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OCTOBER 30, 1995
Present: Supervisor Thomas ~Nickham, Councilman Joseph J. Lizewski (left at 9:55
A.M. to attend a funeral), Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie, Councilman Joseph L.
Townsend, Jr., Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva, Justice Louisa P. Evans, Town Clerk
Judith T. Terry, Town Attorney Laury L. Dowd.
9:10 A.M. Mario Zulli, his daughter, and Town Investigator Edward Forrester met
with the Town Board to discuss the Zulli's complaints about the size of a garage
constructed,, by their neighbor Robert Laub, and his parking of two to five
limousines'on his property. Town Investigator Forrester recently advised the Zulli's
that Mr. Laub has been working to remedy several Code violation allegations. The
oversized garage was built to remedy the unenclosed storage problem, and the limos
may be parked on his property inasmuch as the NYS Dept. of Motor Vehicles states
a vehicle having limo, taxi, or livery plates is not considered a commercial vehicle,
therefore they are not in violation of the Code. The Zulli's appealed to the Town
Board to provide for limousines in a definition of commercial vehicles in the
Town Code, thereby strengthening the Code. The Board agreed to send this matter
to the Code Committee for review.
9:45 A.M. Town Board interviewed Clement Charnews, Jr. for a position on the
Substance Abuse Committee (resolution 17).
9:55 A.M. Town Board discussed a proposat by Patricia and Alvin Combs to trade
20 ft. of the easterly side of their property to the Town in exchange for 20 ft. of
the Town's property to the north of their property at Tasker Park, Peconic Lane,
Peconic. It was agreed that Jim McMahon and Jean Cochran of the Park, Beaches
and Recreation Committee, be consulted to be certain that the Town's property north
of Combs can still be utilized minus the 20 ft. strip. This will be discussed again
at the November 14th work session.----Board :._again discussed payment to retired
Police Officer James Wiellas for testifying on behalf of the Town in a lawsuit. After
due consideration, it was agreed Supervisor ~Vickham would write to Mr. Mellas and
offer him 25% of the amount between his police officer salary and his retirement
income.----Board reviewed proposed fees for disposal area permits and/or licenses,
and made changes to certain commercial contractor and garbage contractor fees
(resolution 18).----Discussed adding additional units to the Fishers Island Sewer
District users accounts. Justice Evans explained that there are certain units that
have more units in their buildings then they are being charged for (resolution
19).----Request from Justices Price and Tedeschi for the Town Board to extend the
temporary, part-time status of Lucia Farrell to the end of January to assist the
Justice Court staff in handling a backlog from the summer months and case load from
the abolished Greenport Village Justice Court (resolution 20).----Letter from the
Greenport Superintendent of Utilities Becht stating that there is a need to clean out
the west equalization tank at the Southold Scavenger Waste Treatment Facility.
This will have to be done before clean out and repairs to the grit chamber and pipes
can be made. Board agreed to advertise for bids for the service [resolution
21).----Town Board discussed a letter from Legislator Gregory Blass informing them
that the 1996 Suffolk County Budget has transferred the cost of 65 public safety
dispatchers who receive 911 catls from emergency complaint operators only when they
impact Suffolk County Police District operations. Senior Accountant John Cushman
was in attendance during this discussion, and Supervisor Wickham asked him to draft
a resolution for the Board's consideration at the 4:30 P.M. Regular Meeting
( resolution 22).
'0:40 A.M. On motion of Supervisor Wickham, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva,
it was Resolved that the Town Board enter into Executive Session. Vote of the
Board: Ayes: Supervisor Wickham, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Townsend,
Councilwoman Oliva, Justice Evans. Als0 present: Town Clerk Terry, Town
Attorney Dowd.----Board discussed the Edward Scroxton grievance, which was heard
by the Board on October t7, 1995.
10:55 A.M. Town Board reviewed a proposed "Local Law in Relation to Notice of
Public Hearings", the intent of which is to ensure that citizens are given notice of
public hearings on actions which will affect a specific parcel of property. All boards
will provide notice via newspaper, posting and mailing to adjacent owners. This
process will ensure uniformity in procedures of the various boards and commissions.
There were several questions which regard to the proposed law, i.e. timing, and
what distance for notifying adjacent property owners. Linda Kowalski, secretary
to the Board of Appeals was asked to meet with the Board, and she gave input on
timing between filing an appeal, public hearing, and decision. Board agreed the
law should go back to the Code Committee for further refining.
11:05 A.M. - Supervisor Wickham briefed the Board on (1) proposed elimination of
one Trustee clerk typist in 1996. He said the President of the Trustees, Albert
Krupski has advised him that this would not be practical after consideration by the
Board of Trustees. The proposal to replace the typist with an Environmental
Analyst will be discarded. The amount allocated in the budget is the same as the
present salary of the clerk typist, so the budget need not be changed.----He
advised that the proposal to change the duties of Building Inspector Gary Fish to
half time Building Inspector and half time Fire Marshall does not seem to be a
problem with the Building Department.----Supervisor Wickham briefed the Board on
the Brown Tide Summit which was held on October 20 & 21 at Ronkonkoma.
11:25 A.M. Board reviewed the resolutions to be voted on at the 4:30 P.M.
Regular Mee(ing.
11:50 A.M. - Work Session adjourned.
A Regular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held on
October 30, 1995, at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New
York. Supervisor Wickham opened the meeting at 4:30 P.M. with the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Present: Supervisor Thomas H. Wickham
Councilman Joseph J'. Lizewskl
Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie
Councilwoman Ruth D. Oliva
Councilman Joseph L. Townsend, Jr.
Justice Louisa P. Evans
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Town Attorney Laury L. Dowd
SUPERVISOR WICKHAM: Would anyone like to move the audit of the bills?
Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the following bills be and hereby ordered paid:
General Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of $171;8L~9.16; General
Fund Part Town bills in the amount of $631.84; Highway Fund Whole
Town bills in the amount of $56,390.34; Highway Fund Part Town bills in
the amount of $1,368.73; Ag Land Development Rights bills in the
amount Of $219.95; .Lighting/Heating Capital A/C bills in the amount of
$153,950.67; Tub Grinder/Stump Buster Cap bills in .the amount of
$231,000.00; Sweeper & Payloader Capital bills in the amount of
$176,053..26; Fishers Island Dump Capital 'bills in the amount of $92.50;
Yard V~a~te Compost Capital bills in the amount of $86,000.00; Employee
Health Benefit Plan bills: in the amount of $15,135.32; Fishers Island
Ferry District bills in the amount of $10,~,16.49; Southold Shores Road
Improvement District bills in the amount of $26~109.~1; Shorecrest at
Arshamomaque bills ,in the amount of $52,218.82; Refuse & Garbage
District bills in the amount of $1~6,278.1~; S0uthold Wastewater
District. bills in,the amou~nt of $17,896,67; Fishers Island Sewer .District
bills in the amount of $2,268.33; Southold Agency and Trust bills in the
amount of $3,151.78; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in the amount of
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman. Olive,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wi~kham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Olive, it was
RESOLVED tha~ the minutes of the October 17, 1995, Town Board
meetin9 be and. hereby are approved.
Vote of Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Olive,
Councih Councilwoman Hussle, Councilman Lizewski,
Superv[sor Wickham.
This resolution Was duly ADOPTED~
Moved by CouncilWoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it
RESOLVED thai r meetin9 of the Southold Town Board
will be held at November 14, 1995, at the Southold
Town Hall,
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Olive,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR WICKHAM: This, afternoon we have a public hearing at 5:00
o'clock regarding our Community Development Block Grants. We have a
series of items this morning for .the Work Session. We had a relatively
light program for our Work Session this morning. It's on the Order of
Business on the back. page of the agenda.
Southold Town Program for the Disabled Events for September,
Southold Town Animal Shelter Monthly Report for September,
Southold Police Department Monthly Report for September, 1995
460 ocTOBER 30, I995
1. 5:00 on Citizen's Views on Local Needs:to be met with Federal
Community Development: Block Grant Funds,
SUPERVISOR 'WICKHAM: At this time we are ready to take up our
resolutions. It's .standard practice of the Board to give an opportunity
to anyone from .the audience, who would like to address the Board for up
to a maximum of '~fiYe: minutes per person on any of the items that are
before us tonightJ $o; we've got twenty-four resolutions. Any member of
the audience, who would like to address the~ Board .on any of these
twent~four desolutions, now is the time.
PAUL SPARA: Would you just explain Resolution 22, not the
opposition, but what the 65 dispatchers are?
SUPERVISOR WlCKHAM: Resolution #22 calls on the Town of Southold,
and all.al{her towns to ask the County of Suffolk to reverse a decision
that the Budget Office has made, which is to throw into the County
General Fund alq expenses related to Public Safety Dispatchers. Public
Safety Dispatchelrs heretofore have been paid out of the Police District.
The Police District does not include the five East End Towns, because we
each have our awn Police Forces. Consequently the tax warrant, the
County portion of '.local taxes has not paid for those Public Safety
Dispatchers. Under the new system it's put into the General Fund
payable by all property tax parcels throughout the entire .County, so
suddenly with this new system we would be asked, the Five East End
Towns would: be~ asked to pay a share of those Public Safety DiSpatcher
cost. We believe that's unfair, and our resolution call on the County to
set that Fight. Is there anyone else who would like to address the Board
this afternoon on any Of the resolutions in front of us? If not~ I think
we're ready to begin considering the resolutions, that are in front of us.
l.-Moved iby Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilman Townsend, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes the following modification to the General Fund Whole Town 1995
Budget to appropriate funds for the remainder of the year:
A1670./~.400.600 Central Copying ~, Mailing $ 1,000.00
Contractual Expenses
Equipment Maintenance~ & Repairs
A1670.~.600.500 Central Copying & Mailing $ 1,000.00
Contractual Expenses
Express Mail
Interfund Transfers
Transfers to Health Plan
1.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
$ 2,000.00
Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Lizewski,
OCTO3E~ 30, 199~
2.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Supervisor Wickham, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
accepts the bid of Akzo Nobel Salt Inc., in the amount of $40.98 per
ton, for supplying the Southold Town Highway Department with 500 tons
(more or less as may be needed) of Bulk Salt for Snow and Ice Control,
all in accordance with the bid specifications.
2.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
~--~-~ Ci/m.an Townsend, COuncilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
3.-Moved by Councilman Lizewski, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes Lawrence Healthcare Administrative Services, Inc. to pay
medical claims of Ruthanne Woodhull and Judith Terry, which claims
were submitted by the providers more than 90 days after the date of
3.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
4.-Moved by Supervisor Wickham, seconded by Councilwoman Ollva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
accepts, with regret, the resignation of Stephen E. Angell, Chairman
and Member of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council,
effective December 31, 1995, and extends to Mr. Angell their sincere
thanks and appreciation for the expertise and time he has devoted to his
4.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewskl,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
5.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes for one
member of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council to fill the
position to be vacated by Stephen E. Angell; term to expire June 18,
5.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
6.-Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVEO that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
engages the services of Andrew D. Stype, Certified Real Estate
Appraiser, at a fee of $1,000.00, to conduct an appraisal for the Land
Preservation Committee for consideration of the following property for
the Farmland Preservation Program; Lieb Vineyards, Bridge Lan.~ and
Oregon Road, Cutchogue, 1.68 acres & 12.96 acres. SCTM~1000-SU,-1-tt.~t
& 1000-73-1-3./t.
6.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
OCTOBER 30, 1995
7.-Moved by Councilman Lizewski, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
approves the amount of $288,700.00 for a bond for roads and
improvements in the major subdivision of Wildberry Fields at Southold,
all in accordance with the approval of the Southold Town Planning Board
and Engineering Inspector James A. Richter.
7.-Vote Of 'the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Gl:ira,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
8.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Supervisor Wlckham, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
approves the amount, of $3B5,~25.00 for a bond for roads and
improvements, in the major subdivision of Bayberry Estates at Southold,
all in accordance with the approval :of the Southold Town Planning Board
and Engineering Inspector James A. Richter.
Vote of the Townr, :'Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman: Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Suoervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
9.-Moved by Supervisor Wickham, seconded by Councilwoman Ollva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes the follOWing modification to the General Fund Whole Town 1995
Budget to cover ~the purchase of a copy machine for the Recreation
De par tment:
A 7~3 t:b .~. 600. 200
Youth Bureau
(Mailing Administration)
Youth Bureau
(Youth Expo)
Recreation Administration
$ 1,289.00
$ 1,500.00
$ 2,789.00
9.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Ollva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
i0.-Moved by Councilman Oliva, seconded by Justice Evans, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
appoints the following individuals to the Steering Committee for the
Anti-Bias Task Force, for a one (1) year term, effective October 30, 1995
through October 30, 1996, they to serve without compensation:
Barbara Sommer
Cindy Kumelos
Mark Gagen
Emma Parker
Dorothy Wolf
Rev. Martin Dozier
George Summers
Michael Zweig
Al Falkowski
Viola Cross
Bessie Swabb
Sabrina Crenshaw
Lynda Clements
Hiller Kahn
Ruth Oliva
10.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
11 .- Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
appoints Irene R. Steward as Home Health Aide, effective immediately, at
a salary of $6.00 per hour, 17-1/2 hours per week, and Laura L.
Deptola as a Van Drive, effective immediately, at a salary at $6.00 per
hour, 17-1/2 hours per week.
11.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewskl,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
12.-Moved by Councilman Lizewski, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs Supervisor Thomas Wickham to execute the 1996
Individual Program Application(s) to the New York State Division for
Youth for the 1996 Juvenile Aide Program and the 1996 Youth Services
12.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
13.-Mo;ved by Supervisor Wickham, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs the Town Attorney to take the necessary legal
action to draw upon the $156,000 Letter of Credit No. 771040 with the
Long island Savings Bank, for major subdivision of Moores Lane at
Greenport, Section I (Pheasant Run), whereas the necessary
'~mprovements have not been installed, and the Planning Board has not
received the required extension of the Letter of Credit which expires on
November 11, 1995.
13. ~: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Ollva,
Councilwoman Hussle, Councilman Lizewski,
Supeffvisor Wickh;am.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
14.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
accepts the bid of Stanley F. Skrezec, in the amount of $3,900.00, to
perform all work required for the demolition and removal of all
buildings'~ structures, foundations, footings, fallen trees, brush and
relative debris located at the Aanestad residence, 2605 Orchard Street,
Orient, N.Y., all in accordance with the bid specifications.
lq.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
15.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Supervisor Wickham, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants
permission to Senior Planner Valerie Scopaz to attend meetings related
to her job responsibilities for the remainder of 1995, as follows: Travel
to New York City to attend meetings with the American Planning
Association's Metropolitan Chapter, and with the Regional Planning
Association, and to Riverhead or Hauppauge to meet with the Long
Island section of the Metropolitan Chapter; travel expenses to be a
charge against the Planning Board's t995 budget.
15.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Counci Iman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
-16.-Moved by Justice Evans, Seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry
District to accept the Iow bid of Thames Shipyard & Repair Company for
drydocking the MV MUNNATAWKET, all in accordance with the bid
specification: $9,900.00, plus $50.00 each for zincs, and the following
supplemental work as may be found necessary or required by a
regulatory authority after the vessel is on dry dock: (a) removal and
replacement of shafts $2,000.00 per shaft; (b) renewal of strut
bearings - $1,250.00 per bearing; (c) propeller replacement - $750.00 per
propeller; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners is authorized to
enter into a contract with Thames Shipyard F, Repair Company to
accomplish the aforesaid work, all in accordance with the specifications.
16.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussle, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
17.-Moved by Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman OHva, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
appoints Clement Charnews, Jr. as a member of the Southold Town
Substance Abuse Committee, effective immediately through October 24,
1996, he to serve without compensation.
17.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
,.Councilman ToWnsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duty ADOPTED.
SUPERVISOR WlCKHAM: The next resolution's a resolution is resolution
setting the fees for various uses of the Collection Center at the
Cutchogue Landfill. Most of these fees are the same fees as they've been
for the last year, but at' the last Board meeting we took an action, that
wou d take them out of the Code, and we are asked now to establish
those fees in a separate schedule, or a separate sheet, that would be
attached to it. So, the following fees are being established by
resolution of the Board at this time.
18.-Moved by Supervisor Wickham, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets
the foJlowJng fees for the issuance of permits andJor licenses for
vehicles transporting refuse into any refuse disposal area maintained by
the Town of Southold, effective immediately:
Resident (non-commercial) - $10.00 Ist vehicle, $5.00 2nd vehicle,
issued at same time to same address.
Lessee - $10.00
Guest - $10.00
· $.'~.00 per load fee for each non-commercial vehicle of less than one
ton capacity which possesses rio permit.
$30.00 per load fee for each single axle truck which does not possess
a permit.
$60.00 per load fee for each double axle truck which does not possess
a permit.
$60.00 annual fee for each commercial vehicle transporting liquid septic
waste, together with an additional fee of $.03 for
each gallon of liquid waste discharged.
$60.00 annual fee for each commercial contractor's' vehicle of one ton or
less capacity.
$60.00 annual fee for each farm vehicle transporting agricultural waste.
*$220.00 annual fee for each single axle vehicle transporting solid waste (garbage) .
*$220.00 annual fee for each commercial contractor's vehicle of more than
one ton capacity.
*$600.00 annual fee for each double axle and/or compactor type vehicle transporting solid waste (garbage).
*$600.00 annual fee for each commercial contractor's double axle and/or
tractor-trailer combination of more than one ton
AND BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby sets the
following fees, effective January 1, 1996:
*$200,00 annual fee for each single axle vehicle transporting solid waste
*$200.00 annual fee for each commercial contractor's vehicle of more than
one ton capacity.
*$250.00 annual fee for each double axle and/or compactor type vehicte transporting solid waste (garbage).
*$250,00 annual fee for each commercial contractor's double axle and/or
tractor-trailer combination of more than one ton
18.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
19.-Moved by Councilman Lizewski, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
increases the number of Fishers Island .Sewer District units billed to the
following individuals, to reflect the .actual number of units in their
buildings, effective with the 1996 billing:
Paul Vartanian - from q units to 6 units
Thomas ShiJlo - from four units to 7 units
Susan &' Kevin Connelly - from I unit to 3 units
-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor WJckham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
20. -Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby
extends the appointment of Lucia Farrel, part-time Clerk Typist for the
Justice Court, for an additional three (3) months, effective October 30,
1005 through January 31, 1995, 17-1/2 hours per week, at a salary of
$7.09 per hour.
20. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
21.-Moved .b~ Councilman Townsend, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for clean out
of the west equalization tank of the Southold Scavenger Waste Treatment
Facility, all in accordance with the bid specification to be approved by
the Town Attorney.
21.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
22.-Moved by Supervisor Wickham, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie,
WHEREAS, the 1996 Suffolk County Operating Budget as proposed by
the County Executive transfers public safety communications from the
Police District budget to the General Fund budget; and
WHEREAS. sixty-five (65) public safety dispatchers receive 911 calls
from emergency complaint operators 0nly when they impact Suffolk County
Police District operations; and
WHEREAS, the proposed transfer would result in the five East End
Towns providing financial support in the Police District for which they
would receive no direct benefits; and
WHEREAS, the five East End Town and Village taxpayers will continue
to pay for their own 911 public 'safety dispatch systems; now, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby urges
the Suffolk County Legislature to transfer the public safety dispatch
charges back to the Police District and amend the County Charter as
needed to accommodate the change; and be it further
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and
directs to transmit copies of this resolution to all Suffolk County
Legislators, Suffolk County Executive Robert J. Gaffney, and the East
End Supervisors.
22 .-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
Moved by Councilman Lizewski, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it
46,6OCTO, ER
23.-Moved by Councilman Lizewski, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes the following modification to the General Fund Whole Town 1995
Budget to provide an appropriation for DEC monitoring expenses specified
in the Stipulation of Settlement previously provided for in the Solid
Waste Management District:
A8160. ~,.500. 400
Refuse & Garbage, Contractual $ 10,000.00
Interfund Transfbrs $ 10,000.00
Transfers to Health Plan
Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
23.- Vote of the Town
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman
Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: This last one refers back to #20.
:24. -Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilwoman Oliva, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby
authorizes the following modification to the General Fund Whole Town 1995
Budget to allocate funds for extending the part-time Clerk Typist in the
Justice Court:
Justices, Personal Services
Sick Earnings
Justices, Personal Services
Part-time Employees
Regular Earnings
24. -Vote o~ the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans,
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie,
Supervisor Wlckham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
$ 3,000.00
$ 3,000.00
Councilwoman Oliva,
Councilman Lizewski,
SUPERVISOR WICKHAM: That completes the list of resolutions that are
available for Board consideration today. We have a public hearing, that
is scheduled to begin at five o'clock, and it's a little bit before five,
but I see some people in the audience, who might like to respond to it,
we might get started now.
TOWN CLERK TERRY: We can't start before five. It's advertised for five
SUPERVISOR WICKHAM: We'll hold the hearing at five o'clock. We have a
few minutes, that the Board would be pleased to have comment, and
receive suggestions 'and ideas from the audience. Let me just comment,
that I would like hold this part of the meeting strictly to five minutes.
It has long been a practice of the Board to have the comments from the
audience limited to five minutes, and we'd like to continue that a
little more carefully than we've done in the past. So, I'm going to be
keeping time tonight. Would anyone like to address the Board on any
matter of their interests. Yes, sir, the gentleman in the back?
RON ECK: Supervisor Wickham, Councilwoman and Councilman, my name
is Ron Eck. I just moved into 28~15 Peconic Lane, and I come down here
for another purpose, but I also wanted to know about the landfill fee,
and if I'm right in listening to you, it would be a $10.00 permit for me,
and $2.00 per load?
COUNCILWOMAN HUSSlE: One or the other.
TOWN CLERK TERRY: The $10.00 permit is good for a year. It's for a
non-commercial vehlcle, your car, or a pickup truck used
RON ECK: My truck has non-commerlcial plate on it.
TOWN CLERK TERRY: That's fine then. You're not using it for
businesS, that you're going to be transporting anything. That's good for
a year.
RON ECK: I'm disabled. ! moved out here to be quiet, because I used to
work on the building, that I moved into, and the landlord said, Ron,
move in there, do what you want to the building, and I know you can't
work long hours, and whatnot, but he said, take care of it. I put some
flowers in front of the building already, and I fixed up my back
apartment, and whatnot, but there was another question I was going to
ask today, but I was told to go see Ray Jacobs by the Peconic
Postmi. Stress. She told me to go see Ray Jacobs about that. It's .like a
fishing pool ,out in front of the house there, and I would call it
Railroad Avenue, because the road there is about as long as the one in
Riverhead, and it's also longer than the one in Jamesport I'm sure, and
longer than !the one in .. Mattituck. But, that road is used constantly by
eighteen wheelers, and there's about six, I call them, fishing holes, but
there's no fish in them, so I was going to see Ray Jacobs tomorrow.to
see if he could do something about filling them up.
SUPERVISOR WI, CKNAM: I'm sure he will. Would anyone else like to
address the Board this afternoon on any matter of your interest?
DON SAYRE.' My name is Don Sayre. I'd like to read a statement from
the Southold Fire District. I'm one of Fire Commissioners. I do have a
copy for the Town Clerk as well as members of the Board. The Southold
Fire Department has a serious problem with access to some private roads
within the Southold Southold Fire District. The private roads are
overgrown with brush and trees, and some of the road beds are full of
pot holes. This not only restricts the response time of emergency
vehicles, fire trucks, ambulances, etc. and personnel, it also puts the
residen;ts"and their property at risk, damages our trucks and equipment,
and above all puts the safety of our volunteer firefighters in harm's
way. There are some areas with private roads that we can not get any of
our equipment into, not even our ambulances. The Town of Southold has
a Code in place to remedy this problem. Section 90-~1 and 100-235C of the
Town Code specifically deals with unsafe oremises and fire lane
standards. To give you a little background on what steps the Southotd
Fire District has taken, on October 23, 1993 we sent letters to the
residents of an area~, explaining the problem and requesting that they
rectify it. There was no response, and on October 4~ 1994 we, again,
sent letters, certified, return receipt, to the residents of the area
explaining the problem and requesting that they rectify it. Nothing was
done, and on May 2i%, 1995 we sent a letter to the Town Attorney to
pursue the residents .compliance to the Tow Code. Still nothing was done,
and on Ju y .~, 1995 a follow-up letter was sent to the Town Attorney by
our attorney.. '.William Glass requesting compliance. Our attorney also
followed up with several phone calls which were never answered. On
September I3, 1995, we requested to be put on the Town Board Work
Ses,sion agenda for September 1~9, 1995, so we would be able to discuss
this matter with the Town Board. We were told that the agenda was full,
and that we would be put on the October 3, 1995 agenda. On September
26, 1995, which was a week before the October 3rd meeting, we were
informed that our meeting had been removed from the agenda and that
the Town would, give us a letter that we could put on our stationary to
send to the residents. Since we have already done this, we informed
Mrs. Oliva we ~would not be sending another letter out and that we
wished the Town would take the appropriate actions for the residents to
comply with the Town Code. The Commissioners of ~he Southold Fire
District wish ~t~ an invitation to all members of t~e Town Board to
set up an appo with representatives of the Sou~hold Fire District
and the Sou Department to go to the different areas in our fire
district to ins show you the probems that exist. We can also
show you the size the emergency equipment that We must get Into
these areas. Public safety and the safety of our volunteers should be of
the utmost importan~:e to the Town Board, and we respectfully request
your immediate ~tt~nt~on to this matter. Thank you.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Don, as you know we've had several
conversations about this, and we thought we should really take this back
to the Code, because our Town Attorney felt that she would have
difficulty in enforcing the Code, as it is written now, because it said
up to fifteen feet; Now, if people cleared six feet would that solve your
problem? I don't think so. Would it be eight feet? Would it be twelve
feet? I think we have to put a definite footage in that Code Ordinance,
or into the Ordinance, so that it would clearly enforce something. It
would be very difficult to enforce this as it is written at ;this point.
DON' S'AYRE:' Well', [ recall the conversation that you:,and I had, but' I
disagree with that. I 'think that the reason the fifteen by'fifteen was
put into place is to~'gi¥.e: it some flexibility.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: Mr. Sayre, it only says, up to fifteen feet.
DON SAYRE: That's correct, and I want to remind you, also~ that the
Town Board at that time voted entirely, with !the' excepti!on of Mr.
Wlckham, for the law to go into place. There was public hearing. There
was no opp0sitlon'~o it, so that the people that ~were i;nvolt~ed, or could
be involved, did riet come to oppose it.
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: I don't think anyone wants to oppose what
you're trying to do. We just think that perhaps the previous Board, and
the people that were there at the time didn't understand fully the
ramifications of just putting that up to, instead of putting a definite
footage in.
DON SAYRE: You were on the Code Committee, and you voted for it.
COUNCJI'WOMAN OLIVA: I was not on the Code Committee at that time.
DON SAYRE: I believe you were on the Code Committee, because we
had a meeting here with the five Fire Districts, the Village Warden, and
George Penny was the head of the committee, and I believe you were
there, and we-discussed this, went at great lengths with discussion on
SUPERVISOR WICKHAM: Don, I look forward to excepting your invitation.
I would llke to go out, and have a look at these places. As you said, I
didn't vote for this, but I do see the need. I clearly see the need to
keep open thoroughfares for our fire equipment to get in and out. I
would prefer to put off about ten days, and then I'd like to get in touch
with you. I'd like to go out, and have a look at these places, and I'd
like to put in place the measures that would provide good excess for all
rescue and fire equipment without doing damage,- and without sacrificing
the safety of our volunteers.
DON SAYRE: The problem t have with that is, we have a problem
now, and if you go changing the Code, you're going to go six months
down the road.
SUPERVISOR WICKHAM: I'm not sure it needs a change in the Code
either, and I think there are steps the ToWn can take. In fact, you're
correct that I didn't support the law as it was proposed a couple of
years ago, but I did say at that time, and I'd say it now, there are
still other strong measures, that the Town can take to protect access to
make the life of the Fire Departments, and the volunteers better, and
make them better able to serve the public safety needs of the town.
There are things we can do through publicity, through leaflets, through
letters. We can do those things, and in another ten days I'll be glad to
take a look at it with you, and we'il come up with something that I think
the Board could support.
DON SAYRE: I disagree with you, because you were on the Town
Board at that time. You've Nad time since that time, that you were on the
Town Board as a Councilman. You've been Supervisor for almost two
years. You knew that this law was on the books, and you haven't done a
thing with it.
OCTOBER 3.0, 199.5
SUPERVISOR WICKHAM: Until your proposals came to us recently, I
wasn't aware of serious problems. Ruth has pointed out some problems,
that she has with the legal side of it. Not withstanding those questions,
I'm prepared to go ahead with some steps that the Town can take to
support the Fire Districts.
DON SAYRE: Thank you.
SUPERVISOR WICKHAM: It's five o'clock. I declare a recess.
Moved by. SuPervisor Wickham, seconded by Councilwoman OliVa, it was
RESOLM£D that a recess be called at this time, 5:00 'P.M., for the
purpose of ~ hearing.
Vote of ;oard: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman Oliva,
Counc d, Councilwoman Hussie, Councilman Lizewski,
Super ~/ickham.
This was duly ADOPTED.
Meeting~r~econvend at 5.; 30 P.M.
SUPER~JSOR : W]CKHAM: We'll resume comments from the audience
regard r~g ~ny ma!t(er 'of their interest before us this afternoon. Yes,
sir, t~e ~e~tl~man :in the back?
FRANK CARLIN: Frank Carlin, Laurel. On the other one, that I
mentioned just a moment ago. It's the one that receive from the County
on the Revenue Sharing on safety, which I understand you're going to be
receiving $227,000 in '96 from the County on Revenue Sharing, or safety
programs. It was right in the paper, Greg Blass, County Legislature
voted in there. What I want to know, do you intend to use some of that
money, you better, read the paper then, if you didn't see it. Mrs.
Oliva, .~bu're ma'klng~: 'lkind of a face up there. But, when you do
receive this money, d0 you have any plans in using some of this money
towards hiring some new police officers, being that it's for safety?
You'd better read the Suffolk Times. I don't know what page it's on, but
it was in there.
SUPERVISOR W.ICKHA:M: So, there's a question to the Board, and t have
to say, Pm not clear about this myself. John, do you know anything
about this?
JOHN (]USHMAN: I think Frank is talking about the sales tax.
FRANK CARLIN: No,no..okay, but it's still going to be under revenue
sharing for safety, and the amount coming to Southold Town is $227,000,
maybe yo~u're getting a little more. My question is, do you have any
plans in u:sing some of this money to hire some police officers.
SUPERVISOR WICKHAM: I think the answer to that is, yes, Frank. It
goes into the General Fund Whole Town, and consequently a good portion
of that will be used for police purposes.
FRANK CARLIN: That's good. So, you've got that amount to go for
some polJ~e officers, You got $2q0,000 coming in from Greenport. But, I
keep mentigning it to you, I don't know what you're doing about it, this
COP Program, the Federal funding program.
SUPERVISOR WICKHAM: We have made application to that.
FRANK CARLIN: Community Oriented Policing Service, there's money to
be gotten there. When you add up these three things, they add up to
quite a bit. You could hire quite a few police officers.
FRANK GARLIN: I had a different agenda tonight, but I can't speak
on it, because I'm limited to five minutes, but you know I look at the
flag. I see i'm in the United States of America, freedom of speech,
amendment one. I look at other Town Board meetings, Southampton,
R[verheac~, Oreenport. I very seldom see the Supervisor say, got five
minutes, i m going to cut you off, or pull out a timer, and all that
4.7.0 oc- oB, ,,,,
nonsense. Last week you gave David Corwin here about fifteen minutes
to speak. I don't understand what you're trying to do here. I mean I can
understand if there's a lot of people in the room, and you got to get a
lot of people to speak. But, a lot of times there's only a few people
that want to speak,-and I have usually a pretty strong agenda, and I
can't do it in five minutes. I'm not asking that you give me anymore,
but it just don't seem right 'being in this country, that you're limited
to how you want to ex.press ygurself, o.r speak~.~: I don't understand this,
and I never will, because I watched just recent y, maybe thl;ee weeks
ago, Southampton Town Board had a meeting on a public hearing alone
took seven hours. Se~,'en hours .on a p'ublid ihearidg ald~ie, Tom."'1: .~arit to
tell you something, M~. supervisor. This W°~Uld have.been
I can't, do ~use it takes more than five minutes, write
letters :to me Les,: ur;ders~and tl~is. a"l:i :.o~, ~h.t
limit me for five minutes, but You---~can't limlt'.~ne fri~m
when I'm writing. Last week you mentioned to me,..the man ini Id
like to speak. The reason why I'm in black h~Fe, I~t'ne exp '.
This shirt was given to me from the owner of McDonalds, and t says
there, McDonald's Mattituck, and I ' .....
m proud to wear .t; tnctdentally,
before ~ leave, Joe, how was the coffee t.he other night, or whatev~er
had in Mcgonalds? YOu iknow you can g6 the~e;' take!:~' Iobk
you don't have to buy a~ythin~, see how nice it is. S:quth~01d
step forward for a change, instead of two steps b~ckv~a~bds.
minutes very effective y,
gentleman in the back?
Thank you,
Anyone else
Frank. You!v:e. used your five
llke to addF~s~', the B~ard? The
PHIL VANBOURGONDIEN: My name is Phil VanB0urgondien, Southold.
Good evening, ladies ,and gentlemen. I realize that:the Budget is pretty
well settled by now~ .~ut there are a few things t~at bOther me about
Town g~ernment. I '~U ly expected that 'we would ~o~: l~ave any increase
~n taxeS,, th~s year, b~Jt that ~s not the case. Persor~ally, ! believe you
should ~ot haYe raised any Sa aries these past two ~/ears. We should also
be . . '..i . . . . ~ : ~ . ;
down-s~z~ng Tovzn government. Down-s~zmg thro~ugh attrition, not
layoffs, and I emphasize that completely. Yet, every meeting that I
attend we seem to.~e hiring part-timers, part for th:is, and par:t for
that, and so on, add . i.,:,
so forth. Government today. Is'.like any business
corporation, and th~ answer to the share holders' tht0ugh a Board of
Directors. You are our Board of Directors, and answer to the taxp~ayers.
tf taxpayers are not happy, you are not reelected. Th, e Town of Babylon
has not had a tax increase in the past ~ight years. ~J~der a Democratic
administration if they can do it, so can we. How do they do. it? They
consolidated departments. They elim hated positi'ons 'thKough attrition in
all departments of government. In other words, they were down-s~zmg~
and most Important demanding more productvty from ;the r employees.
Can you, the Board, honestly say that there ha§ beeh an increase' in
productivity in the past years? All departments 9~' Southold Town
government are answerab e to the Town Board, so just] ~s you are to 'the
taxpayers. I fully believe in freedom of speech~ but l,l.lget a little tired
of reading ~n the local papers the letters from the PBA, and Highway
Department Superintendent about how the Board is on them, and how
hard they work. It :is true. Some. of them do work t~a~rd, but ~°.me do
not. with all the labdr saving machinery I would expect: that the Highway
Department would ne~d less men, than they've needed jln the year'~, past.
I've been out here twenty-one years, and I remembel- when they were
using push mowers along the sides of the roads. T~day they're all in
fancy riding mowers, John Deeres, and going down, ~nd theyive got
big mowers, and they're doing everything. They dp it twice or three
times as fast, and they have the same amount of emplo~yees. The~ 'should
have less. The rePorts from committees indicate ]~' teat the' . Police
Department could be more productive. With the presentl pay scale f~r our
senior policeman, I'm surprised that everyone in town hasn't applied ~o
be a cop. Just a couple of other 'terns on my agenda. The YMCA,
nationally, is a very wealthy organization. They cou d we afforo ;to set
up in the center of Southold, preferable c~n a four lane highway in the
Peconic area, :which would be more cenl~rally Iqcated for all ~f the
Southold town people. Laurel Lake is a very sensi{ive area. I; can't
believe you have not 'h'eard one word out of the North Fork Environ~nental
Council about your choice of Laurel Lake. They've been so quiet, ~here's
something wrong with them, because they're generally making their
hullabaloo about nothing. How about in addition to increasing
productivity all Town employees work a forty hour week like any other
business entity :does in this country today? I never approved of the
lighting and sign codes, that the Board approved, nor of hiring a Sign
Code Enforcement person. The Sign Code was to keep our beautiful town
looking that way. Why are the politicians cluttering up our roads with
signs? Where is our Code Officer? I know that you will say, this is
tradition, but our town does look shabby with these signs all over the
place. This is people in Southold Town, who have Had signs, u? for
twenty, thirty, forty years. They. need those signs to remain in
business. It's a tough, tough place to stay in business in Southold Town
today. To nit-pick and have to move them a foot or two is ridiculous.
Business signs are a tradition as much as political signs. Do these
political signs :all have. permits? Every other sign has to, Have. a permit.
P.S. I, also¢ think that to do an appr0p/iate job the' Supervis0r's te~m
of office should be four years, b~cause two years is. not enough, YOu
only have a year to work, and the second year is spent on politicking,
and to run for office the next time. That's not fair. It's not :fair to
the person. It!s not fair to the taXpayer;s. It should be a four year term
at the least. Thank you ~ery much.
SUPERVISOR WI.CKH:AM: Phil, that's a very comprehensive..review. I
can't respond :to a..l i bf th~se comments, but I would .just like to say,
that early on in mehts you raised .the questi°n of Prod~)ctiv, ity. I
think, by al that productivity of en~p pyees in the
town is than it was two years.~go, i think
there is more per unit, or per person, than there Has
been in the past.
TOWN CLERK TER, R¥:, ,il ~gree with that one hundred percent. THere are
more things Put ion us: ',e~ry day.
SUPER~/I$OR WICKHAM:.Is there anyone else in the audience, who would
llke to address the Tow,ndlBoard this evening?
RON ECK: Just one i, question I have. Ron Eck, Mr. Supervisor,
Councilwoman, I Have ilnl:my hand a card. It's a disability card from the
veteran's: hospital. !'ye been going to the V.A. haspital in Northpo.rt
since 1976, I've been di~bled since 1976. The reason,why I come back In
here, I Stepped o~tsid~ '~ef0re, because" I though.t. I h~ad some applications
in my cair, but I.le~t.':~t~i~m Home. :They are application for any veteran,
whether ;he is disabied~ ;for not, to put in this application to get one of
these cards at the V~A.,.,hospital, because the V.A. 'Hospl;t~al is going to
be funded starting next, year by how many people ar;e regi~stered in that
hospital. We need veterans, whether they're disabled or not, to fill out
these applications. I was going to ask if I could bring some to Mrs.
Terry to leave.
TOWN CLERK TERRY: I'm sorry. It's that we really only have things
that are government related to the Town of Southold, and please, don't
feel offended by it. It!s the way it has to be.
RON ECK: I can't get out to these veteran's organizations out here to
tell them what is. going on, but I have a man that's going to start going
into the V.A. hospital with me on the 16th of November.
TOWN CLERK TERRY: If you come and see me I can give you the name
of the Commanders of the legions, that you could call.
RON ECK: I belong to the American Legion in Riverhead. I belong to
the D.A.V., which is the only one, Disabled American Veterans, which is
the only one on the North Fork, which is located in Riverhead. Garfield
M. Langhorne, I believe his name was. He was a young man, who threw
himself on a grenade to save his buddies. If anyone wants to join the
D.A.V. let them come see me on Peconi,c Lane. They'll spot me. They'll
see my truck.
SUPERVliSOR WICKHAM: THank you, Mr. Eck. Is the~e anyone else who
would like to address the Board tonight?
4 2 oc=o E,
FRANK C^RLIN: Just a short one, Tom. I agree with what this
gentleman said over here, but you got to remember one thing. We had
thirty-six people on Highway Department years back, and 'slnce then we
had more roads added, and a lot more work involved in it. I disagree on
the amount of employees' terms for Supervisor. I think all :Supervisor
and all Council should be two years, everybody, because I'll tel you the
reason why. If you vote:for .s. omeb0?y, and they turnout to be a.lemon,
you don't' have tO put Up with:their: r~onsen~e for four years. You can
vote them out after two.
5:50 P.M. Council:man Lizewski left.
SUPERVISOR WI'C:KHAM: Thank you, Mr. Carlin. I think that
completes 'the comments:' from the audience. I'd like to turn to the Board.
f theres anyone on the Board, who would llke tO addr~ess the audience,
or other Beard members'.
COUNCIIL~Ot~IAN HUSSIE: I would. This last week the Supervisor's
Preliminary :Budget was brought to us, and I tell you the public would be
wise to look carefully at how this money is to spent, especially in the
areas of personnel Solid Waste, and the Capital Budget. In 1993, the
Supervis0r, 'wh0 ~vas 1~hen a Counc'man voted against thio 199L[ Budget.
He said, 'land: '1~ quote, the Superwsor shou d proYmde, eadersh p n
spending,:'! resti~alnt~ I~ forgoing pay increases for Town employees,
appointed offlc~a!s, and elected off c~a s, c ose quote..The 1996 Budget
p ov~des for, 20~ raise for the Deputy Superv sot, two promotions, and
three new pos tIOns. Dle{" n tey not a spending restraint. When I argued
on this topic, I was asked if I had four votes to change the Budget. No,
I didn't. Then t~e rationale was given that the changes would not go into
effect br~tii"Janu~;r~y', ,a~d if we did not want to p~oceed' ~hen, we didn't
have to. That's unacceptable. If the money is in place, it's easy to go
ahead ~d~t; Sl~end it. On Solid Waste I quote the Supervisor, again, in
referehc~ t0~ithei':199L¢ :'Budget. Quote, it has not been ~xplained to my
satisfaction why we need two and a half million dOIla¢'s for garbage and
refuse, when the primary cost total only half of that, close quote. If
you 10ok at the line to. the Municipal Solid Waste Remov~al you'll see that
$200,000; that I prepo,se the yellow bags be reduced bye. You'll' find it
there. I~0W;- that..nion~y is squirreled away throughout the Solid Waste
District; i~h~Ee~s no plan to lower the bag prices, and that cash cow will
continue to ¢?dU~ce. The third part of the budget, that must have your
attention i~ (he Cap ta. Budget. It totals almost $900,00~0 for proposed
projects. Thel way it stands now is that those projects may, or may not
happen, Tbs Cap,tat,Budget ~s the way to sidle into the back door to
borrow. It's a blar~k check. There's no assurance that the money will be
ever be ~spertt as it was requested. Take a look at the Budget before
November 9th;
SUPERVISOR WICKHAM." This gives me an opportunity to outline a little
bit of what the Town Board did do, when it adopted a Preliminary Budget
for next year. We adopted that Budget last Friday. It's going to public
hearing on November 9th. That's a week from Thursday, at 3:00 o'clock
~n the afternoon, and at 7:00 o'clock in the evening. Members of the
community are most welcome to come, and address the Board with their
comments at'..that time. I'd like to take this opportunity to just give a
few highlights of this Budget. Just give you a few of the more sallent
features that I think the public would be interested in. First of all,
taking the five major funds, that we're concerned about, General Fund
Whole Town, Part Town, the two Highway Funds, a~nd the Solid Waste
District. All and all the 1996 Preliminary Budget shows an increase in
spending of 2.4% over 1995. But, it shows a reduction in taxes of 1.~,%.
The reason the taxes can be reduced while spending .increases is due to
the use of funds to balance it saved up during 1995. A portion of these
balances can be used as revenues in 1996, taking the place of taxes. Last
year the Board agreed to the policy that we would use a flat 50% of those
balances as revenues in the following year. This fiat percentage
eliminates the tendency to use a large share in certain years, and to
produce an artificially Iow tax rate, as was done in the 199~ election.
Durin~ 1995, that's this year, right, now, the Town has spent less money
than was budgeted, and we took in as revenues more than expected. So,
that's resulted in the savings of about a milllon dollars in all five
funds. The principle source of these savings has been as follows,
OCTOBER 30. 1995
$400,000, that the Town has saved through less than expected
contributions for the New York State Retirement System. The New York
State Retirement System told us, you ought to plan for this level, and
when they actually sent us the bills it was Se,00,000 less. There's been
about $100,000 in increased revenues from recyclables at the dump. The
market for recyclables have been a lot better than we anticipated.
There's been some~ $200,000 in additional expenses made available to the
General Fund Highways, and it's been a relatively light year in terms of
the expenditure needed to clear snow, and to take care of storms in the
Highway's Budget; In addition, this Town Board has managed it's
budgets with unprecedented care. The Police Budget for 1996 provides
for hiring five new people. Al. ice made the comment that we'~re going to
hire three new people.. We!re not. We're going to hire five new people,
five new Police Officers next year, including one who will be transferred
to the Juvenile Aide Bureau; and. one new administrative o~ficer, a
civilian, to relieve a' police officer, who could do patrol .duties.' The
total ~pendirig for Pol~ice and JAB together would be up about '5% next
year. S in 19~96 for the two Hig. hway Funds is up more than :8%
over 19! !'s /*~ for two consecutive yea~s to .make 8%~ But
as insura, nce~in'~'the
the duties:
a Solid
finance th~' "true.
rms, that the Town is ye to
. or d~aling ; put
own' Budget'~if needed, to take care Of storm
,~000 in this Preli~ or an
based on existing g. stoc , not new
-age $160,!0 of ' Oral ('~e
Acc( lect
~erson: ~holdi~g that 'he
p~ogram to a
s. that are currenl by
a~nd we're.
as, 1995. :The current b~
re :of. $.100,0~)0 in a C nd
Iosure. We're er
i¥ :We:.prol~osed to keep nd
because we find :ly
the co.mplele costs of
NOt jus~ the contract, of
same: buc
come. I
COUNC!L~OMAN .~.jUSiS:IE:. There are a few things that I Would li.ke, to
clarify,, l~luml~er ~9~:;; ~hen I said there were three ,new posi, tion~. I Wa
not ~¢eF~ing to, ~e ~oli~e at all. So, the fact that t~e are five
there, tEeye ~re ~hree ' o~hers, Number two, the Superv ~, sa~s ~hat
$1,000~0O~;,W~s~ s~'~V~d~U~i~g this last year. If y0~' recal!~'.iast:'yea~ I
said-t~at .~here; ~S~8D~;~0.00 too much in that budge~. Num~e;.~. three, ';the
balances ;.t~at~ ,ha~e ~.~lNed .~bout from 199~, the AcQ0untant~wi,II ~ell you
there ~W~s: 1.9 ~l]~bn~dolrlars at the end of 1~.99~. Num~er~ four, :the
$100,000 ;~omting~6~ ~hat, we have in the ~hO~e Tow~.~SupPosedly
earmar:~ed'f0r the ~ig~wa~ Department, if it's sup:posed ~&~ ,be for the
Hig~ay Department~ wh~ isn't in the Highway Department? That
contingencY fu~d ~ould be used for anything. The flf~h i and last,
although you had about eight, or nine different points, the fifth one I
want to talk about, if you look at the Budget you~'ll see it has about
$550,000 ~0r the cost of getting rid of solid waste, only solid waste,
and iff you looks.at the income from the Town Clerk's bags, all of that
amounts t0 t~e same amount. Who pays then for the waste that comes
over the scale?
COUNCILMAN TOWNSEND: I'd like to respond to a couple of items, and
we've had quite 'long discussions on solid waste issue, and the particular
figure he's talking about, that Alice mentioned. It's true that the cost
for trucking of the garbage bags out of town, is around $300.000, three
hundred and ~change~ and it's true that we'¥e applied..that we gained
$500,000"in, income, a;nd, if the trucks that take it to Pennsylvania, or
wherever it goes, came' house to house, and we didn't have to,put it in
the landfill¥ if we didn't have to have men to put ,it in those trucks, if
we didn't',haye to buy equipment: to load those bags into the truck, then
we could p¢obabl¥ get away with listing $300;000 'for,~ha~ expen.se, but
we have to maintain: the.building, and we have-to.~buy-~and~ m~intai~ t~e
equipment; ~nd ~e ;have to pa~ the personnel to.,d~ ~hat; COnsequen%l;~,
unless you ~ant: ~o put'~he,$200,000 in the tax bill, you have, to provide
these $500,000.'~o~th of money to pay for that totaL,service. A couple of
o h r thlng~ tha:t~she men[oned, she smd three ~e~;.pos~tlons. We're not
talking abo~t three~ positions. We've changed some :tidies: ~e~ lee to
respon~ t0q t~e .Town~'s.. demand for different se.r~i,~e~S~i fie s~ats,
without increas
just ,crc
time to that
longer ha:Ye
us with
do. That w
since, she ~i~l th,
consistently, arid
any ot~h~er
time she
and if
the [
it came
and o~
kind to
created th
it in
about what a Ca
the deb~. ~St
all the
acquisition' :of
not hi,
to make, a~d over
we can mak-e
:.,: We have.'., not incr
the Fire Ma
applying half. of
. 'As :fat~ as the Business Mar
rid of a clepi,
also could
the line
have occasionally filled
when', the' S~pervis~
Super~vJsor, has been
ilopinlon, certainly does
-se, ,once a.gain, that will
iunt ,of testimony thatlsh(
'Alice addressed the amount!
~S true. There was a lot" o
and careful- si
which allowed us
tike that, but also,
lidn't:bring a lot of
able to maintain
the Highway Departmenl
So, we may not
may have a hu
fund to earmark at thi~
Ii in the Highwa!
and I don~t know
JUdger is for, but it's ceri
~pposite. By planning
!~ that we've pald year
other high priced
Budget. I mean, everyl
in the future.
of major expenditures
xt three years we
;es without payin9 three
-hat's the reason we cre;
~C~or ' s
in the
~g on
~se are
~e. done
In the
~ .days
~len we
I~t Of
ine of
~r.' We
hy we
~e Alice g~ets idea
not to increase
caA' eliminate
fisr the
~t"s: th~ whole
o that
FRANK CARLIN: !I'd tike:to reply to you, Joe.
SUPERVISOR WlCKHAM': If this is a budget discussion, there will be a
public hearing, Frank.
FRANK CARLIN: I just want to reply to what he said. Am I able to
speak this time, again?
SUPERVISOR WICKHAM: Can you keep it to a minute?
FRANK CARLIN: You didn't keep yours to five minutes. Joe, for you
say that one person does more than anyone else on the Board, if I was
Board member, or Councilpeople, I would be insulted by that. Nobody
tells her she~s got to work eight hours a day. Come on. You're talking to
Frank Carlin. If anybody deserves a raise, who puts in hours, it's
Judith Terry, the Clerk there. She's tJ~e one that if you're going to give
one, give it to Judith Terry then. You're talking to Frank Carlin, man.
SUPERVISOR WICKHAM: Anyone else on the Board like to address any
of these issues?
COUNCILWOMAN OLIVA: I just want to reiterate on one thing, that I
think is very important. That the Board decided with the reserve that
they had to put $100,000 aside, so that we start saving up for the
capping and closing of our landfill, and I think this is a very important
thing that the Board has done, and the first time they've ever looked
ahead, and started to save ahead for something they know is going to be
a tremendous expense to the town, and I'm very proud of the Board for
doing it.
SUPERVISOR WICKHAM: Do I hear a motion to adjourn?
Moved by Councilwoman Oliva, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it
RESOLVED that the Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at
6:10 P.M.
Vote of ~the Town Board: Ayes: Justice Evans, Councilwoman
Councilman Townsend, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Wickham.
This resolution was duly ADOPTED.
~ 'Jud~th I. l erry r//
Southold '¥own Clerl('