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1000-6.-1-4.3 (2)
OFFICE LOCATION: ®� ®�® 179 MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O.Box 1 54375 State Route 25 Ar Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) ® a� Telephone: 631765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Leslie Weisman,Chair Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals From: Mark Terry,AICP Assistant Town Planning Director LWRP Coordinator Date April 3, 2023 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for ZBA File Ref FRITZE FISHERS,LLC#7725 SCTM No. 1000-6-1-4.3. FRITZE FISHERS,LLC#7725—(Adjourned from January 5,2023)Request for a Variance from Article III, Section 280-14; and the Building Inspector's July 25,2022,Notice of Disapproval based on an application for a permit to construct additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling at; 1) located less than the code required minimum front yard setback of 60 feet; located at: 560 North Hill Road/Crescent Avenue,(adj.to Hay Harbor)Fishers Island,NY. SCTM No. 1000-6-1-4.3. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP)Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department and the records available to me,the proposal is recommended as EXEMPT from LWRP coastal consistency review. Pursuant to Chapter 268,the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Paul DeChance,Town Attorney 1 j BOARD MEMBERS Southold Town Hall Leslie Kanes Weisman,Chairperson ® 0 ®�� 53095 Main Road•P.O.Box 1179 ® Southold,NY 11971-0959 Patricia Acampora Office Location: Eric Dantes Town Annex/First Floor, Robert Lehnert,Jr. ® y 54375 Main Road (at Youngs Avenue) Nicholas Planamento ®��� Southold,NY 11971 SUN i�, http://southoldtownny.gov ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Tel.(631)765-1809•Fax (631) 765-9064 September 13, 2022 Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director –w�-_— LWRP Coordinator Planning Board Office Town of Southold I SEP 13 2022 Town Hall Annex L- � Southold, NY 11971 tannin d Ward �F Planning Board Re: ZBA File Ref. No. #7725 –Fritze Fishers LLC Dear Mark: We have received an application to construct additions and alterations to an existing single family dwelling. A copy of the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval under Chapter 280 (Zoning Code), and survey map, project description form, are attached for your reference. Your written evaluation with recommendations for this proposal, as required under the Code procedures of LWRF Section 268-5D is requested within 30 days of receipt of this letter. Thank you. Very truly yours, Leslie K. Weisman Chairpeson By: � L Encl. Site Plan/Survey: CHA dated September 7, 2022 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD,N.Y. NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: July 25, 2022 TO: Bruce Kinlin(Fritze) 59 East 54th Street, Suite 92 New York,NY 10022 Please take notice that your application dated June 17, 2022: For permit to: construct additions and alterations to an existing sin le-family dwelling at: Location of property: Crescent Avenue.Fishers Island,NY County Tax Map No. 1000- Section 6 Block 1 Lot 4.3 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposed construction. on,this conforming 3.88 acre lot in the R-80 District is not permitted pursuant to the Bulk Schedule which requires a front yard setback of 60 feet The proposed construction will have a front yard setback of 38 feet Authorized Sign Note to Applicant: Any change or,deviation to the above referenced application may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file,Z.B.A. Fee:$ Filed By: Assignment No. APPLICATION TO THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS AREA VARIANCE House No. 560 Street North Hill Road Hamlet Fishers Island SCTM 1000 Section006.00 Block 01.00Lot(s)004.003 Lot Size 3.88 acres Zone R-8 0 I(WE)APPEAL THE WRITTEN DETERMINATION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED July 25, 2022 BASED ON SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED June 7, 2022 Owner(s): FRITZE FISHERS, LLC Mailing Address: 84 Spooner Road, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 c/o Matthews & Ham Telephone: (631) 283-2400 Fax: (631) 287-1076 Email: stevehaml90@gmaii.com NOTE:In addition to the above,please complete below if application is signed by applicant's attorney,agent,architect, builder,contract vendee,etc.and name of person who agent represents: Name of Representative: Stephen L. Ham, III, Esq. for(K) Owner( )Other: Address:_ Matthews & Ham, 38 Nugent Street, Southampton, NY 11968 Telephone: (631) 283-2400 Fax: (631) 287-1076 Email: stevehaml90@gmail.com Please check to specify who you wish correspondence to be mailed to,from the above names: ( )Applicant/Owner(s), (X)Authorized Representative, ( ) Other Name/Address below: WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR REVIEWED SURVEY/SITE PLAN DATED June 7, 2022 and DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED_ June 17, 2022 FOR: (X) Building Permit ( ) Certificate of Occupancy ( )Pre-Certificate of Occupancy ( ) Change of Use ( )Permit for As-Built Construction ( ) Other: Provision of the Zoning Ordinance Appealed. (Indicate Article,Section,Subsection of Zoning Ordinance by numbers.Do not quote the code.) Article: III Section: 280-14 Subsection: Type of Appeal. An Appeal is made for: (X)A Variance to the Zoning Code or Zoning Map. ( )A Variance due to lack of access required by New York Town Law-Section 280-A. ( )Interpretation of the Town Code,Article Section ( )Reversal or Other A prior appeal( )has, (X)has not been made at any time with respect to this Property,UNDER Appeal No(s). Year(s). . (Please be sure to research before completing this question or call our office for assistance) Name of Owner: ZBA File# REASONS FOR APPEAL (Please be specific, additional sheets may be used with preparer's signature notarized): 1.An undesirable change will not be produced in the CHARACTER of the neighbor or a detriment to nearby properties if granted,because: it will result in an addition to the dwelling that will not be visible from nearby properties and, while the addition will be as close as 38 feet from the front property line, its distance from the portion of the street that is actually used will be well over the minimum setback of 60 feet. 2.The benefit sought by the applicant CANNOT be achieved by some method feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance,because: there are extensive wetlands on the property that severely limit the permissible building area. The project is designed to maintain the 100—foot wetland setback provided for in Chapter 275 of the Town Code (Wetland Law of the Town of Southold) . 3.The amount of relief requested is not substantial because: although the addition will be as close as 38 feet from the front property line (63.33% of the minimum setback), it will be well over that 60—foot minimum from the portion of the street that is actually used. Moreover, its lack of impact on the neighborhood and the absence of alternatives due to the presence of extensive wetlands should outweigh subtantiality in this case. 4.The variance will NOT have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district because: only normal excavation for a footing for the addition will be necessary and the desired environmental distance from the wetlands per Chapter 275 of the Town Code will be observed. 5.Has the alleged difficulty been self-created? { } Yes,or {g}No Why: The applUant is applying for the necessary permits prior to commencing construction and is not seeking to legitimize an illegaly built structure. The constraints on the building envelope and not some act or omission of the owner have given rise to the need for relief. Are there any Covenants or Restrictions concerning this land? { }No {K} Yes(please furnish a copy) This is the MINIMUM that is necessary and adequate,and at the same time preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood and the health,safety and welfare of the community. Signature of Applicant or Authorized Agent d (Agent must submit written Authorization from Owner) Sworn to before me this day 23� Stephen L. Ham, III, authorized agent of August ,2o 22 Notary Public BARBARA T. HAM Notary Public, State of New York No 02HA506 i 959 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires August 15, 20 Zl', APPLICANT'S PROJECT DESCRIPTION APPLICANT: FRITZE FISHERS LLC DATE PREPARED: AUGUST 24, 2022 1.For Demolition of Existing Building Areas Please describe areas being removed: 2'8" wide by 9'0" tall section of exterior wall at existing residence II.New Construction Areas(New Dwelling or New Additions/Extensions): Dimensions of first floor extension: 14'9" x 4'8" connector to a 24'0" x 27'8" addition Dimensions of new second floor: 23'3" x 19' 1" Dimensions of floor above second level: N/A Height(from finished ground to top of ridge): 25'9" Is basement or lowest floor area being constructed?If yes,please provide height(above ground) measured from natural existing grade to first floor: no basement III.Proposed Construction Description (Alterations or Structural Changes) (Attach extra sheet if necessary). Please describe building areas: Number of Floors and General Characteristics BEFORE Alterations: N/A Number of Floors and Changes WITH Alterations: N/A IV.Calculations of building areas and lot coverage(from surveyor): Existing square footage of buildings on your property: 2,641 sq. f t. Proposed increase of building coverage: _ 621 sq. f t. Square footage of your lot: 169,394 sq. ft. Percentage of coverage of your lot by building area: 1.56% existing to 1.93% after construction V.Purpose of New Construction: additional living space for grandchildren VI.Please describe the land contours (flat, slope %,heavily wooded,marsh area, etc.) on your land and how it relates to the difficulty in meeting the code requirement(s): Required Zoning Code and wetlands setbacks constrain allowable building area to the extent that it is unsuitable for new construction Zoning variance is accordingly needed to maintain required distance from wetlands Please submit 8 sets of photos,labeled to show different angles of yard areas after staking corners for new construction, and photos of building area to be altered with yard view. 4/2012 ' 1 OI W►YLOPS weds this-7a cedar of AtWmt• 1953 by r-. i,1�h�Q3h;dt• resi�,r; at (m d) Crescent AresM. fishers Islaudy am TWA 0 , b m1mato r aallsd the "amiaea i6MW, tbe Om r hes title tscertrsiu lmd situate at /1 slesrt� LsLaMd. To M of sa uxbald, Coaity o!° Suffolk amd St&Wt ' Mw taiAt, Now Lead lardaaEter bsLft GM pasta sML�l� ~:j MUMS is is tim mere i1n tl�►t tide t$d �y� be subdivided into a altar mubdieisiae caasistUS of Mot MOM ��Q�•-� thane Pam (3) reside *tial p!.a� IDN, IMMWM. the toLleedug descrumod Imid shall be rs• stsiatej as bswiwdt6 r set fosthi AL1. that certaia tract or VZrAl of lwsd located at FLdN >Bi.: . Is..1mud Tbora► of Saathoid; Cowty mf Safoilt and Sista of Mrll. . YO*, >�ix� bounded and described as follows: DS4:IlR1ilIG at • sior Amort on the Mg tbwsstorly Lias of lrox Aw mw� ss+id MOMMsnt hain5 located 4779.75 fest 4orth of a f poi.at jhich is 2647.04 foot West Of a aaM m"t asiaA .ngsths Urttad Staten Coast aad GoakiXic 5�trrsy Ts'is al �T en aMdiag lliorth 67 degrees Sl sautes 10 tbow sea ouds East 28.74 feet aloe said anraYwt�lina t�hateSuaid� - Masterly line of Grescant Aveaea; the=s Southwesterly line of crescent AWGUM on the lollorriMS ism: cosnsgs; North 16 degrees 47 Minutes 00 sscoad• Mast 317. fast; North la$• degrees 39 miuutss 00 sowvAs Mast 462.72 fact; North 36,degrees 16 minutes sscoyds vast 435.70 feet to a sarument and North63 dsis�aes 30 s •+s +a�� Mart 416.75 foot to a "DwAmultj chime South 15 degrees minutes 55 st►coads East about 674 foot to the shots al. .t Harbor; thew'A Soutbasatarly amt•96 Feat ®163% and*4 h ..` liens tbemo, South 59 s 41 +dmt40 20 ids': amt 33 feet; thonee Swath S9 tti `. East 8 .69 cost to the ,r .. •. gist . C.411/i�ti a M 10 owwr dans b*veby ,.,. Kra •�? � ..r..`��,..s.��. �'�, the aforesaid demi-Lbad land as a sduor subdivisions by the Plssis in-Board a¢ the Town of Southold, that the following cc MUM Will attach to the.said described lauds 1. All Ps+aa�ot:ive purcharssss of lots within this sub- L.- dies!sloe ob l be �mvisad that thi,: subavision is locatod within ase (1) mile of Clizabath Field sod a" be ad)-jent to sooisez frac the operation of the air port and tso£as fr m airraaft oovsomt. 2. No lot shall be subdLvided or chmaned in eBay *Amer A unless authorized by the Southold Tom Planning Board, 3. Clesriag end Sradiug within eaab Lot slswil be lb atad to that necessary for siting sad coastsuating a lanae with the intent of ppraserving, as Mock of the taabucal vegetatLovs an the Bice Bas Possible. USLUM& cl ^ sued grading will al"I wise stossohater, >mwff aad aro 4. No storagAt*r n=fE reaniting fzM the dev+elogasnt of the subdivision or any of the Lots shall be diacbsd directly iatto the adjacent body of water., fly' t;Arluor, or the tidal wetlaads nithiu the subdivision parcel. S. No residential structure shall be constructed Within 10 , feat of the uplapid edge of the tidal wetlands and the shoreline of Hay lbarhor. 6, No sanitary disposaL facility shall be installed or cow; str acted within 100 fest of the upland efts of the tidal wetlands and the shoreline of Flay Haxbor. ). Thu Owner ra;erves as sole right to grant franchise and consent for . % installation and maintenance of an putlit utility in, over and upon and across any of the , .: stTs,%t■ in tt�m devolop anc, including, without linUati- the right thesight to Xay wat0r and gas m&Lns, eli xoct pole nes'.a. for'thi transwLesion of electric gownr end iastall Gas Atilitios in, over, Capon and across the said *treats:,;, l'he Owner dares also reserve for htz*tlf and bar to interest a perpetual int trot .to doceed fisw(� feet to widt!s, al the rear and side lines of saoh; In the development for utility installation And main once. .:•'�-� '"I A. Mw Omer reserves the r iht to dedicate all sts+eitiii j uoads, drainega areas and saseralittr " ': Town of Soutbold for'higiiwaly 4ud::a .�',. •rte m',•' a • t s•� 9. The �a covenants and rastrietions em" v m wLtb the Is",., hereby Conveyed and *Wl bind &Ad iiutre to the b*wwfie: . of the nsid Parties, their hafts, edetinistrAtArs and "` and mid codeuonts sad re-ttrictions may be (orcid by action for dsss$. j sn•%<� ns' ua;tions or the®rc. rs or in :Mf9 IN .nom �{g�F" the Osmer hasCOVwOm executed the fore8ois� s � and rastxictiona the day and YOM first ebov rrrii+r 1 •g �/ tts Zltb4ltotuiri :;c [' •r ..qw —SUIA6 of m TOM CWJIM 0-T surrolA SS.t oath* -12*IL ,ii,y AE Augwt, 1983 before as ��ssrtanatby' ZANHOE�Ki� to ase h to j* the viival dr setibad in aad Ciro OXseut 4 the foty pUW $mj%mtion, assd admmiLaftod that she executed the PMQ- .: '1 r•�1f:i� .f �. • 3 . t p � - IS �eP 1 3 28 Px'83 !;�ltFLEqc OF OLK CCUVTV � Q 1; xoxsxi s i• `n t; ci n 2� DEGL.0.'tA?Inti OF • �OVti�'�'a'`:5RES ' ds lii(Ili II(I illll 111ff 11(11 Ilil1 Illll IIIII Ilill 1111 lilt 1 III) 111111111 llfl 1111 . SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK .RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DECLARATION COVENANT/RESTRTCTT Recorded: 05/I4/2001 Number of Pages: 4 At: 03:59:08 PM LIBER: D00012118 PAGE: 395 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 006.00 01.00 004.003 =MIND AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument 'Exempt Exempt .Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO TP-584 $0.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $4.00 NO RPT $15.00 NO SCTM $0.00 No Fees Paid $41.00 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT Eduard P.Romiaine County Clerk, Suffolk County Numberafpsges RECORDED TORRENS 201 Ma41 14 63359100 PH Eduard P.Rweatns Serial N CLERK OF SUFFOLK CONrIY CertiilcatcN L=012118p � Prior CIE q Deed I Mortgage Instrument MW I Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 4 1 FEES Page I piling Fac Mortgage AML I hmdHng , 1.basic Tax 17-584 2.Additional Tax Nutation Sub Total FA-5217(,County) Sub Total SpoolAssii. EA-5217(State) Spec./Add.O / . R.P.T.S.A. �/�_ � TOT.MTO.TAX COWL ofI d. ��QS1� Dual Town Dual County Held for Apponlonment Affidavit d:• a TraasferTax nlfied Copy Sit )) Mansion Tat The property covered by this mortgage Iss or PY will be Improved by o ane or two ram ily Sub'rotat dwelling only. Other YES orNO GRAND TOTAL Lj`� If NO,sac appropriate tax douse on pogo N of this iuLmment. S Real PrvpertyTax Service,Agency Verification 6 1 Comniunity Preservation Fund Dist, Section Block Lot _ tir �;• Consideration Amount$ Smm{3;} 1000 006.00 01.00 004.003 CPF Tax Due S ��'d( Improved Iniliab Vacant Land I SatlsfactiortslUischarger✓Rckasos List Property Owners Malting Address TD RECORD&RETURN TO: staphao L. Ham, 111, Esq. TD -Matthews 6 Ram '1'D •45 Hampton Road- Southampton, NY 11958 a Title Company Information Co.Name 'Line p 4• Suffolk Copty Recording &Endorsement Pa&e ThiS pogo fonts pati of lite allacW Declaration made by: (SPEC111 VIV136Or•NSIRUMFTrr) LAWRENCE G. CREEL and Tite phi=herein issittrated in .tENNUF.R C. CREEL SUFFOLK COWIT,NEW YORK TO In the To%mMp of SOUTHOLD M YORK STATE DEPARTMPHT OF In the VILLAGE PWI MON-MUITA) CM.".RVATIAN of I1AML511'of FISEdEltS ISI.ANll DO=5'11IRU 9 MU51'BE TYPED OR PRIMED 113 BLACK IMC ONLY PRiORTO RECORDING OR MLING. (ovEtt) DECLARATION DECLARATION, made the ll"day of May,2-001,by LAWRENCE G.CREEL and JENNIFER C.CREEL,both now residing at 155 East72"d Street,New York,Naw York 10021, hereinafter referred to as the Declarants. WHEREAS,the Declarants are the owners of certain real property situate at Fishers Island,Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York,under and by virtue of a deed recorded in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk'on August 4, 1999 in Liber 11980 at page 598,said real property being more particularly described on Schedule A hereto(the "Real Property"); and WHEREAS,a permithas'been issued by the New York State Department of 'Environmental Conservation with respect to a construction projecton the Real Property as shown on a map submitted to such-Department in connection with the application for said permit, said permit being effective November 3, 2000 and bearing permit no. 14738- 01675/00001-0(the"DEC Permit");and WHEREAS,as a condition to the issuance of the DEC Permit,the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has required that the notice covenant contained in this Declaration be recorded in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk; NOW, 'THEREFORE,THIS DECLARATION WITNESSETH: That the Declarants, for.the purpose of carrying out the condition above expressed, do hereby make known, admit, publish, covenant and agree that the Real Property shall hereinafter be subject to-the following notice covenant which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarants,-all purchasers of the Real Property, their heirs,executors, legal representatives,distributees, successors and assigns,to wit: Regulated freshwaterwetlands and Udaf wetlands assoplated with NL-14and Hay Harbor are located on or near the properties of Lawrence Creel and his heirs,assigns or successors. This property is subject to the provisions of Environmental Conservation i aw(ECL)•Article 24.and Article 25,and the conduct of regulated activities may occur only pursuant to ECL Article 24 and Article 25 if prior approval is given by the New York-State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) or its successor(s). Regulated activities include, but are not limited to clearing of vegetation; application of chemicals; excavatlen; grading and filling; and a eection of any structure(s). IN WITNESS WHEREOF,&Declarants above named have executed the foregoing Dectaratiori as of the day and year first above written. Lawrence G.Creel ��ClLQS./ J nif r C. CreelV STATE OF NEVJ YORK ) ss.: COUNTY OF ua�ni$ On the It4hday of May in the year 2001 before me. the undersigned, personally appeared Lawrence G. Creel and Jennifer C. Creel personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacities, and that by their signature on the instrument,'the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the Individuals acted,executed the instrument. (signature and office of individual laking acknowledgment) Notary Public CONSTANCE V.KONYVES "O1or'Ne.01 O 06 415om` PUVm Y Qutd&d in Queent county Commk ion Exo.rer Qc} 15.2002 SCHEDULE A All that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereon erected.situate,lying and being at Fishers Island;Town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and.described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the northwesterly line of Fox Avenue, said monument being located 4779.78 feet North of a point which is 2647.04 feet West of a monument marking the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "PROS"; RUNNING THENCE North 67 degrees 51 minutes 10 seconds East,26.74 feet along said Avenue line to.the southwesterly line of Crescent Avenue; THENCE along said Avenue line,North 16 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds West,317,22 feet and North 44 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds West,262.72 feet; THENCE South 86 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds West;420.00 feet; THENCE South 06 degrees 29 minutes 55 seconds West, 34.91 feet; THENCE North 58 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds West, 60.00 feet; THENCE South 86 degrees 51 minutes 00 seconds West, about 55 feet to the shore of Hay Harbor; THENCE southerly along the shore of Hay Harbor, 32 feet more or less to land now or formerly of William C. Ridgeway; THENCE South 59 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds East,about 33 feet; THENCE South 59 degrees 41 minutes 20 seconds East,848.69 feet to the monument at the point or place of BEGINNING. RMUREEU 101. ,tau 14 0.'3:59:08 PPI Edward P.Romaim CLEW OF SUFFOV, 000%, L DOW12LIS P 395 N QUESTIONNAIRE FOR FILING WITH YOUR ZBA APPLICATION A. Is the subject premises listed on the real estate market for sale? Yes X No B. Are there any proposals to change or alter land contours? X No Yes please explain on attached sheet. C. 1.)Are there areas that contain sand or wetland grasses? yes 2.)Are those areas shown on the survey submitted with this application? yes 3.) Is the property bulk headed between the wetlands area and the upland building area? no 4.) If your property contains wetlands or pond areas, have you contacted the Office of the Town trustees for its determination of jurisdiction? no Please confirm status of your inquiry or application with the Trustees: and if issued, please attach copies of permit with conditions and approved survey. D. Is there a depression or sloping elevation near the area of proposed constriction at or below five feet above mean sea level? no E. Are there any patios, concrete barriers, bulkheads or fences that exist that are not shown on the survey that you are submitting?_ :no Please show area of the structures on a diagram if any exist or state none on the above line. F. Do you have any construction taking place at this time concerning your premises? no If yes,please submit a copy of your building permit and survey as approved by the Building Department and please describe: G. Please attach all pre-certificates of occupancy and certificates of occupancy for the subject premises. If any are lacking,please apply to the Building Department to either obtain them or to obtain an Amended Notice of Disapproval. H. Do you or any co-owner also own other land adjoining or close to this parcel? no If yes,please label the proximity of your lands on your survey. I. Please list present use or operations conducted at this parcel single-family dwelling and the proposed use single-family dwelling with new addition for living space (ex: existing single family,proposed: same with garage,pool or other) os/3l /2022 Authorized signature and Date Stephen L. Ham, III, authorized signatory • L'V.4.1'1 lYV Z ' 11 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold,•:N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF' OCCUPANCY No: Z-30179' Date: 05/1.2/04 THIS CERTIFIES that the building NEW DWELLING Location of Property: CRESCENT AVE FISHERS ISLAND (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 6 Block 1 Lot 4.3 Subdivision: _ Filed Neap No.: Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application: for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated DECEMBER .18,: 2000 p'utsuant to rahich Building Permit No. 21019-Z 'dated JANUARY 18,' 2003- 'was 001•was issued, : and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of 'the law. .The occupancy for which this certificate 'is issued is ONE FAMILY DWELLING"WITH SECOND STORY BALCONY, 'SCREENED QORCH, DECK,' COVERED PORCH AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to LAWRENCE' G CREEL & LVF (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK-COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL Rl0-00-0255 04/15/04 )ELECTRICAL -CERTIFICATE NO. 1195199 03/09/04 PLT l�lBEM CMTIFICATION DATED 06/19/03 TOM RAVINO Au izV Sigrofture Rev. 1/81 617.20 Appendix B Short Environmental Assessment Form Instructions for Completing Part 1-Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on infonnation currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part 1-Project and Sponsor Information Name of Action or Project: FRITZE FISHERS LLC Project Location(describe,and attach a location map): 560 NORTH HILL ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND (SCTM NO. 1000-006.00-01.00-004.003) Brief Description of Proposed Action: Construction of Addition to Single—Family Dwelling Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone: (631) 283-2400 FRITZE FISHERS LLC E-Mail: stevehaml90@gmail.com Address: 84 Spooner Road City/PO: State: Zip Code: Chestnut Hill MA 02467 1.Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan, local law,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that X may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: Town of Southold Building Department (building permit) X 3.a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 3.88 acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 0.03 acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 3.88 acres 4. Check all land uses that occur on, adjoining and near the proposed action. ❑Urban R Rural(non-agriculture) ❑Industrial ❑Commercial ❑Residential(suburban) ❑Forest ❑Agriculture ❑Aquatic 9 Other(specify):_Residential (rural) ❑Parkland Page 1 of 4 5. "Is the proposed action, NO YES N/A a.A permitted use under the zoning regulations? X b.Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? X 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural NO YES landscape? X 7. Is the site of the proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environmental Area? NO YES If Yes,identify: Fishers Island X 8. a.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? NO YES X b.Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? X c.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? X 9.Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? NO YES If the proposed action will exceed requirements,describe design features and technologies: X 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: X 11.Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment: X 12. a.Does the site contain a structure that is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? b.Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? X X 13. a.Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed action,contain NO YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? X b.Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? If Yes,identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: X 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on,or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply: IR Shoreline ❑Forest ❑Agricultural/grasslands El Early mid-successional IR Wetland ❑Urban ❑ Suburban 15.Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal,or associated habitats,listed NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? X 16.Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES �QES 17. Will the proposed action create storm water discharge,either from point or non-point sources? NO If Yes, a.Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? ®NO ❑YES X b.Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems(runoff and storm drains)? If Yes,briefly describe: ®NO ❑YES Page 2 of 4 18.Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that result in the impoundment of NO YES water or other liquids(e.g.retention pond,waste lagoon,dam)? If Yes,explain purpose and size: X 19.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed NO YES solid waste management facility? If Yes,describe: X 20.Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing or NO YES completed)for hazardous waste? If Yes,describe: X I AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsorname: -RTTZ-F._ Date: August 2022 Signature: By 14 L• i(L Stephen a.. Ham, III, authorized agent Part 2-Impact Assessment. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 2. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the infonnation contained in Part 1 and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" No,or Moderate small to large impact impact may may occur occur 1. Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or zoning regulations? 2. Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of land? 3. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused the establishment of a Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? 5. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or affect existing infrastructure for mass transit,biking or walkway? 6. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use of energy and it fails to incorporate reasonably available energy conservation or renewable energy opportunities? 7. Will the proposed action impact existing: a.public/private water supplies? b.public/private wastewater treatment utilities? 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of important historic,archaeological, architectural or aesthetic resources? 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resources(e.g.,wetlands, waterbodies,groundwater,air quality,flora and fauna)? Page 3 of 4 No,or Moderate small to Iarge impact impact may may occur occur 10. Will the proposed action result in an increase in the potential for erosion,flooding or drainage problems? 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human health? Part 3-Determination of significance. The Lead Agency is responsible for the completion of Part 3. For every question in Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large impact may occur",or if there is a need to explain wiry a particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a significant adverse environmental impact,please complete Part 3. Part 3 should,in sufficient detail,identify the impact,including_any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant.Each potential impact should be assessed considering its setting,probability of occurring, duration,irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for short-term,long-term and cumulative impacts. ❑ Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action may result in one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statement is required. ❑ Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) Page 4 of 4 Town-16f So%thold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 1000-006 -00-01.00 - 004.003 The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board [3 Planning Dept. 7 Building Dept. © Board of Trustees © Board of Appeals 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital construction,planning activity, agency regulation,land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval,license, certification: Nature and extent of action: Construction of a two-story addition to a single-family dwelling. Location of action: 560 North Hill Road, Fishers Island, Town of Southold Site acreage: 3.88 acres Present land use: single-family residential Present zoning classification: R-80 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: FRITZE FISHERS, LLC (b) Mailing address: 84 Spooner Road Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 (c) Telephone number:Area Code Oh 283-2400 (d) Application number,if any: Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ No❑x If yes,which state or federal agency? DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No [fl Not Applicable The project is not intended to enhance community character, preserve open space, make efficient use of infrastructure or beneficial use of a coastal location but it will not have an adverse impact on any of those purposes and should minimize any adverse effects of development. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 Not Applicable The project is not intended to protect or preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold but it will not have an adverse impact on them. Attackadditiorlal sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria 0 Yes © No © Not Applicable The project is not intended to enhance visual quality or protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold but it will not have an adverse impact on visual quality or scenic resources. Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion: See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria 0 Yes © No ® Not Applicable The project is not intended to minimize loss of life, structures or natural resources from flooding or erosion but it will not have an adverse effect on them as a result of flooding or erosion. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria 0 Yes 0 No ©Not Applicable The project is not intended to protect or improve water quality in the Town of Southold or water supply in the Town of Southold but it will not have an adverse impact on water quality or water supply, Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes © No© Not Applicable The project is not intended to protect or restore the quality and functions of the Town of Southold ecosystems, including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands, but it will not .have an adverse impact on those ecosystems or wetlands. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No© Not Applicable The project is not intended to protect or improve air quality in the Town of Southold but it will not have an adverse impact on air quality. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable The project is not intended to minimize enviromental degradation in the Town of Southold from solid waste or hazardous substances and wastes but it will not cause any such enviromental degradation. PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. nn © Ye�1 No® Not Applicable The project is not intended to provide for public access to, or recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands or public resources of the Town of Southold. It is being undertaken on private land over which the public does not now and will not have any rights of access or use. Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes 0 No © Not Applicable The project is not intended to protect Southold's water-dependent uses or promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations but it will not have an adverse impact on any such water-dependent uses. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable The project is not intended to promote sustainable use cf living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary or Town waters but itlwill not have an adverse impact on such sustainable use of living marine resources. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No© Not Applicable The project is not intended to protect agricultural lan s in the Town of Southold but it will not have an adverse impact on agricultural lands. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of enVxjgy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable The project is not intended to promote appropriate use or development of energy or mineral resources but it will not have an adverse impact on any such use or development Created on 512510511:20 AM i AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD WHEN TO USE THIS FORM: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval,use variance, area variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring an agricultural data statement must be referred to the Suffolk County Department of Planning in accordance with Section 239m and 239n of the General Municipal Law. 1. Name of Applicant: FRITZE FISHERS, LLC j 2. Address of Applicant: 84 Spooner Road, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 3. Name of Land Owner(if other than Applicant): same 4. Address of Land Owner: same 5. Description of Proposed Project: construction of two-story addition to existing single-family dwelling 6. Location of Property: (road and Tax map number) 560 North Hill Road, Fishers Island (SCTM #1000-006.00-01.00-004.003) 7. Is the parcel within 500 feet of a farm operation? { } Yes {x} No 8. Is this parcel actively farmed? { } Yes {x} No 9. Name and addresses of any owner(s) of land within the agricultural district containing active farm operations. Suffolk County Tax Lot numbers willlbe provided to you by the Zoning Board Staff, it is your responsibility to obtain the current names and mailing addresses from the Town Assessor's Office (765-1937) or from the Real Property Tax Office located in Riverhead. NAME and ADDRESS I 1. 2. j 3. 4. 5. 6. (Please use the back of this page if there are additional property owners) -54L. L- I4a-u t I 08 / 3 / 2022 Signature of Applicant Stephen L. Ham, III, authorized Date Note: signatory/agent 1. The local Board will solicit comments from the owners of land identified above in order to consider the effect of the proposed action on their farm operation. Solicitations will be made by supplying a copy of this statement. 2. Comments returned to the local Board will be taken into consideration as part as the overall review of this application. 3. Copies of the completed Agricultural Data Statement shall be sent by applicant to the property owners identified above. The cost for mailing shall be paid by the Applicant at the time the application is submitted for review. i Z-2 XE TOWN OF SOUTH®L® PROPERTY RECORD CAR® OWNER r ) ) STREET VILLAGE DIST. SUB. LOT 7 .S ti Ni i�r'" f FORMER .OWNERCif, ,VJ 0r( f'zs? N . t E ACR. { S W TYPE OF BUILDING r RES. SEAS. VL. i FARM COMM. CB. MICS. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. 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YOUR NAME : FRITZE FISHERS, LLC (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) TYPE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply) Tax grievance Building Permit Variance X Trustee Permit Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of Plat Mooring Other(activity) Planning Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold?"Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest" means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO X If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee.Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her sponse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply) A)the owner of greater that 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation) B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation) C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this // day of August ,20 FRITZE F SH S, LC Signature B Print Name Anita W. Fritze, Managing Member AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. ''RITZE FISHERS, LLC YOURNAME :By STEPHEN L. HAM, III, authorized agent (Last name,first name,middle initial,unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) TYPE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply) Tax grievance Building Permit Variance X Trustee Permit Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of Plat Mooring Other(activity) Planning Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship"includes by blood,marriage,or business interest."Business interest" means a business,including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES NO X If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply) A)the owner of greater that 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation) B)the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation) C)an officer,director,partner,or employee of the applicant;or D)the actual applicant DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this 31 f F day of August ,20 22 Signature t5;�,4,- L.tl(t, 1—tjl= Print Name Stephen L. Ham, III, authorized agent FRITZE FISHERS LLC 84 Spooner Road Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467-1820 August Ij , 2022 Board of Appeals Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: Application for Variance at Premises at Fishers Island (S.C.T.M. No. 1000-006.00-01-00-004.003) I Dear Board Members: The undersigned, the owner of premises situate at 560 North Hill Road, Fishers Island, New York (SCTM # 1000-006.00-01.00-004.003), hereby authorizes Stephen L. Ham, III of Matthews & Ham, 38 Nugent Street, Southampton, New York 11968, to act as its agent in making such applications to your Board and in taking any and all incidental actions in regard thereto, including without limitation, completing and executing the required forms, giving any required notices and appearing at any public hearings, as he shall deem necessary or advisable in order to obtain approval of any variances that are required in connection with the proposed addition at the subject premises, including a variance to the Zoning Code provision referred to in the Notice of Disapproval, dated July 25, 2022, as the same may be amended from time to time. Very truly yours, FRITZ FISHERS LLC By Anita W. Fritze, Managing Member Re N 410.sad 06-18-03 04-17-07 05-29-07 07-22-08 07-29-08 05-10-10 s? 11-15-17 S' `,\ a 6 8 �.' 2.911 3 1.9A � �1\ 2 42- \ r CRESCENT ` zea i' 0_i^ a j 5.3 R SEE SEC.NO.1304-4A 1.2 JQ• O 2.811 l /- �� 10 9 f 3111- 6.OA 5.2 5.5A s \\ 3.1113.1 (50 s 2..81 1.4 1 .,y CFA,T 244.1.1 ass O + 5.1 \° w 3.5A 3.16 1 (OPEN SPACE) 10.OA(c) - }' 4.2 2.9A(c) am' r• � p 3.9 t 19 1.711 3.10 3.11 3. 4.3 k mi ,st n l,n 3.9A(c) fir ,as .� 3.1 4.411 Y �' 13.3 \\a 4.3A 3.2 m 3.3 1.711 a !lf"7 3.911 °t •T O 13.: p & o 1.61 P +`5.3 m 1.OA 2cccr'O d 8 a° ai `12.5��� •'s�^t s 2.211 12.3 5.2 1.5A 1.5A e7 y� ni g 10_� n 7.1 / 2.2A(c) [t�� 1.8A(c) Nd86883 / L Rveanrm RW Liw .edam Lm No <:, brl Nni� Sueol Oim,a,me --SP,-- Mmm Oulma L.z --n-- 1ME556UNn OMERWSE ALLRROiERiIES 0 ARE WTnN THE FYALOWNG PSinICiS E m„mA o...o. -�- s�mMm emacs w (21) Emm n0_ O F••wmm L..,, --a-- weo Dema L.R --R-- swool a sEwER G Sued�mnlm lm ------- CUN FlRE E N n,rsro�. "-"' - wo�...�.m 4ea ANie REFUS D Sul no 23 eaaee 12.1 A(al 0_r 12.111 --- en Py,:t L.0_ --a-- wmewaw Fame moe--ww-- AeeuLAneE wvs*[ Calw6•.eC Aca 121 A(e) --5-- N/F SAMUEL R. & LAURA B. MARSHALL SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE MUNICIPAL WATER SERVICE ON SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM OLD SHORE LINE 4 PT. (EL=0.00) 7 PT. (EL-0.00) (EL-0.00) ---�-� N B6'51'0 E r: 55*DEED UNE No S � 32t n� �.W 6Op0 Sr r 75' m 2 HAY HARBOR I �I •F z SETBACK 6 PT. 33' 8 PT MONUMENT. - (EL-0.00) LIMITS OF FRESH WATER WETLANDS ` \ AS FLAGGED BY N.Y.S.D.E.C.(1999) FF=16:6 _ .\ \ LIMITS TIDAL WETLANDS AS FLAGGED BY J.M.O.CONSULTING ,- EC DRIVEWAY (1999) APPROXIMATE HIGH WATER + } \ ,`..FF=17.6:: - PT.M NUMENT BUILDING SETBACK LINE �\ BUILDING SETBACK LINE c.; �r ZONING BOARD 09.29.22 PERMIT SET 06.07.22 PERMIT SET 04.29.22 LIMITS OF FLOOD ZONE AE �, - �'`'''��rh; \ 6dP ELEV.=11.0 AS SHOWN ON F.I.R.M. OK PERMIT SET 10.25.21 SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK Sg *7?0. PANEL 19 OF 1026 O� MAY 4,1998 VNF FRITZE ADDITION \ ND mn ntuxDiD(oA:scExr.vEe Eaapq \ � 1 N 0.5nExs6UnD.xEwYDxx Ds P AR WILLIAM C/RIDGEWAY \\ I 4 �'! �t/�,`f �C) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE \ I( m • MUNICIPAL WATER SERVICE ON SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM \ \\ F OF NES \\ \ KINLIN RUTHERFURD ARCHITECTS,PLLC xEwroxK xEwYDxx(oDaz we arse seav3c S 6751'10 W 2 PT. 28.74' (EL-0.00) 1 PT.MONUMENT (EL=0.00) X N FOX AVENUE SITE PLAN- PROPOSED b N A-021 o O 01 PROPOSED SITE PLAN PROJECT:350 J Ca j G K C a x 1/A-201 t alto UP / i —b ————————� `Dp YIEOS SE�pCK I m I I m < BEDROOM WALK WAY N 102� I n 101 102 I ZONING BOARD 08.29.22 p I PERMITSET 06.07.22 EX PLAYROOMPERMR SET Oa.29.22 (CONNECTION TO EXTENSION) I PERMITSET 10.25.21 FRITZE ADDITION DEMOLISH PORTION OFRI I •I xaxm�suuNo N 1 zz EXTERIOR WALL& I I < xai gun OUTDOOR SHOWER UP I UP I BATH 103 j �TFOF NE`N_y 4'-51' 3'-6' 13'-10' 3'-6' KINLIN RUTHERFURD ARCHITECTS,PLLC 27'—B�• NENro66ix 42'-6" sLNEflNS100MYrtE93 FNF(775) 1731 1/A-202 X FIRST FLOOR- N CONSTRUCTION PLAN F ty x A-101 o O01 FIRST FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN PROJECT:350 N /e_rb J F :J aV t� C 5 CC Z Y Li -... ZONING BOARD 08.29.22 PERMIT SET 06.07.22 ;., }....• ' { =!-1�,`� BEDRROOM PERMIT SET 04.29.22 PERMIT SET 10.25.21 .Y •—• I...,. .... N e 4• 0� I 4' - FRIIZEADDITION DEMOLISH PORTION OF ._ X.ROOF FOR CONNECTION OF NEW ROOF AT WALK WAY .. ON !�\ . ... ..: --__----_--- u iy f_I—� ". .�_.._.-____—�_!�� _ "--r! �I• �fir— I— Q29�� OF NV4 I !. KINLIN RUTHERFURD ARCHITECTS,PLLC 23'-3' rvcwra+ry xevroxry�nan ,.mi€:urs�ame vsrsaz-vas 32'-4' X SECOND FLOOR- CONSTRUCTION PLAN x A-102 o O01 SECOND FLOOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN PROJECT:350 N /4•r-0 _.I V J J J u F aV y� S Y i S I V A/11 - I I 1 ' L ZONING BOARD 08.29.22 PERMIT SET 06.07.22 T.. i I ,...... �' � , i ; ! T } � t....i {" 4 '...;....I..-' �!.. .�..I...I..�.I..I.,�• ,...,� PERMIT SET 04.29.22 '_'�.__y �i.. __ ,_.:`' PERMITSET 10.25.21 _'.�! " I- =—�,"-`�-tJ 1 ,ter.:.:-"+ `l.._:_�-,`_''•._.rl_' _,.i.._,...1 i J -!_- -� -- m FRITZE ADDITION iYl7 r N ! t. t �. ,�` ( f KINLINNRUTHERFURD ARCHITECTS,PLLC 17'-0. —0.) sez'•'i;i's 32-4" X ROOF- 6i ti CONSTRUCTION PLAN W w x A-103 oO01 ROOF CONSTRUCTION PLAN PROJECT:350 N �r_r� Fz --------------------------------------- 5m) ABOVE SEA LEVEL 0 ------------ --- 9 ELEV ----- ELEV C37--1 ABOVE SEA LEVEL li3 At,T-0. SUB-FLOOR . .................. ............................ .......................... .. ........................ ... ................. ------------- ........... ..... .................. ............... ...................................... ..................... "W EUEV(25'-1.) ABOVESEA LEVEL 11 1 1 1 1 1 Ij I fill I I I I I I I 1 1- TTTTTI LLLJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ABOVESEAL ................ ........ ....................... ............................. .......................... ......... ............... ... .... ........ ... . ....................................... ..... ........... .......... 7 ABOVE SEA LEVEL 02EXTERIOR ELEVATION-NORTH 1/V-1'-T ZONING BOARD 08.29.22 PERMIT SET 06.07.22 A�"s PERMIT SET 04.29.22 ABOVE SEA LEVEL PERMIT SET 10.25.21 FRITZEADDITION ................. ............ A ABOVE SEA LEVEL Y�WTIT 560 nGM "E I—"Q D10R "D AR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TTIT ❑..❑ ❑ � L IsU R LECEV(25'_7.)-) ABOVE SEA LEVEL IT] :11 � KINLIN RUTHERFURD ARCHITECTS,PLLC O. U - O ......... ...... ELEV(15'-77 R .............. ......... .... .............................. 1-F FT I I I 1 11 ft 1 11 ABOVE SEA LEVEL I$MIPI AIN ------ 2'-0") ABOVE SEA LEVEL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-201 01 EXTERIOR ELEVATION-WEST PROJECT:350 u J z u F9 s x 00 ZONING BOARD 08.29.22 PERMIT SET 06.07.22 O 0 —--_-- —— —— —— ——___— —— —_ _— _— PERMRSET 04.29.22 ELEV(41'-5') ABOVE SEA LEVEL PERMIT SET 10.25.21 T.O. ROSEA OF _—_--__--—.................................... FRITZE ADDITION ABOVE LEVEL Rm nuiRow�cRescwirves wa�vq 11111 111.1.1 1 - - ------ 2,�/ (ABOVESEA'LLEVEL --— - m T�pF NES KINLIN RUTHERFURD ARCHITECTS,PLLC L�FTI 111111f ss r�u u]xsmrEr.surtesx ic�isv�sszasaR NMYORKfr<WYORK 100]3 i�A]Slseal]3n 0 SU - ---.................. __._....__.... .........- - -_...._........ .. _.. .__........ EI�l(1 ABLEVEL o 0 0 0 0 o O o / ABOVE SEA LL EVEL o o❑Ov eROOD PLAIN ABOVE SEA LEVEL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS F ty [s] 2 A-202 p 01 EXTERIOR ELEVATION-EAST PROJECT:350 Drawing Copyright©2015 33 Wilbur Cross Way,Mansfield,CT 06268 101 East River Drive,1 st Floor East Hartford,CT 06108 860-885-1055 1 www.chacompanies.com �O SITE o' Z FOX AVE. N/F SAMUEL R. & LAURA B. MARSHALL SURVEY MAP SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE HAY PREPARED FOR MUNICIPAL WATER SERVICE ON SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM HARBOR P �J� �oPo ANITA FRITZE \�y� ` \\�. ELECTRC BOX �o+ PQQ�° 560 NORTH HILL ROAD OLD SHORE LINE F,p �` S " SFS �` \\`. FIS ISLAND, NEW YORK N 86'51'00* E " L� `• EXISTING LOCATION MAP SCALE 1 >,tr=400to 55'± DEED UNE N 86-51'00* E F •\ EXISTING SHED � �� �`� � LEACHING \ 420.00' TO BE MOVED TO A `,POOLS \ CONFORMING �- N 6'29'55" E 20' 10CATION WITHIN THE 34.91' PROPERTY UNES O AREA=99.6± SF �, 00+ O . � O F 75' TRAIL PROPOSED i OVERHANG O� PROPOSED MONUMENT N 10'3235" E i i� ADDITION OO O `. 47.88' (SURVEY BASE LINE) BACK OF EDGE OF BRUSH EXISTING SANDY BEACH AND EDGE OF LAWN SEPTIC � �'" LIMITS OF FRESH WATER WETLANDS TAN K � `�\ `�\ / �� AS FLAGGED BY N.Y.S.D.E.C.(1999) STONE WALK OO, �� 0� N �"� •.• � � � \` MAP REFERENCES ,�� TINBER F \�\ �,�P \G P. g,GJ LIMITS OF TIDAL WETLANDS 1.) SITE & SEPTIC PLAN PREPARED FOR CREEL RESIDENCE; CRESCENT AVENUE �' 7 APPROXIMATE AS FLAGGED BY J.M.O. CONSULTING RETAINING WALL ELECTRIC METER & FOX AVENUE; FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK; CHANDLER, PALMER & KING; V -o FF=16.56 HIGH WATER (1 999) �� NORWICH, CT.; DATE: DECEMBER 21, 1999; SCALE: 1"=40'; SHEET 1 OF 1 /- TRAIL \ \\ n� O EXISTING E Wv 051075 �✓ RESIDENCE ,MpjE \\ �J -----�\ ECK FF=17.58 E w ApPRO W X L\NE \ \ NOTES C WATER 1.) THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED FOR THE PARTIES AND PURPOSE INDICATED _ \ I% \ MONUMENT \ \\,\ BETWEEN THE CLIENT HEREON. ANY EXTENSION THE SURVEYOR EXCEEDS THE SCOPE ETRE ED TO m" "ETM ECT,DRELANTION SCAPOF A uc�m AOR LMN)� \ E7i(RIEER,ARCHITECT,LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR LANo \S� St I'oR To ALTER AN ITEM IN ANY WAY.F AN ITEM BEARING THE\ \, ENGAGEMENT. STAMP OF A UC Rsm PRMIESSIMAt_is ALIERED,THE ALTERING SURVEsl+� YOR STAMP THE DOOM Nr AM IRML1DE THE STONE PATIO PROPANE <�N TANK \ 2.) IT IS A VIOLATION OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW FOR ANY PERSON, DATE OF � E „ON F % UNLESS ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR, TO OF TME AU+710+• - \ \ ALTER AN ITEM IN ANY WAY. _ 0 \\ \\\\� 3.) ONLY COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH THE LAND SURVEYOR'S JI (P \, \ SIGNATURE AND AN ORIGINAL EMBOSSED OR INK SEAL ARE THE PRODUCT OF FENCED IN LAUNDRY 1�]k \ THE LAND SURVEYOR. ry� AREA. FENCE HEIGHT ,/ �� N 03N F VARIES DUE TO GRADE �•vn � ,SCP a � � 4.) COORDINATE DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM U.S. COAST AND GEODETIC WILLIAM C. RIDGEWAY ROM 5.77 TO 6.75 ; �` SURVEY TRIANGULATION STATION "PROS" SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 71 5.) SITE IS IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TAX MAP 1000, MUNICIPAL WATER SERVICE N \� �, SECTION 006, BLOCK 1, LOT 4.3 ON SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM 1b ` \ O � � �, � 6.) TOTAL'AREA = 3.90t ACRES. 7.) SITE IS LOCATED IN R-80 ZONE. F , ; r � , —EDGE OF GRAVEL ROAD \ \ S 16'47'00" E 317.22' /* \ No. Submittal/Revision App'd By Date 0 qy \ \ 1` \ �\ 1 NOTES CB CB 9[7/2022 H , M S 67'51'10" W ` 0 Q 28.74' � \ w t 1 U z 0 Q P > ILLI LJ MONUMENT 0y, i n N 4779.78 /i r%� W 2647.04 w EXISTING AND PROPOSED SEP °9 2022 IMPROVEMENTS to i— U w of Designed By: Drawn By: Checked By: CL — CB CB Ln SEP 9 Issue Date: Project No: Scale: w 8/23/2022 076313 1"=40' N 0 Drawing No.: w O of IL 40 20 0 40 SHEET 1 0 F 1 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET hi a NNF CIO SAMUEL R. & LAURA B. MARSHALL U � SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE x MUNICIPAL WATER SERVICE U ON SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM OLD SHORE LINE 4 PT. (EL=0.00) w . 5 PT 7 PT . (EL=0.00) N 86'51'00" E (EL=0.00) .00' 420 m N 86'51'0 E w a) a © �`� 55't DEED LINE — — ---- w S S80 ,n --- cv 75' HAY HARBOR :�I��-� °° F SETBACK �'� ^mow z Fs , (EL=0.00) PG� OG'NpP`�p 33't XTENSIO 8 PT MONUMENT. (EL=0.00) / `r / / I 1203 ���.. LIMITS OF FRESH WATER WETLANDS ' ,,.e7QL c / \ AS FLAGGED BY N.Y.S.D.E.C.(1999) / PORCH \ LIMITS OF TIDAL WETLANDS / _ -- ' EX. DRIVEWAY \ AS FLAGGED BY J.M.O. CONSULTING i. -- E I (1999) RESIDENCE ' \ APPROXIMATE HIGH WATER \ CL °�` 'FF--1 BUILDING SETBACK LINE 3`,PT. MONUMENT (EL=0.00), I \ BUILDING /— SETBACK LINE ZONING BOARD "' "`04.06.23 ZONING BOARD 08.29.22 iQl pP PERMIT SET 06.07.22 LIMITS OF FLOOD ZONE AE NP�p \` 6PERMIT SET 04.29.220 ELEV.=11.0 AS SHOWN ON F.I.R.M. 8g8 S9• ���`� SE�BpC� SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK s94 ' PERMIT SET 10.25.21 • . )2 PANEL 19 OF 1026 MAY 4, 1998 FFO FRITZE ADDITION 560 NORTH HILL ROAD(CRESCENT AVE&FOX AVE) 1 N FISHERS ISLAND,NEW YORK 06390 1 1 J N O N O4 NNF 24- WILLIAM C. RIDGEWAY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE $� MUNICIPAL WATER SERVICE �>�`f r• til' . '� ON SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM ' FINAL MAP REVIEWED BY ZBA - DEcrsr.oN# 7� aJ JDATED: a� �3 KINLIN RUTHERFURD ARCHITECTS, PLLC 59 East 54TH STREET,SUITE 92 TEL:(212)695-2988 NEW YORK,NEW YORK 10022 FAX:(775)582-1736 S 67'51'10" W 2 PT. 28.74' (EL=0.00) toll- 'D fi,G�OP4 1 PT. MONUMENT M (EL=0.00) N N FOX AVENUE SITE PLAN - N u, W PROPOSED w x NA-021 o O 1 PROPOSED SITE PLAN PROJECT: 350 1/32"=1'-0" l U a Cs, Z /L / -7- 1/A-201 2" 18'-22" / 1 UP / � / NQS SE�g PcK Aj 00 ZONING BOARD 04.06.23 / o o I I o WALK WAY o ZONING BOARD 08.29.22 I Ld I I I I T F101 T Mo '(D I I BEDROOM PERMIT SET 06.07.22 I EX. PLAYROOM =E1 4'-5" Ile 3'-3 102 1 PERMIT SET 04.29.22 (CONNECTION TO EXTENSION) / - - - - - - —/ UP PERMITSET 10.25.21 o 1„-32 00 CN 0 Q / N FRITZE ADDITION ^T 560 NORTH HILL ROAD(CRESCENT AVE&FOX AVE) FISHERS ISLAND,NEW YORK 06390 N UP 1 0') STORAGE �' "� ' =A NF 001 CID ,. Lo L — — — — — L- - - - - - - - - - -� / 3'-42" 15'-2" lie 3'-42., KINLIN RUTHERFURD ARCHITECTS, PLLC 27$-8l' 7$-8» 59 East 54TH STREET,SUITE 92 TEL:(212)695-2988 NEW YORK,NEW YORK 10022 FAX:(775)582-1736 42'-6" SAF ` REVIEWED BY ZBA 1/A-202 OECISIUN# -77a M N N w FIRST FLOOR - W CONSTRUCTION PLAN W x A- 0 0 1 FIRST FLOOR - CONSTRUCTION PLAN PROJECT: 350 GN ,/4'=r- U a a a H WU H x U x ¢ A w x H x x x 0 (`J i T � a T 2'— „34 r-- i i I I , T _ I / 1 — ZONING BOARD 04.06.23 f I I / C / ' I ZONING BOARD 08.29.22 BEDROOM - 201 / - ---- - PERMIT SET 06 07 22 / - I I I I I 0) PERMIT SET 04.29.22 I � � I 18'-2PERMIT SET 10.25.21 I , I I o i II -I i I --- -- FRITZE ADDITION N / (1 4 - -i- 560 NORTH HILL ROAD(CRESCENT AVE&FOX AVE) FISHERS ISLAND,NEW YORK 06390 1 ' I I -' - J, LL Id i I ' 0 - I I I I Lo I � , LD ol I I 1 14'-0” 0 15'-2" KINLINI RUTHERFURD ARCHITECTS, PLLC / TEL:(212)695-2988Ir 59 East 54TH STREET SUITE 92 23'—,3" NEW YORK,NEW YORK 10022 FAX:(775)582-1736 33'-23" 4 �•.': I � � MAP IREVIEWED B BA M `DECISION# N IN w SECOND FLOOR — H CONSTRUCTION PLAN w conw x a A-102 O 1 SECOND FLOOR - CONSTRUCTION PLAN PROJECT: 350 N 1/4"-''"0" v a a a H u w E~ x as d x w a 0 N r / r I / j -- j - - I I I ' I I I I , r I II L- I I I / i t-T-1 T! '-, rl I I i- � II •-- I- I _ r - I _I ZONING BOARD 04.06.23 I I } ZONING BOARD 08.29.22 I I I -' , ! PERMIT SET 06 07 22 � I I � , PERMIT SET 04.29.22 P MI I ER T SET 10.25.21 I I I I I I / I I I I / c 0) FRITZE ADDITION L, -i ! ---' ! CV 560 NORTH HILL ROAD(CRESCENT AVE&FOX AVE) FISHERS ISLAND,NEW YORK 06390 I — I - I , I i iLJ T , ' I I-i- - , ._; � -1 - '---- � - -' --�--�_. ` ,- � ,-� r 1-- � I -r-I I-- n'1,,,�"# •ria L II � I II I � � �s• '��f a,� i I I ' I T I O T l_ i � I I ' _, I I I I ; I 1 I I I I I I I ; I I ? M,.. .•. I i , II -T , _-r 1- I L-' - r '_i -_ J_ -I - 3 KINLIN RUTHERFURD ARCHITECTS, PLLC �— 33'-A" 59 East 54TH STREET,SUITE 92 TEL:(212)695-2988 NEW YORK,NE.W YORK 10022 FAX:(775)582-1736 tFTNA, _ MAP REVIEWED BY ZBA M � ' N N w ROOF - CONSTRUCTION PLAN a A►-103 o O 1 ROOF - CONSTRUCTION PLAN PROJECT: 350 GN 1i4*=,'-D• U rL4 to u U --,!VT.O. RIDGE ------------- ELEV (±21'-6") z 2ND FLOOR SUB ------ I - 1 -1-4 -($�-ELEV (9'-6") LL- A- I-- I-1 -1-----t I q)-BATH SUB L L ELEV (±5'-5") I I 1ST FLOOR SUB 11 IlTlil - ----------- ELEV (0'-0") FLOOD PLAIN C-4 11 - (12'-0" A.S.L.) I J FOUNDATION SLAB ELEV (-3'-0") 02EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTH F-1 1/4'-l'-0" ZONING BOARD 04.06.23 ZONING BOARD 08.29.22 PERMIT SET 06.07.22 DL] PERMIT SET 04.29.22 PERMIT SET 10.25.21 % .H I FIR ITZE ADDITION 560 NORTH HILL ROAD(CRESCENT AVE&FOX AVE) FISHERS ISLAND,NEW YORK 06390 T.O. RIDGE d 4-1 -($qLEV (±21'-6") N N [71T] Ju JUD V 1E LE11 T I I IUMM -F 029 OF > -Id 2ND FLOOR SUB 4 1 1---1 4---I L I- ELEV (9'-6") ❑ ❑ —11 IL :1KINLIN RUTHERFORD ARCHITECTS, PLLC 11 59 East 54TIH STREET,SUITE 92 TEL:(212)695-2988 IL 1E NEW YORK,INEW YORK 10022 FAX:(775)582-1736 E BATH SUB ELEV (t5'-5") ❑ IL LL--LLi---L LL- 111 FINN VAP I N REVIEWED BY ZBA Lt= DECISIO LL-4 L nATED : 1ST FLOOR SUB Y, ELEV (0'-0") 11 1 T I X FLOOD PLAIN -- ------- EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS (12'-0" A.S.L.) rTl FOUNDATION SLAB ELEV (-3'-0") A-2031 o 0 1 EXTERIOR ELEVATION WEST PROJECT: 350 1/4'=l'—o^ T.O. RIDGE ELEV (±21'-6") z 0 Q 2ND FLOOR SUB ELEV (9'-6") BATH SUB t I--- I -J I Ll J-a W ELEV (±5'-5") 1ST FLOOR SUB ELEV (0'-0") -L-j gl--� FLOOD PLAIN C-4 (12'-0" A.S.L.) tt-\ FOUNDATION S.-!L=,ALB ------ ELEV (-3'-0") 02EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTH 1/4"=l'—O* ZONING BOARD 04.06.23 1 F-1 F1 ZONING BOARD 08.29.22 PERMIT SET 06.07.22 PERMIT SET 04.29.22 T.O. PREVIOUS RIDGE PERMIT SET 10.25.21 ELEV (±27'-5") FR ITZE ADDITION 560 NORTH HILL ROAD(CRESCENT AVE&FOX AVE) FISHERS ISLAND,NEW YORK 06390 T.O. RIDGE ELEV (±21'-6") 7717 Hill Ll RI/ Hill 11111 - Hill 2ND (9006OSUB ELEV - ") KINLIN RUTHERFURD ARCHITECTS, PLLC 59 East 547H STREET,SUITE 92 TEL:(212)695-2988 Hill NEW YORK„NEW YORK 10022 FAX:(775)582-1736 BATH S U B -- A- - T -L - I L - ELEV (±5'-5") 1 I I I I I h I I I h --- --- -- --- IJ FINAL. A P , LE\AIED BY ZBA tREVI =F I Ll -E=� Fl L���F-1 -------- ===E�El F-1 1ST FLOOR SUB i. 0 E C I SIC N# F D ELEV (0'-0") X FLOOD PLAIN EXTIERIOR ELEVATIONS 12'-0 A.S.L.) N/ 1$ FOUNDATION SLAB 7-E-LEV (-3'-0") A-202 0 01 EXTERIOR ELEVATION EAST PROJECT: 350