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Rieger, Gerard
` r �enn Goldsmith,President o��s1 �C Town Hall Annex Ci A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President �� y<k 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski ? P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y • o���, Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples �1 �� Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: l01 t Completed in field by: 51'kl V+k Q2ep�f,$ GERARD RIEGER requests a Pre-Submission Inspection to discuss the as-built hot tub, and other existing structures, and whether Trustee Permits will be required for all structures within Trustee jurisdiction. Located: 3693 Pine Neck Road, Southold. SCTM# 1000-70-6-25 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt. 275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: J 1? e 1 dlG O ,r r r r_ as -��'I�-AA pre - " %%Aiym s1Yut-AsASS Present Were: ✓G. Goldsmith VIN. Kru ski _ E. Sepenoski L. Gillooly 7E. Peeples Notes to 3693 Pine Neck Rd Property survey as of July 28, 2023: 1) When the brick decking was replaced by the pavers,the deck was extended west several feet. 2) At the same time the pavers were installed,a built-in grill was also installed east of the house, south of the pool (away from the,water). 3) A generator was installed east of the house and south of the shed (away from the water) as a back up power source. Propane tanks were installed behind the shed. The propane also powers the pool heater that was purchased to replace an old, non-functioning heater installed by the previous owner. Permits were obtained for the generator and propane tanks. 4) Before the hot tub was added,stonework was installed east of the house and south of the pool (away from the water.) The new stonework runs from the end of the pavers approximately 29 feet to the south fence,approximately 10 feet from the eastern property line. A curved stone wall (19 inches tall, 32 inches wide, approximately 13 feet long)was added to frame the hot tub. 5) An 8' by 8' hot tub was placed on the stonework, on the south side of the pool (away from the water.) An electrician hooked the hot tub to the electric panel on the east side of the basement. SEP 1 1 2023 4— I—F L— IRMORGAN CH::S-E *-,�,,%,x �iRST AWERICAN L- -^I Z=A SIV ::fy WA TER MILL A 3S T-.Re V 2/ 5 00 55. 1 6.1.9,, -14-56'00i ek rte. iy Lo 'Z&COIYAL Y 11 -------- Ln v jh m -z ,Altzga i7 V, 01 -Z Yl s Z.21 C> 'Z =z 1G Of- M m T yk HO ;F- Fla ME: US -Z I. Ae, 3r.0' 14.5' 14J' 23.4' M j A C) R, W nil E Cz�u E VV-E 'C'f,c: �) ! - N p 'N., 2023 �- a----------- Board of Trustees _4 •. l Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. ..S 2S.. ... DATE: ...MaY...26., ..zg04 ' f. ISSUED TO RUDOLPH .& VIRGINIA BRUER ` ......................... .................................................. ,�.0#•I���ar���tt�u�t Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter 404 of the Laws of the State of New York 1952; and the Southold Town Ordinance en- titled ."REGULATING AND-THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS , IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS and the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL-OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS,; and in accordance with the Resolution of The Board adopted at a meeting held on .... aY.,.2br.... 2004 and in consideration of the sum of paid by Rudolph & Virginia Bruer . ........................................................................... ....................................................I........................... of ........Southold...................................•.............. N. Y. and, subject to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes and permits the folIowing: Wetland Permit for the existing 5tX56' dock and two (2) mooring piles of which o31e is a_?- all 2-all in accordance with the detailed specifications as presented in the originating application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these present: to be subscn'bed by a majority of the said Board as of this dais. did Trad"s ' x w { � ��ffjji1 S 1 t T i DE-re a out Dock O� `\�A(1���7n U►'��y rl i �(Ll C IsKC��L CJ "' / I -- DG[si-moi _ _ '.--------.—,_------•-- _�� ---•-- 7 _ JJCLEY - � Cl2EEIG .W�•. �2�5�'3 E. c erre? T O C2 ��°"-y ��,� �! ;-':�.�1 r�:-n+ � !1 !O LMI 7�lr•'!JCSF- �^U7 IL I£ Ill517CY F2Ji7IL f lb j I ' �i I _..._.._.._..._____� L .` • • xi co_w- D I c� ± � � I t =Jr=Cl:.Tfi:�Sf.F'.c,srti_]•��-U7.:_u�_•• i •O.-: Z Lam• s.•Yl W. � � •m; m rnG wn,a.•m..uo.a T.,j -E IrJS:k:V: CO.9,C'THE I an wo r,f„ _ -•-` "Ac4i1G96L !ZDD rfI�r� '•�`r' .ra I\� / 17 Jr A�.ts nn cen: 1 � L f� 'v'AN J r.+ L..,l''L,. l� r, E23o ti_ �•r'+ ewiamu ra:Ane carts•swc aw 1 -� Dr3,)O ill:Ti�w 1pi wM7a a .!„• '+I�1�� ®rJ.f✓7.ala D.l v6 W W 10 N •_ ICD=Cn••411•,.LJYJwaN^N lflKl•✓ ,L. I liCal�Y6i1M1TlOw iL'lIL•al,lL•• �• V J mw thECIG' CtiAJ Rli Aaa4aY yr:muR.a.e,. ' mew awws w�,•...�:.. ZEEr.;F;•l=T,rJ.Y. I i NMI BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 8999 DATE: APRIL 19,2017 ISSUED TO: GERARD &BETHANNE RIEGER PROPERTY ADDRESS: 3693 PINE NECK ROAD,SOUTHOLD SCTM# 1000-70-6-25 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on aril 19 2017,and in consideration of application fee in the sum of$250.00 paid by Gerard&Bethanne Rigger and subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated in the Resolution,the Southold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Wetland Permit to construct a 1301 long CCA timber retaining wall landward of the mean high water line; add 35 cubic yards of clean sand fill landward of proposed retaining wall; and install and perpetually maintain a 101 wide non-turf buffer along the landward side of the proposed retaining wall; and as depicted on the revised site plan prepared by Jeffrey Patanjo, dated April 22,2017,and stamped approved on May 1,2017. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of this date. gOFFd1��f co p EC UME IIF APA 2 7 2017 L � f ..'a ton j i 'IPROPISED WNL Ell 0m OF EIOSBIIG FUM SOB'S5'40"E 221.00' _ T 100511NG OOCI( to I I mama 11 to f � A I x M i i IN I I 13 R-MOUND POOL O I Ip• .� I ; i > I a /• /� i � I I I U i�•• I I M i I I � .1 N I�•• .I�IIz IA �_— W I;•••••' I ae' IETADW INL I —_ __ 10• WIDE R.O.W. I a~1 - 9 TOP OF UK ••; j N09'19'40"W 229.00• I I 11 I•.� I 10'IAi-N6 BUFrm I I ' . I• FOXED,zo 1F Lm Cq TRW IEPD0IG ILL A BOIIOY of BNR I I IF'• % AP R01 M UFR OF VEGENm WMANDS • �1 AS UMFED BYI FMW oN 12-3-1B ;AOkOVEEB I BOARD OF TRUSTEES PROPERTY OWNER: , GERARD BEf REIGER '•!;TO.WN-:OF SOUTHOLD NOTES: 84 GLENLAWN AVE. F>- SEA CUFF, NY 11579 RETAINING WAU PERNT PLANS SCALE: nA,,[[ 1. ELEVATIONS REFER TO NGVD 1•=30' - . m^•7 I' ��� 2. LOT AREA: 29,414 S.F. / 0.675 ACRES PREPARED BY: DATE: 3. PORTIONS OF PLAN FROM SURVEY PREPARED BY: JEFFREY PATANJO PROPOSED PLAN 12-7_16 VAN TUYL k SON SURVEY 8-3-81 106 HEWITT BOULEVARD 4-22-17CENTER MORICHES, NY 11934 3693 PINE NECK ROAD 631-484-9332 SOUT O D, TOWNCOUNTY.OF S x HO� SHEEf: JPATANJO®OPTONUNE.NEf TAX YAP NO. 1000-70-6-25 t of z r FC. v0. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-11062 Date: 07/02/82 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ADDITION WITH DECKS Location of Property: 3695 ROW PINE NECK RD SOUTHOLD (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 70 Block 6 Lot 25 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated NOVEMBER 23, 1981 pursuant to which Building Permit No_ 11506-Z dated DECEMBER 10, 1981 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is AN ADDITION TO AN EXISTING ONE-FAMILY DWELLING, INCLUDING DECKS AND STAIRS. 4/14/11, UPDATED TO INCLUDE DECKS AND STAIRS. (AKA 3693 ROW PINE NECK ROAD) The certificate is issued to ANN B BRUER (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. N 561214 05/13/82 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED N/A oriz Si ature Rev. 1/81 `7 I +n I VVV z EL.16,4 ,p v�- I3P e ' FQ.O.W. ENw CE G"EAST I . � STCP•„•��• ___-i 10' I F.XISL cn'-I� Z — III rcr�Ij 15"nw' I�� AS 140TED 7" N.i•r;1 m O A4G-� -� I Y W j� li W NJC IP II VI ( !� I 1'1111 _l1 7 B P.#� /.•Sc BY:DFPPRTM NTA T NOTIF "ILn 101 A PM FOR TF`F N 3 � 67''H NWATEILmDxR III• � U 765-1`t�^ �`•�^-CTIONS: UIRED ' V lT C') MB1N0 TI-" -- _ I �{ E MUDD a EL.(u 3." ,^•I'i1M1 MUS } srGTION�e I x2.4A ve 3 M IP I nwrx 1 ZS. . I TH •SII j NEw !': ,•ALL M V z la NEw am 'lyl, i I VNHPa ED I j I ALL . hf5 F F N.Yy V j j'• I \ I1�- —,II SATE CONSFRUCTO451BlB FOR fly DESIGN OR CCODOONSfP'UCTION ERROIts. NO () FL�Quiyl . � to Bir xicln wnTsz o�ct I �' 1 ° D p1 . �Z (ALTF((F WAY tituDP EL.14.0 -Fir___ I I G, MDV6E U � � ef0�/bfly��.q -AILTEQA-TION TOANNf5.F52UEr2_7-E51DENGE �' '"•" •'�.. 4��1 NOPE: SVLvcT INFOF WAMON FOR. S MZ$M¢5 RUDOLPH H.BR�¢.4FAM IL_Y PINE NEGK RaAD,500TFln VANTUU-asoti N 7/6/61 AD&/S BI Y SITE. PLATY _ R.MAYLEY AIA �^1y_E: I°�25=0° 10/1 81'40 f 81 '.•.F�:._::• 'i��`/ O o C o O As /9,-z wy t F, —,;' No.4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. . . . Date . . . . • . . . . . . May. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 19 83 THIS CERTIFIES that the building Accessary. . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • . • . . . • , • • • • • 3595 Pine Neck Road Southold Location of Property House iVo. • • • • Street • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . . . . • . . Hamlet 070 ,Block 05 .Lot . 025 County Tax Map No. 1000 Section . . . . . . . • • • • ' • ' ' ' Subdivision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Filed Map No. . . . . . . .Lot No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated March 29 1982. pursuant to which Building Permit No. . :1:1.6047 • - dated March 31 1982• ,was issued,and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For an inground Pool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The certificate is issued to . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Rudolph & Ann Bruer • , • , • , • . , • . . . • . . . . . . . . (owner,lessee or•tenantJ of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval . , ,N�A • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , , , . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE NO. . . N`)6'10� . • • • • • . • , • , • . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i I 1 . . . . . f. . . . . . . . l�. . . . . . . Building Inspector Rev.1/61 i I i G. 50yr) House AN it fL.r6.4 E L F ENC E- G BAST ZZI- '?00 18'x36' Q1 I N.LG•I w CIARA P- Ap►�12ox �x,� i if _ -7d-L OF r3AN K I,; III,, MV61 T. GT'- 1/HWAIEK TODPGK W1S�GTrOhI -10 '1.� I HO r7� I MF.A��7EAv l..r PSI.G>;rc G i, (� LOT 25 it I' UNHMATr-_,D t nrEW DECK f02GN 82'WIC,hI WA-f--.L T xcic I, - Z NtuDG� EL. I�.O ie:O Fa G.G. F5EG1<E� �.XIST, �21VEWA'( . eX1yT. NOUSIE rE- 70 ANN M. F--,fZUctz. 2ESII--.)r=-NC(-=_ Norte CZUDOLPti H, 3&Uee-14 FAMILY/ PINE NI_cF.r.�.R4A 5©tJ�LI�Li�. int N; �o-40FO('t e.2 Town of Southold 10/23/2021 o - P.O.Box 1179 co � 53095 Main Rd Southold,New York 11971 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: 42473 Date: 10/23/2021 THIS CERTIFIES that the building GENERATOR Location of Property: 3693 Pine Neck Rd,Southold SCTM#: 473889 Sec/Block/Lot: 70.-6-25 Subdivision: Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated 11/16/2020 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 45507 dated 11/30/2020 was issued,and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is: accessory generator as applied for. The certificate is issued to Rieger,Gerard&Bethanne J of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 45507 9/29/2021 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED u i d Signature f CERTIFIED TO, $ GERARD RIEGER BETHAJOCKEY JPMDRG 14 CHARIEGSE CREEK, $ JPMDRGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.' FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. By.WATER MILL ABSTRACT CORP. T,,4 0000' E s� s 5l N. t5. 2i 00. F.53• A#iWW 64.ss. 36'00 N•qq° L% z o001�t YALL rL O .. Tp0'p78 MPS I Rt 1 Z _O - .�—�° .�� YDS BRICK - o Z POOL :p - I p '2 0ua - O I �, m ��.. m27.9 -{ ® 4 STOW �, C DE m E4� IY1 wr i pPdE HOSE nx 4J a PD § FR (Z % 36.0' TA' 14.8' > N LT OPPVEFIAY (CA O ASPHP RS N =I -z ? - I �fON. fw'- FND _ 11 0.4, ..- sroglpac• �o 64.0 " 129.94: S. p9.R' of wa _ & SUSAN Nfp1F' RO INCOLN ° I SURVEY OF PROPERTY mt o AT ISOUTHOLD �. t z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. 1000-70-06-28. ` n Scale 1"_'30' Sept.301.2013 SOF 91-40 0. 92R0AD w. AREA = 28,401 sq.11. PINE CK LAND to tie lines �[ N.Y.S.LIC.NO. .49618 .ANY ALTERATION OR ADDIRON TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLARON PECONIC SURVEYORS, P.C. OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EOUCA RON LAW (631) 765-9020 FAX(6311 765-1797 EXCEPTAS PER SECTION 7209-SUBOMSIONR.ALL CERMCARONS• P.O.BOX 909 HEREON ARE V W Felt TtBS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY IF SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE SEAL Of THE SURVEYOR 1230.TRAVELER STREET WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS OEM SOUTHOLD,N.Y`-r197r. Gerard Rieger 3693 Pine Neck Road Southold. NY 11971 516-712-9423 gerryrieger84@gmail.coim September 11, 2023 Town of Southold Board of Trustees 54375 Route 25- Southold. NY 11971 To the Southold Town Trustees, I am writing this letter to request a pre-submission inspection of my property at 3693 Pine Neck Road, Southold, in advance of my submission of a permit application for a hot tub that we had installed recently. The property is along Jockey Creek and is therefore adjacent to wetlands. My wife and I occasionally rent out the property for one month at a time. During our recent inspection for our rental permit renewal, we were informed that our new hot tub requires a permit from the Board of Trustees, as the property is adjacent to wetlands. Before we submitted our application for.the permit, we were informed that the Trustees had not been aware of certain changes to the property that have been made over many years, several of which pre-date our purchase of the property in 2013. Consequently, we would like the Trustees to inspect the property to determine what our next steps should be in.order'to ensure the property meets all requirements. Along with this letter I am including a check for the $150 inspection fee, along with an updated and annotated copy of the property survey, with notes, and the specifications of the hot tub. The updates to the survey are my own and represent my best estimates of distances and locations of objects on the property. Thank you for your time and consideration of this request. Please let me know if you would like more information. Best regards. IF ":I rJ Gerard Rieger j ' SEP 1 1 2023 _o ^. 4 t AD • �s TWILIGHT SERFS 8.2' j l i 12z' V E�1Y� Dimensions: 94"x 94"x 38" (239 cm x 239 cin x 97 cm) Weight(Dry/Full): 1,065.lbs(483 kg)/5,345 lbs(2 424 kg) Gallons: 380(1.438 L) Power Requirements: 240 V/50 Amp Seating Capacity: 6 Stainless Steel lets: 44 Jets(2 Master Blasters*) Pumps: 2 Water Features: 3 _.-.... ............. ...._..._ _ ._ _.... Filtration: EcoPura`Charge LED Lighting:, Orion Light System" Exclusive Features: StressRelief Neck and Shoulder Seat`' Master Force"'Bio-Magnetic Therapy System Premium Options: Fusion Air Sound System Wi-F!Module QuietFlo Water Care System' Mast3rPur'Water Management System Afterglow Jet Package Dream Lighting Vac-formed ABS Pan Bottom Listng:Number '.,• 5700 ,E •' :.�`• y':,°�;_:�-~'iii � 1.1 •'}�,.:;�4�i, :.;:•,y ,,'. SEP 1 t 2023 .e .'�+ ,%N `r.b.t:km:,.-5'' '.°•F; >.. ;.',,,,q,,. F130ai'1 UJSlaies '—`-�- �.�. i_r� .. / "/p, �'�( 's�'�.�„t,5:'., 5.,.,g.. >�'w�.�:• ;�,,;,i. eY4j YS�;3t +Y'�R'�. ¢a�:''�,.'%�'v.S� - _r 11-1490 4 SEE SEC.NQ 6A98 ---SEE SEC.NO,063 . y MO ARy MATCH __-7 p5 OaOC.B9 ix O•N Pct wESTNRLW hal - $ tµcl .• \�, Town C—k 2-1 22 x3 24 16 MI(( $ fir � A. � za 3 T e 9 ' rw+x of saumoLo / 0� � 1;65 " - A �-I ,•.aF" t r$I tAAlc) � w ry 4fi., � 31 3a3 pYsv P t• .,°A •♦em, 4'!,� _ •� rw CgLVEs F �: azTml $` T as' ' S,� a .r.'✓y` m o, w�a.m+u�w, J „" w e acl `23. 9F ,e - `®G 33 4s3 �'J ii• a;3 m-t3m g a+o v _- azsB4 a LSMINE« u. Iwl" N a10 O ` O �`°P p♦° pe ,gzeti'ls., , `\ , -_ _:".o:r:: x"a" B /�/,r . �'Oasm :. ae 3" 51 I.,` Na♦ � c . G tya N�♦ t3 I i� �.� �,w:/ll �I l 09aS00 3 �� sr w M1 �M1 gF 4 `� 13Y v l 31A4C) 3.a3� �r N ozzaa9 E — 09.o�oc � �mzox �fio�a 'a.3•.• � t ,flap ' r ,a+'", r• � a+" "' \'�,`./•$- 'i z�Aj I 1 P 02-19-14 - 13# i r • � �a � ..�t - '� arl / I� �I pfi sE301LLB rc cREE �DR. r 1.1 0 � �9 3 ♦!2 t, t2 m� 13ac) t3ac1 tT� tUAlc) I.Oac) #t3c,3ac) - sz ' e m m t ;Iy - "�R a 4� • a ��\\ \� ,91 r ffi76 Y 0 1 p? aY -_ -_ "_'— - • 5 X1+5 16'102 \YL p - d.20,9 P to a x.4A(cl n. TOwN OF SOUTNOlO t5 e-` I 0 u 29 1 5 q \\a 6 1 501 � 1P � � I ` BOWERY51k`m S twlcl _- a«rcinz w �+ 6j0 „ y �t0.1 • (b• 3^m 5 _ ,"' -" -- 313 1A3Ac1( 3i1 g 51 DAY G e a « 5 d 6 y. � t0ac) F Zlm 30]o�4C bxF JJ 3a 19Alc t.+ac+1a=13A1c ;,4T t'w 6 31 $a 114 ^� cp+flEtS^ 50 aB? § 5�. 3 m ' n « 2 « ✓a a1 t 5 pa N 5 4 3Tac1 T•a P 28m ,0�$ 1.3q(c HIAA 354 a 3T' 0 +l « "m m a.15 w ,� ?✓ P 4 4 p., t1` Y N ' W a 3 y5 a 1 ke t•5 3 « E 1'10 dfl m `"` !' rs3�t 0 d .i. E�..14� 15 10 11 B NEOCK t9 a��,k I IA ,0� 0.]A - ,�i x, _w "� '°' 1A2 a o ^yp5f< ro3- „tT L5N °• e 1 1+632 SOITR+OLO •�,12 28 a C 35 w r9 - B ♦ � p p9 .� 12+.e 1.+A 1T f O m55 a ... WSlE0. m PVE ll°1 n..� w « nv58 O � 1 �\♦� � �° •, °' M 4 � 11 :lA 3'P�°d4� 4" �" 2e ]1 x �.an m 35 � 25n. £'£F&".. w' t1a «+s r" n 1 �� • � � ,rc� .o_.,N °°' o�• IIA- .y- u• p d N 0 ,^ • \ 3) 39S QdT' a wu, +15 w. n a ,' 332 .30.1 7 � ' n �40 �m ]0 �]r 3s ass s:a a ,.,21, ,., ,„ p 49- ?�;. m � 'i vP\♦ \. �„ 4 a.4 t 3 �' ; '-� T 113N «13 w 5104 yw a 'eS •SB �� I �_..��'._ ,Sac) 19 m 0 -'w CLF IM.EW v " . ZA" ]p 3j'd Me l m �r t4 "D74 a.]in e k m a �a a1 I.• _�-> 393� E. 'a ^• er T a ,s g x® _ a a0 'c° � � � �4 s, w +s _ «z4= '� w y `9� _ — ew 1' '� � `\' x aEARVIEw•A AVE. wl � vas.Q "u y n:c 3 Y � SS " "^ wl 1^ a. " d 2�-S �w "t :~ - _ P.D. 70 �. ,q�1 Tacl OWN" P}' 25 Zz 102 104 tA9.1 392' f _ --- __" — INE SWTNOLO _Y--Ji"e_ � P,p_7 5 Vito r' (21) "...u"^ --.�-- ..o..ew --x-- ' NOTICE 4C>-'� y COUNTYOF SUFFOLK © E 'O` SOUTNOLD SECTION NO G «s..� Q, { sB Real Property Tax Service Agency v E v„v P^. cowry CenmrRmrtwa0,NY11001 M Bw E� 070 O v u. z3 w.. ,ztNav "• —__— u.a,.. --.-- o...u.--rwr-- R"^ "Vnaye�^�:9d p iwc,xo 1000 71 PROPERTY MAP