HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-10441 Glenn Goldsmith, President ®��Cow S®Ur ® Town Hall Annex A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski Southold,New York 11971 Liz Gillooly 41CTelephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples �'® a Fax(631) 765-6641 COUN11 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT COASTAL EROSION PERMIT #10441 C Applicant/Agent: Docko, Inc. Permittee: Lincoln Frank SCTM#: 1000-6-1-8 Project Location: 2736 Crescent Avenue, Fishers Island Town Board Granted Appeal Approval: October 24, 2023 Date of Expiration: October 24, 2026 Reviewed by: Town Board and Board of Trustees DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: Construct a proposed ±98 linear foot long by 4' wide wood pile and timber pier of which ±87 linear feet is waterward of the apparent high water line including rails, seven (7) 12" diameter tie-off piles with tide slides, three ladders, and electric and water utilities; waterward of the apparent high water line construct a ±31 linear feet to ±11 linear feet to ±10 liner feet (±52 linear feet total) of 4' wide pier access walkway/catwalk that connects to the landward end of proposed pier; with the condition of the use of open grate decking on the dock and that there is no additional lighting other than on the power pedestal; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Docko, Inc., last dated April 17, 2023; and stamped approved on August 16, 2023. INSPECTIONS: Final Inspection SPECIAL CONDITIONS: (apply if marked) In accordance with Chapter 111-15 Erosion Protection Structures: N/A A maintenance agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. By. o Glenn Goldsmith, President surro,� RESOLUTION 2023-919 SCHEDULED DOC ID: 19608 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2023-919 WAS SCHEDULED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON OCTOBER 24,2023: WHEREAS,the Board of Trustees denied the application of Lincoln Frank to install a dock facility for recreational boating, located at 2736 Crescent Ave, Fishers Island,NY SCTM#1000- 6.-1-8, under the Town of Southold Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas Law(the "Law") of the Town of Southold pursuant to Section 111-11(c); and WHEREAS, on August 23, 2023,the Applicant submitted an application to the Town Board of the Town of Southold seeking to appeal the determination of the Board of Trustees, or in the alternative, seeking a variance from the requirements of the Law; and WHEREAS,on October 24, 2023 the Town Board conducted duly noticed public hearings on the instant appeal with an opportunity for all interested parties to be heard and testimony was taken of the Applicant's consultant; and WHEREAS,the application has been reviewed pursuant to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; now, therefore,be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds that the proposed action is classified as a Type Il Action and is not subject to review pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations for this action; and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold does hereby adopt the Findings and Determination dated October 24,2023, granting the application of Lincoln Frank for a coastal erosion hazard area permit pursuant to 4111-20 of the Town of Southold Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Law; and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board had determined that this action is consistent with Chapter 268, Local Waterfront Revitalization Program; and be it further RESOLVED that this Determination shall not affect or deprive any other agency of its properly asserted jurisdiction, separate and apart from the proceedings under the Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas Law considered herein. Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk e TOWN BOARD COASTAL EROSION HAZARD BOARD OF REVIEW TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of the Application of Lincoln Frank FINDINGS AND 2736 Crescent Ave DETERMINATION Fishers Island, NY SCTM#1000-6.-1-8. ------------------ ----- -------- FINDINGS AND DETERMINATION Based upon the application, documents contained in the Board's file, site inspections and testimony received at the public hearing held on October 24, 2023, the Town Board finds and determines as follows: ISSUE Keith Neilson of DOKO on behalf of Lincoln Frank has filed an application with the Town Board, as the Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Review(the"Board"), dated August 23, 2023 requesting the following relief: 1. A reversal of the Board of Trustees August 16, 2023 determination which denied the issuance of a coastal erosion permit in accordance with Chapter 111 of the Town Code. FACTUAL BACKGROUND AND PROCEDURAL HISTORY A. Description of the property and applicants: The residential parcel is known as 2736 Crescent Ave, Fishers Island,NY SCTM#1000- 6-1-8. The property is currently improved with a single-family home, decks and foundation. The property is located in the residential zone. As confirmed by the Board of Trustees, and acknowledged by the applicant,the property where the proposed work is to be performed is located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area as established by New York State in 1991. The applicant submitted to install a dock facility for recreational boating. The proposed structure is to be a fixed wood pile supported wood timber pier with open grate decking proposed to be 90 LF and 4' in width. The project complies with they requirements of the US Army of Corps Engineers,NY DEC and NYS DOS standards as well as the Town's Wetlands Law. The Town Trustees previously issued and approved a Town wetland's permit for the project. 1 1 B. Trustees Procedural History: 1. Application The applicant filed an application with the Board of Trustees on March 3, 2023. Applicant's request for a CEHA permit sought variances from Chapter 111 requirements. Chapter 111 of the Code requires that dock structures in excess of 200 SF be removable for habitat protection. Applicant contended that the dock exceeds 200SF in order to reach navigable waters beyond a"boulder field"located adjacent to his parcel on the north side of the Island. Applicant further contended that the proposed permanent dock would have less of an effect on the natural environment and is positioned in an area away from eel grass,would have no effect on tidal wetlands vegetation,would result in no loss of navigational waters and would have no effect on coastal features. Applicant further contends that due to the extreme tidal conditions on the north side of the Island,the requirement of a removable dock is contrary to proper facility design and construction and would be detrimental to the environment because of repetitive disturbances of the sediments and resulting water quality, noise and habitat impacts. 11. Public Hearing: The Trustees held a public hearing on this application on August 16, 2023, at which times all those interested were given the opportunity to speak. Keith Neilson of DOKO on behalf of the applicant addressed the Town Trustees' concerns with regards to the application. The proposed dock facility was acknowledged to be wholly within the Coastal Erosion Area. 111. Trustees Determination and Certificate of Compliance. On August 16, 2023 the Trustees issued a determination which found no basis to grant relief from the removable dock requirement of Chapter 111 and denied the application for a CEHA permit. IV.The Town Board Proceeding The property owners timely filed an appeal of the Trustee's determination pursuant to Town Code Chapterl 11 with the Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Review (the Board) seeking the reversal of the Trustees denial. The Board held duly noticed public hearings on October 24, 2023, at which time all interested parties were given the opportunity to present testimony on the application. Keith Neilson of DOKO on behalf of the applicant addressed the Town Board's concerns with regards to the application. Applicant's representative again explained that the dock exceeds 200SF in order to reach navigable waters beyond a"boulder field" located adjacent to this parcel on the north side of the Island. Applicant further 2 9 contended that the proposed permanent dock would have less of an effect on the natural environment and is positioned in an area away from eel grass, would have no effect on tidal wetlands vegetation, would result in no loss of navigational waters and would have no effect on coastal features. Applicant further contends that due to the extreme tidal conditions on the north side of the Island,the requirement of a removable dock is contrary to proper facility design and construction and would be detrimental to the environment because of repetitive disturbances of the sediments and resulting water quality, noise and habitat impacts. No other members of the public appeared in support or opposition to the application and the record was closed on October 24, 2023. APPEAL OF THE TRUSTEE'S DETERMINATION Pursuant to §111-24 the Town Board is designated as the Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Review and has the authority to "[h]ear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Administrator in the enforcement of this chapter."See, Town Code §111-24 (B). Furthermore, the Coastal Erosion Hazard Board of Review has the authority to "reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the order,requirement, decision or determination of the Administrator, including stop or cease-and-desist orders." See, Town Code §111-25. When considering appeals pursuant to § 111-24 &25, the Board is limited to the record on appeal and the arguments made before the Board of Trustees. In this instance, this Board finds, based upon the record before it, that the applicant has supplied the sufficient information regarding the criteria set forth in §111-9(A-C) of the Town Code to support the granting of a Coastal Erosion Management Permit. CONCLUSION Therefore, in the interests of justice and for the reasons set forth herein,this Board grants the appeal of the Applicant pursuant to Chapter 111 of the Town Code to install the requested pile supported pier with open grate decking, as per the plans submitted by the applicant to the Town Board last dated 2/22/2023 with all the conditions of approval as required by the Town Trustees. Dated: October 24, 2023 3 Glenn Goldsmith, President ®�C so Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ®� ®�® P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski8 Southold, New York 11971 Liz Gillooly Telephone (631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples ® y® Fax(631) 765-6641 C®UNTi,� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF'THE ACTIVITIES CHECKED OFF BELOW INSPECTION SCHEDULE Pre-construction, hay bale line/silt boom/silt curtain 15t day of construction '/2 constructed When project complete, call for compliance inspection; S BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 10441 DATE: AUGUST 16,2023 ISSUED TO: LINCOLN FRANK PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2736 CRESCENT AVENUE,FISHERS ISLAND ............. El SCTM# 1000-6-1-8 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on August 16, 2023, and in consideration of application fee in the sum of$500.00 paid by Lincoln Frank and subject to the Terms and ♦r erg Conditions as stated in the Resolution, the Southold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Wetland Permit to construct a proposed±98 linear foot long by 41 wide wood pile and timber pier of which±87 linear feet is waterward of the apparent high water line including rails,seven (7) 12" diameter tie-off piles with tide slides,three ladders,and electric and water utilities; waterward of the apparent high water line construct a±31 linear feet to±11 linear feet to±10 liner feet 52 linear feet total)of 4' wide pier access walkway/catwalk that connects to the landward end of proposed pier;with the condition of the use of open grate decking on the dock and that there is no additional lighting other than on the power pedestal; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Docko,Inc.,last dated April 17,2023; and stamped approved on August 16,2023. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed,and first above written. these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of the day and year f /al XI—e"1174-1- TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Permittee Lincoln Frank. residing at 2736 Crescent Avenue Fishers Island,New York as part of the consideration for the issuance of the Permit does understand and prescribe to the following: 1. That the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released from any and all damages,or claims for damages, of suits arising directly or indirectly as a result of any operation performed pursuant to this permit, and the said Permittee will,at his or her own expense, defend any and all such suits initiated by third parties, and the said Permittee assumes full liability with respect thereto,to the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. 2. That this Permit is valid for a period of 36 months,which is considered to be the estimated time required to complete the work involved, but should circumstances warrant, request for an extension may be made to the Board at a later date. 3. That this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Permittee wishes to maintain the structure or project involved,to provide evidence to anyone concerned that authorization was originally obtained. 4. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board or its agents, and non-compliance with the provisions of the originating application may be cause for revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. 5. That there will be no unreasonable interference with navigation as a result of the work herein authorized. 6. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and low water marks. 7. That if future operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, the work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free navigation,the said Permittee will be required, upon due notice,to remove or alter this work project herein stated without expenses to the Town of Southold. 8. That the said Board will be notified by the Permittee of the completion of the work authorized. 9. That the Permittee will obtain all other permits and consents that may be required supplemental to this permit,which may be subject to revoke upon failure to obtain same. 10. No right to trespass or interfere with riparian rights. This permit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order to perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. Glenn Goldsmith,President OF SOUrTown Hall Annex Q 54375 Route 25 A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President h0 l0 P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski l Southold,New York 11971 Liz Gillooly G * Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples Fax(631) 765-6641 Comm BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 22, 2023 Keith Neilson, P.E. Docko, Inc. P.O. Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 RE: LINCOLN.FRANK 2736 CRESCENT AVENUE, FISHERS ISLAND SCTM# 1000-6-1-8 Dear Mr. Neilson: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Docko, Inc. on behalf of LINCOLN FRANK applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 111 of the Southold Town Code, Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas, application dated March 3, 2023, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator recommended that the proposed applications be found Inconsistent with the LWRP, and specifically Inconsistent with the following coastal policies: Policy 6.3 —Protect and restore tidal and freshwater wetlands. The proposed action exceeds the maximum square footage of a non-movable structure within the CEHA. and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on August 16, 2023, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, i WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the proposed structure, as applied for, is,located in a nearshore area as per Definitions in Chapter 111 Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas of the Town Code and governed by , Section 111-11 C. All development is prohibited in nearshore areas unless specifically provided for by this chapter, and as per Chapter 111-6 Definitions - Unregulated Activity— docks, piers, wharves or structures built on floats, columns, open timber piles or other similar open work supports with a top surface area less than 200 square feet or which are removed in the fall of each year, and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that for foregoing reasons, and because the proposed action is located entirely within the coastal erosion hazard area and in a nearshore area, and because the proposed action is not permitted in such areas pursuant to Chapter 111 of the Town Code, that the Trustees deem the proposed project to be impermissible under Chapter 111, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that for the foregoing reasons, the Board of Trustees DENIES the Coastal Erosion Permit application of LINCOLN FRANK to construct a proposed ±98 linear foot long by 4' wide wood pile and timber pier of which ±87 linear feet is waterward of the apparent high water line including rails, seven (7) 12" diameter tie-off piles with tide slides, three ladders, and electric and water utilities; waterward of the apparent high water line construct a ±31 linear feet to ±11 linear feet to±10 liner feet (±52 linear feet total) of 4' wide pier access walkway/catwalk that connects to the landward end of proposed pier; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Docko, Inc., last dated April 17, 2023. This determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Very truly yours, Glenn Goldsmith, President- Board of Trustees GG/dd Glenn Goldsmith,President '\V SU(/ 54375 Route 25 Town Hall Annex ��� A. Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ��® P.O. Box 1179 Eric Sepenoski # Southold,New York 11971 Liz Gillooly S Telephone(631) 765-1892 Elizabeth Peeples • �� Fax(631) 765-6641 CDUMY,�c� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES , TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 18, 2023 Keith Neilson, P.E. Docko, Inc. P.O. Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 RE: LINCOLN FRANK 2736 CRESCENT AVENUE, FISHERS ISLAND SCTM# 1000-6-1-8 Dear Mr. Neilson: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Docko Inc., on behalf of LINCOLN FRANK applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated March 3, 2023, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator recommended that the proposed application be found Inconsistent with the LWRP, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has furthered Policy 6.3 of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program to the greatest extent possible through the imposition of the following Best Management Practice requirements: the use of open grate decking; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on August 16, 2023 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, a WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that for the mitigating factors and based upon the Best Management Practice requirement imposed above, the Board of Trustees deems the action to be Consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 268-5 of the Southold Town Code, and, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of LINCOLN FRANK to construct a proposed ±98 linear foot long by 4' wide wood pile and timber pier of which ±87 linear feet is waterward of the apparent high water line including rails, seven (7) 12" diameter tie-off piles with tide slides, three ladders, and electric and water utilities; waterward of the' apparent high water line construct a ±31 linear feet to t11 linear feet to t1.0 liner feet (t52 linear feet total) of 4'wide pier access walkway/catwalk that connects to the landward end of proposed pier; with the condition of the use of open grate decking on the dock and that there is no additional lighting other than on the power pedestal; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Docko, Inc., last dated April 17, 2023; and stamped approved on August 16, 2023. i Permit to construct and complete project will expire three years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of$50.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $50.00 Very truly yours, m Gle n Goldsmi President, Board of Trustees GG/dd DOE OF EELGRASS E88 `\ EELGRA55 X4.0 30FLOOD x 2.4 L 3.6 .COQ- I-- - k\ 7� ,(� ) NEW LADDERS\ 3.7 \ 4s W 12-IN O f IAMETER ,s fTE-OFF PILE with �l\DE-SLIDE(TYP) - JJpp � 71 EELGRASS�l \ \ "1. ) NEW UTILITIES \\ SAND BEACH _j „ " 4.2 NEW 12-IN DIAMETER rl F+ \ \ -/1� �--.NOTE:WATER y �•3 \ PIER SUPPORT PILE(TYP)( ��� H AT END OF MHW 09t 43- 7 PIELZ 15�4FTALWL �\ \ �\ �F0.0 3 4.9 3 •\ tr) r 1 L ) � `( � 3.5 114. \ —�� \ \ 29 -3.6 -4.7 `—\\ �\ S.O.\\ \^ yq EEL6 S du X4.9 \ �? \\ \ 0/�a Z \ d4 \\ BOI11 ME� f�bb7©E-h� E ` I X X2.5 '- dAPP \ � AT IITR wifffib\ Q9\ -2.9 F. I_''U Jf C, ��7 1��.^� BOULDER(TYP\ 25 3.23.7 TOWN':' F't®UT `®L® 2 X �` \... \ —1.4 %%< \ x-24 \ 8 MHW OX \ \ ALWL-1.7 \ u 0 - 4A!\ _tis o \\\ PORCH L /777//// \ � r-�lTE EXISTING HOUSE NEW 4-FT WIDE 12--IN �\'• �\ PROPERTY DIAMETEf2 PILE SUPPORTED \ of FRANK WALKWAY o WALKWAY OFFSET 1-FT FROM fk m5 \ PORCH with RAILS TO BEAG,H WATERWARO OF THE AHWL �k \ RSH \ \. )0.5 \ SURVEY DATES 10-6-22 by JAMES BERNARDO L!•WD SURVEYING LLG and 3-10-23 by VESPOS SOFTWARE$SURVEY GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=20' � \ v", �\ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NAVD'88 t vvv v.v • • ... 20 10 0 20 PIzOJEGT: NEW 000! DEVISED 5-3-23 NY D REVISED 3-24-23 T.O.S. LOCATION: NORTH HILL-FISHERS ISLAND-TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPOT GRADES' �� BATHYMETRY and SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK SURVEY DATES ,x °,>��N j<Elt PIER LENGTH WATERWAY: FISHERS ISLANND SOUND ��` 'p DATE: NOVEMBER 9,2022 _ D 0 C $0 C' b ISED 3-2423 L.F. APPLICANT:—L7f� L - •- • �u $t PIER LENGTH N � W }, r WALKWAY _ AGENT: 5H E F-T ISED 417-23 D.I. i I I - G + ` IER OFFSET FROM ��C IK,\ I N G. 1c S1 U68692'� PORCH NOTE$PILE Keith B.Neilson, /, MyStic,cr Or MAY 1 0 2023 R P o R '* nFFSSI� DIAMETERS 860 572 8939 EMAIL:office@dot o.com DWG 22-10-3251 DUULI:UIU IUV ?I Keith B.Neilson,Docko Inc.5/5/2023-9:24 AM Frank Permit3-E-Vespos.dwg Board of Trustees NEW 12-IN DIAMETER NOTFS \� —77E-0FF PILE with TIDE SLIDE -DECKING NOT CCA TREATED. TOP EL 15tFT MP) HARDWOODS MUST BE CERTIFIED BY j FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL ---- -ALL PILES ARE 12-INCH DIAMETER 4-FT 16tFT EDGE OF PIER(TYP) �I WECK IDTH NEW LADDER(TYP) NEW 4-FT WIDE PILE SUPPORTED NEW END DECK EL 4.3tFT NEW TIDE SLIDE(TYP) NEW 12 IN DIAMETER PIER SUPPORT PILE TOP EL 4-FT NEW SPLIT CLAMP and ABOVE DECK(7YP) CR055 BRACE(TYP) -AHWL19 - - - - � - -MHW O9 — — - -NAVD 0.0 — — - - - - - - - - - - - BOULDERS EELGRASS NOTE:WATER DEPTH AT END OF PIER IS-4-FT ALWL o z..ti;:•:••,•:;;- ,�:,;.;:.;�:.;:vii;• �'`'�:a!°:<��''� �:.r.. 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I3,lro, n,.;.•t.. `.kw.c•w..','��1;t:. EfVD' �/IEW NOTE:OUTER TIE-OFF PILE NOT GRAPHICSCALE 1'=6' SHOWN IN THE PROFILE VIEW 6 3 O 6 100tFT PORCH TO END OF PIER 4-FT WIDE X 98tFT PIER LOA 87tFT AHWL NEW 12-IN DIAMETER 31tFT SLOPED PIER EXISTING CONCRETE PIER TIE-OFF PILE with TIDE 11 MAXIMUM 1:10 �I SUPPORTED PORCH DECK EL 7.4-tFT NEW RAILS(TYP 13017-1 SLIDE TOP EL 15tFT(TYP) NEW 4-FT WIDE IDES)MID RAILS MAY . BEGINNING DECK PILE SUPPORTED BE CABLES AHWL---IEL 0.7tFT PIER END EL 43tFT 4-FT WIDE WALKWAY INTERSECTION-►I I ' II 5tFT 2tFT G _ BOULDERS JA -NEWUTILITIES :.�, *`a.''F� 'srs.� ,s5}�• i?R0* TE GRADE PROFI4 „ ` x�aR SEDIMETSND MIN. fi. NEW 12-IN DIAMETER PIER SU,~� Ih r aH N�yl NEW LADDPILE TOP EL 4-FT ABOVEMORI DECK(ITYP)”" U”nom.'.. l�f�OFlLE � ' GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=15' ELEVATIONS ARE.BASED ON NAVD 1988 15 10 .. 5 O 15 - PROJECT: NEW OOGK REVISED 3-24-23 T.O.S. LOCATION: NORTH HILL-515HERS ISLAND-TOWN OF 5OUTHOLD ADDITIONAL BATHYMETRY,PIER SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK LENGTH and BEGINNING ELEV. WATERWAY: FISHERS ISLANND SOUND 0A KE %Y DATE: NOVEMBER.?,2022. 0 C $ ` �Q REVISED 4-17-23 T.O.S. APPLICANT: LINCOLN FRANK ' 9 r, 0 NOTES PILE DIAMETERS Ir AGENT:ui ' ri • Lu _ De4s,< •' .1 Keith B.N' o E Q R P 0 g �► ` ti,..> 58692 r�,� Mysiic,G6 ' z. Q860 572 °�3 M AY ' 1 0 2023 . SS1 EMof1��@do>�koom D �G 22-10-3251 AIL: .c I I 1 Keith B.Neilson,DockoInc.5/5/20239:25AM Frank Permit4-G.dwg SOuthOlCaTOWl1 1r----,,r —f-r,—!'00C!'00c 7 22 �r BOu D/,,p >r9 4a.%•j FIB§�'Nb�y~¢Ck•, p 77 58'• 48 B1 30 r 17• 'w' IA.-�:. 3. /. 14 tZ• STgICTFO RHE �� 71.^''%'B'� 13,ti to v� ' ".100(s enoe 98 p.2. �'i4?.;I;• .. •- "r".mss 1 'qR�W 1. LAND � � 34 33 2`dt },; 4:✓23 1 3B . 21 FISP—IE2S ISSOUND � �--� I 1 S�HER IS. 21 40 AND SOUND�e,, ?26 40 48 '` h •:�� 44 31,z 2B t ip s Iz 40 i N rih'.Hlll,",.�2:;� y'1'`,.�•;n'qna I'qq','.y''?;Bi�,, .:, .. O1 ' ''���• '.. N/F PROPERLY / 35 e, OF FRANK .^ti C>>. �' � v' 'A9a 1.1,. p ,.:o. -';0 °�•' ;�i'r 4TH.f'��� Da PROJECT. ' µ�wta '':e51�` •�`_"'r,;. '':ip.;, n"...(4 o v' r)8�;�':-r-;B.".yr" NEW PIER :A': a� _• rF a >' t'4v, T%^"=� ��`,}$ @ O 1 _W..iP°p K'i3.t°jd������g �Y�/ P z c aFISHERS ISLANDS S1T1= QTOWN OF 5ti S PROPER , LY'of .SOUTHOLDa�,, ' ,�I^i D:.r Ccn LOG�TION 1"lAt� P REFERENCE CHART:13214 ';„.. I ^�; GRAPHIC SCALE I 1000 O l000 IN YARDS h ^ Z NOTES: 1.ELEVATION DATUM 15 NAVD 1988, N/F PROPERTY OF 2.T1DE DATA IS TAKEN FROM 2022 NOAH TIDE Z; ROTHFELD It r "s 'TABLES REFERENCE:NEW LONDON/WEST HARBOR ` FORSHAY 13.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:CONSTRUCT 98±LF OF 4-FT 'U WIDE WOOD'PILE AND TIMBER PIER OF WHICH 87tLF ra' IS WATERWARD OF THE APPARENT HIGH WATER LINE. INCLUDING RAILS,SEVEN TIE-OFF PILES WITH TIDE �l SLIDES,THREE LADDERS AND ELECTRIC AND WATER 1 UTILITIES.WATERWARD OF THE APPARENT HIGH NORTH HILL „ , `'^� `'`' ''' WATER LINE.CONSTRUCT 52+-LF OF 4-FT WIDE PIER Fl��HE2S ISLAND `', r, ACCESS WALKWAY ALL LANDWARD OF THE ' TOWN of SOUTHOLD APPARENT HIGH WATER LINE. rr, 4.PROJECT PURPOSE: TO ESTABLISH A WATERFRONT DOCK IN-SUPPORT OF RECREATIONAL p BOATING. "+ ScFtiT� 5,THESE APPLICATION DRAWINGS REPRESENT A ”" COMPILATION OF SURVEYS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL NUE . PERMIT PURPOSES.THEY ARE NOT CONSTRUCTION `)NTRACT DOCUMENTS.A TOWN BUILDING PERMIT �Y BE REQUIRED. 6.ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS;- NORTH: WNERS:NORTH: SOUTH: "' MARGARET O MICHAEL ROTHFELD ` LINCOLN E FRANK $ELLA FORSHAY O�/E�'ALL FAL.a.N 1705TH AVENUE PHA 1220 PARK AVENUE GRAPHIC SCALE V=30 EW YORK,NY NEW YORK NY 10128 300 200 100 _ 0 300 �.,. PROJECT: NEW DOCK REVISED 3-24-23 T.O.S. LOCATION: NORTH HILL-FISHERS ISLAND-TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ®F NS y, PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK Q. NKEI . WATERWAY. F95HERS ISLANND SOUND' v�0 6 DATE NOVEMBER 9,2022 p 0 C IC 0 APPLICANT: LINCOLN FRANK O- 068 692' Qa Keith B. X0Ne7lson,�PE I Q 0 �� ,9 ��. Mystic,CT 06355 ` R P 0 R �FESSION 860 572189`39 ��Y 20 f DWG 22-10-3251 EMAIL:4F .6docko. I 'i Kelth 5.Nellson,Docko Inc.5/5/2023 9:23 AM Frank Permit 1-13,dwg 'N \ 1/ \/ FLOOD \ o \ \'� 1 �\ S FISHE2�� ISLa.ND SOUND ���� ZAS��)At' GALVANIZED PIPE \\\\ Il A Il Q\Il t` \S „-4,y� ,• r \\ AHWL19x MLW _ = ,, � Il EELGRA55 SAND\ == N/F P OPER yYx OF FRANK�yr, s{.E;a'� a;„r� \� MHW0.9t•\® \ —j I -•PROPOSEDDOGK--_`\ ( . _::`. : • .>r...a. g \ FOOTPRINT-, 1 \ Ay.✓`�; ;;v7.�N;'+u..s*,• 'x:,J,.` •.z;t +.,Y.,•-.:.r ;?~ ,r�.i.•i',:ai.aS..S ''; ;•y},. d 'vl-.:i_ '.x:J. {i`;:w;;'m-•�: .44Y'':3i.,4 TF Kn - •:s..P� \\\\�\� LY \\� \\\\\ rte\ i r\\ \\\ BRUSH \\ `\��\ �. `\ �\ \\ \ \ (�\- \. IlEELGRASS Il BRUSH `\\\ \\\\\ �� N :\\' fl A01 fl ;'" 9 �•S J f�"� \' M 0.9t \\ ML-W-1.7 \ \ \ APPROXIMATE \\ \ \ \\ \ \ COASTAL EROSION ' DECK HAZARD LIMIT ` WL t-aA EXISTING HOUSE \ �\ PROPERTY \ of FRANK SRU BRUSH '�;. - ':•.; BENCHMARK CHISELED SQUARE /•� TDP OF ROCK /m:�;,v:s. :•`'. %?,g`'•::, t''.;i;-:,:+.d;',+: ELEV=6.95 NAVD88 �j211/tl•, yi, t.hac:: s yx ti E'XI,�TIIIVG GOIVI�ITIO/V.� � _ ..,..:s=`�=:�'=':fir>�%'ir. � `�'LN/F PROPERTY GP✓+PHIC SCALE 1'=4.O' O ` � '�' OF ROTHFELD �FORSHAY40 20 40 ` F j'+•�:L»::: .��`vv�,:t::i�'r'.".ti;f,':i.�"i`•-:.qui t�Nr: SURVEY DATES 10-6-22 by JAMES BERNARDO LAND SURVEYING LLG and 310-23 by VE5P05 SOFTWARE$SURVEY ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NAVE)'88 PROJECT: NEW DOCK REVISED 3-24-23 T.O.S. LOCATION: NORTH HILL-FISHERS ISLAND-TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COASTAL EROSION LIMIT, SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK y® ADDITIONAL BATHYMETRY and WATERWAY: FISHERS ISLANNO SOUND y vca PROPOSED FOOTPRINT DATE: ' NOVEMBER 9,2022 ,D 0 C K 0 APPLICANT-:—L-INGOL-N-FRANK 7w REVISED 5-3-23 NY DEC; `- -. w SURVEY DATES AGENT: I' HET (�bF 4 ' I 1 P 2!� E- r q a DOC101 , ING. �v O 068692-1 �� Keith B.Nell'spI,PE' CSO, ,off � Mystic,Cr Q,3�5; MAY 1 0 2023 R PO R OF�S810N 860 572 8p39 I DWG 22-10-3251 EMAIL ofl1cl @docl1o.com KelthB.Nellson,DockoInc. 5/5/20239:22AM Frank Permlt2-B_Vespos.dwg ' Southold Fown Board OT Trustees N-41-incoln Frank 2736 Crescent Avenue,Fishers Island SCTM#: 1000-6-1-8 • 8/2/23 .nr,. is- - _ � - 1 _ _ - _ #-air �►--^ Am, y �,�.+`; '� tit - •.�ys� UN '13 43 _.4 __.TT -. 'r�F. a�ty � �� •ef `' .rte- ` ,wl. _ � a� r'µ �..,,� JA's K.r �d .. �; ,�� .,, � �� �, �S•l .'. .t ��g11FF0(,,co Glenn Goldsmith, President ��o oy Town Trustees A Nicholas Krupski, Vice-President H z 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski o P.O. Box 1179 Liz Gillooly Southold, NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples 'Y` Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: LINCOLN FRANK c/o DOCKO, INC. Please be advised that your application dated March 3, 2023 has been reviewed by this Board at the regular meeting of August 16, 2023 and your application has been approved pending the completion of the following items checked off below. Revised Plans for proposed project— SILT FENCE Inspection Fee ($50.00) 1 It Day of Construction ($50.00) % Constructed ($50.00) x Final Inspection Fee ($50.00) - Dock Fees ($3.00 per sq. ft.). The Permittee is required to provide evidence that the non-turf buffer condition of the Trustee permit has been recorded with the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as a notice covenant and deed restriction to the deed of the subject parcel. Such evidence shall be provided within ninety (90) calendar days of issuance of this permit. Permit fees are now due. Please make check or money order payable to Town of Southold. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or re-application fees will be necessary. You will receive your permit upon completion of the above. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: TOTAL FEES DUE: $_50.00 BY: Glenn Goldsmith, President Board of Trustees Glenn Goldsmith,Presidentco � SUfFU(;� G Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski „ P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y • o��r Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples l Telephone(631)765-1892 "¢ Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: SLZIZT Completed in field by: hZi KA, Docko, Inc. on behalf of LINCOLN FRANK requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a proposed ±98 linear foot long by 4' wide wood pile and timber pier of which ±87 linear feet is waterward of the apparent high water line including rails, seven (7) 12" diameter tie-off piles with tide slides, three ladders, and electric and water utilities; waterward of the apparent high water line construct a ±31 linear feet to ±11 linear feet to ±10 liner feet (±52 linear feet total) of 4' wide pier access walkway/catwalk that connects to the landward end of proposed pier. Located: 2736 Crescent Avenue, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1000-6-1-8 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland __-Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt. 275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: VXWetland L_�Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: `� Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: 4✓c boa/, S w ld 6e gjPw a,t t Jkc p"n. e''5V'% S--f u Aut-e, I& AIQ+ o/-Cir PSI Ej,as. Present Were: V'G. Goldsmith '�N. Krupski r E. Sepenoski L. Gillooly E. Peeples r.m �q soe n ozB rr ;,fir 4a,. r' w � T TT 58+f � ,;��r:.•'f�,, FI!'Fie �ok'_'�.':::•;': 20 22 X", 3B 40 ll.;JC_ / STRICTED AR r 42 /P 'I .rBA:i'."... i��.1, �;<r„ r 1 '.100(see not u� 56R7 aa•':.":.:.V?i`'er;Ll6:'•..�,_;:Y_. si ae FISHEiz��- f SL ANIS SOtJNL7 34 TB °` 24 '' HER IS�IAND 8 UNDie, Z29 — -:' 48 48 20 22 20 S 4•'` •' ,.' y 1i'' �t ''• z :,oD `g.•.?••, is � dB 4it. :. .Q :�q':,. hi.18• "lie.l•4'4;r - - " N rll!'•Ill b.* i.,�4'"Inre..,.,1.:-�t8�;. - r /��, 222EEE .C•`.�' ;': .gAde -(,r Is" N,. N/F PROPERTY yDW 41N9d11 `, "` O;' Jr , �'^ 4:L OF FRANK / ,.,(v ° �i 9 Via' rr+��11 kA n Boi M �� PER FISHERS ISLAND1a h, yC, SITE ' g §TOWN OF' 1 PROPERTY 0, Cy FRANK a' X11 LOG�T101V I�1�P REFERENCE �,;.. GHART:13214 GRAPHIC SGALE 1000 0 1000 IN YARDS Ztr NOTES: 1.E ELEVATION.DATUM IS NAVD 1 988. > N/F PROPERLY OF 2.TIDE DATA IS TAKEN FROM 2022 NOAA TIDE Q. ROTHFELD> r.y-)ABLES REFERENCE:NEW LONDON/WEST HARBOR. ! Z`: FORSHAY W' 3.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:CONSTRUCT 98±LF OF 4-FT �U WIDE WOOD PILE AND TIMBER PIER OF WHICH 87fLF IS WATERWARD OF THE APPARENT HIGH WATER LINE. I� INCLUDING RAILS,SEVEN TIE-OFF PILES WITH TIDE U` SLIDES,THREE LADDERS AND ELECTRIC AND WATER UTILITIES.WATERWARD OF THE APPARENT HIGH NO2TH HILL `° '" WATER LINE.CONSTRUCT 52+-LF OF 4-FT WIDE PIER f=1SHE2s ISL.�.NO 'ir'%..; ",.ACCESS WALKWAY ALL.LANDWARD OF THE " TOWN APPARENT HIGH WATER UNE. -. 4.PROJECT PURPOSE: TO ESTABLISH A WATERFRONT DOCK IN SUPPORT OF REGREATIONAL ORFS BOATING. CF S.THESE APPLICATION DRAWINGS REPRESENT A 9 COMPILATION OF SURVEYS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL' PERMIT PURPOSES.THEY ARE NOT CONSTRUCTION '')NTRACT DOCUMENTS.A TOWN BUILDING PERMIT �Y BE REQUIRED. 6.ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS: NORTH: SOUTH: MARGA LINCOLN E FRANK $ELLA FOP-SHAY �"' OUEI�LL f�1�N 170 5TH AVENUE PHA 1220 PARK AVENUE GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=300' EW YORK,NY NEW YORK,NY 10128 yF 300 200 100 0 300 PROJECT: NEW DOCK REVISED 3-2423 T.O.S. LOCATION: NORTH HILL-FISHERS ISLAND TOWN OF SOUTHOL D �OF NE I/y PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK Q� c� YE) . WATERWAY: FISHERS I5LANND SOUND' v-j DATE: NOVEMBER 9,2022 0 C $0 z APPLICANT: LINCOLN FRANK r, Cr w AGENT: SNEETf1-1 --� O 068692' �? Keith B.Ne71so'n,j PE I 0 R P Mystic,x06-955 p90FESS10NP 860 572)893911''nn p EMAIL-cf C' 4dockag1 n 2023 DWG 22-10-3251 Keith B.Neilson,Docko Inc.5/5/2023 9:23 AM Frank Permit 1-B.dwg __ _� MB FLOLM EELGRASS :, ;;;•?•fit:;:„ \\ \ Il ciH;twr>;:: .GALVANIZEDPIPE WL 1.9t MLW-1.7 SAND\ ^N/F PPOPERTY-. OF FRANK`t~,��' BEACH © \ , Y < ; Sx�� ,: •r, \ MHW09t'\ \ -'PROPOSEDDOGK-- \ c•'•y�:�"inti«2�?��:4t,,;^;'?=,x',i:.'+�*',::r,;�,`',:a� '� \ \ FOOTPRINT —`l 1 ��,ti7„�'Lrs""i!S,Fx:;Jo+ia i°i•rx 1iJ.r.�.;x`C \ \ \ nS' i:�. �� \ ��ti \ wz. Id LIN r. PROPER `!' r\ \ BRUSH \ `\ `\ \. `� \� \ `\ - ` \ \. \\ \- \ \ \ \ \ BRUSH APPROXIMATE COASTAL EROSION ' DECK HAZARD LIMIT EXISTING HOUSE \ 1. SITE \�� \\\ • PROPERTY of FRANK Y BRUSH Vii,' t:.:. BRUSH ;4" ;;•Ft, BENCHMARK ,3r.' _':i.5 '.`•:;r^icy;) CHISELED SQUARE TOP OF ROCKji ELEV=8.95 NAVDBB Aul((,.,,;4?>: EXfSTIlIVG GC'�:)IVL-)17-1 -ls 0 ';��N/F PROPERTY•'��i: GRAPI'IIc SCALE ROTHFE 1 =40' ='°` t" ; OF LD 40 20 o ao m���5'. � FORSHAY L' ///;�''�' tri"S,`%;ii':?'.YT;y^:x •}::;-.;�i•��'c`-+n . SURVEY DATES 10-6-22 by JAMES BERNARDO LAND SURVEYING LLC and 3-10-23 by VESPOS SOFTWARE$SURVEY ELEVATION5 ARE BASED ON NAVD 88 PROJECT: NEW DOCK REVISED 3-24-23 T.O.5. LOCATION: NORTH HILL-F15HERS ISLAND-TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �QF N6l� COASTAL EROSION LIMIT, ' SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK A, KE fY O ADDITIONAL BATHYMETRY and WATERWAY-. FISHERS ISLANND SOUND g PROPOSED FOOTPRINT DATE: NOVEMBER 0,2022 D 0 C K O APPLICANT—L-INGOLN-FRIrl.ANK —' REVISED 5-3-23 NY DEC [—.1"w SURVEY DATES AGENT: i SHEET 261 41� - DOGrI , ING. 1 Keith B.Nellsol I,P x'10 oA 68692' �(�� MysHc,cT o935 MAY 1 0 2023 R P 0 R ROFESSt��a� 860 572 8939 DWG 22-10-3251 `— EMAIL:of}lce@doc o.com Keith B.Nellson,Docko Inc.5/5/2023 9:22 AM Frank Permit 2-B Vespos.dwg j i o u t h C l d To W n I Board of Trustees DGE OF EELGRASS FEB `\ �� EELGRASS \4.0 3.0 \ Waco X2.4t 3.6 ® ' NEW LADDEhS J.7\\ 4.6 X W 12-IN DIAMETER /�� / TI,E_OFF PILE with r.3` ® ALW_L-1.7 -3 �\DE-SLIDE(TYP) `\\ EELGRASS NEW UTILITIES `\ SAND BEACH rte L 4.2 �`�;�� \ -3,0„ NEW 12-IN OAMETER / k \ -,NOTE:WATER \\ x-1.3 PIER SUPPORT PILE(7YP)( �� - �• V \• DVCT�,h AT END OF \ ` \'� 33 4J. � PIE[Z 15 4-FTALWLMHW 09t ` \ 37 k � 1 \ •2 v 1 AHWL 1.9t '�•1 \ �`� \ .6 — l(y %f.4 \ 4.9 l \ \ .,♦ 3. A4 \\10.4 \ .� -4.7 �—� 60. \ ���� RASS \ .9 \ \ \ nr 2 d, EEL6\ X \ \ x5�S BOULDER(TYP)� NEW. 4-FT WIDE PILE L I •_Q X,0 X2.5 \`' SUPPORTED PIER\RAI o` Q�V\ \� -2.9 J� `\ 1� �\ d gyp V. \ \ \ \ 8 -3. ( 1�\ \ oC3' BOULDER(TYP) X25 37 x50 / ^ 3.2\ \ \ x-2.4 MHW 0)5, \ \ ALWL-1.7 \ 2.3' 4 AH\wt 19t \�� PORCH EXISTING HOUSE NEW 4-FT WIDE 12-IN \� . o\ _'E31-rE \ \ �� �� PROPERLY o r DIAMETER PILE SUPPORTED O t 1 OF FRANK t,f WALKWAY OFFSET 1-FT FROM �k �5 � X03 PORCH with RAILS TO BEAG,H WATERWARD OF THE AHWL �k \ \•. \ BRUSH \\ , � � � SURVEY DATES 10-6-22 by JAMES BERNARt)O LAND SURVEYING LLC and 3-10-23 by VESPOS SOFTWARE$SURVEY S ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NAVD'88 GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=20' jl .� (\ 20 10 0 20 PPIOJEGT: NEW DO:K `REUSED 5-3-23 NY D ' REVISED 3-24-23 T.O.S. LOCATION: NORTH HILL-FISHERS ISLAND-TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SPOT GRADES$ -Apt, BATHYMETRY and SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK SURVEY DATES �!wet N KEIT PIER LENGTH WATERWAY: FISHERS ISLANND SOUND c.�j x\50 SED 3-24-23 L.F. DATE: NOVEMBER 9,2022 _� 0 C K 0 - y°r PIER LENGTH APPLICANT' 11 n SED 4 -23 D.I.WALKWAYAGENT: ! 5'HEE r. = a a� IER OFFSET FROM I ' 11 I NG.tt 068692'* PORCH NOTE$PILE Keith B.Nell';on, E . MAY 1 0 2023 c°�R p DIAMETERS 860 572 8939 5 — pV/G 22-10-3251 `:.,.. EMAIL office@dot o.com JUU IIU1 IVY !! Keith B.Neilson,Docko Inc. 5/5/2023 9:24 AM Frank Permit 3 E_Vespos.dwg Board of TruStP@S NEW 12-IN DIAMETER NOTES \� � TIE-OFF PILE with TIDE SLIDE -DECKING NOT GCA TREATED. TOP EL 15±FT(TYP) HARDWOODS MUST BE CERTIFIED BY / FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL ---- -ALL PILES ARE 12-INCH DIAMETER 4-FT 16±FT EDGE OF PIER(1YP) - -I DECKWIDTH NEW LADDER(7YP) NEW 4-FT WIDE PILE SUPPORTED PIER END DECK EL 4.3±F7 NEW TIDE SLIDE(TYP) NEW 12-IN DIAMETER PIER SUPPORT PILE TOP EL 4-FT NEW SPLIT CLAMP and ABOVE DECK(7YP) CROSS BRACE(7YP) -AHWL1.9 - - � — - - -MHW 0.9 - - - _ -NAVD0.0 - - - - - - BOULDERS EELGRASS -ALWL-1.7 - - - - - - NOTE:WATER DEPTH AT I'II I END OF PIER IS-4-FT ALWL ::ti'&-.P�:Y. y s'... t}S•..: :r'Rre:ba tit'.•..L.fa<t'i14 r a•.:fd•Li•1r.`� f :.1:�•:.t' �a'a' iS:• r .'y':' •.:. rf. 1....)).'• C•',•n.Ari•f L;1s1,. �•k`: M ,f.::t try.L•✓ ,3L 'k' Tw}, +.b,,.!1: ,�•'•9'' µ.t.^'a �`2'�i.^ ?.: rn rs 3ai.;r .a :;f+.,e s^¢$r.: F ",r...r ra. _e"•..i:!i:.tt+at'ti L•1<}i�t9.:,.cti r, t:r e BOI 0 •`ul .✓,.�L'%M1�1•a ^y2.rla'L:Y:�t',' .I. 1 .J,;�.K:L' _.y,w1, :.i..l y� 6: nx,•:r.:�, ,dh r,:'a.:...w.• ;�� M SEDIMENTS:SANDf�••,:: :�;;<'::`v fib:;Y. ra: :;,{:_ ,�.....Y$fi.i •r.tJ1?'.t Fs.a a.;i.Uhh �.g.n„tie":, r:'., r•dX,'if'•iu�:<r"; ..f�>..n,r{.;,.. +:}^'.¢;�i.(...t,< r�:r •,is';;sq;ta. :id'X`'R1;'' r';b4r'+;r.:y,•r„ .•«uta n' et..�tr.�'r:.tc'{:,;t/.tet:•s•',hs z.ty:`t, .'.e:t-;"•'N'�: ,t..eV'.trt<:,: . ;'`.n -5 ..y:..r�r:�r..;;•.'..:i4 :. ;.A,-.��<'••�,oU• Yi)..r:f;s�'b�:ti�•��: •:f•'a!:A4 L'r•5... ].Y;•r •.:1:; >c.r..tr,J... .L f�,/..C,.,,' ,1•�,y;.,.Lr,.. , +�:fr.'�],'+ 1.).t•: ::1;�;}}•`L. i x �rb,�:)•t:C ..l v.,t F'r.�i 1')i vo ,:!G. .t Y',: .:P ,.;1 i. .vRh.. .'{ r `•^i. >� �.T.r,. .+.�<:rx1.r..,r .�r,.. rx a.a -0 . :,`t, ..L•: .-t.. .�x,3�:fY .ex.{ti..41>.,,('�ni.2•'..ux•;ti'�:r:r�r;�i,': :•����',;r, ,,�% �a•;:;1';;•:��,,:tit?::?y..rt,I ...Lr.:.•:!ah r:.•t,,... ,,.!L'L.:..F..✓;:dh,,.,..,n.,1:0...,,;-.A�.,..da•a:4:s.{:.. ).,3 r._V.t..f;l..ya{,b 'g',;aTrf::?,55 st.. ?S•.r.y_.., ,f:�Y�:!:Y�:!.v.tR 1,: bri.i'.;.,a�..,,/{t k,'.k.r'/iis').4,hc� F..: .r uy.�• .FA hh.'fH �:t:l•,:ii`.:f;f,.: .e.,t .. ♦..a f)'r N, ... .. .,.Y 1... S: r tM . .,t�L EIVC;)' \,/1E•W NOTE:OUTER TIE-OFF PILE NOT GRAPHICSCALE 1'=6' SHOWN IN THE PROFILE VIEW Ml 6 3 O 6 100±FT PORCH TO 5ND OF PIER 4-FT WIDE X 98±FT PIER LOA 87±FT AHWL NEW 12-IN DIAMETER 31tFT SLOPED PER EXISTING CONCRETE PIER TIE-OFF PILE with TIDE MAXIMUM 1:10 I SUPPORTED PORCH DECK EL 7.4±FT SLIDE TOP EL 15±FTNEW RAILS(7YP BOTH P) NEW 4-FT WIDE IDES)MID RAILS MAY . BEGINNING DECK PILE SUPPORTED BE CABLES AHWL-DIEL 6.7±F1 PIER END EL 4.3±FT 4FT WIDE WALKWAY INTERSECTION-�I I II 5±FT 2±FT G AHWL- _ BOULDERS Ct ^kms' MHW— NEW UTILITIES "h'^ rf �r" — NAVD- ...,�•.-,;; �. '=9: :'w'�-n..y-w � Y �'% '��'ax�"et'c:4�i,2::�i w *: PROXY TE GRADE PROFI ALWL- syu• r a n..'•<�:3 N 4yC' t• tiger • t�pc•= er- 4 a h,fil{ r? x y; s wik)_r v ??` �+Y.`- �.:}.. a ��� e SF's., iFr MIN. - _ TOI 1 SEbIMENTS: ND ;,..1' r NEW 12-IN DIAMETER PIER SUPPORT :ta5.+ ,� no;+`�v :1:3 �onxs+;: ':y`,:kr�5f,:r• >f'-r.,.. �I ' � � ~% NEW LADDER 7YP', PILE TOP EL 4-FT ABOVE kF",mre �1,'1�-r„ �. :f'y:� � /Y; �EM,;�'s,<.s•+•,-..� r�.'�.i5.;,^..;:K..u,...::. III w ;.a .eii�:' .'°� {��^..�`?`sAv�`:r �'•Lfv `'y^.'tF�''J•`e�'.`>�`�'' l I F�20FILE � ' GRAPHIC SCALE V=15' ELEVATIONS ARE.BASED ON NAVD 1988 15 10 5 0 15 PROJECT. NEW DOCK REVISED 3-2A-23 T.O.S. LOCATION: NORTH HILL-FISHERS ISLAND-TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ADDITIONAL BATHYMETRY,PIER SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK LENGTH and BEGINNING ELEV. WATERWAY: FISHERS ISLANND SOUND KE DATE: NOVEMBER 9,2022. 0 C•j( REVISED 4-17-23 T.O.S. Ar9 O • APPLICANT: LINCOLN FRANK NOTES PILE DIAMETERS cc AGENT: XrE OuJ F Kelth B.NIleo:, E O Mystic,C6' • R P 0 R 860 572 893t� MAY 1 0 2023 I EMAIL:off�ce@dogko.com D G 22-10-3251 I r Keith B.Neilson,Docko Inc.5/5/2023.9:25 AM Frank Permit 4-C.dwg 1 S01�tho{d Town D 1OneDrivelCadson Projects122-086 Docko-FFanM22086-1.DWG NOTES 00 1. THIS PLAN DEPICTS A TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY CONDUCTED ON NOVEMBER 11,2021. M 2. COPYRIGHT 2021 DEAN MARTINN,LS AND JAMES BERNARDO LAND SURVEYING,LLC,ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CD 3. PROPERTY BOUNDARY INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS PLAN IS TAKEN FROM THE SURVEY MAP REFERENCED a mFFF-- -- - 4. UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO A SURVEY MAP BEARING A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR'S SEAL IS A A `� C V u CY VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209,SUBDIVISION 2,OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. 1:4 (' F-. \p OZ 5. ONLY SURVEY MAPS WITH THE SURVEYOR'S EMBOSSED SEAL ARE GENUINE TRUE AND CORRECT COPIES OF THE z ¢ [T� C ? 6. CERTIFICATIONS ON THIS SURVEY MAP SIGNIFY THAT THE MAP WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT W W W z P+ EXISTING CODE OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYS ADOPTED BY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF LAND O 'F7 SURVEYORS,INC.THE CERTIFICATION IS LIMITED TO PERSONS FOR WHOM THE SURVEY MAP IS PREPARED. (1� E+ UDo O In In 7. THE LOCATIONOF UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS ARE NOT ALWAYS KNOWN AND OFTEN MUST W C.0Q '"? BE ESTIMATED.IF ANY UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS EXIST OR ARE SHOWN,THE Q IMPROVEMENTS OR ENCROACHMENTS ARE NOT COVERED BY THIS CERTIFICATE. Z N O 3 O8. THIS SITE IS IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TAX MAP 1000,SECTION 002,BLOCK 41,LOT 6 9. TIDAL ELEVATIONS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED BY DOCKO,INC AS FOLLOWS: W 1-' AHWL= 1.9f FEET MHW=0.8 FEET 5 NAVD88=0.0 FEET _ MLW= -1.7 10. NORTH ARROW AS SHOWN HEREON IS REFERENCED TO THE NEW YORK,LONG ISLAND STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM (NAD 83)EPOCH 2011 (2010.0). ELEVATIONS DEPICTED HEREON ARE REFERENCED TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988(NAVD88)TRANSFORMED FROM ELLIPSOID HEIGHT TO ORTHOMETRIC HEIGHT UTILIZING NGS2018 GEOID. AS DETERMINED BY GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS)OBSERVATIONS UTILIZING THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT'S ADVANCED CONTINUOUSLY OPERATING REFERENCE NETWORK (ACORN)BASE STATION: CTGR. HAVING THE FOLLOWING VALUES: LATITUDE= N41'20'07.3551" EEL ERS,\ LONGITUDE = W72'02' 58.96930" YANSEDO ELLIPSOID HEIGHT= -18.343 METERS AHWL=1.92`FEET 2 <a=~ _ MAP REFERENCES: W E w-rc o Q o �'- ^EEL _ SURVEY MAP PROPERTY TO BE CONVEYED TO LINCOLN E.FRANK AND MARGARET O'NEIL FRANK 2736 B>o�2 S µMHW=OB RET O' CRESCENT AVENUE DATE: 08/12/2019 SCALE: 1"=30'SHEET 1 OF 1 BY CME ASSOCIATES ENGINEERING, ` ,(Z LAND SURVEYING&ARCHITECTURE,PLLC. < p=€z rc \\ \ ;- roi NZFoorc �\\\ .\ \�v-z• ( `a EEL atAss' s o�a��o LINE PROPERTY' PER APPROXIM \\�\ ate\ s 0G�O �aµSI\�` � `�• �\�� _ MHW*0.8 FEET V- \\ \` MLW=-1.7 FEET`S `J\\ \aA ;\oN '\ate ` ;u' GK, . LTR DESCRIPTION DATE REVISIONS - � 7 DECK 01 � �. EXISTING HOUSE Ld `W 3 \!z Q BENCHMARK W Z CHISELED SQUARE _ I �I r TOP OF ROCK \��,( CO o O ELEV=6.95 NAVD88 I L U ° x W VAY — 5 20M Qa � Z o U) 1 0'- a J R LLJ U' UE a LEffmTo O0Vg THE FOLLOWING SYMBOLS/ABBflEWAIICNs Southold Town V AC ACRES NAY APPEAR ON THIS ORAWNGTB MISS BUSH T4 O_ H BF BASEMENT BBoard of Trustees FLOOR SP SPARiTNA PATENS Wr/W BIT BITUMINOUS SA SPARTINA ALTERNAFLORA J D BCLC BITUMINOUS CONCRETE LIP CURBING TBR TO BE REMOVED CONC CONCRETE TYP TYPICAL Cu P-6 DIA DIAMETER � SOIL PEflC TEST LOCATION OB DISTRIBUTION BOXTHe SOIL DEW TEST LOCATION EOE EDGE TI PAVEMENT ® HYDw:LPAS MAP IS VALID AND AU7NORIZED BY THE BELOW SIGNATORY WHEN Sheet No. ELEV ELEVATION ,tQ� HYDRANT AND ONLY WHEN ACCOMPANIED NTH A RED LIVE SIONA7URE,A STAMPED W FINISHED FIRST BOOR } 3 SEAL IN RED INK AND A LIVE EMBOSSED SEAL OWR 7N£-76NATURES ^ O w cr NAME.ANY OTHER REPRODUC17ONS SHALL BE CONSIDERED UNAUTHORLZED. J _I _ LF LINEAR FOOT $—BUILDING SETBACK UNE (MIN) MINIMUMCLEARING LIMIT UNE MIL MORE OR LESS EXISTING TREEUNE SHEET 1 OF 1 I N/F NOW OR FORMERLY ----158-----EXISTING CONTOUR 1 L� Scale: - PVC POLY VINYL CHLORIDE �{5�--�NEW CONTOUR GRAPHIC SCALL, EMBOSSEDEAHD INKED HIS GYRAL M MEPWTH TTHE ISE SURAND 9�S LIVE B`17URE..0— 1'�2Q' -- SCHAO SCHEDULE 40 .�—r�SEDIMENT FENCE I NEREBY DECLARE THAT THS SURVEY WAS PERFORUED INACO-.M.TH TES CODE OF Date 5.1a SPOT ELEVATION ——————slaw ORNN RPE RiACDCE a NEW YOM STATE ASSOSADON a maESswAL AND smYE S. OCTOBER 25, 2022 SF SQUARE FEET —STONE WALL (EN S) Project NO. TR TO REMAIN —S—SANITARY SEWER 1 Inch 20 (L 22086-1 —W—WATER 0 Overall view of the intertidal zone looking north em .. i6 :c Cottage and south side where walkway access will be looking northwest 0 M-0- rf y. �,�5/�,"'eS"^n"^'Wh`:.a '=1Y...r.. �}yy:,. �a� ��I�� ��A ll� �' F"^.�Z.,•r �> '"d'A► �r rY,ey irW' A i s y �� .{�,. r. .a-`i� if�aV' rT s�'Lsk✓�� � S�. MAY - 5 Southold Town ___ hoard of Trustees 0 Intertidal zone to be apnned by the pier looking north . Dock site out to clear water looking east s '011 i r �.� r � s ,+�.�, �. m+®xc <.. > •6;-z-*+ A;. ��k . a`T,c r J L...�1�W.i n �1�� ., ..i }�, < MAY - 5 2MAW Southold Town Board of Trustees • U 1 1 'I. n.. LEGENC ............� i . . ., COPIES Of COASTAL EROSION NPZA40 AREA MAPS ARE AVAILABLE FROM ,� , •... �� °� 1°r c,..., „........... COASTAL EElOSION HAZARD AREA CLASSIFICATIONS NEW YORK 4747E EROSION Of MFMT NMENTAI CONSERVATION COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA MAP i i°' '• -""'•° LandWArd LIMt OI Natural PfO:eCtive F091UrB Area CO AS TaI EROSION MLN LyEME NT PROGRAM ——— Landward Llmn of$tnlctural Hazard Area aEYIS10M5 TABLE Dat.. Choir CUUNTY LINE ALBANY, N.YS0 N122}2237-0001 a TOWN OF SOUTHOLD —- TOWN LINE ----- CITY OR VILLAGE CORPORATE LIMITS '".ALE 12400 I'•[UO IAPPRCY..; TNP°aPI r.IG Dr. e. SUFFOLK COUNTY , NEW YORK .. It mID n u I I t�CnY�rORIi�1M — — PARK OR RESERVATION LINE --" -- _ -"" ' C-4rr4tion Law.Article 04.mod aDDMVeb by the C.—I.—o.,DI EevnormienlN lll�Mler- __.. r4nonaRPuue4on 8i Aja Photo No. 44-1191-83 gHEFT 48-F'OF 49 ✓f �.; INN ■■�I■■■■■■■■i�i■ani■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l •. • Foundation • Basement PO Ext. Walls Interior Finish Recreation Roorr Rooms 2nd Floor , r f TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPERTY RECd g11aj as STREET VILLAGE SUB. LOT61'Aa�L ewn Alfle-lb a� ' r _ FORMER OWNER N E ACR. y F . S W TYPE OF BUILDING RES .� SEAS. _ VL. FARM COMM. CB. MISC. Mkt. Value LAND IMP. TOTAL DATE REMARKS ✓ Fg i AGE BUILDING CONDITION �-- �—�-----------_-- NEW NORMAL BELOW ABOVE FARM Acre Value Per Value _--- Acre Tillable 1 Tillable 2 Tillable 3 Woodland Swampland FRONTAGE ON WATER Brushland FRONTAGE ON ROAD DEPTH House Plot _ a BULKHEAD Total ,, DOCK • • Legend Q Charles Ferguson •NATONAL .:. .� ik SL.:�i i3Y�t{{r55� •t.c �� iiia r5„nor '�F��, ' „� 7, �;�•, � -34, ti r Nwi` ' io' ' r �tb; �< tf •�� :�� V. � tom.. •, . Y, . argyles-Fe,gusen Cottage -14 •`,AMS t Y N Google Earth ' 1 �r� K o- ., � �r� r C'r►es'" P�e ' • 2/23123,9:34 AM Print Map-TopoZone Fishers Island Topo Map in Suffolk County New York . Q,n.,pl Irro ;•1 Air— • � Iw lU r •�`� � i •i `rte 1larior � � •'. Hay', � •,t ):� `•� ; Harbor }...c .�� Silver Em ���11tC .�� .r�'� '° �� ' •�• L :NI'pf ,., r I' ty ,�Jf� vscourrc4m r � -'y ljj ♦f'♦ '!C-..s - _. }, .�.♦ res.�� / J, g ISLAND _g ,robsSo �k Print bh-m—ap Map provided by'FopoZone.com https://www.topozone.com/map-print/?Iat=41.2570434&Ion=72.0239626&title=Fishers Island Topo Map In Suffolk County New York 1!1 D E / ❑ I voRK Department of Office of Department NAR - 3 2023 ,s TATE EI1wonmental -General Services ofState Conservation Southold Town USA yCaMs of En neers* Board of , t JOINT APPLICATION FORM For Permits for activities activities affecting streams,waterways,waterbodies,wetlands,coastal areas,sources of water, and endangered and threatened species. You must separately apply for and obtain Permits from each involved agency before starting work.Please read all instructions. 1. Applications To: >NY$Department of Environmental Conservation ❑ Check here to confirm you sent this form to NYSDEC. Check all permits that apply: []Dams and Impound- ❑Tidal Wetlands ❑ Water Withdrawal ❑Stream Disturbance ment Structures ❑Wild,Scenic and ❑ Long Island Well ❑ Excavation and Fill in F-]401 Water Quality Recreational Rivers Navigable Waters Certification ❑ Incidental Take of k ❑Coastal Erosion Endangered/ Q Docks, Moorings or ❑Freshwater Wetlands Management Threatened Species Platforms >US Army Corps of Engineers ® Check here to confirm you sent this form to USACE. Check all permits that apply: ❑Section 404 Clean Water Act ❑✓ Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act Is the project Federally funded? 0 Yes C,13 No If yes, name of Federal Agency: General Permit Type(s),if known: Preconstruction Notification: ❑Yes r j No >NYS Office of General Services ❑ Check here to confirm you sent this form to NYSOGS. Check all permits that apply: ❑ State Owned Lands Under Water ❑ Utility Easement(pipelines, conduits,cables,etc.) Q Docks, Moorings or Platforms >NYS Department of State ✓❑ Check here to confirm you sent this form to NYSDOS. Check if this applies: ❑✓ Coastal Consistency Concurrence 2. Name of A licant Taxpayer ID if applicant is NOT an individual Lincoln Frank Mailln-q Address Post Office/ ity State Zi 1170 5th Ave,PHA New York Inj 10029 Telephone 917-660-2955 Email 1efrank57@gmail.com Applicant Must be(check all that apply): ©Owner El operator ❑ Lessee 3. Name of Property Owner if different than Applicant Mallin Address Post Office/city State Zi Telephone Email Y�.Ilseidirrly��` .,�/�,Cj'E3RC ]icatiri:l >1�iUltiber"��- �1� JOINT APPLICATION FORM 08/16 Page 1 of 4 JOINT APPLICATION FORM—Continued. Submit this completed page as part of your Application. 4. Name of Contact/Agent Keith B Neilson, P.E.,Docko, Inc. Mailina Address Post Office/City State Zi P.O.Box 429 Mystic CT 06355 Telephone 860-572-8939 Email office@docko.com 5.Project/Facility Name Property Tax Map Section/Block/Lot Number: New Fixed Pier 1006.6-1-8 F ct Street Address, if a licable Post Office/Cit State ZiCrescent Ave Fisher's Island NY06380 Provide directions and distances to roads intersections,bridges and bodies of water see attached I-0 Town 0 Village Cl Cit Count Stream/Waterbody Name Southold Suffolk Fishers Island Sound Project Location Coordinates:Enter Latitude and Lon itude in degrees,minutes seconds: Latitude: 41 16 29.8N Longitude: 71 ° 01 11.6W " 6. Project Description: Provide the following information about your project.Continue each response and provide any additional information on other pages.Attach plans on separate panes a. Purpose of the proposed project: The purpose of this project is to construct a dock for private recreational boating. b. Description of current site conditions: The property is a developed home site in a residential zone. The grounds are fairly wild down to the riparian buffer at the shoreline beyond which Is open water as surveyed and documented on the application drawings and survey. Boulders are heavily intermixed with the tidal vegetation and out beyond into the shallow sub-tidal zone. Eel grass grows abundantly out at about 200 feet offshore be andthe roosed pier. c. Proposed site changes: This proposed project is to construct 90+/-LF of 4FT wide wood pile and timber pier of which 77+/-LF is waterward of the apparent High Water line,including rails,7 fie off piles,two ladders and electric and water utilities,waterward of the apparent High Water line. d. Type of structures and fill materials to be installed, and quantity of materials to be used(e.g.,square feet of coverage,cubic yards of fill material structures below ordinary/mean high water, etc.): The dock facility will be a wood pile and timber structure covering approximately 360SF e. Area of excavation or dred in , volume of material to be removed, location of dredged materialplacement: here is no dredging associated with this project. If boulder relocation is necessary for pile driving associated with the pier. The boulders will be reset between the pile bents beneath the pier. f. Is tree cutting or clearing proposed? 131 Yes If Yes,ex Iain below. No Timing of the proposed cutting or clearing(monthlyear): Number of trees to be cut: Acreage of trees to be cleared: JOINT APPLICATION FORM 08116 Page 2 of 4 JOINT APPLICATION FORM—Continued. Submit this completed page as part of your Application. C. Work methods and type of a ui ment to be used: This project will be built using marine construction equipment consisting of a deck barge with mounted crane. Pile driving will utilize the crane to hoist the piles in place and drive them to 10 to 15 feet of embedment then hoist large timbers such as the split clamps and stringers into position. Decking will also be transported to the site on the barge with the float and ramp but put into place manually with hand tools. h. Describe the planned sequence of activities: Mobilize to the site,drive piles,connect split clamps and stringers,fasten decking,drive the tle-off piles,demoblize. i. Pollution control methods and other actions proposed to mitigate environmental Impacts: There are no needs for pollution controls except for fuel spills and the construction barge carries a spill kit for use in such emergencies. j. Erasion and silt control methods that will be used to prevent water quality impacts: There is little work requiring excavation and that would be limited to the trench across the lawn to provide electrical and water services if necessary,colocated. Utilities will span from the house to the pier that work will be across the lawn,within DEC jurisdiction but not in the water or tidal wetlands. k. Alternatives considered to avoid regulated areas. If no feasible alternatives exist, explain how the project will minimize impacts: The pile driving is essential to support the pier and work over inhospitable terrain of rocks and boulders and to stay above the tidal wetlands. The length of the pier coming to shore at the cottage is to avoid continuous foot traffic across the beach and to avoid trenching for utilities. See attached narrative to address alternatives in fair detail. I. Proposed use: ❑✓ Private ❑Public ❑Commercial m.Proposed Start Date: ASAP Estimated Completion Date: 1ApnI 2024 n. Has work begun onproject? Yes If Yes,explain below. No o. Will project occupy Federal State or Municipal Land? Yes If Yes explain below. O No p. List any Previous DEC, USACE,OGS or DOS Permit/Application numbers for activities at this location: There are no known permits for this site. q. Will this project require additional Federal, State,or Local authorizations, including zoning changes? O Yes If Yes, list below. No NYS DEC Permit Tidal Wetlands Town of Southold Permit Tidal Wetlands and Coastal Erosion US Army Structures Permit JOINT APPLICATION FORM 08/16 Page 3 of 4 JolN'r'APPLICATiON Fomw w Continued. Submit this completed page as part of your Application. 7.Signatures. Applicant and Owner(If different)must sign the application. Append;additional pages of this Signature section if there are multiple Applicants, Owners or Contact/Agents. I hereby affirm that Information provided on this form and all attachments submitted herewith Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Permission to Inspect- I hereby consent to.Agency Inspection of the..project sits.and adjacent property areas. AgencY staff may enter the-property without notice between 7:00 am and 7100 pm,Monday- 1C'riday. Inspection with uoccur without the owner;appllcanl or agent present:if the properly is posted with"keep out'signs or fenced with an unlocked gate;Agency staff may stil[enier the,property.Agency staff may.take measurenients,analyze site physical characteristics,take soil and vegetation-sampies,sketch and photograph the site, i understand that failure to give this consent may result In denial of the permit($)sought by this applicatlon. False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the NYS Penal Law. Further,;the applicant accepts full,responsibility for all damage,direct or Indirect,of whatever nature, and by whomever suffered,arising out of the project described herein and'agrees to Indemnify and save harmless the State from suits, actions, damages Oiid.costs of every naive and description resulting from said project, in addition,Federal.Law, 18 tJ.S, .,Section 1001 provides for a lino bf no#more ti7an$10,000:or irnprison►Ojent for not more than 5 years, or both where an applicant knowingly and:willingly falsifies, conceals, or covers up a material fact;or.knowingly fnakes or uses:a false,fictitious dr-fraudulent statement. Si afti f AIpPlicant Date Applicant-Must be(check all that apply): �✓ Owner 0 OperatorO Lessee Printed Name Title Lincoln Frank --- Owner Si nature of Ownbr: if different than A licant Date .Printed Name Title St nature:. Contact/A. e t Da Printed Name Title_ Keith B.Neilson,Rt., Docko,Inc, Agent ~ `F,+or.A►geiiclt U„ spntdi: TIO NfOF I:I NiIT;:R taUli�Et7:::i :A" nC I It It ;qicatio p N° i enG ''F�. e ;( �liae:de `r .g Y� to mined re'Uil eii: frbrrfi�tfii 9 S:i4 ertic::'for;tg. ,"' �c}i°f% j;ojrdoscribeil':iri'tiis a' ;A ;e '.z. n Re" e `r e g s ��' .Y. P rita iv ,� x •F i r me .. ... W. i+E� %E h3 �t•e+. 'N ame; 1: t i . g is " pate:` ,t< ':i. i� 01Nr APPLI xIaN FORM 08116 Page 4 of 4 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Federal Consistency Assessment Form An applicant,seeking a permit,license,waiver,certification or similar type of approval from a federal agency which is subjectto theNewYork State Coastal ManagementProgram(CMP),shall completethis assessment form for anyproposed activity that will occur within and/or directly affect the State's Coastal Area. This form is intended to assist an applicant in certifying that the proposed activity is consistent with New York State's CMP as required by U.S.Department of Commerce regulations(15 CFR 930.57).It should be completed at the time when the federal application is prepared. The Department of State will use the completed form and accompanying information in its review of the applicant's certification of consistency. A.APPLICANT (please print) 1.Name:Lincoln Frank 2.Address:1170 5th Ave,PHA, New York NY 10029 3.Telephone: Area Code( )(917) 660-2955 B.PROPOSED ACTIVITY 1.Brief description of activity: Construct 90fLF of 4-FT wide fixed wood Rile supported pier in which 77±-LF is waterward of the Apparent High Water Line including rails and water/electric utilities,7 tie-off piles,two ladders and electric and water utilities waterward of the Apparent 14gh Water Lines. 2.Purpose of activity: To construct a dock for recreational boating. 3.Location of activity: Soffolk Town of Southold 2736 Crescent Ave County City,Town,or Village Street or Site Description 4.Type of federal permit/license required:US ACE Individual Permit 5.Federal application number,if known: 6.If a state permit/license was issued or is required for the proposed activity,identify the state agency and provide the application or permit number,if known: NY DEC, USACE,Town of Southold Trustees C.COASTAL ASSESSMENT Check either"YES"or"NO"for each of these questions. The numbers following each question refer to the policies described in the CMP document(see footnote on page 2)which may be affected by the proposed activity. 1.Will the proposed activity result in any of the following: YES/NO a.Large physical change to a site within the coastal area which will require the preparation of an environmental impact statement? (11,22,25,32,37,38,41,43) E3 IM b.Physical alteration of more than two acres of lead along the shoreline,land under water or coastal waters? (2, 11,12,20,28,35,44).......................... c.Revitalization/redevelopment of a deteriorated or underutilized waterfront site? (1)...... EL d.Reduction of existing or potential public access to or along coastal waters? (19,20)...... EL R] e.Adverse effect upon the commercial or recreational use of coastal fish resources? (9,10)... E Siting of a facility essential to the exploration,development and production of energy resources in coastal waters or on the Outer Continental Shelf? (29)............... . .. . EL im g.Siting of a facility essential to the generation or transmission of energy? (27)........... EL h.Mining,excavation,or dredging activities,or the placement of dredged or fill material in coastalwaters? (15,35).. ........ ............ .......... .. .................. ®. .l i.Discharge of toxics,hazardous substances or other pollutants into coastal waters? (8, 15,35) U. j.Draining of stormwater runoff or sewer overflows into coastal waters? (33)............ E. -M k.Transport,storage,treatment,or disposal of solid wastes or hazardous materials? (36,39). C. .0 1.Adverse effect upon land or water uses within the State's small harbors? (4).. .. .. ...... E- -® 2.Will the proposed activity affect or be located in,on,or adjacent to any of the following: YES/NO a.State designated freshwater or tidal wetland? (44).............................. . b.Federally designated flood and/or state designated erosion hazard area? (11, 12, 17,)..... EF c.State designated significant fish and/or wildlife habitat? (7)..................... .. . ® -{ d.State designated significant scenic resource or area? (24)........... ...... ......... EY e.State designated important agricultural lands? (26)........................... .... CL B f.Beach,dune or barrier island? (12). . ..... .... . . .. -® g.Major ports of Albany,Buffalo,Ogdensburg,Oswego or New York? (3)... .. .. .. ...... h.State,county,or local park? (19,20). i.Historic resource listed on the National or State Register of Historic Places? (23)........ EI -0 3.Will the proposed activity require any of the following: YES/NO a.Waterfront site? (2,21,22).. . ... . . . . ....................................... ®x El b.Provision of new public services or infrastructure in undeveloped or sparsely populated sections of the coastal area? (5).................. .... .. ............ .. .. .. .... E3 IM c.Construction or reconstruction of a flood or erosion control structure? (13,14,16)...... . Q d.State water quality permit or certification? (30,38,40). U e.State air qualitypermit or certification? (41,43)..... .. .. ........................ 4. Will the proposed activity occur within and/or affect an area covered by a State approved local waterfront revitalization program? (see policies in local program document).............. x. 13 D.ADDITIONAL,STEP3 1,If aU ofohe questions in Section.Care answered"NO",then the applicant or agency$hall complete.Section Band subinit the.documentation required by Section F. 2.If Where a of olio questions in atter at t✓arc artstvored"YES",thcn;thc:applicaat or agent is advised to consult the CMr,or detalitrespetc,tholocal�rratcrlrontrcvitali YES", Theproposedactivityrtiustbeaualyzcdinmorn detail y,b respect of the applicable stats or local.coastal policies. ()na.se urate a e s thea Iroarit or agent shall: (a) identify,by their policy numbers;which coastal policies are affected by he flotivtiY,()briefly as. Pt f fi ono foots of the activity upon oho policy, and,(a)atate.how the activity is consistont.whit each°poli written assessment,the applicunt'or.dg©ncy shall complete Seclt'on E cy, rollowirig the completion of this anii_subinit the docmncrit<uioti required by Section F. B-CERTIFICATION The applicant or agent must`nertify that thepropcsed activity is consistent with the State's CMp or the approved local watortake.revitali semi lea t n c n appropriate, If tiiis certification cannot be made,.the proposed actio___ity` O not be undo_ rt lcon. :If torts certi!"ication can be tnade,,eamplcte this Section. app c proposed activity complies with New Fork State's approved Coastal Management Program,or with.the applicable approved local waterfront revitalizationprogram,and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such.program." Applicant/Agent's NammUncoln Frank Address:1170 5th Ave New York,NY 10029 Telephone:.Area Code(917 1. W21955 Applicant/Ageurs Signature: Date: F.SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1.The rtpplicant or agent shall submit the toi10 ing documents.to tile NOW York State Department:bf State,Mica 'ol'.Constal,Local Government and Community Oultainability,Alta:Consistency Review Unit,I Commerce I'le'a,!gyp Washington-Avenue-Suite 1010,Albany,New York 12231. a.Copy of original signed form: b.Copy of the completed federal agency application. c,Other available information which would support the certification of consistency. 2.The applicant or agent shall alsb submit a copy of this.completed fora►along with his/her application to the federal agency. 3..If there are any questions regarding the submission of this form,contact the Depattrnent of State at ( 18) 474 -6000; *These state and lecal.documents are available for inspection at'tho offices of many federal agencies;Deparh neat of environmental Conservation and Aeparhnant of State regicmal offcos,aud.the appropriate regional and coonty.pianning agencies; Local program documents are also available for inspection at the otTtces oftho appropriate local government, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Aft 4AMMUNIMb.- .do PERMISSION TO INSPECT PROPERTY By-signing this permission forlil for.submission with all application Av a perillit(s)to the 'Department or Environmental Conservation:("DEC"),,the signer consents to..inspection by DEC, staff of the project.site or facility..for which a permit is sought.ando to the lie-extent necessary, areiis adjacent to the-:project site or tacilitY. This consent alloiWS,DEC staff to enter Upowand pass through such property in order to inspect the project site or-fac the hours of7:00a.m.and 7:00 p1jil.,,M facility:With6vlt lVior notice,betwoen an insPoution at all I y other times Monday through Friday, If DEC.staff should wish to,conduct DEC stafl'will so notify the apPlicantand will obtain amparate consent for such an inspection, Inspections may take place,as part of the application review prior deny the perill.it(s) p grant or -sotight, By signing.this consent form,the signer agrees that this consent remains ill efbef-as Jong as the application is pending,and is effective signet-,aPPlicAilt Or all agent is present at,thI e time ofthe v effective regardless of whether the nspPetion. In the event that the*prqjp6t site or facility is posted with any rortil of"posted"oi,"keep our notices,or fftcefln with an unlocked 91",this Pe011iggion authorizes DEC staff to disregard such notices or unlocked gates at the-time of inspection. The signer fiirtl)ei,agrees that dtirin an-ins 9 ,pectio0i DEC staff may,among other thinks, take Measurements,..may analyze physical characteristics of the site including, but not limited t% soils and Vegetation(taking saniples,bor analysis),and may make drawings and tftice photographs. Failure,to grant consent for all Inspection is-grounds for, and may result in, denial of the permit(s)sought by:the application. Permission is granted,for inspection of property located at the following addresA(es): Frank Property 2736 Crescent Ave,F(Shars Island By signing this form,I affirm ander penalty ofperjury that I am.authorized to give consent 10 envy by DEC staff as described above. I understand that false statements made herein are punishable as a Class A m isdelneahor ursuant to Section 210.415 of the Penal Uncoln Frank Print Name and Title Signature Date *The signer or this form must bean Individual or authorized repmnntativevfalogniontityi[int: • awns reo title and'is in pososebbiun orthe pr4pofty identified above; • mill 131ftins possessory intermt in mo.orapeql through ft le"Isci rental 0greenAint or other legally binding agreement;or • Is provided permission to not an botinir or.all ilidividiful or 10gat oiltity possessing the title or other Possessory interest in the property for the purpose of consenting to inspection Grouch Property. Permission to Junwel Properly Applipati(In Supplement 12/08 C U.S.Army Corps of Engineers(USA F'onn Approved. APPLICATION FOR.DEPARTMIRIT OF TWE PER I *NO No.0710.0783' 33 CFR 325.The proponent agency is CEC_ T - 3 2023 Expires:02.28.2022 The pubic r®porting burden for this cdWlon of information;OMS Control Number 0710.0 D03,is estimated to average 11 I louts p r response,Including the time for reviewing instructions,searching existing data sources,gathering and malhtainj Ig the ata-ne information.Send comments regarding the burden estimate or burden.reductions cations t Q"Imreviews g the collection of at' ad t11ir old - #ol7suri g ruse,Washl gton Headquarters Services; ail tUdl.Respondents s a er provision Of law,no person shall l"" be subJect to any penalty for falling to comply with a collection of information if It does fiat display.a currontiyvalid OMB control number.PLEASE DO NOT RETURN,YOUR APPLICATION TO-THE ABOVE EMAIL. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities:-Rivers and Harbors Act;:Section 10;33 USC 403;Clean Water Act,Section 4014,33 USC 1344;Marine'Protection,:Research,and Sanctuaries Act, Section 103,33 USC 1413;Regulatory Programs of the Corps of 8ngineers;Final Rule W CFR 320.332.Principal Purpose:Information provided an this form Will be used In evaluating the application for a permit.Routine Uses:Thls-information may he shared with the Department of Justice and other federal,state,and local government agencies,end the public and maybe made available,as part of a public notice as required by Federal law.Submission ort requested information is voluntary,however,trInformation is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can:a. reproducible c permit be issued.One set or original drawings or good opies which show the location and character of the proposed acdvay must be attached to.this application(see sample drawings and/or instructions) and be submitted to the District.Engineer having jurlsdictiai over the location of the proposed activity,An applicatkrtr that Is not completed in full will be returned. System of Record Notice(SORN). The iMOrmation received is entered into.our permit tracking database and a SORN has.been completed(BORN#A1145b) and may be accessed at the following website;J { -ft-W�t��1Ptt i cxL . l tA_dexclt9Qi•w1 e S riles • �e (ITEMS 1 THRIl 4 TO BE FILLED BY THE CORPS) 1. APPLICATION"NO. 2. FIELDOFFICt3:CODE 3, DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION.COMPLETE (7t'IEMS BELOW TQ BE Fldt ED 8Y APPWAM) 5: APPLICANT'S NAME B. AUTHORIZEUAc3ENT'S'NAME AND TITLE.(agent is not required) First- Undoln Middle•. Lest- Fr tik .;; First--Keith Middle. Last- Neilsen, P.E. Company- C)YtirlQi Comp DaCka E=mall Address- IefraRk57 . . t gR1aII corn E-mail Address offtct3@docko:cam S.' APPLICANTS ADDRESS: j. AGENT'B ACft)Rt SS: Address- 1170 5th=Ave PMA: . Address- PO Boz 421. City- NeW York State- IVY zip• 10029�+ntr City- "M tG : State CT zip- . _•- . ._... _ a._ ._ ._ 035ntry- 7..APPLICANT'S PHONE NOs:W/AREA CODE ' TS -- 10. AQENTS PHONE NOs..W/AREA CODE a. ResidencecFox a. Residence b. Business . 917-060-29,95 b. Business c. Fax ; 88Ow724939 STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION 11. I hereby authorize, Dooko,.iRC; to actin my behalf as my agent in the processing Of this application and to tarnish,upon.request, supplemental information In support ofthls rMit aKGNATURE S Or?APPLICANT BATE NAME;LOCATION,ANDOESCRIPTION OF PROJECTOR AC71VITY 12: PROJECT NAME OR TITLE(see Instructions) Frank New Dbck 13. NAr. OF WATERBODY,IF- KNOWN(If applicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS Of applicable) Flshers Island Sound Address, 2736 Crescent Atte . 15.. LOCATION OF PROJECT Latitude.-N 41°16'30.11"N Longitude:�W'1'72°01'1'14,3"W Oar- , Fishers island state- CT' ZIP- :.06390: Te. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS,IF KNOWN(see instructions) State Tax Parcel iD 1006 MuNcipatity`SOtftl IOId ' Section Township. Range ENG:FORM 4346,F150 2019 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE. Page 1 of 3 Print Form Save As 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE ........... . From tF►e:Ferrypmceed::northeastornE - questrian::Ave:.to:the.:villa a th :.,: ,.::::;;; the:site:on'Nort ............::::.:...:.:.:.::.:".:..:::.:::'.:.:. ::::::. .:::"::.:::.::..9..;•;.:.en:tie .:(north);onOriental=to::Crescentto.:=•s::::::::: .. ........ ..... . ..........:. ... . .. ...._ ...... .:... ..: ...... . ... .............. :... ...... -Mimi 18. Nature of Activity(Description of project,include all features) .:..........: ;_:..:. ;;:'::;:��:-;::.:,;:::';.:;.::::.::::.4:'.`:'::•:::iii,:.,.':r::".:::.:.....::�'-,.:::........... .... ... :Thr ., ... :.'. :. ::.....,:-....:..:.::.:.......:..........:......:..: ..._......::.:-:::::::::: ::.: ::;::.:;.....; s::poposed,.project:.is::to.:construdt:90+/-L :of.:4.: ..'., ..: , ............ ... ::. . ... ...:. : '::,: :.::.:;.::.:::' .,::;:. ::: ::.:;..:. FT:wtde;wood>.prle;andtimber ler of<which"77r/ p h.Wate p r;. :.:...:,;::. Irne.tncludin :rails:: .' "....:::...:::::�;;;•�:t<:-;:<<,;�::::;: s,;wa en++!aro,,,t...e .:9.. ..'..;•;::'. ':'::::':'-:.;..:::'.:::':.::;:..,,9.::::.,.....�7 tie off:;.�les;:.two;ladders-and::eletric:and.:w A :....:......:..:....::.........:..:.....:::...:._ :,::....,.. rare ...... ... ... ..... . .... :....:...:' ...'.:.:.....::.:::,:::..:... nt HI .. . ..... .. . . .. .. . . ... .......� ...: ...:..:er,u i Rp h.Water..lr ....... . ....... . .. . .......:...... . . ....:..:........... .: 19. Project Purpose(Describe the reason or purpose of the project,see instructions) ..The ....:....::.:.......::.. :::;::::::, .::::....:...:...:..::_:::° purpose of this project is to establish a:waterb'ant:do-c in u o o :recre a on oa t .....::...:: ....:......,::.... ........ . ..... ... .. ..... ....... .:.......... .... ::..:.. .......... .... ... . .::. . ...:..:.. . . ....... .....:.......:.:..:... ..:...:...:.:....... ....:.:.. ...... .:.::..::....:... ......:..::.............::: U5E BLOCKS 20.23 IF DREDGED ANDIOR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20. Reason(s)for Discharge ... .. .:'...::. :panned.discharge:::;:::;;:'-.:�:.::'.� '..:. ::..:'.:. :. . .. .... .... . .. 21. Type(s)of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type in Cubic Yards: No Dredging Type Type Type Amount In Cubic Yards Amount In Cubic Yards Amount in Cubic Yards NONE::: . 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled(see instructions) No Filling Acres None Linear Feet 23. Description of Avoidance,Minimization,and Compensation(see instructions) .,Great care has been exercised:laying tiut tiiis:dock facility;:The-proposed thick facility will`originate from tlie`cottage:and:::. will proceed in a northeasterly d...... on across a:narrow:boulder freld:devoid:of:tidat wetlands vegetatlon witti.;a fairly cCear: m .; . ... ... p g. n an ateatlevoid ofsubme�ged aquatic vegetation:edC;grass; Icoated:byprecisestarvey;methotis :The:desi li of this dodo facil g try lnct5rporates a full`length fixed pier,elevated 8 feet:above the.bottom sediments:so as:.o minlmiZe�:::` s ading.lf eel grass emerges within.the pier.:fontprint..in:this way;:impacts:ta:serisitive:tidal`.wetiands':vegetation::and;SAV: are being avoided nbW and allowance tias:beerr'made far.fUture eel grass: ENG FORM 4346,FES 2019 Page 2 of 3 Print.Form Save As . 24. Is Any Portion of the Work Already'Complete? yes �-- -- No IF YES,DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 25..Addresses ofAdjolnin9�Peth►Owners;Lessees,Etc.,whose'PropertyAdlolns thethe wat -�--= ""` (a en Ca t�en Bred here, sass a Upp�e mBn1011i51 a,Address- i erbOdyiitmo Ih n i :1170 5th.Ave PHA: ," " eCh e Cilty- ..'New:York•` State" - NY P. . b.Address• -> 1220 Ptrk Ave - city- New York State- 'NY P.Address- City. State ddressCity- State- Zip- d.Address City- State-,. . Zip- e.Address- . , City- stats- Zip- „ - 26, List of Other CertMcates or Approvaismenlals me Wed ttom other Federal,State,or Local Agenciesfor Workk,Described This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL" IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED TOWn.of Southold Tidaf:INtrtlands pendltig Town of Southold:; .Coastal Lrosialr� pending NYS DEC Tidal VNetiands pending NY ACRE ponding . .. *Wand include but is_not restricted.tozoning,building,and flood plain permits Co Application Is hereby made for permit.t permks:to authorize the Work described in this application. I.certify that this Information in this application is oomplete and accurst®, I,further certlfl+that(possess the authorityto undertake the work described herei am seting ea the duly authorized agent of the aiipil _is i � SIGMA OF APPLICANT GNATU E The Application must be signed b the RE OF AG NT ! DAT , g y person who desires to undertake the proposed activity(applicant)or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled"out and signed. 18 U.S.C.Section 1001 provides that:Whoever,in any rrlariner within the jurlsdidtion of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and wailfully falsifies,conceals,or covers up any trick,scheme,or disguises a material"fact or makes:anyfalse,fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes.or uses.any false writing or doournant knowing sarne to contain any false,fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry,shall be fined not more than$10,000:or,impdsoned not more than five years.or both, ENO FORM 4345,FED 2049 Page of 3 EFH Assessment Worksheet rev. August 2021 Please read and follow all of the directions provided when filfin t is n. 1. General Project Information ® E C E Q V E Date Submitted: === - LIAR - 3 2023 Project/Application Number: Project Name: NewFlxedPier Board of Trustees Project Sponsor/Applicant: Mr.Lincoln Frank Federal Action Agency(or state agency if the federal agency has provided written notice delegating the authority'): Fast-41: Yes F] No W1 Action Agency Contact Name:F_ Contact Phone: Contact Email: Address, Ci /Town State: F 2. Project Description 2Latitude: 41"16'29,8"N Longitude: 71°01'111.6"W name): F Body of Water(e.g.,HUC 6 isher's Island Sound Project Purpose: Provide access to navigable water for recreational boating. Project Description: Construct 90+/-LF of4FTwide wood pile and timber pier of which 77+/-LF is waterward of the Apparent High Water Line,including falls, 7 tie off piles,two ladders and electric and water utilities,waterward of the Apparent High Water Line. Anticipated Duration of In-Water Work including planned Start/End Dates and any seasonal restrictions proposed to be included in the schedule: Start May 1,2023 end June 30,2023 I A federal agency may designate a non-Federal representative to conduct an EFH consultation by giving written notice of such designation to NMFS.If a non-federal representative is used,the Federal action agency remains ultimately responsible for compliance with sections 305(b)(2)and 305(bx4)(B)of the Magnuson-Stevens Act 2 Provide the decimal,or the degrees,minutes,seconds values for latitude and longitude using the World Geodetic System 1954(WGS84)and negative degree values when:applicable. I 3. Site Descrintion EFH includes the biological,chemical,and physical components of the habitat.This includes the substrate and associated biological resources(e.g.,benthic organisms,submerged aquatic vegetation, shellfish beds, salt marsh wetlands),the water column,and prey species. Is the project in designated EFH3? Yes �No Is the project in designated HAPC? 1:1 Yes �No Does the project contain any Special Aquatic Sites4? ✓❑Yes No Is this coordination under FWCA only? V Yes No Total area of impact to EFH(indicate sq ft or acres): Zero-pier goes around eelgrass Total area of impact to HAPC(indicate sq ft or acres):10 Current range of water depths at MLW Salinity range(PPT): Water temperature range(°F 0'to-6' est.25-30 ppt 70°F summer;34°F winter 3Use the tables in Sections 5 and 6 to list ssppeecies within designated EFH or the type of designated HAPC present.See the worksheet instructions to find out where EFH and Oce,de8igguuations can be found.4 Special aquatic sites(SAS)are geographic areas,large or small, possessing special ecological characteristics of productivity,habitat,wildlife protection,or other important easily disrupted ecological values.These areas are generally recognized as significantly influencing or positively contributing to the general overall environmental health or vitality of the entire ecosystem of a region.They include sanctuaries and refuges,wetlands,mudflats,vegetated shallows,coral reefs,and riffle and pool complexes(40 CFR Subpart E).If the project area contains SAS(i.e.sanctuaries and refuges,wetlands,mudflats, vegetated shallows/SAV,coral reefs,and/or riffle and pool complexes,describe the SAS,species or habitat present,and area of impact. 4. Habitat Types In the table below,select the location and type(s)for each habitat your project overlaps.For each habitat type selected, indicate the total area of expected impacts,then what portion of the total is expected to be temporary(less than 12 months)and what portion is expected to be permanent(habitat conversion),and if the portion of temporary impacts will be actively restored to pre-construction conditions by the project proponent or not.A project may overlap with multiple habitat types. Habitat Habitat Type Total Temporary Permanent Restored to impacts Location impacts impactspre-existing f/ftz/fts Of/ft2/ft3) (If/ft2/ft3) conditions?* 7Mae Shore(unconsolidated) 60 sgft 60sgft 60 sgft No 5elect one Select One Select one [Marine Water column 300 sgft 300 sgft 16 sgft Yes Select one [Select One Select one Select one Select One Select one Select one ISelectOne Select one Select o-11 ne Select One Select one Select one Select One L Select one *Restored to pre-existing conditions means that as part of the project,the temporary impacts will be actively restored,such as restoring the project elevations to pre-existing conditions and replanting. It does not include natural restoration or compensatory mitigation. 2 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation(SAV)Present?: Yes: Z No:E If the project area contains SAV,or has historically contained SAV, list SAV species and provide survey results including plans showing its location,years present and densities if available.Refer to Section 12 below to determine if local SAV mapping resources are available for your project area. Attached are survey results of eelgrass mapped in September 2022.The pier has been located and configured to avoid the mapped bed.The dock is irregular in shape due to the rocky bottom nature of the shallow sub tidal zone and the eel grass bed Immediately west Sediment Characteristics: The level of detail required is dependent on your project—e.g.,a grain size analysis may be necessary for dredging.In addition, if the project area contains rocky/hard bottom habitat 6(pebble,cobble,boulder,bedrock outcrop/ledge)identified as Rocky(coral/rock), Substrate(cobble/gravel),or Substrate(rock)above,describe the composition of the habitat using the following table. Substrate Type* (grain size) Present at Site?(Y/l) Approximate Percentage of Total Substrate on Site Silt/Mud(<0.063mm) No Sand(0.063-2mm) Yes 60% Rocky:Pebble/Gravel /Cobble(2-256mm)** Yes 20% Rocky:Boulder(256- 4096mrn ** Yes ) 203'o near shoreline Rocky: Coral. No Bedrock** No 'The type(s)of rocky habitat will help you determine if the area is cod HAPC. *Drain sizes are based on Wentworth grain size classification scale for granules,pebbles,cobbles,and boulders. **Sediment samples with a content of 10%or more of pebble-gravel-cobble and/or boulder in the top layer(6-12 inches)should be delineated and material with epifauna/rnacmalgae should be differentiated ttom bare pebble-gravel-cobble and boulder. If no grain size analysis has been conducted,please provide a general description of the composition of the sediment. If available please attach images of the substrate. Attached aerial photo shows prominent boulder lined inter tidal and shallow sub tidal zone across the shoreline more prominent to the east and west of the proposed dock site.The western eelgrass skirts the perimeter of the rock and the pier has been deliberately located and configured to avoid the area.The bottom sediments are course sand with miscellaneous rock and boulders with 80%coverage at the inter tidal zone down to 50%in shallow sub tidal at 10%surface coverage of embedded boulders beyond a depth of 3'MLW. Diadromous Fish (migratory or spawning habitat-identify species under Section 10 below): Yes:❑ No: ✓� 3 5. EFH and HAPC Deognations Within the Greater Atlantic Region,EFH has been designated by the New England,Mid-Atlantic,and South Atlantic Fisheries Management Councils and NOAA Fisheries.Use the EFH mapper to determine if EFH may be present in the project area and enter all species and life stages that have designated EFH.Optionally,you may review the EFH text descriptions linked to each species in the EFH mapper and use them to determine if the described habitat is present at your project site.If the habitat characteristics described in the text descriptions do not exist at your site,you may be able to exclude some species or life stages from additional consideration. For example,the water depths at your site are shallower that those described in the text description for a particular species or life stage. We recommend this for larger projects to help you determine what your impacts are. EFH is designated/mapped for: What is the Species Present source of the EFH: EFH: EFH: EFH: EFH eggs larvae ,juvenile adults/ information spawning included? adults Select One z a D EFH Mapper only little skate ❑ z EFH Mapper only windowpane flounder z a EFH Mapper only winter skate a ❑ W] W1 EFH Mapper only scup 171 Z W1 EFH Mapper only long-finned squid ❑ W1 a EFH Mapper only spiny dogfish ❑ ❑ El W1 EFH Mapper only summer flounder ❑ ❑ a EFH Mapper only k Black sea bass El El 1:1EFH Mapper only Select One ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ISelectOne Select One ❑ ❑ ❑ Select One 4 6. Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPCs) HAPCs are subsets of EFH that are important for long-term productivity of federally managed species. HAPCs merit special consideration.based their ecological function(current or historic), sensitivity to human- induced degradation, stresses from development,and/or rarity of the habitat.While many HAPC designations have geographic boundaries,there are also habitat specific HAPC designations for certain species,see note below.Use the EFH mapper to identify HAPCs within your project area. Select all that apply. Sumner flounder: SAVE F� Alvin&Atlantis Canyons Sandbar shark Baltimore Canyon E] Sand Tiger Shark(Delaware Bay) Bear Seamount F1Sand Tiger Shark(Plymouth-Duxbury- Heezen Canyon Kingston Bay) Inshore 20m Juvenile Coda H Hudson Canyon Great South Channel Juvenile Cod Hydrographer Canyon Northern Edge Juvenile Cod [_] Jeffreys&Stellwagen ❑ Lydonia Canyon ❑ Lydonia,Gilbert&Oceanographer Canyons Norfolk Canyon(Mid-Atlantic) Norfolk Canyon(New England) Oceanographer Canyon Retriever Seamount F] Veatch Canyon(Mid-Atlantic) Toms,Middle Toms&Hendrickson Canyons Veatch Canyon(New England) Washington Canyon Cashes Ledge El Wilmington Canyon Atlantic Salmon 7 Summer flounder HAPC is defined as all native speoies of macroalgee seagasses and freshwater and tidal macrophytes in any size bed,as well as loose aggregations,within adult and juvam[e summer#founder)AFH.In locations where native species have been eliminated from an area, then exotic species are included.Use local information to determine the locations of HAPC. s The puurrppo�se of this HAPC is to recognize the importance of inshore'areas to uvenile Atlantic cod.The coastal areas of the Gulf of Ivlsino and Southam 'we England contain structurally complex rocky-bottom habitat that'supports a wide variety of emergent epifauna and benthic invertebrates.Although this habitat type is not rare in the coastal Gulf of Maine,it provides two key ecological functions for juvenile cod: protection from predation,and readily available prey. See EFH mapper for links to text descriptions for HAPCs. 5 7. Activity Details Select all Project Type/Category that apply 11 Agriculture ❑ Aquaculture List species here: F] Bank/shoreline stabilization(e.g.,living shoreline,groin,breakwater,bulkhead) Beach renourishment Dredging/excavation Energy development/use e.g., hydropower,oil and gas,pipeline,transmission line, tidal or wave power,wind Fill Forestry Infrastructure/transportation(e.g.,culvert construction,bridge repair,highway,port, railroad El Intake/outfall Military(e.g.,acoustic testing,training exercises) EJMining(e.g.,sand,gravel) Overboard dredged material placement Piers,ramps,floats,and other structures Restoration or fish/wildlife enhancement(e.g.,fish passage,wetlands, mitigation bank/ILF creation Survey(e.g.,geotechnical, geophysical,habitat,fisheries) Water quality(e.g.,storm water drainage,NPDES,TNIDL,wastewater,sediment remediation ❑ Other 6 8. Effects Evaluation Select all Potential Stressors Caused Select all that Habitat alterations caused that apply by the Activity apply and if by the activity temporary9 or permanent DUnderwater noise Temp Perm Water quality/turbidity/ ❑ ❑ Water depth change contaminant release Vessel traffic/barge ❑ ❑ Tidal flow change grounding Impingement/entrainment LJ F1 Fill Prevent fish ❑ ❑ Habitat type conversion passage/spawning Benthic communityEl ❑ t disturbance Impacts to prey species El ! Other: 9 Temporary in this instance means during construction.10 Entrainment is the voluntary or involuntary movement of aquatic organisms from a water body into a surface diversion or through,under,or around screens and results in the loss of the organisms from the population.Impingement is the involuntary contact and entrapment of aquatic organisms on the surface of intake screens caused when the approach velocity exceeds the swimming capability of the organism. Details-project impacts and mitigation Briefly describe how the project would impact-each of the habitat types selected above and the amount(i.e., acreage or sfl of each habitat impacted.Include temporary and permanent impact descriptions and direct and indirect impacts.For example,dredging has a direct impact on bottom sediments and associated benthic communities. The turbidity generated can result in a temporary impact to water quality which may have an indirect effect on some species and habitats such as winter flounder eggs,SAV or rocky habitats. The level of detail that you provide should be commensurate with the magnitude of impacts associated with the proposed project,Attach supplemental information if necessary. Upland 60-sgft of impact with pile penetration Into the ground and pier coverage. Water Column-300 sgft of Impact with pile penetration into the ground and pier coverage. This project endeavors to site the dock facility clear of the small mapped SAV bed and totally avoiding the area of extensive boulders with interspersed eelgrass to the east.The piers'northerly alignment reaches deep water quickly angles off to the northeast to allow for berthing bow into the significant wind/wave direction for berthing security and lowest sea condition exposure risk.By staying clear of the eelgrass beds the most productive habitat and shelter will be preserved. 7 What specific measures will be used to avoid and minimize impacts,including project design,turbidity controls,acoustic controls,and time of year restrictions?If impacts cannot be avoided or minimized,why not? Wood 12 Inch Class B piles will be utilized to supportthe pier.Driving wood piles minimizes acoustic impacts and produces no turbidity.Deck height will be 8 feet above mean low water to minimize shading while helped by the north/south orientation.Thru Flow decking will be utilized to help minimize shading and maintains a fairly bright illuminated water column although the pier has been sited so as to avoid eel grass-see Exhibit. Is compensatory mitigation proposed? Yes F] No R If compensatory mitigation is not proposed,why not?If yes, describe plans for compensatory mitigation(e.g. permittee responsible, mitigation bank,in-lieu fee)and how this will offset impacts to EFH and other aquatic resources.Include a proposed compensatory mitigation and monitoring plan as applicable. Compensatory mitigation is not considered necessary because the dock's siting criteria have been utilized to actually avoid adverse Impacts to tidal wetlands vegetation and 5AV. 9. Effects of Climate Chaia&e Effects of climate change should be included in the EFH assessment if the effects of climate change may amplify or exacerbate the adverse effects of the proposed action on EFH.Use the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)Representative Concentration Pathways(RCP)8.5/high greenhouse gas emission scenario(TFCC 2014),at a minimum,to evaluate the future effects of climate change on the proposed projections.For sea level rise effects,use the intermediate-high and extreme scenario projections as defined in Sweet et al.(2017).For more information on climate change effects to species and habitats relative to NMFS trust resources,see Guidance for Integratiu Climate Change Information in Greater Atlantic Re ion Habitat Conservation Division Consultation Processes. 1. Could species or habitats be adversely affected by the proposed action due to projected changes in the climate?If es lease describe how: No 2.Is the expected lifespan of the action greater than 10 ears?If yes, please describe project lifespan: The proposed dock structures should have a 20 to 30 year structural lifespan based on long term observed performance of CCA treated timber. 3.Is climate change currently affecting vulnerable species or habitats,and would the effects of a proposed action be aint3lified by climate change?If yes, please describe how: Climate change impacts on fish are unknown with relation to the project and this site.The dock siting and berthing has avoided documented SAV eelgrass beds. 4.Do the results of the assessment indicate the effects of the action on habitats and species will be amplified by climate change?If yes,please describe how: Unknown but doubtful. 5.Can adaptive management strategies(AMS)be integrated into the action to avoid or minimize adverse effects of the vroposed action as a result of climate?If yes, please describe how: No 8 10. Federal Agency Determination Federal Action Agency's EFH determination(select one) ❑ There is no adverse effect on EFH or EFH is not designated at the project site. EFH Consultation is not required.This is a FWCA only request. The adverse effect on EFH is not substantial. This means that the adverse effects are no more than minimal, temporary,or can be alleviated with minor project modifications or conservation recommendations. This is a request for an abbreviated EFH consultation. The adverse effect on EFH is substantial. This is a request for an expanded EFH consultation.We will provide more detailed information,including an alternatives analysis and NEPA documents, if applicable. An adverse effect is any impact that reduces the quality and/or quantity of BFI.Adverse effects may include direct or indirect physical,chemical,or biological alterations of the waters or substrate and loss of,or igjury to,benthic organisms,prey species and their habitat,and other ecosystem components.Adverse effects to EFH may result from actions occurring within EFH or outside of EFH and may include site-specific or habitat-wide impacts,including individual,cumulative,or synergistic consequences of actions. 11. Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Under the FWCA,federal agencies are required to consult with us if actions that the authorize,fund, or undertake will result in modifications to a natural stream or body of water. Federal agencies are required to consider the effects these modifications may have on fish and wildlife resources,as well as provide for the improvement of those resources.Under this authority,we consider the effects of actions on NOAA-trust resources, such as anadromous fish,shellfish,crustaceans,or their habitats,that are not managed under a federal fisheries management plan. Some examples of other NOAA-trust resources are listed below. Some of these species,including diadromous fishes,serve as prey for a number of federally-managed species and are therefore considered a component of EFH pursuant to the MSA.We will be considering the effects of your project on these species and their habitats as part of the EFH/FWCA consultation process and may make recommendations to avoid,minimize or offset and adverse effects concurrently with our EFH conservation recommendations. Please contact our Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office,Protected Resources Division regarding potential impacts to marine mammals or species listed under the Endangered Species Act and the appropriate consultation procedures. 9 Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Resources Describe habitat impact type(i.e.,physical,chemical, or biological disruption of Species known#o spawning and/or egg development habitat,juvenile nursery and/or adult feeding occur at site(list or migration habitat).Please note,impacts to federally listed species of fish,sea others that may turtles,and marine mammals must be coordinated with the GARFO Protected apply) Resources Division. alewife American eel American shad Atlantic menhaden blue crab blue mussel blueback herring Eastern oyster horseshoe crab quahog soft-shell clams striped bass other species: other species: other species: 10 RINgM] ttasm t xilm laza9e 199 ,dSW Oa1PW oz.is�oe F,'SHFgS , 2907 ao 2b10 �$b u�sn 'S,T 6 SEE SEC.NO lb I SOGN, l 4 "� a { r G ' IOt9NSPTa1 10OAIc7 ]'T a_ ' i 1&1 n z 1 �: 2en(cl � PETERSA 1B�`11 of�A \ 1 11' ` m i � 18 # ♦ 1.5 'i].t .aq°'bur (- 5� � � `� 94 \il: 4.3 ]n 33 n� '8 • / � 1ayc1 g 1te ITA 19 tT3 i21.- 8225 i � � ` AVE. FO ted i.t ^CRESLERT � Y3 G � AVEi.. �rovwS� 1501 1 op 5 S 4 u SAIF a rm/, 41A �* 15 f.M(cl 13A(c) °°5£ lft4 a • T \ TT0 r... ypo. 13.9 � tM ]2 5 1 l ]A �} �31 33 3� 1mTA I.SA Y m 1.51 1.1N[)e 19 E w e. ].t 1.14 R ALe E� � —�— °ay+"° . 1z�1 "" -----� __a"__ m"�u�. __ __ ° NOTICE MU) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © E °F soUTHOLD SECTION NO c Real Properly Tax Service Agency r E ur.. - ___ 4 f<wtY[emvrNr,AtcagNY11B01 M e96 006 .ter. xx .,. tx�4a• a r+- —__— u.xr.. a...r—_..+-- u+e ,�. ,� ® A N mc,xo 1000 PROPERLY MAP OFFICE LOCATION: �� MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex �� P.O. Sox 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY 11971 a r LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Glenn Goldsmith, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, AICP LWRP Coordinator Date: August 11, 2023 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for LINCOLN FRANK SCTM# 1000-6-1-8 Docko, Inc. on behalf of LINCOLN FRANK requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a proposed ±98 linear foot long by 4' wide wood pile and timber pier of which ±87 linear feet is waterward of the apparent high water line including rails, seven (7) 12" diameter tie-off piles with tide slides, three ladders, and electric and water utilities; waterward of the apparent high water line construct a ±31 linear feet to ±11 linear feet to ±10 liner feet (±52 linear feet total) of 4' wide pier access walkway/catwalk that connects to the landward end of proposed pier. Located: 2736 Crescent Avenue, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1000-6-1-8 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the action is INCONSISTENT with the LWRP. The proposed action exceeds the maximum square footage of a non-movable structure within the CEHA and does not meet Policy 6.3. In the event the action is approved, consider the following: 1. Flow-through grate decking is recommended due to anticipated storm wave energy. 2. Limit CCA-treated materials in construction. The application mentions the use of CCA materials. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Honorable Lori Hulse, Attorney �o��gUfFO(�coG s John G.Stein,Chairperson CD y Town Hall,53095 Main Rd. Lauren Standish,Secretary P.O.Box 1179 • Southold,NY 11971 Telephone(631)765-1889 Fax(631)765-1823 Conservation Advisory Council Town of Southold At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held on Wed., April 5, 2023, the following recommendation was made: LINCOLN FRANK to construct a 90'X 4' fixed wood pile and timber pier in which 69' is waterward on the MHW and 77' waterward of the apparent high water line, including rails, and water/electric utilities, tie-of piles and two ladders. Located: 2736 Crescent Ave., Fishers Island. SCTM#6-1-8 The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made. Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Docko Office <Office@docko.com> Sent: Friday, May 5, 2023 10:31 AM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Frank Property Attachments: Project description.docx; Photos.docx; Frank Revised.PDF; Frank 10-25-2022.pdf Dear Elizabeth, Attached is the project description narrative as a word document as you requested for the Frank project off the East shore of North Hill on Fishers Island. We are also providing here with four signed and sealed copies of.Of the application drawings.,All signed and sealed. With regard to your second question,we have two other projects that are just starting up on Fishers Island, listed below: *The Rivers family,whose home is located on the north side of the gloaming two houses west from BD Construction, they would like to rebuild their existing dock and add a new floating dock off the north end of the pier.We have coordinated this project with Pirates Cove and with BD Construction to make sure that there would be no navigational conflicts with this doctor configurations.All parties have agreed that this dock facility will be acceptable to maintain the long-standing navigation ways of Pirates Cove. *The Fishers Island Ferry District is planning to upgrade the ramp the corner ramp with a virtually identical facility.The existing structures are 25 years old. Replacement facilities are going to be needed for the upcoming airport runway paving project. In view of the permitting duration and need for this construction project to be completed prior to the airport improvements. We must get started now. It would be greatly appreciated if both of these projects could be visited by the trustees during their upcoming travels to Fishers Island. - Four sets of signed and sealed plans going out today. Hope this all helps. Please give me a call if you need to discuss any of this further.Your assistance as always is greatly appreciated. `Very 7ruCy yours, xeith Neilson, P.E. OOCKc� x �c'aRPOtt�'C � PO Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 ( p ) 860-572-8939 ( e ) office()-docko.com From:Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc@town.southold.ny.us> Sent: Friday,April 21, 2023 10:36 AM To: Docko Office<Office@docko.com> Subject: RE: Frank Property Good Morning, i Thank you for the revisions. If your office could mail us four updated stamped sets of plans along with either emailing me or adding to the mailing packet an updated written project description that includes all of the dimensions of the proposed for the file. At this time the Board is trying to determine when to go over to Fishers Island to perform a site inspection. Do you have any applications coming up that you plan on submitting that are on Fishers Island? 5*dea �rePC' Senior Office Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees Office: 631-765-1892 Email: elizabethc@southoldtownny.gov From: Docko Office<Office@docko.com> Sent:Thursday,April 20, 2023 3:48 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: RE: Frank Property Hi Elizabeth, Thanks for your email. The piles are all 12 inch Class B due to the exposure to easterly wave field. The respective separation of the pier from the deck off the east and south face of the house have been clarified. Hope this all helps, looking forward to the next step. -Very 'ruCy yours, .xeith Neilson, P.E. . 170C. y _l- ��R,POt? PO Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 ( p ) 860-572-8939 ( e ) office(&-docko.com From:Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc@town.southold.nv.us> Sent:Wednesday,April 12, 2023 9:11 AM To: Docko Office<Office@docko.com> Subject: RE: Frank Property Good Morning Christina, There are two suggestions I would make in reviewing the plans. Can the diameter of the tie-off, dock and walkway piles be depicted on the plans, and can a distance between the existing house deck and the proposed entry walkway(located along the right/east side of existing deck) be depicted. Thank you, and yes we are trying to. I'm having a hard time wanting to stay at work all day, LOL. Senior Office Assistant 2 Town of Southold Board of Trustees Office: 631-765-1892 Email: elizabethc@southoldtownny.g From: Docko Office<Office@docko.com> Sent:Tuesday,April 11,2023 3:37 PM To:Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: RE: Frank Property Hi Elizabeth, Keith asked me to forward these revised plans for the Frank project to your attention to see if they would be acceptable to the Town. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thanks! Hope you're enjoying your this beautiful weather!! Christina Loges Project Administrator . 0_C_ Kp. ill��^"`+�a ."� ■ �OQRPQS2�� � PO Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 ( p ) 860-572-8939 ( e ) office(a-docko.com From:Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc@town.southold.ny.us> Sent:Thursday, March 23, 2023 2:44 PM To: Docko Office<Office@docko.com> Subject: RE: Frank Property Good Afternoon, Please be advised that the whole Board of Trustees have not formally reviewed said file so this is just the initial input that the Board is requesting. First,the project is entirely within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area and that line is not on the plans. The plans would have to be updated to depict this line. Also, because the proposed dock is being attached to the dwelling,the Board has concerns regarding the dwelling as it does not have a Town Building Dept. Cert.of Occupancy or Pre-CO. It would be advisable to go through the Town's Building Dept.for a Pre-CO given the dwelling's age. As this dock is essentially being attached to the dwelling, the entire dwelling, decking and any other attached structures(with dimensions for each)would have to be part of this application in order to move forward with said application. You are welcome to detach the proposed dock from the dwelling and simply apply for the dock, the dwelling would not be reviewed if the dock is proposed as a single and separate structure from the dwelling with its own access onto the dock. As the Board has already said they will want to perform a site inspection, this application will not be reviewed during the next available public hearing date so you have time to make any revisions if you so choose. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the office. Sincerely, 3 5*ker �ctfrie� Senior Office Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees Office: 631-765-1892 Email: elizabethc@southoldtownny From: Docko Office<Office@docko.com> Sent:Thursday, March 23, 2023 12:57 PM To:Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: Frank Property Hi Elizabeth, Can you please send us an email to the effect of what you just spoke with Bill about on the phone so I can forward the information to Mr. Frank? Thanks in advance! Christina Lopes Project Administrator pOCKO CCRPO��`� PO Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 ( p ) 860-572-8939 ( e ) office(a-docko.com ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 4 Project description: • Construct 98+/- linear feet of 4 foot wide pile and timber pier of which 87 linear feet is waterward of the Apparent High Water Line. • Install rails, seven tie-off piles with Tide Slides, three ladders, and electric and water utilities. • Construct 52 linear feet of 4 foot wide access walkway routed around the south easterly corner of the existing cottage porch. This walkway will not be interconnected to the porch and is offset from the porch structure by 1 to 2 feet. DR (L o V E MAY - 5 2023 Southold Town Board of Trustees Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Docko Office <Office@docko.com> Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2023 3:43 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Subject: RE: Frank Property Thank you!!! Christina Lopes Project Administrator }CKp 0 .r • w� . ' QRPOR� PO Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 ( p ) 860-572-8939 ( e ) office0docko.com From:Cantrell, Elizabeth<elizabethc@town.southold.ny.us> Sent:Thursday, March 23,2023 2:44 PM To: Docko Office<Office@docko.com> Subject: RE: Frank Property Good Afternoon, Please be advised that the whole Board of Trustees have not formally reviewed said file so this is just the initial input that the Board is requesting. First, the project is entirely within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area and that line is not on the plans. The plans would have to be updated to depict this line. Also, because the proposed dock is being attached to the dwelling,the Board has concerns regarding the dwelling as it does not have a Town Building Dept. Cert. of Occupancy or Pre-CO. It would be advisable to go through the Town's Building Dept. for a Pre-CO given the dwelling's age. As this dock is essentially being attached to the dwelling,the entire dwelling, decking and any other attached structures (with dimensions for each) would have to be part of this application in order to move forward with said application. You are welcome to detach the proposed dock from the dwelling and simply apply for the dock, the dwelling would not be reviewed if the dock is proposed as a single and separate structure from the dwelling with its own access onto the dock. As the Board has already said they will want to perform a site inspection, this application will not be reviewed during the next available public hearing date so you have time to make any revisions if you so choose. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the office. Sincerely, GQaa.aderlt &xt'a Senior Office Assistant Town of Southold Board of Trustees Office: 631-765-1892 i N I Email: elizabethc@southoldtownny_.gov From: Docko Office<Office@docko.com> Sent:Thursday, March 23,2023 12:57 PM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth <elizabethc@town.southold.nv.us> Subject: Frank Property Hi Elizabeth, Can you please send us an email to the effect of what you just spoke with Bill about on the phone so I can forward the information to Mr. Frank?Thanks in advance! Christina.Coves Project Administrator V CK0- PO Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 ( p ) 860-572-8939 ( e ) officeO-docko.com ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 2 Glenn Goldsmith President ;,_ �" �°� a _� �° Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas dr '' Krupski,Vice President `z -" `�, 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski , s. - r., r to. P.O.Box1179 Southold,New York 11971 Liz Ginooly Elizabeth Peeples °' `M s"i Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631) 765-6641 r _`" BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTfiOLD This Seetion For Office Use Oniy--- ;--- 1 ✓ Coastal Erosion Permit Application E :Wetland Permit Application Administrative Permit MAR - 3 2023 Amendm ent/Transfet/Extension Received Applicatio t 3.3•Z?j i` Received Fee $ 0 A Completed Application: •!� Incomplete: SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted Negative Dec. Positive Dec, Lead Agency Determination Date _ Coordinatiow(date,sent); WRP Consistency Asse sment Form Sent: . CAC Referral Sent: 7 ;)3Date of Inspection.- -Receipt nspection:Receipt of CAC Report: Technical Review: __ Public Hearing Held: Resolution:- Owner(s) Legal.Name:of Property(as shown on Deed): Lincoln Frank Mailing Address: . 1170 Fifth Ave,New York,NY 10029 Phone Number: 917-660-2955 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000- 1006.-6-1-8 Property Location: 2736 Crescent Ave;Fisher's Island,NY .(If.necessary,provide LILCO Pole#,, distance to cross streets,and location) AGENT(If applicable); Keith:B.Neilson,P.E.,Docko,Inc Mailing Address:.P.O.Box 421,Mystic,CT'06355 Phone Number: (860)572-8939 Email:— Office@docko.com Board of Trustees Application . GENERAL DATA Land Area(in square feet): 1.91 Acres Area Zoning: R-80 Previous use of property: Residential Intended-use of property: Residential Covenants and Restrictions on property? Yes X No If"Yes",please provide a copy. Will this project require a Building Permit as per Town Code? Yes X No If"Yes", be advised this application will be reviewed by the Building Dept. prior to a Board of Trustee review and Elevation Plans will be required. Does this project require a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals? 'Yes X No If"Yes",please provide copy of decision. Will this project require any demolition as per Town Code or as determined by the Building Dept.? Yes X No Does the structure(s)on property have a valid Certificate of Occupancy? X Yes No Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date X No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? x No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description(use attachments if necessary): Construct 90.*LF of 4-FT wide fixed wood rile and timber pier in which 69+LF is waterward of the Men igh Watkr Line and 77+LF is waterward of the Apparent High Water Line,including rails,and water/electric utilities,11 tie-off piles and two ladders. Board of Trustees Application COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: This proposed project is to constrcut 90+/-LF of 4FT wide wood pile and timber pier of which 77+/-LF is waterward of the apparent high water line, including rails, seve tie off piles with tide slides, two ladders and electric and water utilities, waterward of the apparent high water line. Are wetlands present within 100 feet of the proposed activity? ��No Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? --Z—No Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated? NA (cubic yards) How much material will be filled? NA (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Not Applicable, no fill or excavation Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts to the subject property or neighboring properties reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed, including erosion increase or adverse effects on natural protective features. (Use attachments if necessary) There are no forseeable environmental impacts to the Frank property or adjacent properties as a result of this porject. The proposed pier orginates from the cottage porch and remains elevated at least 5 feet above the sandy boulder covered beach sloping down following the beach profile to deck elevation of 6 feet avoce the apparent low water(MLW) elevation over unvegetated ground and beach and well clear, 150 feet or more, from adjacent This dock facility will not change erosion or scour patterns of the beach. The eixisting natural protective features, boulders and stone, will not be changed.The dock facility will not change water flow and ciruclation patterns and will not focus breaking wave energy on the beach features. Board of Trustees Application WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: The purpose of this proposed project is to establish a waterfront dock in support of recreational boating. Area of wetlands on lot: 300+/- _square feet Percent coverage of lot: 1 % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: 150 feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: 1,50 feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? _ RL No � F� yes If yes,how much material will be excavated?NA cubic yards How much material will be filled? NA cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: NA feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: No Change Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Not Applicable, no fill or excavation Statement of the effect,if any,on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason.of such proposed operations(use attachments if appropriate): The proposed dock facility will eminate from the cottage with driven wood pile supports and no impact on tidal wetland vgetation. There is no impact on tidal wetlands vegetation. There is no "tidal wetlands" marsh on this site. Short Environmental Assessment Form Part I -Project Information Instructions for Cornipletinff Part 1—Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part I. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part I based on information currently-available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1.You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part 1—Project and Sponsor Information Name of Action or Project: New Fixed Wood Pile and Timber Dock Project Location(describe,and attach a location map): 2736 Cresenl Ave,Fishers Island Brief Description of Proposed Action: Construct 90.tLF of 4-FT wide fixed wood pile supported pler in which 69.*LF is waterward of the Mean High Water Line and 77±LF Is waterward of the Apparent High Water Line,Including rails and watedelechic utilities,6 tie-off piles and a removable,pile restrained ships ladder. Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Telephone: 917-660-2955 Lincoln Frank E-Mail: lefrank57@gmail.com Address: 1170 5th Ave City/PO: State: Zip Code: New York W 10029 1. Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that ❑ may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 2. Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other government Agency? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: ❑ 3. a.Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 0.008 acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? O.Oo6 acres e.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? , 1.91 acres 4. Check all land uses that occur on,are adjoining or near the proposed action: 5. ❑Urban m Rural(non-agriculture) ❑ Industrial ❑ Commercial m Residential(suburban) ❑Forest ❑ AgricuIture m Aquatic m Other(Specify): Beach ❑Parkland Page I of 3 S. Is the proposed action, NO YES N/A a. A permitted use under the zoning regulations? ❑ ❑✓-- ❑ b. Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? ❑ ❑ 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural landscape? NO YES ❑ 1 ❑✓ 7. Is the site of the proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environmental Area? NO YES Name:Peconic Bay and Environs,Nama Fishers Island,Reason:Protect public health,water;vegetation,&scenic If Yes,identify: beauty,Reason:Benefit to human health&protect drinking water,Agency:Suffolk County,Date:7-12-88,Date:... ❑ ❑ S. a. Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? NO YES b. Are public transportation services available at or near the site of the proposed action? ❑ c. Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near the site of the proposed ❑ action? 9. Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? NO YES If the proposed action will exceed requirements,describe design features and technologies: 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: No potable water service is needed for this dock facility. ❑ 11. Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? NO YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment: a ❑ 12. a.Does the project site contain,or is it substantially contiguous to,a building,archaeological site,or district NO YES which is listed on the National or State Register of Historic Places,or that has been determined by the ❑ Commissioner of the NYS Office of Parks,Recreation and Historic Preservation to be eligible for listing on the State Register of Historic Places? b.Is the project site,or any portion of it,located in or adjacent to an area designated as sensitive for ❑ 0 archaeological sites on the NY State Historic Preservation Office(SHPO)archaeological site inventory? 13, a. Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed action,contain NO YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? ❑ W1 b.Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? ❑ If Yes identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: The project Is in Fishers Island Sound and will occupy approximately 276 SF of the water surface(0,008 acres), huf not Pytand near tidal watiandyAgalaHon more than 5 fee f nr dearnm In provided hahseen tha r ml� sod tha mrx anri sand sediments.The pier path avoids tidal wetlands and eel grass growth areas. Page 2 of 3 ri, tify the typioal habitat typos that occur on,or areiikoly_to be found on'Nte project site.Check all that apply; horeline [Z(Forest ❑Agrictdtdral/grasslands [�Early mid successional etland [J Urban G1 Suburban t7es the site oCthe proposed action contain any.species ofanirnryl,or associated habi Federal government as threatened or.endangered? tats,listed by the State or 1`(p YES 1 G 1s Ute project site located in the LUO-year flood,pian? NO YES. 17. Will the proposed action crQatestorm'wator.dischar If Yes, ge,either from point or non-point sources? No YES a, Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties?d 01❑f b. Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems(runoff storm drain 0 If Yes,briofiy describe; s)? El M IS. Does the proposed action Include construodon or other activilies that would result in the iiiipotu,dn,ent oPwater or other liquids(e.g.,retentlon pond,waste lagoon,dam)? NO YES If Yes,ekplain the purpose and size of the itnponitdment: •.—�.:_._..._: Lam.) I.....J. 49: Has the site of tits proposed action:or an adjoiriing:property been the location ot'an active or closed solid waste managoinent facility.? NO YES if Yes,describe: 20,Has the situ of the proposed action.or an adjoining property-been'the subject'of.remediation(agoing or NO' YES completed)for hazardous waste? If Yes,describe: . . �. El X CERxIVY THAT TIRE rNpQRMATt011i.PROVIDED'AM iS TRUE A14D ACCURATE: iC1S BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE TO TI Applicantls onsi In n Lincoln Frank.. Date: Signature: =_ ---Title:Owner PRINT FORM I'etge 3 of EAF Mapper Summary Report Thursday, March 3,2022 3:20 PM Disclaimer. The EAF Ma er is a screening:. - PP toollnt ';;:?. �,�:•� ended t 9 o Ist - F:' 'I*�':°!'..}!.'a".I::: si',:t ,�•i;.l„^,I[..f. {:E3 >,��i•':��iii^`1'si ::[i,i.i:.•r'�:r'•: i,?1�Ia',:•l;"1i`i, project s onso rs art rev reviewing agencies In ra preparing an environmental omen tat it V. assessment f orm (EAF). a ua t s Ions a ) eked in t , r he FJ1Fare an %�' •,,• swe red b the lJ1F y Mapper.Additional Information.i3„s'•=1?%, '?:; a,i,r. a[a.••I•[:• ;:;�; PP omlationo u n an EAF �.f Y ,i. �t U ?'i•' estlano ,•• obtained 4 co s Itl •.r: ,.?• :•r :.s f.:. the EA :.r.• F Work by Workbooks.Doke. iiiJ ::•:, •3: :•r Although 9 ' {.. S:'I• :3. 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E R,€� a'.s ►�=,, rrtE or% >hpti ,`Esti a .[�fTl]Clt Si' a I�U4l � '' t:yiN,<,.:�5•I'>!: ::,...: ��� � ? } al' I Map }a, { 1� 1�`1�•...::;.. .. �` 'j t`r •yl,��' lPart 1 /Question 7 [Critical Envlronme'ntal IYes 'Area] Part 1 /Question 7[Critical Environmental Name:Peconic Bay and Environs,Name:Fishers Island, Reason:Protect public :Area-Identify] health,water,vegetation,&scenic beauty, Reason:Benefit to human health& protect drinking water,Agency:Suffnik County, Date:7-12-88,Date:3-16-90 1 /Question 12a [National or StateNo........................ .. .. .............. ., ...._._...._...._.......,., .m.....,.. Part ,..,....._......... ............. ....... ...... ....................._...._....... ......._... :Register of Historic Places or State Eligible (Sites] .,_...,,.......-tio,...._...,..._._..,..,.•....,.-,'.I'._...,.�.'-_:,,,:....,._...}..-.:........ .........:__..,.,...,..,_.....,,....,._._.._,.....�. .,....,..._ w,._..,.,.,,w _..-....,... ,,,...._:.._ .,�.._ .........._._..,..,..__..:..,.: J,Part 1 /Question 12b [Archeological Sites] Yes ..............,..,,._. ........................................_._......,,,.............................. �.....,_.._.,....__,....,... Part 1 /Question 13a[Wetlands or Other Yes-Digital mapping information on local and federal wetlands and Regulated Waterbodies] waterbodies Is known to be incomplete.Refer to EAF Workbook. ;Part 1 /Question 15[Threatened orNo Endangered Animal] Part I /Question 16[100 Year Flood Plain] Yes _............._............,........,,... .................. ..............................._.........................._..,.,. Part 1/Question 20[Remediation Site] �No _................................._............................ _....': Short Environmental Assessment Form-EAF Mapper Summary Report a New York State Town of Southold PERMISSION TO INSPECT PROPERTY By signing this permission form for submission with an application for a permit(s)to the Town of Southold Trustees (TOS) the signer consents to inspection by TOS staff of the project site or facility for which a permit is sought and,to the extent necessary,areas adjacent to the project site or facility.This consent allows TOS staff to enter upon and pass through such property in order to inspect the project site or facility, without prior notice, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday.If TOS staff should wish to conduct an inspection at any other times, TOS staff will so notify the applicant and will obtain a separate consent for such an inspection. Inspections may take place as part of the application review prior to a decision to grant or deny the permit(s)sought.By signing this consent form,the signer agrees that this consent remains in effect as long as the application is pending,and is effective regardless of whether the signer,applicant or an agent is present at the time of the inspection.In the event that the project site or facility is posted with any form of"posted"or"keep out"notices,or fenced in with an unlocked gate,this permission authorizes TOS staff to disregard such notices or unlocked gates at the time of inspection, The signer further agrees that during an inspection, TOS staff may, among other things, take measurements,may analyze physical characteristics of the site including, but not limited to, soils- and vegetation(taking samples for analysis),and may make drawings and take photographs. Failure to grant consent for an inspection is grounds for,and may result in,denial of the permit(s) sought by the application.Permission is granted for inspection of property located at the following address(es): By signing this farm, I affirm under penalty gf'perjury that I am authorized to give consent to entry by TOS staff as described above. I understand that false statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the Penal LawVe lvk Print Name and Title Signature *The signer of this form must be an individual or authorized representative of a legal entity that: •owns fee title and is in possession of the property identified above; •maintains possessory interest in the properly through a lease,rental agreement or other legally binding agreement;or •is provided permission to act on behalf of an individual or legal entity'possessing fee title or other possessory interest in the property for the purpose of consenting to inspection of such property. J Spa d of Trustees Applicratian A- THORL2ATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) VWe, Lincoln Frank owners of the Property identified as SCTM# 1000- 6-6.4-1 in.the town of Southard New'York,hereby authorizes Docko,Inc. , P.O.BOX 421,]VlYSTTC,CT 0635$ to act as 1ny agent.and handle a1] necessar-y work involved with the application process for permit($);From the Southold Town Board of Trustees for this property,. Prop ertyOwner's Signature Property Owner's Si nature p ' S SWORN TO HEPOItB MB THIS DAY OF���.� eta 20? „� Notary Public Soardl Qf Trustees Applieation AI+'FI:DA'b.XT Lincoln Frank DEPOSES AND AFLY SWORN FIRMS THAAT HE/SHE IS TYKE'AkPPLICANTBE ING UFOR THE A , DESCRIBED'PERMIT(S)AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED.I�REIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST Off'HIS/MER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIBF,AND THAT ALL WORK WILL,BE DOXVE TIIE MANNER.SET FOR AND AS MAY BTII IN THIS APPLICATION I'J.APPItO'VED B .THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEE THE APPLICANT AGR8ES'TO;HOLD TIDE TOWN Off' S. SOUTjROLD AND_THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND.FREE.FROM ANX AND ALL DAMAGES. AND CLAIMS ARISING'UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S),IF GRANTED. 'N-COMPUTING THIS APPLICATION,I IIEREB Y AUTHORIZE, THE TIRUSTEES,TI�EIR AG.ENT(S)OR.REPRP,SENTATIVES,INCLUDING THE CONSERVATION AIIVXSQRY COUNCIL,TO .EIYTEIt ONTO MY pRa►PERTY TU INSPECT G A PREMISES I1V'"CONJUNCTION:WITH THIS APPLICATION, INCLUDING A FINAL,INSPECTION. I FURTHER:AUTHORIZE TH BOARD OF COMPLIANCE OMP IAS TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY AN'D.AS:REQUIRED TO INSURE EROSION ANY CONDITION OF ANY WETLAIND OR COASTAL EROSION PERMIT ISSUED BY TIME OF THE.PENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES DURING THE TERM Signature of property Owner Signature ofProperty O� Vv SWORN TO BEFORB ME.MS--1-2 k DAY OF Notary Public �`' APPY(CANT/AGBX—r/p"j pM,N' " ,T TTRANSAC'X' ONALDISCLOSMttFORK :�.�Stw� t ' 1 n►nhibit aonfil t ot'intcres on the > .=i . �--�-�-�- ._._.�.41t3t?.�lA��e�+�nd•cntntnv�a�4'Cftanur,_•_ uo�Gca{• itliL alai i�tJrryldd.ill) lIil1 t' tv f MM a.of inlarestarttl alfaty Iktti take •i•at v ncc�• td�i. lal�• —...._,�-..- YO1URNAM ., Lincoln Frank (Last name,tirst natne,�}iitlilic Initiei,unless yoi,.e s aI P-+�Ut the name of sameane.olse ar other cati(y,"Poch ao a tumt)patty Irso,Indicate the other person O or comptuny's name.) NAME OP APKICATION. (Check.afl that apply,) Tex grievance Building Variance `�-~-- g Change of Zone Tutee Approval ofplal Coastal Erosion ExOtnption!lave platarofflefai map .�'"�" '�"` Mooring Other ...�._.-----: planning .. `... (If"Other";name the aetivify.). . bock Application Oo you,persotially for through yourpornpmly,espouse,sib'Iing,parent,ort?tilW):hRva a ralatiorts)rfp t++itti 0ay.ufli0ar ar euiploycc of nIt aiiiier lialci� "ftclalfonship"innfndas:by blogcl,rrtorriago,orbuslrtass ilttorev,"Business hnterrst"me, iebusht3ss, including whittile to irarc;Irilkin 101ch 1110 WWII of'firscror emploYee figs evett a lxrdial a►vjtcrshlisof(ororatislcryanent by)n cort�orntion In which tltc lawn citt'icorar employct:owns:rnare thun.5'Ya of reshetess, YES NO Ifyou answered"YBS';00r10e1e the balanec.Ofthis tbttn and date and sign whom indleated. Name of perspn employed by the Town of 5uuthold Title hr position of that person . Describe the relationship between youraelf(the applicant/agentfrepresentativa)and the town o Icor or omptoyae.Either check the appropriate line A)through D)and/or dcsctibe In the 10000 prodidcd. The town officer or employed or his or her.Vouse,slbM&parent,ox child is(check all that apply); A)lhu Owner of grbatcr than Sit,orthe slrafes ofthG corpbrhto dtaak of'"opplictiq (wheirtho apppliesm is a corporallon); ti)the foga!or benefileial owner of any interest"la a non•corpornbe entity(W6 the applicantiR not:iti corporation); t:) anofficer,dimmtor,partnar,or emnlayce of Vic applicant;or �l))tilt actual applicant, DESCRIPTION OF RMATIONSHIp Submitted his of20 Signttturo Print Naini; _. Form TS I '" - Board of Trustees Application PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS APPLICATION NAMI NAME: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK residing at being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the day of , 20 , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office located at that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by CERTIFIED MAIL/RETURN RECEIPT. Signature Sworn to before me this Day of . 20 Notary Public ■ ■ 10 NOTICL. OF HEA11111NG NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board of Trustees at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, concerning this property. OWNER(S) OF RECORD: LINCOLN FRANK SUBJECT OF PUBLIC HEARING: For a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a proposed ±98 linear foot long by 4' wide wood pile and timber pier of which ±87 linear feet is waterward of the apparent high water line including rails, seven (7) 12" diameter tie-off piles with tide slides, three ladders, and electric and water utilities; waterward of the apparent high water line construct a ±31 linear feet to ±11 linear feet to ±10 liner feet (±52 linear feet total) of 4' wide pier access walkway/catwalk that connects to the landward end of proposed pier. Located: 2736 Crescent Avenue, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1000-6-1-8 TIME & DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Wednesday, August 16, 2023 — at or about 5:30P.M. If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) which are available online at www.southoldtownny.gov and/or in the Trustee Office until to the day of the hearing during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. BOARD OF TRUSTEES *TOWN OF SOUTHOLD * (631) 765-1892 y^2r�T Glenn Goldsmith,Presidento��S�FFO(��o Town Hall Annexk A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President � y� 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoskiti P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly b$ Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples 'y�0 .aO�Jc Telephone(631)765-1892 `ter Fax(631)765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD --------------------------------------------------------------- In the Matter of the Application of LINCOLN FRANK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DO NOT COMPLETE THIS FORM UNTIL THE POSTING HAS REMAINED IN PLACE FOR AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING DATE- COMPLETE THIS FORM ON EIGHTH DAY OR LATER f , residing at/dba. �� •� �-� being duly sworn, depose and say: kJ That on the g day of �`j 20 2;,�I personally posted the property known as by placing the Boarfi of Trustees official'noticing poster where it can eas' y be seen from the street, and that I have checked to be sure the noticing poster has remained in place for a full seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held Wednesday,August 16,2023. Dated: ,�� '�c's2 5 r (signature) S orn to before me this /69day of ®� L V rry Public PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Name: Address: Lincoln Frank 1170 Fifth Ave APT PHA,New York,NY 10029 Lincoln Frank 1170 Fifth Ave,APT PHA,New York,NY 10029 Micheal Rothfeld 1220 Park Ave,New York NY 10022 Lincoln Frank 1170 Fifth Ave,APT PHA,New York,NY 10029 Micheal Rothfeld 1220 Park Ave,New York NY 10022 STATE OF CONNECTICUT COUNTY OF NEW LONDON DOCKO,INC. ,residing at 14 HOLMES STREET,MYSTIC,CT 06355,being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 8th day of August,2023,deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Board of Trustees Application,directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names;that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold;that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at MYSTIC,CT,that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by(certified)(registered)mail. Sworn to before me this 57% Day of G/ 20 Q Notary Public w NOTICP OF H �.A R I N G NOTICE IS HEREBY �• GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by the Southold Town Board of ► Trustees at the Town 53095 Main ain Road South � old, New York, concerning this property. . -- OWNERS OF RECORD: LINCOLN FRANK • SUBIECT OF PUBLIC HEARING: For a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct aposed ro ±98 linear foot long by 4' wide wood p pile and timber pier of which ±87 linear feet is waterward of the a seven 7 apparent high water line including rails , ' ) 12" diameter tie-off piles with tide slides, three ladders, and electric and water utilities; water ward of thea line construct a ± pparent high water 31 linear feet to ±11 linear feet to ±10 liner feet (±52 linear feet total) of 4' wide pier access walkwa Y/catwalk that connects to the landward end of Proposed pier. Located: 2736 Crescent Avenue, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1000-6-1-8 TIME & DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: *� Wednesday, y 5:30P. Y. August 16, 2023 —at or about M. If You have an interest in this project, You are invited to view the Town file(s)which are available online at www.southoldtownnY.gov and/or in the Trustee Office until to-the day Of the hearing during normal business days between the hours of S a.m. and 4 BOARD OF TRUSTEES•TOWN OF SOUTHOLD-(671)765-1892 • qa . 4P. �, CERTIFIED M •stal 9 e CERTIFIED Postal D ■ /• • DomesticOnly n nly •file?`(oP •r Y' 11t G ; •Ne�+T0rF t liltti � . ' r. � m,� - � ' I'-'" t � � Certified Mail Fee 35 d- Certified Mail Fee4.��r ec j 1�cr4.uJ $ !\�. -1 $ C Il;,r �.., cc ,,Y E l r F�ttra Services&Fees(checkbox,add fee aS pp pn F�ctra Services&Fees(checkbox,add fee as I ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ ya!t Pl i late) ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy $ "_" v� r'a - - i i_1"(I I Postmark �® ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ $11,00 t f Pos ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ I ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ $I0 I I II I i I' ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ d:e r i d'r J Here 1P Q WAS-, —��.T.=tr /'^�- ❑Adult Signature Required $_ O ❑Adult Signature Required $ AUJ1 "r- lP. 0 I I.1��I \\\ ❑ rFf;Imo— p,` $, i []Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ r Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ - C3 Postage C3 Postage C ;� u7 $ $1.59 0� $ 1 ..r9 jtuJ){��a/y���. Cr TotalPostageandFes IisJl111111 _t 3 Q' Total Postage and Fees ,"-`'PJB F?,49 C3 $ $9.49 $ t ri 1 j_ O - - i r-9 e T ru- - O O Boz NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS BOARD OF TRUSTEE, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: Lincoln Frank SCMT# 1000-1006.-6-1-8 YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: This proposed project is to construct 90+/-LF of 4FT wide wood pile and timber pier of which 77+/-LF is waterward of the Apparent High Water line, including rails, 7 tie off piles, two ladders and electric and water utilities waterward of the Apparent High Water line. 2. That the property which is the subject of Environmental Review is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: Great care has been exercised laying out this dock facility.The proposed dock facility will originate from the cottage and will proceed in a northeasterly direction across a narrow boulder field devoid of tidal wetlands vegetation with a fairly clear path ending in an area devoid of submerged aquatic vegetation,eel grass,located by precise survey methods.The design of this dock facility incorporates a full length fixed pier, elevated 8 feet above the bottom sediments so as to minimize shading if eel grass emerges within the pier footprint. In this way, impacts to sensitive tidal wetlands vegetation and SAVare being avoided now, and allowance has been made for future eel grass. 3. That the project, which is subject to Environmental Review under Chapters 96, 111 and/or 275 of the Town Code is open to public comment on: DATE:August 16, 2023 You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. PROPERTY OWNERS NAME: Lincoln Frank MAILING ADDRESS: 1170 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10029 PHONE: 917-660-2955 AGENT: Docko, Inc. MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 PHONE: 860-572-8939 Enc: Copy of Sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. 47+90., ., a +south D..ppnir •IL !u; r101 H0 mac •' 70 zz A BI , yt ZS,til. .1 3 w,0 02J2;;'10 10 :` ?D,. 31 31 •% !' r STC,',6 4.F`ISFIERS'� SOUNDm--' 34 xB ! '•. 4N -';p•13:.I ,(e!1-0"`• .00',':1T� In ,0 G 14 :G 0 14,:13 .0 .JS •,,.ry ,...� .. 9 �'11 ',.A IO �'•n 0: 16 ?0 + ':74'�: 10 i S X t A4: 7t7 I hNlx ills �� R4 + fl a.�•,:' lq as s,�.- P2'(+, �•�.�'..Ia .i'-.rh.';rrnm 1$ 5 Y` :�L:.}• N/FPROPERTY .'�' „ .�„ '� tp,;;� 'p4, � :-; to . r t .'R. mu�w aevt lv .. ; .¢ ! ,Sit Y: ` A Jl `t 101 I••I: la 'bt'I OF FRANK 0 , fro P ., -t:' 4 ( , f y;.5,..�'/��� GB • �r.cb• Q. ti'MM „ ."S" Itl ' 1 �: PROJECT: /; ''u;G•;�,�Y .--o � a•� � �;;:;3 � G I.', .� .;<:.. ` ;p /-.V d �:., ! NEW P t 1 f,� °a .�:. %:• ,4y*k - <��,}�'`�•::.=.;i"itl;�•^"h'>.-�t�(l� ��,`' `:i l� 1 1 l i 1•R i�+o:� A G � ,� '" 9.,��4.16� _ ` r'y'.• i'L it 'Y•" 'j.T.':...::'t't !'?� � 0 'C 1 �bg k�'L�. •�r'T.rX' i` p ssmc W' A�:i1C; n� : 1 ._ _ w: 1,::.,'�'+i*;• '('.., -\. , , °- 4J, :='FISHERS ISLAM D-.;�a ,fig gOWN OF YI �" � •TFCC ;`.' `.x S' `i PROPE RTYo� i f %�•. � ���- �SOUTHOLD -I�c,�� 1\tC T1 { I_1 FRANK .,p',r. Sm'`�arl�1 It " LOC��1©IV I 'If�I� REFERENCE "F RAR ,i .'X31Y 1,S,=a'1° ' �.+71�"'�+ ••,- { ✓ dam,'p4 , S �irYYcT:13214 GRAFHI SSr.,A!E IN YARDS MER w 1000 0 1000 '..j t1f+15-.P�.<i"�,'.N. <�.i,,','�'"�. .`:'y, �:'fi+1i. Wq �� '' .!'•J� •t,O 1`'. ct ^`�' i ';:?f$•s3:i''�#i'y �} 'v+q�4�4�y ,r�,.� �; r -, - •'i, NOTES: „sT Y }. " ELEVATION {{[�« , k�,,� . DATUM 15 NAVD 1988. F PROPERTY G y , TIDE DATA IS TAKEN FROM 2022 NOAATIDE Cr , . � ROTFELD$ TABLES REFERENCE: T NEW LONDON/WEST ,�' FORSHAY ':,�i.,4HARBOR 3.PROJECT DESCRIPTION:CONSTRUCT 98:LF OF 4FT '�i ''t b 1 r' •,4 (� r:" ;P,< " WIDE WOOD PILE AND TIME :ate•,;., ':•,��"x�� ,�.���' � ?y�y�,�`ga°y�W 'a'""•�. :�;�t;f,�r; ,�,,�,''' .+,.�aA',.• t� ER PIER OF WHICH 87tLF 15 WATERWARD OF THE APPARENT HIGH WATER LINE, � INCLUDING PALS,SEVEN TIE-OFF PILES WITH TIDE P �w, UTILSLIDES, HRE LADDERS AND ELECTRIC AND WATER I E . A RWARD OF THE APPARENT HIGH 1R. NO FZT % LINE. GT 52+L INE.CONSTRU F OF 4-FT WIDE PIER � • . F1SHElzs !S1-�'.ND ACCESS WALKWAY D L LANDWARD OF THE APPARENT HIGH WATER LINE. r •u ro' n'�T �"i f;':F� ,y. T',h' a ti ;• ? ... 6r r?l ' �. 4.PROJECT PURPOSE: TO ESTABLISH A • '�'' ,° WATERFRL PORT EA °; ?.;�^LLab.'t y 'I'a� .na NT DOCK IN SUP OF REGR 710NAL '•! f.Rrz 'R(,?q 5;:1f.;•. > xj, („stv ATING. BO MI^ �g�'¢ .:Y6,jJ:�ll�"�A,�•� 11r k�i�' '!',. •\,,.0 '=a..: +j�;,;�'a".s s :;� '}? +^a���l.�s�� , � '1.� rr,,�,•.,a ;1i�'?1i.,z �,.. ,,,c ..F �''a+><,S�:k: •.'r:' F:y�-F„.�.d�< bQ``��,a+`i. .-t;'r�,.l � .a' ls,r�`.,.c 4r.'�!�' Y'� '� 5�,'.$;,. ,: 5.THESE APPLICATION DRAWINGS REPRESENT it 'S, q g,,�� ��.,„ „•;.ia piµ=if fi ;' ,C" it s "3'ft , .s w COMPILATION OF SURVEYS FOR ENVIRO NTAL :;{! •V t.a"'`:,•;, t" t-�1, `- P PE NME ry.. ,, >^{ + 'G,#•t' +� ^+1 PEP-MIT PURPOSES.THEY ARE CONSTRUCTION �` � :' •�, �. NOT C . 3 . 7NT n RACT DOCUMENTS. 1.L: NTS.A TOWN BUILDING PERMIT ti'' R�':.`r1'' BE ty' �; `•. . .,ry `" +,Y REQUIRED. .,•;y}C:4*tiru�,���: ��5+'�°�&,'fy'`�e?' ,1r'9 r.;.:�t'4,2:1""�n?4S:+`"v�il:gr.,�,`i''''" 3&: f ;kr�. �,�. jt'�,`�-+��,�,y�*3`�(,�� PROPERTY O +��,s'�`;l2',' + y.�: .,+s�� •. P.,...:t'�s;��.' s fS'�•� R� b`�i,i{} �:'A""'n� t";'`^ :�lY'� .':�� (,;, �e,�+� lyra a �.'�•,,�-v� � "Y.,:""'� 1�ti'r'��€�j',� �z y,.q G.ADJOINING WNERS: iak..y Clrf ? .'-Y n�Hrt.'..yP_..l � ,,. •.kr `k•r.,t.�*'ha< .1�,� :�r,.R.v+P.M•.;941i + r5".."�C}�$r",16±'q., *+1...,�Ru 9�,• '. NORTH: SOUTH: :�:• t. Wit. u E� fi I > r. O MICHAEL ROTHFELD MARGARET LINCOLN E FRANK ? ELLA FORSHA Y � i f�':•�''GRAPHIOSCALE 1' O' � '�`�'�_=�=ri:��'�:�� ' 170 STH AVENUE PHA 1224 P VENU ANEW YOR 3,-' i, ,;.,.,.,•. :. K NY NEW YORK,NY 10128 300 200 100 O ` . PROJECT: NEW DOCK e. REVISED 3-2423 T.O.S. LOCATION: NORTH HILL-FISHERS ISLAND-TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUFFOLK COUNT",NEW YORK ��. 10E1 T/ WATERWAY: FISHER5 151-ANNE)SOUND ,_0 T DATE: NOVEMBER-9,2022 0 C0 . APPLICANT: LINCOLN FRANK ° AGENT: SHEET 1 OF 4 ° _ • 1DOGI<O, INC. - �~ Keith B.Neilson,PE I lysHc,GT 06355 O ®g 860 572 8939 EMAIL:office@docko.com DWG 22-10-3251 Keith B.M--ilson,Docko Inc.4,/20/2023 8x18 AM Fronk Perrnit 1-B.dwg _N FLOOD `^i`r,µar.a:,�w^^•yyri�`,.xytl„E,s,”.-GilLL':"~�A�r','`..Li�„j�<l \��\�` AHW\`I_\1`9± E/\ELGRa55 !VANIZEDPIPEMLW0. )EELGRASS' \\\ ;NSF PROPE2TY"�'• \SAND\ l:3 BEACH \� FRANK ,,,' ;.,�•., \ MHw o9t' a ;� \ ! �,_-_>..>;..r<�:;e:,:.:•r.' K:'X •� `\ / � \ -,PROPOSED DOCK—_:� `•'ri;^ ;�•;_`- •. ;>,, �='`?�L ,.;�•„�..• \ � � k �� � FODTPRINI"i\`y \ _- BRUSH EELGRASS \ BRUSH \ \ MHW 0.9m�\ \ APPROXIMATE COASTAL HAZARD LIMIT WL 1 � EXISTING HOUSE PROPERTY �.., M BRUSH of FRANK BRUSH 1 :•'"•y i:s BENCHMARK ? CHISELED SQUARE ;e• ?nom�:'.r`•'��•}^� ',".i'%.,; TOP OF ROCK :•.`. r "E i ' r ELEV=8.93 NAVD88 =t` �'i;yy '`:°`_�s,•r L�XIr�TIIIVG C �y OIVDITlOIV� "��-, ii:,;.:� ^ ,;�Y:,:,s.' :fvtie;.•.>; GRAPHIC SCALEaoOF ROTHFELD N/F PROPERTY>><ti;' = ao 20 o ao FOIR5HAY• t1 C•4,' ':is;:ci:J- t'.i;,^i :kia-^ry•ti+r:i:}''� 1, CJ.+i>7i�j;�•;•;:�1. :a'ti c;l�:y;•,,��`1,.c4;.�•�; 1 'a4''i M1 Si' . tis' SURVEY by JAMES BERNARDO LAND SURVEYING LLC ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NAVE)1988 PROJECT: NEW DOOK REVISED 3-24-23 T.O.S. LOCATION: NORTH HILL-F15HERS ISLAND-TOWN OF 50UTHOLD �rN ...,�� COASTAL EROSION LIMIT, SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK - ,•Gr/ ADDITIONAL BATHYMETRY and WATERWAY: FISHERS ISLANND SOUND I KEIT PROPOSED FOOTPRINT DATE: NOVEMBER-9,2022 D C $0 , Gj APPLICANT: LINCOLN FRANK N — r' tt AGENT: SHEET 2 OF 4 J _� 1DOCKO, INC. 4 ,� Keith B.Neilson,PE C �� 068692' rbc` mystic.CT 06355 860 572 8939 �FESSO,\ EMAIL:aRiceQdockacom DWG 22-10-3251 Keith B.Neilson,Docko Inc.4/20/2023 8:47<\h'I Frank Permi'`2-E�_Vespos.ciwg DOE OF EELGRASS N F 76 FZ3 EELGRAS5 3 INEWLADVERS 1V9W 12-IN DIAMETER A!WL-1.7 ,,-77,5�OFF PILE With II 7\705-50DE(TYP) A-1 NEW U77LMES 3AND BEACH NEW 12-IN DIAMETER PER.SuppaRr PILE(7yp) -NOTE,WATER 0ffH AT END or- mPi*is,4-Fl i-iw 0.� \ V'! . ' 0 V 4i BOULDER M-P) NEW 4-Fr",C2E FILE Q C) SUPPORTED PIER Mth RAILS,. BOULDER(`1Yv) MHW O'Z,, A-WI-1.7 AH\VL.119�t RG0 H 0-\ EXISTING HOUSE NEW 4-17 WIDE 12-IN DIAMETER PILE-SUPPORTED WALKWAY OFFSET 1-FT FROM PORCH w1th RAILS TO BEACH �/\` �� SI -rEi WA7 ERWARD OF THE AHWl- Ar -PROPERTY of FRANK GRAPHIC SCALE 1'=20' 20 10 O 20 �/ `S\ BRUSH �� . --y SURVEY by JAMES B62 APOO LAND SURVEYING LLC ELEVATIONS A�E-BASED ON NAVD 1-988 PROJECT., NEW DOCK r- hl f-I REVISED 3-24-25 T.O.S. LOCATION: NORTH HILL-FISHERS 15L,AN D-TO\ VN OF SOUTHOLD ADDITIONAL BATHYMETRY and SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK PIER LENGTH WATERWAY: FISHERS ISLANND BOUND -cj REVISED-5-24-23 LF. DATE--' NOVEMBER 9,2022 4p 0 A APPLICANT LINCOLN FRANK cc PIER LENGTH A, Lu WALKWAY z AGENT: SHEET 3 OF 4 REVISED 4-17-Z D.I. VA PIER OFFSET FROM D(DC,-ICO, INC;. 0686q PORCH NOTE$PILE Keith B.Neilson,RE DIAMETERS Mystic-CT 06355 ?p 8050 572 893-9 EMAIL.,office9docko.com DWG 22-10-32-51 Keith B.Neilson,Docko Inc.4/20/2023 8;28 AM Fronk Permit 3-E. yespos.dwq \ \ NEW 12-1N DIAMETER —4IE-OFF PILE with TIDE SLIDE -DECKING NOT CGA TREATED. j TOP EL lStFT(7YP) HARDWOODS MUST BE CERTIFIED BY / � "- FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL L---- ALL PILES ARE 12-INCH DIAMETER 4-FT 16tF EDGE OF PIER(TYP) DELI. \\\- ►I —' WIDTH NEW LADDER(TYP) NEW 4-FT WIDE PILE SUPPORTED FURER END DECK EL 43+F1" NEW 77DE SLIDE(7YP) NEW 12-IN DIAME77:R PIER SUPPORT PILE TOP EL 4-F7 NEW SPLIT CLAMP and ABOVE DECK MP) GROSS -AHWL 19 BRACE— — — — — — — - — (rYp) -MHW0.9 - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - — _ - -NAVD 0.0 BOULDERS — — — — — — — — — — — - EELGRASS -ALWL-1.7 - - - - - - - - - - - _ II _ NOTE:WATER DEPTH AT 11 ENE) OF PIER 15- 'tl f 4FT ALWL fTro'1;1';J;c lea '•"+" ¢r: .:o'r ya;:r' - ,�;;.,�.,.r _4 4::3;:.� lc=d.,;,,ra'� ;i;C .Yti•.7:;�^1'C .,, :n?:,;r,a. .pl.,.�, .�... k r.^F::yl'klr:tit'-+ -nr t+r •lt,...v :.i' ,.t{ 'h',,.n i�`r,'¢,; . "r^n.}.t?50.tif2.Lj,nrr+3',�,.r1: :l:pr�.,'.-,n{•.+ ,a• 3•?.;•r,�t�J�.. ,,: tt;se.,+, ,+ BOTTOM •rr .i :v ,f.; '`,i r?. Lnu•d �p,rS:,,,.e ;rk.,Mr:+r��r.a•c .(q.,,; :i; ter, SEDIMENTS:�SAND,:.,:: ? ,+•+�{. �'S• ;,'+���s� ,.74%�.�Y'•t�`i r.' .v .,�ir ,y�•�a..yfa'�'n;�r:q.��:.,.�'k.�;. 1 , `•':!j`tt 4?�°./.,...� •.'}'E?.. t n} .t. 4 jr.i a+.,r. -,+ ,1'�S;^I': °r:;i:kr'�'r6CV' v5.: .u,.^� r.;.ti�t ;;.,r. r,. a.. c} :7i/:;..'!. 'r t';• .�c•: ,-¢�• + � :�•{�'��lf+�i '-�1�,.};:5, :'.,.f is afc'ti..J y.n...;��ISS,r,+�., f,��:.k,.t:'�tit 'l;i eir?t'r,Y.fi��1.: •,;�a:.P.{':;Se.. .,I::t'': '.i�t•1. •t.'f'd:: ,{:.�.:r r,�. .4. t'.1'�l...r..l. . dS•::�vJ.r.. +.-.4,�•..,r:,�.ffi.•f,�t'?i.�•tt;.�t�r.��'..:i�:i�•trr.{:5�:�a,{;�.,,;:tit;, J,•( ki t� . ?• :.•�.k..il,tlr `�'!�,}'.;C1�,5.��{ f'i' t;��•i, '�..'��:.`y\.: F+r•..qf Vii'+ .rYa,�as' tv1�. f - ll /s„; .C 'i�.t...a..r:C..,,.,4,t.;:'r,r7•...,..rs”9::utiAi�ttr`;1::/i!.Yxf•�'i:�;a��3li'�.'F,•."i✓43vt� 'y-;}k irk+ 1=ivD �iiEw NOTE:OUTE2 TIE-OFF PILE NOT GRAPHIC 5C.ALE 1 =6'. SHOWN IN THE PROFILE VIEW 6 3 0 6 100tFT PORCH TO END OF PIER I 4-FT WIDE X-%tFT PIER LOA $7tFT AHWL NEW 72-IN DIAMETER 31tFT SLOPED PIER EXISTING CONCRETE PIER TIE--OFF PILE with TIDE I MAXIMUM 1:10 1SUPPORTED PORCH DECK 7.4.n7.4: SLIDE TOP EL 15tFT(7YP) NEW RAILS(TMP BOTH NEW 4-FT WIDE IDES)MID RAILS MAY BEGINNING DECK PILE SUPPORTED AHWL I EL 0.7tFT PIER END EL 4.3tF7' 4-FT WIDE WALKWAY INTERSECTION— 1 I AHWL- BOULDERS MHW— r ALWLk{ ^' :. ! PROFL•,tiIPROX : �`•'�'�lr�r �<,.+a I +•a:"4�Ar^.�.�+�'�I�i�''r'.`.t,'I ''+,�5'.�%'"'4f�:Zi''.i:'t?ea'r• .f...� i I a 'S7 >. r i i i s `+X (:. , TT r p �• Fli4N �y¢. MIN. — N. .. �.. , :J -a.:'� r tis.'� �) .`• a„ '�.•'•":., ver"";;�...�• ..�s..r�, �:•,`.x B�TT'OI"1�5EDI1"I•E'NTS: 1�::,.;;;-:„,.,*: „ i�;�;„� ��•, ;.�v. NEW 121N IJIANIE7FR PICK �y�� T,� i�A�'�, •. ,?.j.'/ y4. � iL�CU +Gs!Y ''9Ff.v< }`.t, G SUrrVR .;H��1?.'i �+'�I'�`.'�• f LADDr PILE TOP 4.•H,.C.�•kr.f *�,-� ;�,� NEW ER(TYP)� EL 4-F7'ABOVE t•'a?.: P-1- j�'. P20FlL_,� GRAPHIC SCALE V=16' ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON NAVD 1988 15 10 5 O 15 PROJECT: NEW DOCK REVISED 3-21-23 T.O.S. LOCATION: NORTH HILL FISHERS ISLAND-TOWN OF SOUTHOLD �� 1N ADDITIONAL BATHYMETRY,PIER SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK f�, yCEl1` � LENGTH and BEGINNING ELEV, WATERWAY: FISHERS ISLANND SOUND r REVISED 4-17-23 T.O.S. DATE: NOVEMBER 9,2022 D O C jt U �a NOTES PILE DIAMETERS APPLICANT: LINCOLN FRANK J ' u, AGENT: SHEET 4 OF 4 1 _ - � `y' DOCKO, INC. _ 4 468G92"1 � Keith B.Nelison,PE C 1 »� OF�S�`�r� Myetic,GT 06355 R p ®R 860 572 8939 DWG 22-10-3251 ' EMAIL:office@docko.com Kelth B.Nelson,Docko Inc.4/20/2023 8:46 AM Frank Permit 4-C.dwg PROPERTY OF LINCOLN FRANK NORTH HILL,FISHERS ISLAND SOUND NARRATIVE STATEMENT&SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FOR NYS DEC,NYS DOS AND TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPLICATIONS MARCH 2023 GENERAL Lincoln Frank,the applicant,owns parcel 1006-6.-1-8 on Crescent Ave located along the easterly shoreline of North Hill on Fishers Island Sound on Fishers Island. The site is gently to moderately sloped rolling terrain, sandy, gravel earthen materials, vegetated with grass, brush, ground cover and trees with a lawn sloping northeasterly to the shoreline which is lined with boulders interspersed with sparse clumps of tidal wetlands vegetation along a short narrow beach to the west. The frontage of the property is approximately 350 feet along Fishers Island Sound at the easterly end, abutted by the Rothfield and Forshay to the east and other property of his own to the to the west. This can be a high energy waterfront site. Attached are'application drawings for a new dock facility for recreational boating prepared for this project showing the proposed configuration and pertinent details. This supplemental narrative has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Town of Southold, Ordinance No. 6, 2004, and the Waterfront Revitalization Program related to docks and shorefront improvements. In addition, various coastal policies under the New York State Coastal Management Act are addressed herein for review by the New York State Department of State and Department of Environmental Conservation. DESCRIPTION OF WORK This project is to construct a fixed wood pile and timber pier from the shore out into Fishers Island Sound in accordance with existing guidelines set forth in the Town of Southold ordinance No. 6,2004. Boulder relocation will be minimal, if any,at the end of the dock facility to provide for safe berthing and avoiding local eelgrass beds. It is envisioned that this structure will be built utilizing the following general sequence and methodology. The marine contractor will arrive by water with a barge-mounted crane and push boats. ➢ New piles will be driven starting at the shore landing end of the pier and proceeding waterward at roughly 10-foot intervals to the waterward end of the pier approximately 90 feet from the Apparent High-Water Line. These 24 piles will be wood,driven by double- acting air hammer to a bearing capacity of about 20 tons and pull-out resistance of approximately 10 tons. This generally results in about 10 to 15 feet of embedment of the pile in the bearing stratum. These piles will be Class B 12-inch nominal diameter measured at three feet from the butt. FCR1 MAR - 3'2023 ➢ After the piles are installed, split clamps/caps consisting of a pair of pressure treated Southern Pine timbers, 3 x 10 to 4 x 10 nominal dimension,will be double bolted at each pile transversely forming a pile bent. Stringers will be then bolted on the split caps parallel to the length of the pier. ➢ The outer stringer on each side will be bolted or spiked to the pile at each bent to secure it against uplift forces that this pier will typically be exposed to. ➢ After the stringers have been connected to the piles and split caps, the decking will be installed. In accordance with the Town of Southold's Ordinance No. 6, 2004,this decking will not be CCA pressure-treated Southern Pine as noted on the drawings. Decking will be oak, cedar hardwood or plastic / composite such as "Timber Tech" or similar synthetic, composite or plastic material with the brushed side mounted up. If composites or plastic are used,decking will be either gray, brown or natural in color. Decking can also be "Thru-Flow" to minimize shading. Decking will be attached to the stringers utilizing galvanized nails or stainless-steel Phillips or Flathead square-drive stainless steel wood screws about 4 inches long and will be set with a 1/4"gap between deck planks. ➢ The over-water decking will run at an elevation of approximately 8 feet MLW at the cottage to match the porch deck elevation and at least 5 feet above the existing bottom sediments(not including boulders) until approaching the end where it will transition down at 10:1 until reaching the level boat dock landing elevation of 5 to 6 feet above mean low water. See Sheet 4 of the application drawings for the pier profile. ➢ The piles will terminate about 48 inches above the deck surface and have horizontal rail members mounted to them. ➢ A rail of cedar, oak, hardwood or Timber Tech(plastic) material will be installed for safety.The mid-rail can be timber or cable and both details are shown. ➢ Water and electricity will be run out in conduits from the cottage on the pier in the space between the stringers so that trickle chargers on the boat may be powered during tie-ups. The water will allow boats to be rinsed off after usage. A power post with an internal light will be mounted to the end of the fixed pier with receptacles to provide power to the boats from extension cords. The power post will also have coiling arms for storage of the electric service cord and hose between uses. Because the dock may be used during the hours of darkness, low- intensity downcast lights will be mounted on staggered piles or dock rail posts to illuminate the deck and the walking surface up the cottage. This system will be manually, or radio controlled with a shut-off timer so that the lights will only be on when necessary for safety of the users. The utilities will be within the confines of the existing cottage structure and will not enter the tidal wetlands. ➢ The pier foot will emanate from the northeast side of the cottage and will span over the existing natural, non-turf buffer which will not be disturbed except for the support posts which will be set in augured holes IT, C E � V �2 MAR - 32023 , LOCAL WATERFRONT REVISTALIZATION POLICIES The Town of Southold,LWRP policies that are applicable to the Frank dock proposal are a local refinement of the Long Island Sound Regional Coastal Management Program policies that apply throughout Long Island Sound. The cottage site on Fishers Island could be characterized as natural, rocky shorefront because of the largely undeveloped foreshore between the house and more or less natural grounds, however, the shoreline is completely, naturally protected by boulders which constitutes a glacial deposit and extensive wild riparian buffer vegetation. The developed coast policies are applicable as follows: ➢ Policy 1 is to foster a pattern of development that enhances community character and preserves natural resources to the maximum extent and minimizes adverse impacts on the environment, ➢ Policy 2 is to preserve historic resources, ➢ Policy 3 is to enhance and protect scenic resources and visual quality. The proposed dock facility is consistent with waterfront development on Fishers Island Sound and in coastal areas. The length is a balance of minimal practical length, boulder and eelgrass avoidance and encroachment to reach a depth of water to avoid bottom contact and benthic disturbances in accordance with longstanding permitting standards. The pier is made of suitably sized timbers requiring 12-inch class B piles because of wave exposure and utilizes the materials allowable under Local Law #6. This proposal is smaller than other nearby dock facilities and characteristics for the visual and scenic considerations. The length is made necessary due to the boulder field and narrow eel grass fringe at the dock site to be crossed to reach navigable water. The encroachment has been minimized to be consistent with DEC policies, Southold Local Law #6, US ACOE policies and the structure is as low profile as possible, and high enough to avoid or minimize shading of tidal wetlands and eelgrass, consistent with the safe and efficient use of the waters and consistent with the tidal range and wave field of this site. The length and geometrics of the dock facility are being reviewed with both the Town Trustees and DEC Marine Habitat Protection Bureau in fair detail to assure consistency with both State and local permitting standards and guidelines. Lighting will be minimal for operational safety and otherwise off. Lights will be utilized only when necessary for boating purposes so that during hours of darkness there will be no adverse lighting impact. NATURAL COAST POLICIES The Natural Coastal Policies are 4 through 8 and require consideration as follows: ➢ Policy 4 — Minimize loss of life, structures and natural resources from flooding and erosion, ➢ Policy 5—Protect and improve water quality ➢ Policy 6—Protect and restore the quality and function of the eco-system, ➢ Policy 7—Protect and improve air quality, ➢ Policy 8 — Minimize environmental degradation primarily from solid waste and hazardous substances. FMECE � VE 3 MAR - 3 2023 The proposed structure for the recreational boating facility has.been laid out and configua consistent with the.Town.and DEC permit°requirements for dock structures. As such,it adequate height to clear environmental resources of concern and the materials to be util consistent with Town of.Southold's Local Law #6 regarding environmental quality and the use of pressure-treated Southern Yellow Pine timber components in particular. The length and geometrics of the dock facility will have been reviewed with both the Town Trustees and DEC Marine Habitat Protection Bureau in fair detail to assure consistency with both State and local permitting standards and guidelinesespecially as they relate to celgrass beds. US Fish&Wildlife policies relating to eeliu ass impacts are addressed asfollows • _Policy 1-.1 I work should be avoidedduring the eelgrass growing season from April 15 to October 31. Documented eelgrass growth areas have' been avoided by the proposed dock facility. Work can be scheduled in the fall through spring to comply with this criterion if the permits are received in a timely manner. There was more eelgrass southeast and north of the proposed pier. • Po_ liev 2-Construct the fixed pier a maximum of four feet wide to minimize shading_ The pier all the way out to the ships ladder landing has been minimized in its size based on approval criteria from: the Town of Southold as. well as the recommendations of NMFS. The pier width is 4 feet. Policy 3- Construct the dock a minimum of four feet above the surface of the water measured at Mean High Water and:4.5 feet over the surface of the arsh with ightmeasured from the bottom of the.stringers, not the top of the deck. The standard for deck height is to keep the structure.3-4 feet above the surface of the water. I would point out there is a almost no fringe,marsh vegetation in this.location, and the prevailing pier deck height:is at an elevation of approximately 8 feet above Mean Low Water at the cottage andthe 4-foot-wide pier head is at 6 feet above MLW at the end. The water depth where the.eelgrass was noted is approximately 2-3.feet which is the typical length of the eelgrass blades. This has been confirmed in our own observations at this site where the tops of the blades arel visible at low tides. The stringers for most of the pier length are 8feet or so above the sediments. and 5 to 6 feet above the tops of the eelgrass.blades but again the pier siting is such as to avoid the eelgrass altogether: The proposed dock construction will take place along the shoreline and is acknowledged to be:in a flood prone.zone area; there is wave exposure at this site. The new pier will have a minimum deck-height,of 6_feet,above MLW at the boat slip and will be built to withstand°complete submersion and resist hydrostatic and hydrodynamic uplift pressure due to flooding and typical wave conditions. • Policy 4-To minimize the risk of P-ropeller dredging and scour, extend the fixed portion of the pier so that the water depths in the mooring area are a minimum of four feet deep measured at Mean Low Water, or:if the SAV bed extends further than the proposed dock extend the dock beyond the vegetation. The fragmented eelgrass growth areasare avoided by the pier. There was no eelgrass .noted in the path of the pier head at the end of the. pier during: our survey work. By ® C � E 4 MAR - 3 2023 keeping the pier outside the lateral limits of the SAV bed, we have virtually assured that the boat will not berth over the eelgrass bed. This site is a very active and occasionally relatively high energy wave zone and as result there is little shoreline vegetation and many exposed boulders. This project is consistent with this policy because the proposed elevation of the pier is at an acceptable height above the bottom sediments beneath which tidal wetlands vegetation or even submerged aquatic vegetation may spread if other conditions are suitable. The NYS DEC prepared a study showing that pressure-treated Southern Yellow Pine timber product construction materials are suitable for this type of project except for decking which is governed by the Town regulations and so it will be of untreated woods or composite(or plastic)materials. The configuration shown on the drawings provides an optimum balance between acceptable design and access standards without depriving any vegetation the opportunity to grow and spread. • Policy 5-Eliminate the ramp and float to reduce shading effects There is no floating dock proposed in this application. • Policy 6- Install a lift for each vessel moored at the dock unless not practicable (e e sailboat . The boats should be moored in the lifts when not in use. This is to reduce shading effects minimize the potential for scour, and reduce the potential for the bottom of a docked boat to damage the SAV bed. The criterion in this case emphasizes the use of a boat lift. The prohibition is related to Tidal Wetlands Law No. 6 issued by the Town of Southold. In other projects, we have attempted to get a boat lift approved by the Town of Southold, however, the Tidal Wetlands Law No. 6 prohibits the installation of a boat lift unless the applicant owns the harbor bottom. In this case,the applicant does not own the harbor bottom and,therefore, a lift is not permittable under Town of Southold law. • Policy 7- To minimize potential for scour, in-water construction equipment should only transit within the work area footprint at periods of high tide while construction is occurring;within eelgrass beds. The prevailing water depth in the area where the barge will be set at the end of the pier early in the year when the pier will be built is 3 to 4 feet deep at low tide. Pile driving and setting heavy timbers will be accomplished in a week to three weeks, weather permitting. The potential for scour in this area is negligible at this point. The work will be done at a high tide so that there will be a water depth of 7 to 8 feet. • Policy 8- To avoid minimizing impacts, GIS lUers of mapped eelgrass beds within the project area should be provided to the contractor so they are aware of the eelgrass locations at all times. The eelgrass beds at this site were mapped by a licensed wetlands scientist and accredited botanist and his work is shown on the surveys prepared for the project. The contractor will be furnished with the permit drawings prior to the pier construction project. The same contractor will be furnished with copies of all of the the permit(s) and modifications D E C E 0 s MAR - 3 2023 for this project and is aware of the typical best practices for dock building in proximity to eelgrass. The drawings show the submerged aquatic vegetation that has been verified at the time of the original survey. There will be no significant adverse impacts to air quality resulting from this structure and the construction of the dock should not diminish overall environmental considerations in Fishers Island Sound and will protect water quality, the quality of the ecosystem and minimize or avoid degradation of environmental resources. PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9 sets forth a priority to provide for public access and recreational use of coastal waters, public lands and public resources of the Town. This project creates a recreational boating facility for the property with a design that utilizes a full-length pile supported structure elevated so it is consistent with this"access"policy and will not adversely affect public access to or use of Public Trust Lands or Waters of the State. WORKING COAST POLICIES The policies of this section relate to the following: ➢ Policy 10 — Protection of the Town's water-dependent uses and promoting new water- dependent uses in suitable locations, ➢ Policy 11 —Promoting sustainable use of living marine resources, ➢ Policy 12—Protect agricultural lands, ➢ Policy 13—Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. While most of the Working Coast Policies are not applicable to this site or this type of project, Policy 10,promoting water-dependent uses and the siting of water-dependent uses in appropriate areas is applicable.The proposed project has been laid out to make the most beneficial use of the land and locating the dock facility in the most appropriate point of the land where access from the shore will not require excessive structural facilities. The alignment depicted is to minimize impacts on valuable habitat and environmental resources including the minimal tidal wetlands vegetation and eelgrass documented at the site. The length proposed will keep the boat access manufacturing out beyond propeller contact potential. The land origin point of this project is private land. The Public Trust Lands and Waters constitutes the area between the Mean High Water and Mean Low Water Lines and the resources from the High Tide Line out. Environmental resources at this site are limited and site habitat features are being preserved. The potential for growth is being protected by the suitable alignment and height standards dictated by the NYS DEC. There is virtually no public use of the waterfront in this area and the construction of the pier and dock are all waterward above the Apparent High-Water Line and are not likely to influence or change this fact. The Public Trust Lands at this site are substantially obstructed by the boulder field which spans the intertidal and shallow subtidal zone. The purpose of this project is to build a new pier for water-dependent recreational boating as defined in the LWRP. The dock facility will provide for recreational boating and boat transportation access to the island or the mainland without adverse environmental impacts and AD E � E � WE 6 DO MAR - 3 2023 while protecting the existing habitat and resources. There will be no despoliation of tidal wetlands vegetation or submerged aquatic vegetation at this or adjacent sites related to this project during construction or usage of the dock facility for recreational boating access. This project has been laid out with specific reference and review of the Waterfront Revitalization Program policies and is consistent with these policies. In summary, the dock is typical of recreational boating facilities throughout the area and all along coastal New England. The structure has been minimized in size, height, length and structure to be consistent with other facilities of a similar nature and the minimum necessary components to accommodate safe and efficient boating operations from this site safely in a variety of climatic conditions, while preserving and minimizing, infact avoiding wetland and eelgrass impacts. This project does not interfere with public access or use of Public Trust Waters and Lands of the State, it does not interfere with navigation, it will not create soil or sedimentation erosion or scour problems, it does not adversely affect environmental resources and in the area where the facility must span the intertidal zone at the shore line, the facility has been located in the area of rocks where environmental resources have already been diminished by climatological factors so as not to worsen any of these conditions and avoiding waters fouled by the boulders to the extent that they are not navigable. The height of the structure has been specifically addressed to allow tidal wetlands vegetation of the shoreline to grow if other conditions are conducive to such growth. The dock facility has also been located reaching out to the deepest available water in Fishers Island Sound to the side of patchy eelgrass growth areas, so that the alignment has favored boulder avoidance but if required, the boulders to be removed will be relocated beneath the pier in the existing boulder field so as not to change the site characteristics and not to extend impacts into adjacent resource areas. Dredging will not be an issue in the future, thus further minimizing adverse environmental impacts. More than 95% of the 300-foot shoreline along Fishers Island Sound will remain in a natural state as a result of these considerations for design. There is no loss of valuable marine and wetland habitat and no water quality degradation because of this project. No natural protective features or processes will be adversely impacted as a result of the proposed docking facility. The dock spans over an area of nearshore boulders and there is a natural void of submerged aquatic vegetation specimens in the proposed dock or berthing area Reference is made to the NYS DEC study from 2000 indicating the suitability of pressure-treated Southern Yellow Pine piles and super-structure components for this type of purpose. In accordance with Local Law #6, decking for the pier deck treads will be of plastics or woods other than Southern Yellow Pine. This project is consistent with zoning policies and ordinances for the Town. The dock facility will be an accessory to the cottage located at this site. There will be no development of the upland related to this dock facility that will create point sources of pollution or drainage. This project is providing recreational boating and water usage opportunity compatible with the natural resource values and characteristics of the site. REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 97-25 OF THE SOUTHOLD WETLANDS LAW 6 The permittee acknowledges that the validity of this permit is subject to the approval of other governmental or municipal authorities. D EC � � � � MAR - 3 2023 The permittee does, by the acceptance of this permit, assume all responsibility for operations undertaken pursuant to this permit, and shall tape all precautions for the prevention of injuries to persons and property resulting from such operations. By such acceptance, the permittee also agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town and its officers. The permittee gives consent to the Town and its officers, employees and agents to enter upon the premises where such operations are being conducted to make such inspections to determine whether said operations are being conducted in conformity with the permit. The permittee will notify the Trustees in writing one week prior to initiation of any and all operations. The permittee will notify the Trustees in writing upon completion of operations such that the site can be inspected for issuance for a certificate of compliance. In response to Sub-section 2a and the General Rules for Standards of Residential and Commercial Docks,the following additional information is offered. 1. Permits for the work are being applied for simultaneously through the US ALOE, NYS DEC and a Coastal Zone Consistency determination by the NYS DOS. 2. The new piles to be installed will be 12-inch diameter Class B wood of sturdy, durable and stable materials, in all likelihood, Greenhart, Kakaralli or CCA pressure-treated Southern Yellow Pine(SYP)piles with new split caps and braces of the same SYP materials. These members will be a minimum of 3 x 8 to 4 x 10 timber with double V bolts per connection, or in some cases, one 1-inch bolt per connection. These sizes are predicated based on sea conditions during rough weather. This pier is a fixed, pile-supported timber structure and therefore will not adversely affect the free circulation of water or reduce the effects of fluctuating water Ievels in Fishers Island Sound; only piles will span the water column. In addition,the pier does not present any adverse modification of the shoreline. The pier's end elevation is such that in extreme high flood tides in storm surges the structure will be inundated. The structure's SYP timber materials represent the standard of the industry being specifically grown and treated for this type of usage and are capable of withstanding full immersion. With the connections described above, this structure will be able to survive repeated inundations and even direct waves at high tide elevations with a structural life of approximately 20 years. Severe storm performance cannot be guaranteed. 3. The pier support, because of its height, will include driving new 12-inch diameter Class B piles at nominal 10-foot intervals to the maximum extent possible in order to obtain the desired pier alignment and support intervals; 12-inch piles will be used for the tie-offs. Twelve-inch piles are required for this pier because of the difficult pile driving conditions in the boulder laden bottom sediments. The use of CCA pressure-treated piles and timbers can be approved for this project in accordance with Local Law 6. Ten-foot bent intervals will vary as necessary to accommodate pile driving conditions around boulders. C � o � � 8 I MAR - 3 2023 �� . 4. The pier will not be decked with CCA pressure-treated Southern Pune, This of pier -4 walkway provides a safe pedestrian surface for access to the berthed boat. Rails may be installed on the pier for safety of the users. 5. The pier is located near the northeast end of the property waterfront. The 15-foot side yard clearance specified in this paragraph has been more than honored and lateral clearance of almost a hundred feet should not be an issue because the proposed pier does not represent a significant encroachment into the logical boating operations area of the neighbors to the east or west.The dock facility does not project into the navigation way for other boaters in the Sound because of the recessed shoreline and number of rocks in the shoaling nearshore waters. The deck width of 4 feet is considered desirable and appropriate for boating safety because of the exposure to waves from the north,inherent stability, and the agility of some of the users. 6. Upon receipt of the permit for this project, appropriate permit numbers and a Town permit placard will be affixed to the most seaward face of the pier for identification from the water. 7. The only permanent structures located above the pier decking other than the power post and railing which are fixed by function, are the dock box over the boulder at the shore side landing. 8. A five-foot passage beneath the pier between the Mean High and Mean Low Water Lines has been provided. Foot traffic in this area is rare, if at all, and so the additional structure of an up and over stairway has been left out of this pier layout. NEW YORK COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM These application documents include a copy of the Federal Consistency Assessment Form utilized for the New York State Coastal Management Program under the jurisdiction of the New York State Department of State. The following policies have been identified as pertinent to this application and the reason for consistency associated with this project is outlined in each respective case. • Policy 2 —Water Dependent Uses — This project is to construct a fully functional water dependent use, a dock facility at this site in support of recreational boating. • Policy 5 — Use of Existing Developed Shorefront— There is no developed shoreline on this site. This project utilizes existing shorefront which is dominated by an accumulation of stone. Wave energy has diminished resources but the shoreline does support growth of some patchy or individual tidal wetlands vegetation. The project will be to build a pier and extend it to a logical shoreward terminus to make it safe and reliably usable in most boating conditions in accordance with the NYS DEC 4 foot depth criteria. • Policy 7—Significant Fish&Wildlife Habitat—Protection of significant fish and wildlife habitat has been considered in the development of this project layout. The pier, to the shoreward point beginning, will maintain 5 feet above the rocky intertidal sediments and should not jeopardize the integrity of any vegetation outcrops, should they colonize this area in the future. Typically there is a slight environmental benefit to a pier project MAR — 3 ?� because of the creation of structure in the water column where barnacles, algae and crustaceans will colonize and grow. • Policy 8 —Protection &Preservation of Habitat— Protection and preservation of habitat has also been considered in this project and the dock structure is being kept to its minimal configuration and of width, length and height and materials consistent with standards of the industry and restrictions set forth in the Wetlands Law, No. 6, 2004 set forth by the Town of Southold and standards of the NYS DEC. The pier has been sited over a stony part of the beach to make use of the obstructed, least desirable beach habitat and avoid the eelgrass to minimize damage to natural resources based on existing conditions documented in the survey. See Natural Coast Policies on page 3 of this narrative. • Policy 11 —Minimize Damage to Natural Resources - The dock construction project has been laid out in such a way so as to minimize damage to Natural Coastal resources as identified in Policy 8 above. The dock facility has been sited in the area where large boulders on the beach have already impacted shoreline vegetation and fouled the area to navigation. US Fish and Wildlife Service Guidelines for eelgrass beds have been substantially complied with as addressed in the Natural Coast Policies on page 3 of this narrative. • Polio—No Measurable Increase in Flooding_This project consists of construction of an open wood pile.and timber pier which in no way adversely affects water flow and circulation in Fishers Island Sound or flooding potential of the area. Flood levels all around Fishers Island are dictated by water levels in Long Island Sound, and Block Island Sound and this structure will have no adverse influence or in any way impact on those levels. • Policy 15 — No Dredging — Dredging, per se, is not required in this project, however, boulders, if found, will be moved from the pier bent and berthing area and relocated to the footprint of the per consistent with the benthic characteristics of the site. The dock system has been laid out in its current location and configuration to avoid any dredging requirements. The minimum prescribed water depth of 2 feet, as generally recommended by the US ACOE, and 4 feet as recommended by the NYS DEC has been reached. This is an exposed site such that the boat must be berthed bow out or bow to the northwest. • Policy 19—Impact on Public Access—Public access will not be jeopardized or impeded as a result of this project. Environmental resources at this site are limited and site habitat features are being preserved. The potential for growth is being protected by the suitable alignment and height standards dictated by the NYS DEC. There is virtually no public use of the waterfront in this area and the construction of the pier and dock are all waterward above the Apparent High-Water Line and are not likely to influence or change this fact. The Public Trust Lands at this site are substantially obstructed by terrain, wild shoreline vegetation and the boulder field which spans the intertidal and shallow subtidal zone. There is almost no public access usage of the public trust lands or waters at this site except kayaking and canoeing which are also rare. The upper intertidal zone and shallow subtidal zone is significantly covered by boulders and the shallow sub-tidal waters do not present any opportunity for navigation or enticement for public access in the area. The Sound is three miles wide so the pier occupies far less than the landward 25% of the waterway width in accordance with US ACOE policies. Thus, public access to the 10 FMDn E C EF �P Vy E JRMAR - 3 2023 State's lands and waters will not be adversely affected by the project; the pier is high, 5 feet above the shore and so if someone wanted to walk this shoreline they will still be able to. • Policy 20 — Public Trust Compatibility with Existing Adjoining Properties and Land Uses- Public Trust compatibility with existing adjoining properties and land uses have also been considered in this project. Some nearby properties have small docking facilities similar to this one and this docking facility will not interfere with existing or the likely configuration of future facilities on nearby properties. • Policy 21 — Water Dependent Recreation — This project is consistent with water- dependent recreational opportunities policies set forth in this section. • Policy 24 —Scenic Resources lm airment or Loss - This policy is designed to prevent impairment or minimize loss of scenic resources. The fixed wood pile and timber pier will be to the left of the straight-out field of vision for both the neighboring properties and should not represent such an extent of encroachment or structure which would create a loss of scenic resources. This facility will really only be visible from the water and the five properties to the east have docks. • Polic 25—Enhance Overall Scenic Quality-The new dock structure except for resource design requirements will be consistent with typical dock characteristics, the scenic features of the area and prevent loss of scenic resources as described in Policy 24 above. Policy 44 — Preserve and Protect Tidal Wetlands — The tidal wetland vegetation on the rocky shorefront is a sparse and stressed between the non-turf vegetated buffer and the water's edge at the dock site. The construction of the fixed wood pile and timber pier has taken advantage of the least vegetated strip of shoreline at the cottage in order to avoid adverse wetlands impact. The pier height and alignment also avoid eelgrass beds which grows in patches in the shallow subtidal waters east of the dock site. The height of the pier should allow opportunities for the growth of the tidal vegetation naturally up to, and to an extent, beneath the wood pier if other conditions are suitable. The pier being orientated northeast-southwest will allow sunlight in beneath the pier from the east in the morning and the west in the afternoon and will lie between survey patches of submerged aquatic vegetation. SUMMARY This project proposes a new fixed pier for recreational boating access for the property of Mr. Lincoln Frank on Fishers Island, incorporating extensive measures to avoid impact to a productive habitat, while maintaining habitat values and avoiding despoliation of tidal wetlands or submerged aquatic vegetation. A copy of all US Army Corps of Engineers, NYS DEC and NYS DOS applications and supplemental drawings and photographs are attached as substantiation for this project. D E7ETn,.,. 11 I This project complies with applicable standards of the New York State Coastal Management Act, NYS / DEC Tidal Wetland Regulations and criteria for approval .and the Town of Southold Waterfront Revitalization Program and Local Ordinance No. 6, 1004; approval of this project is thus respectfully requested. Respectfully submitted, DOCKO,INC. Keith B.:Neilson,P.E. � C��� WE i,I I f M A,P - 32023 f 12 i Southold To-min Board of Trustees D EC 9 V E MAR - 3 2023 ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONNAIR Southold Town Board of Trustees This is Intended to supplement ENG Form 4345, Application for Department of the Army Permit, or the Joint Application for Permit used in the State of New York. Please provide complete answers to all questions below which are relevant to your project Any answers may be continued on separate-sheets} of paper to be-attached to this form. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT The purpose 'of this form is to provide the Corps of Engineers with basic information regarding your project This information will be used to facilitate evaluation of your permit application and for public dissemination as required by regulation. Failure to provide complete information may result in your application being declared incomplete for processing, thereby delaying processing of your application. GENERAL-APPLICABLE TO ALL PROJECTS 1. Explain the need for, and purpose of, the proposed work This proposed project is to construct 90+/-LF of 4FT wide wood pile and timber pier of which 77+/-LF is waterward of the apparent High Water line, including rails, 7 tie off piles, two ladders and electric and water utilities, waterward of the apparent High Water line. 2. Provide the names and addresses of property owners adjacent to your work site (if not shown on the application form or project drawings). North: Margaret and Lincoln Frank, 1170 Fifth Ave, New York, NY South: Micheal Rothfield & Ella Forshay, 1220 Park Ave, New York, NY , (Please note that depending upon the nature and extent of your project, you may be requested to provide the names and addresses of additional property owners proximate to your project site to ensure proper coordination.) 3. Photographs of the project site should be submitted. For projects in tidal areas, photographs of the waterway vicinity should be taken at low tide. Using a separate copy of your plan view, indicate the location and direction of each photograph as well as the date and time at which the photograph- was taken. Provide a sufficient number of photographs so as to provide a clear understanding of conditions on and proximate to your project site. Photographs showing existing site features and resources are attached. 4. Provide a copy of any environmental impact statement, or any other environmental report which was prepared for your project. See attached narrative, Short Environmental form and EFH worksheet. 5. Provide a thorough discussion of alternatives to your proposal. This discussion should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the "no action" alternative and alternatives) resulting in less disturbance to waters of the United States. For filling projects in waters of the United States, including wetlands, your alternatives discussion should demonstrate that there are no practicable alternatives to your proposed filling and that your project meets with current mitigation .policy (i.e-, avoidance, minimization and compensation). Alternatives considered included wider, higher, lower, shorter and longer piers, fixed pier versus floating docks, boat lifts, utilities, different locations on the site, use of open grate decking, orientation of docking facilities and the like, all of which are discussed in the narrative. The proposed configuration provides for optimal berthing, minimal environmental disturbances and no adverse impact to navigation or Public Trust access to or use of the stretch of shoreline. The project has been reviewed in detail to make sure that the proposed construction techniques were suitable and appropriate for the site and scope of work and anticipated environmental impacts would be minimal preserving the site's habitat quality and avoiding despoliation of tidal wetlands vegetation and submerged aquatic vegetation around this site. A detailed discussion of the alternatives follows: • Length- The length of the pier has been determined based on the unique features along the shore front which require the pier to span over tidal wetlands vegetation, pass over a boulder strewn shoreline running along the near shore edge which is almost devoid of tidal wetlands, across very shallow waters, and eventually stopping short of an offshore bed of eel grass in water close to 4 feet deep as a stipulated standard by the NYS DEC. The irregular edge of the eel grass patches is unique and has been documented in detail on site. The width of the pier is shown as four feet; five feet would be better because it would be able to accommodate the batter braced support piles beneath the footprint of the decking, however, berthing is not viable alongside the pier except on the northeast edge of the last 30 feet and the width of the pier has already been discussed on previous projects with agencies including the Marine Habitat Protection Bureau in the NYS DEC and the Town of Southold Trustees and 4 feet was determined to be the standard for construction of new dock facilities. • Height- The height of the dock is dictated by two different features related to the cottage and nearshore waters. One is keeping the dock high enough so it will not adversely impact the growth of tidal wetlands vegetation or submerged aquatic vegetation. The second is keeping the height of the pier low enough so that the end of the pier can function properly for boat boarding access while providing adequate slope and without excessive slope which might make the use of the pier hazardous in slippery conditions. • Fixed Pier Full Length-The fixed pier full length is the best option for this site. A floating dock could be a reasonable alternative, however, in view of the boating needs and the growth of eelgrass beyond the selected dock site, a floating dock would be less desirable. The pier is certainly preferable from the owner's perspective based on boarding and disembarking ease and safety and the typical sea state and sea conditions. • Open Grate Vs. Timber Decking- Open grate decking could be used for the full length of this pier in order to minimize shading, however, the pier location avoids all documented eel grass so wood decking will be used. In addition; the height of the pier and its north-south orientation provide the opportunity for sunlight to reach the bottom sediments beneath the pier, from the east in the morning to the west on the afternoon to minimize shading impacts. • Construction Materials- It's anticipated that the pier will be built out of Southern Yellow Pine, pressure treated with CCA Type C in accordance with the study conducted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in the year 2000. The piles may be pressure nD LAR 2023 Southold Town treated Southern Yellow .Pine or Greenheart. There will be 24 12 inch Class B piles in the complete dock facility and they will be driven with a pneumatic hammer. • Environmental' Resources- The environmental resources at this site include sparselsporadic tidal wetland vegetation in the near shore area and on eel grass meadow out in deeper water beyond the peripheral of the proposed dock facility. Other than that, the wood pile and timber construction will provide an open unencumbered structure which will not preclude or in any way inhibit free water flow and circulation consistent with the existing site conditions. There are a number of US Fish &Wildlife eel grass avoidance and impact minimization efforts undertaken in the design of this dock facility. They are as follows: ➢ Policy 1- In-water work should be avoided during the eelgrass growing season from April 15 to October 31. Documented eelgrass growth areas have been avoided by the proposed dock facility. Work can be scheduled in the fall through spring to comply with this criterion if the permits are received in a timely manner. There was more eelgrass east of, east of and beyond the proposed pier. Policy 2-Construct the fixed pier a maximum of four feet wide to minimize shading The pier all the way out to the ships ladder landing has been minimized in its size based on approval criteria from the Town of Southold as well as the recommendations of NMFS. The pier width is 4 feet. ➢ Policy 3- Construct the dock a minimum of four feet above the surface of the water _measured at Mean High Water and 4.5 feet over the surface of the marsh with height measured from the bottom of the stringers, not the top of the deck. The standard for deck height is to keep the structure 4 feet above the surface of the water. I would point out there is limited fringe marsh vegetation in this location, and the prevailing pier deck height is at an elevation of approximately 9 feet above Mean Low Water at the point of origin (7.4 NAVD) and the 4-foot-wide pier head is at 6 feet above MLW. The water depth where the eelgrass linear meadow was noted is approximately 5 feet and 3 feet is the typical length of the eelgrass blades. This has been confirmed in our own observations at this site where the tops of the blades are visible below the water surface at low tides. The stringers for most of the pier landing are 8 feet or so above the adjacent sediments and 6 feet above the low water but again the pier siting is such as to avoid the eelgrass altogether. The proposed dock construction will take place along North Hills' northeast shoreline and is acknowledged to be in a flood prone zone area; there is wave exposure at this site. The new pier will have a minimum deck height of 6 feet above terrain except at the landing and 6 feet above MLW at the boat slip and will be built to withstand complete submersion and resist hydrostatic and hydrodynamic uplift pressure due to flooding and typical wave conditions. ➢ Policy 4-To minimize the risk of propeller dredging and scour, extend the fixed portion of the pier so that the water depths in the mooring area are a minimum of four feet deep measured at Mean Low Water, or if the SAV bed extends further than the proposed dock, extend the dock beyond the vegetation. There was no eelgrass noted in the area of the pier head during our design work. By keeping the pier outside the lateral limits of the SAV bed, we have virtually assured that the boat will not berth over the eelgrass bed. ® EC� E � VE MAR - 3 2023 Southold Town This site is a very active and occasionally relatively high energy wave zone and as result there is little shoreline vegetation and a lot of exposed boulders. This project is consistent with this policy because the proposed elevation of the pier is at an acceptable height above the bottom sediments beneath which tidal wetlands vegetation or even submerged aquatic vegetation may spread if other conditions are suitable. The NYS DEC prepared a study showing that pressure-treated Southern Yellow Pine timber product construction materials are suitable for this type of project except for decking which will be of untreated woods or composite (or plastic) materials. The configuration shown on the drawings provides an optimum balance between acceptable design and access standards without depriving any vegetation the opportunity to grow and spread. ➢ Policy 5-Eliminate the ramp and float to reduce shading effects. There is no floating dock proposed in this application. ➢ Policy 6- Install a lift for each vessel moored at the dock unless not racticable (e.-g. sailboat). The boat(s) should be moored in the lift(s)when not in use This is to reduce shading effects minimize the Potential for scour..and reduce the Potential for the bottom of a docked boat to damage the SAV bed The criterion in this case emphasizes the use of a boat lift. The prohibition is related to Tidal Wetlands Law No. 6 issued by the Town of Southold. In other projects, we have attempted to get a boat lift approved by the Town of Southold, however, the Tidal Wetlands Law No. 6 prohibits the installation of a boat lift unless the applicant owns the harbor'bottom. In this case, the applicant does not own the harbor bottom and, therefore, a lift is not permittable under Town of Southold law. ➢ Policy 7- To minimize potential for scour, in-water construction a ui ment should onl transit within the work area footprint at Periods of high tide while construction is occurring within eelgrass beds. The prevailing water depth in the area where the barge will be set at the end of the pier early in the year where the pier will be built is 3 to 4 feet deep. Pile driving and setting heavy timbers will be accomplished in a week to three weeks, weather permitting. The potential for scour in this area is negligible at this point. The work will be done at a high tide so that there will be a water depth of 6 to 7 feet. ➢ Policy 8- To avoid minimizing impacts, GIS lavers of mapped eelgrass beds within the project area should be rovided to the contractor so they are aware of the eelgrass locations at all times. The eelgrass patches at this site were mapped by a licensed wetlands scientist and accredited botanist and his work is shown on the surveys prepared for the project. The contractor will be furnished with the permit and drawings prior to the pier construction project. The same contractor will be furnished with copies of the permit(s) modifications for this project and is aware of the typical best practices for dock building in proximity to eelgrass. The drawings show the submerged aquatic vegetation that has been verified at the time of the original survey. There will be no significant adverse impacts to air quality as a result of this structure and the construction of the dock should not diminish overall environmental considerations in Fishers Island Sound and will protect water quality, the quality of the ecosystem and minimize or avoid degradation of environmental resources. Boulder Relocation- It is possible that some.boulder relocation might be required by this project because of the number of boulders in this most desirable path considering least resource ® ECCE VE �lAR - 3 2023 impact. If boulder relocation is required, the boulders will be set on unvegetated bottom sediments in the path of the pier between bents to keep the environmental impacts localized. DREDGING PROJECTS Answer the following if your project involves dredging. 9. Indicate the estimated volume of material to be dredged and the depth (below mean low water) to which dredging would occur. Would there be overdepth dredging? Dredging, per se, is not required in this project, however, boulders will be moved from the pier bent and berthing area and relocated to the footprint of the per consistent with the benthic characteristics of the site. The dock system has been laid out in its current location and configuration to avoid any dredging requirements. The minimum prescribed water depth of 2 feet, as generally recommended by the US ACOS, and 4 feet as recommended by the NYS DEC has been reached. This is an exposed site such that the boat must be berthed bow out. 2. You can apply for a ten year permit for maintenance dredging. If you wish to apply for a ten-year permit, please provide the number of additional dredging events during the ten-year life of the permit and the amount of material to be removed during future events. No dredging is required or requested. 3. Indicate of your drawings the dewatering area (if applicable) and disposal site for the dredged material(except landfill sites). Submit a sufficient number of photographs of the dewatering and disposal sites as applicable so as to provide a clear indication of existing conditions. For ten,-year maintenance dredging permits, indicate the dewatering/disposal sites for future dredging events, if known. Not Applicable 4. Describe the method of dredging (i.e. clamshell, dragline, etc.) and the expected duration of dredging. Not applicable for dredging. If boulder relocation is required, a clamshell bucket or digging bucket will be utilized to grapple and reset the boulder. 5. Indicate the physical nature of the material to be dredged (i.e. sand, silt, clay, etc.) and provide estimated percentages of the various constituents if available. For beach nourishment projects, grain size analysis data is required. Not Applicable 6. Describe the method of dredged material containment (i.e. hay bales, embankment, bulkhead, etc.) and whether return flow from the dewatering/disposal site would reenter any waterway.Also indicate if there would be any barge overflow. ' Not Applicable i D U MAR - 3 2023 Southold Town Board of Trustees MOORING FACILITIES Answer the following if your project includes the construction or rehabilitation of recreational mooring facilities. I. It is generally recommended that any fixed piers and walk ramps be limited to four feet in width, and that floats be-limited to eight feet in width and rest at least two feet above the waterway bottom at mean low water. Terminal floats at private, noncommercial facilities should be limited to 29 feet in length. if you do not believe your proposal can meet with these recommendations,please provide the reason(s). The pier will be 4-FT wide and 90(+/)FT long complying with all of these provisions as measured from the Apparent High Water Line. The pier height will vary from 8 feet above Mean Low Water from the point of origin until 30 feet from the end to avoid adverse impacts to future tidal wetland vegetation growth and submerged aquatic vegetation should the bed or meadow est of the pier spread toward shore all policies of the US Fish &Wildlife Service have been accommodated in this dock configuration. The pier has been situated in an area devoid of submerged aquatic vegetation. 2. Using your plan view, show to scale the location(s), positions) and size(s) (including length, beam and draft) of vessel(s) to be moored at the proposed facility, including those of transient vesse/(s) if known. A typical vessel is shown on the plan view of the application drawings. The boat will probably be a motorboat 25 to 30 feet or so in length. 3. For commercial mooring sites such as marinas, indicate the capacity of the facility and indicate on the plan view the location(s) of any proposed fueling and/or sewage pumpout facilities. If pumpout facilities are not planned, please discuss the rationale below and indicate the distance to the nearest available pumpout station. Not applicable-There are no pump out facilities and no fueling facilities proposed at this site. Those functions are taken care of elsewhere on Fishers Island provided by commercial pumpout operator from the mainland, however, any boat using their facility could and would use the pump out facilities at local marinas where fuel is sold. 4. Indicate on your plan view the distance to adjacent marine structures, if any are proximate and show the locations and dimensions of such structures. There is a half dozen dock structures east of the site, the nearest being 500 feet away, east. 5. Discuss the need for wave protection at the proposed facility. Please be advised that if a permit is issued, you would be required to recognize that the mooring facility may be subject to wave action from wakes of passing vessels, whose operations would not be required to be modified. Issuance of a permit would not relieve you of ensuring the integrity of the authorized structure(s) and the United States would not be held responsible for damages to the structure(s) and vessels) moored thereto from wakes from passing vessels. There is no good opportunity for wave protection at this site. Waves from the prevailing wave field are from the west, blocked by the point of North Hill. Otherwise, waves from the northwesterly to northeasterly of the site are unobstructed in their approach which is why the shoreline consists of boulders, the only natural material and formation the waves cannot move. The pier located within the boulder field will be somewhat protected by the seabed character. p ECE � WE NEAR - 3 2023 0101 The boulder field will cause many of the waves to break just offshore beneath the higher section of the pier. BULKHEAD/NG/BANK STABILIZATION/FILLING ACTIVITIES Answer the following if your project includes construction of bulkheading (also retaining walls and seawalls) with backfill, filling of waters/wetlands, or any other bank stabilization fills such as riprap, revetments, gabions, etc. 1. Indicate the total volume of fill (including backfill behind a structure such as a bulkhead) as well as the volume of rill to be placed into waters of the United States. The amount of fill in waters of the United States can be determined by calculating the amount of fill to be placed below the plane of spring high tide in tidal areas and below ordinary high water in non-tidal areas. The shoreline will remain stabilized by the existing boulder field as it exists naturally which extends landward of the spring High Tide Line. There is no proposal to import and place fill in Public Trust waters of the United States. Z Indicate the source(s) and type(s) of fill material. There is no proposed fill to be utilized in this project. 3. Indicate the method of fill placement (i.e. by hand, bulldozer, crane, etc.). Would any temporary fills be required in waterways or wetlands to provide access for construction equipment? If so, please indicate the area of such waters and/or wetlands to be filled, and show on the plan and sectional views. Boulders will be removed from the pile driving area only if required, and removal and resetting will be done mechanically by crane operated from the deck of a marine construction barge. The foregoing requests basic information on the most common types of projects requiring Department of the Army permits. It is intended to obviate or reduce the need for requesting additional information; however, additional information may be requested above and beyond what is requested in this form. Please feel free to add any additional information regarding your project which you believe may facilitate our review. See the attached narrative. � CE0WE MAR - 32023 Southold Town Board of Trustees Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS I. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CC for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area, 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list,policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. Aro osed action will be evaluated as to its si of cant beneficial and adverse effects u on the coastal area wluch includes ll of Southold Town . 3• If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or"no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus each answer must be ex lamed in detail lis& both supiaorting and non- supporting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRp policy standards and conditions,it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website(southoldtown.northfork.net),the Board of Trustees Office,the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town CIerk,s office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 1006-6 . 1. - s PROJECT NAME New Fixed Pier The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board ❑ Planning Board❑ Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees Q 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g.capital construction,planning activity,agency regulation,land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g.grant,loan,subsidy) (c) Penni4 approval,license,certification: 0 Nature and extent of action: Construct 90fLF of 4-FT wide fixed wood ile supported ler in which 69+LF is waterward of the Mean High Water Line andIPIF is waterward of the Apparent High Water Line,including rails and water/electric utilities,7 tie-off piles and a removable,and two ladders,waterward of the Apparent Water ine. Location of action: 2736 Cresent Ave.Fishers Island Site acreage: 1.914: acres Present land use: Residential Present zoning classification: R-80 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Lincoln Frank (b) Mailing address: 1170 5th Ave,PHA New York,NY 10029 (c) Telephone number: Area Code(917) 660-2955 (d) Application number,if any: Will the action be directly undertaken,require fining,or approval by a state or federal agency? FV] Yes Lr 1 No❑ If yes,which state or federal agency? NYS DEC and US ALOE C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy I. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space,makes efficient use of infrastructure?makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section M--Policies, Page 2 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable it nnis dock construction project makes appropriate and beneficial use of an existing waterfront site and complies with environmental doc esign actors pu is e y tlie ,--t1iii Coas a anagemen rogram, Southold Loca Law No. 6 200 , e ou o , an a is ers Island eagrass onservancy, a pier will b a built to a 6-FT dec eig t or more overt a roc s ore sechments and pier a eva on vin a ee A ove MLW. Rails wiH be 42 inc es a ove a ec . ere Willa no impairmento wa er ow,naviga ion or public access an no Impact on t e vista. is site is on y I a om o er prope on resen ve. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes Q No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria ❑. Yes ❑ No 0 Not Applicable The site is reall only visible from 4 or 5 homes on Cresent Ave east of the stie. There are no State Federal or Town scenic vistas along Cresent Ave. The proposed pier will be most clearly visible to boaters nearshore within a couple of un re yar s 01 s ore off the to the east of lorthRill. Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWO Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No © Not.Applicable The proposed dock construction will take place along the easterly.shoreline of North Hill and is acknowledged to be in a oo prone zone area; ere is wave exposure at this site. The new pier will have a minimum eck eight of 5 feet above terrain except at the landing and 6 feet above MLW at the boat slip. T e pier will be built to wi stand complete submersion and resist hydrostatic and h drodynamic uplift pressure ue to flooding and typical wave conditions.the pier site has been selected to avoid the eel small beds or clumps near shore. The pier extends out 'ust ast the eel grass so that boating usag will not rs In impact the eel grass. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section In --Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No 12 Not Applicable This ro'ect will not have an affect on the suitability or availability of water on Fishers Island. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. 121 ❑ ❑ ✓Yes No Not Applicable This site is a very active, occasionally high energy wave break zone and as result there is little shoreline vegetation. This project is consistent wi t is po icy ecause t e propose a eva ono a pier xs a the bove ttom sediments beneath w tc t2 wet an s vegetation or even su merge aqua i The NYS DEC prepared a stu y s owing t at pressure- yea ou ern a ow e materials are suitab a or this type o project except or ec ng w is wi e o plastic)materials. T e con guration s own on a wings prove ss an op unu or design an access stan r s wi out epnving any vege a ion a oppo m Attach additional sheets.ifnecessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III— policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ❑ yes ❑ No Q Not Applicable d t this ro'ect and no emissions will be generated. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation'in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteu ia 1 yes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable here will be no solid waste or hazardous substances and wastes generated from this project. Any pressure treated wood timber and piling trimmings from the dock construction wi a co ecte an ispose o in accordance with current re lations to minimize potential harmfu a ects. PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—policies; criteria. pages 38 waters, public roughl46 for evalua ton © Yes[] No❑ Not Applicable The land origin point of thisJ ro'ect is private 1 p p and. The Public Trust Lands and Waters constitutes the area between the Mean High Water and Mean Low Water Lines and the resources from the High Tide Line or A arent High Water line out. Environmental resources at this site are limited and site habitat features are bein reserved. The potential for growth is eing pro c e y e sue a e alignment and hei t standards dictated by the NYS DEC. There is virtually no pu is use o e wa er on in this area and the construction of the pier and dock ars waterway a ove t e pparen ig a er are not likely to influence or change dais fact. T e u is rust an sat is sz a are sus t the boulder field which spans a mterh a an s a ow su i zone. Attach additional sheets if necessary I WORMG COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable.locations. See LVVRP Section III--Policies; Pages 47 through`56 for evaluation criteria. 0 Yes. ❑ No n :Not Applicable The u ose of this ro•eet'is to build a new ier:for water-dependent recreational boating as defined in the LW". The.dockfacili will_ rovide for recreational boatin and,boat transportation access to the island or the mainland without adverse environmental irn acts and while rotecting the existing habitat.arid.resvurces t rough the dock desi n. There will be no des foliation .of tidal wetlands ve etatton or submerged aquatic vegetation at this or adjacent sites related to this zo'ect during construction or usa a of the dock facilityfor recreationa boating access. The pier is of minimal length to stay consistent iwth NYS DEC wataer dep standar s. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources. in Long Islabd Sound, the Peconic Estuary and 'Town waters. See LWRP Section ILII—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. lr 1 Yes ❑ No❑ Not.Applicable The dock.facility-j 11 not be used for commercial fishin or shellfishin industries.or enterprises. This project desgin i considerate to the resources onsite and will not adversel affect marine or tidal wetlands rowth:nor.viwill it adversely affiedt livinar marine resources b ,its construction.or usage. Attach additional slieets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold, See LWIRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. Yes ❑ No® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWVRP Section III—Policies; Pages,65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No Q Not Applicable PREPARED BY Keith B.Neilson,P•E.,Docko,Inc. TITI, p Agent DATE February 20,23 DOckci In*. SerWn the w' at r ant community since'1987 Pf].�ox421,_m0t'ic;OT 0 72 ; . 0 7569,email:office@docko,'- 9 1 _ February 23,•2023. . Southold Town Trustees BAR 2023 54375.Route 25 . P.O.:Box 1179 Southold.Town Southold,NY 11971 Board..of Trustees Re:.Lincoln Frank : 2736 Crescent Ave, Fishers Island;NY . New Fixed Pier Dear President Goldsmith-and Board of Trustees: In regard to-the above referenced property; enclosed are four`(4) sets of the following application documents for anew f xed woodpile and timber'pier at the property of Mr. Lincoln Frank for the Board of Trustees review: 1. Town of Southold Wetland& Coastal Erosion Permit Application including: a: Short Environmental Assessment Form b.' Authorization and Disclosure Forms c. LWRP Consistency Assessment Form, 2. 'Project Plans.titled`.`New Dock".by.Docko, Inc. 3. Narrative statement prepared by Docko, Inc. 4. Site photographs and,maps 5. Application fee of$500: 6. Additional-attachments including: a.. Joint Application Form. b.. NY DOS Federal Consistency Assessment Form c. Environmental Questionnaire d. NOAA EFH Assessment e:'' Permission to Inspect Property I'trust this information shall allow you.to process our permit request. Should.any additional information be required, please do not hesitate to contact our:office. Very truly:yours; DOCK INC: . eith B. Neilson, P.E. K$N:cl Enclosures CC: Lincoln Frank US ACE'NAN Regulatory Branch NYS DEC Envitonmental.Permits NYS DOS.Office.of Planning and Development File: 0609-1852 FRANK .