY: sm CHK BY: gc DWG Na A-112.00 22136 0F Rf` `�� CADO FILE No: OWNER: NOTES VOM SITE LIGHTING SCHEDULE CALCULATION SUMMERY CAL TYPE UNIT MAX MIN AVG LEGEND LOCATION CITY FIXTURE VOLTAGE(V) LLF FIXTURE IMAGE NOTES LUMENS FIXTURE DESCRIPTION WATT MOUNTING ILLUMINANCE FC 3.7 Oro 0.17 MANUFACTURER MODEL# (W) HEIGHT TOTAL LUMENS: 8624 TOTAL AREA TO BE ILLUMINATED:36,000 SF - FOOT CANDLE VALUE MUST NOT EXCEED 5 FOOT CANDLES SELUX LIGHTING AST1- PER SOUTHFOLD TOWN CODE CHAPTER 12 172. XL1 PARKING 1 R1-1-5G225-30-UNV(Prorated LED 2700K 120-270 25 0.900 IDACERTIFIED 2411 LUMENS 12-011 AFF from 13131580_01) DARK SKY APPROVED DESIGN/ARCHITECT: THE TYPES OF TIMING DEVICES:ASTRONOMIC TIMER SWITCH IS USED TO CONTROL EXTERIOR LIGHITNG THE PROPOSED OPERATING HOURS OF LIGHTING:AN HOUR BEFORE SUN RISE TO F IF IF AN HOUR AFTER SUN SET. �• y� -,• ALL NONESSENTIAL EXTERIOR LIGHTING SHALL BE TURNED OFF WITHIN 1/2 HOUR ° AFTER THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS AND/OR WHEN NOT IN USE. SELUX LIGHTING IDACERTIFIED XL2 WALK WAY 6 NT-3 LG4250-30 BK-UNV LED3000K 120 6.7 0.900 DARK SKY APPROVED 259 LUMENS T-0"AFF GLEN COBEN ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 FAX:212 689 1033 email:glen@glenandcompany.com _,Y•; SELUX LIGHITNG: <"-. '> ',`<>-' CIVIL ENGINEER: WALL Y' ;', , ;: ,,, IDACERTIFIED 1533 LUMENS 10-0 AFF XL3 3 MELD-SD-W-MP325-30-BK- LED2700K 120 20 0.900 - ?..° :u1. o, " JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. MOUNTED UNV i? A ;,:A`Y;;:' .' ` :` DARK SKY APPROVED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER _- 'r"t.:;-„"%_• „ & BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 631-765-2954 n•: C' 0. 0 J . 0 C u . 0 C n r, 0 . 0 U . - STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: • DILANDROANDREWS C• . C� 0. 0 ] . ;' C . 0 .! . � � . 1 C C' " . 0 0.0 0 , 0 ) . ;, C . -70 ENGINEERING, PLLC • •• • • • • • (� 158 COUNTY RD 39 SUITE 10 o ,Ci ) . .. ----_G . 3 •G .2 •c . C' 0 . O . ;) ;) , ,) i. . (.' } /0. 6301-2 9-9590N,NY 11968 U • • • • ' • 1 • • • • . „ •C . C. •' . ' I A D X ,�t '-5-3 v . �' i) . ,, il . J C . 0 6 . 0 G . (. RECEIVED V..,V 2 4 2024 0 . 9 0 . 3 1 . l C . 0 0. 0 :J . 0 . C . 0 C .0 0. 0 0 . P SoutholcTT, wn O .•---- .-. *0 • 'C: • • • • 'C' !3 • • • • • ° Planning Board 0.3 0. 5 .2 1 _ . 0 0 . '0 0 . 0 J . , C . 0 G.0 0. 0 . 0 ,, . 0 0.2 0.7 2.3 i) . 1 . 1 II . i C . 0 6 . ,-) 0 . ) . ,, C . C' u.0 ti. 0 o . C J . G i) . Ci i) .0 0 . 0 C' 0 .0 0 v o I' o N1 L_D-SD-X-k1F)325-3D-Xx-UNV NORTH 0.2 1 0.7 2. 9 i 0 . U.4 _ -C, O - :i . „ L' . 0 (i.0 (i. 0 ) . ;; C (, i; 0 . 0 t) . (i 0 _ 0.3 0.?_ 0. 0 . 1 0 .5 O . 0 C . 0 n,'0 o. 0 ) . C . C . 0 0 , 0 i] , 0 J.0 C . 0 C . 0 0 0 P ° r D's All legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and plans shown on this • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • document are the property of Glen Coben Architecture & Design PLLC, 0.2 0.2 0. 0 .3 C . i C . 0 '7 .'D C . D J . 0 C . C' U. C 6.C J . 1 U . C' .G l� . 'D V. O . C U. C 0 ° and were developed for use solely on this project. They may not be k�jused or reused in whole or in part, except in connection with this P P project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. • 1 / d, ° Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. 0 . 9 0'.' 0 .2 C . G . C' 0 . ;J?. .^, D . 0 C . 0 0.3 0 . 3 1 0 . 0 6 . 0 J . ; G i; . 0 ° �o ° c 2023 >TP o SUBMISSIONS 0 MINIELD-'S' 0 .4 (J ;) . , C . . ). : 3 U. 6 C . 8 . 0.2 i). _ :) O. D C U fDATE NO. REMARKS - %1H: 10 hdF'325"30 X-Ufd`• 12.01.2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED •.J C •2 0 • •0 . 3 • • •0 • •, • •0'3 9• •1 3 5• • •0 • • • • 7 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING BOARD . � . i t: . 1 C �'' �,J il . ,) ,), l t; . 1 . . 2 . 1 Q . . : O „1 0 . 0 ,, . ti t;. 0 iJ . , "l �PDA 08.15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD 10.16.2023 4 PLANNING BOARD 11.22.2023 5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT • • • • • • *0 • *0 *0 *0 • • .01 • • •I • • • 01.08.2024 6 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS 0 . 0 J . G .2 t„ C . Ci (J , 0 U . 0 0 . 1 . G.2 0. 6 .0 3.7 ,.7 0 . : iJ .3 0 C . 0 C,. O 0 . , j \ I 01.17.2024 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT II 02.05.2024 8 PLANNING BOARD MEETING 6 , C, ) , 6 .1 u 1 G . C . C' 0 . 'D 0 . D 0 . 1 0.2 0.5 1. 6 1. 3.2 Cy . 6 0 . 0 . 0 0 C C C, 0 , 1 �• 02.21.2024 9 UPDATED FOR LPC APPROVAL ° 02,21.2024 to ISSUED FOR PRICING 03_212024 11 TOWN MEETING • • • • • • -i-'- -s • • • '• • 03.29.2024 12 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL C. G 0. 0 J .0 0 . ^ U . 0 0 .0 0 . '0 1 C G . C? J . 0 O . 0 0 . G . _ 0.3 0:5 1 . C r) 3 r ` 0'' j 04.04.2024 13 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT rr Q 04.09.2024 14 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL ���{{{,,, ° NT-X-LG4250-3 NV D 04.17.2024 15 100% CD G .0 J . C. C . C C . j . 1 J . C J C . (i !. ,, ! . ,, 1 2, 4 1; . 0 ii .0 [) (i , f', i: . i i). : 0.2 0. $, { 6 5� i �t J. :) i) . i; G ;. 0,.3 MH:3 04.22.2024 16 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL NT-X-LG4250-30-BK NV rtN' 2s� O 1 05.16.2024 17 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL - MH:3 1t 05.22.2024 18 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT t) ,0 ;) , C 1 i 1 . 1 1.4 i) . 1 J . C G , 00. 0 0 . 0 1 1 : l . C' 0 . 0 . 0 0, 0, " 0.2 0 .2 C , 1 0 , Cl 0 , D 0, 0 . 0 U . 0 Q, 1 0 .1 C 0 . 0 C . C' is �i'' 05.23.2024 19 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL 1 � � IN -LG4250-30-BK-UNV • w •„ • • • • •yf (j O. (' O.l) �J . .1 •" . 1 • . (' •! i !) •1 ! , ( • •1 -- • �� i ! MH:3 �' t1 rr 0 . 0 � .0 0 -2-_ _ 0.-4 0.2 ) . 0 J . 0 C . 0 0 . 0 C. 'J 0 _ _ POLE DOB BSCAN: _e of • • • • • • • • • o J . C • •C . (: 0. 0 P,a. n r} i; 0 (i COVER PLATE T-R-L 250-3 K-UNV o _ '� _L.,..� - ° T-X1LG 250-30-BK-UNV D� • H:3 p 0 III I GALVANIZED STEEL a- I7 ANCHOR BOLTS VINES ON MILL J . 0 , . G 0.G I--; al i f l GRASS 16505 MAIN RD '14 MATTITUCK, NY 11952 ID \�\ \\X X�\\\����/ ELECTRICAL CONDUIT & �� _ \ GROUNDWIRE •t) , ti , •;:; . ti i). C / I / ���/ 20 MIN. DIA. CONCRETE SHEET TITLE Ln PIER W/ 6 - #5 REBARS AND #3 HORIZONTAL TIES \\ a \\� ® 11" O.C. PHOTOMETRIC AND �//, �\\/ 4 4COMPOUND SOILS ;.i�� i��, DETAILS E PROJECT No: 2121 DRAWING BY: sm GL EN J.Co9q /�F CHK BY: gC n� DWG Na PHOTOMETRIC PLAN LIGHTING POLE BASE DETAIL � � ' �- A-113.00 SCALE: 2 SCALE:3/4"=V-0" N� " 2213`5 �¢ CADO FILE No: MANHOLE DETAIL CAST IRON INLET FRAME & SOLID 8"THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE GRADE COVER TO GRADE. TRAFFIC BEARING SLAB 24'IMAMETER 2" ASPHALT ROAD SURFACE ON CASTIRONINLET 6' BRICK MAY BE USED TO- REINFORCED, 4,000 PSI E V COMPACTED RCA BLEND. GRATE&FRAME 5" 70 - ADJUST CURB INLET SCAS�T TRAFFIC BEAWNG TYPICAL 12" IRON GRATE: & FRAME TO CONCRETE SLAB E E M SURFACE ELEVATIO" A .36" C1 MCA MAXIMUM OF 12 INCHES. REINFORCM 4,000 PSI A . d A PRECAST CONCRETE ZD CATCH BASIN PRECAST CONCRETE 2" STANDARD STEPS CHIMNEY 6' a 16- O.c.-Typ. C PROPERTY 151± 13 < 6"X6"X W4/W4 W.W.M. 6" WASHED cc -q . . LINE MI 13 CL�=OM 9=1 STONE BEDDING 10.1 [3 1 8"TRAFFIC BEARING A A 6" 13[2 DRAINAGE PIPE.TYPICAL x x < CURB INLET DETAIL 0 0 co 10 C --X,. X_x CAST IRON CURB INLET _X�x REINFORCED, 4,000 PSI GRADE GRATE & FRAME. TRAFFIC, BEARING WIRE CONCRCTE SLAM 13 C1 LEACHING RINGS TO BE C14 ASPHALT BRICK MAY BE USED TO COVERED WITH FILTER CLOTH z r 13[3 W ---I ADJUST CURB INLET CAST REINFORCED 4.000 PSI "* 'A" ,- ' Mfl PAVEMENT IRON GRATE & FRAME 70 0 0 Ir Tn C -X in IADC PRECAST CONCRETE 0 C1 3,000 PSI CONCRETE SURFACE CLEVAMON A 101, CATCH BASIN MAXIMUM OF 12 INCHES. 13 C1 0 6" SLAB W/ 6X6-1 0/10 W.W.F. 48" 91 _j FROM 5-0- z TO 20*-0' CLEANSAND& W GRAVEL RLL. COCNRETE APRON DETAIL B-B GROUND C) z 2� b SCALE: NTS WATER 0 1-, Z) 7i 2`4"Min. CLEAN SAND& 0 24" MIN. 6" WASHIED GRAVEL FILL W (/) < STONE BEDDING W 0 SLAB DETAIL 26" z W < .' P "i CURUB DETAIL Z :E TRENCH DRAIN DETAIL A-A EVNFORCF-D TRAMC < :-6" BEARING CONCRETE SLAB SCALE: NTS < NOTE: SCALE: NTS NOTE. THICKNESS AND NOTE: z 2 C:) MINIMUM 4,000 PSI CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT 7OR SOIL LO @ 28 DAYS AND TRAFFIC LOADING BY AN ENCINEER 111"ical Section Leaching Pool ALL LEACHING POOLS TO Scale: NTS HAVE LOCKING CAST IRON STA"AIW PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH BASIN �(4'X4" TYPIC01) (5 FEET TO 20 FEET IN DEPTH) COVERS TO GRADE VACATS,TT BUELDINO 1'q0 WEILILS ]LINE PROPOSED 33.9 2" WATER 31.6 S 03213611 E SERVICE RPZ 0 TC 35.5 x 33.5 . 761 OA. ELECTRIC 32.8 BOX 34.1 CRUSH LOADING 0 W - W W ____ W W W - W SERVICE x UNDER RO F COVER x 33,9 W E E . W CD W �3 E W W E U ILI Y P E E E . ,Cot, x 32,8 x 32- UTILITY E iz CONCRETE 32. 8'X5' TIC 35 TC 35 x 342 GRASS POLE SEPTIC TAN E 5' LIQUID A\ DEPTH kt TC 35/ csl;�.� CO x x 31.6 -&% PESC, x 33,7 33.9 32A ',23 LPO 0 0 X31 Ix 3 0.8 10' D rA3 3 A\ GRAVEL TC 33.5 x 16' DEEP 81011 FO KLIFT RAMP E ANIC GRASS , TO ASEMENT D EXi'$TING 0 Uj (k EP TC 35 1 SaFRY GRASS EXISTING 00 1STOR ASS SANITARY TO ro 10' DIA 15 14 13 GA AGE Jt_ o x 16' DEEP CONCRETE PRODU TI 7 34.5 BE REMOVED/ 1> Z FERM TION BLD z TRASH/ 1'j Lu d 501 0 5,200 SF TC 35 TOOLS LU _j 1 8' DIA x 30,6 W E� 0 x N SLA x 12' DEEP 01 k DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS Q 0 4.0 F 35. TC 35 >�3.6 A z LO 2 34.1 x 1\ E P LIJ 0) _j 0 04 33.2 3 5 HYDROA TION 0 BUILDINGS < U) L6 U AN400 0) (0 A�71 Frame House - 1560 sf x 2" = 260 cf 260 cf/42.22 6/1 LF z T_ 1"ll- NO WATER OR SANITARY 3 35.0 -Z� U) >.< �� @--- x BOLLARDS 0 co A Use (2) 8 foot diameter x 4 foot deep dry well (DW) 0 x 33,5 x 33,9 TIC 34 LL co co 0 Fermentation/ Production - 50'x 110' = 5500 sf x 2" = 916.7 cf 916.7cf/42.22 21.7 LF CO CD CD 1 STORY EXISTING 4 3'x3' CONCRETE /EXISTING z W X STEEL BARN STORAGE COVERED PAD FOR AIR PUMP 0 WATER 4 B Use (2) 8 ft dia x 12 foot deep U_ 0 ,,,l,ANDING 0 AND CONTROLS 0 VENT LINE 0 00 0 0� 60'X39'= 2,340 SF Co AIR LINE SERVICE 0 / Metal Barn - 2340 sf x 2" = 397.8 cf 397.8/42.22 = 9.42 If CL D_ d ON SLAB x 33, C Use (2) 8 foot dia x 6 foot deep 12 11 10 9 W FF 34.5' TC 33.5 8 7 ELECTRICAL UTILITY �z Garage - 700 sf x 2" = 116.6 cf 116.6/42.22 2.7 If CONCRETE 6 T 33 ONNECTIO l"CV V 0 POLE U) I C CMI D Use (1) 8 foot dia x 4 foot deep TC 35 TC 34 TIC 33.5 x CID 3 .9 - 0 4 3'x3' CONCRETE 0 0 0 0 .71 4_2�' 41 0 .6' W W - NOTE: EXCAVATE DOWN 10' OR GOOD SAND AND 0 HQI P PAD FOR /Z W BACKFILL WITH SAND AND GRAVEL TYPICAL AND CO PUM� AIR TO 23' NTROLS CO x 33.1 -x_3a2_ X330 T ('V 0 GRATE TC 37.5 "0' WALKWAYS & TERRACES 44/ 441 Qi 44. , S7t x 33.1 P x C 0 "0' co x 33,11 GRAVEL 32.7 x -N� 'T :§I cv) (V West of Buildings = 2860 sf x2"= 476.6 cf 476.6 cf/42.22 11.3 LF 130 44i Q� 0 - co/vc X 33.6 1 T IN 't 44-* F use (1) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep DW x 33;3 A k* TIC 33 TC 33 x32 AIR LINE 3 x 32,7 G - FORK LIFT RAMP 12' X 120' = 1 ,440sf 1,440sf x 4" 480cf 480cf 42.22 11.37 LF ELECTRICAL Use (1) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep 0 CONNECTION IN 0 GRASS 0 (A 3 1 3 1 1 1 HYDR CTION 0 CONDUIT 0 P PARKING DRAINAGE I AN400 0 81 AJE x GRASS I LP x 12' DEE .2 L _J x 32,5 C) (H) - DRIVEWAY 200' x 30' x 2" 1,1 00cf f EP 32,8 x GRASS x 31,6 40' x 30' x 2" 200cf x 3.2 2 133 BOLLARDS 0 30' x 60' x 2" 300cf F-0--113 9 Pavers 1 00' x 15' x 2" 250cf -------------------------------& 0 12" CHANNEL DRAIN z x 37U 7x T2-.5 - ELEV 32.0 A 2 CATCH 1,850 cf TC 32.5 1850cf/42.22cf1ft = 43.82d DRAWN BY: JF JP N 1603213611 W PROPOSED TC 32.5 31.6 BASIN Use: (4) 8'dia x 12' deep DW GRADE A 3 - ----- CD EDGE OF PAVEMENT (SO- 00'(3-A. FOUN '\z (1) - PARKING 70' x 70' x 2" 816.67cf MAY 15, 2024 MO 113 T 816.67cf/42.22cf/ft = 19.34' ONCR APRON EDGE OF PAVEMENT Use: (4) 8'dia x 1 O' deep = 40' DW .......... MILL PROPOSED RECEIVED SCALE: AS NOTED GRADE (J) - PARKING 40' x 30' x 2" 200cf 7�AAY 3 12 0 2 4 200cf/42.22cf/ft = 4.7' UTILITY SHEET NO: Use: (1) 8'dia x 8' deep DW Sout-h-old iown POLE Planning Board SITE PLAN x 30.4 5 SCALE: 1 20' S 18-33'51'E �i� 2185,76' 367 z U) o VINEYARD 3 FORTRLI oLTII z LLJ u 11 1111111 LAN Q K VIV K tl( o HIM ! A LU H STRVTCP, LU N() 'ATER LU SANITARY ITARY T RARN, co VIN YARD 2 1 i 1 VINEYARD 4 VINETARID ! Jill ! j LIJ I I HIM I H uj IL ILIL Z o ---—---—-------------------—------ LU .0 VINES ON MILL 0 MILL LANE MATTITUCK,NY CL o o LU U) AREA FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP 0 t MILL LANE S"IT 5231'E E G PROJECT PLAN HAS MERGED 3 LOTS ALL PRE 1981 SEE DETAIL TAX LOTS LAYOUT ON 1000-115-02-3.2&1000-115-02-2.4=49.85 ACRES SHEET 3 TAX LOT 0,11 a1-852-8454 T.sehedh lnspectlens 1000-115-02-2.3=1.94 ACRES DFA—L IF— TOTAL SITE: 51.79 ACRES ......FOx A...-T-1— MAY 15 2024 OF SEWAGEDISPOSALSYSTEM DOE StO� SITE PLAN 'HEALTH E ..E,, sUEET No. —LE 1 11 ANIT SYSTEM AREA PROJECT SITE PEATIIIIIII[ EA ,DEPARTMENT 5179 ACRES 45.5 ACRES IN VINES S 18-33'51'E � 2185,76' 367 z J U) o VINEYARD 3 FORI z LEJ EL Q W, rm 1-0 11 HIM ! 0 mill W.11 . . . i ii i Milli ii JIM 0 N1 I WATER w Lu VTCF�, I�SANIT,ARY 49.70 AGRICULTURAL LAND TN' T1,"`RN' VINEYARD 21 . . . V11NIE(IAIRD 4 LIJ HIM 11111 M uj 0"0 IL ELI o' ---------—------ —--------- ------------------------- VINES ON MILL o C/) I EY RD'-, wx -----------— MATTITUC K, Y ILL to -- MILL LANE Lu 142625" AREA FOR HEALTH U) I A1211 DBO DO 0 A DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP 0 MILL LANE 111211„E 142417- D 6'l2 11 E 11114 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES APPROVED REFERENCE NO. 11-1 SEESHEET 1 OF I FDRSPFCIALGOWRTIOMS REVIEWER'S INITIALS— BE SEE DETAIL— BUILDING LINE—// LAYOUT ON SHEET 3 AREA 2.09 ACRES BUILDING AREA IF NE MAY 15 2024 TOTAL ACREAGE: 51.79 DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS PLAN AGRICULTURAL LAND 49.70 VACANT k3U AFNE Ci VO WELLS Water Unalsl M113i Belnspa...By Tha iT�� dkbuntyDepadmentOfHeHNSemas PROPOSED 33.9 2"WATER 00 316 CAICRR52B4,tOAhedJOna pna SERVICE RpZ 33,5 48IH-I,Ad, BGX O LOADING O W-yd_W_ SERVICELECTRE 3z.G CRUSH W UNDER RO FCOVER *33s �-E E E W W W W W W- / 3ar a _ wuonoeue I ------- c, E EE ITITI uiL rP [ w� menanme I CONCRETE 3T xa2.G z32_ E E 3 / / °° '1 ' Z a'x5 / x34,z GRASS POLESEPTIC n N w Q EEITI W �V / J l° s uou I co ass ° o / T' s, > U to'°fA1 LPo 00 yT GRAVEL *3a3 W'4 IFD3oe P _ y I NO AN IC p_p LL1 GRASS To EmLOT P D `vNaterBe lnepacled 9y The SuffolkGo Department of Services. EXITING GRASS 3ED Heats 1 STORY EXISTING C`T j z t STOR 0m11631 2-BASA To S,hedple lnspectlan GARAGE a SANITARY TO/ M KE I MAP x,o°F PRODU TI AS'Hours In Advance. 15 14 13 BE REMOVED/ 1V �/ -LE NTE CONCRETE SEEM ALIGN BLD TRASH/ Q 50' t0=5,200SF 1 TOOLS q / Q / Z O RN.3s P .31.6 O 4/ TEST HOLE DATA Q 2 v _ / �/ (NOT To SCALE) O p FEE HY I'llQ o Q NO WATER OR SANITARY 3 nu000 / / 12/19/2023 x " Q co ELEV.= 33.5' 1 STORY EXISTING 4 /EXISTING / �O/ OF DARK BROWN LOAM / WATER 0.5' STEEL BARN STORAGE �ygNplu� Ij O auo co NTu O SERVICE 60'X39'=2,3405E UN F ON SB o FF=3a.sLA CONCRETE 6 12 11 10 9 g 7 cTal¶o 3ah unurr / CL BROWN SANDY CLAY N1cc POLE / 3.0' O O 0 0 c°Ap�g �" W W W u coati'INETE >' as P.AU rym� '� / SP BROWN FINE SAND Q _ - �-�x' °°aNTR°L 0 8.0, GRAVEL , �W � 'mow LeO,x a-6 s'o' SC BROWN CLAYEY SAND 4i�mT ^'c 10.0' l All .E LINE O n LEITRIIAL CRASS 1 IT x G x h SP BROWN FINE SAND s Igvoa ION o INo �E cwss / O ��2°Ea xaes v 01 HEGW L- -L N oLa�sIEP; - Sz,G x GaAs sLs o J , _ r 23.0' ELEV 111.6' � E a _ 0 IL -_-------__-- _ NO WATER ENCOUNTERED _ CATCH N J 6-32'36"W -- ISO-EN TSODF 4 ---__ _ _ BASIN TEST WELL g ss-33241 o 380.00 HE 2o10-oa-19=11.zs'ELEV. w EDGE OF P-SEIT 'O.A.. ELEVATIONS BASED ON NAVD(1938) LLJ z o 2 w MILLGO AG AG AG AG AG AG AG 011 I All. EDGE OF PAIEMENT U aA°F VINES ON MILL o FIFTY MILL MILL LANE w xNA POLF MATTITUCK,NY D_= o m d / � LLI SITE DATA AREA FOR HEALTH O SITE AREA: DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP SITE PLAN GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ZONE 4 SCALE.r -20 51.9 ACRES NOTE: LEACH NG SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES NO SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 300 FEET PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: 261 L6/1s = 1 74.4sf APPROVED NO WELLS WITHIN 150 FEET EXISTING: 11,012sf PROVIDE [1]LP 8' dla X 12' deep REFERENCE NO. azs000e PROPOSED: 10,259.00sf [1] EP 8' CIO X 12' deep REVIEAER S INITIALS SE Fore SPECIAL CONDITIONS ALLOWABLE SANITARY FLOW(,DENSITY)_ PRODUCTION WINE MAKING ALLOWABLE FLOW FOR SITE = 600gpd/a Cre USAGE: 750gpd wars,Dr,a�el musT........Nd ay ma TOTAL SITE: 51.79 ACRES SURalk County DspadmEU of Haalm sem"' AGRICULTURAL LAND: 49.70 ACRES SEPTIC K:TAN 750 x 2 = 1,500gallons CA 63t-BB4-a45P IR sa,ad6amspaLtmna 51.79 ACRES- 49.70 ACRES- 2.09ACRES SUPPLY: 8'dia x 5' liquid depth = 1,500gallons IAe nwmmravanrE. 2.09 ACRES x 600gpd/acre- 1 25HOwd allowed LEACHING SEWER DISPOSAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS 750gCIIon, /1.5 - 500sf MF FERMENTATION BUILDING - 4,200Gf x 0.04gpd = 168.Ogpd STORAGE BARN - 2340sf x 0.04gpd = 93.6gpd USE: GARAGE = 375sf x 0.04gpd = 15.Ogpd [1] 1O'dia X 16'deep L.P. FRAME BARN = 2,205 x 0.04gpd = 88.2gpd [1]10'dia x 16'deep E D SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE - 300.Oood TOTAL FLOW PROVIDED: 664.8gpd HOUSE s SEWER DISPOSAL DESIGN 4 BEDROOM X 110ga1/lr= 440gpd FERMENTATION BUILDING = 168.Ogpd HYDROACTION AN 400 = 440gpd SHEET No. STORAGE BUILDING = 93 6aod LEACHING. 26,.6gpd [1] 8'dia x 12' deep LP USE TANK - HYDROACTION AN400 = 440 gpd [1] 8'CiA x 12'deep EP ...... .. LOCKING COVER DETAIL N 7s- ,�re.,� r=ep ri1>Hc _ o,ry.T rao Lo"rreELLore NNoN Pox za ado as N co NrRGL PANEL eL A R PumP ELEVAT oN ��=�a eEHZ, cONcaETE coLua N T s ,are reoA�T House wDRa rcrer EeDME a cavEe . rF.sa o w/na IP mcurvc DEICE reEDv.Dun wT eory cL 6a•vm wrE c m Poc o HT sroaaEa ENo aL°c sFcanoDe.sDR mrarvc muEa To 1111E w�nory�sA reoasa DODamrz °", P ENSHEo caaoE oo,D�rea P�H _.', _. .. W�m z LEs ��„k ELECTRIC RISER DIAGRAM CLEAN OUT DETAIL °T °Ms..,..": ° ..,sr°°.>, 0 s ,wmi eEue PC (n z x a 1RH E. N.T.S. w I.E. N.T.S. I r uN ITN Flow 3/0 l.,�_ -. soa ..AP Taar PPE 6s `-0 SINGLE UNIT CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK w,, °m.. ..0 Q > �w e',,,m. .. /EreT ['[e° 2' HIGHEST EXPECTED mvcre re Dx,Sc ca"aai came"e1 me: encrenLL A-111L Ta ee ILEA.SDNC e 6111EL [T7 6'oTa x 12 DEEP—AA.1-1 HYDRO—ACTION AN-400 DETAIL LEACHING POOL DETAIL rvo*[.AN cvr CAP FlLL rzRL-Quik[o re�nre HOUSE SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE OF N.T.S. TONERETE.1—a °N e ED INT�ME N s.o' EAR Ill TTI lID 6PEEH EN6 PLUD �PreAD�DDN� D ND N�To E D ,ry m re�L o aR,WEET �� EL F 0 AA HEDE�ID 2 ON H� � .FL NS cl£AN O' . [ PERFOOT 5.4�6 _ p=re rr ' C'OLL.a,t LL'.A VC. M 32 MN PITCH FLOW 5 e D CIA,SAN TAav PPE LINEOR . aTumx a=xn Oe DWI Ll.I soe as 1 D,P'IE 1�A " IL EI SroR.t5 ��^� — �ry _ 0' nrvo crenvFL e0i z w W HIX 11. C(JNC eaoaTLL nDTFTuaLEro al aury tD�ry o"Drvo AND °elf W Z o OSED CCJN S'I'RUC TION llLTAILS = ,L <N ED nA1N VINtS UN IVIILL o NI �IcrewA — ['[s ceo o Tee A H IN NArEreIro eE CLEAN sADI I N—EL [o e 6Ta x,r DEEP ExP.,r"�orv,Boos IN wALIDENEIT MILL LANE LL m HYDRA—ACTION A —40o DETAIL LEACH we F'ooL DETAIL Norc-mo coT oe rac aroNreEo '" "o=F�," MATTITUCK,NY I o _��1 o-�,' Lu oNBDWnc SANITARY SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE .emu AREA FOR HEALTH C4 _ ,P N.T.S. _ o---- "° °" DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP O w ©_`o;„ Ol I`IFEENO PLuc lockl�coa ro canoE � " n ^T'�Ore;= SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT DF HEALTH SERNCES sTOPPEre sEcorvoaar mEEn o waoE [ "" APPROVED DDoe EL 33.0 I REFERENCE NO. WEEF ra SEESHEET OF FOR SPECIAL CONDITIONS 33.0 - c ""..".� �.� INITIaLSSIF a&w 312E 0 wT N PEon RAN TART PPE S : sroaa ID'HER FRIT MN PH IN a IZ [111a BILL OF MATERIALS'olA x 16'DEEP LEACHING Pools [t] _ 1111—FIF SFPTII TANK LEACHING POOL DETAIS—IS NCETFID L EDPEATE BA LL nHDTEaInL To BE CLEAN SDNo e GRAVEL GIIINe �o voPe V° N° SHEET NO. / E FERMENTATION BDG PROCESS WASTE L W SYSTE rv°u nA L N.T.S MANHOLE DETAIL _._,.,,,. CAST IRON INLET FRAMrA COYER 0 SOLID D e TWX REINFORCED CONCRETE GRADE , TRAFFIC BEARING SLAB �a"DIAI+IE'TER r ASPHALT ROAD SURFACE ON CAST IRON INLE T 6, 5" 5" ADJUST MIACURB IN] T •. TRAFFIC BEARING GOU F'Sf S E rfPICALACTEb RCA BLEND. GRATE a FRAME 1" '12" 1" IRON GRATE & FRAME�TO ; -� CONCRETE W8 �m SURIF'ACE ELEVATION A SIC pAAXlMUM OF' 12 INCHES, REINFORCED 4,000 PSI Sa� d 4 .d ' 4 ' PRECAST CONCRETE nZD �« CATCH 13ASIfil r ONt,RETE 2" STANDARD STEPS CHIMNEY v PRECAST C Y ! Is a, a .»r. 0 16 O.C. T ....,, - 3A _ d ..fK O _ 6"X6"X W4/W4 W.W.M. MIN. V WASHED < ., a d STONE BEDDING ®® o d 101, 1313 DRAINAGEIPE TYPICAL d CURB INLET DETAIL � �. 18" 'CAST IRON CURB INLET REINPORCb. 4.0" PSI GRADE 'CRATE & FRAME. CHANNEL DRAIN 3,000 PSI CONCRETE SLAB TR'L9 FlC BEARING �, ®® N W/6X6-1 D/10 W.W.F. CONCRETE SL�A6 10 � LEACHING RINGS'O BE WIRE BRICK MAY BE USED TO � ®® ®_- COVERED WITH F LTER CLOTH W FEINF( dCEO d,a00 RSi e': ".. '• ADJUST CURD INLET CAST i I11 l ®®� ^ 10'-0"± `; IRON GRATE do FRAME TQ w o: O 5'-0"± PRECAST corresETIT is ` s' _ 10" CATCH .BASIN '.4 48' SURr`ACE CLEVAMON A d d d MAXIMUM OF 12 INCHES. 13 6 6"iii� ROADWAY 6" �" V J zfx-x-x-x-ax x x-x-x-x x-x-x-x-x-x-z-x-x 4 =lltl 9' __I MIDI + FRO@A S. p. tlq� ` W cn Z ` TO 20'-0" CLEAN SAND 1t a JASPHALT ' '+« O j• GRAVEL FILL Z Z U 6"COMPACTED BASEL PAVEMENT GROUND - , ' COURSE EXISTING 2"THK COMPACTED WATER O p WEAR COURSE T- r-V Min. 741 Min. GLEAN SAND A (n 24„ BANK RUN OR OTHER MIN, 6' WASBEp GRAVEL FILL W u J Q F'- SUITABLE MATERIAL SLAB DETAIL STONE 13M- DING Z 0 ~Q 26" CURB DETAIL � Z 2 ASPHALT / CONCRETE APRON DETAIL B-B l WNFOKED TRAFFIC Q NOTE. SCALE: NTS TRENCH DRAIN DETAIL A-A �• BCAI�II1, CONCRETE sLxe � NOTE: SCALE: NTS �0" 8" NOTE: MICKNESS AND �^ z MINIMUM 4,000 PSI CONCRETE SCALE NTS REINFORCEMENT ITmAFFIC L DI $OIL TI��� Sectio� ■ pa( hin oo ALL LEACHING POOLS TO @ 28 DAYS AN 1ENCINMR LgAI)!N6 BY a .ri. a �+�iiji ST�i11�1J►A"PRECAST'C'O CONCRETE CATC�H'"BASII�" Scale: NTS HAVE LOCKING CAST IRON � 4 A _ T icaj (5 FEET rO 20 FEET IN DEPTH) COVERS TO GRADE VACANT �( BUILDING NO WELLS PROPOSED " 1 `< ]LINE 33,9 � 2" WATER dam. r r r SERVICE ; :31.6 2 3 6 E RPZ ,< � � ' A x 33.5 ELECTRIC BOX ` © 437 pA A � TC 35 SERVIC 32.8 1a O LOADING 5 W W W _ E X 34.1 4 CRUSH P O / W --- W W W W W W W S UNDER RO F COVER x 33,9 E E o �_ W �w .:a£� x E ,3 --- -- __ _ © E E U ILI Y P E -� i - x 32.e x 32,E E E I x UTILITY 32,CONCRETE / E POLE 35 x 34,2 GRASS I 8'X5' TC 35 _ I SEPTIC TAN / 5' LIQUID QF NEW tsc O DEPTH TC 35 O / P��i 0 . I CO x x 31.6 33 x 333 .9 !�, x 34.3 LPO O � 32,4 D /x 30.8 10' DrA33, >a TC 33.5 O If= x 16' DEEP E ANIC FO KLIFT RAMP P D C GRASS TO ASEMENT EP A\ EXITING GRASS C J TC 35 TC 34 1 S RY EXISTING 1 STOR ASS GA AGE- w SANITARY TO / ® O _ N x0' IA PRODU TI I I TC 34.5 1 14 13 BE REMOVED/ nI Q � Z w o CONCRETE TRASH/ � � / w J Z FERM ATION BLD GRAVEL Z 50' 10 = 5,200 SF TC 35 TOOLS aQ W O x N SLA ON . 1 L x 12' DEEP x 30.611 DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 3 Z 4.0 F = 35.0' LIP TC 35 3.6 1 EP\I x j / W 3: z = rn © O ESIS NCE 2 34.1 x LP / �; _j O N 33.2 3 5 HYDROA TION O / c / BUILDINGS - U Q U) m U 3 D AN400 / Frame House - 1560 sf x 2 = 260 cf 260 cf/42.22 - 6/1 LF U) Z ti O 35.0 x • • A Use (2) 8 foot diameter x 4 foot deep dry well (DW)NO WATER OR SANITARY G TC 34 BOLLARDS • LL U) x 33.9 x 33,5 ,4 3'x3' CONCRETE • A EXISTING Fermentation/ Production - 50'x 110' = 5500 sf x 2" = 916.7 cf 916.7cf/42.22 = 21.7 LF � X PAD FOR AIR PUMP O O O B Use (2) 8 ft dia x 12 foot deep = O 1 STORY EXISTING � � m COVERED AND CONTROLS • • • VENT LINE / WATER � „ - STEEL BARN STORAGE �.�ANDING II O O SERVICE Metal Barn - 2340 sf x 2 = 397.8 cf 397.8/42.22 = 9.42 If - O'X39'= 2,340 SF co �� AIR LINE C Use (2) 8 foot dia x 6 foot deep W - o 12 � `� 23�• UTILITY d' ON SLAB x33. - 11 1O 9 $ •O' ELECTRICAL --=- 6 TC 33.5 TC 33 7 1 ONNECTIO ° Garage - 700 sf x 2" = 116.6 cf 116.6/42.22 = 2.7 If (f� (� FF = 34.5' CONCRETE ,� �` o I POLE D Use (1) 8 foot dia x 4 foot deep TC 34 GRASS CO D O TC 35 PAVER AND TC 33.5 x33 29 W 3 9 NOTE: EXCAVATE DOWN 10' OR GOOD SAND AND 4 O O O O W 0 E ® R CURB OVER O 6, W - W BACKFILL WITH SAND AND GRAVEL TYPICAL x 331 TO 23' --x� - 3 ,0 T q � O - (- rc 37.5 ReoR^ �� h _WALKWAYS & TERRACES �j I x I 3'x3' CONCRETE N 0� �� z STE F-� I x 33. 33A 1 x GRATE' PAD FOR AIR PUMP 32.7 x � �� ��,� p West of Buildings = 2860 sf x2"= 476.6 of 476.6 cf/42.22 = 11.3 LF x J3,2 133.6 I I T N AND CONTROLS Q CONC, F use (1) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep DW x333 I I I I O TC 33 `��2• x32 I I AIR LINE TC 33 I I Ss• G - FORK LIFT RAMP 12' X 120' = 1 ,440sf 1,440sf x 4" = 480cf 480cf/ 42.22 = 11.37 LF I I 1 • ELECTRICAL O GRAVEL 3 x 32.7 _ Use (1) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep I I I • O • CONNECTION IN O 3 O (� 3 i 1 3 1 GRASS I HYDR ACTION • CONDUIT O / PARKING DRAINAGE I I i AN400 • • OLP x 12' DEE L -J 2 L J x 32.5 (H) - DRIVEWAY 200' x 30' x 2" = 1,100cf EP 32,8 x GRASS �' x 31.6 0� 40' x 30' x 2" = 200cf 3 BOLLARDS I� /-� 30' x 60' x 2" = 300cf RECEIVED 3.2 2 _ 3 ----- ----f 33 J' O . �B 2 ; / ( 9 Pavers 100' x 15' x 2" = 250cf JUN 2 0 2024 _ _ --- 12 CHANNEL DRAIN �- l 1 ,850 cf ~x 3�.5�"°°'-'"'-" '°® '- �. ..- - - A CATCH 1850cf/ 42.22cf/ft = 43.82cf Southold Town N 16�32'3 6" TC 32.5 -- - _ _____ 32 31.6 BASIN Use: (4) 8'dia x 12' deep DW Planning Board DRAWN BY: JF JP W PROPOSED TC 32.5 -----. .... GRADE A - , 380. 0010•A• Cj (I) - PARKING 70' x 70' x 2" = 816.67cf JUNE 18, 2024 EDGE OF PAVEMENT 816.67cf/42.22cf/ft = 19.34' $ EDGE OF PAVEMENT Use: (4) 8'dia x 10' deep = 40' DW 5' A ALT APRON MILL 1 PROPOSED SCALE: AS NOTED GRADE (j) - PARKING 40' x 30' x 2" = 200cf UTILITY 200cf/42.22cf/ft = 4.7' SHEET No: Use: (1) 8'dia x 8' deep DW 2 POLE SITE PLAN x 30.4 5 SCALE: 1" = 20' MAILING ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION: " "'��""'�''"' � P.O.Box 1179 Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 fi�'�� � �"' Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtow-rmy.gov ou � PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 4, 2024 Ms. Elizabeth Baldwin, Esq. Esseks, Hefter, Angel, Di Talia & Pasca, LLP P.O. Box 279 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Approval with Conditions - Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Winery Located at 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Zoning District: R-80/AC Dear Ms. Baldwin: The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, June 3, 2024: WHEREAS, this application is for the proposed construction of a 5,200-sf. sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel (SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3) in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland (SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.4 & 3.2) totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District, Southold; and WHEREAS, on October 23, 2023, Elizabeth Baldwin, authorized agent, submitted a Site Plan Application for review; and WHEREAS, on November 8, 2023, Elizabeth Baldwin, authorized agent, submitted a letter and deed of development rights to provide clarification on the development rights intact area and intent to merge lots; and WHEREAS, on December 7, 2023, the Architectural Review Committee reviewed the proposed project, made design recommendations, and requested review of finish materials which were not presented; and WHEREAS, on December 11, 2023, the application was found to be incomplete as noted in the letter of the same date; and Vines on Mill Winery Page 2 June 3 2024 WHEREAS, on January 2, 2024, Glen Coben, applicant's architect, submitted corrected plans for review and information missing from initial application; and WHEREAS, on January 30, 2024, Anthony Pasca, applicant's architect, submitted a request to the Southold Town Planning Board to support the issuance of a demolition permit; and WHEREAS, on February 2, 2024, the application was found to be incomplete as noted in the email correspondence of the same date; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 2024 the Southold Town Planning Board did not object to the issuance of a demolition permit in accordance with the submitted demolition plan; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board found the application complete for review upon receipt of additional information; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5 (c), determined that the proposed action is a Type II Action as it falls within the description for 6 NYCRR, §617.5(c)(3) agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance and repair of farm buildings and structures, and land use changes consistent with generally accepted principles of farming. The action is for the construction of wine production and fermentation facility, including agricultural equipment storage and, therefore, not subject to review because the proposed construction is for an agricultural site; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board, supported the request for a waiver of the public hearing at their work session; and WHEREAS, on February 6, 2024, Anthony Pasca, authorized agent, submitted revised plans for review; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 C., distributed the application to the required agencies for their comments; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 2024, the Southold Town Code Enforcement officer verified that there were no open violations on the subject parcel; and WHEREAS, on February 15, 2024, the Suffolk County Planning Commission (SCPC) reviewed the proposed project and considered it to be an act for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s); and WHEREAS, on February 20, 2024, the Southold Town Land Preservation Committee determined the proposed improvements located on the Easement area were not related to agricultural production and were inconsistent with the Easement's terms. Vines on Mill Wine Page 3 June 3 2024 WHEREAS, on March 1, 2024, the Southold Town Fire Marshal reviewed and requested additional information in order to assess fire protection, emergency egress, and emergency access to the site; and WHEREAS, on March 2, 2024, the Suffolk County Water Authority determined that the proposed project would not appear to have any adverse impacts on SCWA's water quality, however felt they had insufficient data to determine effect upon water supplies in Pressure Zone 30; and WHEREAS, on March 5, 2024, the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator reviewed the proposed project and determined the project to be consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session on March 11, 2024 the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the proposed application and required revisions to the Site Plan to make it comply with various applicable sections of the Town Code; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board sent a letter to the applicant noting required revisions to the Site Plan with additional agency referrals still pending; and WHEREAS, on March 20, 2024 the Mattituck Fire District determined there was adequate fire protection for the site; and WHEREAS, on April 8, 2024, Glen Coben, Applicant's Architect, wrote to the Suffolk County Water Authority with additional details on the proposed project; and WHEREAS, on April 15, 2024, the applicant submitted revised plans and lighting specifications; and WHEREAS, on April 16, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board distributed the revised plans to the Southold Town Engineer and the Southold Town Fire Marshal for their comments; and WHEREAS, on April 16, 2024, the Southold Town Fire Marshal reviewed and requested additional information in order to assess fire protection, emergency egress, and emergency access to the site; and WHEREAS, on April 16, 2024 the Suffolk County Water Authority determined that the proposed project should not affect SCWA's demand; and WHEREAS, on April 29, 2024, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed project and determined revisions were required in order for the site plan to meet the minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Stormwater Management; and , Vines on Mill Winery Page 4 June 3„ 2024 WHEREAS, on April 29, 2024, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed project and determined that a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be prepared and a State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit for Construction Activity from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) must be obtained; and WHEREAS, at their Work Session, held on May 6, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the proposed Site Plan and determined that the remaining requirements to be met were approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, SPDES Permit from NYSDEC, certification of compliance with Chapter 236 Stormwater Management, and final review of the Southold Town Fire Marshal; and WHEREAS, on May 16, 2024, Glen Coben, applicant's architect, submitted corrected plans for review via email; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 2024, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) granted approval to Reference #C-24-0008 for"General Industrial, Storage, and Single- Family Residence" @ 665 gallons per day; and WHEREAS, on May 23, 2024, the Southold Town Fire Marshal reviewed and requested additional information in order to assess fire protection, emergency egress, and emergency access to the site; and WHEREAS, on May 31, 2024, Glen Coben, applicant's architect, submitted corrected plans for review via email; and WHEREAS, on June 3, 2024, the Southold Town Chief Building Inspector reviewed and certified the proposed winery as a permitted use in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on June 3, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board determined that all applicable requirements of the Site Plan Regulations, Article XXIV, §280 — Site Plan Approval of the Town of Southold, have been met; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Approval with Conditions of the site plan entitled "Vines on Mill" prepared by Glen J. Coben, Registered Architect, dated December 1, 2022 and last revised May 23, 2024, and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the plans listed below after conditions "A" through "E" are met: A-000.00 TITLE SITE PLAN A-001.00 SITE PLAN PROPOSED A-111.00 FLOOR ROOF PLAN ELEVATIONS A-112.00 PROPOSED WINERY OFFICE FLOOR PLAN A-113.00 PHOTOMETRIC SHEET 1 DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS PLAN (JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE.) SHEET 2 DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS PLAN (JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE.) SHEET 3 SANITARY SITE PLAN (JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE.) SHEET 4 SANITARY SITE PLAN (JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE.) SHEET 5 DRAINAGE DESIGN (JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE.) Vines on Mill Wine Page 5 June 3 2024 Conditions to be fulfilled prior to endorsement of site plan & prior to building permits being issued: A. Obtain a SPDES Construction Permit from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and provide documentation that the proposed project has obtained SPDES coverage prior to final approval of the site plan. B. Certification from the office of the Town Engineer for compliance with Chapter 236 of the Town Code. C. Fire access must be found to meet applicable fire code requirements by the Southold Town Fire Marshal. D. Submit at least five (5) revised site plans with original stamp, seal and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan. Conditions of Approval (ongoing): 1. All aspects of the project shall be constructed and maintained substantially in accordance with the approved site plan including the architectural drawings. 2. Preconstruction meeting: preceding the commencement of any clearing or construction on site, a preconstruction meeting shall be coordinated with the Planning Department and Town Engineer prior to any action taken on site. 3. No retail sales or access by the general public permitted. 4. This site is designed and approved for wine production and storage, not as a public tasting room, with a designated area for office and meetings for staff and wine professionals only. 5. All exterior lighting on the property, including lighting on the former residential building, shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 172 of the Town Code, and the lighting plan pages of the approved site plan. Any future exterior light fixtures not shown on the approved site plan must be reviewed for compliance and approved by the Planning Board prior to installation. 6. Proposed signs must be submitted to the Planning Board for review and approval prior to receiving a permit. The Planning Board did not review or approve any signs during the site plan review. Note that the sign depicted on the building elevations (Sheet A- 111.00) is for illustration purposes only and does not constitute Planning Board approval of that signage. 7. All trees and landscaping are required to be maintained by the property owner as shown on the approved site plan. Should a tree die or otherwise be destroyed, it must be replaced with the same species and size as shown on the approved site plan within 6 months. Any change in tree or landscaping species must be approved in writing by the Planning Board. Vines on Mill Winery Page 6 June 3 2024 Please also note the following requirements in the Southold Town Code relating to Site Plans: 1. Any new lighting fixtures beyond those approved as part of the Lighting Plan must conform to the Code and may require Planning Board approval depending on their number, size, intensity and location. Fixtures shall be shielded so the light source is not visible from adjacent properties and roadways and shall focus and direct the light in such a manner as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries and conform to §172 of the Town Code. 2. Proposed storm water run-off containment systems must be inspected by the Town Engineer at the time of installation. Please call the Southold Town Engineer prior to beginning this work. 3. Approved Site Plans are valid for eighteen months from the date of approval, within which time all proposed work must be completed, unless the Planning Board grants an extension. 4. Any changes from the Approved Site Plan shall require Planning Board approval. 5. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Planning Board must inspect the site to ensure it is in conformity with the Approved Site Plan, and issue a Final Site Inspection approval letter. Should the site be found not in conformance with the Approved Site Plan, no Certificate of Occupancy may be issued unless the Planning Board approves the changes to the plan. A copy of the Approved Site Plan is enclosed for your records. One copy will also be sent to the Building Department and the Town Engineer/Highway Department. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. J2,ectfully, James H. Rich III Chairman Encl. cc: Building Dept. w/map Town Engineer w/map Vines on Mill Wine[y Page 7 June 3,2024 By signing this letter, the applicant acknowledges that there are Town Code requirements and conditions, including those listed above, that must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Anthony C. Pasca Print name: AppkefWAgent Signature: Date: 6/7/2024 ENGINEERING""t� FJSCH� e: TjTj W;i June 25, 20 7FREC IVED ....... . ....._,,,.,.,w .. . . 6 Mara Cerezo ,) Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 � w� aoi `°'town � Planning Board Southold,NY 11971 RE:Vines on Mill Attached are 5 sets of drawings previously submitted separately. Pages 1-4 Health Department sets. Page 5 Drainage Yours truly Joseph Fischetti, PE BOARD CERTIFIED IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOSEPH@FISCHETTI.COM FISCHETTIENOINEERING.COM 63 1 -765-2954 1 72 5 H O B A R T ROAD S O U T H O L D } NEW Y O R K 1 1 97 1 .g r wmhwk- 1 ENGINEERING S v b-F June 20, 2024 cMCI RECEIVED Mara Cerezo JUN 20 2024 Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 Planning Board 310 RE: Vines on Mill Also attached are S copies of the drainage design which contain the revisions to the apron. Yours t l Josep F schetti, PE f �i BOARD CERTIFIED IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING J0SEPH@FISCHETTI.COM FIB CHETTIENGINEERING-130M 63 1 -765-2954 1 725 H O B A R T ROAD S O U T H O L D , NEW Y O R K 1 1 97 1 OFFICE Hall TION. MAILING ADDRESS: Town P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) � Southold, NY � Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-xmy.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Collins, Town Engineer From: Mara Cerezo, Planner Date: June 18, 2024 Re: Proposed Drainage Design for Vines on Mill Winery Site Plan Application Name: Vines on Mill Winery Tax Map Number: 1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Location: 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map Dated: Preliminary Subdivision Map Dated: Final Subdivision Map Dated: Road Profiles Dated: Grading and Drainage Plans Dated: Other Dated: Site Plan Dated: Revised Site Plan Dated: Grading and Drainage Plans Dated: 06/17/2024 Other (AS BUILT) Dated: Project Description: This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting morn on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. Thank you for your time and cooperation. 1 E7 f,., r, r, 1„ r ENGINEERING St, jpI June 18, 2024 P L M T' gC C ° C EP '.U'U Mara Cerezo L elfarn Southold Town PlanningDepartment 54375 NYS Route 25 p S."_, 'Z nig ""`"'°° n Board Southold,NY 11971 1 . .. _ Z .,3 Z' + 3 . 2 RE: Vines on Mill -HAND DELIVERED Also attached are 5 copies of the drainage design which contain the revisions Mike Collins asked for. These are per Mike Collins letter of June 4tn I discussed the letter with Mike recently. Item#1 He understood that Page 5 was the only drainage plan Item#2 Attached is the corrections for the asphalt apron required Item#3 The SWPPP is being prepared by another professional and will be sent by separate cover Item #4 There is a note on the plan resolving this. Yours truly ..w' . " JosepIwischetti, PE BOARD CERTIFIED IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOSEPH@FISOHETTI.COM FISOHET7IEN93INEERINC3.00M 63 1 -765-2954 1 725 H O B A R T R O A D S O U T H O L D , N E W Y O R K 1 1 97 1 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Division of Water, Bureau of Water Permits 625 Broadway,Albany, New York 12233-3505 P: (518)402-8111 F: (518)402-9029 www.dec.ny.gov 6/14/2024 Svb-F Vines on Mill LLC Chelsea Frankel 16505 Main Road a Mattituck, NY 11952 9 '67t56 T r oitin Planning Board RE: ACKNOWLEDGMENT of NOTICE OF INTENT for $, — 'L — Z.- 3 , 2 • y Coverage Under SPDES General Permit for 3 , Storm Water Discharges from CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY— General Permit No. GP-0-20-001 Dear Prospective Permittee: This is to acknowledge that the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (Department) has received a complete Notice of Intent (NOI) for coverage under General Permit No. GP-0-20-001 for the construction activities located at: Vines on Mill 16505 Main Road Town of Southold, NY 11952 County: SUFFOLK Pursuant to Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) Article 17, Titles 7 and 8, and ECL Article 70, coverage under GP-0-20-001 for the above construction site is effective five (5) business days from 6/5/2024, which is the date the Department received your complete eNO1. The permit identification number for this site is: NYR11 M631. Be sure to include this permit identification number on any forms or correspondence you send the Department. When coverage under GP-0-20-001 is no longer needed, you must submit a Notice of Termination to the Department. Additionally, authorization to discharge under GP-0-20-001 is conditioned upon compliance with Part II.C. of GP-0-20-001, specifically the following: 1. A final Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan has been prepared; 2. When applicable, project review pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) has been satisfied; 3. Where required, all necessary Department permits subject to the Uniform Procedures Act (UPA) (see 6 NYCRR Part 621), or the equivalent from another New York State agency, have been obtained, unless otherwise notified by the Department pursuant to 6 NYCRR 621.3(a)(4). NEW YORK Departmeint of as w w Iry rAv rClnmer tal Conservatiolt If other UPA permits, or the equivalent, are required, you must submit a preliminary SWPPP to the appropriate Permit Administrator at the Regional Office listed in Appendix F to GP-0-20-001. The preliminary SWPPP must be submitted at the time that the applications for all other UPA permits, or the equivalent, are submitted to the Department. Note: Construction cannot commence until all of the above have been satisfied. Please be advised that there is an annual regulatory fee of$110, which is billed by the Department in the late fall. The regulatory fee covers a period of one calendar year. In addition, since September 1, 2004, construction stormwater permittees have been assessed an initial authorization fee which is now $110 per acre of land disturbed and $675 per acre of future impervious area. The initial authorization fee covers the duration of the authorized disturbance. Should you have any questions regarding any aspect of the requirements specified in GP-0-20-001, please contact me at (518) 402-8114. S(iincerelyy,- ^^ fi� � `- David Gasper Environmental Engineer cc: RWE - 1 SWPPP Preparer Dilandro Andrews Engineering Seeliger, Jack 158 County Road 39 Southampton, NY 11968 SVb-� F'6 oc MC RECEIVED " Town of Southold RJN 1 2, Z024 53095 Main Road � Planning ng Board 0 W tl Southold NY 11971 Office of the Town Attorney 631-765-1939 Investigation and Enforcement Unit IL Ar W,kJRK k-)RIJEK PURSUANT TO SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE §280-130 B YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO STOP ANY WORK AT THIS LOCATION UNTIL A BUILDING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. 16505 Main Road, Mattituck, NY 1000-115.-2-2.3 THIS NOTICE MUST REMAIN POSTED AT THE LOCATION UNTIL A BUILDING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. ARTHUR P. BLOOM ORDINANCE INSPECTOR MAILING ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION: " "'��""'�''"' � P.O.Box 1179 Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 fi�'�� � �"' Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtow-rmy.gov ou � PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 4, 2024 Ms. Elizabeth Baldwin, Esq. Esseks, Hefter, Angel, Di Talia & Pasca, LLP P.O. Box 279 Riverhead, NY 11901 Re: Approval with Conditions - Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Winery Located at 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Zoning District: R-80/AC Dear Ms. Baldwin: The following resolutions were adopted at a meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, June 3, 2024: WHEREAS, this application is for the proposed construction of a 5,200-sf. sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel (SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3) in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland (SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.4 & 3.2) totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District, Southold; and WHEREAS, on October 23, 2023, Elizabeth Baldwin, authorized agent, submitted a Site Plan Application for review; and WHEREAS, on November 8, 2023, Elizabeth Baldwin, authorized agent, submitted a letter and deed of development rights to provide clarification on the development rights intact area and intent to merge lots; and WHEREAS, on December 7, 2023, the Architectural Review Committee reviewed the proposed project, made design recommendations, and requested review of finish materials which were not presented; and WHEREAS, on December 11, 2023, the application was found to be incomplete as noted in the letter of the same date; and Vines on Mill Winery Page 2 June 3 2024 WHEREAS, on January 2, 2024, Glen Coben, applicant's architect, submitted corrected plans for review and information missing from initial application; and WHEREAS, on January 30, 2024, Anthony Pasca, applicant's architect, submitted a request to the Southold Town Planning Board to support the issuance of a demolition permit; and WHEREAS, on February 2, 2024, the application was found to be incomplete as noted in the email correspondence of the same date; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 2024 the Southold Town Planning Board did not object to the issuance of a demolition permit in accordance with the submitted demolition plan; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board found the application complete for review upon receipt of additional information; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617.5 (c), determined that the proposed action is a Type II Action as it falls within the description for 6 NYCRR, §617.5(c)(3) agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance and repair of farm buildings and structures, and land use changes consistent with generally accepted principles of farming. The action is for the construction of wine production and fermentation facility, including agricultural equipment storage and, therefore, not subject to review because the proposed construction is for an agricultural site; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board, supported the request for a waiver of the public hearing at their work session; and WHEREAS, on February 6, 2024, Anthony Pasca, authorized agent, submitted revised plans for review; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 C., distributed the application to the required agencies for their comments; and WHEREAS, on February 8, 2024, the Southold Town Code Enforcement officer verified that there were no open violations on the subject parcel; and WHEREAS, on February 15, 2024, the Suffolk County Planning Commission (SCPC) reviewed the proposed project and considered it to be an act for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s); and WHEREAS, on February 20, 2024, the Southold Town Land Preservation Committee determined the proposed improvements located on the Easement area were not related to agricultural production and were inconsistent with the Easement's terms. Vines on Mill Wine Page 3 June 3 2024 WHEREAS, on March 1, 2024, the Southold Town Fire Marshal reviewed and requested additional information in order to assess fire protection, emergency egress, and emergency access to the site; and WHEREAS, on March 2, 2024, the Suffolk County Water Authority determined that the proposed project would not appear to have any adverse impacts on SCWA's water quality, however felt they had insufficient data to determine effect upon water supplies in Pressure Zone 30; and WHEREAS, on March 5, 2024, the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator reviewed the proposed project and determined the project to be consistent with Southold Town LWRP policies; and WHEREAS, at a Work Session on March 11, 2024 the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the proposed application and required revisions to the Site Plan to make it comply with various applicable sections of the Town Code; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board sent a letter to the applicant noting required revisions to the Site Plan with additional agency referrals still pending; and WHEREAS, on March 20, 2024 the Mattituck Fire District determined there was adequate fire protection for the site; and WHEREAS, on April 8, 2024, Glen Coben, Applicant's Architect, wrote to the Suffolk County Water Authority with additional details on the proposed project; and WHEREAS, on April 15, 2024, the applicant submitted revised plans and lighting specifications; and WHEREAS, on April 16, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board distributed the revised plans to the Southold Town Engineer and the Southold Town Fire Marshal for their comments; and WHEREAS, on April 16, 2024, the Southold Town Fire Marshal reviewed and requested additional information in order to assess fire protection, emergency egress, and emergency access to the site; and WHEREAS, on April 16, 2024 the Suffolk County Water Authority determined that the proposed project should not affect SCWA's demand; and WHEREAS, on April 29, 2024, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed project and determined revisions were required in order for the site plan to meet the minimum requirements of Chapter 236 for Stormwater Management; and , Vines on Mill Winery Page 4 June 3„ 2024 WHEREAS, on April 29, 2024, the Southold Town Engineer reviewed the proposed project and determined that a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be prepared and a State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit for Construction Activity from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) must be obtained; and WHEREAS, at their Work Session, held on May 6, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the proposed Site Plan and determined that the remaining requirements to be met were approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, SPDES Permit from NYSDEC, certification of compliance with Chapter 236 Stormwater Management, and final review of the Southold Town Fire Marshal; and WHEREAS, on May 16, 2024, Glen Coben, applicant's architect, submitted corrected plans for review via email; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 2024, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) granted approval to Reference #C-24-0008 for"General Industrial, Storage, and Single- Family Residence" @ 665 gallons per day; and WHEREAS, on May 23, 2024, the Southold Town Fire Marshal reviewed and requested additional information in order to assess fire protection, emergency egress, and emergency access to the site; and WHEREAS, on May 31, 2024, Glen Coben, applicant's architect, submitted corrected plans for review via email; and WHEREAS, on June 3, 2024, the Southold Town Chief Building Inspector reviewed and certified the proposed winery as a permitted use in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on June 3, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board determined that all applicable requirements of the Site Plan Regulations, Article XXIV, §280 — Site Plan Approval of the Town of Southold, have been met; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Approval with Conditions of the site plan entitled "Vines on Mill" prepared by Glen J. Coben, Registered Architect, dated December 1, 2022 and last revised May 23, 2024, and authorizes the Chairman to endorse the plans listed below after conditions "A" through "E" are met: A-000.00 TITLE SITE PLAN A-001.00 SITE PLAN PROPOSED A-111.00 FLOOR ROOF PLAN ELEVATIONS A-112.00 PROPOSED WINERY OFFICE FLOOR PLAN A-113.00 PHOTOMETRIC SHEET 1 DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS PLAN (JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE.) SHEET 2 DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS PLAN (JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE.) SHEET 3 SANITARY SITE PLAN (JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE.) SHEET 4 SANITARY SITE PLAN (JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE.) SHEET 5 DRAINAGE DESIGN (JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE.) Vines on Mill Wine Page 5 June 3 2024 Conditions to be fulfilled prior to endorsement of site plan & prior to building permits being issued: A. Obtain a SPDES Construction Permit from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and provide documentation that the proposed project has obtained SPDES coverage prior to final approval of the site plan. B. Certification from the office of the Town Engineer for compliance with Chapter 236 of the Town Code. C. Fire access must be found to meet applicable fire code requirements by the Southold Town Fire Marshal. D. Submit at least five (5) revised site plans with original stamp, seal and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan. Conditions of Approval (ongoing): 1. All aspects of the project shall be constructed and maintained substantially in accordance with the approved site plan including the architectural drawings. 2. Preconstruction meeting: preceding the commencement of any clearing or construction on site, a preconstruction meeting shall be coordinated with the Planning Department and Town Engineer prior to any action taken on site. 3. No retail sales or access by the general public permitted. 4. This site is designed and approved for wine production and storage, not as a public tasting room, with a designated area for office and meetings for staff and wine professionals only. 5. All exterior lighting on the property, including lighting on the former residential building, shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 172 of the Town Code, and the lighting plan pages of the approved site plan. Any future exterior light fixtures not shown on the approved site plan must be reviewed for compliance and approved by the Planning Board prior to installation. 6. Proposed signs must be submitted to the Planning Board for review and approval prior to receiving a permit. The Planning Board did not review or approve any signs during the site plan review. Note that the sign depicted on the building elevations (Sheet A- 111.00) is for illustration purposes only and does not constitute Planning Board approval of that signage. 7. All trees and landscaping are required to be maintained by the property owner as shown on the approved site plan. Should a tree die or otherwise be destroyed, it must be replaced with the same species and size as shown on the approved site plan within 6 months. Any change in tree or landscaping species must be approved in writing by the Planning Board. Vines on Mill Winery Page 6 June 3 2024 Please also note the following requirements in the Southold Town Code relating to Site Plans: 1. Any new lighting fixtures beyond those approved as part of the Lighting Plan must conform to the Code and may require Planning Board approval depending on their number, size, intensity and location. Fixtures shall be shielded so the light source is not visible from adjacent properties and roadways and shall focus and direct the light in such a manner as to contain the light and glare within property boundaries and conform to §172 of the Town Code. 2. Proposed storm water run-off containment systems must be inspected by the Town Engineer at the time of installation. Please call the Southold Town Engineer prior to beginning this work. 3. Approved Site Plans are valid for eighteen months from the date of approval, within which time all proposed work must be completed, unless the Planning Board grants an extension. 4. Any changes from the Approved Site Plan shall require Planning Board approval. 5. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the Planning Board must inspect the site to ensure it is in conformity with the Approved Site Plan, and issue a Final Site Inspection approval letter. Should the site be found not in conformance with the Approved Site Plan, no Certificate of Occupancy may be issued unless the Planning Board approves the changes to the plan. A copy of the Approved Site Plan is enclosed for your records. One copy will also be sent to the Building Department and the Town Engineer/Highway Department. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. J2,ectfully, James H. Rich III Chairman Encl. cc: Building Dept. w/map Town Engineer w/map Vines on Mill Wine[y Page 7 June 3,2024 By signing this letter, the applicant acknowledges that there are Town Code requirements and conditions, including those listed above, that must be satisfied prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Anthony C. Pasca Print name: AppkefWAgent Signature: Date: 6/7/2024 ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR. MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. TOWN ENGINEER SUPERVISOR ' TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Fax Tel. (631)-765—1560 , (631) 765 9015 . r ' �1.1��x.��� i fl . d, @„ p, an 1.�9 .4.+. ��'il,l&,9�uM„tl�1 h,J �f OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mara Cerezo June 4, 2024 Planner S`'L-7�- Southold Town Planning Department P8 H PIT `I BC I RECEIVED 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Vines on Mill Winery R JUN 0 4 20,24 SCTM #: 1000 — 115. — 02 — 2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 P _ but @76` n Planning Board Dear Ms. Cerezo: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed Sheet No. 5 of the Site Plan for the Vines on Mill Winery prepared by Joseph Fischetti, P.E., dated May 15, 2024. Please have the applicant submit revised plans that address the following: 1. The previous set of plans prepared by Joseph Fischetti, P.E., reviewed on April 29, 2004 contained Sheet No. 1 through Sheet No. 3. Is the current Sheet No. 5 incorrectly labeled or were two additional sheets prepared and not submitted for review? 2. The apron connecting the site to Mill Lane must be constructed of asphalt for a minimum of 5' from the existing edge of the asphalt pavement. Show the asphalt apron on the plans and provide details for the construction of the asphalt apron. 3. Please note that the proposed site plan includes more than 1 acre of proposed land disturbance that has the potential to directly discharge to waters of the State. The applicant must prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and obtain a State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit for Construction Activity from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) prior to final approval of this site plan. As the stormwater runoff from the proposed development does not have the potential to discharge through the Town's municipal stormwater system, the Town will not review or approve the SWPPP nor will it sign the MS4 SWPPP Acceptance Form. The applicant should apply directly to the NYSDEC for a SPDES Construction Permit. The Town must be provided with documentation that the proposed project has obtained SPDES coverage from the NYSDEC prior to final approval of the site plan. Please note that fbi- wn pur TO poses oiWy, the SWPPP can be submitted with the site plan application in lieu of separate drainage and erosion/sediment control plans provided that the SWPPP satisfies both NYSDEC and Town of Southold regulations. 4. The test hole provided shows unsuitable soils to a depth of 10' below grade. Drainage Systems C and D are of insufficient depth to reach suitable drainage material, therefore, these systems must either be increased in depth or the plans must specify that these systems will be excavated to reach a minimum depth of 10' and then backfilled with suitable drainage material below the leaching rings. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Sincerely, Michael M. Collins, P.E. Town Engineer Submission Without a Cover Letter s"b-f- LET Brj M RECEIC V D Name: -1 I °e, �66fftRdToL —wn Project Title: V� r� 1 , Planning Board SCTM#: 1000 - � µ• '"" 2- --• , 2-- . L4 Date: l0 1 1 -1,,LI 1 Details of Submission: x s ;y- plan Southold Town Plannin Board Work Session dune�=3,202 -- Pam_ w,.. 5028 _ Location h 8� DHC Resubdivision SCTM# 1000 115 10 2 & 1 Prcect Name. Hirsc _.. _ Description: This proposed&4180 New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituckw -_. ... .w _..... . _.. - _. resubdivision involving 15.96 acres will transfer a 35' strip of land consisting of 30,362.76 from Lot 1 to 2 in the R-80 Zoning District for a right of way access. Following the transfer Lot 1 (SCTM#1000-115-10-1) will equal 620,542 sq, ft. and remain conforming in the R-80 Zoning District and Lot 2 (SCTM#1000-115-10- 2) will equal 74,995 sq. ft. and remain conforming in the R-40 Zoning District. Status ..... ` _ Pending _M.�-. - ...., Attachments: Staff Re qq ination m Action, .. __..._�_. � Review or a er ....,.... _ ......._ .�.._.. .. Project N .n Peconic Onwego Standard Subdivision SCTM##: )_ 100 0-74 -4 14 3 Location:..... 1 32900 CR 48, Peconic w Description: ! This Standard Subdivision proposes to subdivide a 3.65-acre parcel into 2 lots. Lot 1 equals 2.73 acres and Lot 2 equals 0.92 acres in the Limited Business and Residential Office zoning districtsmm Status Pendin or anon C Action Review f Conditional Final Plat Determination M- -n Attachments ..... ._.Staff-Report ._.w. .. ._ .........._....._�. .. .__ ._ .. .... Pro An Location: 16505 Route 25„ Mattituck M# � 1000 115 2 2 3, 2 4, 3 2 ect Name Vine„ eµ ne �.__. ., s on MillWinery Description: This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with not retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development _. ri i .�..... ... i h AC Zoning District � ghts held by Southold Town in e t ggq_q ... w_ ... _..w. w_._ Status _'...,Pending _ w. ._....._ ... o....�.ww . ... .., ._ Action. _µmm Review for Determination ments Staff Attach ... . �........� Pro ect Name. Hotel Moraine Expansion .- . . _.. _. N .. m. insion SCTM# 1000 40.-1-1 cation 62005 CR 48, Oreenport Description: This site plan is for the proposed expansion of an existing hotel including construction of a 4,588 sq. ft. building with ten (10) hotel rooms, and a P 2,040 sq. ft. addition to an existing building with four (4) hotel rooms where there exists a 21-unit hotel comprised of five (5) buildings totaling ±13,854 sq. ft. and accessory improvements on a 3.21-acre parcel in the Resort Residential (RR) Zoning District IS f a t u s": Pending Action: Review for Completeness m..Attachments: .n_. .... _._.� .......... Staff Report. ....-..wwww.._ . ...__..._ ._.____..._..� Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Determination Date: June 3, 2024 Prepared By: Mara Cerezo I. Application Information Project Title: Vines on Mill Winery Applicant: Vines on Mill LLC & Little White House LLC Date of Submission: October 24, 2023 Tax Map Number: 115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Project Location: 16505 Main Road Hamlet: Mattituck Zoning District: R-80/AC II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Winery/Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: ±1.95 acres (R-80 Zone), ± 50.15 acres (AC Zone) Building size: 9,260 sq. ft. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200-sf. sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District, Southold. III: Context 1. Existing: a. ±1.95-acre parcel with a 2-story ±1,630 sq. ft. residence, and multiple barns and outbuildings. The existing 2-story farmhouse, one 1-story garage, and one ± 2,340 sq. ft. frame barn remain after the demolition. 2. Proposed: a. A 30' high 5,200 sq. ft. (50' x 110') wine production facility. Preserve and reuse existing 1-story ± 2,340 sq. ft. barn, one 1-story garage, and a 2-story ±1,630 sq. ft. one-family detached residence for accessory farm use as office space/storage. 3. Re-subdivision: a. Merger of three adjacent lots (115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2) forming one large parcel for cohesive agricultural use of the property was approved by Planning Board on April 8, 2024. 1 IV: Staff Update & Analysis 1. Revised Plans: The applicant made the necessary edits/revisions/notations to the Lighting Plan, Site Plan, and Elevations as discussed at the work session on May 6, 2024. Including: a. Clarifying development rights intact area. b. Adding timing devices and hours information to the lighting plan. c. Noting that the glazing will be bird-friendly and prevent light spillage. 2. Fire Marshal: While the Planning Board found that the potential for fire access might be resolved without further plan revisions, the Southold Town Fire Marshal wants to ensure sufficient compliance with NYS Fire Code. There are outstanding issues in regards to fire access, that are currently being addressed by the applicant. Specifically, the applicant must identify the fire department access road and where it measures 150 feet to the furthest point per NYS FC 503.1.1. Access roads must be provided and maintained to allow fire apparatus to be within at least 150' of all exterior portions of the first story. 3. Office of the Town Engineer As noted at the work session on May 6, 2024, the applicant must prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and obtain a State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit for Construction Activity from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) prior to final approval of this site plan. The Town must be provided with documentation that the proposed project has obtained SPDES coverage from the NYSDEC prior to final approval of the site plan. In addition, the final plans must comply with Southold Town Code Chapter 236 and requires final review by the Town Engineer. 4. Sanitary: On May 20, 2024, the applicant's agent confirmed that a SCDHS wastewater construction approval has been obtained. VI. Planning Board Items to Consider With exception of the SPDES Construction Permit, Chapter 236 Certification, and final review by the Southold Town Fire Marshal, all requirements of site plan review and approval have been met. As described above, consider whether the Board agrees to permit the completion of these items as conditions to a determination at tonight's Public Meeting. 2 Town Hall Annex � M Telephone(631)765-1802 54375 Main Road P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 1 1 971-0959 �~ COUNm BUILDING DEPARTMENT 50 bT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PS,RLI " ,,-- �11 MC RECEIVED MEMORANDUM J UN 0 5 2024 ota _° orn Planning Board TO: James H. Rich III, Planning Board Chairman FROM: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector DATE: June 3, 2024 tE IJ"IREMENTS FOR SITE PLAN ELEMENTS & CERTIFICATION Project: Vines on Mill Wine Location: 16505 R011te 25 Mattituc SCTM# 1000—Section 115- Block 02—Lot 2.3 Date: December Revised Date: M v 31, 2024 1. ALL BUILDINGS AND USES SHALL COMPLY WITH CHAPTERS 144 AND 280 OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. 2. OFF STREET PARKING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 3. ALL FENCING, SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING BY AUTHORITY OF THE PLANNING BOARD. 4. THE PROPOSED USE-Agricultural storage/production buildingIS A PERMITTED USE IN THIS R-80 DISTRICT AND IS SO CERTIFIED. Michael J. Vern Chief Building Inspector ENGINEERING May 31, 2024 Mara Cerezo RE"CE IV-E D f Southold Town Planning Department ��, ��� %;.1/4 54375 NYS Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 + to,- q +i�� Planning Board RE:Vines on Mill Also attached are 4 copies of the drainage design which contain the revisions Mike Collins asked for. These are per your May 30th Email To the"Vines Team" You truly lose p� Fischetti, PE BOARD CERTIFIED IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING JOSEPHOA FISCHETTI.COM FISCHETTIENMINEERINO.COM 63 1 -765-2954 1 725 H O B A R-r ROAD S O U -r H O L D , N E W Y O R K 1 1 97 1 _ c RECEIVED om�- Planning Board 91GLEN &CO ARCHITECTURE T''ra ns m itta I ...__ � ._w _ w............M. ... _._ ..........._......_.. TO: FROM: Mara Cerezo, Planner Sachi Masaki Southold Town Planning Department Glen and Co 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 631-765-1938 Date�05-23-20.2.4...........�...._..-_ w -.............���..�.�...�...............�.�.�_w__w �._�..............._...�._�..�.�._...........................__.���.�.. ..�.�-_....rcm�.._...�.�.-.......................ww............ww........ Re: Vines on Mill - 16505 Main Road By: (05)set for VO Planning Board Review ..... .... Comments: These are transmitted as below: For approval Approved as submitted For review comment Resubmit copies for approval As requested Approved as noted Returned for corrections Copy to: GLEN COBEN ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN, PLLC _....,. . 33 East 331d Street,Suite 906 New York,NY 10016 212-689-2779 glenandcompany.com r ENGINEERING May 22, 2024 S v b� PRE NL M%-MC Mara Cerezo EIVEDI Southold Town Planning Department ..m-. 54375 NYS Route 25 MAY 2 2 2024. Southold,NY 11971 Planning Beard.. . . RE:Vines on Mill .a..-.. .Zw.. Attached is 1 set of the Suffolk County Health Department approvals for Vines on Mill Also attached are 5 sets of the drainage design rs truly Jos h Fischetti, PE BOARD CERTIFIED IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING J0SEPH@FISCHETTI.com FISCHETTIEN[SIN EERING.COM 63 1 -765-2954 1 725 H O B A R T ROAD S O U T H O L D , NEW Y O R K 1 1 97 1 From: Cerezo, Mara Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 10:33 AM To: Michaelis, Jessica;Westermann, Caitlin S ub-p Subject: FW: [SPAM] - Re:Vines on Mill PS, HL,MT, Scimc Attachments: NYSDEC SWPPP Submission - 16505 Main Road confirmation of submission.pdf For incoming mail. _.m........ �..... ............. 'Y 2 2 2024 From: Glen Coben<glen@glenandcompany.com> ai ti ca i..l6W.n..._ Sent:Tuesday, May 21, 2024 11:19 AM Planning Board To: Cerezo, Mara <marac@southoldtownny.gov> �"� Cc: Elizabeth Baldwin<EBaldwin@ehalaw.com>;Anthony Pasca<apasca@ehalaw.com>; Sachi Masaki <sachi@glenandcompany.com> Subject: [SPAM] - Re:Vines on Mill Mara, Apologies for all of the emails! slz� IZy Attached to this email is confirmation that the SWPPP application was submitted and received today. Please let us know if you need any other documents as well prepare the final sets of plans for submission. Thank you, Glen Glen Coben www. lenandcom an .com 917-509-9040 On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 10:10 AM Glen Coben < len lenandcom an .corn>wrote: Mara, The following is an update on the SWPPP application: • Received the non-jurisdiction SWPPP letter from the Town of Southold (attached) • We will proceed with completing the filing of the SWPPP with the DEC. • The DEC reviewers typically take around 2 weeks to issue a Letter of Acknowledgment I have asked our engineering team at DiLandro to send us an acknowledgement that the application has been submitted and will forward that to you once received. Thank you, Glen 1 5/21/24, 11:05 AM NYSDEC eBusiness Portal System-NOI for coverage under Stormwater General Permit for Construction Activity.Revision 1 Submission Complete N01 for coverage under Stormwater General Permit for Construction Activity Alternate Identifier Vines on Mill Submission HQ3-SM5H-VS83C Revision 1 Form Version 1.37 https://nform-prod.det..ny.gov/agaP/ d ubmi sioriwizardl7ed65O5c,2 a -47 0-9e28-Oed6eca86a4a412/coti rniatioii 1/1 From: Westermann, Caitlin r Svl '� Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 11:08 AM {" H L MT 13c- M• C To: Westermann, Caitlin RECEIVED Subject: FW: [SPAM] - Re:Vines on Mill Attachments: Town of Southold SWPPP Review letter.pdf GA AY 024 zit i talc]'t w . Planning Board 2_. 31 Z • y From: Cerezo, Mara<marac@southoldtownny.gov> Sent:Wednesday, May 22, 202410:33 AM To: Michaelis,Jessica <jessica.michaelis@town.southold.ny.us>; Westermann, Caitlin<caitlinw@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: FW: [SPAM] - Re:Vines on Mill For incoming mail. From: Glen Coben< len lenandcom an .com> Sent:Tuesday, May 21, 202410:10 AM To: Cerezo, Mara <rrtarac southoldtownn ov> Cc: Elizabeth Baldwin<EBaldwin elialaw.corn>; Anthony Pasca< aca ehalaw.com>; Sachi Masaki <sachi lenandcom an .com> Subject: [SPAM] - Re:Vines on Mill Mara, The following is an update on the SWPPP application: • Received the non-jurisdiction SWPPP letter from the Town of Southold (attached) • We will proceed with completing the filing of the SWPPP with the DEC. • The DEC reviewers typically take around 2 weeks to issue a Letter of Acknowledgment I have asked our engineering team at DiLandro to send us an acknowledgement that the application has been submitted and will forward that to you once received. Thank you, Glen Glen Coben www. lenandcom an .com 917-509-9040 i k,u ALBERT J.KRUPSKI,JR. Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 SUPERVISOR P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-1823 Telephone (631) 765-1889 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 20, 2024 Jack Seeliger DiLandro Andrews Engineering, PLLC 158 County Road 39, Suite 10 Southampton, NY 11968 RE: SWPPP Review— Proposed Construction at SCTM# 1000-115.-02-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Dear Mr. Seeliger: This letter is written in response to your request for a letter from the Town of Southold (Southold) duly authorized representative explaining Southold's position regarding the agency responsible for reviewing the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the proposed construction activities located at the properties identified by SCTM# 1000-115.-02-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2. The proposed construction activities on these properties will collectively result in more than one acre of land disturbance and are subject to the requirements of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity, Permit No. GP-0-20-001. Southold is a covered entity under the NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), Permit No. GP-0-24-001. Part I.A.1. of this permit reads as follows: Part I. PERMIT COVERAGE AND LIMITATIONS A. Permit Application 1. This SPDES general permit authorizes the discharge of stormwater from small MS4s. As the construction activities in question do not have the potential to discharge to Southold's MS4, the requirements of GP-0-24-001 do not apply as there will be no discharge that would be authorized under this general permit. Therefore, the only applicable SPDES regulation to this construction activity is GP-0- 20-001, and as such the NYSDEC is the agency responsible for SWPPP review and enforcement. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Michael Collins, P.E., at 631-765-1560. Very truly yours, Albert J. Krul; i, Jr. Town Supervisor Submission Without a Cover Letter svj7p P13j RL I MTI BC IM RECEIVED Name: � n+koy,�3 ?QSca e MA'Y 2 2 2024 Project Title: vincs 0 a gb'uffiord down I J, lannin, Boa,d ryl ry r SCTM#: 1000 - 3 2- Date: S/7,S./ 7 Lq Details of Submission- 3C-1)43 19 lop ro Vej ct 1) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK EDWARD P. ROMAINE SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GREGSON H. PIGOTT, MD, MPH Commissioner PERMIT CONDITIONS Project Name: Vines on Mill Health Services Reference#: C-24-0008 SCTM #: 1000115000200002003 Revision #: 0 The attached plan, when duly signed by a representative of the department, in conjunction with these conditions, constitutes a permit to construct a water supply, sewage disposal, and/or collection system for the property as depicted. The applicant should take note of any conditions of approval, which may be indicated on the plan or enclosed herein. Construction must conform with approved plans as well as all applicable standards including Standards for Approval of Plans and Construction for Sewage Disposal Systems for Other than Single Family Residences. Omissions, inconsistencies or lack of detail on the plan do not release the applicant from the responsibility of having the construction done in conformance with applicable standards. Issuance of this permit shall in no way relieve the design professional of responsibility for the adequacy of the complete design. The permit (plan) expires three (3) years after the approval date.Any modification to the approved design requires the submission of a revised plan and additional fees (if applicable)for approval prior to construction. No inspections will be performed by the department if a copy of the approved site plan/survey is not on site during construction or if the permit has expired. Permits may be renewed, transferred, or revised in accordance with the procedures described in Instructions to Renew, Extend, or Transfer an Existing Permit for Other than Single Family Residences (Form WWM-081). It is the applicant's responsibility to schedule an inspection of the sewage disposal and/or water supply facilities prior to backfilling. This includes inspections of the sewage collection and disposal systems, water supply system components and piping, and final grading as shown on the approved plans. This can be done by calling the department at (631) 852- 5754, or through the ACA Portal at https://aca-prod.accela.com/SUFFOLKCO. In certain cases, inspections of the soil excavation may be required to determine the acceptability of the soils for sewage disposal systems. Excavation inspections must be confirmed by calling (631) 852-5700 between 8:30a.m. and 9:30 a.m., the morning of the inspection.Article VII of the Code, "Septic Industry Businesses," requires that all installers of septic systems within shall possess a valid license from the Office of Consumer Affairs. This office will not perform inspections for or grant final approval for construction of projects that are installed by an unlicensed individual. It is, therefore, in your best interest to utilize a cesspool contractor with a valid license to avoid substantial delays in your project. Final approval issued by the Department is necessary prior to the occupancy of new buildings, additions to existing buildings, or for the use of sewage disposal or water supply systems. WWM-016 Page 1 of 2 Project Name: Vines on Mill Health Services Reference#: C-24-0008 SCTM #: 1000115000200002003 Revision #: 0 CONDITIONS FOR OBTAINING FINAL APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTED PROJECT As a condition of this permit to construct, the following items must be completed as a minimum, prior to building occupancy and use of the sewage disposal system or water supply facilities. For further information concerning this, refer to Instructions For Obtaining Final Health Department Approval Of Constructed Projects For Other Than Single Family Residences (Form WWM-019). [1] Excavation inspection by the Office of Wastewater Management prior to installation of any leaching structures. [2] Satisfactory inspection of the water supply and sewage disposal systems by the Office of Wastewater Management. [3] Design professional certification (WWM-073) for sewage disposal systems. [4] Installer certification (WWM-078). [5] Abandonment certification (WWM-080). [6] As-built plan. [7] SCWA tap letter. WWM-016 Page 2 of 2 OFFICE LOCATION. MAILING ADDRESS:P.O. Box 1179 Town Hall Annex � R ��, 54375 State Route 25 �� `� Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov x, enu ; PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector Amanda Nunemaker, Building Permits Examiner From: Mara Cerezo, Planner CC�- Date: May 21, 2024 Re: Use Certification Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Winery 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 The Planning Board has found this Site Plan application suitable for determination pursuant to §280-131 F (1) and refers the application to you for final review and certification. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Encls: Site Plan Site Plan Application Smb-r- From: Michaelis, Jessica 7- Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 9:35 AM 1. To: Westermann, Caitlin prFAY _....... Subject: FW: Vines on Mill Attachments: 05-16-2024_Vins on Mill-PlanningBoard Revised. df ED For mail. Planning Board lls. - Z - 2. 3 , 7- . q -2- From:Glen Coben< 9� R:( Q �°ntur Sent:Thursday, May 16, 2024 7:33 PM To:Cerezo, Mara <ma-ra Cc: Elizabeth Baldwin<i �° G�ivvu:ol ,llw �wo >;Anthony Pasca < „i , �p: py ra �Gu >; Sachi Masaki . Subject: Re:Vines on Mill Mara, Thank you for the summary. Please see the attached drawings and advise if they address all open issues, The SWPPP is about to be issued to Mike Collins. We will send you a confirmation once sent. The new Health application has been submitted as well. Thank you, Glen Glen Coben t: 212-689-2779 x1 m: 917-509-9040 sent from iPhone Southold Town Plannino Board Work Session --• Msiy 6, 2024=P Page -..05 .. ....25 .. t.....a..M,,,,....� �... ... _.. . .� _. 15 2 2 3, 2 4, 3 2 Location: oo ect Name Vines on Mill Wine SCTM# 1000 1 PriNOW cation. 16505 Route 25, Mattituck Description: This site Ian is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 s _, � i wwwwwno p p p p q. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development _._... _ rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. __._....w Status: in _.._ Action Referral Review Continued _,.__, �... Attachments Staff1--- Report _....... ...... ..__ --- _.- Discussion: ❖ April Monthly Report ❖ ZBA Request for Comments: JSK Park Ave. LLC, 2150 & 2200 Park Avenue, Mattituck, SCTM#1000-123- 8-9 & 10. Hearing: 6/6/24 ❖ TB Request for Comments. • Local Law to impose an interim or temporary suspension on the review, approval and/or issuance of all permits for or relating to new development of resorts, hotels or motels. Hearing: 6/18/24 • Local Law to amend the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold by changing the zoning designation of property identified on the SCTM as Lot#1000-12.-1-4.3 from B to MI. Hearing: 6/18/24 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review Update Date: May 6, 2024 Prepared By: Mara Cerezo I. Application Information Project Title: Vines on Mill Winery Applicant: Vines on Mill LLC & Little White House LLC Date of Submission: October 24, 2023 Tax Map Number: 115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Project Location: 16505 Main Road Hamlet: Mattituck Zoning District: R-80/AC II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Winery/Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: ±1.95 acres (R-80 Zone), ± 50.15 acres (AC Zone) Building size: 9,260 sq. ft. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200-sf. sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District, Southold. III: Context 1. Low-Densi Residential R-80 /A ricultural-Conservation AC Zoning District 280-,12 Purpose. - The purpose of the Agricultural-Conservation (A-C) District and the Low-Density Residential R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts is to reasonably control and, to the extent possible, prevent the unnecessary loss of those currently open lands within the Town containing large and contiguous areas of prime agricultural soils which are the basis for a significant portion of the Town's economy and those areas with sensitive environmental features, including aquifer recharge areas and bluffs. In addition, these areas provide the open rural environment so highly valued by year-round residents and those persons who support the Town of Southold's recreation, resort and second-home economy. The economic, social and aesthetic benefits which can be obtained for all citizens by limiting loss of such areas are well documented and have inspired a host of governmental programs designed, with varying degrees of success, to achieve this result. For its part, the Town is expending large sums of money to protect existing farm acreage. At the same time, the Town has an obligation to exercise its authority to reasonably regulate the subdivision and development of 1 this land to further the same purposes while honoring the legitimate interests of farmers and other farmland owners. 280-13-(A)(4) Purpose. Wineries which meet the following standards are permitted uses within the R-80 Zoning District: (a) The winery shall be a place or premises on which wine made from primarily Long Island grapes is produced and sold; (b) The winery shall be on a parcel on which at least 10 acres are devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes, and which is owned by the winery owner; (c) The winery structures shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from a major road; (d) The winery shall obtain site plan approval,. 2. Re-subdivision: a. Merge three adjacent lots (115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2) to form one large parcel for cohesive agricultural use of the property. b. Approved by Planning Board April 8, 2024. 3. Demolition: Initial plan was to remove two metal barns, two sheds, and three garages (as labeled on demolition plan). a. Planning Board supported a demolition permit via memo to the Building Department. b. Based on March 11, 2024 referral review comments about redesigning the parking area and landscaping, the applicant elected to maintain one of the garages for additional storage and screening. IV: Analysis 1. Existing: a. ±1.95-acre parcel with a 2-story ±1,630 sq. ft. residence, and multiple barns and outbuildings. i. The existing 2-story farmhouse, one 1-story garage, and one ± 2,340 sq. ft. frame barn remain after the demolition. 2 b. Surrounding land: i. North: Contiguous parcel of Town Development Rights Land, Long Island Rail Road, County Route 48 ii. East: Contiguous parcel of Town Development Rights Land, One-Family Residences with AC Zoning iii. South: State Route 25, Town Open Space, R-40 Zoning iv. West: Mill Lane, Contiguous parcel of Town Development Rights Land, One- Family Residences with R-80 Zoning 2. Proposed: a. A 30' high 5,200 sq. ft. (50' x 110') wine production facility, b. Preserve and reuse existing 1-story ± 2,340 sq. ft. barn, one 1-story garage, and a 2-story ±1,630 sq. ft. one-family detached residence for accessory farm use as office space/storage. 3. Access: a. A 30' gravel driveway is shown as the main two-way entrance/exit to the project location. Staff: The previously proposed 24' wide porous asphalt egress drive on the adjacent lot with development rights sold has been removed. 4. Par[in SL a. There are a total of 15 stalls proposed (including two ADA compliant). b. Parking lot surface type is listed as "gravel" on site plan (Sheet A-001.00) c. Loading and turnaround area is designated on the site plan. Staff: The applicant redesigned the parking area in consideration of the NYS Scenic Byway and based on expected employee demand. The applicant selected to keep one of the garages initially slated for demolition to help with additional storage, dumpster location, and screening of the parking area. Maintaining this historic structure is aligned with the recommendations from the LWRP review. A row of boxwoods and a row of laurels provide additional landscaping adjacent to the parking area. 3 5. Landscaping: a. Proposed plantings are shown and labeled on the site plan (Sheet A-001.00). A comprehensive listing of landscaping, buffering and street tree plans, including type, material, size, and quantity of each has been provided. ............. ..................m.. ................................... Name Botanical Name Location Size Quantity American Thuja Perimeter of 8-10 ft tall 12 Arborvitae Occidentalis dr�y Birch �Betula �q_ Various locations 6-8" caliper 3 ............. fopylif ..... ...... —-------- Sugar Maple Acer Saccharum Various locations 8-10" caliper. 4 Ginko Tree -----------------�bink6 i§4 6a,---------------- Various locations 6" caliper 8 ............ ----------- Yos hino Cherry Prunus x Adjacent to 6-8: caliper 8 .................... Yedoensis building ..... Native Panicum Various locations 3-5 ft tall Grass/Switcharass Vir ....qqtn.. .................................____.................................. ................... ....................... Boxwood Buxsus Hedqe _ww 3-5 ft tall Laurel Laurus No b iii s Varies Jj ............................... ......-...... Staff: The applicant has removed the English Ivy and designed a fencing for the mechanical pad (where the Ivy was originally used as screening). The applicant has added boxwoods and laurels adjacent to the parking area, and reduced the number of arborvitaes along the property boundary. There is now a mixture of boxwoods, sugar maples, birch, and arborvitae along Mill Lane and NY-25. 6. Sanita!y: Applicant has submitted materials to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services for review. Staff: Planning Staff met (virtually) with the applicant's agent and engineering/design team on April 26th to review questions about the SCDHS process and to clarify a path forward. The applicant had some miscommunication with SCDHS regarding the lot merger as they had incorrectly submitted a subdivision application. As of the writing of this report, the SCHDS application is said to be back on track. 7. Exterior Lighting; Ten (10) exterior light fixtures are shown on the site plan along walkways, in the parking area, and wall-mounted on the production facility and existing house. Staff: The applicant has reduced the color temperature on all fixtures that had the option for less than 3000K. There are no decorative or landscape lights to remain on site. They have also confirmed that they do not anticipate using motion sensors, and that all exterior lights will be on a timer. 4 The applicant should include the types of timing devices used to control on/off and the hours set for illumination, as well as the proposed hours when each fixture will be operated. All nonessential exterior lighting shall be turned off within 1/2 hour after the close of business and/or when not in use. 8. Exterior Si na e: The applicant has no immediate plan on signage at the time of the writing of this staff report. Staff: Pursuant to §280-86(A) & (B), any proposed signage is subject to future review by the Planning Board. V. Referral Agency Comments (updated for May 6, 2024 meeting) ■ Architectural Review Committee (ARC) • The metal siding/roofing color sample of Drexel Metals "Charcoal-2022" was presented to the ARC. The Committee is unanimous in requesting a lighter color for the metal cladding as an alternative to this color selection. o Opting for a lighter color ensures that the building does not visually overpower its environment, maintaining the aesthetic balance and preserving the natural beauty of the North Fork. This consideration is particularly crucial given the established farm building vernacular, which typically features lighter tones that blend seamlessly with the rural setting. o In addition, selecting a lighter color has practical benefits since lighter hues reflect more sunlight and absorb less solar. As a result, the building's exterior will absorb less heat during the warmer months, reducing the demand for cooling energy. This aspect is especially pertinent for a wine processing/fermentation facility, where maintaining lower temperatures is essential for optimal operations. • Fire Marshal o Turnaround specs must comply with FC D103.1 o Closest fire hydrant within 400 feet FC 507.5.1 o Identify the fire department access road and where it measures 150 feet to the furthest point NYS FC 503.1.1 Access roads must be provided and maintained to allow fire apparatus to be within at least 150 ft of all exterior portions of the first story. 5 Staff: • The applicant has redesigned the entryway and turnaround area. They noted the dimensions and turning radius to align with FC D103.1 design of an "acceptable alternative to 120' hammerhead". • A fire hydrant is located on the southwest corner of Mill Lane and Main Road (NY-25), utilizing GIS this hydrant is located roughly 370' from the northwest corner of the existing metal storage barn. • Due to the nature of the site location, no improved/paved roadways may be placed on Lot 2.4 since it is Town preserved land. However, a maintained farm access road (free of any plantings) is shown around the perimeter of Lot 2.3. This roadway is to be used only for farming purposes, but in the event of an emergency may be accessed by emergency responders. This roadway would provide clear access to the northerly and easterly sides of the building. Mill Lane provides clear access to the westerly side of the building, and the driveway provides access to that part of the building. • Office of the Town Engineer o Please note that the proposed site plan includes more than 1 acre of proposed land disturbance that has the potential to directly discharge to waters of the State. The applicant must prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and obtain a State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit for Construction Activity from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) prior to final approval of this site plan. o As the stormwater runoff from the proposed development does not have the potential to discharge through the Town's municipal stormwater system, the Town will not review or approve the SWPPP nor will it sign the MS4 SWPPP Acceptance Form. The applicant should apply directly to the NYSDEC for a SPDES Construction Permit. The Town must be provided with documentation that the proposed project has obtained SPDES coverage from the NYSDEC prior to final approval of the site plan. o Please note that for Town purposes only, the SWPPP can be submitted with the site plan application in lieu of separate drainage and erosion/sediment control plans provided that the SWPPP satisfies both NYSDEC and Town of Southold regulations. o The apron connecting the site to Mill Lane must be constructed of asphalt for a minimum of 5' from the existing edge of the asphalt pavement. Show the asphalt apron on the plans and provide details for the construction of the asphalt apron and the concrete apron. 6 o The test hole provided shows unsuitable soils to a depth of 10' below grade. Drainage Systems C and D are of insufficient depth to reach suitable drainage material, therefore, these systems must either be increased in depth or the plans must specify that these systems will be excavated to reach a minimum depth of 10' and then backfilled with suitable drainage material below the leaching rings. o Provide construction details for the 6" channel drain. o For Drainage Systems A, B, C, & F show how stormwater runoff will be piped or channeled into the drainage structures. o It is recommended that all leaching pools be equipped with clean out covers to grade to facilitate future maintenance. Suffolk County Water Authority o Previously the SCWA noted that based on the information submitted; lack of irrigation data provided and the significant comparable difference in potable water uses to similar facilities, SCWA cannot make a reasonable determination if the project will have an adverse effect upon SCWA water supplies in Pressure Zone 30. o The applicant submitted follow-up information in a letter directly to SCWA on April 8, 2024. o SCWA responded to the applicant's letter stating: Further clarification on water usage as it pertains to the cleaning and sanitization of the crush pad and appurtenances during crush season would be appreciated. ■ However, based on the original anticipated water calculations provided, this project should not affect SCWA's demand. In addition, based on the submitted letter, the applicant has a DEC permit to operate the vineyard irrigation off of well water which SCWA supports. As the applicant designs the new winery, it is an opportunity to conserve water through process behavior changes and by educating employees on decreasing water use in production areas. Mattituck Fire District o No objections to the proposed site plan. 7 VI. Planning Board Items to Consider 1. Consider the recommendations of the ARC. a. The Committee's recommendation for a lighter color supports the project's visual coherence with the surrounding rural landscape and demonstrates a commitment to responsible and sustainable building practices. Both points align with goals stated in the Town's Comprehensive Plan. 2. Based on comments from the Town Fire Marshal, as detailed above, the Planning Board may consider: a. The redesigned entrance, parking, and turnaround area are sufficient for purposes of this site plan review. b. The farm access road can act as a reasonable means of emergency access to access all exterior sides of the winery production building and metal storage barn. c. The location of the nearest fire hydrant, as identified on GIS, meets the 400' requirement. 3. Based on the comments from the SCWA, as detailed above, the applicant may elect to: a. Provide further clarification on water usage as it pertains to the cleaning and sanitization of the crush pad and appurtenances during crush season. b. Consider conserving water through process behavior changes and by educating employees on decreasing water use in production areas. 4. Based on the review by the Town Engineer, the applicant should: a. Prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and obtain a State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit for Construction Activity from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) prior to final site plan approval. b. Show the asphalt apron on the plans and provide details for the construction of the asphalt apron and the concrete apron. c. Drainage Systems C and D must either be increased in depth or the plans must specify that these systems will be excavated to reach a minimum depth of 10' and then backfilled with suitable drainage material below the leaching rings. d. Provide construction details for the 6" channel drain. 8 e. For Drainage Systems A, B, C, & F show how stormwater runoff will be piped or channeled into the drainage structures. f. Consider the recommendation that all leaching pools be equipped with clean out covers to grade to facilitate future maintenance 5. In addition, there are a few minor edits and items for review: a. On Sheet A-001.00 the triangular area of Lot 2.4 is listed with the note (Town of Southold Development Rights). This notation can be misleading because this area of parcel 2.4 actually has development rights intact. b. Sheet A-113.00 should include the following information and notation: i. Types of timing devices used to control on/off and the hours set for illumination, as well as the proposed hours when each fixture will be operated. ii. All nonessential exterior lighting shall be turned off within 1/2 hour after the close of business and/or when not in use. c. It is noted that the front of the winery building includes a significant area of glazing. i. Will light spillage be an issue at night? ii. Will the glazing be bird-friendly? 9 ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR. MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. SUPERVISOR � u TOWN ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)-765—1560 awe Fax (631) 765 9015 r`y OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mara Cerezo April 29, 2024 Planner Southold Town Planning Department m � � — 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 1 Re: Vines on Mill Winery SCTM #: 1000 — 115. — 02 — 2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 So a.ltfiing ow Board PIla�oclii�lc� �oarra Dear Ms. Cerezo: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Site Plan for the Vines on Mill Winery. Drawings A-000.00, A-001.00, A-111.00, A-112.00 & A- 113.00, were prepared by Glen J. Coben, R.A., and are dated December 1, 2022, last revised April 9, 2024. Sheets 1-3 were prepared by Joseph Fischetti, P.E., and are dated April 3, 2024. Please have the applicant submit revised plans that address the following: 1. The apron connecting the site to Mill Lane must be constructed of asphalt for a minimum of 5' from the existing edge of the asphalt pavement. Show the asphalt apron on the plans and provide details for the construction of the asphalt apron and the concrete apron. 2. Please note that the proposed site plan includes more than 1 acre of proposed land disturbance that has the potential to directly discharge to waters of the State. The applicant must prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and obtain a State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit for Construction Activity from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) prior to final approval of this site plan. As the stormwater runoff from the proposed development does not have the potential to discharge through the Town's municipal stormwater system, the Town will not review or approve the SWPPP nor will it sign the MS4 SWPPP Acceptance Form. The applicant should apply directly to the NYSDEC for a SPDES Construction Permit. The Town must be provided with documentation that the proposed project has obtained SPDES coverage from the NYSDEC prior to final approval of the site plan. Please note that for Town Durposes onlK the SWPPP can be submitted with the site plan application in lieu of separate drainage and erosion/sediment control plans provided that the SWPPP satisfies both NYSDEC and Town of Southold regulations. 3. The test hole provided shows unsuitable soils to a depth of 10' below grade. Drainage Systems C and D are of insufficient depth to reach suitable drainage material, therefore, these systems must either be increased in depth or the plans must specify that these systems will be excavated to reach a minimum depth of 10' and then backfilled with suitable drainage material below the leaching rings. 4. Provide construction details for the 6" channel drain. 5. For Drainage Systems A, B, C, & F show how stormwater runoff will be piped or channeled into the drainage structures. 6. 1 recommend that all leaching pools be equipped with clean out covers to grade to facilitate future maintenance. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Sincerely, A r Michael M. Collins, P.E. Town Engineer APR 024 Southold... a. 2 I own , ,... ..Planning Board....... _..-_. UT Jeffrey W. Szabo Administrative Offices:4060 Sunrise Highway, Oakdale, New York 11769-0901 Chief Executive Officer (631) 563-0353 Fax: (631) 563-0370 April 16,2024 Glen Coben, RA Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC 33 East 33`d Street. suite 906 New York. NY 10016 RE: Site Plan - Town of Southold Vines on Mill Winery - 16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-115.00-02.00-002.003. 002.004. 003.002 Dear Mr. Coben:. The Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) would like to thank you for takino the time to respond to our agency's comment letter of March 2, 2024 as it relates to the subject project. As was noted in SCWA's letter of March 2, the Short Environmental Assessment Form as submitted for this proposal did not contain anticipated water usage data for the project. Subsequently, the town provided a water demand of 750 gallons per day for the new fermentation building and an additional 300 gallons per day for the house/office building. Based on similar operations in the town, the water data provided appeared significantly lower than would be expected. Your recent letter of April 8 provides an estimation of the water usage anticipated to produce no more than 11,000 cases of wine per year at this facility. It is not clear if these calculations include the amount of water used for the cleaning and sanitization of the crush pad and appurtenances during crush season, which could account for an extensive amount of water. Further clarification on water usage as it relates to this component of the process would be appreciated. Based on the original anticipated water calculations provided, this project should not affect SC WA's demand. oLK Co � TOf Your letter indicates that the applicant has a DEC permit to operate the vineyard irrigation off of well water. Our agency supports this. As you design this new winery, this may be an opportunity to conserve water through process behavior changes and by educating employees on decreasing water use in production areas. If you have any questions or concerns you would like to discuss about this project please call Joseph Pokorny, Deputy CEO of Operations at 631-563-0202. V v ll y;�Ur Jellrey W. Szabo Cc: Charles Lefkowitz Chairman. SCWA Joseph Pokorny, Deputy CEO Operations. SCWA Mara Cerezo, Planner, Southold Town Planning Department From: Westermann, Caitlin Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 2:13 PM S V b-I- To: Westermann, Caitlin Subject: FW: 16555 main rd site plan Attachments: turn arounds jpg RECEIVED APR 16 2024 From:Visser III, Fredric<frec�i r a QLj01 �dtor 1.q ov> Y ; rq� i aaRi Taws Sent:Tuesday, April 16, 202412:43 PM Planning Board To:Cerezo, Mara <rnarac. Ltgholq r y> ..�. _ ...., Cc:Verity, < it w wra w, towg.sou.tl�oid.rr ra > i (5� - Z 2. 3 Y Y w w..._.__ .. Subject: RE: 16555 main rd site plan 3 . Z Hello, Review of the new set of site plan, • identify FD access road to get within 150 feet of exterior of building without going into building. Unless exception is met • Turn around specs to comply with FC D103.1 • Turn radius to acceptable by MFD • Closest hydrant within 400 feet or sprinkler 600 feet [NY] 503.1.1 Buildings and Facilities Approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction.The fire apparatus access road shall comply with the requirements of this section and shall extend to within 150 feet(45 720 mm) of all portions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. Exceptions: The fire code official is authorized to increase the dimension of 150 feet(45 720 mm) where any of the following conditions occur: 1.1.The building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1,903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3. 1.2. Fire apparatus access roads cannot be installed because of location on property,topography,waterways, nonnegotiable grades or other similar conditions, and an approved alternative means of fire protection is provided. 1.3. Group U occupancies. 1.4 One-or two-family detached dwellings or not more than two Group R-3 occupancies that meet the requirements of Section 511. Where approved by the fire code official,fire apparatus access roads shall be permitted to be exempted or modified for solar photovoltaic power generation facilities. 507.5.1 Where Required Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 400 feet(122 m)from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, on-site fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Exceptions: For Group R-3 and Group U occupancies,the distance requirement shall be 600 feet(183 m). For buildings equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2,the distance requirement shall be 600 feet(183 m). 1 _ Rpm - 216 r r 28? r r DIAMETER 60-FOCT "Y" MPNIMlim CLEARANCE GUL-DE-SAC AROUND A FIRE C 280 R 200-j :3 _, 1200 HAMMERHEAD TO 120' r HAMMERHEAD20 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NYC Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov .. , PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Frederic Visser III, Fire Marshal From: Mara Cerezo, Planner Date: April 16, 2024 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Winery 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your comments and review. You previously reviewed a version of this site plan and provided comments in February 2024. The applicant has made modifications and corrections to their plan. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Laserfiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � � �� ,, Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) �� �, Southold, NY °rti Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Collins, Town Engineer From: Mara Cerezo, Planner Date: April 16, 2024 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Winery Application Name: Vines on Mill Winery- Tax Map Number: 1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Location: 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map Dated: Preliminary Subdivision Map Dated: Final Subdivision Map Dated: Road Profiles Dated: Grading and Drainage Plans Dated: Other Dated: Site Plan Dated: 03/29/24 Revised Site Plan Dated: Grading and Drainage Plans Dated: Other (AS BUILT) Dated:. Pro`ect Description: This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Submission Without a Cover Letter ` r . Project Title:`V Q_s ... .. Date: 4 t � � l 2 � -. _ Planning Board _...M Details of Submission: ar Date: ...__,...__ m ,... Customer ......... ... siLux Project: ......... ....,....„ ..._.._,,, _.......... ...... ..... _....... ... ww... ......,,, Type: XL-1 Astro 1 & 2 f APR 15 2V4 � i AST 1 AST 2 Planning Board Order Code: Pole Order Code: ........ ... .... ...... _.. Series Height Finish Options Series AST1 AST2 Astro 1 Astro 2 Optics R1....._..... ......R2..... ......R3 ..,,,,,,,,w.......R3W.. R4.. .,,..R5.., ..� _.w..... p Type Type Type III wide Type R R5S R5Q yp yp yp (Wide) yp V (Round) (Square) (Rectangular) Type III Type V Type V Type V _. Mounting 1 1A 2 W SdngIe Single Arm Double Arm Wall Mount Mount Mount 32W/34441m 5G5 51 Light Engine 5G350 5G530 5G700 SG105 5G140 "Based on RI distribution at 3000K CCT, --- g g 50471m 64W/63361m 95W/87401m 121W/110301m _,....w_ ... ....... . ..,,,....... CCT 271,2 301 352 40 502 '2700K and 3000K DarkSky approved. ,rv,........- .�. :Consult factory for lead time,. 2700K 3000K 3500K 4000K SOOOK ..... ........ Power Cord 8 10 12 14 16 18 XX 'For 1 mounting use the pole height+2'. ........... .... For 1A or 2 mounting use the pole Length 8' 0' 2' 4' ib' B' XX' height+4'. �... ....._.. Finish WH BK BL BZ SV SP White Black Semi-Matte Bronze Silver Specify Black Premium Color Uo V7V 1 00 2 00 277 3473,4 _....... ..... ......._.. Voltage 3 4$0S a Not available with HLxx option, •••- - °°°•••••• g °Ste down transformer provided with V 347V 480V P 5G350 and 5G530 light engines. 7 6,7 6,7 5 5 9 7 7 `AST1 only Options DM HL30 HL50 ROR ROL HS TLR TLRP - v Dimming Hi-Lo Hi-Lo Rotate Rotate House Side 7-pin NEMA Twist Lock '120V,240V,277V only, (0-10V) Switching Switching Optics Optics Shield(180°) socket with Photocell 7 DM,TLR,TLRP,HLxx or MS only,Cannot be Low Output Low Output Right(90°) Left(90°) shorting combined. 30% 50% cap °See page 9 for details. 'Type I,II,III,and IV only,. RECe,10 REC2e,1an REC38,10,11 REC48,10,11 MS7,11 '1120vonly. 120V 15A 120V 15A 120V 15A 120V 15A Motion Sensor Not available with Wall Mount, GFCI GFCI duplex duplex (Meets Tittle 24 protected protected receptacle receptacle Requirements) duplex duplex with USB with USB See poge receptacle receptacle charge charge 7 for order code with with lockable points with points weatherproof weatherproof weatherproof with Iockoble cover cover cover wea2Ghvtrn(sloof cover IPI ! '� 1 UNION [ 15 ��p� ��I�I: IP66 Selux Corporation©2023,T Bhe bes4-1400, 800-7i65e8927eF 84e t834i-1401, change,lwithout notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not ...... (Rev 1 of 11 In a continuing effort to off t p p 9 9 alter the function of the product.Specification sheets found at www.selux.us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions. AST-SS v3.2 Astro sldx AST1/AST2-XX AST 1 AST 2 ID23 /a (590mm) ID23/a (590mm) 23%" (606mm) ,p � 23'Ya" (601mm) 03"A," L ...... _]�(100mm) .• (100mm) Street Si Street-Side Specifications Luminaire Cover-Die cost aluminum cover Pole Fitter-Self leveling, die cast low copper 5 Year Limited LED Luminaire Warranty- made from low copper alloy, designed to ensure aluminum alloy,fitter base secured to pole with Selux offers a 5 Year Limited Warranty to the optimal thermal management for extra long life six stainless steel Allen head set screws. Fitter original purchaser that the Astro LED luminaire of LED light engine. for 03" (76mm) O.D. poles. shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for up to five (5) years from date LED Array-High flux LEDs mounted to PC Surge Protection-Designed to protect of shipment.This limited warranty covers the boards and attached to aluminum heat sink luminaire from electrical surge (20kA). LED driver and LED array when installed and for maximum LED performance and life.CCT operated according to Selux instructions. For tolerance 1/4-step binning for 2700K, 3000K, Power Cord-Preinstalled at factory.Specify details, see"Selux Terms and Condition of Sale." 3500K,4000K, and 5000K.CRI minimum 80. power cord length in accordance to height of Complete light engine can be removed easily the pole.Add 2 feet to power cord length for Listings and Ratings: Luminaire and LED tested for future upgrade.LED light engine single mount and 4 feet for double arm mount. to IP66 and IESNA LM-79-08 standards. LED provides a reported lumen maintenance tested to LM-80 standards.Luminaire and LED of 93%at 50,000 hours. L70 calculated greater Exterior Luminaire Finish-Selux utilizes a tested at 25°C ambient temperature. than 100,000 hours. high quality Polyester Powder Coating.All Selux luminaires and poles are finished in our Tiger Luminaire suitable for ambient temperatures LED Optics-Technical Optics (R1, R2, R3, R3W, Drylac certified facility and undergo a five of 45°C. Minimum operating temperature of R4, RSS, RSQ,and R5R) use Selux signature light stage intensive pretreatment process where luminaire at-40°C (-40°F). pattern acrylic lens holder to secure proprietary product is thoroughly cleaned, phosphated and silicone optics. Internal micro house side shield sealed.Selux powder coated products provide NRTL Listed (i.e. UL,CSA) available for distributions types I, ll, III,&IV. excellent salt and humidity resistance as well Clear glass lens seals optical area to IP66. as ultraviolet resistance for color retention.All Visit selux.us for our LED End of Life products are tested in accordance with test recycling policy. LED Driver-LEDs are driven by RoHS compliant specifications for coatings from ASTM and PCI. constant current programmable LED driver. Standard exterior colors are White (WH), Black For Buy American compliance on poles, Driver includes 0-10V dimming to 10%, meets (BK),Semi-Matte Block (BL), Bronze (BZ), please consult the factory. the requirements of IP66. Driver assembly and Silver (SV).Selux premium colors (SP) are located inside the head. available, please specify from your Selux color selection guide. .Selux Corporation a 2023,T 845 83 7, F 845-83..^-14www.selux.us ... _....._ .,.._..,,, .............-.......... _,.a... ....,_w......._....... ..........___�,.,,,w........ _ .,....__.....f 11 p 4 1400 B00 735-892 4-1401, www.selux.us Page 2 of It In a continuing effort to offoo the best paoruduc t possible,.,u reserve the right to change,without notice,spew whc aAron.s or rna terials that in our op i fion will not (rt,ev.03/2024) alter the function of the product.Specif canon sheets found at www..selux.us are the most aaect:rvt versions arvi^%upercede all other printed or electronic versions. AST-SS v3,2 Astro seLux Mounting Single(1) Single Arm Mount(1A) Double Arm Mount(2) Wall(W) Die cast clurninurn fitter base Die cost aluminum single luminoire Die cost aluminum double lurninaire Die cost aluminum double round secured to pole with three stainless mounting arm secured to pole with four mounting arm secured to pole with four wall mount arm.Secured to steel Allen head set screws. stainless steel Allen head set screws. stainless steel Allen head set screws, wall with'A"diameter threaded Outer slip fitter for 3"O.D.tenon. Outer slip fitter for 3"O.D.tenon. fasteners(by others). ASTI ASTI ASTI ASTI Single Head(1) Single Arm(1A) Double Head(2) Wall EPA=3,5ft'(0.33 M2) EPA=3.6ft'(0.33 M2) EPA=7.3ft2(0.66m2) EPA=3.7ft2(0.34M2) Weight= 39lbs.(I7.71<g) Weight 48lbs,(21.8kg) Weight= 92lbs. (41.7kg) Weight= 48lbs.(21.8kg) AST2 AST2 AST2 AST2 Single Head(1) Single Arm(1A) Double Head(2) Wall EPA=3.5ft2(0.33m') EPA=3,6ft'(0.33m') EPA=7,3ft2(0,68 M2) EPA=3.7ft2(0.34M2) Weight= 43lbs.(RRg) Weight= 52lbs.(23.6kg) Weight= 100lbs. (45.4kg) Weight= 52lbs, (23 6kg) Z� 34"/... ............ 023'A" 67'A" (884mm) (590mm) 33'A," (1705mm) (853mm) 1-1-1.111.1-................. .... .......... 23 Va" 31'3/16" (606mm) (809mm) 23 Y." (606mm) 77....... 44" (591mm 1118 rn r m 2 (71mm) (38mm) (114mm) 9 Pole Height (229mm) (12'shown) .......... 5%11 (150mm) 111 02" (51mm) Shown with 01AII AT64 pole (13mm) (4) (65mm) 5'A." (141mm) ,6 N .............. .... ............................... Selux Corporation @ 2023,T 845-834-1400, 800-735-8927, F 845-834-1401, www.selux,us Page 3 of 11 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev.03/2024) alter the function of the product,Specification sheets found at www.selux,us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions., AST-SS v3.2 Astro 00 seux Pole Information Refer to pole specification sheets for construction details,anchorage information and additional options. A40 AT54 AT64 AT74 Optional Base Covers for Poles 4"Straight Aluminum Pole Tapered Aluminum Pole Tapered Aluminum Pole Tapered Aluminum Pole Die cast aluminum,two piece field installable T30 Tenon T30 Tenon T30 Tenon T30 Tenon base covers. BC13(A40) 04 03"(76mm) 03"76mm """ 03"°76mm 03"76mm (102mm) 102mm ., ( )'""" '"" (102mm� (102mm) (316mm) BC3(AT54) 05 (127mm) 072 Am" (316mm) Pole Height BC9(AT64) H6 (152mm) (205mm) ,� ..0203/e _.... (518mm) BC10(AT74) ....... I "Y.....1........ $ H (178(7m �m)� 8" 18" 18" 18" (457mm) (457mm) (457mm) 04" (457mm) 0 6 " (2g0 1, +/ms'm) (152m H7" (102mm) (127rnm "f. � , . ......... .. 020 Ae (518mm) Bolt Circle for A40 Anchor Bolt Detail for A40 Use caution when setting anchor bolts. Bolts must be vertically straight and centered on dimensions shown. Y."-10 x 17" Partially Galvanized 8+'/16"(227mm) Anchor Bolt (1 f 5rrwrs) V."-10 „�� Galvanized Heavy Hex Nut '/."ID "Bolt Circle 3,/,, •"""..a �' ,: Galvanized Flat Washers (83mm) q' " ...... ... u ( ) of Conduit Opening ...... 3/4"-10 for leveling),,.� m'' Galvanized Hex Leveling Nut Hand Hole Location "" Concrete footing designed Note:Adequate q drainage must be provided in concrete foundation. y""" and supplied by others _.................................................._._...w_ww..w.._..,.......... ... ____......_......._................. . .........Mw... _,.................................................. ...._........... Selux Corporation©2023,T 845 834 1400, 800 735 8927, F 845 834 1401, www.selux.us Page 4 of 11 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev.03/2024) alter the function of the product.Specification sheets found at www.selux,us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions. AST-SS v3,2 Astro Pole Information �� � Refer to pole specification sheets for construction details, anchorage information and additional options„ Bolt Circle for AT54 Anchor Bolt Detail for AT54 Use caution when setting anchor bolts. Bolts must be vertically straight and centered on dimensions shown. 91/."(244mm)Square '/4'-10 6A. 0 a5n p Galvanized Heavy Hex „ 1/4"-10 x 17" Nut ' Galvanized Anchor Bolts „„' 'J 081A, w' Bolt Circle 3/:'(19mm) I.D. (83mm Galvanized Flat , � Bolt Protection Washers 84'A" r (0117mm) � Galvanized Heavy Hex ( Opening /�r 13mm for levelm � Leveling Nut P 9 ' ( ) g .„ --Concrete footing designed _w......., and supplied by others Hand Hole location Note:Adequate drainage must be provided in concrete foundation.. Bolt Circle for AT64 Anchor Bolt Detail for AT64 Use caution when setting anchor bolts. Bolts must be vertically straight and centered on dimensions shown. '/4"-10 x 17" 6 mm Square uare d' Partially Galvanized """`"` '/+' (172mm)---y Heavy Hex Nut Galvanized Heavy Hex Nut Bolt Circle '/."ID ✓ . Galvanized Flat Washers 3'A" / (89mm) 05 IA- 140pmm g %."-10 13mm ( ) ""•. Galvanized Heavy Hex a Conduit Opening Leveling Nut " I for leveling ! "•- Concrete footing designed Hand Hole Location -- - and supplied by others Bolt Circle for AT74 Anchor Bolt Detail for AT74 Use caution when setting anchor bolts. Bolts must be vertically straight and centered on dimensions shown. 1"-8 x 36" _ Partially Galvanized Heavy 11'/4"(286mm)Square „ Hex Nut ' (190mm) .« Galvanized Heavy Hex Nut 1"ID G d 4'/e" Galvanized Flat Washers 010%s"(268mm) (105mm) Bolt Circle _.._.. . /:"(13m ) Galvanized Heavy Hex ,• � � „� Leveling Nut ' ' m ..) , 06"(152mm) for leveling Concrete footing designed .._..... and supplied by others Conduit Opening Hand Hole Location _...... .,,, . .......... .. ...... .........,,... .,. ........ ..............,,,.---...,. .------- ,_,__,,,,,,,, ......... .. ..._,,,,,,_,.,,,..,. ,.. ,......_.�...... .,.. .... ...._... ...,,.,,..., ........_ .... . m -. Selux Corp oration©2023,T 845-834-1400, 800-735-8927, F 845 834 1401, www.selux.us Page f 11 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev,03/2024) alter the function of the product.Specification sheets found at www.selux.,us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions, AST-SS v3.2 Astro seLux Pole Information Refer to pole specification sheets for construction details, anchorage information and additional options. Pole Data Chart ------------ Max EPA Information(ft2) BoltWall Luminaire ....................... ........-_ ............ ..................... Pole Series Circle (in) Weight " ............... Win'd'S L pe I ed I(m p h Height Finish Options (lbs) as 90 100 110 1 20 130 140 150 160 170 180 ............. AT40-125 WH BC3 4" St Rounds Straight 7-1/2 [0.188 100 107 9.3 7.2 5.6 4.5 3,7 3.1 2,7 2.3 2.0 13 White Die Cost Bose Cover Aluminum Pole (AT54 pole only) ............... ............ BK BC9 AT14-156 Block Die Cost Base Cover 5"-4"Round 12 (AT64 pole only) Tapered 0.156 75 15.1 13,3 10A 8.4 6.9 5.8 49 4.2 3.6 12 2.8 12 ft. BIL BC10 Aluminum Pole .......... Semi- Die Cost Base Cover AT64-156 Matte (AT74 pole only) 6"-4"Round Black Tapered 9-1/1 0156 100 22.9 20,3 161 13.1 10.9 9.2 7.9 6.8 5.9 5.2 4,5 BC13 Die Cost Base Cover Aluminum Pole BZ (AT40 pole only) AT40-250 Bronze REC 4"Rounds GFCl Receptacle with Straight 7-1/2 0.250 100 IL8 10.3 79 6.1 49 4.0 3A 2.9 2.5 2�1 t8 sV weatherproof cover* Aluminum Pole Silver REC2 AT54-156 GFCl Receptacle with 5"-4"Round 14 SR paclockoble in use cover Tapered 8-5/8 0.156 75 123 11.0 8,5 6 8 5�5 4.6 39 3�3 2.8 2A 21 Oft. Specify Aluminum Pole Premium REC3 -1.11111-................................ ....... ......... Color JSB&Duplex Receptacle with weatherproof cover AT64-156 6"-4"Round REC4 Tapered 9-1/2 0,156 100 19�5 72 13.6 11.0 91 7.6 6�5 5.6 4.8 42 17 JS8&Duplex Receptacle with Aluminum Pole weatherproof podlockoble ...... ....... in-use cover AT40-250 4"Rounds T35 Straight 7-1/2 0.250 100 9.6 8,3 62 4.7 3.6 10 2.5 2.1 1.7 � 1.5 12 3.5"Tenon Aluminum Pole (Required for Avanza) ............. AT54-156 'Weatherproof cover 5"-4"Round 8-5/8 0.156 75 10.4 1 9.0 6.8 5.3 4.2 15 29 2.4 21 1.8 1.5 16 intended for portable tools Tapered 1 1 6 ft or other portable equipment �Aluminum I .- - .-Pole I........- 1]_ ........................................ ............ connected to the outlet only AT64-156 when attended.For other 6"-4'.Round requirements please consult Tapered 9-1/2 11,116 100 16.3 14.3 11,2 9.0 7.4 6.2 5.2 4.4 38 3.3 2.9 factory. Aluminum Pole -A_T_6_4_-1,56 ,,--,"-......------ 6"-4"Round Tapered 9-1/2 0.156 100 13.6 11,9 9�2 7,3 &0 4.9 4,2 3,5 3.0 2.6 2,2 Aluminum Pole ,8 AT 74-1 5 6 18f 7"_4"Round Tapered 0.156 150 19.9 17,5 138 1t2 9.2 77 6.5 5.6 4.8 41 3.5 Aluminum Pole AT64-156 6'4"Round Tapered 9-1/2 0.156 100 11A 99 T5 59 4.7 39 3.2 2.7 2.3 19 1.6 Aluminum Pole ............... 20 AT74-156 20 ft 7"-4"Round Tapered 10-Y16 0,156 150 170 149 11.6 93 7.6 64 54 4.5 3.8 3.3 2.8 Aluminum Pole ............ .............. AT74-156 7"-4"Round 24 Tapered 0 0156 150 12.7 109 6.3 65 .2 4.2 3,5 29 2.4 2.0 L6 24 ft. Aluminum Pole 5 .............., - __ I 1., 1 1_J1..1__._ . ................................... r MOXIMUM EPA f a L rigr-Wi 7u cnm,da,, I,AASHft>20113(1.15 6 13)Frr 5 uw.rt miind rpu,bia,_-,d,,Alk)-Trble St-,D,niqn(ASD)onalys", 2 foni,,y hrr qident i.rxod arid Re3i5wric,_,F=or[Lesign(L.RFD ricS speed.n ,5 Re Led perfor rrnrice or dependant upon rho-pole being jn,opirdy w rad ed i o 0 1,uppor ring fournaii(m(rf cjdoqijaee ripsign a r g6nurLd lcvy±I .................................... ... .................. ................... Selux Corporation Q 2023,T 845-834-1400, 800-735-8927, F 845-834-1401, wwwselux.us Page 6 of 11 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to eltarvge,witiri notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev,03/2024) alter the function of the product,Specification sheets Wund at www.selux.us cue the most recent versions and supercede oil other printed or electronic versions, AST_SS v3 2 , Astm LUX Round Pole Motion Sensor The se/vx outdoor rated sensor incorporates Passive Infrared(p/R)Technology for motion sensing and also includes built-in photocell.Sensor carries pre-installed m cost aluminum housing pointed to match pole finish. Hand Hole Photocell Dim Level Voltage Series Orientation Feature Factory Defaults: Delay tv Dim:5minutes 00 DO 0'Clockwise from (Off) Delay to Off:lhour Hand Hole Y Yes Sensitivity:Max Custom Programming:Consult Factory MIS from Hand Hole (IV=10%) (100-347VAC single phase or Motion Sensor is 208/230/480VAC 27 from Hand Hole (5V=50%) 1.0- General Pole p04,8 "» Drawing For Example Only Sensor angular orientation from hand hole O" 90"increments clockwise around pole (Type oo' O9,18'27) / Type cn(pn') Overall Pole — Height Hand Hole Type 1m(1«»') Location Type»o(0^) ` Type 27(2m') Top View Motion Sensor Features ~ Customize programming using smortphoneapplication (Refer to the F3P-32lotwww.wottstopperzom). ~ 5 Year Warranty. ~ 1OO96 Digital P|R Detection,excellent RFImmunity. ~ 278°coverage pattern. ^ |P66 Rated for outdoor applications. ~ Made for LED light source. ` Adjustable time delays,max/min dim levels,and ramp rates, ~ Suitable for Title 24applications. (For coverage details refer towottstoppe,F3P-321spec | sheet at www.wottstopper.com). Astro = x Standard Wiring (120V-480V without Step-down Transformer) Hi-Lo Switching Option (HL)Wiring HL30&HL50 Only "When dimming is not required cap dimming wires. 120V,240V,277V.When blue is energized,light output will be at "Lo"level.Specify low-level by using one of the 2 levels listed below (SURGE i.e.HL30 or HL50).For other combinations,consult factory rPROTECT CJR " SURGE PROTECTOR HL30=low output 30% HL50=low output 50% FROM LINE xy 84BfiE LIGHT a OAR �. B• M,r ENGINE FROM D 4gLrw W ............ . CORD aiai�,Va T 61(lRECa r. ras P`Nis LINE LIGHT 4L W rd/u W"�Y"ti. i_. -0-10V„ r o-----o......;; W '" ENGINE J CORD W d PIVK dimming leads" r3.pLA [REIAY�_ NOTE:5G350 and 5G530 has step down transformer(riot shown) 0_10V dimming leads Motion Sensor Option (MS) Wiring (120-480V) Photocell Option (TLRP) Wiring **When dimming is not required cap dimming wires. MOTION SURGE; SENSOR , OTfC"POR SURG (PRO ECTOR1 PHOTOCELL Li $ ak „.r,.. ......w.,.,, LIGHT N/u rrrnbr yVHurr1'I��Pa„ A x I I a 7 FROM i. { .• . BARE sa,a vloLEr 4 CORD o�) v LIGHT LINEI ENGINE .� .. ��- � CORD ENGINE Connectror by others Car sate DIM _._. &'S& PINK r p g shippedseparately. 0-10V 0-10V_ h y rhotman sensor Co dimming wires os shown, dimming leads dimming leads Z -- Connection by others on site p otore41 shipped separately 7-Pin Twist Lock Receptacle Option (TLR) Wiring ., � ........ , Wirt Tobte, (PROTECTOR atGE , 7 PIN TWIST LOCK ........ .....Sty RECEPTACLE Color Wire Designation 9 (VAC) 9 Source Voltage VAC Ware YY................ " m., 3 > aZ m� o� Black Li 3 120V,2/7V,or 347V -••••--••••• - _........_.,,,,,,,__ _-- F � ) z x �- � .....�.� white Neutral O o cw � , Black l..t rd/u ,MWa1iTd�RLd 6 208V,240V,or 480V �............ w. ��� t �w.w.w. �I LIGHT Red L2 BARS --- e (. �..... .. LINE asr4 vV ENGINE UNV Vdhi Block . _ ...... ..... CORD G I I � FROM DIM nfaq�i.. t 1 r "2L.L (120V 2/7V) to Neutral(120/2//V)or L2(208/240V) e _w ..... _.............. .....vvvw.............................�. V I rrRAk t "' 0-10Vdimming leads ". Cana action by others on site; receptacle shipped separately Cop damming wires as shown, . Corporation .. ., .._......,_._......_...._ ......................_ . ............................................ � _-.... Selux Car oration O 2023845-834-140 , 800-735-8927, F 845-834-1401, www.selux.us ..................._..................P.....a.......e._..8..wof 11 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev.0312024) alter the function of the product.Specification sheets found at www.selux.us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions. AST-SS v3.2 Astro se Lux Optional Accessories House Side Shield (HS) -180'micro house side shield TLRP and TLR reduces light levels to<0.1 fc at approximately one 3-pin twist-lock receptacle with photocell,7-pin twist-lock mounting height behind luminaire. receptacle with shorting cap. �, tl ��I��r✓ l yerpprll%p!l/qr� . x t "r .wro REC and REC3 REC2 and REC4 2,/,,r " 1" (70mm) 214" (15mm) 4'h" (114mm) 6„/,,,, g (170mm) Pole Generic Vfew Pole ,....,,.,, .... ,„., .....-.. �""" w ..W...:....._....,.""^".,.„w (Generic View) Cover shown in the closed position Cover shown in the closed position GFCI Duplex(REC) -120V 15A GFCI duplex receptacle with GFCI Duplex Receptacle (REC2) -120V 15A GFCI duplex receptacle weatherproof,self-closing cover; located 36" (914mm) o.c.from with weatherproof, self-closing, padlockable in-use cover; located base of pole, in-line with hand hole. Receptacle is intended only 36" (915mm) o.c.from base of pole, in-line with hand hole. for portable tools or other portable equipment to be connected to Receptacle is intended only for portable tools or other portable outlet only when attended by operating personnel (120V only). equipment to be connected to outlet only when attended by operating personnel (120V only). USB&GFCI Duplex Receptacle (REC3) (not shown) -120V 15A GFCI duplex receptacle with USB combination ports. (1) USB Type-A USB&GFCI Duplex Receptacle (REC4) (not shown) -120V 15A and (1) USB Type-C port share 2.OA charging capacity between GFCI duplex receptacle with USB combination ports. (1) USB Type-A both ports. Includes weatherproof,self-closing cover; located 36" and (1) USB Type-C port share 2.OA charging capacity between (914mm) o.c.from base of pole, in-line with hand hole. Receptacle is both ports. Includes weatherproof,self-closing padlockable in-use intended only for portable tools or other portable equipment to be cover; located 36" (914mm) o.c.from base of pole, in-line with connected to outlet only when attended by operating personnel. hand hole. Receptacle is intended only for portable tools or other portable equipment to be connected to outlet only when attended by operating personnel. Selux Corporation 0 2023,T 845-834-1400,....800-735-8927, F B...�401,W.,...., -.,.... . ..... ...........w . .........,,,... ..._..,..__. ......"" ..... (Rev.O _.... 45-834-1401, www.selux.us Page 9 of 11 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not ( 3/2024) alter the function of the product.Specification sheets found at www.selux.us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions,. AST_SS v3.2 Astro SeLUX Photometry Light Engine Lumens CCT Input Watts Im/W _....,,..... _......._.... ............... .. .....vvv .......................... ...._w .. rr;' °/ .._........._�......� .---�-�--.......ww 3444.._._..._v__ 3000K._..�.. ... ,32 .... 10._...,..w_ Distribution------------------------- Light Engine Lumens CCT Input Watts Im/W ..__.. .,,.,.M,,, .__ . .,.._.�.........._._....w.w.w_..................._ OK 32 111 5G350 3544 300 .._.._..ww...ww..., .........�._........__.._._._._._._.wwv..,_.�,,........ .. ............mm.�........ Distribution Light Engine Lumens CCT Input Watts Im/W ................ SG350 _ �3554...... w........... 3000K .............wwwwwwww32 111 1ia,; ` ,� �.. ... ............... .........._.,W.....w .. . �����_..........� Distribution ............... Light Engine Lumens CCT Input Watts Im/W _, wv_.,_...._.............—. ................ ........w-__....., ,.,. W_,,.. rt 5G350 3530 3000K 32 110 .. ..wwww.. ...... ..... . .w _....... .....��� _. ...... .... .W,,,,,... Distribution Light Engine Lumens CCT Input Watts Im/W �.,,,.. �. .............. ,... ww._w. �__. _ .. 2 111 ........ ._ .. 3000K 3�_.___.,,,,,,,._. ....... _.,,,,,,,, ..........�.� . .Selux.� �.... ..©..20P3...T..B45-B34-1400 800-735- 927...........,w._......... ......_......................_....,._......,.................................. ....... .......w... .__.........v.. ... .__..........................._... . ....__............ ._._,. u...._.,.............._....................................................................,. CorporationB 845 834 1401, www,selux.us Page 10 of 11 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev.03/2024) alter the function of the product.,Specification sheets found at www,selux,us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions.. AST-SS v3.2 Astro seLux Photometry R5R-Distribution Type V(round) .. ............----......... 32 112 H- Light Engine Lumens CCT Input Watts 3000 K 5G350 3595 R5S-Distribution Type V(square) Light Engine Lumens CCT Input Watts .............. ............... 1 5G350 3595 3000K 32 12 .............................. RSO-Distribution Type V(square) Light Engine 7 en Input Watts Inn/W .. ........ ........ ....... �U- S 5G350 3590 3000K 32 TM-21 LIFETIME CALCULATION Light Ambient Lumen Maintenance(%at hours) Reported Lx, Engine Temp('C) .. ........ 25k 50k' 75<1 1000 -—-—--------- 25'C 99,8% 99,8% 99,8% 99,8% L70(12k) 70,000 hours 5G350 - ................. - ....................... 40'C 99,8% 99.8% 99.8% 99,8% L70(12k)>70,000 hours .99.............. 25'C 998% 998% 8 998% L70(12k)>70,000 hours 5G530 ---- -- --- — ............ ...................... 40'C 99,8% 99,8% 99.8% L70(12k)>70,000 hours 25'(.-. 99�8% 998% 998% 99.8% L70(12k)>70,000 hours 5G700 ------------t ---- -- "....................... ...... 40°C 99.8% 99.8% 99 8'/o 99,8% L70(12k)>70,000 hours ....................... 25'C 99.8% 99.8% 99.8% 99�8% L70(12k)>70,000 hours 5G105 — ...... ............---- -- - 4 O'C' 99.1% 98.5% 97.9% 97.3% L70(12k)>73,000 hours ...........--- ............;�--;..... .........9--9-,2-%- .......................................—L70(12k}--- - >73,0-0-0---lh�o�u;s 5GI40 — .......... 4—0'C 9-8 E 97.2 96,0% 94,8% L70(12k)>73,000 hours 25*C 99,80r .......... ............................ 'Calculated in accordance with IESNATM-21-11,projected values are within six tirnes(6x)the IESNA LM-80-08 test duration 2 Projected values are outside six tirnes(6x)the IESNA LIVI-80-08 test duration ................- ........................ ..................... Selux Corporation 0 2023,T 845-834-1400, 800-735-8927, F 845-834-1401, www.selux.us Page 11 of 11 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in OUI opinion will not (Rev.03/2024) alter the function of the product,Specification sheets found at www.selux,us are the most recent versions and suporcede oil other printed or electronic versions, AST-.SS v3,2 Date: . _ ,, Customer: s=A Aux Project: XL-3 Type: ......... .... ............._ Qty: Mel liTM Diffuse mom iii6iiw (F) Surface (W) Wall (CMR or CER) (RSEx) (RSIx) (SSIX) (P1/P2) Pole Mount Mount Catenary Rigid Stem Rigid Stem Swivel Stem Mount Mount Exterior Interior Interior Mount Mount Mount Order Code: MELD Pole Order Code: M.......... ....... Refer to chart on page 12 Series Height Finish Mounting Options for ordering code .......MELD Series MELD MelliTm Direct Diffuse ——------------ Optics SD LID Short Diffuse Long Diffuse Cylinder Cylinder ........... Mounting F W CMR CER See pages 3-12 for mounting . ..... Surface Wo 0 Catenary Catenary details, Mount Mid-Run Mount End-Run (2 feed location) (1 feed location) RSEx RSIx SSIX Pi P2 Rigid Stem Rigid Stem Swivel Stem Single Double Exterior Interior Interior Pole Mount Pole Mount (x=1'-4'in 1' (x=I'-5'in I' (x=V-5'in 1' increments) increments) increments) ................. . ............. Based on LD optics and 3000K CCT ... ..... Light MP350 MP800 For other optics and CCTs,see page 14 Engine 16W/2,0321m 34W/4,7031m ............... ...... ............... ..............---- ........... CCT 271 30 35' 40 50' Consult factory for lead time 2700K 3000K 3500K 4000K 5000K ........... ........ Finish WH BK BIL BZ SV SID White Glossy Semi-Matte Bronze Silver Specify Black Black Premium Color ................ Voltage UNV 120 240 277 120-277V 120V 240V 277V 5016OHz DID Note:For options with Options DALI-2 poles,see page 12. Dimming Driver (consult factory) Product Modifications Approvals Please list modification requirements for review by factory: ................... ......... Date: n5 UNION ASTM L�LDE &PCI IP65 IK10 LIVING FUTURE FINISH oil,aimli ........... ............... ............ Selux Corporation@ 2023,T 845-834-1400, 800-735-8927, F845-834-1401, www.selux.us Page I of 16 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev,10/2023) alter the function of the product,Specification sheets found at www,selux us are the most recent versions and supercede oil other printed or electronic versions, Melli-DIFFUSE-SS-v.2 0 McIIiTM Direct Diffuse seLu MELD-LD MELD-SD 106"/s" ......... (170mm) (135mm) 6,�„ �11"1.�sro•um) Front Views 10%,1' �_ (275 m m) Bottom Views e, f r Specifications Fixture Housing-Made from high pressure die Exterior Luminaire Finish-Selux utilizes a Listings and Ratings: Luminaire and LEDs tested cast, low copper aluminum alloy. high quality Polyester Powder Coating.All Selux to IP65 and IESNA LM-79-08 standards. LEDs luminaires and poles are finished in our Tiger tested to LM-80 standards. LEDs tested at 25°C Gasketing-Continuous silicone gasket provides Drylac certified facility and undergo a five stage ambient temperature. IP65 rating. intensive pretreatmentprocess where product is thoroughly cleaned, phosphated and sealed. Visit selux.us for our LED End of Life LED-LEDs mounted to metal-core PC boards Selux powder coated products provide excellent recycling policy and attached to aluminum heat sink for maxi- salt and humidity resistance as well as ultra mum LED performance and life.3-step MacAd- violet resistance for color retention.All products For Buy American compliance on poles, am ellipse for in 2700K, 3000K, 3500K,4000K, are tested in accordance with test specifications please consult the factory and 5000K.Please contact Selux for other CCTs. for coatings from ASTM and PCI.Standard CRI miRimum 80. exterior colors are White (WH), Black (BK), Semi-Matte Black (BL), Bronze (BZ), and LED Optics-Comfort Optics (SD and LID) use Silver (SV).Selux premium colors (SP) are Dedare.` mid-power LEDs and highly diffuse cylinder for available, please specify from your Selux " ---- uniform glare-free lighting. color selection guide. Minx heatCorpo-Diffuse Flnel a.sambryM HigMantl Nt<.v Vark U5� LED Driver-LEDs are driven by RoHS compliant 5 Year Limited LED Luminaire Warranty FM of LHa Oplbrrs RttK�ablc(W%')Lnntl'ui(10`.57 constant current programmable LED driver. Selux offers a 5 Year Limited Warranty to the t w Driver includes 0-10V dimming to 1%. If dimming original purchaser that the Selux Melli'm LED t,Ca LEA Prr@tn Ytnp 'el is not needed cap dimming leads. Driver luminaire shall be free from defects in material er r< �Grw (E" assembly located inside the luminaire head. and workmanship for up to five (5) years from DALI-2 dimming driver optional. date of shipment.This limited warranty covers the fixture, LED driver, and LED light engine Cylinder -Thick-wall injection molded diffuse, when installed and operated according to impact-resistant PMMA cylinder. Selux instructions. Fixture suitable for ambient temperatures between-40°C (-40°F) and 35°C Surge Protection- Designed to protect (95°F). For details and exclusions, see"Selux °r HYG IntreMw 4arhnrrmneb':lwrt acuN.:%Mu luminaire from electrical surge (20kA). Terms and Condition of Sale". SLY,(x101 Ehr OY Ine ri_..e4 ........... Selux Corporation©2023,T 845-834-1400, 800-735-8927, F 845 834-1401, www.selu _ ____...w. z us Page 2 off 16 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev.10/2023) alter the function of the product,.Specification sheets found at wwwselux.us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions. Melli-DIFFUSE-SS-v.2.0 MelIiTM Direct Diffuse �A MELD-LD-F (F) Surface Mount Weight: Surface Mount Details LD-8.6lb/3.9kg „ SD-8.11b/3.7kg 4x28° 036"A6" Top View ✓ Q1A�'k�nm) 4x34 „ s m .mm (5'3mm) (135m m).... (90mm) 3 013/,a" 5°/,a 03"/u" \ 10 %,a (30mm) Side View .....-,... (275mm) .... .. _.,_.,_.,_ Front View 02'h" (70mm) , , ✓ (73mm) 4x32° �' �l k Bottom View 4x24' (5rnm) ,9 Surface Mount Melli'm Surface Mount offers a close fitting flush look for interior and exterior spaces. yyyy fifi ,, ✓,fir', L� r a ;. / F r. fib✓ ,x „r✓'/r % ,,' ' ✓ "" .' o ;,'ice', fi � � s r/' °`�fir/ rr-fig r /"�/fi "�✓ /'". fi'r f �,'"' ^"rr''�r,��✓, r�fie„�'✓ ),fi,� rs,. ., � fia.",t,� rfir�o ,�"'r✓ r�r'F `" ✓ r fi ,fi fi ✓,r ��fi✓ "fi✓, fi �" fi fi fi,+ f r✓" A'✓o fi � r lfiir d ✓r ✓ r fi ✓r" o n e fir' ,'✓'✓ ✓ V. r°,' fi +" ✓.'r ✓ ✓ ""%��"" ,'✓" " "d fir' x �.p %✓ fi,r .,,r, r"r`r ,.„�,r,r�, ✓"(;`a. ,, ,"or ✓,, rry ;✓ ✓✓; fi ,"'r r ° fi ✓ r ✓ ,"`, r r 9 r pro ✓ r fi r 6 ''" "� r P�/ fi'fifi�fi` r d it✓r /r✓ `"✓✓ fifi fi fir fi ✓ d r fi.�' fir ✓ /'r+fi fia 'fir,. IX fir'✓ / fi 'NN > rr ✓ x' P s r fi ✓`fir r1 fi r- r r fi r>',+fir// ✓ ✓fi�r...... r / dr ✓ ✓,✓r�fi'✓fifi ✓rf l„r"'r°firfi fir .^'i' r^ �fi'r, ,/✓ fi,,'✓" r✓✓ fi fi fir ✓ ✓ .� ✓ rr v,' l r ✓ ' r �, e�� fi, fi✓%; fir fi/.'. f�°r " r fi .,, W, /- fi fi d fi" �✓ r r` '_.... rl.,,/ r fC ✓ ✓/ s ✓/ri'f/i fir^`/^' r fier ✓ r ! / r r r r ✓✓; / rr /,, fir % r ' ✓ rf ✓�,: ✓ ""fi r ..,.M ,r fir fi r rr ✓ r fi' r✓ r r. 41 fi "ir fi r MELD-F(MeihTm Du°rect Douse-Surface Mount) . ............ SeluxCorporation 0202,..T 845-834-1400....a....................4 _............,.......................,...._._._......,_.,._.,_....,.w._,.,.,,,,,,,,,,_.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,....w�.wv................,.. ,.................................................... .. ...__.,,,.,,..w..,.,.,.,.,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,......,.wvww_wuww ,..wu....,.,.,.........�,..........�.�.�.�.�_.. p 0 735 8 27, F 845 B34 1401, www.selux.us Page 3 of 16 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev,10/2023) alter the function of the product.Specification sheets Found at www.selux,us are the most recent versions and supersede all other printed or electronic versions. Melli_DIFFUSE_SS_v.2,0 MelliTm Direct Diffuse scA x MELD-LD-W (W) Wall Mount Weight: g ...... ,.,.�.........__..., LD-10.3lb/4.7k 06 a A/" Top View S D-4.81 b/4.4k (170rnm) p (100mm) (218mm) .... __.... .roa.....000 tnnro �� , (riV�irrn brag (131orrim) .............. ,. ,...,..... ....„ 1,0 t A6" .A .....,w.. .Y ......, ,_..,.___ ... (2/5mm) _._.,_,..m._..L............ ',.. Back View /e' Side View Front View 2'/;' (23 rn m) (70mrn) 0 V'4" (5.5mrn) _.�, _.__............... M5 or#10 mounting hardware f (by others) a• Bottom View Wall Mount MelliM Wall Mount can be used for interior and exterior spaces as a standalone statement piece,or can be used in combination with other mounting types to add continuity to a space. ,fib �!F ✓r ✓, ✓ r ,�' ✓/,°. ,r��i✓i�r���,,��✓✓ ✓�'"/air r�P/✓t/ �. o� A.� 0 '/,�'�,r/r!rr'�d l'r d!,r,�d/r✓r ?` /J ✓ it ° f/ ✓d;✓F ✓,„�� "' ✓,r ir�r�' ,`P'r�' rr✓r�+✓`°!e/�✓✓/✓,err/f����✓�°erg`° r!,'°F ✓e °�� "`;�f���fr'� ��`r"df�;��/ r/�`r, +��°�✓��% ✓ '/;", "�✓ ,✓/ °✓` '� �� r� '! /`rP,r ✓ � ! i'�� °� ''�rF�" d � F i v'P✓ 'r✓ ''�f ��`,�,✓' d`r/,✓"p`!/„,/r^✓��j;a 7z `'d�af~i„�^"r�/r✓P /1�.�✓a%fx'r ..�/ �r`�r,A% ;r;/✓��, F,!i✓/ '`;/ P ., ../; !.�ir �/✓ /„fidF�r �✓�"�r,✓r^�"rfJ,,�`�r �s rr fn fr', ✓f „ , ,// /!✓; rr 'Fr d/^'✓'/ !!r rr 0 ✓ r rr !r�r r^e", a!!"! '! ✓ / l'„' r „ {°/' d �✓ rr ✓F,�r° �' /, !✓ r ° / ✓ // %e✓,Fr t !rr r'/ !',r!!��^` '���� ✓f�e''"r�f/r r'�f� '/�� ��✓d�r�r' �rr�r^"r��r���s�"'� r!✓��� ✓ '! � "���!�/ ��!�r��!�ir✓;✓� .°r,6,r .✓ ✓„ /fr P! r„r,l, ; ,+✓ rr i�r ✓r d ✓, f ,j F /' r /fir dr"r,. fi, ��M„!� !<�, /s a!, � /✓''r d'��'✓r"r'r, / l✓' ir'r A°`+' f r✓r d„ p r ! r/' 'r' !f�/✓rf a r✓ ,�✓ r ;r✓ / , ,�. rro r ,�..J. ✓ �, ,!/' .�?. ✓'�!.^/, ��f�, „„!!rr',',. ,r `�"rr 'r;! f�,''/!/ ✓F'`r �`r i�,!// `✓ .` ✓✓ ! !° r„',r,,r/,F !'/!/ ,• `r ''`. rrfr ✓ r r'� / / "yr /;! r r,/F r r� / ✓ rr'H!�, F f r < r /� r' y P ,^.✓ F / /'' � �' r ✓✓/'1'! s o,; s d r ✓r'„ r r'n s A `r e ✓ar r r dr F ✓ r r !O r" d !r f! ;r / ,r Ix ;a'/ 6/fi d rr ro'P '/✓l;!� >✓!/ ',f r ✓ / r d r^ i° ✓//. ° r o r fr 411'0;// e ,✓ < .."� r"P•!,��,r, F r'l/df'�r Ff✓ //r//.^ �F, ^'✓; f, ✓; d;`f/i! �f ✓� fj/ f�;�;,�'�"� �! d ✓ ! F '`>;,!P✓! o ° ;rl/ !r;o "° j r% ✓r✓ 'r r�/�✓✓'! 0 rr/ i^' r/ d!^` r ✓ ; ✓✓ !✓f./'r'i ✓ _ � rrr " ���/r ✓ edF" ''rd;✓ ✓;r��`� 4���/ ✓�'/"''��i✓,r�!'r'/�;r/r �r ! ",%;" °/ /�';s�✓, r!a'�' ,w.....�. .rs�, L.�.�.....�.r..r,...... ......... ...�.du. ,�.//✓ ! dr%„`r'✓s r/ /a�'d /ff MELD-W(Me606r"Direct Diffuse-Wa&II Mount) . 8 .,.,.,.,___,,,,,,, ............................................ ,,,_,,. .... .....,,,,en,.,l.,that in our opinion will nat. ............._._._.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,....,........,... ( Page 4 of 1). ux Corr) ntl continuing eff rt 2023,a�the best r o product possible, r aF reserve th right to r ��� 8341401, wwwselux,us 9 a continwng effort to offer the best product posible,we rc rrve the change,without notice,specifications or mot, a s p oI p Specification selux,us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions. Melli_DIFFUSE_SS_v,2,0 Mel liTm Direct Diffuse �� r MELD-LD-CxR (CMR/CER) Catenary Mount Weight: LD-9.3lb/4.2kg SD-8.8lb/4.Okg �76"A." Top View MELD-Sx-CxR=0.20ft2 (170mm) MELD-Lx-CxR or MELD-S/Fxx-CxR=0.30fte t A" °' (145mrn) - ... ... .... _w 5'&" (135 m m) m _ t0"A6 Back View Side View (275mm) Front View ., Bottom View Catenary Mount Catenary mounting provides the most freedom of luminaire placement and is suitable for interior and exterior spaces.Catenary designs can be planned and developed together with Selux for a turnkey solution. Refer to the Selux Catenary Design Guide for more details on product pages under technical specification. r rr s 61 41 F, r Cl ( y )., for ............ Consult factory MELD-CxR McMr` Direct Diffuse-Catenary Mount catenary pole specification Selux Coe .. .. __ ......................................�...... . _....__�aa................._.........................................,.._.......,...,................................................ oration O 2023 ...,,_..w.................... p T 845-834-1400 800-735-8927, F 845-834-1401, www.selux.us page 5 of 16 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev,10/2023) alter the function of the product.Specification sheets found at www.selux.us are the most recent versions and supersede all other printed or electronic versions. Melli-DIFFUSE_SS-v.2,.0 McIIiTM Direct Diffuse **Am Catenary Mount - Feed Cable Detail Feed Cable from Branch Feed Cable between Luminaires Circuit/Previous Luminaire (by others) ° (by others) .....,.., ._.�a�.�f...,�...... .... _.................� �_ ... . ,.,.- .��������..,. ___... ...... ..... ........... �........, Catenary Notes: Mounts to catenary Catenary Catenary cables with an OD Mid-Run End-Run from Ye"-V16". Luminaire (CMR) Luminaire (CER) Accepts power cable (2 feed location) (1 feed location) with an OD from 3/16"-7/16", 16-20AWG. Catenary System Features Clevis Assembly&Adjustable Turnbuckles Manual adjustment is provided by rotating the adjusting sleeve, n Stainless Steel Structural Tension Cable Offers the best combination of strength and stiffness for static structures. As spans and loads increase,the cables get larger in diameter (the number of strands increases),. _..................... w... .�.� .�.�.� ,_.................................................................................................,,._._..._......ww_.__._,_,_,,,,,,._�����,,,,,. Poles&Anchor Points r Selux can provide mounting points for poles or anchored brackets to buildings or structures.Selux can provide calculations and size the poles appropriately on a project-specific basis.Brackets to structure must be evaluated by on-site PE. Professional Engineer Stamped Drawings Selux can provide stamped drawings (if required)for a fee.It is important to identify this at the early stages of the project so the cost can be included in the budget. * Stamped drawings may extend the lead time. *Selux does not provide structural design and engineering of building attachment or pole foundation,catenary system installation, or building cable attachment details. .w...,,„___..._________......__.._........................,..,,wwww..ww,,,,ww.,.......,..,.............w.., ..... ..�..,..... .. ...............,,,,.w,,,,.........,,.............. Selux Corporation .... ......................... -...... ......_.....,,, .....,,,...,,.,. ,,,,,,,,, .,,,...., ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,.. n©2023,T 845-834-1400, 800-735-8927, IF845-834-1401, www.selux.us Page 6 of 16 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev.,10/2023) alter the function of the product.,Specification sheets found at www,selux,us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions, Melli-DIFFUSE-SS-v,2,0 McIIiTM Direct Diffuse slux MELD-LD-RSEx (RSEx) Rigid Stem Exterior Weight: 05'A"(140mm) LD-12.2lb/5.5kg SD-11.716/5.3k bolt circle for(4x)M8 fiat 9 head screws(by others) w. w„www,www�- ____wwwwwwwww RSE ...... ..... .. .........v........,.,..._. 06"/,a Top View 9...._vwvwvwwwvwv._.Mwwwwwww� m h) (170mm) RSE7 1'Ri Id Stem Exterior 170 u x Length MaxBasic to Speed P P RSE2 2 Rigid Stem Exterior 120 - Length per _......... ........._._._._._..__._._._._._ �................. ........,,,,__,,,,,.__. Catalog## RSE3 3 Rigid Stem Exterior 100 ........ ... .........wwv....v....wvwvwvw....-... .._......_ _.....w.. ..................-,,,,w_ ... _,,,,,.,, ,,. I......."..' ___.:�::C I......... RSE4 4' Rigid Stem Exterior 85 '> 1.Basic Wind Speed ravings certified in accordance with AASHTO 2013(LTS 6)for 3 s gust wind speeds M,• based on Allowable Stress Design(ASD)analysis, .._, i����fw�re ......� ...,............... 2,Consult foctory for equivalent Load and Resistance Factor Design(LRFD)wind speeds, 5 /ie 3,Rated performance is dependam upon the stem being properly attached to o supporting structure (135mm) of adoquate design. gg L..... 10"/,a" Side View (275mm) Front View �. Bottom View 6 Rigid Stem Exterior Mount Rigid Stem Exterior mounting can be used for exterior spaces.Pendant length can be selected in one foot increments from one foot to four feet. The Rigid Stem Exterior look is clean and free of visible cable or wires. f f� o' IN �% " � ✓��� ✓ it fi '�i i p✓, / / ✓ �'r MELD-RSEx(MelliTm Direct Diffuse-Rigid Stem Exterior Mount) Selux corporation m 2023,T 845-834-1400 800-735-8927,...F 845-834-1401, www.selux.................. .. ..... ................ ,,...... ............,.,.,,..,.,,........... .....M.......................................................................,.,.........., wwgwww______„_ _.._._._._._.. .us Page 7 of 16 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev.10/2023) alter the function of the product,.Specification sheets found at www,.selux.us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions. Melli-DIFFUSE-SS-v.2.0 MelliTm Direct Diffuse seLux MELD-LD-RSIx (RSIx) Rigid Stem Interior Weight: LD-12.2lb/5.5kg SD-11.7l b/5.3kg �� _.......... ." 06'Yl, �� � i� IRS Ix . ____Length (170mm) Cop View RSI1 1 Rigid Stem Interior RSI2 2'Rigid"Stem Interior Length per _. ............. ........�.......�_,_," .� Catalog# .. RSI3 3 Rigid Stem Interior _w Stem Interior RSI4 4 Rigid Stem Interior Rs15 5 Rlgld ^ _............. 5$i,s' (135mm) 10"/,d' ......... ..... ,.. Side View (275mm) Front View Bottom View Il Rigid Stem Interior Mount Rigid Stem Interior mounting can be used for interior spaces.Pendant length can be selected in one foot increments from one foot to five feet. The Rigid Stem Interior look is clean and free of visible cable or wires. 1 k ,,t �1w NO o q. ^., 4 h p .`� t .. ., 4' 4°, wWt t .'� '4,+. IO' >✓ i`r r. , f ^ r 0 MELD-RSIx(Melia"Direct Diffuse-Rigid Stem Interior Mount) ...., ................................_............. ... . ........ Selux Corporation O 2023,T 845-684-1400, 800-735-8427, F 845-E34-1401, .._.....,,_... .....,,.,..,.,. www.selux.us Page 0 0(16 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev.10/2025) alter the Function of the product Specification sheets found at www.,selux,us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions, Melli_DIFFUSE_SS_v,.2..0 Mel IiTm Direct Diffuse OW Aft SeLUX MELD-LD-SSIx (SSIx) Swivel Stem Interior Weight: LD-12.2lb/5.5kg SD-11.7lb/5.3kg 06" " (17 &0mm) Top View S S I x Length ..................... Length per V Swivel Stem Interior Catalog 4 ......................... .... _0 F SS11 O SS12 2' nterior Swivel Stem I SS13 3'Swivel Stem Interior ............... 4'Swivel Stem Interior SSIS 5'Swivel Stem Interior 5 1/411 10"A", Side View (275mm) Front View . .................................. Bottom View rip Swivel Stem Interior Mount Swivel Stem Interior mounting can be used for interior.Pendant length can be selected in one foot increments from one foot to five feet. The Swivel Stem Interior look is clean and free of visible cable or wires. P, N" N' 11",011 "N o N I V, A '0" XI z "N, X, XQ\��,�,,- �NA,X 6' 0 X ZOO, V/ ....................... MEUD-SSIx(Melli'm Direct Diffuse-Swivel Stem Interior Mount) ............... ............... .......... Selux Corporation&2023,T 645-834-1400, 800-735-8927, F845--834-1401, www.selux.us Page 9 of lb.. In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev,10/2023) alter the function of the product Specification sheets found at www.selux,us are the most recent versions and supersede all other printed or electronic versions, Melli-DIFFUSE-55-v,2 0 MelIiTM Direct Diffuse sleAux MELD-LD-Px P1 shown for reference Weight: 06 ...,............... lop View 6' LD-9.6lb/4.4kg (170mm) ...- SD-9.l l b/4.1 kg Single Pole Mount MELD-Sx-P1 =0.28ft' 1 m (4lrnrn) (209mm) MELD-Lx-PI or MELD-S/Fxx-PI=0.44ft2 Double Pole Mount .w,. ,.....ro MELD-Sx-P2=0.56ft' MELD-Lx-P2 or MELD-S/Fxx-P2=0.88ft' (135mm) Back View Side View (275r, Front View ...... Bottom View f, Pole Mount Mellill"Pole Mount allows for single or double luminaire pole arrangements.Compatible with M-A35 and M-AT535 poles- MelliM Pole Mount options range from eight feet to twenty feet overall height.See page 12 for pole details. 0, ✓ rAr' ✓ „.r �. �. r� w' o � „ r er' r 5 „ r ✓ r o ? s^✓ /� r r�d r ,a�;` f/r,r✓"A,a^`� 'f r ✓// I Q' d .f � r ,„A �222 'r r' f°,....� ����: �F/f�,r`„��,^'"✓�"r�������✓ ,,a rr ✓" , ✓"r 4 � "�"�" F CdF r r rr r r r ,�„' ✓` J� ✓rr'fA ✓`d. P s r s ✓ r r r, �✓ ✓s , a . "; r✓ ,rr i i ------------ „ 1%� ' r✓f T r�r r MELD-Px(Pt shown) (Melli'"Direct Diffuse-One(PI)Pole Mount or Two(P2)Pole Mounts) For custom mounting heights,including mixed heights,consult factory. Sel IF e 10 of In aUx Corporation conti wing effort to offer the best prod0u,ctBpossible�werese&rve the4-1401,rightt to change,lwithout notice,spec,fico'tions or materials that in our opinion will not .................. (Rev,10/02 j.. alter the function of the product.Specification sheets found of www.selux,.us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions, Melli_DIFFUSE_SS_v,2,0 McIIiTM Direct Diffuse Ir L x Pole Information Base Covers for Poles Refer to pole specification sheets for construction details, Die cast aluminum base covers. anchorage information and additional options. M-A35 M-AT535 BC5 Standard Base Cover(M-A35) 03'A" Round Straight Tapered Aluminum Pole Aluminum Pole Die cast aluminum,two-piece field (89mM)— _.__..___.._,. installable base cover. µ„ 5/ > .... (134mm) (316Tim) BC3 Base Optional Cover(M-AT535) Die cast aluminum,two-piece field 05" installable base cover. (127mm) Overa I I .. Height .... .. � (134.. 5/4' ' mm) 012 7/16 (316mm) Overall Height 26" —� (660mm) Bolt Circle for M-A35 Anchor Bolt Detail for M-A35 Use caution when setting anchor bolts.Bolts must be vertically straight and centered on dimensions shown. 1/:'-10 x 17 Galvanized 3/4"-10 Anchor Bolts Galvanized Heavy '/."I.D. •„ Bolt Circle ' emu.,.....,Nut Galvani ( ) zed Flat (82rnm) Washers 7 3/41 Bolt (197mm) Projection �1 - Galvanized Heavy Hex Leveling Nut r „ 03" 76mm) Concrete footing Opening h' 13mm ra far l limvq ' designed and supplied by others /. Hand hole location Note:Adequate drainage must be provided in concrete foundation or grout. Selux Corporation rr3 2023,7 .,.._34-1400, 800-735-8427, F d45-534-1401, vowva.selux.u,..,.,...................�............ .............. ..w,...,,,...........,.,... ...,..... .. .. ... .........,,........wvw...,..,..,..,,,,ww_wu,w.,.,.,.w.,, „...,.,,.............m 845-8 .s Page 11 of 16 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev.10/2023) alter the function of the product.Specification sheens found at www,selux.0 s are the most recent versions and supersede all other printed or electronic versions. Melli_DIFFUSE_SS_v,2.0 MelliTM Direct Diffuse se Lux Bolt Circle for -AT535 Anchor Bolt Detail for M-AT535 Use caution when setting anchor bolts.Bolts must be vertically straight and centered on dimensions shown. '/4%-10 x 17 Galvanized (244rram)acp sam'r«""""" Anchor Bolts Galvanized Heavy 6'/e% _.___...._..., " _ Hex Nut (155mm) } '/4`I.D. 3 'A% Galvanized Flat (82mm) Washers h „✓t, (219mm) Bolt Bolt circle Projection Galvanized Heavy f714'/e" Hex Leveling Nut ( } .. - (117mm Concrete'footing �.... _. ew p opening /a' 3mm for 4ewv0u¢q �: designed and supplied by others Hand hole location Nate:Adequate drainage must be provided in concrete foundation or grout. Pole Data Chart (Pole Mount Options P1/P2 only- not for Catenary) _......__„_ ,............... _ _................_....................................._......... ....w. ,.. __.. ..........................-.,.,.,.,_..................................................... Pole Series Circle Thickness _ iTa Pole Rivnut EPAInformation t)/Basic wind Speedm Bolt Wall ���, .. .."" P 110 120 30 /40 150 164 180 Height Finish Pairs Options mph mph mph mph mpfi mph mph mph mph mph mph ,,,, .... ,,,.,._,,,........,,. _ ..�._�_ .M_......-.,,.. .,.,,__,w.., ...,��_,,,...a,,,... �. ................ BUJ Decorative Cast Aluminum�..... M-A35 WH RN1 3'A"Round Straight 714" 8,7 7.7 6,0 4,8 3,9 3.1 2,6 2.2 19 U 15 8 8ft White 1 pair Base Cover(M-AT535 poles only), Alumin M A35urn Po,l,.................... ..._.............,.. .......... ............... ......................�.�.�. ............... „_ ,..,..,..,.. ............�.�.... BC5 Decorative Cost Aluminum .�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.� BK RN2 Base Cover(M-A35 pole only), 3'A"Round Straight Block 2 pairs ,;197" 69 6.0 4.6 3.6 1...Ef 2.2 1.B 1.5 12 1.0 Q)9 10tOft REC GFCI Receptacle with Aluminum Pole BI_ weatherproof cover,. _...... ,,,,,,,,,.._........................... Semi- REC2 GFCI Receptacle with M-A35 Matte weatherproof padlockable 3'/"Round Straight 71/4 5A 4.7 3.5 2.6 1.9 1.4 1 11 0"8 OJ 0.6 0�4 Black in-use cover. Aluminum �,, Pole ...w,..........,....------ REC3 USB&Duplex Receptacle M-AT535 12 12ft BZ with weatherproof cover, 5"to YA"Round Bronze REC4 USB&Duplex Receptacle Tapered 8•'A" 156" 15.2 13A 10,5 8A 69 5,8 49 4,2 3.6 3.2 2,8 with weatherproof padlockable Aluminum Pole SV in-use cover,. ..........�.a,,,.,,...,..�.._�.�.........._._._.___ Silver .,._....._,.,.,.,._............._....,_,_._..,............�.�.�...�.�.�.�.�.�........ ..................�,�_.�....__....,,_,,.......,,,w_.....,.....__...u.m.,........._,..........�.� �M..�.�.�.�..........,............,.,,..� TLR*7-pin NEMA socket with M-A35 shorting cap(see page 15), 3'A"Round Straight 7..14" ,.197" 18 3.2 22 1.,5 09 0,.5 0,3 ... SP s, Aluminum Pale Specify TLRP Twist Lock Receptacle Premium 3-pin with Photocell(see page 15), M-AT535 Color 1414ft M$xxk motion Sensor with 5"to 3'/P Round optional Photocell(xx=orientation Tapered 8%d' 156" 12,8 11,2 83 69 5.5 4,6 18 3,:5 2.8 24 2.1 to hand hole,see page 13 for Aluminum Pole motion order code).10'poles or taller only.. M-A35 *TLR/TLRP or MS only,cannot be g 3'/P Round Straight 7,'/d 097" 2.7 2.2 1,3 07 combined.� Aluminum Pole 4616ft 5"to 3 A"Round Tapered 8•'A" .1156'" 10.5 9,1 6.9 5.4 4.3 3.4 2.9 2A 2.0 t7 1.5 Aluminum Pole ..................,, ,,,,, ...,,,.. .w.. .-.,,,,,,,,..�.... .... ... ....... .. M-AT535 5"to Y/"Round 8'A" 10.7 9.2 7.0 5.4 42 3A 2,8 2.3 2,0 1,7 1A 1818ft Tapered Aluminum Pole M-AT535 5"to 3'/,'Round 8'A" 8,9 T6 5.6 4,2 3,2 2.5 2,0 1,6 1,4 1,1 0�9 20 20ft Tapered Aluminum Pole mSelux Corporation O 2023,T 845-834-1400, 800-735 8927, F 845-834-1401, www.selux.us ,....M ,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, �. ... ..� .... .... ....., _,,,,,.... YYYYYYYW YYYYY Page 12 of...6 p _....__..._. 6 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to chonge,withou t notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Re 10/2023) alter the function of the product,Specification sheets found Or www.selux.us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions, Melli_DIFFUSE_SS_v,2,0 � Mel|pw Direct Diffuse seLux Round Pole Motion Sensor The se/ux outdoor rated sensor incorporates Passive Infrared(r/R)Technology for motion sensing and also includes built-in photocell. Sensor carries pre-installed m cost aluminum housing painted to match pole finish. Series Hand Hole Dim Level Photocell Voltage Factory Defaults: Orientation Feature Delay to Dim:5minutes 00 DO Delay to Off:lhour 0'Clockwise from (Off) Hand Hole Sensitivity:Max Custom Programming:Consult Factory MS from Hand Hole (120/277VAC Motion Sensor 18 single phose or Note:lO'poles or taller only for MeUy* pn|e Mount with motion sensor. from Hand Hole (3V=30%) N No phase-to-phose) 27 General pole drawing for | example only, Sensor angular orientation from hand hole O, p0°increments clockwise around pole (TypeOU. 09,la.27) | Type 09(90') / Overall Height Hand hole r'p°`Sn«»� location Type 00(0o) Top View Motion Sensor Features ^ Customize programming using smortphvn*application (Refer to the BP'52lct ww~^vottcmppaccnm>. ' 5 Yea,Wo,,onty. ~ loO%Digital P|R Detection,excellent nrImmunity. ^ 270°coverage pattern. ^ |P6b Rated for outdoor applications. ^ Made for LED light source. ~ Adjustable time delays,max/min dim levels,and romp rates, ~ Suitable for Title 24applications. <po,coverage details refer towottsmppe,p3p-321 Spec sheet otwww.wottstoppeccom. MelliTM Direct Diffuse �� Wiring Diagrams Standard Wiring (120V-277V) Photocell Option (TLRP) Wiring **When dimming is not required cap dimming wires. **When dimming is not required cap dimming wires. SURGE k SURGE 4 PROTFCTOR� PHOTOCFILi PROTECTORS III 'F � pp, .�� W .. ,.,...«...,..,,, ................ .,..,..,..,.. . ..,,,.. .,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,...� LtiFF.A4y.K...... ..,p,�.... .. (......e......,, .... ...,,,,,, t NlL2 " iITELK,EO FROM LIGHT ,IkAk&.........,,,.,,ry. ENGINE FROM BARE . ENGINE FEED FEED CABLE Div WpC FT °. CABLE MM V9�74�, `....'..... A.. .. .. alto.F"i ..:.". .. _..._......._.�. ... L~NM F s0d C � �040V�Y site; dimming Photocell shipped separately dimming leads 7-Pin Twist Lock Receptacle Option (TLR) Wiring Motion Sensor Option (MS)Wiring (120-277V) MOTION SURGE 7-PIN TWIST LOCK SU NS P . RCtE SE OR PROTECTOR; RECEPTACLE (PROTECTOR F Z Lt ... ......... i - u ....:::;, .......... V e > a ,itr ,.:,�. N � ARE,..ed...� ...... ... .,,,.. FEED CABLE of Vp fRliM�p & ro.„.ro.., FROM �,.. FROM6 LIGHT CABLE aR;yM� � LIGHT FEED < 4r ENGINE rss, a�..l ENGINE d .. t $, nw ,.._.� .. l ......_ s. �.,_.:,.... 0-10V _�. ,.. ._ o onnection by others on site; �} ................ ORANGE �� motion sensor shipped separately. (� 0-10V Cap dimming wires as shown. dimming leads Connection by others on site, dimming leads receptacle shipped seporately Cop dimming wires as shown. DALI-2 Dimming Wiring (120V-277V) **When dimming is not required cap dimming wires. _ r )(raaioll1td Source Voltage(VAC) Wire Color Wire Designation SURGE _w .. .............. ......... �PROTECTOR) Black L1 120Vor277V ....... _. ..............,...,.,,,,,,,,,.., _........ White Neutral Black L1 Ba Aa s 208V or 240V Red L2 VyHl1EMF1t0............ mm . JNV Block L1 FROM ,E LIGHT (120V 277V) White Neutral(120/277V)or L2(208/24OV) FEED ENGINE CABLE ton M9ST1 `"�._..... .. ................ 6aaKc F9as� •» DALI- dimming leads Selux Corporation&2023,T 845 834-1400, 800-735-8927, F 845 834-1401, www.selux.us�. .. ...... ..... ..... .. .�.......... „. ...�...... ..... .. ....... .. ............... .. Page 14 of 16 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev.10/2023) alter the function of the product,Specification.sheets found at www.selux.us are the most recent versions and supercede oil other printed or electronic versions. Melli_DIFFUSE_SS-v.2.0 McIIiTM Direct Diffuse teLux TLR and TLRP 3-pin twist-lock receptacle with photocell and 7-pin twist-lock receptacle with shorting cap. Note:TLR and TLRP are available for pole mount only. IMP,,', ; & REC and REC3 REC2 and REC4 2' „ (70mm) ,, 3'hd' (41mm) 2'A" xrrra Bl 4'A" . . .,.., (114mm) 6"/." _ (170mm) Pole ry (Generic.View) �. „ . ,... �6�•.Pole (Generic View) Cover shown in the closed position Cover shown in the closed position GFCI Receptacle (REC) -120V 15A GFCI duplex receptacle with GFCI Receptacle (REC2) -120V 15A GFCI duplex receptacle with weatherproof,self-closing cover; located 36" (915mm) o.c.from weatherproof, self-closing, padlockable in-use cover; located 36" base of pole, in-line with hand hole. Receptacle is intended only (915mm) o.c.from base of pole, in-line with hand hole.Receptacle for portable tools or other portable equipment to be connected to is intended only for portable tools or other portable equipment to outlet only when attended by operating personnel (120V onlly). be connected to outlet only when attended by operating personnel (120V only). USB&Duplex Receptacle (REC3) (not shown) -120V 20A duplex receptacle with USB combination ports. (1)type A and (1)type C USB&Duplex Receptacle (REC4) (not shown) -120V 20A duplex high power 5A,5V USB outlets.With weatherproof, self-closing receptacle with USB combination ports. (1)type A and (1)type C cover;located 36" (915mm) o.c.from base of pole, in-line with high power 5A, 5V USB outlets.With weatherproof,self-closing hand hole. Receptacle is intended only for portable tools or other padlockable in-use cover;located 36" (915mm) o.c.from base of portable equipment to be connected to outlet only when attended pole, in-line with hand hole. Receptacle is intended only for portable by operating personnel. tools or other portable equipment to be connected to outlet only when attended by operating personnel. REC3 does not incorporate GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) protection,and shall be powered by a GFCI protected branch circuit REC4 does not incorporate GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) (by others). protection, and shall be powered by a GFCI protected branch circuit (by others). Selux Corp oration 4-1400, 800-735-8427,MF 845-834-1401, www..Selux.us ......�... _ ................M.. .... oration O 2023,T 845-83 -140 slux.us � ....._____pag.e . 15 of tfr In a continuing effort to offer the best product.possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or me terials that in our opinion will not (Rev 10/2023) alter the function of the product.Specification sheets found at wwwselux.us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions. Melli_DIFFUSE_SS...v 2.0 McIIiTM Direct Diffuse sdux Photometry r., Type t Engine Lumens CCT Input Watts Im/W Lig.�....... .. �,,..,_, v.........w._w..........._...._.._._._............. ...........,.w,,,,,,,_.__. .................. ....... ..........._._ _w,,. ................................ .,,,,,,,,,.P350 1614 3000K 15.2 _........... .. . ..................1�.0�b.....................................�.�.� R I .... ......... ___.__...------�..... ...-- .. .. _.... ........... ... __........... l MP800 3362 3000K 315 103 ___,,,.....�.�.. m. Distribution Type r .wvw �� �..... _ P ____. ......... .. .._.,_._.,, r Light Engine Lumens CCT Input Watts Im/W & w., MP350 2032 3000K 16 127 _.�.�.�. _................ __ _,,,,,,,, _._......,...www.,..v......�., w ..........................M....�....w_._, ..,v _ ........ 111-111111-4703w...,._.,__ 3000K .34./ 156.. ......_........ CCT Multipliers,.,.,., Engine Temp Lumen Maintenance(/at hours) Reported L>o 2700K 0.471 g p( ) 25k 50k 60k .�..�..��.�.�...�.�..�.�..�.�...�.�.�.�.........,..w........�....�....�................w....w.w..,_....w..._.......,..,._...._.........._...�.....�������..... .. � ..,.... .�., ......,......,.....v _,.., .. _..... 3000K 00 0 J 4% 10% ......_.8w. ./�........ ,. L>a(m0k).6Q,OOO.. u.....r...s ALL M' ._-----....... . ................... 3500 1,029 40C 94% 87% La(lOk)>60,000 hours 4000K 1.058 Calculated in accardancewithIESNAfM-21-11,prajecto� ............... values are within six times(6x)the IESNA LM-80-08 test duration 2 Thermal measurements based on Order Code:MELD-MP800-LD-30-F-6L-UNV CCT multipliers apply to the photom- etry and IES files,referenced on page 1 (light engine). Corporation©2023 T 845.834 1400..800-735,89 ....... ... wwwwww ____ Selux Corp , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. ... .... ...... .....,,,,,,, .,,..._....... ._. ..._...__ ,,,,,,,. .... .. ........ .Page 16 of 1 ... 27, F 845-834-1401, wwvdw.selseiux.us g 6 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or moterials that In our opinion will not (Rev,10/2023) alter the function of the product,Specification sheets found at www..selux.us ore the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions„ Melli_DIFFUSE_SS_v.2.0 Date: _.-.... Customer ....... - _.. ... '21CLX Project: XL-2 Type: .... _ Oty Notch Bollard LED Y f 1 0=111111' /ii Order Code: NIT _......... Series NT Notch Bollard LED Height 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4..... *For other heights, lease �l ,......�,.,.,,„-..........._._....... 9 P consult factory. 1.5ft� 2ft� 2.5ft, 3ft.. 3,5ft. 4ft.. (consult (Consult factory) factory) Light Engine LG450.0 LG4700_. ----------- __,__.m,.,,, ,_______......._....... _. g g *Based on 3000K CCT. 10W/405lm 14W6761m ...... ....... _......„,_,,..,........------....,............. ....................._.w._.......... ......... ... .,..... ..... ........... .. ..... ._._,_......_...._........._.......-. -• CCT 30 35 40 *Consult factory. 3000K 3500K 4000K _.-,_ _ _................ ........................ ........ ------ Finish WH BK BL BZ SV SP White Black Semi-Matte Bronze Silver Specify Black Premium Color .............. Voltage 120` 208 240* 27T 347' 480' 'Equipped with internal stepdowntransformer 120V 208V 240V 277V 347V 480V *Specify for HL option - ....._..._.............._ _ _..._.-- ---------- ....................... Options DM HLXX2,3 PC REC REC2 REC3 REC4 1120V,240v&277 only Dimming Hi Lo Photocell GFCI GFCI USE,& USB& 3DM or HL only.Cannot be combined. (0-10V) Switching (consult Receptacle Receptacle Duplex Duplex factory) with with Receptacle Receptacle weather- podlockable with with proof cover on-use cover weather- weather- proof cover proof podlockable In-use cover UNION IP65 IK10 „ 7 N'7'," '�` DE Is 3 Luminaire Luminaire .... ...........=.., ..........-........M..............�.�......�.�.�.�...�.�..�........... -...... ...... ................. Selux Corporation O 2023T845-834-1400 800-735-8427 F845-834-1401, www.selux,us ......,..,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,............, ,._..........., ,......................_.._......................................................................�.�..............._..,, Page 1 of 6 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev.10/2023) alter the function of the product.Specification sheets found at www.selux,us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions, NT_SS_4.5 Notch Bollard LED tv sex NT li " Specifications Fixture Housing-Made from die cast, low Column-Extruded thick-walled low copper 5 Year Limited LED Luminaire Warranty- copper aluminum alloy. aluminum, minimum wall thickness 0.118" Selux offers a 5 Year Limited Warranty to the (3mm) wiith internal anchor bolts and flush original purchaser that the Selux LED luminaire Gasketing-Continuous molded silicone gasket hand hole cover. shall be free from defects in material and provides weatherproofing, dust and insect workmanship for up to five (5) years from control at shielding base,and fixture cover. Surge Protection- Designed to protect date of shipment.This limited warranty covers luminaire from electrical surge (up to IOkA). the fixture, LED driver and LED light engine Shielding-Transparent, continuous one-piece when installed and operated according to injection molded, UV stabilized polycarbonate Exterior Luminaire Finish -Selux utilizes a Selux instructions. Fixture suitable for ambient lens, minimum wall thickness'/15' (8.25mm). high quality Polyester Powder Coating.All Selux temperatures of 40'C (1040 F). For details and Shielding is flush with column surface luminaires and poles are finished in our Tiger exclusions,see"Selux Terms and Condition of completely enclosing optic chamber. Dryloc certified facility and undergo a five stage Sale." intensive pretreatment process where product LED Array-LEDs mounted to metal core PC is thoroughly cleaned, phosphated and sealed. Listings and Ratings:Tested to IESNA LM-79-08 boards and directly attached to aluminum Selux powder coated products provide excellent and LM-80 test standards at 25'C ambient heat sink for maximum LED performance salt and humidity resistance as well as ultra temperature. and life. Includes LED drivers and precise high violet resistance for color retention.All products performance injection-molded lenses.Complete are tested in accordance with test specifications Visit selux.us for our LED End of Life light engine can be easily replaced. LEDs can be for coatings from ASTM and PCI. recycling policy. started and re-started instantly at temperatures as low as-20°. For lumen maintenance Standard exterior colors are White (WH), Black information, see IESTM-21-11 details. (BK),Semi-Matte Black (BL), Bronze (BZ), and Silver (SV).Selux premium colors (SP) are LED Optics-High precision injection molded available, please specify from your Selux color lenses consisting of Total Internal Reflection selection guide. (TIR) collimator and light shaping lens. Lenses produce an asymmetric distribution. .._,._ ..,..._. 4-1400,..800-735-8927, F 845-834 1.. ......_ ......._. .. ... ..... ......�,,,,....,.........____ ... ._--__ ...-� ,,..,..,.,. �.�.�.�... ............ -----,. _.....�.---. Selux Corporation @ 2023,T"845-83 _- 401, www.selux.us Page 2 of G Ina continuing effort to offer the best product passible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev.10/2023} alter the function of the product.Specification sheets found at www.selux.us are the roost:recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions. NT_SS_4.5 Notch Bollard LED SCL ,X Mounting Details 07'A" r (200mm) i a L O) 4" (100mm) " psnnm) Ground at p Min.6" psovideeJ �� .... ..,:::. ..i Hand hole .. �Sf ^.. 53mm) loconon ( with stainless ,, ., Front View Side View steel I"wdware, Back View Pro'ded with fla d a nvea, Anchorage Details NOTES: 7.BOLLARDORIENTATIONISCRITUL,ROD&HANDHOLELOCATIONSARECRI77CAL. 2.LOCATESINGLEBOLTATHANDHOLELOCAT/ON. Handhole 3:ADEOUATEDRAINAGEMOSTBEPROHDED/NCONCRETrFOUNDAT(ON 4.( DULFSH0411DBES"TU°EDUPABOVETHECONCRETEFOO77NG 07%s"(0200mm) 06" 0152mm '/:'-16Anchor Bolt Bolt Circle ) `a (76ntm) '/�`"-16 Heavy Hex Nut Conduit Opening I Y f (311R, (42mm) """""''A"Flat Washer � r ......... . _..... „....e '/:'-16 Heavy Hex Nut , sy, d Concrete ,.,. (1.6mm) 2%" .maiw.ru. 2'/s" (66mm) (66mm) 60LT `LRCLEDETAYL,(Not tOSd"agle) USECAU77ONWHENSE77INGANCHOR8OLTS BOLTSMUSTBE 120° I ERT7CALLY5TRA/GHTANDCENTEREDONLYMENRON;t'SHOWN ...................w Selux Corporation 0 2023,7 945-834-1400, 600 739 89... .--w..__„�... .. ...._______„_ ........ ...... ... ......._.......... .................,.., ,,.. u 27, F 845-634-1401, www.selux.us Page 3 of e In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to chonge,withr„ain notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not iRer'w.10/202 ) alter the function of the product Specification sheets found at www.selux.us arrwa the most aPnaeom versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions. pµYT,,,3S,..a 5 Notch Bollard LED cdux Wiring Diagrams Standard Wiring (120V-277V) Standard Wiring (347/480V with Step-down Transformer) **When dimming is not required cap dimming wires. **When dimming is not required cap dimming wires. SURGE AUTO SURGE PROTfCIOR TRANSFORMER pROTECfiOR Lw y FROM eKKE ING6 f11 d LINE ` "" "' ENGINE FROMBA E LIGHT CORD LINE C�1 ENGINE () CORD 1} .., 1 k DIM tl'k�E�.rv.rv.rv... ........ „.... dimming leads dimming leads Hi-Lo Switching Option (HL)Wiring HL30 Only 120V,240V,277V.When blue is energized,light output will be at"Lo"level. Specify low-level by using the level listed below.For other combinations, consult factory. (( SURGE HL30=low output 30% PROTECTOR f r ..... LA CMLA4"'9t NILI FROM t LIGHT i LINE •• HAatt.... .... .... �... �., .. ENGINE CORD uN d opINK 81„49r u2t k.AY� .� s ALA .... ........ 0 l0V,...r dimming leads Source Voltage(VAC) Wire Color Wire Designation _............................. ------ _._. Ch www_wwwwww Black Lt 120Vor 277V ..........�................ �� ������_�.�.�.�.�_�.�.�_�_.....................�.�.�.. White Neutral _..-......._..,......�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�..,.-.., ._- __........ .................w................w w Black L1 �.�.w. 208V or 240V _.. ................................... ...__....,__......._..............................�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.�.� Red L2 ck Li (12GV-"177V) White Neutral(120/277V)or L2(208/24OV) Selux Corporation @ 2023,T 845-834 1400, 800-735-8927, F 845-834-1401, www.selux -------..� .us Page 4 of 6 In a continuing effort to ofloo the be,,t imoduct possible,w"reserve the right to a:.,%nge,wiffion.ut notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev,10/2023) alter the function of the irktorduct.Sperdtdc;atlon sheets found at wwwselux.us are are most fecem versions and supersede all other printed or electronic:versions, NT SS_4.5 Notch Bollard LED ,fi►eLlrlx. Optional Accessories REC and REC3 REC2 and REC4 2°.„ (70rnm) .. .....,.� (91rnm) ..w. _.,. 2'A" 'A „ ..,.,...„ ....., umi www wwwwwwwwµwx 'w.(„ m+x. /e (15mm) i (114mm) 6 (170mm) L L:_71: Pole (Generic View) """'" Pole (Generic View) e Cover shown in the closed position Cover shown in the closed position GFCI Receptacle (REC} -120V 15A GFCI duplex receptacle with GFCI Receptacle (REC2) -120V 15A GFCI duplex receptacle with weatherproof, self-closing cover; located 36" (915mm) o.c.from weatherproof, self-closing, padlockable in-use cover; located 36" base of pole, in-line with hand hole. Receptacle is intended only (915mm) o.c.from base of pole, in-line with hand hole. Receptacle for portable tools or other portable equipment to be connected to is intended only for portable tools or other portable equipment to outlet only when attended by operating personnel (120V only). be connected to outlet only when attended by operating personnel (120V only). USB&Duplex Receptacle (REC3) (not shown) -120V 20A duplex receptacle with USB combination ports. (1) type A and (1) type C USB&Duplex Receptacle (REC4) (not shown) -120V 20A duplex high power 5A, 5V USB outlets.With weatherproof, self-closing receptacle with USB combination ports. (1)type A and (1)type C cover; located 36" (915mm) o.c.from base of pole, in-line with high power 5A,5V USB outlets.With weatherproof, self-closing hand hole. Receptacle is intended only for portable tools or other padlockable in-use cover; located 36" (915mm) o.c.from base of portable equipment to be connected to outlet only when attended pole, in-line with hand hole. Receptacle is intended only for portable by operating personnel. tools or other portable equipment to be connected to outlet only when attended by operating personnel. REC3 does not incorporate GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) protection,and shall be powered by a GFCI protected branch circuit REC4 does not incorporate GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) (by others). protection, and shall be powered by a GFCI protected branch circuit (by others). Selux Corporation 2023"T 845�-��634�-�14....""".....""..."w_..�5-89 QO 800-735-8927 F 845-634-1....._..w_____.,.a.............._.........._.............................."_.."_._W.,_._......,.,........,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,................................ p 401, www.selux.us Page 5 of 6 In a continuing effort to offer the best product possible,we reserve the right to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not (Rev,10/2023) alter the function of the product,Specification.sheets found at www.selux.us ore the most recent versions and supersede all other printed or electronic versions,. NT_SS.45 Notch Bollard LED Alift Photometry 00110 LUX 14W LED/3000K CCT Catalog#:NT-4-LG4700-30 Report#:830336 /N Delivered Lumens:676 F m Input Watts:14W Efficacy:47 g _._._.._._. �i r"r CCT:3000K .,. ,. ,.. Maximum candela of 856 at 65'from vertical Mounting Height:4'(1.22 M) L, BUG Rating:B0-U1-G1 ti t xf n q �1-Veg®I Phne lM1mugM1 HorhonW Angba(24-2g+�(Ilimugh Max.Cd.) DetrMeln UnXad MourAln����N �w' ��",��� ""•�•""""'°"°""",��'•••••••• Hottr nlel Angle•25,Ve�l®IMgb•84 g H Valuee Be'¢etl On 9 Faol Mountingn.HelpM1t 'CCT Myltiptie'r 3000K 1,00 350 K 1.24 ,._...v..,...._._.._.. 1.19 ............... ......... ... ... _.............. .._.....-..._,_,,.,.,. ..__ ... ......,,,,,,.............. .. TM-21 Lifetime Calculation _�.., ww ..,..,..,..,..,.._w....... _........_ .a__,,,,,� ) hours at ......... Reported Lvg Engine �............... Light Ambient Temp Lumen Maintenance(% CC) 25K 50K 60K ,. ��_..--.,.....„ __._..__..-'25'C 96.4% ,,, 93.0% 90.4/0...... .....L,g(12.K)„�73,000„hours ALL' ............w.,u,�,u..�...,. _..,._......................................,.,... ....................................._..�.�.�.�.�......,,,,,w�_.........ww.v................� 40'C 96.4% 93.0% 90.4% Lvg(12K)>73,000 hours 'Calculated in accordance with IESNA TM-21-11,projected values are within six times(6x)the IESNA LM-80-08 test duration 'Thermal measurements based on Order Codes:NT-4-LG4700-30-120 lux Corporation sea continuing efforrtt to offer the best 4 product 08possible,Rwer eseerv4e the 4right0to change,without notice,specifications or materials that in our opinion will not .... (Rev 10//2023) alter the function of the product.Specification sheets found at www.selux.us are the most recent versions and supercede all other printed or electronic versions. NT_SS_4.5 Elizabeth Thompson, R.A. Chairperson , Fllk Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin, R.A. , ` ` 54375 Route 25 Reynolds duPont, Jr. PO Box 1179 Ronald McGreevy le Southold,NY 11971 Umberto Fasolino " `' Fax(631)765-6641 Meryl Kramer,AIA, LEED AP Telephone: (631)765-1892 www.southoldtownny.gov Fredriksson Y•gov Frank Buonaiuto $u b-A P� HLtM" ""�c TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE RECEIVED ES THURSDAY,APRILT4,2024 at 4:OOPM I �w 1 - 1 .. ..._�? 24 TOWN HALL ANNEX CONFERENCE ROOM . ,� , , AND VIA ZOOM BASED WEBINAR Pl n Plannninin., o n g Board Members Present: Elizabeth Thompson, Chairperson;Ron McGreevy; Meryl Kramer;Frank Buonaiuto; Anne Surchin; Town Planner Mara Cerezo;and Elizabeth Cantrell,Secretary were present. Umberto Fasolino was present via Zoom. The minutes for the meeting of February 8, 2024 were approved. Introduction: All applicants will give a presentation consisting of drawings, exterior materials samples and other information required by the Planning Department to the Committee. The Committee will ask questions and make suggestions as part of a general discussion with each applicant. Final recommendations from the ARC will be presented to the Planning Board in the ARC Meeting Minutes, and be made part of the Planning file for that application. The Planning Board will consider these recommendations,together with all comments from other agencies, and provide the applicant with a comprehensive written list of its requested revisions. Site Plan Ap llication: VINES ON MILL &LITTLE WHITE HOUSE LLC SCTM#: 1000-115:2-2.3,2.4 &3.2 This Site Plan application is for the proposed creation of a 9,260 sq.ft.winery on a±1.95 acre parcel in the R-80/AC Zoning District. Glen Coben, Architect from Glen Coben Architecture &Design,PLLC presented the site plan and design drawings for the Committee's review. Following their presentation,Committee members discussed the proposed with the applicants which led to the following comments: Plan changes to driveway circulation, parking, extended crush pad roof and added basement access ramp were reviewed and are acceptable. The presented sample of Accoya wood siding-finish "Uinta" is acceptable. The metal siding/roofing color sample of Drexel Metals "Charcoal-2022" was presented. The committee is unanimous in requesting a lighter color for the metal cladding as an alternative to this color selection. The areas to be covered in this material are extensive. Page 1 of 2 The lighter color will be less prominent in the landscape as well as more compatible with the established farm building vernacular on the North Fork. Additionally,a lighter color will absorb less solar radiation and will require less energy for cooling in the summer months. This is especially important since, as a wine storage building,it will require cooling to a lower temperature. - The committee recommends solar photo-voltaic panels for the south facing roof of the new structure and an all-electric heat-pump HVAC system. Motion made and seconded. All Ayes. 4Elizie4iliCantrell,..A.R_.w.C_......Secretary Attachment: December 7,2023 meeting minutes Page 2 of 2 Elizabeth Thompson, R.A.Chairperson � lfFF81 Town Hall Annex Anne Surchin,R.A. ,, " 54375 Route 25 Reynolds duPont,Jr. PO Box 1179 Ronald McGreevySouthold,NY 11971 Umberto Fasolino �"� Fax(631)765-6641 Meryl Kramer, AIA, LEED AP * " Telephone: (631)765-1892 Jim Fredriksson www.southoldtownny.gov Frank Buonaiuto TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES THURSDAY,DECEMBER 7,2023 at 4:OOPM TOWN HALL ANNEX CONFERENCE ROOM AND VIA ZOOM BASED WEBINAR M rn l rs Pre nt: Elizabeth Thompson,Chairperson;Ron McGreevy;Meryl Kramer;Umberto Fasolino;Anne Surchin;Town Planner Mara Cerezo;and Elizabeth Cantrell,Secretary were present. The minutes for the meeting of June 8,2023 were approved. Introduction: All applicants will give a presentation consisting of drawings,exterior materials samples and other information required by the Planning Department to the Committee. The Committee will ask questions and make suggestions as part of a general discussion with each applicant.Final recommendations from the ARC will be presented to the Placing Board in the ARC Meeting Minutes,and be made part of the Planning file for that application. The Planning Board will consider these recommendations, together with all comments from other agencies,and provide the applicant with a comprehensive written list of its requested revisions. Preliminar i mme '''Iaan ApPl cation: VINES ON MILL &LITTLE WHITE HOUSE,LLC SCTM#: 1000-115.-2-2.3,2.4&3.2 This Preliminary Site Plan application is for the proposed creation of a 9,260 sq.ft.winery on a ±1.95 acre parcel in the R-80/AC Zoning District located at 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck. Glenn Coben,lead Architect and Sachi Masaki, Architect of Glenn Coben Architecture&Design PLLC presented the preliminary site plan and design drawings for the Committee's review. Following their presentation, Committee members discussed the proposed with the applicants which led to the following comments: Simplify general siting and selection of buildings that will remain, as well as proposed new construction are acceptable. The ARC recommends that new and renovated structures show some reference to existing historical residence that is to remain. -- All exterior lighting should be minimized,particularly the XL1 parking fixture. Page 1 of 2 New winery production building has a shallow proposed roof pitch of slightly less than 5/12. A steeper roof pitch of 6/12 is recommended to be closer to 8/12 pitch of historic house. Selection of finish materials and colors to be provided with complete submission for final approval,including roofing,siding,trim and fenestration. Also,black metal roofing is not recommended due to extreme heat gain issues as well as not blending in well with the landscape. Motion made and seconded. All Ayes. Eli.r° 'e th Cantrell,A.R.C.Secretary Page 2 of 2 OFFICE LOCATION: c rrZtm.��. MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex N" �rr . P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 54375 State Route 25 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold NYa Telephone: 631 765-1938 ' www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 3, 2024 Ms. Elizabeth Baldwin, Esq. Esseks, Hefter, Angel, Di Talia & Pasca, LLP 108 East Main Street P.O. Box 279 Riverhead, NY 11901-0279 Re: SEAR Classification Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Winery Located at 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Zoning District: R-80/AC Dear Ms. Baldwin: I am writing in regard to the above-referenced site plan application. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200-sf. sq. ft. one-story winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District, Southold. At their Work Session held on February 5, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board determined that this proposed action is a Type II Action under SEQRA as it falls within the following description of 6 CRR-NY 617.5 (c)(4): "agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance and repair of farm buildings and structures, and land use changes consistent with generally accepted principles of farming". If an action is classified as Type II, review under SEQR is completed. If you have any questions regarding this Site Plan or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office at 631-765-1938. Respectfully, ao�� Mara Cerezo Planner 11 ( .. p � a „ pTo� M GLEN ARCHITECTU RE GLEN "-OBEN ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN. PLLC 33 FAST 3 3,,c STREET SUITE 9C6, NEbV YORK NY 1001 c 5v b-P April 8, 2024 C I VE Town of Southold Town Hall Annex APR 1 54375 State Route 25 111 Southold, NY 11971 Pla^&ti� avn...w..... a� Attention: Plan Board nning Board Re: Suffolk County Water Authority 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck Site Plan-Vines on Mill Winery-SCTM# 1000-115-2-2.3, 2.4, 3.2 Dear Suffolk County Water Authority, Please allow this letter to act as certification of the proposed water usage for the above- referenced property: Fermentation/Production Building: We estimate the water usage will not exceed 750 GPD for this 5,200-sf winery building. Our estimate is based upon the following data: • Owner currently operates the Winery at Rose Hill,where they produce 5,200 cases of wine using 300 gallons of water during the peak days of operation. • Based upon the maximum number of fermentation tanks that will fit in this building,the owner will have the ability to produce no more than 11,000 cases per year at this facility. If we use Rose Hill as a gauge,that equates to 635.83 GPD,which is well under the estimated 750 gallons per day requested for the winery. The Office was calculated at 300 gallons per day as a residence. Now that this structure is being referred to as an accessory office use,we believe this calculation is too high,but our system has been designed to support it. • Anecdotally,if we assume it takes 4.5 gallons of water to make one gallon of wine,and one case of wine equals 2.377 gallons of wine,we would calculate 11,000 cases of wine would create 26,147 gallons of wine. Using the 4.5 gallons of water to make a case equates to 117,661.5 gallons of water per year, equating to 322.36 gallons per day,which is well under the above calculations from Rose Hill. A question has been raised regarding irrigation. Please note the irrigation system runs off well water. We have received a permit from DEC to operate the vineyard irrigation off of well water. Should you require any further information or have any concerns, please do not hesitate in contacting me. D Air CW F'N Thank you, Glen Coben, RA From: district<district@mattituckfd.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 20,2024 2:27 PM To: Michaelis,Jessica Subject: FW:160505 Mill Lane/165545 Main Road, Mattituck Good afternoon. The Board and chiefs have no objections to the proposed site plan for 160505 Mill Lane/165545 Main Road, Mattituck. SV If you need anything further, please let me know. PS, R LL i 1*17-t (3C,,mc RECE Thankyou ._,......, _..............._......,_ N Jessica Harris �n - . outti � on Mattituck Fire District Planning Board Fire District Manager _PO Box 666 S Z — 2. 3• — Z. 4 Mattituck, NY 11952 + 3 . L. 631.298.8837 (0) 631.298.8841 (F) FICE OFTown Hall Annex �F,��,' »� � � r�W�� . MAILING ADDRESS: � P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �' Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southol dtownny.gov m PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 19, 2024 Ms. Elizabeth Baldwin, Esq. 108 East Main Street P.O. Box 279 Riverhead, NY 11901-0279 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Located at 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Zoning District: R-80/AC Dear Ms. Baldwin: I am writing as a follow-up to the Work Session held on March 11, 2024, where the Planning Board reviewed the above-referenced Site Plan Application and required the following: 1. Per comments from the Land Preservation Committee: (a) The processing facility structure and processing-related improvements must be contained to the rights intact reserve area. (b) Paved improvements must be contained to the rights intact reserve area. (c) Vehicle ingress/egress not associated with agricultural production must be contained to the rights intact reserve area. (d) The Committee recommends reorienting the processing facility or relocating the loading area to ensure that traffic unrelated to agricultural production travels directly from the processing facility loading area to Mill Lane or the Main Road, without traveling over the Easement area. 2. Per comments from the SCWA: (a) Provide irrigation details and expected irrigation demand for landscaping. Southold Town Planning Board Page 2 March 19, 2024 (b) Provide a justification for expected water demand of fermentation/processing building. See attached letter. 3. Provide a review of revised design, along with finish materials and colors including roofing, siding, trim, and fenestration to the Architectural Review Committee at their next meeting, currently scheduled for April 4, 2024. 4. Landscaping: (a) Utilize native, drought tolerant plant species to the greatest extent practicable. (b) Consider using a smaller boxwood hedge or leave open the area that shows a long row of arborvitaes. Alternatively, remove most arborvitaes and cluster several to block visibility of gas station per applicant's request. (c) Omit English Ivy or replace with a suitable non-invasive native planting, or decorative fence material since intended purpose was for screening of mechanical area. (d) Minimize the use of potable water in irrigation. 5. Lighting: (a) It is recommended that the applicant ensure all lighting information is shown on one comprehensive lighting plan sheet and supported with lighting manufacturer specification "cut sheets" for the selected fixtures. (b) Footcandle diagrams should not show any illuminance level greater than 5 footcandles (unless it can be demonstrated that a higher level is necessary for the proposed use). (c) All exterior lighting must meet Town Code Chapter 172. 6. Provide specifications and details on proposed gates. 7. Relocate dumpster closer to facility and ensure it is accessible for pick-up. 8. Reconsider the parking lot configuration and site pedestrian flow in coordination with Planning Department staff, in order to understand the needs of the site and maintain protection of the viewshed along the scenic byway. 9. Pursuant to §280-86(A) & (B), any proposed signage is subject to review by the Planning Board. (a) The applicant may choose to propose and submit specifications for signage for review with the active site plan application, or come back to the Planning Board for review and approval prior to permitting and installation. Southold Town Planning Board Page 2 March 19, 2024 As previously discussed, we are still waiting on several referrals (e.g. Mattituck Fire Department, Office of the Town Engineer, etc.) which are expected to arrive the week of March 18th, so additional corrections/revisions may be required. It is strongly recommended that a draft electronic site plan (PDF), including the items listed above, is submitted to this Department prior to printing multiple copies of the site plan in order to facilitate review efficiency. Once you are ready to submit, please provide the items listed above on a minimum of seven (7) revised Site Plans including the seal stamp and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan. If you have any questions regarding this application or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office at (631) 765-1938. Respectfully, Mara Cerezo Planner Encl: SCWA Return Referral Letter Southold Town Plannin Board 1�/ork Session -- March 11 2024-- Pag-e 2 Project NamemMattituck Commercial Campus SCTM#: } 1000 122 6-3 5 7 Location _...m. 7217 Main Road, Mattituck re..... ._. _o... _ ..- ..� . ... . Description: This site plan application is for the proposed construction of two commercial contractor office and storage buildings at 7,000 sq. ft. and 4,700 sq. ft., off-street parking, ingress/egress driveway, utilities and other site amenities on 1.83 acres in the General Business Zoning District. _f Status: Pending. ....... _ .. ..w.. ._ ....... .... Action _ ...... .... ....._ Referral Review & SEQRA._ .._..._......_._._w._.... ..�............. ........� ......_.-�. .._ -.... ...._......-,._.�..� _...._ .._.,chments .Staff� o !.rt. _.. ..M .. Atta Location Name: 5 OB5 NNYS Route 25, Southold w SCTM# � 1000 63 3 26 _M J e: Apartments.s Description: _.._._. ..M.M_.......__..._.__..... ..... _.....�� ... .. p This proposed site plan is for the proposed construction of a 24' x 220' building divided into 6 single family dwellings, no less than 850 sq. ft. each on a con orming fi8,901 q. ft. lot in the HB Zoning District._Jj _ Status: New jic t►on _ _ d Action Review for Completeness Attachments...w... .MBtaff lopcart. ....._. _...... ... .. w _ jr Project Name .. 11 Vines on Route 2W`M rY.......� w .. L SCTM# 1000 115 2 2 3, 2 4, 3 2 t� Vines _cation attituck .._ .. _..... ..w. Location: i _Mw_...._. .. .. _... ....M�� ._M _. ._.. .. .. w....v...wv.. .., Description; This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a #1.94-acre parcel in the R=80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development I ._........_ _ ..... _ rig held by Southold Town in the AG Zoning District. o Status: i Pend . Aciont Re ferral Review Attachments ataff Re ort Project Name. Tesla Charging Stations SCTM# 1000 55 2 20 Southold Descry tion: This Site Plan - - ...w. ......._. . action .. e__w_.._a_. .... ._ ..So t p an is for the proposed construction of eight Tesla Super Charger stations, associated equipment and landscaping, j accessoryGeneral Business �B� Zon�mmN g 9 acres m the l n District ..._ ......�.. ... ..' to existing commercial/retail building on 0. � Gen...._ . Status. . _._... Pending,..._ _...w __._.._. ... ._.. .._....- Actiom Referral Review Attachments Staff Report ..� ......._......... _ -._... ....._..�.__www. _. ..._.... _... .....% Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Referral Review Date: March 11, 2024 Prepared By: Mara Cerezo I. Application Information Project Title: Vines on Mill Winery Applicant: Vines on Mill LLC & Little White House LLC Date of Submission: October 24, 2023 Tax Map Number: 115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Project Location: 16505 Main Road Hamlet: Mattituck Zoning District: R-80/AC II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Winery/Agricultural Acreage of Project Site; ±1.95 acres (R-80 Zone), ± 50.15 acres (AC Zone) Building size: 9,260 sq. ft. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200-sf. sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District, Southold. III: Context 1. Low-Density Residential R-80 /A ricultural-Conservation AC Zoning District -12 Purpose. - The purpose of the Agricultural-Conservation (A-C) District and the Low-Density Residential R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts is to reasonably control and, to the extent possible, prevent the unnecessary loss of those currently open lands within the Town containing large and contiguous areas of prime agricultural soils which are the basis for a significant portion of the Town's economy and those areas with sensitive environmental features, including aquifer recharge areas and bluffs. In addition, these areas provide the open rural environment so highly valued by year-round residents and those persons who support the Town of Southold's recreation, resort and second-home economy. The economic, social and aesthetic benefits which can be obtained for all citizens by limiting loss of such areas are well documented and have inspired a host of governmental programs designed, with varying degrees of success, to achieve this result. For its part, the Town is expending large sums of money to protect existing farm acreage. At the same time, the Town has an obligation to exercise its authority to reasonably regulate the subdivision and development of 1 this land to further the same purposes while honoring the legitimate interests of farmers and other farmland owners. 280-13 A 4 Purpose, Wineries which meet the following standards are permitted uses within the R-80 Zoning District: (a) The winery shall be a place or premises on which wine made from primarily Long Island grapes is produced and sold; (b) The winery shall be on a parcel on which at least 10 acres are devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes, and which is owned by the winery owner; (c) The winery structures shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from a major road; (d) The winery shall obtain site plan approval. 2. Town Comprehensive Plan: • From the Vision Statement: "Future planning shall be compatible with existing community character while supporting and addressing the challenges of continued land preservation, maintaining a vibrant local economy, creating efficient transportation, promoting a diverse housing stock, expanding recreational opportunities and protecting natural resources." • Chapter 4 Transportation: The proposed project site is located on a high- volume roadway with greater than 16,500 daily vehicle trips along that section of NY-25. However, the access for the proposed project site is on Mill Lane (and not directly onto Main Road). Annual average daily traffic on Mill Lane is 835 vehicle trips. • Chapter 5 Community Character I Goal 1: Protect Scenic Resources: In 1992, the New York State Legislature recognized and identified New York State Route 25 as a Scenic Byway through the New York State Scenic Byways Program. This transportation corridor is representative of the region's scenic, recreational, cultural, natural, historic, and archaeological significance. Three key objectives to consider when reviewing the proposed project include: o Objective 1.2.A — Manage Important Scenic Resources: Avoid or minimize the impacts of structures or activities that introduce visual interruptions to important scenic resources. o Objective 1.3 — Preserve land containing important scenic resources. The two parcels proposed to be merged with the proposed winery production facility development rights held by Southold Town. The parcel across Mill Lane is also preserved land. 2 o Objective 1.4— Enhance scenic qualities through design standards and innovative site planning and architecture in public and private development projects. • Chapter 5 Community Character ( Goal 2: Protect Cultural Resources: The Comprehensive Survey of Historic Resources in the Town of Southold and Fishers Island (Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities [SPLIA], 1988) identifies approximately 1,500 historical structures of regional importance. A key objective to consider when reviewing the proposed project is: o Objective 2.3 — Provide for compatible use, reuse, and integration of historic resources in future planning while limiting and minimizing inappropriate alterations to the resource. • Chapter 6 Natural Resources j Goal 5: Monitor and Control Invasive Species: NYSDEC defines an invasive species as "non-native species that can cause harm to the environment, the economy or to human health." A key objective to consider when reviewing the proposed project is: o Objective 5.4— Encourage Landscaping Best Management Practices to eliminate the use of invasive species. • Chapter 7 Economic Development: This chapter addresses economic development that is appropriate for Southold. This project is consistent with two of the five goals established in the chapter, including: o Goal 1 — Encourage New and Facilitate the Growth of Existing Business Sectors that Pursue Stable and Sustainable Employment: This includes agriculture, aquaculture, health care, renewable energy, tourism, light industrial, retail/service-based, and the maritime-related industry. o Goal 4— Preserve and Encourage Industries that Support Existing and Future Agriculture and Aquaculture Uses. • Chapter 9 Agriculture: This chapter the important economic role of agriculture within Southold Town. This project is consistent with: o Goal 1 — Retain and Advance the Industry of Agriculture. 3. Re-subdivision: a. Merge three adjacent lots (115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2) to form one large parcel for cohesive agricultural use of the property. 3 i. Note that a small portion of Lot 2.4 was excluded from the sale of development rights to Southold Town. This section is included with Lot 2.3 for the purposes of this site plan application. 4. Demolition: Remove two metal barns, two sheds, and three garages (as labeled on demolition plan). a. Planning Board supported a demolition permit via memo to the Building Department. b. Based on this referral review some site elements may need to be reconsidered, and the applicant may want to review what buildings they choose to demolish and/or relocate at this time. 5. State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA): The proposed action is a Type II Action as it falls within the following description of 6 CRR-NY 617.5 (c)(4), which states that the following actions are not subject to review under this Part: "agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance and repair of farm buildings and structures, and land use changes consistent with generally accepted principles of farming". No further SEQRA review is required. 6. Public Hearing: Pursuant to 280-133(C), the Planning Board has the discretion to waive any requirements by resolution at a duly noticed public meeting for certain applications as detailed in the code. a. The applicant requested a waiver of the public hearing, and the Planning Board supported the waiver at their work session on February 5, 2024. IV: Analysis 1. Existing a. ±1.95-acre parcel with a 2-story ±1,630 sq. ft. residence, and multiple barns and outbuildings. i. The existing 2-story farmhouse was initially constructed in 1750, with later additions. It remained in the Wines family until 1913 when the Ruland's purchased it. ii. Three 1-story garages, two metal barns, two small sheds, and one ± 2,340 sq. ft. frame barn. iii. A topographic survey showing the existing conditions and contours on site has been provided. b. Surrounding land: 4 i. North: Contiguous parcel of Town Development Rights Land, Long Island Rail Road, County Route 48 ii. East: Contiguous parcel of Town Development Rights Land, One-Family Residences with AC Zoning iii. South: State Route 25, Town Open Space, R-40 Zoning iv. West: Mill Lane, Contiguous parcel of Town Development Rights Land, One- Family Residences with R-80 Zoning 2. Proposed: a. A 30' high 5,200 sq. ft. (50' x 110') wine production facility. b. Preserve and reuse existing 1-story ± 2,340 sq. ft. barn and 2-story ±1,630 sq. ft. one-family detached residence for accessory farm use as office space/storage. 3. Bulk Schedule/Code Requirements: R-80 Zoning District a. Lot Coverage Maximum lot coverage = 20% Proposed lot coverage = 10.3% b. Setbacks: Per §280-13(A)(4)(c) —A winery structure must be set back 100' from major road. i. Winery production facility is shown as 100' from Mill Lane and 297' from NY-25. 4. Access: a. A 35' porous asphalt driveway with gate is shown as the main two-way entrance/exit to the proposed facility. i. Per the return referral from the Fire Marshal additional details are required on the proposed gate to ensure compliance. b. A 24' wide porous asphalt egress drive is shown on the adjacent lot with development rights sold. i. Per the return referral from the Land Preservation Committee, this access drive is not consistent with the Easement. 5. Parking: a. There are a total of 24 stalls proposed (including two ADA compliant). 5 b. Parking lot surface type is listed as "permeable concrete paver" on site plan (Sheet A-001.00) c. Loading area pursuant to § 280-79(A)(6), one berth is required since the production facility is between 5,000 and 10,000 square feet of floor area. Staff: The parking calculations that are shown on Sheet A-001.00 are incorrect and it is not clear from where the applicant derived the information. In order to better appreciate the parking needs of the proposed facility, it would be beneficial to understand: • How many employees are expected to use the office/storage building? • How many employees are expected to use the wine production facility? With the information provided, the parking area appears to be too large and is situated in a highly visible location fronting NY-25 which is a designated NYS Scenic Byway. It would be more efficient to locate the necessary parking stalls directly adjacent to each facility and to entirely remove the larger parking area. If the number of parking stalls is justified, then it would better align with best practice to place the parking area behind the facility. It is again important to note that this facility is located on a NYS Scenic Byway. If the large parking area can be removed, then an example on how to relocate stalls would be to repurpose/reduce the paver terrace and grass area by the office/storage building and turn it into a spot for several parking stalls. A similar repurposing of grass and paver areas abutting the production facility could also transition to parking stalls. A loading berth able to accommodate site-specific vehicles should be defined and labeled on the site plan including its dimensions. Whether or not the parking area is removed/reduced, the applicant should plan to move the dumpster closer to the facility and ensure it is accessible for pick-up. 6. Landscaping: a. Proposed plantings are shown and labeled on the site plan (Sheet A-001.00). A comprehensive listing of landscaping, buffering and street tree plans, including type, material, size, and quantity of each has been provided. _........_........... ....... _.. ........... .... w.._w_w.._........._._ ._. ww.. _w _.............. w.w ............. -w.... . ._. tY... Name Botanical n Name Location Size Quantity American __. µ Thuja _....._.-.-Wµp µPerimeter of 8-10 ft tall 40 Arborv.!.tae....__._w...... Occidentalis .. w_propertY..__........... _..ww........._.. www..._..... ._w ......._........__. -............. Gre� _ �Birch Bet_ula Poulifora Various locations 6-8" caliper 3 �ww Su act r Maple - Acer Saccharum Various locations 8 10" caliper w4 _Mww ko Tree...... _._ . . _�.._._._... __ _ . .w..... b Various locations 6" caliper 8 n Gin.w_.._.. .w... ._.w Ginko Biloba __. ..............._wwwww_w�._.................. ._�.__..w_.. 6 ..................- www..wwwwwwww_._........ ._................ .... ..............._.. _.w....................._www w_�_.._�............w...�.. ._.._.w Yoshino Cherry Prunus x Adjacent to 6-8: caliper 8 ____�....w.......-.�,_____,.......building_ �wwww... Yedoensis ... Native Panicum Various locations 3-5 ft tall Grass/Switch_grass Viraaturn English Ivyr_w.ww_._._._........ Hedera helix .� Mechanicals... .�............. Varies_._..__..._._ -.________ b. Parking area landscaping pursuant to §280-95: The proposed parking area consists of permeable concrete pavers, and is surrounded by grass. There is interior landscaping consisting of grass areas with three gingko trees. In addition, the ADA parking stalls are adjacent to gingko and cherry trees. Staff: Staff recommends replacing or omitting English Ivy since it is known to be particularly invasive and hard to control. In addition, English Ivy can attract rodents. While arborvitae may be a good option for windbreak and privacy, there is extensive screening proposed along NY-25 and the corner of Mill Lane which is not required. Lastly, it is recommended that native, drought tolerant plant species are used in landscaping. 7. Sanitary. a. Test hole data and soil boring location are shown on Sheet 1, "Sanitary Site Plan". b. Existing sanitary system for the house, shown on Sheet 1, "Sanitary Site Plan", is to be removed and replaced. c. Sanitary calculations, sewage system design and location, along with related details are provided on the Sanitary Site Plan Sheets 1 & 2. d. Applicant is proposing two HydroAction AN 400 systems; one for the wine production facility and one for the accessory farm office building. Staff: Applicant has submitted materials to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services for review. 8. Exterior Lighting: Twelve (12) exterior light fixtures are shown on the site plan along walkways, in the parking area, and wall-mounted on the production facility and existing house. A photometric plan with foot candle diagrams has been submitted, and a site lighting schedule with fixture details is included on the site plan. 7 Staff: The site lighting schedule with fixture details table should be relocated from Sheet A-100.00 to Sheet REV-A to better ensure consistency with proposed lighting plan. Fixture XL1 is listed as Astro Series: Ast 1 R1 1A but is shown as Astro 1, Type 5 on Sheet REV-A. The mounting details for this type of fixture should include a pole foundation description. Fixture XL2 is listed as the Selux Notch Bollard on Sheet A-100.00 but is shown as Inula Bollard on Sheet REV-A. The footcandle diagram shows two of these fixtures (located closest to the proposed production facility) as non-compliant. Six of the eight XL2 fixtures meet Town Code, yet two of them show an illuminance greater than 5 footcandles (specifically 6.2 and 8.6). Fixture M is listed as the Lampas Lighting Anto L-1010-200 on Sheet A-100.00, but is shown as Melli Wall on Sheet REV-A. The footcandle diagram shows this fixture is not compliant because there are several instances where the illuminance is greater than 5 footcandles which is not allowed by Town Code. One fixture is shown as high as 8.2 and the other at 8.6. With these inconsistencies it is challenging to determine total lumens for the site and this number was not included in the submitted materials. It is recommended that the applicant ensure all lighting is shown on one comprehensive lighting plan sheet and supported with lighting manufacturer specification "cut sheets" for the selected fixtures. All exterior lighting must meet Town Code Chapter 172, and footcandle diagrams should not show any illuminance level greater than 5 footcandles (unless it can be demonstrated that a higher level is necessary for the proposed use). 9. Exterior Si na e: The applicant has no immediate plan on signage at the time of the writing of this staff report. Staff: Pursuant to §280-86(A) & (B), any proposed signage is subject to future review by the Planning Board. V. Referral Agency Comments • Architectural Review Committee (ARC) o The ARC recommends that new and renovated structures show some reference to existing historical residence that is to remain. 8 o New winery production building has a shallow proposed roof pitch or slightly less than 5/12. A steeper roof pitch of 6/12 is recommended to be closer to 8/12 pitch of historic house. o Selection of finish materials and colors to be provided with complete submission for final approval, including roofing, siding, trim and fenestration. o Also, black metal roofing is not recommended due to extreme heat gain issues as well as not blending in well with the landscape. • Code Enforcement o No open violations on any parcel. • Fire Marshal o Gates to comply with NYS FC 503.6 and ASTM F2200 and be UL 325 listed ■ Where security gates are installed, they shall have an approved means of emergency operation. The security gates and the emergency operation shall be maintained operational at all times. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with UL 325. Gates intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed and installed to comply with the requirements of ASTM F2200. o Identify the fire department access road and where it measures 150 feet to the furthest point NYS FC 503.1.1 ■ Access roads must be provided and maintained to allow fire apparatus to be within at least 150 ft of all exterior portions of the first story. o Confirm turning angles with local fire department (FC 503.2.4) o Fire lane to be marked in accordance with FC 503.3 and appendix D o If a U-shaped road minimum width must be provided, if not a U-shaped road then a turnaround must be provided 503.3.2.5 o Road should support 75,000 lbs in order to be accessible to fire department apparatus Staff: Not all of these comments are applicable to this project since the access and parking will need to be redesigned due to other comments processed during this referral review. 9 Once modifications have been made to the site plan we can re-refer/consult with Fire Marshal's Office and Mattituck Fire District. As noted, if a U-shaped road is included than the minimum width must be provided. « Land Preservation Committee o Upon reviewing the Site Plan and the Easement's terms, the Committee determined the following: o Site Plan: The processing facility does not relate to agricultural production. Accordingly, any portions of the processing facility located on the Easement area, including the concrete ramp to the crush pad, are not consistent with the Easement's terms. The processing facility structure and processing-related improvements must be contained to the rights intact reserve area. Paved improvements are not related to agricultural production, and thus the 24'- wide porous asphalt driveway and concrete apron are inconsistent with the Easement's terms. Paved improvements must be contained to the rights intact reserve area. The driveway and processing facility loading area directs traffic related to agricultural processing (e.g., delivery of processing supplies/equipment, transport of wine) onto the Easement area, which is inconsistent with the Easement's terms. Vehicle ingress/egress not associated with agricultural production must be contained to the rights intact reserve area. The Committee recommends reorienting the processing facility or relocating the loading area to ensure that traffic unrelated to agricultural production travels directly from the processing facility loading area to Mill Lane or the Main Road, without traveling over the Easement area. o Lot Merger: ■ The proposed merger of Lots 2.3, 2.4 and 3.2 is not in conflict with the terms of the Easement. o Subdivision Note: The Easement instructs that the Easement area "may not be subdivided into plots by the filing of a subdivision map". This is im ortant to highlight since the applicant is proposing to merge two development rights held by Southold Town lots with one lot that has development rights intact. The Easement may not allow a future subdivision of these parcels. Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) 10 o Based on the information provided, the proposed action is recommended as CONSISTENT with the LWRP. To further the policies the following are recommended: ■ The parking area's placement and expected parked vehicles will disrupt the scenic views for those traveling northeast on NYS Route 25, a Scenic Byway. Parked vehicles will also be visible to travelers heading southwest. The pedestrian flow on site is designed to cross the access where vehicles will travel. It should be designed to avoid crossing the access and minimize potential vehicle encounters. It is recommended that the Board consider minimizing and relocating the parking area to behind the 1-story winery building. To the greatest extent practicable, retain historic structures on-site that preserve the area's agricultural/historic character. Use native, drought tolerant plant species in landscaping. ■ Minimize the use of potable water in irrigation. • Office of the Town Engineer o The project site is located directly across from a New York State outfall and may possibly require a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The Town Engineer reached out to NYSDEC for comments. o NYSDEC comments were not received until 3/8/24. Town Engineer is reviewing NYSDEC comments and proposed project materials. o An initial comment is that a drainage re-design is likely to be required due to the nature of the test hole data and proposed permeable pavement. A full review, including whether or not a SWPPP is required, is expected the week of 3/11/24. 0 Suffolk County Planning Commission o The SCPC considers the proposed site plan as a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter- community impacts. o Suffolk County Water Authority o The Short Environmental Assessment Form as submitted did not contain anticipated water usage data. Upon further inquiry, SCWA staff was provided an anticipated water demand of 750 gallons per day for the new 11 fermentation building and an additional 300 gallons per day for the office/storage building. No information relating to irrigation demand was provided. o The water demand as provided appears to be significantly lower than would be expected for an operation of this nature. The new fermentation building contains a crushing pad indicating that this site will be used for processing of the product. Based on similar sized wineries in the Town of Southold that have their own crush and fermentation equipment, water consumption for these establishments could range from 2,000 g.p.d. to more than 4,200 g.p.d. o The application provides for additional landscaping on site, but does not provide irrigation demand. Understanding irrigation demand is necessary for SCWA to assess maintaining water pressure during peak usage periods. o Based on the information submitted; lack of irrigation data provided and the significant comparable difference in potable water uses to similar facilities, SCWA cannot make a reasonable determination if the project will have an adverse effect upon SCWA water supplies in Pressure Zone 30. • Other agencies/departments were sent referral requests, including: Mattituck Fire District, New York State Department of Transportation, Southold Town Building Department, Southold Town Agricultural Advisory Committee, and Suffolk County Department of Health Services. o No comments were received from these agencies/departments prior to date of this staff report. o If required, a supplemental referral review report may be issued to address any comments received. VI. Planning Board Items to Consider 1. Consider the recommendations of the ARC. a. New and renovated structures should show some reference to existing historical structure (proposed office/storage building). b. A steeper roof pitch of 6/12 is recommended to be closer to 8/12 pitch of historic house. c. Review of finish materials and colors including roofing, siding, trim and fenestration. o This review can be scheduled for their April meeting. 12 2. Accept the comments from the Land Preservation Committee, as detailed above, in accordance with the recorded easement: a. The processing facility structure and processing-related improvements must be contained to the rights intact reserve area. b. Paved improvements must be contained to the rights intact reserve area. c. Vehicle ingress/egress not associated with agricultural production must be contained to the rights intact reserve area. d. The Committee recommends reorienting the processing facility or relocating the loading area to ensure that traffic unrelated to agricultural production travels directly from the processing facility loading area to Mill Lane or the Main Road, without traveling over the Easement area. 3. Based on the comments from the SCWA, as detailed above, the applicant should provide the following in order to assist SCWA in making a reasonable determination: a. Irrigation details and expected irrigation demand for landscaping. b. Justification/rationale for expected water demand of fermentation/processing building. 4. Based on the comments from the LWRP review, as detailed above, the applicant may consider: a. Relocating the proposed parking area; b. Redesigning interior pedestrian flow; c. Retaining historic structures on site (in addition to the historic home that is being repurposed); and d. Use native, drought tolerant plant species in landscaping; e. Minimizing the use of potable water in irrigation. 5. Based on comments from the Town Fire Marshal, as detailed above, the applicant should provide the following to ensure adequate fire protection and emergency access: a. Specifications/details on proposed gates. b. Re-refer to Fire Marshal after access re-design to ensure compliance. 6. Consider the staff analysis items, as detailed above, including: 13 a. Parking o Require narrative response from applicant to better understand; r How many employees are expected to use the office/storage building? a How many employees are expected to use the wine production facility? o Reduce, relocate, or remove parking stalls: ■ Remove large parking area and relocate parking stalls to areas directly adjacent to each building. • Relocate parking area behind facility so it is not on Main Road. This may require additional adjustments to site design. o Dumpster location: Should be moved closer to facility and be accessible for pick- up. b. Landscaping o Omit English Ivy or replace with a suitable non-invasive native planting, or decorative fence material since intended purpose was for screening of mechanical area. o Add edges of vines on site plan to better understand context of site. o Potentially reduce number of arborvitaes, omit all arborvitae, or consider other planting to enhance viewshed along scenic byway. o Provide irrigation details and consider how to minimize the use of potable water in irrigation. c. Signage o Submit specifications for signage in accordance with Town Code, or require a condition that any signage must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board prior to permitting; o The applicant may choose to propose and submit specifications for signage for review with the active site plan application, or come back to the Planning Board for review and approval prior to permitting and installation. d. Lighting 14 o It is recommended that the applicant ensure all lighting information is shown on one comprehensive lighting plan sheet and supported with lighting manufacturer specification "cut sheets" for the selected fixtures. o All exterior lighting must meet Town Code Chapter 172, and footcandle diagrams should not show any illuminance level greater than 5 footcandles (unless it can be demonstrated that a higher level is necessary for the proposed use). 15 OFFICE LOCATION: .,, MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ° P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 � Telephone: 631 765-1938 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PB, H.L..I...NTI QC/M c MEMORANDUM RECEIVED R2224 To: James H. Rich III, Chair 56_atF6fd i-own", Town of Southold Planning Board _._._. .. Planning Board Y�- From: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator Date: March 5, 2024 Re: Vines on Mill LLC Winery 16505 Route 25, Mattituck,N.Y. 11952 SCTM# 1000-115.-2-2.3 Zoning District—AC This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200-sf. sq. ft. winery on a±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP) Policy Standards. Based on the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, the proposed action is consistent with the policies. It, therefore, is recommended as CONSISTENT with the LWRP. To further the policies the following is recommended: 1. The parking area's placement and expected parked vehicles will disrupt the scenic views for those traveling northeast on NYS Route 25, a Scenic Byway. Parked vehicles will also be visible to travelers heading southwest. The pedestrian flow on site is designed to cross the access where vehicles will travel. It should be designed to avoid crossing the access and minimize potential vehicle encounters. It is recommended that the Board consider minimizing and relocating the parking area to behind the 1 story winery building. 2. To the greatest extent practicable, retain the historic structures on-site that preserve the area's agricultural/historic character. 3. Use native, drought tolerant plant species in landscaping. 4. Minimize the use of potable water in irrigation. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Mara Cerezo, Planner AUT � Jeffrey W. Szabo Administrative Offices:4060 Sunrise Highway, Oakdale, New York 11769-0901 Chief Executive Officer (631)563-0353 Fax: (631)563-0370 March 2, 2023 SV b-P PQ H L, MT, R C j M C Mara Cerezo, Planner T Town of Southold Planning Board Office P.O. Box 1179 MAR 0 8 2024 Southold, NY 11971 66thdfd own-.._" Planning Board RE: Site Plan - Town of Southold Vines on Mill Winery - 16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM# 1000-115.00-02.00-002.003, 002.004, 003.002 Dear Ms. Cerezo: The Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) is in receipt of the captioned referral and appreciates the opportunity to review and comment on this proposal. Based on the information provided, the proposed project would not appear to have any adverse impacts on SCWA's water quality, water quantity does become a concern particularly when we are dealing with irrigation and high consumption water uses during peak demand periods. The Short Environmental Assessment Form as submitted did not contain anticipated water usage data. Upon further inquiry, SCWA staff was provided with an anticipated water demand of 750 gallons per day for the new fermentation building and an additional 300 gallons per day for the house/office building. No information relating to irrigation demand was provided. The water demand as provided appears to be significantly lower than would be expected for an operation of this nature. The new fermentation building contains a crushing pad indicating that this site will also be used for processing of the product. Based on similar sized wineries in the Town of Southold that have their own crush and fermentation equipment, water consumption for these establishments could range from 2,000 g.p.d. to more than 4,200 g.p.d. The application also provides for additional landscaping of the site. As noted above, irrigation demand was not provided. As a water provider, irrigation demand is important in assessing our agency's ability to maintain water pressure during peak usage periods. Page Two March 2. 2024 At this time, based on the information submitted; lack of irrigation data provided and the en significant comparable differences in potable water uses to similar facilities, our agency cannot make a reasonable determination if this project will have an adverse effect upon SCWA water supplies in Pressure Zone 30. If your agency or the applicant's consultant has any questions or concerns you would like to discuss about this project please call Joseph Pokorny, Deputy CEO of Operations at 631-563- 0201 vee IT U'le trey W. Szabo Cc: Charles Lefkowitz Chairman, SCWA Joseph Pokorny, Deputy CEO Operations, SCWA SC WA's New Construction Department LILLIAN F.MCCULLOUGH " „ OFFICE LOCATION: LAND PRESERVATION Town Hall Annex EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT 54375 State Route 25 lillianm@southoldtownny.gov ��� (corner of Main Rd&Youngs Ave) Southold,New York Telephone(631)765-5711 I MAILING ADDRESS: Facsimile(631)765-6640 pad P.O..Box 1179 www.southoldtownny.gov , Southold,NY 11971-0959 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION r j TOWN OF SOUTHOLD r f `0 TO: Mara Cerezo, Planner ov l CC: Anthony Pasca, Esq. ? "m, ' 'scar ""i FROM: Lilly McCullough, Land Preservation Executive Assistant, on behalf of the Land Preservation Committee RE: SCTM # 1000-115.-2-2.; 2.4& 2.4 Vines on Mill LLC Proposed Site Plan & Resubdivision for Vines on Mill Winery DATE: March 6, 2024 On February 20, 2024,the Land Preservation Committee reviewed the February 8, 2024 Planning Board referral, Site Plan (and Resubdivision) application, Site Plan, and the recorded Town development rights easement ("Easement"). For reasons outlined below, the Committee determined that the proposed improvements located on the Easement area—including a 24'-wide porous asphalt driveway, concrete apron, and an unlabeled concrete ramp (or similar improvement) connecting the crush pad to the loading area—are not related to agricultural production and are in consistent with the Easement's terms. The Committee also determined that the proposed merger of lots 2.3, 2.4, and 3.2 does not conflict with the Easement's terms. The Committee observed the following: * The proposed improvements are related primarily to agricultural processing. • Portions of the porous asphalt driveway and concrete apron, the processing facility loading area, and the concrete ramp attached to the processing facility's crush pad are located on the Easement area. • The driveway services both the processing facility loading area and the associated parking area. Vehicles accessing the processing facility loading area must travel over the Easement area. The Committee also reviewed the Easement, which permits the Town to "restrict the use of the premises for any purpose other than agricultural production," and binds the applicant to "use the [Easement area] . . . solely for the purpose of agricultural production." The Easement defines "agricultural production"to mean"the production for commercial purposes of crops, livestock and livestock products, but not land or portions thereof used for processing or retail merchandising of such crops, livestock or livestock products. Land used in `agricultural production' shall also include fences, equipment storage buildings, livestock barns, irrigation systems, and any other structures used exclusively for agricultural purposes." The Easement also instructs that the Easement area"may not be subdivided into plots by the filing of a subdivision map,"but is silent on lot merger. Upon reviewing the Site Plan and the Easement's terms, the Committee determined the following: • Site Plan o The processing facility does not relate to agricultural production.Accordingly, any portions of the processing facility located on the Easement area, including the concrete ramp to the crush pad, are not consistent with the Easement's terms. The processing facility structure and processing-related improvements must be contained to the rights intact reserve area. o Paved improvements are not related to agricultural production, and thus the 24'- wide porous asphalt driveway and concrete apron are inconsistent with the Easement's terms. Paved improvements must be contained to the rights intact reserve area. o The driveway and processing facility loading area directs traffic related to agricultural processing (e.g., delivery of processing supplies/equipment, transport of wine) onto the Easement area, which is inconsistent with the Easement's terms. Vehicle ingress/egress not associated with agricultural production must be contained to the rights intact reserve area. The Committee recommends reorienting the processing facility or relocating the loading area to ensure that traffic unrelated to agricultural production travels directly from the processing facility loading area to Mill Lane or the Main Road,without traveling over the Easement area. • lot Merge- o The proposed merger of Lots 2.3, 2.4 and 3.2 is not in conflict with the terms of the Easement. Consistent with these determinations,the Committee passed the following motion: The Land Preservation Committee has reviewed the recorded Development Rights Easement, the February 8, 2024 Planning Referral, the February 9, 2024 Structure/Use Application, and related site plan materials at its February 20, 2024 regular meeting. The Committee finds that the proposal to use and make improvements in the Easement area for the access to the processing facility and portions of the wine processing facility are not consistent with the terms of the recorded easement. The Committee finds that the proposal to merge tax lots 2.3, 2.4, and 3.2 is consistent with the terms of the recorded easement. The Committee directs Land Preservation Coordinator Lilly McCullough to send a letter to the Planning Board, copying the Applicant, outlining the reasons for these findings. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. Thank you. Encl.: 1999-01-26 Recorded Development Rights Easement 107.-11-10, 115.-2-2.4 & 3.2 2S3tta . MOM RECOBW 11941PC600 : i d sr`hT 90 Ji;.M 26 0111- 20 Number of pages JAN 2 6 ED'?/tRD t', TORRENS CLERK AND + REGISTRAR Or Serial#„�,.�......... RTAX Sl!i r DL'ti Cr'Ur;i Y g �ki Certificate#„ t .W"Iy Prior Ctf.#. ._. 25305 Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps �+ FEES 0 Page/Filing Fee L� — EA-5217 Mortgage Amt ..._,. Handling __..._.. L�9-99 i a . 1. Basic Tax _ d�._., 2. Additional Tax TP-584 � � �..-.�..... _......... lM1td'lrc Tt dSub Total Notation .�_.�......__ �..(County) -s .� Sub Total Spec./Assit. or �5 EA-5217(State) Spec./Add, �._,�. ..._. '7 1 , R.P.T.S.A. TOT.MTG.TAX Dual Town Dual County Comm.of Ed. 5 .00 ”"; Held for Apportionment Affidavit Transfer Tax Certified Co _ Mansion Tax Cert PY The property covered by this mortgage is or J will be improved by a one or'two family Reg.Copy –� Sub Total (o ( dwelling only, YES-—or NO Other GRAND TOTAL .O If NO„W appropriate tax,clause on page# of this instrument. Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Title Company Information oDist. Section Block Lot * lOOlJ 1,V7, 670 /157,nO e;7'1 0,01713 Company Name 9q iv�U //S, v., ©2,nC� DD3,o�n Date 7D�£S32, L7 Title Number /o1'p /I S,Op oZ vv oto E PAID BY: Commonwealth Land Cash Check I--'- Charge Title Insurance Company Payer same asR&R_ww (or if drent) -- 1777 - fi Veterans Memorial Highway Islandia, New York 11722 Ess: RECORD&RETURN TO � �✓e t 7/7 Z 2 (ADDRESS) 9 Suffolk County Record n & Endorsement Pa This page forms part of the attached T� Iea made by: / (SPECIFY TYPE OF I' STIIUMEN7) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO L In the Township of In the VILLAGE . ..._ or HAMLET of BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILIN "` rm�r+xx,.a, �? 0 Q`632 C)6 • I EEI OF DE ELGP'MENT RIGHTS THIS INDENTURE, made this 12th-.day of January , 1999 BETWEEN William P. Ruiand, residing at Mill Lane Farm, P.O. Box 164, _ Mattituck, N.Y. 11952, party of the first part, AND the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation having its office � loco and principal place of business at Main Load, Town of Southold, County of 10-1Suffolk and State of New York, party of the second part; 11 WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of •IIS ��f� .�� lawful money of the United States and other good and � valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, DOES HEREBY GRANT AND RELEASE unto the party of the second _r part, its successors and assigns forever, THE DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS, by ca which is meant the permanent legal interest and right, as authorized by section 247 of the New York State General Municipal Law, as amended, to permit, require or restrict the use of the premises exclusively for agricultural production_„ ° as that term is presently defined in Chapter 25 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold, and the right to prohibit or restrict the use of the premises for any purpose other than agricultural production, to the property described as follows: � " t �EY1-�t � to OL o I n IYl L_`, I t l� ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in • the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: PARCEL. I ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the corner forrr14 Tyby the Intersection of the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25) and the Westerly side of Millltahe;"� RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of Mill road he following two (2) courses and distances: 1) North 16 degrees 32 minutes 36 seconds West 361.94 feet; 2) North 17 degrees 52 minutes 31 seconds West 1424.17 feet to the southerly side of the Long Island Railroad; RUNNING THENCE along the southerly side of the Long Islay) Railroad South 61 degrees 02 minutes 21 seconds West 433.59 feet to land now or formerly of Va en; and the map of Village Manor, map number 3669; 4UNNING THENCE along said map the following four (4) courses and distances: 1) South 1.7 degrees 40 minutes 11 seconds East 462.92 feet; 2) South 15 degrees 01 minutes 39 seconds East 225.09 feet; 3) South 14 degrees 27 minutes 29 seconds East 246.47 feet; 4) South 16 degrees 01 minutes 29 seconds East 283.96 feet to lands now or formerly of Wines; RUNNING THENCE along said lands North 72 degrees 10 minutes 11 seconds East 74.50 feet to land now or formerly of Rutkowski; RUNNING THENCE along said lands North 73 degrees 10 minutes 11 seconds East 75.70 feet to land now or formerly of Horton; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 72 degrees 58 minutes 31 seconds East 75.00 feet; 2) South 16 degrees 16 minutes 09 seconds East 93.84 feet to land now or formerly of Stewart; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 73 degrees 37 minutes 29 seconds East 103.36 feet; 2) South 16 degrees 13 minutes 57 seconds East 329.26 feet to the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25) RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of Main Rod (N.Y.S. Route 25),50UM5d f 12 minutes 02 seconds East 149.27 feet to the Westerly side of Milt the point or place of ft inrllGr • PAR,r,EL.II ALL th9t certain plod:, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, WGINNING at a point at the northwesterly corner of the premises to be described; said point also being e intersection of the easterly side of Mill Lane with the southerly side of the Long Island Railroad; RUNNING THENCE along the easterly side of Mill 6the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) South 17 degrees 52 minutes 31 seconds East 1426.28 feet; 2) South 16 degrees 32 minutes 36 seconds East 1.86 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 73 degrees 27 minutes 24 seconds East 222.65 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 16 degrees 32 minutes 36 seconds East 437.70 feet to the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25); RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 25) the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 87 degrees 59 minutes 05 seconds East 425.46 feet; 2) South 87 degrees 39 minutes 01 seconds East 149.86 feet to land now or formerly of Graeb; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 03 degrees 59 minutes 01 seconds West 102.00 feet; 2) North 80 degrees 26 minutes 58 seconds East 130.00 feet to land now or formerly of Gowing; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following two (2) courses and distances; �) North 07 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West: 2) North 85 degrees 43 minutes 28 seconds Eas' feet actual (203.46 feet deed) to land now or formerly of Dickerson; RUNNING THENCE along said lands North 18 degrees 33 minutes 51 seconds West 2185.76 feet to the southerly side of the Long Island Railroad; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following three (3) courses and distances; 1) South 61 degrees 02 minutes 21 seconds West 373.33 feet; 2) South 62 37 minutes 15 seconds West 298.7 et; 3) South 6 minutes 2 minutes 21 seconds West 441 eet to the easterly side of Mill Gat the point or place of B ENING. 0 TOGETHER with the non-exclusive right, if any, of the party of the first part as to the use for ingress and egress of any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, insofar as the rights granted hereunder are concerned. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Development Rights in the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns, forever; AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. The party of the first part, as a covenant running with the land in perpetuity, further covenants and agrees for the party of the first part, and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the party of the first part, to use the premises on and after the date of this instrument solely for the purpose of agricultural production. AND The party of the first part, as a covenant running with the land in perpetuity, further covenants and agrees for the party of the first part, and the 3 J • heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the party of the first part, that the parcels of real property described herein are open agricultural lands actually used in bona fide agricultural-production as defined in GML section 247 and shall remain open lands actually used in bona fide agricultural production. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. AND the party of the first part, covenants in all aspects to comply with Section 13 of the Lien Law, as same applies with said conveyance. The definition of"Agricultural Production: as defined in Section 25-30 of Chapter 25 of the Southold Town Code is as follows: • " Agricultural Production- shall mean the production for commercial purposes of crops, livestock and livestock products, but not land or portions thereof used for processing or retail merchandising of such crops, livestock or livestock products. Land used in "agricultural production" shall also include fences, equipment storage buildings, livestock barns, irrigation systems, and any other structures used exclusively for agricultural purposes." THE party of the first part and the party of the second part do hereby convenant and agree in perpetuity that either of them or their respective heirs, successors, legal representatives or assigns, shall only use the premises on and 4 • after this date for the purpose of such agricultural production and the grantor covenants and agrees that the underlying fee title may not be subdivided into plots by the filing of a subdivision map pursuant to Sections 265, 276 and 277 of the Town Law and Section 335 of the Real Property Law, or any of such sections of the Town or Real Property Law or any laws replacing or in furtherance of them. The underlying fee may be divided by conveyance of parts thereof to heirs and next of kin, by will or by operation of law, or with the written recordable consent of the Purchaser. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the sale of the underlying fee or any portion thereof. THE word "party" shall be construed as if it reads "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. THE party of the first part, the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the party of the first part covenants and agrees that it will (a) not generate, store or dispose of hazardous substances on the premises, nor allow others to do so; (b) comply with all of the Environmental Laws; allow party of the second part and its agents reasonable access to the premises for purposes of ascertaining site conditions and for inspection of the premises for compliance with this agreement. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. 5 • THE party of the first part, its heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the party of the first part covenants and agrees that it shall indemnify and hold party of the second part and any of its officers, agents, employees, and, their respective successors and assigns, harmless from and against any and all damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses, including, without limitation, responsibility for legal, consulting, engineering and other costs and expenses which may arise out of(1) any inaccuracy or misrepresentation in any representation or warranty made by seller in this agreement; (2)the breach or non-performance of any convenants required by this agreement to be performed by the party of the first part, either prior to or subsequent to the closing of title herein; or (3) any action, suit, claim, or proceeding seeking money • damages, injunctive relief, remedial action, or other remedy by reason of a violation or non-compliance with any environmental law; or the disposal, discharge or release of solid wastes, pollutants or hazardous substances; or exposure to any chemical substances, noises or vibrations to the extent they arise from the ownership, operation, and/or condition of the premises prior to or subsequent to the execution of the deed of Development Rights. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. AS set forth in Chapter 25 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS acquired by the Town pursuant to the provisions of that chapter shall not thereafter be alienated, except upon the affirmative vote of 6 a , a majority of the Town Board after a public hearing and upon the approval of the electors of the Town voting on a proposition submitted at a special or biennial town election. No subsequent amendment of the provisions of this subsection shall alter the limitations imposed upon the alienation of development rights acquired by the Town prior to any such amendment. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first written above. .# A 112 A" Seller: William P. Ruland Purchaser: To of Southol BY- Je W. Cochran, Supervisor 7 • UNIFORM FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of New york ) ss,, County of c-a /k Cho the /» day o -1--8,2-- —,in the year/ before rrue, tete uroder hoed, root Public n and for said state, personally appe ed lei/� known to rye or proved to me on the basis of satlsfacto evidenceA � "�ersorrally individual(s) whose e(s) is (are) subscribed to the to be e ment acknowledged tome that he/she/they a ectrted the same leu hi slher/ and and t by his/her/their signature(s) on the ins their ent, the /he ural aaei ty(res), upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted:., "cent the ns ent.( ), the person NON'-�Public, Sor Now Yo* No.4;i_2,;029 Qualified in SO "k County Commis fort f r.: r 1,42.0 p • 119 V 60 • , UNIFORM FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT $tate of New York ss.: County of e f On the / ..AA day of in the year before rue, the undersigned,ucd, a notarypublic in and for sect state, personally appeared known to a or provel edd to roe on the basis of satisfactory dca� to be �c personally individual(s) whose r e( ) i (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged tome that he/she/they executed the sarne in ) his/her/ and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the their capaciics)instrument, t au i d v dust(s or ( , 5 upon behalf of hick the individual(s) acted, executed tato bas out, � the person No',:ry Flul�iic, ^of Now York Nr 4' ,;029 /'� 11 SO:ni4 County L �t CIrYIfI':ti ion 1•;:';::i ^,i,:c:,r:1'Y f A.. • From: Cerezo, Mara Sent: Friday, March 1, 2024 11:52 AM �s Ut`-p To: Westermann, Caitlin -- L .�► ° Subject: FW: 16555 main rd site plan RECEIVED ....... ........ -.... For Incoming Mail—Vines on Mill Winery Site Plan I R 0 J 02 r R)d Town From:Visser III, Fredric<fredv@southoldtownny.gov> Planning Board Sent: Friday, March 1, 2024 9:43 AM 115- —Z — 1. 3 ,y To: Cerezo, Mara <marac@southoldtownny.gov> -+ 3 . 2-- Subject: 3 . ZSubject: 16555 main rd site plan Hello, After review of the site plan the following notes were made • Gates to comply with NYS FC 503.6 and ASTM F2200 and be UL 325 listed • Identify the fire dept access road and where it meters 150 feet to the furthest point NYS FC 503.1.1 • Confirm turning angles with local FD FC 503.2.4 • Fire lane to be marked in accidence with FC 503.3 and appendix D • Turn around provide If not a U-road 503.3.2.5 • If a U-shaped road minimum width must be provided as provided in appendix D • Road to support 75000 LBS appendix D Fredric Visser, Fire Marshal Town of Southold Phone: (631)765-1802 Web: http, :asoutholdtownny.gov1'7L6 i Email: Fredv southoldtownn gov PO Box 1179 54375 Main Road Southold, NY. 11971 1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Mry� s EDWARD P.ROMAINE SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING SARAH LANSDALE COMMISSIONER ELISA PICCA DEPUTY COMMISSIONER February 15, 2024 Town of Southold Planning Department 53095 Main Road RECEIVED ..._...w._ ....... P.O. Box 1179 Y F EB Southold,NY 11971 R.t �� � Attn. Mara Ce e o SdUt'Fo16,lfci n Planning Board Dear Ms. Cerezo: Pursuant to Section 2391&in of the General Municipal Law,the following site plan which has been submitted to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination as there appears to be no significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Site Plan Address File No., Vines on Mill Winery SCTM# 1000 11500 0200 002003 N/A 1000 11500 0200 002004 1000 11500 0200 003002 Comment: The Applicant should be encouraged to review the Suffolk County Planning Commission publication on Managing Stormwater-Natural Vegetation and Green Methodologies and incorporate into the proposal, where practical, design elements contained therein. NOTE: Does not constitute acceptance of any zoning action(s) associated therewith before any other local regulatory board. Very truly//yours, A? By Christine DeSalvo Theodore R. Klein, Principal Planner Division of Planning and Environment TRK/cd cc: Janice Scherer, Director of Planning, Town of Southampton H.LEE DENNISON BLDG IMG 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HWY,2nd FI 0 P.O.BOX 6100 a HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 MI(631)853-5191 From: Cerezo, Mara Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2024 12:57 PM To: Westermann, Caitlin Subject: FW: Site Plan -Vines on Mill Winery - SCTM# 1000-115-2-2.3, 2.4, 3.2 Ps Subs EIVEP From: Kennedy, Kimberly<Kimberly.Kennedy@SCWA.com> �L _ ..... ..... Sent:Thursday, February 15, 2024 12:56 PM ILFEB 15 2024 To: Cerezo, Mara<marac@southoldtownny.gov> — Subject:Site Plan-Vines on Mill Winery-SCTM#1000-115-2-2.3, 2.4, 3.2 Planning Board Good afternoon Mara: SCWA is in receipt of the captioned referral. I am hoping that you can answer a couple of questions as they relate to the project as submitted. The application does not provide anticipated water usage for the Fermentation building or House conversion. The site plan indicates that the Fermentation building is 5,200 sf. The sanitary plans indicate the Fermentation building is 4,200 sf. Anticipated water usage and method of waste treatment is essential information in any project review by SCWA. Can you provide anticipated water usage for the House/Office and new Fermentation building including any water usage for the processing/production of their product. The waste calculations may also have to be corrected as the size of the building differs from the Site Plan. I thank you for your time. Be well. Kimberly Kennedy I Legal Department Administrator Suffolk County Water Authority 4060 Sunrise Hwy,Oakdale, NY 11769 O:631-563-0375 ��cnhcc�a °�aw 4� 4 p I O, 1 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ; P.O. Box 1179 `." 54375 State Route 25 � � 1,,, Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) " Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-xmy.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 9, 2024 Ms. Elizabeth Baldwin, Esq. Esseks, Hefter, Angel, Di Talia & Pasca, LLP 108 East Main Street P.O. Box 279 Riverhead, NY 11901-0279 Re: Completeness and SEAR Classification Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Winery Located at 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Zoning District: R-80/AC Dear Ms. Baldwin: am writing as a follow-up to the Work Session held on February 5, 2024, where the Planning Board accepted the above-referenced Site Plan Application as complete for review. The Planning Board, its staff, Town departments and relevant agencies will provide additional comments following full review. In addition, the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is a Type II Action under SEQRA as it falls within the following description of 6 CRR- NY 617.5 (c)(4): "agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance and repair of farm buildings and structures, and land use changes consistent with generally accepted principles of farming". If an action is classified as Type II, review under SEQR is completed. If you have any questions regarding this Site Plan or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office at 631-765-1938. Respectfully, mam &w Mara Cerezo ►`t Planner From: Baylinson, Lester Sub-P Sent: Thursday, February 8, 2024 3:38 PM To: Michaelis,Jessica P8 , 1-4 L/ M Tt Cc: Westermann, Caitlin;Cerezo, Mara RECEIVED Subject: Vines on the Mill Winery TM# 115.-2-2.3, 2.4, 3.2 ..-w.- - FE':'.B 0 8 2,024 Hi,there are no open violations on any of these parcels, Ok to proceed F61"(176WrT Planning Board 1 Town Hall Annex MAILING ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION• �� + � ���, 1n �' �� P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 '' Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM, To: Lester Baylinson, Ordinance Inspector Frederic Visser III, Fire Marshal From: Mara Cerezo, Planner M Date: February 8, 2024 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Vines on'Mill Winery 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and any violations on record, if applicable. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Laserfiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 OFFICE LOCATION: ,ra MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � � Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY M Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov COUN. . PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Anthony J. Sannino, Chairman Agricultural Advisory Committee From: Mara Cerezo, Planner WX Date: February 8, 2024 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Winery 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, review and comments. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. Thank you for your time and cooperation. (This file may be viewed in the Town's Laserfiche under the folder. Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2) OFFICE LOCATION• MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 " Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) ` Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov J PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael J. Verity, Chief Building Inspector Amanda Nunemaker, Permits Examiner From: Mara Cerezo, Planner �R Date: February 8, 2024 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Winery 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 The Planning Board refers this site plan to you for your information, comments, review, and certification, if applicable. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Encls: Site Plan Site Plan Application OFFICE LOCATION. MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ��� ` ,,ry Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY N Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Lester Baylinson, Ordinance Inspector Frederic Visser III, Fire Marshal From: Mara Cerezo, Planner M Date: February 8, 2024 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Vines on'Mill Winery 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and any violations on record, if applicable. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Laserfiche; Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Town Hall Annex ., w MATLING ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION: �: ��. ''��„ P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Lillian McCullough, Land Preservation Executive Assistant From: Mara Cerezo, Planner Mme,, Date: February 8, 2024 Re: Proposed Site Plan & Resubdivision for Vines on Mill Winery 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Zoning District: AC/R-80 The Planning Board refers this Site Plan (and Resubdivision) application to your committee for review and comments. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery, with no retail tasting room, on a ±1.94-acre parcel (SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3) in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland, as noted below. The proposed resubdivision application is to merge three parcels SCTM#1000-115.-2- 2.3, 2.4, and 3.2 totaling ±51.79-acres. Lot 2.3 is ±1.94 acres with development rights intact, Lot 2.4 is ±32.69-acres and Lot 3.2 is ±17.46-acres both with development rights held by Southold Town in Mattituck. Note that a small portion of Lot 2.4 was excluded from the sale of development rights to Southold Town, and this section is included with Lot 2.3 for the purposes of this site plan application. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Enclosures: Site Plan application Site Plan OFFICE LOCATION: � ���� � w MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annexe P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �� �` Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) " Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 ,w www.southoldtowirmy.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator From: Mara Cerezo, Planner MCS Dater February 8, 2024 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Winery 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and certification, if applicable. The file is available at your convenience. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. Thank you for your cooperation. OFFICE LOCATION: „,� � MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �” � �>, Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 8, 2024 Ms. Jessica Harris c/o Mattituck Fire District P.O. Box 666 Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Request for Review Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Winery 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Dear Ms. Harris: The enclosed Site Plan Application is being referred to you for your comment on matters of interest to the fire department, including fire department equipment access, emergency services, and any other issue that may be of concern or relevance to this application. Please respond with your recommendations at your earliest convenience. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. Feel free to contact me at (631)765-1938 if you have any questions. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Sincerely, mO'II/11.1- �w Mara Cerezo Planner Encls.: Site Plan Application Site Plan MAILING ADDRESS: OFFICE 4375 State Route 25 � � P.O. Box 1179 Town Hall Annex LOCATION: �"' �� Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Department of Health Services From: Mara Cerezo, Planner MCS Date: February 8, 2024 RE: Proposed Site Plan Application Review—Vines on Mill Winery « Request for Comments pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Vines on Mill Winery— Page 2 — February 8, 2024 Project Name: Vines on Mill Winery Address: 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck Tax Map #: 1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Requested Action: This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I (X) Type II ( ) Unlisted Contact Person: Mara Cerezo, Planner (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: • Site Plan Application Form • Site Plan(s) • Short EAF 2 Town Hall Annex MATLING ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION: P.O.Box DR 179 54375 State Route 25 � Southold NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 8, 2024 Mr. Melik Tariq NYS Department of Transportation 250 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, NY 11788 Re: Comments on the Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Winery 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Zoning District: R-80/AC Dear Mr. Tariq: The following site plan is being referred to you for comments: This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with two lots of adjacent farmland (49.85-acres) with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. If there are any questions, you can contact us at (631)765-1938 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Respectfully yours, ma . Wqu Mara Cerezo Planner Enc. Site Plan Site Plan Application OFFICE LOCATION. ,, MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex " " P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �" �`a Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY � li Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-xmy.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Planning Commission From: Mara Cerezo, Planner SVS Date: February 8, 2024 Re: Site Plan Application Review: • Request for Comments pursuant to Section A14-24, Suffolk County Administrative Code • Request for Comments pursuant to General Municipal Law §239 (as a referral) and Southold Town Code §280-13 The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements from the Suffolk County Planning Commission that the Southold Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Vines on Mill Winery— Page 2— February 8, 2024 Comments: This is an agricultural site plan for a wine production facility with no tasting room or retail component on site. Part of the action will include a merger (resubdivision) of three contiguous parcels that have historically been maintained as one farm. Project Name: Vines on Mill Winery Address: 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck Tax Map #: 1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Requested Action: This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I (X) Type II ( ) Unlisted Contact Person: Mara Cerezo, Planner (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: • Site Plan Application Form • Site Plan(s) • Short EAF • SCPC Referral Submission Cover Sheet 2 Appendix A- County Referral For Appendix A—Suffolk County Planning Commission Guidebook Suffolk •unty Planning Commission Submission •ver Form For . • Referrals Municipality: Southold ToWt] Hamlet: Southold Local Case Number: District: 1000 Section: 115 Block:_2 Lot: Local Meeting Date: Application/Action Name: Public Hearing: Yes tdo Refer,'ffug Jypq_qf R'efrfgl' S Rte M At92p" Draft EIS Positive Declaration nnln Board or Comae— ew EAF Final EIS Negative Declaration Zoning Board of Appeals xpansion Lead Agency Findings Town Board/Village Board of Modification Draft Scope Trustees Brief description of application or proposed action: This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. Type of Action Please check appropriate box below if action is located within the Suffolk County Pine Barrens Zone, within one mile of a nuclear power plant or airport or within 500 feet of: A municipal boundary; The boundary of any existing or proposed county, state,or federal park or other recreation area; The right-of-way of any existing or proposed county or state road; An existing or proposed county drainage channel line; The Atlantic Ocean, Long Island Sound,any bay in Suffolk County or estuary of any of the foregoing bodies of water, The boundary of county,state,or federally owned land held or to be held for governmental use; The boundary of a farm located in an agricultural district. Comprehensive Plan (Adoption or Amendment) Subdivision Zoning Ordinance or Map(Adoption or Amendment) Use Variance Code Amendment Area Variance Official Map Special Use Permit/Exception/Conditional Use Moratorium Site Plan 4 Note:The above represents a summary of the required actions subject to referral to the Suffolk County Planning Commission, The provisions of GML and Laws of Suffolk County must be used to verify which actions are subject to referral and the related procedural requirements, Additional Application Information Action Previously Referred to Suffolk County Planning Commission Yes No�(If yes, Date Adjacent Municipality Notified (see NYS GML 239 nn) Yes No N/A Located Within Long Island Pine Barrens Zone Yes No Workforce/Affordable Housing Yes No N/A Energy Efficiency Yes No N/A Zoning Board of Appeals Approval Yes No N/A Suffolk County Department of Health Approval/Comments Yes No N/A New York State Dept.of Environmental Conservation Approval/Comments Yes No N/A New York State/Suffolk County Dept.of Public Works Approval/Comments Yes No N/A Suffolk County Sanitary Code Article 6,Groundwater Management Zone- 1 11 III IV V VI VII VIII Contact Information Municipality: Town csf Southold DepartmenVAgency: Planning De a en Contact Name: Mara Cerezo Phone Number: 631-765-1938 Email Address:mara.c rez town.southold.n .0 PP L.Baldwin.Egg. Applicant: Mines on Mill LLC Contact Name: Elizabeth L Applicant Address: 108 East Main Street P.O.Box 279 Riverh ad NY: 631 369-1700: ebaldwin@ehalaw.com OFFICE CHall Annex MAILING ADDRESS: Town „ P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtowuny.gov � u w PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Water Authority (SCWA) From: Mara Cerezo, Planner M Date: February 8, 2024 Re: Site Plan Application Review—Vines on Mill Winery * Request for Comments pursuant to General Municipal Law §239 (as a referral) and Southold Town Code §280-131 The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency; please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below. Project Name: Vines on Mill Winery Address: 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck Tax Map #: 1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Requested Action: This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I (X) Type II ( ) Unlisted Vines on Mill Winery—Page 2 — February 8, 2024 To access the file: 1. Go to the Town of Southold website w.southoldtownn . ov; 2. Click on the Laserfiche Weblink icon located on the home page; 3. Click on Planning Dept. folder; 4. Click on Applications; 5. Click on Site-Plans; 6. Click on Pending; 7. Click on SCTM# "1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4, & 3.2"; 8. Click on Site Plan. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Contact Person: Mara Cerezo, Planner (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: • Site Plan Application Form • Site Plan 2 CATION: OFFICE De x �� ��'� ����" .� � MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Anne " ���� �" � � P.O.Box 1179 4375 StatRoutex Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY � Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-xmy.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Michael Collins, Town Engineer From: Mara Cerezo, Planner 'MC &k*k Date: February 8, 2024 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Winery Application Name:Vines on Mill Winery Tax Map Number: 1000-115.-2- 2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Location: 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map Dated: Preliminary Subdivision Map Dated: Final Subdivision Map Dated: Road Profiles Dated: Grading and Drainage Plans Dated: Other Dated: Site Plan Dated: 02/05/2024 Revised Site Plan Dated: Grading and Drainage Plans Dated: Other (AS BUILT) Dated: Proiect Description: This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. Thank you for your time and cooperation. OFFICE LOCATION: r MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ' Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s outholdtowuny.gov 't : PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To; Albert J. Krupski Jr., Supervisor Members of the Town Board Denis Noncarrow, Town Clerk cc: Paul DeChance, Town Attorney From: Mara Cerezo, PlanneA Date: February 8, 2024 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Winery 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and a determination of jurisdiction, if applicable. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200 sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Laserfiche: Planning, Applications, Site Plans, Pending, SCTM#1000-115-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 N'(r+,n IL l"AMra X t" () I�rrx 'k x79 � qb,c � "��a,�r�tr;f� �"�:,, 'mrl (dd ` ��ukt��rrSr� NY � N 197 NY Y� � � Telephone: 631 765-1938 s �� ����.�ab�ed,I�aetel�ru��rnauyw��"rww" U'1ANN1N(A' 13()AH1) OFFICE , Februat°y 7, 2024 los. EIiaabet.h Baldwin, Esq, Esseks„ Hefter, Angel, Di Talia & Pasca, LLP P.0, Box 279 R;verhead, NY 11901 Pe: Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Dill Winery Located at 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main road, Mattituck SCTM##1000-115.- -2.3„ 2.4 & 3.2 Zoning District: R-80/AC Dear Ms. Baldwin: i In response to your request submitted January 30, 2024 and the subsequent Planning Board discussion at their February 5, 2024 Work Session, the Planning Board agreed to allow you to proceed with demolition of multiple buildings on SCTM##1000-115.-2-2.3 prior to Site Plan approval, pending permitting by the Building Department. The buildings scheduled to be demolished include two metal barns, two sheds, and three garages (as labeled on Sheet DM-100.00 Existing Demolition Pian), The Planning Board would like to take this opportunity to remind you that this site remains under Site Plan review,, and that any improvements made prior to Site Plan approval are at your own risk. The Pflanning Board's support to proceed with the specific work you request does not imply that an approval is guaranteed. Cor will this permission preclude the Planning Board from making necessary changes to the layout or site elements that may affect the site design. Please call the Planning Department at 631-765-1938 with any questions. Respectfully, Mara Cerezo Planner End Sheet DM-100.00 Existing Demolition Plan cc: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector rnanda NUnemaker, Building Permits Examiner Submission Without a Cover Letter SU bP- Name: p n 4on P0ASc6( FEB ��24 Planning Board Project Title: V r�,S o n X 1/�.� 1 mm- SCTM#: 1000 - 115. — Date: 7, 1 -7 /',u 1 Details of Submission: 9x Awnd6 n ", outhcd Town F �annir Board 1/Urk exon _ Febra 2U24 -- _F�rojtqt Name The Orchards SCTM#: 1000-27-1 3 Description: This rocOrient Location: _.•... 2595 Or„w•hard Street proposal is for Clustered Standar ........ _._.�.... _ ~ -� - p s p p d Subdivision of a 13.3-acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3= 1.14 acres, Lot n the R-80 Zoning District._ ... ....w. _....�....... ...._.....a�� _.4-0.92 and....M.Lot -�._.50.92 acres � . .._,__•.. �w......M� .�.,_...�.�_. .... Status: _ Conditional Preliminary Platm� Action:_ ... .. Final Plat Completeness �_Aqamennts. .........._.. ... .Sw._taff Report •,�.• ....��. �- � ..... . _. _. _ w.... .. ... . ._.._. M_�w__. .. _ .. .. _. .._ .. _J e Pro ct Name The Enclaves Hotel _ CTM# 1000 6 • 3-3-15 Location: _ 56655 NYS Route 25 Southold Description This proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq. ft. residence with a 584 sq.ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the Hamlet BusinesswZoning District. Sta tus:WrtMrtWWmm Approved with Conditions A _.cta ._ _...�.�...._. .. . ..__.. ... _......_..._m_...._�.�_..w.•�.....-.........� � ..�_. .,,.,. on Review Request uest for Tree Clearinc_� ,ww Attachments: Draft Letter Pro ect Name . V...�.e _....�..,..__.�.- __...._ .. .....__.._.�... _.._ -..µ Ines s on Mill Winery . SCTM.# 1000-115 .2 2w3,ww2 4µ 3 2µ Location: 16505 Route 5, Mattituck Description. This site Ian is for the proposed pcreation of a 5,200-sf sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights the AC Zoning District __s:..�..__w_..�_- w held...by..,Southold Town m.... •.......... _. ._ .._.._.... . .. ..._. . .�w_.... .... ........ StatuPeview for Completeness _ ..._..... . .—_ Attachments: Staff -w_.__• . .a Report _._ _..,House Resubdivision MillY f�. - w.ww... 2 4, 3 2 Protect Name Vines on Mil! Wine 8� L�ttte White SCTM# ib-66-115.-2-2.3, cription: Th sOpr posed subdivision application is to merge three parcels __�....m .._ on: •_. oute 25 Mattituck_ Des o p' d SCTM#1000- 115.-2-2.3, 2.4, and 3.2 totaling±51.79-acres. Lot 2.3 is 1.94 acres with development rights intact, Lot 2.4 is 32.69-acres and Lot 3.2 is 17.46-acres both with d velap erat r-9t held b__y Southold Town. C Status: PendNng _...... Action _ Review for Completeness Staff Resnrt ..._ _...... .�Attachments:�_. .,...�_�_. ._.... �_. ...w_.mm..m�w.�•._._....... ..._..... .I Discussion: ❖ January 2024 Draft Monthly Report ❖ ZBA Request for Comments: • Barbara Thermos &Alexandra Lapentanos, 355, 405, 455 Sound Beach Drive, Mattituck, SCTM#1000-91-1-19, 20, 21, Hearing: 4/4/24 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Site Plan Application Work Session — Completeness Date: February 5, 2024 Prepared By: Mara Cerezo I. Application Information Project Title: Vines on Mill Winery Applicant: Vines on Mill LLC & Little White House LLC Date of Submission: October 24, 2023 Tax Map Number: 115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Project Location: 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road Hamlet: Mattituck Zoning District: R-80/AC II. Description of Project Type of Site Plan: Winery/Agricultural Acreage of Project Site: ±1.95 acres (R-80 Zone), ± 50.15 acres (AC Zone) Building size: 9,260 sq. ft. This site plan is for the proposed creation of a 5,200-sf. sq. ft. winery with no retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the AC Zoning District, Southold. III: Completeness Review: See attached checklist for Site Plan Requirements. Site Plan Packet Table of Contents: A-000.0 —Title REV A— Lighting Plan A-001.0 — Site Plan Proposed Sheet 1 — Sanitary Site Plan A-111.00 — Floor Roof Plan Elevations Sheet 2 — Sanitary Site Plan A-112.00 — Proposed Winery Office Sheet 3 — Drainage Design Floor Plan IV: Analysis 1. Low-Densi Residential R-80 /A ricultural-Conservation AC Zoning District 280_;,12 Purpose. - The purpose of the Agricultural-Conservation (A-C) District and the Low-Density Residential R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts is to reasonably control and, to the extent possible, prevent the unnecessary loss of those currently open lands within the Town containing large and contiguous areas of prime agricultural soils which are the basis for a significant portion of the Town's economy and those areas with sensitive environmental features, including aquifer recharge areas and bluffs. In addition, these areas provide the open rural environment so 1 highly valued by year-round residents and those persons who support the Town of Southold's recreation, resort and second-home economy. The economic, social and aesthetic benefits which can be obtained for all citizens by limiting loss of such areas are well documented and have inspired a host of governmental programs designed, with varying degrees of success, to achieve this result. For its part, the Town is expending large sums of money to protect existing farm acreage. At the same time, the Town has an obligation to exercise its authority to reasonably regulate the subdivision and development of this land to further the same purposes while honoring the legitimate interests of farmers and other farmland owners. 280-13 (A)(4) Purpose. Wineries which meet the following standards are permitted uses within the R-80 Zoning District: (a) The winery shall be a place or premises on which wine made from primarily Long Island grapes is produced and sold; (b) The winery shall be on a parcel on which at least 10 acres are devoted to vineyard or other agricultural purposes, and which is owned by the winery owner; (c) The winery structures shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from a major road; (d) The winery shall obtain site plan approval. 2. Existing:; a. ±1.95-acre parcel with a 2-story ±1,630 sq. ft. residence, and multiple barns and outbuildings. i. The existing 2-story farmhouse was initially constructed in 1750, with later additions. It remained in the Wines family until 1913 when the Ruland's purchased it. ii. Three 1-story garages, two metal barns, two small sheds, and one ± 2,340 sq. ft. frame barn. iii. A topographic survey showing the existing conditions and contours on site has been provided. b. Surrounding land: i. North: Contiguous parcel of Town Development Rights Land, Long Island Rail Road, County Route 48 ii. East: Contiguous parcel of Town Development Rights Land, One-Family Residences with AC Zoning iii. South: State Route 25, Town Open Space, R-40 Zoning 2 iv. West: Mill Lane, Contiguous parcel of Town Development Rights Land, One- Family Residences with R-80 Zoning 3. Prosed: a. Resubdivision: Merge three adjacent lots (115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2) to form one large parcel for cohesive agricultural use of the property. i. Note that a small portion of Lot 2.4 was excluded from the sale of development rights to Southold Town. This section is included with Lot 2.3 for the purposes of this site plan application. b. A 30' high 5,200 sq. ft. (50' x 110') wine production facility. c. Preserve and reuse existing 1-story ± 2,340 sq. ft. barn and 2-story ±1,630 sq. ft. one-family detached residence for accessory farm use as office space/storage. d. Demolition: Remove two metal barns, two sheds, and three garages (as labeled on property survey). e. Access: A 35' porous asphalt driveway with gate. A 24' wide porous asphalt access drive is shown on the adjacent lot with development rights sold, this will require review by the Land Preservation Committee. f. Parking: 24 parking stalls are proposed (two of which are ADA compliant). g. Grading and Drainage: Calculations and drainage design provided. h. Sanitary Plan: System details, calculation, and locations provided. Proposing to utilize Hydro Action AN 400 (Aerobic Treatment Unit). i. Landscaping: Shown on Site Plan (Sheet A-001.00), and a listing of the type, material, size, quantity, and purpose of landscaping is provided in a separate summary letter. j. Lighting: A photometric plan (Sheet REV-A) has been submitted showing 12 fixtures along walkways, parking areas, and the entrance/exit. k. Signage: None proposed at this time. 4. Bulk Schedule/Code Requirements- R-80 Zoning District a. Lot Coverage: Maximum lot coverage = 20% Proposed lot coverage = 10.3% 3 b. Setbacks: Per §280-13(A)(4)(c) —A winery structure must beset back 100' from major road. i. Winery production facility is shown as 100' from Mill Lane and 297' from NY-25. 5. Parking a. Required pursuant to § 280-78: • Calculations (as shown on plans): Existing Buildings — Barn and House (Storage/Office Space): 8 stalls ■ Proposed Production Facility: 16 stalls o Total proposed = 24 stalls (including two ADA) b. Parking lot surface type is listed as "permeable concrete paver" on site plan (Sheet A-001.00) c. Loading area pursuant to § 280-79(A)(6), one berth is required since the production facility is between 5,000 and 10,000 square feet of floor area. i. Currently a loading area (size not specified) is included on the adjacent lot with development rights sold, which will require review from the Land Preservation Committee. 6. Landscaping: a. Proposed plantings are shown and labeled on the site plan (Sheet A-001.00). A comprehensive listing of landscaping, buffering and street tree plans, including type, material, size, and quantity of each has been provided. b. Parking area landscaping pursuant to §280-95: The proposed parking area consists of permeable concrete pavers, and is surrounded by grass. There is some interior landscaping of grass areas with three gingko trees. In addition, the ADA parking stalls are adjacent to gingko and cherry trees. 7. Sanitary:. a. Test hole data and soil boring location are shown on Sheet 1, "Sanitary Site Plan". b. Existing sanitary system for the house, shown on Sheet 1, "Sanitary Site Plan", is to be removed and replaced. 4 c. Sanitary calculations, sewage system design and location, along with related details are provided on the Sanitary Site Plan Sheets 1 & 2. d. Applicant is proposing two HydroAction AN 400 systems; one for the wine production facility and one for the accessory farm office building. 8. Exterior Li htin : Twelve (12) exterior light fixtures are shown on the site plan along walkways, in the parking area, and wall-mounted on the production facility and existing house. A photometric plan with foot candle diagrams has been submitted, and a site lighting schedule is included on the site plan. Details include: fixture description, lamp type and color temperature, voltage, watts/ lumens per lamp, fixture image, and dark sky compliance. Staff: Mounting height is not shown. 9. Exterior Signage: The applicant has no immediate plan on signage at the time of the writing of this staff report. Staff: Pursuant to §280-86(A) & (B), any proposed signage is subject to future review by the Planning Board. 10. Public Hearing: Pursuant to 280-133(C), the Planning Board has the discretion to waive any requirements by resolution at a duly noticed public meeting for applications involving: "modifications to existing structures with no substantial change to the existing footprint, where the Planning Board determines that such modifications or any change in use will not require significant changes to existing major site design features, as well as applications involving uses strictly related to agriculture (but excepting retail winery operations), if it determines such requirements are not necessary to protect and maintain the public health, safety, or welfare and to further the objectives set forth in § 280-129." The applicant has requested a waiver of the public hearing, stating: "We feel that the demolition of 7 buildings (two of which are nonconforming), coupled with the reconstruction of one building with a smaller footprint and no nonconformities, and no retail operations, coupled with the merger of lots that have been used together as one farm since probably the 1800s, is hardly a matter that would generate public concern warranting the delay of a public hearing." 5 Staff: At the time of writing of this staff report, the application is agricultural in nature and does not reflect a retail winery. The applicant owns the land on both sides of Mill Lane from NY-25 up to the LIRR tracks. There are no homes located directly on Mill Lane and the proposed production facility is roughly 350 ft from the nearest existing home on Main Road (NY-25). The expected traffic for this non-retail winery will likely be insignificant, and there is ample parking for employees on-site. The proposed site entrance is on Mill Lane and not NY-25. The applicant is proposing landscaping to screen off-street parking from view and will maintain the existing historic home structure, which is a notable part of the viewshed for this area. A review incorporating staff comments and referral agency comments will address the objectives listed in §280-129. 11.State Environmental Quality Review Act SE RA : The proposed action is a Type II Action as it falls within the following description of 6 CRR-NY 617.5 (c)(4), which states that the following actions are not subject to review under this Part: "agricultural farm management practices, including construction, maintenance and repair of farm buildings and structures, and land use changes consistent with generally accepted principles of farming". V. Plannina Board items to consider: 1. Find the above referenced site plan application complete for review upon receipt of the following: a. Provide mounting height of all exterior lighting fixtures. b. Include the resubdivision map and the demolition plan as part of the Site Plan materials. c. Be sure the Site Plan clearly notes the limits of the development area, and the existing tax parcel lines. d. Provide at least nine (9) prints of the Site Plan packet including the seal, stamp and signature of the NYS licensed professional preparing the plan. 2. Review applicant's request for a demolition permit and issue letter to Building Department. 3. Consider waiving the Public Hearing for this agricultural site plan. Or, once the application is found complete, set the hearing. 4. Classify the action as a Type II action under SEQRA. 5. Distribute referrals to at least the following: Land Preservation Committee, SCWA, NYSDOT, Mattituck Fire District, SCDHS, Town Engineer, Fire Marshal, Code Enforcement, etc. 6 Southold Planning Department Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness - Section 280-133 Project Name: Vines on Mill Completed by: Mara Cerezo Date: ..._......... ............... .. ...................._..._...._._. .._.-. A. Submission of a complete site plan application shall Received Comment consist of: ..� _ www_ .................... � .._�..._.._._.............__�__ ..........w._..✓..____. -www_._---- ....... . _....._www. (1� A completed sitelan application form. (2) The site plan review fee, as specified in Subsection B ✓ $500 submitted below. Editor's Note: See now § 280-138, Fee schedule for site plan applications. .__................................ ._.. _... _ _.._._... 3 A com leted environmental assessment form. ✓ Short EAF ._. ..........� �www_...aa....aaaa..........._a...__............ ._.. ........._...............�� 4 w..) .Ni..n. e..co.. i..e_s of the site Ian. ........._..... ...... ........... ✓ www.... (5) Four copies of a property survey, certified by a licensed ✓ land surveyor. B. Standards. Site plan design shall include the following items: __ .. _ -ww_........................._...... .................. (1) Technical data: Received Comment . �.(a).....................�The lot, block and section number of the property, taken ww._._.... _✓ � w........ww....�....�......��.. from the latest tax records. __................................... ..........._._.� ......�___-....._................... _.... ......................_........._... ....._ ... ........ ._.......__aa... _.. ..... ,.................. (b) The name and address of the landowner on record: [1] The names and addresses of adjoining landowners. [2] The name and address of the applicant, if not the same asthe landowner. �w w (c) The name and address of the person, firm orWWWW.......�.._...... ✓_...... _._.... organization preparing the map, sealed with the ....... ap Ip cable New York State license.... and signature... _✓_................. (d) Date, graphic scale and North point, whether true or _.w_ ..w............_ magnetic; if magnetic,show the date of reading, _... _ .w._ (e) A survey prepared by a licensed surveyor or civil ✓ engineer. The site plan may reference a land surveyor's map or base reference map. All distances shall be in feet and hundredths of a foot. All angles shall be given to the nearest 10 seconds or closer. The error of closure shall not exceed one in 10 000. _ �.w..__....____..w.. (f) The locations, names and widths of all rights-of-way N/A Use GIS within 500 feet of property lines. If none exist within 500 feet of the subject property, indicate the distance to the ww. _ nearest intersection with apublic street. m (g) A separate key map showing location and owners of all N/A Use GIS adjoining lands within 500 feet, as shown on the latest __.__w..w__ . ....... ., tax records, at a scale of one inch a ui: Is '14 feet. �_w✓ .....................M....... —wµ.- ...... (h) The location, width and purpose of all existing and proposed easements, setbacks, reservations and areas dedicated to public use within or adjoining the w.ww_......... propert . (i) A complete outline of other existing easements, deed ✓.._m.....� _.ww. . . restrictions or covenants applying to the propert r� _w_... w _ www_. _ ........ Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness Southold Planning Department Existinq zoning., including zone lines and dimensions ✓ W rvry �W MMpppp m (k) Site plans drawn at the scale of one inch equals 20 feet. ✓ If all required information cannot be shown clearly on one plan, the information should be separated as follows: [1] Alignment and schedule plan. [2] Grading and drainage. [3] Landscaping. ww ._... ......µµpp [4] Other, e.g., site utilities. 2 wwwww Natural .....�_.w_........ ...w_.........____._.. .��.... .... ............... . ................... O features: Received Comment (a) Existing contours with intervals of two feet or less, ✓ referred to mean sea level as per United States Geological Survey datum. _._.. w_............_.....�....�,......_._ _.._.. _.w �w.w._........ (b) Boundaries of any areas subject to flooding or N/A stormwater overflows, tidal bays, saltwater marshes, beaches and all freshwater bodies, including wetlands and intermittent streams, perimeter boundaries of shoreline bluffs, dunes and beaches. .......... _�. w_:.........................._....... . www_www_._.................. ..._.... .. _............. .w ........ (c) The location of existing natural features, including but not limited to natural drainage swales, watercourses, wooded areas and wetlands, as defined by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and the Board of Trustees of Southold Town, marshes, ponds, dunes, bluffs, beaches, kettleholes, escarpments, wildlife habitats, flood hazard areas, erosion-prone areas and trees of six inches in diameter ata dint three feet above the trunk base. f?..._ ......._...._�_ _......... -- �..w........ �ww_ _. _ ....................... w (d) The location of any existing cultural and historical N/A _features within 500 feet of the ro rt .boundaries. _......... P . _ w...ww ... _3 Existing buildingstructures and utilities: _ _ _ Received Comment _ (a) The locations, dimensions and outlines of all buildings, ✓ as defined in § 280-4 of this chapter, and all uses of the _ site. _._._._. _. _......._.. .. (b) Paved areas, includingµ .parking areas, sidewalks and ✓ vehicular access between the site and ic s ubltreets,w ✓ (c) The locations,Wdimensions, grades and flow directions of .. __ �... ...........____� any existing culverts, waterlines or sewage disposal systems, as well as other underground and aboveground utility poles and utility lines within and a_cant to the P_roa .:..................._....w..._ _.__.................. (d) The location and use of all buildings and structures, N/A Use GIS including curb cuts, within 200 feet of the boundary of thesubject pro�e_rt :_.._..__ _...._ .__ www...ww_....._. ... 2 Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness Southold Planning Department . 4 'a) _t construction:. .,.�.._.._____- (4) ........ ww.w.�._.__ww..._.....�....... ._. _....... .__�w__ ....�._....� ( � p n: Received Comment (a) The location of proposed buildings or�structuralW ✓ -mmppp _� improvements, indicating setbacks from all property lines and horizontal distances from existing structures. .............. . ._............... ..._._._...._ .. ..._-..................... ..................._.wr�_......_........._ (b) The location and design of all uses not requiring ✓ structures, such as off-street parking and loading areas ......._ and ppedestria ....c.... tion . __�..............�.�_ .w. ..._ ...�_._._............. __�w_.............. (c) The location, direction, power level and time of use for any proposed outdoor lighting or public address sstems. www........._aa_._ (d) The location and plans for any outdoor signs must be in N/A None proposed accordance with applicable sign re ulations._ _ww at this time. �(e) The location and details of aprons, curbs, sidewalks, ✓ fencing (type and location), and grading, including existing and proposed topography with two-foot contours (on site and 200 feet beyond the property line) and spot elevations for buildings and all structures, drainage calculations, details of drainage structures and watershed areas, where applicable. - v _.w.....__._-(f)._.. Grading and drainage plans shall be based upon site ✓ stormwater retention, in conformance with Chapter 161, Hi, ha S wrtecMfications. The location and listing of landscaping, W.... ..w........ ww .w... ✓ �.....w._ .... .....m. . (g) - g buffering and street tree plans, including type, material, size, quantity and location. .....................h The location of water an........._.._....m.._.........® w_._.......... _ _� .... Www ...w.._wm...._..w............... O .. _.-. ...ater.�.w_d sewer mains, electrical service, cablevision and telephone installations, ground transformers, fire wells and fire hydrants and/or any alternate means of water supply and sewage disposal and treatment. _ (i) Building elevations for all facades...... Wand floor plans _.w_..ww.._... ✓WW showing theproposed useoffloor area. Notes: N/A = Not Applicable Site Plan Application elements waivers: § 280-133 C. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Planning Board shall have the discretion to waive any or all of the requirements of this § 280-133 by resolution at a duly noticed public meeting, for those applications involving modifications to existing structures with no substantial change to the existing footprint, where the Planning Board determines that such modifications or any change in use will not require significant changes to existing major site design features, as well as applications involving uses strictly related to agriculture (but excepting retail winery operations), if it determines such requirements are not necessary to protect and maintain the public health, safety, or welfare and to further the objectives set forth in § 280-129. 3 Checklist for Site Plan Application Completeness From: [erezo Mara Sent: Wednesday, January S, ZD2411:49AK4 To: Westennann, [aNin Su����� �VV [�R4��J - Vlne�ony�U| Photometric su b-P-^ 'Atta VINES ONMILL PtxFt REV-APhotometric Study.pdf. S L I Ml'i R "M—r RECEIVE-D JAN 0 3,2024 Southold Town Fmmnr: Glen Cobon<g|on@g|enandcornpany.corn> Planning Board---- Sent:Tuesday,January2, 2O24 3:30 PM To:[erezm, Mara <nnarac@southo|dbovvnny.Qov>;Anthony Pasca<epasca@eha|avv.com:; Elizabeth Baldwin <EBa|dvvin@eha|avv.com>; GachiMasaN<sachi@g|enandcompany.com>; Glen [oben<g|en@g|enandconnpeny.com> Subject: [S9AM] 'Vines onMill - Photometric study uxarz, Per my previous email, attached to this email please find the photometric study per your letter dated December 11, 2023. . Please advise ifyou require hard copies and ifso, how many. Than'kyou, Glen G|enCoben 917'509'9040 ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders orunexpected ennai|s. � 1 — -1-REC E i v E u NOTES: DUE TO VARIATIONS IN LEDs, DRIVERS,MANUFACTURING, LINE VOLTAGE,ANDANTE E CONDITIONS,A GUARANTEED JAN 0 3 2024 LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE IS NOT POSSIBLE AND IS NOT REPRESENTED BY THIS ANALYSIS •• -• Southold TOwn 1 THE RESULTS OF THIS .r.....•...... • •, • Planning Boar o a�rd SONLY AS AN TUDY ARE IN IC AV P9 ON x }± • F . k - r l� OF POSSIBLE PERFORMANCE e .i 2.LIGHT LOSS FACTORS(LLF) Y Y Y b Y Y k++ x . . . r e b Y F Y Y«b++ . i+ AREAS NOTED IN SCHEDULE Y Y Y Y Y Y b«k , • • • • • a« ••• ••,e i r • • • r r • r • , • • . x , , f f , a • • �■'tee—�r�e •Y k•F!.1 ,a • + e • • r e ,• � i t } _ w a • • • r • r s , • i i - P. k!!F F!!F + e • } k � ,.'• ,.x • r. ■ f a • • r f • + i a 4 a v ■ ? i • + +l 7 i � i. � i, +. �r�, ?�+Y►■i,r���-,}ate 1 • F � � w r a • r i tea,. i i i r ■ Y i i r Y- i Y + • • • YI■r i■i. - "'���!!! � r n . r r a Y • a • .a . a a a • a . a . . r . a . . . . . . • f 6 N +e+ a ! a a . . a . a. a ♦ • F 1■ s . e r r F ■ � � } ! a k � } a • + r r -•a s ,eta ■ _ '*"p"q ■ 000 GJ006Y) �{ w NULL LANE seLux Luminaire Schedule 5 LUMEN LANE - P 0 BOX 1060 Symbol Qty Label LLF Description I Tag PH(945)6917723$ JOB NAW2 MELD-F80-20525-30-XX-XX-UNV 0.900 MELLI WALL, 1615LM, 19.5W, 3000K i XL3 VINE ON MILL 8 p Ll"�iriilCin: I !3L-X-2Q90MU-30 XX-UNV 0.900 INULA BOLLARD, 798LM, 14.1 W, 3000K XL-2 MATrITUCK,NY 0 2 ASTx-R5R-X-5G530-30-XX-XX-UNV 0.900 ASTRO 1, TYPE 5, 5292LM,49W, 3000K XL1 PREPARED FOR GLEN COGEN ARCHITECTUR SE LUX REPRESENT Calculation Summary —LIGHT ABILITIES DRAWN BY: �/� Label CalcType units Max Min Avg l Avg/Min MaxlMin AJPPage 1 of 1 Building Walkway Illuminance Fc 8.6 0.0 0.35 I N.A. N.A. REV-A 1 � Date:1/2/2024 Walkway and Parking Illuminance Fc 8.6 0.0 0.40 N.A. N.A. R......................._EIV"E- a Z024 From: Westermann, Caitlin Planning Board Sent: Wednesday, January 3, 2024 12:44 PM H L IMT I 8C /M C To: Westermann, Caitlin Subject: FW: [SPAM] - Re:Vines on Mill - 16505 Main Road Attachments: Vines on Mill Lane - Landscape list for site plan approval 12-20-23.pdf;VINES ON MILL 12-29-23 24X36 BINDER.pdf, 01-08-2024_VOM Planning Board Review.pdf From: Glen Coben <aIenAgIenandcomoanvcom> Sent:Tuesday,January 2, 2024 2:04 PM To:Cerezo, Mara <marac southoldtownn gov> Cc: Elizabeth Baldwin<EBaldwin ehalaw.com>; Anthony Pasca <a asca ehalaw.com>; Glen Coben < len lenandcom ani>;Sachi Masaki<� i lenandcom an .corn> Subject: [SPAM] - Re:Vines on Mill-16505 Main Road Sorry....I did not mean to send the earlier email that I sent as I was still writing the draft! Please disregard the email from this morning and refer to this email. Please refer to this email. Mara, Per your letter dated December 11, 2023, please accept the following and attached in response to the letter(item numbers are from your memo): 1. We have not yet received the Notice of Disapproval •2. List of Landscaping(ATTACHED) •3. Photometric Plan is in process and will be sent under separate cover .4. Location of water mains, electrical service, etc are shown on the Site Plan prepared by Joe Fischetti, PE (ATTACHED) •5. Sanitary system design (prepared by Joseph Fischetti, PE). (ATTACHED) •6.Test hole data and soil boring mark location shown on Site Plan prepared by Joe Fischetti, PE (ATTACHED) •7. Check to be sent via Anthony Pasca •8. Plans(attached) prepared by Glen &Co Architecture capture clarification of all surface materials (ATTACHED) •9. Plans (attached) prepared by Glen &Co Architecture note apron construction for proposed access to Mill Lane (ATTACHED) . 10. Plans(attached) prepared by Glen &Co Architecture note loading area for processed materials (ATTACHED) • 11. Updated site plan prepared by Glen &Co Architecture shows the delineation of the parcel lines shown in grey (ATTACHED) .12. Dry wells are shown on the plans prepared by Joe Fischetti, PE Thank you again for your assistance. Please confirm that the submission is complete enough to be put on the agenda for the January 8th hearing. Please also let us know how many sets of the attached documents you would like delivered to your office. Respectfully, Glen Glen Coben www.glenandcompanv.com 917-509-9040 On Tue,Jan 2, 2024 at 9:54 AM Glen Coben < len @glenandcom an .com>wrote: Mara, Happy New Year! I hope you and your family had a relaxing holiday! Per your letter dated December 11, 2023, please accept the following and attached in response to the letter: • Site plan which includes the following(item numbers are from your memo): • 4.Sanitary system design (prepared by Joseph Fischetti, PE). Please • List of Landscaping We are preparing Glen Coben www. lenandcom an .com 917-509-9040 On Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 3:26 PM Cerezo, Mara<marac southoldtownn gov>wrote: Hi Beth, Thank you for the update.A letter should have gone out to you earlier this week.There are a few missing items from the application before the Planning Board can begin its formal review.Attached is an electronic copy.On a positive note,we got confirmation that the resubdivision/merger can happen as part of the site plan process. If you have questions on this process I'm happy to set up a meeting including Heather. Please don't hesitate to reach out. Best, Mara --------------------------- Mara Cerezo, Planner 2 Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 631-765-1938 Email: MaraC@southoldtownny.gov From: Elizabeth Baldwin<EBaldwin ehalaw.com> Sent:Thursday, December 14, 2023 1:36 PM To: Cerezo, Mara<rnarac Asoutholdtownn ov> Cc:Anthony Pasca<a a ca ehalaw.com>; Glen Coben < len lenandcom an .com> Subject: RE: Vines on Mill- 16505 Main Road Hi Mara, We submitted the application for the turndown letter to the building department on Monday. Can you tell us what the next steps are with regard to our application? Thank you, Beth Elizabeth L. Baldwin Esseks, Hefter, Angel, Di Talia & Pasca, LLP Counselors at Law Ph.: 631-369 1700 Fax: 631-369-2065 www.ehalaw.com The information contained in this e-mail is intendedfor the use of the named recipient only.it may contain information that is legally privileged,confidential,and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law.If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient,or the employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any use,disclosure,dissemination,distribution,copying,or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this communication is strictly prohibited.Ifyou have received this communication in error,please notify us immediately by e-mail,by using your reply button to advise us of such error. Thank you. The information included herein is not intended or written to be used,and it cannot be used,by any laxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that the IRS may impose on the taxpayer,nor for the purpose of promoting,marketing or recommending to another party any tax- related matter addressed herein. (The foregoing disclosure has been affixed in connection with Title 31, Code of Federal Regulations,Sub-title A,Part 10). 3 From:Glen Coben< len lenandcom an .com> Sent: Friday, December 8, 2023 12:39 PM To: marac southoldtownn ov Cc:Anthony Pasca<a asca ehalaw.com>; Elizabeth Baldwin<EBaldwin ehglaw.com> Subject:Vines on Mill- 16505 Main Road Mara, Thank you for your time yesterday. Per our conversation, please let us know what needs to happen to allow me to be included in the correspondence for this project. I am not looking to replace Tony and Beth as representatives. I am asking that we be included so we can assist in pushing ahead the submittals as our client is very anxious to get construction started in March. Thank you again for your time and assistance. Regards, Glen Coben www�.glenandcompariy.com 917-509-9040 4 GLEN&CO ARCHITECTURE GLEN COGEN ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN: PLLC. 33 EAST 331c' STREET. SUITE 906. NEW YORK; NY 10016 S^ .7!_ENANDC ONS PAN C 011 1 2 c8 EIVEDDecember 20, 2023 _ _... Town of Southold JAN 0 3 2024 Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 utktl lcswfa Southold, NY 11971 Planning Board Attention: Plan Board Rex Vines on Mill 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck Please accept this letter in response to the letter of Incompleteness of Application dated December 11, 2023 in regard to item #2. Provide the listing of landscaping and street trees; including type, material, size, and quantity.. VINES ON MILL LANDSCAPE SUMMARY VINES ON MILL LANDSCAPE SUMMARY NAME BOTANICAL NAME LOCATION SIZE QTY NOTES .................. _ww American Arborvitae Thuja Occidentalis Permiter of property 8 10 ft tall 40 To block sound of cars on Main Road Grey Birch Betula Populifora Various locations 6-8"caliper 3 To add v isual interest throughout SugarMaple AcerSaccharum Various locations 8-10"coliper 4 To provide shade Ginko Tree Ginko Biloba Various locations 6"caliper 8 To add visual interest throughout Yoshino Cherry Prunus x Yedoensis Adjacent to the bldg 6-8"caliper 8 For the flowers and to atrract birds Notiv e Grass/Switchgross Panicum Vrgatum Various locations 3-5 It fall I To add v isual interest throughout English Ivy Hedera helix mechanical equip varies 7 To grow on fencing to shield equipment Should you require any further information or have any concerns, please do not hesitate in contacting me. Thank you, , p�C�y� F,N Glen Coben, RA Elizabeth Thompson, R.A. Chairperson jAfF04,fe Town Hall Annex Route Anne Surchin, R.A. S4375 PO Box 11795 Reynolds duPont,Jr. Ronald McGreevy Southold,NY 11971 Umberto Fasolino �� Fax(631)765-6641 '" " Telephone: (631)765-1892 Meryl Kramer,AIA, LEED AP www.southoldtownny.gov Jim Fredriksson Frank Buonaiuto S li bf P6$ HI-1 `t i9C r FSI G' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE ..... - ...._.... ...VE... MINUTES THURSDAY,DECEMBER 7,2023 at 4:OOPM DEC 2 1 2023 TOWN HALL ANNEX CONFERENCE ROOM _.......__. AND VIA ZOOM BASED WEBINAR Planning 3 ng Boam ard Members Present: Elizabeth Thompson,Chairperson;Ron McGreevy;Meryl Kramer; Umberto Fasolino; Anne Surchin; Town Planner Mara Cerezo;and Elizabeth Cantrell,Secretary were present. The minutes for the meeting of June 8,2023 were approved. Introduction: All applicants will give a presentation consisting of drawings, exterior materials samples and other information required by the Planning Department to the Committee. The Committee will ask questions and make suggestions as part of a general discussion with each applicant. Final recommendations from the ARC will be presented to the Planning Board in the ARC:;`Meeting art of the Minutes, ler theserecommendations, together with ming litale for tc:w comments from other agencies,hat application. The Planning Board will gettheir and provide the applicant with a comprehensive written list of its requested revisions. Parelim n rymmS to Plan APPlication: VINES ON MILL &LITTLE WHITE HOUSE, LLC SCTM#: 1000-115.-2-2.3,2.4 &3.2 This Preliminary Site Plan application is for the proposed creation of a 9,260 sq.ft.winery on a ±1.95 acre parcel in the R-80/AC Zoning District located at 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck. Glenn Coben,lead Architect and Sachi Masaki, Architect of Glenn Coben Architecture& Design Ppresented the preliminary site plan and design drawings for the Cotrunittee's review. Following g presentation, Committee members discussed the proposed with the applicants which led to the following comments: Simplify general siting and selection of buildings that will remain, as well as proposed new construction are acceptable. The ARC recommends that new and renovated structures show some reference to existing historical residence that is to remain. All exterior lighting should be minimized, particularly the XL1 parking fixture. Page 1 of 2 - New winery production building has a shallow proposed roof pitch of slightly less than 5/12. A steeper roof pitch of 6/12 is recommended to be closer to 8/12 pitch of historic house. - Selection of finish materials and colors to be provided with complete submission for final approval,including roofing,siding, trim and fenestrat�ion. Also, black metal roofing,is not recommended due to extreme heat gain issues as well as not blending in well with the landscape. Motion made and seconded. All Ayes. Eliz. eth Cantrell,A.R.C. Secretary Page 2 of 2 OFFICE LOCATION. MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � w Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) "t° Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 11, 2023 Ms. Elizabeth Baldwin 108 East Main Street P.O. Box 279 Riverhead, NY 11901-0279 Re: Notice of Incompleteness of Application Proposed Site Plan for Vines on Mill Located at 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road, Mattituck SCTM#1000-115.-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 Zoning District: R-80/AC Dear Ms. Baldwin: I am writing as a follow-up to the above-referenced Site Plan Application. There are items missing from your submission materials. Before the Planning Board can commence its full review, it is necessary to complete the application by submitting the following directly to this department: 1. Updated Notice of Disapproval. 2. Provide the listing of landscaping and street tree plans; including type, material, size, and quantity. (a) Note: While the species types and locations are noted on the Site Plan, a comprehensive and detailed list is not provided. This can be done simply as a table or list in a separate letter. 3. Provide a comprehensive Photometric Plan pursuant to §172 for all proposed on- site exterior light fixtures. Be sure to include the details and location of any existing lighting that will remain. 4. Provide the location of proposed water mains, electrical service, fire wells and fire hydrants. 5. Provide location and details of proposed sanitary system, including sanitary calculations. Southold Town Planning Board Page 2 December 11, 2023 6. Provide test hole data and mark the soil boring location on the plans. 7. Submit remaining balance of application fee. Per §280-138(C), the agricultural site plan application fee of$500 does not include winery operations. Therefore, the total application fee for this proposed winery is $1,495. Of the total fee, the applicant's remaining balance is $995. (a) $500 + ($500 * .95) + ($0.10 x 5,200 sq. ft. of proposed construction) _ $1,495 (b) $1,495 - $500 (total previously submitted) _ $995 remaining balance 8. Clarify all surface materials, delineate on the plans between grass, gravel, pavers, pavement, etc. 9. Provide apron details for proposed access to Mill Lane. 10.Provide notation demonstrating loading area for processed materials. 11.In the letter submitted on November 8, 2023 you clarify that the intention of the proposed project is to merge lot 115.-2-2.3 with Parcel II (which according to the deed includes tax map numbers 115.-2-2.4 & 115.-2- 3.2). Please include this notation on the corrected site plan showing the parcel lines grayed out and note that the proposed lot merger is subject to Planning Board Approval. 12.Please note that drainage swales or other passive measures may be considered in lieu of drywells as long as they conform with Southold Town Code Chapter 236. If you have any questions regarding this application or its process, please do not hesitate to call this office at (631) 765-1938. Respectfully, Mara Cerezo Planner ESSEKS, HEFTER, ANGEL, LSI TALIA & PASCA, LLL COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIN OFFICE, MAIL&SERVICE 108 EAST MAIN STREET w, P.O. Box 279 RIVERHEAD. NY 11901-0279 SOUTHAMPTON OFFICE PART)VERS 30 MAIN STREET ZARMELA M.DI TALIA November 8, 2023 SOUTHAMPTON.NY 11968 ANTHONY C. PASCA SU bp EAST HAMPTON OFFICE AMANDA STAR FRAZER( 7, ( 15 RAILROAD AVE..SUITE l LISA D.TYmANN Via Electronic � � �+�* �C EAST HAMPTON, NY 11937 Kim A.SMITH WWW.EHALAW.COM RECEIVED SENIOR COUNSEL Town of Southold � (631)369-1700 STEPHEN R.ANGEL 7� NOVFAX:(631)369-2065 Planning VIARCIA Z. HEFFER g Board W (NOT FOSERVICE) 54375 Route 25 .. . � .......�,. R COUNSE[ Southold, New York 11971 s�6 awls HR15TfNE PERitUCC1 Plan tlhig Board SMITH ELIZABETH L.BALDWIN 'ATRICIA M.CARROLL Re: Site Plan Application —Agricultural Processing Vines on Mill LLC and Little White House LLC 4SSOCIAT UUN K K PETERSEN .AUREN 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road � MEGAN E.CASE Mattituck, New York OF COUNSEL j SCTM: 1000-115-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 (the "Property") AMES SPIESS VICNULTY-SPIESS, P.C. Dear Chairman Wilcenski and Members of the Board: NILLIAM W. ESSEKS 1934-2022) It was brought to our attention by the Planning Department that there were some questions regarding a triangular portion of SCTM 1000-115-2-2.4 that was depicted in our Site Plan Application as maintaining development rights. We hope this letter and the enclosed Deed of Development Rights will clarify those questions. The Deed of Development Rights, which was filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on January 26, 1999, and recorded in Liber 11941, page 600, removed the development rights from two areas described as Parcels I and II. Parcel I describes the entirety of SCTM 1000-115-2-3.2.The description of Parcel II, however, does not include the entirety of SCTM 1000.115-2-2.4 (hereinafter "Parcel 11"), but rather excludes a triangular portion of the parcel along the property line shared with SCTM 1000-115-2-2.3 (the "House Lot"). Most likely this exclusion was to accommodate the existing agricultural building from the House Lot that crossed over s the property line. Additionally, if it wasn't clear in our submission, it is our intention, as part of this project, to merge the House Lot into the Parcel II and therefore, the interior property lines of the House Lot will disappear. November 8, 2023 Page 2 Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully, Elizabeth Baldwin cc: Mara Cerezo, Planner, wl attachment 25305 1194ViMo Numtx:r of pu icx R L s rA'f� TORRENS JAN 2 b 19" �..�a». _„�_........�..._.�. to Scr(al w _.. TFAHVIR TAX �Ow_.......___�....�........_._........ T'Y 25305 l ccd I Mortgage lnsururncnt teat!Vurigugc�I a.s Stntnp Recording/Filing Stamps VVES Paye/Flung Fee °_.„ Von}{at{c nrnr, ftufkCling '` I, liasic Ta.v TP-594 2 Adg itiuna`Tax SOlstinn Sub Tntai EA.Ykt'T(Caanty) � :! Sill Cowl 6 cw Vs�"9dC'CSwate:) ti t.� � ~o Ste.tAdd. .. .... R.RTS A. A TOT.�I`G.TAX _ t� ct.sanm Of Ed. Dvut'fow n ..._._Dual(- natity' ._.__... IPcYtU fnr Aprnfttntrnru ilf A.4Cal sviu 1'uwan.sk-'�r la,e n„ wa« CrrtdtcaCopy�y . .. ` Tlthl�tenapi,ro< ray:z wvcr:d hy .this rnongn c Reg.Cop,! _. ". ..,...,_w will he improvca by a nne ur twu family 0LkStrinT`catx! _. L'_!.._._s1 ,.w3 dwcthngnnly. ' .._...... .,_�......... �� YES--.or NO - GRAN t7'I"d1'C RC. If NO,we appropriulc tax ciausc tin pate n ofth4%imtrumcm ties)Property Tac Stryke Apary Yerifkaliun 6 rile company rnrorrnaiion Section Hock° Lot Dict � e -'L. >1.., t: �> e72,e Company Kanto e-e alto 1N 1G[,Ct Z 2 e7e9l T{tleNttmber Commonwealth Land u�A(D DIY Title Insurance Company Payer lank a R R 1777 - 6 Veterans Memorial Highway (or lydi rd) islandia, NewYork 11722 lss. /77?1 �itDRa �r RECORD d, R T t N TC) �a, w, ���_..�. ! .. _�..,.... 9 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This a Form¢ .art or attached ti CSPk;C[��°"fYPF(7F[c" mY�7� � ®rI` made hy: page C ��.. _ .. 1 �y ..��_.w... El4tFYfl 'llie promises hcrOn In SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO in 0w Towrtuhip of_..,'.U t_J..�..W.�Gk....... ............, .. In the VILLAGF or NAM LET of_ BOXES 5 THRU 9?MUST BE TYPED OR PRIh7ED 1N BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR MING, •e P~ ` �� r C(;6 THIS INDENTURE, made this 12th day of January , 1999 BETWEEN William P. Rula3nd, residing at Mill Lane Farm, P,O, Box 164, Mattituck, N.Y. 11952, party of the first part, AND the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation having its office and principal place of business at Main Road, Town of Southold, County of K -7 Suffolk and State of New York, party of the second part; I1 -" ) WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in co:isideration of lawtui money of the United State: end other good and OZ- valuable consideration paid by the party cf the second part, DOES HEREBY GRANT AND RELEASE unto the party of the second �r part, its successors and assigns forever, THE DEVELOPMENT RfGHTS, by which is meant the permanent legal interest and right, as authorized by section 247 of the New York. State General Municipal Law, as amended, to permit, requires or restrict the use of the premises exclusively for agricultural production as that term is presently defined ir, Chapter 25 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold, and the right to prohibit or restrict the use of the premises for any purpose other than agricultural production, to the property described as follows: w " ALL that certain plot, puce or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Mete of New York, bounded and described as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Hattituck, In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S, Route 25) and the Westerly side of Mill Lane; RUNNING THENCE along the westerly side of MTtI road the foltowing two (2) courses and distances: 1) North 16 degrees 32 minutes 36 seconds West 361.94 feet; 2) North 17 degrees 52 minutes 31 seconds West 1424,17 feet to the southerly side of the Long Island Ralli-vad; RUNKANG THENCE along the southerly side of the Long Island Railroad South 61 degrees 02 minutes 21 onbts West 433.59 feet to land now or formerly of Vanetten; and the map of Village Manor, map nur bvr 3669; RUNNING THENCE along said map the following four (4) courses and distances: 1) South 17 degrees 40 minutes 11 seconds East 462,92 feet; 2) South 15 degrees 01 minutes 39 seconds East 225,09 feet; 3) South 14 degrees 27 minutes 29 seconds East 246,47 feet; 4) South 16 degrees 01 minutes 29 seconds East 283.96 feet to lands now or formerly of Wines; RUNNING THENCE along said lands North 72 degrees 10 minutes 11 seconds East 74.50 feet to land now or formerly of Rutkowski; RUNNING THENCE along said lands North 73 degrees 10 minutes 11 seconds East 75.70 feet to land now or formerly of Horton; RUNNING THENCE atong said lands the following two (2) ccurses and distances; 1) North 72 degrees 58 rntnutes 31 seconds East 75.00 feet; 2) South 16 degrees 16 minutes 09 seconds East 93.84 feet to land now or formerly of Stewart; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 73 degrees 37 minutes 29 seconds East 103.36 feet; 2) South 15 degrees 13 minutes 57 seconds East 324.2.6 feet to the northerly side of Main Road (N.Y.S. Route 2'S) RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side of Main Rcad (VY.S. Route 25)6ouLh1Sdtxj(t(:fj12 minutes 02 seconds East 149,27 feet to the Westerly side of mill at the point or place cj t1`C(�inrti)e , ILL that certaln plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New Mork, BEGINNING at a point at the northwestnrty corner of the prermses to be described; said point also being the Intersection of the easter'y side of Mill lane with the southerly side of the Long Island Railroad; RUNNING THENCE along the easterly s1do of Mill lane the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) South 17 degrees 52 minutes 31 seconds East 1426.28 feet; 2) South 16 degrees 32 minutes 36 seconds East 1.86 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 73 degrees 27 minutes 24 seconds East 222.65 feet; RUINING THENCE South 16 degrees 32 minutes 36 seconds East 437,70 feet to the northerly side of Main Road (N,Y,S, Route 23); RUNNING THENCE along the northerly s;de of Main Road (N,Y.S, Route 25) (tie following two (2) courses and dlstance9; 11 North 87 degrees 59 minutes 05 seconds East 425.46 feet; 2) South 87 degrees 39 minutes 01 seconds East 149.86 feet to land now or formerly of Graeb; RUNNING WHENCE along sold lands the fallowing two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 03 degrees 59 minutes 01 seconds ',"lest 102,00 rent; 2) North 80 degrees 26 minutes 58 seconds East 130.00 feet to land now or formerly of Gowing; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the following two (2) courses and distances; 1) North 07 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds West-:�i3, fett 2) North 85 degrees 43 minutes 28 seconds East 106.-36 feet actual (2Q3.46 feet deed) to land now or formerly of Dickerson; RUNNING THENCE along said lands North 18 degrees 33 minutes 51 seconds West 2185.76 feet to the southerly side of the Long Island Railroad; RUNNING THENCE along said lands the foilowing three (3) courses and distances; 1) South 61 degrees 02 minutes 21 seconds West 373.33 feet; 2) South 62 degrees 37 minutes 15 seconds West 298.73 feet; 3) South 61 minutes 02 minutes 21 seconds West 441.E feet to the easterly side of Mill lane at the point or place of BEGINNING. C TOGETHER with the non-exclusive right, if any, of the party of the first part as to the use for ingress and egress of any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center Eines thereof. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and ail the estate and rights of the Party of the first part in and to said premises, insofar as the rights granted hereunder are concerned TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Development Rights in the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns, forever; AND the party of the first pert covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby th9 said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. The party of the first W, as +a covenant running with the land in perpetuity, further covenants and agrees for the party of the first part, and the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the perly of the first pert, to use the premises on and after the date of this instrument soiely for the purpose of agricultural production. AND The party of the first part, as a covenant running with the rand in perpetuity, further covenants. and agrees for the party of the first part, and the N P P 3 7heirs, ntatives, 3ucceSsors and assigns of the party of the first part, eal property described herein ere open agricultural lands a fide agricultural production as defined in GNIL section 247 and shall remain open lands actually used in bona fide agricultural production. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity, AND the patsy of the first pail, covenants in all aspects to comply with Section 13 of the Lien Law, as same applies with said conveyance. The definition of"Agricultural Production: as defined in Section 25-30 of Chapter 25 of the Southold Town Code is as follows: " Agricultural Production- shall mean the production for commercial purposes of craps, livestock and livestock products, but not land or portions thereof used for processing or retail merchandising of P such crops, livestock or livestock products. Land used in °agricultural production" shall also include fences, equipment storage buildings, livestock barns, irrigation systems, and any other structures used exclusively for agricultural purposes." THE party of the first part and the party of the second part do hereby convenant and agree in perpetuity that either of them or their respective heirs, successors, legal representatives or assigns, shall only use the premises on and 4 after this date for the purpose of such agricultural production and the grantor covenants and agrees that the underlying fee title may not be subdivided into plots by the filing of a subdivision map pursuant to Sections 265, 276 and 277 of the Town Law and Section 335 of the Real Property Law, or any of such sections of the Town or Real Property Law or any laws replacing or in furtherance of them. The underlying fee may be divided by conveyance of parts thereof to heirs and next of kin, by wits or by operation of law, or with the written recordable consent of the Purchaser. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the sale of the underlying fee or any portion thereof. THE word party" ehail be construed as if it reads "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture to requires, THE party of the first part, the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the party of they first past covenants and agrees that it will (a) not generate, store or dispose of hazardous substances on the premises, nor allow others to do so; (b) comply with all of the Environmental Laws; allow party of the second part and its agents reasonable access to the premises for purposes of ascertaining site conditions and for inspection of the premises for compliance with this agreement. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity. N 5 so THE party of the first part, its heirs, legal representatives, succeasors and assigns of the party of the first part covenants and agrees that it shall indemnify and hold party of the second part and any of its officers, agents, employees, and, their respective successors and assigns, harmless from and against any and all damages, claims, losses, liabilities and expenses, including, without limitation, responsibility for legal, consulting, engineering and other costs and expenses which may arise out of (1) any inaccuracy or misrepresentation in any representation or warranty made by seller in this agreement; (2) the breach or non-performance of any convenents required by this agreement to be performed by the party of the first part, either prior to or subsequent to the closing of title herein; or (3) any action, suit, claim, or proceeding seeking money damages, injunctive relief, remedial action, or othar remedy by reason of a violation or non-compliance with any environmental law; or the dlspoaal, discharge or release of solid wastes, pollutants or hazardous substances; or exposure to any chemical substances, noises or vibrations to the extent they arise from the ownership, operation, and/or condition of the premises prior to or subsequent to the execution of the deed of Development Rights. This covenant shall run with the land: in perpetuity. AS set forlh in Chapter 25 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS acquired by the Town pursuant to the provisions of that chapter shall not thereafter be allenated, except upon the affirmative vote of 6 a a majority of the Town Board after a public hearing end upon the approval of the electors of the Town voting an a proposition submitted at a special or biennial town election. No subsequent amendment of the provisions of this subsection shall alter the limitations imposed upon the alienation of development rights acquired by the Town prior to any such amendment. This covenant shall run with the land in perpetuity, IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first pert has duly executed this deed the day and year first written above, Seller: William P. Ruland Purchaser. To of Scuthol ` Byen ,, Je W, Cochran, Supervisor 7 UNIFORM FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State ta(N` w "York ) ,ss, aunty of On the /� �41� . �.,., y of��_ U) the notary public in and for said 3tatt � before r; , theand r IB d, a Ppeared know" to m Or Proved to rite n the btt�sl If lfactory id i0di idual( ) whoserhe rstartaally name($) (arc)subscribed to the t b dao tai to the b /they e e utttd the in i ent and 4td �t by hi`lhcrlthelr 318asturc: s cera c ed U his/her/their cgpacit (l ), upaart befit for Which tfac Ludividu I(s) tacted, execute instrument, instrument,, Or ate person eztt. f ppr� dhN�h r�Y fid' il.., Rkp NQ C-k 11941Pr,600 . UNIFORM FORM OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of New York tl County a f On thec , " cot day of the year udalde h and for said state �fo�.e mew the underlined a known to me ar proved t 'tie oCt the ba alf atdatI evidence Irtdlvdd a} whose t be they Personally a�tt w d e(a) da (are)subscribed to the ed to me that be/she/theYexecuted the ac a ithIn Itrur ant and that b his/her/tbedr�sj naturc(a)a n e ° h'$her/th lr° a aedt (de , UPOO behalf f which the Ittdivldual(�t acted, eat tent the i lvddual(a), ar the moron ent. a ESSEKS, HEFTER, ANGEL, DI TALIA & PASCA, LLP KK COUNSELORS AT LAW MAIN OFFICE,MAIL&$ERViCE 108 EAST MAIN STREET P.O.BOX 279 RIVERHEAD,NY 11901-0279 PARTNERS CARMELA M.DI TALLA October 24, 2023 SOUTHAMPTON OFFICE ANTHONY C.PASCA 30 MAIN STREET AMANDA STAR FRAZERSOUTHAMPTON,NY 11968 LISA D.TYMANN •- a JC�t ws-� KIM A.SMITH Via Hand Delivery EC,.EIVED EAST HAMPTON OFFICE ........... ...... 15 RAILROAD AVE,,SUITE 1 SENIOR COUNSEL EAST HAMPTON,NY 11937 STEPHEN KANGEL Town of Southold �„ 2f. MARCIA Z.HEFTER WWW.EHAl AW.COM Planning Board _ w (631)369-1700 SMITH Southold, New York 11971 _ a uauirfing Bo ai� NO FOR 369-2065 COUNSEL loll CHRISTINE PERRUCCI �D — � � (NOT FOR SERVICE) ELIZABETH L BALDWIN PATRICIA M.CARROLL ASSOCL4TE5 Re: Site Plan Application—Agricultural Processing LAUREN K.PETERSEN Vines on Mill LLC and Little White House LLC MEGAN E.CASE 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road Of COUNSEL Mattituck, New York JAMES SPIESS MCNULTY-SPIESS,P.C. SCTM: 1000-115-2-2.3, 2.4 & 3.2 (the "Property") WILLIAM W.ESSEKS (1934-2022) Dear Chairperson Members of the Board: We represent the Vines on Mill LLC and Little White House LLC, the owners of the above-referenced property. On behalf of our client, we hereby submit to the Planning Board the following documents for site plan review for an agricultural site plan: 1) Site Plan Application (original & 8 copies); 2) Applicants' Affidavits (2) (originals & 8 copies); 3) Agent Authorization Letters (2) (original & 8 copies); 4) Applicants' Transaction Disclosure Forms (2) (original & 8 copies); 5) LWRP Consistency Assessment Form (9 copies); 6) Short EAF (original and 8 copies); 7) Survey with topography prepared by Joseph M. Petito dated July 5, 2023 (9 prints); 8) Survey prepared by Joseph M. Petito, L.L.C. dated July 5, 2023; 9) Drainage Plans prepared by Joseph Fischetti, P.E. last dated October 14, 2023 (9 sets); 10) Architectural Drawings by prepared by Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC last dated October 16, 2023; and October 24, 2023 Page 2 11) Our firm check in the amount of$500.00, payable to the "Town of Southold," representing the fee for Site Plan Application (Agricultural Processing). Please know that our clients are eager to begin processing grapes at the subject property. The grapes have already been planted and will be ready for harvesting and processing in 2024. We are therefore, respectfully, asking the Board to apply the expedited site plan procedures for agricultural processing site plans set forth §280-13(C)(d) of the Town Code. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Respectfully, • Elizabeth Baldwin Enclosures SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD SITE PLAN APPLICATION FORM c�otoNd ion Site Plan Name and Location Planning Board Site Plan Name: VinesonMill LLC Application Date: Suffolk County Tax Map#1000-115 - 2 - 9 ,,j Other SCTM #s 1000-115-2-2.4 & 3.2 Street Address: 160505 Mill Lane/16555 Main Road Hamlet: Distance to nearest intersection: Propert relocated on corner of Main RoadNYS Route 25)_4 Mill Lane Type of Site Plan: _New Amended Residential Zoning District R-80 District (Lot 2.3) AC District (Lots 2.4 & 3.2) Owners/Agent ut Contact Information Please list nameeaddress, and lions number wr the eoal below: Property Owner Vines on Mill LLC and Little White House LLC Street 1635 W. 22nd Street City .. Mfam!.w.B.ea.ch. _.0........... ZiP__33J. . ... Home Telephone ............. _Other Applicant Vines on Mill LLC and Little_White_Housen LLC Street 1635 W. 22nd Street _wwwwwwww._wwwww_._ City Miami Beach State— FL Zip_ww-331w40.. � Home Telephone w w_w Other Applicant's Agent or Representative: Contact Person(s)*__w_An_Lh qy( . P s a�..Es+ .:M.& Elizabeth LE aldwin,EW q. Esseks, Hefter, Angel, Di Talia & Pasca, LLP Street 108 East Main Street P.O. Box 279) w__ City Riverhead State—NY zip_!1901 Office Telephone--.631-369-1700 Other _ . _....- *Unless otherwise requested, correspondence will be sent only to the contact person noted here. Site Plan Application Form 2/18/2010 Site Data Proposed construction type: New _Modification of Existing Structure X Agricultural Change of use Property total acreage or square footage. 51.8 ac./sq--ft. Site Plan build-out acreage or square footage: __2,,QB ac./ q..;1 . Is there an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on the property? Yes X No If yes, explain:_,_ D l prp n!_RLqhts sold to Town in 1999 _wwwwww.wwwww_.ww._._._� Does the parcel(s) meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code§280-9 Lot Recognition? Y X N . If"yes", explain(and attach any necessary documentation—title report, subdivision approval, etc.) See certification of lot status attached ....w_C..... ed..m rior to...June.._30�.._1983......_._..—._._....... .___...___—._... .....�.—_.._..................__......w...................................... —........_........._._ Building Department Notice of Disapproval Date: / /r _ N/A Is an application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals required? Yes No X If yes, have you submitted an application to the ZBA? Yes_____m No If yes, attach a copy of the application packet. Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more then one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area per use. List all existing property uses:_ cWturntiaL— List all proposed property uses: Agricultural _..... Other accessory uses: accessory office, accessor residential Existing lot coverage: 12.6 wwwwwwwµ% Proposed lot coverage:_ 10 . 3% Gross floor area of existing structure(s): 11,_320 sq. ft. Gross floor area of proposed structure(s): 9, 2 6 0 [Par.ling .pace Data: #of existing space . #of proposed spaces: 24 Loading Berth: Yes No Lit ndscaping Details: l xisting landscape coverage. .w flaww % Proposed landscape coverage,. —....__...............__. _..... ....—.ww.._.... _.w_.------- w.w�www�_..www.._ __w.___._.......w w...wu..___._...._..wwwwwwwwww—.....ww_..w.. .�.........wwwww_www....._._...n Wetlands: Is this property within 500' of a wetland area? Yes No X Maybe _..._—. ....................._...._...�.....�.._.�w._ I, the undersigned, certify that all the above information is true. Signature of Preparers �! Date: 2 Site Plan Application Form 2/18/2010 APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Chelsea Frankel, Sole Member of Vines on Mill LLC being duly sworn, deposes and says that tiz she resides at 1635 W. 22nd Street, Miami Beach in the Florida State oftWiik, atm 4 the owner of property located at she 16555 Main Road, Mattituck * SCTM#1000-115-2-2.4 & 3.2 ,or that he is the Sole Member of the Limited Liability Company (Title) (Specify whether Partnership or Corp.) and said Corporation is the owner of the above property,which is hereby making a Site Plan application; that there are not existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that the title to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-way,has been clearly established and is shown on said Plan; that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be alter or changed in any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical improvements will be installed in strict accordance with the plan as approved by the Planning Board. Signed Owner x es c:ra Mill 1.»t F Signed B (Partner or Corporate Officer and Title) Chelsea Frankel, Sole Member Sworn to me this day of ._ ,- 2023 No ary Pula d . "ksC �H"c teb.12,20 APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Amanda J. Frankel, Sole Member of Little White House LLC being duly sworn, deposes and says that&e she resides at 1635 W. 22nd Street, Miami Beach in the Florida State of NW*X&, a444arM49 the owner of property located at 160505 Mill Lane SCTM## 1000-115-2-2.3 she �.. �..�.-..-., �..�..�.... �. �,-......,-...... ._.��..�...�� or that is the Sole Member of the Limited Liabilit Com any _, (Title) (Specify whether Partnership or Corp.) and said Corporation is the owner of the above property, which is hereby making a Site Plan application; that there are not existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that the title to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-way, has been clearly established and is shown on said Plan; that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be alter or changed in any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical improvements will be installed in Irict ace rdance with the -a approved by the P r ming Board. x Signed���- O Little W` to House LLC Signed By: (Partner or Corporate Officer and Title) Amanda J. Frankel, Sole Member Sworn to me this —B�—clay of a �` Notary Pis JOR GUTMAN MOVAY O-=TATE OF NEW YORK No.020U6148844 In New York County MY trite n Expkes July 02, 20 Site Plan Application Little White House LLC SCTM: 10007115-2-2.3 AGENT AUTHORIZATION SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD I, Amanda J. Frankel, Sole Member of Little White House LLC, hereby authorize Esseks, Hefter, Angel, Di Talia & Pasca, LLP to act as my agent on the property of SCTM# 1000-115-2-2.3 in Mattituck, New York and handle all necessary work involved in the site plan process wit, outbold Planning Board. Arnaz da ran .el Sworn before me this d, of June, 2023. JORDA04A OUTMAN POUC-PATE OF NEW YORK 1#0. 02OU6148844 GOMMMOd In NOW York county MM n EX001 MY 03.2010 Site Plan Application Vines on Mill LLC SCTM: 1000-115.2-2.4 & 3.2 AGENT AUTHORIZATION SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD I, Chelsea Frankel, Sole Member of Vines on Mill LLC, hereby authorize Esseks, Hefter, Angel, Di Talia & Pasca, LLP to act as my agent on the property of SCTM* 1000.115.2-2.4 & 3.2 in Mattituck, New York and handle all necessary work involved in the site plan process with the Southold Planning Board, Chelsea Frankel Sworn before me this day of 2023 AN f HOMY C. PASC No 0 NA `�OWk d„t^flrI Southold Planning Department Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Your Name: Frankel Chelsea Last,First,middle initial unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name. Nature of Application: (Check all that apply) Subdivision or Re-subdivision Site Plan x Other(Please name other activity) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship includes by blood,marriage or business interest. `Business interest"means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. Yes No x If you answered"Yes"complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of the person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent or child is(check all that apply): A.the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B.the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C.an officer,director,partner or employee of the applicant;or D.the actual applicant Description of Relationship: Submitted this day of 2023 V s 'l 1 Signatur Print Name Chelsea. Frankel., Sola* Member Disclosure Form Southold Planning Department Applicant Transactional Disclosure Form The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Your Name: Frankel, Amanda J. Last,First,middle initial unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the otherperson's or company's name. Nature of Application: (Check all that apply) Subdivision or Re-subdivision Site Plan x Other(Please name other activity) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling;parent or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship includes by blood,marriage or business interest. "Business interest"means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. Yes No x If you answered"Yes"complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of the person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent or child is(check all that apply): A.the owner of greater than 5%ofthe shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B. the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C. an officer,director,partner or employee of the applicant;or D. the actual applicant Description of Relationship: Submitted this day ofJune2(R3 Little " �l.te House XSignature _ae Print Narne.Amanda `�FrankeLlt_ So„fie Member Disclosure Form -11, 'PNAAL-.��, RECEIVED FORM NO. 3 SEP -2 7 202 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT L`-Okh6id't6in SOUTHOLD,N.Y. Planning Board NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: September 20,2022 TO: Elizabeth Baldwin,Esq. (Little White House LLC&Vines on Mill LLQ PO Box 279 Riverhead,NY 11901 Please take notice that your application dated March 30,2022: For permit to: Q - gniete adine SSan&e subdivide laarcelpnLc p n y �ruct a�N�J&,4�r &�odt�ictioq facility t: Location of property: R�w4(-L&-16505—Milt.L4t!-q,--Matti—ttick.-N,,Y- County Tax Map No. 1000-Section 115 Block 2 Lot 2. 4:J'2 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: PAr-S want to A4LC-J-q-X-X I�VSqg LIS 11290-12.7 A21KQV-�froln tlq 5outLoIC qNyn Platinij)Z-Board. hq,_prcapose s diyision of thco to ONAq.-A dot in tIL(_Residential R-80 Dj�stric�t —lot L3 Lis Well _q"&MLtted p _qj jitsuant tq-A !UggLion.280-14,which sLateLs; Flo building r -9r- in t 0te'ui I Ldk ,h rd I�4 edu p�lqtio�n sere—Set fort b.ITh igrplt. rjqpLosgd k�jj3 A_F11 cj��d, e'e u res a_,nini, uare feet with a lot feet. F ljow� t o 75 t lot t 06L s 11 e deet wi h of 250 fee a d 1�4 00 ar ision, I t_LV&LLbq 0 f rmin nea ri �� 4 � et and a width of non-pc n ormin 150.81 feet. Propo 0 0- square feet with a.Lot 2 Ls e;3 �-jBylj -q . �0� d ke t�h 5- te low I be cion-goqCb -ii (5 1 used LQ—o�r -iig 44 60.5 s uare feet with a lot depth of 222.0....jeet. 5 — Additionati.y.the ap9liqant,js, sin- I-tQ-Lr4q.,,fcr a ortion of_lot2.4 to Lit--Xuk-.6 2JB�Town DevogpMgnt mitts cel�s2A,A 3.2 have bemApm Lcd, �i .2� You may now apply directly to these agencies. Authorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Planning Board,ZBA Short Environmental Assessment Form Part I -Project Information Instructions for Cont led Part I-Project Information. The applicant or project-sponsor is responsible for the completion of Pail 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part I based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1.You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item, Part 1-Project and Sponsor Information r -i�-n e Action 0 Project: a I of A on Vines o Fn Mill,LLC Site Plan Project Location(describe,and attach a location map): 16505 Mill Lane and 16555 Main Road,Mattftuck Brief Description of Proposed Action: Applicants are requesting site plan approval to redevelop the subject property. Applicants are to establish an agricultural production use with accessory office and accessory residential uses. Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone: (631)369-1700 Vines on Mill LLC and Little White House LLC,c/o Anthony C.Pasca,Esq. E-Mail: apasca@ehalaw.com Address: 108 East Main Street(P.O.Box 279) City/PO: State. ...........I..........Zip Code: Riverhead =NY 11901 1. Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed action require aperntit,approval or funding from any other governmentI Agcncy9 KO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval:Planning Board site plan and resubdlvislon approval;SCDHS approval El ' Z 3. a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 51.8 acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? approx 1.94 acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 51.8 acres ..........- 4. Check all land uses that occur on,are adjoining or near the proposed action: ED Urban ❑ Rural(non-agriculture) ❑ Industrial E] Commercial Z Residential(suburban) ❑Forest Agriculture ❑ Aquatic E3 Other(Specify): ❑Parkland SEAF 2019 5. Is the proposed action, _. _"......"" NO YES N/A a. A permitted use under the zoning regulations? F1 F 0— b. Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? ❑ w_.. .�...w_....._._.. .,..,_� _.._ NO YES 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural landscape? I .1 7. Is the site of the proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environmental Area? NO YES If Yes,identify: _ww.....�................... NO YES 8. a. Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? = 0 b. Are public transportation services available at or near the site of the proposed action? FV 0— c. Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near the site of the proposed ❑ action? 9. Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? NO YES If the proposed action will exceed requirements,describe design features and technologies: Lin 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO� "YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: 11. Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment: Applicant will Install new I/A wastewater system 12. a.Does the project site contain,or is it substantially contiguous to,a building,archaeological site,or district NO YES which is listed on the National or State Register of Historic Places,or that has been determined by the Commissioner of the NYS Office of Parks,Recreation and Historic Preservation to be eligible for listing on the State Register of Historic Places? Elb.Is the project site,or any portion of it,located in or adjacent to an arca designated as sensitive for [Z archaeological sites on the NY State Historic Preservation Office(SHPO)archaeological site inventory? 13. a. Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed actioncontain NO YES , ..._ _" a_ wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? b.Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? El _ w If Yes,identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: a 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on,or are likely to be found on the project site.Check all that apply El Shoreline ❑ Forest ❑✓ Agricultural/grasslands ❑Early mid-successional ❑Wetland ❑ Urban ❑ Suburban 15. Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal,or associated habitats,listed by the State or NO YES Federal government as threatened or endangered? 16. Is the project site located in the 100-year flood plan? ���-- NO YES 17. Will the proposed action create storm water discharge,either from point or non-point sources? NO YES If Yes, El W-1 a. Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? reW b. Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems(runoff and storm drains)? ._Li If Yes,briefly describe: Grading and drainage plan is provided to maintain runoff on site. - -.— ,.,�...................� 18. Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that would result in the impoundment of water INOYES or other liquids(e.g.,retention pond,waste lagoon,dam)? If Yes,explain the purpose and size of the impoundment: 19. Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an a - ctive or closed solid waste NO YES management facility? If Yes,describe:......w. ... ..........._,.__ww _._w � El 20 Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing or NO YES completed) for hazardous waste? If Yes,describe: _ ._._.........w El I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor/name: J6 _w .. attc. Signature: ._ _.� Title:Attomey PRINT FORM Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. -ptg.Pgsed actin will be evaluated as to it �i `ic nt beneficial and adverse ef"l cts a on the coastal area(which includes all of Southold 3, If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. "Thus each answer must be explained in detail listing both su m ortin and non- supgorting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall flothe undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net),the Board of Trustees Office,the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 115 _ ? -, 3.2. 2.3 & 2.4 PROJECT NAME Vines on Mill LLC, Site Plan The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Board❑X Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: Site plan review of agricultural property to establish an ar i cu..tural production use with accessory............ _.__.........._ and accessory residential Location of action: 16555 Main Road/16505 Mill Road, Mattituck Site acreage: Lot 2.3 195 acres/Lot 3.2 + 2,4 = 49,85 acres Present land use: Lot 2.3 = Residential +Agricultural/Lots 3.2 & 2.4 = Agricultural Present zoning classification: Lot 2.3 = R-80/Lots 3.2 & 2.4 = Agricultural 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Little White House LLC & Vines onMill (b) Mailing address:_._.. /abut C.,?a g .� ._i w iC�.wM gni.C T �Pasca LLP 108 East Main Street (P.O. Box 279)„Riverhead New York 11901 (c) Telephone number: Area Code( )_w _631-369-1700 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? �- Yes 11 No IL's JI If yes,which state or federal agency? C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED C )AST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. Ex Yes No ❑ Not Applicable Thp nippt wilN...maintain the existing ager rul�iree Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑x Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessa'y-.-...........�_.........� �w Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria D Yes No K Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary .�,� NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria El Yes El No Fx� Not Applicable Attach a.ddilional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria y El Yes No Not Applicable -_____....h Attacadditional sheets if necessa Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Yes 0 No ©Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No FX—j Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary .wwww —_e........... Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section Ill—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section Ill—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. Yes❑ No 0 Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound,the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No KI Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary __„_.. ..._. . ......................._..... Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. © Yes ❑ No❑ Not Applicable The sub"act _ro.art w an eotw�re farm with the maj, rtty of the land�roteoted b a f*v to ment...... . _... __. _ .... w ... _m...—m_w.._w_w__ _ __ ..- 11w._. — —.........._ W................._— — Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable PREPARED BY Elizabeth L. Baldwin TITLE Attorney DATE Amended on 811105 OFFICE LOCATION: ���,� MAILING ADDRESS // /� Town Hall Annex ��j�/�� /1 P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � //,G/�� � Southold,NY 11971 Telephone: 631-765-1938 (cor. Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) ' �;%11%, Tele P Southold,NY '° www.southoldtownny.gov .... PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: October 26, 2023 Re: Check Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Special Exception Application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. m - ............... .. A Applicant/Project ectName & ypeTax Map # _A..m._.o...u..n..t....._w-w__...- Check Date/No. _ ............. Vines on Mill LLC Mixedm U..Se. .._ ..�.... 2000-115. 2-.... $500.00. ......_...w 10/19/2023 2.4 & 3.2 #44732 AL.li A A, ATTORNEY OPERATING ACCOUNT 44732 ESSEKS,HEFTER,ANGEL,DI TALIA&PASCA,LLP D A D1 i e community Bank Riverhead,NY 11901 COUNSELORS AT LAW 108 EAST MAIN STREET 50-666/214 RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 (631)369-1700 DATE CHECK AMOUNT 10/19/2023 ****$500.00 PAY *** FIVE HUNDRED & 00/100 DOLLARS TO THE ORDER Town of Southold OF P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971 P 1110 L.4 7 3 20 1:0 2 140666 71: 06000 3 7 50 1 w .MANHOLE DETAIL CAST RoN INLET FRAME & SOLID 8*TNICX RENFOPCED CONCRETE GRADE COVER TO GRADE. TRAFFIC SEMNG SLAB r ASPHALT ROAD SURFACE ON C IRON INLET 5" -51, 81140< MAY BE USED TO-------A.. REINFORCM, 4,000 PSI r ComPACTro RCA BLEN GRATE a FRAI ADJUST CURB INLET CAST TRAFFIC BEAPJNC ZE E TYPICAL 12" -1.1 )RON CRATE & FRAMETO Jill __j CONCRETE SLAB SURFACE ELIEVATIDN A MAXIMUM OF 12 INCHES, RDNFORCM 4,000 PSI A 4 10 PRECAST CONCRETE 4 im CATCH BASIN ZD 2" 4 a- PRECAST CONCRETE STANDARD STEPS CHIMNEY C lu '5' D ppg .... ..... 4 -011± ................ 5 13 Ell a]Emu ff�Q zo 6"X6"X W4 4 �\-MIN. I" WASHED E3 9= IW4 W.W.M. 13 CA 0 0�5 9--�2 STONE BEDDING 1313 A IS*TRAFFIC REMING A 6" ROADWAY QVRB INLET DETAIL 0 13 M I)RAINAGE PPE.TYPICAL 18" C CAST IRON CURB INLET :0-4 M.. FEINIFORCED, 4�000 PSI GRADE CRATE & MAME. 6" RI <1 TRAFFIC BEAR94G L0 6" COMPACTED BASE ASPHALT CONCRETE SLA13 LEACHING RINGS TO BE (N PRIOR 'MAY BE USED TO IN COVERED WITH FILTER CLOTH z W COURSE EXISTING ADJUST CURB INLET CAST 11 PAVEMENT 66 �n IZ fl I At' r7n IREINFORCED 4,000 P51 RON CRATE & FRAME TO 1313 ca 2" THK COMPACTED PRECAST CONCRETE 101, BANK RUN OR OTHER CATCH BASIN 215 SURFACE ELEVATION A 13 Ell Z) WEAR COURSE MAXIMUM OF 12 INCHES. 1313 0 6" SUITABLE MATERIAL 6. MI" , 9. W 0-1 4 0. n I MIN, Mom 5'-e -j Z-1 < TO 201 NO A ----------- z CLEAN SA a LU GRAVEL FILL. ASPHALT APRON DETAIL B-B z (-5 SCALE: NTS T- WATER CLEAN SAND 1 0 24" - I 21-V Min. 7.01 Min,, MIN.� 161 WASHED GRAVEL FILL- W (D < SLAB DETAIL STONE BEDDING W 0 26' (D w < TRENCH DRAIN DETAIL A-A WNFORCED TRAMC CUIRUBI DETAIL Z 2 NOTE: BEARING CONCRETE SLAB SCALE: NTS < MINIMUM 4,000 PSI CONCRETE SCALE: NTS 1401E, THICKNESS AND NOTE: z PriNFOR-I FOR SOIL 0 LO @ 28 DAYS AND TRAFFIC LOADING BY AN ENGINEER Twical Section Leaching Pool ALL LEACHING POOLS TO C:, < (0 STA"A"PRECAST CONCRETE CA TCHBASIN I Scale: NTS HAVE LOCKING CAST IRON (4 X4' Typical) (5 FEET TO 20 FEET IN DEPTH) COVERS TO GRADE VACATIII - BUI]LDING 1*-40 WEILILS ]LINE PROPOSED 31.6 0 33.9 2" WATER 213611 E SERVICE RPZ 0 TC 35.5 x 33.5 437. ELECTRIC BOX 437 2 S E WATER RV'CE U ;E ECTRIC L LOADING W W W A. SERVICE 32.8 _ W W W 0 t W 34.1 CRUSH .9 0 W W W W SERVICE x UNDER RO F COVER x 33,9 E E 0 W W E E W W E U ILI Y P E x 32.8 E UTILITY 8'X5' CONCRETE TC 35 35 x 342 GRASS x 32. E E 32. x POLE SEPTIC TAN E 5' LIQUID A\ ................ DEPTH am Q CID TC 35 0 x x 31.6 511 1 3 10' DII LPO 0 0 x 33.7 33.9 x 34,3 '4 TC 33.5 32.4 0 @ /13 0.8 x 16' DEEP ft. 81011 FO KLIFT RAMP E ANIC C D 411 GRASS TO ASEMENT C I/ A\ EXI�TING Lij EP 11 GRASS 1STOR ASS TC 35 TC 4 1 SaFRY (-EXISTING 0, Lj SANITARYTO 4T 10' DIA GA AGE- 0 0 x 16' DEEP PRODU TI TC 14 >- CONCRETE 34.5 13 BE REMOVED/ rV Z FERM TION BLD TRASH/ 50' TC 35 GRAVEL 0 411 10 5,200 SF TOOLS -ki Uj x N SLA ONC 8' DIA x 30.6 IT Q� /-.Z Ljj i� 0 LIP x 12' DEEP DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS (D M 0 4.0 F 35. TC 35 3,6 x z F- U-) ESIS NCE f LLJ 34.1 x EP Z) 0') 2 LP _j 0 C\j U 33.2 3 5 HYDROA TI N o (0 BUILDINGS < L6 AN400 0) CD NO WATER OR SANITARY 3 35,0 Frame House - 1560 sf x 2" = 260 cf 260 cf/42.22 6/1 LF z 9 x BOLLARDS 0 �2 0 x 33,9 TC 34 A Use (2) 8 foot diameter x 4 foot deep dry well (DW) x 33.5 �5 co 1 STORY EXISTING 4 3'x3'CONCRETE Fermentation/ Production - 50'x 110' = 5500 sf x 2" = 916.7 cf 916.7cf/42.22 21.7 LF 0 (D \ COVERED 0 (A--) /EXISTING W >< STEEL BARN STORAGE �ANDING PAD FOR AIR PUMP 0 \�� WATER B Use (2) 8 ft dia x 12 foot deep U- 0 0 ANDCONTROLS VENT LINE 0 M 60'X39'= 2,340 SF CID AIR LINE 0 SERVICE Metal Barn - 2340 sf x 2" = 397.8 cf 397.8/42.22 = 9.42 If n ON SLAB x 33, 0 12 C Use (2) 8 foot dia x 6 foot deep 3 11 10 9 W TC 33.5 FF = 34.5' CONCRETE 6 3.5 8 ELECTRICAL UTILITY Garage - 700 sf x 2" = 116.6 cf 116.6/42.22 = 2.7 If ONNECTIO 41 TC 35 TC 3 GRASS 33 x 'IV CID C CM1, POLE D Use (1) 8 foot dia x 4 foot deep PAVER AND TC 33.5 -1111 W 3 9 0 DRIVE OVER 0 0 0 0 n 6' W NOTE: EXCAVATE DOWN 10' OR GOOD SAND AND 0 TO 23 CURB W V BACKFILL WITH SAND AND GRAVEL TYPICAL M x 331 T TC 37.5 S.. &1 0 4 U WALKWAYS & TERRACES x 33A X 3'x3' CONCRETE x 33. CO GRATE PAD FOR AIR PUMP 32,7 x ('V West of Buildings = 2860 sf x2"= 476.6 cf 476.6 cf/42.22 11.3 LF x J32 133.6 AND CONTROLS F use (1) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep DW x 333 1 1 F TC 33 TIC 33 x32 AIR LINE 0 GRAVEL 3 x 327 G - FORK LIFT RAMP 12' X 120' = 1,440sf 1,440sf x 4" 480cf 480cf 42.22 11.37 LF ELECTRICAL Use (1) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep 0 CONNECTION IN ruh 0 3 GRASS 0 CONDUIT HYDR CTION 0 RECEIVED 0 0 PARKING DRAINAGE AN400 LJ x LP x 12' DEE L -i x 32.5 C) JUN 18 2024 ................ (H) - DRIVEWAY 200' x3O' x2" = 1 ,100cf i� BOLLARDS EP 3 2.8 x GRASS I--,............... x 31,6 0110, 40' x 30' x 2" = 200cf S o u t FiiWT&w--n x 32 313 1\ 30' x 60' x 2" = 300cf Planning Board f e-/ 0 FI-I 9 Pavers 100' x 15' x 2" = 250cf -XT2.5- 12" CHANNEL DRAIN 00 - - ----- ELEV 32.0 A 2 1,850 cf TC 32-5 CATCH 1850cf/ 42.22cf/ft = 43.82cf "C.1"' - #0 10 N 160321361' W PROPOSED TC 32.5 1.6 BASIN Use: (4) 8'dia x 12' deep DW DRAWN BY: JF JP GRADE A 380- 0010-A. EDGE 0 (1) - PARKING 70' x 70' x 2" 816.67cf JUNE 17, 2024 816.67cf/42.22cf/ft = 19.34' EDGE UF PAVEMENT MILL 5 A ALT APRON 1 PROPOSED Use: (4) 8'dia x 10' deep = 40' DW- SCALE: AS NOTED S GRADE (J) - PARKING 40' x 30' x 2" 200cf UTILITY 200cf/42.22cf/ft = 47 SHEET NO: Use: (1) 8'dia x 8' deep DW POLE SITE PLAN x 30.4 5 SCALE: 1 20' I VINES ON MILL OWNER: EASEMENT LINE 16505 MAIN RD MA7TITUCK, NY 11952 BUI LDI NG USE BUILDING FRONT PARKING TAX MAP NO 1000-115-02 2.4 SIZE SF HEIGHT GFA SETBACK REQUIRED PROVIDED FOUNDATION WALL I EXISTING ZONING: AGRICULTURAL(AC) 4"X4" 8" SLAG ON GRADE MIN. 24" LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(R-80) EXISTING BLDG EMPLOYEE OFFICE 1,630 2 STORY 1,630 OFFICE(1,200 SF)200SF= 6 WOOD POST DEVELOPMENT LOT AREA: 2.06 ACRES(89733.6 SF) 6 1-1/4-SLOT r -,. .t d :. T:, ':e`, ;--'_4 a a a PROPOSED: NEW BLDG:SF 5,200 SF ACCOYA WOOD ° ° 0 4"POST ° ° \\x\\x\\x\�I�\\x\\x, EXISTING BLDG:1,630 SF+2,430 SF EXISTING BLDG STORAGE 60'X39' 2,430 1 STORY 2,430 STORAGE 0 ACCOYA WOOD ° ° /// TOTAL 9,260 SF 0 ° a° I�\\\\\\\\\\ /\\\\\\` PRODUCTION 1 2 _ ° / // // / // DESIGN/ARCHITECT: / - \\�\�• �n PER ° a ° I � PRODUCTION/FERMEN 50'X110' 5,200 30'-1 STORY 5,200 100' =9(1,800 SF(PRODUCTION 9 \\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\ ° < ° I /////// ////� 9,260/89733.6=10.3/(LOT COVER) NEW BLDG TATI 0 N/STO RAG E AREA)/200 SF) © FRONT YARD SET BACK: MIN. 100 FEET FROM RIGHT-OF-WAY "'a' N \\//\\ \ \ \ \ ° Q 4 ° \ \ \ 9,260 10.30/ 9 260 15 N \/\/\/\/\/\ ° \\ \ \\ \\� NO MORE THAN 60 LINEAR FEET OF SLOPE FOR DRAINAGE ANCHOR / // //\/ ° / TO CONCRETE �— — , , , -F \\ \\ \ ° ° (/ // CODE 280-50 FRONTAGE ON ONE STREET TOTAL SF COVER LOT a ' TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED x—x—x— ° ° a , , /\ \j\ HEIGHT: MAX. OF 35' %1411 °° GLEN COBEN ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN PLLC FOOTING I 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 TYP. FENCE POST DETAIL TYP. MECHANICAL PAD FENCE TYP. DETAIL AT EASEMENT LINE emx:212:glen@ 1033 4 "— email:glen@glenandcompany.com SCALE:1/2 —1 -0 3 SCALE:1/2 —1 -0 L SCALE:1/2 =1 -0 CIVIL ENGINEER: ~ JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. / PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PARCELS TO BE MERGED, � � BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 INTERNAL LOT LINES / �� 631-765.2954 TO BE ELIMINATED Q Q FOOTING SHALL BE BUILT 6"AWAY FROM � STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: EASEMENT LINE. DILANDRO ANDREWS REFER TO DETAIL DWG. ENGINEERING, PLLC 158 COUNTY RD 39 SUITE 10 �j SOUTHAMPTON,NY 11968 L 33,9 631-259-3959 297' { S 16'32'36" E 31,6. — 33,5 . . . . . . .,. , 0.00' OA. EXISTING 32 8 1 . . . . . . . . .`. .'I` 27y . LOADING N . .`. . . . .`.` . . . . . . : . � . .`. . . - - ._ _ ..,. . _ _ X RECEIVED CRUSH PA I),,,) . . . .. . . . . . . . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` Q Jl UNDER ROOF COVER 33,9 4� ` .. ` ` - r TE.TR U ILI Y P E MAY 2 _ 2024 .y..34'� "�11 `MAPL. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - � `. �.`. �. . UTILITY Southo Town ` `. .` .`.` ix3—»8. .` 3 .`I 10, ,� 43 Planning Board I . . . . . . CONCRETE / I ( . .� `.r'.`. .` . . .BRASS+ . . . . . . ` . . .. . . . . ..� POLE .'.`.`.` DEVELOPMENT OF RIGHTS ARE ` ` - '.�ti`.`.`•'.` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ' ` ` ` ` ` INTACT FOR PORTION OF LOT2.4 I'.`.`.`.`.`.`.`. —. I \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W. . . . . . . . . . .• �.`.... . . . .. .W. .a.�. . . . . . . w� �: I . . . ` .v. .. . . .' NORTH . . . . . '. x33,7 33,9 �/ I x34 - - - - . . .`. . . . . . . . o x, - P` • `� O .`. Q ECHANICAL _ �� `}` `.`. .`. . . . . . .`. . . . . .�. . . . . . . �/ . .1. ..`. . . X 00 PAD FENCE I N I z`.` .`...`. .`. .`. . P`4 ". `. . ..I O _ EXISTING - - ` . . . . . . . All legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design I I ' 76 7 I •. , SITE` `E patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and plans shown on this 1 ST RY a I _ _ _ _ _ 1 STORY .AM RjeAN,���OR TAE• document are the property of Glen Coben Architecture &Design PLLC, - ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` C /�+ ` and were developed for use solely on this project. They may not be . WIN RY C X VRAS` NK 1 GARAGE . ` ` ' p4° `.� ` ` . ` J used or reused in whole or in port, except in connection with this 9 fa°W o. project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. N .. PRO UCT Oiv g ' ; I // 1 14 13 . W �e s V ,J / O O Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. I TRASH/ Q' c 2023 -`�' ` CONCRETE FER ATION T_ I -.`• -�• .� �` of.. - - . Q . . . . . .`. . . . .`I` .`. . . . . . . r 30' �� °.�` N TOOLS . . . . . .`. . . . . . .`. ` . . . . . . 50 110 — 9' . . ON 1 o , .` ``. .` .`. .` . `�` '` .`` x.3fl;6 O /i , sueMlssloNs x 5 20 SF d` %`g1 i - .x 1, .. Q' FF=3 LIP ( �� TYP. 6 �� .`. vim. Cu DATE N0. REMARKS ` . ` ` `�` ESIS NCE — 2 I I 34,1 x fTE`+� E ` + `�` .`. 12.01.2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED GRA ELF • .4 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING BOARD r . . . 20 Cr �� ♦_ 08.15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD N ` ` (�, 10.16.2023 4 PLANNING BOARD . • . ` - - • - P. 35.0 X ` ` ` ` ` ` ` •GRASS• a- 11.22.2023 5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT x 33,5 \ 30'_ �. S 5' ` 01.08,2024 6 PLANNING BOARD REVISIOf1S 9 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT x 3 3,�1 4 / TYP .`. .`.` ` .` 01.17.2024 7 02.05.2024 8 PLANNING BOARD MEETING I. COVERED I . O oz.2l.zoz4 s UPDATED FOR LPC APPROVAL '. LANDING I I 5 N ie` . .` O `+` j. `. .` . . . a' ``W �S�TE FEE 02,21.2024 10 ISSUED FOR PRICING ` co 23 UTILITY TOWN MEETING )� 12 10 9 ' ;. •c�` `� .B � 03.21.2024 11 x 33,., -- - 11 7 O gr•` 03.29.2024 12 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL ` ` POLE 04,04.2024 13 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT ` •` - CONCRETE 6 "` ^y ` "`"` PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL Ito, . >S�� . X` .f. •.r '� L' ' 04.09.2024 14 ` . W Y . `. 2.3 /, W 29 . �I 04.17.2024 15 100% CD ` `4` Y ` awoD ++ ` 6, "/ 04.22.2024 16 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL ' GRAVEL W•� � . - tt 05.16.2024 17 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL ```.`. ` 05.22.2024 18 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT . ° • • `GRASS' q $ �� PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL •. ..x3�.1`W .". . `x`33.E.`. `.`�33 `.`. .`. . .` .` .`. . . ReoR;, �kc Q 'GA .. 05.22.2024 19 cv, co . . .`. a . .` . . . a .. a . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . •t` . . . .`.�`. . . . . a a . a • . a . a . a . . . . . . . E�•� DOB &SCAN: . . .` . . . . . `. .`. . .`. . . . . . . .`. . .' . .. . . .. .` . .. . . 3.`.`.`.`.`./. .� ` . . . . . .. 4�'. . . / . .GRASS.`.%*-%•.`%*-' `.'. . `.` `. . .`. .` . ' '. . ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ` Qo . . . . . . 0) x . . . . . R MAPLE.`. `.`. . .. . . . . . `�`.`.`.`.`.`.-.•.•.`.`.•. Cc . . . . . .Ln . . . . . AY`B C �'x'•`-`-GRASS . . . . . ��. . . ..`.`. .- . . . `. .`. .`. .`. CO . .`.`. . . . .`.` .`.`. . .-.`.`.`.`. . .`.`.`. . . . . . . .`. .`. . ` -. .`. .`. .`.`.`.`. . . .`.` . . . . . . . . .` - . . -. . . . .`.`. . . . .`. . . . ` .�R .. . ` . .T� . . .`. . . . . . .` . .-.`. 2.`. . .`. .`. 9 VINES ON MILL • - - - �`�1Rc :BIRe - / 16505 MAIN RD �... . .`.•. .`.`.`.•. .` -. .�.`.`.`.• :: CATCH MATTITUCK N'�/ Y 11952 . . . . . . . . . . `.`.`.`. . . . . . .`. . . .`. .`.`.`.`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . — — — `.-` ` . . . . . . . . . . . .`. . . . . . . BASIN .�• .. . . . . �`. . . . . . . . . . . . ...+ `. .y. �. / J . . . . . . . . .`Y�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FOUL SHEET 1111E EDGE OF PAVEMENT ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .". . . . . . . . . .'. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . M0� �LNT O 1 OO ONCR E APRON —10 EDGE EDGE OF PAVEMENT SITE PLAN MILL LAN��� y PROPOSED UTILITY AVEMENT PROJECT No: 2121 POLE �� N5 G�0N J.C_& h'j DRAWING BY: sm 2 SCALE: 1 -- 20 \ ti � CHK BY: r f< DWG Na PROPOSED SITE PLAN x � A-001.00 1 SCALE:1"=20' J� 22135 Q� CADO FILE No: I� MANHOLE DETAIL CAST [RON INLET FRAME & SOLID 8"THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE GRADE COVER TO GRADE� TRAFFIC REARING SLAB 24"DIAMETER 2" ASPHALT ROAD SURFACE ON CAST IRON IN LET 6. 5" 5" BRICK WAY BE USED TO� REINFORCED, C000 PSI E E 4"COMPACTED RCA BLEND. GRATE&FRAME ADJUST CURB INLET CAST TRAFFIC BEARING E' 'E TYPICAL 12" V IRON GRATE & FRAME TO CONCRETE SLAB — 3 SURF&GE ELEVATJON A MAXIMUM OF 12 INCHE& REINFORCED 4,000 PSI PRECAST CONCRETE AW zo 2" CATCH BASIN PRECAST CONCRETE STANDARD STEPS 6" CHIMNEY D C PROPERTY 1 5'± -'T zo 6"X6"X W4/W4 W.W.M. LINE M 13 C9 Q�j < MIN. S' WASHED 4 STON11-1 BFDDIN,' 11 13 121 18"TRAFFIC BEARING A 4 6 13 12 M bm 101, 6 _x < Y211 CURB INLET DETAIL a coo DRAINAGE POPE.TYPICAL C x X—X— X—X—x CAST IRON CURS INLET _x_x REINFORCED, 4,ODO PSA GRADE GRATE & FRAME. WIRE TRAFFIC BEARING A LO ASPHALT CONCRE�:,TE SLAe ----------- 1313 C9 BE SRrK MAY BE USED TO ADJUST CURB INLET CAST E313 COVERED WITH FILTER CLOTH W PAVEMENT REINFORCED 4,000 PSI 13 M M: IRON 6RATE & FRAME TO 3,000 PSI CONCRETE PRf-CA5T CONCRETE L 26' SURrACC ELEVATION A (D :D 101, SLAB W/ 6X6-1 0/10 W.W.F. CATCH 13ASIN " I* MAXIMUM OF 12 INCHES, 13 CM 0 6" 48' 91 0� _j C3 C3 PYE., P, E3 0 4 M IN,-J.- FROM 51'_)" U) U) z TO 20'—C' CLEAN SAND& Z] < 6 COCNRETE APRON DETAIL B-B. UND GRAVEL FILL, GRO, z z C) SCALE: NTS T WATER 0 — 24" li4 T-0"Min. CLEAN SAND& 0 MIN, 6' WASHED —4 ------------------4 GRAVEL FILL. U) < SLAB DETAIL STONE BEEDING LLI 0 z 0f < j- CURB DETAIL Z 2 TRENCH DRAIN DETAIL A-A NOTE: REARING CONCRE."M SLAB SCALE: NTS MINIMUM 4,000 PSI CONCRETE SCALE: NTS NOTE: THICKNESS AND NOTE: z REINFORCEMENT FN SOIL @ 28 DAYS ANI) TRAFFIC LOADING BY CD AN ENCINEER Twical Section Leachip Pool ALL LEACHING POOLS TO U-) LCV1_ -g=— < Q0 STAVDA" PRECAST CONCRETE CA TCH BASIN Scale: NTS HAVE LOCKING CAST IRON (4'X4" Typical� (5 FEET TO 2C FEET IN DEPTH) COVERS TO GRADE 0 VACAT',;T Water Line(s) MUST Be Inspected By The SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES BUIE]DINO WO WEILILS Suffolk County Department Of Health Services. APPROVED EINE PROPOSED REFERENCE NO. C-24-0008 33,9 Call 631-852-8454 To Schedule Inspections 2" WATER SEE SHEET 1 OF 5 FOR SPECIAL CONDITIONS x 31.6 S 16c)3213611 1 (,48) Hours In Advance. SERVICE RPZ REVIEWER'S INITIALS BE 0 LOADING _3.'5..5 x 33.5 . 76F OA. ELECTRIC BOX 32,8 .5 76 1 W W W --SERVICE W W x 32,8 34.1 CRUSH 0 W W IN -------- UNDER RO F COVER x 33.9 E E CD W W IN W X_x -------— E E IN W E E U ILI Y P E E x 32,8 x 32. E x UTILITY ---------- E 8'X5' CONCRETE TC 35 TC 35 x 342 GRASS SEPTIC TAN E POLE 5' LIQUID A\ DEPTH 0 05 CO 33,9 TC 35 32A x x 31.6 - 11 05 /33 LPO 0 0 x 33.7 x 34 .5 /x 3 0,8 SS MUST Be Inspe4rted By The "' all. 10' DrA33 no x 16' DEEP E ANIC, 8101, FO KLIFT RAMP /,4t/ Suffolk County Department Of Hea h Services. k0 GRASS/-- To ASEMENT D '�/ / C Call 631-852-8454 To Schedule Ins ections EXi'$TING EP (48) Hours In Ad4arjq� \ .....j TC 34 1 SaFRY GRASS EXISTING 10' DIA 1STOR ASS GA AGE- SANITARY TO 0 PRODU TI 15 14 13 x 16' DEEP TC 34.5 BE REMOVED Z CONCRETE FERM TION BILD TRASH/ LLJ TC 35 50' 10 5,200 SIF TOOLS F_ W x N SLA 8' DIA x 30,6 Uj z 0 x 12' DEEP DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS (D z LO 4.0 TC 35 8 0 F 35.0' x,3,6 t\ EP x LLI D M 2 341 x L P' 0 33.2 _j 3 5 HYDROA TION 0 BUILDINGS 0 < U 0') (D AN400 z NO WATER OR SANITARY 3 35.0 /-1 / Frame House - 1560 sf x 2" 260 cf 260 cf/42.22 6/1 LF x 33,9 x TC 34 BOLLARDS 0 0 co A Use (2) 8 foot diameter x 4 foot deep dry well (DW) — 0 x 33.5 LL 1 STORY EXISTING 4 Tx3 CONCRETE EXISTING Fermentation/ Production - 50'x 110' = 5500 sf x 2" = 916.7 cf 916.7cf/42.22 21 .7 LF LLJ x STEEL BARN STORAGE COVERED PAID FOR AIR PUM 0 0 4 B Use (2) 8 ft dia x 12 foot deep _1117 U_ 0 �ANDING 0 AND CONTROLS VENT LINE WATER 0 M 60'X39'= 2,340 SIF I AIR LINE 0 ,,—SERVICE Metal Barn - 2340 sf x 2" = 397.8 cf 397.8/42.22 = 9.42 If W - CO 0 O_ 0 ON SLAB x 33,7 12 11 10 0, C Use (2) 8 foot dia x 6 foot deep Uj TC 33.5 9 8 7 1 ELECTRICAL UTILITY FF 34.5' CONCRETE 6 Q) 1 33 ONNECTIO Garage - 700 sf x 2" = 116.6 cf 116.6/42.22 = 2.7 If U) TC 35 TC 34 'IV Cl C N1, POLE TC 33.5 x W 3 N'"4 9 D Use (1) 8 foot dia x 4 foot deep 0 4 3'x3' CONCRETE 0 0 ''�11 1 W 0 0 6 NOTE: EXCAVATE DOWN 10' OR GOOD SAND AND 0 PnI P PAD FOR AIR PUM _Q� �ck 4"1 W Q t 7;y), Go - BACKFILL WITH SAND AND GRAVEL TYPICAL TO 23' AND CONTROLS 4 x 33.1 T (IV -4/ /;z\ Q -x-3_'L2_ x 33 0 Q0 GRATE TC 37.5 -1%0"��' (9 V, WALKWAYS & TERRACES < 411 C,,) 4 4 1 Q? x 33A 4, _, x 3 Co "t. x 33. GRAVEL 3E7 x .T Z) (') Co (0 44i 0 ('V T"1� Q_- West of Buildings = 2860 sf x2"= 476.6 cf 476.6 cf/42.22 11.3 LF x J3.2 133.6 'tz 44.' Q) 0 x 33 3 1 A k* z Q F use (1) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep DW TC 33 TC 33 Q x32 —AIR LINE x 32,7 G - FORK LIFT RAMP 12' X 120' = 1 ,440sf 1 ,440sf x 4" 480cf 480cf 42.22 11.37 LF ELECTRICAL 0 Use (1) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep CONNECTION IN 0 3 GRASS 1 0 HYDR CTION 0 81 CONDUIT 0 PARKING DRAINAGE AN400 AJE x r -1 GRASS LP x 12' DEE 12 Lj x 32,5 C) (H) - DRIVEWAY 200' x 30' x 2" 1 ,1 00cf EP 1 3 2,8 x GRASS x 31,6 40' x 30' x 2" 200cf x 32 2 BOLLARDS 0 30' x 60' x 2" 300cf 9 Pavers 1 00' x 15' x 2" 250cf xT T- _x T2,5 — ------------------------- 0 12" CHANNEL DRAIN ELEV 32.0 A 2 CATCH 1 ,850 cf RECEIVED TC 32.5 1850cf 42.22cf/ft = 43.82cf DRAWN BY: JF JP PROPOSED TC 32.5 BASIN ��AY 2 2 2024 N 16032136 " W 31.6 Ir X Use: (4) 8'dia x 12' deep DW GRADE A '41 !�j "—'- `�j _S—outhold Town EDGE OF PAVEMENT 380- OOYO.A. FOUN (1) - PARKING 70' x 70' x 2" 816.67cf Planning Board MAY 15, 2024 Mo T 816.67cf/42.22cf/ft = 19.34' MILL --_CONCR E APRON EDGE OF PAVEMENT PROPOSED Use: (4) 8'dia x 1 O' deep = 40' DW SCALE: AS NOTED GRADE (J) - PARKING 40' x 30' x 2" 200cf UTILITY 200cf/42.22cf/ft = 47 SHEET NO: Use: (1) 8'dia x 8' deep DW POLE SITE PLAN x 30.4 5 SCALE: 1 20' I - I.- 1APPA-UP .. --il om BSIAG ON 7 —A —LNG—VIDED Ull.N, -Tr .......... HDUIG 4 �M��NCE FENCE DETAIL 3 �jp��. NICE 2 s�Zq�TAII DETAIL AT LINE D (D (D .-INGIN111 PARCELS TOBEMERGED IF S E�N,IT,SCHETTI PE INTERNALL LOTLINES TO BE ELIMINATED FOOTING SHALL BE BUILT U—Y FROM dYyWtil IT111 11ALINGNEEI EASEMENT LINE REFER TO DETAIL EAVG em=c E NO,N C 211 335 oA ElIlTIll 32 A UNDER NO FCOVER ---------- ......... E UTILITY ------ ... - -------- `- .......... CONCRETE POLE .......... ......... -------------------- ..... ..... .................. DEVELOPMENT OF RIGHTS ARE . ............... INTACT FOR PORTION OF LOT 2 4 ..7 ? ....... ....... P .. PAD sEx 1-7� BL 1ST RY RL Owl Y PRO CONCRETE EC ATION T ............ TOOLS 5,20 SF IT 6 131 31. co .... ... ...GRASS, LA= 12 1 ILITI F DLE CONCRETE' a 2� GRAVEL -BASS A' .......... ....... 0' ------------- ...... ------------- ------- -- ----..---------.--.--.--.--.--.--.--I..-.G..-.R..-.A..S-...S-...-.I..-.I...-.I.. .-...- -.--..--..—.........—........--..--..--..--..--..--.--.--.--.--. ....................................... ..........................................-..-. .- ---------------------- ............ . . .. T— * VINES ON MI LL — 16505 MAIN RD ------- - . CATCH MATTITUCK,NY 11952 BASIN. . c...................................................... .......... ...... ---------- ---------- ................ ..............EDGE EF PI—ENT A T 0 loo —NOR E APRON EDGE OF P11HREIT SITE PLAN MILL PROPOSED ------------AGA I/All.11T UTUITY IEI x--RE IAI�EATI. 2111 SCALE-1"=20' ID m ft �1�11EE)�11TEP1N �� A-001.00 T T T Ww. ..... �T?U�ITON�WEST T T T TT T T T I 11 0 t ca)- 1 O BOO OO VIVA 0Z)O OO PRODUCTION SOUTH NORTH 0 00 (4 *0 "41 m-wet/ aAdRE GD 224" PRODUCTION NORTH 113 4 ------------- ffl" -0 U ------------- (D I�Hn T T T T T N R U, L �2"113 T7 VINES ON MILL MA 46MAIN RD 515ToUCK,NY 11952 -COD FLOOR ROOF PLAN ELEVATIONS PRODUCTION EAS T 1ST FLOOR PLAN A-111.00 C,D1-1 1,11-11 ex WMLIGIIIING SQIEDLUE 1111110-N., nLTPE UNIT �AX 1 CN 1 U_ ou an 1 oauewvt -1 U.I., �ININIE I " LLIUN-1 1AICI 1All AT �:�Ro -11LI AILIE 1111T IlT E11111 111T 111IL11 Ea L,Q H'I_C T., LED1.1.1 "I I I DID I All AIEI.11.l-Ell.UIE ILLI U,CU IN-111 �D UN, ��SI�Ul T1 IT111 IIAL INUCCIII ',.o b.o E=II CLEL11 b.o b.Q 1).o %A 'b.. �.I, %.o 1,...0 %.o 1.0 .0 .0 ,b. lb.2 .0 b.o b.o 1.0 .0 .2 b. 'b.. b.o I.o *b.. %.. .. . $, 2b.z .a .0 $.o * 'D. .1b. b.1 b.. b.o %., b.a b.o .0 b.o .0 0.0 .3 D o.o a.a 'o., %a .0 b.I, %.o %.o .0 b.O 1.s 1.2 1- ts.v b o .0 b.. 1). b.z b. %.1 %.1 1.0 b.l b 2 .3 .6 1. 22 b.I, lb.o %.o b.o b.0 b.o 'o.. 'o.. b b.o b.o 1.0 0.0 1.. .0 .0 .0 1.0 1b %.o 0, .0 1 b, o.o %.I, b.o %.. %.0 %. !•_- o.o o.a oo ILCTE g tea' CALAANIIEI ITIEL AN-1 IlLTC VINES ON MILL a F HI ClAll 16505 MAIN RD IAA=UCK,NY 11952 1.0 `0.0 o b. 1111 CONDUIT I CA Ib. N III E I I N III El �.o 0.0 �.o k AND 13 cNTAL flEN PHOTOMETPJC AND ,I b-0 b. ND AOIL3\\\//\l/�,OMUAI TO, DETAILS T,T IEAL O-UlE IAAEIT 1. 1111 PHOT �Fo<N s,o as r,: m _�OTOOMETRIC P LIGHTING IIET�LAINJ POLE BASF DETAIL A-113.00 WMLIGIIIING SQIEDLUE 1111110-N., nLTPE UNIT �AX 1 CN 1 U_ ou an 1 oauewvt -1 U.I., �ININIE I " LLIUN-1 1AICI 1All AT �:�Ro -11LI AILIE 1111T IlT E11111 111T 111IL11 Ea L,Q H'I_C T., LED1.1.1 "I I I DID I All AIEI.11.l-Ell.UIE ILLI U,CU IN-111 �D UN, ��SI�Ul T1 IT111 IIAL INUCCIII ',.o b.o E=II CLEL11 b.o b.Q 1).o %A 'b.. �.I, %.o 1,...0 %.o 1.0 .0 .0 ,b. lb.2 .0 b.o b.o 1.0 .0 .2 b. 'b.. b.o I.o *b.. %.. .. . $, 2b.z .a .0 $.o * 'D. .1b. b.1 b.. b.o %., b.a b.o .0 b.o .0 0.0 .3 D o.o a.a 'o., %a .0 b.I, %.o %.o .0 b.O 1.s 1.2 1- ts.v b o .0 b.. 1). b.z b. %.1 %.1 1.0 b.l b 2 .3 .6 1. 22 b.I, lb.o %.o b.o b.0 b.o 'o.. 'o.. b b.o b.o 1.0 0.0 1.. .0 .0 .0 1.0 1b %.o 0, .0 1 b, o.o %.I, b.o %.. %.0 %. !•_- o.o o.a oo ILCTE g tea' CALAANIIEI ITIEL AN-1 IlLTC VINES ON MILL a F HI ClAll 16505 MAIN RD IAA=UCK,NY 11952 1.0 `0.0 o b. 1111 CONDUIT I CA Ib. N III E I I N III El �.o 0.0 �.o k AND 13 cNTAL flEN PHOTOMETPJC AND ,I b-0 b. ND AOIL3\\\//\l/�,OMUAI TO, DETAILS T,T IEAL O-UlE IAAEIT 1. 1111 PHOT �Fo<N s,o as r,: m _�OTOOMETRIC P LIGHTING IIET�LAINJ POLE BASF DETAIL A-113.00 OWNER: S 18'33'51" E b h lt� 2185.76' FOUND - - 7ill",t - - - MC OMENT 36.7 3L6 / 1 t I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I f 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 36.8 36 �- -t- 30.3 31 11 ► 11 1 1 ! 1 + + + + + + + + + + 111 ' + + r + r + r 33.1 I I I 16 I I I I I I 1 1 1 ► I f 1 1 ! I f 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I I l6 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I r l I l l ' ' ► 1 ► l l l l l l l l l ► 1 1 1 I l r l l l l l f l 5' I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I t 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I f I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I j l r r ' l 1 I I I ► I I I I I I I I I I I I ► I ► I r 1 r I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 f 6 TT 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I r f t t t 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I ► ► I f I f I r f i i ► 1 I ► I I I r I I I 1 ► I 1 1 I I ► I r R7 �L N,FJ LAND NOW OR �, I , 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 t I 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I t 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I ! 1 1 1 ► I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , / 1 ' ! 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X M ♦ XX _ _______ -- SCALE -1 0 ----- ---- J . ----- --- -_ 32 � � - ,'"�^ -- NORTH v EDCE Or PAWMTNT ----- UNDER PIPL N �•5 1 `�,I //J+ - - -- J "` 31.6 - MILL LANE UNDER ROAD .f - a.v` �__J SHEET NOTE EDGE DE PALM,-NI MILL LANE •-• A DGE OF PAVFMFNT I" � ��' �, 1 86 LOGt GE'A' Ni __-MDNI t•l' EDGE OF PAVEMENT - UTILITY AVFMENT PALE EDC6.4Y..V, x 13.0 ---- ----- ------------ I------ _______________ S17'52'31" E _-_----------------------------------_------------____-------------==--=--------=-'�'30,11 ___________1_4_2_4.1_T_____________________________ --,- ,RATE All legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design --------------- patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and plans shown on this Q� document are the property of Glen Cohen Architecture&Design PLLC, IRE------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- HYDRANT ---- -------- ____________________ and were developed for use solely on this project. They may not be ---------------------------------------- CLOUD WITH REVISION DELTA used or reused in whole or in part, except in connection with this project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. 1.9 ------------------------------------------------------- Clen Cohen Architecture & Design, PLLC. ----------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ c 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- -sts ------------- ........... X ------- -------------------------------VI�-rARD- "----------------- � REFERENCE WITH CIRCLE SUBMISSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------- l A-XX.O -------- ___ 19.7 2oe -------------------------------------------------------------- `- - DATE NO. REMARKS _______________________________ - -- - 12.01.2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED _VTU _YAR ------------------------------------------------------ 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING BOARD ---------------------------------- -1=AXMAe lnnn_1117_1'L-1Q----------------------------- DATUM 08,15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD ------------------------------------ EL-------(TQVMQF- GUT.HOL.D DF./ELDPMEM-1 13nff SJ---------_ _____ _ _ ________________________________ - � ?25 10.16.2023 4 PLANNING BOARD ----------------------------------- 1 -(�'PT�JS.E�AGRLOl1LT1113A1a--------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------PARCELI -------------------------- -- 11.22.2023 5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT ----------------------------------- ------------------ ��877sq-it-'------------------------ CL - DIMENSION CENTERLINE -_---4 6 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS ------ ------------------t4�acres-------------------------- 01.17.2024 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT I 02.05.2024 8 PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ -- --- 02.21.2024 9 UPDATED FOR LPC APPROVAL ---------------------------------- ' 1 --------------------- ------ 8.0 ------------------------------------------------ ------------------- 02.21.2024 10 ISSUED FOR PRICING ----------- � 03.21.2024 11 TOWN MEETING --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ALIGN 0329.2024 12 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL ------- 04.04.2024 13 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT --------------------------------- ----------------------------- ---- 03.29.2024 14 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL 4.8 16.1 29.6 OYER ALL SITE NOT INCLUDED 462.92' N 15°01'39"W 1:10�� IN SCOPE OF WORK LIST OF DWGS LOCATION PLAN NITS ABBREVIATIONS DOB BSM SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE ` ACOUS. Acoustical CONC. Concrete EXT. Exterior GALV. Galvanized M.O. Masonry Opening R _Relocate STOR. Storage V.I.F. Verifyin Field ------- ------- - --- ----------- ---- ADJ. Ad' stable CON3TR. Construction F.A. Fire Alarm G.B. Grab Bar MTD. Mounted _RAD.- -- -Radius_ STRL. Structural W. West _ -------------------- --- A-000.00 TITLE SITE PLAN Above Finish Floor Continuous F.B. Flat Bar G.C. General Contractor MUL. Mullion SUSP. Sus ended 1 111 - ------ --- -- _R_D.- ---Roof-Drain_ --_--_P--_-,- W With --------------------- - A-001.00 SITE: PLAN PROPOSED AGGR. A gregate CORR. Corridor F.D._ Floor or GL. Glass lazin N.I.C. Not in Contract - �9- - g --_ REF,-----Reference-- SYM. Symmetrical _ W.C. Water Closet AL. Aluminum CTSE. Countersunk FDN.- Foundation GND. Ground Q. or # Number _REFR. Refrigerot°r TRD. Tread WD. Wood VINES ON MILL APPROX. Approximate CNTR. _Counter_______ F.E._ Fire Ex_tin-guisher GR. Grade NOM._ Nominal _RGTR-__.Register__- T.B. Towel Bar W/O Without 16505 MAIN RD A-111.00 FLOOR ROOF PLAN ELEVATIONS ARCH. Architectural CTR. Center F.E.C. Fire Extin ulsher Cab GYP. Gypsum N.T.S. Not to Scale -- -- - -- - - - ---- 9 -- _-_ RE]NF-_Rein forced_ T.C. Top of Curb _ WP. Waterproof ASB. A_sbestos DBL. Double F.H.C. _Fire Hose Cabinet H.B. Home Bid O.A. Overall -- ---- MATTITUCK, NY 11952 - FIN. Finish--, --- -- -- - REQD.___-__Required ___ -__- TEL. Telephone -_WSCT.__,-Wainscot A-112.00 PROPOSED WINERY OFFICE FLOOR PLAN �____ BD. Board DEP`. De artment H.C. Hollow Cab OBS. Obscure ' TER. Terrazzo OUT. Wei ht Hollow - -- REQU_D.--Required g- BLDG. Building D.F. Drinking Fountain O.C. -n Center A-113.00 PHOTOMETRIC g 9 FL Floor ____ _ ESII Resilient ___- T.&G. Tongue and Groove ELEV. Elevator BLK. Block DET. Detail FLASH.-___F_leshin ar ware O.D. Outside Diameter Dim. RM. Room _ __ _ EP Electricaf_Panel --- ---- - -9 --- -- -- -- -- -� � THK. Thick BLKG. Blockin DIA. Diameter 1 �1�i fl-°If°w filet° _O._ _Raugh_Opening T.P._ Top of Pavement EXIST. Existing $�T '� -` 9 _ _ FLUOR. Fluorescent OFF. Office DEVELOPMENT BM. Beam DIM. Dimension F.O.C. Face of Concrete HORIZ. Horizontal OPNG. Opening South T.P.D. Toilet Paper Dispenser EQUIP._ Equipment DEVELPMENT SITE -- ITE BOT. Bottom DISP Dispenser F.O.F. Face of Finish__ - HR. Hour Opp. Opposite _ S.C. Solid Core T.V. Television MECH. Mechanical HGTxelght _ TITLE B.T.B. back to back DN. Down F.O.S. Face of Studs PRCST. Precast S.D. Soap-Dispenser T.W. Top of Wall MISC. Miscellaneous_ -:IL!Ltv CAB. Cabinet DWR. Drawer _FPRF. Fireproof _-__--__ INSUL. Insulation PL. _Plate SECT. Section T_YP• Typical EQ Equal C.B. Catch Basin D.O. Door Opening Full Size INT.---Interior P.LAM. Plastic Laminate _ _ UNF. Unfinished CEM. Cement DR. _ Door - ---- F.S.FT. Foot or Feet LAB. Laboratory_ LAS. Plaster S.C.D. Seat Cover Dispenser U.O.N. _ Unless Otherwise Noted NORT CER. Ceramic DWG, Drawings F.T. Fire. Treated LAM. Laminate PLYWD. Plywood SH. Shelf UR. _Urinal SEAL & SIGNATURE PROJECT No: 2121 C.I. Cast Iron E°Ch _ _ETG, F9otin LAV. Lavatory PR. Pair SCHED. Schedule V.C.T. Vin Com osition Tile RED A ----- -- --- g -- --- -- �- --p it yqE Rci CDHKWBY: ING BY sm CLG. Ceiling J. Expansion Joint LKR. Locker PT. Point SHR. Shower VERT. Vertical c�` G��"' Cp r� _._ -_-- - -_- ._FURR, Furring DWG No. L. levation I -- - ---- - - --- �� +� CLO. Closet _ ___ LT. Light P.T.D. Paper Towel Dispenser SH_T. _Sheet VEST. Vestibule G" l F&I_ Fstrnish�ndlnstall g _ -P p _ FC lectrfca� _FUT.__Future 1 P.T.D/R Combination Paper Towef SM. _Similar A-000■00 CLR._ Cfear _ MAX. Maximum � COL. Column M.C. Medicine Cabinet --- - - Tr GA,_ Gauge_ Q.T. -- Quarry Tile 22136 yo�� FOF NE`N CADO FILE No: VINES ON MILL OWNER: I 16505 MAIN RD MATTITUCK,NY 11952 BUILDING USE BUILDING FRONT PARKING � EASEMENT LINE TAX MAP N0 1000-115-02 2.4 SIZE SF HEIGHT GFA SETBACK REQUIRED PROVIDED � � '� � ( FOUNDATION WALL EXISTING ZONING: AGRICULTURAL(AC) "Xe wooD 8" SLAG ON GRADE MIN. 24" LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(R-80) EXISTING BLDG EMPLOYEE OFFICE 1,630 2 STORY 1,630 OFFICE(1,200 SF)200SF= 6 DEVELOPMENT LOT AREA: 2.06 ACRES(89733.6 SF) 6 1-1/4-SLOT f: a 8 PROPOSED: NEW BLDG:SF 5,200 SF ` F ® ACCOYA WOOD ° • ° ° ° OST ° ° ° d a N �; EXISTING BLDG:1,630 SF+2,430 SF EXISTING BLDG STORAGE 60'X39' 2,430 1 STORY 2,430 STORAGE AC 0 ACCOYA WOOD ° \\/\\/\\/\ / TOTAL 9,260 SF PRODUCTION 1 PER 200SF DESIGN/ARCHITECT: PRODUCTION/FERMEN 50'X110' 5,200 30'-1 STORY 5,200 100, =9(1,800 SF(PRODUCTION 9 9,260/89733.6=10.3%(LOT COVER) NEW BLDG TATI ON/STORAGE AREA)/200 SF) d FRONT YARD SETBACK: MIN. 100 FEET FROM RIGHT-OF-WAY SLOPE FOR DRAINAGE TANCHOR O CONCRETE / / a NO MORE THAN 60 LINEAR FEET OF 9,260 10.30% 9,260 15 -----------._ \ \ �/ // CODE 280-50 FRONTAGE ON ONE STREET TOTAL SF COVER LOT TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED %—xTx—x _ �� a d, ° , ^ a ° \ \j\/! HEIGHT: MAX.OF 35' ' d' ° �.°:,:°� e,': :� , r � .� ,� . . / \ \\ \\< GLEN COBEN FOOTING ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 4 TYP. FENCE POST DETAIL 3 TYP MECHANICAL PAD FENCE 2 TYP. DETAIL AT EASEMENT LINE FAX:212 689 1033 email:glen@glenandcompany.com SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" SCALE:1/2"=1'-0" CIVIL ENGINEER: PARCEL II (TAX LOTS 2.4 & 3.2) JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. PARCELS TO BE MERGED, 0 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER BOX616 SOUTHOLD,NY 119-11 INTERNAL LOT LINES (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) � �� 631-765-2954 TO BE ELIMINATED (APPARENT USE : AGRICULTURAL) MERGE LOT LINE 115.-2-2.3 WITH PARCEL II 1��.-2-2.4 & 115.-2-3.2) FOOTING SHALL BE BUILT 6"AWAY FROM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: THE PROPOSED LOT MERGER EASEMENT LINE. DILANDRO ANDREWS IS SUBJECT REFER TO DETAIL DWG. ENGINEERING, PLLC TO PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL / 158 COUNTY RD 39 SUITE 10 v� SOUTHAMPTON,NY 11968 33.9 631-259-3959 297' S 16'32'36" E 33.5 : : : - : : '_,• • -.'.'.-- . _ — X 0.00' OA. EXISTING 32.8 1 :• : : - :::• :j: "' LOADING .`.` :`:`:` - .'. - : :`:`.`: - .`:`:`: :- : : : : - ---. . . . X 27-10" o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ — . .` `. ` q,�: 4 CRUSH P 9 ` '- ' `.`.'. . .'.`.` .'.`.•.•.`.`.`.'_ .•. .'. .. . ` `•'.`•--`.'_'.`.`.'.`.`:-: :':`:•: :':`: : :`:`:`:`. • .` . . I '. ` /, ' x3 ,9 �`� : : +.+.x34.3` .....:.` '_'.'.`.' _`'`` _'_`+` `.`.` lTE.TR .` U 111 Y P _E . . . . . . . _UNDER ROOF COVER - . . . . _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : . : : : : : . . : : . : : : : . : . . : _ : 'NAPE : : : . . . . .`. - _ _ . .x3�S.` _ • . . . . _X. 3`. . . UTILITY ...'.`......... .`. .'.'.'. 10 .'.:.±.'.'. _`....... _•.:.+.`. . .... .:. '..: .'.'.` . .` ..... .+ +.....: CONCRETE - :X;��- `.`.`.`.`. . .':BRASS: .' 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WIN RY 4GRAS' NK GARAGE _ . . . �`° . . 'P N .`.`.`. .`_`.`.'.`.'. .•. . . .•.'.`.- PRO UCT O - f 15 14 13 :.' : �a,° :• :-:- + TRASH/:`•..`.+.+.+`+`.::+-+.+�.+ ::`.::.- :- :: CONCRETE FER E TATION � � � .•� : :•:•:•.•. :•: :`:•: : ` � `:`:`- :'• : •` `� . . . . . . . , . . , . , , . , 50' 110'= N TOOLS , , , e • , - a All legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design -X 3�.6` O patent rights, in the designs, arrongements and plans shown on this ' ON 1 ` •` ` ` ` oe `,•,`, , ,`, (� document are the property of Glen Cohen Architecture&Design PLLC, ` ` ` _`_` ' `g1' ` X LI T '+ ,' ',',` •`,`,` ' `-`•X 31,�,`,','`' ', ,� ', ,',•,•, , , O and were developed for use solely on this project. They may not be •'.•.`-`.`.•.`,`.`.• .`.'_ ,`. .`,'.`. 3 4.0 FF=3 ' P 6 • .,•,• , •,• •, •• •- ••- -•- - -• -• ••• y lyy used or reused in whole or in part, except in connection with this .,` • ,' `,- ,',` -,•, V ES IS NCE 3�,1 x e �`•`•`. .` ++ -` ++` d` -`` +.+++ .``` -'/ O project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. X 33.2 3 ,5 REL , , , , �, Glen Cohen Architecture & Design, PLLC. t.',`.`,'.'.`.`.`. .'.'.`.', 20 d .'.`.`.'. .`. `.'.`.`.`.'.'. `.`. ' c 2023 CV .'. _..'.'.'.+.� .`.+...`.`.:.`.`.+...'.`.+. .:...` --___� P. 35,0 x , ,•,`,`,`,`,` .`.-. . . . .`. :`:':': -+`�`:`:. `:. .`..'. SUBMISSIONS x x33,�3 \ 30'- 9, - :-` ` :.`.� ,.,., GRASS. : : ire 33.5J 4 5 .'• .'.'. .`.`.`. . .•. GATE NO. REMARKS r TYP - . • - . . _ . . .'.`.`.',`.' :Ak_ � 12.01.2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED 04.10.2023 2_ PLANNING BOARD ' COVERED �l r` - `.•..•.• ++.'''•` :.:`:.:.•..`,` ..`. :.:.:+:::+ : O 08.15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD LANDING 5 -SI.TE RE 10.16.2023 4 PLANNING BOARD :`:-,•.`.• X 3, 12 11 10 9 S - •. �o, 23�.' '•'`'•'•:•.`'� '•:•.`.:'+:+.. .B o o UTILITY 11,22.2023 7 +� 5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT ` ' 6 ` ` ` `• N <h l9R` `.'. .' POLE 01.08.2024 6 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS CONCRETE . . . . . , - -.•`•+•.- `�1 • x 01.17.2024 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT `=, •`, ,• - •:• .• • :• I��• a .•• ,.. •.>S � 23 ,• ,•�C`,• 3 .9 / 0.2.05_2024 8 PLANNING BOARD MEETING 1 ` .AL2 • 4• • • - x O •• - .' ?9 6'` ,', ,' 02.21.2024 9 UPDATED FOR LP APPROVAL ` ```.`.` _IE ` .`.+. ` 02.21.2024 10 ISSUED FOR PRICING `,• +, G GRAVEL , , , .. - E 03 21.2024 11 TOWN MEETING . . . . . . .� .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . '`' .`: :'GRASS.'. . . . . .`. �. R 03.29.2024 12 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL +.x33,1.. `.-:♦:•:`.. ...•:``+. .X`�3 Ln. .`. ..X3�. :+.:::.':`.`.:.`.`.+: .`.•. .`.+. .`.+.+.:.`. .+.+.:.'.`. ARBOR^ Q�� Q GAR AP 04.04.2024 13 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT ` ' ... _ ... . . . '. ` +.'.`.` . .'... .... 1 04.09.2024 14 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL 4 - �' B�RC . . . . . . . e �,o A .. ... 3p 2. `:':' : :'•':'+'+•:':':':':': :':'.':' '�' .P ` '.`..`.`. .`...' ..... . . 4 C yn� -- g 4 x �•� `. ` •.`. .`.`.`.' .. . . . . . .`.` j�4'. . . .`. .` GRASS _`.'_' `.`.`.`.•.`.•. .'.`.-.•. . ':. . ..... - .. .... •.' .'.. '. .•.•.'. .'.`.'.'.' ..'. ... . .`.`.`.`. . `. . .. o 3 .'. ... ` 3., .'.'.`.`.'.`.`.`.`. .'.`.'. ...•. _ .,. ._._.`,• , ..... SINE x ` '.`,GRASS, `,` •.'.`. .`. .•.•.•.`_`.`.`.'_' '.`.`.`.`. `... . . . . `.`. . .`.`.`.`.`.`.`.` .'.•. . .` _.`._.. `+ +. . . . . . ,2 .�:i . ,x,32,5:. . . . . .� R' . . . . . . . ..'.'.` .'.'.'.`. ` MAR.MAPLE•' ... ........_ .........`.`............... ...........' . ........... ....`+ : : : .`. - . . . ....... .._` ... Y`B C . . :"......GRASS::.:.` =.,...+. ....... 31, `� \ l act . . co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . _ . . . . . . TR . . . `.-.-. .' . . . `.`.`. . �`.' .`.`� .-. . .`_ 9 VINES ON MILL . _ �-�r GRAY BiRC l� BIRC . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ x 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . 16505 MAIN RD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .`.`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n��,b. . X-2. -�- _.-i . . . : : . _ . . . . . . . . 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T O SHEET 111LE EDGE OF PAVEMENT - 100 ONC� E APRON 156'-10° EDGE OF PAVEMENT SITE PLAN MILL LAN _ PROPOSED ' 3 AVEMENT UTILITY f POLE SEAL & SIGNATURE PROJECT No: 2121 LE SCALE: + DRAWING BY: sm 2 J C A L E. 1 f'—2 O' ���RED A/�cy/ CHHuK�MnBYu: 9C j O �\ G�CnCOeFry D?10 No. PROPOSED SITE PLAN x ` .,� A-001.00 SCALE:1"=20' 9FOFNE`N�O CADO FILE No: OWNER: 1 2 3 4 5 6 T 7 TOP OF_ ROOnn�, — 30_-.0 T -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - STANDING SEAM � I DESIGN/ARCHITECT: GUTTER BOTTOM. OF ROOF,/= _- 20' 0' 'we :c � ' SIDING r r TRIM I I I I I GLEN COBEN _ I7 0 ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC VINES ON MILL �` .r;T 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TOP 0_ F_CURB�= ` --_- TEL:212 689 2779 0-0 �' FAX:212 689 1033 email:glen@glenandcompany.com P RO D U C ITO Iq WEST CIVIL ENGINEER: 6 — 4 JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. A'111.00 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 631-765-2954 G E D C A G E D C A STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: 50' 0" I DILANDRO ANDREWS T r B A I -- — -- -- ENGINEERING, PLLC CRU H PAD LOADING 158 COUNTY RD 39 SUITE 10 TOP 3-�0 SOUTHAMPTON,NY 11968 '� TRIM I - -- _ --_--_ - - I 631-259-3959 ►ro I -- - - ----- --- I I 12 10' BOTTOM. 0 QROOF_� Y I� � 7 - - i yam' SIDING — I WD 02 _ _ it TRIM -- — �— I I I I DECEIVED RillTOP OF CURB --�- i O hPR 15 2024 GR 0 O O o o Sout o -town ry.... _1_D I I - --- Planning Board Jill I / o' TION SOUTH I -1 -_- -------- I i \ I O OO 0 NORTH O Lu LU } iC x Z 6TION I co All legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design O _0 F patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and plans shown on this T�O.�F.. R..O_O_F� a I- O f- a document ore the property of Glen Coben Architecture&Design PLLC, y �- .`'„` � - 1 and were developed for use sole) on this project. The may not be t - 1 ,�* :+moo. ti, y.` �.3 "( ,� It t 30-0' I V P Y P J Y Y �e TRIM — _ — -- I Z used or reused in whole or in art, except in connection with this _ I - --____-- I ✓ / I W I I I project, P P PCompany. NMII I- ro ct, without the prior written consent of Glen and , �t �r i' r,.�& - '• 1 ° _ ' '' � __ __- - ___ - Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. "_^ +-" „ ° ti*`? �,� ,•lR, '-y-6,'; ,t �'``^§`-fir' ' _s: _a .,:.r.•; .f 1 �.�.,''•`� ^ 'tic' y 5 — — o - - --- — — — — 5 W I Y 7 i '4*�� p r� 4.- FI Ffti 5 I # . I I i --- --- - _- �- _ c 2023 " , .. .w.,.=-.. r, ,�) ,4 w f 1�F� +M^+M", B0T70M. OF ROOF ----- SUBMISSIONS O / 1 CAT ALK i i 0 DATE NO. REMARKS r s".. am:,., ' -:'•:•.,:, :. _ -- _-.._.:_-_-- -- ---- -- - - - �� ��e,� � 12.012022 1- SITE PLAN UPDATED To I I I 6 0 � \ A 11100 ED BOARD Era - .____.__ - ti _ - - - _--_ - - - -- ow I BOARD SIDING i � I � I A 111 DO erE w"se I 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING - - CANNING --BOARD 1016.2023 4 PLANNING .,:,,... . •: �..� :r. ..; TRIM -"-;: ,- ,,•:.>-. •.�,.. �;;;..'_�. '•.k' :,� ,<»;. �. �4�'�' ,'_"";� 11.22.2023 5 BUILDING - 'd...e„ ,<z''�r,• '-P i..,- .a=* ' wy., / L - - DEPARTMENT r., y'ts'- `!r`. ,�::,•�.a F' .>; Vz - - _ 01.08.2024 6 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS .[,: k '' •Y�.AM v .J"-0,'..y.,.,' ,�, .y^ e5-y ,l�C' -M.. I I I _ --- —_ ---_ _ - _ - -- — __ _ — co w- .;�, �" ~ '� ` .,; ^ . . — - -- - ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT }}' :,. {F � :` :* `a¢ " � ..,'s ». '" I 4 01.17.2024 7 - - ;'L: +. `a;Y ;vh' i4, . W" .T ',ga,,v.�•..- x..M', -:'• I - a PLANNING 02.05.2024 8 BOARD MEETING `..5» 61v. .tll.. „,.., a., ,. ..•'t4 - �"_-. _.-- - -- - - 7 UPDATED FOR LP APPROVAL.. .r: _ OFFICE0_.21.2D24 C L ^'4 _ 9 :. I . I w , r,. - TOP�F�URBr` --- - - STORAGE 02.21.2024 10 ISSUED FOR PRICING 0-0 G 1OUNN I I I - _ _ _ _ 03 21.2024 11 TOWN MEETING --- _ I 03.29.2024 12 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL _ _ 04.04.2024 13 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT - -- - - _ - - — -- --- I BA14REL 03.29.2024 14 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL P R ���T N _ - _- i � �� � CE LAR � �� �1 O 10 N ORTH I 0 ° 1,2 SF u° ° ° ° ° SCAL - - - ° - - 7 fi 6 5 4 3 T T 0 _ --- I 0 00 \ Ulu DOB SSW. TOP OF ROOF 0 30-0 1 STANDING SEAM _ I ° GUTTER 2 BOTTOM. OF ROOF ,, -- -- - -- - - -- - - 2D-D VINES ON MILL 16505 MAIN RD I - ,.s2.�{S'-=t2��'l`Jt2 lL�j.a y'•;uK;%J-" MATTITUCK NY SIDING 11952 I TRIM y'G: I I c F B A SHEET 'LIRE TOP OF COURB  - O O O O A-111.00 GR°>o I I I ( I I I I I FLOOR ROOF PLAN ELEVATIONS SEAL & SIGNATURE PROJECT No: 2121 y��FtED Af?e DRAWING BY: sm CHKPRODUCTION EAST ROOF PLAN DWG BY: gc �\ G�gN J.COe� J` 1ST FLOOR PLAN ��` �^ � �°� D1� No. SCALE:3/32"= 1'-0" SCALE:3/32 - 1-0 � SCALE:3/32"= 1'-0" A-111.00 ¢'r.• '7 22136 yO� FOF NE`N CADO FILE No: OWNER: DESIGN/ARCHITECT: GLEN COSEN ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 FAX:212 689 1033 -- -- -- -- _ email:glen@ glen andcompany.com I CIVIL ENGINEER: ENCLOSED � .• 'I I j JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. PORCH 1 - U N EX C A VATE D I PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER BOX618 SOUTHOLD,NY11971 -I I• I 631-765-2954 ] 1711 •d REF. d r -''l . I STORAGE 1• Al,: ( I STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: 1 I I DILANDRO ANDREWS PERGOLA OPEN TO BELOW � OPEN TO ABOVE I I ENGINEERING, PLLC PERGOLA I ( I I 158 COUNTY RD 39 SUITE 10 I I I I SOUTHAMPTON,NY 11968 631-259-3959 DW EM LOYE ® I BREAK R OMI I i + CRAWL SPACE t I i I .I I• - I PATIO C, UP - 1 RECEIVED I h 1 I APR 15 2024 oN I � I•:• I l : a Sout o Town r Planning Board --- - _ - -- - — --- . ._ d _ —d— —� I STORAGE I CL. i CONFERENCE ' ROOM r I , NORTH BATH i , .I I , I , HALL ' BATH # 1 Afl E I•'• .I I• 1 WD All legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design 9 17patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and plans shown on this document are the property of Glen Coben Architecture&Design PLLC, 1 I ! I I used and or reused ire n for use or'solela this tpn ject. They may not con on w th th s be project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. F } L. Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. BATH #2 DN __ i 4 c 2023 SUBMISSIONS ® .I UNFINISHED CELLAR i : i DATE N0. REMARKS ' ---- ( ( '; _ 12.01.2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED I __ — _ 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING BOARD - - p I I 11 ° ) 08.15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD O I l I'j DN 10.16.2023 4 PLANNING BOARD STORAGE MEETING I I 11.22.2023 5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT ------ ROOM IL - J t � I I !I �• I 01.08.2024 6 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS m01.17.2024 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT 02.05.2024 8 PLANNING BOARD MEETING i - I I f 02.21.2D24 9 UPDATED FOR LPC APPROVAL 02.21.2024 10 ISSUED FOR PRICING ENTRY I OFFICE OFFICE ' MEETING I i I ( ( I 03.29.2024 12 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL 04.04.2024 13 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT _ _ — _ — — — _ — — — 03.29.2024 14 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL --- --- --- - 1 COVERED PORCH I UNEXCAVATED ❑ ❑ ❑ f L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - —� 'I DaBBM* row c3 SECOND FLOOR PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLAN FOUNDATION PLAN VINES ON MILL 3/ 16 if - 1 -0 It3/ 16 1111 = 1 -0 113 16" 1 1_011 16505 MAIN RD / MATTITUCK, NY 11952 SHEET 11TLE PROPOSED WINERY OFFICE FLOOR PLAN SEAL & SIGNATURE PROJECT No: 2121 DRAWING BY: sm ED Ape CHK BY: gC J. Fti DIM I& , A-112,00 9� 22136 y0 FOF NE`N CADO FILE No: NOTES VOM SITE LIGHTING SCHEDULE OWNER: CALCULATION SUMMERY FIXTURE DESCRIPTION WATT MOUNTING CAL TYPE UNIT MAX MIN AVG LEGEND LOCATION CITY FIXTURE VOLTAGE(V) (W) LLF FIXTURE IMAGE NOTES LUMENS HEIGHT MANUFACTURER MODEL# ILLUMINANCE FC 3.7 0.0 0.17 TOTAL LUMENS: 8624 TOTAL AREA TO BE ILLUMINATED:36,000 SF SELUX LIGHTING AST1- FOOT CANDLE VALUE MUST NOT EXCEED 5 FOOT CANDLES XL1 PARKING 1 R1-1-5G225-30-UNV(Prorated LED 3000K 120-270 25 0.900 ., I DA CERTI FI ED 2411 LUMENS 12'-0"AFF PER SOUTHFOLD TOWN CODE CHAPTER 12 172. from 13131580_01) DARK SKY APPROVED DESIGN/ARCHITECT: XI-2 WALK WAY 6 7 SELUX LIGHTING LED3000K 120 6 IDACERTIFIED NT-3-LG4250-30-BK-UNV 0.900 DARK SKY APPROVED 259 LUMENS 3-0 AFF GLEN COBEN ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 FAX:212 689 1033 email:glen@glenandcompany.com SELUX LIGHITNG: CIVIL ENGINEER: X13 WALL 3 MELD-SD-W-MP325-30-BK- LED3000K 120 20 0.900 IDACERTIFIED 1533LUMENS 10-0 AFF MOUNTED UNV DARK SKY APPROVED JOSEPH FISCHETTi, PE. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 631-765-2954 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: C .0 C'.C' :) . 0 C DILANDRO ANDREWS 70 ENGINEERING, PLLC • • • . . • • • • . 158 COUNTY ON 39 SUITE 10 ----n.3 .2 (; .(i Q. ) J . .i.:: C SOUTHAMPTON,NY 11968 f ���"��f 631-259 3959 For" --� 0.`�25 , .�lUN4 c • • • *0 •r • • • •_ • • p n 0 . _ J . l 0 9 0.3 _ C 0.0 J . C C' 0 .0 PP t o 0.3 - 0.5 0.2 ,. .1 C . 0 0.0 J. � C. G.' u .C' 0. . .0 0.0 0. 0 111. J RECEIVE I j: APR 15 2024 0.2 0.7 2. 3 (, .0 ii. ) 0 .0 C U .0 !. :) I 9 Sout o Town `J f1 t D-SD-X-k4r325-30-XX-UNV -- • • • 1:14 • • • • • • • • • • • 0.2 0.7 2.9°" : ?. 0.4 ii. .0 Planning Boar -- - - _ C' is C ii • • • I v •_ • • v • • • • • •J • • • ° ? pP ° o N 0.3 0_7. rl . 0.5 r .X.LG4 U ) . � .C' C'.'0 J J C n J . 7 0 r C. •r, 0 0 .3 NORTH A3 ,. q P 0.2 0.2 0. 0.3 C .C' C!.CI _ . C 0.'0 J. 0C .0 ---- V° ° QJ t: .0 0. ° 0 0.2 C .C! 7. �. _ C; t . _ 0.3 0.3 1 i .ii O. J i . U .0 G .0 1 �. _ ° F,° All legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design patent rights, in the designs,arrangements and plans shown on this document are the property of Glen Coben Architecture&Design PLLC, • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • and were developed for use solely on this project. They may not be .!7^-!.J i . v.4 „ i.,. t: . : i. : .3 j't0.6 C C.B 0.2 U. : ?.:) l. .. t: (1 I, used or reused in whole or m port, except in connection with this 41ELD-S - NIP325-30 , <-UN -~ project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. r.1H. 10 ' Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. J .0 2.0 : 0.3 C . f'' {? :? . , . 1 ; . ] 0,:3 . 9 1 .3 2. 1 C.5 C' . : (i. :) 0 . {) (; G .(i u . ;) \ SUBMISSIONS 0.2 C . C .C' ) 'J J . 1 0.2 1 0.E .0 1 3.7 C:.7 C'. :). -3 O � . 0 C . 0 J. DATE N0. REMARKS j 12.01.2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED 1I ` 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING BOARD 11 1 '0.2 0.5 1 . E 1. 3.2 w.6 C . = 0 . 0 C C C Ci J . 1 ` 08.15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD I 1 ° 10.16.2023 4 PLANNING BOARD 11.22.2023 5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT �•„ • • •, • •,-, •_ •„ •. •. • • _ 01.08.2024 6 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS 0 C C' {' „ .1 C C .C' J. :a :! C . _ 0.3 0:5� 1. _ _ 0: i 01.17.2024 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT 02.05.2024 8 PLANNING BOARD MEETING '�NT-X-LG4250-3 - NV ° 02.21.2024 9 UPDATED FOR LPC APPROVAL 2. ^ hT- 3 V t). : 0.2 0.� ). ;) (! . J ' 0..3 ' AAH:3 n 0 .21.2024 11 OWN MEETING II' X LG4250 0 Ei 1 N .,��•� ' 1 02.21.2024 10 ISSUED FOR PRICING O 3 T _-- ft1H:3 v i 03.29.2024 12 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 / 04.04.2024 13 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT t? .0 1 1.1 1 .4 C . 1 C .0 i).'2 ':' . J v. l 1 (;' i' .C' G . 0.2 C.2 ,.rl !. J, . . 0 v . 0 . ,fl n:l CI. I J .� i; .0 �:' 1 // 04.09.2024 14 PLANNING BOARD REVISED FOR APPROVAL I' NT-X-LG4250-3O-6K-UNV !,', 0 0. 'J .,. 1 ;; . . . :; J. „ C .C' n. 0 (;'.0 J. 1 �. 7. ... � O.�.I 4�.0 i?. v � . 0 , .0 J . ,. ,, . , 0 i' 1 / `•-'�] rv1H:3 1 C.;Z - - C -r, 0.2 - . 0 C .0 C'.0 ti.t) 0 - .2- J 1 POLE DOB BSCM COVER PLATE �T-9-1- 250 3( K-UNV o A � '•T-X>LG 250-30-BK-UNV u 11:3 r W'1 ICI now II II I GALVANIZED STEEL { N a I ITfI . I ANCHOR BOLTS VINES ON MILL -- •, •.. �° I 1 9 GRASS 16505 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NY 11952 • •_ \\//\� \\/ I la �`\�`\\/ ELECTRICAL CONDUIT & GROUNDWIRE •, 0 `/ \ \\/ °- - lQ \ \ 20" MIN. DIA. CONCRETE • ; •C' u•'. C / PIER W/ 6 - #5 REBARS S1�ET 1111E AND #3 HORIZONTAL TIES ® 11" O.C. PHOTOMETRIC AND •J. �; ,,: COMPOUND SOILS I \i\\i\i� DETAILS i / \\\ //j� SEAL & SIGNATURE PROJECT No: 2121 DRAWING BY: sm vzED ARC, CHK BY: gC G�EH a.co&Fiy/A Dr. N0. All OTOMETRIC PLAN LIGHTING POLE BASE DETAIL A-113.00 1LE: SCALE:3/4"=1'-0" 9r 22136 0 FOF NE`�� CADO FILE No: VACANT 14-40 WELLS PROPOSED SUBJECT 31.6 33.9 2" WATER PROPERTY HI-s - ------ 16'D32136 " E SERVICE RPZ P 33.5 BOX . 761 OA ELECTRIC LOADING W . 32.8 k-Cutchogie ------- W W W SERVICE T. 34.1 CRUSH P W -.9 - W W W UNDER RO F COVER x 33.9 W JSIA 1!-c z E E W W /,(- 1-1 .3 E W W LO W U ILI Y P E < C\I E J W x 32.8 x 32, E UTILITY CONCRETE E 2,x f(7, 8'X5' x 34,2 �ntal Ca e o 5 GRASS 'k(M ch 0 SEPTIC TAN E POLE Q-1 5' LIQUID I. ...... W DEPTH .......... J co Z all CO i; Z 2� 0 Our Ladv of Good 0 x x 31.6 P�)nd 6 x 33.7 33.9 32.4 x U) 0 -5 COIIIIS�--!ChUrCh a, Aye t4e /33 10' DrA33. LPO 0 0 x 34,3 P,30.8 GRAVEL A Z0E- <x 16 ' DEEP 8b,8' 0" FO KLIFT RAMP ANIC C) D -�o T/r U Z GRASS TO ASEMENT c'I PF-,y MAP f < f EP EXITING GRASS SCALE: NTS n 1STQRY EXISTING 441 LO C) 1O' DIA 1STOR S GARA` U) SANITARY TO ro U') 0 x 16' DEEP PRODU TI 15 14 13 BE REMOVED/ TEST HOLE DATA z z CONCRETE FERM TION BLD TRASH/ 0 < F-I 50' 0 5,200 SF 1 TOOLS 8'DIA Q� / (NOT TO SCALE) z 4.0 x N SLA x 12' DEEP x 30.6 0 4 12/19/2023 F = 35 X33.6 x tj / f EP I Q� ELEV. 33.5' 2 34.1 x L P' U 33.2 3 5 HYDROA TION 0 I NO WATER OR SANITARY 3 35.0 AN400 i�71 0 5' OL DARK BROWN LOAM x 33.51 x 33,9 x BOLLARDS • 00 . 1 STORY EXISTING 4 3'x3'CONCRETE • STEEL BARN STORAGE COVERED PAD FOR AIR PUMP 0 STEEL CL BROWN SANDY CLAY �ANDING AND CONTROLS VENT LINE WATER 60'X39'= 2,340 SF CO AIR LINE SERVICE 0 3.0, ON SLAB x 33. 12 11 10 FF 34.5' 9 8 7 ELECTRICAL UTILITY CONCRETE 6 Q)* ONNECTION IN x CO C DMI.1 POLE SP BROWN FINE SAND 4 3'x3' CONCRETE .7' �P9 6' W 3 9 441 / 8.0, 0 L 0 W N PAD FOR AIR PUM /Z TO 23' AND CONTROLS co x 33,1 -x-3-12- x 33, CIV SIC BROWN CLAYEY SAND 40 10.0, Q� x 441 Q1 ((5 s7- x 33.1 x 33. GRAVEL 32.7 x co "o, co �O EP -j 05 X J3.2 133.6 T N 41i k 0 c-'v oc�'M k. czi C. ON X3 3 A -> j ) ) i AIR LINE x32 x 32.7 SP BROWN FINE SAND • ELECTRICAL 0 • CONNECTION IN 3 3 GRASS i ) HYDR ACTION 0 CONDUIT HEGW - AN400 81 -�E x r GRASS C ELEV 11 .6' • A 23.0' LP x 12'DEE .2 Lj x 32.5 C) W BOLLARDS EP 32.8 x GRASS x 31.6 0� NO WATER ENCOUNTERED 73- t\ > 00 9 TEST WELL # S5-3324.1 Z W x 7x 72-.5- - - ---- .HEGW 2010-04-19 - 11 .26' ELEV W d 2 CATCH z J W ELEVATIONS BASED ON NAVD (1988) W 0 N 16032?36 PROPOSED g32 31.6 BASIN 0 a: • GRADE - - ----- z F- L0 C� W :) 0-5 380-0010-A. _j 0 T- CN EDGE OF PAVEMENT FOUN U) L6 < co mo T z VINES ON MILL o 01F NE RECEIVED CD L-ZONCR APRON EDGE OF PAVEMENT LL F) T- cv) MILL 1 PROPOSED MILL LANE APR 15 2024 U) co co GRADE LLJ x U- 0 MATTITUCK, NY --S-o-ut-ho-a Town 0 UTILITY Planning Board CL POLE AREA FOR HEALTH W SITE PLAN 30.4 SITE DATA DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP 0 NOTE:- SCALE: 1 20' SITE AREA: LEACHING NO SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 300 FEET GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ZONE 4 261 .6/1 .5 = 174. 4sf 2.09acres OR 91 ,028sf NO WELLS WITHIN 150 FEET SCTM 1000-115-02-2.003 PROVIDE [1 ] LP 8' dia X 12' deep & PART OF 1000-115-02-2.004 [1 ] EP 8' dia X 12' deep PARCEL A: PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: PRODUCTION WINE MAKING. SCTM# 1000-115-02-2.003 EXISTING: 11 ,012sf USAGE: 750gpd 1 .94 ac = 84,605sf PROPOSED: 10,259.00sf SEPTIC TANK: 750 x 2 - 1 ,500gallons PART OF PARCEL B: ALLOWABLE SANITARY FLOW (DENSITY) SUPPLY: 8'dia x 5' liquid depth = 1 ,500gallons SCTM# 1000-115-02-2.004 ALLOWABLE FLOW FOR SITE = 600gpd/acre LEACHING of 600gpd/acre x 2.09acres = 1 ,254.00gpd allowed 750gallons / 1 .5 = 500sf 0.1 5ac 6 7423.1 SEWER DISPOSAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DRAWN BY: JF JP FERMINTATION BUILDING = 4,200sf x 0.04gpd = 168.Ogpd USE: STORAGE BARN = 2340sf x 0.04gpd = 93.6gpd [1 ] 10'dia X 16'deep L.P. APRIL 3, 2024 SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE 300 [1 ] 10'dia x 16'deep E.P. TOTAL FLOW PROVIDED: 561 .6gpd HOUSE SCALE: AS NOTED SEWER DISPOSAL DESIGN 4 BEDROOM X 110gal/br = 440gpd FERMINTATION BUILDING = 168.Ogpd HYDROACTION AN400 = 440gpd SHEET NO: STORAGE BUILDING = 93.6gr)d 261 .6gpd LEACHING: [1 ] 8'dia x 12' deep LIP TANK = HYDROACTION AN400 = 440 gpd [1 ] 8'dia x 12'deep EP CONCRETE I/A OWTS General Requirements (, �\ COLLAR` 24" STOPPER END 1.Installer shall provide a certification of the installation and construction(W.W.M.-73)from a PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR R PLUG REGISTERED ARCHITECT for final approval of the system HOUSE 2.The installer of I/A OWTS must hold a current Liquid Waste License pursuant to Chapter 563 Article VII(Septic Industry ELEC. C/ N Businesses)and Endorsement J(Innovative and Altemative Treatment System Installer)through the Suffolk County RISER & COVER a Department of Labor,Licensing and Consumer Affairs,pursuant to Suffolk County Code§563-79(11)(J).The Department I PANEL of Labor,Licensing,and Consumer Affairs maintains a list of licensed I/A OWTS Maintenance Providers. 3.An executed Operation and Maintenance Contract between the Maintenance Provider and Property owner must be LOCKING COVER DETAIL FIBER JOINT submitted to the Department N.T.S. EXTERIOR RATED PACKING 4.All installed I/A OWTS are required to have an initial 3-year warranty and operation/maintenance service contract. ✓UNCON BOX BELOW GRADE IN 5.When an I/A OWTS requires a vent,the unit shall be vented to the roof of the residence being served.Vent pipes shall REMOTE PLC CONTROL PANEL SPRINKLER BOX 20 AMP BREAKER C/ SEWER PIPE extend a minimum of 6 inches above the roofline and the top of the vent shall have a minimum horizontal separation of 12 W/ HP80 COMPRESSOR I inches to the sloped portion of the roof.In cases where it is not practical to vent the system to the residence roof,a vent (TYPICAL) pipe may be piped to the exterior side of the residence and terminate a minimum of 18 inches above grade.These vent pipes shall be located a minimum of 3 feet from any window or doorway and must terminate with a carbon filter device.All I PVC PIPE D3034 vent pipes must have a minimum diameter of 2 inches. C/ •3� SDR 35 Provide 2"vent pipe from the OWTS To the single-family dwelling and connect to the waste 361x 361x 61thehuse. 4LI' WITH 6XIS 10/10 MIRE BEND house solliquidswill drainit wardothe treatment unit ve a positive slope from the OWTS to the N42 AWG OF W►RE TO SEPTIC U.) CONTROL PANEL & AIR PUMP ELEVATION IN J" PVC SCH FROM DWELLING TANK 6.Garbage grinders shall not permitted when an I/A OWTS is utilized as means of sewage disposal.In addition,water 2 STORY 80 CONDUIT softeners shall not discharge into W o and/A OWTS. J W 4 STOBEDRM N .T.S• 7.Install I/A OWTS tanks according to manufacturer's recommendations.All applicable recommendations provided by the n I'-' HOUSE CONCRETE. COLLAR WATER 11GHT FRAME & COVER HEAVY DUTY CAST IRON C.I. 600 PVC WYE C/ TO PVC manufacturer shall be implemented L.L- 0 F.F. 34.0' W/ APPROVED LOCKING DEVICE LG COVER TO GRADE HYDROAC77ON USA HOUSE ADAPTOR 8.The I/A OWTS tank shall be installed at level in all directions(with a maximum tolerance in any direction of+/one W J W } OCKIN STOPPER END PLUG & SECONDARY SAFETY LIDS CONTROL PANEL quarter inch)on a minimum 3-inch thick bed of properly leveled and compacted sand(free from rocks)or pea grave _J } Z FINISHED GRADE EL 32.0' 9.The top of the I/A OWTS tank shall not be located greater than 2.5 feet or less than one foot below final grade. Y I.E. III IIIR EL. 33.0' ELECTRIC RISER DIAGRAM CLEAN OUT DETAIL 0 -p 32.5 1, MIN. TRAFFIC BEARING 0 F- 2 MAX SLABS N .T. S . ^ ' •T. • S . • Electrical Requirements W O alflI V f 1.Control Panels 4" SDR PIPE I.E. I.E. :::::: : : ::::: a.All wiring and equipment are to be installed by the electrical contractor in accordance with the j IY Q 31.5' = ai.:' t National Electric Code(NEC)and local codes. CLEAN OUT 31.4 • .,:. •• b.The control panel box must be placed outside on a suitable pedestal near the structure that it serves. Z itiy�.t t.•�, " I.E. � ,•� '{�:,;'.;:};�,:•�,t.M• Alternatively,the panel box may be mounted on an outside wall of the structure(preferable a utility Q 1 4 PER FOOT MIN. PITCH 31.0 _;:>_•'" =� room,and not a living space). c / FLOW : � 'a r.•: •... artiH • G " •�'=•'•'=;• ••t!,'r.i•..;!•>,;,• +�;-�•• C.The control panel shall be placed at a comfortable height for access. MIN. 4 DIA. SANITARY PIPE LINE �::�. '==y'3 d.The panel shall meet National Electrical Manufacturers Association(NEMA)4X specifications. In SDR 35 ,' , ;"�...,..., .• 1 8 PER FOOT MIN. yam( r• ': 1:- :{,=�':;;_y e.The conduit must have appropriate seals to prevent gases and moisture from reaching the control LO EL. PVC WASTE LINE >t`'::�...tYw�;s:•,;:;c.,:. .. anel or junction boxes. (.0 8 SDR 35 `>'•• "- -�"''''' `'•'ter"' f.Each system shall be equipped with a functioning warning system which will activate audible and 4.O • .... '.",..,: :';'';•',`•:• ••'.-s SINGLE UNIT CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK visual alarms thatcan be readily seen and heard by the occupant's of the building served. • Z'•'.•ti;:;•1•a..i�a+. =;; :is•. PRE i ' •'Y;•c•:'.y�';?'�'� - .� 2.Pumps,Blowers,Level Sensors,and Controls /w HYDRO-ACfiON 8min. '` ={ .�:.. :�, } .• �f' V/1 Y r,•„ s�yr`'e, { a.The electrical junction box serving the pump motor and floats must be watertight and located outside .r• _f-:-. ,� t,-,• ,z .,; the I/A OWTS tank chamber. j:,`.r ,1r , �'<>a . j + J c•,`Y•y}• b.The Department shall observe the pump system operate through a normal operating cycle. ;:+�.•:..••Y-s• �.v.`rt f`•r.=may•.'•, c.Inspection for leakage of the force main fittings will be made during the pump test procedure. HEAVY DUTY AND 3'-O" MIN LOCKING CAST IRON COVER TO GRADE General Construction Notes GROUND WATER y EL. 11.6 FINISHED GRADE 1 8' DIA X 12' DEEP LEACHING POOLS HIGHEST EXPECTED 1.LOT AREA:2.09 ACRES OR 91,028 SF LOT 2.003&PART OF 2.004 [J 8' THK TRAFFIC 2.SCTM#1000-115-02-2.003&PART OF 1000-115-02-2.004 HIGHEST RECORDED GROUNDWATER [1] 8' DIA X 12' DEEP EXPANSION POOLS GROUNDWATER BEARING COVER BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN SAND & GRAVEL 2.5' MAX 3.BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION FROM A SURVEY BY P LAND SURVEYING 20' 2' MAX CHIMNEY I I LAST DATED JULY 23,2023.ELEVATIONS REFERENCED TO THE NAVD AVD 88 88 DATUM NOTE NO CUT OR FILL REQUIRED 4.ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS HYDRO-ACTION A N-4 O O D ETA I L LEACHING POOL D ETA I L OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AS REQUIRED 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION AND DEPTH OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE INLET MIN. ®® ® ® ® ® COMMENCEMENT OF WORK THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED ALL SUBSURFACE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE HOUSE SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE ®® ® ® ® ® PLANS R CONCEPTUAL AND MUST BE LE FOR MED SECURING G ALL NECES ARYTHE FIELD. 4 DIA SDR 35 PVC PIPE 8.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SECURING ALL NECESSARY PERMITS BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. S . PIT( ) /1 N � T " �J � 1-0 M�1 7.ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND DEBRIS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN,COUNTY,STATE O ®® ® ® ® O AND FEDERAL LAWS.CODES UNSUITABLEATERIALS OFF SI E.DEBRIS SHALL NOT BED ORDINANCES. CTOR SHALL BURIED ON THE SITE. FOR DISPOSING OFF ALL 60' VI ®® ® VI 8.ALL PRECAST STRUCTURES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE COUNTY AND COMPLY WITH THEIR REGULATIONS. 1 STORY UU1 a X 9.ALL PRECAST STRUCTURES SHALL BE MANUFACTURED WITH 3,000 PSI 28 DAY STRENGTH CONCRETE. PRODUC77ON A O FERMENTA 77ON ►.{ 10.SANITARY PIPE TO BE SDR-35 PVC OR AS SPECIFIED ON PLANS ON SLAB CONCRETE COLLAR W HEAVY DUTY AND N � OCKING CASTING 11.DURING CONSTRUCTION,EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TO BE UTILIZED AS NECESSARY TO WATER TIGHT FRAME & COVER HEAVY DUTY CAST IRON a TO GRADE PREVENT THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT TO OFF SITE AREAS,PONDS,DRAINAGE INLETS.THE METHODS AND FF = 35.0 W APPROVED LOCKING DEVICE L, rl FINISHED GRADE MATERIALS EMPLOYED IN THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL / LOCKING COVER TO GRADE W W CONFORM TO THE NEW YORK GUIDELINESFOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL. STOPPER END PLUG & SECONDARY SAFETY LIDS � 8' MIN L a FINISHED GRADE r W W 2e 24" 12.ALL BACKFILL SHALL BE SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL COMPACTED TO 95%MAXIMUM DENSITY AT THE OPTIMUM EL. 33.0' EL 33.75 a to MAXI M2.5!AX 2' MAX MOISTURE CONTENT AS DETERMINED BY STANDARD PROCTOR TEST. I.E. T, n (I1 If(_ ~ 33.5' 1' MIN. TRAFFIC BEARING 13.ALL COVERS ON TREATMENT UNIT SHALL HAVE LOCKING COVERS I••� 8" MIN. TRAFFIC UNDER ACCESS r 2 MAX SLABS CO LEACHING BEARING TOP-► .sa•. 2D'Mn1 6- MAINTENANCE OPENING FOR 4" SDR PIPE I.E. I.E. SECTIONS MAINTENANCE ' ' MIN. 4' DIA 12" 10" GLEAN CUT 32.1' 32.0' t � `=: f':`• APPROVED PIPE 6' -�OUTLET I.E. ~`` 0`Y:":'•`' PITCHED Y: PER FT. 14' BAFFLE MIN 4' DIA APPROVED ■ 1/4" PER FOOT MIN. PITCH FLOW 31.75' ` _:� K ,- : �: WALL 16" pr N��,r W MIN. 4" DIA. SANITARY ,PIPE LINE = -y�+••;' ..•.k`• PIPE PITCHED PER L `'• r SDR 35 ` '•_:_=i "'r'`�.`' �~' 6' MIN PENETRATION 1/8 PER FOOT MIN. : :,.;�•; ' •' 3 MIN B' �� ,� tr a" ?• ..1 •�ti:.••: 1 4 . '' .-�• INTO A VIRGIN K! } -� PVC WASTE LINE �"�I '• ` '' t 12'-•0' � STRATA OF SAND - 0 !� 8 EL �•'�'i,,Lk•'•�:+'.: :Xxa:.�;1�::�iCR.,�'';e,: GJ n, {.1 • �� SDR 35 >-• t� , • • I ' I :4 4.0 =;^::sic•;:- ',a. ,}:;:.i. �_ AND GRAVEL i b PF2 .� `.r} • .'..:•;•_,,-,T;fi-!::f •_:, HIGHEST RECORDED GROUNDWATER Y... HYDRO-ACTION 8 min. :t= . ;x s':: _ : c %yrr !;"- :^�;•: %����.^•=. BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN SAND AND GRAVEL 'AN-AM •. v� C Z W - Z F- '='''K" ` "'`•r"y' CONCRETE LEACHING POOL DESIGN AND W = to +... ,Y�:i•Ar• y?.�it i..•i..Y:.C..i' ... '"'``'``' '` •''"'`` = ' "' `=•'` to CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ( , 3'-O" MIN v Q U) 0 EL. 11.6 VINES ON MILL RECEIVED GROUND WATER I � o _� [fJ 8' DIA X 12' DEEP LEACHING POOLS HIGHEST EXPECTED MILL LANE FAPR 15 202cCn C HIGHEST RECORDED GROUNDWATER GROUNDWATERBACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN SAND & GRAVEL [1] 8' D/A X 12' DEEP EXPANSION POOLSPUMP/CtB�RESSER POWER CIRCUIT 120105 � O N07Lc : NO CUT OR FILL REQUIRED >� ,� ,-- PAGE MATTITUCK, NY soutr;o!a Town 0 co a�I' CBl Mi HYDRO-ACTION AN-400 DETAIL LEACHING POOL DETAIL ,,,� L1 M" �--� ?� `J SPRAY�I 1 Planning Board a Pump O > N rM ■xr N ----; MOT R j PUMP RATINGS, " e in �� r 3/4HP @ 115V a -- CB2 M2 �R b L It`-°'i,, IMP RATIr.LA. AREA FOR HEALTH � SANITARY SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE "r o "`-y "` ---- PUMP PUMP RATINGS, FERMENTATION BUILDING - - I PUMP 15.0 F E 115V O I 1 N - ---� MOTOR/ 15.o F.LA. DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP 1 STORY I V . T S . 'e'� i ---A- � CB3 M3 0 y 11-, S� ,f MIXER PUMP RATINGS, PRODUC77ON MD 1 PUMP 3/4HP E 115VFERMENTA 710N N -----�MOTOR 15.0 F.L.A. ON SLAB CONCRETE COLLAR WATER TIGHT FRAME & COVER �1e W APPROVED LOCKING DEVICE HEAVY DUTY CAST IRON CBa L END PLUG / LOCKING COVER TO GRADE PNV- o Ll _ _t MOTOR�1/4HPA2 115V -STOPPER & SECONDARY SAFETY LIDS -- N - -\ / 5,4 F.L.A. FINISHED GRADE C EL. 33.0' EL 33.0 5% SLOPE I.E. Ti "'�III�III NOTE, ALL MOTORS 3 .E. N MUST HAVE INTERNAL ' 1' MIN. TRAFFIC BEARING E5OVERLOAD 2' MAX SLABS .y LRI-01 IO/U1 PROTEC M • vRr LR1-Q? rwcNll M2 rxr 4" SDR PIPE I E. I.E . .:.::...::.:.:.:. M„� CLEAN OIIT 32.5' 32.0' I.E. - . ; ,�= �: 4' A .E. :.. ?•a f,t'`:' LRl-Q3 ra,M, Mar ING r, .C,•�'s •a.' 1/4" PER FOOT MIN. PITCH ry•,'a�- A:•Y MIN. 4" DIA. SANITARY PIPE M.4 ,fir ys.ti ,'rY_ D >w tRlWW SDR 351/8- - '.' � PER FOOT MIN. ° ` '`' +' 63 16 PLC INPUT PVC WASTE LINE -�{•.• `� ''''•• `. SDR 35 :1�- -%• �.1:f, '., • .. :,fKill PM RUN 16'-0' ALARM 8 min. `''-':. , ;::.;s;' .. ��"'{':�;:;::;> :;..:: HWA MUTE y' ;yr•.r, .,.' (TEST-.... . .•i ':.:f'•'�;iv- `,..;r..•.:.r:�,ty:...• . +': ALARM IGHT RX I,.�+. .i.:•i•f.•-i,�{ a; is•nDRAWN BY: JF JP b-r?s'.'a:.•.T��S-Kati Ssr!;;• '. i'` " ,.:•mot- .� i 'i``.�'•'':':r•:�rt•ttf•Ac:ry t ENABLE ;;:C { fc,a: .�ji,,;:i'!►i„�•::.>.... "" 1 r. '° I1 PLC INPUT f� [1] 10' DIA X 16' DEEP LEACHING POOLS BILL OF MATERIALS ,�„ ERR, APRIL 3, 2024 [1] 10' DIA X 16' DEEP EXPANSION POOLS 3 4 12 PLC INPUT rTEM PM DESCRIPTION OTY: �� CSR HA-180055 AN400,245 NITROGEN REDUCTION COMPLETE 1 "W 14 PLC INPUT A 180052 TANK,PREIPUMP 400 1 TIME DOSE 17 PLC INPUT LEACHING P 00 L DETAIL SCALE: AS NOTE[ 8 130002 KIT,SNG 2 TANK CONNECTING STANDARD 1 C 100110 ASSEMBLY,RE-CIRCULATION 245COMPLETE 1 DEMAND CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK GAB--WATER V EL. 1 1.6' D AN4004 AN400 Wf PLATFORM COMPLETE SPRAY o T"'A" to PLC INPUT 1 HIGHEST EXPECTED E EC50-30•L-80•PLc OPS,ECSOJO-480•PLC 1 HIGHEST RECORDED GROUNDWATER GROUNDWATER NOTES'MAIN FLOAT ANELIT ISCON ECT MUSCH TO BE T BE PR VIDED BY 2 AMP AT 120V INS IMUMNSTAL SHEET NO: WI Bl DASHED LINES INDICATE ITEMS NOT CONTAIN IN THE PANEL. WI BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN SAND & GRAVEL N07F : NO CUT OR FILL REQUIRED REQUIRED TORQUE FOR TERMINAL BLOCK SCREWS IS 16 In-tbs. FIELD WIRING MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 60•C COPPER WIRE. FERMENTATION B L_ D G PROCESS WASTE C Y S T E CHANGES TOLERANCES DRAWN BY DATE F DECIMALS C.>wlRlar 1va/s6 CHEMATIC, ELECTRICA "" � E �ia•96M MATERIAL SPECIrICATI N D FRACTIONAL SC&D-FARY IQ N . T . S • AN40a 245 NITROGEN REDUCTION SYSTEM COMPLETE .».,, . SEPTIC!'RQDQCTSII[C B � AS NOTED FULL 120105 `J av Aar p r•ivr hyd• Ctiold �r►■nvm sn s�TU W OS/31/17 0 HA-180053 MANHOLE DETAIL CAST IRON INLET FRAME do SOUD B'THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE GRADE COVER TO GRADE. TRAFFIC BEARING SLAB 24"DIAMETER 2' ASPHALT ROAD SURFACE ON CAST IRON INLET 6. i'COMPACTED RCA BLEND. GRATE 8 FRAME BRICK MAY BE USED TO REINFORCED, 4,000 PSI > ; ADJUST CURB INLET CAST -- TRAFFIC BEARING E E TYPICAL I IRON GRATE do FRAME TO CONCRETE SLAB ` SURFACE ELEVATION A -i 36 MAXIMUM OF 12 INCHES. 48" REINFORCED 4,000 PSI N d d A PRECAST CONCRETE ZD 6- CATCH BASIN PRECAST CONCRETE STANDARD STEPS , CHIMNEY ® 16. O.C:Tyra. 7777 4 " 6" m fi'7�1 •J: q y.i'�' '�"! •'•�.:�:4 d : - IIIII ®• �, . • - '� `' - I I=1111 - ® � � a MIN. 6" WASHED STONE BEDDING 4 � �• ®® 16"TRAFFIC BEARING c d r +ti•`• ❑®®® DRAINAGE PIPE TYPICAL a CURB INLET DETAIL ''C'e [3C2 REINFORCED, 4,ODO PSI GRADE CAST IRON CURB INLET IIIII .�i GRATE do FRAME. TRAFFIC BEARING �, - LO CONCRETE SLAB w - ®(�(� _ LEACHING RINGS TO BE Cy 9RICK MAY SF USFD TO < _ ®IN .1. = COVERED WITH FILTER CLOTH -- ,-• BRICK CURB INLET CAST ❑®® W REINFORCED 4,000 PSI • IRON GRATE do FRAME TO a [3® k$ �I I III- Z) PRECAST CONCRETE 26' SURFACE ELEVATION A CATCH BASIN 0.6" 48- MAXIMUM OF 12 INCHES. - ®® J } R 9• r n MIN. - n. FROM 5'-0' - •%b -IIIII V♦ J Z TO 20-O" CLEAN SAND 6 •� . W c 6' ` GRAVEL FILL. GROUND o' WATER Q O Z 2-0'Min- 2'-0"Min. CLEAN SAND& MIN. 6' WASHED GRAVEL FILL. W W Q SLAB DETAIL STONE BEDDING Z 0 Q 26� CURB DETAIL > Z 2 TRABEARING CONCRETE FFII SLAB SCALE: NTS z REINFORDQ 60' NOTE: THICKNESS AND REINFORCEMENT FOR SOIL L0 I AND TRAFFIC LOADING BY ypical Section Leaching Fool � O AN ENGINEER.!- � STANDARD PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH BASIN Scale: NTS (4'X4' - Typicol) (5 FEET TO 20 FEET IN DEPTH) a� VACANT NO WELLS PROPOSED 31,6 _ O 33.9 2" WATER / - 16 3 2'3 6 E SERVICE RPZ - - - _ 33,5 BOX x _ '76� DA. ELECTRIC TC 35.5 -" W - SERVICE 32,8 1 / LOADING --- W W - _ _ - -- ----- W x 34,1 4 CRUSH P W W -" " W x 33,9 W W W "' W-UNDER RO F COVER �E .3 E E o W ___- W ------- l� E E L Y P E -� QrNENf CONCRETE B A\ x 32.8 x 32,E E E x UTILITY / ,�ti ►- 8'X5' TC 35 TC 35 x34.2 GRASS POLE I SEPTIC TAN � � E / \ o R `� • 5' LIQUID A t X J�j DEPTH ti o Cr CO TC 35// x x 31,6 33 LPO O O x 33.7 33.9 x 34,3 32,4 /` O /x 30.8 10' DI�33, GRAVEL '4 TC 33.5 / x 16' DEEP ANIC / / 8' Of' FO KLFFT RAMP D O W I / GRASSY- TO ASEMENT 1�1 1 O CV/ W EP , EX�TING GRASS i � N 10' DIA 1 STOR g SS GARAGE" w TC 35 rc 34 1 STRY EXISTING �' a. SANITARY TO / M / .. O x 16' DEEP CONCRETE PRODU TI TC 34.5 15 14 13 J BE REMOVED/ � Q O � z TRASH/ W o FERM ATION BLD � � / W J 50' 10= 5,200 SF TC 35 �C TOOLS x N S ]L° , 8 DI DEEP x 30,6 � 4,o F - 35 rc 35 ;- x o O / DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS W C� Oz 2 34,1 x x33,6 �`EP i LP / ^ W p r N r 1 33,2 3 5 D HYDROA TION O / �o �T / BUILDINGS U Q W r- L6 NO WATER OR SANITARY O 3 35.0 AN400 /Q Frame House - 1560 sf x 2" = 260 cf 260 cf/42.22 = 6/1 LF z 33.9 G x TC 34 BOLLARDS • ° • / A Use (1) 8 foot diameter x 8 foot deep dry well (DW) - cfl x 33,51 � � / � � � � W 1 STORY EXISTING 4 3A3' CONCRETE Oq EXISTING STEEL BAR COVERED PAD FOR AIR PUMP O Fermentation/ Production - 50'x 110' = 5500 sf x 2" = 916.7 cf 916.7cf/42.22 = 21.7 LF = U_ p N STORAGE SANDING AND CONTROLS • ° ° VENT LINE / WATER / B Use (2) 8 ft dia x 12 foot deep 0 m 60'X39'= 2,340 SF II I AIR LINE O SERVICE O � / W a Oa ON SLAB x 33. CO = TC 323,5 11 1 9 8 •�0' ?31 ELECTRICAL UTILITY " _ Metal Barn -2340 sf x 2 397.8 cf 397.8/42.22 = 9.42 If (� FF = 34.5 CONCRETE 6 c 3 7 ONNECTION IN / C Use (2) 8 foot dia x 6 foot deep C DAI. 0 POLE ��- RECEIVED ' TC 35 C 34 TC 33.5 x33 CO � 3 9 - - . O N 4 3 x3 CONCRETE Garage - 700 sf x 2 116.6 cf 116.6/42.22 - 2.7 If PAD FOR AIR PUM O /: � 4,q W O cE� W APR 15 2024 � TO 23' AND CONTROLS � CO � £N�YR / �' / D Use (1) 8 foot dia x 4 foot deep �� x 33,1 x•33.2-_• x 33.0 O N m _]' Southo�(d Town - - --, TC 37.5 AReoR:� Q WALKWAYS & TERRACES Planning Board I-' I f �v o a z I I x 33, x 33,1 I x GRAVEL 32J x N k J' �V ( � (O- zc Cj STfp I O "� West of Buildings = 2860 sf x2"= 476.6 cf 476.6 cf/42.22 = 11.3 LF 9 x3,2 ,t 33,6 I T N SO ��coory Q co�C F use (1) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep DW x 3 3 i I I AIR LINE TC 33 TC 33 A 3p?'mow 0 x 32 � I I ° 3 x 32,7 ss G - FORK LIFT RAMP 12' X 120' = 1,440sf 1,440sf x 4" = 480cf 480cf/42.22 = 11.37 LF I I • ELECTRICAL Use (1) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep I I ® O • CONNECTION IN O 3 3 � � I 3 1 GRASS 1 HYDR ACTION ® CONDUIT / P PARKING DRAINAGE I I I I AN400 ° ° O 8' "_NE x �-� GRASS � LP x 12 DEE x 32.5 32,8 x G %� 0) (H) - DRIVEWAY 200' x 30' x 2" = 1,100cf -- J EP GRASS x 31.6 BOLLARDS `. 40' x 30' x 2" = 200cf x 33 30' x 60' x 2" = 300cf 3,2 2 - 33 J 2 ' 9 Pavers 100' x 15' x 2" = 250cf x 37.5 - - _ _-----------------------� 6' CHANNEL DRAIN / ELEv 32.01 2 CATCH 1850cf/42.22cf/ft = 43.82cf 1,850 cf N 1603213 6►► W PROPOSED TC 32.5 - TC Z5 - - - - _ - _-____ 32 -- - 31.6 BASIN Use: (4) 8'dia x 12' deep DW DRAWN BY: JF/JP GRADE - _ C 3 80-OOI0-A. FOUN J I - PARKING 70' x 70' x 2" = 816.67cf APRIL 3 2024 EDGE OF PAVEMENT ( ) , MO T 816.67cf/42.22cf/ft = 19.34' ONCR APRON EDGE OF PAVEMENT Use: (4) 8'dia x 10' deep = 40' DW MILL 1 PROPOSED SCALE: AS NOTED GRADE (J) - PARKING 40' x 30' x 2" = 200cf UTILITY 200cf/42.22cf/ft = 4.7' SHEET NO: 2 Use: (1) 8'dia x 8' deep DW POLE O SITE PLAN x30.4 3 SCALE: 1" = 20' ............. .. .... ------------- ------------ ............... ............... ........... 1—11 K-A.-.1. PAKELS OBEMERGED, INIERNALILOT LNES TO BE ELIMINATED ................. X ............ DIR, E111,11[f1[11�1�17m E1�1111111 1- 1..11 0 > �I,3 l )�G Ql�,G� W" > 10, D�X%N%�Ol (9-N�H��[�,G 0 BE o Q� r 4U 111� 111 LAI 1 STORY 49, I Z�I,1—-DN-110�K1111 f""'I1111A.1-11 FRAME J JARAgE J 11�1-,�TE�l N ro TO BE REMPVED METAL 0 Z1,1-4 I �1�I E A BARN BARINTO U"A,I 2, -111-L I'll T 0 BE REMOVEIP RE AIN 6 0 9 'X3 , 0 [2 34 SF 16 K 1.- Al ov-(,�r ,m xr 1"1111L1 k" A-1711L)l 111,11E 1�11 11IL1111 111. 1�K METAL 1 STORY I IT -11, 1, BARN GARAGE 1�, TO BE TO BE T, ol, I REMOVEP REMOVE Ty u 'PROPER O,P\� VINES ON MILL N 18c) v/ MMN RD ........... ---------------- 'V N 16�5 816, MATRTUCK,NY 11952 MILL LANE .......... .............. ........ EXISTING DEMOLITION PLAN Cj.�E?(IST�NG�DENAQLITION PLAN ------ -------- .................. .......... ............ -------------- OM-100.00 ------- .... ------------- OWNER: FGUND S 18'33'51" E e 2185.76' MONUMENT x t—�T—l"—T—ITT T T r T t--1—I—T"�"--T—T—T" �- 36J l-1 T1—T—_i��— —1--1--1—t--Y—r 30,3 3111--rte—j ' ' ' t r t . t r i r . r r , j , l�331 316 I I I , I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ► I I 1 I 1 I l 368 ,36,6 , , , , I , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I ! ! 1 1 1 ► 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 ► ► 1 1 1 ! ► 1 1 1 1 ► 1 1 1 11 / I I I , I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I 'I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ► 1 I l l i f l ► ! 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 BgRNe � ! 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GAsN PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER oNT BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 34.9 aas ° 631-785-2954 s j FRAM O 11 1 1 , I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I i I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j j j I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BARN 10 LE m O u„LITY 34 41 `°F '-�- �1 � I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 II I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I }� I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 / / / / / / Z I , I , , I f I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 'V 'I 1'V IYI� b I I� f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 t I I I I I I I I\rIIN� Y' RIO I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 t 1 1 I I I I I , / , , , , , , , / �30 Q 1 I LLL...11{ I I I I 1 I I f 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 M M I ��--FF�� ,I `, `I��ff I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I / r / / / / / / h STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: �4pP' rx34 / / / / / / vj DILANDRO ANDREWS I i l I i l l l l l l l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 li 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $4 I I �� Ir )/ /g I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 ! 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SHEET NOTE NDER RGAD �� �� ✓, -q MILL LANE cDGE DF PAVEMENF — _ ©c� ve«c� EASN MILL LANE " J — MONUMENT EDGE OF PAVE4 ENT e6' EIiL_OI PAVLMcN� EDGE c'PA\TMFNT MILL LANE 60('S dl:°•lIAVFMF.NT UTILITY N _ x13,C J - -- 12.3 -E patent he d s col ___—_— S 17°52'31" E ---------------- OWNER: VOM SITE LIGHTING SCHEDULE VINES ON MILL 16505 MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NY 11952 BUILDING USE BUILDING FRONT PARKING LEGEND LOCATION FIXTURE DESCRIPTION LAMP VOLTAGE(V) WATT FIXTURE IMAGE NOTES MOUNTING HEIGHT TAX MAP NO 1000-115.02 2.4 SIZE SF HEIGHT GFA SET BACK REQUIRED PROVIDED MANUFACTURER MODEL# (W) EXISTING ZONING: AGRICULTURAL(AC) LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(R-80) EXISTING BLDG ONE FAMILY 1,630 2STORY 1,630 ONE FAMILY RESIDENCE= 8 DEVELOPMENT LOT AREA: 2.06 ACRES(89733.6 SF) RESIDENCE 2 PSRKING LOT LIGHT:SELUX LIGHTING 32 W/2400 IDA CERTIFIED PROPOSED: NEW BLDG:SF 5,200 SF DESIGN/ARCHITECT: XL1 PARKING ASTRID SEIRES:AST 1 R1 1A MATT BLACK LED3000K 120-270 LM DARK SKY APPROVED 12-0 AFF EXISTING BLDG:1,630 SF+2,430 SF EXISTING BLDG STORAGE 60'X39' 2,430 1 STORY 2,430 STORAGE COLOR 12'HIGH TOTAL 9,260 SF PRODUCTION 1 PER 200SF PRODUCTION/FERMEN 50'X110' 5,200 30'-1 STORY 5,200 100' 11 (2,500 SF(PRODUCTION 16 9,260/89733.6=10.3%(LOT COVER) NEW BLDG TATI0N AREA)/200 SF) FRONT YARD SET BACK: MIN. 100 FEET FROM RIGHT-OF-WAY NO MORE THAN 60 LINEAR FEET OF g; ° , BOLLARD:SELUX LIGHTING NOTCH 10W/405 ;, IDACERTIFIED 9,260 10.30 24 / 9260 XL2 WALK WAY BOLLARD LED:NT 3'HEIGH BLACK LED3000K 120 LM DARK SKY APPROVED 3-0 AFF CODE 280-50 FRONTAGE ON ONE STREET TOTAL SF COVER LOT TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED HEIGHT: MAX.OF 35' °.y GLEN COBEN ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 FAX:212 689 1033 2..;`•!;','4 k,i;,< <ti.,',;." email:glen@gtenandcompany.com XL3 WALL MOUNTED WALL LIGHT:LAMPASLIGHTING:ANTOL LED3000K 120 143 LM ,o-•: .'ti' "`:. IDACERTIFIED „ DARK SKY APPROVED 10 0 AFF CIVIL ENGINEER: 1010-200 la , '; -,.:, :�:'� JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 (Y � PARCELS TO BE MERGED, PARCEL II (TAX LOTS 2.4 & 3.2) 631-765-2954 o �z INTERNAL LOT LINES (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) �Z� TO BE ELIMINATED (APPARENT USE : AGRICULTURAL) a MERGE LOT LINE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: 115.-2-2.3 WITH PARCEL II a . - . � + - ' a` - a = + . + a . . a . a DILANDRO ANDREWS (1 � ENGINEERING, PLLC.-2-2.4 & 115.-2-3.2) THEP � + + + + . .. . . + . . . .a.+ ++ .++ .+ .+.++ . . + . + .�-r-z__-rte--•--•-_.�-+ + a + a �- . + a a + 158 COUNTY RD 39 SUITE 10 PROPOSED LOT MERGER + + . . + . +"+`r` __ . . . . . + . . . a + . ----� Y � -- - • ` ` SOUTHAMPTON,NY 11968 `�` 631-259-3959 POROUS ASPHALT PAVEMENT N ` ` ` ` `_; ;- • ` ` ` ` ` IS SUBJECT + + + . . . + . . + . + + + + . . . . - + +. . . =r •.� • - ` TO PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL + . + + + + . . . . . + . . . . + . + + . + . . . + . + + • `,`,`. .` .`.`+ + +• + . . + a . . + a . . . . . . . + + + . . . + . . + . a a.. ` . . . + + a . --�-_ .` LOADINGAREA . . . . . . . . . . . a + . a . . . . . . . . . a . a . . . . . + + + + + . + . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . + `+ . . . ... . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . .•+'. .• + . . .'. . . . . . . .+. ..`.-.�+`. • • •.`.` . aaaaa + . . . . + . + + . + + . . + + + DECEIVED `--s-�` ` /. / I + +a a S•16"�Z.f,"`E. .`. . . .`. . .`. . ` a . . . . .`. . . . . . . .`. . .`.`+'+`.`.`. . .`. . . .`.`.'.'.`. . .'.`.'.`. . . `.` `. . . . . . . . a a . . + . . -- 31 + . . . . . . . . a + . . . + + . . . . . . . + + + . + + . . + . . + . . . . . . + . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . + . . 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CONCRETE ` • x 34,2 • ``` . `. ` ,° `/.• ` PERMEABLE ' ` o ` ` PARCEL 11 (TAX LOTS 2.4) • •; • UI�A STER` `+ ,�a • ` CONCRETE P VER T . .4g ��° (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) • ` ;`` , `` , x31.6 ` ,• °a ` 4� X 3{ (APPARENT USE : AGRICULTURAL) . . .`.`.'. .` .`. .'. . . . . .`. .`. + .'. 32,4 `. . . a . . . +`. . . . . I . . . . . . . CH [CAL x 34.3 . . �. o • x 33,7 •p•, /. `e°° (y NORTH + .G S. a G 4 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 S .` . .`. i`. . +13 •` . . +`. . .`.`. . .`;-' Rt ` . .•. + �I X 3 . . .SCC` XL1 24 . . . .' .'. . + + 1ST RY I +` ` `+ . . . . {z•'PARFCI111G. . . IN)t ` . . . . +. . . . . . . . . .+ + . a + . . . . . . ..` WIN RY . + `+`+ . . . .. + . . . . •• `a + + . +` z % ` ',` ` ` ,•,`` PRO U CT ` ...a.+. . .•.+.+.+. .` `, ,`a . W O O All legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design N /. N� `. pP, patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and plans shown on this '+ +' CONCRETE FER ATION . .+. a.` °` + document are the property of Glen n benthis Architecture y Design PLLC, Q ` and were developed for use solely on this protect. They may not be 5 ' 110' ` `,` •`` • used or reused in whole or in part, except in connection with this ` X 3fl`( ° project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. . . , . . . . + 5 20 SF CON 2 ��° 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 ` `' o� L� Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. X x 3 . . . . . . . . 3 4 0i'� x c 2023 . . . . .51:`.`�`. . a 34.1 x .'. .+.+. . `. °°a . .'+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • 33,2 33.5 suBMlsslovs PERMEABLE �e•°` ,� .a + +.`. `a/+`. . . . a . . . . + . . . . . .�� - ` ` DATE N0. REMARKS ` ` ` ` ' ` ` ' ` 35,0 X CONCRETE PAVE -�3�AS� . 12.01.2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED . . . . . . .'/'. . . . . . ` . . . . . . • a a`.`+` . . . . . . . . X 33,9 . ` ` `� P 04.52023 2 PLANfII_NG BOARD 35-0" • + - - x 33 51 - '.'a`a`+ +`.` ` +` ` ` + .`� , ,` ` . 08.15.2023 3 PLA_N_LING BOARD _ .a. . . . . . . +. . . . . . a a . . a .y. .`. . . . . �. �a� . . . a . 10.16.2023 4 PLANIIINGBOARD . . . . 11.22.2023 5 BUILDIIJG DEPARTMENT + . a + + + . . + + . . . a - -- ------ . + . -- . . . . . . . . .2024 19' . a . '+`+`,`.'.`.'.`.`.`.`.`a` . +`+• . . . co 23 � .+. + . . . . .. ? . UTI!ITY ai.08.2024 67 ISSUED- - - -- ... . + . R DOB / x33 a . . � •.'.'.'.'.`+`.`.`.`+`+`. .'. . . . . p `. + • C ` P . + .`Q V tea.` PANNIINGOBORDMEETIINGS � +^ 02.05.2024 8 POROUS X `�GR .` .`a`. + + . • - - .` ` ^ ` ` . A �9 ,• Fi a ` POLE ��- ASPHALT CONCRETE . . . . . . . . . + . 1 .q `°a 3 .a. . + + `G ? 4 . . . a . . a� a . + . + . 3 PAVEMENT - . . . + . . . 29 . . . a . a . . . . . . . a . . . 4 6 + . + . . POROUS " " .` TERRACE CO/V . + aaa ; aaa + ar . '- ASPHALT + . . + + CO qRe � �. a - --- -- .a`a`.. +`+ + +`a`+ . ++ ` �.` . .�a3 LG' . . a+ + . a . . a a PAVEMENT + + a. . a . . . . . . + °R ��� Q - ` - --- . . a . . . . . . + . + . . a . . + CV + . � V 3 �; . . . . . . + . + . a+`.•.•. .•.`.`, .`,`, x3,3. ` . + . . . . . -- Y `3. . .' . . .�. `+ . . . . .a. ` `+`+`+ .`.`.`.'.` .`. v°a A + . + 3p + . . DOB BSCAN: GATE 3' . + . . . . + . . .°. Q + �0 1 /� .P ° �P o a�. - + a . + . + ? s . •'•. .+... .a . .g+'.` + , // °• °a` .`a`. `.'+`+ + .X.3 '7`.`. . . 5' `+ `.`. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . + . . . . a \\ / \ // . . . . . . . . . . + a . . . + . . + . . . . + E •. a . a`. moi+ \\ // . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . . . t . . ,. . . . . . . . . +` '.`. . . . . . . y � GATE �� � + + . a .`+ . . .`+ + . `3.. . . . + + .. . . . . . .. . ... ..` ` `. ..��..`.`. . . . .`+ ` `. . . . . + .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a`. .... . . . . . . . . .. . . . + . . . . ..`` . + . . + + . . .,GRASS• + . . . .`. . . . . . + . + . . .`.'+ . . . . . . . . a a + . . + . ..`.`. . . .. + . . . + + . . + . . . ai. + + .©` Fi 3 .3y . a . a . . . . .. . . . . . .+`+ . . x ..� ...+ . a . a . •`-++ . . +. . . ... . a + °+�. . % + + . + . . . ;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . + . ` 35'. . . . a + + + . . . . . + + . a . . + . . ` . . + . 332 `N. + . . . . . . . . - -�- + .�. . . . .� . . + . . . . . . . . . . + . . .f . .'tea . VINES ON MILL .MAPLE.'. . . . . . . . + . . . . . + + . `32,�fi'X` %%GRASS.. .X+3 ' - . . a . . . . _ 35' + . . 16505 MAIN RD 24' . . . ` . . . + . + + + . . . aa . . . . . . . _ . + + . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . + . + . . . . . + . . . . . . . . + . . . '+ + a . . + +TR . . . + . . + + . �P'. . . 9 . a a . . + . . . . . + . a Y B7RC �• l�`BIRC . ` . IT TREi . . . +�. MATTITUCK, NY 11952 . . . . . `AIoIERLCA aARBOR�/rTAE• . . . . + a . . . . + . a . + a . ;( . . . . . . + '� . °+ P° . . . . . . . . . + . . . . . . CATCH . . . . + +a+ �LIC�+a a . a a . a • . . ` ` `pfL°• . a . . . +° . ♦ + + . . . . + . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . a .v+o ° + . Pa a+PY. . . . a p o --� _ • BASIN ,�, . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + + . . . . a . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . + . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . z + . °+ . . . . . + . . . SHEET nnE �I + . + `. . . . . . a. . . . . + .`.`.`.`. .'.`.'+ .`. . ; ` � .�o G:�' . . . . . + . .`. .`.` .'.`. .`. . . . @1'16° 2'36'.'W . `� + `. . .`. a'.`a a`. EN.� . . + + . . . . + . . . . . . . + . + . + + .'. .`. .`. +'+`. . . . . ' . . . . + . `'` . . a arc .c . la` 0 100 SITE PLAN ONCRETE APRON EDGE OF PAVEMENT , , , , , ,• + PROPOSED /� nJ EDGE OF PAVEMENT MILL L,,J`'\i V ONCR E APRON 156'-10' ( SEAL & SIGNATURE PROJECT No: 2121 UTILITY DRAWING BY: sm AVEMENT -- - �\y�GRND Ape CHK CHK BY: gc - F POLE + DWG Na ��O�SD TE--PL'aAN SCALE 1 "=20' � A-001.00 x _ _ 22136 yO� FOF NE`N CADO FILE No: OWNER: 1 2 3 4 5 T 7 OPOP OF -- — � � � -�� � � 30-0I 1IJ JII J LI 111�I L L� �1 d� �U�1J L L U ISI UI-III �I_LI U CUT"-Ll J LL ROOF SHINGLES ISL I ���I-II-11�_ SLI LIUl- III LLL DESIGN/ARCHITECT: J =L N IIIIII GUTTER � ! � ! ! � L �I I I L �I UJ J I 1JJ ��11L1J� ll I I I �u�I lJI �l� 11�I L L J LL I I J� BOTTOM. OOOF I ! I 20-0 ,'+'r"y�l�t,•`'� 'fig,-Vif� `q'3"�—,::,' I _ - ;:r a"rw syr �n;6q `�` '•srSIDING £L y - p I 1 TRIM ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN PLLC GLEN COSEN 0 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 FAX:212 6891033 TOP OF CURB 0-0 email:glen@glenandcompany.com GROUND -1 0 CIVIL ENGINEER: 6 PRODUCITON WEST JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. PROFES BOX616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 831-765-2954 4 A-111.00 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: o O O O o DILANDRO ANDREWS a A ENGINEERING, PLLC - 50 0 Y 11968 158 COUNTY RD 39 SUITE 10 TOP ROOF 12' 4" SOUTHAMPTON N _--- ----fi 631-259-3959 30-0 TRIM _ J I I I I I wo-o2 — -- CRU H PAD 12 t = ECEIVED I 12 I I _ --- _ � � BOTTOM. OF ROOF - - -- - - - _ L FEB 0 6 2024 20-o — -- --� Planning Board SIDING - -- --: - --- - -� i ° TRIM -J" C) - - 1 TOP OF CURB --- - �.., I o 1 GROUND _ N PRODUCTION SOUTH NORTH SCALE:3/32" O O (1 UP UP L t 1 n t o to ocopyright and desi n p.; -- r' _ \ � f� All legal rights including, but of limited t , g 11i „•ari:,- " — / patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and plans shown on this document are the property of Glen Coben Architecture &Design PLLC, +'.:., and were developed for use solely on this project. They may not be TOP OF ROOF - - - O p d.1^. s. ':,,_ ,•. Vr - -- used or reused in whole or in part except in connection with this tix N -� a 30 0 —J PROD a TION Y J project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. TRIM Q 3 I Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. };g , !102 — - — _ =� I— c 2023 I ! I \ )Q SUBMISSIONS �. 3 61 )., 5 k- r,td`e'�AN2 �'a '� J' x'W • z BOTTOM. OF ROOF rl _ -- - - - w MC 20-0 -- -- -- - /^ - O H$ 4 A-111.00 DATE NO. REMARKS .' —�-- --- _ -- (1 w� 12.01.2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED ---------- x ,: � ._' ,� ". t .,". ,•" ,r...i"� ; . ,. r ., .- $`)�,r: ,.�ti,,r. E�`'�'`"�' � -- --- A-111.00 - � I 04.10 2023 2 PLANNING BOARD - : 1.. ' '.a� '.z a - - - — — - O kM k s-s ` - - 08.15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD wxh tf- r��.19 SIDING -- --- O n x n - 10.16. 023 4 PLANNING BOARD_ M . -. BOTTLING �— - .' i a:x — 5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT x , _. �r TRIM I - - - - - - - - - - -- — — — 01.08 2024 6 PLANNING-BOARD REVISIONS Y� DT7 �/ // -- - - k r m WD-02 �1 01.17.2°24 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT 0 1 - - - - - — _� 1 - -DRY - 02.05.2024 8 PLANNING BOARD MEETING STORAGE 777 - f 3 TOP OF CURB --- i - - - - - - - _ - — — _ _ I R _ G OUND i i^;ft s sh� };o. . Mt iw - R� z, - t-- ,z. ,.h �;.'•i.,A`w ,. - i- --- -- — -1-O � I _ _� � I � OFFICE TEMP COINTROLLEIF I STORAGE _--- PRODUCTION NORTH — - — — ---- 4AS CALE:3/32" = 1'-0" B REL -- _ ---- - O 100 O' O 00 a - - -- --- - _ --- � C LAR --- - _ _ 000 1' 0> F OI O 6� DIM Mw: TOP OF ROOF 30_°- ��_ - -� I _ 1 O 00 O� OG �LLLT 1 1 J LI I �� �l lul----111LI� II I IIII a -- _ _ II 1 1 00 O O LL. - 11 L J L 11 ROOF SHINGLES _-LL II L _L LLLa I � Jul. _I11 1�1�1 -- _ IL !III _I_1 IWI L _ -IJI1_IL III L! I !�LJI� LI LI LI I�I IJ L-l- L Il-L-I — RF-01 -- dLL1Du0 O / HUI VI'9 V NI -111 L_L-- L IJP L L ! ! I �� - L11_ 1 I 1-JJ L�1_- L _LL-I -- GUTTER -- -- - -- 0 00 O 0 00 PINT BOTTOM. OF ROOF�- ( ;;;r,y+4,8�< - �; VINES ON MILL fil-H UIX3 O O � 16505 MAIN RD r � MATTITUCK, NY 11952 SIDING , 9'-7" 28'10" --- - — 9--7% --- I TRIM ��,: °� � ^:- - - -- - — - - - - _ — _ _ _ _ --- -a 50'-0„ O 1 ---- -- SHEET TITLE I I I I I � III � �. � I 1 � I I TOP OF C0.1 FLOOR ROOF PLAN GROUND -'—° 5 ELEVATIONS A-111.00 SEAL & SIGNATURE PROJECT No: 2121 EU ARC DRAWING BY: sm - CHK BY: go PRODUCTION EAST ROOF PLAN 1ST FLOOR PLAN � DWG No. c• SCALE:3/32 — 1 0 /1'111.00 9T 22136 yO� S0F NE`s CADO FILE No: OWNER: DESIGN/ARCHITECT: GLEN COBEN ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 FAX:212 689 1033 email:glen@glenandcompany.com r' 4 CIVIL ENGINEER: ENCLOSED I a _I I j JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. PORCH I ` UNEXCAVATED I PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 .I (, . I 631-765-2954 1771 REF. I• � •� � STORAGE I ( I STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: DILANDRO ANDREWS OPEN TO BELOW ENGINEERING,COUNTY RD 39 SUITE 10 PERGOLA i ; I I 1 ( , I OPEN TO ABOVE � PLLC PERGOLA I I I I I SOUTHAMPTON,NY 11968 631-259-3959 _. 1 . ii I rI t< •I _i� DW I �, 1 I : f EM LOYE I I t F CEIVED BR AK R OMISPACE - -- � I T I CRAWL I I iF FEB0 6 2024 , I I 1 1 - -- --- . --- - - - -- ---- - -.__.. - - ;i._ ;,-- _ � I Soutrlold Town - { $ I I I I f I Planning Board l•f I I 1 UP It - , I 1 I i I , , i , , 1 I I , I t I N I -----_ - - - --- _- 1 --- --- - - -- I — — — — — — 21 STORAGE CL. ; CONFERENCE P : ,� BATH ROOM NORTH up A91 F-< I I � 1 F . I HALL ' BATH # 1 I Ir' WD F I I • All legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design { patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and plans shown on this document are the property of Glen Coben Architecture&Design PLLC, I and were developed for use solely on this project. They may not be C L I ! + I used or reused in whole or in part, except in connection with this project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. I ( Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. BATH #2 I i a i I c 2023 tl a 1 I I ( SUBMISSIONS ® — I �=ffim f i UNFINISHED CELLAR I : :I DATE NO. REMARKS �_= I •; L — _ _ 12.01,2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATED 1 f 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING BOARD = r Q t I I 08.15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD - -- j i a 10.16.2023 4 PLANNING BOARDMEETING o DN 11.22.2023 5STORAGE BUILDING DEPART MENT ROOM - -- 01,08.2024 6 PLANNING BOARD REVISIONS 01.17.2024 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT 1 r 02.05.2024 8 PLANNING BOARD MEETING ' UP I 1 , OFFICE i I ENTRY OFFICE i COVERED PORCH I UNEXCAVATED I .I I � FLOOR PLAN FIRST FLOOR PLAN FOUNDATION PLAN VINES ON MILL ) SECOND 3/ 16�� — � � �� — � �� I 16505 - 1 -O 3/ 16 _ � _� 3/ 16 6�� _ � �_0�� MAIN RD MATTITUCK, NY 11952 SHIM 11U PROPOSED WINERY OFFICE FLOOR PLAN SEAL & SIGNATURE PROJECT No: 2121 DRAWING BY: sm RED ARC'S9 CHK BY: gC \ Ep J.COg J' DWO Na A-112.00 -9�, zz136 y0� SOF NE\N CADO FILE No: OWNER: DEMOLITION LEGEND DESIGN/ARCHITECT: LEGEND DESCRIPTION EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO REMAIN — — — — — — EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO BE REMOVED GLEN COBEN ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 FAX:212 689 1033 email:glen@glenandcompany.com SHEET KEY NOTES CIVIL ENGINEER: >- 1. ALL STRUCTURES ARE OLD BARNS FOR STORING JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. / FARM EQUIPMENT ONLY AND THAT THERE IS NO PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER --- PARCELS TO BE MERGED, w GAS, WATER, OR ELECTRIC. BOX616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 631-765-2954 IN ERNAL LOT LI ES o O BE ELIMINA D _ I S 9 y9 31.6 — STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: F / �— — — -' – — — 3 3 5 3 �0 1 DILANDRO ANDREWS ENGINEERING, PLLC I — — — — — 158 COUNTY RD 39 SUITE 10 I x3 SOUTHAMPTON,NY 11968 I I�,1 4 x 33.9 x 33 <� 1 x 34.3 � I U ILI Y P UTILITY 631-259-3959 x 32.3 I x32.8 3F-3 / {DECEIVED I / x34,2 l o l / PDL -� Q6 2024 I oc I Southold i owrl S I X x 31,6 O � � I w Planning Boar 32,4 c� /X I I / x 33,7 C'O' 3319 x 34.3 i I W / 0' 733 x 33,6 I 0 I 1 O i 1120.3' W IW 2 I i t p� W I I W 1 1 I 0 I �, / J 4 I CHIM. � I� / ~ C/) Idb T 4t- -- -- -- - - -- O i 1 jr' ULL < If- —� - — — — — — — _ — I I I�. x 30.6 O DEMOLITION NOTES: / x I i r Q r I 1 x L -T x 31 5 �� NORTH I34,0 I I I W I 11 STORY 134.11 X I 336 CONIC x , o.,, / o CI I FRAME 1332 ��— _ 33 5 / > / �` 1. ALL DEMOLITION TO BE CARRIED OUT IN A / I I / \ 4, _ /z WORKMANLIKE MANNER. 35.0 L ——� L GARAGE- J J'/ h/� ^ �f `�J 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL CAREFULLY EXAMINE EXISTING `� CONDITIONS BEFORE STARTING ANY WORK. All legal rights including, but not limited to, copyright and design x33.5 x33,9 I TO BE REM E `\ z Oe 3. PROTECT EXISTING FACILITIES THAT ARE TO REMAIN. patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and plans shown on this c document are the property of Glen Coben Architecture&Design PLLC, 18.1 I \ C V C C R Q'� 4. CONTRACTORS SHALL PROPERLY BRACE, SHORE, and were developed for use solely on this project. They may not be METAL _ O / UNDERPIN AND MAKE SAFE ALL WA used or reused in whole or in part, except in connection with this I / O O LLS, FLOORS, ra ct, without the SIDEWALKS, FOOTINGS, FOUNDATIONS AND p prior written consent of Glen and company. — I \ / Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. �� � L BARN.. ' �� I BARN TO I 1 (�J �/%//,/' %% l'%/ / Q ` ADJACENT PROPERTY, AS JOB CONDITIONS REQUIRE. // ', - / I ( 1 co. 2 U 1 L_1 TY c 2023 MAS ;/ "�' ' x 33.7 I � 1 \ � �3' ;;,� C � q (o� > IBE REMOVE 1 cs EN r "THIS PLAN IS APPROVED ONLY FOR WORK INDICATED ON I �; TR POLE suBMlsslolvs d / 6'O�x'� �� I I / \ \ I '�� 31 e x � THE APPLICATION SPECIFICATION SHEET, ALL OTHER - /T ,®"� i . ! / �� x 3 // i x 3 941 MATTERS SHOWN ARE NOT TO BE RELIED UPON OR TO BE DATE N0. REMARKS "" '% / \ 13 ? e,: yon . CONSIDERED AS EITHER BEING APPROVED OR IN ,, .> ',: ". '% 1201._2022 1 SITE PLAN UPDATEDDAT ED 04.102023 2 PLANNING BOARDACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODE."vC CO E TE 08.15 2023_ 3 PLANNING BO RDt c 10.16.202-3__ 4_ PLANNING BOARD x 33.1 I / / � I X 33,2 x 33.0 I I / \ / \ l ReoR `� / 11.22.2023- 5 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 740 01.08.2024 6 PLANNINGBOARDREVISIONS _ x33 1 __ I I // \ V/ \ / 32 7 X ;; • t"% fc� 1 P 01.17.2024 7 ISSUED FOR DOB PERMIT — �l x 3- -- - - - �-- -- - - / O� / p `'; cn, H - I F E lo, C / 02.05.2024 8 PLAIJfJING BOARD METING ——— —--- x 33,6 I I CONCRETE \ / P� / \Cy ' r x 32 5 U X 13 x 3 2 7 U - - METAL I I 1 STORY ILLI / I BARN i I m GARAGE i I I I 10 3 I TO BE I 3 1 TO B E Ix / - / I � 3 /' `\ 332 x 32,5 I o� REMOVE I 32.8 x x 31,6 � P REMOVED \ I Q / I DOB BS -.21 I I I I ,� \ \ wl 0 9 ` \ I / — — --� -- — — J -,� s ---_.. \ \ 2 I 0 / CATCH -- � J PROPERTY LI � �- - — � -- -- - - -- - - / BASIN ' `-- \ \\ \ — � 31.6 P�o�lcr ... — — N 16 °32 ' 99 W ��\ \ �� 380. 00 ' . Q ` —SND \ w VINES ON MILL 1 869 NA EDGE 0F PAVEMENT57- 0 \ - 16505 MAIN RD MILL t'V 1 MATTITUCK, NY 11952 OF PAVEMENT UTILITY _ �r MU sH EXISTING DEMOLITION PLAN EXISTING DEMOLITION PLAN 1 SCALE:1"=20' SEAL & SIGNATURE PROJECT No: 2121 ED ARC DRAWING BY: sm �G\�G�roJ.coeF CNK BY: gc DWG Na DM-100.00 9� 22136 y� SOF NE`N CADO FILE No: LOCATION MAP SCALE: NTS Q-�p1 �. S 18'33'51" E 2185.76' FOUND v M FtD CORNER BARN 0 5' CORNER BARN 1 0'N BARANE ���' N O 3 p LAND NOW ORMA O M irj .QFORMERLY Q ONOVAN > POND mVFFD�K AVE czo TAX LOT 5 _--�-�S M tl p�> CV N 28.00 S 073p-1 f LLI KEY MAP SCALE: NTS LAND NOW in OR N FORMERLY J zr� BONILLA N TAX LOT 4 EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED V) FOUND MONUMENT 10 TAX LOT 2.4 AND 3.2 S 03, 2 20' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _LA_N_D_N_O_W_O_R_FORMERLY— _ _ _ MILL LANE FARM LLC S 04 04,04 E 9.0," f (DIE.ED) r PMA 49.85 AC. _ _ _ _ _ �ACTII �� � � � TAX MAP 1000-115--02-2.4AND 3.2 - - - --_ - - - - - _ - - - - - - �' � A� 3 O � (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) ` �` � \ ` � a m � J 194 ACTAX T 2.3 (APPARENT USE : AGRICULTURAL) _ to PARCEL II (TAX LOTS 2.4 & 3.2) ` \ _ �� 0) 2,171,584 sq.ft. Rin MILL LANE N 49.85 acres YFIIT 343' • g 0) EXISTING W * FRAM !RAINm iU) " BARN vMr M ras N OZ Z40 0, N v Mx 51.79 AC. 3 z o Q o) CID O MILL LANE 0 EXISTING LOT LINE TO BE REMOVED a Z PROPOSED m G) a a � r---- S 16'32'36" E W ---- ---------------- ---------------------------- _ S IT rn P ,o o :o i M ^I LOT AREA: Mme.0 O= N O.ON sMETAL �d � METAL 'i BARN unlx BARN y "` EXISTING AREA PROPOSED AREA Miy�D II BSS g Y. /7'S }� M ��4 a 49.85 ACRES (2,171,584 SQ.FT.) 51.79 ACRES (2,256,269 SQ.FT.) 4' ._ En WPAI 12"DRAINAGE PIPE N 17'52'31" W OT 2.3 �J J � �m Co� uTcn UNDER PDAD GE OF PAVEMENT 1426.28' MILL LANE MILL LANE N 16'32'36" W -N1 '32 W aA n EDGE OF PAVEMENT EDGE OF PAVEMENT 380.00 o.A 1.94 ACRES (2,171,584 SQ.FT.) MONUM N �(�'�Jq� EDGE OF PAVEMENT 1'86 MILL LANE POLE i �E�/ � ED POE OF PAVEMENT unun S 16'32 36' E 361.94' S 1 752'31" E 1424.17' mTMN RAI"n �- ----- ---Cr FIRE FEB 0 6 2024 HYDRANT I _ - IL Southold Town 2TY Planning Board a 05 fy B M M PROJECT: VINES ON MILL RESUBDIVISION MAIN ROAD N.Y.S. ROUTE 25 & MILL LANE SITUATED IN MATTITUCK RED AR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,COUNTY OF SUFFOLK,STATE OF NEW YORK Guaranteed: ��\ GYJ coe�,y ,0- Vines on Mill LLC Old Republic National Title Insurance Company Advantage Title Agency, Inc. •�"� "UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO 4 SURVEY MAP PREPARED AND SEALED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW." GLEN COBEN 9�` 22136 y0 „ ARCHITECTURE+DESIGN,PLLC OF NES "COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 INKED SEAL OR HIS EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL 140T BE CONSIDERED A VALID TRUE COPY." "CERTIFICATION ®,� TEL:212 889 2779 INDICATED HEREON SIGNIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXISTING CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYS ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND email: 103 email:glen@glenandcompany.com NY LICENSE:22136 SURVEYORS. SAID CERTIFICATIONS SHALL RU14 ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS." MAP - DESCRIBED PROPERTY DIST.1000 SEC. 107 ELK. 11 LOT 10 DIST.1000 SEC. 115 BLK. 2 LOT 2.4$3.2 REV: 11/1621 ADDRESS TOWN I DATE: JAN 24,2024 COMMENTS DATE: JAN 31,2024 RE SCALE: 1"=100' SHEET: 1 OF 1 NOTES: DUE TO VARIATIONS IN LEDs, DRIVERS, MANUFACTURING, LINE VOLTAGE, AND ON-SITE CONDITIONS, A GUARANTEED LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE IS NOT POSSIBLE AND IS NOT REPRESENTED BY THIS ANALYSIS. 1. THE RESULTS OF THIS STUDY ARE TO BE VIEWED ONLY AS AN INDICATION OF POSSIBLE PERFORMANCE. *0.0 '0.0 0.0 '0.0 0.0 '0.0 I \ , 'o.o 'o.o *0.0 '0.0.o '0.0 '°.° 'o.o .o q' P 2. LIGHT LOSS FACTORS (LLF) ARE AS NOTED IN SCHEDULE. '°.° O.c '0.0 .a '0.0 '0.0 0. o - C_.�•-' { ,PP°D `¢i .o '0.0 o.D o.o 'o.o 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.o J.o '0.0 0,0 '0.0 0.0 0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '.0 '0.0 0.0 '0.0 'o.0 0.0 '0.0 0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 0.0 'o.0 0.0 0.0 0.001 o.0 0.0 0.0 '0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 'O.o 0.0 '0.0 0.0 0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '°. 'O,o '0.o '0-1_'0 1 'o.1 'D.1 _0i_D 1�'D.1 '0.0 'o.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 'o.o o.0 0.° '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 0.0 '0.0 0.0 *0.0 0 ° 0,0 '0.° 0.a 0.0 '°.o 'o. ° '°.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.1 ,'0.2 'D.2 '0�'0.2 0.3 0.2 b 1 '0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '0.0 o a.o .0 0.0 10.0 0.1 'a. 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' a '.1 0.1 -- • 'o.° '¢Jo 0.0 0.0 o.o '0.0 0.0 'D.° 'o.°" 'o- '0.° °.o °.° 'o.D 0:i '0.2 '°.1 'o.° b.0 0.0 0.0 '°.o b.° o.D '0.0 '° 4zo O.0 o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 '0.0 '0.0 0. .1 0.7 0.3 0 .,p 'o.o 'o.o 'o.o 'O.o 'o.o '0.0 'o, L-X-2090MU 30-XX-UN 's' 0.0 a 0.0 '0.0 0.0 '0.0 0.0 '0.0 '0.0 0.0 '0.0 'O.a 1. 0.0 0.0 '0.0 0.0 '0.0 '0.0 °. 0.0 '0.0 'o.. - -- 0.14 0.0 '0.0 'G.0 0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0 0.0 '0.0 '0.0 *0. P npH:3 0.0 0.0 '0.0 'o-o '0.00 '0.1 'o.o O.o 'D.o 'o.o 'o.o o.o 'o.0 0.7 6.z 0. 0.0 '0,D '0.0 '0.° 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.D O P° 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.11 0. 10.. =0-4 ' 0.1 '0,0 0.0 0.° 10.° 0.0 '0.O `0.2 0.5/).1 0.0 '0.0 *0.0 '0.0 0.0 '0.0 '0. 0.0 '0.0 '°.0 0.0 - bra '0.0 'o.° '°.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 '0.0 '0.0 0.0 0.° '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0 D \ ` -X-2' 0M -30-XX-UNV AR$�R o.o '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 0.0 0.0 'o.o '0.0 0.0 'o.o '.D a.0 'o.D 'O.o 0 0 '0.0 0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 0.0 0.0 .0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 '0.0 *0.0 '0. _- _ *0.0 'G.0 0. '.0 2 a 0.0 0.0 '0.0 'O.0 0.3 0.D 0.0 'D.0 'D.D 0.0 'D.D •D.0 10. D.1--o,z D.2. O.D 'D.D 'D.0 O.1 *0 O •D.0 '0.0 D 1.0 L PP° ,�#� P°° 0.0 0.0 '0.)' '0.0 0.0 0.0 \ -_'•1 '0.0 '0.0 0.0 0.0 '0.0 '° 0 '0.0 0.0 '0. ° P o , R°° •P 2� ,� -_ --- 1'k}3L-X- 3040(-30-XX-UNV o.o 'D.o '.0 0.0 0.0 b. f+L-Xr2 yM 30-XX-UNV \ MH:3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 f } '0.0 *D.0 '0.0 0.0 *0.0 0.0 '0.0 P° } 0.0 '0.0 0.0 0.0 'D.0 0.0 '0.0 {'y .1 '0.0 '0.0 0.0 '0.0 *0.0 '0.0 �: uy a c 1. 1 O.D O 1,,,/ ¢ 9D �3o�3g6 uNd.o 10.0 0¢11 P 0.6 ## P° o ��5 �gN d.cog /T -- --- -- 0 1:3 ° e` n,�-.�.s�,T_ (v G �ti RECEIVED -__ :"�-''..g_. �� ° o c o � o PP° PPo �.PP° •P' Pd Pp°.� PP 2� /� �G'�i�,' - I •� 5��" f FSB 0 202 I � Southold I own 22136 �O� Planning Board • _-- -- _ 0.0 •D.D O.D .D 0.3 0.0 b.3 •D.D 0. - ---- - -- _ 0.0_o-o__ '0_0 0.0 - '0.0 '0.0 D '0.0 0.0 0. C - NE`N -- - MILL LAINKE Luminaire Schedule 5 LUMEN LANE P.O. BOX 1060 HIGHLAND, NY 12528 ym ® ty Label sacra 0 Tag PH. (845) 691-7723 -e 2 MELD-F80-2C525-30-X.-X30-UNV 0. 900 MELLl WALLJOB NAME: , 1615LM, 19. 5W 3000K XL3 VINE ON MILL 8 IBL X 2Q90MU-30 AA'%z-UNV 0. 900 UVULA BOLLARD, 798LM, 14. 1 W, 3000K XL2 LOCATION: MATTITUCK, NY 0 2 ASTx-R5R-X-5G530-30-.XX-XX-UNV 0. 900 ASTRO 1, TYPE 5, 5292LM, 49W, 3000K XL 1 PREPARED FOR: GLEN COBEN ARCHITECTURE: SELUX REPRESENT. Calculation Summary LIGHT ABILITIES DRAWN BY: Label Calc Type units Max Min AV9 AvglMinMaxl in AJP Page 1 of 1 Building Walkway Illuminance Fc 8. 6 0. 0 0. 35 N.A. N.A. REV-A Walkway and Parking Illuminance Fc 8. 6 0. 0 0.40 N.A. N.A. Date:1/2/2024 VACANT NO WELLS I I PROPOSED SUBJECT :._ - • : . ' 71 / tituck ria�t PROPERTY Historic E31.6 0. SERVICE 632►36 „ ERPZ oc et Y U1 � 33 �?r! . .. : . .' W :-i--,--_ .5 BOX W W -W = - - _ _ x 3 80 0O' A ELECTRIC I. .: •<. '� W _ • EXIST ELE C .,:.'L.. . . Ifl W W --- -----_- - - - -- _ G SERVICE 32.8 1 k Cutchogue 34:1 I 4 . .; :'.':; E ® W W _ _ . x High School • :, X 3. E W W -- W - - JSM Brokerage,Inc I x E .3 E E o W W W z :,I E E W W O GATE x 32:8 x 32,E E xUTILITY / A E y' I ® PROPOSED x 34:2 / ental Care of �t w L.l.. 1 , E POLE :k(Michael... 25'y 8'X5' . ' I•. 2 W }.. .. ''� I ATER w� I SEPTIC TANK I ��: ' ;,' 4` :� "::� I SERVICE / LU �- Z 1 5' LIQUID I 4'' .'w UM I •. I STER I- w z IDEPTH I Ti,.1. .' � ., is ... • x x TR H t�iarrataaka Z Y L - _ . 3 �'�: ::��; :9 ELECTRIC 32.4 31.6 y Pond s U Our Lad of Good o rr^^ 33:6 ' `' VJ _ U I X33 x - - - . :, GRh x 34,3 30. Counsel Church w Ne CO SERVICE 8 IRA ti li..n1. fh, n, ° c„if olk Ave j J I- I / LP p p ,.. I- I / 10' DIA 4 r - Q >" Z � Q I / x 16 DEEP 22 21 20 19 18 1 16 15 0 �/ / Q 8' 0" 14 13 1 0 o KEY MAP ry i \ ACCESSIBLE i I I � / SCALE: NTS ti EP ; g PARKING EXISTING / F- 2 SANITARY TO J _ 1o' DIA - - - - I BE REMOVED N z Q TEST -� O�E DATA z x16' DEEP 1 S O Q" Q r - � � � (NOT TO SCALE) I O U TION 2 U) x F L I I I 5 6 �� x �� 0 I 3'x3' CONCRETE 4 0 ER ENI TION I I 1 10 11 12 30.6 / 12/19/2023 PAD FOR AIR PUMP 50'X '=14 200 SF I I I I x33: x x 31 GR S o LL AND CONTROLS 3¢11 x 1 tv ^ ELEV. = 33.5 NS AD 1 L - J I - I 33.2 33.5 I 35.0 x ��- � 0. 5' OL DARK BROWN LOAM x33: X ,9 I VV 1 EXISTING / W I 1 STORY EXISTING �• � i \� • •• WATER , CL BROWN SANDY CLAY FRAME BARN STORAGE (10 �� Q 3.0 I O SERVICE d- 60'X39'= 2,340 SF o ;33.7 po�`O 2`3�' UTILITYON SLAB .. � . .� � "• : • . � FF = 34.5' I: :' :.. . GRASS E R I •. �,... � °` NTR POLE VENT LINE TERRA E G S x33 � 31,6 SP BROWN FINE SAND N � 1 4 23�, � 2g , w 3 .9 � / 8.0' Q co RFT /Z s W W M xr- - - TEST HOLE �- - - - - _ I �eR rym`� w � SC BROWN CLAYEY SAND l�� I 3 I • - - ARe�R C9 �` 10. 0' x3 3 x 33,1 LP • • N�' ��Uj� 2 ST O 32.7 x 1 x133:2 33.6 I 'I E •• • • • • kkZ 0 4, O C. 20' x 33 1 I ELECT ICAL x h2l DEEP A CO 0�. O I CONNE TION IN BOLLARDS \\ /\ 3'x3' CONCRETE 2 x32 I I CONDUT i Ep\� SM BROWN FINE SAND I I 1 � � \\ \ // PAD FOR AIR PUMP • 32 7 SBJ AND CONTROLS • �► I 1 I I AIR LINE I �� GATE �� • ° 3 I I I I GR SS BOLLARDS / - 3 • • VENT LINE H E G W I 1 31 I l Pi e Q - - I x GRASS • HYDROACTION 33.2 x 32,5 2 3.0 ELEV 11 . 6 W AN400 32 8 x LP AIR LINE 8 DIA x31.6 �� � � NO WATER ENC 11211- x 12' DEEP ELECTRICAL /� ENCOUNTERED TER ED , CONNECTION IN ( � 9 TEST WELL # S5-3324.1 - Z M -XT2.5- - - --•-__ _ CONDUIT rV � � HEGW 2010-04-19 = 11 .26' ELEV. � w o o - - - ---- _ _ z CATCH z N 16 BASIN ELEVATIONS BASED ON NAVD (1988) W O 3 2 3 6 W AN400 ACTION 31.6 -17 FO RECEIVED Z o � N 380- 0010-A. w 0 UN U Q � 6 EDGE OF PAVEMENTMO T FEB Q 6 2024 Z T � VINES ON MILL _ o � T MILL 1 MILL LANE SouthoTaTown (n (0 CY, Planning Board W X MATTITUCK, NY = o m AVEMENT UTILITY - - BUILDING TO SCTM# 1000-115-02-2.003 a' � BE REMOVED d O r POLE W p. 0 AREA FOR HEALTH � SITE PLAN x SITE DATA DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP 0 30:4 SCALE: 1" = 20' MI NOTE: SITE AREA: PRODUCTION WINE MAKING NO SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 300 FEET GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ZONE 4 USAGE: 750gpd 2.06acres OR 89,733.6sf NO WELLS WITHIN 150 FEET SCTM : 1000- 115-02-2.003 SEPTIC TANK: 750 x 2 = 1 ,500gallons SUPPLY: 8'dia x 5' liquid depth = 1 ,500gallons PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: EXISTING: 11 ,012sf LEACHING PROPOSED: 10,259.00sf 750gallons / 1 .5 = 500sf ALLOWABLE SANITARY FLOW (DENSITY) USE: ALLOWABLE FLOW FOR SITE = 600gpd/acre [1 ] 10'dia X 16'deep L.P. 600gpd/acre x 2.06acres = 1 ,236.00gpd allowed [1 ] 10'dia x 16'deep E.P. SEWER DISPOSAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS HOUSE FERMINTATION BUILDING = 4,200sf x 0.04gpd = 168.Ogpd 4 BEDROOM X 110gal/br = 440gpd DRAWN BY: JF JP STORAGE BARN = 2340sf x 0.04gpd = 93.6gpd HYDROACTION AN400 = 440gpd TOTAL. 261 .6gpd SEWER DISPOSAL LEACHING: DECEMBER 29, 2023 OSAL DESIGN > [1 ] 8'dia x 12 deep LP TANK = HYDROACTION AN400 = 440gpd 1 8'dia x 12'deep EP SCALE: AS NOTED [ ] P LEACHING: SHEET NO: 261 .6gpd / 1 .5 = 174.4sf PROVIDE: [ 1 ] LP B'dia x 12'deep [1 ] EP 8'dia x 12'deep CONCRETE24„ 1/A OWTS General Requirements f< f;j <,f, ,f•:,:, COLLAR STOPPER END 1.Installer shall provide a certification of the installation and construction(W.W.M.-73)from a PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR PLUG REGISTERED ARCHITECT for final approval of the system r���1P h T b rlt2` HOUSE 2.The installer of I/A OWTS must hold a current Liquid Waste License pursuant to Chapter 563 Article VII(Septic Industry ELEC. CI Businesses)and Endorsement J(Innovative and Alternative Treatment System Installer)through the Suffolk County ". PANEL RISER & COVER Department of Labor,Licensing and Consumer Affairs,pursuant to Suffolk County Code§563-79(11)(J).The Department of Labor,Licensing,and Consumer Affairs maintains a list of licensed I/A OWTS Maintenance Providers. LOCKING COVER DETAIL 3.An executed Operation and Maintenance Contract between the Maintenance Provider and Property owner must be FIBER JOINT submitted to the Department N .T.S, EXTERIOR RATED PACKING 4.All installed I/A OWTS are required to have an initial 3-year warranty and operation/maintenance service contract. JUNC77ON BOX BELOW GRADE /N 5.When an I/A OWTS requires a vent,the unit shall be vented to the roof of the residence being served.Vent pipes shall REMOTE PLC CONTROL PANEL SPRINKLER BOX 20 AMP BREAKER extend a minimum of 6 inches above the roofline and the top of the vent shall have a minimum horizontal separation of 12 W/ HP80 COMPRESSOR I CI SEWER PIPE inches to the sloped portion of the roof.In cases where it is not practical to vent the system to the residence roof,a vent (TYPICAL) pipe may be piped to the exterior side of the residence and terminate a minimum of 18 inches above grade.These vent pipes shall be located a minimum of 3 feet from any window or doorway and must terminate with a carbon filter device.All PVC PIPE D3034 vent pipes must have a minimum diameter of 2 inches. 36'X 36'X 6' ( C/ id SDR 35 Provide 2"vent pipe from the OWTS To the single-family dwelling and connect to the waste WITH 6X6 10/10 WIRE BEND pipe venting system within the house.Pipe shall have a positive slope from the OWTS to the Z TO SEPTIC house so liquid will drain toward the treatment unit CONTROL PANEL 8c AIR PUMP ELEVATION X-12 AWG OF WIRE FROM DWELLING g 9 P g P Q /N J PVC SCH TANK 6.Garbage renders shall not be permitted when an 1/A OWTS is utilized as means of sewage disposal.In addition,water IN CONDUIT softeners shall not discharge into and/A OWTS. N .T.S. 7.Install I/A OWTS tanks according to manufacturer's recommendations.All applicable recommendations provided by the 2 STORY C.I. 600 PVC WYE C/ TO PVC manufacturer shall be implemented 4 BEDRM HYDROAC77ON USA HOUSE ADAPTOR 8.The I/A OWTS tank shall be installed at level in all directions(with a maximum tolerance in any direction of+/one J } HOUSE CONCRETE COLLAR CONTROL PANEL quarter inch)on a minimum 3-inch thick bed of properly leveled and compacted sand(free from rocks)or pea grave WATER TIGHT FRAME & COVER 9.The top of the IIA OWTS tank shall not be located greater than 2.5 feet or less than one foot below final rade. J W Z F.F. 34.0 W/ APPROVED LOCKING DEVICE IAC RAM CLEAN O �..�T DETAIL Z Q U STOPPER END PLUG & SECONDARY SAFETY LIDS CONCRETE COVERS ELECTRIC RISER D g Z J = FINISHED GRADE BELOW GRADE r Electrical Requirements EL. 33.0' EL 33.0, / 3.0 N .T. S . N .T. S . OJF~- - I.E. "' T ""'- III=11111= 1.Control Panels a.All wiringand equipment are to be installed b the electrical contractor in accordance with the ^' Z 32.5' , MIN. TRAFFIC BEARING Natioal Electric Code(NEC)and local codes. ry Q 2' MAX SLABS b.The control panel box must be placed outside on a suitable pedestal near the structure that it serves. 4„ SDR PIPE Alternatively,the panel box may be mounted on an outside wall of the structure(preferable a utility I.E. I.E. " room,and not a living space). CLEAN �T c.The control panel shall be placed at a comfortable height for access. 32.1 32'8 }' '• r' "+ 'v i 1 . d.The panel shall meet National Electrical Manufacturers Association(NEMA)4X specifications. 1/4" PER FOOT MIN. PITCH 1.E. ,,;`t''�••.'� ..` w. i ,r J e.The conduit must have appropriate seals to prevent gases and moisture from reaching the control FLOW 31.5 „ �{:ti��'�j:`�t'•r.':'t '.;'..;,.• panel orjunction boxes. MIN. 4 DIA. SANITARY PIPE ;':yl:.`. :.�:k°':': f.Each system shall be equipped with a functioning warning system which will activate audible and Z LINE �f .:'::::.'.;:: = �',� SINGLE UNIT CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK y g g y SDR 35 r. ...+ :.ti •' visual alarms thatcan be readily seen and heard by the occupant's of the building served. 1/8 PER FOOT MIN. •• , .'f,:�`;�•�:.;�.': PVC WASTE LINE c +::•:.-:• �•'':'� 12'-0, 2.Pumps,Blowers,Level Sensors,and Controls c n '°' a.The electrical junction box serving the pump motor and floats must be watertight and located outside SDR 35 :� ..�.;�.:,�,�,��.;.::::;: , . ,�•. EL �' :.....;: the IIA OWTS tank chamber. PRS '":��:t.'''T's'°• 'ti'•.;'; .t•t'+ �:•• b.The Department shall observe the pump system operate through a normal operating cycle. HYDRO-ACT�ICMN 8'min. •:'7`-{':;; ',',�:� c.Inspection for leakage of the force main fittings will be made during the pump test procedure. AN 13 , '«°+ *•;. HEAVY DUTY AND f.. " 4•, t•" LOCKING CAST IRON '•;-��i:•:•;•:..� �� :r':;;;:,.�:.;:;>: COVER T❑ GRADE General Construction Notes FINISHED GRADE 3'-O" MIN 1.LOT AREA:2.06 ACRES OR 89.733.8 SF 2.SCTM#1000-115-02-2.003 V EL. 11.6' 8' THK TRAFFIC GROUND WA TER BEARING COVER 2.5' MAX 3.BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION FROM A SURVEY BY JOSEPH PETITO LAND SURVEYING [1] 8' DIA X 12' DEEP LEACHING POOLS HIGHEST EXPECTED 20, 2' MAX CHIMNEY LAST DATED JULY 23,2023.ELEVATIONS REFERENCED TO THE NAVD 88 DATUM HIGHEST RECORDED GROUNDWATER / 7 GROUNDWATER I I 4.ALL MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN SAND & GRAVEL L 1 J 8' DIA X 12' DEEP EXPANSION POOLS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES AS REQUIRED 5.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION AND DEPTH OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO THE NOTE NO CUT OR FILL REQUIRED ®® ® ® ® ® COMMENCEMENT OF WORK.THE CONTRACTOR IS ADVISED ALL SUBSURFACE INFORMATION SHOWN ON THESE HYDRO-ACTION AN-400 D ETA I L LEACHING POOL D ETA I L INLET MIN, PLANS IS CONCEPTUAL AND MUST BE CONFORMED ACCORDINGLY IN THE FIELD. 4' DIA SDR ®® ® ® 35 PVC PIPE 6.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SECURING ALL NECESSARY PERMITS BEFORE COMMENCING PIT( ) J'/1' ®® ® ® ® ® H WORK. HOUSE SEPTICSYSTEM P R O I O 7.ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIAL AND DEBRIS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH TOWN,COUNTY,STATE ~ ®® ® ® ® AND FEDERAL LAWS.CODES AND ORDINANCES.CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DISPOSING OFF ALL UNSUITABLE MATERIALS OFF SITE.DEBRIS SHALL NOT BE BURIED ON THE SITE. N . T . S . ° ®® ® 1 STORY = 8.ALL PRECAST STRUCTURES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE COUNTY AND COMPLY WITH THEIR REGULATIONS. PRODUCTION W X¢ O 9.ALL PRECAST STRUCTURES SHALL BE MANUFACTURED WITH 3,000 PSI 28 DAY STRENGTH CONCRETE. FERMENTA TION 0 Q � �{ 10.SANITARY PIPE TO BE SDR-35 PVC OR AS SPECIFIED ON PLANS ON SLAB CONCRETE COLLAR HEAVY DUTY AND WATER TIGHT FRAME & COVER H > N � OCKING CASTING 11.DURING CONSTRUCTION,EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TO BE UTILIZED AS NECESSARY TO �/ 70 GRADE PREVENT THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT TO OFF SITE AREAS,PONDS,DRAINAGE INLETS.THE METHODS AND FF = 35.0 W/ APPROVED LOCKING DEVICE CONCRETE COVERS w ^ FINISHED GRADE MATERIALS EMPLOYED IN THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL STOPPER END PLUG L:. W CONFORM TO THE NEW YORK GUIDELINESFOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL. & SECONDARY SAFETY LIDS �+ FINISHED GRADE BELOW GRADE W 10 MIN L` EL 33.0' a 1U' MAX w � 24" 24' 12.ALL BACKFILL SHALL BE SELECT GRANULAR MATERIAL COMPACTED TO 95%MAXIMUM DENSITY AT THE OPTIMUM EL. 33 0' MAX 2' MAX MOISTURE CONTENT AS DETERMINED BY STANDARD PROCTOR TEST. .E.r -ill= III= j ~ 13.ALL COVERS ON TREATMENT UNIT SHALL HAVE LOCKING COVERS 32.5 TRAFFIC BEARING H a" MIN. TRAFFIC LOCATE DROP "T" 1 MIN. SLABSUNDER 2' MAX 3' MIN BEARING TOP-�►- !'a`. 2o•MIN 2o"MIN OPENING FOR ACCESS LEACHING 4" SDR PIPE 1.E. 1.E. : , COLLAR INLET-► 6" SECTIONS MIN. 4" DIA �,; 12" 10" MAINTENANCE CLEAN CUT 32.1' 32.0' " t.y ' �•� "+ APPROVED PIPE 1 -�"OUTLET 1.E. r.,=".� •'� >s 1/4" PER FOOT MIN. PITCH ` "'r ;:; PITCHED Y4" PER FT. 14" BAFFLE r MIN 4" DIA APPROVED / FLOW 31.5 `•''T '''� _ n WALL PIPE PITCHED )6" PER FT �. MIN. 4" DIA. SANITARY PIPE LINE ;• '`'";�'''' ' '� P �'. x 1a" (� r,r, 1/8 PER FOOT MIN. ,,. :^:' ,:-:: SDR 35 ' �..,:.s:i'. .,•.•.: :.�..•:.� 3' MIN 6' MIN PENETRATI❑N $" V� � �_.Cl'N, N . PVC WASTE LINE EL. c a ... • ,�:>��':': INT❑ A VIRGIN r: it's+ _ 4 0' SDR 35 •`• _ '?' '`' ` ' STRATA OF SAND + r ^--- AND GRAVEL ' '" z PROPOSED `'`� ;`":��``"s ,e. j;iR';.ti.;.;'•.` ' HIGHEST RECORDED GROUNDWATER4: A {N HYDRO--ACTION z-`'='r ";: " 8 min. '�:;�:,'•}'... • 'J�, .:. •.;�.:::.;�.::r'•:;`=:.' >• � r.a;:;':"-' ?:>.+r: , :,' BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN SAND AND GRAVEL r� r `"" ' W CONCRETE LEACHING POOL DESIGN AND Po.ECE1VED z t- W 0 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS _ W Z rn 3'-0" MW FEES Q 6 2024 U O N Q rn _ I DEL. 11.6 VINES ON MILL � � o GROUND WATER HIGHEST RECORDED GROUNDWATER [118' DIA X 12' DEEP LEACHING POOLS HIGHEST EXPECTED Southall Town Planning Board � BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN SAND & GRAVEL [118' DIA X 12' DEEP EXPANSION POOLS GROUNDWATER U) CD CD MILL LANE W PUMP/COMPRESSER POWER CIRCUIT NIZA O-+ CB1 120105 MATTITUCK NY o m NOTE : NO CUT OR FILL REQUIRED = G I' HYDRO-ACTION AN-400 DETAIL LEACHING POOL DETAIL Ml r�t PAGE 45 IM +e ve I Ll o--� "" Pl S� ' SPRAY �1 1 • > N WW N --I-- MOTOR/ RATING& SCTM# 1000-115-02-2.003 W PUMP a SANITARY SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE .• CB2 M2 CSR 6 LOOPS I--7/R 15A F.L.A. "` "y�o-'x-c� "` P -----� \PUMP RATINGS, AREA FOR HEALTH U) PUMP 15.0 F @ 115V O S 1 �R �^ N ---,_-_ _MDT❑R 15.o FLA, DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP 1 STORY N . T . J .e'� t N CB3 M3 ro- i,,- \ PRODUCTION \ "" o "" a "` P �� /MIXER PUMP RATINGS- RX vMr l PUMP I 3/4HP @ 115V FERMENTA TION • ' - ON SLAB CONCRETE COLLAR WATER TIGHT FRAME & COVER N - --'� MOTOR/ 15.o F.L.A. n>re ,I �z CB4 FF = 35.0 W APPROVED LOCKING DEVICE COMP RATINGS / /-CONCRETE COVERS TE PLC CONTROL PANEL 7 COMP I 1/4HP @ NG& STOPPER END PLUG & SECONDARY SAFETY LIDS BELOW GRADE /N'BO COMPRESSOR vNr N ------\ MOT❑R / 5.4 F.L.A. FIN/SHED GRADE C � EL. 33.0' EL 33.0' .E. "' 111=11111= _ NOTE, ALL MOTORS Ib MUST HAVE INTERNAL 33.0' , TRAFFIC BEARING N PR TECAD 1 MIN. SLABS171 LRl-01 1"/vR Ml v"r 2' MAX ,u, LRl-Q2 Pnrx/vM M2 ""' 4" SDR PIPE I E .:. :`.:.: E. : .:.:,.. ..�. K/VII A ' 32.0, '~ UNNING CLEAN CUT 32.5 1.E. "'' r :'; LR1-03 1/4" PER FOOT MIN. PITCH 31.5' MIN. 4" DIA. SANITARY PIPE ' r ''r''''`��;'�"'"'`'`. ' G X UNNING SDR 35 ,; �rJ 1/8" PER FOOT MIN. ` : .,,,•: i :.; •" :, 4 4 �; ,e l D .y LRl "" •:-r•:�* " •4' H LRl-Q4 16 PLC INPUT PVC WASTE LINE Y ''`•.'' SDR 35 �! "A•,?'."t; =�., ..t r. ,+�Yk••J '�1....• .t.`.���.+.1 Lel S-1 PINE 16 -O RUN AUD• :*::.::k ...... .'......•:• ._::; "" 5 6 Ile° ALARM 'T,:.r ':':.:. :,�_ .'+;•;p..;:.�.•>::•..;:•: ,+• a HWA MUTE ALF I•',i:r. Vis,' •:w•:Kv T•:r.. •.I;�.:Y,•.y'i,. �•i f1.0 i.:r:'r :> r::.':; :'"•�'`''''=:'''•,: ",;:.; •^ 60 O I ALARM 'i-•`•r: t y;: `•;:�,.,'• :: •..•ti:.} , i':' I IGHT ':t;i�,r..'t :'' "•.:;:: :5 j;.,••.ir :;'r`,;:-r.. "e' "` RED '"" ';.....•.r;t '•. t .. ;:xt' }:::zi"`.�' -:.^; ;`;. ••" ' :`•' DRAWN BY: JF/JP 1.17;'e•>'' :}., •' `�:s':ti';{: ENABLE �' ,,, 4'x 10 Y" 11 PLC INPUT [1] 10' DIA X 16' DEEP LEACHING POOLS BILL OF MATERIALS � VERRID „I DECEMBER 29, 2023 3 w 4 12 PLC INPUT [1] 10' DIA X 16' DEEP EXPANSION POOLS ITEM PIN DESCRIPTION OTY: ��� CSR HA-180053 AN400,245 NITROGEN REDUCTION COMPLETE 1 Kll 1N?0" 14 PLC INPUT A 180052 TANK,PRE/PUMP 400 LEACHING POOL DETAIL I L B 130002 KIT,SING 2 TANK CONNECTING STANDARD 1 TIME DOSE 17 PLC INPUT CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK C 100110 ASSEMBLY,RE-CIRCULATION 245 COMPLETE 1 1LU DEMAND SCALE: AS NOTED 2 EL. 11.6' D AN400-P AN400 W/PLATFORM COMPLETE 1 GR$UPd$-V TER E EC50.30-L-80-PLC OPS,ECSO.30-L-80-PLC 1 SPRAY m-- 18 PLC INPUT HIGHEST EXPECTED NOTESI FLOAT SWITCH TO BE RATED 2 AMP AT 120V MINIMUM, HIGHEST RECORDED GROUNDWATER GROUNDWATER MAIN PANEL DISCONNECT MUST BE PROVIDED BY INSTALLER, SHEET NO: BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN SAND & GRAVEL W1 BI DASHED LINES INDICATE ITEMS NOT CONTAIN IN THE PANEL. WI NOTE NO CUT OR FILL REQUIRED REQUIRED TORQUE FOR TERMINAL BLOCK SCREWS IS 16 In-lbs, FIELD WIRING MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 60'C COPPER WIRE. CHANGES TOLERANCES DRAWN BY DATE PROCESS WASTE SEPTIC SYSTEM PRO F DECIMALS C.a1RRICK I u/3A6 SCHEMATIC, ELECTRICA E A"*210 MATERIAL SPECIFICATION C FRACTIONAL C , N1 2 N . T . AN400 243 NITROGEN REDUCTION SYSTEM COMPLETE ---- SEPTIC PRODUCTS INCIMC B ANGLES AS NOTED FULLI'ART 120105 ' 4PP"nven m UONATIM wm Ilw. PART A X."*IrE' hYi,-L ctyod 03/31/17 0 HA-180053 VACANT ------------- W I � I a y NO WELLS I I PROPOSED - LEES 3 rTzi�rrTz'r 1 6 33.9 SERVICE / 5 -- ,<� 171,419' _ 2"WATER " v 32'36" F RPZ / W W -W �W - __ - 33.5 380.0 �. FXIS TIN�r ELECTRIC 32.8BOX a I -•..-.... '' - W W W y/ -- _-- SERVICE / s srnooie i .. ..:`;,`:. E WT W W - - E E E I E W E-f�E W W W W � Q GATE x32.8 32_ E E UTIUTY J / a �, jfj7{,,:-f I \ PROPOSED x34.2 PDIE I Bxs I e•`-.Y. *"G�i 1 2��WATER E > F- I sEcnCTANrc I ': •�:'''�•":�:!":,� _#'� I R / LLI `l��<- ^^ F^T.:w I SERVICE ,----__-iice� TER w z Q I so'uPOHID I _".}-.';,';�f":E•�:`3 -.i I `ii UM 5 / I -- IA.�.: ":: •:F ELECTRIC x31.6 Mdva� g F 33 TR H 3 L- 1134d� GRA�`0' x34.3 32.4 x 30.8 / Q N1�- V x33a ;T-''- co M' SERVICE i.•...,.....,,........., --J Z J 11- I / xTsIDEEP P6.0. oa 4 22 21 2p ig 18 1� 16 15 14 13 1 � //N,II /pe 1 1 1VlAr SCALE:NTS Q Q - ACCESSIBLE I 1 I W / � PARKING I EXISTING c) h /= Z ,0`�IAP' --- - 2 I I BE REMOVED N Q O /2 TEST HOLE DATA Q IIDEEP - 1 S VI I I Q NOT To SCALE) (n I A O E I I I Sx 6 L� x� 70 11 72 x30.6 ° o-0/� 12/19/2023 I 3'x3'CGNCRETE ;:40x PER.X E ATION JnL I�nrI x03 x3 ` I� /,t� DEORaR PUMP 50'X =�y,200 SF V l u l I _-- NOCONTROLs NS L- I 3133.2 / Q ELEV. = 33.5' 1 33.5 L-___ _� Q 2� / 0 5, OL DARK BROWN LOAM 35A x /��.c / W i 1STORV EXISTING WATEREXISTING `1 / CL BROWN SANDY CLAY Q 3.0' FRAME BARN STORAGE "-' QG �� SERVICE / ON60' 2,340 SF 3q.. ._ I •:: N ON SLAB ?o• a �3> Cf UTILITY I FF 34.5' ,.::' ._'1:.]_..<].:t GRASS a' Ery R \. GR '� 31. POLE / SP BROWN FINE SAND QVENT LINE TERRACE I x 2�>' 0�2 IR,b.. W 3 W/ W Z / 8.0 Ix331 _ Le F___ _ _ I DO�RE'E rym� W� SC BROWN CLAYEY SAND z o.o' j HO x33 x33.1 LP h S I �3&2 33b gbl o E O 32.] x }��p Bn' I I CONNE CAL E P 1 CG •�� C. I TIGN IN X�- E • BOUARDs \ 2' 2 x3 /� 3'nD CGNCRETE I I coNDur •1 EPS; AD ISE IR PUMP s SM BROWN FINE SAND 3 IN coNTROLs •X32.7 NR LINE y��GATE",/� BOLLARDS -/ ENT UNE '/ FE2iW 3 I I I 31 I _ v 23,0' ELEV 11.6' _ I I IT BF CTION 3aZ GRASS xY.S P, w AN400 LP NR LINE nn L-____ _J 32.B x x3L6 �% LL -:8 DIA o No WATER ENCOUNTERED 33 .12 DEEP ELECTRICAL /� •' coNNEcnoN IN n 9 TEST WELL #S5-3324.1 W z (I W-x325--- __ -- _-- ---- H coNouIT HEGW 2010-04-19 = ELEV. F- 11.26' o 2 N 16'32'36" W N ooncTloN BAS CATCH ELEVATIONS ensEo ON Navo (lase) WC o AN 31.8 380.00'0.A. S w EDGE OF PAVEMENT Mo FOUN r VINES ON MILL o MILL MILL LANE w x MATTITUCK,NY = o BE 2 AVEMENT unuTr BE LDING REMOVE SCTM#1000-115-02-2.003 d B- BE REMOVED LLI a POLE AREA FOR HEALTH (1) SITE PLAN x '°'a SITE DATA DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP SCALE'1'-2D' NOTE: SITE AREA: PRODUCTION WINE MAKING NO SURFACE WATERS WITHIN 300 FEET GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ZONE 4 USAGE: 750gpd 2.06acres OR 89,733.6sf NO WELLS WITHIN 150 FEET SCTM #: 1000-115-02-2.003 SEPTIC TANK: 750 x 2 = 1,500gallons SUPPLY: 8'dia x 5' liquid depth = 1,500gallons PROPOSED BUILDING AREA: EXISTING: 11,012sf LEACHING PROPOSED: 10,259.00sf 750gallons / 1.5 = 500sf ALLOWABLE SANITARY FLOW (DENSITY) USE: ALLOWABLE FLOW FOR SITE = 600gpd/acre [1] 10'dia X 16'deep L.P. 600gpd/acre x 2.06acres = 1,236.00gpd allowed [1] 10'dia x 16'deep E.P. SEWER DISPOSAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS HOUSE FERMINTATION BUILDING = 4,200sf x 0.04gpd = 168.Ogpd 4 BEDROOM X 110gal/br = 440gpd DRAWN BY JL JP STORAGE BARN = 2340sf x 0.04gpd = 93.6aod HYDROACTION AN400 = 440gpd TOTAL: 261.68 pd DECEMBER 2,9,2023 dKE LEACHING: ' SEWER DISPOSAL DESIGN [1] B'dia x 12' deep LP TANK = HYDROACTION AN40D = 440gpd [1] 8'dia x 12'deep EP SCALE'.AS Nor6o s LEACHING: sNEET No. �PEssa�"' 261.6gpd / 1.5 = 174.4sf PROVIDE: [1] LP B'dia x 12'deep II [1] EP B'dia x 12'deep CONCRETE w o rts oaee�i as ex,„vm: COGUR 24" STOPPER ENO .,,,r,.,�r ,raosasvoxeL ExxxEEa oa AUG aEcs.Eaaonar:xrtEcr re•r,a=ee���ar v HOUSE E EC. C �� PANEL RISER R C04ER LOCKING COVER DETAIL FleER✓aAr exxxwerw�,.o Mv,r N.T.S. PACWNG �.,y,e,wu<a�on?se�„°er.ewne,e ee gem av-er.,°�.ery eee ex�u°mmeereeee,�eerc,roeeen wL svRnvx[ ear ,wr aecv�/r yT Hvee mxraEssm Of SEWER PIPE m e,r a ui (TYWGAG) PVC PIPE DJON nm as ww'y'vui LY 3B SOR J5 1111-1111I.-I T-1 1111111, CONTROL PANEL & AIR PUMP ELEVATION u��innc ur nwc Ta scPTlc M�f•P�PD Hyp FROM DIIELLINC TANK / d the I'1 2 STORY Ol.80°PVC WYE p iD PVC LL 4 BEORM HOUSE ADAPTOR HOUSE CONCRETECOLUR WATERRCHTfRAAEdCOWRR• e�ner�emlo,:�ee�me�ev�emn�a.naa_r,vee,a.vima,ae°mavan.nenrreerromAu.,oreopre,e UJrDRwcmW usn � > F.F.F.34.0' W/AWRD`h➢LDWNG DEMO= CLEAN OUT DETAIL Y sTCPPER END PWG UDS MORE cowls ELECTRIC RISER DIAGRAM z g o d EECOUMY SUETY FINISHED GRADE BELOW TRADE JE EL, EL 33.0' N.T.S. N.T.S. eeweei aeeer�mara ON 11 1'MIN. iRNRC BEIftlNG N 2'MAX &IHS C 3R RPE I.E. I.E. pFlN aB 32.1' 32.0' 1/4"PER FOOT MIN,PITCHFLOW MIN.4"DIA.SANITARY PIPE SDR 21S LINE IARNCWASffiUNE SINGLE UNIT CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK Z E Q, 'OR 35 "•. L,y}� �12 0' PROPOSED HACDBN8'min. agq:y3ai��Yy:� r,x. era..mR e,ee mem a e e•ae�.er a P1F400 y+.-gD-HED-DE% �Y'ti.".�"i.".•s': "._ cwER TO 6RAH[ exxa axswceox mxs GROUND WA1ER T EL.11.6' J (f]HIGHEST e'0/A 1Y'—LEACHING POOLS HIGHEST EXPECTED L TXB[-.'!'.EW a c BACKFlLL MATERIAALL TTO O BE GROUNDWATER (D CLEAN SANG&GRA— H'DIA X 12'DEEP EXPANSION POOLS GROUNDWATER �r.xa.o,.r or,au.xar�r,rvo.xa_.,rr_.��uv.r�ar.anau.or aa.r.x.aa._a_n.x cux u NOTE:NO CUT OR FILL REOUIRED HYDRO-ACTION AN-400 ❑ETAIL LEACHING POOL DETAIL ®®®®® _asxus_eawanss�rax�E.uan_.vn�.a..,rxv aax.._ssaxEw,vauvo Dflv HOUSE SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE ®®®02 ®® RJ ®® � xxa,..bra . U ® 1 STORY N.T.S ® nn�, x axE.aa .xEwxxr,xx� a.m...xxx E,n noxa PRDDUcnOv �TA RM ON SL``U9 CONCRETE COLLAR Ci � v c FF=35.0' WATER TIGHT FRAME&COVERy xuvr Durr uo W/WMOVID LOQQNG NCE x OPPER END PLUGd CONOVER GRADE � Dxsxm sxAnE ,, xo 9ECGNDARY SAFETY UDS FlNISHED GRADE BpOW DRADE iE m% y I.E. EL 33.D' EL 33.0' C. 'r x YxAx os.x.E,� so�ra�v sEo a.,srea.�. ,•, ^,b� xro .,e. ,�� mi ey s 32.5' uiK i MIN 1RARIC BEAANB rx vL W,ER>arv.a�,n,an.,.nrtsrau xa,-ra:wn,co.aaz Qom. Y MIX.IReFFlc l mic�T - 2'MAX LH:ACHIN(; e sBP FEB I.E. I.E. .. ... c.�,,. SECTIONS P. BUM CUT 32.1' 32.0' � ariEr 1/4"PER FOOT MIN.PITCH FLOW 318.5' P11O�KM.FT. M�4IA MIN.4"DIA.SANITARY PIPE UNE ' #"' > xrzxm W r[n pF NEN. w SDR 35 1/B"PER FOOT MIN. p'�GrscNp Hp EL PW WASTE UNE i `."'a; ...(: 12-0' s[� M sG � SDR 35 FRA® v`R HmrEsr x[cvm '�GNAY6EL HxxaAcna IAND e'mm. ;r�.• NATERlx rD HE a VEL oES N 4w ; ' - W z o CO N CR I:'I-Ir LI:ACHIN(.POOL DI_'SIGN AND II - N^` 0 T V CONSTRUCTION DETAILS MIN v U QHIGHEST EXPE O INc GRWNO WATER "-HIWEST RECORDED GROUNDWATER J (1]H'DIA X 12'DEEP LEACHING POOLS v GROUNDWATERC�D VINES ON MILL � O BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN SAND&GRAVEL [118'DIA X 12'DEEP EXPANSION POOLS MILL LANE w X NOTE:NO CUT OR FILL REQUIRED oH� IE!olas MATTITUCK,NY = o m HYDRO-ACTION AN-400 DETAIL LEACHING POOL DETAIL SCTM#1000-115-02-2.003 w B_ 4--c� SANITARY SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE ex '�;�Q_____w- x�„P�.u��, AREA FOR HEALTH O 1STORY N.T.S. Q , ;t. DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STAMP PRODUCTION 0I CONCRETE �ruxr W"P FERMENTATION 0 CONCRETE COLLAR FF=35.0' WARR TMM FRAME&COwi •'" PEER END PLUG W/0——NG DEWCE DCNCREIE COw2S �y^T�1_. d SECONDARY SAfEMY UDS BELOW(RADE �xr FlNISHED GRADE EL 33.0' I.E. ELT 33.0'_ - 33.0' 1RAFAC BEA NO I'ON. SLABS 2'MAX 4"SDR PIES I.E. ....,.. CLEW OTT32.5I.E. 32.0' 1/4"PER FOOT MIN.PITCH I.E. •"*"Y2'�H` MIN.4"DIA.SANITARY PIPE SDR 35 1118"PER FOOT MIN. - PVC WASTE UNE SDR 35 •H'_ .-y �-iw„5 DRAWN BY:JF/JP la (IJ 10'DIA X 16'DEEP LEACHING POOLS BILL OF MATERIALS DECEMBER Z9,2023 (iJ 10'MA X i6'DEEP EXPANSION POOLS F'� CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK LEACHING POOL DETAIL x xnxe SCALE.AS NOTED GRByNB-WgiER EL.11.8' nr° .` awr HIGHEST EXPECTED `HIGHEST RECORDED GROUNDWATER GROUNDWATER 1101 BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE CLEAN SAND&GRANEL y1 el SHEET NO NOTE:N0 CUT OR FILL RE0WRE0 PROCESS WASTE SEPTIC SYSTEM PROFILE Pw¢ _ cclIlEl HENATICE ELECTRICA n N.T.S. — L Jul— ULL eoms MANHOLE DETAIL }-} Nm xa, x«ses- hk m i .STm. O ami asv, �. ,xx.er xen a, d 7 ��� OOmmmO G IIID D 9m® sTovr xmnxc b - C. . CURB INLET DETAIL owx......,..x., mxoart sue Nuxz. T GOm V r U) LU 7 Ota = ,rwcxixoaxo '^ c.Ta x.sN �5.�x.auux a rs ixorc 6 O o J } LLJ CURB `DLLJ 0 3 SLAB DETAIL CUl\ DETAIL v o 1 a SCALE:NTS Q 1i�pical Section @ Leaching Pool Q STANDARD PRECAST CONCRETE CATCHRASIN Scab:NTS Q 4X4 - T icc (s FEET TO 20 FEET IN Dram) G a r--------------- 31.6 -- -- :.:.:;.•;:.:,_...�5�:.7(l'� 16-32'36" 33.9 fir.. _: FEt 7- - 3" x 33.5 380.00z >_ost5� A.�EFXX 1 ':�( jv�A: rci"tar. I - naT .S.T INC; 32.8 Ti34.1 I < � '::. YB ]J',.,a-`•Y.3 I x6'+.9 1 ::•f�.:):�- ,;=:'..,'.1... I �n x34.3 .6 it 355 u32.B�11 x32.3 UTILITY 32.3 •'}:•'•5' 1:' I \ / x34.2 C 3T POLE STER I .:• 3 x316 �ry DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS REV. II I p3 xmb L..-�� .. .2'•.'rf.'.<..,.,.'.., GRAO, >C>5 x34.3Tc 5T 324x D.AxS 30.8 BUILDINGS -J / 21 2p Frame House-1560 sfx2"=260 cf260 d/42.22 WILE 4 22 / 19 18 )7 76 15 14 730 t Q AUse(1)8foot diameter x 8 foot deep dry well(DVI) ACCESSIBLE w ( IFermentali.1 ProduClion-lo.110'=5500 sfx 2'=916.7 cf 916.7c142.22=21.1 LF PARKING u 2 B Use(2)6I dia x 12 feel deep _ Y c Nz l is x03 Q Metal Barn-2340 sf x 2"=397.8 cf 397.8142.22=9.42 If o pN.NRB I O UCTION 2 (,�O 3 5 6 O C Use(2)8 fool dia x 6 foal deep ? O TC 3Z I ,4.0x FER ENTATION II S? iC 3A5 7 8 9 1� �� �2 x30.6 /y W (T 2 50'X =4,200 SF rVS Illi '�J3, x x3 K = W O C 34.1 c•� r, © tl.PB I O NS B - } \ 33.2 =33.5 PARKING lJ Q a D Z Ti 32 35U x Z ca a1 aim Q Roadway-25'x260'-6590 sf x2"=1083 cf 1083 cf/42.22=35.431f ca EO /yY DUse(3)B fl diaxl2 fool deep DW W �) I 1 STORY EXISTING \\ O �l = O I .•_< _ East Parkin Area-200'x 44'=8,800 sf x 2"=1496 cf 1496 Cf/42.22=46.2 LF O m FRAME BARN STORAGE \ O �O 9 B, 60'X39'=2,340 BE _.x:33, \\ E Use(3)8 foot die x 12 foal deep DW o_ O ON SLAB Via, b' ?J� UTILITY w li N FF=34.5' '.''.: GRASSOy R ��- West Parking area-170'x45'=7650 sf x 2"=1275 CF 1275 cf/42.22=30.3 LF (n OR 39 O 31x6 POLE (v F Use(3)8 foot dia x l2 foot deep DW (V VENT LINE TERRACE, x �Jy µOQ-� S• D I x 333 COIR ry�� WALKWAYS&TERRACES ©� x33,1 x33.0 831.)5 r Is S I x333 E 31.5 ,7 W><Qgo -rep West of Buildings=2860 sf x2"=476.6 cf 476.6 cf/42.22=11.3 LF x332 x336 ASF 4Z4 O4V0. G use(1)8 foot dia x 12 foot deep DW �O' x TC 3R 3375 1 A TC 2' rr x3 OO p / n75 QJ '� East Crush Pad&Terrace=5500 sf x2"=916.7 cf 916.7042.22=21.7 LF Use(2)8 foot cis x 12 faat deep I y �GATE� Q 3 3 GRASS O Utility rUse(2)8 foot di x 12foot deep 5s37.5 cf 937.5cf/42.22=22.2 LF 332 .31 H USE(4)8 foot did x 12 foot deep 1c 33 1C 33 S3Bc 32.8 u u 31.6 0•/ l� 2 � 9 aaalaL DUNz CATCH DRAWN BY JF/JP N 16-32'36'1 WBASIN EDGE OF PAVEMENT 3�O.00zO.A.• 31.6 S FOUN DECEMBER Z9,2023 MO 7 MILL SCALE AS NOTED AVEMENT UTILITY SHEET NO. 2 POLE SITE PLAN 3D.4 O3 SCALE t'=20' S 18 3��l 21-71, I it ..............I J..I I..J...I I . . . . . I I I I I I . . . . . . . . . . i I J ....... LAND',T : : : : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,I,I I I I............ _1��Fo` / VINES . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ... �S F_ I i i . . . I I I I I t 1 DENGN I ulF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p!T�E�J110IJ21 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ". : . (I. N.W PICOI. A I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (AP�JEJT.�JNIE:.4GINIR�U�TJJF[q) —J CW MILL 3 i ... I I I I I I I I I I 11111111111 1 1 . I I I I I I I I I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i i i i . . . . . . . . I I I I I I I I I I I I Gl- 16505 MAIN RD ILE"1*EIRI ....ITECTURE D-GIN,ELLC MATTITUCK, NY 11952 11 7: 7 7:-=7:7 ... ..7 r-= . ... .7:7 2'�2 e . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �1��HETTI,PE. MARPf" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.N W+�Ikld:4: IN-FORC)ANDREGS ENGINEERING,FFLLG . . . . . . . SYMBOLS 5,"';4,: ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 'PJAC)p Er-OPDAI At kIdH-`Cj ....... 'Tcrr'j"�,,N'Nl�WS� Abf ICUL Jta)l i i i : : : : : I I I I;;;;;;;; : : : : : : : I i i i i i , ,,, I I 1 1 41�41 ....... .. +Afl�11 IT4 L�T 21 1,1) 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COWMN GRID LINE V . . . . . . . . 011— . . . . . . . . ............. i i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROOM NUMBER iv GO It . . . . . . . GETEL TAG -------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------ --------------------------------------------------—----- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ELEPATCO TAG --------------------------------------------------------- ig--.- <�'>K x x ------- --- -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ----------------—-----------------------------—------ ------------------------------------------- ----------------—-----------------------------—------ -—----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- X TITLE DRAWING G SCALE ------------------- rx'4 ----------------—-------------------------------------- �A CCALE 1 4-1-G NORTH —--—-- SHEET NOTE M LL F,7 EEE��. S) 77,77- -------------- ------------------lS2,Ejj----------------------------------- ------------------ --------------- ------- ----------- ---------- --- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZZ -:-----------—-------- ------------------------- G11,,FCG,AlFhiSlLull Dlllql PUTS ------------—---- Ll ---------- ----------—-----=-=-----------------:-:---------------- ------------------------- -------- --------:-:_:-------—----------:---:-------------------------------- 2C ---------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- REFERENCE CIRCLE IUFRIAP.l ------------------------------ -- ------------::::::------------------::::------- ---------------—--------------------—----------------------- -----—--------------------------- -------- - ----- -------------------- -Z�iv=z 7 E-H-----:::-------------------- ---------- ----------—------ ...... alaEiU9) DATUM ------------ ------------ --------------- .777--------------------—----------- -------------------PAi- --------------—--------- ----------------------------------- -------------——771P-------------------------- --------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- DIMENSION CENTERUNE --------------------------------- ------------ -----------::::-------- ------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------ -- ---------------- ALIGN -----—---------------------- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ?YE jl� ------ jo�LL SITE =##= TM2 C2 N I 5-Cl o IN SCOPE OF RKARK I I PC INILNIEA Dw wAft LIST OF DWGS LOCATION PLAN NTS ABBREVIATIONS _j SHEET NUMBER SHEET TITLE R R,I-t, Ell ART A IGNITC cD"fi,'OE' FA FA A MH M D,d STRL ll"'bj.I VINES ON MILL TITLE SITE PLAN lmllu- ED FIT Ell MIPM 165D5 MAIN RD A-000.00 O'll AIR,Fi,[,l Fl- SAINT CHIP, "'p, A W/ AAGR� A11111111 IGRR� ED Fl-A-, GL S REF It= sw '.111 — A, MATTITUCK,NY 11952 FIN 'Fuld1fill N— RN"j 1111,CSID—- — . A-OD1.OD SITE PLAN PROPOSED APPROX AII INTA FE `,�E,C OR AFF" MOM P— CITI ISAFE—TE', T-11 RAF w, Mth,,l SLASH —FO FE C, Fl,�E�fi,q-h., GFR Gyp"r, N- TO T-P Ef Gllb 'Zt' T�R, H,lllhPll AACE DBL I A CH I A A-111.00 FLOOR ROOF PLAN ELEVATIONS EFFOR FEET DIPIt-lt FIN� F,sh IT 0 H,11�.C,b EEIIED T WTr SET Ru C-dPN DrFr 'Al"ll FL, Fl- HDRIA I El C,I-, GFII T'Gr To,, d FC- RAW %IV� F 1. 1- ED H- ED THI — ELKIl Gl.kng DIA D,-I., F IT� OFF 11"0, A 0 RD,,,h 0 m TO T,p d P--t TITLE DEVELOPMENT F. 3- ART D,-Aw PC C F.,�f C LONG H""F'AI I'PO, D111 11 1P,E, - LED TMI,t PIP,,DIlplllll EOUlp, Eq,,p.,,t SITE PHF SELL- DIS' DNp— FrO F F- f Fh,h HE H- 1pl� DID,d, SO 1.d- I _l' HII IT I—I _ . 5 D[ T I TIP Df.11 FORT�,_f IISIL OF lEll T-1 EQ Ell, ISAL 1—lE Ell,OplllR IIT Ill- DR D �AAB� LL�=, PLAI CCD�Slll-1 D, HR— NORT PER "'EOP, DRRO D-mg, F F F,,,,, PL.. IF Sh,lf ALL G"t EA� E�Eh LAV L-1, PC 11HIl S-d�l -C vl�cP.PPl t�'T A ITS, CRI'g A-000.00 t H, ""'D' Fll C-1,Ill 1111,11 LT Llh' F-I'�'P-ll M—r, P T A/C F-C Ill F,FlPll 11.1 S M S- VOM SITE LIGHTING SCNEDULE VINES ON MILL RVIN IN RNR LEGwO L—R, uM OLTnGE(vl ; f0mlREIMxGE NOM MAP NO 10.—JR,rvv 11952 BUILo1 u5E 'low REQUIRED aR E%ISTING ZONING. MVAVIREA RaL(P[I Iu(RDI nxG B 1,630 5ro 1630 FaMILV RESIDENCE- B RES(FS>336f sf) %LI N. u]R 12 NIGH N1A Nona 3000 120.220 3ZW iRW Da%5%YEaPVROVED D[vELOVM vROProTAt 3,360 Sf 5.1,630Y NB IOFN[F Esc I.s T. «Zp3osf 600135' PRODUORG"ERMEN 6Dx310' S,20D D 00 50 oiPxo�u 0 1 16 •; 26on5T3R.6=1D. t—D. RIDE ON AREAL/2DD5F1 VIRIUD D Wu W"Y aRDLU.%TU?' BK% D3DDD 0 DW 05 FBDD D RDNiYaCOD128016 NESTRET D` 5p6DTOTAL PARNIG PID-111 CNE11 0111 —E GLEN;O'EN ARCHET DESEGNI VLLQ x13 MDU 0.2w PAS Do-N(" D3000 120 33 1ER FREIl EO GIVIL[rvcINEE3R m etgdnpUenenu�mpnny.w JOSEPH EISOHETTI,PE. OIIACDRO AN REWS ENGINEERINGOPLLC -97'.'.....'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'`'. a iiwn MERGE LOT LINE POROUS ASPHALT PAVEMENT -.:..�.x 115.-2-2.3 WITH PARCEL II (115:2-24&115.-2-3.2) LOADING AREA 3:":":":":":":":": Po THE PRO ED ....3,39.................. CRT MERGER ..'................ .......................... .... .. ... ..............'.'.................. .... . IS SUBJECT 3I — _ $T.]D' TO PLANNING 33S 9'BOA —�'�—�------ RDAPPROVAL l � oa�.exls*INciiiiiii✓✓✓✓:!'✓`'' :':3$E�':.. 1 - CRUSH F�.D �\3.!AT /x IdAPL \ ..`..... ....L.1..'.'.'.'.'.' . . .. UTILITY ' \ , .............. GRASSii :..:.:.:.:...... ' ...:.:':.:.:.: PALE CONCRETE x341 I Y PERMEABLE UR4, 7Ef2 I CONCRETED VER 4,a x31,6 7R H'.' 3.4 x '' .'. 23�4 22 21 20 19 18 17 N NORTH G I/ / GRASS IST RY I WIN RY PRO - CONCRETE PER ATION K z OQ ggqGGG666 �}} 5,201 SF CON 2 C 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 3 h N 'c b e ecwre&o�3n aLI�� o 40 341 zzz �33.1 � 2 1 PERiIEABLE \ (� '1 x CONCRETE PAVEQ x]351 *339 35'0" v GRASS . g' k � 33UTILITY TO oam rvx rva eawo veesaxs POROUS x .- - 3 .. - ASPHALT CONCRETE / '�R D P R YP a 3]6 POLE PAVER 3 9 GR 2 PAVEMENTI ..... ... .. .. JI .. 4 6 POROUS TERRACE aN � - ASPHALT COIT-REE I � R� '+]33. .' _ � 1 PAVEMENT j p z 133' .. ""V`" E N�� 'f �N v @la 3 2 J.6 .... 1 A OW wAm G D- GATE :'. '... .'.'.'.'.....'........:' GRASS s/ff r:` .... 332x -----ii'r VINES ON MILL .NaPJe.'.... `3.................... GRAB 165105 �- � �:/ ss' 16505 MAIN RD '.'f'.iR`E`.`.`.`.`.`.`.`.... MATTITUCK,NV 71952 ................................. y BASIN ,L:. ti MEET 117E &J QO OSA�.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'...'....�. J b SITE PLAN Nio t........" 0 100 EDGE or PAVEMENT � ................. .... PROPOSED oncreere APRON ONCR APRON 5'-10"EDGE OEEDGE OE PA MENT MILL AVEMENT UTILITY SITE PLANPOLE SCALE: PRO�PQSE6 9U o�cA•0y 019m. 00 e E NRw°� rvn � MHO GLEN CO EN IIE" O oElGN,vLLc L' m izeee jc�3 os ue✓✓rorerc.rvs ioois e�'9d�©Ja�a�rvwmi.n�v.wm PRODUCITON WEST JOSEPHI'l V I SCHLE.3132=1-0 JOSEPH FISCHETTI,PE. D-N-P ANDREGS ENGINEERING,PLLC - - .ruc.a.a a licca a f �e✓rcmrc PRODUCTION SOUTH NORTH 5 E3 2 , OO 00O 3 . . O U 00 m 2o23�m n✓✓ o��gn aac eon ao oor� 5 O O V 3 —__ — — — --------- ----- ��eeo�ee�9e�= OnvNV �� L23osaELLE PRODUCTION NORTH 4 _ALE 332=,.-0. IARIEL �� 3zai F Ulu 0l Dw wAm Ilml ul ® ��*I[MU � ul ID UA � Ul 113U� IDUH � Ul 0 a� ET" 0 ID Ull" ou IE" 0VINES ON MILL ® Ull an ® � 0 16505 MAIN RD I MATTITUCK,NV 11952 z emne ----------z----------- SfEf 117E FLOOR ROOF PLAN nIm ELEVATIONS �P aA�ry er sm O� RODCOEAST OCaE,r32 �o J PLAN, SM1 ¢ 01 ile A-111.00 9�aF NEWyG i rva MANHOLE DETAIL CAST IRON INLET FRAME & SOLID t"THICK REINFORCED CONCRETE GRADE COVER T4 GRADE. TRAFFIC BEARING SLAB 74"CIAMETER -- COMPACTED RCA BLE' COMPACT ROAD DND.. GRATE b FRAME ON CAST IRON INLET L6� I {^ BLE BRICK MAY 8E USED TO REINFORCED, 4,004 PSI E3 � TYPICAL CURB INLET CAST --•w TRAFFIC BEARING _E IRON GRATE do FRAME TO CONCRETE SLAB SURFACE ELEVATION A 36" d MAXIMUM OF 12 INCHES. 4 REINFORCED 4,000 PSI N!6 d . PRECAST CONCRETE ZD {• 6" CATCH BASIN f PRECAST C-ONCRETE a r STANDARD STEPS G NI114 N EY 6" I - 4 •St 1 r. I• . re1'::i ' 'h•7'=YT •y"i 4.9 S { .. f .. Y. . yw V I - a III ® ® ® a MIN, E"BEDDING I�f�l- n STONE REDOING 4 S ®® o • ®®®® 1 a'TRAFFIC BEARING C CURB INLET DETAIL " ©� = DRAINAGE PIPE,TYPICAL CAST IRON CURB INLET Ll�lf REINFORCED, 4,000 PSI GRADE GRATE & FRAME. TRAFFIC BEARING _ 10'DWAEMxq'DEEP CONCRETE SLAB _ BRICK MAY BE USED TO 013 PRECAST CONCRETE REINFORCED 4,000 PSI i ,. . -I -. ADJUST CURB INLET CAST d ®® _ LEACHING RING, �n PRECAST CONCRETE +• `2 fi= IRON GRATE dt FRAME TO CATCH BASIN SURFAC C ELEVATION A 12 48" MAXIMUM OF 12 INCHES. ®® 9' MIN. FROM 5'-0` =11111 z 6" TD 2O'-0" = GLEAM SAND& ,» . W C z z GRAVEL FILL• GROUND Q z Q (� J "i- 'WATER O J SLAB DETAIL T MIN_ 6" WASHED T-VMIn. ,a �-oI� .I.. Tr,"MIn. CLEAN$ANDA W W � STONE SEDDING GR'I`mMLL. 26" CUIX-13 DETAIL } REINFORCED TRAFFIC 6 " , 6" BEARING CONCRETE SLAB SCALE: NTS z NOTE: THICKNESS AND REINFORCEMENT FOR SOIL + .AND TRAFFIC LOADING BY r -60"-+•� AN ENGINEER TcalSectionAchill Pool J It! STANDARD PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH BASIN Scalls: NTS (4'X4' - T IC(71 (5 FEET TO 20 FEET IN DEPTH) Q TC 34 �- _ _ -_ - - - - - 7�� I TC 35.5 TC 34I i ... . I 3 3.9 31.6 S'7:.70. 171 16 3 2►3 6 ►► E r' C { 419 .. T Viz' +,• R TC 35 ..:� TC 3 . -7 _ - - 3 3.5 3 8 0 �� ��'o �,'�' , 1 fF. x 00 A I 1 I; •,.' - - TC 33 STING 32.8 •I . 1 34.1 I 4 "�' �:''.• ':.I i ® -- - -- - TC 32.5_ x ' .... :; 3.9 x 34:3 .6 - I 1 ._l, ,`::.`: .: ::...: :.,�`'•.:; .� GATE • j ' ' y' / TC 35.5 x 3 2.8 TC 33 x 323 3 UTILITY x LI TY :. . 1 '• •� • .. { 32.3 :, ' .• ! /� x34.2 TC 32 I 1;• '',: 1 I . 1 POLE I .11. •° •.• A V ER UM ST - 1 • : • ' ' °�.: r: :�. C . 9 x x 31.6 T H DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS REV. I 3 - _ _ .:. ;X33r .% •''r'' '.�_. G TC 34.5 32.4 x 34.3 CURB 30.8 x 33:6 _ _ TC 35 INLET I / J TC 33 TC 31.5 66 BUILDINGS 4 22 21 20 19 18 1 Frame House - 1560 sf x 2" = 260 cf 260 cf/42.22 = 6/1 LF I 7 16 15 14 13 @ �/ A Use (1) 8 foot diameter x 8 foot deep dry well (DW) I ACCESSIBLE 1 1 W PARKING C 34 Fermentation/ Production - 50'x 110' = 5500 sf x 2" = 916.7 cf 916.7cf/42.22 = 21.7 LF 2 TC 34 C 33.5 M J B Use (2) 8 ft dia x 12 foot deep , TC 33. N Q } 1S Y f 0 RECEIVED � z CURB 1 TC 33 Q" Metal Barn - 2340 sf x 2" = 397.8 cf 397.8/42.22 = 9.42 If ~ w p INLET x O UCTION 2 3 5 6 7 8 17 0 C Use (2) 8 foot dia x 6 foot deep FEB 0,f 2024' ~ z 0 TC 32 1 4.0 FER ENTATION 9 10 x 30.6 ►_ TC 34.5 11 12 GR `� L_...._ _ W _ Nt 50 X - 4,200 SF '�33. x 31 SS o Southold Town = Z LO O x C N S AB 1 34.1 x 33:5 TC 33 o Q PARKING Planning Board W 0 N © CURB 33.2 ( � _I I INLET F = 5.O' D Z �✓ Q (� C Ln TC 32 .: '' ' co Z x 33. x.33,9 CD 4.5 35.0 x TC 34 CURB Q• Roadway - 25'x260'= 6500 sf x2" = 1083 cf 1083 cf/42.22=35.43 If .- _O \ INLET E D Use 3 8 ft dia x 12 foot dee DW > I \ TC 33 TC 32 O ( ) p LO (0 (0 0 U_ x 1 STORY EXISTING \ East Parkin Area- 200' x 44' = 8 800 sf x 2" = 1496 cf 1496 cf/42.22= 4 = O \ 0 g 6.2 LF O m FRAME BARN STORAGE - \ E Use 3 8 f o O ( ) foot dia x 12 foot dee DW 60'X39'= 2,340 SF � p a � .• x•33.� \ � �o• ?3 N ON SLAB :. ?o CES o UTILITY W a GRASSTIC IV R �- West Parking area - 170'x45' = 7650 sf x 2" = 1275 CF 1275 cf/42.22= 30.3 LF (n I FF = 34.5' \ POLE 34.5 x 31.6 F Use 3 8 foot dia x 12 foot dee DW (v VENT LINE TERRACE 4 GR S 33 2,3�, ?9 x 3 .9 `(/ ( ) p O 0 \ Co RFTD ��0�� s x 33.1 _ ---_____ SFR E (V - - N CO gReO�^ WALKWAYS & TERRACES 1 x 33:3 x 33.1 x 33.0 TC 34.75 TC �N � E 34.5 TC 34 32.7 x � J �� � - `0 Ep West of Buildings = 2860 sf x2"= 476.6 cf 476.6 cf/42.22 = 11.3 LF 1 x 33:2 x 33:6 Zo 4. Q CONC. G use (1) 8 foot dia x 12 foot dee DW LO�� x 3 3 TOP OF p CASTING TC � � TC 32 O 33.75 11� /A 33.75 3�?" 8 x 32 �, O 11 / �� 3 x 32.7 East Crush Pad & Terrace = 5500 sf x2"= 916.7 cf 916.7cf/42.22 = 21.7 LF 1 � � GATE // Use (2) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep 3 3 1 3 GR SS Utility road - 25'x225 = 5625sf x 2" = 937.5 cf 937.5cf/42.22 = 22.2 LF x GRASS 0 Use (2) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep 33:2 x 32.5 32.8 x x 31.6 H USE (4) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep TC 33 -TC 33 0 �\\ S x 32:5 - - TC 33 TC 33 6" CHANNEL DRAIN z CATCH 16032136" j7�T BASIN DRAWN BY: JF JP 31.6 380- 0010-A. FOUN EDGE OF PAVEMENT DECEMBER 29, 2023 MO T MILL 1 SCALE: AS NOTED 2 AVEMENT UTILITY SHEET NO: POLE SITE PLAN x 30.4 ° SCALE: 1" = 20` MANHULE :bETAIL CAST €RON INLET FRAME & SOLID AVE COVER TO GRADE. 'BRICK MAY BE USED TO REINFORCED, 4,000 PSI ADJUST CURB INLET CAST TRAFFIC BEARING -r+ r+ r szaco�n� rd IRON CRATE I rRAI,TE TO •, CONCR SLAB ttzn>r leis rve fit.Ak �. Q d SURFACE ELEI+R�TfON A :"a - CAlI71RDN INTI E1 MAXIMUM 'OF 12 INCHrS. �, � - ItEINFUFtCFD_4,fI00 PSI PRMAST CONCRETE 2"ASPWLY ROAD SURFACE ON � „ 114 CMPAC7ED R&A 9.LpNb CATUi tAYE ffi<sIYA1ll� M l?3AN<?ARb STEPS i a e s i. +b f e - v :e� 'tin � �":'<it::xs. _/m�;�; ;:_'';�=`,. tli ZD - , CRI:T'E i tiltlJ 6" WA5IiEb ' � C+4STC4+N ° STONE REDOING f - __....,..,,. .,.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,..,._._.._.. .. "ar ;�• , ® REINFORCED. 4;000 PSI DE CRATE t::FRAME,' TRAFFIC BEARING ®� :CONCRETE SLAB EN Y. OVAI"QE P ' �.T1'PttlkL BRICK'MAY I3E..U'SED TO' ' REWOROM 4,000 PSI ADJUST CUftl3 INLET BAST: PRECAST CGN3CItETI 6'-' IRON CRATE.& TIONFRAME ' . v CATCH BASIN "+' 6" a• UFAGE EtE1�gT1t1lI A'.' « ;"4 MAX[I,IUM ,OF 12 INCHES: 13 El 9, rn MIN: FR{91� 5`-f3" _ ®0 I� I � � J Z TO 20•-0• t �� � W R =III I Q o - t, i., MIN..'6".YVASFih 7 CnAVEI F7LI W J STIDNE REDOING 'SLAB DG ,TiACl�Mtb ♦ Z W I. i� 28# L°6 ►IYIn. 7D "[NBrnstBa r-o*1AT& Alct W�S V > � Q CURB DETAIL B IiINGC ONCREIE SLAB SCALE: NTS -REINFORCEMENTFI7R SOL z ;ANT? TRAFFIC.I.OAMN O BY 1 AN EN1t,'1NEER :., rl n of "ori �I�'�® � STANDA"PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH NASI �- 4 - Typical) (5 ,FEET TO 20 FEET' IN DEPTH), SIC- le OCT 2 4 2023 Southold Town Planning Board TC 34 TC 35.5 TC 34 33.9 31.6 - _ - - - ..•. :. . 57:7fl'• -T 171 S 16'32'36'E .49' .• ;..: _ _ TC 35 33.5 TC 35. - ,.�: : .'.' ';•;•: •.. ° - - x 0.00' �: :. :••: :..`,: 4: •, fi.'' . - - - _ - OA. EXISTING 32,8 1 ,'.. - TC 33 :. TC 32.5 x 34,1 4 .., ,. ..... ..:, •.,..: •, . • --- ,. .: x�3.�AT \ x 34,3 .6 x 32.8 x 32.3 x TC 35.5 TC Z3 32,3 UTILITY x 34,2 TC 32 POLE B UM STER x 33.7 G x 33,9 TC 34.5 32,4 x x 31,6 TR H DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS REV. x 34,3 CURB x 3U I X83 x 33,6 GRASS TC 35 INLET O BUILDINGS rc 33 TC 31.5 Frame House - 1560 sf x 2" = 260 cf 260 cf/42.22 = 6/1 LF 4 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 0 N �/ A Use (1) 8 foot diameter x 8 foot deep dry well (DW) . 1 13 r Uj I ACCESSIBLE - I I PRO UCTION PARKING C 34 I` Fermentation/ Production - 50'x 110 - 5500 sf x 2 = 916.7 cf 916.7cf/42.22 = 21.7 LF nFER .. 50 X110NTATIO 4 C 33.5 B Use (2) 8 ft dia x 12 foot deep } ' '= 2 TC 34 5,20 TC 33. Q O L- Z Tc 33 'Cr' Metal Barn - 2340 sf x 2" = 397.8 cf 397.8/42.22 = 9.42 If W 0 w M i• ' ` CURB , C Use 2 8 foot dia x 6 foot dee W -� INLET I :' .. x 2 <�° 3 5 6 7 8 9 1 D 11 1 x 30,6 ae O ( ) p W Z O TC 32 I 4,0 TC 34.5 x 3 2 x3 GR S o T Z F- Lo © 34,1 x x TC 33 Q" L W CURB 1 33.2 33.5 L ` PARKING U J ti N INLET I� � z � CSO TC 32 3.9 TC 35.0 x Roadway - 25'x260'= 6500 sf x2" = 1083 cf 1083 cf/42.22=35.43 If LJ) O `- ~ x 334.5 TC 34 CURB E D \ : V INLET S Use (3) 8 ft dia x 12 foot deep DW LL � m TC 33 TC 32 ` WLL 0 X EXISTING METAL BARN \ O East Parking Area- 200 x 44 - 8,800 sf x 2 1496 cf 1496 cf/42.22 46.2 LF Ory m STORAGE o E Use (3) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep DW a- y, t :x.33. \ 60'X39 - UTILITY W 0_ 'c 2 340 SF \ . . GRASS ° FN R O West Parking - , _ „ _ - "` ` lR POLE g 1275 CF 127 2= 30.3 LF U) \ rc a n area 170 x45 7650 sf x 2 5 cf/42.2 GR S x33 316 x3 9 /, , F Use (3) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep DW O 34.5 23 2 �/ 4 �• 96. A t' TERRACE x 33.1 - O � EXISTING 2 WALKWAYS & TERRACES R, ,a, •, R STORY x 33.1 x 33.0 TC 34.75 TC NN � Z Sr x33.3 E 34.5 TC 34 32,7 x tv co�� c�o�,°' EP RESIDENCE TO BE West of Buildings = 2860 sf x2"= 476.6 cf 476.6 cf/42.22 = 1'x.3 LF x 33,2 x 33,6 TOP OF Q coNC CONVERTED TO G use (1) 8 foot dia x 12 foot dee DW . .3 p CASTING Tc ► ACCESSORY OFFICE/ TC 32 33.75 �� Tc 302. o x3 5 ACCESSORY EMPLOYEE / 33.75 ,ss. HOUSING East Crush Pad & Terrace = 5500 sf x2"= 916.7 cf 916.7cf/42.22 = 21.7 LF 3 x 32,7 Use 2 / O 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep y • GATE : „ 3 3 I GR SS Utility road - 25'x225 = 5625sf x 2" = 937.5 cf 937.5cf/42.22 = 22.2 LF 3 Use (2) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep 33.2 GRASS x 32,5 0 32.8 x x 31,6 40 H USE (4) 8 foot dia x 12 foot deep TC 33 TC 33 1, Lx TC 33 O 9 x-3''c,5 - - TC 33 - 6" CHANNEL QRAIN 2 CATCH - _ - - _ 31.6 BASIN DRAWN BY: JF/JP N 16 32'36" W 380.001O.A. FOUN OCTOBER 14, 2023 ' EDGE OF PAVEMENT MO T �O� NEwJ MILL C.-`' ���� SCALE: AS NOTED � a l AVEMEN UTILITY t' E 3 T ti - `_ { SHEET NO: r FES S►4N�� x G SITE PLAN 30.4 SCALE: 1" = 20' NOTE:EASEMENTS,IF ANY ARE NOT SHOWN AND THEREFORE NOT GUARANTEED. LAND NOW OR FORMERLY MARATOOKA NORTH LLC TAX MAP 1000-115-02-6 (3) PVC PIPE STUBS 31.6 S 18033'51"E b b b 2185.76' 36.8 36.8 30.3 31.1 33.1 31.6 8:4 S� " j0 LAND NOW OR cl� VINEYARD 5129.9 FORMERLY od' QQ DONOVAN 27.8 CO TAX LOT 5 co MCO� O 0 N cv T MAP 1000-115-02-3.2 w (TO N O SOUTHOLD DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) N (AP ARENT USE :AGRICULTURAL) 0"E oI O LAND NOW O OR O O FORMERLY N BONILLA 37.1 37.1 co `- TAX LOT 4 co 3 04 03°59,0 " 2p RMOON - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oq 04"F QAC TT "` MONUMENT � O O C7 I ti POLE co N to 2 h N 34.9 'R w c~+) .,.,,,. N .m .40 VINEYARD 2 VINEYARD 4 9.0 ,�� Z ! 0 34.8 34.8 VINEYARD 6 Cli TAX MAP 1000-115-024.4.4 o (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEVE PM °"NT RIGHTS) 34.9 / ' 41 o (APPARENT USE :AG CUL URAL) PARCEL 4(TAX LOTc 2.4& .2) .6 Q 2,171,691 sq.ft Q 49.85 acres j (/ r • � vnmo) Z 34.3 CO 01 °U.0 IK34.2 N �,�avua.uuE,wd uc Aowr,ar.ambDCAFld.wrRallq / S 16.3736"E 33.9 r 0 57.70' 328 � T s `tea w.MortwwE.e.oFxn¢,.u..,uuu Z 323 0�o p � I vw N a� � h VINEYARD ' zmWN D 0 I- y � CL M h z� 1� Q / O �Y r PVC321 Z r� / 00 aO 31.6 �•--�. UNM ROAD -N '7-52'31-W . . O MILL LANE _ 1d?R�R z 0 ou. MILL LANE xax.00 X 31.8 •d+ x13.0 12.3 32.10 32.52 MILL LANE -_- f S 170 52 31' E S 16°32'36" E 361.94' / ,a. 23.5 O 0 . 11.4 4101k- 11.9 Q Q�'��(/ RECEIVED VINEYARD 3 313 27B (p V--- X OCT 2 4 2023 N 16°13'57"W Sout o d Town 19.7 20.8 � 329.26' NOTES: N Planning Board VINEYARD CD PROPERTY CORNER MONUMENTS WERE NOT SET AS PART OF THIS SURVEY. M LAW NOW OR FORMERLY STEWART EASEMENTS,IF ANY,NOT SHOWN ARE NOT CERTIFIED. TAX LOT 8 208 TAX MAP 1000-107-11-10 � "UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY MAP PREPARED AND SEALED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 10.5 � �D (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) 325 32.50 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW." (APPARENT USE :AGRICULTURAL) "COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL OR HIS EMBOSSED SEAL PARCEL I EN6 9"W SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED A VALID TRUE COPY." "CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON SIGNIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE 3.84' WITH THE EXISTING CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYS ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS. 62434 res ORMERLYBRODER SAID CERTIFICATIONS SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, 9.6 14.34 acres T7 GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS." 17.7 8.0 PROPERTY SURVEY RMERLY KERMISH OT 8o SHOWING SPOT ELEVATIONS AT CORNER LOCATIONS 12.3 4.e 16.1 29.EMAIN ROAD N .Y.S. ROUTE 25 & MILL LANE LAND NOWLOT, E,�Y WINES SITUATED IN N 17°40'11"W W 462.92' N 15°01'39"W 225.09' 4 . � N� (n N 14°27'2s w MATT(TUCK �� ''• LAND NOW OR i ' LOT 14 LAND NOW OR FORMERLY FARRISH �D NOW OR FORMERLY BTUCHBURY 246.47' N 16°0 '29"�/ p QN , FORMERLY JQ ` 283.96' o MORE J LAND NOW TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK c �� , o g OR , > LAND ORMMERLY OR LAND NOW OR FOR { r FORMERLY T Aa LAND NOW OR FORMERLY h RUSSO BE T21 JOSEPH Ii�/I . PETITO LOT 20 MCCAFFERTY REALTY LLC LOT 22 LAND NOW OR FORMERLY FAMILY TRUST TAXLOT 21 LOT 22 NEMSCHK:K �` O LOT 21 LOT 23 W W MAPOF VILLAGE MANOR Land Surveying & 27 Forest Avenue r, LAND FILED 10/2244/1962 AS MAP No.3669 g w Civil En Locust Valley, NY 11560 COgineerin z formerly OCONNOR PETITO LLP (516) 676-3260 MAP - DESCRIBED PROPERTY DIST. 1000 SEC. 107 BLK. 11 LOT 10 DIST. 1000 SEC. 115 BLK. 2 LOT 2.4 & 3.2 REV. DATE: DATE: JULY 5, 2023 SCALE: 1"'= 100' SHEET: 1 OF 1 V�� �__ fir, ilk':,\ L.'L(�, q�i���•���,� ,v���� PARCEL AREA = 84,607 SQ.FT. OR 1 .94 ACRES Q LAND NOW OR FORMERLY MILL LANE FARM LLC --� SCTM#1000-115-2-2.4 (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) r / 33.9 1 S 16°32'36' // / S16°31'36'T 4dlEYARD 6 33.5 , ! r.6 57.7y 32.8 I / w01 (4c3 1 / x33.9 I I�I�/ PORTIO. 1 OF / x33.9 t x34.3 J / >- / 1 TAX L 16 2.4 - SCTM# 1000-115-2-2.3 / � / 32,8 x323 323 r UTILITY POLE 1 rL--,� AREA�6423 0O _rn SQ. I FT. o o LAND NOW OR FORMERLY WILLIAM RULAND x34.�/ o / - - - -32- -- 1 I N �' (APPARENT USE: RESIDENTIAL/AGRI ULTURAL) / 1 � / r-6 �'! / ole o a r / ¢ Li d // / m 1 W ` x x 31.6 I¢ x33.9 / cp ` 324 ` / 30.6 / L x 33.7 °0 / x 34.3 00 / x336 CD w Q 30-, IN -i LJ / 20.3' I / IN <m / \ POTENTIAL 1 0l`� / / 1 STORY / �33� UNKNOWN / �� FRAME N \ `� UTILITY LAND NOW N/F 1 A p Oto // CHIM. GARAGE M POTENTIAL COVERCONCRED C CH UNKNOWN CONCRE'E I POSSIBLE LEACHINGMILL LANE FARM LLC 1o� // UTILITY COVER r I I�E� / j C3 SIN C D SCTM#1000-115-2-2.4 � ^ // 36.3' L I x 30.6 y A- CL [� o (TOWN OF SOUTHOLD la co W x 36.0' 8.1' 1 STORY xJ36 ' x31.5 �e j CATCH V DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) '0 \\ N ; FRAME 34'1 x CONC 1 t { vc o / BARN, _ \ m HE / 0 33.2 33.5 2 t I / N GARAGE syfo y�L SEPTIC INKNOTANKS I 9.0'N 35.0 EL�33.9 �.3/ F J UTILm\ 1 oln 3 1 18.1 x33.9 ONCRETE \ o \ \ 1 � / v x 33.5 59.9' / \ C E I fj) I ✓ O O o w METAL / / 31 / OQ BARN CONCRETE o 1 it I o COVER / N b x33.7 PO'ENTIAL / \ o ' ?3� fNA(4R I / UTILITY PALE N I FRAME BARN M , / 0 x33.2, ��07 \\ ry \ ��' 31.66 a35 3 / o UNKNOWN r 6 2 FFL EL=33.24 UT117Y hk �� xj/ x \ CONCR f 23' F� RY s 0' I R'V=. 37 ?5. �R I ' / S+/D F 19 / O A3X ' x33.2 x33.0 / v/ P x� k / ?� �n gReoR R A7650i a aG / � I 0S � P � co x33.1 xE-- _33.78 x�\ n °� N 327 x o33.2 x33.6 31.4' CONCRETE FP� � X 15/\ p?, o 132.4 z / LEGEND x3329.7' x rj x 33.04 .� - ,M > \ / x32.7 S.5 J � CO^ Ico 33.04 ) / / ¢ UTILITY POLE 1 STORY w / •METALGARAGE 1 X 2.94 � ��// � 3 ;, WATER VALVE BARN / r� L 33,y / x325 , / 4 // / ® WATER METER x 32.8 x 5. / ^ x31.6 41 / / 5.w ti/ CV y ��� ® GAS METER N 1 I /ry GAS VALVE " �3.2 / x32.7 SIGN oo // \ CATCH ® CATCH BASIN L / 2.1• / 1.46 `\ / o ' '31.6 \ / BASIN TMH TELEPHONE MANHOLE G G G / R FIRE HYDRANT G G G / /MONUMO E UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE 32.52 GN ' " G G G c- G --- - 32.6 32.55 EDGE OF PAVEMENT 32 16 236 41 D UNDERGROUND DRAINAGr LINE 31.88 31.46 30.82 30.74 30.19 G UNDERGROUND GAS LINE / W UNDERGROUND WATER LINE 31.88 x31.90 31.76 31.73 ✓/ I _/ T UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE / EDGE OF PAVEMENT 3Q94 30.59 ( 2959 I TIU/ -30- ---- OLE MAJOR CONTOUR -31- // \ 32 MINOR CONTOURS / x 30.4 \ / x33.7 SPOT ELEVATION / PAVEMENT ELEVATION \..__--- --31� ,►-._. -�" � 0 x 33.22 TMH I CATCH ��'-- �. BASIN -OHNE- OVERHEAD WIRES FIRE HYDRANT TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SHOWING PROPOSED LOT SUBDIVISION BOUNDARIES 16505 MAIN ROAD (N.Y.S. ROUTE 25) SITUATED IN SPH M � � �� MATTITUCK "' ' �' �n��- -- - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK ! ° rs OCT 4 2023 JOSEPH / F�41 NOTE: EASEMENTS, IF ANY ARE NOT SHOWN AND THEREFORE NOT GUARANTEED. ___ M . PETITO "UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY MAP PREPARED AND SEALED BY A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR SOUth01d TOWn � . (1n ) C�1S�`� ' Planning Board Land Surveying & 27 Forest Avenue ---'` IS A VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW." "COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED Civil Englneerin Locust Valley, NY 11560 SEAL OR HIS EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED A VALID TRUE COPY." "CERTIFICATION INDICATED HEREON formerly OCONNOR PETITO LLP (516) 676-3260 SIGNIFY THAT THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EXISTING CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYS ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS. SAID CERTIFICATIONS MAP _ DESCRIBED PROPERTY DIST. 1000 SEC. 115 BLK. 2 LOT 2.3 SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY IS PREPARED, AND ON HIS BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND LENDING INSTITUTION. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS." REV. DATE: DATE: JULY 5, 2023 SCALE: 1"= 30' SHEET: 1 OF 1 \j i ff'L on 0 1;14 LL(-iY(i" '1.�",t:,m OWNER: S 18'33'51" E b 1b 2185.76' moN1�OMrNT XXXXX mak',!�� X L 36.7 + T , �--1 36.8 3F - 30.3 31.1 1 1 1 I I I r 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 33.1 I I I I I I ;—I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 16 1 I I t I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 ► I , I I f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , I , I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I l I + r + ► I l l l l l l l l f l I l l l 1 1 1 1 l l l l t IIr I r 1I6 6 4 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I c 1 1 ► 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 ► 1 1 I r l l l l ► 1 1 1 N/J LAND NOW OR I I I , 1 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I t 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I ti 0 `'`'�� �''r';.:•�•`s� 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I f I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I f 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 1, 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I f I 1 1 1 I I 1 I f I I I 1 I t I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 ► ► ► ► 1 1 1 1 1 I l l l l f l l U FORMERLY -./. I r r r r r ►� VAR � i ►(� t ► r 1 ► r 1 I ► Q 1 I 1 I I I t I I I I I I I ► I I t I I 1 1 t I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I t 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I ► 1 I 1 1 1 Y f r I 4-�f ► 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DONOVAN I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 I ( I 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I , I I 1 I 1 , I , 1 , I f I I , 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 ► 1 I 1 1 I 1 111 1 I 1 I 1 1 TAX LOT 5 87.8 + I j l j l l l l l l l l l l l l l f r l f l l r l l l l co N�j , 1 , I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 ► 1 + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 r 1 � 1 t I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 ► 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 O / DESIGN/ARCHITECT: 1 , I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I ► 1 ► I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l f l l l l l NN , I , I f I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 ► 1 ! 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DARK SKY APPROVED HEIGHT: MAX.OF 35' GLEN COBEN ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 TEL:212 689 2779 FAX:212 689 1033 WALL LIGHT:LAM PAS LIGHTING:ANTO L- r =.?r" x:'`:°,<c I DA CERTI Fl ED email:glen@glenandcompany.com XL3 WALL MOUNTED LED3000K 120 143 LM ''' 1010-200 "+" '`u DARK SKY APPROVED CIVIL ENGINEER: ' JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 631-765.2954 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: 34 ' XXX LIMIT OF DEVELOPM AREA 297' 1 i 33,9 ' �— 57..70' S 16'32'36" E MEP ENGINEER: 31,6 -- -- 171.49' 33.5 XXX — ' KC 0.00' OA. 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X ��° x 3 GR SS ° o tt� Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. 34.0 3, X o;° ^ c 2022 34,1 Xo 91 _ 33,2 33,5GRA`�S PARKING L T SUBMISSIONS 1 N NOTE: PARKING L L 35,0 x T LIGHTING 17Co DATE N0. REMARKS C� TO BE DARK SKY COMPLIANT �:° Q 12.01.2022 1 SITE PLAN uP-QATED x 33.9 35'-�" ° 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING BOARD 08..15.2023_ 3 PLANNING BOARD x 33,� 10.16.2023 4 PLANNING BOARD 5.. X EXISTING METAL BARN 19' ERR 23 UTILITY STORAGE x 33,- 60'X39'= _ 0'l cE� q - — POLE L GR S � 31,6 � ° 2,340 SF x3� x Q 3 9 � y GRAS � 2,3 �. 2g s• TERRACE iE 4 ' TERRACE CID XL x 33.1 - x 33,0 gReo"R 0 - AGAR EXISTING 2 STORY I XL3! �� ��` RESIDENCE TO BE � x 33,3 ,� HEEFY 32.7 x - 04�� ^� 8;; c )A/ CONVERTED TO >. 33,2 x 33,6 � ' 11 HE E� 3 0- J ACCESSORY OFFICE/ I-AY BIR P° 2' 5 ACCESSORY EMPLOYEE HOUSING DOB BSCM � ° h 71 - ° x 32,7 TE LL' E ER�f? ER y GATE 3 704' GR SS XL � -U' 3 3 x GRASS P:° ) pal SITE TRE 3 ^r 33.2 X32.5 RECEIVx3 ° ED VINES ON MILL S�AR�MAPLE � � 32,8 x - ° � � v OCT 2 4 2023 TR TR 2 a;° _ 16505 MAIN RD X Y BIRC Y BIR SITE TREE: ° 9 southold Town MATTITUCK, NY 11952 — _ — — 2 �P° AMERICA ARBORVITAE Planning Board CATCH BASIN 31. 6 380.00'x.A. C-3 SHEET 117LE LIMIT OF DEVELOP ENT AREA N 16'32'36" W FOUN EDGE OF PAVEMENT M0 T 0 100 SITE PLAN PROPOSED MILL LAN 1 PROJECT No: 2121 UTILITY AVEMENT - _ J.Co DRAWING 8Y: sm 'L n CHK BY: gc POLE - �" PRO 0SE-D SITE PLAN '�� e ��- ' _ F9-®®1■on �i SCALE:1 —20 CADO FILE No: r OWNER: XXXXX TO 0__P FROOFO- 30-0 I i I DESIGN/ARCHITECT: I BOTTOM. OF ROOF 20-0 Al`'L 111///"'".Vny k.,..,,`n�c'�✓2!. ii - � i. GLEN COBEN / 0 r4A 11100 ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN, PLLC 33 E 33 ST SUITE 906 NEW YORK,NY 10016 — TEL:212 689 2779 �TOP OF CURB� FAX:212 689 10 00 33 email:glen@glenandcompany.com GROUND-:3 ROUND / 50-0 -3=0 k 50'-0° 12'-4° CIVIL ENGINEER: —0 j — JOSEPH FISCHETTI, PE. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PLE:RODUCITON WEST BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 6SCA3/32"= V-0" I 631-76529504 I I - � � I STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: — i CRUST PAD XXX 0 I T F ROOF O 0 O 3P 00 0 � I UP UP BOTTOM. OF MEP ENGINEER: 20-0 V / O O Al o o FOOD SERVICE CONSULTANT: PRODUCTION TOP 0___F C_URBFr�_ -- z Iz Q XXX � " Y 2 2 s, ROUND Q O w w O LL U. U . � I ,, PRODUCTION SOUTH G O O NORTH - ' �.. 4 w n' r-- .•' N — i r' r' . " y 3 y� • r" STORAGE � ''� ' �-• n'��"�'y'�' �.i All le nl rights including, but not limited to, copyright and desi 9 9n 9 patent rights, in the designs, arrangements and plans shown on this TOP i 0 _ 6 document are the property of Glen Cohen Architecture &Design �` { "` 30 0 -YPLLC, 33 E- - and were developed for use solely on this project. They may not be '�� +1,1 `', `;`^• A li1•�� used or reused in whole or in part, except in connection with this BOTTLING o project, without the prior written consent of Glen and Company. Glen Coben Architecture & Design, PLLC. y c 2022 �. s - ,a•t• ... ��v$ BOTTOM. OF OOF - DRY _ N SUBMISSIONSRDATE % N0 -RS — AG TEMP CONTROLLED 12.01.2022 1SITE PLAN UPDATED ST500�F ORAGE 04.10.2023 2 PLANNING BOARD * 'S 08.15.2023 3 PLANNING BOARD - - LABO �� r OFFICE _ 10.16.2023 4PLANNING BOARD (�.,.'�Rw.sw�'� _- ' r.•e...-n.,.. w., ,r^,�• ..,�•w`�"'CG`b-..-+,s...-...:3.••::'Ys°<�..:.^d� - I - - BARREL � I OP OF CURB (� tLL_lYu Ou CELLAR Iu l I II 0® 1,290 SF '��I Its s y ' j { n '('nq ` r ,t °",re``4• p s'- '•!. 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