HomeMy WebLinkAboutL.K. McLean - Drainge Projects t L ca 40*0!d Town Clerk Office of the Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone : 631-765-1939 Facsimile: 631-765-6639 MEMORANDUM To: Denis Noncarrow, Town Clerk From: Missy Mirabelli Secretary to the Town Attorney Date: August 14, 2023 Subject: Agreement between Town of Southold & LK McLean With respect to the above-referenced matter, I am enclosing the original Agreement together with the Resolution. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed,,please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. /mm Enclosures cc: Accounting f 1 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this of August 2023, by and between Town of Southold (hereinafter referred to as "Town"), a municipal corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New York (mailing address: c/o Dennis Noncarrow, Town Clerk, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971-0959), party of the first part,and Louis K McLean & Associates Engineers & Surveyors PC (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant") with an address at 437 South Country Road, Brookhaven New York 11719, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: That the Town and Consultant, for the consideration named,hereby agree as follows: 1. PURPOSE. The Consultant shall provide various professional engineering services in support of drainage projects throughout the Town of Southold. 2. SPECIFIC SERVICES. The Consultant shall perform all the tasks set forth in the Proposals submitted to the Town dated July 12th, 2023, a copy of which is attached hereto as Appendix"A" and made a part hereof. 3. TIME AND ATTENDANCE; COOPERATION BY THE TOWN. The services to be rendered under this Contract shall be completed within two (2)months of execution of the contract. The Town agrees to cooperate with Consultant, as needed, and to provide Consultant with copies of any records, documents and other information needed for performance of this agreement on a timely basis. The Town further agrees to provide Consultant with access to appropriate officials and/or employees of the Town, as may be needed in the performance of the agreement Moreover, both parties understand and agree that mutual accountability and responsiveness is critical to the successful completion of the project, and therefore both shall always use their best faith efforts to be accountable and promptly responsive to each other. 4. COMPENSATION. In payment for the services to be performed hereunder by Consultant, the Town shall make payments to Consultant as follows: (a) For the services to be performed by Consultant pursuant to paragraph 2 hereof, the Town shall pay Consultant as set forth in the Proposals see(Appendix"A"). Consultant shall submit an itemized voucher for work actually completed on a monthly basis with the Town Comptroller and the Town will pay. Such voucher shall be due and payable within 45 days after receipt of such voucher, but such sum shall not be due and payable by the Town until the Town Board of the Town has received such a voucher and has audited and approved for payment the signed voucher to be submitted by Consultant in connection therewith. (b) The Town Board shall process any vouchers received from Consultant as expeditiously as possible. (c) In the event that the Town disputes or objects to any portion of any voucher submitted by 4 Consultant pursuant to this'paragraph,the Town shall,within 30 days of the receipt of such voucher, notify Consultant in writing of such dispute or objection. (d) Consultant acknowledges that Consultant is familiar with the requirements of section 118 of the Town Law which, in effect, prohibit payment of any of Consultant's claims against the Town unless an itemized voucher therefore shall have been presented to the Town Board or Town Comptroller and shall have been audited and allowed by the Town Board or Town Comptroller. 5. TERM OF AGREEMENT; TERMINATION. This agreement shall commence on the agreement being fully executed and shall terminate upon completion of, and payment for, all the tasks outlined in the Proposal, provided, however, that this agreement shall terminate immediately in the event that (a) Consultant dies; (b) Consultant incurs a disability which makes Consultant unable to perform the services which Consultant is required to perform hereunder; (c) Consultant files a Petition in Bankruptcy Court or a Petition is filed against Consultant in Bankruptcy Court, or Consultant is adjudged bankrupt or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors; or (d) a Receiver or Liquidator is appointed for Consultant and/or Consultant's property and is not dismissed within 20 days after such appointment or the proceedings in connection therewith are not stayed on appeal within the said 20 days. In the event that Consultant refuses or fails to provide the services required hereunder with due diligence, or fails to make prompt payment to persons supplying labor for Consultant's services hereunder, or refuses or fails to comply with applicable statutes, laws or ordinances, or is guilty of a substantial violation of any provision of this agreement,the Town shall send Consultant written notice that Consultant has 20 days to cure said default;and if,at the end of said 20-day period,Consultant has not cured said default, the Town may then terminate this agreement on 7 days'prior written notice to Consultant. Except as prohibited by law, the Town and Consultant hereby waive trial by jury in any litigation arising out of, or connected with, or relating to this Agreement. 6. SKILLS OF CONSULTANT; CONFLICTS OF INTEREST. Consultant represents that Consultant has the requisite skills and experience to perform the services hereunder. 7. INDEPENDENT CONSULTANT STATUS OF CONSULTANT. Consultant and the Town agree that in the performance of Consultant's services hereunder, Consultant is an independent consultant and shall not be deemed to be an employee or agent of the Town for any purpose whatsoever. The Consultant shall assume all blame, loss and responsibility of any nature by reason of neglect or violation of any federal, state, county or local laws, regulations or ordinances. 8. CONSULTANT'S INSURANCE The Consultant shall not commence work under this Contract until it has obtained all insurance required under this paragraph and such insurance has been approved by the Town. (a) Compensation Insurance: The Consultant shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract Workers' Compensation Insurance for its employees to be assigned to the work hereunder. (b) Liability Insurance: The Consultant shall take out and maintain during the life of this Contract such general liability, property damage, and commercial auto liability insurance as shall protect it from claims for damages for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as from claims for property .damage which may arise from operations under this Contract. The amounts of such insurance shall be as follows: 1. General liability insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000 for injuries, including wrongful death to any one person and subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than $2,000,000 on account of any one occurrence. 2. Property damage insurance in an amount not less than $300,000 for damage on account of all occurrences. The Consultant shall,furnish the above insurances to the Town and shall also name the Town as an additional named insured in said policies. (c) Any accident shall be reported to the office of the Town Clerk as soon as possible and not later than twenty-four (24) hours from the time of such accident. A detailed written report must be submitted to the Town as soon thereafter as possible, but not later than three (3) days after the date of such accident. 9. INDEMNIFICATION Consultant shall release, indemnify,defend and hold harmless the TOWN,its officers, employees, and representatives from and against any and all demands, liabilities,losses, damages,expenses (including attorney's fees)and judgments for any personal injuries,death, or property damage in any way relating to or arising from this Contract and the services to be performed under this contract. 10. PROHIBITION AGAINST ASSIGNMENT. Consultant is hereby prohibited from assigning, transferring, conveying, subletting or otherwise disposing of this agreement or his right, title or interest in this agreement without prior written consent of the Town. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTES. Consultant agrees that Consultant will comply with all statutes, ordinances, local laws, codes, rules and regulations which are or may be applicable to Con sultant's,services, activities and duties set forth in this agreement. 12. NOTICES. Any and all notices and payments required hereunder shall be addressed as follows, or to such other address as may hereafter be designated in writing by either party hereto: To Town: Dennis Noncarrow Town Clerk Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 To Consultant: Christopher F. Dwyer L.K. McLean Associates, P.C. 437 South Country Road, Brookhaven New York 11719 13. WAIVER. No waiver of any breach of any condition of the Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by the party waiving said breach. No such waiver shall in any way affect any other term or condition of this Agreement or constitute a cause or excuse for a repetition of such or any other breach unless the waiver shall include the same. 14. APPLICABLE LAW. This Agreement and the rights and obligations of parties hereunder shall be construed in accordance with and be governed by the laws of the State of New York without regard to conflicts of laws and principles. Consultant hereby submits to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the State of New York for all disputes relating to this Agreement and agrees that venue for all disputes shall be in Suffolk County. 15. COMPLETE AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. This Agreement constitutes the complete understanding of the parties. No modification of any provisions thereof shall be valid unless in writing and signed by both parties. ` 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Southold has caused its corporate seal to be affixed hereto and these presents to be signed by Scott A. Russell, its Supervisor, duly authorized to do so, and to be attested to by Dennis Noncarrow, Town Clerk, and the Consultant has caused its corporate seal to be affixed hereto and these presents to be signed by its President, the day and year first above written. Town of Southold By: Scott A. Russell, Supervisor Louis K. McLean & Associates Engineers & S ry yors PC By: Raymond G. DiBiase,PE.PTOE STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss.. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the I r(I of August in the year 2023 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Scott A. Russell, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon whose behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. a otary Public MICHELLE L TOMASZEWSKI NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 01T06156671 Qualified in Suffolk County My Commission Expires 11-27-2026 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss.. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the / of August in the year 2023 before me,the undersigned,personally appeared Raymond G. DiaBiase P.E., P.T.O.E., personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon whose behalf of which the individual yaAe executed t e instrument. Notary Public CHRISTINE WIEGAND NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York No.01W16210359,Suffolk County _ Commission Expires August 17= 1 tk � RESOLUTION 2023-643 +� ADOPTED DOC ID: 19336 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2023-643 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTH.OLD TOWN BOARD ON JULY 18,2023: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the proposal of L.K. McLean Associates,P.C. dated July 12,2023 in the total amount of$8,500.00 for drainage design work on Horseshoe Drive, Old Saddle Lane and Silver Colt Road; and be it further i RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute an Agreement between the Town of Southold and L.K. McLean Associates,P.C. in the total amount of$8,500.00, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sarah E.Nappa, Councilwoman SECONDER:Brian O. Mealy; Councilman AYES: Nappa, Doroski,Mealy,Doherty,Evans,-Russell i II AI-- A-7-z,� Lo If K,cLean Associates, P.C: s° 437 South Country Road • Brookhaven o New York • 1.1719 (631)286-8664 . FAX(63 1)286-6314 s• 25 Newbridge Road o Suite 212 • Hicksville • New York • 11801 https://www.lkma.com RAYMOND G.DiBIASE,P.E.,PTOE,PTP,PRESIDENT and CEO Associates ROBERT A.STEELE,P.E.,EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT JAMES L.DeKONING,P.E.,VICE PRESIDENT CHRISTOPHER F.DWYER STEVEN W.EISENBERG,P.E. ANDREW B.SPEISER Cl MATTHEW C.JEDLICKA,LEED AP KEITH J.MASSERIA.P.E. VINCENT A.CORRADO,P.E. TAMARA L.STILLMAN,P.L.S. July 12, 2023- Town of Southold Engineering Department 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Attn: Michael Collins P,E., Town Engineer Re: Drainage System Replacements—Preparation of Bid Package LKMA Proposal for Engineering Services Dear Mr. Collins: Pursuant to your request (via email on 7/7/23) for engineering services for the preparation of a public bid package associated with the replacement of drainage systems on Horseshoe Drive, Old Saddle Lane and Silver Colt Road in Cutchogue. Your Department's detailed request outlines specific catch basins, grates and connecting pipes that are to be replaced as specified. It is our understanding that these roads contain integral concrete curb and gutter along all road edges. Where the proposed drainage work will impact the curbline, the concrete curb and gutter is to be removed to the nearest expansion joint and replaced with new curb (in-kind) in accordance with the Town's Highway specifications. Additionally, upon completion of the drainage replacement, all impacted road areas are to be repaired with 6" of compacted NYSDOT specification RCA and 2" of Type 6 asphalt. Lastly, your office will prepare the boilerplate documents that will accompany the technical specifications, wage rate schedule, itemized proposal form and construction level drawings to be prepared by our office. SCOPE OF WORK/SERVICES The specific scope is as follows; O Horseshoe Drive o Structures horseshoe-catchl and horseshoe-catch2 will be replaced with 4'L x 4'W x 4'D catch basins with rectangular curb grate inlets o The 18" corrugated metal pipe connecting these two structures will be removed and replaced with 15" HDPE pipe Horseshoe Dr./Old Saddle Lane/Silver Colt Road -Drainage System Replacement Page 1 of 3 TODA�YI-1`§'Cri fp--uLo yt-Lc�3vi`EF�imm'Row"S SOLUTIONS Since 1950 • 4 a Lo K. 1 cLean Associates, R C. o Structure horseshoe-mh1 (assumed to be an 8' diameter x 4' deep leaching ring) will be replaced with a solid manhole o The 18" corrugated metal pipe connecting structure horseshoe-mhl to horseshoe-catch2 will be removed and replaced with 15" HDPE pipe o A 10' length of 15"HDPE pipe will be utilized to connect structure horseshoe- mh1 to the 18" corrugated metal pipe leading to structure horseshoe-mh2 ® Old Saddle Lane o Structures oldsaddle-catchl and oldsaddle-catch2 will be replaced with 41 x 4'W x 4'D catch basins with rectangular curb grate inlets o The 18" corrugated metal pipe connecting these two structures will be removed and replaced with 15" HDPE pipe o Structure oldsaddle-mh1 (assumed to be an 8' diameter x 4' deep leaching ring) will be replaced with a solid manhole o The 18" corrugated metal pipe connecting structure oldsaddle-mh1 to oldsaddle- catch2 will be removed and replaced with 15" HDPE pipe o The 18" corrugated metal pipe connecting structure oldsaddle-mh1 to structure RCB 25 will be removed and replaced with 15" HDPE pipe o Structure oldsaddle-mh2 (assumed to be an 8' diameter x 4' deep leaching ring) will be replaced with a solid manhole o The 18" corrugated metal pipe connecting structure oldsaddle-mh2 to oldsaddle- catch2 will be removed and replaced with 15" HDPE pipe e Silver Colt Road o Structures silvercolt-catchl and silvercolt-catch2 will be replaced with 41 x 4'W x 4'D catch basins with rectangular curb grate inlets o The 18" corrugated metal pipe connecting these two structures will be removed and replaced with 15" HDPE pipe o The 18" corrugated metal pipe connecting structure silvercolt-catch2 to oldsaddle-mh2 will be removed and replaced with 15" HDPE pipe We assume that an aerial base map with specific callouts can be used to show the extent of the work on the three (3) Town roads. Our office would be responsible for dimensioning (field verification) the systems for the purpose of quantifying the contract items for the project. The construction drawings will include any and all details needed to support the proper installation and restoration of these drainage systems and impacted areas. Details such as sawcutting, asphalt road, curbing, drainage, trenching and other miscellaneous features shall be included in the construction level drawings. The technical specifications shall contain any and all materials associated with the replacement of the drainage systems as defined in the above referenced scope of work by the Town Engineer's Office. Materials such as HDPE piping, recycled concrete aggregate (Type 1), asphalt (Type 617), clean fill and new grates. The technical specification will outline proper installation procedures of these materials as well as demolition/removals, maintenance and protection of Horseshoe Dr./Old Saddle Lane/Silver Colt Road -Drainage System Replacement Page 2 of 3 LKMA Professional Services Proposal :J L. If. McLean Associates, P.C traffic and any other construction measures needed to support the successful replacement of these drainage systems. A prevailing wage rate schedule shall be obtained for the specific trades involved in this project from the New York State Department of Labor. An itemized proposal form(s) shall be prepared defining all work items associated with the replacement of the drainage systems. The contract items shall be quantified in order to use unit cost pricing for the project unless directed otherwise. LUMP SUM FEE AND PAYMENT Our lump sum fee estimate for the preparation of a municipal bid package to replace the various drainage systems is $8,500.00. We appreciate the opportunity to submit our proposal and look forward to working with you if you choose LKMA for this work. Very truly yours, Christopher Dwyer Associate Horseshoe Dr./Old Saddle Lane/Silver Colt Road Drainage System Replacement Page 3 of 3 LKMA Professional Services Proposal FA CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MM/DD/YYYI) 5/3/2023 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTANAME: Certificate Department Risk Strategies Company PHO"Ne Ext: 212 867-3550 ac No: 750 Third Avenue 15th Floor E-MAIL Suite 2700 ADDRESS: New York, NY 10017 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A: Travelers Indemnity Company 25658 INSURED INSURER B: Travelers Indemnity Co of America 25666 Louis K.McLean Associates Engineers &Surveyors, P.C. INSURER C: Continental Casualty Company 20443 437 S.Country Road INSURERD: IVT Brookhaven 11719 INSURERE: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 74185051 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR POLICYNUMBER MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY LIMITS A �/ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY ✓ 630-6W323314 5/1/2023 5/1/2024 EACH OCCURRENCE $1000000 CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR DAMAGE TO RENTED .PREMISES a occurrence) $300 000 ✓ Contractual Liability Included MED EXP(Any one person) $5,000 ✓ Valuable Papers$75,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 POLICY[V]JEC EILOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG $2,000,000 OTHER: $ B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BA-6W733364 5/1/2023 5/1/2024 COMBINEDSINGLELIMIT $ Ea accident IANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $11000.000 OWNEDSCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident $1,000,000 AUTOS ONLY ✓ AUTOS ) HIRED NON-OWNED PROPERTYDAMAGE ,/ AUTOS ONLY ✓ AUTOS ONLY Per accident $1,000,000 A `/ UMBRELLA LIAB �/ OCCUR CUP-6W735517 5/1/2023 5/1/2024 EACH OCCURRENCE $8,000,000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $8,000,000 DED I ✓I RETENTION$10,000 WORKERS COMPENSATION PER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y/N STATUTE ER ANYPRO PRI ETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIV E OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? NIA E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ Dyu SCRIPTION un OPERATIONS below es,describe under E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ DE C Professional&Pollution Liability AEH591963888 5/1/2023 5/1/2024 $5,000,000 Per Claim $5,000,000 Annual Aggregate DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,maybe attached if more space is required) All Projects Certificate holder is included as additional insured for General Liability if required by written contract in accordance with the terms and conditions of the policy. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION Town of Southold SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE To To Box Southold THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 53095 Route 25 Southold NY 11791 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE RSC Insurance Brokerage � �.����r # ^.s•�w ^(,. ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 74185051 23-24 GL AUTO OMB PL I Angela Fasolas L 5/3/2023 12:54:11 PM (EST) I Page 1 of 1 This certificate cancels and supersedes AL previously issued certificates. Ac[]1zL7° CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE UH It IMM/UU/YYYY) 08/01/2023 THIS GERTIFI,".ATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE bOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT:If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies)must be endorsed.If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement.A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsements s. PRODUCER Keystone Risk Partners LLC CONTACT NAME: 604 East Baltimore Pike PHONE A/C No Ext):888-473-6398 FAX A/C No): Media,PA 19063 E-MAIL ADDRESS:Risk@ExtensisGroup.com INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A: Indemnity Insurance Company of North 43575 INSURED INSURER B: Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company 18058 Extensis,Inc.L/C/F INSURER C: Louis K McLean Associates Engineers&Surveyors PC(Louis K McLean Associates Engineers&Surveyors PC) INSURER D: 900 US HWY 9 North,3rd Floor Woodbridge,NJ 07095 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAME ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN.THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADO'L SUBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSRD WVD POLICY NUMBER MM/DD/YYYYI (MM/DDIYYYYI LIMITS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Not Applicable EACH OCCURRENCE $ CLAIMS-MADE ❑OCCUR DAMAGE TO RENTED $ PREMISES Ea occurrence MED EXP(Any one person) $ PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $ GENT AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ POLICY❑PRO ❑LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG $ JECT OTHER: $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Not Applicable COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ Ea accident ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ OWNED SCHEDULED ( )BODILY INJURY Per accident $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY Per accident $ $ X UMBRELLA LIAR X OCCUR PHUB833392 09/30/2022 09/30/2023 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 10,000,000.00 BEXCESS LIAR CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ 10,000,000.00 DED X RETENTION $ 10,000 $ X WORKERS COMPENSATION OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY C51424098 09/30/2022 09/30/2023 X PER STATUTE ER A ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000.00 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? Y/N N/A (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000.00 f yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000.00 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES(Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks,Schedule,if more space is required) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION 206744 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Town of Southold ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11791 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE a Y Jay Peichel �~ ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD