HomeMy WebLinkAbout20948-z · TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N. Y. (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permission is hereby granted to: ,o ..... ~' ................................... ~ ....... ~z~ ...... ; .......... ';~ .............. ~' ........ ~'"T' ..................... at premises located at ..t.~./.~.%.......~..,~.~]~.......~L~)L ........ ~.~.e~ ..................... County Tox Mop No. 1000 Section ....../.'"...~./ ........... Block ........ ..~..~" ........ Lot No....L..~.....-' -'"" ........... pursuant to application dated .... ..~1~,.~...~ .............. , 19..~...~., and approved by the Building Inspector. Fee $. · .~.....~..~.:...~...~... .... Rev. 6130/80 OUNDATION (1st) 'OUNDATION (2n____d) :OUGH FRAME & .FLUMBING iNSULATION PER N. STATE ENERGY CODE FI;;AL ADDITIONAL COMMENTS DAT£: PREMISES: F£RSONAL FROFERTY: PURCHASE PRICE: NY§TU g'6rat ~1041 (R~'. I Iltil) -CoNTEACT Oit'sALll WARNINO: :i\: ,, NO RI~PREgENTATIoN IS MADI~ TIiAT Tltlg FoRM O~NTR~C~FO~':'~E ~ ~ND PURCtl*~ E~TAT~ COMPLIES WlTtl S~ION 5-702 OF Tile GEN~RAL~{~R~J~S;~C'PL~IN EN~LISH"X OF EEAL CONSULT YoUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING IT. ~'~ ...... ~ ~ ~ " NOTE: FIRE AND CASUAL'IT LOSSES: Thl~ c6tltrtict foflfl do~l not provide for what happens in the event of fire or casually loss before Ihe title closing. Unless different ~f0vtslufl 14 Htade Itt tht~ contract, Section 5-131 ) of the 13eneral obligations Law will apply. One part of that law ~ake~ ti ~tltch~et tespomllble for fire and casualty los~ upon taking of title to or possession of the premises. CONTRACT OF SALE made as of the FREDERIC~ B. II^SSLINGER~ ~a~ik~ck) NY 11952 Add~: ~la~f/et eMled "~LLER", who ~tees to ~11; residing ab (no and Ad&ess: ,19 91 #) Legion Avenue, JOUN WHALEN, ~esiding ak 560 Thereas Drive+ Mat:t:tt:uck, NY as to a 1/2 i~t:erest as tenant in common| and DAVID MARqUARDT, residing at 525-118 Riverleigh Ave., Riverbed,NY nS t:o a 1/2 interest: as t:enant: in common. tgfallltifttit eMled "PURdtASER" who agree~ to buy the property, including all buildings and improvements thereon (the :"PRP. MlSlLq")+ ~§ta fully described off a separate page marked "Schedule A," and also known as: StteetAddress: No # Legion Avenue+ Mnt:tit:uck, NY Ta~ Map De~ignation: 1000- 141 ~ 00-04,00-015. 000 - to~ethet with ~LLE~'S l~te~st, if any, in ~tteets dad unpaid awards as set forth ~ Paragraph 9. the ~le ate lacluda~ ill ti~tOte~ a.d atttcle~ of pet~onM properly attached to or used in connection with the PREMISES, IRt~ ~peMttellly ~elfld~d below. SELLER st~te~ that they ate p~id for and owned by ~ELLER free and clear of any lien ~thaf t~fl t~e E~I~TINg MORTGAGE(5). They Include but ~re .ut limited to plumbing, heating, lighting and cooking 'fl~l~ b[t~8~ iud k tahiti e~bt,el~, ~,{e ~, d~ot · trots, venetia, blit ds, shades, screens, awnings, storm windows, Wl~flgW b~ ~la~ d~t~, ~11 bo~e~, weather ~,e~ fl~epole~, pump~, ~hrubbety, renal.g, outdoor statuary, tool sheds, dtl~e~h~ ~llhlfl[ t~h~, el0t~e~ d~et~, ~rb~e~ disposal o~lt,~, tangos, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioning EJleluded fto~ thte gale tire: Furniture and household fntnlshtngs, $ 24,000 $ io lJ~/!ltoWtiiie~ for the pflflelpal amount ~tlll unpaid ot~ EXISTING MORTGAGE(S): S 9ALAN~ At ~LO~INO~ .... ; S 23,99 0 Ill ~i:t~i pflOtll~fl Of [ny EXISTING MORTGAGE even though the EXISTING MORTGAGE is extended 6t ~fl.lfl ~h~ pflfehnle~ Mo,e~ Note ~d MeN,aaa ~hall be dt~w, on the standard form of New York Board Ot ~H~f[.B~? lot gE~LER~,pU~A~ER ~MII ply the ~Ottpge recording tax. recording fees and Itl t pnt tlB ,' ' lUfiplld ~H~t~OAO~e ~mouflt ~flowfl iff paragraph 2, then the balance of the IPtleA~~hnt~how. tn Paragraph 2 is reasonably correct and EXISTING IdORTGAGE(S): ACCEPTABLE I:UNDS: "SUBJECTTO" PROVISIONS: TITLE COMPANY APPROVAL~ CLOSING DEFINED AND FORM OF DEED; CLOSING DATE AND PI. ACE: IIROKER: S FREETS AND ASSIGN- MENT OF UNPAID AWARDS: MORTGAGEE' ( 'l' RTIFICATE OR LETTER AS IO EXISTING MORTGAGE(S): teMPt, lANCE ~1'1 il STATE a. ND M t/NI('IPA £ DItPAR'rMENT VIOLATIONS AND ORDERS: PROPERTY IS NeT IN file CITY NEWYORK: INSTALLMENT ASSESSMENT; presently payab}0 a, C${h, but not oval ohm {hounnd ({{,000,00} ~o{{0[s, b, Good o0ttlfied ~h0ck of PURCHASER, p{ offl~l${ ~hm~k of $ny bank, {ov{.$t { Ink, I~.lt ~vmplp~, 0t ~viuss ~nd loan association having a bankin8 offlco In th~ Stat~ of N~w York, pJyib}0 {o th~ 0{ 0~f ~[ $~, PURCHASER and duly ~ndorsod by PURCHASER (if On tndivid.al) lo {h~ ord~T of 8~1 .~B iff I~O PT$iOP~O SELLER'S attorney, ' c. Mon0y oth0r than tho put.hale ptl~m, PIYabl~ lO S~LLER at CLOSING, mir bf ~y che~k ~f PURCHASER up ~ the amountof Five Hundredandno/lO0 ($ 500,00 d. As otherwise a~eed to in writing by SELLE~ of $~LLER'S attorney. 4. The PREMISES are to be transf0~ auburn( to: violated by tho buildin$a and i~p[ow~on{{ ~r~6{~4 on tho PR~MISES, { b. Consents for tho erection of ~ny {tructmem on, und0t or above any safe,tO on which th{ PB~MI$~ c. Encroachments of stoopL atoa~, v01ior atOp{, {~}m and cornices, if any, upon any o{fo{} at hiih~ay. d, Any etate of facts an accurate ~urvey or inapecCio~ o~ ~he pr~mia~ provided same does not render tltle unmarketable,1, e. Any covenants, restrictions, reservations, easements, jot ~gree~eat8 of record, if any, f. Any public utility easements of record, if any, ~, SELLER sh~li {ive ~d PURCHASER Ih{{{ {ccept luch ~{{~ {~ ~cludin$ thc payment of l~e pur~h~ac pfjc~ {o $~LL~R, $~d lb0 d~liy~fy {o P~C~AS~ Of Bargain and Sale w/Covenanted in prop~[ i{~[uto~ form for f~cof~jn$~ {o a{ {o If{pi[g[ Ifil ownership ([o~ simple title) to the PREMISES, free of all ~ncumbrance~ ~xcept aa h~reia ata$~. ~b~ d~4 w~l[ co~t~l~ t ~ovonant by SELLER as requited by Section 13 of th~ Lien Law. If SELLER is a corporation, it will deliver to PURCHASER at the tlm~ of CLO~iNG {a) a [~ol~tl0n of l~a Board of Directors authorizing the sale and dalSv~ry of the dasd, and (b) a cerWi~ate by th~ Secr~ta~ or AaaMa~[ 8~ctetaty of the corporation c0rtlfyin8 such resolution and setlin~ forth facts showing that th~ltranaf~r ia in ~0nformity with th~ requirements of Suet{on 909 of th~ Business Corporation Lsw Tho ~oed lB vuch c9~{ $h9 } ~ont{ia ~ r~V{{{} {ufflci~n{ to establish compliance with that section, ?. CLOSING will take placc at tho offt¢~ of Philip J~ Cardina~e~ EBq, 8. PURCHASER hereby states that PURCHKSER has not dealt with {nY broker in cepacol}On with this {{la oth~ than and SELLER agrees to pay the broker thc commission ~a/nud thereby (purvuant to s~ar~t~ ~, This sale includes all of SELLER'S own0rship and rights, if any, in any {apd iyiB~ in {h~ b~ 9[ ~ny ~{i~ol or highway, opened or proposed, In front of or adjoinln$ th~ PREMISES to th~ c~ntez line the[~of~ {{ {{{o {~{.dl{ {ay [{$ht of ~ELLER to any unpaid award by reason of any taking by oondemnation and/or for any ~qmase {o th~ PBEM{S~S by c{ ante of grade of any atregt or highway, SELLER will deliver at no additional cost to pURCHASeR, at CLOSI, NG, or thereafter, on demand, any document~ which PURCHASER may requi~ to cOUoGI {h~ aW{fd and 10. SELLER agrees to deliwr to PURCHASER at CLOSING a certificate dated n~ot mo{~ {hen thirty {30) days before CLOSING signed by the holder of each EXISTING MORTGAGE, in form for r~cprdin$, c~r{ifyin$ {he amount of the unpaid principal and interest, date of maturity, and rate of }nteresL SELLER s~u{l pay the fees for recording such certificate, If the hp{dei of a mort{ate }a'a bank defined in Section 274-a, Real Property Law, it may, instead of the certificate, furnisfi an unqualified {otter date4 not more ti{an thirty (30) days befor~ CLOSING containing the same Mformalion. SELLER hereby stat~ that spy EX{STING MORTGAGE will not be in default at thc time of CLOSING. 11. a. SE LLER wi{l comply with all heros or notices of violations of law or municipal ordinances, noted in or issued by any gowrnm~ntal department having authority ua to lands, h0usin$, bui{din$s, fi~, hcvl}b and {abet ~onditions affect{ag the PREMISES at th~ date hereof. The PREMISES shall be transferred ff~ of tb~ ~{ CLOS}NG and this provision shall surv{vu CLOSING. SELLER sllal{ furnish PURCHASER wtih any au{horiz~iions s~archos that ~ould disclose lh~s¢ ~att¢fa. b. All obligations affecting {h~ PREMISES, incurred pursuant to thc Adminlstrati~ CoO{ of thc C{ty of New York pr{or to CLOSING and payable in money shall b~ discharged by SELLER at CLOSING. Th}s provision shall 8urviw CLOS{NG. 12. If al the lime of CLOSING the PREMISES arc affected by an assessment which is or may become payable in annual installments, and the first instal{sent is then a lien, or ires been paid, then for Iht ~urposes of this contract ali the unpaid installments shall be considered due and are lo be paid by SELLER al CLOSING. 6tl V .o: 752-434-S ALI, that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the u ' b ildlngs and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mattttack, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Legion Road distant 170 feet, more or ].ess as measured westerly alo]]g ~he northerly side of Legion Road from the corner formed by tile intersection of the westerly side of Pacific Street with the northerly side of Legion Road; said point of beginning being where the southwest corner of the parcel to be described intersects the northerly side of Legion Road~ RUNNING TItENcE from said point of beginning, South 59 degrees 03 minutes West along the northerly side of Legion Ro~d~ 75,63 feet to the land now or formerly of Basslinger; Ti]ENcE North 35 degrees 22 minutes West along said land 160 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of Wells; T~ENCE North 33 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds West, along said land 128.41 feet to a point and land now or formerly of Rolfes; TItENCE North 79 degrees 05 minutes East along said land 73.87 feet to a point and land now or formerly of Wilcenski: THENc~ South 35 degrees 56 .inures 00 seconds East along sa~d land 180,21 feet to a monument at the northwest corner of lahd now or formerly of Wa~go: TNENc~ South 36 degrees 36 mi~ute~ East along said land, 83.33 fe~t to the northerly s~de of Legion Road at the point or place of BEGINNING, $1~ClJ1~11'¥ TI1-LI~ AND ~IUARANTY C_OZIPANY MENTS: WATER METER READINGS:' ALLOWANCE FOR UNPAID TAXES, ETC.: USE OF PURCHASE PRICE TO PAY ENCUM- BRANCES: AF~IDA¥1T AS TO JUDGMENTS, BANKRUPT- CIE~.: DEED TRANSFER AND RECORDING TAXES: PURCIiAS£R'S LIEN: SELLER~d INABILITY TO CONVEY AND LiMITATIoN LIABILITY: coNDITIO. N OF PROPERTY: EN'IIRE AGR£EME~: CHANGES MUST lie IN' WRITING: SINGULAR ALSO MEANS PLURAL: I:L 'the followin[ ate to be apportioned as of midnight of the day before the day of CLOSING: a) Rent~ a~ and when collected. (b) Interest on EXISTING MORTGAGE(S). (c) Premiums on ex'isling transferable usutSnce pollcle~ and renewals of those expiring pilot to CLOSING. (d) Taxes, water chaises and sewer rents, on the basi~ of the t~l~etd period tot which assessed. (e) Fuel, if any. (f) Vault charges, if any. If C~NG shailoccur before a new tax rate is fixed, the apportionment of taxes shall be upon the basis of the old tax tale ~or the preceding period applied to the lalest assessed valuation. Any errors ut omissions in computing apportionments at CLOSING shall be corrected. This provision shall 'survive cLOSING. 14. If there be I1 Water meter on the PREMISES, SELLER shall furnish a reading to a date not more than thirty days before cLoSING d:tte and the unfixed meter charge and sewer rent, if any, shall be apportioned on the basis of such last reading. 15. SELLER h~i~ the optlo, to credit PURctiASER a~ an adjustment of the purchase price with the amount of any unpaid taxe~, ~st~lt~a§~eiit~wlltet chargesa~td ~gwer refits, to~ethet with any interest and penalties thereon to a date not less than five business day~ aft~t CLOSING, ~o~ldbd that offtdal btli~ thetef0t computed to said date are produced at CLOSING. 16. If there Is anything else affecting the sale which SELLER is obligated to pay and discharge at CLOSING, SELLER may use any portion of the balance of the purchase price to discharge it+ As an alternative,SELLER may deposit money with the title Insurance company employed by PURCHASER required by ti to assure its discharge, but only if the title insurance company will Insure PURcHAsER'S title clear of the matter or insure against its enforcement out of the PREMISES. Upon request made within a lasso,able time before CLOSING, PURCHASER agrees to provide separate certified checks as requested to assist in clearing up these Inditers, 17. If a title e~amMation discloses judgments, bankruptcies or other returns against persons having names the same as or similar to that of SELLER, SELLER shall deliver a satisfactory detailed affidavit at CLOSING showing that they are not against SELLER. or shall credit Purchasers 18. At cLOSING, SELLER shall deliver a ~$r~i~heck payable to the order of the appropriate State, City or County officer In the amount of any applicable transfer and/or recording tax payable by reason of the delivery or recording of the deed, to$~athet With any requited tax return. PURCHASER agrees to duly complete the tax return and to cause the check(s) Ifld Ih~ ta:~ tetut~ to be delivered to the appropriate officer promptly after cLosING. 19. All motley paid on account of this contract, and the reasonable expenses of examination of the title to the PREMISES and of any survey and survey inspection charges are hereby made liens on the PREMISES and collectable out of the PREMISES. Such tie,a shall not continue after default i, performance of the contract by PURCHASER. ;~0. if ~;i~LLI~R la unable t0 transfer title to PURCHASER in Accordance with this contract, SELLER'S sole liability shall be tO tel'uhd all nl0ney paid on ficcount of this contract, plus all charges made for: (i)'ex, amining the title, (ii) any appropriate ~ddRi0nal ~leatehl~S filade ltl accordance with thl~ contract, and {iii) survey and survey inspection charges. Upon such refund li4d [~9tBetit tl~l~ e/)ltttact ~hall be considered cancelled, and neither SELLER nor PURCHASER shall have any further Hl~ht~ al~alii~t the other, 21. ~LIRcUASER ha~ Inspected the buildings GU f]~e PREMISES and the personal property Mcluded in this sale and is thotoU~ly acquainted with their cofidition. PURCHASER agree~ io purchase them "as is" and in their present condition labJed to ~a~o~abla u~e, welt, tear, and natural detetlot~tlon between now and CLOSING. PURCHASER shall have the ~ht, Ift~t tea~flable ~ottce to SELLER, to in,peet them before CLOSING. }~. All ~lot ufidet~tandl~s and n~teement, betweeR SELLER and PURCHASER ate merged in this contract. It ~O~pt~tely e~pte~e~ their f~ll a~ee~ent. It has bean e,teted lfl(o after full inveStJgatio,, neither party relying upon any ~. ~1~ ~8fittl~t ~a~ fiat b~ shaft[ed ut safe,lied &~eept In ~fltlng. The contract shall also apply to and bind the dlatfl~i~eL helt~, eRecototL adml.l~tt~totL ~ucce~of~ find a~l~ of the respective parties. Each of the parties hereby [UthOflte their lttot~ey~ to altec tn ~fitlng to any aha,les in date~ lfld time periods provided for in this contract. ~4~ A~p ~l~lulat ~Otd et term hetel~ ~hall also be tend ~ 1~ the plural whenever the same of this contract may require iE ~c, Thi~ conEf~c~ ~$ subjece ~o and cond~ioned upon ~urcheser obtaining ~ building perm[~ for a ~{ng~n family dwel~{ng as proposed prior to Cio$i.~ o. or about 10 day~ after receipt of building permit as per I1~ P~i~Re~ Ut: r ' OA V ~ D NARQUA R,B~ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF #: On the day of 19 , b0for; me personalty came to me known to be the lndivid~la$ described irt and who executed the foregoin~ instrument, and ~.cknowl0dilod that executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the day of 19 , b0foTe mo personally came to me known, who, bein$ by ma duly sworn, did dopooe and that he asides at No, that he iS the of , tho corporation d0~cTjb0d Jn and which executed*the foresoln~ tnstrumontl that ho knows thc seat of said oorporatioo; that the seal affixed to said ~strumcnt is such corporate soih that it was so affixed by aide[ of the board of directors of said corporation, ~nd that ho ~sned h name thereto by like order. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On tho d~¥ el I I0 , bo(ore me STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY on tho day of to mo known ind k~ow~ to ~* a partnership~ 9nd known to nam~ and aah d~iy acknowledged that b~ ~ fo~ and on behalf of ~ld p~rtn Closing of'title under the within contract ia her0by 0djqur~0d to o'clock, at ; t~tlO to b~ c~oaed ~ ~,of 19 Dated, 19 ~ ' For value received, tho within contract and all tb~ ~l~t, titl~ and interest of th~ poroha~er~lhcreund~r transfc~ed and ~ct over unto and said a'ssignec h~rcby a$s~mes all obliaatJon$ o[ thc p~gchaae~ t~CgeU~der, Dated, TITLE NO. Fromi Se~:tion Diock County or Town Street Numbered AddroI~ R00ord~4 At Itoq~olt ~f R~TU) ~N ~Y MAIL TO; To: zip FORM NO. 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL.: 765-1802 (Building Inspect APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS a. Tiffs application must be completely filled in by Wpewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector, with 3 .ets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets )r areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this appli- :ation. ¢. The work covered by tiffs application may not be cbmmenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issued a Building Pein'fit to the applicant. Such permit .hall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy .hall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY IvIADE to the Building Departmer~t for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the 3uilding Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N~w York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or ' (egulations. for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or'for removal or demolition, as herein described. [l~e applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building~code, housing code, and regulations, and to :dmit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary in-gt~ction~. ~.~ ~, ,- .... - pp~/~n , . , i, a ~orp,_ra.io,.~ ~ (Mailing cddress of applicant), State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, ele~ct~r}'c~a~,~l~lu~n~ber~67builder. Name of owner of premises [7~... o e_r ,' e. K /'J~. [J,o~ //~. ~ .e~. (as on the tm/. rolI or latest deed) if applicant is a corporation, signature of duly authorized officer. (Name and title of corporate officer) Builder's License No ........ ' ......... Plu nbcr s License No ........ '. ................ Electrician's License No ....................... Other Trade's License No ...................... Location of land on which proposed work ',rill be (tone .................................................. ............................ ,/.z ff . ~r. .z~-_ r. . .......... l[ouse Number Street Hamle, t County Tax Map No. I000 Section / ~. / ~'. .............. Block ·" · ................ Lot ..... o./..J .'~. ..... .... SubdMsion ........ .Nfl .~ ........................ Filed Mnp No ....... Lot (Name) ....................... State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ......... '~ .O~.. / .~..T. .k~.? '~- .. b. Intended use and occupancy ........ ~. -,~0~ ~' 3. Nature of work (chec~'which !applicable): New Building ....~..... Addition .......... Alteration ......... Repmr .............. Removal .............. Demolition .............. Other Work .............. -- 4. Estimated Cost .... (Desc t/on) Fee ............................. 5. If dwelling, number ofdwenin!g units .... {/ .... Number of dwelling units on each floor ...... .A/g/a-.'. · If garage number of cars N ~,.~. .... (to be paid on filing this application) If business, COmmercial or mixed occupancy, spec fy nature a'-a .......... ' ' ' · 7. D' ' · · . ~ I . ,u c~Lcnt v~ eacn type ot use ...... /?/.~ .. ........ lmens~ons ot exist,n,, structures, If any: Front ..... .~/~ ...... Rear ..... .~./..4:... Depth ...~./.~. ...... ' Height ..... .~./.4. ..... NuinbcrofStories. . . 0:./..,4... Dimensions of same structure with alter-*;.,-o ' '., ;.;7 ............................. Denth ^/~. , ....... or a~ga)ons: Front M//} ' ' .. ~.5., ..... ............ t.-./. :, Itc ,hr "/A . ' ............... ~ear ,:/~¢- Dm~enmons of enare new cons{'n ction' =.-~-* ..., ,~ ....... Number of Stones ..... ./v~..4. ....... ~,zeoflot. Front ... '7fi' ~ 3 ..... · ........... uareott'urcnase (4,~' ~lt~q ,, ' ........... Depth /..Pq,?/ ~' />p 6,1 I 1. Zone or use district in which p~emises are situated, ii. i:a r Owner ... ~; .t%..... j.{ ~>~./.L*0..~ 12 D . · ocs proposed constructmn vmlate any zonine law or ' . 13. Will lot be re,,rad~a I M o ~ , d,nance or regulation: . .~.~ t bi,/ . 14. Name of Owner oforemises ! 14 &~st )d~¢..c ~-ud;5 ~,~Vlll excess .fi.{lpe removed from premises Yes Name of Architect KI '~ ~ ......... ~ '/' ............. Address .. . one No ..... · If yes, Southold ~own Zrustee~ ;2]~-~=wet±a,ner *Yes ..... ','7~f'~o.'~: ...... '''~ .... I ~*~m:Z~. may be required. ... j PLOT DIAGRAM ~... Locate clearly and distinctly ali buildings, whether existing or proposed, and. indicate all set-back dimensions frem property lines. Give street and block:number or descriptio~ according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or coruer lot. TATE OF NEW YORK. a ou,,,rrv or ..... s: ?.¢.~. ~..¢, ..... s: .......... , .................. being duly sworn, deposes and says.that he is the applicant (Name of individual signir ~ contract) )nye named. : i~ ,he ............. .~..~.,7...-7. (Contractor agent corporate officer ) ......................... ' , , , etc. said Owner or owners, and is dul a'uthorized to perform or have performed the said Xvork ~nd to make and file this plication: that all statements contained in this application are true to the best o£ his knowledge and belief; and that the )rk will be performed in the manner s~t forth in the application filed therewith. 'om to before me this .......... "".. / .o// · ,,,,,,-,,l',con,,,. -- . ' -.----. . .............. ~1~ ~M~f~,~k~ ~" i~,gnature of apphcant, ~8~ '× ~ O~ < r" -r