HomeMy WebLinkAboutRavn, Daniella & Stephen (2) Glenn Goldsmith,President ����` COGy Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President j 1 ' 54375 Route 25 0 Eric Sepenoski ,? P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y • 0!� Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples ��� Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: I I 1 L Completed infield by: Michael Kimack on behalf of DANIELLA C. & STEPHEN E. RAVN requests a Pre- Submission Inspection to discuss a proposed dock to serve the three (3) lot owners as required by Town Planning Board Covenants & Restrictions. Located: 625 Wells Road, Peconic. SCTM# 1000-75-6-3.3 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: AA!-hLt_ }n bt su6mifcj �6 OPRc_e.. Trusitfj will re eW -4`v,761X WA 1gp11. once, ce.C.e Present Were: /-G. goldsmith V /E.N. Kru ski Sepenoski V L. Gillooly E. Peeples DECLARATION AND COVENANT THIS DECLARATION made,the ///­//day of February, 2022 by ATRICK FLANAGAN and EVA FLANAGAN, residing at 7 Ernerald Woods, Tarrytown, N.Y. 1059 (Lot; 2) DANIELLA C. RAVN and STEPHEN E. F AVN, residing at 16 Sagamore Road, East Nor ich, N.Y. 1:1.732 (Lot 3); and MORTON D. DUBIN 11, residing at 355 pacific Street, Brooklyn, PI.Y. 11217( Lot 1), hereinafter referred to as DECLARANTS, states as follows: WHEREAS, Declarant's are the owners of certain real property si uatE: at Peconic, in the Town of Southold, being Lot 1: SCTM 1000-75-06-3.1, Lot 2: SCTM 100 -75-06.3.2 and Lot 3; SCTM 1000-75-06-3.3 of a "Standard Subdivision of John Scott" and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office dated April 27, 2009 as Map No. 11699. Bounded and described as follows: See Schedule "A" Description Whereas,;a Declaration and Covenant, made the 30th day of July, 2008, between John G. Scott 11:1 and the Southold Planning Board and recorded in the Suffoll County Clerk's Office under Liber No. D00012570 and Page No. 644, dated November 3, 201108, that limits disturbance of.any kind within a 50 foot Non Disturbance/non fertilization vegetation area except to establish a Four (4) foot wide, unimproved, natural access path located within the 10 fool: wide pedestrian access easement on Lot 3 , and WHEREAS, the Declarants have determined that it is in their best,interests to jointly develop the access, path with the intenVon of placing a fixed walkway an � fixed docks ( dock system) for boating withini the waters of Richmond Creek for the benefit f the Declarants; NOW, THEREFORE, THESE DECLARANTS WITNESSETH; That Declarants, for the purpose of carrying out the int(' (S /V® make known, admit, publish, covenant and agree that t, oo,�, ,,,, be subject:to the following; covenants which shall run w �If C%�[ rn Declarants of said premises, their hears, executors, legal successors and assigns, to wit: , (1) That Declarants herein agree to equally she said dock system which includes, but is not limit O� permit processes, and bidding to construct, an� (2) That Declarants herein agree to equally shy construct the dock,system which inchides, but n foot wide access path within the 10 ft. wide RO privacy hedge along the entire ROW to determir.� iL uoris pain ana to ensure privacy for adjacent properties. (3) That Declarants herein agree to equally share in alIny routine maintenance or repairs that may Ibe required. The Declarants also agree to share in any expenses as a result of storm damage to the dock :system and/or access path within the ensuing years. If, in the event a Declarant unilaterally damages any portion of the dock system, if shall be their sole responsibility for the cost o the repairs, and (4) The Declarant's hereon agree that a Declarant can withdraw from this Declaration and Covenant by his or her unilateral action The withdrawal shall be in writing to,the remaining Declarants and said withdrawal acknowledged, in writing by the remaining Declarants within 30 clays.. Withdrawal from this Declaration constitutes forfeiture of the use of any portion of the clock by the withdrawing Declarant. This Declaration and Covenant shall remain in full force Find effect for the remaining Declarants, and (5) The Declarants agree to mutually decide which two (2) water,craft dockage locations will be assigned to which Declarant, and (6) The Declarants agree the dock shall remain private only to water craft registered to each declarant and (7) The Declarants herein agree to not park their vehicles within the easement area or along the property line of Lot 3 of the subdivision, and (8) In the event the Declarants decidE!to provide water and/or electricity to service the dock, the cost of installation shall be shared equally. Each Declarant shall have separate metering stations for electrical access and usag . The electric utility bill will be apportioned accordingly, and (9) Eadh declarant will be permitted to dock up to tw (2) boats, and (10) The declarants wish to establish a recommended usag'E?time of from 7:AM to 9 PM. It is uhderstood that there may be occasions when -hose hours are exceeded. In that event, each Declarant agrees to keep noise to a min murn during those extended hours so as not to disturb the neighbors, and (11) The!ROW is solely for access to the dock and boat : no picnicking, dock parties or;using the ROW as a private beach, and 1 (12) No garbage disposal anywhere on or near the docs or ROW. Garbage needs to be,remove,d from the property and properly disposed of, and (13) Boats using the clocks need to be registered to property owners as shown ori their deeds. No renting of dock space or permitting third p rties to use the dock spaces, and (14) The owners of lots 1 and 2 shall name the owner(s) of lot 3 as additional insured on itheir Homeowner's policies for the purpose of providing insurance for any personal injury accidents to family members, or invited friends that may occur,within the ROW on,lot 3. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarants has hereunto set their hands and seal the day and year above written. 9 PATRICK FLANAGAN 1 E A ALAN I DANIELLA C. RAVN ST PH E. RAVN MORTON D. DUBIN -- STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss. . COUNTY OF SUFFQLK ) On the !/74 day of February, 2022 before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said State, personally appeared PATRICK FI.ANAGAN personal'y known to me or proved to me on the lbasis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual wh se name is subscribed to the within;instrum;ent and acknowledged to me that he execute the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the i,ndividuol acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public MICHAEL A.KIMACK Notary Public, State of New Ybrk No.02K15056823 Qualified In Nassau County Commission Exp res March 11,2022 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss. . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the /////day of February, 2022 before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said State, personally appeared EVA FLAN,AGAN personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that.she executed t le same in her capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary PUbHc MIC AEL A. KIMACK Notary Pu lic,State of New York No 02KI5056823 Qualified in Nassau County Commission Expires March 11,2022 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss. . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the f l day of February, 2022 before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said State, personally appeared DANEELLA C. RAVN personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to bel the individual whose se name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she execute th,Et same in her capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument, the Individual, or th person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notaryu iic 70Ni,1 S,ALGUERO x— Mg7ARY PUB_IC,STATE OF NEW YORK Registra ion No.01SA6242706 Qualified in Queens County Commission Expires June 13,2023 STATE OP NEW YORK ) ss. . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the � /7�'6 day of February, 2022 before me, the undersigned, .a notary public in and for said Si,ate, personally appeared STEPHEN E. RAVN personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he execute a the same un his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or th a person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public TONIA SALGUERO OTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK Registration No.OISA6242766 Qualified in Queens County ommission Expires Jun STATE OF NEW YORK ) - �- "� �'.�` e 13,2023 a ss. . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the � h day of February, 2022 before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said State, personally appeared MORTON ID. DUBIN personalIV known to me or proved to me on the basis of (satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is :subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by, his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public; MICHAELA. MMACK Notary Public, tate of New York No.02N11505611323 Qualified in assau County Commission Fxpi es March 11,2022 . ' ' . . f11 df.► SCHEDULE"A" DESCRIPTION AL4 that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, IyiIng sand being at Pe,conic, Town of Southold, Suffolk C"ovrity, State of Netr York, bounded and de,scribed as follows" BEGINNING at the corner formed by the IntersectEon.of the south easterly side of Main Road (Route 25) with the northeasterly side of VIfells Road; RUNNING THENCE along the southpasturly side of Main Road (Route ;25),- 1) 25):1) North 40 degree;, 30 minutes 08 seconds East, 42,51 vet; 2) North 43 ;degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds East, 107.2e feet to land now or formerly of Ho; RUNNING) PIENCE along said land: 1) South 53 degrees 00 minute 52 seconds East, 95.83 feet; 2) South 45 Degrees 51 minutes 52 seconds bast 110,33 feet; 3} North 52 degrees �l6 minutes 38 seconds East, 81,77 feet to land now or formerly of Andrade; THENCE along said lend; 1) SOO)-38 degrees 52 minutes 32 seconds East, 168 fee 2) Noti h 59 d�grees ()1 minute 08 second,3 East, 116,33 fe side of Richmond Creek; t to the wf:.st"eriy THENCE along the westerly side of Richmond Creek the following tie line distances: 'I) South G degrees 18 minutes 52 second,15 East, 21,39 feet, 3) South 08 degree` 16 minutes ()8 secou�r , h 32 de' ree�, �. Is West; 45,48 feet; g 07 minutes 54 secorlds East, 57,32 feelt; 4) South 2"0 debreos 07 minutes 38 secotyds East, 93.11 feet; 5) South 11 degrees 323 minutes 15 secolids East, 45,13 fee;; 6) South 2�3 degrees 0f3 minutes 31 seconds East, 29,74 fee;; 7} ,South 3,5 degrees 00 minutes 26 seconcls East, 53,15 fee,; 8) South 16 degrees 56 minutes 52 seconds East, 77. 3 feet; 9). South 41 degrees 49 minutes 47 seconds East, 123,35 feet; 10;)South 25 degrees 08 minutes 38 SEIG6nds East, 125,22 feet; 11)South �1 degrees 03 minutes 34 seconds East, 33,70 feet; 12)8obth PO degrees 25 minutes 10 sec,:onds West, 61.25 fMet; 13)South 06 degrees 17 minutes 05 secc►nds West 48.33 feet; 14)South 04 degrees 4.2 minutes 27 seconds East, 50, �1 feet to land now or, fornierl'r of Mlunzlo; THENCE along said land; 1) North 33 degrees 17 minutes 02 seconds West, 146,45 feet; .2) South 5;6 degrees 42 minutes 58 5,econds West, 82 f eft f;o land now or formerly of Zaneski; THENCE along said land; 1) North 33 degreE►s 17 minutes 02 seconds West, 200feet; 2) South 56 degrees 42 minutes 58 scjcc)nds West, 1.38, feet to the easterly sldE► Of Welis lRoad; and THENCE alone.the easterly side of Well,,; (Road, North 3%1, decrees 17 minutes 02 seconds West, 791,4 ► feet to the corner at the point c r' plzice of f3EC3INNING, i DECLA.RATIOM AND COVENANT SO'UTHOLD TOWN; PLANNING BOARD THIS DECLARATION made thdy clay of,U.U_ 200E byi Jahn G. Scott, III, residing at 1275 Lands End Road, cr.l nt 115157, hereinafter I :referred to as the Declarant, States as follows: WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate at Peconic, in the Town of Southold, Suf olll<: County, New York, :more particularly bounded apd described as set''- forth in Schedule "A" annexed hereto as provided by the D cl�l rant; and WHEREAS, for and in consideration of the gr ntli.ng of subdivision application entitled, "Standard Subd'viEI3ion of John Scott" prepared by Young and Young, Licensed Lan St�rveyo:rs, and as a condition of granting said approval, the Town ofI9outhold Planning Board has required that the within Decl radion be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk' s Office; and WHEREAS, Declarant: has considered the foregoing and determined that same will be in the best interest of the De clax�iant and subsequent owners of said parcel; � NQW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARzFN,T WITNESSETH: That Declarant:, for the purpose of carrying outi the intentions above expressed does hereby make known, admit, p �bli'sh, covenant and agree that the said premises herein described shall hereafter be subject to the following covenants which shall rul'c with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of said premises, their heirs, executors, legal represent tiz�,es, distributees, successors and assigns, to wit; (1) Pursuant to Chapter 236 Stormwater, Gradi g SI.nd Drainage Control Law of the Southold Town Cade all storm w ter, runoff resulting from the development of any or all of t2le Bots on the subdivision map shall be retained on site and shall lire the responsibility of each property owner; I (?') Prior to any construction activity on an , o:f the lots on the approved subdivision map, the project will reIuires a General Permit for the storm water runoff from construction aictivity (GP- 02-01) administered by the New York, State Department of Environmental Conservation under a ;Phase II State Pol�l.ution i Discharge Elimination System; I� (3) No Storm water runoff rEtsulting from t e development and improvement of the., lots shown on ,the approved m p ehall be discharged into tkie wetlands or Richmond Creek in by manner; (4) Prior to issuance of a Certificate of CCJ.Pancy Declarant shall install gutters, leaders and subsurface d y weslls to retain surface runoff; (5) Declarant shall use native plants and dise ase-resistant and drought tolerant plants and landscaping. i i (6) Declarant shall not apply and use synthlatic pesticides and fertilizers capable of entering surface and potable water supply. (7) Declarant shall use pervious driveways to serve each lot . (8) The Declarant covenants that a 5o foot Non Disturbance/non-fertilization Vegee'tation buffer reel is depicted on Lots 1, 2 and 3 . It is hereby understood that t e 5I0 foot:: Non Disturbance/non-fertilization Vegetation bufferrea is intended to preserve the existing trees and natural growth. area is within this area shall remain in its natural state in perpetuity. Permitted activities within the bu;Efer are limited to the removal of dead, diseased trees that are h��zardous to lifeo'c• property. Notwithstanding the above, the Norl, Disturbance/no -fl:rtilization Vegetation buffer area may be supp�.emented with a dilI:ional native vegetation subject to review and approval of the Ou�:hold Town Planning Board and Southold Town Trustees pursuan to Town Code 275--3 . (9) There shall be no disturbance of any kind i .e , mowing, clearing, grading) within the 50 foot Non Disturb ncel/non- fertilization Vegetation buffer area, except as p ovilded herein. This includes, but. is not limited to, the prohibi ionl of structures or clearing of any kind, except to establish a 4 foot) wide i unimproved, ' natttraal access path located within the .LO foot pedestrian access easement on Lot. 3 . Pursuant tc Chlapter 275 Wetlands and Shorelines; the access path must bE reviewed by the Southold Town Trustees and other ,jurisdictional ageIlcies.. No grading or changes to the natura..l, contours of t e land shall be permitted within. this area. I (10) Landward of the 5o foot buffer, shown on the filed. map � he Declarant is permitted to underta}ce seasonal mown 6 g (farm cut) to to control seasonal growth of such .noxious plants as. briers and poison ivy. As stated in Clause 9 above, this 5o foot b ff(:r is to remain in an °undisturbed buffer" , therefore mowing, cl aring or grading is not a permitted activity. (11) The Declarant covenants to retain all mar ed existing trees on-site to comply with Section 161.-44 . Street tr esofthe Southold Town Code, as indicated by the at:t;ached aerial, ated October 29, 2008 and agreed upon by the DeclZLr;ant and the South Id Town Planning Board. The attached aerial, dated Octo er 29, 2008 (Schedule B) indicaLtes the location of both indi-idual treses and clusters of trees both on the property and along the perimeter of the property on State Route 25 anWells Road, he It f'= .rees consist of the following Species ; Birch, Cherry, Norway M plc:, Red Cedar and Red Maple . Clearing of the tres or any actio mi to cause the death of the mapped trees is prohibited. The Declarant further covenants that once the existing tVees naturally xpiire, they shall be replaced with the same or simi'l�ir species to ctmPly with the Southold Town Code Section 161 .44 . (12) Prior to issuance of a certificate of occu ancle: y, th respective owners off lot: 2 and 3 shall plant their re�spect:i.ve portion, of a "Planted Cluster" , gas; shown on the ffiled map, which is intended to mitigate the visual. !impacts of the newt home along Wells Road. There shall be a 60 foot wide lands aped buffer planted, with native vegetation located on lot 1 a jacI(ant to New York State route 25. The buffer shall run north to south along the I ' I ..... . ...._........_.------ 41 I western property Gine of Lot 1 J-- or a distance of 150 feet in length. (13) Declarant grants the continuing right in per.petuity to the Town of Southold, any of its designated represemta�ives or any owner of property within the subdivision to enf rc ' the conditions and restrictions of the covenants, and to take any legal action it deems necessary to enforce the conditions and r .ststictions of the covenants. Theserights of inspection and enfo cerr�ent shall be binding upon dec :letrant, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, .successors, assi ns and transferees. i (14) Pursuant. to chapter_ 240-49 of the South ld Town Code, clearing Of eaC171 l.ot shall be restricted to 35°6 of Ithe total land area. (15) There shall be no further subdivision of an,y lots in perpetuity. (16,)There shall be no changes iso the lot line W .thout Planning Board lapproval . (171;) Future residents of the lot;s are advised that; the lots are subject to the noise, dust and odors normally as ociIated with agricultural; activities pursuant to Article XXII Farmland Bill of Flighta of the Southold Town Code.. . (18) These covenants and restrictions shall run with, the land and shall be bindiizg upon the IDer..l,arant, , his suc es.liors and assigns, and upon all persons or Entities claiming under them, and may be; termi'pated, revoked or amended by the owner >f the property only with the written consent of the Town of Sou hod granted by a majority plus one vote of the Planning board, of er a public hearing. -- CERTIFICATION TIDAL NOTES D -1 4 MHW EL. 1.0 -0.1 _ / 1 Hereby certify that this is a true copy of a portion of the surrey of this __f_ ---1.3 MSL EL. -0.3 -°'���� -1.1 f -1.6 1.8 '-\`1.4 __t.4 -1.3 -1.0 MLW EL. -1.7 .'^-1.3 \ �T -1.2 a JUL I R 2022 property by American Engineering & Land Surveying P.C., -1.6 -� - 31.0 i �j 1.5 -- -2>I �_ -1.3 -1.0 _//-1.5 G_ /�7 -1.4 _ Dated July 4, 2012. No details or features which could bear J --l-l -2 2 \ -1.7 `_` �'112 \\\ �'/ L- // o `�y� �1 �, 30Old TOW11 -2.4 -2-2 -� -2).1 ---� \� -1.6 ® - upon this application have been omitted 2 6 - _ -2.4 ��\ 1 \- -2.¢\ �afd f- SteN\ -0.7 \Z�`'Z51. -2.3 - -------�-22 ��106 ® -1.8 -2.4 -2.5 -2.5 \ ---=29 -2.2 -2.1 \ ® - ® ,® 1.5 `\ -2.2 -2.5 -2.4 -2.3 -2.1 -2.3 �,9 Michael A. 6Cimack,Agent, September S, 2021 ` -2.4 & -2.3 \ \\ -2.3 -2.5 -2-5 _.`_1.1 V __- _-1� �'/ r-_ w-_ -,�•Q� -"��=J�- -2.3 -18 �5 h -2.5 1.4 CREZ t -2.3 -57 9' - 2.4 walka total len ht: -2'4 -25 -2.3; 520 - -2.2_ -r-1.3�-/ Three (3) Fixed Docks - r^ - - -1.6 126 feet 2.5 �- �a�.�Q �� �` - - •ate _ �_����0.�3 tel\ �� -1 `(S�Q J E ft- -2.4 -2.4 @ 24 Ft. ea.,72 ft.total I 7 \ -2.1 a =0.8 __7 - ` .I.�R-J .\\2 - �2� ®� \\ All _ v _/ '- tr / 2.5 �- ��-- 2.3- -�� \\�\��'-� � - rL2.0 -1.1 \ ®\ /� 25 * -2.5 L--\ - �, ` 1 - \ -2 -2.6 < 2.5 -2.6 \` ET1NdD5\ .-' __ �,.� \� .7 ` -2.5 I ` 3.2 _ "- _-�--- -i' _ _ .a \ ` X0.8 1 �f i \ -2.5 r / '-`- -`-vim \ \ \\ \ \\ � i- 2Ji NS y` \\\` ^~ \C v -2� \ -2.6 -kA12.6 -2.3 -2.5 i -2.6 1-I �d� �mooj --------- ® W + 1.OEL. EQ!a _2 s 5 ®�8H II 7.6 \\ TOTAL LOT AREA �� '� \ I \ �� ` 2.278 ACRES. -2.6 1 NRF6� \ ,Z `\ -- ^` \\ \` \\\ -1.9 -� `\ -2.$ / \ moo, CED `\ /� _LAPiN- \ cm\\ \�-�\` 4 6" / 1� L\�1F \\ _ �'t�RNE _ PLNT. I ;,HED ; CED Co 6.9 (N33'17'47"W) 6.7 �' LAND N06'J OR FORMERLY _ * RESIDENCE W/ PUBLIC-- UBLIC \\� \\ Lt ` dT�, , g WATER J J \,M 4`� ALFRED N. DINUNZIO JR., NO WELLS FOUND 2 8 BARBARA H. DINUNZIO EASEMENT PORTION OF LOT 3a STANDARD 6.9 a _ SUBDIVISION OF JOHN SCOTT end RICHMOND CREEL( 1� I 7.2 . - _ 13 . o . 33is coT �n�. r. ar 7.8s ® 2 STY. FRAME #1235 DANIELLA C. RAVN & STEPHEN RAVN, OWNERS h 1 I PROP.3'H POST.&f-PUti a-- `t I / __ $•1 -H PINE V7 N' 625 WELLS ROAD, SCTM: 1000-75-06-3.3 ( lot 3) ol. . -3 / / 8.8 W lASVN - P. jl I ° �33''vh.0296.. T a a o. ® a. ® �W®® a / - Q U r � EF. 200,00 PROPOSED INSTALLATION OF FIXED WALKWAY CD (N33'17'47°W) I o v , ---- - , and 3 FIXED DOCKS FOR LOPS 1, 2, & 3 o POOL I SITE PLAN; DOCK LAYOUT I LAND NOW OR FORMERLYC.L HEDGE I I SCALE:1 INCH= 30 FEET By: Michael A. Kimack Dated: September 5, 2021 = ON LINE_t GEORGINE ZANESKI Rev. October 8,2022 --- - ------�. _ .•- - -------- .-. .. . --_ - - . § 280-13 SOUTHOLD CODE § 280-13 (d) There shall be no exterior effect,at the property-line, such as noise, traffic, odor; dust, smoke, gas, fumes or radiation. (e) Studios where dancing or music instruction•is offered to groups in,excess of five pupils at one time or where concerts or recitals are held are prohibited. (f) In no manner shall the appearance of the building be altered, nor shall the occupation be conducted in a manner that would cause the premises to lose its residential character, including but not limited to the use of colors, materials, construction or lighting. (g) Notwithstanding anything set forth elsewhere in this article, home occupations, home business offices and home professional offices shall in no event be deemed to include animal hospitals, kennels, baiibershops, beauty parlors, clinics or hospitals, mortuaries; nursery schools, clubs, auto repair shops, restaurants, tourist homes, rooming houses or boardinghouses and uses similar to those listed aboye.12 (h) Home occupations, home business office and home professional offices shall not.include manufacturing, fabrication or construction of any type on.the site. (i) The outdoor storage of equipment necessary for residents connected with i3 aquaculture shall be screened.from view and shall conform .to the setbacks for accessory structures. (3) Boat docking facilities for the docking, mooring or accommodation of noncommercial boats, subject to the following requirements: i (a) There shall be docking or mooring facilities for no more than two boats other than those owned and used by the owner of the premises for his personal use. (b) The Town Trustees shall approve new.boat docking facilities. (c) Boats at such docking facilities shall not be used for overnight sleeping purposes. (4) Garden house, toolhouse, storage building, playhouse, wading pool, swimming pool or tennis court incidental to the residential use of the premises and not operated for gain, subject to the following requirements: (a) Any swimming pool shall be completely enclosed with a permanent chain link (or similar type) fence of not more than two-inch mesh, not less than four feet in height, erected, maintained and provided with a self-closing, self-latching gate to prevent unauthorized use. of the pool and to prevent accidents. However, if said pool is located more than four feet above the ground, then a fence is not required, provided that all points of access to said pool are adequately protected by a self-closing, self-latching gate. Any swimming pool in existence at the effective date of the provisions of this 12. Editor's Note: Former Subsection C(2)(h), regarding signs, which previously followed this subsection, was repealed 11-29-1994 by L.L.No.25-1994.For current sign provisions,see Art.XIX,Signs. 280:36 05-01-2006 dk` s{ T� t l r�3�f�}1��,j' � K.11 F, �,.i,'�, ••� r'�f i �-�� y � rel {. ��+� ' � r ,� � f. ^�•Ir,; 1. �k♦ �� ,e1 :�' �f� r,� � k\.' !F f� i - rM, ti f \� `- jyi F ie,�' ! v/•�' 1., ," 1 �` 1 ``t e, ` '�'1 pc r � \ 1 •E j � r _ \I i .: 1 a.it �1`t: dr�4 � ' ,tJ ,;. ,.�r "w�' \ . -•�Ir � -. ' .. ir. ., l . '��;= [��1 , r `, ,�i•' �� _� 1.: 1�R, � '151f y�'r ,� R T �� Tr r 1qR,11 �"'S `� _ a j .,•_d ;rs..-.e.... � IF Ile*'l, ' 1 } a i r • Project Description Construct a 4 ft. x 126 ft .fixed walkway with staircase ( 504 SF ), raised a minimum of 4 ft. above wetlands and a continuous railing set at three (3) ft. on the landward side. The decking shall be composed of thru flow continuous. The first 56 feet of walkway to be supported with 4" square green heart pilings ( 24) set at 8 ft. O.C. and cross braced.The remaining 70 ft. of walkway to be supported with 8" diam. pilings at 8 ft. O.C. Construct three (3) 4 ft. x 24 ft. fixed docks (288 SF ), with thru flow decking, 8" diam pilings and 5 step Float stop Alum. Dock ladders O.E. (39- 8" diam. pilings), Total area of fixed walkway and docks = 792 SF rOCT 9 2022 Southold Town Board of Trustees Michael A. Kimack ATTORNEY AT LAW D P.O. Box 1047 Southold,N.Y.11971 GCT 19 2022 Cell No. 516-658-6807 E-mail: mkimack2averizon.net �WUMWd Ww_* Nst@8s October 14, 2022 Re: Ravn Property, 625 Wells Road, Peconic SCTM: 1000-75-6-3.3 To Southold Trustees I respectfully request a pre application meeting on the premises to discuss a proposed dock to serve three (3) lot owners as required by the Planning Board in their approval of the minor subdivision. The proposed dock will be situated off premises. There will be no additional clearing for a pathway as the lot is primarily grassland. Sincerely, Michael A. Kimack, Agent Board of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant i;, not the owner) e- P AY V A/ owners of the property identified as SCTMU 1000- '7S_�6 �,�3 ^—_ in the town of - c, New York, hereby authorizes to act as my agent and handle all necessary work involved with the application prc,ces!, for permits) :from the Southold Town Board of Trustees for this property. Property Owner's Signature Property 's Signature r 04N46-ZZ W C, X A VR/ 17)P l71V SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS —J�� — DAY OF ,� r�,(l>!t 2022-----]\Iota Pu.�) -------- - (� n �p 2 TONIA SALOUERO D NOTARY PUBLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK RC E egistration No.01SA6242766 Qualiried in Queens County Commission Expires June 1,3,2023 OCT 1 Q 2022 Southold Town Soard of Trustees + a°' sre s a-zza6 Ec Oui M.... ..... N\ .... .. .. .. ._... ..! _... .LINE ..o•• 1, a--rI f7$„2 t . + wosol �.�` i e\ \` r°naoP�soornc,o '\, zan �� �6'a,�t„ •��6 gt•. ,.ti W, E' •��'V,,,,... a55oa5 ',`\ a`' �'S •'\ �� \ cevttm.�xrwaxrsi \4 %J.,^'¢ '�� ph _ 65-0d� x+•\ C• n$ \ + \,R'.•. \�.'u �!Y/� .. t <: 60Ptc} , j �/ _Y. 06 `.� LNIIRLH OF Tiff •J'7"'�• OPEN poMt vzazm ♦ e^ 7t \i 5eatcl b ,e.sa(<l ;p^» Y,• J^ '`.,5�:7. ws6 on. \ i J8•�/+. "R Y 151 r% 6 ! .v Q Be ,." 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COUNTY OF SUFFOLK m N 11110E N W a wo 1660 sE ,M NO J o Fc.>ea�___ __ ww=£�6rm__„__ q Q '^^"•' —.�.—. �.,i°ao s4 Pweal ProperiyTax Service AKeney swespwrf.nrewnw saEca v ._•m._ y,R m WmN2xaarMVWRTbNOFTiE M ' y, +war 90111HOLO 075 �— Iz11 cutaiy rax um s,+'+mmrrn � wa m p a•i"`"'a----�„L'!'+'+uic'ta —___ y. fiFrLswsiry ra[5ervct nLuax ( -(=: DECLARATION AND COVENANT SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD THIS DECLARATION made the'J)day o€J 2008 by John G. Scott, III, residing at 1275 Lands End Road, Ornt NY 11957, hereinafter referred to as the Declarant, states as follows : WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate at Peconic, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, more particularly bounded and described as set forth in Schedule "A" annexed hereto as provided by the Declarant; and WHEREAS, for and in consideration of the granting of subdivision application entitled, "Standard Subdivision of John Scott" prepared by Young and Young, Licensed Land Surveyors, and as a condition of granting said approval, the Town of Southold Planning Board has required that the within Declaration be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk' s Office; and WHEREAS, Declarant has considered the foregoing and determined that same will be in the best interest of the Declarant and subsequent owners of said parcel; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARANT WITNESSETH: That Declarant, for the purpose of carrying out the intentions above expressed does hereby make known, admit, publish, covenant and agree that the said premises herein described shall hereafter be subject to the following covenants which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of said premises, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors and assigns, to wit: (1) Pursuant to Chapter 236 Stormwater, Grading and Drainage Control Law of the Southold Town Code all storm water runoff resulting from the development of any or all of the lots on the subdivision map shall be retained on site and shall be the responsibility of each property owner; (2) Prior to any construction activity on any of the lots on the approved subdivision map, the project will require a General Permit for the storm water runoff from construction, activity (GP- 02-01) administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation under a Phase II State Pollution Discharge Elimination System; (3) No Storm water runoff resulting from- the development and improvement of the lots shown on the approved map shall be discharged into the wetlands or Richmond Creek in any manner; J (4) Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy Declarant shall install gutters, leaders and subsurface dry wells to retain surface runoff; (5) Declarant shall use native plants and disease-resistant and drought tolerant plants and landscaping. (6) Declarant shall not apply and use synthetic pesticides and fertilizers capable of entering surface and potable water supply. (7) Declarant shall use pervious driveways to serve each lot. (8) The Declarant covenants that a 50 foot Non Disturbance/non-fertilization Vegetation buffer area is depicted on Lots 1, 2 and 3 . It is hereby understood that the 50 foot Non Disturbance/non-fertilization Vegetation buffer area is intended to preserve the existing trees and natural growth. Vegetation within this area shall remain in its natural state in perpetuity. Permitted activities within the buffer are limited to the removal of dead, diseased trees that are hazardous to life or property. Notwithstanding the above, the Non Disturbance/non-fertilization Vegetation buffer area may be supplemented with additional native vegetation subject to review and approval of the Southold Town Planning Board and Southold Town Trustees pursuant to Town Code 275-3 . ( - (9) There shall be no disturbance of any kind (i.e. mowing, clearing, grading) within the 50 foot Non Disturbance/non- fertilization Vegetation buffer area, except as provided herein. This includes, but is not limited to, the prohibition of structures or clearing of any kind, except to establish a 4 foot wide unimproved, natural access path located within the 10 foot pedestrian access easement on Lot 3 . Pursuant to Chapter 275 Wetlands and Shorelines; the access path must be reviewed by the Southold Town Trustees and other jurisdictional agencies. No grading or changes to the natural contours of the land shall be permitted within this area. (10) Landward of the 50 foot buffer, shown on the filed map _ he Declarant is permitted to undertake seasonal mowing (farm cut) to control seasonal growth of such noxious plants as briers and poison ivy. As stated in Clause 9 above, this 50 foot buffer is to remain in an "undisturbed buffer" , therefore mowing, clearing or grading is not a permitted activity. I (11) The Declarant covenants to retain all marked existing trees on-site to comply with Section 161-44 . Street trees of the Southold Town Code, as indicated by the attached aerial, dated October 29, 2008 and agreed upon by the Declarant and the Southold Town Planning Board. The attached aerial, dated October 29, 2006 (Schedule B) indicates the location of both individual trees and clusters of trees both on the property and along the perimeter of the property on State Route 25 and Wells Road. The trees consist of the following species : Birch, Cherry, Norway Maple, Red Cedar and Red Maple. Clearing of the trees or any action made to cause the death of the mapped trees is prohibited. The Declarant further covenants that once the existing trees naturally expire, they shall be replaced with the same or similar species to comply with the Southold Town Code Section 161 .44 . (12) Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the respective owners of lot 2 and 3 shall plant their respective portion of a "Planted Cluster" , as shown on the filed map, which is intended to mitigate the visual impacts of the new home along Wells Road. There shall be a 60 foot wide landscaped buffer planted with native vegetation located on lot 1 adjacent to New York State route 25. The buffer shall run north to south along the western property line of Lot 1 for a distance of 150 feet in length. (13) Declarant grants the continuing right in perpetuity to the Town of Southold, any of its designated representatives or any owner of property within the subdivision to enforce the conditions and restrictions of the covenants and to take any legal action it deems necessary to enforce the conditions and restrictions of the covenants. These rights of inspection and enforcement shall be binding upon declarant, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors, assigns and transferees. (14) Pursuant to chapter 240-49 of the Southold Town Code, clearing of each lot shall be restricted to 35% of the total land area. (15) There shall be no further subdivision of any lots in perpetuity. (16)There shall be no changes to the lot lines without Planning Board approval. (17) Future residents of the lots are advised that the lots are subject to the noise, dust and odors normally associated with agricultural activities pursuant to Article XXII, Farmland Bill of Rights of the Southold Town Code. (18) These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant, his successors and assigns, and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may be terminated, revoked or amended by the owner of the property only with the written consent of the Town of Southold granted by a majority plus one vote of the Planning board, after a public hearing. (18) If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants .and restrictions shall, by a Court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid, or unconstitutional. (19) The aforementioned restrictive covenants are intended for the benefit of and shall be enforceable by the Town of Southold, State of New York, by injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity or law. The failure of said agencies of the Town of Southold to enforce same shall not be deemed to affect the validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability whatsoever upon the Town of Southold or any officer or employee thereof. (20) The within Declaration is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated made a part hereof, as though fully set forth herein. That the within Declaration shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant and his successors and assigns and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may not be annulled, waived, changed, modified, terminated, revoked or amended by subsequent owners of the property unless and until approved by a majority plus one vote of the Planning Board of the town of Southold or its successors, after a public hearing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant has hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year above written. hn G. Scott, III STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS. . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the'72,c��day of _M�r before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and <or said State, personally appeared John q:,. Scott"Personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. otary lic• PMNS Mn�.rAic.� N@WV+A tro.oOPEe130e9e NJ.� Carrr�,smrdh Coint� �} E�k�sJuy 7 SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Peconic, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the corner formed by the intersection of the southeasterly side of Main Road (Route 25)with the northeasterly side of Wells Road; RUNNING THENCE along the southeasterly side of Main Road (Route 25): 1) North 40 degrees 30 minutes 08 seconds East, 42.51 feet; 2) North 43 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds East, 107.28 feet to land now or formerly of Ho; RUNNING THENCE along said land: 1) South 53 degrees 00 minute 52 seconds East, 95.83 feet; 2) South 45 degrees 51 minutes 52 seconds East, 110.33 feet; 3) North 52 degrees 36 minutes 38 seconds East, 81.77 feet to land now or formerly of Andrade; THENCE along said land: 1) South 38 degrees 52 minutes 32 seconds East, 168 feet; 2) North 59 degrees 01 minute 08 seconds East, 116.33 feet to the westerly side of Richmond Creek; THENCE along the westerly side of Richmond Creek the following tie line distances: 1) South 0 degrees 18 minutes 52 seconds East, 21.39 feet; 2) South 08 degrees 16 minutes 08 seconds West, 45.48 feet; 3) South 32 degrees 07 minutes 54 seconds East, 57.32 feet; 4) South 20 degrees 07 minutes 38 seconds East, 93.11 feet; 5) South 11 degrees 38 minutes 15 seconds East, 45.13 feet; 6) South 23 degrees 08 minutes 31 seconds East, 29.74 feet; 7) South 35 degrees 00 minutes 26 seconds East, 53,15 feet; 8) South 16 degrees 56 minutes 52 seconds East, 77.43 feet; 9) South 41 degrees 49 minutes 47 seconds East, 123.35 feet; 10)South 25 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds East, 125.22 feet; 11)South 31 degrees 03 minutes 34 seconds East, 33.70 feet; 12)South 00 degrees 25 minutes 10 seconds West, 61.25 feet; 13)South 06 degrees 17 minutes 05 seconds West, 48.33-feet; 14)South 04 degrees 42 minutes 27 seconds East, 50.31 feet to land now or formerly of DiNunzio; THENCE along said land: 1) North 33 degrees 17 minutes 02 seconds West, 146.45 feet; 2) South 56 degrees 42 minutes 58 seconds West, 82 feet to land now or formerly of Zaneski; THENCE along said land: 1) North 33 degrees 17 minutes 02 seconds West, 200 feet; 2) South 56 degrees 42 minutes 58 seconds West, 138 feet to the easterly side of Wells Road; and THENCE along the easterly side of Wells Road, North 33 degrees 17 minutes 02 seconds West, 791.49 feet to the corner at the point or place of BEGINNING.