HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-07/19/2023 Glenn Goldsmith,President r4F sorry Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski l Southold,New York 11971 Liz Gillooly y Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES RECEIVED TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AUG 17 2023 Minutes Southold Town Clerk Wednesday, July 19, 2023 5:30 PM Present Were: Glenn Goldsmith, President A. Nicholas Krupski, Trustee Eric Sepenoski, Trustee Liz Gillooly, Trustee Elizabeth Peeples, Trustee Elizabeth Cantrell, Senior Office Assistant Lori Hulse, Board Counsel CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Good evening and welcome to our Wednesday July 19th, 2023 meeting. At this time I would like to call the meeting to order and ask that you please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. (Pledge of Allegiance is recited) . I'll start off the meeting by announcing the people on the dais. To my left we have Trustee Krupski, Trustee Sepenoski, Trustee Gillooly and Trustee Peeples. To my right we have Attorney to the Trustees Lori Hulse and Senior Clerk Typist Elizabeth Cantrell. With us tonight is Court Stenographer Wayne Galante, and from the Conservation Advisory Council we have Caroline Burghardt. Agendas for tonight's meeting are posted on the Town' s website and are located out in the hallway. We have a number of postponements tonight. The postponements are in the agenda on page seven, numbers 2 and 3; on page eleven, number 14 through 16; and on page 12, number 17, listed as follows: Number 2, AMP Architecture on behalf of LITTLE POQUATUCK, LLC, c/o PARISA GOLESTANEH requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct an 181x36' (648sq.ft. ) J Board of Trustees 2 July 19, 2023 in-ground pool; install a proposed 586sq.ft. on-grade pool patio; install ±278 linear feet of pool enclosure fencing, install a 4 ' Circ. X 8 ' deep pool drywell, install a pool equipment area; for the existing 2514"x61'8", 910"x4918", 241x2818" (total 2, 690sq. ft. ) 1-1-� story dwelling with attached garage; existing 14 'x36' (504sq. ft. ) concrete patio with steps; existing 512"x10' 7" (55sq.ft. ) seaward side deck; and existing 5' 6"x23'4" (128sq.ft. ) front porch; and to install a 3914"x7' (275 .8sq.ft. ) dormer and a 3' 6"x12" (43.2sq.ft. ) dormer onto rear of dwelling. Located: 960 Willow Terrace Lane, Orient. SCTM# 1000-26-2-21 Number 3, J.M.O. Environmental Consulting on behalf of W. HARBOR BUNGALOW, LLC, c/o CRAIG SCHULTZ requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit for the existing 6.5'x53' fixed dock with a 11'x11' fixed portion in an "L" configuration; existing 3.5'x12' ramp and existing 81x20' floating dock; the 6.5'x53' fixed dock and 11'x11' fixed portion in the "L" configuration to remain; remove existing ramp, float and two piles and install a new 41x20' ramp with rails and an 81x18 ' floating dock situated in an "I" configuration secured by four piles; and to install four tie-off piles. Located: 371 Hedge Street, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1000-10-7-18 Number 14, AS PER REVISED PLANS & PROJECT DESCRIPTION RECEIVED ON 7/5/2023 AMP Architecture on behalf of STEPHEN & FORTUNE MANDARO REVOCABLE LIVING TRUSTS requests a Wetland Permit to remove the existing 4'x4 ' outdoor shower, 61x5' front entry stoop, 418sq. ft. at grade rear brick patio, existing roof, existing septic system and existing foundation locust posts; for the existing 4013 ',�"x20' 6" (800sq.ft. ) one-story dwelling and to lift, relocate and construct additions to the dwelling consisting of an open foundation with breakaway walls using approximately (15) 10" diameter wood pilings; construct a 610"x2016", 1410"x2710", 1116"x1310" (total 626sq. ft. ) second floor addition; construct a 610"x610" (36sq. ft. ) second story seaward balcony; a 3' 4"x8 ' 6" (28.4sq.ft. ) front covered porch with steps to ground; a 41x4' 6" (16.5sq. ft. ) outdoor shower (open to above) ; install a new I/A OWTS system on the landward side of the dwelling; install a 3518"x48 ' 0" (1, 728sq.ft. ) , 7' 6" high (proposed grading height 710") front retaining wall (to house proposed septic system) with 36" high railing and stairs from grade; install an 1818"x1913" (376sq. ft. ) , 6'7" high (proposed grading height 6' 1") , rear retaining wall (to house proposed 81x5' drywell) with 36" high railing and stairs to grade; approximately 2, 760 cubic feet of earth to be removed for proposed septic system components excavation, all to remain on site for backfill; and 5, 055 cubic feet to be used for proposed regrading; install a new 620sq.ft. Pervious driveway with curb; install one (1) 8 'x5' deep drywell to contain roof runoff; and to install and perpetually maintain a 10' wide vegetated non-turf buffer along the landward edge of wetland vegetation. Board of Trustees 3 July 19, 2023 Located: 2135 Bay Avenue, East Marion. SCTM# 1000-31-17-4 Number 15, Karen Hoeg, Esq. of Twomey, Latham, Shea, Kelley, Dubin & Quartararo, LLP on behalf of BRENDAN & SARA OSEAN requests a Wetland Permit to demolish and remove existing foundation and structures; construct a new two-story, single-family 40.5'x46. 9' (1, 495 sq.ft. ) dwelling with a 42sq.ft. front entry with steps; a 42sq.ft. side entry with steps; a seaward 16.5'x13.3' (±219 sq.ft. ) deck over a screened porch with railings; a seaward 14.3'x6' (±86 sq.ft. ) deck over porch with railings; a seaward 19'3"x6' (±116 sq.ft. ) deck over porch with railings; install a new I/A sanitary system; and install and perpetually maintain a 10' wide non-turf buffer along the landward edge of the bulkhead. Located: 12632 Main Road, East Marion. SCTM# 1000-31-14-8.2 Number 16, Jeffrey Patanjo on behalf of CHARLES & SHERRY SOLON requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4 'x54 ' fixed catwalk with steps down to a 4' wide by 16' long fixed dock situated in a "T" configuration with the use of Thru-Flow decking for the entire structure. Located: 4553 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-107-4-13 Number 17, AS PER REVISED PLAN & PROJECT DESCRIPTION RECEIVED ON 5/10/2023 Young & Young on behalf of STEPHEN & JACQUELINE DUBON requests a Wetland Permit for the existing 1, 118sq. ft. one-story dwelling and for the demolition and removal of certain existing structures (project meets Town Code definition of demolition) , within and outside of the existing dwelling to facilitate construction of the proposed additions and alterations consisting of a proposed 45sq.ft. addition to northeast corner, and a 90sq. ft. addition to southeast corner for a 1, 195sq.ft. total footprint after additions; construct a 1, 195sq. ft. second story addition; a 70sq.ft. second story balcony; replace and expand existing easterly deck with a 320sq.ft. deck with 69sq. ft. of deck stairs to ground; replace and expand existing porch with a 40sq. ft. porch and 20sq.ft. porch stairs to ground; construct a 38' long by 2 ' wide by 12" to 24" high landscape wall with a 3' wide by 8"-12" high stone step; install one (1) new drywell for roof runoff; abandon two (2) existing cesspools and install a new IA/OWTS system consisting of one (1) 500 gallon treatment unit and 46 linear feet of graveless absorption trenches (i.e. one (1) 24'L x 4'W trench and one (1) 22 'L x 4'W trench) ; and for the existing 84sq.ft. shed. Located: 5605 Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-137-4-3.2 Under Town Code Chapter 275-8 (c) , files were officially closed seven days ago. Submission of any paperwork after that date may result in a delay of the processing of the applications. I. NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: At this time I'll make a motion to hold our next r Board of Trustees 4 July 19, 2023 field inspection Tuesday, August 8th, 2023 at 8: 00 AM. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . II. NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING: TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: I'll make a motion to hold our next Trustee meeting Wednesday, August 16th, 2023 at 5:30 PM at the Town Hall Main Meeting Hall. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . III WORK SESSION: TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: I'll make a motion to hold our next work sessions Monday, August 14th, 2023 at 5:OOPM at the Town Hall Annex 2nd floor Executive Board Room; and on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 at S:OOPM at the Main Town Hall Meeting Hall. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . IV. MONTHLY REPORT: TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: The Trustees monthly report for June 2023. A check for $28,733. 10 was forwarded to the Supervisor' s Office for the General Fund. V. PUBLIC NOTICES: TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. VI. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEWS: TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold hereby finds that the following applications more fully described in Section X Public Hearings section of the Trustee agenda dated Wednesday, July 19th, 2023, are classified as Type II Actions pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations, and are not subject to further review under SEQRA, as written: Caroline Toscano SCTM# 1000-113-4-8 Alexander Perros SCTM# 1000-51-1-18 Little Poquatuck, LLC, c/o Parisa Golestaneh SCTM# 1000-26-2-21 Mary Elizabeth Guyton SCTM# 1000-107-1-11 John & Margaret Hochstrasser SCTM# 1000-104-13-9 Veronica H. Nasary SCTM# 1000-113-6-22 Board of Trustees 5 July 19, 2023 Erath & Son, LLC SCTM# 1000-35-4-28.30 Paul Tanck SCTM# 1000-23-1-14 . 6 Joseph Kadillak SCTM# 1000-135-3-35.1 TG3 Holdings, LLC, c/o Timothy Quinn, Member SCTM# 1000-14-2-1. 6 Marjorie Gross SCTM# 1000-121-4-12.2 Joseph & Joanne Mascia SCTM# 1000-115-12-22 Regina Melly SCTM# 1000-79-3-4.2 Joseph & Noreen Tusa - SCTM# 1000-106-6-38 .2 TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: That is my motion. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . VII. RESOLUTIONS - ADMINISTRATIVE PERMITS: TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Roman numeral VII, Resolutions - Administrative Permits. In order to simplify our meetings the Board of Trustees regularly groups together actions that are minor or similar in nature. Accordingly, I'll make a motion to approve as a group Items 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 11. Number 2, DAVID ECKERT requests a Ten (10) Year Maintenance Permit to hand-cut Common Reed (Phragmites australis) to not less than 12" in height by hand, as needed. Located: 1035 Waterview Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-78-7-14 Number 4, Patricia C. Moore, Esq. , on behalf of CATHERINE MORRISSEY & CHARLES McCORMACK requests an Administrative Permit to replace existing bulkhead with 67 linear ft. vinyl, 10"x25' CCA pilings, 3/6" x 6" CCA stringers, 16' Shoreguard 425 vinyl sheathing, 10" CCA deadmen and lay logs, 1" tie rods; 4"x6" CCA clamps, 2" wood cap; and establish and perpetually maintain a 10' wide non-turf buffer landward of the bulkhead; if necessary bring in 25 yards of clean fill. Located: 2200 Reydon Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-80-3-9 Number 5, Patricia C. Moore, on behalf of HE WILLIAMS 2005 REV. TRUST c/o HELEN E. WILLIAMS, TRUSTEE requests an Administrative Permit to replace existing bulkhead with 62. 5 linear feet vinyl, 10"x25' CCA pilings, 3/6"x6" CCA stringers, 16' Shoreguard 425 Vinyl Sheathing, 10" CCA deadmen and lay logs, 1" tie rods, 4"x6" CCA clamps, 2" wood cap and establish and perpetually maintain a 10' wide non-turf buffer landward of the bulkhead, if necessary bring in 25 yards of clean fill. Located: 2060 Reydon Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-80-3-10 Number 7, Patricia C. Moore, on behalf of MACALUSO RE LLC & MACALUSO FAMILY TRUST B requests an Administrative Permit to replace existing bulkhead with 40 linear feet vinyl, 10"x25 ' CCA pilings, three 6"x6" CCA stringers, 16' Shoreguard 425 Vinyl Sheathing, 10" CCA deadmen and lay logs, 1" tie rods, 4"x6" CCA clamps, 2" wood cap and establish and perpetually maintain a 10' wide non-turf buffer landward of the bulkhead, if necessary bring in 25 yards of clean fill. Board of Trustees 6 July 19, 2023 Located: 1900 Reydon Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-80-3-12 Number 8, FRANK DiGREGORIO & ROSEMARY M. MSE request a Ten (10) Year Maintenance Permit to hand-cut Common Reed (Phragmites australis) to not less than 12" in height by hand, as needed. Located: 5765 Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-137-4-5.1 Number 9, Fishers Island Ferry District c/o Jeb Cook on behalf of TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FISHERS ISLAND AIRPORT requests an Administrative Permit for vegetation management by means of mowing in field areas and spraying of herbicides to eradicate weeds or invasive plants on runways, taxiways, ramps, and other isolated areas on airport property. All spraying to be done by a NYSDEC licensed commercial applicator. Located: Fishers Island Airport, off Whistler Avenue, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1000-12-1-18 Number 11, Patricia C. Moore on behalf of DANIEL C. & EILEEN B. OAKLEY requests an Administrative Permit to demolish an existing 24. 4'x24.4' garage. Located: 3310 Little Neck Road, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-103-9-12 TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 1, under Administrative Permits, Michael A: Kimack on behalf of DIMITRIOS & IRENE ANTONIADIS requests an Administrative Permit for an as-built 10'x34' (340sq.ft. ) addition to an existing "as-built" 26'x42 ' less a 14 'x8' cutout area (1180sq.ft. ) Deck for a total deck area of 1520 sq. Ft. ; establish and perpetually maintain a 10' wide non-turf gravel buffer area landward of top of bank. Located: 3630 North Sea Drive, Orient. SCTM# 1000-15-1-1 Trustee Sepenoski conducted a field inspection July 17th, noting straightforward with respect to the deck. Plans showing ten-foot non-turf buffer included. The LWRP found this to be inconsistent. The inconsistency is the as-built deck was built without a permit. I will make a motion to approve this application as submitted, and by granting it a permit will bring it into consistency with the LWRP. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 3, JAMES A. BAKER III requests a Ten (10) Year Maintenance Permit to hand-cut Common Reed (Phragmites australis) to not less than 12" in height by hand, as needed, and to trim dead wood from trees, as needed. Located: 1475 Grathwohl Road, New Suffolk. SCTM# 1000-117-1-12 Trustee Krupski conducted a field inspection July 16th, noting that it was okay to trim the phragmites, however the Board of Trustees 7 July 19, 2023 trees have no dead wood. The ,only small dead path he noted was Baccharus, which is New York state protected species. The LWRP found this to be consistent. I will make a motion to approve this application with the condition of cutting phragmites only and to not disturb the Baccharus. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 6, Patricia C. Moore, Esq. , on behalf of KENNY FAMILY 2012 TRUST c/o W. LAURENCE KENNY, TRUSTEE requests an Administrative Permit to replace existing bulkhead with 75 linear feet vinyl, 10"x25' CCA pilings, three 6"x6" CCA stringers, 16' Shoreguard 425 Vinyl Sheathing, 10" CCA deadmen and lay logs, 1" tie rods, 4"x6" CCA clamps, 2" wood cap and establish and perpetually maintain a 10' wide non-turf buffer landward of the bulkhead, if necessary bring in 25 yards of clean fill. Located: 2000 Reydon Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-80-3-11 Trustee Peeples conducted a field inspection July 11th, 2023. The notes say great that the neighbors are working collaboratively on this project. Condition that the stone pavers that are replaced include spacers for pervious seams and no grout and the non-turf buffer. The LWRP found this to be consistent. I will make a motion to approve this application with the stipulation that the pavers are spaced out to make them pervious. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 10, BROWN'S HILLS. ESTATES, INC. , requests an Administrative Permit for the as-built trimming of trees and removal of vines from Locust trees. Located: North View Drive, Orient. SCTM# 1000-13-1-12.1 Trustee Sepenoski conducted a field inspection July 10th, noting straightforward; that the trees are revegetating and regenerating. The LWRP found this to be inconsistent. The inconsistency says the wetland permit number 10339 requires the disturbance areas to be revegetated. Since according to Trustee Sepenoski' s observations that the area was revegetating on its own, that should bring it into consistency with the LWRP. So there were I make a motion to approve this application as submitted. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . Board of Trustees 8 July 19, 2023 TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Roman numeral VIII, Applications for extension, transfers and administrative amendments. Again, in order to simplify meeting motion' to approve as a group items 1 through 4 and 6 through 8. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'm sorry, you skipped 12 . TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Sorry. Going back to number 12 under Resolutions - Administrative Permits, AMP Architecture on behalf of BRIAN O'REILLY requests an Administrative Permit for an as-built 6'x24 .3' (145. 8sq.ft. ) trellis, and as-built 4 'x9' (36sq.ft. ) outdoor shower. Located: 659 Pine Neck Road, Southold. SCTM# 1000-70-5-31.1 Trustee Peeples conducted a field inspection on July 17th, noting it was straightforward. The LWRP found it to be inconsistent because it was as-built and did not have a Trustee permit. So I will make a motion to approve this application and by granting it a permit will bring it into consistency with the LWRP. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Now Roman numeral VIII. VIII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTENSIONS/TRANSFERS/ADMINISTRATIVE AMENDMENTS: TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Again, in order to simplify our meetings, I'll make a motion to approve as a group Items 1 through 4 and 6 through 8, as follows: Number 1, JAMES LUBIN requests a One (1) Year Extension to Wetland Permit #9983, as issued on September 15, 2021. Located: 2765 Wells Road, Peconic. SCTM# 1000-86-2-2 Number 2, En-Consultants on behalf of THE NORTH FORK PROJECT, LLC c/o ANTHONY MARTIGNETTI, MEMBER requests a One (1) Year Extension to Wetland Permit #9956, as issued on July 14, 2021. Located: 5670 West Mill Road, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-106-6-4.1 Number 3, STEPHEN MERKLE & ERIKA SHALETTE request a Final One (1) Year Extension to Administrative Permit 09692A, as issued on September 16, 2020. Located: 1800 Little Peconic Bay Road a/k/a 3700 Wunneweta Road, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-111-14-20 Number 4, Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. , on behalf of SHLOMO & ALICE WEINBERG requests an Administrative Amendment to Wetland Permit #10359 to reduce the 15' wide non-turf vegetated buffer which runs along the landward edge of the 50 wide non-disturbance area, to a 12 ' wide non-turf vegetated buffer to allow for the encroachment of the deck. Located: 1425 Meadow Beach Lane, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-116-7-6 Board of Trustees 9 July 19, 2023 Number 6, Daniel J. Pennessi on behalf of NORTH ROAD HOTEL, LLC requests an Administrative Amendment to Wetland Permit #10383 for the replacement of existing +/-192sq. ft. Deck and railings. Located: 62005 C.R. 48, Greenport. SCTM# 1000-40-1-1 Number 7, Stromski Architecture P.C. , on behalf of STICKS & STONES OUTDOORS, LLC requests an Administrative Amendment to Wetland Permit #9966 to decrease the size of the masonry patio to 920sq. ft. in lieu of the permitted 1, 302sq. ft. ; construct an 85sq.ft. extension to previously permitted 20'x12 ' 6" wood deck, for a total square footage of 325sq.ft. , with steps to grade (approximately 65sq.ft. ) ; construct an approximate 44 ' long x 3' 10" high tiered retaining wall with planting beds with 48" high fence to follow to stay along the edge of same; remove existing sanitary system and install I/A System; installation of drywells for pool backwash and installation of concrete pad for pool equipment area. Located: 3995 Wells Avenue, Southold. SCTM# 1000-70-4-1 Number 8, MAZI HOLDINGS, LLC requests an Administrative Amendment to Wetland Permit #10021 for the as-built approximately 80' long boulder wall on the seaward side of the pool. Located: 1900 Bailie Beach Road, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-99-3-13 TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 5, Steven Affelt, AIA on behalf of DOMELUCA II, LLC requests an Administrative Amendment to Wetland Permit #9863 to construct the previously permitted 18 '2"x82 ' swimming pool rather than the 14 'x82' 1" swimming pool. Located: 14895 Route 25, East Marion. SCTM# 1000-23-1-2. 10 Trustee Sepenoski conducted a field inspection June 29th. Notes read proposed pool largely outside jurisdiction, construction within setback, proper silt fence and hay bales in place to mitigate and nullify runoff. Recommend planting three-inch native hardwoods. Other than that, it was straightforward. I don't have an LWRP. So I'll make a motion to approve this application with the condition of replacement of five native hardwood trees, minimum of three-inch caliper. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . IX. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTENSIONS/TRANSFERS/ADMINISTRATIVE AMENDMENTS: TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: I'll make a motion to approve as moorings, motion Board of Trustees 10 July 19, 2023 as group, 1 and 2. They are listed as follows: Number 1, BRUCE & SUSAN ANDERSON request a Mooring in Arshamomaque Creek for an 11' outboard motorboat. Access: Private. Located: 2265 Long Creek Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-52-8-4 Number 2, PETROS ALEXANDER PANAGOPOULOS requests a Stake and Pulley System Permit in Narrow River for a 16' outboard motorboat, replacing Stake #5. Access: Public TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . X. PUBLIC HEARINGS: TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: At this time I'll make a motion to go off our regular meeting agenda and enter into public hearings. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . This is a Public Hearing in the matter of the following applications for permits under the wetland ordinance of the Town of Southold. I have an affidavit of publication from the Suffolk Times. Pertinent correspondence may be read prior to asking for comments from the public. Please keep your comments organized and brief, five minutes or less if possible. AMENDMENTS: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Under Amendments, Number 1, Michael Kimack on behalf of CAROLINE TOSCANO requests an Amendment to Wetland Permit #10281 to establish a 4 ' wide by 10' long path through the Non-Turf Buffer area leading to (and over the established Buffer areas) , a proposed raised 4 ' wide by 80' long catwalk with 4' wide staircase to ground at landward end leading to a 41x46' catwalk to a 3'x12' aluminum ramp to an 18.7 'x6' floating dock with a 21x4'bump-out for ramp situated in an "L" configuration and secured by two sets of two (2) dauphin pilings at each end; catwalk to have Thru-Flow decking throughout with pressure treated pilings set at 8 ' on-center; total length of catwalk is 126 linear feet. Located: 610 Jacksons Landing, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-113-4-8 The LWRP found this to be inconsistent based upon a prior review. This is based upon the buffers. The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the application. The Trustees most recently visited the site to the 12th of July and noted that the float appeared to be, it had a bump-out and it was a 6x20, so therefore it was not as was listed on the plans. It exceeded 120 square feet, and it appeared that the dock exceeded the pier line. Is there anyone here that wishes to speak regarding this application? Board of Trustees 11 July 19, 2023 MR. KIMACK: Michael Kimack, on behalf of the applicant. I believe it is 6x20 in terms of that. So I'm going to have to let the contractor know, on that particular one. As far as the pier line is concerned, when you looked at it, the pier line as it was approved is eight foot off of the dock on the left-hand side. It doesn't line up with the dock itself. It' s eight foot more seaward. So the dock, the one that is constructed, would be within the pier line. If I could refer you back here (approaching the Board) (indicating) . TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So you're drawing the pier line with the boat. Right. We would need to see it dock to dock. MR. KIMACK: This is what was approved. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: This is what was originally approved? MR. KIMACK: Yes. It' s stamped. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Let me see this for a second. (Perusing) . TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: (Perusing) . So what is the line across -- I mean it would still be within the normal pier line, right? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That's a good question. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: It sure looks like it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I mean, if this is approved, we have to bring it into conformity with the amendment anyway. MR. KIMACK: What, in terms of the, we would have to bring it with the 6x20. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Right. But we would have to -- TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: This one. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yes. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: So how is it that the dock currently exceeds this pier line? Because if he drew this pier line back to connect with that dock, it' s still -- TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: This will still -- MR. KIMACK: It doesn't connect with the dock. (Board members speaking simultaneously) . TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It is on the record. So I guess I should give this back to you so you can speak into the microphone. Do we have a copy of that original approval? It has to be in here. (Perusing) . I don't think it's that. (Board member are discussing amongst themselves) . TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: It's definitely exceeding. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: It exceeds this one, doesn't it? TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Yes. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: In the current configuration it does. (Trustees discussing amongst themselves) . TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So, regardless with the pre-approved pier line that really probably should not have made it through the initial round, it still exceeds the pier line even with the eight-foot addition. MR. KIMACK: I don't believe so. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI : Look at the picture. MR. KIMACK: Oh, when was that taken? Board of Trustees 12 July 19, 2023 TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Two days ago? TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Yes. MR. KIMACK: Wow. This one was difficult to set. I mean, I'm not going to make any excuses for the overall thing, but when we did it, I was working with two different surveys. One was the original survey from Nate Corwin, and then I was working with the soundings from Heidecker (sic) , primarily, but it was always from the wetland, from the high water mark, basically, that I was bringing it forward seaward at that particular point. And I superimposed the docks that were from the, on the Heidecker survey, basically, as he had put them on there and then used that in order to work backwards to make sure the dock did not exceed the pier line. I'm not quite sure I can explain why it's sticking out that far. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All right. So I guess it' s up to you how you want to proceed from here. You have a couple of options, I should say. But we would need to see the plans with the dock, you know, to scale and conforming to the pier line. At the least of the original, but really it should be back to, since we are opening it up to an amendment, really we should pull it back to conform with what the actual pier line would be. Which is about, we estimated, we eyed it up without drawing footage at six foot and we were pretty close. It's probably about six or seven feet. MR. KIMACK: Somewhere in that range. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yes. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Because if you are looking at that picture, you have a 6x20 float. So it seems to exceed it by approximately that amount. If they have to go back there to adjust the float anyway and make that smaller, it might be time to dial the dock back. MR. KIMACK: They can dial back the dock to the next pier line, which is eight feet. And that should do it then, in order to do that. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Okay. (Board discussing with Trustee Attorney Hulse) . TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone else that wishes to speak regarding this application, or any additional comment from members of the Board? (Negative response) . Hearing none, I make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I make a motion to approve this application with the following stipulations: New plans to show the dock structure dialed back eight feet to the pier line; showing the pier line from the two neighboring docks; reduce the float size to the originally improved plan; and with the new DEC plans and Board of Trustees 13 July 19; 2023 elevated catwalk through the buffer, it will thereby bring this application into consistency with the LWRP coordinator. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . WETLAND & COASTAL EROSION PERMITS: TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Under wetland & Coastal Permits, Number 1, En-Consultants on behalf of ALEXANDER PERROS requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to demolish and remove existing bluff stairway and deck adjacent to top of bluff; construct along eroding toe of bluff approximately 93 linear feet of stone revetment consisting of approximately 3 to 5 ton stone placed over 50 to 100-pound core stone and filter cloth; restore bluff face by constructing terrace retaining walls and placing approximately 324 cubic yards of sand re-nourishment (including approximately 266 cubic yards of on-site material excavated from toe of bluff for revetment installation, and approximately 58 cubic yards of clean sand to be trucked in from an approved upland source) , to be vegetated with native plantings; construct new 4 ' wide by ±67 ' long elevated timber bluff stairway (including ±46' north-south section down bluff face and ±21' east-west section over proposed revetment) , consisting of a 10'x10' platform (located landward of top of bluff) , 4'x6' landing to 4 'x16' steps to a 41x6' landing to 4'x8' steps to a 4'x5' landing to 41x4' steps to a 4'x5' landing to 4 'x4 ' steps to a 4'x4 ' landing leading to stone steps to beach (incorporated into proposed revetment) ; remove existing concrete debris from beach; for the existing 6' high fencing and fire pit/circular gravel patio; and to establish and perpetually maintain a 10' wide non-turf buffer along the top of the bluff. Located: 19215 Soundview Avenue, Southold. SCTM# 1000-51-1-18 The Trustees visited the site on the 12th of this month. The notes from our visit read straightforward, amendments per DEC requirements. The LWRP found the project to be consistent, noting that the stones and boulders located on the beach shall not be moved or included in the construction of the revetment. And, two, survival parameters of the planted vegetation on the bluff should be required. The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the application, with the removal of the fire pit, installation of 15-foot non-turf buffer planted with native vegetation. I welcome comments from the public. MR. HERRMANN: Good evening. Rob Herrmann of En-Consultants, on behalf of Mr. Perros. It was a little over four years ago that we obtained a permit from the Trustees for nearly the same project that is in front of you now. And then on June 19th, 2019, and on November 13th, 2019, we came back and had the permit amended that Board of Trustees 14 July 19, 2023 basically reflects exactly what is before the Board today for the construction of a rock revetment along the toe of the bluff, that has been severely eroded for a long period of time. The revetment would tie between an existing revetment and an existing bulkhead, and the amendment that we obtained at the time eliminated the easterly return because the Thorne property to the east came in and received a permit from the DEC and from the Board to tie stone toe armor up to the property line and meet the proposed Perros revetment. The reason the work has not been done as I had discussed with the Board is at the time the DEC had indicated a willingness to approve the project but only if the scope of the stone weight was reduced to two-and-a-half tons per foot. It was determined by Jeff Butler, the project engineer, that that would be a sorely inadequate design for this location. It was basically designed to fail. I had been in negotiations with the DEC for most of the past four years, to convince them of the need for the proposed design, particularly at this site. And they eventually agreed and did issue a permit a few months ago for the design that is now before the Board. So we are here again as the total four-year life of the permit has expired, just as we finally got the DEC permit, asking the Board to again grant its approval for the project as it was approved and amended four years ago. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Any other comments from the public? (No response) . Members of the Board? (Negative response) . All right, hearing no further comment, I make a motion to close hearing. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI : Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: I make a motion to approve the application as submitted with a vegetated, ten-foot wide non-turf buffer along the top of the bluff to mitigate erosion, and with new plans depicting that buffer. That is my motion. MR. HERRMANN: The buffer is on there. The existing buffer. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Okay. On the 7th. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . MR. HERRMANN: Sorry, Eric, I didn't want to interrupt you. I didn't want to leave the idea that we would have to give you newly revised plans. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Okay. Just stipulating the vegetated then. Perfect. Thank you. MR. HERRMANN: Yes. Board of Trustees 15 July 19, 2023 WETLAND PERMITS: TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Under Wetland Permits, Number 1, En-Consultants on behalf of MARY ELIZABETH GUYTON requests a Wetland Permit to demolish existing 769sq.ft. Two-story accessory garage and construct in its place a 1, 889sq.ft. Two-story dwelling (partially over existing garage foundation to remain) , with 38sq.ft. Entry porch; install 190sq.ft. Grade level masonry patio, masonry landings and steps; install 245sq.ft. , 215sq.ft. And 52sq. ft. Stone walkways, stepping stones and 24" high by 30.5 ' long free standing stone wall; install pervious gravel driveway, parking area and utility area; relocate existing 81x14 ' , 10'x14 ' and 81x12' accessory sheds; install 238sq.ft. Grade level gravel patio with free-standing wood posts, and install 3.5' high garden fence; remove existing 332 roofed-over brick patio, and construct a 16'x38 ' swimming pool and 858sq. ft. Grade level masonry pool patio; install 4' high pool enclosure fencing; demolish existing 403sq. ft. Two story dwelling with 308sq.ft. Covered porch and steps, including 67sq.ft. Roof overhang and 126sq.ft. Portion of existing foundation, and construct in its place a 336sq.ft. One-story pool house (partially over 278sq.ft. Portion of existing dwelling foundation to remain) , with 96sq. ft. Covered porch and steps; install 28sq.ft outdoor shower enclosure; remove two existing septic systems and install a single I/A OWTS sanitary system more than 150' from wetlands; install stormwater drainage system and pool drywell; install utilities, including underground LP tank, generator, HVAC and pool equipment; use approximately 108 cubic yards of excavated on-site material to achieve proposed grades (max. Increase +30") ; install 2 ' high by 26' long tread on edge (to retain grade) with stone steps; maintain existing 6.5'x46' and 5 'x18 ' timber steps with 12 ' long retaining wall; existing 96sq. ft. Wood deck located adjacent to the bulkhead to be removed; selectively remove 35 trees from within area of proposed clearing, and preserve 81 trees, including all trees located within proposed +25, 800sq.ft. Non-turf buffer; and establish native planting beds and mulched pathways within the proposed non-turf buffer area. Located: 3331 Grand Avenue, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-107-1-11 The Trustees most recently visited the site on July 12th, 2023, noting we would review further at work session. The LWRP reviewed this application and found it to be consistent, with mitigation measures proposed. The Conservation Advisory Council reviewed this application and resolved to support the application, and they also recommended a letter from a certified arborist with specifications on the trees to be removed and if they are healthy or diseased. Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this application? Board of Trustees 16 July 19, 2023 MR. HERRMANN: Yes. Rob Herrmann, of En-Consultants on behalf of the applicant, Mary Guyton. The project architect Meryl Kramer is also here. Is it possible to pull up the photo of this site, Liz? MS. GILLOOLY: 3331 Grand Avenue Mattituck. MS. CANTRELL: Do you want the aerial or the photo? MR. HERRMANN: The aerial. Sorry, Liz. It just helps if you can see the two structures that the subject of the application. But I can start. Oh, awesome. Thank you. All right, well, anyway, so there's two structures on the property. I don't think that' s -- okay. So right now the property is improved with a dwelling, which is the one that is closer to the water, between the two structures, that has the blue tarp on it. Then there is the accessory barn or garage that is up by the dirt road. So the application proposes a demolition as it is defined by Town Code of that existing accessory structure, and that is to be replaced by a new dwelling, which is larger. The new dwelling is actually more than 100 feet from the bulkhead. The existing dwelling, which is closer to the water, is also to be demolished, as it' s defined by Town Code, and replaced with a pool house basically in the same, the same but smaller footprint. With a reuse in both cases, the foundations to the maximum extent that that is practical, and if you have questions, Meryl can address those because both structures have been examined on the interior by contractor and by structural engineers. The idea here was to relocate the larger, what would be the larger primary dwelling structure much farther from the creek and setback really as far as possible, but maintaining that same basic location. There is an effort to try to maintain sort of the historic placement of structures or the historic goal, placement of structures on the property. And that' s part of the idea behind maintaining the existing dwelling location as a downsized pool house which will be associated with the proposed swimming pool that is landward of the pool house in between those two structures, as you see on your site plan. The swimming pool is located 76 feet from wetland. The pool house itself is a little more than 50 from wetlands. The porch is a little bit closer but the porch stays within the footprint, as the existing porch, and gets pulled back a bit, as you can you see when we were on the site by the spray paintings on the existing deck. There are two existing, old, nonconforming septic systems on the property, the closer to which is located 79 feet from wetlands. They will both be removed and replaced with a single IA/OWTS system located over 150 feet, or twice the distance from wetlands. There is a storm water drainage system that is Board of Trustees 17 July 19, 2023 proposed to collect and recharge roof runoff from the dwelling and pool house, the proposed sheds, which will be in the upper left corner of the property there, and the patio. There is a proposed pervious gravel driveway. Some of the patios will be pervious gravel. The proposed town lot coverage will remain more than 10, 000 square feet less than what is allowed by code. And as we showed you during the site inspection, there is a proposed non-turf buffer that is going to be about six-tenths of an acre in size with varying widths that follows along the top of the bank, extends various distances landward of the top of the bank. I did have a revised plan that I wanted to show you, at least for informational purposes. At field inspections, Liz had asked to see, it' s kind of hard, some of the property has banks, some of it doesn't really, and when you are standing there it' s a little difficult to figure out where is the top of the bank some other places, and Liz had asked if we could add to the plan setbacks from the retaining wall to the proposed buffer limits . because probably for enforcement it's a lot easier to measure from a known structure than from something that you can't tell what you are looking at. So the bulkhead is out here, upper retaining wall is landward of it. This red cloud line is the proposed buffer limit. So the non-turf buffer as measured from this retaining wall is a minimum of 25 feet where it' s narrowest, in front of the pool house to be, and it' s 84 feet wide or deep at its maximum over in this, on the other side of the property. There is selective tree removal as you can see at the site. It's a heavily-wooded site. It's obviously not possible to proceed with any kind of reconstruction or redevelopment project here without the removal of certain number of trees. It has nothing to do with whether the trees are diseased or not. But as articulated on the plan, within that non-turf buffer there is to be no tree removal, selective or otherwise, healthy or diseased: So all of the tree removal would occur outside the boundaries of that proposed buffer. So the landward limit of the buffer is not just non-turf buffer it' s also a no tree-removal area. And all of the area within the proposed non-turf buffer is really to remain undisturbed except where it's indicated on the plan. And really all that is indicated on the plan is areas where there is going to be these pine needle mulch pathways, some planting areas, that kind of thing. I think Nick you had asked at field inspections where there would be turf lawn. There is an area up by the pool, behind where the pool house will be, that is also shown on the survey. So there is really very, very little actual lawn area that will be on the property, and it' s so little that it's called out on the plans so you can see that the idea here was really to leave the majority of this site in as natural condition as possible. There is, the last thing is on the tree issue, we did have Board of Trustees 18 July 19, 2023 actually a tree table on the site plan that indicates where the trees are, how many trees there are, the caliper of the trees and what is being removed and what is to remain. And anything that is to be removed is X'd out on the site plan. And if it' s something the Board wants to see actually marked out prior to construction, that is something I'm sure that the applicant can comply with. So we hope you'll see it as a positive project as we have tried to design it, but obviously if you have any questions we can try to respond to them. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Thank you. Is there anyone else here wishing to speak regarding this application? (No response) . Thank you, so much. I do appreciate all the care that was taken in preparing this project. I do think that it does have a lot of specificity in the plan, which is greatly appreciated, especially regarding the trees. And I also appreciate the line that you added to that plan. So if you could submit those, four copies of those, that would be great. Any comments from the Board? Questions? (Negative response) . Hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI : Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: I make a motion to approve this application subject to new plans with distances shown from upper retaining wall. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Number 2, Michael Kimack on behalf of JOHN & MARGARET HOCHSTRASSER requests a Wetland Permit to remove existing 568.8sq. ft. East wood deck and existing 333sq.ft. Masonry patio and construct a proposed 1, 373sq.ft. Raised masonry patio with a French drain to connect to an 8" diameter by 6' deep drywell. Located: 2855 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-104-13-9 Trustee Krupski most recently visited the site July 16th, 2023, and noted that the application is straightforward, no further seaward than existing deck line. The LWRP found this application inconsistent based on the following consideration: Number one, require vegetated non-turf buffer, vegetation species should be native and drought tolerant. The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support this application. And I am also in receipt of a letter dated July 13th from a neighbor in support of the project. Board of Trustees 19 July 19, 2023 I`s there anyone here who wishes to speak in regard to this application. MR. KIMACK: Michael Kimack, on behalf of the applicant. As you can see, part of the property is now non-turf. I was not quite sure whether it matched -- were you looking for a ten-foot non-turf buffer? TRUSTEE PEEPLES: That was a note that was made by the LWRP. I believe, Ms. Cantrell, can you please pull up the site map. I believe that it does show a vegetated buffer. MR. KIMACK: There is one at the present site, yes. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: That is landward of the retaining wall there. MR. KIMACK: The applicant had been before the Board some time before, about three years, for an addition. I believe the non-turf was added at that time. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do you want me to speak to that? TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Yes, sure. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Just after visiting the site, and as Mr. Kimack had said, we had been there multiple times, there is a very small bank that is fully vegetated, and then it goes into a sand area that is non-turf. So if those two things remain, it' s a very acceptable buffer. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Thank you. MR. KIMACK: It' s an odd set up. They do have all of that. And, thank you, Nick, for pointing that out for me. There was vegetation between the retaining wall and the bulkhead, which will be maintained. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: To clarify, I believe that was sand between the retaining wall and bulkhead, correct? And then vegetated landward of the retaining wall. MR. KIMACK: Yes. And that will all be, and the sand is an allowable material. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Yes, it is. And we would like for all of that to remain. MR. KIMACK: That would be no problem for the applicant. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Okay, great. Is there anyone else who wishes to speak in regard to this application, or any other questions or comments from the Board? (No response) . Hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE PEEPLES: I make a motion to approve this application with the condition that the current vegetated buffer that is landward of the retaining wall and the non-turf buffer area that is seaward of the retaining wall are to remain. That is my motion. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . Board of Trustees 20 July 19, 2023 MR. KIMACK: Thank you. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Thank you. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 3, AS PER REVISED PLANS & PROJECT DESCRIPTION RECEIVED ON 7/14/2023 Michael Kimack on behalf of VERONICA H. NASARY requests a Wetland Permit for the existing 18 'x36' (648sq. ft. ) In-ground pool; existing 1, 179sq.ft. Pool patio surround; as-built 281 linear feet of 4 ' high pool enclosure fencing with two (2) gates; as-built 41x8 ' landing to a 4'x9' staircase down embankment; remove 31x66.5 ' section of existing on-grade catwalk, cut existing pilings to grade and construct a proposed 4 'x69.5' section of raised catwalk using Thru-Flow decking; remove decking on as-built 5'x69.1' fixed catwalk, reframe this section and install 4' wide by 69. 1' long Thru-Flow decking; as-built 31x16' aluminum ramp, and as-built 6'x40' floating dock situated in a "T" configuration secured with four (4) pilings to remain; the as-built seven (7) lights at pool and along catwalk to floating dock to be converted to Dark Sky compliant fixtures; and to establish and perpetually maintain a non-turf buffer within the entire area that is seaward of the pool fence line to top of the bank. Located: 900 Fox Hollow Road, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-113-6-22 Trustees conducted a field inspection July 12th. Notes say need to add ramp and float to the application; the use of through-flow decking throughout the entire catwalk; to remove landward section of the on-grade catwalk and replace with pathway or elevate catwalk to stairs; and non-turf buffer seaward of pool fence. The LWRP found this to be inconsistent. The inconsistencies are: The as-built dock does not comply with the wetland permit 1518 issued in 1982. The remaining as-built structures recommended as inconsistent. It is further recommended that storm water capable of entering the wetland from runoff is addressed. The property slopes toward the creek. A pool dewatering well should be required. A vegetated buffer is recommended landward of the wetland boundary. And integrated sand sink is also recommended to help control storm water. The catwalk is on or close to grade. The past permit required that the catwalk be elevated three foot above grade. Flow-through decking was not used. And the dock appears to extend past the pier line and does not meet Chapter 275 standards. The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the application: We are in receipt of new project description and plans stamped received July 14th, 2023. Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this application? MR. KIMACK: Michael Kimack, on behalf of the applicant. On the basis of the site visit that we had, and your concerns, I had redone that particular plan to take those into Board of Trustees 21 July 19, 2023 consideration. You'll see from the new plan that the catwalk basically is elevated all• the way from the staircase, all the way through. Four-foot minimum, which also meets the DEC requirements, with through-flow decking all the way. Then as part of that I also included the existing 16' aluminum ramp, 31x16' aluminum ramp, and the existing 6'x40' floating dock, which has been originally permitted in its form. And the recommendation was to put it as language in the description within this particular permit application. I also then included to establish a non-turf buffer seaward of the pool fence to the top of the bank, as you had requested. And I believe those were your major concerns. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: So, in reviewing this at work session, we had a couple of questions in regard to the newly-submitted plans, just because everything doesn't seem to be very clear on it. One is there was no water depths for the float or anything in the creek area. Your project description talks about a 69.1 linear-foot fixed walkway, but the plans show a 66-and-a-half. So, it's just -- MR. KIMACK: It's in different components, Glenn. In essence. The difference here is that there is an existing, an existing fixed dock, primarily, which is five-foot wide by 60 feet. The original permit, if I remember, was supposed to be for a four-foot wide by 60-foot dock. And with the walkway and then with the 6'x40' floating dock attached to it. That was the permit that was issued. The 51x60' , obviously, was not in conformance with the original permit. In order to do that, primarily, and I look at the structure, and it was in fairly good shape, we can basically take the existing structure of the 5x60 and convert it to a 4x60. That is how that design is laid out. That is that, you can see that in the two parts there, the 36 and the 33 linear-foot. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: So I'm talking the more landward section. MR. KIMACK: When you look at 69. 11 , is the original 5x60, except it was a little bit longer than that, which it's going to be now a 4x69, in that particular case. And then from there landward, which is now the on-grade walkway, the on-grade walkway would be removed, and then will be elevated four-foot up, and then it come back down, you can see that 36. 1' pitch, it comes back down to meet the elevation of the existing four foot. I know it' s a little complicated but that's what is out at the site and that is what is required in order to bring it into conformance. (Trustees perusing documents) . MR. KIMACK: I took the existing five-foot section and converted it to four by. Which is the 69.1. And then took the rest of the walkway, took it all out, and elevated that, and brought it down to meet the height right here. To join into it, primarily. And I can use the existing structure in order to do that, and convert it to a four-foot wide with through-flow all the way, Board of Trustees 22 July 19, 2023 from the staircase all the way to the end of the fixed walkway. And then as you had asked me, I put the description of these two in here. But this was, I put in here because these had the original permits on them. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Do you see how those would be more clear on two pages, where you can see the full length of this dock? It's trying to smooth everything into one page here, it makes it difficult to read. MR. KIMACK: This is the correct distance this way for the dock. This way I didn't have the space to do the extra 40 in that particular one. You had asked me to take, the original drawing that I put in had the permit number for this 4x60 with the dock. So I didn't think it was necessary to draw the whole thing out again. You were looking for the description of that within the, to add it to my description, which I did. Even though it' s already permitted. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: So I think one of the problems or one way to address it, we have the overhead survey that shows everything, the pool, the dock, everything in its current state. But then we've got the separate set of plans that are showing the overhead and the side-view of the dock only. So we are kind of referencing or we are referencing two different sets of plans here. We are looking at the survey for part of it, and we are looking at your new submitted plans for the other part. So, for example, some of the LWRP questions as far as is there a drywell for the pool, we don't even see the pool on the plans that you submitted regarding the dock. So I think from the Board' s perspective we are looking for one set of comprehensive plans that show everything on this project: The pool, the fence, the dock, the dimensions, the drywells, the buffer. Because, again, on this plan it shows on the very end, it talks about establishing a non-turf buffer, but it's not shown what that distance is from the pool fence to the, structure. So it' s, to go out there and try to do a field inspection or final on this, it' s going to be a little -- MR. KIMACK: The distance from the pool fence varies to the top of the bank. It basically comes back and forth. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: But can you see what we are talking about with the overhead -- MR. KIMACK: I understand what you are asking. You basically want a comprehensive one, including, you want the house depicted, the beginning of the house depicted, or you wanted the deck depicted, then the pool, then the fence. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Yup. MR. KIMACK: Then the non-turf buffer. As a Plano-metric, as a plane. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Yes, please. MR. KIMACK: But if I do the plane, do you want it on the same sheet, the cross-sections, too? Which would be somewhat complicated. Board of Trustees 23 July 19, 2023 TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: So we add the side-view elevation as the second sheet, as long as that first sheet has everything in it. Right now we have bits and pieces. It' s not the total picture. MR. KIMACK: So I can kind of stay with what I have here, except you want the comprehensive sheet with, the overall including this, as a Plano-metric. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Yes. And then again, going back to that drywell, I do not see one on -- MR. KIMACK: I can't give you an answer on that. I don't know. Because the pool had been constructed prior to her purchasing it. I really don't know. I'll have to find out on that one. But I can go back to the surveyor and we can put all this on the survey sheet. I think it would be much clearer that way. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: And then, there is also a little .confusion with the stairs. One says three foot, one says four foot on some of the plans. MR. KIMACK: The plans are four by eight. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: So if you look at the top section of your side elevation, the stairs are shown as three-foot wide, but the bottom, so top down view, shows it as four-foot wide. MR. KIMACK: Oops. Hey look, you know. (Laughing) TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Yes, denote "oops" on the record. MR. KIMACK: My error. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: So if could just correct this, clean it up a little bit. MR. KIMACK: I can correct that, I understand what you want. I'll go back with the surveyor, I'll take my information and put it on the survey plan and then figure out the turf area. Do you want a square footage on the turf area or just the area? TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Yes, please. MR. KIMACK: Liz always beats me up with that one. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: And at that point if you can just review what you have submitted and make any updates that are necessary so that when we receive the newly updated packet it' s all very clear and everything lines up and kind of just double check everything, please. MR. KIMACK: I 'll have to go back to the description also to make sure -- TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Yes. Exactly and make sure, you know, with the square footage, that would need to be included in the description as well. MR. KIMACK: I'll put the square footage of the patio and the square footage of the pool. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: And the buffer -- MR. KIMACK: And the buffer. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Yes, thank you. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Is there anyone else here wishing to speak regarding this application? (No response) . Board of Trustees 24 July 19, 2023 Any questions or comments from the Board? (Negative response) . Hearing none, I make a motion to table the application for submission of updated corrected plans. That is my motion. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Number 4, AMP Architecture on behalf of ERATH & SON, LLC requests a Wetland Permit to construct a first floor 9.7'x26. 4 ' (256. lsq.ft. ) Addition and a 32.4 'x26.3' (852.1sq.ft. ) Unheated/unfinished second story addition onto existing 600sq. ft. One-story garage; and to construct a 14. 9'x271 , 23.31x15. 61 , 5.3'x17.5' (total of 858 .5sq. ft. ) Deck onto the seaward side of the dwelling. Located: 580 Wiggins Lane, Greenport. SCTM# 1000-35-4-28.30 The LWRP found this to be consistent. The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the application. The Trustees most recently visited the site on July 12th and noted that it was a straightforward project. Is there anyone here that wishes to speak regarding this application? MR. PORTILLO: Good evening, Board. Anthony Portillo representing the applicant Mr. Erath. Just a few things. We did have an original application that was approved in 2021, it expired and then we originally were going to do this as an amendment, basically we are just attempting to add five more feet toward the seaward side of the property. We are behind the pier line. I don't believe it' s on that plan, but I did bring a couple copies just for you guys to have the pier line denoted on it. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Thank you. MR. PORTILLO: So it could have been an amendment. It' s a new application. But nothing has changed with the deck, it's really only an increase of five feet on the -- TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Is there anyone else that would like to speak regarding this application, or any additional comments from the members of the Board. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: I did have a question. I just wondered if you could address the notation of the unheated and unfinished second story and does that relate to the previous application? Is that why it was included? MR. PORTILLO: It was in the original application. Currently he' s leaving it as unfinished/unheated. I mean their might be, down the road, which he would obviously have to file for to close it in and make it possibly a bedroom or something. But obviously that is going to take a little bit of work because you have to put a hallway and that all has to be connected and heated and so Board of Trustees 25 July 19, 2023 on. But it will be filed as unheated/unfinished storage. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Okay, and then so if you wanted to make any modifications, the applicant would come back. MR. PORTILLO: Sure. The building will be unheated/unfinished. I think it has to do with the budget on the project. If he had a bedroom he would have to get into septic and stuff. So that's the reason. He wants to get the structure up. I think there will be a phase two down the road and obviously he would have to apply for that. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Okay, thank you, for clarifying. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Hearing no additional comments, I make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I make a motion to approve this application as submitted. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Second. All in favor? (ALL AYES) . MR. PORTILLO: Appreciate it. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Thank you. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Number 5, AS PER REVISED PLANS AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION RECEIVED ON 7/7/23 Joan Chambers on behalf of JENNIFER MAYE requests a Wetland Permit to abandon existing septic system and install and new Innovative/Alternative sanitary system on the landward side of the property. Located: 910 Fleetwood Road, Cutchogue. SCTM# 1000-137-4-22 The Trustees visited the site on the 12th of July, 2023. Notes read: Straightforward. Redesign IA system to roadside; extend vegetated buffer along seaward edge. The LWRP found the project to be consistent. And the Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the application. I welcome any comments from the public. MS. CHAMBERS: My name is Joan Chambers, I'm here to represent Jennifer Maye. As the Trustees know, I met you down there twice. Jennifer inherited this property from her aunt; nonconforming structures on a nonconforming lot, which lead to referral to the Zoning Board. The Zoning Board granted her variances with the caveat that she put in a septic system in. And as you know, because we met down there, we struggled on the best place to put it that would have the least impact on the wetlands, and at our last meeting we seemed to agree that we've come up with the best possible situation by moving it on the landward side of the houses, which is the revised plans that you have now. It would prevent any further disturbance by taking up trees or building retaining walls along the wetlands. So I 'm here to answer any questions that you or the public Board of Trustees 26 July 19, 2023 may have. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: I don't have any questions. Any questions from the Board? (Negative response) . TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Okay. We were discussing in the field, there is a nice, vegetated buffer adjacent to this project, so if we could just extend what is currently existing adjacent, to include this parcel. I think that would be a win for the wetlands. MS. CHAMBERS: Yes, we'll do that. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Okay. All right, I'll make a motion to close this hearing. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: I'll make a motion to approve this application with new plans depicting a buffer extending from the adjacent property. A vegetated buffer. That is my motion. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Thank you. MS. CHAMBERS: You're welcome. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Number 6, Joan Chambers on behalf of PAUL TANCK requests a Wetland Permit to remove existing 16'x34 ' in-ground swimming pool with adjoining 762sq.ft. of existing brick paver patio and pool enclosure fencing, and replace it with a new 471x18 ' in-ground swimming pool with a 1,326sq.ft. Of new masonry patio finished with stone pavers; install a new pool fence enclosure and gate at outer edge of new patio; install a pool drywell and pool equipment area. Located: 16705 Route 25, East Marion. SCTM# 1000-23-1-14 . 6 The Trustees most recently visited the site on July 12th, noting straightforward and recommending a non-disturbance seaward of existing fence. The LWRP reviewed this application and found it to be consistent. And the Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the application. Is there anyone here wishing to speak? MS. CHAMBERS: Joan Chambers, once again. Elizabeth contacted me and told me about your findings at your site visit, about the non-disturbance area, which I added to the site plan and returned to her this morning. I think the owner will be perfectly comfortable with that. And the contractor is Binder Pools on Shelter Island, and they are usually very careful. A good company. So I trust them that they are going to get the old pool out and the new pool in with the least amount of disturbance. Board of Trustees 27 July 19, 2023 TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Thank you, very much. I do have the new plans stamped July 19th. So, today. Is there anyone else here wishing to speak regarding this application or any comments from the Board? (No response) . Hearing none, I make a motion to close this hearing. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: I make a motion to approve this application with the stipulation that the area seaward of the tennis court and fence be established as a non-disturbance buffer as depicted on the site plan stamped July 19th, 2023. That is my motion. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Number 7, Steven Affelt on behalf of JOSEPH KADILLAK requests a Wetland Permit for the existing dwelling with a 1, 126sq.ft. Footprint; temporarily lift the dwelling, remove the existing crawlspace and partial basement and construct a new full basement constructed with new 1, 126sq.ft. Foundation walls and footings in-place and 12" above adjacent grade (8" higher than existing) ; construct a second story addition to dwelling; remove existing masonry front and rear stoops and construct new in-place, at a height of 12" above adjacent grade; remove and replace existing cellar entrance in-place; construct a 205sq.ft. Second floor seaward balcony; remove and reconstruct existing 8.5'x4.5' outdoor shower; install gutters to leaders to drywells to contain roof runoff; and to replace the existing cesspool with a new I/A system landward of the dwelling. Located: 775 Mill Creek Drive, Southold. SCTM# 1000-135-3-35.1 The Trustees most recently visited the site on July 12th, 2023, and noted: Trustees to evaluate average neighboring pier line due to location on curve of peninsula. Non-turf seaward of structure. The LWRP found this application to be consistent, and noted the following: Number one, minimize turf with the installation of a vegetated non-turf buffer landward of the concrete wall to further Policy 6. Number two, preserve existing trees. The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support this application, with the additional note that no construction seaward of the dwelling. And I 'm in receipt of plans stamped and dated June 20th, 2023. Is there anyone here who wishes to speak regarding this application? Board of Trustees 28 July 19, 2023 MR. AFFELT: Good evening, my name is Steven Affelt, I'm here on behalf of the owner Joseph Kadillak. With the plans you should also have the pier line study that I submitted. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Oh, I did. I didn't notice. It' s dated June 30th. So we have the 20th and the 30th of 2023. Yes. Thank you, for submitting that as well. MR. AFFELT: No problem. So my client wished to do a second-story addition. While we were constructing we found that some of the foundations were inadequate and failing. So the contractor took it upon himself to start lifting the house and replacing the foundations. Upon realizing this I submitted new plans to the Building Department, and we came down to the Trustees should weigh in because we are on the wetlands. Our proposed original project was to always be within the existing footprint and not to add any bedrooms. My client still, even though we are not adding any bedrooms, decided to replace his cesspool with an IA system and still maintain that the house be located exactly where it was as to not disturb any further toward the wetlands as they are. The Board had also asked for a definition from me regarding the demolition, or the idea of a demolition, and I hope everyone had a chance to review it, as I don't believe this house qualifies for the definition of demolition yet. But, I mean, that's my opinion. So if there are any questions I can answer, I would be happy to. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: So when you, I understand there is kind of a process with this project, as with many. The house location is not to change, correct? It is not to extend seaward or move landward. It is to remain in the same exact footprint. MR. AFFELT: Exact same footprint. Except for we are adding a stoop in the front. Originally you would access it from grade. We added a small masonry stoop. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: That extends seaward. MR. AFFELT: No, towards the road. We are not adding anything behind the house. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Oh, okay. There are two masonry stoops depicted here. So you are speaking about the one (perusing) they are both here on the plan. It appears these two are already existing. MR. AFFELT: They have to be reconstructed to be a little bit higher height, so -- TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Okay, within that same existing footprint. MR. AFFELT: Yes. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Okay. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: And you said the house is not being demoed? MR. AFFELT: No, it' s not. Originally it was just a second-story addition but now the foundation has to come out, so we are lifting it. Board of Trustees 29 July 19, 2023 TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Okay. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Then when we visited the site there had been some extensive excavation. Has that fill been carted away? MR. AFFELT: Yes. Nothing is being stored onsite, nothing is being added to change the grade. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Okay. And then what about the trees in the process of all of this? MR. AFFELT: We can maintain all the trees. None of them are going to be within our construction zone. If something was to happen to any of them, we can replant with the largest caliper we can truck in. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Okay, thank you. MR. AFFELT: What distance would the vegetated be, so I can let my client know? TRUSTEE PEEPLES: In discussion at work session, we were suggesting that the non-turf is seaward of the house. So the entire area seaward of the house. Which means you would be able to maintain a lawn, you know, grass lawn landward of that. And there is opportunity for, you know, obviously a four-foot access path to the dock, as long as that was pervious, something that was not cemented or concreted in. MR. AFFELT: Gravel would be okay? TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Gravel is fine, yes. Thank you. And obviously if you were going to vegetate the area, a planting plan would be appreciated for that. MR. AFFELT: Okay. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Is there anyone else here who wishes to speak in regard to this application? (No response) . Any other questions or comments from the Board? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I just wanted to point out with review, I mean, the structure is on a point. It' s not a demolition. Very minimal work being done here. The septic is being improved and located within the back, the rear yard. I mean, those are all important factors with something like this. MR. AFFELT: Sorry, the septic system is being put in the front yard. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI : Front -- I was looking at it the reverse way, but -- thank you. MR. AFFELT: Thank you. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No problem. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Anyone else here wish to speak? (Negative response) . Hearing nothing further, I'll make a motion to close this hearing. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE PEEPLES: I make a motion to approve the application with the following conditions: That the excavation material is not Board of Trustees 30 July 19, 2023 to be used as fill to regrade the site. To maintain all trees onsite, and if the need arises, to apply to the Trustees office for a tree letter. That the entirety of the area seaward of the house is to be non-turf with an access path to not exceed four-feet wide. And with the submission of the plans depicting a non-turf area and a planting plan. MR. AFFELT: Okay, thank you all. Have a good night. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 8, Jennifer DelVaglio on behalf TG3 HOLDINGS, LLC, c/o TIMOTHY QUINN, MEMBER requests a Wetland Permit to demolish existing 201x40' vinyl pool and replace in-place with a 20'x40' in-ground gunite pool; demolish existing pool deck and construct a new ±1, 600sq.ft. On grade paver pool patio; install new pool enclosure fencing with gates around perimeter of pool patio; relocate existing pool equipment area further landward; and to install a pool drywell for backwash. Located: 1 Mulford Court, Orient. SCTM# 1000-14-2-1. 6 The Trustees conducted a field inspection July 12th, noting straightforward replacement of existing pool. The LWRP found this to be inconsistent. The inconsistency states: Consider reorienting the pool east/west to obtain a greater setback. The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to not support the application because the application did not include information regarding the legality of the existing pool. The pool should be replaced in a location parallel to the dwelling. Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this application? (No response) . TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Any questions or comments from the Board? (Negative response) . Just for the record, I want to note that there is a pool already there, in its current location, so the proposed work is to replace that existing pool. We are also talking about putting a 15-foot non-turf, vegetated non-turf buffer landward from the top of the bluff. So hearing no further comments, I'll make a motion to close this hearing. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: I'll make a motion to approve this application with the condition of a 15-foot vegetated non-turf buffer landward from the top of the bluff, with new plans showing said buffer. And by giving the buffer will bring it into consistency with the LWRP. That is my motion. Board of Trustees 31 July 19, 2023 TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Number 9, Kathie Gottlieb on behalf of MARJORIE GROSS requests a Wetland Permit for the existing 193sq. ft. Waterfront platform with ±3'x5' stair treads and stringers to water and ±3'x2 . 6' landward stair treads and stringers; existing 324sq.ft. Waterfront platform with two ladders to water and an upper landward 105sq.ft. Platform with 100sq.ft. Of stair treads and stringers on easterly side; a 42sq.ft. Wood bridge connecting the two platforms; replace approximately 816sq.ft. Of decking and stair surfaces to be re-decked using new 5/4x6" Ipe planks fastened with stainless steel fasteners. Located: 2699 Laurel Way, Laurel. SCTM# 1000-121-4-12 .2 The LWRP coordinator found this to be inconsistent. The material, the dock decking could be improved to lessen the impact of the submerged vegetation. The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the application. The Trustees most recently visited on the 12th of July and noted that it should be through-flow decking. Is there anyone here that wishes to speak regarding this application? MS. GOTTLIEB: Good evening. Kathie Gottlieb, on behalf of Marjorie Gross. Okay, so the Ipe is not a go. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I mean, aside from the fact that the Ipe is ruining the rainforest, you know, adding to the deforestation. The through-flow style decking, and not necessarily pointing out a particular company, is something the Trustees prefer whenever we have a structure that is encroaching over the waterline because it allows the light to pass through and really lowers the impact of any structure. MS. GOTTLIEB: Okay, so then I resubmit with the change or just that is a provision that you'll make. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: If we were able to go forward with it, it' s a stipulation that we could put in. MS. GOTTLIEB: Okay. I do have a document. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone else that would like to speak regarding this application, or any comments from the members the Board? TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Just that there is care taken with the trees on the property. It' s a well-wooded lot, and if the trees can be maintained, it would be ideal. MS. GOTTLIEB: Yes, that is the desire of the property owner. There is some, there is already evidence of the beach issue, but saving every tree is really our objective. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Thank you. Board of Trustees 32 July 19, 2023 TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: We did notice that several of the trees were propped up and looked like great care was being taken to -- MS. GOTTLIEB: That's what I was going to say. That's what I mean by every tree -- TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Yes. We appreciate that. It' s beautiful property. MS. GOTTLIEB: It's understanding that Ipe is now being farmed? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Regardless of the potential rain forest impact, the Trustees still prefer to see the flow-through decking. MS. GOTTLIEB: Okay, thank you. Appreciate it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Is there anyone else who wishes to speak regarding this application? (No response) . Hearing none, I make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I make a motion to approve this application with open-grate decking; that no treated lumber to be used, and no tree removal. Lowering the environmental impact to this sensitive water body will thereby bring the application into consistency with the LWRP coordinator. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Second. All in favor? (ALL AYES) . MS. GOTTLIEB: Thank you, very much. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: Number 10, Thomas Wolpert, P.E. on behalf of JOSEPH M. & JOANNE MASCIA requests a Wetland Permit for the existing 1, 183sq. ft. One-story dwelling with a 17sq.ft. Roof-over side entry and 48sq.ft. Rear landing and stairs; on the landward side of the dwelling, remove existing 29sq. ft. Roof-over brick front entry and construct a proposed 440sq. ft. One-story addition with a loft, a 55sq. ft. Covered front porch; abandon existing sewage disposal system and install a new A/I OWTS system landward of dwelling consisting of one (1) 450 gallon treatment unit, one (1) 4 ' diameter distribution manhole, and three (3) 8 .5'Lx4'Wx4 'E.D. leaching galleys; install gutters to leaders to two drywells to contain roof runoff; install a 379sq. ft. Stone driveway; and for the existing 99sq.ft. Shed to remain. Located: 1600 Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-115-12-22 The Trustees visited the site on the 12th of July. Notes from our visit read: Add a ten-foot non-turf buffer. The notes from the LWRP are consistent, and, number one reads: A vegetated non-turf buffer be established to capture the existing vegetation adjacent to Deep Hole Creek. The structure is located outside of a mapped flood zone. The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the application, with gutters, lead and drywells. Is there anyone who wishes to speak regarding the application? Board of Trustees 33 July 19, 2023 MR. WOLPERT: Thomas Wolpert, of Young & Young, from Riverhead, representing the applicant. I 'm not sure I have anything to add. Just a question about there seems to be a difference of opinion between the Trustees recommendation and that of the, was it the LWRP or the Conservation Advisory Council. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: I think both the LWRP and the Trustees would like to see a ten-foot vegetated buffer along the seaward edge of the property. MR. WOLPERT: So vegetated, but non-turf. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI : Yes, vegetated non-turf buffer, approximately ten feet in width. MR. WOLPERT: Great. Thank you. TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI : Any other comments from the public or members of the Board? (Negative response) . Hearing no further comments, I make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE SEPENOSKI: I make a motion to approve this application with the re-submittal of plans depicting a vegetated non-turf buffer, approximately ten feet in width, along the seaward edge of the property. MR. WOLPERT: Thank you, very much. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Second. All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Number 11, AS PER REVISED PLANS RECEIVED ON 6/23/23 & REVISED PROJECT DESCRIPTION RECEIVED ON 6/27/23 Twin Forks Permits on behalf of PATRICK & ANN MARIE BROWNE requests a Wetland Permit to demolish the existing dwelling (project meets Town Code definition of demolition) down to the 1, 480.7sq.ft. First floor sub-floor plate footprint; remove existing rear and front masonry stoops, covered porch, concrete slab, breezeway, bilco doors, A/C units, heating oil tank, fire pit with brick edging and gravel area, ±467sq.ft. Of front brick walkway and gravel area, and abandon and remove existing sanitary system; construct a new two-story dwelling and foundation for a total residence footprint of 3, 458. 6sq.ft. (Inclusive of the garage) ; existing 669.2sq. ft. Garage to remain in place with exterior roof and siding replaced, and connected to the proposed dwelling through a proposed habitable space; install a 492sq.ft. Seaward side patio; construct a 446sq.ft. Footprint covered outdoor patio which contains an outdoor kitchen at 434 .4sq. ft. Footprint underneath; install a seaward (east) 58.3 masonry stoop; install a side (south) 57.7sq.ft. Masonry stoop; construct a 249sq. ft. Front entry covered porch; a side 84.2sq.ft. Mudroom covered porch; total residence stoops, patios, covered patios, covered Board of Trustees 34 July 19, 2023 porches is 1, 351.4sq.ft. Footprint; a 100sq. ft. Side stairwell egress; install new A/C units; install a 380sq.ft. Front walkway; install a new I/A septic system landward of dwelling; install gutters to leaders to drywells to contain roof runoff; and to install and perpetually maintain a 10' wide non-turf buffer along the landward edge of the top of the bank. Located: 1645 Calves Neck Road, Southold. SCTM# 1000-63-7-38 The Trustees most recently conducted an inhouse review of the new plans submitted on July 17th, 2023, and the new plans that were submitted were received on June 23rd, 2023. The LWRP reviewed this application and found it to be consistent. And the Conservation Advisory Council resolved not to support this application based on the old plans in May, however they did not -review the new project. Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this application? MS. POYER: Lisa Poyer, on behalf of the applicant. As you mentioned, we did submit revised plans. The project went back to the owner after your last comments, and they did move the house behind the pier line, so we feel we now meet all the objectives of the Trustees for the new project. Any additional comments? TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Thank you. And just to clarify, it looks like the proposed house was simply just moved back, nothing else had changed with the -- MS. POYER: It shifted back. There is a little bit of an adjustment to the existing garage, just because of the change there, but general scope of the project remains the same. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Okay, thank you, very much. Is there anyone else here wishing to speak regarding this application? (No response) . Or any comments from the Board? (Negative response) . Hearing none, I make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: I make a motion to approve this application with the new plans stamped June 23rd, 2023, with the stipulation that the ten-foot buffer be vegetated. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . MS. POYER: Thank you. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Number 12, AS PER REVISED PROJECT DESCRIPTION RECEIVED ON 7/12/2023 Patricia Moore, Esq. on behalf of REGINA MELLY requests a Wetland Permit for the existing 1, 687.3 one-story dwelling with garage below, 352sq.ft. covered porch, Board of Trustees 35 July 19, 2023 367. sq.ft. upper deck, 681.5sq.ft. swimming pool with on-grade 360. 9sq. ft. lower deck around pool; and to construct an approximately 25' 1"x3418" second-story addition over the west side of dwelling; and that the existing vegetated buffer landward of the chain-link fence to remain, and the area seaward of the fence to be non-turf. Located: 490 Northfield Lane, Southold. SCTM# 1000-79-3-4.2 The Trustees most recently visited the site on July 12th, 2023, and noted the non-turf indicate the vegetated buffer on the plan to remain seaward of the vegetated buffer. The LWRP found this application to be consistent and noted the residence was permitted in 1986 under Wetland Permit #264 at the time the pool was shown on the plans. The Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support this application with the recommendation of an IA septic system, and to maintain as many trees as possible. I am in receipt of a letter of support from one of the neighbors, dated Monday, July 17th. That' s the date of the e-mail. Excuse me, and the letter is dated July 13th. Is there anyone here that wishes to speak in regard to the application? And actually, before, excuse me, I asked that question, but first I would like to ask if you are in agreement with the new project description portion that I read in. MS. MOORE: Yes. I submitted it to you. Yes. The existing vegetation adjacent to -- TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Excuse me. So I actually read in a new portion which is: And the existing vegetated buffer landward of the chain-link fence to remain, and the area seaward of the fence to be non-turf. MS. MOORE: It' s a little bit different, but, yes. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: It kind of cleaned up some of the language, and in order to indicate that the portion is to remain vegetated and the new portion is to remain non-turf. MS. MOORE: Not a problem. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Okay. Thank you, very much. Please, if you would like to speak. MS. MOORE: Patricia Moore, on behalf of the applicant. I have Regina Melly here with her daughter, and all activity is on the opposite side, on the opposite side of the wetlands, so that is where the second-floor addition is. Everything else is staying the same. Thank you. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Okay. Thank you. Is there anyone else here who wishes to speak? (No response) . Any other questions or comments from the Board? (Negative response) . Hearing none, I make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . Board of Trustees 36 July 19, 2023 TRUSTEE PEEPLES: I make a motion to approve this application with the new project description that was read in, and subject to new plans depicting the existing vegetated buffer landward of the fence and non-turf buffer seaward of the fence to be notated on the plans. That is my motion. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . MS. MOORE: Do you have that written anywhere so I can send it to the surveyor? Has that been written out, the description, so I can send the specific language or e-mail it to the -- TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Yes, I can make sure the office has that. MS. MOORE: Thank you. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Thank you. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Number 13, Patricia Moore, Esq. on behalf of JOSEPH & NOREEN TUSA requests a Wetland Permit for the existing 3818"x7119" one-story dwelling with attached garage; to construct a 218sq.ft. Front covered porch; reconstruct existing roof pitch over existing garage for storage above; and replace in place existing 36" wide steps along north side of house from landing to grade. Located: 800 North Drive, Mattituck. SCTM# 1000-106-6-38 .2 The Trustees conducted a field inspection July 12th, noting the project is straightforward. Most of the construction was on the landward side. The LWRP found this to be consistent. And the Conservation Advisory Council resolved to support the application with gutters to leaders and drywells. Is there anyone here wishing to speak regarding this application? MS. MOORE: Patricia Moore, on behalf of the applicant, if you have any questions. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Does it have gutters to leaders to drywells anywhere? MS. MOORE: I think the house already has gutters to leaders to drywells, but I'll have to double check. Because the house is not that old, so. But if not then we can certainly make it a condition of the permit. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: Okay. Anyone else here wishing to speak regarding this application? (No response) . Any other questions or comments from the Board? (Negative response) . TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: And before I say that, looking at some of these pictures, it does look like there are already gutters to leaders to drywells in place. Hearing no further comments, I 'll make a motion to close this hearing. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Second. Board of Trustees 37 July 19, 2023 TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: I make a motion to approve this application as submitted. TRUSTEE GILLOOLY: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: I make a motion for adjournment. TRUSTEE PEEPLES: Second. TRUSTEE GOLDSMITH: All in favor? (ALL AYES) . s ectful' s bmitte by, Glenn Goldsmith, President Board of Trustees