HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-05/23/2023 WS May 23, 2023 Town Board Work Session Agenda OPEN SESSION IV-1 9:00 Councilwoman Jill Doherty with Mark Terry, Assistant Planning Director and Mara Cerezo, Planner re: Continued Discussion of Housing Plan IV-2 10:00 Jim Korwan, Robert Czarniawski and Prasanna Palapati of Verizon Wireless (Via Zoom) re: Presentation of Proposed Improvements to Verizon Coverage in Southold Town IV-3 10:30 Dan Goodwin, Highway Superintendent and Paul DeChance, Town Attorney re: Proposed Chapter 160- Highway Excavations and Curb Cuts IV-4 Councilwoman Sarah Nappa re: Transportation Commission Updates: 1. Striping at Main Bayview and Ackerly Pond, Southold 2. Letter About Proposed Changes to Oaklawn Avenue IV-5 Southold Town Aircraft Noise Steering Committee Request for Letter in Opposition of Proposed 2023 Aircraft Routes IV-6 Supervisor Russell re: Fireman's Preference Code and Emergency Services Program ARPA Funding IV-7 Building Department Fees (Follow Up from 5/9) IV-8 Town Attorney Paul DeChance re: Update on A Local Law in Relation to an Amendment to Chapter 280, Zoning, Accessory Apartments EXECUTIVE SESSION IV-9 Potential Acquisition(s), Sale or Lease of Real Property Where Publicity Would Substantially Affect the Value Thereof 12:00 Lillian McCullough, Land Preservation Executive Assistant IV-10 Labor- Matters Involving Potential Contracts 12:30 Kristie Hansen-Hightower, Town Comptroller IV-11 Labor- Matters Involving the Employment/Appointment of a Particular Person(s) 1:00 -Kristie Hansen-Hightower, Town Comptroller -Councilwoman Sarah Nappa re: Transportation Commission -Councilwoman Sarah Nappa re: Suffolk County Annual Gabreski Community Advisory and Review Board 2:00 -Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) Task Force Interviews- 2 individuals rescheduled from 5/9 =vf .3 Chapter 160 5"-Q3 -a,3 Highway i § 160-1 Highway excavations. No person, firm or corporation, public service, water, light or power authority shall make any curb cuts, road openings or excavate in any street, highway or sidewalk in the Town owned right of way for any purpose without first obtaining a permit from the Superintendent of Highways as hereinafter provided. § 160-2 Permit. A. Upon application in writing filed with the Superintendent of Highways, stating the purpose, extent, location and nature of proposed curb cuts, road openings or excavations or other disturbance of a street or highway in the Town, the Town Superintendent of Highways may grant or refuse a permit therefor. B. If the application for a permit is denied,the Highway Superintendent shall send the applicant written notification of the denial and shall state the reason for denial. C. Except where such curb cut, road opening or excavation or disturbance shall be directly authorized by law, the Superintendent of Highways may, in circumstances of substantial disturbance as determined by the Superintendent, require the applicant to deposit with the Superintendent of Highways a sum of money or bond in a sum set by resolution of the Town Board, or which shall otherwise be deemed by him to be adequate to pay all of the expenses to which the Town will be put to replace the street, highways or sidewalk, pavement, curb or gutter in proper condition, and the unexpended balance, if any, shall be refunded to the depositor. The depositor's unexpended balance shall be returned by the Town 90 days after the excavation or other disturbance has been repaired to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Highways, regardless of whether the permittee or the Town completes the restoration. D. Each applicant must file an insurance policy or certificate with the Superintendent of Highways insuring the Town of Southold in the sum of not less than$2,000,000 combined single limit. E. No permit shall be issued for an opening on any roadway which has been resurfaced, reconstructed or newly constructed by the Town of Southold during a period of five calendar years previous to the application date, except for permits for emergency openings as defined in §160-6 below. The prohibitions stated in this Subsection shall not apply to applications to install new gas connections to residential properties. In such an instance, any such disturbance shall be conditioned on remedial measures that include full width mill and fill work and resurfacing of the area of the disturbance and the adjacent 20' surrounding said disturbance. F. Any permit issued under this chapter may be revoked at any time by the Highway Superintendent. G. Permits shall become null and void unless work is commenced within 30 days of the issuance of said permit, unless an extension of time is granted by the Highway Superintendent in writing. H. Upon the issuance of a road opening permit, the applicant shall provide a forty-eight-hour written notice to the Highway Superintendent or his duly authorized representative, prior to making any road openings, except in cases of emergency as provided for herein. No openings shall be commenced on a Saturday, Sunday or a holiday unless in cases of emergency. I. Completion, reimbursement and assessment. Each application shall authorize the Highway Superintendent to complete the repair, construction or reconstruction of driveway entrances and curb cuts whenever the Superintendent finds reasonable cause to conclude that the applicant failed, refused or neglected to complete such repair, construction or reconstruction. The Town shall be reimbursed for the cost of such repair, construction or reconstruction by assessment against and collection from the lots or parcels of land where such work was performed or services rendered for so much of the actual and complete costs as incurred upon and from each lot or lots. J. Except in cases of a demonstrated emergency, no road openings shall be made, and no applications for road opening permits may be filed with the Superintendent of Highways between the period December 1 through March 31 of each calendar year. § 160-3 Additional provisions related to curb cut applications and permits. A. Each application for a permit shall be signed and acknowledged by the applicant and shall set forth, or there shall be attached thereto, a fully dimensioned plot plan showing the existing and proposed driveways, curbs and sidewalks of the subject property and on each side adjacent thereto. B. The Highway Superintendent shall review each application and shall issue such permit upon compliance by the applicant with the provisions of this chapter,provided that the Superintendent shall determine that: (1) The proposed driveway entrance, curb cut, road opening or excavation will not interfere with the orderly and reasonable use of adjacent property. (2) The proposed driveway entrance, curb cut, road opening or excavation will not create undue interference with vehicular traffic in the adjoining highway. (3) The proposed driveway entrance, curb cut,road opening or excavation will not adversely affect the health, safety and welfare, of the inhabitants of the Town. § 160-4 Fees. Except where otherwise provided by law, or where permits as above are granted for work done at the direction of the Town Superintendent of Highways, each application for such permit shall be accompanied by a fee, to be set by resolution of the Town Board for each curb cut, street opening or excavation,to be paid to the Town. The fee and permit herein required shall be in addition to permits required for the construction of any sidewalk, curb or driveway. § 160-5 Fees for permits issued to utility companies and special districts. Permits may be issued to electrical, gas, water, cable, telephone, sewer or other public service corporations or public utilities, and special districts of the Town of Southold without the required fee if prior arrangement has been made. § 160-6 Emergencies. In the event that any pipe, main, conduit or other utility installation in or under any street, alley, sidewalk or public way shall burst, break or otherwise be in such condition as to seriously endanger persons or property,the owner of such sewer, main, conduit or other installation shall immediately contact the Town of Southold Superintendent of Highways describing the location of the break, extent of repairs and any emergency measures required to reroute traffic. Upon approval by the Superintendent of Highways,the owner shall immediately remedy the condition and shall immediately take all such necessary steps to make said location safe and secure. Such owner shall not, however, begin making any permanent repairs to such street, alley or sidewalk until he or she shall have secured a permit as provided above. Such permit shall be applied for within 48 hours of such an event, and the necessary permanent repairs to the street, alley or sidewalk shall be made as directed by the Superintendent of Highways and shall be completed as soon as practicable after receipt of the permit. § 160-7 Notice to public service corporations. No work shall be commenced under any permit granted pursuant to this chapter unless or until such permittee shall have provided adequate notice to electrical, gas, water, cable, telephone, sewer or other public service corporations or public utilities having lines, mains or other property in the streets that may be affected by such activity. § 160-8 Protection of excavations. A. The permittee shall take appropriate measures to assure that, during the performance of road opening or excavation work,traffic conditions as nearly normal as practicable shall be maintained at all times so as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to the occupants of the abutting property and to the general public,provided that the Highway Superintendent may permit the closing of streets to all traffic for a period of time prescribed by him if necessary. Failure to provide barriers and lights conforming to the requirements of the Superintendent of Highways shall be prima facie evidence of a failure to provide suitable barriers and lights and may result in immediate revocation of the permit. B. The road opening or excavation work shall be performed and conducted so as not to interfere with access to fire stations and fire hydrants. Materials or obstructions shall not be placed within 50 feet of the fire hydrants and connections. Passageways leading to fire escapes or fire-fighting equipment shall be kept free of piles of material or other obstructions. C. The following measures shall be taken to ensure the safety and protection of the traveling public. (1) All road openings or excavations must be backfilled immediately and pavement restored in accordance with Town road specifications. (2) If it is necessary to leave a road opening or excavation unfinished overnight or for an extended period,the permittee shall place at the site traffic bearing plates a/k/a"road plates", suitable barricades and appropriate lighting. The barriers and lighting devices shall conform to the specifications set forth in the United States Department of Transportation Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, and any amendments thereto. The road opening or excavation shall be lit continuously from twilight to dawn. The permittee shall also notify the Southold Police Department of the condition of the unfinished road opening or excavation and furnish the Police Department with contact information. A minimum of four flashers must be used at the construction site or along the right-of-way as required by the Highway Superintendent. § 160-9 Protection of property. A. All permits granted for Town street, highway or sidewalk excavations for any purpose shall be conditioned upon the adequate protection, at the expense of the applicant,to the property of the Town and public service corporations. All excavations shall be backfilled properly upon completion and a written notice thereof given to the Superintendent of Highways. B. All permittees are to restore pavements in accordance the specifications set forth in Chapter 161. C. Should prevailing weather conditions preclude the permanent restoration of the road surface, the applicant shall be responsible for the maintenance of the temporary surface. D. The permittee whose actions or inactions require town labor to close or secure road openings, excavations, or curb cuts shall be charged accordingly. § 160-10 Liability. The permittee shall hold the Town of Southold and its officers harmless against any and all claims,judgments or other costs arising from the excavation and other work covered by the excavation permit or for which the Town of Southold or any Town officer may be made liable by reason of any accident or injury to person or property through the fault of the permittee, either in not properly guarding the excavation or for any other injury resulting from the negligence of the permittee, and further conditioned to fill up, restore and place in good and safe condition, as nearly as it can be to its original condition and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Highways, all openings and excavations made in the streets and to maintain any street where an excavation is made in a condition as good as before said work shall have been done, for the period of 12 months after said work shall have been done, usual wear and tear excepted. Any settling of the surface within said one-year period shall be deemed conclusive evidence of defective backfilling by the permittee. § 160-11 Driveway and curb cut specifications for residential (noncommercial) use. Each curb cut and driveway for noncommercial use constructed under a permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be constructed in accordance with the following specifications: A. Curb cuts for dwellings shall be no greater than 10 feet for one-car access at the curbline. B. Curb cuts for dwellings shall be no greater than 18 feet for two-car access at the curbline. C. For corner properties, the minimum distance permitted between any curb cut and the property line forming the adjoining street extended to the curbline shall be 30 feet. D. A minimum distance of 10 feet from side property lines shall be maintained when measured from the expansion joint. E. Curb cuts shall be at least 10 feet from the nearest utility pole, storm drain and fire hydrant/Fire Department connection. F. Curb cuts shall have a reveal of no less than 3/4 of an inch. G. Driveway aprons adjacent to concrete sidewalks shall be made of concrete. Residential driveway aprons and adjacent concrete sidewalk shall be reinforced and be six inches thick. An empty one- inch schedule PVC electrical conduit may be required by the Highway Department to be provided below the apron. Driveway aprons utilizing decorative materials installed adjacent to an asphalt roadway shall not be installed closer than three feet to the edge of the asphalt road surface. H. Curb cuts and driveway aprons may be made of asphalt or other alternative material and shall delineate between the driveway apron and the street. Curb cuts made of anything other than concrete or asphalt require a declaration of waiver and release of claims against, and indemnification of, the Town of Southold. § 160-12 Driveway and curb cut specifications for commercial use. Each curb cut and driveway for commercial use constructed under a permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be constructed in accordance with the following specifications: A. Curb cuts for commercial use shall be not greater than 25 feet at the curbline. However, should the applicant prove a requirement of greater width in order to accommodate larger vehicles, consideration for such greater width may be given. B. For corner property, the minimum distance permitted between any commercial-use curb cut and the property line forming the adjoining street extended to the curbline shall be 40 feet. C. A minimum distance of 15 feet from side property lines shall be maintained at the curbline for all commercial-use curb cuts when measured from the expansion joint. D. Commercial driveway aprons and adjacent concrete sidewalk shall be reinforced and be eight inches thick. An empty one-inch schedule PVC electrical conduit may be required by the Highway Department to be provided below the apron. E. Commercial-use curb cuts may be supplemented by additional commercial-use curb cuts, provided that all such curb cuts are not less than 25 feet, one from the other, at the curbline, and the application otherwise meets all requirements herein. F. Curb cuts shall be at least 10 feet from the nearest utility pole, storm drain and fire hydrant/Fire Department connection. G. Curb cuts shall have a reveal of no less than 3/4 of an inch. § 160-13 Circular driveway guidelines. To comply with the Southold Highway Department's guidelines, the following are the requirements necessary in order to obtain permission to obtain road opening permits to install a circular driveway: A. A minimum property frontage measurement of 100 feet is required. B. Upon application for a permit,the Highway Department may allow for a circular driveway, the width of the curbcut and driveway radius to be determined by the Highway Superintendent. C. Curb cut openings must remain at least 10 feet from each side property line. D. Curb cut openings must remain at least 10 feet from any existing trees, light posts or fire hydrants, utility poles, storm drains and fire hydrant/Fire Department connections. § 160-14 Penalties for offenses. Any person violating the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,500 or to imprisomnent for a term not to exceed 15 days, or to both fine and imprisonment. § 160-15 Severability. If any clause, sentence,paragraph, section or part of this chapter shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder thereof but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part thereof directly involved in said judgment. �v- � S�.3-� � ,, ,per U�w�t��� ., , ��n� u' I �'�� � i�W i� p ��uu� w �� NEWYORK ANDREW M. CUOMO sT'E Governor OPPORTUNITY_ Trans po r ' ' MARIE THERESE DOMINGUEZ Lo Commissioner RICHARD B.CAUSIN,P.E. Acting Regional Director April 5, 2023 Mr. Scott Russell, Supervisor f1 Town of Southold 53095 Main Rd P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Supervisor Russell I arra pleased to inform you that the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) professionals are starting to develop a multi-location safety enhancemerd project, PIN 0310.59, This project is anticipated to be awarded in 2025. One of the proposed locations within this project is NYS Route 25 at Oaklawn Avenue Extension in Southold. It is NYSDOT`s objective to enhance traffic calming at this intersection. The draft proposal is to install a fourteen-foot-wide raised concrete imprinted median island on NYS Route 25,just west of Oaklawn Avenue Extension, for the Southold school crossing guard to stand. As part of this proposal, the existing NYS Route 25 crosswalk will be reconfigured to shorten the north- south crossing distance by eliminating the skew. In addition, the eastbound and westbound NYS Route 25 through lanes and shoulders will be narrowed. An illustration overlayedon an aerial is attached for your reference. Please notify this office, in writing, if the Town of Southampton, Southold Police Department and Southold School Distract would support this proposal. Thank you for your interest in and support for the New York State Transportation system. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact Karyn Meyer, Director of Government Relations, or me at R10-GovernmentRelations dot.n ov. Sincerely, Richard B. Causin, P.E. Regional Director cc: Karyn Meyer, Director of Government Relations George Paralemos, Assistant Commissioner Chief Martin Flatley, Southold Police Department Supervisor Jay Schneiderman, Town of Southampton Superintendent Anthony Mauro, Southold School District RBC:sme Attachment 5o Wolf Road,Albany,NY 12132 1 www.dot.ny.gov Oaklawn Ave Ext Wt �1 r7 Shelter sian 5-U- a.3 22 Building Department Fees Cell Towers- Based on estimated cost of construction with actual cost of construction verified with completion of project. Automobile Charging Units-$200.00 Cisterns -$450.00 Commercial Ansul System-$300.00 Decks, Patios, Porches- (terraces, additions & alterations to same) *Resurface-$150.00 for first 500 sq. ft.' plus $.50 for each additions sq. ft.' *New Decks-$250.00 up to 500 sq. ft.' plus $.75 for each additional sq. ft.' Driveways & Aprons- $250.00 New fence-$75.00 * No fee for repairs Fireplaces-Wood Stoves & Chimneys- $200.00 Fire Sprinkler System-$500.00 Foundations under existing buildings-ECC*$50.00 per sq.ft.' x $4.50/1000 sq. ft.' *ECC minimum $250.00 Garages (detached & attached, non-habitable) & additions & alteration to same- $100 per sq. ft.' * ECC with $250.00 min. with rate of $4.50 per $1000 of ECC Generators, HVAC, Hot Tubs-$200.00 Multiple dwellings, hotels, motels, clubs, business buildings including wineries- 1St Floor ECC *$255.00 per sq. ft.' 2nd Floor ECC *-$150.00 per sq. ft.' Pool Renovations ( re-gunite or new liner)- $175.00 Retaining Walls-$125.00 Relocation of Building-$250 up to 2000 sq. Ft.' plus $.50 per sq. ft.' Renewal of expired Building Permit- 25% of original fee. Minimum $150.00 Residential Entry Gate-$200.00 Revision to Permits-Changes made after notifying Building Dept. & submitting paperwork. -$150.00 Revisions Made without Building Dept. notification-$500.00 Roofing-Siding-$200.00 Sheds, carports, gazebos, outdoor showers, pergolas & Misc. - $125.00 Signs-Business -$100.00 Single Family Dwelling-(New construction, additions, alterations including porches, decks, fireplaces, chimneys, accessory sleeping quarters, accessory apartments, cabanas- *Minimum permit fee $300.00 Fee is calculated at $4.50 per $1000.00 of Estimated Cost of Construction (ECC) which is based on the following sq. ft.' estimates: A. For homes less than 2500 sq. ft.: First floor ECC: $100.00 per sq. ft. All other floors & finished basements: $80.00 per sq. ft. B. For homes between 2001-4000 sq. ft.: First floor ECC: $205.00 per sq. ft. All other floors & finished basements: $140.00 per sq. ft. C. For homes between 4001-6000 sq. ft.: First floor ECC: $265.00 per sq. ft. All other floors & finished basements: $205.00 per sq. ft. D. For homes greater than 6000 sq. ft.: First floor ECC: $345.00 per sq. ft. All other floors & finished basements: $290.00 per sq. ft. * With complexity multipliers of .75, 1.25, or 1.50 x's calculated total permit fee Solar Panels (ground mounted)-$200.00 Solar Panels (roof mounted)-$200.00 Swimming Pools-Above ground with/without fence-$250.00 Swimming Pools-In-ground-Including 36" max. apron & fence- $750.00 Temporary Trailers- Storage Containers-$150.00 Tennis Courts with fence-$450.00 Tents & Temp. Structures (stages, pavilions etc.)-$150.00 up to 100 sq. ft.' plus $.50 per sq. Ft.' Bed & Breakfast License -Residential-$200.00* Commercial $400.00 every (2 years) Certificate of Compliance-Principal & Accessory Structures other than those with sleeping/apts.:-$150.00 Accessory Structures/Apartments- $150.00 Vacant Land: $100.00 (comes from Town Attorney) Duplicates:- $75.00 Certificate of Completion/Compliance: Docs & Bulkheads- $125.00 Anything other than a Dwelling-$50.00 Duplicates $75.00 Certificate of Occupancy: Commercial (charged with Building Permit) $150.00 Residential (charged when Building Permit is Issued): $150.00 Duplicate: $50.00 (signed copy) Updated Certificate: $75.00 ( with inspection) Unsigned Copies $1.00 Demolition Permit-Accessory Structures- $80.00 Commercial Structure: $250.00 up to 2000 sq. ft. + $.60 sq. ft. over 2000 Residential Structure: $250.00 up to 2000 sq. ft. +$.60 sq. ft. over 2000 sq. ft. Denial Letter- $300.00 SWPPP Permit- Review by Town Engineer -$550.00 Irrigation Permit- Renew annually-$350.00 New with Cistern: $350.00 New-Turf renewal-$100.00 Re-Inspection after failure: $75.00 Site-Safety Inspection- First inspection no charge *Re- inspection after failure $100.00 022 PROPOSED CHANGES TO BUILDING DEPARMENT FEES Town of Riverhead Building Department ZB NO. SCTM#. INSPECTION&CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY INFORMATION SHEET Inspections must be made by the building department within four(4)months of the issuance of a building permit.It is the responsibility of the applicant, owner, or contractor to request inspections from the Building Department. Construction must be completed and certificate of occupancy must be obtained within twelve(12)months,or the permit may need to be renewed. NOTE-. AFTER THE F'OUDATIONIS POURED OR PILINtiS ARE INSTALLED] AND PRIOR TO THE START OF FRAMING.A FLOOD ELEVAJION CERTIFICATE S REQUIRED FOR WORD WITHIN FLOOIIPLAIN. The following inspections are required. ONE WEEK: notice for inspections is ucccsm 151 Inspection: Footing reinforcement or pier excavation prior to pour god Inspection: Footing keyway with foundation wall reinforcement and dowels into existing 31 Inspection: Foundation before backfill(must be damp proofed where applicable) 411 Inspection: Under slab plumbing,perimeter insulation,and slab preparation before slab is poured. 511 Inspection: Framing,Sheathing&Strapping prior to housewrap(if strapped under sheathing,separate sheathing inspection req'd) 611 Inspection: Rough plumbing;air and/or water test may be required 71h Inspection: Rough electric 81 Inspection: Insulation and draft stopping;must be weather tight 91h Inspection: Final building,plumbing,electrical inspections;all construction completed and ready for occupancy Site features may need additional inspections;i.e.drywells,grading,grade stabilization,etc. After the required inspections are made, a Certificate of Occupancy must be issued prior to occupying the subject building(s). The following documents are required to be submitted after all of the work is complete: O Final Survey()rc arctl ila a NYS lJcvawd Surve yor)when applicable O A final Flood 11evatiog Certificate prepared by a NO'S Licensed Survc a)r O Electrical Certificate of Compliance(issued by the Town of Riverhead Electrical Inspector) O Suffolk County Health Department Approval(if required and/or necessary) O Plumbers Affidavit(if required and/or necessary) O Final Floor Affidavit(if required and/or necessary) O Dark Skies Compliance Acknowledgement,if applicable—Please review Outdoor Lighting Code,Article XLIX; No building may be used or occupied in whole or in part, until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been issued by the Building Inspector.(All new construction) No building enlarged,extended or altered,or upon which work has been performed,which required a building permit,shall be occupied or used more than thirty(30)days after completion,unless a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been issued by the Building Inspector. (All additions,alterations,etc.) All debris created by land clearing and during construction must be removed from the property. No debris is to be used in backfill of footings and foundation or is to be buried. The Certificate of Occupancy will be issued after a processing period of at least Seventy-two hours(72)from the time all of the required documents are submitted to this office. Pursuant to Chapter 217-12(G): The Building Inspector may charge a duplicate inspection fee for any inspection that must be repeated due to the failure of the applicant to meet the inspection criteria.The duplicate inspection fee for residential properties shall be$200.The duplicate inspection fee for commercial properties shall be$350. In addition,each missed inspection shall be considered a failed inspection and a fee shall be charged.if foundations are poured without the rebar being seen then we reserve the right to require third party imaging certification. The owner/contractor is responsible for all drainage and flooding issues as provided by§217-6(k)of the Town Code. Permit fees are nonrefundable per Town of Riverhead Code§217-121)(17). The person responsible for this site must call in for all inspections listed above. Signature: Date: 2021 REVISED rM' m TOWN OF RIVERbiEAD COMMERCIAL FEES-DO NOT INCLUDE SERVICE WORK ORDER CODE FOR ELECTRICAL APPLICATIONS Code: Fee: r CMEA 5 or less devices (basic) $100.00 CMEA 6 or more devices $200.00 Code: Fee: (plus$1.00 per replaced device) CMEB comm. bldg., renov./add. ELAB 10 Devices or less $60.00 not to exceed up to 500 sq.s. $175.00 CMEC comm.bldg., renov./add. ELEA AG swimming pool, signs, 501 to 1000-sq. ft. $240.00 fire reconnects $95.00 CMED comm. bldg., renov./add. ELEB residential garage, add./renov. 1001 to 1600 sq. ft. $300.00 not to exceed 500 sq. ft. $105.00 CMEE comm. bldg.,renov./add. ELEC residential home, add./renov. 1601 to 2500 sq. ft. $450.00 501 to 1000 sq.ft.per occupancy $135.00 CMEFcomm.bldg.,renov./add. ELED residential home, add./renov. 2501 to 3500 sq. ft. $600.00 1001 to 1600 sq.ft. per occupancy $170.00 CMEG comm. bldg., renov./add. ELEE residential home, add./renov. 3501 to 10,000 sq. ft. $700.00 1601 to 2500 sq.ft. $250.00 CMEH comm.bldg., renov./add. ELEF residential home, add./renov. 10,110 to 20,000 sq. ft. $1,000.00 2501 to 3500 sq.ft $335.00 CMEI comm. bldg., renov./add. ELEG residential home, add./renov. 20,001 to 30,000 sq. ft. $1,300.00 3501 sq. ft. or larger $645.00 CMEJ comm. bldg., renov./add. ELSP IG swimming pool, hot tub $150.00 30,001 to 50,000 sq. ft. $1,775.00 Heated pools an additional $ 75.00 ELSD electrical survey, defects removed CMEK comm. bldg., renov/add $150.00 50,001 to 100,000 sq. ft. $2,600.00 ELMEresidential mechanical equipment CMEL comm.bldg., renov./add. $75.00 100,001 sq. ft. & above $4,025.00 {ELTGH Temporary Greenhouses $81.00 CMSP comm.swimming pools&related equipment$300.00 {ELPGH Permanent Greenhouses $115.00 CMEM gas station,marina& related equipment $550.00 SVCU service 400 amps or under $125.00 Tents up to 2,000 s.f a flat fee of $200.00 SVCO service over 400 amps $175.00 2,001 s.f. and up a flat fee of $350.00 CONDO per unit $275.00 CMME comm.mechanical equipment $200.00 NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION INCLUDE SERVICE CONDO per unit $275.00 Duplicate Certificates $75.00 INSU C a • CMAP Carbon Monoxide Alarm(s) $60.00 1. underground work requires a trench inspection **If not listed above,please contact the Building Department 2. rough inspection prior to insulation 631-727-3200 x 213,268,or 283 3. final inspection at completion H:\Building\2021.revised.apps\electrical.fee.doc TOWN OF SOUTHAMPTON bre;rtment of Land Management '° a^� JANICE SCHERER 116 HAMPTON ROAD " TOWN PLANNING AND SOUTHAMPTON,NY 11968 DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATOR Phone:(631)702-1800w Fax:(631)287-0262 JAY SCHNEIDERMAN TOWN SUPERVISOR Building& Zoning Division Fee Schedule Efff*ctiv�:Q /28/217B LReidentia�l llceians e calculated as follows: RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIONS Up to 2000 $.25 per sq.ft. 2001-3000 $.40 per sq.ft. _.... .. .......... ... 3001-4000 $60 per sq.ft. 4001-5000 $.80 per sq.ft. 5001 and Over $1.25-per sq.ft. *$50 Minimum Fee on all Applications New Dwellings,Additions&Renovations,including Porches, See above fee schedule Breezeways,Carports,Manufactured Homes&Carriage Houses New or Additions to Garage or Accessory Building including Barn,Gazebo,Greenhouse or Shed(unfinished space) $.25 per sq.ft. Accessory Building with Finished Interior Space $.75 per sq.ft. Accessory Building with Unfinished Interior Space $.25 per sq.ft. Decks,Patios(Unroofed),ex:Terrace $.25 per sq.ft. Deck or Porch(Roofed)ex:Pergola/Trellis See above fee schedule Vinyl Pmol-$250 Swimming Pools-Above-Ground and In-Ground and Hot Gunite Pool-$500 Tubs/Spa Above Ground Pool-$100 Hot tub Spa-$200 Tennis Court $500 Sports Court—Basketball,Bocce Ball,etc. 1 $250 MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS Demolition of Partial or Whole Structure 20 per sq.ft.($50 minimum fee) Demolition of non-roofed structures $25 per item($50 minimum fee) Plumbing Fixtures $10 per fixture($50 minimum fee) Pre-Existing Certificate of Occupancy $250 Updated Certificate of Occupancy $250 Property Searches $25 Coastal Erosion Management Permit $1,000 Signs $5 per sq.ft.($50 minimum fee) Fence—Greater than 4 ft.up to 6 ft. $.05 per linear ft.($50 minimum fee) MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS NOTE:BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS FOR WORK DONE ARE SUBJECT TO DOUBLE FEES Heating Systems(ex:Pool/Spa Heater,Generator,Fuel Conversion) $150 per item Outdoor Kitchen(Seasonal) $300 Fireplace,Wood Burning Stove,Brick Oven,Built in BBQ, $150 per item Fire Pit Awning $100 per Awning Outdoor Shower $100 Elevator $500 1-80kw: $50 Battery Storage 81-600kw: $100 601+kw: $200 Entry Gates with Piers $175 per set Geothermal $250 Residential Solar(single family) $200 Wind Energy Conversion System $300 per turbine Relocation of Existing Structure $500 Land Disturbance greater than 2,000 sq.ft. $300 rto ndmarks Historic District Board Review Pursuant $50 §123-9 AMENDMENTS/EXTENSIONS/EXPEDITED $25-$50 or$50 minimum fee+Total Amended sq.ft.times either Amendments to Building Permits $.10,$.25 or$.50 for ill Amendment calculated at time of submittal. Same for each additional amendment Plus additional fee associated with additional work. Six Month Extension(up to four) $150 per extension Expedited Building Permit Application Review $1,000 NOTE: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONS FOR WORK DONE ARE SUBJECT TO DOUBLE FEES Fee Schedule Buildiing Department Fee Schedule The following fees shall be paid upon the filing of an application with the building inspector for a building permit. 'View the electrical Inspection price List. Single Family Dwelling,Alterations and Additions Type Fee New dwellings, additions, and alterations including deck $200 plus $0.40 for each square additions to existing dwellings foot of floor area Accessory buildings, additions, and alterations to existing $100 plus $0.40 for each square accessory buildings foot of floor area Farm Buildings Type Fee Farm buildings, additions, and alterations to existing farm buildings $150 for each building Multiple* Type Fee New buildings, additions and alterations to existing $250 plus $0.40 for each square buildings foot Accessory buildings, additions and alterations to existing $100 plus $0.40 for each square accessory buildings foot of floor area *Hotel, motel, multiple dwellings and businesses, industrial, and all other buildings including wineries Foundations Type Fee Foundations constructed under existing buildings $200 Swimming Pools Type Fee In-ground swimming pool with fence enclosure $250 Above ground swimming pool with required fencing $250 Signs Type Fee All signs $75 per permit Demolition Type Fee Demolition and / or removal and/or relocation $100 minimum plus $0.30 for each square of anv building feet of floor area Electrical ins pection Price List Residential Upto 500 sq. ft........................................................$90.00 501 to 1000 sq. ft. ................ ...................................$125.00 1001 to 1600 sq. ft. .................................................. $150.00 1601 to 2500 sq. ft. ................................................... $185.00 2501 to 3500 sq. ft. ............... ........__....................$225.00 3501 to 4500 sq. ft...........................w..,.....................$250.00 Over 4500 sq. ft. _.....__.................................. sq. ft. .07 cents Swimming Pool/Hot Tub......................................,, .....$100.00 Electrical Survey......................................................$120.00 Service............__.................................................$85.00 Photovoltaic Systems............................ ....................$100.00 Generators...............................................................$85.00 Multiple Meters, add$20.00 per meter Coni nercimtl' Minimum Charge......................................................$125.00 New Construction/Renovation............ ...............sq. ft. .09 cents Swimming Pool/Hot Tub.............................................$150.00 Gas Station/Mini Mart/Marina.......................................$300.00 "As Built" Electrical Fee Any electrical work done without the benefit of a permit will result in the Inspection fees being dLoublqd. Ins sections Include: 1. Overhead service—PSEG temp-final inspection 2. Underground service—PSEG temp-trench inspection-final inspection 3. Construction-rough inspection prior to insulation-final inspection at completion. ,5-a3 WHEREAS there has been presented to the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, on the 281' day of March, 2023, a Local Law entitled "A Local.Law in relation to an Amendment to Clial2ter 280 Zonime, AccessoKy Apartments" and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the aforesaid Local Law at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, now therefor be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ENACTS the proposed Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter 280 Zoning,- Accessory Apartments"" which reads as follows: LOCAL LAW NO. 2023 A Local Law entitled, "A Local Law in relation to an Amendment to Chapter ter 280 Zoning, Accessory Apartments" BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold as follows: I. Purpose The Purpose of the amendment is to update the Southold Town Code in regard to Accessory Apartments II. Amendment. The Southold Town Code is hereby amended by removing the struck through words and adding the underlined words as follows: § 280-4 Definitions. B, Definitions and usages. Unless otherwise expressly stated,the following terms shall, for the purpose of this chapter, have the meanings as herein defined. Any word or term not noted below shall be used with a meaning as defined in Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, unabridged (or latest edition). APARTMENT An entirely self-contained dwelling unit consisting of a minimum of 450 220 square feet of living area containing complete housekeeping facilities for only one family, including any domestic servants employed on the premises and having no enclosed space (other than vestibules, entrance hallways or porches) or cooking or sanitary facilities in common with any other dwelling unit and/or "apartment." §280-13 Use Regulations In A-C, R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts, no building or premises shall be used and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any uses except the following: A. Permitted uses. (6) One accessory apartment in an existing one-family dwelling, subject to the issuance of a rental permit in accordance with § 280-13D and the following requirements: ovfflrnes , ei l-fesienee One of the dwelling units shall be for the sole exclusive use of the owner or family member as defined in chapter 280-4 The other dwelling unit shall be leased for year-round occupancy, evidenced by a written lease for a term of one or more years. Kq ,. ooh ,gym " 1�� -ha14 1o�-less �IM! � ��,r� s� at�.�e liN" bleflo o-a-r (c) The accessory apartment shall contain not less than 4-59 220 square feet of livable floor area,with no more than.two 2 bedrooms and one l bathroom . (e)(!41 The accessory apartment shall not exceed 4946 of thl ble ac ' 1a- eany,.� toitic � ted � M " (1 25% of the habitable sj2ace of the entire residence based upon properly certified structures at the time of the effective date of this code. (4)(e) A minimum of three off-street parking spaces shall be provided. (g)(f Not more than one accessory apartment shall be permitted on a lot. {4r} The accessory apartment shall meet the requirements of an apartment as defined in § 280-4 hereof. (i)(h) The exterior entry to the accessory apartment shall,to the maximum extent possible, retain the existing exterior appearance of a one-family dwelling. @(i) Subject to all other restrictions and requirements in this Code, a reasonable expansion of the existing foundation, not to exceed 25% of the living space of the existing dwelling unit, may be permitted to accommodate the creation of an accessory apartment. (k)JU All conversions shall be subject to the inspection of the Building Inspector and issuance of a certificate of compliance. 1 apaf exi4efie,,e and efor O, a " Maes" � - 0-' „ o`.leg��a -y 1 i° 1 . (m)(k) The existing building, together with the accessory apartment, shall comply with all other requirements of Chapter 280 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold. (ter)(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of§ 280-13B hereof, no site plan approval by the Planning Board shall be required for the establishment of an accessory apartment. (a) Approval by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services of the water supply and sewage disposal systems shall be required. (p)(n) No bed-and-breakfast facilities, as authorized by § 280-13B(14)hereof, shall be permitted in or on premises for which an accessory apartment is authorized or exists. B. Uses permitted by special exception by the Board of Appeals. The following uses are permitted as a special exception by the Board of Appeals as hereinafter provided and subject to site plan approval by the Planning Board, provided that not more than one use shall be allowed for each 40,000 square feet of lot area: (13) One accessory apartment in a lawfully existing detached accessory garage, barn or storage building, subject to the following requirements: (a) The accessory apartment shall contain no less than 4-55.0 220 square feet and shall not exceed 750 square feet of livable floor area and shall have no more than two bedrooms and one bathroom (e) The entirety of the living floor area of the accessory apartment must be on one floor of the accessory structure_If the accessoEy apartment is to be established on the second floor, an exterior stairwa access shall be required. If este lished on the first floor,access Loany Mora a area above shall be by RUN down ladder stairease,only.The structure must have been certificated a. minimum of five years prior tg,the eslabiishjnent of the aegess,ocy apartment. (i) Occupancy of resident structures on the premises shall be subject to the issuance of an annual rental permit in accordance with § 280-13D and the following requirements: [1 �, �eslipy le ] la. ur„.c� -aeeessofy strueture as die .1neipal fesidenee. One of the dwelling units shall be for the sole exclusive occu anc of the owner or family member as defined in chapter 280-4 The other dwelling unit shall be leased for year-round occupancy evidenced by a written lease for a term of one or more years to: III. SEVERABILITY If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this Local Law shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect the validity of this law as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. IV. EFFECTIVE DATE This Local Law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State as provided by law.