HomeMy WebLinkAbout22855-zFORM NO.$ N~O TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT/~ (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON TI~E PP,~MISES UNTIL COMPLETION OF THE WOIK/~THORIZED) ~o,, .t. ....... ~....~.z .............. ~... 22855 Z Perm ss on s hereby ,.7/ at premises located at ............... ..~.¢~..~.....~........: County Tax Map No. 1000 Section pursuant to application dated ........... Building Inspector. Fee S.,...'Z...~ ........... / Rev. 6/30/80 Block ....... ~ ............. Lot No...~......~,..~..,..~.,...~.. ....../.3 ...... 19...~..~.~and approved bythe JUN B '95 19:~7 PRGE.OIZ)~ PLAN VIEr CUSTUMER -- jON DAT~ 06/08/95 BAKER REF JJBO$~J4 Load ~ed< ~ Jots~ Y~r mo~t~ lt~ d~s no~ l~e ~e~ t~em~ The su~ d~s~ t~ design <~d mee~ ~i loc~ cons~f~ ond ~e JUN 9 '95 19:48 FROM TO 15163990139 PAGE.005/009 CUT LIST CUSTBNER -- JaN BAKER BATE 06/08/95 REF JJB06804 IAI IAI IAI LAJ [:~j I'A] EA-I IAI IAI J-A-I tAI IAI LAJ I r_ LABEL LENGTH BEVELS LABEL LENGTH A jols-t (14) 13~/ 1/8' E ledger* 19'9~ B P¢~g;~ 14' FO S45 F c~p 14'4 I/~ B 1~ 13'7 1/8' ~,F s~ 3'4 C P~d~ ~' F45 , S45 O c~p 165 1/2' C ledgep 19'9' 6 s~ion 3'10 D F~c;6 14' F45 SO H c~ 145 1/2' D led~ 13'7 ~/2' H ~eE~iOn 3'4 t/8~ BEVELS FO S45 F45 20 JUN 8 '95 t9:48 FROH TO 15t63690139 PRGE~i006/006 BEAM LAYOUT CUSTDHE~ -- JON ,gATE BAKER REF JJ'BOGB04 AJ~-'II Il .... I I ' Il Jl . ."Il., II I Ill Il ' "~ll Il Il I Il Ii II . II. I I I'1' Ii II I~ l..tll II It 'Ii"' Il, ,I 5'1[ 5'6 2'6 1/4' BEAM BEAN POST POST LA]~EL LENGTH CBUNT SPACING A 19'9' 4 65 13/16" B 19'9" 4 65 13/16" Post space9 ls mecsured cen~er-to-cen~er. Depth oF pos~-ln-concre~e Coo±eps -- 3G~;nches, FIELD INSPE~JT1ON REPORT DATE COHHENTS FOUNDATION (2ND) ROUGH FRAH~ ~ PLUHBING Il INSULATION P~R N* Y. STATE EN'R~Y II ADDITIONAL FORM NO. ! TOWN OF SOUTIIOLD BUILDING DEPAFITMENT ]"OWN IIALL SOUITIOI. D, N.Y. 11971 E×amincd ............... 19 l)isapproved a/c ....................... JUN 131995 , ................. INSTP, UCTIONS CATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT · a. This applicalion nmst be complelely filled in by typewriter or in iok and submilted lo tim Buildiog Inspeclor, wilb s~ sofplans, accttraleplo{ plan loscale. Fee according lo scbetlule. ; b. Plot phm showing Ipcation of lot and of ~uildings oo premises, relationship to adjoioing premises or public s6eek or areas, and giving a detailed descriplion of layout of properly mini be drawn on il~e diagram which is part of this appli calion. c. T ~e work covered by Ibis application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon al)proval of Ibis applicalion, the Building Inspector will issued a Building Permit Io Ibc applicant. Such permil shall b~ kept on Ibc premises availal)le for inspection Ihroughout Ibe wod(. e. No buihling shall be occo >led or used in whole or i p ~1 '(~r any p rpose whatever u ~ a Cerlificale'of Otc p ~c~ shall bare been g~anled by lite Buihling Inspector. . APPLICATION IS IIEREI/Y MAI)E Io the Building l)eparhnenl for lbe issuaoce of a Building Permit pursuant lo (Mailing address o[ applicant) Slal~ whetlmr apl)liomd is owner, lessee, agelil, mcbilect, etl~ll)eer, genela[ oonlraclor, electdcian, phlmber or buildel (as on. Ihe tax mil or lalest deed) If applicanl is a co} ~o~alion, signalme of duly aulhodzed officer. (Name and title of corpo~ale officer) Ihdhle['s IAcense No ....... "'~ .................. Iqumber's License No. -- Aecl ml,m s L tense No. Olher Trade's License No, '""- I. l.,ocalion of hlml on wlficb proposed work will be done. ../0.¢.o. .... : ...... ' ........ ,d. ~. ~.. ~.~. Il(rose Number Sheel llamlet c,,,,,,~ 'r,,~ ~'~,,t, No. ~000 s~r,,,, .... .~ .......... n~o~k ..... ~ ...... '... Lot...~.,. I~ ....... Subdivision .(t~.~.).. · t:i~,~ ~ap ~o. ar .g~g ..... Lot ...I.N.: ........ (Name) 2. Slale exisling use and occupancy of premises and intended use and oc'cul)ancg of proposed conshuclion: a, IZxisli.g use and occupancy ..... .'~ ~,~..~l~e~ ............. O~ ~.~ ...................... b, Inlellded ,,,,,, .... :.. lLcpair . ............. Rcmo;val ............... l)elli(.)HtJoll .,: ......... ()liter Wolk ............... ~4, Eslimaled Cost ....... , Fee .............. (to be paid on filing this application) . lll,~r,tge, numocr ofca[s .....~/~ ................... , .................... d. ]fbusieess. comnlercJa[orndxe( occupancy s)ecJ[yllatt~rcal~dcx(e {of.eac 7, I)inlel~sionsofexislingstruct~u.e~ fany'Front ~ ~>,.. ~ u' .. .~; '' ..... Dimensionsofshmesh-uctu(ewiJllj teralions or additions: Front ~,3. Rear .~<~... I 1. Zone or use distticl in which luepHses are situaled .......... ' ........ 12. I)oesPtOlmsed conslruclion violMe any zoning law mdi I~c:eo're, to~' ~0 '' ........... ~' ' ' ' ' ' o~ '~ '~ 'R' 8S 1111 be rellloved /fo I pre scs 5 es Pi. Name of Owner of premises ~. a~,,.c~ ~bv~N. Name o1' Archil6ct .~ .N~O~ ............ 15. l.e LhJ.s properky wi. thin 3~()0 feel: of a tl. daL wetland? ~Yes...'.." ' No..~. ~1.~ yes, Southol.d ljomt Trustees Permlb may Jm required. ' ' PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distlnclly all jbuildings, whether existing or proposed, and. indicate all sol-back dimensions from tm)peHy lines." Give street and block number or descdpti(m according lo deed, and show street names and imlicate whelher intmior or cop~er Iol. LoT -t i~ 5oo:".rRo ~-b INT~,,IO P.. LoT SH~Z~ ?RoPos~-~ Fa., I~,~ ' STATIC, OF NF, W YORK, ........ .'N/.°.l'9....F,.. ~,i~-..~'L"~ I .................... being doly swo,'n, deposes and says lhat he is lhe applicant (Nalne o[ indivithml signilng conh'ac0 at)ova ilalBed, /Conlr'lctor age:it cotimrate of/Jeer elc ) ..... :.!:. owner or owoers, and is duly authorized to mrform or have performed Ihe said work a[Id lo n~ake, and file Ibis application; Illat all stalemenis conta2ined in this'application are true to the best of his kn.owledge and belief, mid that wmk will be pet formed in the manne~ set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this ~ ~ ~~ ~RBAm STEPNOW~ No, 018T4~47~ , . (S[~nalur¢ of 407. 407. SURVEY OF LOT FILED Aug. 4, 1993 Fife No. A-434 A T SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLO SUFFOLK COUNTY, N Y. 1000 - 69- 03- 24.14 Scale: 1" = 40' Mar. 22,1993 Aug. 17, 1993 (foundation) Nov. 19,1993(final) Dec. 17, 1993 (Tax Map#) The locations of wells and cesspools shown hereon ere from field observe/ions and or from dale obtained from o/hers. Prepared in accordance with Ihe m/n/mum stand~'~s for lille surveys os eslob~'shed ~ the L.I.A.L.S. and approved and adopted r.. such use. by The New York Slate Land Title Association. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES FOR APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION ONLY DATE HS. REFo NO. 93 SO 32 APPROVED CERTIFIED TO' JON F. BAKER SHEILA L. ELLISTON THE LONG ISLAND SA VINGS BANK SUPERIOR ABSTRACT AREA = 29,626 sq. ft. The water supp. ly an,d, sewage systems for INs residence will conform. to fha slendards of The Suffolk Counly Deparlmenl of Health Services. LIC. NO. ~19618 ' P£CONIC c ST_JRVEYORS~ P.C. (516) 765 - 5020 P. O. BOX 909 ELEVATION$ ARE REFERENCED . MAIN ROAD TO AN ASSUMED DATUM. SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971