HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-08/02/2023 PH 1 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK 2 ------------------------------------------- X 3 TOWN BOARD ANNUAL FISHERS ISLAND MEETING 4 ------------------------------------------- X 5 6 7 Southold , New York 8 August 2 , 2023 1 . 30 P .M. 9 10 11 12 13 14 B E F O R E : 15 16 SCOTT A. RUSSELL, SUPERVISOR 17 LOUISA P . EVANS , JUSTICE 18 JILL DOHERTY , COUNCILWOMAN 19 BRIAN 0 . MEALY, COUNCILMAN 20 GREG DOROSKI , COUNCILMAN 21 SARAH E . NAPPA, COUNCILWOMAN 22 23 24 25 AUGUST 2 , 2023 ANNUAL FISHERS ISLAND MEETING 2 1 PUBLIC COMMENTS 2 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Before 3 we go into the regular agenda, I am 4 going to ask Beth Cashel to come up and 5 give us an update . As you know, she ' s 6 been working very hard to have the 7 Department of Motor Vehicles have a 8 presence on this island for everybody ' s 9 benefit . 10 BETH CASHEL : Thank you, Scott . As 11 many of you know, the Town has agreed 12 months ago to go forward with a DMV 13 office here on Fishers Island . As many 14 of you know, we do not have access to 15 DMV and we need to go off to New York 16 State License in the Office . Thanks to 17 many people , and I ' d like to give a 18 shout-out to the Board and to 19 Assemblywoman Jodi Giglio, who actually 20 has been instrumental in being really an 21 impact in the DMV, to make this happen . 22 What has happened to date is we are 23 officially have been approved and have 24 technically a DMV designation here on 25 the Fishers Island . What has happened AUGUST 2 , 2023 ANNUAL FISHERS ISLAND MEETING 3 1 so far is four phases , if you will . The 2 first phase that has been completed was 3 the security phase . Where two people , 4 IT and Security people come to the 5 island and have looked into where you ' re 6 going to put the DMV office . And our 7 next big thanks goes to the Fishers 8 Island Community Center . And 9 specifically , a huge shout-out to 10 ( inaudible ) and Linda Morocco who have 11 been instrumental in making this happen . 12 We will be utilizing the community 13 centers as our office . It ' s going to 14 be held when we have our hours in the 15 community center, at the bowling alley . 16 Because the IT has already been there . 17 They ' ve already put in the network, the 18 wires and the office hours will happen 19 there . So IT and Security is complete . 20 The second item that we ' re in the 21 process is almost complete , in fact , two 22 days ago, we got our first pieces of 23 equipment . It ' s very exciting . They 24 are -- thanks to my husband . And they 25 are -- and they ' re very secure . And we AUGUST 2 , 2023 ANNUAL FISHERS ISLAND MEETING 4 1 have everything we need here . It ' s 2 going to be a mobile sort of secure it 3 upstairs , but not in use , and bring it 4 down when in use . The next step is 5 going to be hiring staff . And as many 6 of you know, there will be three people 7 at a time to man the station . The Hours 8 of Operation will be not daily . Not 9 weekly . It will be probably be about 10 six hours a month . And it will work on 11 what makes sense for everyone involved . 12 And that is where we are . We are in the 13 process of getting the civil service 14 designation . So the hiring can begin . 15 That will happen in September . 16 Depending on the civil service process . 17 And then at that time , once we have the 18 staff , they ' ll be training . And again, 19 huge shout-out to DMV in Albany . They 20 have created a specific Fishers Island 21 training schedule . So that they 22 understand that we can ' t go to White 23 Plains for 10 straight days . They ' re 24 going to do it all online for nine days , 25 one day in person . And it will be over AUGUST 2 , 2023 ANNUAL FISHERS ISLAND MEETING 5 1 a two month period . Also helping the 2 people on the island who have many other 3 jobs , and cannot give up 10 straight 4 days of training . And at that point , 5 once the training is done , we will have 6 a DMV office up and running by 7 conservatively, I will say ( inaudible ) . 8 And again , a huge shout-out to the Town 9 Board, to the community center , and to 10 Assemblywoman Giglio . But also to the 11 DMV people , weekly on a call . And 12 there are probably about 10 people from 13 their offices , working incredibly hard 14 to make this happen . They have 15 purchased all the equipment . They have 16 shipped it . They have traveled here . 17 They have really got over and beyond, 18 and are all very, very happy . And thank 19 you all -- and all of you . 20 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : One last 21 thing . I want to thank, Steve . I 22 don ' t know who is here today . And I 23 want to thank you for working so hard 24 with the Chief Martin Flatley on 25 improving the 911 . I know there ' s a AUGUST 2 , 2023 ANNUAL FISHERS ISLAND MEETING 6 1 submission there and on behalf of the 2 island residents , you guys are working 3 very hard to improve that and close the 4 gaps . Thank you very much . Okay . By 5 all means . 6 STEVE HEAD : Thank you very much . 7 Just wanted to give everybody a kind of 8 update , you know, we talk about here 9 briefly . And working together for the 10 past 18 months to develop and improve 11 911 emergency services across . The old 12 system is connected through an 13 antiquated AT&T network and has 14 experienced decades of connectivity 15 issues on the route between Fishers 16 Island and Southold public service . 17 I ' m happy to announce that today those 18 problems are behind us . As of this 19 morning, the state-of-the-art operation 20 has been finalized to complete , to 21 increase the number of available systems 22 from one to forty . It also ( inaudible ) 23 the decade of liability management , 24 which is important . As of today, 911 25 calls will be directly to the Southold, AUGUST 2 , 2023 ANNUAL FISHERS ISLAND MEETING 7 1 where the agent can react in a timely 2 manner to the emergency service . If 3 there are multiple 911 calls , they will 4 be sent to the proper place for that . 5 ( Inaudible ) should be overloaded . They 6 overflow it to a number of staff that 7 take the call with all necessary . Thank 8 you to all for bringing this on to 9 Fishers Island . Thank you . 10 (Whereupon, the meeting continued 11 onto the Resolutions . ) 12 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Motion to 13 adjourn . 14 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Second . 15 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : All in 16 favor? 17 COUNCILWOMAN JILL DOHERTY : Aye . 18 COUNCILMAN GREG DOROSKI : Aye . 19 COUNCILMAN BRIAN MEALY : Aye . 20 COUNCILWOMAN SARAH NAPPA: Aye . 21 JUSTICE LOUISA EVANS : Aye . 22 SUPERVISOR SCOTT RUSSELL : Aye . 23 24 (Whereupon, the meeting concluded . ) 25 AUGUST 2 , 2023 ANNUAL FISHERS ISLAND MEETING 8 1 C E R T I F I C A T I O N 2 3 I , Jessica DiLallo , a Notary Public 4 for and within the State of New York, do 5 hereby certify : 6 THAT , the within transcript is a 7 true record of said Board Meeting . 8 I further certify that I am not 9 related either by blood or marriage to 10 any of the parties to this action ; and 11 that I am in no way interested in the 12 outcome of this matter . 13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto 14 set my hand this day, August 10 , 2023 . 15 16 17 ( 'e sic Lallo ) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25