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OFFICE LOCATION: *®f SO MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ® P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 2568 Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 ® a� Telephone: 631 765-1938 C®UNT`1, LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Leslie Weisman, Chair Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals From: Mark Terry,AICP Assistant Town Planning Director LWRP Coordinator R Date May 22,2023 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for ZBA File Ref GWEN HYMAN AND ANDREW CARMELLINI#7776 SCTM 1000-111-9-8. GWEN HYMAN AND ANDREW CARMELLINI#7776 - Request for Variances from Article XXII, Section 280-116A(1); Article XXIII, Section 280-124; and Building Inspector's January 31, 2023 Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct alterations and additions to an existing single family dwelling at; 1) located less than the code required 100 feet from the top of the bluff; 2) located less than the code required minimum side yard setback of 15 feet; 3) located less than the code required minimum combined side yard setback of 35 feet; located at 4565 Nassau Point Road, (Adj. to Little Peconic Bay) Cutchogue,NY. SCTM No. 1000-111-9-8. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me,the proposal is recommended as INCONSISTENT with the below LWRP policies. Policy 4. Minimize the loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. The structures within these areas are subject to repetitive loss from storm surge-induced erosion events over time and should be avoided and/or minimized. Setbacks should be maximized. The proposed setbacks are EXEMPT from LWRP review. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Paul DeChance,Town Attorney BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman, Chairperson ��OF so(/ry0 53095 Main Road•P.O.Box 1179 Patricia Acampora �0� 1p Southold,NY 11971-0959 Eric Dantesc Office Location: Robert Lehnert,Jr. Town Annex/First Floor Nicholas Planamento �Q 54375 Main Road(at Youngs Avenue) i IrouffN Southold,NY 11971 http://�southoldtownny.gov ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel (631) 765-1809 RECEIVED February 13, 2023 FEB 13 2023 Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director LWRP Coordinator Southold Town- Planning ownPlanning Board Planning Board Office Town of Southold Town Hall Annex Southold,NY 11971 Re: ZBA File Ref. No. #7776—Hyman, Gwen/Carmellini, Andrew Dear Mark: We have received an application to construct additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling. A copy of the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval under Chapter 280 (Zoning Code), and survey map, project description form, are attached for your reference. Your written evaluation with recommendations for this proposal, as required under the Code procedures of LWRP Section 268-5D is requested within 30 days of receipt of this letter. Thank you. Very truly yours, Leslie K. Weisman Chairperson By: Encl. Site Plan/Survey: David Frazier, LLC, last dated January 9, 2023 FORM NO. 3 e7 1 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD � BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD,N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: January 31, 2023 TO: Patricia Moore (Hyman) 51020 Main Road Southold,NY 11971 Please take notice that your application dated April 1, 2022: For permit to: construct additions and alterations to existing_single-family dwelling at: Location of property: 4565 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue,NY County Tax Map No. 1000—Section 111 Block 9 Lot 8 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction, on this nonconforming_35;170 sq. ft. parcel in the Residential R-40 is not permitted pursuant to Article NMI S 80-116A 1 which states: "All buildings or structures located on lotsich there ex-Isis a bluff landward of the shore or beach shall be set back no&k<er than 00 feet froni the toD of such bluff." The survey shows the cons ion at 32 feet 2 inches fral/top of bluff. In addition, the ro odad itions and alterationsnot permitted pursuant to Article XXIII Section 280-114. whi states lots measufidLr 20.000-39.999 s uare feet in total size re uire a minimum side etback feet and a combined side yard setback of 35 feet. The proposed construction has a minimum side yard setback of 10 feet 7 inches and a combined side yard setback of 25 feet 7 inches. Authorized Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file,ZBA I Fee:$ Filed By: Assignment No. APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS AREA VARIANCE House No.4565 Street Nassau Point Road Hamlet Cutchogue SCTM 1000 Section 111 Block 9 Lot(s) 8 Lot Size 35,170 Zone R-40 I(WE)APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED January 31,2023 BASED ON SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED 1-9-23 prepared by David Frazier LLC Owner(s): Gwen Hyman and Andrew Carmellini Mailing Address: 4565 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue NY 11935 Telephone: c/o 631-765-4330 Fax: 631-765-4643 Email: pcmoore@mooreattys.com NOTE:In addition to the above,please complete below if application is signed by applicant's attorney,agent,architect, builder,contract vendee,etc.and name of person who agent represents: Name of Representative: Patricia C.Moore for(X)Owner( )Other: Address: 51020 Main Rd, Southold,NY 11971 Telephone: 631-765-4330 Fax: 631-765-4643 Email: pcmoore@mooregilys.com Please check to specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to,from the above names: ()Applicant/Owner(s), (X)Authorized Representative, ( )Other Name/Address below: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR REVIEWED SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED 1-9-23 and DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED 1-31-23 FOR: (X)Building Permit ( ) Certificate of Occupancy ( )Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ( ) Change of Use ( )Permit for As-Built Construction ( )Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article,Section,Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers.Do not quote the code.) Article: 111 Section: 280-116A(1) bluff setback Subsection: Article: 111 Section: 280-124 side yard Subsection:_ Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: (X)A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ( )A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. Interpretation of the Town Code,Article Section ( )Reversal or Other A prior appeal(X)has, ( ) has not been made at any time with respect to this property, UNDER Appeal No(s). Year(s). (Please be sure to research before completing this question or call our office for assistance) (Garage in front yard) Name of Owner: ZBA File# REASONS FOR APPEAL (Please be specific, additional sheets may be used with preparer's signature notarized): An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighbor or a detriment to nearby properties if granted,because:The owners wish to renovate the house and add a garage to the front of the house. As part of the renovation the existing deck will be replaced in kind and in place and a small 12' 11"x 13'5"deck is existing but the building department records are unclear if this portion of the deck was built in 1976. The existing deck to be replaced predates the setbacks to the top of the bluff(280-116A). Even though the existing deck appears to have a CO a variance is required because it is being replaced. The proposed Is`floor garage and second floor music room addition on the front of the existing house requires a side yard variance(combined side yard is less than 35',proposed at 257"). The addition is attached and located in the front to increase setbacks to the top of the bluff/bank. Carpenter Road is 1. The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue,other than an area variance,because: The lot width is 100.59 in the filed map of Nassau Point which is a preexisting nonconforming width. The proposed addition to the house is located in the front yard to maximize the setbacks to the top of the bluff/Bank. The existing house is 10' from the northerly side yard. The topography of the property contains slopes toward the street and towards the Bay. The garage is level with the lower floor of the existing house and in line with the existing topography of the property. The music room is on the primary level of the existing house(ls'floor). A new sanitary system has been designed for the existing house and addition. The design of the sanitary system also had to follow the existing topography. The sanitary system is in front of the existing house. 2. The amount of relief requested is not substantial because:Expansion of the house along the existing setbacks of the house are not proposed because of the existing topography of the house. Expansion is proposed landward of the existing structures. The replacement of the existing deck is normal maintenance. The house was constructed in 1976. It appears that the deck was originally constructed as a porch and modified as a deck later. When the applicants purchased the property a Trustees permit was obtained for all the existing structures. The prior owner had constructed all the decks and walkways prior to Trustees jurisdiction. The existing easterly side yard setback is not changed,the addition is 15 from the westerly side yard. Because of the lot width,the total side yards (35')are not practical. A 15' side yard is reasonable for a lot which is only 100' in width. 3. The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: The proposed design was intended to avoid variances or encroach toward the water. The Bluff wraps around the side yard to the unopen Nassau Point Road(Carpenter Road). This is a pedestrian access. The bulkhead continues through Carpenter Road. The waterfront is protected by both a retaining wall and a bulkhead. The bluff/bank is stable,and the top of the bluff/bank has a wood tie wall to prevent erosion. 4. Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? {} Yes,or{X}No Why: the house was purchased with structures and Certificates of Occupancy for the structures. Replacement of the existing deck is normal maintenance. Are there any Covenants or Restrictions concerning this land? { }No {X} Yes(please furnish a copy)Trustee's permit This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate,and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood_pd-t11ie'gRth,safety and welfare of the community. Signature of Applicant Authorized Agent S m to before me this ay of POD 20 1 BETSYA.PERKINS ft4otary Pub li Notary Public,State of New York No.01 PE6130636 Qualified in Suffolk Coun Commission Expires July 18 Board of Zoning Anneals Application AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) We, Gwen Hyman&Andrew Carmellini, owners of 4565 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue,NY 11935 (sctm: 1000-111.-9-8)hereby authorize my attorney, Patricia C. Moore,to act as my agent to apply variance(s) on my behalf from the Southold Zoning Board of Appeals i By: I e yman By, k' -z Andrew Carmellini ,Sworn to before me this ; c;�'Day of January 2022 Notary.Public...: CLMiISSP UDINE BEST .Mary Public - State of Nov.,York ;0. 01BE6247-323 Dualiii2cl in Kings Go ty2�j ` APPLICANT'S PROJECT DESCRIPTION APPLICANT: Gwen Hyman&Andrew Carmellini DATE PREPARED: 2-3-23 1.For Demolition of Existing Building Areas Please describe areas being removed:_replace existing decks H.New Construction Areas (New Dwelling or New Additions/Extensions): Dimensions of first floor extension: 22' x 35' (garage lower level& music room first floor) Dimensions of new second floor:N/A Dimensions of floor above second level:N/A Height(from finished ground to top of ridge):_20" Is basement or lowest floor area being constructed? If yes,please provide height(above ground)measured from natural existing grade to first floor: 20' from lower grade(topography walk-out lower level) Proposed Construction Description(Alterations or Structural Changes)(Attach extra sheet if necessary). Please describe building areas: Number of Floors and General Characteristics BEFORE Alterations: One story house with lower walk-out level to grade and open decks. Number of Floors and Changes WITH Alterations: lIt floor and lower level M.Calculations of building areas and lot coverage(from surveyor): (696iA A-eC-H rreC�10 j 7 Sc IV. Existing square footage of buildings on your property: House with deck- I Proposed increase of building coverage:_House with deck and garage. t 30 Z. JS Square footage of your lot: 35,170 sqft (less @6,000 sq.ft.)non buildable=29,170 Rift Percentage of coverage of your lot by building are, : Z g&e -2-51, 110 Gq R . 101 J 7 V. Purpose of New Construction: Garage addition and renovation to existing house VI.Please describe the land contours(flat,slope%,heavily wooded,marsh area,etc.) on your land and how it relates to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): Waterfront parcel with existing_retaining walls and bulkhead. Please submit 8 sets of photos,labeled to show different angles of yard areas after staking corners for new construction,and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. i 4/2012 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR ZBA APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale?_Yes X No B. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours?X No Yes please explain on attached sheet. 1.)Are there areas that contain sand or wetland grasses? Seaward of bulkhead. 2.) Are those areas shown on the survey submitted with this application? Yes 3.) Is the property bulk headed between the wetlands area and the upland building area? Yes 4.)If your property contains wetlands or pond areas,have you contacted the Office of the Town trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? Yes Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: After ZBA and if issued,please attach copies of permit with conditions and approved survey. D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed construction at or below five feet above mean sea level? No E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fences that exist that are not shown on the survey that you are submitting? No Please show area of the structures on a diagram if any exist or state none on the above line. F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? yes- sanitarsystem If yes,please submit a copy of your building permit and survey as approved by the Building Department and please describe:_building_permits for interior alterations._ G. Please attach all pre-certificates of occupancy and certificates of occupancy for the subject premises. If any are lacking,please apply to the Building Department to either obtain them or to obtain an Amended Notice of Disapproval. H. Do you or any co-owner also own other land adjoining or close to this parcel? No If yes,please label the proximity of your lands on your survey. I. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel House with deck and the proposed use same with new attached garage (additions & alterations) . (ex: existing single family,proposed: same with garage, pool or other l-- thorized signature and Date AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WHEN TO USE THIS FORM: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval,use variance, area variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring an agricultural data statement must be referred to the Suffolk County Department of Planning in accordance with Section 239m and 239n of the General Municipal Law. 1. Name of Applicant: Gwen Hyman&Andrew Carmellini 2. Address of Applicant: 4565 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue 11935 Name of Land Owner(if other than Applicant): same 3. Address of Land Owner: 4. Description of Proposed Project: additions &alterations 1. Location of Property: (road and Tax map number) 4565 Nassau Point Road,NY 11935 1000-111-9-8 5. Is the parcel within 500 feet of a farm operation? { } Yes {X} No 6. Is this parcel actively farmed? { } Yes {X} No 7. Name and addresses of any owner(s) of land within the agricultural district containing active farm operations. Suffolk County Tax Lot numbers will be provided to you by the Zoning Board Staff, it is your responsibility to obtain the current names and mailing addresses from the Town Assessor's Office (765-1937) or from the Real Property Tax Office located in Riverhead. NAME and ADDRESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Please use the back of this page if there are additional property owners) Signatur ofXpplicant Date 617.20 Appendix B Short Environmental Assessment Form Instructions for Completing Part 1-Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part 1-Project and Sponsor Information Name of Action or Project: Gwen Hyman & Andrew Carmellini Project Location(describe,and attach a location map): 4565 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue NY 11935 Brief Description of Proposed Action: new garage addition and renbovations to existing house Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone: Gwen Hyman & Andrew Carmellini E-Mail: Address: 4565 Nassau Point Road, City/Po: State: Zip Code: Cutchogue INY 11935 1.Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. z 11 2. Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: Trustees/ZBA 3.a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 35.170 acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? .01 acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? same acres 4. Check all land uses that occur on,adjoining and near the proposed action. Q[Jrban Rural(non-agriculture) Industrial aommercial aesidential(suburban) QFForest Agriculture Aquatic other(specify): OParkland Page 1 of 4 5. Is the proposed action, NO YES N/A a.A permitted use under the zoning regulations? b.Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural NO YES landscape? ✓ 7. Is the site of the proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environmental Area? NO YES If Yes,identify: Peconio Bay ❑ 7 S. a.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? NO YES b.Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? VI H c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? 9.Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? NO YES If the proposed action will exceed requirements,describe design features and technologies: ❑ 17NYS Building Code 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: scwA ❑ 7 11.Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment: updated sanitary 7 ❑ 12. a.Does the site contain a structure that is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? .47 b.Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? 13.a.Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed action,contain NO YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? ✓ b.Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? If Yes,identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: W 1 F1 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on,or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply: QShoreline ❑Forest ❑Agricultural/grasslands E]Early mid-successional ❑Wetland ❑Urban ❑Suburban 15.Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal,or associated habitats,listed NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? F71 ❑ 16.Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES 7 17.Will the proposed action create storm water discharge,either from point or non-point sources? NO I YES If Yes, F-1a.Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? ❑✓ ❑ NOYES b.Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems(runoff and stone drains)? If Yes,briefly describe: ❑✓ NO❑YES Page 2 of 4 18.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that result in the impoundment of NO YES water or other liquids(e.g.retention pond,waste lagoon,dam)? If Yes,explain purpose and size: 17 ❑ 19.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed NO YES solid waste management facility? If Yes,describe: W1 ❑ 20.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing or NO YES completed)for hazardous waste? If Yes,describe: F71 ❑ I AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name: Pahiciaq. pore E .agent Date: Signature: Part 2-Impact Assessment. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part 1 and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 1. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning ❑ ❑ regulations? 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? ❑ ❑ 3. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? ❑ ❑ 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the ❑ ❑ establishment of a Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? 5. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or E] ❑ affect existing infrastructure for mass transit,biking or walkway? 6. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate ❑ ❑ reasonably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: ❑ ❑ a.public/private water supplies? b.public/private wastewater treatment utilities? 0 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important historic,archaeological, ❑ El or aesthetic resources? 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources(e.g.,wetlands, El ❑ waterbodies,groundwater,air quality,flora and fauna)? Page 3 of 4 No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 10. Will the proposed action result in an increase in the potential for erosion,flooding or drainage 1:1 1:1problems? 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? Part 3-Determination of significance. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3. For every question in Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large impact may occur",or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact,please complete Part 3. Part 3 should,in sufficient detail,identify the impact, including any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant.Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting,probability of occurring, duration,irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short-term,long-term and cumulative impacts. Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. ❑ Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) Page 4 of 4 APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM (FOR SUBMISSION BY OWNER and OWNERS AGENT) The Town of Southolds Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of Town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information, which can alert the Town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOUR NAME: Gwen Hyman, Andrew Cannellini AND MOORE, PATRICIA C. (Last name, first name,middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person or company name.) NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax Grievance Variance X Special Exception If Other, name the activity: Change of Zone Approval of Plat Exemption from Plat or Official Map Other Trustees Do you personally, (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?Relationship includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. " business interest means a business, including a partnership, in which the Town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the Town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO X Complete the balance of this form and date and sign below where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold: Title or position of that person: Describe that relationship between yourself (the applicant) and the Town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D (below) and/or describe the relationship in the space provided. The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A)the owner of greater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C) an officer, director,partner, or employee of the applicant; or D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this day of I 2-U22 Signature: ' Gwen Hyman ' Signature: Andre Carmellini atricia C. Moore Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes",then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions,it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM#1VI 111 _9 -8 The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Dept. ❑ Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees ❑✓ 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g.capital ❑ construction,planning activity,agency regulation, land transaction) ❑ (b) Financial assistance(e.g.grant, loan,subsidy) (c) Permit,approval, license,certification: ❑ Nature and extent of action: replace existing decks as part of house renovation and garage addition Location of action:4565 Nassau Point Road,Cutchogue Site acreage:35,170 sq.ft. Present land use:existing house with decks Present zoning classification:r-40 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant:Gwen Hyman&Andrew Carmellini (b) Mailing address:4565 Nassau Point Road,Cutchogue NY 11935 (c) Telephone number:Area Code( )clo 631-765-4330 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ No❑✓ If yes,which state or federal agency? DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure,makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. VYes ❑ No ❑Not Applicable existing house and decks with CO's,and Trustees permits. The proposed garage is landward of the existing house and the house will be renovated which requires replacement of existing decks Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No❑✓ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable the renovation of the existing house enhances visual quality and protects scenic resources with updated drainage Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ❑✓ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable renovation of house and replacement of existing decks is normal maintenaceand consistent with LWRP Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria ❑✓ Yes ❑ No ❑Not Applicable a new sanitary system(IA system)is being installed Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑No❑✓ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ❑✓ Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No❑✓ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No 7 Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ❑✓ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No❑✓ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ❑✓ Not Applicable Created on 512510511:20 AM j 1��. +''y"'ij�'•� �/ir'r1•s �..1`:�" ,� _ /�\.' ��'D���y�ip7..`6` .•. `'' tirv,".fX i' ,};1:.�4; � .r y. t` � ..y tC'R�1' l\"' �''�a .I••\� i t� ' F �l.1.�:' .t- r F k.u.d,�3 a�.�w •'�"$i?v.` \�. .•,�+'T, 'p~ _`J�'•� I .n���A4;'. :p_ ! x Y. _ Me v !�• �, l^ -' •; } ,�j•, ` _^ter......_ ...:I:j' _ '�c'' � ��.ly �. _ 'lam"` i. _ '` -y jam^ '%�.. ^�• ' .� � '*�`.���+�v;=�'s'^� _- � _ K•' L,�..n ++� _ i ••' .' Vii. - �'t�,y__ +'�- 'RE ti+Y•',w 7I^•S \"�';y '+ r••✓h.N-. �Sr. f z �`� -_ A _ w T•". .2 _;.� !'�s _ T -'-•':`•,'cam a'7 �-Ts -" �._ ,� _. -_ -,w� =v= •� �► 5r- Cir.r Y ..�s-�i � Si- - �.� .. � - _ ii...�. -lV. a�-��,. �. bili �,{y -X- w.r�a. 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AP . ?'"C'`ter tia:e..al!�°".•�i� iC „r ap.. .rV _ •c! ..ate � `.+ ... - � '. ft1., '�''�"vim._a•"'•'�'�� " - � t;.. - r r• �'r' ✓�! ,,,� - �-rt'� �c •� .r •�..,�,;�,�'• � .-. . � �": ,� �':3Gr'�'' � i yTr,.. . ; sem° �` I f. ^ a� , "r'" r yyam�! 1t��.`c_ •�,'� -.I t � �*yb��/'F Jf •%f �. . ('i v/t•.t't'a r` ,r' a yh .. y �•rt�y�� .f: _ _ •a w ��r•�r*r� .�r �a _� _ _ .. 3 �� .J -4 .•:Thi � l �. _ .�-'• � h, :y .• ^_ � �_t � '''� � , is ~ i FORM No. A TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Clerk's Office Southold, N. Y. Certificate Of Occupancy No. ?*7023. . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 . . .11. . . . . .. 19.76. THIS CERTIFIES that the building located at .310 44LPA iu Pv##, Ag44. . Street Map No.ltseo. -Pt.. ?Bb pek No. . . . . . . . . . Lot No,28 . . . .C'tttabove . .V^Yt. . . . . . . . conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated . . . . . . . . . Pec. . .5., 19.7.5. pursuant to which Building Permit No. W94. . dated . . . . . . . pg4. . . .5. . ., 19.75 , was issued, and conforms to all of the require- ments of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is Private• one .family. dwelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . The certificate is issued to Ar,.&. )190.*. A.,R$Mman . . . ©vMgrs, (owner, lessee or tenant) of the aforesaid building. Suffolk County Department of Health Approval . )far. A. . 1970. . ?r R•. NWA . . . UNDERWRITERS CERTIFICATE No. PO114LI 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOUSE NUMBER . . .r;465. . . . Street . .Nassau. Point. .11oad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Carpenter Road . . . . . .ren :�.�.'. . . . . . . . . . . Building Inspector . FORM NO 2 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N•. Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL CQMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) N° 8329 Z Date ....................... AtGsar........ .............. Permission Is hereby granted w: wift ............` y: � .......... .r................ ... .. ...... r ,•t asild 13 to �ap... .. ., iit .. .`� . ............................................ I. a................. .. • + atprerni 'locp f,a ' •. ., 9#M►: :. 1.'.OIL......................................................... • _ .......i.•r.....:............:.Y. t .�: �:. i .�.71..1 . . f �� ..,...� oi .i.•. .• '.ri•:••••.•a.•.•..••...•..••-.}•...•.•N...f:�..`.`.,�:.y.• : J �,OS gv.,ir,.��:.��S.t..: .....•.••• .............}.••.•.....••.•...... ,� •s•% �' •" •ry 'i.11�?;,�+•s,�. -Z `T• a.moi ".. •• • i r '•► `�n a.r rsliainfi applicctti i»dated 9 ... Q.and a roved b the r,h `• .(.'"y1,. 16 :pi 'Cy J". . -�a' ..•{'`r r•Tay�++.rygt k•., rt ,�• ` .. nding f rector. 9^" • . .� - i '+ ; yr�i G 7� •rayY'!1'O+ps•p�.c��- , + � `y,ca{� ` +�,• �.+1r �.^tea-•,` � ,fir— �a+"�,'r+ :,&1 int ), . .. F•, +s �+.-`. .. ti� • f. 6.Y .fir ;•��+r`� ', ♦4? ............ � I�-, -.� ,r. •• � •(b.�ar ,j {:.. r ...,,�,,r,.{.".......fit• ...................•.......... • _ , ` :• • _ by r •1," •'' `I'sB rt �ng,l'ast.\Qr _ .law r 1 a a - , I K FORK NO. 6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Building Department Town Clerks Office Southold, N. Y. 11971 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Instructions A. This application must be filled in typewriter OR ink, and submitted in DUPLICATE to the Building Inspector with the following; for new buildings or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final approval of Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage disposal--(S-9 form or equal). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Commercial buildings, Industrial buildings, Multiple Residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code compliance from the Architect or Engineer responsible for the building. 5. Submit Planning Board approval of completed site plan requirements where applicable. B. For existing buildings (prior to April 1957), Non-conforming uses, or buildings and "pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey-of property showing all property lines, streets, buildings and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Sworn statement of owner or previous owner as to use, occupancy and condition of buildings. 3. Date of any housing code or safety inspection of buildings or premises, or other pertinent in- formation required to prepare a certificate. C. Fees: I Certificate of occupancy $5.00 2. Certificate of occupancy on pre-existing dwelling or land use $5.00 3. Copy of certificate of occupancy $1.00 Date . �:'.! ..�. ................. New Building ................ Addition ................ Old or Pre-existing Building ................ Vacant Land .............. LocationOf Property rn ................................................. .................. Owner Or Owners Of Property ...!:1. f ......�.�.els-?:g.......... • ....... j�R ".9 /Y�9S� �a..�?— ............ House No. .`Y.E S~ Subdivision .........................................................Lot No. .... Block No. Permit No. 0 . Date Of Permit/ .�j �JI.Applicant AA?f-.1.k.�.. ',S.° :�5....I:IC.......... HealthDept. Approval ...99' 6....................Labor Dept. Approval ................................................ Underwriters Approval ................................I Planning Board Approval . Request For Temporary Certificate ..................................6..... Final Certificate .......�'....................... .. Fee Submitted $ ... :°.°.................... Construction on above described building and permit meets all a plicable codes and regulations. Applicant . �'�e"•—,�,......................... .................. Sworn to before me this /CJ�T6 ........C. .. day of .... ... .t`! ............ (stamp or seal 7"' r!w b Notary Public ..... . ,. . County � . . � MRM NO. I PlA K E r. TOWN OF SOUTHOLC 'VIA BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERKS OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined .............. 19. r Applic 0. .........6...... ............ Approved 19 Permit No. XF .. ... . 2- -0 ................... eJ10 74 Disapproved a/c .............6................................................................... .... ...........6...... .......... �7W .................6.......... . ...... ....I............ ...........6...................... i u4ii1diin:gg Inspec r APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT 0 Date ....1.2./5,/q5............................ 19............ INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in triplicate to the Buildi Inspector, with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, 'relationship to adjoining premises or public streets Ok areas,and giving a detailed description of layout of prop"must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. 7 d. Upon approval of this application, the Building .Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupan shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. I APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building ing Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursivant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,,Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with-all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premisesi and in buildings for necessary inspections. V 1.At (Si n1-4;W f-rn-/it%Eant, or name, if a corporation) Box 434 Itattituak, �.X. ...................6............................................................................. (Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general 'contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. ......................I...Z"Idox".-..........................................I.....I................................................... .......................6..................... Name of owner of premises ...Pr......and..Vr.q.,...A.*...Reisman........................................................................................ .. . ....... ..... . .. A.. ................. If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. ......02 (Name and title of corporate Builder's License No. ................................................ Plumber's License No. .........Uttra-plumb........... Electrician's License No. --lavoni.......1.6.............. ....... ......... "A. . 3 r • % . 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building ..........X........ Addition .................. Alteration .............. ... Repair .............. ... Removal .................. Demolition.................... Other Work ...................................................... v �--o (Description) 4. Estimated Cost ......... ..4Qa qQQ...............................Fee ........................................................................................... (to be paid on'filing this application) 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units .....1.....................Number of dwelling units on each floor ............................ ifgarage, number of cars ............................................................................................................................................. 6. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use ............................ 5631 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front........56.................... Rear ...... ..................... Depth ...p ................. Height ........1.4............ Number of Stories ......I............................................................................................ .............. Dimensions of some structure with alterations or additions: Front .................................... Rear .....6.....................: Depth ................6............... Height ............................Number of Stories ................................ 8. Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ........56....................... Rear ...mak.................... Depth ...31................. Height ......16.......... Number of Stories ... ..I.................................................................................................. . .. 9. Size of lot: Front ..........1Z0....................................... Rear ...:1m0................................ Depth ...37',x..................... 10. Date of Purchase ..........1.9751.....6..............................Name of Former Owner .....1) ...BIAO.................................... 11. Zone or use district in which premises are situated ....... ......••...•...•.....•.•.••.•.....•.•....•............................•...................... 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: ..110................................................ 13. Will lot be regraded; ILO....................... Will excess fill be removed from premises: ( ) Yes ( ILID No 14. Name of Owner of premises ......... Address ................................ Phone No. ...................... Nameof Architect .............................................................. Address ................................ Phone No. ...................... Name of Contractor ......A'.. r In%Bdress ...298..g69�......... Phone No. ...................... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether exiting or proposed, and indicate alL set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and block number or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. R SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Health Services Reference Numbers "I9� APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO CONSTRUCT A PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND A WATER SUPPLY 1 . Applicant Ate „ _Phone 5. Subdiv. Address 6. Section 2. Property o ' 8. private Weot Num er�g Village M&tdhogne Towns i 9. Public Water 3. Public Water CompanyName - istance to main 4. Lot size: Width�_feet Length 360 feet 10. Sewage Disposal System: (For Health Services Dept. Use A. 00 allon septic tank: AlASCA u ,00rNr y Pre ast_I_Equivalent Block A D B. Leaching pools: yl 2 L.L Number of pools Precast XIV Special _ tQo 11 . If priv-fe well , fill in the fol- lowing �Janks: A. Tanl(&m. apaci ty 32 gallons B. PumF'G.P.M. !G C. Total well depth 6() D. Depth to ground water 220 E. Amount of water in well The undersigned CERTIFIES: "Construction of authorized insig7�lions will be in accordarn with the Suffolk County Department of Health Services' current standards thereto." This application will be valid for one year from the date of approval indicated below and may be renewed if a current local Building Department Permit is in effect. Date 121 S 175 Signed --------------- FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES' USE ONLY. Based on the information presented here with, it is the opinion of the Department of Health Services that an adequate and satis- factory Sewage Disposal System and Water Supply can be installed on this plot. APPROVAL DATE ��� 7 SIGNED S-15 Rev. 4/l/73 �- ul i ry dr CL OIL 4. V � � � 4 I � .�. �C � ET i e y sr.A .(.•: 'a± • � _ - �` �,'M - - � }'• � t; "„Vi ,ter � �y F • vi 4 N x01 � . - � • ' 9 III ' - ' . • . 'in • Ate E���t"t'C P 0A' ' ' Wdl1 r In 1 - # MAP oP (.,*AND • . • m•` ` • ' • uNA ORIZED ALTERATION OR Al • TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION i sumveyeD FOR SECTION EDUCATION 9 O THE NfIV YQAK +I J i COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT THE LAND SUR_ 1 SEAL M A P i AN Q E +r S A EMBOSSED SEALEYORS SHAIL N011fTBECOI TO BE A VALID TRUE COPY., GUARANTEES INDICATED HEREON SE •1�r11Kf{"fr1 s�IG;V�L,1"f'�i;1r1 A {'” ONLY TO THE PERSON FOR 1yHOM IS PREPARED.AND ON BEHA NASSAU Pc i rqr" +. � IS TITLE COMPANY•GOV HERNMENTALFN i LENDING INSTITUTION LISTED HEREC u TO THE ASSIGNEES OF THE LENDINI I Y,�=Tv✓( C+"A to �i.1 eil - f%lctp A + � R To�/7IN WE" SOUTl40L.01 M. T• TUTION GUARANTEES ARE NOT TR TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR �I :".1 't• i i•� i-I ri I{c w14E� �: OWNERS, i►VM 1 INS f.a f !i - _ -• - . . th y -4: rcr* � ,Q► \fit + T1 y (1y ••- r AIM 'SUFFOLK COUNTY HEALTH DE'_'f1�TyENT D PATS O MAY 18 yq]6H. D. FEr, the s6wage disposal and carter rvpply _ Vacilities for this location have been i 4 4nspected by this dgmar_ltmenj, and found t! ' ba satiafactory-w—dZ�. - -.0.� Il'M of Q®neral Ingine_Cring TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECORD CA, OWNER STREET*5-� VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT FORMER OWNER N E ACR. VtQrcan lklf-t bcc �04 S W TYPE OF BUILDING 'v- CeiI VL.-P, SEAS. FARM COMM. CB. MISC. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS 3,1 ? Cr"'T'-Np'v% r"k 1 �Y(Ix--)'CXC)(-) AGE BUILDING CONDITION ,•k& -7 NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Value Acre Tillable I Fillable 2 -illable 3 Voodland swampland FRONTAGE ON WATER X Irushland i FRONTAGE ON ROAD -louse Plot DEPTH BULKHEAD DOCK ota I ,rte. Mf. i , F�.S1�;,•''".}t '+� � . ;' )LOR �N :IM '`„ase .N��:r:v`'.,� r.� •� ,� `J — _ _ _"I 111:9-8 09/19/2017 VI. Bldg.�F,�� /•C.r1 f,a7\} Foundation 0` Bath oS Dinette :xtensionf-, f > p , - , f: l �, c t���c/(Basement L yt ; Floors 4i✓ !' a^� K -- xtensio I r, Ext. Walls VJaa �_ Interior Finish S /:� 4 LR. Extension �� V; Fire Place ? 5 Heat Oil F rte,, DR. l-100 Type Roof t�,�-�f• L Rooms 1st Floor zl3PL2,f��R�f� BR. � Doorch Recreation Room Q� Q,n� Rooms 2nd Floor FIN. B. ?orc15 ;» b� =3 5� 6l 1 /_ (7 Dormer Breezeway Driveway __) Ne 7 J 2'53Gar ge Total .f _ — 37-03, ;thus •93 A�-1-V nl NO Lq tom,r c�3 �'• ,,_ �..�:.;-��s� 'x"11� er,x� ` { ' I 1 f I I , _._.__ _.__�_ _...__ ._..._ _ «_ fir__.,__. _ .... _ _ .,�► �'` .� . ' - I ArAur- LLvn�a LO R a.t�. ->< �{--' —� -�� . 7• 'Z L. "A-. .: . '_a G �a^ Z:� r�it ..f�;' .-•r•j t1•1•�'7,5r�� :i C',t�l5y •f' ' I " , {,: i-I.J '• , �•^•• t..1 i- ' _ ! •5 .c,i,, 'Lai {� • . -f r ' ------------- 1 1 . " �'% TOWN OF SOUTHOLD o� �o BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE oy o� r SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 41567 Date: 4/26/2017 Permission is hereby granted to: Carmellini,Andrew 431 E 20th St Apt 2B New York, NY 10010 To: make alterations (finished basement)to an existing single family dwelling as applied for. At premises located at: 4565 Nassau Point Rd., Cutchogue SCTM#473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 1111.-9-8 Pursuant to application dated 4/19/2017 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on 10/26/2018. Fees: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING-ADDITION OR ALTERATION $596.00 CO-ALTERATION TO DWELLING $50.00 Total: $646.00 Building Inspector TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do you have or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 4 sets of Building Plans TEL:(631)765-1802 Planning Board approval FAX:(631)765-9502 �� �`-�'�i Survey SoutholdTownNorthFork.net PERMIT NO. Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees C.O.Application D 19CEV Flood Pemit � Examined 20 Single&Separate Storm- ater Assessment Fong R 19 2017 Con act: Approved 20 Mail to. Disapproved a/c INC' • TOWN OF SO O Phone: C.¢S v Expiration .20 g Inspector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING P T Date INSTRUCTIONS a.This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans,accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas,and waterways. c.The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d.Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant.Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f.Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize,in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months.Thereafter,a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings,additions,or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing code,and regulations,and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. _CSiatrue of applicant oorrname,if a corporation) / (Mailing address est applicant) State whether applicant is owner,lessee,agent,architect,engineer,general contractor,electrician,plumber or builder Name of owner of premises curl`-Z-I t J 1 1 6 tie 1i G ' (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a corporation,signature of duly authorized officer r� (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. 1. Lo tion u land on which p o o� l w� will ht<done: n S (J�— GC 1, House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No.1000 Section Lot Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy b. Intended use and occupancy / 3. Nature of work(check which applicable):New Building Addition Alteration ✓ Repair Removal Deroolition, Ler Work (,- �}�r�—J (11 (Description) 4. Estimated Cost f 11 Fee d be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwellings number of dwelling units Number!oi?&elling units on each floor If garage,number of cars jTla%}V'IQZrja 6. If business;commercial or mixed occupancy,Lpe,tijyinaturegd�,e, ent of each type of use. 7. Dimensions of existing structures,if any:Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction:Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 9. Size of lot:Front Rear Depth 10.Date of Purchase Name of Former Owner 11.Zone or use district in which premises are situated 12.Does proposed construction violate any zoning law,ordinance or regulation?YES NO 13.Will lot be re-graded?YES NO Will excess fill be removed from premises?YES NO ✓ . 14.Names of Owner of premises Address Phone No. Name of Architect Address- Phone No Name of Contractor Address Phone No. 15 a.Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland?*YES NO *IF YES,SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES&D.E.C;PERMITS MAY BE�tEQUIRED. b.Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland?*YES NO ✓✓ *IF YES,D.E.C.PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16.Provide survey,to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17.If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical dataon survey. 18.Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property?*YES NO `l/ *IF YESi PROVIDE A COPY. STATE OF NEA'YORK) S: CO 0�. ('tel (..t,Q C\ being duly sworn,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)ab ve named, (S)He is the (Contra6for Agent,Orporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the-manner set forth in the application Sled therewith. Sw to before me this day of I 20 . 6ETSYA.PERI9NS c,State of N tart'Public I No.01 PE6130t338' ignature of Applicant Qualiffed In Suffolk Cout� Commission Fscniraa 1..6.#o iV-, Form No.6 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY This application must be filled in by typewriter or ink and submitted to the Building Department with the following: A. For new building or new use: I. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings,property lines,streets,and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept.of water supply and sewerage-disposal(S-9 form). 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of Fire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1%lead. 5. Commercial building,industrial building,multiple residences and similar buildings and installations,a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. B. For existing buildings(prior to April 9,1957)non-conforming uses,or buildings and"pre-existing"land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines,streets,building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. A properly completed application and consent to inspect signed by the applicant.If a Certificate of Occupancy is denied,the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy-New dwelling$50.00,Additions to dwelling$50.00,Alterations to dwelling$50.00, Swimming pool$50.00,Accessory building$50.00,Additions to accessory building$50.00,Businesses$50.00. 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building-' $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy-$.25 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy- $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy-Residential$15.00,Commercial $15.0/0L Date. 7 , lq'1 7 New Construction: Old or Pre-existing Building: (check one) Location of Property: L1,577&5_ ✓�dS�Qtic 0 �,o House No. Street Hamlet Owner or Owners of Property: ��yL°LV ( G{�/ ri.i `� L37/uC'irl �+/ �'" Suffolk County Tax Map No 1000,Section ` Block Lot Subdivision f Filed Map. Lot: Permit No. —I Date of Permit. Applicant: Health Dept.Approval: Underwriters Approval: Planning Board Approval: Request for: Temporary Certificate Final Certificate: (check one) Fee Submitted:$ plicant Signature TOWN OF . .:.,:. 4* Q-" Y aANp/OR ASSIGNS, r ,3 G55tJRS`�d- SUFFOLK COL S.C. TAX No. i, SC AL MARCI- MAY 27, 2016 AD D' '�.,• - +� •� JULY 29, 201. . �w51jtgG P,rR ';< 'w. :L � }. V.. NOVEMBER BLIG NOVEMBER 29, 2116 AI FEBRUARY 14, 2017 Ra =.?., SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH�Rk[ MARCH 15, 2017 REVISE P`F.��.�:�..' >.� g _ AREA = PERMIT FOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTIONO SINGL£•.FA14ILY RESIDENCE ONLY - -^� � i � % .went of Eieatlh S DATE �Z S-1`T.REF.N0, '' '"aml 100-19,10"1 APPROVED FOR MAXIMUM OF BEDROOMS .•f EXPIRES THREE YEARS FROM DATE OFAPPROVAL r� � 1='k.•=avis-= ily'4gy: . Abandonment of existing a—initarY system b' µ comiDlTusnCc„ithdepaTL*11 .t="JuircneniS ConpteteafornVJ�VIvi aProo£ z3 `_ _' r kkx .. ,. , �s=~ `• �i +,r' a s.o � �� ��+t - iY•',.., �=1, t'cF1i'. .;, s y." �r:y�,.'�� � Y_' - -- -� .3'- `is5' _ .` •`a't^. 1. •:=+t'=T �tYrv',� b `�kk.i�. ,F� i�L�^+-.' - �{�`�„' _ ,.p ,,_'retia.":�..:'0`.'C• . y}M•9�'°-.'-'---'� .' -_.c =(!�moo. _`rti-..i'.' f +h"i��':"._. �� � O y .r.,t"Fi"' �S�y� �-'. -:•.r;�ac2,„i •:-•^_- +_s-r`..1 moi.`. .-p� sO � - Gts1K -_ - 1'• 'Y. STEPS36 " SRi I`+ .-.. 6„ ;:.•tl' 6P� MITI' i �,��� � •--��?_=;' _ �' � 2 PR�'S�l.o O� M g j � cf!-�:6 0 is 7I - '•�z fm F L • :. : �1 O LOT \52lT�yS ,i 1 i 1 L13 p��yU.1.\k-•3'Z �yO ;t'sE v�'' Tri xY_Arµ1TI6 i 'YJ /g`y °• P�PplNll"� r—v-.`c,.��_: t� 1.0 z 51a'c t /19 -- Ln 133 Ti v'0 OOz 7-1 1� �r i ,c i / �oS OPE (TEST HOLE OW"er �,, SOSf�4`iIS6?/BT/7 P.8 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER APPROVED AS NOTED P.O.SOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY DATE: B.P.n � (631)7666-2954 FEE---�06 49 ev: DPR WG DEPARTMENT AT V7 77FOUND TO 4 PM FOR THE eatrua F "PE'T"'S: 1. N-TNO REQUIREDO D CONCRETE 2.ROUGH FRAMING 3 PLUMBING 3.INSULAI ON �.... p 4.FINAL• ONSTRUCTION MUST a COT. LETE FOR C.O. CONS BE UCTION SHALL MEET THE All I1I.....111 pori REQU1REM NTS OF THE CODES OF NCW W YORK STA E. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR nrceuru"nw+r DESIGN O CONSTRUCTION ERRORS. pq, I OF ----------- - --- - -- --- -:—ems.�-r;;-aYr.�:1• --- i r i .. .--_-•^ I 1�lv AINCOL'ES - AS REQUIRED A _ � z O Z W , Lu `IRANCY R V"%RETAIN STORM WATER RUNOFFS: Q "P PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 236 U E_«_U NI.A_ FUL OF THE TOWN CODE WITHOUT CE IFICATE cc DRAWN BY: ]F EXISTING 8A51"1NT FL,41a 1/ 29/2017 SCALE: 3/16" o P-0" pF NEW y SCALE: SEE PIAN SHEET NO: \�c1�, �'p 652610 o4`� OFEg510� � Rm7 o--wi em.P,8 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER P.O.BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY (831)7652954 Z r a EXISTING BEDROOM No.2 EXISTING WING ROOM J W 0 Q -------------------------------------------------- ----------- Z z c W W EXISTING BEDROOM N2,1 EX.�•� ` /\ /X\ .KITCHEN EXISTING DINING ROOM A ® ® EXPATH O 0 DRAWN BY: ]F 1/29/2017 EXISTING 16T. FLOOR FL NpF NESCALE: SEE PLAN (�r SCALE: 3/16" ■ I'-O" SHEET NO: o4Qom, � AX W to , I ON _ I , I O ' II , I I I I I I , I � N z d e z r O O 7U r z F o a CD F ,� BASEMENT ALTERATIONS m N M EA z CARMELLIM W m N pip z V `-' 4565 AU POINT ROAD i�W Q O z 'rl CUT CHOGUEe NY m lb sosePxws ?vwm.Pe PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER P.O.BOX 616 SOUTHOLD.NY (631)7666-2964 Ul1 C Z a, o M. F19MACE STORAGE O 4 � a BEDROOM 14'-04u " J 1-4 nr�wcHcwxr < I�7 � 6-7 �--� _ e� o•- � w Fx OPEN FlNISHEC BASEMENT B Cq 3'-015" Y a W UTILITY AREA MEDIA ROOM � � � 6-0 w omtwc actio" ' IS'-0bu $ DRAWN BY:IF 7 4 3 1/29/2017 MLAP 15ASEMENT FLAN QF N�tySCALE: SEE PLAN SCALE: 3/I6 ■ V-01- X14& : �. SHEET NO: %:vn525'O A�4j SosePxVsMM,Pe PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER P.D.BOX 616 SOUTHOLD,NY (631)765.2854 Z O P4 W BASEMENT Z z � W R10 INSULATION W SLAB •� vi _b DRAPE POLYETHEYLENE SHEET AGAINST EXTERIOR DRAWN BY: JF CONCRETE WALL PRIOR TO PLACING STUD WALL 1/29/2017 a�NEWr SCALE: SEE PLAN GLOSS SECTION ar-ALl=: 3/9" . P-o" w SHEET NO: N 0526, "n. It 71 ml F— BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK PERMIT NO.8838 DATE: JUNE 22,2016 ISSUED TO: ANDREW CARMELLINI&GWEN HYMAN PROPERTY ADDRESS: 4565 NASSAU POINT ROAD,CUTCHOGUE t. t SCTM#1000-111-9-8 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on June 22, 2016, and in P consideration of-application fee in the sum of$250.00 paid by Andrew Carmellini,&Gwen Hvman and subject to the terms and Conditions as stated in the Resolution, the Southold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Wetland?elirmit to replace in-kind all.,existing wooden steps,landings and walkways;from beach,up to-top of bluffwhich consisting of 31x8.81 steps to beach from existing bulkhead; 20lx8.3' deck landward of bulkhead.to 31x81-steps up.to irregular shaped 3'x5.8'landing; ding are to be replaced with existing 2.51x15.41 steps up to 2.61x14.21 steps up to 2.5lx2.5' Ian 31x15.4Vsteps-f6 31k14,.21.steps to 31x3l landing;.existing 31x8.51 steps up to 8.51#21 landing up.. yr to 31xI5'steps up to 31x41 landing up to 31x9l steps up to an on-grade 41x541 handicap wood walkway and 41x6.21 walkway connection to access steps to beach;for the existing 41x771 wood steps with,81'long rbtaining wall-iirlawn;-and that-all.existing steps or landings that are less than 31 wide to be reconstructed 31 in width;with the condition that the stairs to the beach be retractable or removable and situated parallel to the bulkhead; and as depicted on the survey prepared by Nathin Taft Corwin M.,Land Surveyor,last dated July 29,2016,.and stamped - approved on'August I M.- IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Board of Trustees hereby caVFs its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these pre6dfits to b6 subscribed by a majority of.the said Boqf1as of this-daw. F04 A. A^ I R� . � .� - � -h^4..w .. �. . . .� .. -'°'°•;':; .�..r.A�'�:�y:,_'J ,: .' mak:.%*yi!{'�p?. ' . Oii y', 1 �' •L ri'` �. S(� op ar ♦ .kms� !� ou'th 'd' Town' Tru:�: . _. SOUTHOLD., NEW YORK r; PERMIT N0. ....� .4..-9.r ....:. -DATE:. ,..1:.-:! .-9 ....:. >' •ISED Ta ....:y'Y'i - ..c-�ca.,.....R �srn....:........................................ ...... llt t t tot ' `. Pursuant-fo the provisions of:-Chapter 613 of.the Laws, of. y' tha State of New.York; 189 ; and Chapter.404 Q# the Laws 'of#fie .tea iy:: State'of. New Ydrk :1952; a-i d4'Southoti!° Tawn Ordinance en-' ti#led '"RRGULATI.I�IG.,'A 6 fkE- PLACING O> '08STRUCTIONS'' = i .% 4•; IN AND- ON TOWN W- ATERS:A.-ND.;PUBLIC �LANDS arid• fhe R'EMOYAL OF:'$AMD,'GRAVEL..OR:OTI�IER MATERIALS' FROM LANDS•. :U•NDER TOW W kTE S- .and in-':accordance with the t :. •5' Resoluti on of The Board ad6pted •at'a•meeting 'held'on ...:.7.:x.-95-'- 1 (9....:......., .and in corrsiderstron vf'the sum of $._. .. paid°by r ......................................................... ............................ .............................................................. of ..:............................:......................... ......... .............. N. Y.. and subject to the Terms . and Conditions Misted - -on the' reverse - side. ' hetobf, ' of SoutWd Town Trustees authorizes and. perniib'fhe. following: ep Ib:?� ,'1�wtL 1-f6' all.'in accordance with the detailed. specifications as-presented in the•originating 'application. IN WITNESS-WHEREOF; The said .Board•of Trustees hrere-' ' b 'causes. its Corporate Se.a1'to be affixed; and #hese."resent's'to ` y p be subscribed' by a rnaiority of'the said Board. as of this date. .............J:",:. pGy ............ . . . :...... hw .. . Trustees : '� .ter -r"���'���ti+::;:,iT:�.: .�,���..T �'_µr '"sr•�-i-----c-a.'=r�:ua•�s:� ac ..�,--n�•vw;,-rat :Ei ` s;.•:� a .� � -_�r�,y,, •�. s ''- :- ��,a�a��w `r�'„• Vin+ — �,.a Glenn Goldsmith President0f S0 Town Hall Annex 1 54375 Route 25 A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ti P.O.Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski 4 Southold,New York 11971 Liz Gillooly G Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Permit No.: 10274A Date of Receipt of Application: November 9, 2022 Applicant: Gwen Hyman SCTM#: 1000-111-9-8 Project Location: 4565 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue Date of Resolution/Issuance: December 14, 2022 Date of Expiration: December 14, 2024 Reviewed by: A. Nicholas Krupski, Vice-President Project Description: Replace existing sanitary system with an Innovative Alternative Wastewater System. Findings: The project meets all the requirements for issuance of an Administrative Permit set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code. The issuance of an Administrative Permit allows for the operations as indicated on the site plan prepared by Joseph Fischetti, PE, received on November 9, 2022, and stamped approved on December 14, 2022. Special Conditions: None. Inspections: Final Inspection. If the proposed activities do not meet the requirements for issuance of an Administrative Permit set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, a Wetland Permit will be required. This is not a determination from any other agency. nt Gle n Goldsmith, President Board of Trustees a V1 �,,,� Glenn Goldsmith,President �o�SQUr� Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 A. Nicholas Krupski Vice President ,`®� ®�Q P.O.Box 1179 Eric SepenoskiB Southold, New York 11971 Liz Gillooly G @ Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples Fax(631) 765-6641 �l�COUfVl��� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF-SOUTHOLD SOUTH[OLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT'OF THE ACTIVITIES CHECKED OFF BELOW INSPECTION SCHEDULE Pre-construction, hay bale line/silt boom/silt curtain 1St day of construction % constructed When project complete, call for compliance inspection; '?y _ •i�, '''�`1. l •1 ` �` PPP•'64 !r •- '+V - - N31D382 - 32 ,c;•�O rry6. $ ,r4' 1.5A(c) 3, �7.63A(c)°., ..:u 'ryg ^,l,•-.` a1 c1Y �� � .0', . ., � �!``•'(�7'/[i 1�-. _ , ;s �, a titi to '- v,H. ,\` Ir�a ., \• .{nsE V - +1' q ", \3 '`'.�`,fi1 2x. }..' lc— i `gr;•c' ,. � A�. �r c� ,9� °° 2d 'O a `•vG`..•20P1 `,, .__.-.O„O`,'_"MENwHADEN ,_ -^ ,m. •' �I .� ` 't. °ts- _ 5 1121^''9 1 r s, �\•'g g 4 '"r.`�6.{,1 \I(S/A_ v. ,6? 'ty\ 2 .� ,i A ..�:5+. �, ,-1�P\cl l Z:`� .. {■ 1 y1� ".T .y�" ' Z yE,',°,. ".� ` 1 - JL -, op 14 15 A u ___y -_'. ^r'/,rF,,6?' , �',,,:. .•v _ 1.' 1_, �: .� D8 .9,C �,�„ � _ - �6� _ � --• a'�,, � .�,�. � .x,11,. �3' Ls •'4 zN.. },1 yo ,><°'t 15 .I'•07 1.1A(c) 10 ,+\ g 9¢ gx^. .: ,•;, 10 7 ,, ,1 • ,,K,' ,g 1 7A(c)_ •It .'/�, .i';Y{'�' o>+ ,.i• 1.�1•'' - - 01 p , �' a•A?' - �_.___-__RD ..S 28 ,, m.-. '15 d2h � � .• LO ,- syS -" - •„ -' _ - :Foul' 27 '� 1,.z f,•• ,'', 12 .. _ ,d, ':} sFla}N.�'CON',ce 'v 1A v - 16 '� „e, `�' 2.sA(e1a13 y ,�=� 2 rr!•. 17.1 Nta, y..- 3P\cl ,:�,o'• ';'\ h, 1 ;y- N 1Z .y 1.7A n1,e29 w, - �' � n.. �, 'Fry• ''"s•'' 'Q 30 1AA(c)., •.ry.' ' ',G,' ,l'f - �', , 3 26.2 12P � 12�� _ pv` Tp,! '150') °,g �''°' .: •';�'. �`ro 'rtJ . .. ,, 20 '2.1. ..A �• �4Jt 21 2A(c) 0 ' 1 3 2.DA(cL; •I, to Z"---, fi!, 10 = •� 1,y, 26.3 C, „ n �� `: M -w. l cn _ r r •,•lt z,' 22?'s 'rTx r9 ��� ;,� '• ..�'` ,m, ,,, X11,° - .pl --- '"_ s.4. a fi,..�� % F'' s B'• 23 24i,_s,:�s y :,ni w ,,°y -1 °23°. I 7.3 _ .. .1�ae .^;-' a,nf - ', i 1.6A(C) S ,y;, J BAY,.'• .; e, �t�ts. t 14 1 1.0A(C) s x.'� 2 :1 0A(c) 1, 1 12 . , •� `';3- W''1OA(c)I 2Ac y< \l 271 '.k9 -y°''L ,'s,'sr' ',:: '•~� 1 7A(c) l:J -2.OA 1 ,'`���.in� __`'�' 1 •v Y . � - '� , ice' Ir � I �' i S`�%,•.,' ___'___ __`_ _'''`d ' z "`,cS, •/t.•b'.'' �+ __ w(5t0')._ •t _ pee t/I ~ 6 - �' r_ r; I mj,� iy�,...ar-__,`+�`_ �s: � '38.6 a' 29 .,I§ �,m 'b3;.' /c' 36.7- r T 1.3A(c) r '' - 1.3A(c) + t� 5, ,g..',zsz, .' 1 a` 30 „na I \\b 14A(c)V 31 L ,. -- • --�-'- , TA 6 1.4 3 c, G ,,W Im 2.6A(c) „ EWED, FOR PCL.NO.pONp368 � •a _.�r fix.'s.7 SEE SEC,NO.• 24A p SQ, al f "''+• r,'.s's'.'•.,,`E 11 Y'^-' \� tt8-0l-Ott • <.. - .ty --MATCH,— — LINE y.' - - 'I;g pole N3D0.582 v. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © N NOTICE E 1 W0 DISTRICT NO 1000 SECTION NO. Rea] Property Tax Service Agency MAINTB•YWCE,PLTERATION SALE OR Y w E DISTRIBUTION OF ANY PORTION OF THE }eDD WO' IM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 300 Center Dim ffi-1—d,.1Y 11901 SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP IS R OFISITED MA 190 s5 0 ,W 3sa WTMOUT WRITTEN P6iMlSSJON OF TIE P _____ x000- VILUKiE OF Feet S REAL PROPERTY TAX SH2NICE McFN(.Y 118 19 S.C. T.M. NO. THE AREA OF THIS PROPERTY IS 35,170 S.F. OR 0.807 ACRES 1000 - 111 - 9 - 8 ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN REFER TO NAVD '88 DATUM SURVEY OF: LOT 28 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AS MARKED IN FIELD BY OTHERS, SAID UTILITIES ARE BURIED AND WERE NOT EXPOSED FOR VERIFICATION MAP OF NASSAU POINT, AMENDED MAP A FILED OCT. 4, 1919 — AS No. 745 u V S1 TUATED IN:CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF:SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK DA TE: 10/28/2019 JOB NO. G19-5157 S SCALE: 1" = 40' r DELINEATE BLUFF 12/16/2022 W00 $ d V1001 204 NEIN QT 27 1.4N 6 50 M FC ,a�N ti / _w t6.2 :.' �:::! s WOOD 1 , RE�•� AcµEo o,e� -6 / fi; w�T ��. � � r— :�``�•yy'�•x�f:"••.:�r����# •::�\T�•• 4.O N WAl! �/ p/ �! 54.3 5 sj,ifl':::=:A •4':: ::L :1'. Z �Q Sv Fc Op nE / ;' /3 X456 LAND ,.z NZ gid' w , / �_ 1I=-t=`� � ��r::�.:.:.:. m, _ S� _ �, ,'� 1 AME w .: - ,.o's �6$' ooa woop� ; };:I}}_} i...:. .�' j x n NO FR DECK j1E NN tJTk. t] t' tk_ o g� o•e s / X66—- /wpaD ; wE�LIN o + 2 2.dE �/ / , WA _ �' r �y a � "".s ood w GUARANTEES INDICATED SHALL RUN ONLY S c X6.3 #{{ # TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE SURVEY • —— , / �6ti , `� / / ►cK WOOD :r ;I..:.::.: .�" (� � � F;j gR f.t•, f,� # "'f �• �• � IS PREPARED AND/OR AGENCY, AND ARE �_}.:::;;= f:�:':����"�``' NOT TRANSFERABLE. GA m 8 // // / , / SANKN � aRA1N 15E ,.��=�!`:r�,�; ::/..:J.• I I � m i $ �o -COT 2 / , /�/ , „ d �/ /way° , ::' : � /,/I�i I / 1 o� , ( �' , CERTIFIED T0: RA1N' cpR } / ��ji / ;/i•o f Gwen Hyman i' I / 3. �E ,/♦ TOP v L OR AY � 3S} /FC. 5; E� ; / �8B STON% RBF / p FO 3.25 S70 O LIA .` RPE 665 _..�CO��U�UT� POLE \ �--p'VERHEA`O WIRES ii cd�;U•R� P GARY BENZ, L.S. Surveying and Land Planning 527-B Hawkins Avenue Ronkonkoma, N.Y. 11779 GaryBenzLS®Yahoo.com (631) 648-9348 THE EXISTENCE OF RIGHT OF WAYS, WETLANDS, UNDER GROUND UTILITIES UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MAP NOT BEARING THE LAND SURVEYOR'S INKED SEAL AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD IF ANY, NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTEED. VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. OR EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE A VALID. TRUE COPY. SURVEY OF LOT 28 1 SITE PLAN AMENDED MAP A OF - 1/16•• = 1 - 0 CERTIFIED To: NASSAU POINT J U ANDREW CARMELLINI FILE No. 156 FILED AUGUST 16, 1922 GWEN HYMAN SITUATE ADV TITLE ENo.BADA-02970—S NASSAU POINT V STEWART TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CITIZENS BANK, N.A., ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD tern AS THEIR INSTRESTS MAY APPEAR SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK w �' r r 0o S.C. TAX No. 1000-111-09-08 t.l m DWELLIN WATER F ^' USES PUBUG N Lp _ o� C Q U o H - H aY - - 1- ~ c o lJ Q LOT OWELIG WATER , waoo wu I.t USES PUB - Q 0 0 99� OECR GapGE uy c� Flo S Q r. 7- 150 • N 78°36waoo wPltJ wu>- j GEC1C iY� o� Z ,50„ Po ' DATE ISSUANCE EASTt,G IE 1C N 3/31/31 PRICING SET -OWCjACEG O r 1N 2 gING 8/11/21 PROGRESS SET to 10/19/31 PROGRFSS SET 01/29/2-1 PROGRESS SET p w wNA 0 paGpO5E0 t 03/14/'? PROGRESS SET ii-$ GPtE 28 aEtAWP` � `O�-o�pEaPGE 03/02/x? PROGRESS SFT LOT O wN>- :' R. B 09/13/33 Fl LIN G S E T It-1 j.e s. fjaEp�p0 01/09/33 FILING S E T wttl+ •im EN StGRAGE c G • t000a w oft _1 L L DR.\tC'I N G S F U R Gu\1 ���� � DESIGN INTENT ONLY. U "90lp(^ ° ° .° . �_BEt Boa CURB• pa.pG5E0Y k G� G sio �ylG stow TI3[S DRA\\'ING E H GPfyPGE ry 56o 1NSlRU\[ENT OF SFJL\4CE&TE[E Z O� PROPERTY OF DAVID NI.FR ZIER BIOG Ct K P �'G &IS NOT TO BE REPRODUCED IN •'BEIGw+ A"OLE OR IN PART WITHOUT ' �,O TIIE MTRESS WRITTEN CONSENT A y`� `t �'• e0 �"( �� O F pE T • ��--1��, p�OPEN� D,\\'[D \[. PR_\"LIGR. � � � �rtwjunoN wELL dl" 1 (1d O \l .0 . o ul 10_ °• a pW ELUNWATER 5 75736,50„ W USES LOTg91G O �ER��' C �FgEY C I I 041737 4' J ®Fp� w, WA O �� pWEltc '(ER Itl� Ct yet USES PUgL\ SITE PLAN 7 v� A R. 10 0 • ano 2 82,_1.. 10'-5" 16•_10•• 28,_71,. 5'-0" 13,_0• 5'-0" J J ._ = FIREOPIT I � i � I - .i I � I I. Il it I it � W I I � - li j 4� I toe in A-301 DEC NEW PERGOLA WITH GLIDE SHADE AWNING I I Q I i II_I • � , ' I I 'I1 ; Ali NEW CONTINUOUS f 1 c °I LL f. CEDAR STEPS AT (REPLACE PERIMETER OF DECK - I — I 107 m /;' j / / /.� // / oos — , TER I UTDOOR LOUNGE _ z FIREPLACE NEW DECK ,1131—s' /i% / %/!; .'i/ ,�/ �/ .7/%// // 2—B. za—z VX/o j/ / / / / /// / �� , �/ O T arzo FIRE WOOD STORAGE O DO RSHOWER: ENCE C OR �/ / /// s'—o' 14'-2" s'—o' NEW OUTDOOR SHOWER °m ,j//////r •/// j/j///%j /' ,"/'//'� /// U:1'1'I? li�l::\\CI? O PRNACY FENCE / /, / ' / / / ///// '' i/ / % /jG/ // /� _ 3!31;°I PRICINi.Sla' ON STONE PAVERS � / %r// / / / /� / /� � %/ tl // / / / / / / // b a t Arzo AT GARAGE /' / /,� /, , / �,. / / nios;al PRocltrss SET' °I 3'-0` / ILffV AR jj / OPEN FI IS ED eASEM,/ �/ / / / /// / MEDIA'ROOM /, < A2a °i PROVIDE PLUMBING FOR SINK 10,119/2I I'll iCI NC. SI?'1- / AT OUTDOOR KITCHEN 009 09112/22 FILING S 1.1' HOSE BIB OUTDOOR KITCHEN / //�/ // ,///'/ //i/.�%//% //,ii/ /////% //// / r / r� /////•' // ana c FENCE/SCREEN AT COURTYARD GRILL // �j/• //'j ///'" ///j/ .Y /� /i /; / // .///�;//�_ /'/ 0"7'_ 14._2" PIZZA o OUTDOOR KITCHEN r/ � OVEN O I FENCED TRASH ENCLOSURE PLUMBING EGRESS A L 1. DR \\N I N G S FOR TRAP WINDOW - w DESIGN IN'FFN1' ONLY 105 ENTRY HALL '9 6 PR0 'I'll I S U it A W I N G I S AN .i INS7RC\tY_XT OP S1J2\9C1: E I'ROPElt7l'OF UA\]U\I.FRAZ.IFIk &IS NO'l TO PE Rl?PRODU(-.LD IN 1 WHOLEOR IN IIAR'1-\\-17'110L'1, ll I1 I_NIIIUiSS\CRI'I.1T1 CONjI_\1' 003 e 0 F _ ROOM I t 1)A V1 U ,\1 F It A 7.1 E R. o Arzo 2 Ano a .n 3 FINISHED CONCRETE FLOOR AT GARAGE 3'-6" 2'-0' - � -I M 7' —r BUILT-IN WORK BENCH WITH STORAGE ,( DA q�/'� OO4 001 A/!o o G\ lig(. ---ENTRY-SCO RT °j TWO CAR GARAGE :J �y - c I miem vl � M � \I )R C, I L T 1'-0' STAIR TO UPPER LEVEL t 5'-10' S'-10' 3' 4' S'-9" 22'-9' 1'- OVER-HEAD GARAGE DOOR .LIC( 1l 1 - I �STORAGE r N �6 '9jF41731 OF NES j f N I I : NEW EXTERIOR ENTRY TERRACE •t 4'_2• n— WITH RETAINING WALLS 111.CONS7RU(7110N I'1.\N 1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN oos 1�4` = 9 - 0� °I MOTOR COURT A-301 8•_2" I._ ..' 9._2. 31_0" 7'-0" _A100 t arso _J - FIRE PIT ! ! I - Of — W j , lI •toel .DEC N — _ — — ' tai / MA ER,D CK //',�, BEDROOM#�7 ��/ � /: i/i /: X/1 OUTDOOR SHOWER'(ENCE LD URE /�j/ 3/31"21 PRICINGSET 10/10/21 PRICI\C;:ET 09/12/221 FILING SM' / nam /NEWiIMER10 U 'BATH Y/DINING' OM'' / / //// / // i BATH,#2/ NEW/ ffION LL' /// •11.1. DR \\C'I\I;S FOR A A A A A vII ,II '� ! Ii � OIiVIII 706 ' w I 'I'I I Ig 2"TOF NG DESIGN IS'1 L'\'I' Cl:\1.l' • e Ma ENRY HALL' C �' "i T 4i; at VII '! .' DRAA'I\G IS 1A7IX 4" 1.11 A- 1 P. ! l PRUPFRII'C1F U.\\lD\I FAA'%IIJ2 KIS\("i 1"1'O 1>b:121iPR000CEU 1\ 3^ 1T'I101.l OR IN P\RT\CITIIOC'I' (I IIE I?SPRI'SS\CRI'111iN CO\9i\'ff N �. -1 CLOSET BUILT-IN LOUNGE r M eo SLEEPING ),I V I D \f FR A/_I F R. BUILT-IN PLATFORM FOR 3' 6" .2'-3- 2'-S" 14'-2" STORAGE UNDERNEATH -• 1'-4" 3'-0" J MIL't MUSICROOM E MILLWORK WITH U.C. REF. ® r 1'y ii OFO-61 OVERLOOK TO STAIR `�� c• �, n—ENTRY COURT-- z ��t 207 ' POWDER ROOM S'—S" 11'-5^ 11'-5" � 041731 y0 FUTURE POWDER ROOM, �• � PROVIDE ROUGH PLUMBING B '-FI.CONSTRUCTION PLAN 1 SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1/4' _ �, _ 0• oos 1 MOTOR COURT AJm 1101 J - _ NEW m1CC0 RN6H AT EXImNG WMINUOUS NEPAL CHIMNEY '-' YEr19AItNiE RWI BEYOND - -IN SIl01NG DOOR_ REEER Rl OWR SCNmULE tt? ELEV. + 73.96 /4i T.O.E)OSTNG RIDGE uEUBAwTxGPc RwooF BEmNo W ELEV. + 71.42 T.O.GARAGE PARAPET N._NG sewu ua.N ELEV. + 69.5 MU9C ROOM FINISHED CEILING N -- w mvx -�rorvwwppw — — - S u sa®ulc Q z•wmD mNDow rwu, -� N NVNMC ws- REriR TD wrrvWx samutE A A � � O TARRED CWBOARO. � •i. NEw s CFINw NERDCAL Tkc 6 'CmAR NORrzOMPl TkG SOUR E1flFFIOR SCONCE, ELEV. + 60.66 Nex A AT rvfw ADDmax wWs1Al3 Rxm class vRNoow iwa.—N.T iRasx MU9C ROOM F.F. L05URE BErorvp -- ELEV. + 59.55HillHill GARAGE FINISHED CEILING ELEV. + 56.6 .,...... .`: .. . OUSTING FIRST F.F. ELEV. + 56.3 ., .. .. .. .. > _ ENTRY HALL N.snlcW fvkm AT i Faxwtwx {'InII E%.(1652.3 r, 7_ ^ 1- GE SLAB NGG DECORAihE NEW NNG AT NEW f R SCONCE RETNNING WNL COtINECTOR 10 G— OYFR-NFM pWR EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1�4 _ �' - O" D_\TL ISSUANCI: 3/31/21 PRICING SEX 9/03/21 PROGRLSS SET 10/19;-'?I- - PRICING SLI' 09/12;32 FILING SET Nfw—MANp srEu a1luNfr Rxrsx AT IX-NG ;\1.L D R.\\C 1\(�S I'U R vExcau.rmx DESIGN INTENT ONI.I' aETRAcrAatc suoc Awxwcs ELEV. + 73.96 '1'1115 URA\C ISG IS AX L0.EXISTNC RIDGE acro.RWF I\ (12U\IL\I'OI SfCR\'If,Ii t'I'Id G —N DiREa-GlZE PROPPACIA OF D.\\lD\i.IlR.\%IBR WINDOWS-REEER TO Wnopw scxmuv; a K IS NOT 11 t>I.RI:PRODUC EI)IN ELEV. + 71.42 T.O.GARAGE PARAPET a NORIT° Dwc sEAu uEUL V IGI_L OR IN PART\\11'11OU'l N. sowc.TSC 0 ftWFs'� 'I11L L\\ 'SS Wlt1111:N CONS I•:\"I' ELEV. + 69.5 O 1' MU9C ROOM FINISHED CEILINGunRVlx o' io WEAVE Ascu AT U.\V 1 D \I 1'R \"/.1 L R. wv+�por saanuTF Wnnxuars uErAL FASN F@D PANEL AT CENTER AaE55 SfApt BETONp N11N 1wN AT EACH Fx0 C m O \ GrtpWR KIICNEN OL Op OK D D D eey ��(�.\ALD '7 MLP 80.86 MU9C ROOM F.F. k ELEV. + 59.55 C• GARAGE FINISHED CEILING 58.8 EXISTNC FIRST ELEV. + 58.3 _ .Hams rd •SrORACE.. ENTRY NALL BnaxD.: J_ sraRACE afYDxp- CL. Y A MESS 1¢OUIRm: NEw NNNOuS CEDAR v VD1G REONRm AT of«AND SRPS awER sraRACE xeA e'vERRCAL rsc ,f AT FIPmxO HOUSE yAq�y�SRVV DOOR,- WOW SNT OU RE YARNN DWELT-GIAZE RFFER�DOOR SHOVER ENCIOBURE ELEV. + ��,sa�io mptc T.G.GARAG52.3 041 731 �O N�N TO S Nm RE NEW NORQONTN.CFDAR O Sa�EEN AT Dfb(k 1_X I LRIOR 1:LEVA 1ICINS 2EXTERIOR ELEVATION 3�4., _ 1. _ O,: X200 C-) [y c°mmn°us afro T.O.EXISONG RIDGE WIMN DIRECT-042E Li ELEV.,� T.O. PARAPET P:M+),, W 669-5 6 FINISHED CEILING IRTevc - SIDWG LL- -E &56WA66L ROOMF. F. 71111111 11111112 1 E - N4 FINISHED CEILING s. . .. . . .. .. .. . . . . %A§A—RST ELEV.(+)58.3 X.— ENTRY HALL o Z . T.O.1&52-3 Q A.SLAB WOOD SLIT RENSE COVRITARD D.Euroa°a D— XT�RIORELEV�-ION -L 1/4 1. I)AfF. ISSUANCE 3/31/21 PRICIN(3 Sl-:'l Q/03!21 PRo (;RI-*.SS SET 10/19/21 PIUCINGSET 09/12M FILING SET :11.1. D R V I N(;S F 011 , D I N I NTE N.1 0 N L). rAsc *.11 BIME 'I'll IS D It A WI N G I'; A N IS _—RN_G B-1) 7M 1. ETTL6.'An FRIDGE =W----M -L,11k:Ff 11: NroN—R PR)PUR IYC)FDA\IDM AZA�qD� &F.\01-TOBEREPROMCI -.0 ,'D IN —N DIRER EIL6.1"'ARAPET 2"WOOD N—MIA. 1101-l-'OR IN P. I'llIz,EXPRF-SS NX CONSENT 5 0 MW I)A VI D V 1,R z 1 1:lz MUSIC R5 FINISHED CEILING O A —z— IZFN0N'-\TI0N NEw D 7 %96 6%6 —10 - A WLI.F. A/� Rd 1711 2:� 59.55 . GARAGE ED CEILING I I!I lid! -------- 1!1! ! !! i 88 ARN EXISTING FIRST F.F. U.——N.. 58L3 +WA_ % LTRI CORE NEN SNCCO Z I AT... DOOa A.SLAB X41731 0 D:SI \s EXTERIOR ELEVATION l/4" = V — �0" � A201 14'-2" UNDIRMOUNT SINK 3CM STONE COUNTER SOLID TERRAZZO ENCLOSURE STAINLESS KITCHEN ----------- MILLWORK AT OUTDOOR KITCHEN 2'-9" 2--0- 2--8- 2--0- 2--9- 1"-0- LLJ LEXTERIOR ISLAND ELEVATION ,�l ACCENT TILE AT REAR PROVIDE PLUMBING, N 14' 2" ELECTRICAL 3 CM SLAB AT COOKING r SURFACE WITH OPEN n -7 STORAGE BELOW SOLID ENCLOSURE WffH - - SOLID TERRAZZO - - _ MAIN BRICK GLAZEDENCLOSURE WITH TLE, REFER TO FINISHMILLWORK BEYOND SCHEDULE OUTDOOR KITCHEN ELEVATION EXTERIOR ISLAND ELEVATION EXTERIOR ISLAND ELEVATION 0 < FIREPLACE EXHAUST I)A Fl-. ISSUANCE 3/31/21 SET ,1/23/21 PROGRESS S E:-1, 10;19;21 PRICIN(3 SGT 09/12/22 FIIANG slit SLAT FENCE GLAZED NEW G ED TILE OUTSWING DOORS FIREPLACE SURROUND NEW WOOD-BURNING 0 r OUTDOOR FIREPLACE WITH IGNITER, SOLID FIREBRICK AT INTERIOR FIREWOOD STORAGE ALI. Dit A\\ IN(;S F0 it I* ONLY 3CM STONE AT LEDGEUESIG\ 1N'1-E\ 1)R A XV I N C; IS AN Ns'l-RUNIFINT 017SIZIMCE&TI IE 4-0- �'ROPERTYOF I)A\11)M.FRAZIER &IS NO FTO BI-, REPRODUCED IN SLAT FENCE V ,OLE OR IN PART\V11,11OU'1, SCREEN 'I'llE I-NIPRI'SS kN RI'l-IT-N CONSENT 0 17 EXTERIOR FIREPLACE ELEVATION TRASH ENCLOSURE & FENCE ELEVATION A b'jl( F()f? 4--0 1/4' 1JD SLAT GATE TO OUTDOOR KITCHEN BEYOND A CC' I TRASH ENCLOSURE OF P.VIIO ELI:VATIONS E� LEXRITE ORSTAIR�ELEVATION (�-o� TRASH ENCLOSURE ELEVATION ®LSA 1. _ 0 1/2 = J _ a 11 X LL I 5 1/2" 5 1/2" N < E%.WF71.j42 PARAPET LL. M 1,POP" ,5 SHED CEIUNG < zDXJ E ISSUANCE F 3/31/21 PRICING SFI' $0 W.Aa 12MED MUNG 00/12/22 FILING SI-,1 =m -T 00 0 'I %I.1 1)RA V I N G S FO R 00 DESIGN INTENT ONLY 'I'll IS DRAIX ING IS AN ;NS"flIUMILM 011SERNICE&TIll, 'ROPER-IA-017 D WID Al.FRAZIER &IS NO I'0 BE REPRODLCE'1)IN XVI 01.1:OR IN PAR'I'WITHOU f -3 -111 17 - ELEV. 52 F I XPRESS WRFITEN CONSENT '&A SLAB X X/x A p,E Y C AN 1: RI BUILDING SECTIONOq W 173 Of NE BUILDING SECTION _A300 ry LLJ 5 1/2" 5 1/2" N 21'-7" < 71.42 GARAGE PARAPET LL- MUSIC 'a FINISHED MUNG 00 0 cc) DA'YE ISSUANCE 3/31/21 PRICING SM .6�+),6.0 66 �6t 10/19/21 PRICING SI., F.F. GARAGE FINISHED CEILING .............. 00 ------------ -T i r ALL I)R \�N INGS FOR 0 ONI,1. -1 co ____j TIIIS DRAWI\C IS AN IIROI)I!R'I-%'Oi 1)WID-NI.I-RA/11-:R &IS NOT-I )BE RI( ' IN - ' W110LEOR IN 11AR'l,\x li'lloul* 11117 J-'NpRG�s N\*Rl"l'l EN CONSL\'r 0 DA Yl D NI 17 It I L R, L0. .6.1� 523 SLAB A Rf:.\O%'A'f'ION Aiyc T -7 (-,U--, BUILDING SECTION �l/2" =�1' — O�" 'n Lp 1731 Bull _1301 r, VA OWTS General RORaimnenb 1.bsmaYT shall pmj"a csA ation m the Imaagaid-and mmbea (W.W.M.•73)ham•PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OR ., CONCRETE REGISTERED ARCHITECT fox fend rova appl A the°Yatam a .. COLLAR 24� STOPPER END PROPOSED 2The mom ef,End wmde i(Inaaaemaiv L lite wall 563 MSuffolk tialndiatry R PLUG ELEC. Bushresses)end Erdasenerd a(ImowSve ane ABmraSse rmamenf srstmn lremde)Daareh nm suBpu caxAy PANEL DePiam tips.;nc uremBYn arm a m°isf��m t/ASuffo�aovrs�Aw�y 3 (�).Tna owammnt G p RISER&COVER 3.An 110.ded 0o 60n and IAainlerarca conbaa eenroen De NeiWenanCe Pmviaer ane Properly a•+nmmlm m Z sabmmd to he DaPNmnl am < a.ABM-11.d VA OWTS rdred e0m have an bdW 3".-11,and c,a e5 a%,1Infenmme eeNoe rorWdct FIBER JOINT PACKING 5.Wl,an an VA OWTS"u"'a vent na iad @hal ba vented m N°roof of Ne msderca being served.Vena ad shall J 20 AMP BREAKER edende Mnlmrmof6mtlies obwa me moRm oral B,e top of Be v%nlohaB naysemuimum tmdxonlm separrationml2 ina,os to Bre sbped pmlbn m Ue mot.m was r h—els rot pacUml m vena the systmo to Me r eldmra roof.a vend ppa may sa piped fo Be sxmda ed.mnB msbenm and temham a mn:nan of 1e maee above gmda.Thwvanl � G SEWER PIPEEXTERIOR RA I pipes sial ee lomtpdammumrm ora metrmnary.o,am+mdaormayard mint mmunme wmararmnBnaramxa.a 1 1 1 (T}PICAL) JUNCTION BOX BELOW I Yontppesmustna.eartrr,m.xn emnetm oft mares. W Z Z PVL PIPE DJOJ4 GRADE SDR J5 SPRINKLER BOX .�� "I ""•vein ph+a frena me owns. Dw hall haw a poolb a slooa mmea OWTS W M O d JCP E ppas%nmre sYsiem vvBNn Ne hwsse.Pipe dao have aPosltna slope from Be OWTS mOe W no,ae sa Ewia wit mea,mAzdtoe bearrrerit ma 4.� BEND R7 SEPTIC I�2AWS OF WIRE C S.Garbage gM1ders snaBratba pem@ma.nen an UAOWTSbW@edmrream ols°,r ea dfywsal.maddNm,vatm U) Q(� TANK DIREXT BURIAL softeners shall not disa,mga Info wVA OWTS. N J O FROM DWELLING 7.Imiall VA OVrrS m ks a®rabg to mammaomrs remm,w,datiore.AB applirabl°raromr ondaMms provided by De = _ mandammrsnaB ba mpertentea � Q� C.l. 60°PLL W')'E G TO PVC a.The vA overs laM snav m lrerama al bvel Y rvt akeabns(wn a madmNn tderm.oe m ary mm°Bm,m.rore A/ Z HOUSE ADAPTOR PLC CONTROL PANEL Rre,mriraYq anemnk—i 34nch thick bed of Wcpenym.eba oral—lo-ded sana(hoeemnroacs)apeeg_ �J—, �U W/}IP80 COMPRESSOR AIR PUMP B to 9.The mP��VA OWiS tank ste8 rel re bcamd greamr man 25 frelm less man ore faolbsbw(aW grade � A EmadFal RwMFe—do CLEAN OUT DETAIL "°"a.All Z ELECTRIC RISER DIAGRAM All good"°a'ar�m aa""°xnmm%�"°°" Nalbrel Damn Code(NEC)and boat oodoa. If N.T.S. o b.Themihalpa elbox nYNxmoy be b,O todiki n eve mbb pea of mm e(pir bleatIt N.T.S. amma5mb.me paint boxmarbe mmmmaanreoab as%aBm naswwe xere adaaeeir /� mom andnota hag epaco). �/s e. The mnhol pare)shag Da pb°od d e mmfORabb ndg A—caoss. �+ tl.The pard sta Ml a NiditiMud Elealwal 0pie fors Assx of tNEMA)a0 hirf times. a.The cordal mist nave appmpdam seat m Pnvmd gases eM moisiNo nen maa,kp @a cantml �B pmet or(m lur!,baa@. TPP WALL cEa'umellh sn MolI,iequipped eM19 a oodei dhemcl Meix;sYsmm tot wenbuk1Mg wd. REMOTE PLC CONTROL PANEL YlsammmmsmalraneamaaByeeenmdnmmgmoom,PanraaKmawemngeeYea. W/HP80 COMPRESSOR BILL OF MATERIALS z pmIs,BT ewwokotsamms,Ydwma IO /SREBAR ® a.The slactrkalpncgon box saMng Bio Pare nmlm GIM Doom mast be vramrtigAl and located!amde O I(IS'0. , Be VA OWTS tank of—bor. NMrsmo iAror.Asmoa xas b.TheDopa dfMdI obsm,+Be PO systmn opsmm It-ghan alapernmgla°. YAn.Awma 1 e mspeabn M mekege of Ne forte nam fl h vAll De macro dm0y Be pang foot mooadma. l �ra�n usuay.aamca l CONTROL PANE.QV +5.0' Ae_ L WOO PLATFORM AT ,T' acso.xaa+xon= T D".. 14.0' S RFBAR WATERPROOFWG O( )C General ConsWLtion Notes CONTROL PANEL 8c AIR PUMP ELEVATION �•mp spq pAx D GRADE VARIES 25L1Yp,0061„aSOB N T.S. ].BOUNWRV AND TOPOGRMHL B6'OWIATION FRONASURVEI'BY IUTPAN TAFTCORWO'L.1a94'ml 4Y/s OOWfl. IO I NARCN,e.]NT.FIEVATgtA REFERENGEOTO THE NAVO a9 MTUN pmmmmmv- ,a. MTN HOOK a.ALL NATERNLSArn)YE OGOFLaxsTRUCT10N 5NALLCONFORNTOTiESTAMARDSMIDSPEC TIpa AMfmJ^2a]l¢TR®r RLDOOT>al SYSiOr _ �-•� OFTHE TONM OF SOUn10lDAlIDTHE SUFFOII(COUNTY OEPARfA�NTOF HEOITN SEAVICE5A3 RE0UmED h caod IIA-AN500 BTHECONDNCTORSHALL ME VERIFYTHELOCADONI DE OFALLNitnOSPMRTOTHE '. 1 pp 4 IDCONCETE TO BE 7000 P9 - COMIEI1fJ=NENf OF WOfK.TIff CONTRARORIS AO,RSEDALLSIraSURFACEOfiRINTIONSHOVN ONINESE W Z _„�11)1WA 4• 2-STEEL TO BE 60 KS PIN1515 LONLEPNALAND AmST°ECONFORNED ACWRDNGLYNTNEFIEIO. 1A U PU01.1C T ENGINEER TO CERTIFY THE F7NL BTHE GIXApALTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FORSECURNG ALL HECESSARVPEW4fS BEFOpE f.OMAENf9VG CONSRICTION OF RETAINING WALL AS 0 0 REQUIRED BY HEALTH DEPT. ' ENGINEER TO BE CALLED TO INSPECT THE .. T 10� y..r l.ALLVNSVfTABLE INTERNI NID OEBRI55iVALBE OI5Po5ED OF NALCOROYICE WRNTOWN.COLNIY.STATE REINFORCING BEFORE PUCLIGNT CONCRETE L ANO FEDERAL IANS.CODFS IUm ORDpNNCES.CONrtNOTOR SIWLLBERESPdSIBLE FOR D5Po5NGOFFALL Z 48' f♦ y VHS,IfTABLENpTERNL50EF51TEDEHRL55NALLN0TBEBUREDONTHE511E � � /3 R£BAR O LI'EACH WAY N FOOTING FOOTING TO BE ON 30DO//SF SQL BALL PRECAST STRUGTMES SHALL BEAPPROVfD WY CANOC YWR IT REGUTATIONS. Z S.ALL PREGSTSTRUCIURE551—BE YANUFACNRED WITH]•000 Min DAYSTRFRGtI1C01KAEt£ � �`O RETAINING WALL DETAIL 366'90. �� O.SANRApVPWETOaESDRa]WCORSSPCffdDONRA6 0 O RF+•A ,I.WRDNi COKSTRUCTIOH.EROSIGN PIID 5EDB1ENf COMRtt YEA5VRE51O BE 1lRIIEOA51ffGJ5YR/TO T Z L(7 o V PREVENTTHETRANSPORTOFSEDOAHFTOOFFSREANES.PONos.%NNAGEBIESTNEYETODSJm i- W N.T.S. A� INTENIALSEYPLOYE YOWGSTIII-NANONIIRRENPNCEOFFAOSmNCONiROL1.FASVRES 51a1LL O N Or CONFORMTO THE NEW Y011K GVmElB1E5F0A EROSIONAlO SEDp@If CONtROI. J ��.,1'aT ® o Z Ql CD D'H�TAT arLrt,ae%R�s GP,O ,L NO6T11REWInENTA50ElERI@IEDBV STMOLM CO .%%WJ@.NYOHSIIYATTHEOPi1WN A'e.Gy=1 USV pUOUC W m o } 1E1 1].AU PAYERS ON TRFATYEMUNns1NLL 11AVELOO(p1OCOVER.S O_ (p c SSld * 1i{y U) E7 17 U_ON V B 11 ■ 9YSlEY W=III�TME HOFVSE�ES ALL.WIVEA�PWTIPIE SLOPE FROYT1 WRCgOTOT�IENWSE so ANY�NOIAD (j) to G.O. 7 bbb� WIL DRASITOWARO THE TREAlFF1fTUML T LL O N v , 104 1` 1i _ ✓� CARMELLINI a O o N,�36'SG” E �. m Dr -- 4565 NASSAU POINT RD LLQ a CUTCHOGUE, NY 10SCTM# 1000-111-09-08 0 T"d d ••-�� ry 2LDa^m' w AREA FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT j _ n APPROVAL STAMP jJ1'. t 6 % / `t m •.• � � .paw aoLO"' �,/ �,Fsws c m° / " o � - Renes AD PEER R'C CAg `N`°T' SANITARY SYSTEM DESIGN O :' DRAWN BY:JF/JP >... 1D. VNEWHWATFR 5 X83650• W USF5pU0UC 6 BEDROOM X 110gpd = 660gpd *® HYDROACTION: AN600 = 660gpd DECEMBER 2,2021 TBcT ROLE DATA r!„ (TEST HOLE DUG BY-.-_^Mf D GraM2.=ON NOVEMBER g.20I6) LEACHING: Lm mom.S•LDA" SCALE:AS NOTED go>� W [1] LEACHING POOLS 8'DIA X 16'DEEP [1] EXPANSION POOL 8'DIA X 16'DEEP SHEET NO: r ao NOTE: DWE�rr °NE B°'""`�''"' ALL COVERS WITH APPROVED LOCKING SES Ciyc'T UpUOU I ELEcw=@Lao DEVICE WITH SECONDARY SAFETY LIDS SITE PLAN DEVICES TO BE APPROVED SCALE: 1" = 30'