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Oriew Mosqtdto District PO Box 242 Oricift, NY 11957 631-323-23�64 (►rient,inosqiiito�(4)�optontine.iiet BUDGET 2024 Revenue: I ax Monies Collected by Southold Town $101,600 Expenses: Mia es and 'Faxes: Federal & State Withholding, FICA, Medicare $ 7,000. Contractor--. Spraying& Clearing 39,2K Insurance: Workers Comp, Disability, Truck, Pliblic Officials, 12,000 General Liability, t'reasurer's Bond Equipment Maintenance-. Truck & Spraying Equipment, Fuel 3,000, 10osquito ontrol Products 23,000. C Office, N/JL,,etjngs. Truck & Chemical Storage 9,oft 600, I-egal Advertising 1,000. Permits SUPPliCS, )A/CbSue 3,000, Aclinijljstrafive� QB p tjt1litiC,,;, Postage,, ffiCC' 800. professiOna-j Fees C,,,jpital EqUillnjent ReplaCen-feut S 1,(11,600- I