HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/9/17 Presubmission Application M ELITATONVERS LP. SET E TOWERS LF. ,IWE_T JEFRY.'BLVD . IN ITE 05 DEER PARK.NY 11'29 ata LAUREL STONE verizonl� ELIT T OW � C l.t Ll�1� 1 �1YT L'i�4J LP. � _._... �� CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SITE NAME: LAUREL STONE FOR G�sRa..coa,' +rte ROAD■R■ 4110{iRIt6 LLQ I FEW C.YSCGIKN 7055 MAIN RC}AD 3caf�reD�c>Tsacw 2(8I12i t6 53.E'i FUR CQEiR,CPO^1--. t Ri/13/16 ISRED fiR OTSIRAT.{N OIL;JI�`15 b4©FC' A MATTITUCK, NY 11952 DIGb6f,E �. CIDF�3tns 1€a�D FMRccA6�s PROPOSED 120'-0" CONCEALMENT POLE Dewberry, Dewberry Engineers Inc. r%p PAASWAANY PORB SUTfE3�t PARSIPPANY.NJ ONSt FHOPE':e'I3.i348iN SITE INFORMATION AREA MAP DRIVING DIRECTION SHEET INDEX Ax�� 1e 1 N ----- -- -- HEAD FAT GN M 0OT C ON RD SA%WOOD TAKE U:FT ONTO SX GOD IT 3 SET NO SHEAT T:LE: !REV: f� PROPERTY OWNER: x CGkr.N��DNic s 2ND ST TURN LErr On O NTIE EE.T w RI T O TO FNE a OR.T RN -___ J7I `} �) �RGHT ONTO 11E 21 KGS FAIRWAY RAM NG PARK ME O v SA K TAKE)] T-1 TIT.E SHEET p L,JREL STONE SJ:PLY PLUS INC. - __- - - Q ?55 MAYN ROAD ,: EXt cIE TOWARD RIVER H-D, E GE ONTO 5 E. 4KE EA FOR NY- T K N H NFI I I GN-1 I CENERAL NOTES 6 E M.'Tn_CK NY 11552 ( = 1 c.Tc I._z RAYSjCA VT4TQN.:URN R"T OMD Y 2 S DNARD CGMC UE TO FOLLOW N - i --. T 'S '�'— i AT TME GN`C.,IRCLE, AKE THE RG EXIT O: D N- {"CANNER ROM,TURN_EFT ONTO A-i e TAS NA ; 8 x}' iAPPLICANT I� _ CROSS RIfR DR_TERN RGHT 0.hTG A1n�N RGAD..�£StINnTtON WL..6E ON THE LCF- f __-- --- ,. ELITE TOWERS L.P. 3 _ - A 2 PRJFERTY O4 44 WEST.EFRrn 8u`D t= APPLICABLE CCD S —-- � U SUITE GS I t t kf r 3 f SITE P,AN& TE 8 i PEER PARK.N. 1 241 T} t -- A ( 8 �'• ILII _LE WOF 5 E _ D- N- atAtERLiS INSTALLED AC DRDANCE WRh TIE- C 2 GOA.OIND P.AN&E ELATION 8 I 'CO APPLICANT I (LLCNN CODES A_Au €D BY THE LOCAL GOVERNNG V R IES.NOIN N MES£ I I i tAtd1 -EE CGOSTROED TO PERP7 WOR: O_CONFORMING TO THESE CODES. t C 3 CM--TRU�uRA DETAILS 6 A` e NEW YORK Sk_A�IMITEC PARTNERSHIP I - - - b d l'€RIZON NIR'ESS I - d ItLDING GE OtNLGN^1111 11 IF'"I 5 A -2015 -A DETAILS e i 4 CENTERLOCK ROAD I CIVIL,STRICTURAI 8 - WEST NYACK NY 10594iELEGTRCA IGN NEN YORK STATE ELECTRICAL CODE NFP.?0-2014 NEC CO-APPLICANT nREfLFE KFEE'Y I.E.NO.YORK SATE FIE GC 2— N CINGUIC R WIRELESS FES,LLC(AT&T) 1 ,�^ � -LIGHTNNI PROT_c,T'_1 CODE N—T8O-2011 UGIT'N�Pi_cCTIC.!OOCE --- - E DRAWN @T: IA I 0 1 AT,DT WAY I I Y- r->4 F - -_ DEDNiMiCR,M.I 4751 SYf2CONSRACTOiTs WORK SHTN L COMPLY A'I'M THE UaT€sT EDITION GF TIE EC 4N NG RE4-IS BY, AWS CO-APPLICANT sTANDARCs: MATTI 1CK FIRE OEPARTNENT <-, FAERFCA'CONCRETE!NINTOTE(AC)318 8 I DING.ADE R£CONKEMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL 0^PIKE STREETCONCRETE y CHEC EG BY: 6Ma M.AYNTNI,NY 11952 1 T ( PROJECT NUM6ER 50346- - SITE ADDRESS: MENKA INSTITUTE rtE OF TEL CCNs.R cT _C),PANDAL OF sTcE:.cONs R GT ON -- _1 -THIRTES T ]TION. D55 MAIN RD LOCA,TI ON MAP NS!JT. (IL .ECCNMJNIC s C Sift —G 0 j TAD 22 C STRUCTURRL STANDARD bU;TnNCK,NY 11952 FOR STEL AN ENNA.TOWER AND ANTENNA SUFFERING STRLCT'E. JCE NLMEER: sTE..ADDRESS GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATES: -TA 607 o.a RCU ..L PLLE NGRC NC.NC AND BONDING REQUIRE._N'S FOR : _.. BID EliCO M Nc A r LATITUDE-40'.58 a _"N = LONGITUDE,OE:-72 32 48.81"W K.ST=TIRE O LE"RIGAL FLECTRGk - GN-E S(1 EE 8 GUIDE IEVR MEASJR NG 3 1 GROUND ELE<'ATION A TOWER i28 AMSL I EARTH RE'"ST.:T'.CWOUNC NEED ACE.A AR ETH SVRFi E PNENT!A OF A GRCEND 1 �5 ZONING JURISDICTION: F�1100(1999) RECONNNOED PRACTCE FOR Pv^^WERING IS GF.CNIND OF ELECTRONIC ; 7055 MAIN ROAD rawN of sourrlaLD 3EDUIPMENT MATTITuCK, NY 119~2 z 1 s ;IEEE CZ,NATIONAL ELEC'RIC SAFETY CON-IkTES=—SIGN. j ZONING DISTRICT: LONE 8 GENERAL BUSINESS ° TEELCORCb+. CR 1255.GE ER INSTANTi.N R 0 EVENTS I I III T,311 FOR 1-1 DC FONER S SI'S-TEEECOM,ENV!RGKNONAL PROTEGTICN E PROPERTY DESIGNATION: `1 =SHEET TmE ----- DISTRICT:1000 SECTION:122 � � TITLE SHEET eLOGK:os I ` LCT:3>4 t % 8 1 — DIN I1 j t rte)zIrote ^ 4A LAT;,-QMII GGDGLE: I GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES: CONCRETE AND REINFORCING STEEL NOTES: CONTEDL KEADURES.F REQUIRED DURNG CONG.RUSTICN.SHIFT EE IN CO il -C T'THE E p E 3 AS- _ -- s j'#' (�j�� F F ERFI D LOCAL U C..G C ERGS NMC SE NT GN F L ' AID G �.OR C ELI L -TO YYERS LP. FOR THE PU C C. C sD i ELITE "WER .N POLL CEfNnONS SH n?F... GENE COMB IR? TE T`1'ERS L- 2B 4 l.,R EMBANKMENT MATERIAL SHALL 8E PEACE FROZEN GR N-.fR.2 E_'-�S. ILLCONCRETE E - REG - DUNLESS NUTtO CJN RACi R- CNS - S G 0 CE a`Wl G E PLACED A LL C4 PREENED"M. pT E - ) - sE ALL .NG - BE E IN PR m,OW.ER-LAR STONE L c INC .CCC F 3 B GONE REO .i5. El TE T04tDS�P. T CEM GR�INAt Ev IP E...MANUFA Raz 27_ 'H �GKNE S.h,.E 2,. KS TO BORE, ^Rk"W- " D - RCFNT O C k WET EFRYN D ,PC Rte. CES -.L>R 3sT Eh -`0 ilRFS AD D Nf SE ,?A,•] 3 RE' O:0 TO E 'Y RNE lr__.O.- .rtELPED UT G Z. ALL SITE WORK L BE CGMPLEEC AS!N'vIG4.EJ ON-HE PRAW\:,_,.NO ELS=_TOWER LF +'` tY`� - £ K-S U� RIGHT OF WAY -- a "`4iED W7.E ABR R M B5 E' TEE FARR_ LES NOTED OT ERWGE;UNCI. ;,EEft PARK,NY 1172D PRGJECT SPEC'CA`R.AS WO,PFCWAGX oil OR O=r W End'TE-MPRv£c_ =:— SPLICES_rH14 BE CI3_S 3 AND A'1 ROCKS SHALL__STANDAR....,G. GENERA CONI=.ACTGR SHALL III THE SI AND SN EAM'tAANIE HIMSELF WITH-ll CONDITIONS <6 8615H ALL RUDER WAY R .­MPS.DEBRIS,STICKS,>TCGES,AND 0-HER REFlJSE SHALL BE RHACKAC L THEO . 1O . AiUM A CONCRETE COVI HL BE PRODGRC FCR.RPNFON-NG STEEL IWLEAS SHOWN IF GRIND THEPROPOSED!YORK AND SHALL MAKE ROVIST-S.GENR AL CGWRACTGR XALL BE FR.THE SITE AND...SPOSED 9F IN A—11 iAAINIB OTHERWSE ON GRAGN S. S CSBLE FOR F 'RA2'N E: -L CG"RC GG�'U E ELO ONDTJNS. CM£ NB,Al. NPR - T OR. Y BE ACC MILS EG .'AWN PRG ._ c9 L 6 DEP RFS 0 ERA v AND M-:cNL'.NCE NA C LOGS .P QRAANGS AND TEP CC—CAST AD— LAUREL STONE FRGCEENNG W CONSTRUCTION A E REPANCES SHALL BE BROUGHT T9 THE,.TELION OF VIE GODFIDENTS_—BF TORNED PIE TO THE GENERAL CONERACTGR AT_OMPLEF ON CA CONSTRUC:GN CONCRETE E—IRC'C EARIH OR WCA,K_R: ENGINEER PR R T.T:'E COMMENCE E OF WU _ C FRIG TO—.ENT MAH ERIAS RN IED AMC A._ED SH—@E STRICT ACCORDANCE h.:: 6LF 30CONTRACTOR GR SHAL SUBMIT A CO .ETE ETAA-E ..CYNES TO AHE GENERA_CONTRACTOR S tM EE G (2 IN. CLED5,REGJI_ATCNS,AND CRIDIPAREED.GENERAL CONTRACTOR AL __JE ALL ROPRIA.E N.GES ..PVN­P,EUGN OF:R 'ECT A C PRIOR TO FINAL PAYMENT. F ET p _ fATHER THE G..11K . C CG Lt P A'L LAWS,0 D "NA ACTED R_DIJIT.GME,h0—ICE ONCE.GF ANY FUBLIC GR N T R R0. E PERF R. E C. 'WORK, 3'. CONTRACTOR S . -EAE IREMSED I A CILAD ID-71— "D Ah 11-LCO.M .,A CO>)n C TRUCTIOu CR WINGS 5 ALL WORK G C L•5 L IT:ALL L-.6 E M NGIP- AN- UTILITY dPANH 32. E PROP EQ KY V - ND ODE T REO' .046E ATR OR SEWER - J S�kD FIN LUNG SPECFICATG AND_GCA__URLCC TTNA CDU_ ORDINANCES, ND APPLCASIE P.E.,:.IA:tONS- VICE.AND S NOT FOR HUMAN .AB..AT NO:HAIDO A.,ES k:C'IHREC?. 5 ER l- SMAL EE fRO:.CED AT A, E%P__C EDEFA OF C.,.'CRE`_L A AT.CeRGaNCE WITH AC SCt SECTION A 2 a 510.eT,-tT ISSUED FOR iUSTRLl4:N LLE TEG OTHERWISE.TH -L I DE f R"H' MATERIALS E 1 T M 33 C P IS M _.E -D -E--GCE AND RS E TON,AIPRGX MATELY 2 TIMES PER AF 'i6—ENG CD`6TETLCfION -E2.`.CES .0 LABOR NECE_A.r:U G.,M t t AL'NS...lA.DIS AS N4 CA.cC Oh IRE R B "_ L T. N N5. B. t'4 --C{ x u.£S -D, S FE sN A.. ELT `EC NST «y(15:SBL FGR CPSlRS GW FGA.G'S. Irz x2 T+sE -NGP i HIT, fl S WtN`uTK RE'Gubl 1t""h 3! --. 3<. GwR GE G S C ti NRS EPC.DIED. EWIe III ON .'f5. ADDI - WE Ci- WNEW AARP` 'M (P2Z'E'I—FJi QIP'-i0.CIICN FNNS ARE N 0 SALE THESE RE M1 NCE TDBE A_1AU..MGND GININE ONLY GOOA AN SC E 7-EAE - 3 �S 1 C 3 to IS5.4➢FJT� .CIIaN' .E_OTHERWISENOTED- SHOWN E FNISHi l ES JNES WS EC 35 L MATERIAL SH RE FURNISHED G 5:HA BE PRFORNE DOC E .H THE PF DEP +RE _ Ax'A«`M .std' � AL EA_IDONfATAGE"F•~_"°'RS - P-"NG 6c E GU E T E M" MUM RECO RES CLEARAN E E ORE T CR iTCA C ,ATE.REV SG AITY ER MO61111 CH -\ G S—PARD E Rt_..F CA. DR _5" - _9==�.Y SE E FA.-N.i 6�^t`S aH4.WE�k�O BY Oil S @Fix 0.T614ii.M FELL VER'FY DIMENSIONS.SHOULD SERE 6E ANY GUEST LONE REGARG'NG THE CONTRA..T GCOUNENTS. CONSTRUCTION., OSA,OFIS w:RELE S WTES AND TESHNICAL SPE_a NTA Gv FOR FACLTY F RA 11/AECHEAD_R APP OUDE E..-11AL D� GNN­ :�E E--TRA 9R " BE—1—Bill FO NTAIIG A 11RUICATION FROM THIS ENG ER ARIGH GROUND- N CASE OF A COME BEIVEEN TRF-SCN5TRUOTI N SFECATCAFON AND THE GRAWINGS, T O C _ OCEED N,THE WOR . DD 5 REINTENDED SHOW Y NTE' C ..A ONS MAY Hf_EAN'N»SHALL GOO RTL ET 6 ED. 'E G THE CONCRETEU9_ i'S 1R��P�O�fi�NS BE REO REO D S OE O E 4 CON—ONS N S' M f _ S .SIL E�INCLUDED SPG ER 3 EVE. E -' R S SHALL 9E FRS ED 6Y 5 PART OF WO G EPA 3 E ENGINEER RGR O PROCEEDING WHT 'ORK. 36. T C 5 S BEFEEP—IRI FOR CE. N L T D -11 RE]URED FOG B E-O AC R 5 '.S.LL ALL E _f ER NO M ,'S CTORGANCE W TH CPNTRA_TOR IM.AIF E IFILF C OR CANNOT a_TA.N A ERM..THEY MUST NOTfY THE GfN-RAL {1 RESULTS R fi YO >R IHS If Dewberry SUPPLIER C M MAN U E .'.+ii NS UNLESS - -STATED OTHERWISE OT, STIE 31 ED- S:E_ ED PCHIP.S.GADNOT BE ISTA-LED AS SCAN DR E -w S .HE 37. CONTRACTORSHAL REME, ALL RA::. ND DEERS E '_G A ONLY BASS FOR - �"� C P L O E C C.ETE Dewberry EngjnE rs Inc, CONTRACT SMALL PROPOSE AN AJERNIVE INSTALLATION SPACE FOR A P I—L B 'HE ENDGEER _ f RMAt DN SHOWN C HESE DRAWINGS 5 ORG R. S!Tf TS EF CS B -f E E S'I_BE TAKEN w..AL i ANC TI—Cl FG —BY 5- ATOS PR ,DR TO PROCEED NG FROIIDED BY'HE RRE GAINER,CONTRACTORS SHALL N.+IFI THE EN.AhE_R Or rNVl CSD E AN..1= c _CNC E'E-ROM EALH OFZEREN-BATCH?IAN, PAHSIPPANY,HE D]II54 0 G-NE CONTRACTOR SH L BE I.R..119L€FOR THE SAFETY OF WORK AREAACJACENT AREAS ANG PR OR TO ORDER'G MATERAL OR FROCEE_NC WITH C S.RUC-:v^N. N PLACED DN NEW KIDS —RE EO Uht-5 T IS YDPLA1 C A. A 3B. 'EST FPA 5TANDAR05 ANP 3 an CL♦DER ES_ HA.ECO4 ESNE R NG 4 i:BEEN AT.A't,E` PA..� +-ED 5GLIHALFNG OCCUPANTS THAT ARE LURE E BE AFFECTED BY THE WORK ISO TN's LUN:FAOT WORK hO WHITE STROBE LIGHTS ARE PE 4iTTE0 LGHi NG IF RE9I RE..WLL MEF" -' SHALL CONFIRM iC AW LAMA REGUtRENENiS AND THE L9CAL JURISICTIDN REGUIREMENTS. 11 GENFRA_CC GR C—L DOVIDENHE WORK ADD 'EO E WONT ACTISME1 WT —ER IS L- —LE INSTA-HATICES W MAN FAOTFEEA 5 INSTRUCTIONSR DSC L' NA . . ' Ai M _ . i E cN S6E LINE INW. KE MANNER 6M PERC N AN . 1, -_ A G RDACE PP ECODES THE 6 ACCEPTED PRACTICE ALL MEMBERS SHALL BE CURE- RAY At OG FIND CICT915 AND FINEh SIGNS PRIOR TG PANUFACTtRN. LAI um@ TED E A ND ED NE G RRC Q CD TR, ^OM1co �A 13 E. TT NS THROUGH RE RAE cECLWENT iF ERALSEOF CONTRACTOR SH` KEEP AREA CLEAR.HLZRD .. SPOSAl—I5 ELN ERFl-AIN i RK PRAKG _GMPLETEC REPRESENT B E L SHADED E AND NOTES....E OPE OF CON. GTO BUR-L P C ER. S PE :WC 2 NRS'__> NTERNA I-1CRM AND AD-ENNAS WORK FPR TY PROJECT IS t_RESCNT€D EY CARE SEALED LIN_ANP NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL EO_ATGN3,ANC MAT(:UDF Frz_DEPARTMENT AN.-NF LCCATCNS. .I CAT ROTIPY:-LK GENERAL E.NTRACTON.. Y EXISTING CONDKIGNS TUAT DEVATE FROM THE CRAWiNGS Ltt FRCR 0 EIDG 11 CONSTRUCTION 2 CCORDINAPON OF W CONTRACTOR,SMALL G^ORDINATE RF WORK AND PROOF ORES GIT-T C.B_D,p+ 15 D TRACTOR ALL SHPROVDE WR ITER NOTCE T9 THE COR IIATOTICN—"I A6 ROUND?R!OR TO CPMMENCEMENT OF'A'CJiK. TCABLE LINER RACK _ - ahTPAC.OR SHALL FURKSH AND INSTALL CABLE LADDER RACK,CAELE TRAY,AND OCROJIT AS REOUIREG TO ` 11 THE GNTRACTOR SHALL­ECT EXISTING!MAGOVFME: U HEWS ANDS FHO AND SUPPPRi CABLES TO THE NEW ETA LOCATON -- STRi:CTUREE.ANY DAMAGED PIT IHIH.BE REPA RED AI CVNTRAYGR>EXPENSE TO THE SA-SFACTIGN OF TIE OWNER. IJ. THE CONTRACTOR SHAWL CONTACT ULPHI!OCA NG SERVICES PRIOR TO THE START RE CONSTRUCTION. R WN c H i tE GENERAL CONTRACTOR COORDINATE AND MAINTAIN ACCESS FOR ALL TRADES AND CONTicACTCRS Y ---- TO rx. .-_ D,roR Bu:LDD—UG. '.EY FWED EY: JWG I 19 THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHAL BE RESPONS01 HE FOR SECURITY CF 5HE SITE FOR THE DURATION OF ------ CONSTRUCTION UNTIL.10E COMPLETION. CHECKED BY: CHIN 2G. THE..EGA-CGNTRACLGR S ALL IAiNTA'N IN GOD.C.LICKLOH ONE C..I— SET OF PIANS W:TH ALL REVISIONS.ADDENDA AND CHANGE ORDERS ON THE PREMISE_AT A_TIES. _PRG ECT NUMBER 5007039E THE GENERA ONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PORTABLE FIRE EXI.G HERS WITHA RING OF NQ­ LESS THAN 2-A OT 2-A:10--:C AND STALL BE WffNIN 25 FEET OF TRAVEL DISTANCE TD ALL JGE NUMBER, OG`934R FORP "W ONS CF HERE THE WORK.3 BEING COMPLETED DURING CDNSTRuiTiON. 22LL EXISTING ACTWJ SEWER.WATERT..GAS ELECTRIC,AND OTHER ,ITES_SHALL RE PROTECTED AT PNES,AND WHERE REGUIRED FOR THE PROPER EXECUTION OF THE WORK.SPALL 6E FI.CIE- DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER.E.—GRE CAT9N SHOULD BE USED 6Y THE CONTRACTOR WHEN "'A" G OR DRi_FNG PIERS AROUND OR.NEAR EFILIKHES.CONTRACTOR SH IE PROVIDE SAFETY R KING FOR THE WORKING CREW,THIS SHA INCLUDE BUT NOT EE UMFIS TO A)FALL PROTECTION, BCON'FlNED SPACE,C;EL€CTO FAFET',AND DT TRENCHING 4 EXCAVATION, s LAIN Roan 21 It EXSNG: SEWER WATER. ASEi- C.AND OTHER WHICH .ERF RE WITH H Ht EXE.RO.OF THE WORK,SHALL EEREADIED,DAPPED,? C-IN R^M _E MA-TITUvK, NEL 4`L HH WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH THE UTCHQF TIE WORK,AS DIRECTEDY THE RES?ONSELEENNEER.AND USI CT OTIE APPAOSA1GF VIE 'HER G DUAL LTILKES. THE AREAS DF THE I--IGLORD'5 PROPERLY CISTLAHED NY THE WORK AND NOT COVERED BY THE TOWER,EQUIPMENT C2 DF.VEriAY.SHAT!EEG LEC TO A UNIFORM SLOPE,AND STF81L2ED TO PREVENT EROSION. i SHTEc VINE i ''<5. CONTRACTOR LL MINIMIZE GOTUR@ANCE TO THE EXSEINO SITE DURING CONSTR'C;ON.ERDOUG GENERA NOTES 1 EHE! Ni.MBE:i-.. U N ,t E' FOR PCL tSEE SMm pd40. ELITEXTOWERS LP. + SV�l OL�CM=`S t9�. ELITE TOWERS P. COUNTY! N � � S YY WEST JEFFYN 6iYU ( SU TE G> VAlr-R`UTHOR17Y CER PARK,NY,1729 i LAUREL STONE / s CONS–RUCTON DRAWINGS f N \\ `� �� �, sir3rzr,r I��arsazrnaa tom!'=sve:ae oma: v' ( f _6m c'oa,<xl,s IR<-usa w�mrtm�s 19 t °�" mss, \ c I=�,at,s�R<u�res santras f Dewberry r ` \ Dewberry Engineers Inc. N srmrEm, 1 SI morose 9 ql,CFM _ 4 ��qER --——7:t —-- —-= �� � O � #.ATCti � r FOR PCL NO. SEE SEC NO. ° 121 f \ 1\ 194 � � ,, \\ 14AY Mei ca. ty 9 1. q 59,8 12A 8*� +'� j> iE2 Ev:EC.BY: .IWS a� � Y 2 CV�'cCKEP B`: C-M1K oil a eJcr Nuueca:- aero�se { I -acs uMeEre 4;oreass €SIE ADG9— 19.2 j 2 a10 F � �'` e 9 i$2 .# 7055 h-1AIN ROAC ILD 0 21 g MATTITUCK, NY 11952 lb srecr TnE TAX VAP TA?C MAP 'j'� sNsr vurneER o m A— CE ELITE�TOWERS LP, E'_ITE TOWERS lF. 44 WEST JEFRYN 9LYD SUITE Ql DEER PAkK,NY 11724 LAUREL STONE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS s Ic3�Y,tr,;lam rrn CGSIR><.'IIJ 3i�j�115 :Ji SrSIRC113,'...... zt�,nneli Tai msrtaxmw 1 Iarry,ry>:Ian ro<mszc�w e�u1r+s Yam 11x1�mxn6N o'1xxut-s!xt+��ins c'a;,•3irs I'€.isx rm- +aN:s Dewberry, Dewberry Engineers Inc. PAAStPFANY flQAa PARBA'PAYY,NJ ONSC CNE:BI3.i3@nm F �P� t R A4. c;" f o-3 # rr CA2 PROPERTY OWNERS LIST SECTION C.<f'LOT i PROPERTY OWNER&ADGRESS' PROPERTY LOCAT}ON - ZONING (GwWN eY: to'_ 122 j 6 135.9 SUFFOLK COUNTY:SAYER AUTHORITY NO f/ROUTE 25 14360 SUNRISE HW I MATTRUCK,NY =QEVIEWEG 6Y: :.WS 1O KDALE,NY!1769-1005 I 122 5 36 695-ROUTE 25 CORK 16955 ROUTE 25 `c CHE:.KEG Br: GHK 3 PC BCX 199 MATTiTUCK,NY i lMATIUCK.NY _1952-0139 PROJECT NUMBEk PaGTa.,48 j 125 :1a 4 EDWARD&SHARON SCHMIDT =6665 ROUTE 25 6 JCg NiIM2ER: 5aG7aJSS'. FO SOX 263 1 MATTITOCK,NY ,NCA'SJFFOLK.NY?1956-0263 1 St?E '26 1 1 2 `KEIL ALVAY.S: FARM FRM LLC '_,NG#RO,�TE 25 i R-AD - .vORFSS: _ 13G£GSTt DRIVE MATTITUCK,NY HUNI'INGTON,NY 11743 "6 1 1 1 1 KE BRAY AVE LLC 7100 RCJTE 25 R-40 C 30 E"-E CRIME ;MATnTUCK.NY i 7055 MAIN ROAD ,iJNT.NGTGN.NY Ti143 I MATTITI CK, NY 11952 1 126 i 2 =KEIL A VANS tRNE FARM LLC 0950 ROUTE 25 R-40 1 i 3C E GATE GRN'E 1 MAi TITUCK.NY ' 1 =eUNTINCTON.NY 11743 II 3 SHEET TITLE PROPERTY OWNERS LIST !S41EEf NUMBER A-2 -2 _. LIT TOWERS LP. EU T YfERS LP. } H. T JEFRYN BLVD I s _ 7 JIEQ O.ER PARK.NY 1.?24 LAUREL STONE e \ CONSTRUCTION 1RAWINGS 4, A ,. am wsm rrxx c- 31 —_, m�ftnc^GN -Z 5 n RF CJEP.A. v gewbe3 ryo Dewberry Engineers Inc. FARs P enc �• � � T 3� �`\ � � fiAAS' ANY N..91ff5a SLB, S w i\ - � f EW A 80 - Oct ``� - w R Y_ \� roml Rw—By F ECKEc e- ---ce- ?M ET B—E Sa'Y(OS98 a SII.' �, R 4.n, OE\VkBE'i 500?034_ o i 1 ti LL 055 MAIN ROAD V, I`JCK. NY 11952 LEGEND E-GENERAL EUSI!:ESS AC-AGJCULTLRAL VICINITY VICINITY MAP i. NO iY.c5 c to-D—S-:T-D BY EO RAL. A STATE R lc- GE-E i t _PG F T ft 0 RESIDE TNL O R BG 5 uERTPL l-N D 4O OEN lY Y \ _ __HE;YMBER TE MREAD HISTORIC MSMSRIU S E GOFOL G ON—SWE REGR. NOT BEEN RECOGNIZED FOR THE N£T GNAL REG—R. A d� GENERAL NOTES C 3% NECT F IFE E. N .CIS CT tG SEC.I N,«.BLOCKLETLITE TOWERS LP. A AS SHI'S E TO N C FOLD AX MPDS. P L ANT. 4 N S WEU RYN ELVR,SUITE CE EIiTE-OWE NO L P. SEER PARK,NY ti>29 44 WEST JEFEYN e_YD SU'E Q5 w-APPLCAVT: NEW YORK SVGA LIMITED PPR,NERSHIR DEER PARK,NY 117229 VER:ZON n".RELIIS a CEOTERLOCK ROAD WEST NYACK.BY IOSEA / GG 4PPLCAST: E D 5T-.xAU WAYn 42 s PCI, Lc,Ari LAUREL STONE ONE &i FROFERtt OWN£P.: JPvF.EL STGNE BUPPEY PLUS,NO M?N ROAD f \ �csT GK.NY YL ! C..VCEALGEM1'T PG=D 1 RE ER NDA G& EG RO ' D El' ER NE RVG UND ,'\ - '"� uR Ev.NG, s "N' L N P.E.-.s D EG DER za 2- OR 1= S NSP C ON DRAWINGS 11 TEEM IR CSE OR ECO Utr P S D s T NOED rCR S 11r 5�4 95'4d.IXa T€MFL E OCCU C E EFCF D ABLE WA:EF SANITARY SEWER a-D GDtOO LYS'-5 E ARK.G ARE C EQ E0. P 0/0 _Il`9_E+E�CfaSiRL'iCN t I \ 1 3.6"£*.i6 G.ET CXStAC'It' 1 t ax NTE S-F.L BE r5_EO O NT ERASE 0 1--E A MO-FCrc _ .x \ NTENANCE AND SHALL BE CG '..11SLY Lth TOREC FROM A REMOTE 2:03-116 I53E➢FP<SMl!t-CIIGa { c YORK S L CO'G M i L CURRENT PLIC ELE EJE - AN- Po3 i59�F�OM-0S.T 0 Q i z-FALL 2GNE RADIOS -CODES NCILLONG ANS A/T. 222 AND COMP .TH E-ITE TOWERSD: RA 15 �].`FR RANINIS S ELIF t 0:41/3.,t5 IfE.'A5=FfR uR.t4v15 e 'f" .F .1 DOCtGR LCC "CALL. 6E E Y"L C BY OG OR \\ ; 9 r C >T ON C --RGRG 1E_FR! T SART OF-ONITBLT:CN. �Iyy����� ' U ,!NG E GA_P.5 RGFOSE- R R ED 2-THE FCC OR FAA. Dew e Z y o T ERF w G.BE Ar-Y SIGNS R.- E.-s D THE AhrcnNAs oR Dewberry Engineers Inc.-Il BRA S@"PANY ROM THERE IS NO FRO.OSEL GRA,YG R_OJ REO III T!-_S LOCAt!04 "F? 5 .'Y. 1 T33saxt 5 Y \ RIB- or I 4r \FELIGIEG sa s '2sec SFi_`j �Y o '-c" EoUPM T CCMP6CENTERLINT OF �} ACCESS BOAC a Z I lk 1- REGUIPE E-TNG ( .RCPCSEO I REFAARKS I c EC.2 . ERtt/EA_E EN.ONE _RAWN_ t SIZE'. . LIGHT UNE WORK T_XT 13G,C00 e5 s0.F!, [ DE OYES EX StNG EGAO T'ON5 '�F y� f j SO.F`. .b4G RC C:iP.NGE RE41E'KEC 6Y. 'WS E-A FROPCSED HEA.N'LINE-B ANc TEXT j \ LOT 1ND{H: SQ C - DEVOTES BN-GEE C NCITID:VS Os 2E uHANG EC ED ET GI'N / j \ a TAT GEFTY: IS" 434.35 i NO CFIAN�E i PRQ_ECT NU—MBE—Q-395 5G. G-1 LINK r-eslCE UTILITY FOtE i - 'LANDSCAPE AREA. 35 t� ASSR NO CHANGE CE FREER SO070399 i LINE _ � -- A., y :OFLCOtGENOERG1— T111-1 ST.AIGRESs ELCRIC S " - j =?PAOK_. FRrN{ '-E, B" D LDOING SUCE F GIA-EFT TOS SIDE 25 Ff. I 142 8 „BOb£NEAM1 SEA LEVE i.�s PROPOSED EOulP.Ek COMPOUND - BOTN Ea 13 s0 Rf. 3102- : 8'J" SIDES ABOVE GROUND LEVEL seer e_e eN REAR 3s -zss'-a" }ES's 3 Q,S MAN ROAD - EXiS'INC G]Po{('i-,.R -EG T. FT. Za€'. I i '1952 Gam^ �...srA'ce FRCPasED I -F TO �'"�ATTIT �,K, IVY i,,.,� RRCPOSEO CpNTOUR 'ACiI!?T TG NEAREST i NC.USE_ iEEESICE.11 STRUCTUP,E I_I.UTS OF DS DRBANCE ( I LMitT5 OF C.SP-CE 3 ACQ CE PROP SE? W:'H SILT i " T EPR T S PO_E TO EET- (SHTRE ----. ---. F`E-AtE PRGPE L E - - R-h ' :RESIDE-USE - BRUSH LNE t i SITE "LAN Hf.GHt OF ANTENNA _ PGRT STRUCTURE i 80 FL 12D ET. NOTES cyp E N4rFs. SITE PLAN ; ;-mE 1"-Go FOR it'zi?' J iDK OF CE j _ 3` _ ±319'_g^ ' Sti_E`V.M5ER L ,. CNN.1-ARE HOT TQ BE3O'FOR 22"c31- � IFDLE TO STREE` � ,.S UREEO. COM COMFOUND LCCAPON IS WITHIN SCO FEET tO RESICENP.AI GiSTRiCTS FRCPGSC F'RE TTom+ '7''�}�I T pear c<?NH;F EL1 T l�O YY ERS LP. ANTw:k T"01 PRDPPSEC E RTL¢ A ti!u EL.e TOWERS L.P. - ELEY. 44 WEST JEFRYN BLVD SUITE QS DEER PARK,NY 11725 \FRZCN"WINE"S 3fi0 TGF-"-� TCP E PRDPP-G G E Rt., N-RNA 5(�`--ss,,_ T— CGNCEALMENT POLE(BY.,TREKS? `O q5 C PSOP OZS k'E C "E SS G — — cB IZ. LAUREL STONE �z N E ur-E'a l; _ Tc „o s 7 PRGFOSEG 3 _& AtiTE 4S—1—ED _ C_G T .TENNAS Ss j 3 ” vs eE Go.CEALMEN.POLE EY r E.s) ELE''. RJ TICK DRAWINGS NST AC.L! MOUNTED Fl NO I T PIA&. 'TEi G N Ea j - I NT QE C c NEN GLE BY OTHER -!" ExFd�E.�4'4:.L. E LBFy f'F CT6(RL 4?1 x 20 AREA MEN' ! _Ee_._N Le h Na_SeCT ON 2O3tDl1111SFDCN —POSED ER_,.O R LET.,n x £ H l j 3 2 3C EC MEN E �� ! _ _ 9jCt '�CtS1:k CY`SmC!NY" x _ -III GENERA C D F^'-,tID,=b G 0! 1"l_d4F�FSc 2tEItd.CilCN C RED HER C-11 PQv^PCSLD G G 64 5t 5 F€S�1 PL3 C A4NI5 @.OTHS S cp E�'.c.+'. J i Pc —.`�. F3.5,74��Ft Eb '-4\ LI '_p �`r' GEPA T_NTRE_NEf > 3 � --- Dewberry- --T— � �� ry8 RTNSE'IGN Dewberry Engineers Inc. c-- ; t - - me RG CSC t2.`�j [ CLG if ."% 4N.45_ AR9IPPANi PtYA r ,-: L -n-c LUEv.-_1 '—_ ELE�.-s_ „ ±t t .1E3Q -A PKC D _SEc.Q4 _ v i L...� --PGsm Fes€ J-.v. c $a V CERGROINT G -'€�} AN TELL.,eChC I, - iLI oI G - 4 C P'xiO YGt PMEfT ! ECG SENTPADCT4E j AlEA j ! GAE Ei5 h1 GENER>TGR QO RE {R �- d �,*„€Rs, III_ D nR a n-_ fa"® ! 1 _ - GAX CAB'E EE .0 I n III_ RG G GE �� PR - EC t 5 ( CG SE) SEu —GE RENT POLE ��.�: t €- F110E coaPG=.D I ( f -E Fifit M1 E �C(- - PALL GER EA ZC RR C NC. G f C Bt -RR ` 3 it III' PRCF0._D NE F �SGC+f i .` �CAEINEI3 mai tH HtR BEYG G 3 PRG D E - - -)f DIGSE.(2) WDE RC GS 6i 10' 20 - j OEP E .t C<3 CC .. Y-:2GCS DN- ETI LGLIIIJINT i —— — H. E O 2E t '±FT E .5(B rf- C S R. NE I CCNxEALl1ENi PG_E ` 5 PR P^EC fi H H .i R SEG!.i .Eft s`mZ a a a.Ec :-;'maw t j c_g GFAN LFh F VSE 3 RA Y1R 8CGAl { t IEEIDE a----..-.�x-.—.- �( J/c�s -_ `t" �xm` ; MOt NT' .—ED RMER l I j 4OPO C VESC s� CR 8 A IND-ED 5 2 SF) _ >f jt 7 —— T(EY Gi'ERSj �T t T'gN E .PY N5 .D t ECL - r uP_NG -, o / \ -_o,f _. GSE AD DUN.EG L____ / `j __t-. -__F—_.._-. — 3 t) j- crtcKtD er_ mN! TRA.45PDRME1(Br HER=) PRGPOSED @G-ED r g A PROPCSEG 2)G IO=t ,�,\P4G- pE ..,,K �PP.i G c J p R U.G 1111m 3 �ti JCa 'MS€R: 5OC7C_9F A ES>iTE ECC 1N..II I.S F-0 STREET TO 1 t `= NI avo Abi sa,CE� FRC p5_✓_GJPMENT CGNPCT.ND \�G/ &TE ADDRESS', b3Q�_� t PROPOSED i2O'EONCEA'FAENT POLE ANO CONCEALMENT PDL'3UP AT10N TG BE DESIGNED BY TF COMPOUND PIAN °H S I ACL CSTVR@EC AREA=GJiSGE LF CGMFGUND SCAL: .0 OK i:t'. 2- BUILT T:' E: TY FD NDA'J HALL BE DE- EC TO N BY THE IED NI_ta£M POLE `Q55 MAIN ROAD _HALL BE RESTORED TO EXISTING CONDITIONS. 5 FEND 22"x34" .s BUILT TO CAPACtt U!2.C A C GT CH.I -ESO RT N Bl' LCE'JSED RY P.E. MATTP UCK, NY �195,2 THE CONCEALMENT PCL..ANY F..Uhp?T,G _HdL BE DESIGNED Pc THE TL4 REV E STANCRRG. R IT INRL' P 490E A 3BBBF 'RbL AH�KB G. THE CCNG.PL E PIE'DIED IG By A O lD o OSEG CDNCEAL, 2. PRDPOSEG GRADEt i0 MATCH—TING,GRADES, UNLESS OTNERW St NCTEC. �� LICENSED NEW YORK ?C `moi ENG EER CFR I. 4G T H PROP ?OL ANG FOUNDATION M S'TICIE- C0. 5 WITH SEP URN ALL PROPOSED DOTT, S. SUPPORTS AND RAND ILA CHRI AND LGUPLIES WITH THE CCRREM NEN YORK PDCPTEG @U-NG CCCES Ph4�ILA CRItERN. -SKEET"lrtLE 4. THE CONTRADTOR 15 R --E TO m I nY - AL__?�aCGHMESTS R—H THGSE _ ----COMPOUND PLAN N THE STRECTVWL AN—ES CE TIRCAT:GN.PRIGR TO & D-I'VA?TION SOUTHWEST ELEVATION r s. N'.EER SCALE:'"=2 4"CR 2V ."=1C FGR 22"x34' (1 z i f( ELITE ELITE TOWERS LP. TOWERS I R, G UrE TOWERS L.R. FENCE PAST® FOUR INFORIAATION OR CONCERNS 4 WEST JEFRYN BLVD St RECARDING TI,S FACILITY <urtE as F SORENEQ4EEN D F 9RIC l /I .'E j< PLEASE CALL DEER PARK,NY 11723 ASECURED OST JkAKESR NGR N G WI —KERS ANN FBE- AGE lF REL STONE R ANG TOD OF AN3j, SQ STO TIOASI AN ELECTIONI LY AIII7CRED I i,ACCUMULA ON 3 RUShcO STC\E FACT TY CGb.FCi THE NE`i50YK LAUREL STONE ?I- f fi - C SZE Na.a'r MANAGEMENT CONTROL CEN.ER 2,(MINT 1 [ PRIOR TO ENTRY - _ CHAIN��NK f-veE I ff r S� NO TKESr ASS NG + I' ( �` coleawNa AR 3 i ¢..............4 a r c M �0 0o c oaaoeoe r_ o CONSTRU T' N DRAWINGS 1 I r r - u _ - I I ExisnNc GRAB£ 6 OS { �.m e,£Fl NG RAG re DFU C'St"% EA. R1z. 6vs- ( IDED-"fi3 RM!1dCRtlt h EP C WHITE 6AOKu OU LIDE £ A MEA_ i!C E I�SAG FSR 2f6tRCIK1: r' .E CGE^'ED C NTAG-IFE T WERE P E M GAZER'OR 31 6 f Svc FII2 dT51RCRT B R R G DG 5"GE=P TRD }+f r t TFA —DEC<.°E S_5GRACE ExACT TE—HaNE EMERGER�Y NURSER. 21D8'Z2✓6 1AFL F61 uTSIRLT.Q1 BURR EOTTGM FLAF E'LWF CTEG { FAERIC OR EO-Al NPL Emm EjEGRAOE )i 0,jtb16 ISSf1 TGE CON"NCOI SILT FENCE DETAIL , GRAVEL SURFACING DETAIL, GRAVEL ACCESS AREA DETAIL./--\ EMERGENCY SIGN DETAIL G 3 Glo-l�vs �FTne scsv,rvss. ' ;' SCALE:AT.S � _f -criE:ITS 't } scALE.rsTs. ciav3l�rs ieasn r�r,cr.+,aws Dewberry, Dewbeny Engineers Inc. I PensumAnrc Roan NG om I GATf POS.CDANER.TERV,INAL OR PULL POST 2-1{2'0 SCHEDULE 40 FOR GATE WIDTHS VP TROUGH 4 FEET PER 6n s4� sTM-F=GR3 `stc c UNE POST:2"m SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER ASTM-FIC53. 3. GATE FRAME: J2'" AG PPE FEE AST—F1 O6}, ^ Ali&BRACE RRL: 1-1/2',SCHECJLE 44 EPE PER ASTM-F1 O83, 5. FPR 12-GAUGE COPE W`RE 5�E 2 NCP,MES.CGHFORMING TO ASTM-A3N2. 2 5 if WIRE MIN J. VGE GAL/AN ZED S.EEL AT POSTa AND LS 5 Gtr WRAD F FABRIC AND AT TENSGN WIRE 6Y HOG WTH FABRO ALG Po T BARBS SEATED ON AP 167_L._INCIII GEN EFS GE1 K), i 1 T£NSIO.G 4R[ 7-CDOGE AL4AN"ZED E_. 5 GATE LATIH: CROP DOWN LOCK BL FORK LATCH AND LOCK.KEYED AIRE FGR Au SITES IN A GIVEN MTA 9 H GH <5 FEET V-RTICAL. FN G GRACE-MTC' _PE ✓rJ jib . t-`t T 55 AND E OF £X SS T E COG' THI.GS � K _ 1G.All FENCE COMPONENTS SHALL 6E GA'y'ANIZEC,E%CEPT CNAN LNK FENCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARM A'23-ENC(HOT-DIP PIRETD EY THEENGINEER - GALVANIZED)--NGS CN IRON AND STEEL DS CTS - _ - a1 .T -a LF'ncaz TYPICAL CHAIN LINK FENCING NOTES FL LNSTAti FENCINGRAS M F 55—WING GATES PER ASTM F-SDP) GATE —E POST SUPPORT APM m. C CORNER GATE Q g p-,I rtAR .PE' T DRAWN 6T: A ENO OR PUL_ TOP GRACE PAST RAL .a RAL I ., 0_L 6R.5CE �_ R—ED By v S F x- `max` - I L 13 -I CEKE'BY: GhNI GATE LATCH1 -I;I!" - - _ ; 1 _cr z y9 PR E PGVE :I *STRITH R 0391 t BAR CM1FF a -^ £ , �E ECT... SnOT0394 i DNGO ROD s.' + Al,iRDUAO ITYF, - - "+®• STEEL TURNBUCKLE m o y E aDE - I Cl G0—ROG a _ f j ASML _ EL + I _ _ _< 3-3 SITE AGDRCi_: l P20TTGM E:'S ON S 5; ­71 4\\F -I CLEANLLC11111 - TR LE -__ ->_ CaTEO�12`_^S) Fl S EG DE TW-" 1 CR1OW F11 HEC 2 GRCE NM%D NG GRiUN4G—O cXS TIG GROUND --. 755 MG,_N ROADC' CIEutA CE I2 % /l` f= R- , " A° TTITUGK, NY 11952 CO,.RETE FCCT NG LFROM T 'f D - € y4&OG P4'� _ fLFAF Nc.E rcOk G— MIit CON! —� k }F -Dun FOR EL EcrwG G GncRGR I.-RD .IN ?ADO PSI1 NOTE TWO;2J<'PYG SHEET 1TLE � FOR TELCO CHAIN LINK,CORNER,GATE -IML.sEFnru-eN PER Tecta ANG LmLITY CONCUITS END OR PULL POST DETAIL CHAIN LINK FENCE DETAIL CHAIN LINK GATE DETAIL aMRur R£Gu1REMEn^s. CIVIL/f STRvCT G�T.Ai_S-11 URAL I SHEET N'UMER- -_ FENCE COMPOUND DETAILS/NOTES ? 4"PVC UTILITY TRENCH DETAIL. C ;LIT TOWERS LP. 3-tl2"O.C. NI_TRUT FRE/CCNOUT L� Et1'S GR /l � ELITE TOWERS L.P. l d W UT FRYN BLVD FC_T P2558 35(G�V)(tt tA' CLLG I ALIT EGS c EGO EN NS FOR RD' GRG E .1 ; A,. S:Ea...E-N­SLOPE '_ER PARK,YY 1'723 ' S x "-Tv-ss c—Ell OF C­TP ECTEG B IL EYu .YEER. NIIN R'9NLt `TO BE�lL.0 EG 11 L_ _ Q w N;nG TAPE i LAUREL STONE 8 sC4 RANK F PE(C:44 X+-n EFUT ttP.icEe tj _ oR h / h Pe,,. , S.Rcs La .ABLE }en.,!nn Pv_L`f PLAN VIEW } - NDiT S; - \ } } t I CONSTRUCTION DRA;NINGS ta--UN STRtY v1„1 G-AL:' k - 3 9!ailt SS1E[bt EG UNG:s'llR6EP 5 0.j2 sq�fiR(II51RCiiT' Se SRF' Lav r�Ll TRc ir1=!s I:sa�e a*s!�Iav l .­ED IN.z`LSTsi ,isr 3ls,mDED rumsRD,'. ' t 3 � NG FINISH— �I�-_ � e:aa,'a,u iR'dsn Tet mmchs I l a N SANG N 1 CONCRETE PER -_ -- ... 1 _ B F y F 1- ,.LEcrF;coND:nT` DPriA berry j — �eci Dewberry Engineers Inc. 1 PR 'D ETI—Y�AV! I Ny^LF-. -'c GhuulTS - �DU E E OCK11 CfR CN S ARE OCNETS ., T­PER TES C ANDI FOR TE-CC 6W1EamPPANY ROAD PMiPPN�I'NOILit (TY, F 4CE EAN O ) i 'I Y RE.RE. l P­ FRONT FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW NEW METER BANK MOUNTING DETAIL:';1 MESA CABINET { 2”PVC UTILITY TRENCH DETAIL,/ , �t M. { - 9LALE:nrs. CONCRETE lEC.9CH l STEFL Fil.PE ' IR.,T.G P9:CONCRETE e I`=' Uv WIDE _ III A I Superior then,SUPerV r 1 - NN FACN FOOTiN _ - ­011—Y z � y � F61111.ET \���� PR E T J-E.. `OC1B399 I R _ tc 19 N BEc: - SOOhl390 s i BOLLARD DETAIL t 1�a` I�scx man W _ _ SITE AaGa=ss: BC4E:N'TS � _i -RMk 9 x 9 woo r wz.a 1 B. G.- EL E E E Cl:_ az STRUTITE PRG 1 GR7055 vIAIN ROAD Ja "stx.r+1G aEFr DF SIE RFPRO Eau ` - �: MATTITUCK, NY 11952 RTEsa a 2 .' A1C - 8E 5-.11�C -NEING 1. j - kANGFC E F Tb uanams ,• - # _ sa 3 ffiawmt ' i aa---x--z CONTRA _E E—RED 42ss:^_att# »tus>ti-Y ! PG NGE EX' s N KTS. "' E TTLE s� ! 1 S1iFFE RS O C= .AN 5 AROWARE 51u.y 9€ _ _ FR w9Ee RT N N caR s re LURm. CE!V'L/STR--CTURAL 5 :ATs S RC G TO AccOMNOOATE \ — MNk M 9ENGINc w: 11 In'—1 D_TA LS-2 C-E14 STONE 6, aR!6GE CCUPoNENTS SH9WN ME St u $_ 593`4-NF2PesNN(9C0) - -A.CR+'RER FCR E'xACT_ANP CURRERT SNEEf NUMBER I C42tE HEMA C. CONa UANL4 rcTAl nREA eF cGNCRETE Pra Is a'=a'=t6 sc.FT. G­­. FIRE DEPARTMENT WHIP --- ----. CONCRETE PAD DETAIL CABLE BRIDGE DETAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT CABINET DETAIL ANTENNA DETAIL e ERIE:Nrs. ~ 1 sGA;e:N-.9. E'N ^_r �-,— i FOR INTERNAL USE U11- ONNATI SITE PLAN USEDETERVu �,' eten ination J _ initial D Date Sent:-( � Project-Name: Project Address: ��"_ Zoning District. ---- . Suffolk County Tax Map No.:1 000---f -1 1 1 1 .1 ---f Id Requ-est -� supporting documentation,aii to (Note: Copy of D.uildirtg Permit Applicatted and supp g proposed use or uses should be Submitted.) ) X Initial Determination as to whether use is permitted: �. required:— p Initial Determination as to whether site an is r in Inspector Sig nature o" g artment (P.D.) Planning Dep Referral: 1, C � Date of t::oc�► �ent: 1-7 . P.-D.Hate Received:—i---i� Comment ,_,,,.-- Signature of Piar nln Review ept.°Staff Reviewer Fila dot r�1n tion Date: � 1 . Decision:�,.�.�_.....��.__._�..._.......__.._.�.._... .. ..� ..�.._ __...___.�.�..__ e� hafiirP of Rt ' cimo Insnp(-tor ' SPUD Addendum The Planning Department agrees that site plan approval and Special Exception approval pursuant to §2QO-73(A) bxthe Planning Board isrequired. Please note that the proposed action does not meet the Town Code for Wireless Communications Facilities in atleast the following areas: • §28O-7O(G)- Monopole does not meet the fall zone requirement of24D' w §280-70(l) o General Business (B) zone maximum height is 80'—proposed monopole is 120' o Minimum distance of all wireless equipment to adjacent residential property lines or streets isless than 6OOfeet. RE,NIELSEN,HUBER&COUGHLIN,LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW 36 NORTH NEW YORK AvENIIE HUNTINGTON.NEWYORK 11743 TELEPHONE:(631)425-4100 FACSIMILE:(631)425-4104 April 20,2017 By Hand Mr.Michael Verity Building Department Town of Southold Annex Building 54375 Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 RE: New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC("AT&T")—LI 371 Application to collocate on proposed Public Utility Wireless Communications Facility Premises: Laurel Stone 7055 Main Rd.,Mattituck,New York SCTM": 1000—122—6—35.4 Dear Mr.Verity: We are the attorneys for AT&T with respect to its application to collocate on a proposed public utility wireless telecommunications facility at the subject premises. As you know, our firm also represents Elite Towers, LP. ("Elite"), New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon Wireless") and the Mattituck Fire District ("Mattituck FD") in connection with their joint proposal to establish a communications facility at the subject property. On November 16, 2016, Elite, Verizon Wireless and Mattituck FD submitted a Building Permit Application to the Town. Thereafter, on or about December 23, 2017,the Building Department issued a Notice of Disapproval directing those applicants to submit their proposal to the Planning Board. AT&T now seeks to join the proposal, and we submit herewith the following documents for issuance of a Notice of Disapproval so that AT&T can join in the applications to, and review by the Planning Board: I. Building Permit Application Form; 2. Owner's Authorization Affidavit; 3. Shore 2 Shore Wireless,Inc. Check No. 1281 in the amount of$50.00,which sum represents the fee for a Notice of Disapproval; 4. Copies of FCC Licenses for AT&T,pursuant to Code§280-74B(1)(c); 5. Propagation Maps for AT&T, pursuant to Code §§ 280-74B(1)(d) and (e), together with a CD Rom,with digital files thereof, AT&T Proposal at 7055 Main Rd.,Mattituck April 20,2017 Page 2 of 2 6. Copy of Sublease Agreement between Elite and AT&T pursuant to Code § 280-74B(1)(9); and 7. Four (4) sets of Drawings with Site Plans and Elevations, prepared by Dewberry Engineers Inc.,C. Cirrotti,P.E.,Rev.6,dated April 14,2017. We ask that the materials included in the November 16, 2016, Building Permit Application of Elite, Verizon Wireless and Mattituck FD be incorporated by reference into the instant Application. Once issued,please forward the Notice of Disapproval to our office. Please advise should you require any additional copies or further information. Very truly yours, RE,NIELSEN,HUBER&COUGHLIN,LLP 0 ou l JC:pk Enclosures TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST BUILDING DEPARTMENT Do you have or need the following,before applying? TOWN HALL Board of Health SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 4 sets of Building Plans TEL:(631)765-1$02 Planning Board approval FAX:(631)765-9502 Survey SoutholdTown.NorthFork.net PERMIT NO. Check Septic Form N.Y.S.D.E.C. Trustees \lilt Flood Permit ExaminedR Storm-Water Assessment Foran [[// Contact: Attorney for Applicants: APA X 8 2017 Rc,Nielsen,Huber&Coughlin,LLP Approved <20_ Mail to: g Disapproved a/c 36 N.New York Ave.,Huntington,NY 11743 BUILDING DM. Phone: 6314254100 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Expiration 20 Building Inspector APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date 120 INSTRUCTIONS a.This application MUST be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector with 4 sets of plans,accurate plot plan to scale.Fee according to schedule. b.Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises,relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas,and waterways. c.The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d,Upon approval of this application,the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant.Such a permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e.No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose what so ever until the Building Inspector issues a Certificate of Occupancy. f.Every building permit shall expire if the work authorized has not commenced within 12 months after the date of issuance or has not been completed within 18 months from such date.If no zoning amendments or other regulations affecting the property have been enacted in the interim,the Building Inspector may authorize,in writing,the extension of the permit for an addition six months.Thereafter,a new permit shall be required. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk County,New York,and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings,additions,or alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code,housing code,and regulations,and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building for necessary inspections. Ive n 1S-LLC (Signature of app scant or name,if a corporation) One AT&T Way,3A212F,Bedminster,New Jersey 07921 (Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner,lessee,agent,architect,engineer,general contractor,electrician,plumber or builder Lessee Name of owner of premises Laurel Stone Supply Plus,Inc. limited liability corporation (As on the tax roll or latest deed) If applicant is a g61ins,signature of duly authorized officer New Cingular Wireless PGS,LLC,by: (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. Plumbers License No. y Electricians License No. Other Trade's License No. I. Location of land on which proposed work will be done: 7055 Main Road Mattituck House Number Street Hamlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section 122 Block 6 Lot 35.4 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot 2, State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy Masonry and hardscape supply yard b. Intended use and occupancy Same as above with public utility telecommunications facility 3. Nature of work(check which applicable):New Building Addition Alteration Repair Removal Demolition Other Work Collor-ate antennas within proposed 20'pu bi 1c-uTiTiFy-reTe—comm u nice I ionsp ote,aff ix a nd i nstall related le-q-u 3pm-e-nT.-a1Fa_s depicted in the-pTa—m (Description) submitted h6rewith 4. Estimated ost Fee (To be paid on filing this application) 5. If dwelling,number of dwelling units n/a Number of dwelling units on each floor If garage, number of cars Masonry and hardscape 6. If business,commercial or mixed occupancy,specify nature and extent of each type of use, supply yard 7. Dimensions of existing structures,if any:Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories 8. Dimensions of entire new construction*Front Rear Depth Height Number of Stories*Proposed antennas within proposed 120'tetecommunicadons pole 9. Size of lot: Front —Rear Depth 10.Date of Purchase October 30,2008 Name of Former Owner Robert G.Lauriguet and Renee M.Lauriguer 11.Zone or use district in which premises are situated B-General Business 12. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law,ordinance or regulation?YES NO X 13.Will lot be re-graded?YES_NO Will excess fill be removed from premises?YES—NO— Laurel Stone Supply Plus,Inc. 7055 Main Road 14.Names of Owner of premises Address Maiiiiuck.14Y 11952 Phone No. Name of Architect Address Phone No Name of Contractor Address Phone No. 15 a. Is this property within 100 feet of a tidal wetland or a freshwater wetland?*YES NO * IF YES,SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES&D.E.C.PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. b. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland?*YES—NO * IF YES,D.E.C.'PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 16, Provide survey,to scale,with accurate foundation plan and distances to property lines. 17. If elevation at any point on property is at 10 feet or below,must provide topographical data on survey. 18.Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property?*YES—NO *IF YES,PROVIDE A COPY, STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF NASSAU, Victoria Brennan being duty swom,deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant �—Me­c7fmdiv-i�ual signing contract)above named, (S)Hc is the Lessee (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief-,and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn before me this day of New Cinquiar Wireless PCS,LLC 0%9 By: V �Notdi5i*4W8t&te:of Ngw York Signature of Applicant No.VOR6252#92 Qualliried in Nassau County Co inion Expires Dec.5,201 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK:STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC At the premises("Premises") AUTHORIZATION OF 7055 Main Road OWNER Mattituck,New York Section 122,Block 6,Lot 35.4 STATE OF NEW YORK ) )SS.. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK } Edward Robert Schmidt,being duly sworn,deposes and says: I am the President of Laurel Stone Supply Plus, Inc., owner in fee of the premises known as District 1000, Section 122, Block b, Lot 35.4 (the "Premises" hereafter), and do hereby authorize New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T") and their representatives to bring such applications for municipal approvals as may be necessary for its collocation on the proposed public utility wireless telecommunications facility. As such,I will fully cooperate with AT&T and its agents in obtaining any required Approvals. Laurel�0 �uZ nc. 13Y Edward II �I. mi 't. Sworn to before me this I , " ay of C ° d »A 17 i O ARY PUB� ` CYNTHIA 14M.CU I Notary Public Site o New York No.OIW6100507 tlualili, In folk un REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the Mate that this referenea copy was generated.to eases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this doculnent may not be used in place of an official FCC 0 two � Federal Communications Co fission Wireless Telecommunications Bureau f�smRADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION N LICENSEE: NEWCIN, 7I LAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign File Number AM:REGINALD Y U k&l) WPOL311 NEW CINGULAR wtR&ESS° 0_R„,LLC Radlo Service 3300 E.RENNER ROAD,B31 ” � CW-PCS Broadband ° RICHARDSON,TX 7508 FCC Registration Number(FRN)-. 0003'29)-192 �� Expiration Date Print Date Grant Date Effective�e���r�, Ex P 08-15-2007 11-0,5-20f O6-27-2017 Sub-Market Designator Market Number '�Chpwel Block 2 BTA321 lt'lagrket ame ra,� Nev orka N ,,,m 1st Build-out Date 2nd Build-out Date 3wBulld-out Date 4th Build-out Date 06-27-2002 MN � Waivers/Conditions: ^, This license is conditioned upon compliance with the provisions of Ap ga oota,iaf AT&T Wireless Services,Inc.mid Cingular Wireless Corporation For Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses Aiith e'dons,Memorandum opinion and Order,FCC 04.255(rel.Oct.26,2004). Commission approval of this application and the licenses contained therein are sub e, Itl ilic co l ons set,forth in the Memorandum Opinion and Order,adopted on December 29,2006 and released on se ch 26,2007'and revised in the Order on Reconsideration,adopted and released on March 26,2007.See AT&T Inc.and Bc I titlt Corpora t on Application for"F afar of Control,WC Docket No.06.74,Memorandum opinion and Order,FCC 06-I89 s rel.' ".26,2007);AT T Inc.and BellSouth Corporation,WC Docket No..06.74,Carder on Reconsideration,FCC 07 (relk Ia1ar/ X07). Conditions; Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),this°l1' is subject to7the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor (lgh to the use frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized crelti h cilicense nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation«of� "om ur aetidof 1934, amended. See 47 U.S.C,§3'10(d). This license is subject in teens to the right of e or conA+ Y the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606, This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geograpitic area or spectrum identified do the hi d+co „v rsioo. To view times specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum and Market,�Arda informatio uncfcr the Market fab of the license record in time Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS ltomep�age at httTY//vrirelass.l"cc.gov/ul /indexhtm?job home and select"License Search`% Follow the instructions on hour to search for license information. FCC 6014111 Page I of 1 April 2009 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC.license.it is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated,to cases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCC license, o,Federal Communications Commission " N1, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE: NEW 64GILA.R WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign File Number ATTN:RE iI'NALD 1fCUN666 D KNLB3t2 NEW CINGU'LAR WiRtLESSPICS' I..LC Radio Service 3300 E.RENNER ROAD,B3"3 RICHARDSON,T 75082- WS-Wireless Communications Service e(r FCC Registration Number(FRN): 0003129; 192 Grant Date Effective Dam"'s Expiration Date Print Bate 09-27-2010 02-12;.Pt 07-21-201? Market Number k Chael Block h-Market Designator MEA002 Mark hme Ne�"'�! City Ist Build-out Date 2nd Build-out Date 3rOulld-out Date 4th Build-out Date 03-13-2017 09-13-2019 m" Waivers/Conditions: License renewal granted an a conditional basis,subject to the outcome o `t 'ceeding WT Docket Na. 10-112(see FCC 10-86,paras.113 and 126). This authorization is subject to the condition that,in the event that systems using the same frequ6cies as granted herein are authorized in an adjacent foreign territory(Canada/Mexico),future coordination of any busc sladorymnsmitters shall be required to eliminate any harmful interference to operations in the adjacent foreign territory and to ensure continuance of equal access to the frequencies by both countries. Conditions: Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309th),this 1io w"Is subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any rig4i in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other[Wanner than authorized,hereirt." leither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of tjteommttttications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use olr colot cotafnleiaed,by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified on the hardeoy vdrsion. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum and.M rltetArea Information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at http://wirciess.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm?job=home and select"License Search". Fallow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page I oft April 2009 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign: KNLE1312 File Number. Print Date: This authorintion is soject to'im condition that the remaining balance of the winning bid amount will be paid in accordance with part 1 of die Co issiop's rules,47 C.F.R.Part 1, License renewal is led on a conditional basis,subject to the outcome of FCC proceeding WT Docket No. 10.112(see FCC 10-86,paras.113 and 126).- r Pursuant to WCS larder onconsideration •CC 12-130,in order to obtain a renewal expectancy at the 7121117 renewal deadline,a licensee must,f, each license ar ,certify that it has maintained,or exceeded,the level of coverage demonstrated for thatlicense area at the 311312017oonrution deadline. ,J u a„ s FCC 601-MB Page 2 of April 2009 REFERENCE COPY This is not ars ofllcial FCC license.It is a record of"public info tier!contained in the FCC"s licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases wha:rre FCC rules require the presentation.,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCC 11rc,MC � ""IV " rha demi Communications C s . � Wireless Telecommunications Bureau RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION P ski u LICENSEE. NEW I'NO LAK WIRELESS PCs,LLC I" t Call Sign File Number ATTN:REGI-NALD"a'O GBLt�OD KNLB204 NEW CINGULAR WIFELESS°1*C,%,LLC Radio Service 3300 E.RENNER ROAD?133 32 WS-Wireless Communications Service RICHARDSON,TX 75082 ,? a FCC Registration Number(FRN): 000329. 192' Grant Date Effective,Dpt , Expiration Date Print Date 09-27-2010 02-12-20 07-21-2017 Market Number ``Cbs,n el Block Sub-Market Designator MEA002 A'' 0 Mark t,„N me Nea�" or1t City 1st Build-out Date 2nd Build-out Date ,3 rdBudd-out Date 4th Build-on#Date -20170913-2019 Waivers/Conditions: g' License renewal granted on a conditional basis,subject to the out oFCC pceeding WT Docket No.10-112(see FCC 10-86,Paras. 113 and t26). r This authorization is subject to the condition that,in the event that systems using the same frequencies as granted herein are authorized in an adjacent foreign territory(Canada/Mexico),future coordination of atry,,Iiase statiori`transmilters shall be required to eliminate any harmful interference to operations in the adjacent foreign tritory and tti insure continuance of equal access to the frequencies by both countries. r Conditions: Pursuant to 309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C. 309(h),ttti lic is subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor"any right in the use ofthe frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in.any other manner than authorixed,hcrein1" etcher the License nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of ate "ommuniations Act of 19,34,as ended. 'See 47 U.S.C. 310('d). This license Is subject in terms to the right of usc.o control cott("erred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C. 606. This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified on the hardcopy,vitsion. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum and Market Area information tinder the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at http://wireless.fcc.gov/uts/index.htm?job-home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of 2 April 2009 License@ Name: NEW LINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign: KNL3204 Pile Number: Print Date: W, This authori2abon is s0b9'cct to he condition that the remaining balance of the winning bid amount will be paid in accordance with Part I of the Co missioos rules,47 C.F.R.Part 1. License renewal is nted on-a conditional basis,subject to the outcome of FCC proceeding WT Docket No. 10-112(see FCC 10-86,paras.113 as 126).111-- N',, Pursuant to WCS Order o a Recons' deratlonr CC 12-130,in order to obtain a renewal expectancy at the 7121117 renewal deadline,a licensee must;f4each license area,certify that it has maintained,or exceeded,the level of coverage demonstrated for thatlicense area at the 3/131'201.7 constru &n deadline. ,I i Jr ,1 f e fi Pq` >d lei �r. FCC 601;-MB Page 2 of 2 April 2009 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public inibrrnadoo contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference atopy was generated.In cases whom FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,dais document may not be used in place of an oillr:ial FCC 1 11 co k �y «; Federal Communications Commission Wired Telecommunications Bureau RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION a LICENSEE: NE CJNG�LAR WIRELESS FCS,LLC Call Sign File Number A"'TTN:RE 1INALD YOUNG' 6�013 WQIU424 0006571662 NEW CINOULAR WIR9LCSSCS ,LLC 4 Radio Service 3300 E.RENNER ROAD,B,3 3 , WY-700 MHz Lower Band(Blocks A, RICHARDSON,T: "75052 B&E) FCC Registration Number(FRN): 00032PIO Grant Date Effective Dao, Expiration Date Print Date O1-06-2009 I2.05 X01" 06-13-2019 01-31-2015 Market Number ' Cha"" el Block Sub-Market Designator CMA001 ; 0 Mark t i me New York,NX- JINasp-SutTolk 1st Build-out Date god Build-out Date 3rmd�Rulld-Dart Date 4th Build•out Data9 12-13-2016 06-53-2019 Waivers/Conditions- If the aivers/Conditions:Ifthe facilities authorized herein are used to provide broadcast o eration r,Iwhw th exclusively or in combination with other services,the licensee must seek renewal of the license either within eight tom the commencement of the broadcast service or within the term of the license had the broadcast service not been provided,whichever period is shorter in length. See 47 CFR§27A3(b). �.....,,, This license is subject to compliance with the conditions set forth in the Commission's f3rder of Modification,WT Docket No. 12-69,DA 14-43,released January 16,2014. , " ..°. Conditions: Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),"'license is subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station noinny ri in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than audwrized,hcrei@�Neither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation oft:Com:nmuniations Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of usaor c �irol•confirred,by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified on thelhardcopy�yyersion. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorizer)by this license,refer to the Spectrum and Ira information under the Market Tab of the licensee record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at http:/Iwireless.fec.goviuls/index.htm?job-home and select"License Search". follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of I April 2009 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC,license.It is a record of public information contained in tine FCC"a licensing database on the dale that this reference copy was generated.to cases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this docurrunit may not be used in place oC art orticial FCC uctase.. roars* FederalCommunications is ion .,, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau ss wRADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION , ;CATION LICENSEE: NE*C1NGiL.AR WIRELESS PCS,LLC k Call Sign File Number ATTN:REGINALD YOU GB OOD WPWU948 0006571689 NEW CINGULAR Wl LESS1,PCS4LC Radio Service 3300 E.R.ENNER ROAD,B3132 WZ-700 MHz Lower Band(Blocks C, RICHAR.DSON,Tx 75032 f D) FCC Registration Number(FRN). 0003291472 .rte Grant Date Effective Dati"' ", ==E3x1pirRttonDate Print Date 01-24-2003 12-0 - 001-30-2015 Market Number Chan el Block Sub-MarlCef Designator CMA001 tlark�t lgarne New York,g" i Nassau-Sufftalk [21fstBuild-art Date god Build-out Date � 3r� Build-out.Date 4th Build-out Date 06-13-2019 NValvers/Conditions: if the facilities authorized herein are used to provide broadcast operatl w h exclusively or In combination with other services,tire licensee must seek renewal of the license either within eighty from the commencement of the broadcast service or within the term of the license had,the broadcast service not been provided,whic r period is shorter in length. See 47 CFR 27.13(b), Operation of the facilities authorized herein,are subject to the condition that hamr1W fmorference may not be caused to,but must be accepted from UHF TV transmitters in Canada and Mexico as identified in existing and au future agreements with those countries. Conditions, r' Pursuant to 309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C. 309(h),this ilceYs stdaject to the following conditions: "fhis license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any right to the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other moaner than autitorized3te,retn ° leither the license not the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of,be Communitations,Act of 1934,as arnended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or' coo" rol conf rre by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606, This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified do,the hardcopy version. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum and Market-Arca information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at http://wireiess.fcc.gov/uls/irtdex,htm?job=home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of 2 April 2009 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR.WIRELESS PCS,LLC Cali S190*. WPWU948 ""b File Number. 0006571689 Print Date: 01-30-2015 This license is kubfect to corrq�liance with the conditions set forth in the Commissions Order of Modification,WT Docket No. 1; -6 ,DA 14-4 ,released ry 16,2011. 'h W r r i °?t Oyu I. u FCC 601-MB F/ i Page 2 oft April 2009 REFERENCE COPY This is not on official FCC license,It is a record ofpublic information contained in tine FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases where FCC rules require tine presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCC ll " es u,Federal Communications Commission Wireless Telecommunications Bureau �z RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE; NENil C('NGa1 LAR WIRE-LESS PCS,LLC �t Call Sign File Number ATTN:REGINALD YOUN65L6OD WPZA235 NEW CINGULAR WlRiLESS PCS, LC Radio Service 3300 E.RENNER ROAD,B3132 WZ-700 MHz Lower Band(Blocks C, RICHARDSON,TX 75082 �- D) FCC Registration Number(FRN). 0003291192 Grant Date Effective D , Expiration Date Print Date 12-11-2003 05-0'1 0"I, 06-13-2019 Market Number '" hanei Block Sub-Market Designator EAG70l D1. 0 Markptame lor1 eastw ��. 1st Huifd-out Date 2nd Build-out Date 3rd Buik1-out Date 4th Build-out Date 06-13-2019 .. Iti WaiverslConditloos: ��" �nOperation of the facilities authorized herein,are subject to the condition that liar nterference may not be caused to,but must be accepted from UHF TV transmitters in Canada and Mexico as iden4fledin existing and any future agreements with those countries. If the facilities authorized berein are used to provide broadcast operations,whether exchi vely or i combination with other services,the licensee must seek renewal of the license either within eight years from tt a comntencornent of the broadcast service or within the term of the license had the broadcast service not been provided, ^ ichever p hod is shorter in length. See 47 CFR§27.13(b). ', Conditions. Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),this°Iicesb'1's subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any rihl,n the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized here in Neither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or other-wise transferred in violation of the eommunt -ations Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use.or coti6t conferred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified on the hardcopy,version. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum and Mprket Area information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at http;//wireless.fcc.gov/uls/index.htm?job-home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of 2 April 2009 Licensee Name- NEW CINGUL CC,WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign: WPZA235 File Number; Print Dater This application is'greoted pear tjant to the Commission's Order In the Matter of Qualcomm Incorporated petition for Declaratory Wing,, D„ , No.05-7,FCC 06-135,rete n!October i ,2006. � n n k 10. l� 0fiw 1k Pa(i/4 h Y f FCC 01-CCB Page I of 2 April 2009 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license,It is a record of public info ion 0011tsm0d it)the FCC"s licensing database on die date that this ttremnr eopy was generated,In cases where FCC riles require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used In place of an official FCC AMC Federal C I COMM*�SI ' Wireless Telecommunications Bureau " ICS STATION AUTHORIZATION LiCENSEE: NEO 6tNGl 'LAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign Fife Number ATTN,FLEGIa"wlALD YOUNGSL 1l WQ1Z617 NEW CINGULAR Wl'�LESS Pf'S�A1C Radio Service E 3300 E.RENN'ER,ROAD,8313 � WY-700 MHz Lower Band(Blocks A, RICHARDSON,TX 75082, �, B&E) FCC Registration Number(FRN): 0003291,102 Grant Date Effective Data°,,. Expiration Date Print Date 06-26-2008 05-01-20t-5 0L5 ; 03-07-2021 Market Number psi "Cha el Block Sub-Market Designator BEA010 0 Afar I"ame E== New Yotk__Nall New,,Iec-rLong Isl ------------------------ 1st Build-out Date 2nd Buildout Date Build-out Date 4th Build-out Date 03-07-2017 03-07-2021 Waivers/Conditions: If the facilities authorized herein are used to provide broadcast operations,,wlaetlt+ exclusively or in combination with other services,the licensee must seek renewal of the license either within eighty rrom the commencement of the broadcast service or within the term of the license had the broadcast service not been provided,whichever period is shorter in length. See 47 CFR§27.13(b). and � t' Conditions: Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),this licege is subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any ri ,h"I in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized�heicin°Neither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of U Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or con"rot cod ed Isy§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified on the do ,version. To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum and Market-Aced information under the M et T'ab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS ho€nepage at http,/IwiTeless,fcc.govlulslinadeat.litm7job=home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-NIB Page 1 of I April 2009 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing database on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCC liceni n "�oaaty r "y 'Federal Communications Commission Wireless Telecommunications Bureau RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE: 'NEW d(NGULAI W LCSS PCS,LLC Call Sign File Number � KNKA310 0006917888 ATTN:REGINALD Y6UNGBLO0% Radio Service NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS"OCS,UX CL-Cellular 3300 C.RENNER ROAD,131132` RICHARRDSON,TX 75082 '11Market Numer Channel Block CMA001 A Sub-Market Designator ........ FCC Registration Number(FRN): 0003291.192. ., 0 Market Name ,. New York,NY-NJ/Nassau-Suffolk Grant Date Effective Date Expirat"( Date Five Yr Build-Out Date Print Date 10-14-2015 10-14-2015 ' IO-t?l- 25 10-14-2015 ,w Site Information: Location Latitude Longitude Grou#J,Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (met (meters) Registration No. 10 40-36-05.0 N 074-06-30.3 W 116.1 2 Address: 140 Merrick Avenue (97374) City:STATEN ISLAND County:RICHMOND State:NY Coi tructlo Deadline: Antenna: 1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 13 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 139.900 143.100 I40.300 146.500 146.0Q6" " 128.100 140.700 137.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 278.600 129.600 12.300 1.000 0 600 0,600 11.200 135.700 : Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 780 22 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 139.900 143.100 140.300 146.500 14&000 128,100 140.700 137.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 6.000 83.500 284.700 183.300 22.401 1..501' 0.600 0.600 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 225e " 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 139.900 143,100 140.300 146.500 146.0001. 128.1t9 140.700 137.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.530 0.530 3.400 48.000 261400 236.400 39.000 2.400 Conditions: Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended.,47 U.S.C.§309(h),this license is subject to the, following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor Wright in the use of the frequencies designated in lite license beyond the term thereof nor in any other mariner than authorized in.-Weither the license not the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of use or control conferred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C. FCC 601-C Page 1 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CiNGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC 11 Cali Sign:KNKA310 "� File Number: 0006917888 Print Date: 10-i4-2015 J , Location LatitudeA„ Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to flip Antenna.Structure ,_1' (meters) (meters) Registration No. 13 41-01-51 N 071-58-32.3 W 53.9 52.7 Address:MOUNT UK STATE POINT BOULEVARD (5671) City:East Hatnpton County:SUFFOLK State:NY Construction Deadline: Antenna: I Azimuth(91ora true o db) Dew 45 90 135 I80 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(me)ers) 86.'00 83.300 86.900 86.900 86.900 86.200 86.000 86.900 Transmitting E (warts) �� "153.100 55.900 4,200 0.400 0.306 0.306 4.300 48.700 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 w� 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 6.900 83.300 86.900 86.900 86.900 86.200 86.000 86.900 Transmitting E (watts) 0.421 16.600 124.900 211.800 39.700 2.300 0.423 0.423 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north)�0 � 3 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height.AAT(meters) 80900 83.300 86.900 86.900 86.900 86.200 86.000 86.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 1.500 0.� 0.400 1.800 39.700 184.400 153.700 16.600 Location Latitude longitude ,&und Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure '(met ) (meters) Registration No. 28 41.15-30.5 N 073-32-04.9 W 48.5 Address:Route 35 and Route 123 (5583) City:South Salem County:WESTCHESTER State:NY,,,,,,Construction Deadline: Antenna:1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 �'� 5 I80 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 47.900 86.100 10.000 i39»500 144.200 113.300 153.500 116.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 61.600 9.400 0.681+0"° , 0.123 0.123 0.200 7.200 45.000 •gym. Antenna,2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 ... .... 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 47.900 86.100 109.000 139.500 144.200 113.300 153.500 116.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.100 0.400 7.900 361800 30.700 3.300 0.300 0.100 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 ,225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 47.900 86.100 109.000 139.500 144,200 10,300 153500 116.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.900 0.200 0.200 2.400 25.000 M900 63.300 11.000 f` FCC 601-C Page 2 of'22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CiNGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA310�� �^s.. File Number; 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Location f t)1ude {'bB Lon itude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (teeters) (meters) Registration No. ra 53 40-44-59 N�` �'°� 072-57-06.9 W 6.1 38.1 Address:40 South ountry lord (100666) City:Village of 13e 1pnrt ,Cottty:SUFFOLK State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 7 Antenna:1 Azimuth(4orn t ue:nlar ) ,,, 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) X36. 00 30.000 42.100 42.300 42.300 42.200 35.700 30.000 0�504.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) ' ".,i 37.300 240.800 27.000 0.500 0.500 0.800 270 31155 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true nort )p.�0 ''�, 45 90 135 190 27.5 270 Antenna Height AAT(meters) a SP1 t 30.000 42.100 42.300 42.30p 42.200 35.700 30,000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 3. 44.200 221.300 278.600 86.100 11.400 0.600 1.000 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north)" 0� �4 15 90 135 180 225 270 30- Antenna Height AAT(meters) 3(h001, 30:000 42.100 42.300 42.300 42.200 35.700 30.000 Transmitting ERF(watts) 0.600 0.600%.,, 1.100 0.600 1.200 61.000 278.600 70.000 /around Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure Location Latitude Longitude meds) (meters) Registration No. { 5441-01-46.5 N 072-29-50.2 W 17.7m" 30.5 Address:21855 County Road 48 (47250) t City:Cutchogue County:SUFFOLK State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 ,777 Antenna: 1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90,` (,3S 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 39.000 33.100 37,400 4.700 38.000 30.000 38.800 39.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 68.400 25.000 1.9 0 a 01M 0.136 0.136 1.900 21.800 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 13" 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 39.000 33.100 37.300 ,,,,30.700, 38.000 30,000 38.800 39.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.423 16.600 124.900 211,AO6 39.700 2.300 0.423 0.423 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 18 -225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 39.000 33.100 37.300 30.700 38.000 30000 38.800 39.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 1.500 0.400 0.400 1.800 30:700 181400 153.700 16.600 y FCC 601-C Page 3 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA310 " File Number: 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. 56 4038-04. N ,-,-' 073-19-57.0 W 3.0 38.1 1237189 Address: an ay (46940) City:Oak Beach .`County-sUrFOLK State:NY Construction headline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: 1 Azimuth(Ram ., ,16r1h) 8,1, 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(m+ ers) 30.000 31.300 31.800 32.000 32.000 32.000 32.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 242.700 53.100 1.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.700 54.300 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 \ 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.ODO 31.300 31.800 32.000 32.000 32.000 32.000 30.000 'rransuittting ERP(watts) 0.43tM 27.100 215.200 90.600 3.300 0.430 0.430 0.430 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) "0 X45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.001 31.300 31.800 32.000 32.000 32.000 32.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.400 0.4100,; 0.400 0.400 18.300 195.700 114.400 5.300 Location Latitude Longitude round Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure ( "s) (meters) Registration No. 58 41-28-20.1 N 073-49-00.2 W 3651 33.8 Address:CLARENCE FAHNESTOCK STATE PAR&ROUTE 3,01 (46730) City:COLD SPRING County:PUTNAM State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: 1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 r i.�5 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 270.600 85.500 16.1.400 1 9.600 16 LOW 182.400 200.000 254.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 121.600 51.900 4100`1, 0 8 ,, 0.243 1.100 13.300 65.300 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 13 1 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 270.600 85.500 161.400 159.600) 161.000 182.400 200.000 254.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 3.100 24.300 88.100 µ1d9 .506 24.300 2.700 0.700 0.300 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 .: 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 270.600 85.500 161.400 159.600 161, 0' 182.400 200.000 254.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 2.400 0.700 0.900 12.400 X6.100 21300 171.800 22.600 : l ,J n FCC 601-C Page 4 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA310 w,� File Number: 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Location Uti de, "a Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. 59 40-48.03. 074-48-24.9 W 319.1 37.2 Address:204 Spey Mountain Road (84017) City:Long Vallee Conty-,M RRIS State:NJ Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 a ,r Antenna: l Azimuth(60m titljortb) 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) ,JW00 30.000 125.100 183.000 157.400 115.300 156.700 131.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) 86.400 22.500 0.900 0.400 0.400 0.700 16.800 162.900 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from t !e north), 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) t° 125. 0 30.000 125.100 183.000 157.400 115.300 156.700 131.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.4j? 12.200 135.900 208.500 31.000 1.200 0.417 0.417 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north)'0 .45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 125,."200 3000 125.100 183.000 157.400 115.300 156.700 131.200 Transmitting ERF(watts) 0.400 0,40 0 2.400 41.600 189.000 71.800 4.900 Location Latitude Longitude 'round Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure " ( ,et6 ) (meters) Registration No. 60 40.49-27.5 N 074-46-28.4 W 3(2.r7''�, 54.3 Address:Flock-town Road (46652) City:Long Valley County:MORRIS State:NJ Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: 1 Azimuth(From true north) o 45 (35 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 67.300 30.090 96, 00 131.500 121.400 72.100 126.300 132.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 32.000 207.000 146 � 15.000 0.414 0.414 0.414 1.400 Antenna:2 Azimuth(From true north) 0 45 90 13 " 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 67.300 30.000 96.700 161 500 121.400 72.100 126.300 132.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.500 0.500 4.500 I.s0e 242.700 80.400 4.600 0.500 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 67.300 30.000 96.700 161.500 121400 7j,100 126.300 132.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 10.400 0.500 0.500 0.500 2;100 42,100 226.500 121.600 v ,'7 FCC 601-C Page 5 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Cali Sign:i NKA310 Pile Number. 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Location Lat) ado'� � Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (ureters) Registration No. 61 4032-45, N 074-44.21.8 W 57.9 42.1 Address:Route 20 &Evetgren Drive (46820) City:Branchburg o County*S6MERSET States NJ Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 r Antenna: I Azimuth(fiora tr 'Ortb) 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 43., 0 37.600 78.000 68.900 30.000 45.700 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP('watts) "(92.8'00 42.200 0.800 0.400 0.400 0.400 0.500 43.200 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 31 Antenna Height Axr(tneters) 43.8 37.600 78,000 68.900 30.400 45.700 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(waw) � w 5.' 114.700 132.000 10.540 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 Antenna:3 Azimuth(frown true north) '0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 43.80 37 600 78.000 68.9110 30.000 45.700 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0,300 0ON 0.300 0.300 5.900 114.700 132.000 10.500 Location Latitude Longitude /,found Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (m�fs) (meters) Registration No. 63 40-26-06.5 N 074-40-55.5 W 4 .5' : .,k 42.7" Address:42 Concord Lane (4844) City:MONTGOMERY TOWNSHIP County:SOMERSE , State:NJ Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna:1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 �5 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 49.700 57.900 49200 55,'100 42.400 31.600 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 115.700 190.200 35. � 1.500,„ 0.400 0.400 0.400 12.200 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 13 I80 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 49.700 57.900 49,200 X55-1 0 ��" 42.400 31.600 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.400 1.800 39.700 f$41.400 153.700 16.600 1.500 0.400 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 .-- 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 49.700 57.900 49.200 55.100 42 .600 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 6.600 0.700 0.500 0.500 t:800 00 77."00 242.700 88.600 n" FCC 601-C Page 6 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Cull Sign:KNKA310 � �, File Number: 0006917888 Print Dates 10-14-2015 Location Ls Longitude Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure N".,, (meters) (meters) Registration No. 64 40.58-36. N � 074-35-47.9 W 336.2 28.6 Address: I1MOM Trait_(4870) City:JEFFERSON `OW Hn County:MORRIS State:NJ Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: I Azimuth(�am rt'b) 0,,a, 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(m )ers;) 192.9100 68,100 79,300 155.800 105,200 69.600 110.000 122.400 Transmitting ERP(watts) ` 42.700 103.500 9.700 1.600 0.500 2.200 26.600 130.30E Antenna:2 Azimuth(thorn to north)„ 0"� u 45 90 135 180 223 270 315 Antenna lielght AAT(meters) 92-M 68.100 79,300 155.800 105.200 69,600 110.000 122,400 Transmitting ERP(watts) �' ", 0,50 4.500 40.300 160.300 237.100 65.300 6.700 1.400 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true nnrth)�0 ",490 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 92.900 68100 79.300 155.800 105.200 69.600 110.000 122.400 Transmitting ERP(watts) 6.700 MON 0.500 4.500 40.300 160.300 237,100 65.300 Location Latitude Longitude � ,Luad Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (met"; ) (meters) Registration No. 65 40-24-05.9 N 074.38-50.2 W 4 3 °N�n„ 33.5 Address:YOUNG DRIVE-ROCKY HILL WATEWTANK (16070) City:ROCKY HILL County:SOMERSET State:NJ Ctt'ristruct'inn Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: I Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 �5 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 53.800 51,000 31.,00 ,800 50.300 30.000 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 36.400 178.500 203.4% j'1,1001 4.300 0,406 0.406 3.000 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 t3� I80 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 53.800 51.000 31.200 '51. 00 50.300 30.000 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.400 0.400 6.100 71'ol 178.500 119,900 19.900 1.400 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 ___225.", 225 270 315 11 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 53.800 51.000 31.200 51.800 50,300" 30,000 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 93.000 10,700 0.600 0.500 ^°100 M7: (0 123.500 239.000 r FCC 601-C Page 7 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA310' � File Number: 0006917888 Print Date: 1044-2015 Location Lat)tud -' Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. 66 40..54.341; N 074-44-38.5 W 250.2 46.6 Address:207 WATERLOO VALLEY ROAD (16600) City:MOUNT OLIVE Couv'q-MORRIS State:NJ Construction Deadline: 12.31-2015 Antenna: I Azimuth(4m b^uarorth) 0. 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna height AAT(meters) 81. 00 30.000 45.600 30.000 30.000 67.400 60.400 78.800 Transmitting ERP(watts) 192.800 88.300 11.600 0.700 0.400 0.500 I0.600 84.100 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0����p 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(nteters) '81.7 45.600 30.000 30.000 67.400 60.400 78.800 Transmitting ERP(watts') ��,m,3.3 .37-000 157.900 148.500 31.700 2.400 0.315 0.315 Antenna:3 Azimuth('turn tate north) m 0 1. 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 81'.900 30;000 45.600 30.000 30.000 67.400 60.400 78.800 Transmitting ERP(watts) 31.700 2.4tpM,., 0.315 0.315 3.300 37.000 157.900 148.500 Location Latitude Longitude round Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure ('metrs) (meters) Registration No. 67 41-10-53.6 N 074-23-16.1 W 310A 41.2 Address:776 Warwick Turnpike (26659) City:Hewitt County:PASSAIC State:NJ Constructl o,Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: 1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90`, �5 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 215.500 97.800 139,400 20,400 92.200 40.700 117.600 176.900 Transmitting EAP(watts) 248.300 61.400 2.6 �(t'°"� 0.50?, 0.500 0.500 1.600 57.200 Tre Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 1,35-1 I80 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 215.500 97.800 139.404240«40(1 92.200 40.700 117.600 176.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.700 29.400 221.500 !) ,600 5.500 0.443 0.500 0.443 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 215.500 97.800 139.400 240,400 92.200` 4(}700 117.600 176.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.400 0,600 0.400 13.500 72.200 15� 00 11.500 0.400 FCC 601-C Page 8 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA310 ,; File Number: 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Location LAtitudek Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration Na. 68 40.30-19. N 074-43-47.1 W 30.8 44.2 Address: 110 Woodfern Road, City:NESHANI STATI IN,-"County:SOMERSET State:NJ Construction Deadline: 12-31-2D15 Antenna: I Azimuth(Earn true t(orth') 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) (30.600 34.300 44.300 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 215.200 27.700 0.430 0.430 0.430 0.430 2.400 94.900 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north),, 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) "-301060 34.300 44.300 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.504 0.500 38.400 231.100 70.200 1.900 0.500 0.500 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true nmah)'�0' 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AA.F(meters) 30.000 34.300 44,300 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.400 0.4 0.400 0.400 18.300 195.700 114.400 5.300 Location Latitude Longitude ,J"01round Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (Meters) (meters) Registration No. 69 40-5648.1 N 073-03-37.1 W 36.0 Address:200 BELLE TERRE ROAD (5700) City:Port Jefferson County:SUFFOLK State:NX Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna:1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90� t35 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 97.000 97.000 51900 6.800 58.800 56.500 93.200 96.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 21.100 11.100 1.Sdo- 0 100 0.1o0 0.200 1.800 11.600 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 13� 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 97.000 97.000 53.900 `63.800 58.800 56.500 93.200 96.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 3.000 30.100 108.000 f�50i 48.500 5.500 0.247 0.247 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 - 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 97.000 97.000 53.900 63.800 58.800 56500 93.200 96.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 2.600 0.313 0.313 6.300 1,6.800 I5 700 126.800 26.300 0 FCC 601-C Page 9 of 22 August 2007 Licensee name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA310 File Number: 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Location Lat) tdeN Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure . .. (meters) (meters) Registration No. 70 40-59-37.0 i"^T 072-10-17.0 W 27.4 107.6 1003631 Address:SPRING&FIREPI,ACERD&ABRAHAM PATH (5672) City:EAST HAMPTON CC tauty:SUFFOLK State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: I Azimuth(91om true r" h), 0, 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(met ) 109,500 112.100 109.30 111.400 110.700 105.400 103.800 106.500 Transmitting ERP(watts) )21.600 63.100 8.800 0.900 0.243 0.900 9.900 64.600 Autenum 2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 A 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 109. 00 112.100 109.300 111.400 110.700 105.400 103.800 106.500 Transmitting E (watts) 4.,00 140.700 184,110 229.100 73.300 7.800 0.600 0.500 Antenna:3 Azimuth(front true north) 0 X45 90 135 ISO 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 109.500 111.100 109.300 111.400 110.700 105.400 103.800 106.500 Transmitting ERP(watts) 3.700 0.500\ 0.500 9.100 78.500 229.100 184.100 37.200 --------------- Location Latitude Longitude 41ound Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure {mets) (meters) Registration No. 71 40-56.20.9 N 072-4640.4 VJ 2 :3 37.5 1006549 Address:FRESH POND RD (5687) City:CALBERTON County:SUFFOLK State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: 1 Azimuth(from true north) o 45 90 ,� - (�5 I80 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 61.600 56.100 51.,00 315 43.200 38.900 30.000 58.100 Transmitting ERP(watts) 121.600 40.300 2.300 0.2 : r 0.243 0.243 2300 35.900 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 13 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 61.600 56.100 51.30050 43.200 38.900 30.000 58.100 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.600 12.500 129.90007�800f 36.400 1.000 0.415 0.415 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 61.600 56.100 51300 35.400 43.200` A900 30.000 58.100 'Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.414 0.414 0.414 1.400 3,1000 20"x.000 146.200 15.000 41 µ p Nd' .J FCC 601-C Page 10 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA3110 ��,6 File Number: 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Location tde �a Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure u (meters) (meters) Registration No. 72 41.27.49,N 073-38-58.3 W 269.4 39.9 Address:TOP OF CHO ROAD (5555) City:Lake C c County: State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: I Azimuth(4am worth) 0� 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(maters) 30:11000 61.300 110.800 136.700 168.700 112.400 47.600 98.400 Transmitting ERI'(watts) . X2.200 56.000 3,400 2.000 0.200 2300 9.400 70.500 Antenna,2 Azimuth(front true nortb) 0 T„4 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) X30.8 61.300 110.800 135.700 168.700 112.400 47.600 98.400 Transmitting E (water) t 0.11.A00 17.100 42,600 12.100 0.600 0.100 0.100 Antenna:3 Azimuth(fmm true north) 0 X45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT`(meters) 34.800 61:300 110.800 136.700 168.700 112.400 47.600 98.400 Transmitting ERP(watts) 6.200 0 "m0" 4.900 25.800 186.500 238.300 180.200 14.300 ��k Location Latitude Longitude kound Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (rums) (meters) Registration No. 73 41-25-549 N 073-52-49.7 W 3 5 0 113A 1010179 Address:ROUTE 301 (5558) City:Cold Spring County:PUTNAM State,.NY Coust uctiou Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: 1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90y �5 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 217.000 132.400 189»700 201.600 299.100 301.600 285.300 300.300 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.300 11.400 71.00 ; 97.60(1 14900 0.900 0.200 0.200 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 13 ` 1 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 217.000 132.400 188.700 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA310 File Number: 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Location L d\ �, Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure ' (meters) (meters) Registration No. 74 41-06.14.1 N "°� 072-22-25.1 W 5.2 50.9 Address:Moore's Lane (5675) City:Greenport i.ount (SUFf OLK State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna:I Azimuth(timm � e.rtiorth) 0,, 45 90 135 ISO 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 47.0,00 46.400 47.000 44.800 42.800 40.100 47.900 47.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 5.400 17.000 13.100 2.800 0.300 0.100 0.I00 0.500 Antenna'.2 Azimuth(from true noir), 0,'',,, 45 90 135 ISO 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) '47.9W 46.400 47.000 44.800 42.800 40.100 47.900 47.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.239 3.900 37.900 11&000 91.600 17.000 1.500 0.236 Antenna,3 Azimuth(f am true north) 0 145 90 135 ISO 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 47.900 46.400 47.000 44.800 42.800 40.100 47.900 47.900 Transmitting ERF(watts) 0.800 0. 0.400 6.900 58.800 144.400 76.000 10.200 ) Location Latitude Longitude ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. 75 40-52-34.0 N 073-22-I4.1 W »6 25.3 Address:Alvord Court (541 l) City:Greenlawn County:SUFFOLK State.-NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: 1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 1''35 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 108.500 99.400 65.400 67100 61.400 46.700 91.000 104.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) 81.600 104.300 28.700",, 2 0 , 0.208 0.208 1.300 16.300 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 1335 "1 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 108.500 99.400 65.400 67.8010 ) 61.400 46.700 91.000 104.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.400 6.100 60.000 0,000 145.200 27.000 2.400 0.400 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 108.500 99.400 65.400 67.800 61.400` 4&700 91.000 104.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) 12.200 0.900 0.413 1.100 J, ,600 10ir000 206.500 96.500 N FCC 601-C Page 12 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS FCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA310 File Number: 0006917888 Print Bate: 10-14-2015 Location Lati d ��� Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. " 76 40.57-22 N° 072-58-25.0 W 65.5 40.5 1013195 Address:S'YOSSE ROAD,0+695) City:SOUND BEACH Caunip SUFFOLK State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: t Azimuth( cm y orth') 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meIers) 9N00 90.200 49.800 65.100 56.800 51.100 78.700 90.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) `10.500 14.800 2.300 0.200 0.100 0.200 2.200 15.100 Antenna:2 Azimuth(froze,true noM) 0 ~�, 45 90 135 I80 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) f" "90.200 90.200 49.800 65.100 56.800 51.100 78.700 90.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) 2.50, 32.500 162.800 208.100 57.300 5.100 0.416 0.416 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 `45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 90.200 96!200 49.800 65.100 56.800 51.100 78.700 90.200 Transmitting ERP(watts) 2.300 04)(1 0.416 6.000 62.900 208.100 159.100 27.600 X- "IX Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (rnei: s) (meters) Registration No. 77 40-52-10.0 N 072-34-35.0W E `P4��!�?"N 51.8 1003626 Address:OLD COUNTRY RD&E END AVE (561 City:EAST QUOGUE County:SUFFOLK State:NY 6nstructlon Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: I Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 � 5 1$0 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 83.300 86.400 $'7. 00 4.900 89.700 85.100 48.400 74.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 242.700 148.800 30141( 3'.70,01 0.5010 4.300 30900 145.400 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 �l 13S S"��� 180 225 270 315 �~ Antenna Height AAT(meters) 83.300 86.400 87.100 X 89 6," 89.700 85.100 48.400 74.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.500 4.300 30.900 45�.40� 242.700 148.800 30.200 3.700 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation Strocturt 11gt i'611p Antenna Structure (meters) (meteors) \1 Registration No. 78 40-58-10.8 N 072-20-46.6 W 77.1 91.4, 1014849 Address: E City: Harbor County:SUFFOLK FFOLK rynState:NY Construction Deadline: 12- (�d-4 015 Antenna: 1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 22 & 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 123.900 125.700 107.900 122.200 122.900 111AN,' 124.400 123.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 40.900 108.600 65.700 9.700 0.5001 0x217 3.700 B° FCC 601-C Page 13 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA310 ''' File Number; 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Location ,atltrrd:: Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meter ) Registration No. 78 40-58-10 N 072-20-46.6 W 77.1 91.4 1014849 Address:i ii I3L , INE ROAD;D (5674) City:Sag Harbor Count rStrFOLK State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna:2 Azimuth(dom true north) 0� 45 90 135 ISO 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 123,900 125.700 107.900 122.200 122.900 111.400 124.400 123.900 Transmitting ERP(watts) 4.341 2.800 42.800 170.500 140.700 2 2225 5 2 77 15 00 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north), 0( °. 45 90 135 180 0 315 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 123.�9,r00 125.700 107.900 122.200 122.900 1 It.400 124.400 123.900 Transmitting.ERP(watts) 05089 0,500 1.000 13.400 121.900 242.000 96.400 11.300 Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure Location Latitude � ::i::fituaie "'` -,(Meters) (meters) Registration No. 79 40-43-03.0 N 073-16-27.0 W 8.5 45.7 1013196 Address:ORINOCO DR (5718) City:HAY SHORE County:SUFFOLK State.N) Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: 1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 9 135 l8D 225 270 315 )t Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 32.700 45. 46.800 46.800 46.700 33.400 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 231.700 103.500' 12"200,,,, 0.800 0.50D 1.000 14.600 108.400 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 905 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 32.700 45 00 4800 46.800 46.700 33.400 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 2.500 32..500 I62-.SK 208.100 57.300 5.100 0.416 0.416 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 134 1 S4 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 32.700 45.900 ',46.800 46.800 46.70D 33.400 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 2.300 0.416 0.416 a 00D 62900 208.100 159.100 27.600 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation StrucWre,.Hgtta;1"lp Antenna Structure (meters) (mete Registration No. 81 40-35-19.3 N 073-41-49.1 W 1.2 31.4 1 Address. 1039 West Park Avenue (5107 1) City:Long Beach County:NASSAU State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2pl5 Antenna: t Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 ISO 225 , 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 30.000 30.200 30.800 30.800 30.800, 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 242.700 53.100 1.000 0.500 0.500 0, Oh700 54.300 1 d FCC 601-C Page 14 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA310File Number: 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14.2015 r Location Lat)tudeu,1 Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. 81 40.35-19.N°-^°'° 073-41-49.1 W 1,2 31.4 Address: 1039 Wet'llark Avenue (51071) City:Lang Beach.f County:lr"ASSAU State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna:2 Azimuth( om true off), 0,,," 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 30.000 30.200 30.800 30.800 30.800 30,000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) •°" *6.400 4.300 117.000 191.300 19.600 0.400 0.400 0.400 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from tnic north) 0�'2nx45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) '30,000 30.000 30.200 30.800 30.800 30.800 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.4410 0.400 0.400 0.400 18.300 195.700 114.400 5.300 Location Latitude Lon itudta�," Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure .m (meters) (meters) Registration No. 82 40-36-049N 073-30-12.4 W 1.2 34.1 Address:JONES BEACH MARINE THEA.fE (('5223 City:WANTAGH County:NASSAU S€ate: ?Con4tructlon Deadline. 12-31-2415 Antenna:I Azimuth(from true north) 0 45, n 90` 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 34.000 30.000 30.01 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 242.700 117.500 ,)8':010 1.200 0.800 1.300 17.200 120.200 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 30.000 30`.000 34:000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 2,700 36.600 181301 „ 2;12.200 67.900 8.400 0.500 OA44 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 13" - 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 30.000 30.000 10.000 30,000 30.000 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 3,500 0.800 0.500 7(1o, 69.400 227.300 173.100 35.800 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation Structure llgt lh'Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters): Registration No. 83 41-15-38.7 N 072-00-51.9 W 23.2 20.4 Address:ICT ORIENTAL AVE&ETUCK AVE (35798) City:FISHERS ISLAND County:SUFFOLK State:NY Construction lleadllua; 12.312015„ Antenna:1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 225 2311 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 31.600 33.800 33.800 33.800: .33.800,E 31333 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.500 13.500 17.000 1.400 0.100 01100 0.100 a FCC 601-C Page 15 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA310 z` 4 File Number: 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Location 'L,aVI ds Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure "may (meters) (meters) Registration No. 83 41-15-38. N 072-00-51.9 W 23.2 20.4 Address:JCT ORt ALAANE&ETCICK AVE (35798) City:FISHERS ISA CoiotT:SUFFOLK State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna:2 Azimuth(Rorn true'atr ). 0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna height AAT(mlers) 30)00 31.600 33.800 33.800 33.800 33.800 33.800 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 5.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 1.500 1.000 0.100 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north),,,,o .r�, 45 90 135 I s0 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) ,f ,0.00)0 31.600 33.800 33.800 33.800 33.800 33.800 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.2� 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.300 1.100 Location Latitude Lougltudw,J"N Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure " -,.(meters) (meters) Registration No. 84 40-5746.4 N 072-40-46.9 W 51.9 45.7 Address:900 Reeves Avenue (46540) City: IUVERHEAD County:SUFFOLK State:tp( Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: I Azimuth(from true north) 0 451 90 e., 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 59.800 59,86 52 300 50.500 40.400 44.300 32.800 59.800 Transmitting ERP(watts) 142.900 35.900 0A 0.300 0.600 0.300 0.600 31.300 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 ,,,� (35 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 59.800 59.800 52A00 54.500 40.400 44.300 32.800 59.800 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.400 3.300 to§ms 191.3,00 21.500 0.400 0.400 0.700 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 I80 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 59.800 59.800 52.300 i 50.5'00 d/' 40.400 44.300 32.800 59.800 Transmitting ERY'(watts) 0.500 0.400 0.400 D0.4 0el 14.800 182.700 119.800 5.200 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt(b."Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. 85 40-45-33.3 N 073-11-30.4 W 12.2 71.9 Address: 170 FEDERAL PLAZA (26838) City:CENTRAL ISLIP County-SUFFOLK State:NY Construction Deadline:1.2-31-2015 Antenna: I Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 2 5 , 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 45.200 41.400 66.200 74.400 74.400 `- 73.404) 52.900 31.100 Transmitting ERP(watts) 242.700 117.500 18.000 1.200 0.800 1.3010 11.200 120.200 ` k 1 F SCI.601-C Page 16 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA310' ,.es File Number: 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Location 1 wpde. Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Rgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. 85 40.45-33. 073-11-30,4 W 12,2 71.9 Address: 170 F LYLA, (26838) City:CENTRAL 1SLIP SUFFOLK State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna:2 Azimuth(dm t'r'ue rt ) 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 11 Antenna Height AAT(meters) -3 00 31.700 56,400 64,700 64.600 63.700 43.200 70.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) ;,N`` -x.700 36.600 181.300 222.200 67.900 8.400 0,500 0.444 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true nom) 0 �� 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 35.5 0 31,700 56,400 64.700 64.600 63.700 43.200 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 1. 06 0.800 0.500 6,700 69.400 227.300 173.100 35,800 Location Latitude 1.Aongitut!d d"""', Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. 86 41-03-51.8N 071-52-38.3 W 1&6 36.6 1252312 Address:Cal.Daniel Wolf Pd.-Camp Hera State P h* 9006) City:Montauk County:SUFFOLK Stater�4Y, C nsttctloa Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: I Azimuth(from true north) 0 45,. 9i""% 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 47.600 47.600 47,660 47.600 47.600 46,600 45.800 47.500 Transmitting ERP(watts) 4.000 9.400 2.700 0300 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.500 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 °70. � 5 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 47.600 47,600 47:6004.600 47.600 46,600 45.800 47.500 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0,100 0,100 0.700°'"l,, 6.700,, 19,300 6.700 0.900 0.100 Antenna:3 Azimuth from true north 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 47.600 47,600 47,600 ;47.6"-00 , 47.600 46.600 45.800 47.500 Transmitting ERP(watts) 1.400 0.200 0.100 '630V"' 0,300 4.600 17.400 9.500 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation Structure!St to,"1°lp Antenna Structure (meters) (meters)� Registration No. 87 40-44-31.9 N 074-46-12.6 W 271,3 44.2,` Address: 12 Parker Road(48164) City:Long Valley County:MORRIS State:NJ Construction Deadline: 12-31-2415 Antenna: 1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 ,225 ' �4" 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 78.100 149.600 232.500 199.4110 . 121.800 97.500 65.600 Transmitting ERP(watts) 239.600 225.500 71.900 10.500 1.100 0.8 13.100 91.700 FCC 601-C Page 17 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW LINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Cali Sign:1 N A310 File Number: 0006917888 Print Date' 10-14-2015 Location 'Lat)�da"%6 Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration Na. 87 40-4431'N° W 271.3 44.2 Address: 12 Parini Road(48164) City:Long Valley;` County.MORRIS State:NJ Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna:2 Azimuth(tiom trcntiorth) 0..", 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(neuters) JOM 78.100 149.600 232.500 199.400 121.800 97.500 65.600 Transmitting ERP(watts) yZ 011600 0.900 18.300 80.900 121.600 82.700 14.800 2200 Antenna.3 Azimuth(from true north) 0""�x 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 78.100 149.600 232.500 199.400 121.800 97.500 65.600 Transmitting E (watts) 11'x.400" 15.500 2.000 0.800 6.700 66.200 217.700 243.200 Location Latitude Longitudr'J Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. 88 40-37-17.0 N 074-30-14.0 W 167.0 122.2 1045121 Address:7 GEIGER LN(4815) City:WARREN TOWNSHIP County:StJ1�+ER§E"1 � State,:NJ Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: I Azimuth(from true north) 0 4 5, f 135 180 225 270 315 191.900 l7?.700 126.900 118.000 Antenna Height AAT(teeters) 131.900 120:)00 177,600 190.000 Transmitting ERP'(watts) 150.400 142.0004 0.300 0.300 1.100 33.400 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90"""""," ')35 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 131.900 120.100 177 600 10.000 191.900 177.700 126.900 118.000 Transmitting ERI'(watts) 0.317 2.000 42.E 158.800 128.100 15.300 0.317 0.317 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 13 � '. 180 225 270 315 177.600 190.000 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 131900 120.100 191.900 177.700 126.900 118.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 21.400 0.400 0.300 0.300 1.100 33.4Q0 150.400 142.000 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to"yip Antenna Structure (meters) (met )� Registration No. 89 41-04-54.9 N 074-29-36.0 W 278.6 49.4.1 " Address:3522 Route 23(2666 1) struction Deadline: 12-31-2615 City:Stockholm County:PASSAIC State:NJ Con Antenna:l Azimuth(f om true north) 0 45 90 135 180 225 770 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 30.000 54.100 71.700 58.300 30-0001,0 57-501111 97.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 108.400 171.800 29.900 0.800 0.343 O)313/ 0,,500 10.100 FCC 601-C Page 18 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA310 '11% File Number: 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Location Latrdd�� Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure �.,,,,- (meters) (meters) Registration No. 89 41.04.,54,4 N-m 074-29-36.0 W 278.6 49.4 Address:3522 Routi23(2666 1) City:Stockholm f CouutXa P SSAlC State.NJ Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna:2 Azimuth'( nt tie ort ) 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.00 30.000 54.100 71.700 58.300 30.000 57.500 97.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) "0.328 1.100 25.400 164.400 116.100 11,900 0.328 0.328 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north),, 6 45 90 135 I80 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) �' 30.001 30.000 54.100 71.700 58.300 30.000 57.500 97.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 16. 0 0.300 0.300 0,300 0.800 18.800 146.200 136.500 Location Latitude Longitudegr'` Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. 90 40-40-50.81'4 073-23-23.1 W "5.5 54.2 Address:GARFIELD AND LAMBERT AVEJE(073 City:COPIAGUE County:SUFFOLK Statea�k Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna:1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 9 ° 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 30,00 42.2;1 42.200 42.300 42.200 34.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 242.700 117.500 )81000.-, 1.200 1.200 0,800 1.300 17.200 120.200 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90:x,. e� ��X135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 30,000 42. 00 4J:20�0 42.300 42.200 34.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 2.700 36.600 18'1�«30�u 2,22.200 67.900 8.400 0.500 0.444 Antenna:3 Azimuth(€torn true north) 0 45 90 135""` 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 30.000 42.200 42. 00 42.300 42.200 34.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 3.500 0.800 0.500 300e,"' 69.400 227.300 173.100 35.800 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation Structure HIP16,Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meterar Registration No. 91 41-29-23.9N 073-49-15.9W 376.1 33.5 Address:Long Hill Road(5585) City:Hopewell,function County:PUTNAM State:NY Construction Deadline:12-31-2015 Antenna: l Azimuth(from true north) 0 43 90 135 180 225)2� 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 319.000 217.400 167.300 186.600 162300 .,200 230.400 322.400 Transmitting ERP(watts) 47.800 48.900 31.900 3,000 1.100 0.2 2000 12.000 FCC 601-0 Page 19 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign;KNKA3 10, File Number; 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Structure Hgtto Tip Antenna Structure Location La tltud �"I Longitude Ground Elevation 1, "61) (meters) (meters) Registration No. 91 41-29-,23.?N " 073-49-15.9 W 376.1 33.5 Address:Long 14O Road(5585) City:Hopewell jurtction, Cotihty:PUTNAM State-NY- Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna,2 Azimuth(doml,nue l(larth) 0 45 90 135 ISO 225 - 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 319«000 217.400 167.300 186-600 162,300 200.200 230.400 322.400 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.237 2.300 20.200 80.400 118,900 32.700 3,300 0.700 Antenna-.3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 ISO 225 270 315 Antenna Height AA,r(meters) 319. 217.400 167.300 186.600 162.300 200.200 230,400 322A00 Transmitting ERP(watts) 47 0,800 0.243 1.100 13.300 65.300 121.600 51.900 Location Latitude Longltude,�11` Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. 92 40-35-44.1 N 07345-19.6 W 4.3 24.4 Address:20-12 SEAGIRT BOULEVARD(512;) ",' City:FAR ROCKAWAY County:QUEENS,- State!yll ,Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna- I Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 901" 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 30,000 30.01 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 242.700 78.1'00 6A60 1.200 0,500 1,100 7.400 81.800 Antenna,2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 go, 145 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 30.000 30.000 3 000 30,000 30.000 30-000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 2.000 17.800 145.70% 215-900 36,400 3.200 0.600 0.431Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 . ...... 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30-000 30.000 30.000 30.000 ) 30,000 30.000 30.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 1.900 0.431 0.431 4300,,,"' 40.000 215,900 145.700 15.900 Location Latitude Longitude Ground Elevation Structurefttio,Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters)` Registration No. 93, 41-30-52.2 N 073-39-45.6 W 301.4 55.21 1011871 Address: 183 DENTON LAKE RD(5625) City: HOLMES County-PUTNAM State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31. Antenna: I Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 135 180 ,225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 92.500 107.800 93.200 144.000 169.700 90-500,0' 128-000 174.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 38,500 13.900 0.900 0.100 0,100 6.1ov, 0,900 12.400 FCC 601-C Page 20 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Name: NEW LINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA3 M' File Number: 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Location Latitude�k Longitude Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. 93 41.30.52. N,-" 073.39-45.6 W 301.4 55.2 1011871 Address: 183 C3EN�ON LAKE RD(5625) City:HOLMES .,CountytPUTNAM State:NY Construction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna:2 Azimuth(0 t,, ttio h) 011, 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(rn er) �9„�2. 00 107.800 93.200 144.000 169.700 90.500 128.000 174.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) (1.100 0.800 8.600 13.600 2.400 0.100 0.100 0.100 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north 0 ..... 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Sleight AAT(meters) 92.500 107.800 93.200 144.000 169.700 90.500 128.000 174.700 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.101 0.103 0.103 0.400 8.000 51.900 36.700 3.800 Location Latitude Longituda� Ground Elevation Structure Hgt to Tip Antenna Structure (meters) (meters) Registration No. 94 41.0144.5 N 073.43-04.4 W e 82.6 32.0 Address:2900 Purchase Street(47057) City:Purchase County: WESTCHESTER State:WConstruction Deadline: 12-31-2015 Antenna: 1 Azimuth(from true north) 0 4r'- ',a- 90`%, 135 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 30.040 87,6 103.200 96.200 45.000 42.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 149.600 15.300 9,423 0.423 0.423 1.500 32.700 211.800 Antenna:2 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 � 901"" "'435 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 50.000 87.601 1,93.200 96.200 45.000 42.000 30.000 Transmitting ERP watts( ) 9.500 113,500 237.1 49.50,..0 1.800 0.500 0.500 0.500 Antenna:3 Azimuth(from true north) 0 45 90 US' 180 225 270 315 Antenna Height AAT(meters) 30.000 30.000 87.600 103 20 96.200 45.000 42.000 34.000 Transmitting ERP(watts) 0.500 0.500 0.500 6:700,x 92.300 248.300 63.800 3.000 Control Points., t Control Pt.No.l Address:87 W.PASSAIC STREET City:ROCHELLE PARK County: State:NJ Telephone Number: Control Pt.No.2 J Address:Manhattan Switch,810 7th AvenueE City:New York County: State:NY Telephone Number: f ; F'CC 601•C Page 21 of 22 August 2007 Licensee Dame: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign:KNKA3UY File Number: 0006917888 Print Date: 10-14-2015 Waivers/Conditions;' License renewal grartted omaconditional basis,subject to the outcome of FCC proceeding WT Docket No. 10-112(see FCC 10-86,paras. 113 and 126j. This license is conditioned,upon"compliance with the provisions of Applications of AT&T Wireless Services,Inc.and Cingular Wireless Corporation Kor 'onsarjt to Transfer Control of Licenses and Authorizations,Memorandum Opinion and Order,FCC 04-2.55(rel.Oct.26,2 ). Commission approval of this ap jieatA and the licenses contained therein are subject to the conditions set forth in the Memorandum Opinion and Ordbr,adopted on December 29,2.006 and released on March 26,2007,and revised in the Order on Reconsideration,adopted and releIL on March 26.'2007.See AT&T Inc.and BellSouth Corporation Application for'TransfO of Control,WC locket No.06-74,;lwl t orauldurn Opinion and Order,FCC;06-189(rel.Mar.26,2007);AT&T Inc.and 141ISouth Corporation,WC Docket No.06-174,Order on Reconsideration,FCC 0744(rel.Mar.26,2007). J ;i r FCC 601-C Page 22 of 22 August 2007 REFERENCE COPY This is not an ofticinl FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC's licensing databose on the date that this reference copy was generated.In cases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCC license., b�Federal Communications Commission Wireless Telecommunications Bureau �aaa�wra ' RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE: NE's"CINGVLAR'WIRELESS PCS,LLC V Call Sign File Number ATTN:REGINALD`1tC1U 1G11L6013 WPSL626 0006513328 NEW CINGULAR WIE'«SS°P *LLC Radio Service 3300 E.RENNER ROAD,B 33� CW-PCS Broadband RICHARDSON,TX 75082 �µ FCC Registration Number(FRN): 0003291192 � Grant Date Effective Date:"' . Expiration Date Print Date 12-16-2014 1246-20f,4 12-14-2024 12-17-2014 Market Number k, Chhel Block Sub-Market Designator MTAOOI 15 Morketa iirme NOVV 1st Build-out Date 2nd Build-out Date 3r Build-out Date. 4th Build-out Efate I2-14-1949 12-14-2004 Waivers/Conditions: 't License renewal granted on a conditional basis,subject to the outcome off CC'rroeeedl'ng WT DacketNa. 10-113(see FCC 10-86,paras.113 and 125). �tw ``'� Spectrum Lease associated with this license. See Spectrum Leasing Arrangement Letter dta od I' 107/2004 and File No. 0001757186. n F , Spectrum Leasing Arrangement associated with file number 0001757186 was extended to 01/0512009. See file number 0001885143. Conditions: Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C.§309(h),thi§lieensel s sulaject:to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station nor any rim in the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than authorized her tu."Neither the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of the, ommuriPtions Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right ofuse.ar carol conferred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§606. This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified on the hardcopy,version, To view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum andMarket=Area information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at httpJ/wireless.fcc.gov/ulslindex.him?job=home and select"License Search". Follow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 oft April 2009 Licensee Name: NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sipper: WPSL626 File Number: 0006513326 Print Date: 12-17-2014 Commission approval o this application and the looses contained therein are subject to the conditions sad forth in the Memorandum Opinion and Otter,adopted on Dcccmber 29,2006 and released on March 26,2007,and revised in the Order on Reconsideration,ado p"fid and relea ed on March 26,2001.See AT&T Inc.and BellSouth Corporation Application for"transfer of Control,WC I3oc `' leo.06-74,Memorandum Opinion and Order,FCC 06.159(rel,Mar.26,2007);AT&T Inc.and BellSouth Corporatio n,WC ftoc6t No.06-74,Order on Reconsideration,FCC 0744(rel.Mar.26,2007)» , A ,l 7 n' mJ a P k d FCC 601-MB Page 2 of 2 April 2009 REFERENCE COPY This is not an official FCC license.It is a record of public information contained in the FCC s licensing database on the date that this reference copy was Sencratecl,In cases where FCC rules require the presentation,posting,or display of an FCC license,this document may not be used in place of an official FCC 11" "goo� "Federal Communications Commission Nh Wireless Telecommunications Bureau RADIO STATIN AUTHORIZATION LICENSEE: NEW&GV1,,AR WIRELESS PCS,LLC Call Sign File Number A RECw1NALI3 YC r frCSL lt3I3 WQ00892 0006496906 NEW CINCIULAR W1RTLES5 PCS,LLC Radia Service 3300E.RE ER RCAN3,Ow3' 3 i CW-PCS Broadband R1Cl ARDSt3N,TX 7.5082 FCC Registration Number(FRN): 000321492 Grant Date Effective DateExpiration Date Print Date 12-10-2014 12-10» 0t" 12-14-2024 12-11-2014 Market Number ;, ' Channel Block Sub-Market Designator MTA001 14 b Market ' me 1+I orlL--,,w 1st Build-out Date 2nd Build-out Date r 3 Bulld-o-nt Date 4th Build-out Date e. Waivers/Conditions: f License renewal granted on a conditional basis,subject to the outcome of Fl C proceeding WT Docket No. 10-112(see FCC 10-86,paras. 113 and 126). Conditions; Jf Pursuant to§309(h)of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended,47 U.S.C. §309(h),this llcen els subject to the following conditions: This license shall not vest in the licensee any right to operate the station no arty rl In the use of the frequencies designated in the license beyond the term thereof nor in any other manner than suthori herein, either the license nor the right granted thereunder shall be assigned or otherwise transferred in violation of"" Communilotions Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§310(d). This license is subject in terms to the right of us"r=61 conferred by§706 of the Communications Act of 1934,as amended. See 47 U.S.C.§506. This license may not authorize operation throughout the entire geographic area or spectrum identified on,thehmdeoplr version. 'to view the specific geographic area and spectrum authorized by this license,refer to the Spectrum.and Mltrrket Area information under the Market Tab of the license record in the Universal Licensing System(ULS). To view the license record,go to the ULS homepage at http://wireless.fec.gov/uls/index.htm?job=home and select"License Search". Fallow the instructions on how to search for license information. FCC 601-MB Page 1 of 1 April 2009 Market:East Cell Site Number:Ll-3 71 Call Site Mann: Laurel Stone-Elite Towers Fixed Asset Wrnber-.1,1209070 SUBLEASE AGREEMENT THIS StJBLEASL-" AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), dated as of the latter of the signature dates below (the"Effective Date"),is entered into by Elite'rowers, [,P,,a Pennsylvania limited partnership,having a mailing address of 5 Great Valley Parkway, Suite 333, Malvern, PA 19355 (""Landlord"") and 'New C ingular Wireless PCS, I,I,C,a Delaware limited liability:company; having as mailing address of 575 Morosgo Drive,Atlanta, GA 30324("'renant"). BACKGROUND I.,andlord has exclusive lease rights to that certain parcel of land, as described oil Exhibit 1, improved with a structure(the"Structure"),together with all rights and privileges arising in connection therewith, located at 7055 Main Road, Mattituck, NY 11952 , in the County of Suffolk, State of New York (collectively. the "Property") in order to install, construct, operate and rbaintain Certain comIllunications facilities for l,andlord's sole and eXcklgiVe use of a portion of'the Property (the "Site"), Tenant desire's to use a portion of tile Site in connection with its federally I i censed communications business. I,andlord desires to grant to Tenant the right to use a portion of the Site in*accordance with this Agreement. The parties agree as follows: L11: SE�QF P�E— "ISLES. Landlord hereby subleases to Tenant: (i) approximately three hundred(300)squarefj,,ct,ot'ground space, including Clic air space above the ground space I, as described oil attached Exitibit 1,for tile placement of enant's Communication Facility; (ii) space at the Site ft)r improvements to support Tenant's equipment(collectively,the space referenced in (i)and(ii) is the"Equipment Space"), (iii) that certain space on the I,andlord's tower(the"'Power"), As generally depicted on Exhibit I annexed hereto and made, a part hereof, where Tenant shall have the right to install its antennas and other equipment (collectively, the"Antenna Space");and (iv) those certain areas where Tenant's conduits, wires,cables, cable trays and other necessary connections arelocated between the Equipment Space.and the Antenna Space, and between the &juipillent space and tile electric power, telephone, and filel sources for tile property (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Connection Space"). Landlord agrees that Tenant shall have the right to install connections between Tenant"s equipment in the 1"'quipillent Space and Antenna Space;and between Tenant's equipment in the Equipment Space and the electric power,telephone, and fuel sources for the Property,and any other improvements,all at Tenant's sole cost and expense, Landlord further agrees that Tenant shall have tile right to install,replace and maintain tifility,lines,wires,poles,cables,conduits,pipes and other necessary connections over or along any right-of way extending from the aforementioned public right-ol-way to the Premises. Notwitlistandingor the foregoing,Tenant, to the extent feasible, shall locate all lines, wires, conduits and cables on existing poles extending frorn the roadway into Landlord's Site. The Equipment Space, Antenna Space, and Connection Space, are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Premises.7 2. PERMITTED USE. (a) Tenant may use the Premises for the transmission and reception of coinnillitications signals and the installation, construction, maintenance, operation, repair, replacement and Upgrade Of its C0111raunication fixtures and related equipmeilt,cables,accessories and improvements,which inglY include a suitable stipport structure,associated antennas,not to exceed six(6)antennas and associated amplifiers installed within two (2) canisters at 105' centerline and 95" centerline, I beams, cabinets and fencing and any other items necessary to the successful and secure use of the Premises, but not for adding any new equipment to the Equipment Space if the cumulative effect of such equipment changes will result in additional use of the Antenna Space and/or ground space, without Landlord's consent,such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed (collectively, the "Communication Facility"),as depicted on Exhibit I hereto, as well as the right to test, survey and review title on the Property.Tenant further has the right,but not the obligation,to acid; modify and/or replace equipment in order to be in compliance with any current or future federal, state or local mandated application, including; but not limited to, emergency 911 communication services, at no additional cost to Landlord (collectively, the "Permitted Use") so long as such modifications and/or replacements do not increase the number of antennas, the wind loading of Landlord's Tower, or occupy more space than as shown on the Exhibit x attached hereto within Tenant's rad center or expand the ground space without Landlord's consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Landlord and Tenant agree that any portion of the Communication Facility that may be described oil Exhibit l will not be deemed to limit Tenant's Permitted Use. If Exhibit 1 includes drawings of the initial installation of the Communication Facility, Landlord's execution of this Agreement will signify Landlord's approval of Exhibit 1. For a period of ninety(90)days following the start of construction, Landlord grants Tenant the right to use the Site as described in Exhibit 1 as may reasonably be required during construction and installation of the Communication Facility. Tenant has the right to install and operate transmission cables from the equipment shelter or cabinet to the antennas, electric lines from the main feed to the equipment shelter or cabinet and communication tines from the Property's main entry point to the equipment shelter or cabinet,and to make Site improvements,alterations,upgrades or additions appropriate for Tenant's Permitted Use subject.to subparagraph 2(b)below("Tenant Changes"). Tenant Changes include the right to construct a fenee:around the Premises and undertake any other appropriate means to secure the Premises at the Tenant's expense. Tenant agrees to comply with all applicable federal,state and local governmental laws; rules, statutes and regulations relating to its use of the Communication Facility on the Site. Tenant has the right to modify, supplement, replace, and upgrade the equipment, or relocate the Communication Facility within the Equipment Space at any time during the term of this Agreement provided such modification, supplement, replacement and /or upgrade does not increase the number of antennas,the wined loading of Landlord's Tower,'or occupy more space than as shown oil the Exhibit 1 attached hereto within Tenant's Rad Center or expand the ground space without Landlord's consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed Subject to the previsions of this paragraph, Tenant will be allowed to make such alterations to the Premises in order to accomplish Tenant's Changes .or to ensure that Tenant's Cammunica.tion Facility complies with all applicable federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations. (b)Prior to the initial installation of Tenant's Changes, Tenant will supply the Landlord with plans and specifications ("Plans") to be reviewed and approved by the. Landlord prior to commencement. of Tenant's Changes.Landlord's approval will not be unreasonably withheld,conditioned or delayed(and in no event delayed beyond ten (10) business days). Alter Landlord's (i) failure to respond in writing to Tenant's proposed Plans within ten(10) business of their receipt; or(ii) failure,to provide a written response within ten (10) business days of receipt of Plans revised by Tenant after comment from Landlord in accordance with this section, the Plans will be deemed approved . If the Landlord disapproves the Plans then the Tenantwill provide the Landlord with revised Plans,such revisions to be within Tenant's reasonable discretion. In the event Landlord disapproves of the Plans upon a second (2"a) submission, Tenant shall have the option, but not the obligation, to terminate this Agreement. Landlord will not knowingly permit or suffer any person to copy or utilize the Plans For any purpose other than as provided in this .Agreement and will return the Plans to Tenant promptly upon written request. Tenant maintains the right to perform routine maintenance, repairs,replacements and upgrades without Landlord approval when no changes to the exterior appearance of Tenant's Communication Facility are made and provided any such routine maintenance, repairs,replacements and upgrades does not increase the number of ,antennas, die wind loading of Landlord's Tower, or occupy more space as shown on Exhibit 1 attached hereto within Tenant's rad center or expand the ground space without Landlord's consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld,conditioned or delayed. NV Opt,a Stmot re 1.cane. version y)6?OTT r. u 3. TERM. (a) The initial lease term will be five(5)years("'Initial'Perm"},commenoil�g on the Effective Date (the"T'erm Commencement Date"). The Initial Term will terminate on the fifth(5111)anniversary of the Term Commencement Date, (b) This.Agreement will atttornatically renew for four(4) additional five(5,)year term(s)(each five (5) year term shall be defined as an "EMension Term"), upon the same..terms and conditions unless Tenant notifies Landlord in writing of Tenant's intention not to renew this Agreement at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the.existing Initial 'Germ or then-existing Extension Term. (c) Unless (i) Landlord or Tenant notifies the rather in writing, of its intention to terminate this Agreement at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of the final Extension Term, or (ii) the Agreement is terminated as otherwise permitted by this Agreement prior to the end of the final Extension Tertn, then upon the expiration of the final Extension Term this Agreenit,at sball continue. in force upon the same covenants, terms and conditions for a further term of one(1)year,and for annual terms thereafter(each an"Annual Terni")until terminated by either party by giving to the other written notice of its intention to so terminate at least six (6) months prior to the encl of any such Annual Term, Monthly rental during such annual terms shall be equal to 103% of the Relit paid for the last mouth of the final Extension Term. if Tenant remains in possession of the Premises after the termination of this Agreement then Te giant will be deemed to be occupying the Premises on a month-to-month basis (the "Holdover Terin"), subject to the :terms and conditions of this Agreement. Notwithstanding the,, foregoing, previous year; provided; however, that if the parties are negotiating a new lease in good fait h, leaseextettstcatt" lease atnendlxlent or any other agreement regarding lease terms, then Rent lotr the Holdove (d) The Initial Term, any .Extension Tel-ills, any Annual Terms and the Holdover Term art collectively referred to as the Term'(the"Tenni"). Rt'_EA TI (a) Cotnrrrertcing on receipt of" all Governmental Approvals, including the building; pern•tit f01° Tenant's installation or Landlord's completion of the 'Power, whichever is later (tile "Tient Cornmena:ctrtcj�t Butte,,),, Tettant will pay Landlord on or before. trite fifth (5111) clay of each calendar montia at Elite Towers, LI', f Great `valley Parkway, ttite,333, Malvern, PA 1 55, In any partial month occurring; after the Rent Commencement Date. Rent will be prorated. The initial Relit payment will be forwarded by"Tenant to Landlord within forty-five(45) clays After the Rent Commencement Data, (b) On the first annual anniversary of the Rent Commencement Date, and can e aah annual anniw,rsary date thereafter, including.throughout any Extension Terms exercised or Annual Terms, the yearly r the Rent paid during the previous year. (c) All.charges payable under this Agreement such as utilities end taxes shall be billed by Landlord within eighteen(18)months from the end of the calendar year in which the charges were incurred. The foregoing shall not apply to monthly Rent which is clue and payable without a requirement that it be billed by Landlord. The provisions ofthis subsection shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. (d) Within thirty (30) days:of"Tenant's receipt of a building.. permit ol• Landlord's coon alalic. of the Tower, whichever is later, Tenant shall pay Landloii , t location, Ny optic,it sln,mk re Lev, Version 5 30 26 l2 5. APE_RQYALA (a) Landlord agrees that Tenants ability to use the Premises is contingent upon the suitability of the Premises and Property for Tenant's Permitted Use and Tenant's ability to obtain and maintain all Government Approvals. Landlord authorizes Tenant to prepare, execute and file all required applications to obtain Government Approvals for Tenant's Permitted Use tinder this Agreement and agrees to reasonably assist Tenant, at no cost to Landlord or the Owner,with such applications and with obtaining and maintaining the Government Approvals, (b) Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, has the right to obtain a title report or commitment for a leasehold title policy from a title insurance company of its choice and to have the*Property surveyed by a surveyor of"its choice, (c) Tenant may also perform Tests, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, including soil borings, percolation tests, engineering procedures, environmental investigation or other tests or reports on, over, and tinder the Property, necessary to determine if Tenant's use of the, Premises will be compatible with Tenant's engineering specifications,system,design,operations orGovernment Approvals.Tenant will not be liable to Landlord or any third party on account of any pre-existing defect or condition on or with respect to the Property, unless such condition and/or defect was disclosed to Tenant prior to any Tests and Tenant's Tests exacerbates or otherwise worsens such defect or condition,in which case Tenant shat l be liable for curing Such defect or condition at Tenant's sole cost and expense,to the extent Tenant's Tests exacerbate or otherwise worsen such defector condition. Tenant will restore the Property to its condition as it existed prior to performing any Tests reasonable wear and tear and casualty not caused by Tenant excepted, Tenant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Landlord from and against any and al I injury,loss,damage or claims arising directly out of Tenant's Tests to the extent Tenant's Tests cause any such injuries, losses,damages,but expressly excluding any injuries,losses, or damages arising from the actions of Landlord, 6. TERMINATION. This Agreement,may be terminated, without penalty or further liability, as follows: (a) by either party on thirty(30)days prior written notice,if the other party remains in defiault under Section 15 of this Agreement after the applicable cure periods-, (b) by Tenant upon written notice to Landlord, if Tenant is unable to obtain,or maintain through no fault of Tenant and after commercially reasonable efforts to obtain or maintain, any required approval(s)or the issuance of a license or permit by any agency, board, court or other governmental authority necessary Cor the construction or operation of the. Communication Facility as now or hereafter intended by Tenant; or if Tenant determines, in its sole discretion that the cost of or delay in obtaining or retaining the same is commercially unreasonable; (C) by Tenant, upon written notice to Landlord, if Tenant determines, in its sole but reasonable discretion,due to the title report results or survey results,that the condition of the:Premises is unsatisfactory for its intended uses; (d) intentionally omitted; or (C) by Tenant upon sixty (60) days' prior written notice to Landlord f6r any reason or no reason, so long as Tenant pays Landlord a termination fee equal to nine(9)months' Rent,at the then-current rate,provided, however,that no such termination fee will be payable on account of the termination of this Ageement by Tenant under any termination provision contained in any other Section of this Agreement including the following: 5 Approvals, 6(a) Termination, 6(b) Termination, 6(c) Termination, 8 Interference, I I(d) Environmental, 18 Condemnation or 19 Casualty or 24(f)Severability of this Agreement, 7. INSURANCE. (a) During the Term, Tenant will carry, at its own cost and expense., the following insurance: (i) workers' compensation insurance as required by law; and(ii)commercial general liability(CGL) insurance with respect to its activities on the Property, such insurance to afford protection of up to Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) per occurrence and Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000) general aggregate, based on Insurance Services Office(ISO)Form CG 00 01 or a substitute form providing substantially equivalent coverage. Tenant's CGL insurance shall contain a provision including Landlord and the Owner as additional insureds. Such additional insured coverage, NY Op foie Sr lmore U,,ase vu',6r"5 10"W? (i)shall be limited to bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury caused, in whole or in part, by Tenant, its employees,agents or independent contractors; (ii) shall not extend to claims for punitive or exemplary damages arising out ofthe acts or omissions of Landlord, its employees" agents or independent contractors or where such coverage is prohibited by law or to claims arising out ofthe gross negligence of Landlord, its employees; agents or independent contractors; and ("iii) shall not exceed Tenant's indemnification obligation under this Agreement, if any. (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, 'I`enant shall have the right to self-Insure the,coverages required in subsection (a). In the event "T"enant elects to self-insure its obligation to include Landlord as an additional insured" the following provisions shall apply(inn addition to those set forth in subsection(a): (i)Landlord shall promptly and no later than thirty(30)clays after notice thereof provide Tenant with written notice of any claim,demand; lawsuit,or the like for which it seeks coverage pursuant to this Section and provide Tenant with copies of any demands, notices, summonses, or legal papers received in connection with such claim,demand, lawsuit,or the like; (ii) Landlord shall not settle any such claim, demand" lawsuit, or the like without the prior written consent of Tenant, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed and a response must be relayed within ten(10)days of Landlord's request-,and (iii) :Landlord shall reasonably cooperate with Tenant .in the defense of the claim, demand, lawsuit, or the like at Tenant's sole cost and expense. S. I.NTERFL lC; ,. (a) Prior to or concurrent with the execution of this Agreement, Landlord has provided or will provide Tenant with .a list of radio frequency user(s).aand frequencies used on the Property a-, of the Effective Irate. Tenant warrants that its use of"the Premises will not interfere with those existing radio frequency uses on the Property, as long„ as those existing radion frequency user(s) operate and continue to operate within their respective frequencies and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. (b) Landlord will not grant, after-the date of this Agreement, a lease, license or any other right to any third party,if the exercise of such grant may in any way adversely affect or interfere with the Coninlunication Facility,the operations of"I`eanarnt or the rights ofTenauat under this Agreement, (c) 1,andlord will not,nor will Landlord peranit its employees,tenants, licensees" invitees,agents or independent contractors to interfere in any way with the Communication Facility,the operations of tenant or the tights of T rant under this Agreement. Landlord will make commercially reasonable efforts to cause such interference to cease within forty eight(« 8)hours after receipt of notice of interference from I°enant. In the even( any such interference;does not cease within the aforementioned Cure period, Landlord shall cease all operations which are suspected of Causing; interference (except for intermittent testing to determine the cause of such interference)until the interference;has been corrected, (0) For tlnepurposes of this Agreement,"interference"may include,but is not limited to,any use on the Site or Property that causes electronic or physical obstruction with, or degradation of, the corrnnunications signals from the Communication Facility, (e) Landlord will confer with Tenant, tenant(s) and/or licensee(s) to determine .proper antenna separation so as to avoid andloreliminate any interference with their respective operations. (f) In the event the Communication facility interteres with existing radio frequency users operating within their respective frequencies and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, Tenant will endeavor to cause such interference to cease within forty-eight(48)hours after receipt of notices of interference from Landlord. If such interference cannot be cured within such forty-eight ( 8) period, Tennant shall cease operations (except for intermittent testing to determine tine,causC of Such interference) until the interference has been corrected. (g) RP EMISSIONS. (i) Tenant shall,at its sole cost and expense, prepare and deliver to Landlord or a�anc� to lac prepared and delivered to Landlord,an evaluation of its and only its radio frequency energy emissions from the Site as required by the Federal Communications Commission,taking into consideration the addition ofTenant's proposed radio communication equipment (the "Proposed Equipment"), Tenant shall only be obligated to NY 0p4ion SINCCUru Lena 4'ers v 5 34)201ry provide such a report once per Term. Tenant shall at all times comply with the requirements of the FCC, Tenant shall have the right to place electromagnetic energy warning signs on or about the Prernises and proximate to its Communication Facility and equipment and to restrict access to its Communication Facility so long as such warning signs are in compliance with applicable law. (ii) Landlord shall require any other users located on the Site to operate their respective equipment in compliance with the 1~w,.F Emission Regulations. Landlord agrees that it shall,and shall require all potential or actual users that locate arid operate transmitting equipment at the property to agree that if the Property fails to meet the IU,-' Emissions Regulations, or would fail by the addition or modification of the equipment at the Property to comply with the RF Limits at.any time during the terra of this Agreement,then the existing or prospective user at time Property causing or who would cause such failure, shall promptly take Commercially reasonable steps to bring the Property into compliance, including preparation and filing of any required environmental assessments and modifications of its equipment. 9. INDEMNIFICATION. (a) Tenant agrees to indemnify, defend arid hold Landlord harmless from and against any and all injury, loss, damage or liability (or any claims in respect of the foregoing), costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys" fees and court costs) arising directly from the installation, use, maintenance, repair or removal of the Coin munication facility or Tenant's breach of any provision of this Agreement, except to tlme extent attributable to the negligent or intentional act or omission of Landlord, its employees; agents or independent contractors. (b) landlord agrees to indemnify, defend and hold Tenant harmless framn and against any and all injury, loss, damage or liability (or any clairns: in respect of the foregoing),:costs or expenses (including reasonable attorneys" fees and corn°t: costs) arising directly" from the actions or failure to act of Landlord., its employees or agents, or Landlord's breach of any provision of this Agreement, except to the extent attributable to the negligent or intentional act;or ornission of Tenant, its employees,agents or independent contractors. (c) The indemnified party, (i):slmall promptly provide the indemnifying party with written notice of any claim, demand, lawsuit, or the like forwhich it seeks indemnification pursuant to this Section and provide the indemnifying party with:eopies of any demands, notices, summonses,or•legal papers received in connection with such claim, dernand, lawsuit, or the like; (ii) shall not settle any such claim,demand, lawsuit, or the lilac Without the prior written consent of the indemnifying party, which Consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. conditioned or delayed; and (iii) shall fully cooperate with the indemnifying party in the defense of the claim, demand,lawsuit,or time like„ A delay in notice shall not relieve the indemnifying party of its indemnity obligation, except to the extent the indemnifying party can show it was prejudiced by the delay. 10. WARRANTIES. (a) Tenant and Landlord each acknowledge and represent that it is duly organized,validly existing and in good standing and has the right, power and authority to enter into this Agreement and bind itself hereto through the party set forth as signatory for the party below, (b) Landlord represents„ warrants and agrees that: (i) Landlord controls they Site by that certain Iease between Landlord and the owner of the Property ("Owner") attached hereto as Exhibit 10b(i)along with all arnendnments thereto(the"Ground:Lease");(ii)to best of Landlord's knowledge, neitherOwner nor Landlord is,or with the giving of notice,or passage oftirne(or both),will be in default under any ofthe terms or conditions of the Ground Lease;(iii)that during the Term,Landlord will not terminate, materially modify,-amend or assign the Ground lease in a manner which adversely affects the rights or obligations of Tenant without the prior written consent of Tenant, which consent.will not be unreasonably withheld,conditioned or delayed; and(iv).Landlord shall timely perform and comply with all the terms and.conditions of the Ground Lease, and not intentionally do anything or perm it anything that would result in a default under or cause the Ground Lease to be terminated, To the best of Landlord's knowledge the Property is currently not encumbered by a mortgage. Within thirty (30) days after notice by Owner that the Owner hasentered into a mortgage agreement, Landlord, at Tenant's sole cost and expense (including Landlord's and Owner's reasonable legal fees in an .amount not to exceed One Thousand Dollars($1;000.00) each instance,shall make commercially reasonable efforts to provide to Tenant a subordination, non-disturbance and attornment agreement substantially in the form attached hereto as exhibit dY opoem&nloklre.Low l'crAGII t?O W1,Z lob(iv)executed by Landlord and Owner. Landlord shall deliver to Licensee all iternized invoice in connection with such charges,which invoice shall contain the hours and billable rates for the work performed and described therein, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord Lip 10 the One Thousand Dollars($1000,00)amount within 45 days of its receipt of the invoice. Landlord shall not be deemed to be in default of this Agreement if, despite its ,commercially reasonable efforts, it is unable to provide a subordination, non-disturbance and attornment agreement for Tenant. 11. ENVIRONMENTAL (a) Landlord represents and warrants that,except as may be identified in Exhibit 11 attached to this Agreement, (I)the Site,as of the date of this Agreement,, is free of"hazardous substances,and(ii)to the best of Landlord's knowledge the Site has never been subject to any contarnination or ha7ajrdous conditions resulting in any environmental investigation, inquiry or remediation. Lai0orci and Tenant agree that each NviH be responsible for compliance with any and all applicable governmental laws, rules, statutes, regulations, codes, ordinances, or principles of common laNv regulating or imposing standards of liability or standards of conduct with regard to pr(ltection of the environment or worker health and safety,as may now or at any time hereafter be in effect, to the extent such apply to that party's activity conducted in or on the Property. (b) Landlord and Tenant agree to hold harmless and inderalliry the other fi-oni, and to assintle all duties, responsibilities, and liabilities at the sole cost and expense of the indemnifying party for, payment of' penalties,, sanctions, forficitures, losses,costs or damages,and for responding to any action, notice,clairn, order. summons, citation, directive, litigation, investigation or proceeding (,,Claims") to the extent arising from that party's breach or its obligations or representations under Section I 1(a), Landlord agrees to hold harmless and indernnif,y Tenant fruin, and to assume all duties, responsibilities and liabilities at the sole cost and expense of Landlord for, pilyment of penalties, sanctions, forfeitures, losses, costs or damages, and for responding to any Claims,to the extent,arising frorn subsurface or other contamination ofthe Site with hazardous substances prior to the Effective Date ofthis Agreement,unless Tenant exacerbates or otherwise worsens such defect or condition, in which case Tenant slid],I be liable for curing Such defect or condition at Tenant's sole cost and expense,to the extent Tenant exacerbates or otherwise:worsens such defect or condition,excepting any hazardous contamination caused by the acts or omission of f Land.lord during the Term. 'renant agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Landlord front,and to assume all duties,responsibilities and liabilities at the sole cost acrd expense OfTena"t for. payment of penalties, sanctions, forfeitures, losses, costs or damages, and for responding to any Claims, to the extent arising front hazardous substances brought onto the Property by*renant. (c) The indeninifications of this Section I I specifically include reasonable costs,expenses and fees incurred in connection with arty itivestigitioll of property conditions or any clean-up, tenlediation, removal or restoration work required by any governmental authority. The provisions of this Scetion I I will survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. (d) in the event Tenant becomes aware of any hazardous substances on the Property. or any environmental,licalth or safety condition or matter relating to the Property that, it,Tenant's sole determination. renders the condition of the Premises or Property unsuitable for Tenant's use,or iffenant believes that the leasing or continued leasing of the Premises would expose Tertant to undue risks of"liability to a government agency of, third-party liability,Tenant will have the right, in addition to any other rights it may have at law or in equity. to tenninate this Agreement upon written notice to Landlord, Notwithstanding the foregoing, uP011 discovery Of such hazardous condition affecting Tenant's Permitted Use,Tenant shall promptly provide Landlord with writicri notice ofsuch hazardous condition,and Owner, in its sole disc:retion, inay then choose to promptly remediate the hazardous condition, in which cvcnt Tenant shall not, have the right to terminate this Agreemenl. In the event Owner decides not to remediate the hazardous condition on the Property, then Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. 12, ACCESS. At all times throughout the Terra or this Agreement, and ,it no additional charge to 1'enant, Tentint and its employees,agents,and subcontractors,will have twenty-four(24)hour per day,seven(7)day Per week pedestrian and vehicular access ("Access") to and over the Property, from all open and improved public road to the Premises, for the installation, maintenance and operation of the COMMUllicatiOn Facility and any utilities serving the Premises, As may be described more fully in Exhibit 1, landlord grants to Tenant all NY olviotl stn dura Lc-,ksv V.mioo 530 20 1! easement for such Access and Landlord agrees to provide to Tenant such codes, keys and other instrumcnts necessary for such Access at no. additional cost to Tenant. Upon Tenant's request,, Landlord will execute a separate recordable easement evidencing;this right. Landlord shall execute a letter granting Tenant Access to the Property, substantially in the form attached as Exhibit 12; upon Tenant's request, Landlord shall execute additional letters during the Term. Landlord acknowledges that in the event Tenant cannot:obtain Access to the Premises,Tenant shall incur significant damage, If"Landlord fails to provide the Access granted by this Section 12„such failure shall be a default Linder this Agreement. Ili connection with such default, in addition to any other rights or rernedies available to"I"errant under this Agreement or at law or equity, Landlord shall pay Tenraut, as liquidated damages and not as a penalty„$25.00 per day,after Landlord has received written notice from Tenant. and Landlord has Railed to cure tyle default within any applicable notice and cure period, in consideration of Tenant's damages until Landlord cures such default, Landlord and Tenant agree that Tenant's damages in the event of a denial of Access are difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain, and the liquidated damages set Forth herein are a reasonable approximation of such damages, Upon Tenant's request, Landlord will make commercially reasonable efforts to obtain and execute a separate recordable easement evidencing the Access right.Landlord shall execute a letter granting Tenant access to the Property substantially in the form attached as Exhibit 12; upon Tenant's request, Landlord shall execute additional letters during the Term, at 'Tenant's reasonable sole cost and expense if Owner's writteri consent is also required. 13. RE I+I>" AL EST CJ1 Al"1C1I"i", All Portions of the Communication facility brought onto the Property by Tenant will be and remain Tenant's personal property and, at Tenant's option, may be removed by Tenant at any tune during or after the Tenn. Landlord covenants and agrees that no part of the Communication Facility constructed, erected or placed on the Premises by Tenant will become, or be considered as being affixed to or a part of,the Property, it being the specific intention of Landlord that all improvements of every kind and natpre constructed, erected or placed by Tenant on the Premises will be and remain the property of Tenant and may be removed by Tenant at any tune duriirg:or immediately afterthe Term. Upon Landlord's written request;footings, foundations,and concrete will be removed to a depth of two-feet(2')below grade.Tenant will repair any damage to the Site.and/or Property resulting front. Tenant's removal activities. Any portions of the.Commrutication Facil ity that Tenant does not remove within ninety(90)days after the later of the end of the Term and.cessation of Tenant's operations at the Premises shall be deemed.abandoned and owned by Landlord. Any expenses incurred by Landlord in removing and disposing of the Communication Facility shall be at Tenant's sole cost and expense and payable to Landlord within thirty (30)days of demand.Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant will not be responsible.for the replacement of any trees, shrubs or other vegetation nor will Tenant be required to remove from the Premises or the Property any underground utilities. Tenant shall continue to pay Rent until the Premises are restored pursuaatt to this provision, 14. MAINTENANCEXT1LITTE S. (a) Tenant will keep and maintain the Premises in gonad condition, reasonable wear and tear and damage frorn the elements excepted. Landlord will maintain and repair the Property and access thereto, tine Structure, and all areas of the Prernises where"Tenant does not have exclusive control, in good and tenantable condition, subject to reasonable wear and tear and damage from the elements. (h) Tenant will be responsible for paying on a monthly or quarterly basis all utilities charges for electricity„ telephone service or any other utility used or consumed by Tenant on the Premises. In the event Tenant cannot secure its own metered electrical supply, "Tenant will have the right, at its own cost and expense, to submeter from Landlord. When submetering is required under this Agreement, Landlord will read the meter and provide"fenant with art invoice and usage data oil a monthly basis. Landlord t"trrtltcr ago°ees to prcavide the usage data and invoice on forms provided by Tenant and to send such forms to such address and/or agent designated by Tenant. Tenant will remit payment within thirty(30)days of receipt of the usage data and required forms, As noted in Section 4(c)above,rang utility fee recovery by Landlord is limited to art eighteen(IS)rnontla period. If"1"errant submeters electricity from Landlord, Landlord agrees to give Tenant at least twenty-four(24) hours advance notice of arty planned interruptions of said electricity. Landlord acknowledges that Tenant provides a communication service which requires electrical power to operate and must operate twenty-four(24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week. If the interruption is for an extended period of time, in Tenant's NY Op iat Struoure Lvro ar venglbn S jp 3M, reasonable determination, Landlord agrees to allow Tenant the right to bring in a temporary source of power for the duration of the interruption. Landlord will not be responsible for interference with,interruption of or failure, beyond the reasonable control of Landlord,of such services to be furnished or supplied by Landlord. (c) l,.andlord hereby grants to any company providing utility or similar services, including electric power and telecommunications; to Tenant a right of way over the Property,horn an open and improved pubiic road to the Premises, and upon the Promises, ,for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining such lines, wines, circuits, and conduits, associated equipment. cabinets and such appurtenances thereto:. as such companies may from time to time require in order to provie such services to the Premises. Upon Tenant's or the-service company's request, Landlord will execute to separate right of way agreement evidencing this grant,at no cost.to Tenant or Landlord or the service company. Such right of way shall also be located at a mutually agreeable location to the Owner, Landlord and'Tenant, 15. DEFA111T AND RIGHT TO C"U11L. (a) The following will be deemed a default by Tenant and a breach of this Agreement: (i) non- payment of Rent if such Rent remains unpaid for more than thirty(30) days after written notice Crom Landlord of such failure:to pay;or(ii)Tenant's failure to perforin any.other term or condition under this Agreement within thirty (30) days.after, written notice Trona Landlord specifying tine failure. No such failure, however, will be deemed to exist if Tenant has commenced to cure such default within simh period and provided evidence is,given to Landlord that such efforts are being prosecuted to completion with reasonable diligence. Delay in curing a default will be excused if due to causes beyond the reasonable control of Tenant. If Tenant remains in default beyond any applicable cure period, Landlord will have tlae right to exercise any and all rights and remedies available:to it under this Agreement and at law and equity. (b) The following Will be deemed a default by Landlord and a breach of this Agreement: (i) Landlord's failure to provide Access to,the Premises as required by Section 12 of this Agreement within Forty- eight (48) hours aster written notice of such failure; (ii) Landlord's failure to care an interference problem as required by Section 8 of this Agreement within venty•four(24) hours after written.notice of"such failure; or (iii) Landlord's failure to perform any term, condition, or breach of:any warranty or covenant under this Agreement within thirty(30)days of written notice from Tenant specifying the failure. No such failure,however; will be deemed to exist if Landlord has commenced to.cure the default within such period and provided such- efforts are prosecuted to completion with reasonable diligence. belay in curing a default will be excused if due to causes beyond the reasonable control of Landlord. If Landlord remains in detlault beyond any applicable cure period,Tenant will have: the right to exercise any and all other rights available to it under this Agreement and at law and equity. (c) Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all covenants and agreements to be kept or performed by Tenant under the terms of this Agreement will be.performed by each patty at such party's sole cost and expense. 16. ASSIGNMENT/SUBLEASE. Tenant will have the right to assign, sell or transfer its interest under this Agreement without the approval or consent of Landlord,to Tenant's Affiliate or to any entity which acquires all or substantially all of the Tenant's assets in the market defined by the Federal Communications Commission in which the Property is located by reason of a merger, acquisition, or other business reorganization, Upon notification to Landlord of such assignment, transfer or sale, Tenant will be relieved of all future performance, liabilities and obligations under this Agreement: Tenant anay not otherwise assign this .Agreement without. Land lord's consent, Landlord's consent not.to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Tenant may not sublease this Agreement without Landlord's consent, which: consent pray be withheld in Landlord's sole discretion. (b) Landlord may assign this Agreement provided said.assignee will assume, recognize and also become responsible to Tenant for the performance of all of the terms and conditions to be performed by such party under this Agreement; NY 4uption slritclure Lvm i Vemtm i 10 202 17, Nt' 11C11i,S., All notices, requests and dernaiids hereunder will be given by first class certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, or by a nationally recognized overnight courier, postage prepaid, to be effective when properly sent and received, refused or returned undelivered. Notice will be addressed to the parties as follows: If to Tenant: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Attn:Network Real Estate Administration Re: Cell Site#: LI-371; Cell Site Name: Laurel Stone-Elite Towers(NY) Fixed Asset No: 14209070 575 Morosgo.Drive Atlanta,GA 30324 With a copy to: New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Ann.: Legal Department Re: Cell Site : LI-37 1; Cell Site Name: Laurel Stone-Elite Towers (NY) Fined Asset No: 14209070 208 S. Alcard Street Dallas,Texas 7520.24206 The copy sent to the Legal Department is an administrative step which alone does not constitute legal notice. If to Landlord: Elite Towers,LP. 44 West Jefiyn Blvd,Suite Q5 Deer Park,NY 11729 With a copy to: Elite Towers, LP 5 Great Valley Parkway Suite 333 Malvern, 'PA 19355 Either party hereto may change the place for the giving of notice to it by thirty(30)days' prior written notice to the other as provided herein. 18. CO,N; EM'NA I N. In the event Landlord receives notification of any condernnation proceedings affecting the Property,Landlord will provide notice of the proceeding to Tenant within five(5) business days. If a condemning authority takes all of the Property,ora portion sufficient, in Tenant's sole determination,to render the Premises unsuitable for Tenant,this Agreement will terminate as of the date the title vests in the condemning authority. The parties will each be entitled to pursue their own separate awards in the condemnation proceeds, which for Tenant will include, where applicable, the value of its Communication Facility, moving expenses, prepaid Rent, and business dislocation expenses. Tenant will be entitled to reimbursement for any prepaid Rent on a prorata basis. 19. CAS Landlord will provide notice to Tenant of any casualty or other harm affecting the Property within forty-eight(48)hours of the casualty or other harm, Tf any part of the Communication Facility or Site is damaged by casualty or other harm as to render the Site or Pran.ises unsuitable, in each party's sole determination, then either party may terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to the other party, which termination will be effective as of the date of such casualty or other harm. Upon such termination,Tenant will be entitled to collect all insurance proceeds payable to Tenant on account thereof and to be reimbursed for any prepaid Rent on a.prorata basis. Provided Landlord has not exercised its termination rights under the Prime NY 0juim SiNcwra Leaw Vauion 5 30 26 t2 Lease, Landlord agrees to permit Tenant to place temporary transmission aatd reception facilities on tile-Site, at a mutually agreeable locatiort; if possible, but only until such time as Tenant is able to activate a.replacement transmission facility at another location; notwithstanding the termination of the Agreement, such t:emporar°y facilities will be governed by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement,including Kent.Notwithstanding anything to tite contrary herein, in the event of a casualty Landlord shall not be required Co rebuild or restore the Site or the Premises if it so chooses in its sole and absolute. If Landlord undertakes to rebuild or restore the Premises Landlord agrees to permit Tenant to place temporary transmission and reception facilities ort the Site subjtwt to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement,including Dent,until the reconstruction of the Premises and/or the Communication facility is completed. If Landlord determines not to rebuild or restore the Property, Landlord will notify Te,rtant of such determination within sixty (60) days after the casualty or other harm. If Landlord, provides written notice to Tenant of its intent to rebuild or restore,then Landlord will promptly rebuild or restore any portion of the Property interfering:with or required for TenaatWs Permitted Use of the Premises to substantially the sante condition as existed before the casualty or other harm, Landlord agrees that the lent shall be abated until the Property and/or the Site are rebuilt or restored,unless Tenant places temporary transmission and reception facilities on the Property in which case such temporary facilities will be governed by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including lent,. The parties acknowledge that Landlord will be responsible for rebuilding and/or restoring the Sitc and,tenant shall be rebuilding or restoring the Communication Facility within the Premises. 20. WAIVER C'11^LANDLORDS LILIES. Landlord waives any and all lien rights it may have,statutory 01, otherwise, concerning the Communication facility or any portion thereof: The Communication facility$hall be deemed personal property for purposes of this Agreement, regardless of whether any portion is deerned real or personal property under applicable law; Landlord consents to Tenant's right to remove all or any portion ofthe Communication facility f"'rom time to time in Tenant's sole discretion and without.Landlord's consent; however Tenant's,obligation to pay Rent shall continue in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 21. TAXES, (a) Landlord shall be responsible for thrtely payment of all taxes and assessments levied upon the lands, improvements and other property of Landlord, including any such taxes that may b,en calculated by the taxing autltr r•ity using any method, including the income method, Tenant shall be responsible for any taxes and assessments attributable to and levied upon Tenant's leasehold itt°aprovements ort the Premises if and as set forth in this Section 21. Nothing lterein shall require Tenant to pay any inheritance,franchise,income,payroll,excise, privilege,rent,capital stock,starnp,docuntenta.ry, estate or profit tax,or any tax ofsimilar nature,that is or may be imposed upon Landlord. (b) In the event Landlord receives a notice of assessment with respect to which taxes or assessments are imposed on Tenant's leasehold improvements ort the Premises, Landlord shall provide Tenant with copies of each such notice promptly upon reecipt, but in no event later than sixty(60)days after the date of such notice of assessment or thirty (30)days prior to the period within which penalties may be assessed or appeal rights would expire. If Landlord does not provide such notice or notices to Tenant within such time period,Tenant shall not be responsiblefor payment of the tax or assessniertt set forth'in the notice,and Landlord shall not.have the right to reimbursement of such amount from Tenant unless it pays such amount and requests reinrbursernent therefor. If Landlord provides a notice of assessaientto Tenant and requests reirnbursernent from"l"errant as forth below, then Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for the tax or assessnrrents identified on tim notice of assessment on Tenant's leasehold improvements, which has been paid by Landlord. If Landlord seeks reimbursement from Tenant„ Landlord shall, no later than sixty (60) days after Landlord's payment of the taxes or assessments for the assessed tax year,provide Tenant with written notice including evidence that Landlord has tirttely paid sari e, and Landlord shall provide to Tenant any other documentation reasonably requested by,rerrant to allow,ronant to evaluate the paymentand to reimburse Landlord. (c) For any tax arnount for which Tenant is responsible under this Agr'eernent `T`enant shall have the right to contest, in good faith, the validity or the amount thereof using such administrative, appellate or other NY OP110,1 sinaura U850 V—i—5 30 2012 proceedings as may, be appropriate in the jurisdiction, and may defer payment of such obligations, pay same under protest,or take such other steps as Tenant may deein reasonably appropriate. This right shall include the ability to institute any legal, regulatory or informal action in the name of Tenant and in the name of Landlord upon written request,such request not to be unreasonably withheld,conditioned,or delayed,or both parties,with respect to the valuation of the Premises, Landlord shall reasonably cooperate with respect to the commencement and prosecution of any such proceedings and will execute any documents required therefor. Tile expense of any such proceedings shall be borate by Tenant and any refunds or°rebates secured as a result of Tenant's action shall belong to"renant,,to the extent the amounts were originally paid by Tenant. In the event Tenant notifies Landlord of Tenant's intent to contest the assessment, Landlord shall not pay the assessment pending conclusion of the contest, unless required by applicable law. (d) Intentionally Omitted. (e) Intentionally Omitted, (f) Any tax-related notices shall be sent to"Tenant in the manner set forth in Section 17 and, in addition, a copy of any such notices shall be sent to the following address. Promptly after the Effective Date of this Agreement, Landlord shall provide the following address to the taxing authority for the authority's use in the event the authority needs to communicate with Tenant. In the event that Tenant's-tax address changes by notice to Landlord,Landlord shall be:required to provide Tenant's new tax address:to the taxing authority or authorities. New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC Attn: Network Real.Estate Administration--Taxes Re: Cell SiteA LI-3.71;Cell Site Name: Laurel Stone- Elite Towers(NX) Fixed Asset No,,: 14209070 575 Morosgo Drive Atlanta, GA 30324 (g) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section 21,. Tenant shall have no obligation.to reimburse any tax or assessment for which the Landlord is reimbursed or rebated by.a third party. 222. SALE Of, PRgLPERTY. (a) If Landlord, at any time during the Term of this Agreement, decides to rezone or subdivide all or any part of the Premises, or all or any part of the Site; or to"sell.or otherwise transfer all or any part of the Premiscs; or all or any part of the Site, to a purchaser other than Tenant, such rezonhig, sale, subdivision or transfer shall be subjectto this Agreement and Tenant's rights Iiereunder. In the event of change in ownership, transfer or sale .of the Property, within ten (10) days of such transfer, Landlord or its successor shall send the documents listed below in this subsection(b)to Tenant. Until Tenant receives all such documents, Tenant shall not be responsible for any failure to snake payments under this,Agreement and reserves the right to hold payments due under this Agreement. i. New deed to Property ii, Bill of Sale or.Transfer iii. New 1RS Farm W-9 iv. Completed and Signed AT&T Payment Direction Form V. Tull contact information for new Landlord including phone number(s) NY Qplimm:5lrucure L.vow: Vcmkm 5 Al 204? (b) Landlord agrees not to sell, lease or use any areas of the Site or Property for the installation. operation or maintenance. of other wireless communications facilities if such installation, operation or maintenance would interfere with Tenant's Permitted Use or communications equipment. 21 Intentionally t;initted.. 24. MISCELLANEOUS. (a) Amendment[Waiver.This Agreement.cannot be amended, modified or revised unless done in writing and signed by Landlord and Tenant. No provision may be waived except in.a writing signed by both parties. The failure by a party to enforce any provision of this Agreement or to require performance by thenther party will not be construed to be a waiver, or in any way affect the right of either party to enforce such provision thereafter. (b) Memorandum/Short Form Lease. Contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, the parties will execute a recordable Memorandum or Short Form of Lease substantially in the form attached as Exhibit 24b. Either party may record this Memorandum or Short Form Lease at any time during the "Perm, in its absolute discretiati. Thereafter during the Terin of this Agreement,either party will,at any time upon fifteen (1 5)business days'prior written notice from the other,execute,aeknowledge and deliver to the other a recordable Memorandum or Short Pone of Lease. (c) Limitation and Liability.Except for the indemnity obligations set forth in this Agreeiment,and otherwise notwithstanding anything; to the contrary in this Agreement, Tenant and Landlord each .waives any claitns that each may have against the other with respect to'eonsequential,incidental or special darnages,however caused;based on any theory of liability. (d) Compliance with Law, Tenant agrees to comply with all federal, state and local laws, orders, rules and regulations ("Laws") applicable to Tenant's use of the Communication facility on the Property, Landlord agrees to comply with all Laws relating to Landlord's ownership and use of the Property and any improvements on the Property. (e) Bind and Benefit, The terms and conditions contained in this ;Agreement will ran. with the Property and bind and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective heirs, executors, administrators. successors and assigns. (f) Entire Agreement. This Agreement and the exhibits attached heretoi all being,a part hereof constitute the entire agreement of the parties hereto and will supersede all prior offers, negotiations and agreements with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. Exhibits are numbered to correspond to the Section wherein they are first referenced. Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement,each party shall bear its own fees and expenses (including the fees and expenses of its agents,.brokers, representatives, attorneys, and accountants) incurred in connection with the negotiation,drafting,execution and performance of this Agreement and the transactions it contemplates. (g) Governing Lay.This Agreement will be governed bythe laws of the state in which the Premises are located, without regard to conflicts of law. (h) Interpretation. Unless otherwise specified, the following rules of construction and interpretation apply: (i) captions are.for convenience and reference only and in no way define or limit the construction of the terms and conditions hereof,; (ii) use of the term "including" will be interpreted to mean "including but not limited to", (iii) whenever a party's consent is required under this Agreement, except as otherwise stated in this Agreement or as same may be duplicative, such consent will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, (iv) exhibits are an integral part of this Agreement and are incorporated.by reference into this. Agreement (v) use of the terms "termination" or "expiration" are interchangeable; (vi) reference to a default will talwe into consideration any applicable notice,grace and cure periods;(vii)to tine extent there is any issue with respect to any alleged, perceived or actual ambiguity in this Agreement, the ambiguity shall not be resolved on the basis of who drafted the Agreement; (viii) the singular use of words includes the plural where appropriate and(ix) if tiny provision of this Agreement is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force if tile overall purpose of the Agreement is not rendered impossible and the original purpose, intent or consideration is not materially impaired. NY.t7pilon SSntClure L®aw Version 5 30 2012 (i) Affiliates. All references to"Teriant"shall be deemed to include any Affiliate of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC using tile Premises for any Permitted Use or otherwise exercising thc rights of Tenant pursuant to.this. Agreement. "Affiliate,, imans with respect to a party to this Agreement, any person or entity that (directly or indirectly)controls, is controlled by,or under common control with,that party, "Control" of a person or entity means the power(directly or indirectly) to direct the management or policies of that person or entity,whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract, by agency or otherwise. ' 0) Survival. Any provisions of this Agreement relating to indemnification shall survive the termination or expiration hereof, In addition, any terms and conditions contained in this Aw,cement that by their sense and context are intended to survive the termination or expiration of this,Agreement shall so survive, (k) W-9. As atondition precedent to payment,Landlord agrees to provide Tenant with a completed IRS.Forrn W-9,or its equivalent,upon execution of this Agreemem and at such other times as may be reasonably requested by Tenant, including,any change in Landlord's name or address, (1) Execution/No Option. The submission of this Agreement to any party for examination or consideration does not constitute an offer, reservation of or option for the Premises based on the terms set forth herein. This Agreement will become effective as abinding Agreement only upon the handwritten legal execution, acknowledgment and delivery hereof by Landlord and Tenant. This Agreement may be executed in two (2) or more counterp,,uts,all of which shall be considered one and the same agreement and shall become effective when one or more counterparts have been signed by each of the parties. All parties need not sign the same counterpart. (in) Attorneys' Fees. In the event that any dispute between the parties related to this Agreernew should result in litigation,the prevailing party, in such I itigation shall be entitled to recover from the other party all reasonable fees and expenses of enforcing any right of the prevailing party, including without limitation, . p 0 reasonable attorneys'fees and expenses. Prevailing party means the party determined by the court to have most nearly prevailed even if such party did not prevail in all matters, This provision will not be construed to entitle any party otherth6n Landlord,Tenant and their respective Affiliates to recover their fees and expenses. (n) WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL. , EACH PARTY, 'ro THE EXI"E'NT PERMrrJ'ED BY LAW, KNOWINGLY, VOLUNTARILY AND INTENTIONALLY WAIVES ITS RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY ACTION OR PROCEEDING UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY`WAY CONNECTED WITH THIS HIS AGREEMENT OR THE TRANSACTIONS IT CONTEMPLATES. [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON NEXT PAGE] NY 4)pfion sm1cwra[.else Vcndiun 5.11)20712 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be effective as of the last date written below, "LANDLORD" Elite Towers, LP., a Pennsylvania lirnited partnership By:lC ET,LLC, its general partner L By: k PrintNanmie:L'1�' n a Negr�VIV -- l— Oil its: M Me 'iber Date: 7nqmi2--- "TENANT" New Cingular Wireless PCS,LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: AT&T Mobility.Corporation Its: Manager t2kBy: -&-le-- Print:Name: Robert A. Manzo Its: Director-Construction and Engineering Date: A .�14AJJ- [ACKNOWLEDG-iNIENTS APPEAR ON THE NEXT PAGE] NY oplin s1suct1w Umul TENANT t i NOWLEDGi" ENT State of ) ss.: Comity of ) tin tYhe - _day „ in the year�2 11 be nre m til band, actoronally appeared before rttc tine Undersigned, l ern personally known to me or proved to s ofsatisf y evidenceto be the individual(s) whose nrrnle(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument arra acknowledged to ire that he)s.hefthey executed tine same` in his/her/their oapacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) can the instrument,tine individual(s),or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s)acted,„executed tite instr°urnent, ��- Notr Public �Y9 �NrtyrrJ �i Printed Name. N o Ply Corrrrr°risiorr Expires: w 011 Ora, LANDLORD A!C�LgLOWLEpGNtE.NT r,. Cbt �a d°'Fao`xarta9�hu,rrt�' State of New York.) ss.: County of Nassau) nthat day o, in the year 0w1,>efre nye, the undersigned,, l y appeared Tanya Ne ,r°on, personally known to me or proved to rne on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuai(s)whose narne(q)is(rare)subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to nne that helshe/tlrey exccutcd the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and tilat by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s),or the person upon behaWof which the individual(s)acted,executed the instrument. Notary Public ' llri RollmN�. �ftSftoIY0tk Printed Name; _ Y (�', Clue iftedqV iot uCoun _. Cottlttli6GS1 0 4 lIt11 Mi11 , � MyCommission expires: * t \V optiurn Stnlature I..w; ; '4'ersaYtia 5 SCS?ip 12 EM-11BIT I DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES Page of to the :Sublease. Agreement dated m 2017, by and between Elite Towers, LP, a Pennsylvania limited partnership, as Landlord, and New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC,. a Delaware limited liability company,as Tenant. The Property is legally described as follows: The Premises are described and/or depicted as follows:: a RK L THIS EXHIBIT MAY BE REPLACED BY A LANDSURVEY AI+➢DJOR.CONSTRL1C"1 ION DRAWINGS 01"THC PREMISES ONCE RECEIVED BY TENANT. 2. ANY SETBACK OF THE PREMISES FROM THE PROPERTY'S BOUNDARIES SHALL,BE THE DISTANCE REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES. 3. WIDTH OF ACCESS ROAD SHALL BE THF W IDTH PEQLJIRL:D By'CHE APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES., INCLUDING POLICE AND FIR DEPARTMIEN°I S, 4, THE TYPE, NUMBER AND MOUNTING POSITIONS AND LOCATIONS OF ANTENNAS AND TRANSMISSION LINES ARE HAMSTRATIVE ONLY..ACT'UAL.'TYPES,NUMBERS AND MOUNTING POSITtoNS MAY VARY IgROM WIIAr IS SI IOWN ABOVE. 1 �l CARRIER-55 I(Ey MA AREA(5)DESIGNATED SCALL:N'i'S '"" .W PROP FENCED " \ AMA(BY`.OTHERS)(2,500 � $a FT)(SEE: I/LE-4) A - PROP.120'CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE .. \ (DY OTHER5)(SEE: 1-2/LE-6) `` PROP."VERIZON EQUIPMENT AREA 4 SMALL ACCE65ORY EQUIPMENT -,PROP,LESSEE SQ. FT.J(SEE: Ill1=-5J �� _..__ STORY efi�1L ix1NG r I" EX15TE4416 1 5,70RY .. , 1EX15TING PROPERTY €.aNE•- -� E;c15r1NG 4.CC>r55 ROAD— SITE PLAN �.— �_:�� .m::.�ww =._ .�. .. SCALE: V=6Q'-0" t° � .�� N R1'H NOTEw LEASE EXHIBITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION FOR LEASING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ��nee rxaECT No. Fznt�a LI-311 owa W, Mt n � at&t _� kr �� Z yk� w.aa�au au p SITE ApMAN 764 KANECK,D N 1 L., F not c#ac a�wr smc i a arr dd'd Alf' � N"E �k�t 'i@55 MAIN ROAD rr 7 . , P'c L� 9dtl"t "'WGS A£w ,»N ... 1552 1:201 567E(Xll i F:20 1 567-9555 WLrl MNI di4Y 4 warm+a t r#us r� .fi9spi �aL�nnaso¢�eLa"cr x L)IlL'r,TITLE: S4TE PLAN E � TELCO DEMARC: PROPOSED LESSEt JEL= LOCATED IN COMPOUND AREA. (SERVICE TO BE CONFIRMED BY UTILITY PROVIDER) E ELECTRIC DEMARC: PROP05ED,LE55EF (200A/I-PHA5E/240V SERVICE)LOCATED IN COMPOUND AREA.'(BERVICE TO BE CONFIRMED BY UTILITY PROVIDER AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEER) GROUNDING DEMARC: PROPOSED LE55EE TO BE INSTALLED AROUND LE55EE EQUIPMENT AREA, BACK UP GENERATOR: PROPOSED LE55FE WAPAVE LOCATED INSIDE EQUIPMENT AREA. (SERVICE TO BE CONFIWED BY UTILITY PROVIDER) i Al 1"; Qbf , IIy a PROP.LE55EE Jq€ CONCEALMENTTO I � i � f I � -PROP.LESSEE MONOPOLE. TELCA a ELECTRICAL. SERVICE PROP.LE56EE q YY °vQ FT)(SEE: 1/LE-$) i I. G — — _ g; d • PROPP,YEKIZON TELCO �r CABINET{TELCO TO BE PROP.PAD -- PROVIDED TO LESSEE) � u �..—. �.... ,w _a. " . MOUNTED TRANSFORMER(BY OTHERS) —... - --..,.-,... .._-- � U C7TILTTY LAYOUT PLAN � ..�"'"�.� ...�w_. _�.... . .........� SCALE:3/32'— P-0" SCALE"2°-VV NORTH NOTE LEASE EXHVBITS ARE A CONCEIITUAL PRESENTATION FOR LEASING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION kWFM 1NR1AF2�.,. ., µ Ft24JEGTND 1x 1EC3u �I at&fig LI-311 -� ARCHITECTa LLC J _ w TE AP LI-9'11 �, Iu.. AVE.,, � C rlt f� � la leas 10 5MAI°r LE-2 174d1k 4EA611812R8NC hb6 164 PALISADE V E _F w ute ma u��r rm rwka �l 9CJ MAIN ROAD TEANEC:IK,NJ 076(6 „4ea� rwnT0 s X'mr, kcs"�"y" MATTITUC ,NY{1952 h.� ns.a�srs'r'SCS ra'.'b. 2 ruF: „ 'r,201-567-0032�F:201-5167.9$51 11%E CLEW,A4+raUPVCA"CN0RuM F:21k1=wlz1 56 °w�aar$m cr .�^aURY—Pi cl:%�W 0 . ...., _..... .. . . UTILITY LAYPLAN rad :�wr�rr rb�xd4"NY»tl MKK� r;�� i DWG.TITGE� I32T f FIRE DEPARTMENT WHIP ANT. MONOPOLE W'-b'f AGL ,qjO�� ATO ANTENNA(W PROP,VERIZON ANTENNA(B)(TYR) ,�R4�'�ENTER OF AT4T ANTIENNA(5) LE56EE Aoaj&�j �IjPPE�T4'.ANTENNA(6) ------ MOUNTED INSIDE PROP, ell-411tAGL LE55EE CA_&0;-F_IN CENTER OF AT tT ANTENNA($) (SEE: 1-21LE-6) PROP,(2)61-01 WIDE (EIT OTHERS)OV-011 OVERALL) PROD.FENCED AIMA(5Y OTHER5)(2oo $a FT.)(SEE: VILE-4) POLE CA1166ON PROP.PAD MCANTED FOUNDATION (BY OTHERS) TRANSFORMER(BY --PROP.VERNZON OTHERS) EQUIPMENT AREA PROP.CONCRETE PROP.LE65EE BOLLARDS(BY (250 60.FT,)(WE: 14-5-5) OTHERS)(TYP.OF 4) ELEVATION (SOUTH) a, le,1 zv SCALE: 1 20'-0" SCAU*a1` 20'4' NOTE: LEASE EXHIBITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION FOR LEASING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION wom Fecopv 60 Re—owc'm Salient _ cjPROJECT, Ll.all at&t REV00 AS PER CaMM KM SITE ADDRESS- 764 PALISADE AVIS.,2F Allo T±L TEANECK,NJ 07666 L.r_AND FOR rwrl Ex"Wvt Or BY r"t, 105D MAN ROACH LE-3 MAITIIUa�NY US52 X . ........ oml 'real WA 6T*wTLy"M5vqlqwfv DWI TITLE: FIEVAMON ww PLOP.vERIZON EQUfPMENT AREA t 5MALL ACCE55ORT 50-01'i OVERALL EQUIPMENT PROP.120' CONCEALMENT y MONOPOLE(BY OTHERS) . . �-PROP.FIR!" (SEE: 1,2/LE.W DEPARTMENT jl F w CABINET err 61�1�� PROP, LE=56EE 12- R ;, ) 9PPORTEP ON CONCRETE SLAB LE56EE 1 (250 30.FT.) r_-1°..„ (SEE. ULE-5) �� I 111p PROP,FENCED- < v ..�PROP,LE55EE M UsQrjr (BY OTNER5) (200 W.FT.) .� f . �� , PROP"vERiZON PROP.CONCRETE= TELCO CABINET � ,: .... ... ...,(y ......i ... .... . ..... BOLLAR05 (BY E OTNERSJ(TYP.OF 4) 'b- ....0 { �/ L\ 0 0 �w PROP.ELECTRIC _.� L_.. PROP,F.'-0" WIDE �, METER BANK�.,., (BY OTflE=R5) pp EXI6TING ACCE55 I 1 SCALP;3132"=1'-0" S� COMPOUND LAYOUT ��� X112 T.:_ . �' 1}° NORTH NOTE: LE=A5E EXNIE5ITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION FOR LE MING PURPO5E5 ONLY ANI) ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION * r m n7 REQ un I, Lt-3'tl'- PLUG,nea: �.3 a :'Hirers.Y,c Ok 3128111 REVIBED AS IER GIX'P'�FW HIJ11 439' A 'mow 2 tpcQ n a v N 3117 REYfSED AS FERECfiB1EtdT C`d & �"?MAIN ROAD LE-4 7GTfiANF..CTG,T3A 7G56 h ussws� �vaz urm awe �� �aa �a� � C TITLE GL'e.T AXj C:W.p"'LMICA704ORU44+." AT �f IE JJF W651,C�AIk."IfkY2k�,SQ1 �Q[k:S2G1 "'---,,,.,,... ..m... ....,..,. ..............»,.,.......,,�..,........ T: d7 7wdTCTT L: O't"A C,w a" awl a a s 0, .. ...,,,,_...._. �... ....n pub,TITLE- / aw.1rB�'"uF6W'A 1 tl AldW#(M„".A'6. fAc-mrM✓."N. ,..........�...., ��EwA�Y� PROP.LESSEE CIEWMAM SUPPORTED ON CONCRETE SLAP PROP�LE85EE QQNQRM PROP, LE55EE ~- 5 TO SUPPORT PROP. LE55EE EQUIPMENT (250 SQ.Fr.) P. LE55EE PROP,LESSEE-- 2 4 V-011t OVERALL (STACKED) (2)p5) ,� _.�. _. SUPPORTED ON (STACKED) CONCRETE SLAB SUPPORTED ON UNISTRUT L--g( ... P. LE55EE FRAMCNG & R OOR DC FOUPE .„pyp�,,y q � C>UTDPROP.PIPE MASTS) f5ERV1C TO-BE DETER"CkNIDIN SUPPORTEq ON Br- 'TILIT'r PROODER) CONCRETE SLAB 7 PROP.LE55EE t ), � { { r � SOP.LESSEE (STACKED)(4 , PER SECTOR, TOTAL OF 12) MOUNTED ON FRIAMIINNGT ON � �L ( CEFT1 &'-0" HIGH p UT"1I.RY) PROP, PIPE IL MAST(5) PROP.1.E55E1= W-011PROP, LESSEE .�.,...-�—,..,.�Mn (, HIGH SUPPORTED ON MOUNTING SUPPORTED ON BRACKET ON PROP.PIPE CONCRETE SLAB MASTS) -PROP.1-E5SEE TELCO t EQUIPMENT LAYOUT 1 L SCALE: v4°= 1,U SCAEFE 114'._.. .._..� NORTH NOTE: LEASE EXHIBITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION FOR LEASING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT FOR CON5TRUCTION ct IENt F?9 CAR37 OF REePNSIt ""6 PCNs.h0: �p Qg PROJECT NO:L1-311 .,, r✓ --lienC. a`&t M AI CJS6WINAON flPUT, _ ..._. 3/09A1 FREUMINARY MJM mwiEcT 1,1.311 764 PALISADE AVE.,2F w c � " a lQ71,_c 41 v is,dot 1� 1 WIC4 " T M 1 SITE A�C)FESS, LE-5 6dT MJH �1JJ MAN ROAD TEANECK,NJ 07¢6G &.Lt^ FOR lw gx fiwa VAR,PAY nm MATTITLM NY 11952 I':201-,i67-00321T:201-567-9556 „ua¢¢ wrry mnraa marar awwa! wceuM.sa ss dc� ro _.. . ._............ __.w_,,._ __... pW3.TITLE, 1 1 LAYOUT %Y�1RV 4a IIentassaclatws.cQCri s a ti cae d 'k, w d wm POP.MONOPOLE0EALM ENT -��.� �. �� _- _..PROP.LESSEE MOUNTED INSIDE PROP,LESSEE (BY OTHERS) C&lffs IN=Ww dQIQ=(SEE. 24-E'-6) PROP. 120' m. w.� � �°,�" MONOPOLE(BY OTHERS) '" �• �- PIOI .POLE GAI550N FOUNDATION (BY OTHERS) ANTENNA LAYOUT FLAN ' �a CAL : 1is 1,-O'� a ��w� w. w� ... _ _...w..� NORTH -15T ANTENNA SECTOR RAP PROP.MONOPOLE- ----- CENTER - 105'-0" CONCEALMENT l -20 ANTENNA SECTOR RAD 90 Wj(TYP.) CENTER = 95'-0" PROP.LE55EE. W- MOUNTED INSIDE PROP. y LESSEE C&STER IN WN (TYP.OF 1 PER SECTOR, � PER IAD.CENTER; (6) c ANTPNNA(S)TOTAL) Q PROP.CONCEALMENT -- u MONOPOLE MELKM9&= PROP,ANTENNA Dom. , Xv (TYPJ ANTENNA CANISTEII ELEVATION 71 SCALE: 1/4"=F-O' SCALL I14 , p� NOTE: LEASE EXHIBITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION FOR LEA5ING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ;,.I T+GTa 3Dfd9 PR LIMNARY NIT FkQJEOT .. LI 311 lUC-.'NCIP __.. _.., w w... .....�_...... ......�.....�...... ._ __._.. MJhO PROJECT LI-31I Qlzzlr] p ' � A6T ',E p '�.., w^'w�s*' <r a Q�CX�pxvmom �i VISED AS PER COMII NT MJM SITE ADDREft 7bTEANECK,NI 07GGG a sro" is �esm a ,. ..6 81 I of f I� 7 J�✓(�AII� LE-6' vVrev. tTlmc ¢ttwra � x.cre T .,.... L.. _ y �' IPPA@'^,N N'VMC/sur ccwd«tffi A2w4'Mr¢J„uC UN MATTITUCI-,NY 11952 T 20M�w77-CBQT� F.:� a» "u �� ��rar��� �u�auxre�;ra c�+ ......M,._ •- ANTIELA"YOU�" free,, OMCM� o�u� x. EXHIBIT 10b (1) GROUND LEAST [FOLLOWS ON NEXT PAGE] EXI IBIT n ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURE To the best of Landlord's.lcno A,44te the Propeily,as of the date of this Agreement,is free of hw/ rdous substances except as follows: 1.NONE. ?4V Oben SoA1salNun Luse "'u:rtadtiaPw�w;§a17,17V� i EXHIBIT 12 STANDARD ACCESS LETTER [FOLLOWS ON NEXT PAGE] I .............. April 1, 2017 Building Staff Security Staff 7055 Main Road Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Authorized Access granted to AT&T Dear Building and Security Staff, Please be advised that we have signed a lease with AT&I' liermitting AT&T to install, operate and rnaintain, telecornmunications equipment at the ,propetty. The terms of the lease grant AT&T and its representatives, employees, agents and subcontractors ("representatives" 24 hour per day, 7 day per week access to the teased area. To avoid impact on telephone service during the day, AT&T representatives mabe y seeking access to the property Outside of normal business hours. AT&T representatives have been instructed to keep noise levels ata minimurn during their visit. Please grant the bearer of a copy of this letter access to the property and to the leased area. Thank you for your assistance. landlord ignature L EXHIBIT 244 MEMORANDUM OF LEASE [FOLLOWS ON NEXT PAGE] MEMORANDUM OF LEASE Prepared by;, flictoria Lregnan .5550 ''err ick Suite 302,,4L(qsWC?jarca,NY 117.58 Return to, New Cingular Wireless RCS, LLC Attn: Network Real Estate Adin inistration Re: Cell Site#:1-1-371; Cell Site Name: biurelStoiie-LfiteToweis Fixed Asset No.: 14209070 575 Morosgo Drive Atlanta,GA 30324 Cell Site No; LI-371 Cell Site Name: Laurel Stone-Elite Towers Fixed Amt Number: 14209070 State: New York County- Suffolk MEMORANDUM OF LEASE This Memorandum of Lease is entered into on this_ day of 2,0_,,by and between Elite Towers,LP,a.Pennsylvania limited paitnership,having a mailing address of 5 Great Valley Parkway., Suite 333, Malvern, PA 19355 (hereinafter referred to as "Landlord") and New CingUlar Wireless PCS, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, having a mailing address of, Suite 13-F West Tower, 575 MorosgoDr.ive. Atlanta GA 30004(hereinafter referred to as`"Tenant"), 1. Landlord and Tenantentered into a certain Sublease Agreement("Agreement') on the_ day of µ 20._, for the purpose of installing, operating and maintaining a conin�u Featio—ns facility and otheriniprovernQnts. All of the foregoing isset forth in the Agreement. I The initial lease term will be five(5)years commencing on the Effective Date of the Ag.rcenunit%vith four(4 four successive five(5)year options to renew. 3, The portion of the land being leased to Tenant and associated easements are described in Exhibit I annexed hereto. 4, This Memorandum of SubLease is not intended to amend or modify, and shall not be deemed or construed as amending or modifying, any of the terms;conditions or provisions of the Agreement,all of which are hereby ratified and affirmed. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Mernorandurn,of Lease and the,provisions of the Agreement,th6 provisions of the Agreement shall control, The Agreement shall be binding UP011 and inure to the benefit of theparties and their respective heirs,successors,and assigns,subject to the provisions of the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have MCLiled this Memorandum of S'ubLease as of the day e above written, year first "LANDLORD" Elite Towers, LP., a Pennsylvania limited partnership By; C ET,LLC, its general partner By: egron Print�Niame: Tai yaN��, Its, Mar aping Membei- Date: "TENANT" New Cingular Wireless PCS,1.,,I,C a Delaware limited liability company BY: AT&T Mobility Corporation Its: Maiiager By' Name: Robert A. Manzo Its: Director-Constructioll and Engineering Date: (., '41 1 [ACKNOWLEDGMENTS APPEAR ON NEXT PAGE] TENANT ACI NOWL ;DG E dT State of ss., County of On the 14- day of �J_in the year 20��fi before me,the undersigned,personally appeared F�afy known to ane or proved to nye oil the basis of satisfactory evidence to be ti atdividual(s) whose names) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that lw sheltlaey executed the same in his/her/chair capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signatures) on the instrument,the individuail(s),or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s)acted,executed the instru►nent, AaAy�P�ublic Printed Name_ A, p b„ My Commission Expires: w , LANDLORD ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of ss._ County.of } O, the day of � in the yeah �° before me,the undersigned, personally ap' eared t{ eM"sonali known to ine or roved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be w_...... l y p y the i�� ivic m.raai(� 4vhose names} is (are) subscribed to file within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the i Istru XIM t,tJ aal(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individuals)acted,executed the instri.iment. Notary Public VICTO RAE Notm pltl �t NO York Printed Name: No. Qualified(ri County My Coininissian Expires: .._.,....., � u' EXHIBIT 1, , DE,SCRIEPTION OF PREMISES Pop of tothe Memorandum of Lease dated2017, by, and between Elite Towers, I.P, a Pennsylvania limited partnership,as Landlor­d,ari—d—New'—Cingular Wireless P'CS,LLC,a Delaware firnited liability company,as Tenant, The Property is legally described as follows*-, The Premises are described and/or,depicted as follows: w J � a h a AREAe5)DESIGNATED �� T FOR FUTURE CARRIER5 KE Y MAF SCA LF:NTS _PROP.FENCED a owwrw r�A(6Y OTHERS)(2,8D!?J 50-K)(SEE: ULE-4) * / .PROP.120' CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE (BY OTHERS)(SEE: 1-211.E-6) PROP. VERIZON EQUIPMENT AREA E SMALL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT J, " OW ` `r e SGL FL)fSEE: ULE»5) ORY BUILDING {t SIGNAGE v � ,aim �,� e "���`"";�,._" •"� "�5 ro J,`�`°;� ,� v, ORS z5 � EXISTING PROPERTY LINE- ✓ , ..._ "'� ' ? EXISTING AGCI=SS ROAD° Ak SITE FLAN I n ...:: . 3n., waw uww . Sk~"64LE Nor�TH NOTE: LEASE EXHIBITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION FOR LEASING PURPO6E5 ONLY AND ARE NOT FOR CONSTRXT101'4 Salientca5waxr w jeNa MWIEor No LI-311 ...".�.._ ...,,..... at&t31090 FnWKNARl er. Jd2$54Tip iw9C P . wa5ocwwGC'A5'0, + 5 . .. . .. .._r......MR VT.W;..,jSITF ADDW504 761PALISADE AVL 2f TY �NyZ AS5 $MAIN ROAD C ANECK,NJ 07066 ANO W"WW � LE-1 ssOvtA 94"r4OR 5wr .. MATT1 NY IIS52 ar"F,0: w cww� er2�AWWWM0 ak TITLE: SITE KAN UTILITY LEGEND TELCO DEM OPOSED LESSEE agloammLOCATED IN COMPOUND AREA, (SERVICE TO BE mmiRMED By uTiL1TY O NDER) ELECTRIC DEMARC: PROPOSED LESSEE tlZRA WIffE&M(200A/I•N 1ASE/4OW SERVICE)LOCATED IN COMPOUND AREA,(5ERACE TO BE COfIRMED BY UTILITY PRCMPER AND ELECTRICAL NEER) O GROUNDING DE:MARC: PROPOSED LESSEE TO BE INSTALLED AROUND LE55EE EaUIPM'EN+NT AREA, 0 IS'AC'K UP GENE TOR: FROP055D LESSEE 0MAM LOCATED INSIDE EQUIPMENT AREA, (SEI /ICE TO BE CONFIRMED B"Y UTILITI'PI OVIDEN p V f <,@til iia �r I I � � PROP.LE55EE IQ — .,.,.,, � 9FX4F,M TO CONCEALMENT 9 I MONOPOLE. P I V E ',.,—PROP.LESSE PROP.LE89EE'� -� SQ.ET.)(8M I/1..E» ) w'/---PROP.VERIZON TELCO N CABINET(TELCO TO BE PROP.PAC)-------,,a � ..I _. � MOUNTED PROV1)7ED TO LESSEE) TRANSFORMER(B1 T, JI OTHER5) LELE—S �� UTILITY LAYOUT PLAN L 2 ' a_.. -SCAIl-I;:3!32"-- I'-0" �x�iA�a NORTH NOTE: LEASE EXHIBITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION FOR LEASING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT FOR CONST ILNCTION I 9 N 1Pu PROJECT No 31i AT vµ Ta flNPT _,mm�LI.3"1tw. . at&tAtl pT �� � m ... _ 76 ARCW 31=5.tiC PROJECTr � �� A a�ATE 6t�P N "I 4 P I1M 611E A00n55: LE-2 d PALISADE AVL.,2F a+�H�z^arr..r,�^vw r�r,�rr�x a�c�«re .� 4TLANECK NJ I)�6U, ����m e an v ll0.r�ac ria�cr� ,. aC6E&�� I leS5 M1AIN IWO r.� �� ti4d g ,WS TUcle,NY 11952 ,2v1 r3%� 0217:U-567-91556 �'o r wr,r uus ao aplruaT: M,4TrI � 1 �crrau��r��rt�ast +radnq"�'< .u��d�seaA „a._...�.... _........_._._. �.. ....�.�,..m....,.... . CtdT xsure rre MOM-, "°W ILITY LAYOUT PLAN DlW TITLE. T-Qe Or PROP.FIRE DEPARTMENT WH.IP.......ANT, 132'. . TOP OF4CEALMENT MONOPOLE PROP,VERIZON ANTENNA(b) +TOP OF ATJ ANTENO(S) 0 (TYP,) 4)5;�I?. CENTER OF AT4T ANTENNA(S) ----FROPLE66EE ANjekj&�2 MOUNTED INVDE PROP. TOP OF AT4T ANTENNA(5) LE55EE CAN15-TE19 IN . ALCENTER OF AT'4T ANTENNA($) (BEE: 1-2/LE-b) PROP.(2)6'-0"WIDE (BY OTHERS)(12'-O`OVERALL) PROP,FENCED AffA (BY OTHERS)(2AW /—PROR POLE CAISSON 50-PV(SEE,. 1/LE-4) FOUNDATION(BY OTHERS) PROP,PAD MOUNTED VERIZON TRAN51FORMER(BY EQUIPMENT AREA OTHERS) ... . .......... (BEYOND) GRADEPROP.LESSEE l" PROP.CONCRETE- (250, 5a Fr)(SEE. WEI-5) BOLLARDS (BY OTHERS)(TYP,OF 4) " ELEVATION(SOUTW" 2T 40 H) .,ALE: I 20'-G" SCALE,, W.0" NOTE: LEASE EXHIBITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION FOR LEASING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION MOM #4WMw000 RECOWk 6F REAVAS ova Na fg,6ifkk NO,, DAJ Salient aW X WE APDF&55, fS9 is 31m Q'��ARZHIWSUC t Al, 764 PALISADE AVE.,2F uos -65WN-fi-145—m 1055 MAIN fWAD LE-3 TEANECK,NJ 07066 AID CWIMOO CP%WW AFrkftEC7'b' "cl Avo FoRIK%ltaus4va ow r",,Tot MAlTl=,W 11552 , Uw wo MFLIGAVON onz 2U.567-9556 OrAwr rAwK, PROP.W'EdC ---�,,, EQUIPMENt AREA d SMALL ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT 50'-04 OVERALL PROP.120' CONCEALMENT MONOPOLE (BY OTHERS) (SEE: I-2ILE-6) PROP.FIRE �ryry .w DEPARTMENT NI CABINET �� _P 1' LESSEE .. ........_ % ) .r ON CONCRETESUPPOR'TI 1 l SLAB ily- N PROP„LESSEE WurMtARA�� (250 SQ.Ft.) (SEE: 1/LE-5) PRO!'. FEhCCE'C��.„._ �It�f,„� � o (BY OTHERS) � � --� PROP.LESSEE I PROP.CONCRETE - ti° ” VERIZdN BOLLARDS (BY ....... TELCO CABINET 1 OT�IERSJ(TYP.OF d) .... �.” . .... .. .,�. PROP„(o'.011 WIDE PROF_ELECTRIC--�-----�„�..���' +�""�" ( METER SANK BY OTHERS) EXISTING I COMPOUND LAYOUT N Y�m SC LE:3132"= V_()" ,. ".. !NORTH NOTE LEASE EXHIBITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION FOR LEASING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT EOR CONSTRUCTION RAF R k VC 1§ PROJECT NO I �alke� .' Dam E s PT .. LI-311 � wTc �. c at&fi w _I-3 z��� a r np. VWED " r w` slr LI-311 �ARCNfTECTS,uC Lid M20JEC�: u� + s _ t c ar sµ 105 MANN ROAD LE"w° , fi0N X07.0 CK, A10 isa � KK "�Y .,.. �f3e�b RCvt� MATTI�' 1)l Aft 2F uis as C"BrAN C ��zl u T X07•„rFsb47T F4JY #a•4TS7ro Www ��LAYtIT DWS,TI'TI,.E, PROP.LESSEE MERAM SUPPORTED ON CONCRETE SLAB .... FIP.LESSEE CA24CEM PROP. LESSEE= LADTO SUPPORT PROP, LESSEE EQUIPMENT (250 6a.FT) PP40P.LESSEE PROP, LESSEE°-.. PUR= ISTACKEp 201-0111 OVERALL Mx SUPPORTED ON �t (STACKED) CONCRETE SLAB SUPPORTED ON UNISTRUT FRAMING ON —PROP.LE55EE 6'-0" HIGHCEI"` TOi OUTDOOR DC PROP. PIPE ( EQXRELML 5ECACE TO DETE D MIN INEL� . MAST(S) SUPPORTED ON Y JVLmy FRovfDER), CONCRETE SLAB PROP.LESSEE— r �t M -� _ .„_._ . k PROP.LESSEE (STACKED)(4 b g x p �" PER SECTOR, nr. TOTAL OF 12) MOUNTED ON UNISTRUT (SERIO'E TOBE FRAMING CN q ��,, y , PROVIDED eY 6'-0" HIGH OLITY) PROP.PIPE I MAST(5) J - ~PROP.LE55EE 5-0" PROP.LESSEE HIGH ICE 15RJ12GE SUPPORTED ON MOUNTING SUPPORTED ON BRACKET ON PROP,PIPE CONCRETE SLAB MAST(6) 4 PRO RLE55EE WERMAM MLCO 4 R �� iUIPME NT LAYOUT _.... all SCALE: I/eI" =I" O" � i (y _ .. �...�...� � NORTH NOTE: LEASE EXHIBITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION POI,LEASING PURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION cp IvIsI PROJECT NO,LI3"II I N , _. . .M. _ ......___.._ 11Tr:AP" LI^371 '. AAPReB5< I'FPA LISA NJ AVE,, C 413 @1 vtl6 e As p q_ 10�j MAIN ROAD 6MATT HCl' 11352 764 PALISADE Vl;,,_F c�a„�nxu�+�N is na rrn��eu+a��a+ x LE-5 AND COO 9X 41 OFIIAi@ VR4vC.MUC'�C41 ."`•"""""".' �•• "`""•"'"""... . 4L .4�M1W^tr PCtM"P T{-a� &lui"wv"krwq� .. T-,201-567-0032 I 201-567-9556 ruv t ro r D ro ac ut e a u u 4 "J. 011C B�$ih409&Ct dJ4h� v�oam6u�wrarr ccs as �_ ,. DIW.TITLE, MIFMENT LAYIM PROP.CONcm f �"OTHERS)CEALMEN � t� `,a" ° ,,-PROP.LESSEE fit MOUNTED 1N51DE PROP,LESSEE CAN=&IN PROP, 1201, '----PROP.POLE CA1550N FOUNDATION(BY OTHERS) ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN � � SCAL.[.;: Uri"=I'—(3" NORTH PROP.MONOPOLE---- L-2ND ENNA SECTOR RAD CONCEALMENT -- 105'-sal, (T�'P.) TENNA SECTOR RADPROP:LESSEE = 95'-01, MOUNTED IN51DE PROP, LESSEE 1N V (TY OE I PER SECTOR, PER RAD.CENTER. (6) 1TENNA(S)TOTAL.) z Q , PROP, CEA.L1'TENT—, u MONOPOLES5""e PROP,ANTENNA �� (TYP) � ANTENNA CANISTER ELEVATION _... SCALU VV, � m NOTE: LEASE EXHIBITS ARE A CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION FOR LEA51NG PURPOSE6 ONLY AND ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION � J. n �.w► �t8ct IaEcr No;LI-311 "r of �! GJ5d1 PRQJ�CT q, rf� v� a� Is r �� rye .� / �* SIM PREBB, " A �� sR r �ro 1�S MAIN}?�Aa 7Cv111iISADEt1dC 9 aTGw rwnc _ .. _._.. t': t1JbJIIrl. a� �rc . T .N95Z LE-6 PUK.,.TITLE, ANT �.A'Ya�T m. mimm RIIuii�li NMI: � 1 �I m h VIVIVI OIIV IV1 Aerial View with AT&T Sites i ///% 85 �/��j,/e' aNYL0�1027 ME / i ///% � m Legend: Proposed Site j ,x - On-Air Sites i f © 2017 Pramira Inc. All rights reserved www, ramiraxom 03/29/17 1 ru 'Il Ihi uuuu II III IIII II � lullll AT&T Site info ANTENNA LTE UMTS NAME LAT LONG ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP RAD STRUCTURE TECHNOLOGY NAME CENTER TYPE (FT) NYL00371 7055 MAIN UMTS850/LTE (LI-371) TBD 40.978720-72.546880 ROAD MATTITUCK NY 11952 105 MONOPOLE 700/LTE1900 ELIJAH'S UMTS850/LTE NYL00228 NYNYU0228 40.999463-72.511174 LANE MATTITUCK NY 11952 98 MONOPOLE 7001LTE1900 5792SOUND GUYED UMTS850/LTE NYL00741 NYCEU0741 40.986417-72.585002 AVENUE JAMESPORT NY 11947 150 TOWER 1900 21855 COUNTRY UMTS850/LTE NYLO1027 NYCEU1027 41.029559-72.497251 ROAD 48 CUTCHOGUE NY 11935 70 MONOPOLE 700/LTE1900 25 MANOR UMTS850/LTE NYLO1028 NYCEU1028 40.950520-72.581490 LANE JAMESPORT NY 11947 77 MONOPOLE 700/LTE1900 © 2017 Pramira Inc. All rights reserved. www.pramira.com 03/29/17 2 )Y Ir%y imW � 850MHz Coverage With Proposed Site LI-371 at 1st Antenna Rad Center=105ft ri 5011 rrri on/ r /iii r u /iiiii/ r r/�riia�/J rr r� 9999 rr r iiiiii li II yy IIIII���IIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIII�����Pu �I VV VV VVVVVVV V VV r rr ^ r r rr 'VA; i, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII �� A � rr iii r Legend: Received Level (dBm) 9 H "# - Proposed Site -76 to 0 El -G to -75 On-Air Sites �, -9 5 to -Cg 4i Proposed Site NYL00371 (LI-371), at antenna rad center of 105ft, provides approx. 1.44 sq miles or 923 acres of non-overlapping coverage of-85dBm or better (GREEN & YELLOW). 31 M WWW. ra�mira.COm e 4"..l r.C, f c � c I N h IUN 850MHz Coverage With Proposed Site LI-371 at 2nd Antenna Rad Center=95ft � //// IY�k y �»w ///%ilii/ w a wo p a w^ s 7 w , roll W ////Auy uuuu i v �� Guuuuuuuuu,iii 00 Legend: Received Level (dBm) Proposed Site -75 to U' - On-Air Sites -gs to Proposed Site NYL00371 (LI-371), at antenna rad center of 95ft, provides approx. 1.35 sq miles or 865 acres of non-overlapping coverage of-85dBm or better (GREEN & YELLOW). ate;,) ,7�.1 )r,afl Y{ 4 Inc, i�i� f%:,IIY . ,re,>?��°/ r: . WWW. dmlyd.COm �.�.:/29l17 m 850MHz Coverage of Neighbor Sites Only % ///// / / Ac' %%M<12 r i /////%/ Ilii// %�/////m ������,�� .uuu �uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulllllllllllllllll �-"d / ,. / � � m� '" �C,„�„I,,.. ����I� �i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVV�iI IIIIIIII Illllllllllluii� ��� L', 4 7 jr kw 1�J / �iiii a uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 'a ,,� i .� I i u uuuuml"luuuuu uuuuurli' w � � I V' u uuuuuu /i/aaai a / I Legend: Received Level (dBm): a �IIIIII�I -76 to U - Proposed Site - On-Air Sites — `� to o m , _.. ��� ; ���s �r a sl°�+��::, ��fl 4r �G ., � .��,�w..� r�r,i. www. ramira.com �.r;E'� �`;/.1. " v r, ui I �� IIB � � � III ioiui � IBI BIBII� I� 850MHz Standalone Coverage of Proposed Site LI-371 at 1st Antenna Rad Center=105ft ol 01 ii//i iii. '% / //�/// �ii ,,,ii//// %uh •^w .. .. IO � /iii%/ %//� ✓i '%/i%/ iii � '� � „ i „ d` � "�,� v / e j %%//// i i ��' U�n�iii/%� �"W 7✓. ' �� rr � i,, %� �'. i�//'�/,% i i i ME i r i X/ w er Legend. Received Level (dBm): I -75 to U� Proposed Site i1 N E] -35 to -75, � - On-Air Sites 11��9�° '" -9h to -off „•r, Proposed Site NYL00371 (LI-371), at antenna rad center of 105ft, provides approx. 2.15 sq miles or 1373 acres of standalone coverage of-85dBm or better (GREEN &YELLOW). v� �,rw; �.1 � � rBB� kiu :. P�C nc,: 4 �, � 2�� mx °�:6. www. ramira.com i �x' � /:.; � W, 850 '1Hz Standalone Coverage of Proposed Site Li-371 at 2nd Antenna Rad Center=95ft i / r r/i rrrrr ,rr . r n «�' rr Kw r qp rrrrr r /� r r/i rriiirii � I(� ri F �f q g MM V Legend: Received Level (dBm) �. i - Proposed Site SII �� to �' �M„ �Illi �. © -35 to -76 - On-Air Sites n- r ��r° �umm��' 9 k � �" - w t0 wil 117 Proposed Site NYL00371 (LI-371), at antenna rad center of 95ft, provides approx. 1.96 sq miles or 1256 acres of standalone coverage of-85dBm or better (GREEN &YELLOW). 2F".)1 7 lrr,',,,ryt i ia fn 4-111 right.. r e,m www.pramira.com 03/29/17