HomeMy WebLinkAbout20015-zFOUNDATION FOUNDATION (lst) ROUGH FRAME & .?LUMBING ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: 5 INSULATION ~ER N· STATE ENERGY CODE (2nd) FINAL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL. SOUTHOLD, N. Y. BUILDING PEKMIT (THIS PER~IT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK ,AUTHORIZED) N"_ 20015 Z ~t,...~3 '~ ................................... , ~.~./ ? Permission is hereby granted to: / / ~ . / ~.~.,/..~ ~'~..~. ..... ~.....~....~~~ ~ . ~, ~..-f~.-~;-~.~ .......................... . . .. .................. ., ,r..,., ,.~,., ~, ...~-.~~....~g~ ...................................... ~ ..................... ~u~ r~x ~p ~o. moo ~c,o~ ......~ ...... m~k ......... 2. ........ lot ~o. ~ Buildl~ Insp~tor. Rev. 6/30/80 JUN E? '9~ 10:~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD . ~ FORMNO. 1 ~3 SET~ OF PLA~S ,. ,~., .... ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ~ SURV~ . ~ · · ...... . · ~. · · .... BUIL~INO DEPARTMENT ~ CtlECR , Examin .. HAlL TOWN 0~- 50UTHOLD ~/ .~ ~'.~.~ · Di~app~owd a/c ..................................... , ~Bil~inspectbr) - V: z APPLICATION FOR aUILDING PERMIT Date 19 INSTRU~IONS a. T~s app~cation must be compl,tely filled t~ by Wpewdter or in ink and ~ubmttt,d t0 ~e B~g lnsp~tor, wt~ 3 sets of plans, a~ate plot plan to scale. Fee acceding to schedule. ' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ b. Plot plan shoW~g lo~atlon of lot and of bufld~ on pr,raises, telafion~ip to adjoining or ~ea~, ~d ~v~g a d~t~l~d d~efiption of la, out of prop0~ mu~t b~ drawn on th, d~ whioh cation. ' , ': ~%~' ~ ' c. Tho work ~ovefed by t~s apphcatioa may not bo commenced befo~ ls, u~o Of B~flding Pemit, d. Upon approval of thi~ application, the Building lnspec*or will i~u~ a Building P~tt to sh~l be kept on tho premises available for ~specfion throu~out the work. ,' ' /" ': ~ ~ ' e. No budding shall be occupied or used In whole or ~ p~t for any purpose wha~o~t Unt~ a Ce~iflcate of Occup~cy shall have been ~ted by ~e Buildl~ lnspectpr, .' ;~.~ -~:,: . ~PLICATION I$ H~REBY MADE to the Butld~g Dep~mont for th, issuan~0,of a B~Idins Building Zon~ Or.ante of the Town of 8outhold, Suffolk Count~ N,w York~ 'md o~h~ ~eabl~ ~w~, O~d~ or Regulations, for tho construction of buttings, additions or alterattons~ of for femoral 'or: demolition, as he~ descnbed. The appUmn~ agrees, to ~omply wit~ aU appUca~ laws, ordinances, butting ~o~e~g Code, and reg~aUons, and to admit autho~zcd ~sp~tom On pr~mis~ and ~ bmld~g for ne~e~h~ inSp~tiohi. ~' "'~'~ ~ :'~ ~-~': --' ~~/ (Si~atur, of applk~nh or name, ~ail~g addrass 0f appllc~t) State whether applicant is owner, losseo~archltect~ eng~cer, gcner~ contractor,.., electrici~, plumber or budder. N~e of owner of premises ................ v .... ~. · ,, ................... * · · · (as on the t~ roll or latest deed) If applica~ corporation, sign~tur~ ~ duly a~orized officer. ~ , OCCUPANCY . (Name and title of corporate officer) .L '. USE IS UN WFUL ~atton of land on whkh proposed work will bo don~ House Number Street H~Ie~ Subdivision Fll,d Ma~ ~o Lot 2. State existing use and occupancy of premise~ and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: Existi gu d upa y I ~1~ C~*t~., JUM ~? ~91 10:~3 TOWM OF SOUTHOLD P.B?3 ,3. ' Nature of,w~rk (check which applicable): New Building .......... Addition .......... Alteration , .' ...... Repair .,~, .......... Removal'. ............. Demolition .............. Other Work ....... / ....... ' '" 0 o (Desc~ption) 4 .lmate,iCost ' oeo ' ........... ~/ Fee ........ ~ (to be paid on filing this apphcation) S If dwelllng number of dwelling units ~ ' ' ............... Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, hum her of e~s ................ ~. Ebusiness, c~m~egial or mixed occupancy, specify naturo and ~xte~t of each type ofus~ ................... . ~mensions o~ ex~sti~s structures tf any: Front Roar Height Number of Stofle~ .................... i .............. ' D~ension~ of ~amo structure with alt~rauons or adflmom: Front ; Roar D~th Height .............. ' ............ ' ............ Numbor of Stories 8 Dimensions of entire new eonstmetlon: Front .... ' ..................... ' Rear Depth Hoi~t' ' Number of ~tofies ' ' ' .......... ' ........... ' ................... 9. Si~e of lot: Front ..................... Rear ......... ~ ...... ~ ~. ~onc or use o]s~rtct In which premises ate ~;tu,~a P e ~t ~ ~.i ~ .......... 12. Does proposed construction wolate any zonin,, law -M;-~ ......... ,.,._ . ~ fA ......... 14 N ' ~ g ~i~'~t~ ~'" ~.'a' · 't' "' .... Will ~xeess fill be removed from premises: Yes No ........ Address ............ , Nmne of Contractor .......................... Address ............. 15. l~ chisi}roperty within 300 feet of a ~idal wetland9 *Yes,,.,~,,~ · yaa,~. Sou~hold To~ Trustees Permie may be requlred~ ... P~T DIAG~ Locate ~early ~d ~flnctly ~1 bu~dM$, whe~er existing or proposed, ~d. Indicate ~I set-hack d~ensions from prope~y Hnes. Give street ~d block number or de~ptlo~ aooord~g to deed, and show street n~es and ~dicate whether interior or comer lot. OCCUPANCY OR USE IS UNLAWFUL W THOUT CERTIFICATE .OF OCCUPANCY ':~P~. R_O,~D AS 1110TED .,~ NOTIFY BUIL~ING DEPART~T 7654802 9 AM TO ~ PM FOR THE FOLLOWING ~NSPECTIONS: % FOUNDATION - ~0 REQUIRED FOR POURED CONCRETE 2. ROUGH - FRAMING & PLUMBING 3. ~NSU~TION 4. FINAL CONS~UCTION MUST BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. ALL ~NSTRU~ION 8HA~ ME~ THE REQUIREME~.-OF ~E N.Y. STATS CO~ST~pa ~ ~y CO~ES. N~ ~SPONSm~ m~ DESIGN OR CONS~U~ON ERRORS "'"' "'~..~, .~ ,~.."~,/(~...~', · -.L.., ~,, ~. 5ring duly sworn, deposes ~d ~ay~ that (N~me of individual signing eontra~t) tbove named. Jde iS tho ........ o .............. 50 ntraetor corporate officer, cto,) ................... )f said owner or owners, and Is duly authorized to perf'OTnfor have performed the said W6rk and to make and file this · PP. ,cation, that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowled e and belie ' ,york will .be.performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith, ,;~ ' ~" ,~ g ~ f, and that the to before.} ,,. · ............. · ' NO. 4879605 ' ~ "' = ',.' := ...........