HomeMy WebLinkAbout49471-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES WITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 49471 Date: 7/13/2023 Permission is hereby granted to: Fishers Island Dev Cor 66 Hound Ln PO BOX 464 Fishers Island NY 06390 To: construct roof alterations and install new roof-mounted solar panels to existing building as applied for with flood permit. *ALL NEW ELECTRIC AND EQUIPMENT MUST BE LOCATED AT ELEVATION 13' OR HIGHER. At premises located at: Fox Ln, Fishers Island SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 12.-1-5.1 Pursuant to application dated 2/17/2023 and approved by the Building Inspector" To expire on 1/11/2025. Fees: SOLAR PANELS $50.00 ELECTRIC $100.00 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY $50.00 Flood Permit $100.00 Total: $300.00 .............................. ...... I/ , B g Inspector NO j Consulting Engineers, P.C. Structural Engineering Geotechnical Engineering Historic Preservation March 1, 2023 Town Hall Annex Building Town of Southold Southold, NY 11971 Attn: Amanda Nunemaker Building Permits Examiner Amanda.Nunemaker town.southold.n .us Re: Fishers Island Community Center (FICC) Roof Reinforcement Project Fishers Island, New York 06390 Dear Ms. Nunemaker: GNCB Consulting Engineers, P.C. (GNCB) is the structural engineer of record for the proposed reinforcement to a portion of the south side of the existing roof framing. The permit set issued to FICC for the roof framing reinforcement scope of work is dated July 7, 2022. It is my opinion that the capacity of the reinforced roof framing shall support the load imposed by the proposed photovoltaic solar panel installation as shown. i NEW Very truly, rURTx LO Charles C. Brown, P.E. Prepared by: Sr. Principal Roxanne L. Brown Engineer/Project Manager Cc: Lucius Fowler, FICC lou hbo mail.com r � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Telephone 631 765-1802 Fax 631 765-9502 Ott sw �. outhotwnno Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only PERMIT N0. Building Inspector. FEB 16 2023 Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete ED applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an BUIWINGDEPT. Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. TOWNOFSOUTFIDLD Date: 0-2 ,l " dO )3 OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: rulommWvVy 1-eAi� Name:'Q r1 � ,( .&Jp MtintlCar pr., /j/Yf SCTM# 1000- Project Address: G� 14-nel lGne— Phone#: 4,31 — ?';F�- - 7/07 Email: Mailing Address: 61, l�m4,0 A 063 90 CONTACT PERSON: Name: -7�;4 VA0 Z 4 ,Q S 1 rh Mailing Address: SaS )roX ,�qy� �t�(Ja �j6�,GrS J�(y OG(9) Phone#: G 3/- 7F-F- - 7�-"57z an ks � h w Jam/: � Email: DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: (r/VC3 4fn in�tCrS /, G Mailing Address: & tvw IDoSr P� OWS0 hook-, er 06,Y7:5-- Phone#: s--Phone#: �ltb--3��_ /aatf Email: r4mvh&V fm&Len i»-ear3 . Gyri CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name: 7f-5 Lui7�•a�clri� �G Mailing Address: SaS :;,v A�e- # o.7bo� A� Ny 110(wn) Phone#: �3�— 7��_ 7�S7 Email: i74nWS oe;'�q e 9iy+4,'I. 4vke DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Estimated Cost of Project: ❑Other $ S'rODU. OD Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes IKNo Will excess fill be removed from premises? ❑Yes XNo 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: �Iylltrfu� �nf��2 Intended use of property: �u�✓IMrr►��. L�ni2 Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to 11 this property? ❑Yes XNo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. cwerCheck Box A��i'�it Reillliding. The owner/contractor/design professional is responsible for all drainage and storm water issues as provided by 236 of the Town Code. APPUCATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold,Suffolk,County,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances or Regulations,for the construction of buildings, additions,alterations or for removal or demolition as herein described.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building code, housing code and regulations and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary inspections.False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the New York State Penal Law. Application Submitted ley(prlint name): " 141 —77rte . XAuthorized Agent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: 01)07 o2 STATE OF NEW YORK) all SS: COUNTY OF Sr-AbiK ) rA SA,�f� being duly sworn, deposes and says thatSle is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract) above named, ,(8'fhe is the &e—r)�4mI (Contractor,Agent, Corporate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/he<knowl edge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this day of Atcill2�7 , 2022 fie-- 2>!5-2 " rotary Public �it2.ZZ5W (Where the.appl... �W�..�.�..d..Wwy�...w icant is not the owner) Ire Ckp'-> i res g at t Cci, do hereby authorize �- i"v to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. Z/t u 1 Owner's Signature bate Print Owner's Name 2 Suffolk County Dept.of Labor,Licensing&Consumer Affairs HOME IMPROVEMENT LICENSE Name THOMAS J SHILLO Business Name This certifies that the Z&S CONTRACTING INC nearer is duly licensed :)y the County of suffolk License Number:H-41593 Rosalie Drago Issued: 09106/2006 Commissioner Expires: 09/01/2024 � 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 1 9 GENERAUSERVICE ELECTRICAL SCOPE OF WORK GENERAL: THIS SCOPE OF WORK REPRESENTS THE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ELECTRICAL WORK AT THE FISHERS ISLAND COMMUNITY ANIMAL FACILITY SPECIALISTS CENTER IN FISHERS ISLAND NEW YORK. THIS PROJECTCONSIST OF THE INSTALLATION OF(6 2)PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES WITH (02 ) INVERTERS.PV MODULES WILL BE MOUNTED TO AN ALUMINUM XR RAILS AND IRONRIDGE ATTACHMENTS. BUILDING DESIGN&ENGINEERING A THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS,DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS IN THIS DOCUMENTS PRIOR TO BIDDING AND 116 Main Street COMMENCING WORK ON THIS PROJECT, ALL QUESTIONS AND/OR DEVIATIONS FROM THIS DESIGN SHALL BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING FOR Norwich, CT 06360 T: 860.889.7078 APPROVAL BY ENGINEER. THE TERM 'PROVIDE AND INSTALL' SHALL MEAN TO FURNISH AND INSTALL COMPLETELY. THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS,AND ACCESSORIES SPECIFIED WITHIN THIS ELECTRICAL DRAWING SET. ADDITIONALLY THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND INSTALL ANY EQUIPMENT, MATERIAL,ACCESSORY,AND/OR HARDWARE REQUIRED TO COMPLETE A FULLY OPERATIONAL ELECTRICAL SYSTEM, SUBMITTAL INFORMATION,AS OUTLINED BELOW, SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BEFORE THE RELATED INSTALLATION MAY COMMENCE. NO DEVIATIONS MAY BE MADE WITH OUT WRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE DESIGN LEARNED, INC. THE CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERMIT FEES,AND LOCAL BUILDING OFFICIAL REQUIREMENTS. DURING : CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR MAY CONTACT DESIGN LEARNED, INC. (860)889-7078. CONTRACTOR IS ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR * , INSTALLING ALL SYSTEMS IN COMPLIANCE WITH TUCKAHOE, NY BUILDING CODES, LOCAL MUNICIPALITY AMENDMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 6, 1Hctunljl I.t•I, F he,rs �* I� 1`16; N 3 T4 1�1 u ALL CONDUIT, WIRING, ENCLOSURES,AND FIXTURES ARE TO BE NEAT, CLEAN, LEVEL, PLUMB AND ATTRACTIVE, ENCLOSURES, CIRCUITS, r B CONDUIT, PULL BOXES, GUTTER BOXES,AND CIRCUIT BREAKERS ARE TO BE CLEARLY LABELED WITH TYPED OR EMBOSSED LABELING SYSTEMS. DO NOT USE TAPE OR HANDWRITTEN TAGS FOR LABELS. PROVIDE ACCESS PANELS AS PART OF THE BASE FEE TO ANY A OBSTRUCTED OR CONCEALED ENCLOSURES, PULL BOXES, SPLICES, GUTTER BOXES, OR OTHER TERMINATIONS AT ANY LOCATIONS THAT ARE OTHERWISE HIDDEN OR INACCESSIBLE. ALL DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM INSIDE AND AROUND ALL PANELS, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT AND RECEPTACLES. ALL CONNECTIONS SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED,AND ALL PANELS, CONDUIT, J-BOXES,AND WIRE SHALL BE NEATLY LABELED TO CREATE A NEAT AND CLEAN OPERATING SYSTEM. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AVAILABILITY OF EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO BIDDING, SUBSTITUTIONS MAY BE ALLOWED PENDING ENGINEER APPROVAL. ALL SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ELECTRICAL SERVICE MAIN: THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED INSTALL NEW THREE-PHASE PV SUB PANEL.THE MDP SHALL DISTRIBUTE THE POWER TO THE PV SUB PANEL,THE POWER DISTRIBUTION PANEL AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT PANEL. FOR ALL CONDUIT AND WIRE SIZES REFER TO THE VICINITY MAP RISER DIAGRAM AND FEEDER SCHEDULE IN THE FOLLOWING SHEETS. 1 No scALE Project Information: SITE DETAILS � C -14°C(7°F) , T.. ASHRAE EXTREME LOW k. Fishers Island ASHRAE 2% HIGH 27°C(81°F) Community CLIMATE DATA SOURCE BLOCK ISLAND STATE AIRPORT MPHWIND SPEED Center x 130 fy y A GROUND SNOW LOAD Pg 20 PSF v w ; 66 Hound ,r.l 1, -. >:.: r ., :, :' .n'. , .. Asa,.,. :, ✓' ,. ..' ...'' '::�'" .h. a yr jI� y FLAT/SLOPED SNOW LOAD Pf/Ps 20 PSF �.,.3 >, , r� : ,. . ,. z., ,�,.�, .� ,, :a • ' 'I Fishers (eland NY r ., 06390 .. t WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY D �<<. ROOF LOAD CALCULATIONow �� �" ROOF 1 62 PANELS .'. ,F �• ,,. <. ..-..`, '': ifs" .+, ,, .,,u, - .y ` H requiredSpecifications pa y67.6"L X 41.2"W X 1.26"HMODULE DIMENSIONS Fthese drawngs. Drawings d"; specifications as instruments of service �; r• - � _� � +:�. .: <w .� : are and shall remain the property of the PV AREA SINGLE MODULE 19.29 SO.FT. U, � ,:. . . �. �,�a., � `��� �.� � <. ,. ��:>:. o , � F r p p v : d is r. r not to be used on 3 . ,.N , . , . , �:<' �"� � :. ,„rz � ° • x` other projects or extensions to this PV AREA TOTAL 1331.01 SQ.FT. projectexcept by written agreementin writing and with appropriate com ensation to the designer. 15 lbs/PANEL(approximate) MOUNTED HARDWARE WEIGHT Contractor is responsible for confirming and correlating dimensions at job site; PV PANEL WEIGHT 43.81bs >; r t� w Fr the designer will not be responsible for , s h ` _•„ construction means,methods, . �<. .�.�' x, (43.8 Ibs, PANEL)x(62)+ (15lbs, STRUCTURE)x(62) 364562 , ,.w,, r ; techniques,sequences,or procedures;or ENTIRE WEIGHT ON ROOF lbs r for safety pr tprograms s In connection with the project.a r TOTAL AREA 3645.61bs/1331.01 sq.ft.=2.73lbs/sq.ft ” ' ;E Copyright 2023 Designn Learned NOTE: SET HORIZONTAL RAILS INBOARD IN A C RDANCE WITH STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS r ,• MX"' Date Issued: Release Purpose: INTERCONNECTION DETAILS W AC CONNECTION PER NEC 705.12 D 2 3 B AT ' NEW LOAD SIDE ( )( )( }O :��„ � �• s, �° °' "'' ':" ' i� ., 06/13/2023 REVISED FOR APPLICATION POINT OF CONNECTION _ MDP " ,,�..; ;� .:. _. ,. ,. ,•. . ;..., ,, ,.., � .,ter . • >� ;< 600A 120V/208Y, 3P/4W, FED FROM UTILITY �. .,,. , EXISTINGMDP , 3 py we ai' , Svc.v. ^t4 {.r ,,'r.. 4. .P✓ , M" 'nv"Y Cod a t t a <• .< 100A 120V/208Y 3P/4W FED FROM MDP NEW PV SUB-PANEL . .••_ ..,, „ ; r� 4.. , x . .v.,. ,y ,...: <' r T D SYS EM E TAI L S r ;l ' . ., . . . Current Phase: Con t DESCRIPTION NEW GRID INTERACTIVE PV SYSTEM WITH NO ENERGY � r _ ., .: ,�.,., ... ,, ,.x� s ructlan F STORAGE , . .�,,.• �,: .,. ,,., .ti . d•, c .;. ,,. „ License Number: DC R INE SYST 4.80 .-., , � . � �, , ,,< �, �'. � .. x <� .rte, ,. ,. .. r ,,:.� ,: z�, � � . Al � .� . 075056-1 AC RATING OF SYSTEM 20.0 KW i` . .- . Seal: i `�-- 'CE , wupF NE M ULE (62 _ L TR 5 WI CELL .: ' W 1- : LP O (02) SE10KUSINVERTER w ; " 1 y. ARRAY WIRING (4)STRINGS OF 10 ,(2)STRING OF 11 t ^ RACKING ALUMINIUM XR RAILS1'1 vy ¢ cr '•'• L' ':;. ,. „ P ; ,. . .,. 4 r - r w, „ _ w x Sko ATTACHMENT IRONRIDGE ;, ,• ,.. r `; x , ELECTRICAL SHEET LIST Drawn/Checked: ..,.. w .,.x. ,.i , .;:. .•> ,. .Vx... t} q,. 3 ked' _. ,. d SDT CSL SHEET Scale. NUMBERS SHEET NAME r, r NO SCALE a. :.. .; E1.0 SCOPE OF WORK&EQUIPMENT Plot Date: 4 06/21/2022 E1.1 SOLAR SYSTEM SITE PLAN Ja , F4• 4• Sheet Title: E2.0 SOLAR SYSTEM PLAN VIEW-SECOND FLO PROJECT DETAILS SCOPE OF WORK & E3.0 RISER DIAGRAM AND CALCULATIONS _ PROPERTY ADDRESS FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390, US EQUIPMENT APPENDIX; PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE DATA SHEET ON INFORMATI ZONING COMMERCIAL Sheet Number: SHEETS FROM VENDORS OPTIMIZER DATA SHEET INCLUDED FOR INFORMATION UTILITY COMPANY FISHERS ISLAND UTILITY CO INC H REFE INVERTER DAT. SH T VE ORS FO ELECTRICAL CODE 2014 NEC (NFPA 70) DLI TAILS BATTERY CABINET SYSTEM DATA SHEET THREE FORM El mO SHEETS�' � FIRE CODE 2015 IFC Al D FOR P A IR RIDE ATA EET SITE MAP END FOR PERMIT [OTHER BUILDING CODES T2020 NYS CODE BOOKS �NSCA�LE 2 1 3 1 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 ANIMAL FACILITY SPECIALISTS BUILDING DESIGN&ENGINEERING A 116 Main Street Norwich, CT 06360 T: 860.889.7078 LEGEND ❑M METER FNP-1 MAIN SERVICE PANEL PV SUB PANEL INVERTER B rproject Information: C Fishers Island Community Center INVERTERS PV SUB PANEL-120V/208Y,100A 66 Hound Ln, MAIN SERVICE PANEL-120V/208Y,600A UTILITY Fishers Island, NY UTI METER CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY METER 06390 'LOCATION IN FIELD. 10.5'— D Specifications are required to accompany these drawings. Drawings and specifications as Instruments of service i are and shall remain the property of the delsgner. They are not to be used on other projects or extensions to this PV ARRAY project except by written agreement in writing and with appropriate compensation to the designer. Contractor is responsible for confirming FF- 1 . 17 and correlating dimensions at job site; the designer will not be responsible for construction means,methods, techniques,sequences,or procedures;or L for safety precautions and programs In E connection with the project. Copyright 2023 Design Learned rDate Issued: Release Purpose: J 07/13/2022 STRUCTURAL CHANGES 06/13/2023 REVISED FOR APPLICATION nt Phase: Construction F License Number: 075056-1 Seal: r NE T 0 C-) a: 56/02/ )h� 0 0515IN oNP Drawn/Checked: SDT CSL G Scale: 1/ 16" V-0" Plot Date: 06/21/2022 Sheet Title: SOLAR SYSTEM SITE PLAN Sheet Number: H tz ■ C 10�5'---f Current \J 1 2 3 4 5 7 1 $ 9 10 11 DLI ANIMAL FACILITY SPECIALISTS BUILDING DESIGN&ENGINEERING A 116 Main Street Norwich, CT 06360 T: 860.889.7078 B 6 Project Information: ' C I I f , I 4e i Fishers Island Community it ; i f fi; i , Center 66 Hound Ln i ! i 'I , ,j Fishers Island, NY i ! i E E 06390 D ! j t , ! fi Prequired GAP BETWEEN PV , iI Specifications are to accompany these drawings. Drawings and PANELS ; specifications as instruments of service ! I are and shall h II the property of the i ! I deisgner. They are not to be used on other projects or extensions to this i : _- ' project epytaagreement in wtingand with ppopr , , I compensation to the designer. I I f ; i _._ PV ARRAYi Contractor is responsible for confirming I ' I and correlating dimensions at job site; n be, responsible for the designer onstruct oln means,methods, techniques, techni ues,sequences, or procedures o r it for safety precautions and programs in E � i I connectio n with the project. ! j i ! I I PV ARRAY Copyright 2023 Design Learned l GAP BETWEEN PV ; I I PANELS Datessed:u I Release Pur ose: PV ARRAY! h 07/13/2022 STRUCTURAL CHANGES 06/13/2023 REVISED FOR APPLICATION , 31 011 , f R I i 3FT.MIN.CLEARANCE FROM FRONT OF PV PANEL Current Phase: Construction F License Number: 075056-1 Seal: OF NEw ptT LEq �0 co U * ' r S" 0/02/ t.x1 wn: 0 056.1 �? Agores stoNP� Drawn/Checked: G SDT / CSL Scale: 3/16" = V-0" Plot Date: 06/21/2022 Sheet Title: SOLAR SYSTEM PLAN VIEW - SECOND FLOOR Sheet Number: H 't _ 1 3 4 777777 5 1 6 1 7 8 9 10 11 DRAWING KEYED NOTED 1 GROUNDING NOTES MODULES PM-62-PV MODULE MOUNTED ABOVE THE ROOF SURFACE ON A SERIES OF HORIZONTAL RAILS ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PROPERLY GROUNDED PER NEC ARTICLE 250 AND 690. REF. QTY. MAKE AND MODEL PMAX. ISC, IMP. VOC. VMP. TEMP, COEFF.OF VOC FUSE RATING r, O INSTALLED PARALLEL TO THE SLOPED GABLE ROOF RIDGELINE. PM-62 62 Q-CELLS Q.TRON 375-40OW 120CELLS 40OW 11.51 11.11 41.54 36.01 -0.118V/°C(-0.24%/°C) 20A TOTAL 62 PV MODULE-(4)STRINGS OF 10 AND(2)STRING OF 11. PV MODULES SHALL BE GROUNDED TO MOUNTING RAILS USING MODULE LUGS OR RACKING ANIMAL FACILITY SPECIALISTS O2 IZERS-FOR E ATLEAST INSTALLATION OF EARANCE ON ALL SIDES AND MINIMUM 1"CLEARANCE IS REQUIRED INTEGRATED GROUNDING CLAMPS AS ALLOWED BY LOCAL JURISDICTION. 1 / BUILDING DESIGN R ENGINEERING ENSURE INVERTER BETWEEN THE BOTTOM OF THE SOLAREDGE UNITS AND THE ROOF SURFACE. INSTALLER SHALL CONFIRM THAT MOUNTING SYSTEM HAS BEEN EVALUATED FOR COMPLIANCE 3 INVERTER(10KW)-MEETS RAPID SHUTDOWN REQUIREMENTS FOR THE NEC2017,NEC2014 AND WITH UL2703"GROUNDING AND BONDING"WHEN USED WITH PROPOSED PV MODULE. QTY MAKE AND MODEL AC VOLTAGE RATED POWER MAX OUTPUT CURRENT MAX INPUT CURRENT MAX INPUT CURRENT MAX INPUT CURRENT 116 Main Street O Norwich, CT 06360 NEC2020 COMPLIANT/CERTIFIED. 2 SOLAREDGE SEIOKUS/ 120V/208,30 10,000W 27.8A 27,8q 370V-600V 97% T: 860.889.7078 ® PROVIDE NEMA-3R FUSIBLE DISCONNECT SWITCH (SWI)IN WP ENCLOSURE 3P-100A,+S/N,HEAVY NOTES DUTY,LOCKING TYPE. �5 INSTALL NEMA 3R SUB PANEL OF 208Y/120V 3P,4W,100A, EQUIPMENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEC AND ALL APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SERVING ELECTRIC UTILITY COMPANY AND THE LOCAL AUTHORITY OPTIMIZER © MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL(EXISTING)208Y/120V 3P,4W,600A. JURISDICTION. REF. MAKE AND MODEL RATED INPUT POWER MAX OUPUT CURRENT MAX INPUT ISC. MAX INPUT ISC, WEIGHTED EFFICIENCY 70#2 10AWG @75C, 1#6G,FREE WIRE ALL CONDUCTORS TO BE COPPER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED OPT SOLAREDGE S500B 6000W 15A 15A 125V 99.5% ® #210AWG, 1#6G, 1/2"C ALL SOLAR MODULES,EQUIPMENTS AND METALLIC COMPONENTS ARE TO BE BONDED, OCONTRACTOR TO INSTALL SUBFEED LUGS DIRECTLY BESIDE THE MAIN INCOMING LUGS AND CONNECT TO SUB PANELBOARD(PV) TO THE INCOMING FEEDER.THE FEEDER CABLES ARE CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO WET LOCATIONS SHALL BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN WET LOCATIONS PER DISCONNECT BROUGHT INTO PANELBOARD AND CONNECT TO MAIN LUGS, NEC ARTICLE 310.10(C) 4#1, 1#6G,2"C REF. MAKE AND MODEL RATED CURRENT MAX RATED VOLATGE 10 1#6 IN 1/2"CONDUIT.CONNECT TO LOCAL GROUND BUS CONDUCTORS EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT SHALL BE LISTED AS SUNLIGHT RESISTANT PER NEC SWI ARTICLE 300,6(C)(1)AND 310.10(D) SQUARED D363R8 100A 600VAC THE SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION SHALL NOT BE OBSTRUCT ANY PLUMB ING,MECHANICAL,OR BUILDING ROOF VENTS. 1 1 SYSTEM SUMMARY INVERTER 1 INVERTER 2 STRING 1 STRING 2 STRING 3 STRING 1 STRING 2 STRING 3 rProject Information: ARRAY STC POWER 4000W 4000W 440OW 4000W 4000W 440OW DC SOURCE CIRCUIT CURRENT 15A 15A 15A 18A 15A 15A C NUMBER OF OPTIMIZERS 10 10 11 10 10 11 NOMINAL STRING VOLTAGE 500V 800V 500V 500V 800V 500V ARRAY OPERATING CURRENT 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A 15A ARRAY STC POWER 12,400W 12,400W Fishers Island MAX AC CURRENT 34A 34A MAX AC POWER OUTPUT 10,000W 10,000W _DERATED AC POWER OUTPUT 10,000W 101000W Community ARRAY STC POWER 24,800W MAX AC CURRENT 69A MAX AC POWER OUTPUT 20,000W Center DERATED AC POWER OUTPUT 20,000W 66 Hound Ln, PV ARRAYS- 6 STRING OF 10/11 Fisher06390d, NY D 1 Specifications are required to accompany 10 IN STRING these drawings. Drawings and specifications as instruments of service are and shall remain the property of the deisgner. They are not to be used on 7 other projects or extensions to this project except by written agreement in _ _ _ _ _ _ writing and with appropriate TV F I 2 compensation to the designer. V Contractor Is responsible for confirming 1 and correlating dimensions at job site; 10 I N STRING the designer will not be responsible for construction means,methods, techniques,sequences,or procedures;or 1 _ I — I for safety precautions and programs in 411F EI I I II connection with the project. - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - — — — — — — — — — —J I Copyright 2023 Design Learned C I OI I I Date Issued: Release Purpose: 07/13/2022 STRUCTURAL CHANGES 11 IN STRING I 06/13/2023 REVISED FOR APPLICATION INVERTER 4 O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I 40A4 MDP M PV (EXISTING) SUB-PANEL (NEW) 5 NET U _ VI © METERING Current Phase: Construction F 2 I License Number: 10 I N STRING i I i 1 075056-1 I seal: of NEly 1- 2� — — — — — — — — 1 C i r— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - —� { I -10 I — r— " �J& "i X V VX6/02/ O 1 I —�--o I I 5ro A 0 X056'1 10 IN STRING I _ I - - I i -`- A°CESS'°NP I I I I I ( Drawn/Checked: - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I- - —L - - — — — — — — —I I I I SDT / CSL Scale: O I I NO SCALE OI I I I Plot Date: L: 0111NSTRING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� � ( 06/21/2022 Sheet Title: INVERTER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I RISER DIAGRAM & CALCULATIONS Sheet Number: H t ONE LINE DIAGRAM 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 L ANIMAL FACILITY SIILCIALISTS BUILDING DESIGN&ENGINEERING A 116 Main Street U ■HAO%k INK TU MN kriECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Norwich, CT 06360 T: 860.889.7078 ""- 111II1111111111111!I11U11111141U1?I :, Product G.TRON-G1+ 676"(1717 mm) 14.5"(368.5mm) F o r rn,-7 11 67.6 in x 41.1 In x 1.26 In (including frame) 38.6"(980 mm) 71 IV4 �7 (1717 mm x 1045 mm x 32 mm) • 4L RM , 43.8 lbs (19.9 kg) 4, 4 x Grounding points a 0.18"(4.5 mm) Frame _j 2!579"(1470mm) -stressed glass Front Covc 0.13 in (3,2 mm) thermally pre E' -reflection technology 39.5"(1002,5 mm) with anti B5. ack Cover Composite film b . z. 41.1"(1045 mm) ei­;t Frn�-nr, Black anodized aluminum % 7 Label 2!579"(1470mm) 4, B CcII 6 x 20 monocrystalline G.ANTUM NEO solar half cells 7 �.7 -7z,, 5 A M 'V 4 X MOL -18 m w-p tion box JUnc 53-101 mm x 32-60 mm x 15 e,Vintlng slots Protection class IP67, with bypass diodes C"[)!e 4MM2Solar cable; �:57.9 In (1470mm), �:in (1470mm) 4 A,4 DETAIL A) 8 x Drainage holes U 0,63"(16 mm) �!I A DETAIL A 1.26"(32mm) Connector Staubli MC4; IP68 To.33"(8.5 mm) 0.837"(21,25 mm)T Quality Controlled PV r) ELECTRICAL CIAIARACTERISTICS TUVRheinland POWER CLASS 375 380 385 390 395 400 " '® Q Q Q , ' w AMC= TEST CONDITIO -�Sl -5\AJ 0 W rProject Information: ww r,.�!N1 I'N�U III P E R F 0 R rl!,A N C 1E AT S TA r-11 D A R D STC1 (POWER TOLERANCE 4 ID 1111232615 C 375 380 385 390 395 400 Powcl at MPP' PMPP [W] Slhort Circuit Ci-mront' [A] 11.34 11.37 11.41 11.44 11.47 11.51 ISC MMUL b) R - 0.. Fishers Island I*,*,- �3 -.n C i r c u it Vic,!t',-� a e Voc IV] I Opc� 41.37 41.40 41.44 41.47 41.50 41.54 r,r.111 ........... E ---------- Community Current ni P-APP IMPP [A] 10.80 10.86 10.92 10.98 11.05 11.11 TOO BRAND PV V igo at IV 34.73 34.99 35.25 35.51 35.76 36.01 olt, PP VMPP IV] Center EUROPE Efficiency' N >_20.9 >21.2 >_21.5 >_21.7 ?!22.0 >_22.3 20211. ' 66 Hound Ln, 0 CELLS K!',lrJIr,,!UM PEPFORr,1[,TJCE AT NIOK.IAL OPIEPATING C0�11..DITIOr\1,S, Nr-AOT2 Warranty Yield Security Fishers Island, NY Product&Pedormance Powe 1,�at \11 P P PMPP [W] 282.5 286.3 290.1 293.8 297.6 301.4 06390 Of ort Circuit Ct!rrC:nt ISC E [A] 9.14 9.16 9.19 9.22 9.24 9.27 Opon Circuit Vo!tcipp VOC [V] 39.24 39.27 39.30 39.33 39.37 39.40 C: [A] 8.50 8.55 8.61 8.66 8.72 8.78 ;Z' CLIrrent at KPIM" IMPP STATE OF THE ART MODULE DESIGN Voltage at r-APP V 33.25 33.47 33.70 33.91 34.13 34.34 MPP IV] C-11 Q.ANTUM NEO Technology with zero gap cell layout -- - 'Measurement tolerances Pmpp ±3%; Isc; Voc±5% at STC: JOOOW/M2, 25±2*C, AM 1.5 according to IEC 60904-3 . 280OW/M2, NMOT, spectrum AM 1.5 Specifications are required to accompany boosts module efficiency up to 22.6%. these drawings. Drawings and Q CELLS PERFORMANCE WARRANTY PERFORMANCE AT LOW IRRADIANCE specifications as instruments of service are and shall remain the property of the delsgner. They are not to be used on THE MOST THOROUGH TESTING PROGRAMME IN THE INDUSTRY 100 other projects or extensions to this � 0 CELLS 7- 110 ------------ ----- - project except by written agreement In as - Industry standard for inenr warrarties' At least 98.5% of nominal power writing and with appropriate Q CELLS is the first solar module manufacturer to pass the most comprehensive V, compensation to the designer. during first year. Thereafter max. 0 U_ 0 95 ---------- 11------------------------------ 0.33%degradation per year. At least Lit Contractor is responsible for confirming quality programme in the industry: The new "Quality Controlled PV of the inde Ll- f- "_1 6 100 ------I- LJ and correlating dimensions at job site; 95.53%of nominal power up to 10 the designer will not be responsible for pendent certification institute TOV Rheinland. years. At least 90.58%of nominal construction means,methods, go ----------------------- ------ ------------- power up to 25 years. > I I techniques,sequences,or procedures;or I,_ VV r------I------I------ for safety precautions and programs in I I I I connection with the project. E INNOVATIVE ALL-WEATHER TECHNOLOGY WI I I 86 All data within measurement tole ranc- Optimal yields, whatever the weather with excellent es. Full warranties in accordance with 80 1 1 EL Copyright 2023 Design Learned < the warranty terms of the 0 CELLS 200 400 Soo Soo 1000 low-light and temperature behaviour. < 0 so ----------- sales organisation of your respective 1'rADIANCE[W/m7l Z Q ("Date Issued: Release Purpose. 0 a 10 is 20 25 country. 0 07113/2022 STRUCTURAL CHANGES Typical module performance under low irradiance conditions in 8 'Standard terms of guarantee for the 10 PV companies Y 17 A P'l ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE with the highest Droduction capacity in 2014(as at:September 2014) 0: 06/1312023 REVISED FOR APPLICATION is comparison to STC conditions(25 OC, 1000 W/M2). I -term yield security with Anti LeTID Technology, Anti PID . :i�(I:;:. ;, �, Long TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS Technology', Hot-Spot Protect and Traceable Quality Tra,Qlm. LO T - M Cot + Tempornture fficiont of Isc a [%/K] 0.04 lomporature Cocfficicnt of V0, [%/K] -0.24 J. S!".,� 13 C? 77."! -0.32 Nominal r0odule, Opornting Temperoture, NMOT 109±5.4 (43±3°C) Tomporaturc Coefficient of P,, y [%/K] EXTREME WEATHER RATING [OF] 10 co + High-tech aluminium alloy frame, certified for A Current Phase: Construction F high snow (5400 Pa) and wind loads (4000 Pa). PROPERTIES FOR SYSTEM DESIGr%.I. 0 License Number: ific, classi allon Class 11 rAnximum System Volu jo Vsys 1000 (IEC)/1000 (UL) PV m odLJ!O IV] E: 075056-1 A RELIABLE INVESTMENT J r,r. ,.P1,,.ytrnum Ser Full�n Rcting [A DC] 20 Fire rating bpscd on Al,%ISI UL 617%30 TYPE 2 J LU Seal: Inclusive 25-year product warranty and 25-year /ft2] 0 IF NE x ad, Push Pull' Pcirmittccl rAodLl!o Temperature i PA, Design Lo, 75 (3600 Pa) 55 (2660 Pa) -40*F up to +185°F[lbs 0 <1 y2. J, on Continuous Duty -40 OC up to +85 OC) @ 01T L linear performance warrant YEARS /ft fo!km�. Tost Lo-d, PU1111 Pull' [lbs 113 (5400 Pa) 84 (4000 Pa) C). / A 3 See Installation Manual P ;1 )6/02/ i- -3 J co 0 C: 0 'APT test conditions according to IEC/TS 62804-1:2015,method A(-1500V,96h) QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES 0 5 ro 2 See data sheet on rear for further information. essio 0 Quality Controlled PV-TOV Rheinland; Drawn/Checked: IEC 61215:2016;IE'61730:2016. SDT CSL G This data sheet complies SC: Scale: with DIN EN 50380. T .0 4� C E cc NO SCALE THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR: C us .0 Certified UL 61730 www.tuv.eom ID 1111220277 Plot Date: Rooftop arrays on U) 06/21/2022 residential buildings Sheet Title: PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE DATA SHEET Hanwhe 0 CELLS America Inc. Sheet Number: 400 Spectrum Ceiter Drive, Suite 1400, Irvine, CA 92618, USA I TEL +1949 748 59 96 1 Er,4A1L inquiry@us.q-cells.com I WEB www.q-cells.us Engineered in Germany H F:rlr�j 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... ......... DLI 1 ANIMAL FACILITY SPECIALISTS BUILDING DESIGN&ENGINEERING A ThriElle. 'Phase n ® r the 120/208V Grid 1 116 Main Street Norwich, CT 06360 T: 860.889.7078 For North AmericaThl ee o 000,,,J 0 1 n v ,,,"% e L e SPOKUS SE17. 3KUS h PAM 120 00V 0 V L e Awe ww � , owl i . . tft s ter. yr = I, • � OUTPUT w ForNorth � Rated AC Power Output 10000 17300 W Maximum Apparent AC Output Power 10000 17300 VA SE1 O / SE1 7.3 Output Line Connections 3W + PE, 4W + PE � lAC Output Voltage Minimum-Nominal-Maximum(2) (L-N) 105 — 120 — 132.5 Vac = AC Output Voltage Minimum-Nominal-Maximum(2) (L-L) 183 — 208 — 229 Vac .:� W'... AC Frequency Minimum-Nominal-Maximum(2) 59.3 — 60 — 60.5 Hz Continuous Output Current (per Phase) 27.8 48.25 Aac GFDI Threshold 1 A Project Information: C Utility Monitoring, Islanding Protection, Country Configurable Set Points Yes THD < 3 % Fishers Island Power Factor Range +/- 0.85 to 1 Community INPUT Center Maximum DC Power (Module STC) 17500 30275 W Transformer-less, Ungrounded Yes 66 Hound Ln, Maximum Input Voltage DC+ to DC- 600 Vdc Fishers Island, NY 06390 Operating Voltage Range 370 - 600 Vdc Maximum Input Current 27.8 48.25 Adc Maximum Input Short Circuit Current 55 Adc Reverse-Polarity Protection Yes Ground-Fault Isolation Detection 167k() Sensitivity(3) Specifications are required to accompany , these drawings. Drawings and CEC Weighted Efficiency 97 97,5 % specifications as Instruments of service are and shall remain the property of the Night-time Power Consumption < deisgner. They are not to be used on 4 W other projects or extensions to this project except by written agreement in ADDITIONAL FEATURES writing and with appropriate compensation to the designer. Supported Communication Interfaces 2 x RS485, Ethernet, Cellular (optional) Contractor is responsible for confirming and correlating dimensions at job site; Inverter Commissioning With the SetApp mobile application using built-in Wi-Fi access point for local connection the designer will not be responsible for construction means,methods, Rapid Shutdown _ NEC2014 NEC2017 and NEC2020 compliant/certified liant/certified techniques,forfetsequences,and programs or , y precautions and ro rams in connection with the project. E r' RS485 Surge Protection Plug-in Supplied with the inverter, Built-in AC, DC Surge Protection Type II, field replaceable, Built-in Copyright 2023 Design Learned DC Fuses (Single Pole) 25A, Built-in Date Issued: Release Purpose: Smart Energy Management Export Limitation 07/13/2022 STRUCTURAL CHANGES The best choice for SolarEdge enabled systems DC SAFETY SWITCH 08/13/2023 REVISED FOR APPLICATION Specifically designed to work with power Integrated arc fault protection and rapid DC Disconnect Integrated optimizers shutdown for NEC 2014, 2017, and 2020, per STANDARD COMPLIANCE article 690.11 and 690.12 Safety UL1741, UL1741 SA, UL1741 SB, UL169913, CSA C22.2, Canadian AFCI according to T.I.L. M__071 Grid Connection Standards IEEE1547-2018, Rule 21, Rule 14 (HI) Phase: Construction F I Quick and easy Inverter commissioning directly Current P from a smartphone using SolarEdge SetApp Built-in module-level monitoring with Ethernet, EmIS510nS FCC part15 class A KLIcenso Number: INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS 075056-1 wireless or cellular communication for full Seal: I" Fixed voltage inverter for superior efficiency AC Output Conduit size /AWG range 3/4" or 1" / 6 - 10 AWG of NS g p y system DC Input Conduit size / AWG range 3/a" or 1" / 6 - 12 AWG '��p�T LEq and longer strings *��� Number of DC inputs pairs 4 ir Integrated Safet Switch y h Dimensions with Safety Switch (H x W x D) 31.8 x 12.5 x 11.8 / 808 x 317 x 300 in / mm 0 J." 1�op ' Built-in type 2 DC and AC Surge Protection, to Weight with Safety Switch 78.2 / 35.5 Ib / kg AR 056' better withstand lightning events UL1741 SA and SB certified, for CPUC Rule 21 Cooling Fans (user replaceable) ess,oN grid compliance Noise < 62 dBA Drawn/Checked: G Small, lightest in its class, and easy to install Operating Temperature Range -40 to +140 / -40 to +60(4) °F / °C Scale: SDT / CSL outdoors or indoors on provided bracket Protection Rating NEMA 3R NO SCALE Mounting Bracket provided Plot Date: 06/21/2022 (1) For 277/480V inverters refer to the Three Phase Inverters for the 277/480V Grid for North America datasheet. (2) For other regional settings please contact SolarEdge support. Sheet Title: (3) Where permitted by local regulations. INVERTER DATA r 74 --- (4) For power de-rating information refer to the Temperature De-rating - Technical Note (North America). SHEET t t. Sheet Number: solaredge.com r y H © SolarEdge Technologies, Ltd.All rights reserved. SOLAREDGE,the SolarEdge logo, OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners. Date: November 27, 2022 DS-000069-NAM. Subject to change without notice. r.... 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 7 1 8 1 9 10 11 Al DLI ANIMAL FACILITY SPECIALISTS 13UILDING DESIGN&ENGINEERING A Power Optimizer 116 Main Street Norwich, CT 06360 �- dor North America T: 860.889.7078 5440 / S500B / S650B owe '�q M I r Ani 4 e e % % INPUT For orth America y Rated Input DC Power(1) 440 500 650 W - Absolute Maximum Input Voltage (Voc) 60 125 85 Vdc B MPPT Operating Range 8 - 60 12.5 — 105 12.5 - 85 Vdc 5440 / S500B / S650B Maximum Short Circuit Current (Isc) of Connected PV Module 14.5 15 Adc Maximum Efficiency 99.5 % Weighted Efficiency 98.6 % Overvolta a Cate o 11 OUTPUT DURING OPERATION (POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING SOLAREDGE INVERTER) Maximum Output Current 15Adc '0 Maximum Output Voltage 60 80 Vdc OUTPUT DURING STANDBY (POWER OPTIMIZER DISCONNECTED FROM SOLAREDGE INVERTER OR INVERTER OFF) Safety Output Voltage per Power Optimizer 1 t 0.1 Vdc Project Information: STANDARD COMPLIANCE Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown System NEC 2014 — 2023 EMC FCC 15 Class B, I EC61000-6-Z, i EC61000-6-3 Fishers I s l a n d Part it ii­77777 Safety IEC62109-1 (class II safety), UL1741 Community L ROHS Center is i It" it ;; 117 i 1' Yes § Fire Safety V -AR-E 2100-712:2013-05DEI 66 Hound Ln,J INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS Fisherd, NY Maximum Allowed System Voltage 1000 Vdc 06390 i 129 x 155 x 30 / Dimensions (W x L x H) 129x165 x45 / 5.07x6.49x1.77 mm in 5.07x6.10x1.18 Weight 720 / 1.6 790 / 1.74 gr/ lb Input Connector MC4(2) Input Wire Length 0.1 / 0.32 m / ft f aN N a.. Output Connector MC4 Specifications are required to accompany +;. these drawings. Drawings and Output Wire Length (+) 2.3, (-) 0.10 / (+) 7.54, (-) 0.32 m / ft specifications as instruments of service are and shall remain the property of the a Operating Temperature Ran e(3) -40 to +85 °C deisgner. They are not to be used on other projects or extensions to project except by written agreement in Protection RatingIP68 / NEMA6P writing and with appropriate p compensation to the designer. Relative Humidity0 - 100 /p Contractor is responsible for confirming (1) Rated power of the module at STC will not exceed the power optimizer Rated Input DC Power, Modules with up to +5% power tolerance are allowed. and correlating dimensions at job site; (2) For other connector types please contact SolarEdge. the designer will not be responsible for construction means,methods, (3) Power de-rating is applied for ambient temperatures above +85°C/ +185°F for S440, and for ambient temperatures above +75°C/ 167°F for 55006. Refer-to t e Power techniques,sequences,or procedures;or for safety precautions and programs in E Optimizers Temperature De-Rating Technical Note for more details. connection with the project. i is • � 64 ` ; W W • � i � ' ill. "- l� ,1�:t4 i • sw ...,.,r,� Copyright 2023 Design Learned PVpower optimization at the module leveI °ate Issued: Release Pu se: Minimum String Length 5440 8 10 18 Optimizers) B S650B 6 8 14 07113/2022 STRUCTURAL CHANGES (Power O P ) S500I 06/13/2023 REVISED FOR APPLICATION Maximum String Length (Power Optimizers) 25 50(4) T Specifically designed to work with SolarEdge I Faster installations with simplified cable Maximum Nominal Power per String 5700 6000 12750 W residential inverters management and easy assembly using a single Maximum Allowed Connected Power per String(5) SE6000H: 5700 One string: 7200 (In multiple string designs, the maximum is permitted only when the SE7600H and above: 6000 Two strings or more: 7800 15000 W bolt difference in connected power between strings is 1,000W or less Detects abnormal PV connector behavior, Parallel Strings of Different Lengths or Orientations Yes Current Phase: Construction F preventing potential safety issues Flexible system design for maximum space (4) A string with more than 30 optimizers does not meet NEC rapid shutdown requirements; safety voltage will be above the 30V requirement. _ (5) If the inverters rated AC powers maximum nominal power per string, then the maximum power per string will be able to reach up to the inverters maximum input DC power. License Number: utilization Refer to the Single String Design Guidelines Application Note for more details. 075056-1 ir Module-level voltage shutdown for installer (6) It is not allowed to mix S-series and P-series Power optimizers in new installations. seal: and firefighter safety ' Compatible with bifacial PV modules AW011- i ., -�, " �'' - . , ��0 NEw'' SII i .., � . ® e • � � � ,`Q� Gp-VT LFq 0,9 03 Superior efficiency (99.5%) Meets NEC requirements for arc fault protection (AFCI) and Photovoltaic Rapid --- --- -- — = - =�� 056 �� lir �r r ARo NPS Mitigates all types of module mismatch loss, Shutdown System (PVRSS) �, I L_ ;' 1 Drawn/Checked: from manufacturing tolerance to partial �° r. ! .. SDT / CSL shading ` U — ---_=------_—_-_- Scale, sa NO SCALE Plot Date: . 1::. ._.i .� 06/21/2022 t 82 1— Sheet Title: OPTIMIZER DATA SHEET N1M � © SolarEdge Technologies, Ltd.All rights reserved. SOLAREDGE,the SolarEdge logo, OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies, Inc. Sheet Number: t . . All other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners. Date: May 18, 2023 DS-000018-NA. Subject to change without notice, tr, 1, Intertek H solaredge.com a 1= r 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 8 9 1 10 11 ANIMAL FACILITY SPECIALISTS BUILDING DESIGN R ENGINEERING A 116 Main Street Norwich, CT 06360 T: 860.889.7078 6 Project Information: C Fishers Island Community Center 66 Hound Ln, Fishers Island, NY 06390 D Al STORAGE SYSTEM REMOVED PER CHANGE IN APPLICATION REQUIREMENT AND UTILITY Specifications are required to accompany DECISION T ❑ PR ❑ VIDE NET METERING theaionsa instruments of specifications as instruments of service are and shall remain the property of the deisgner. They are not to be used on other projects or extensions to this project except by written agreement in writing and with appropriate compensation to the designer. Contractor is responsible for confirming and correlating dimensions at job site; the designer will not be responsible for construction means,methods, techniques,sequences,or procedures;or for safety precautions and programs in E connection with the project. Copyright 2023 Design Learned Date Issued: Release Pur ose: 07/13/2022 STRUCTURAL CHANGES 06,/13/2023 RMSED FOR APPLICATION Current Phase: Construction F License Number: 075056-1 Seal: �,,,of NEwy �G011T LE 20,p r- A Cr y,6/02/ C9 0 X056.1 v ROPES S10A Drawn/Checked: G SDT / CSL Scale: NO SCALE Plot Date: 06/21/2022 Sheet Title: BATTERY CABINET DATASHEET Sheet Number: H 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 111 DLI ANIMAL FACILITY SPECIALISTS BUILDING DESIGN&ENGINEERING A 116 Main Street Norwich, CT 06360 T: 860.889.7078 17, 17--Hc RONRIDGEI Flush Mount System XR10 Rail XR100 Rail XR1000 Rail Bonded Splices F . . _M_ 9 F", An— Project Information: A low-profile mounting rail The ultimate residential A heavyweight mounting All rails use internal splices C for regions with light snow, solar mounting rail. rail for commercial projects. for seamless connections. • 6' spanning capability 8' spanning capability • 12' spanning capability • Self-drilling screws Fishers Island • Moderate load capability Heavy load capability • Extreme load capability • Varying versions for rails Community • Clear and black finish Clear and black finish • Clear anodized finish • Forms secure bonding Center . . f 6 K yr Inc.A 66 Hound Ln Fishers Island, NY UFOs Stopper Sleeves CAMO Grounding Lugs 06390 M.. F ___ ,_. . . , .. Specifications are required to accompany { these drawings. Drawings and ---------- specifications as instruments of service are and shall remain the property of the elsgner. They are not to be used o other projects or extensions to this project except by written agreement in Universal Fastening Objects Snap onto the UFO to turn Bond modules to rails while Connect arrays to writing and with appropriate bond modules to rails. into a bonded end clamp. staying completely hidden. equipment ground. compensation to the designer. Contractor is responsible for confirming • job site; Fully assembled & lubed • Bonds modules to rails • Universal end-cam clamp • Low profile rge1rres ot hedesinerlwill the esi pnsiblefor construction means,methods, • Single, universal size • Sized to match modules • Tool-less installation • Single tool installation tfo safety,sequences, proceduresi or y precautions an d programs in E • Clear and black finish • Clear and black finish • Fully assembled Mounts in any direction connection with the project. „�.� �� �Y � �..,�,. �'�.�.��-e. �- p'�r •� . � ��, � ,�,�•. � � � Copyright 2023 Design Learn© Purp se: IronRidge builds the strongest mounting system for pitched roofs in solar. Every component has been tested to Dat07113/2002d2 Release STRUCTURALCHANGES the limit and proven in extreme environments. FlashFoot2 Conduit Mount Slotted L-Feet Bonding Hardware 06/13/2023 REVISED FOR APPLICATION Our rigorous approach has led to unique structural features, such as curved rails and reinforced flashings, and is also why our products are fully certified, code compliant and backed by a 25-year warranty. Current Phase: Construction F Strength Tested PE Certified t' .. �.__ .�,.- � � �..��.�-- r � .�_' . .� �-, g . �� .��„, License Number: r 075056-1 Lr - All components evaluated for superior . a, Pre-stamped engineering letters Flash and mount XR Rails Flash and mount conduit, Drop-in design for rapid rail Bond and attach XR Rails Seal: structural performance. available in most states. with superior waterproofing. strut, or junction boxes. attachment. to roof attachments. of NEw • Twist-on Cap eases install Twist-on Cap eases install Secure rail connections • T & Square Bolt options ` LE 20,E Wind-driven rain tested Wind-driven rain tested Slot for vertical adjusting • Nut uses 7/16" socket r 1 d. Class A Fire Rating Design Assistant /02" g -- i 9 Mill and black finish Secures 3/4" or 1 " conduit Clear and black finish • Assembled and lubricated '`' ARS 05ro NP`,�� Certified to maintain the fire resistance Online software makes It simple to Fess.° rating of the existing roof. p projects. i �� o G; share, and rice ro ects. Drawn/Checked: SDT / CSL Design Assistant --�� NABCEP Certified Training Sale: »w �t RE0 PRO` NO SCALE UL 2703 Listed System 25-Year Warranty Go from rough layout to fully � ' f�� ` Earn free continuing education credits, --�' NABCEP t g y ; ' while learning more about our systems. Plot Date: engineered system. For free. �ry - 06/21/2022 Entire system and components meet Products guaranteed to be free Y p g o to Ironrli axorn/c�..isia � :.�. '��-� � O to I�`cI� �,i �C.C�'��/�a`C ���r��'� newest effective UL 2703 standard. of impairing defects. Sheet Title: IRONRIDGE DATA SHEET Sheet Number: ..,..�-.�,.,..-.. 3 , i�.,tri:slxk,.i.:. ),t.. _:.tl, ^t*9�Ir a: ..'r, ,�E > a%�S�.tW `a�'' .. ,• :; .. �?:, i",i�4,_ x,.. r'"1'axs; "1.• :6�'; �` •` . H Am&Gulidu C- tor,Anj jj li j n 2.4. : String of Optimizer(s): Transition Sox to Inverter I . Maximum System Voltage TestCircuit 'Section Properties F. Minimum Required EGC Size 12 AWG 1.1. Generac inverter Q Cells- Q-TRON 375-4001120 Cells (40OW) see Table 250. 122 and690.45(A) Conductor 6 AWG THWN-2 Copper Equipment Ground Conductor EGC 12 AWG THWN-2 Co er The smallest EGC size allowed is 12 AWG for OCPD rating 20A Array Properties NEC Code Validation Tests OCPD(s) 30A according to Table 250.122. i Array Type Distributed MPPT System Inverter ; PV Source Circuit maximum Voc must not exceed PASS Racewa /Cable 0.5" dia. EMT According to 690.45(A), t s not necessary to increase the size of the PV Arra 1 � array's EGC when conductors are oversized for voltage dro 600V Lowest Terminal Temperature 90°C y g p System Description Generac inverter Q Cells-Q-TRON 375-400 324.03V< 600V = true Rating considerations. 1120 Cells (400W) Module Q Cells- Q-TRON 375-400 1120 Cells DC-DC Converter Source Circuit voltage must not PASS Maximum Wire Temperature 49°Cp G. Minimum Recommended Conduit Size 0.5„ dia. exceed 600V Power Source Description DC-to-DC converter source circuit Highest number of modules in series 7 380V < 600V = true consisting of 2 Generac PVLINK see 300. 17 in a PV Source Circuit S2502 optimizers. The total area of all conductors is 0.1147in2. With a maximum fill rate of Design Low Temp. -14°C Power Source Current 24A 0.4, the recommended conduit diameter is 0.5. Module Voc 41.54 V Voltage 380V Temp. Coefficient Voc -0.122Vic Qty Description Size Type Area Total Area NEC Code Calculations NEC Code Calculations 2 Conductor 6 AWG THWN-2 0.0507in2 0.1014in' A. Continuous Current 15A 1 Equipment Ground 12 AWG THWN-2 0.0133in2 0.0133in2 A. Maximum Voltage of PV Source Circuit 324.03V see 690.8(A)(5) 3 0.1147in2 see 690.7(C) NEC 690.7(C) requires that if the PV module manufacturer provides a The continuous current of DC-to-DC converter source circuit is equal to 0.1147in210.4 = 0.2867in2 (Corresponding to a diameter of 0.5") temperature coefficient of open-circuit voltage, it must be used to the rated maximum output current of the optimizer. calculate the PV array's maximum system voltage. It includes an Rated Max. Output Current of o A NEC Code Validation Tests information note recommending the use of the ASHRAE 'Extreme Annual Outp optimizer is 8 Mean Minimum Design Dry Bulb Temperature' as the design low OCPD rating must be at least 125% of Continuous PASS y �, temperature. Using these values, the module Voc (41.54V will Increase to B. Ampacity of Conductor 75A Current (240.4) 50.06V at the design low temperature ( -140C). see Tatlo 310. 15(B)(16) 30A >= 15A X 1.25 = true (-14°C - 25°C) X -0.122V/C +41.54V =46.29V Ampacity ) copper conductor with 90°C insulation in 30°C for a The string Voc at the design low temperature is 324.03V p ( Derated ampacity must exceed OCPD rating, PASS _ conduit/cable is 75A. p Y ra ng, or 46.29V X 7 - 324.03V rating of next smaller OCPD (240.4) B. Maximum Voltage of DC-DC Converter 380V C. Derated Ampacityof Conductor 61 .5A 61 .5A >= 30A (OCPD Rating) = true Source Circuit see Table 310. 15(8)(2)(a), Table 310. 15(8)(3)(a), andkticle 100 ;, Derated Ampacity must be greater than or equal to PASS see 690.7(C) The temperature factor for 90°C insulation at 49°C is 0.82. the Continuous Current (Article 100) All PV circuits have a voltage that does not exceed 600V. This system's The fill factor for a conduit/cable that has 2 wires is 1 . 61 .5A >= 30A = true DC-DC Converter Source Circuits are fed by Generac PVLINK S2502 dc- The ampacity derated for Conditions of Use is the product of the to-dc converter optimization devices. Each device Is connected to a conductor ampacity (75A) multiplied by the temperature factor (0.82) and Conductor Ampacity must be at least 125% of PASS - -TRON 375-400 1120 Cells single a CellsQ PV module. The voltage b the fill factor (1). Continuous Current (215.2(A)(1)) of this circuit is regulated by the inverter at a constant 380V. y ( ) 75A X 0,82 X 1 - 61 .5A 75A > 30A x 1 .25 = true Max current for terminal must be at least 125% of PASS D. Max Current for Terminal Temp. Rating 75A the Continuous Current. (1110.14 C( )) see 110, 14(CJ 75A >= 30A X 1 .25 = true The lowest temperature rating for this conductor at any termination is EGC musmeet coder it minimum PASS 90°C t t requirements for minimum Using the method specified in 110.14(C), the maximum current permitted size (Table 250.122) to ensure that the device terminal temperature does not exceed its 90°C 12 AWG >= 12 AWG = true rating would be the amount referenced in the 90°C column in Table Conduit must meet code recommendation for PASS mi 310.15(6)(16), which is 75A. �.� minimum nimum size (300.17) Verdiseno, Inc., its subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees and its suppliers specifically disclaim any implied warranties or representations that the information contained in this document 0.5in. >= 0.5in. = true ("Document")is complete or error-free. This Document is not provided as an engineering service and Verdiseno, Inc. is not an engineering firm. This Document is provided as an aid to those involved in E. Minimum Allowed OCPD Rating 20A the potential purchase or installation of a PV system, and is meant to facilitate the production of a final PV system design ("Design") by a qualified professional. This document does not contain enough see 240,4 information to fully represent a system design and should not be relied upon to perform an installation. If you require a Design that has been produced or approved by a qualified engineer, please be advised that you will need to hire a qualified engineer to produce or approve the needed Design and related documents. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions page at solardesigntool.com for the full Terms and Conditions agreement. NEC 690.9(6) requires that the OCPD be rated for no less than 1 .25 times the Continuous Current of the circuit. 24A X 1.25 = 30A 2.6. Inverter Output: to AC Combiner 2.7. 7: PV Panel output: AC Combiner to PV Sub Panel Circuit Section Properties G. Minimum Recommended Conduit Size 0.75" dia. Circuit Section Properties G. Minimum Recommended Conduit Size 0.75" dia. see 300. 17 see 300. 17 Conductor 8 AWG THWN-2 Copper Conductor 8 AWG THWN-2 Copper Equipment Ground Conductor EGC 10 AWG THWN-2 Copper The total area of all conductors is 0.1309in2. With a maximum fill rate of Equipment Ground Conductor EGC 10 AWG THWN-2 Copper The total area of all conductors is 0.1309in2. With a maximum fill rate of OCPD(s) 40A OCPD(s) 40A 0.4, the recommended conduit diameter is 0.75. 0.4, the recommended conduit diameter is 0.75. Raceway/Cable 0.75" dia. EMT Qty Des cri tion Size Type Area Total Area Raceway/Cable 0.75" dia. EMT Qt Description Size Type Area Total Area Lowest Terminal Temperature 75°C 2 Conductor 8 AWG THWN-2 0.0366in2 0.0732in2 Lowest Terminal Temperature 75°C 2 Conductor 8 AWG THWN-2 0.0366in2 10.0732in 2 Ratin Ratin Maximum Wire Temperature 27°C 1 Neutral 8 AWG THWN-2 0.0366in2 0.0366in2 Maximum Wire Temperature 27°C 1 Neutral 8 AWG THWN-2 0.0366in2 0.0366in2 Power Source Description SOLAREDGE SE10KUS INVERTER 1 Equipment Ground 10 AWG I THWN-2 10.0211 int 0.0211 int Power Source Description Generac X11402 24800 INVERTER 1 1 Equipment Ground 10 AWG THWN-2 10.0211 int 0.0211 int Power Source Current 32A 4 0.1309in2 Power Source Current 32A 4 10.1309in 2 Voltage 208V 0.1309in2 / 0.4 = 0.3273in2 (Corresponding to a diameter of 0.75") Voltage 208V 0.1309in2 / 0.4 = 0.3273in2 (Corresponding to a diameter of 0.75") Inverter Max OCPD rating 40A NEC Code Validation Tests NEC Code Calculations NEC Code Validation Tests NEC Code Calculations OCPD rating must be at least 125% of Continuous PASSA. Continuous Current 32A � OCPD rating must be at least 125% of Continuous PASS A. Continuous Current 32A Current (240.4) seeA#lcle 100 Current (240.4) see Arfic% 100 1 140A >= 32A X 1 .25 = true 40A >= 32A X 1.25 = true Equipment maximum rated output current is 32A Equipment maximum rated output current is 32A Derated ampacity must exceed OCPD rating, or PASS k Derated ampacity must exceed OCPD rating, or PASS rating of next smaller OCPD (240.4) B. Ampacity of Conductor 55A rating of next smaller OCPD (240.4) B. Ampacity of Conductor 55A I 55A >= 40A (OCPD Rating) = true see Table 310. 15(B)(16) 55A >= 40A (OCPD Rating) = true see Table 310. 15(8)(16) Derated Ampacity must be greater than or equal to PASS Ampacity (30°C) for a copper conductor with 90°C insulation in Derated Ampacity must be greater than or equal to PASS Ampacity (30°C) for a copper conductor with 90°C insulation in the Continuous Current (Article 100) conduit/cable is 55A. the Continuous Current (Article 100) conduit/cable is 55A. i 55A >= 32A = true 55A >= 32A = true C. Derated Ampacity of Conductor 55A C. Derated Ampacity of Conductor 55A Conductor Ampacity must be at least 125% of PASS see Table 310. 15(B)(2)�aJ, Table 310. 15(B)(3)�a�, andMicle 100 M Conductor Ampacity must be at least 125% of PASS see Table 310. 15(B)(2)�a), Table 310. 15(B)(3)�a), andArf/c/e 100 Continuous Current (215.2(A)(1)) o o Continuous Current (215.2(A)(1)) The temperature factor for 90'C insulation at 270C is 1. The temperature factor for 90°C insulation at 27°C is 1 . 55A > 32A x 1.25 = true The fill factor for a conduit/cable that has 3 wires is 1 . 55A > 32A x 1 .25 = true The fill factor for a conduit/cable that has 3 wires is 1 . Max current for terminal must be at least 125% of PASS The ampacity derated for Conditions of Use is the product of the Max current for terminal must be at least 125% of PASS The ampacity derated for Conditions of Use is the product of the conductor ampacity (55A) multiplied by the temperature factor (1) and by p Y p the Continuous Current. (110.14(C)) the Continuous Current. (110.14(C)) conductor ampacity (55A) multiplied by the temperature factor (1) and by 50A >= 32A X 1 .25 = true the fill factor (1). 50A >= 32A X 1 .25 = true the fill factor (1). 55A X 1 X 1 = 55A 55A X 1 X 1 = 55A EGC must meet code requirements for minimum PASS ® EGC must meet code requirements for minimum PASS size (Table 250.122) D. Max Current for Terminal Temp. Rating 50A size (Table 250.122) D. Max Current for Terminal Temp. Rating 50A 10 AWG >= 10 AWG = true see 110. 14(C) 10 AWG >= 10 AWG = true see 110. 14(C) The lowest temperature rating for this conductor at an termination is ; Conduit must meet code recommendation for PASS p g Y Conduit must meet code recommendation for PASS The lowest temperature rating for this conductor at any termination is Y4 minimum size (300.17) 750C. minimum size (300.17) 75°C. Using the method specified in 110.14(C), the maximum current permitted 0.75in. >= 0.75in. = true 0.75in. >= 0.75in. = true Using the method specified in 110.14(C), the maximum current permitted to ensure that the device terminal temperature does not exceed its 75°C to ensure that the device terminal temperature does not exceed its 75°C rating would be the amount referenced in the 75°C column in Table rating would be the amount referenced in the 75°C column in Table 310.15(B)(16), which is 50A. 310.15(B)(16), which is 50A. E. Minimum Allowed OCPD Rating 40A E. Minimum Allowed OCPD Rating 40A see 240.4 see 240.4 NEC 690.9(6) requires that the OCPD be rated for no less than 1 .25 NEC 690.9(B) requires that the OCPD be rated for no less than 1 .25 times the Continuous Current of the circuit. times the Continuous Current of the circuit. 32A X 1.25 = 40A 32A X 1 .25 = 40A F. Minimum Required EGC Size 10 AWG F. Minimum Required EGC Size 10 AWG see Table 250. 122 see Table 250. 122 The smallest EGC size allowed is 10 AWG for OCPD rating 40A The smallest EGC size allowed is 10 AWG for OCPD rating 40A according to Table 250.122. according to Table 250.122. 28357 Industrial Blvd. 28357 Industrial Blvd. Hayward, CA 94545 Hayward, CA 94545 IRON RIDGE e.com 1-800-227-9523 1-800-227-9523 IronRid IRONRIDGE IronRid _ g ge.com Attn: Corey Geiger, COO, IronRidge Inc. Date: September 7t", 2021 The span tables provided in this letter are certified based on the structural performance of IronRidge XR Rails only with no Re: Structural Certification and Span Tables for the IronRidge Flush Mount System consideration of the structural adequacy of the chosen roof attachments, PV modules, or the underlying roof supporting members. It is the responsibility of the installer or system designer to verify the structural capacity and adequacy of the This letter addresses the structural performance and code compliance of IronRidge's Flush Mount System. The aforementioned system components in regards to the applied or resultant loads of any chosen array configuration. contents of the letter shall be read in its entirety before applying to any project design. The Flush Mount System is a proprietary rooftop mounting system used to support photovoltaic (PV) modules installed in portrait or landscape - ` orientation and set parallel to the underlying roof surface. PV modules are supported by extruded aluminum XR Rails Sincerely, - NG xv ' Ca 202 e09e07 and secured to the rails with IronRidge mounting clamps. The XR Rails are side mounted to a selected roof15 1*4 5 '" 6attachment with 3/8" stainless steel bonding hardware and then attached directly to the roof structure or to a stanchion L- Y' , 11J,4�07 At,�ec- t� that is fastened to the underlying roof structure. Assembly details of a typical Flush Mount installation and its core _ components are shown in Exhibit EX-0015. oE;o o� 7g 1 1 4� �07 The IronRidge Flush Mount System is designed and certified to the structural requirements of the reference standards �- 9 Y g q listed below, for the load conditions and configurations tabulated in the attached span tables. Gang Xuan, PE • ASCE/SEI 7-16 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE 7-16) Senior Structural Engineer • 2018 International Building Code (IBC-2018) • 2020 Building Code of New York State (BCNYS-2020, Published in November 2019) • 2015 Aluminum Design Manual (ADM-2015) • Report SEAOC (Structural Engineer Association of California) PV2-2017 Wind Design for Solar Arrays The tables included in this letter provide the maximum allowable spans of XR Rails in the Flush Mount System for the respective loads and configurations listed, covering wind exposure categories B, C, & D, roof zones provided in ASCE 7-16 for gable & hip roof profiles, and roof slopes of 80 to 450. The tabulated spans are applicable when the following conditions are met: 1 . Span is the distance between two adjacent roof attachment points (measured at the center of the attachment fastener). 2. Each module shall be supported by 2 rails (2 rail system) or 3 rails (3 rail system). Spans are calculated based on 2 rail systems, and conservatively deemed acceptable for 3 rail systems. 3. The underlying roof slope, measured between the roof surface and horizontal plane, is 80 to 450 . 4. The mean roof height, defined as the average of the roof eave height and the roof ridge height measured from grade, does not exceed 30 feet. 5. A clearance from the underside of the array to the roof surface of 2" minimum shall be provided and the height of the array, the distance from the module top surface to the roof surface (defined as h2), shall not exceed 10". 6. Module length and area shall not exceed the maximum values listed on the respective span tables. 7. All Flush Mount components shall be installed in a professional workmanlike manner per IronRidge's Flush Mount Installation Manual and other applicable standards for the general roof construction practice. @2021 IronRidge, Inc. NY Flush Mount System Certification Letter - 1 0 2021 IronRidge, Inc. NY Flush Mount System Certification Letter - 4 GNCB Consulting Engineers,P.C. GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES 1358 BOSTON POST ROAD POST OFFICE BOX 802 OLD SAYBROOK BUILDING DESIGN LOADS CONNECTICUT 06475 PHONE:860 388 1224 LIVE LOADS GNCBENGINEERS.COM $ COMMERICAL NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING ROOF LIVE LOAD:ORDINARY,FLAT,PITCHED AND CURVED ROOFS:20 PSF ROOF LIVE LOAD=0 AT PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR ENERGY PANEL LOCATIONS yrppp SNOW 1. ALL FRAMING LUMBER SHALL BE DRY(19%MAXIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT) ROUND UNDSNONOWLOAD,Pg=ZO PEP DOUGLAS-FIR C2 OR BETTER,WITH THE FOLLOWING ALLOWABLE UNIT FLATTSLOPED ROOF SNOW LOAD,PUP.=20 PSF STRESSES: WIND LOADS BENDING,REPETITIVE USE Fb 1,035 PSI BENDING,SINGLE USE F WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY:D TENSION PARALLEL TO GRAIN (I _ COMPRESSION PARALLEL TO GRAIN PC(Per.) 1,350 1, :1; ++ (i-•r. ."h I - SHEAR PARALLEL TO GRAIN Fv = 160 L ULTIMATE WIND SPEED VELOCITY 130 MPH COMPRESSION PERPENDICULAR TO GRAIN Fe(Per.)= 625 • -• MODULUS OF ELASTICITY y '��`•'� "Nu DFSCNPfi0.�1 DATE BUILDING RISK CATEGORY IL WITH NO ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS E= 1,60D,000 4t:`r' „ f,' P 2. WHERE FRAMING CUPS OR JOIST HANGERS ARE USED,FASTENERS SHALL BE :3 "Ti`- ;�,� -.ISSUED DRAWINGS t GENERAL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS, S. ANY EXPOSED FRAMING TO BE PRESSURE TREATED WOOD. --- 4. UWG'CONI'�CTOR57WOAJU[570�ES'TAWLESB NOTES: OROTHER FINISH APPROVED BY ENGIN EER pR`+'•` (; 1 �•. 1. THE PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK FOR GNCB CONSULTING ENGINEERS,P.C.,(GNCB),CONSISTS .ta ( 1} : *'.y31 OF PROVIDING THE DESIGN FOR REINFORCING THE EXISTING WOOD ROOF FRAMING 5• IF PLYWOOD PANEL ROOF SHEATHING REPLACEMENT IS REQUIRED, - 17 4i li'� - TOACCOMMODATEINSTALLATIONOFAMEMBERATTAGHEDPHOTOVOLTAICSOLARENERGY(PV) `•'�•�• OOD Ed COMMON WIRE NABS SYSTEM ON TOP OF THE ROOF SURFACE. 2. GNCB DOES NOT ADDRESS OR TAKE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STRUCTURAL SUFFICIENCY OF =a THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS OF THE ARRAY ABOVE THE ROOF. - - 3. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE 2018 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE PORTION OF THE 2020 BUILDING CODE OFNEW YORK STATE AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACCEPTED ENGINEERING PRACTICE, - 4, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CHECK DIMENSIONS AND DETAILS AGAINST EXISTING CONDITIONS. "�a„�:�''�,'J•�N'� `' .i ;' - 5. RWTHE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE BUILDING DURING CONSTRUCTION, •-3er.•,4,, Y,;,, INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO METHOD AND SEQUENCING OF ERECTION, - AND TEMPORARY SHORING AND BRACING. - 6. IT S KTHE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINETNA7THE EXISTING ROOFSYSTEM - - i�' F1A5 AN EXPECTED SERVICE LIFE EQUIVALENT TO OR GREATERTHAN THE PV ARRAY TO BE INSTALLED, °"• PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM 1 1 1. THE PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM DESIGN IS PROVIDED BY IRONRIDOE,INC. FOR FISHERS ISLAND COMMUNITY CENTER,FISHERS ISLAND,NY. THE BASIS FOR GNCB CONSULTING ENGINEER'S SCOPE OF WORK IS BASED UPON: GRID TIED SOLAR POWER SYSTEM ROOF MOUNTED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DESIGN AND DATA BY: IRONRIDGE,INC. 28357 IU AL BLVD. HAYWARD,CA -a•..w,_.-.-...._.,....._......_,,,, , .-...�-._.PREPARED BY.,BY:DAVID WIRTH OP N W �a1E.OWTIS 9R STATE OF NY y SIGNED AND SEALED BY: GANG XUAN,P.E, M/Q SENIOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEER (/ 2 THEPHOTOVOLTAIC(PV)SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM SHALL CONSIST OFAN ARRAY OF SOLAF2 PANELS MOUNTED ABOVE THE ROOF SURFACE ON A SERIES OF HORIZONTAL RAILS INSTALLED PARALLEL TO THE SLOPED GABLE ROOF RIDGELWE 3. FRAMING. ATTACHMENT ROOFSAILS EATHILL BE MECHANI OTBALLALLY BALLASTED. DIRECTLY TO THE WOOD RAFTER - FRAMING,NOT 70 THE ROOF SHEATHING,AND NOT BALLASTED- P. ,_ �'•r,v.- - �_ FISHERS ISLAND 4• INSTALL PER THE MANUFACTURERS INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS. COMMUNITY CENTER r, PERMIT APPLICATION BY SOLAR PANEL INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR `��' ' ROOF FRAMING REINFORCEMENT 66 HOUND LANE �. - FISHERS ISLAND NY CONSTRUCTION PHASE GENERAL NOTES n 30 VIEW SCALE: .; ..I";r-La•r DATE, ILRY m zm DRAWN BY: RUX CHECKED BY: t1�1 \ Si■0 GNCB Consulting Engineers,P.C. 1358 BOSTON POST ROAD POST OFFICE BOX 802 C>Lr-) SAYBRC)I(DK CONNECTICUT 06475 PHONE:860 388 1224 GNCBENGINEEPS.COM S1.3 ECCE OF ROOF SEE BUILDING CROSS SECTION 7: S"_ N. DESCMMO.'J DATE i ISSUED DRAVANGS I A CONTINUE NEW SEAM B2LCI.V a4WOObSTUDLAPS ;Zx4%VALLSTUDS TO EXG RAFTER 1.0 ALONG LENGTH OF _4 STUDS PER RAFTER- -—-—-— WALLTOTHEE)(TENTOF EXTEND TO LENGTH OF -- -—- - -—-—-—-- -—-—-—-— ..... PV PANEL LOCATIONS BUILDING WHERE pV E.11S7,%G 1,"SQUARE NOTALL STUDS SHOWN PANELSARETOSE -XISTiN3 CEri'MRLINE CCCUMNS BELO,V SUPPORT, LOCATED,TYP. G:RQER BELON zx1sTi:..'G NOT ALL STUDS SHOWN r .1 r "I C,4BLERCOF ROME LINE LTJ 2.1, �X4 WALL STUD. i 3FrWIDE(cLFA WALKWAYPATH: C6) 214 77 0 5 —-—-—-——-—-— 4 PHOTOVOLTAIC V-0 I FT FROM EDGE OF 2X4OF SOLAR ENEl IGY FIRSi'PV'PAN0.TO ,'I I 4f' CUBDB OSP \-._ - E2 NOTALLSTUDS H4RIZONTAL PANEL! . SEE ENLARGED ATTACHMENT YO —SHOWN 3 LS TO AREA RAFTER SEE TYP VERIFY RAFTER DETAILS PANELS LOCATION IN THE FIELD GRIDS I TO P" 2 2.4 a FISHERS OMMUNITY CND F - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - CENTER mi ROOF FRAMING MIN 3 FT CLEAR EDCE 01' F ROOF E!JS11NG CINCr i'll1w, REINFORCEMENT R N.IILTTlog RAFTERS E VAIL PHOTOVOLTAIC SHOWN IN AREA PATHWAY LOCATION FOR PLACEMENT SEA&*,BELO`�,' SEN.' LAR ENERGY OF PV PANEL SYSTEM W PANEL LOCATION V.I.F.EXG RAFTER Eic FULL LENGTH OF BUIL13ING NOT SHOWN — ---------------------------------------------------------------- 66 HOUND LANE EMSTNG 2Y6 ROOF RAFTERFISHERS ISLAND,NY 4FT.MW.CLEAR FROM 32F1_.VjF. BUILDING END WALL TO LEADING EDGE OF FIRST PV PANEL 17 FT-1.SET BACK SHOWN CONSTRUCTION PHASE PROJECT NORTH 1PROPOSED DARK PARTIAL ROOF FRAMING PLAN SCALZ PROJECTNUMBEP, Z0157 DATF, JUILY.7.W.'2 �J��TIAL ROOF FRAMING PLAN 'DILAWNBY. 1/4"=1%0" CHECaD SY. CCB! S I GNCB Consulting Engineers,P.C. 1358 BOSTON POST ROAD POST OFFICE BOX 802 OLD SAYI3ROOK CONNECTICUT 06475 � PHONE:860 388 1224 S; GNCBENGINEERS.COM r SEE BUILDING t CROSS SECTION 1 ! I 2.4PTW00DWALL NO PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS I 2'-0` Y-B' Y-p• 2�.p• 2-p• 'STUD LAPPED TO SITING DE ON NORTH SIDE GABLE t EXG COL BUN ' ' � '4OSTUD9S PER RAFTER � J E3-.-R `. R.FTER NOT ALLSTUDS SHOWN ;Nom. DE:CWPTION LL4TE co , ISSUED DRAWINGS e.w_E ROOF RIDGE L1KE .. EX�STG.G CEYT_ALI`:E Oiil'_F 1 - $- u u �- �t :NOTES: 3 FT CLEAR WALKWAYPATH 10'aA 1 EXG^,CNC&-r.l:! \\ BELOW — — — //,�\ HORIZONTAL RAILS TO SUPPORT _—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—___—_—_—_—_—i-_ t PV GRIDS 1ELS T06 .ANCHOR/ ANCHOR,1 HOR¢ HORR/ E E, 2x4 SPACING SPACING' ° LAG GABLE ENZ' '1)2'GAP BEf WEEN\ EGiSE 0=poll= ------------------------------------ 4 3 t± 2.4 ! 1 FT FROM EDGE OF i \\ .FIRST PV PANEL TO 'FIRST k j\ ;ATTA HMENTOOT I \\ 'ATTACHMENTTD RAFTER — y— \ — --- — — ----- — — — -- -- — --- — =— 3 op NE y LVL LVL -o--LVL GAPSETWEEN PV PANEL \ PV PANELS FISHERS ISLAND _ _ _ ----------- ------- --� -- ----- COMMUNITY CENTER — WDICATESFLASHFOOT2 ATTACHMENT FASTENER ROOF FRAMING LocnrwN REINFORCEMENT - - - -r , 66 HOUND LANE ."__ FISHERS ISLAND MY F4vT MATE : EA]STiNG SS ROGF RAFTERe FROMEXIST"ic Z F.-cc V L. BUILDING HJR WALL TO !1.7 rl ENG"vALL.ViiE'f:Y CONSTRUCTION PHASE LEADING EDGE OF FIRST i:a FEE,0 PV PANEL EXISTING RAFTER LOCATIONS TO BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD TO DETERMINE PANEL LAYOUT PROJECT NORTH ENLARGED AREA BUILDING PLAN SC`ALE;;...,.w_3y .Vr-I 'TROJECTh-UMBER: n 20IS PARTIAL ROOF FRAMING PLAN EAST DAT& JULY.7.ZP'—' �,END-ENLARGED DP.'.NN BY: RLB — uc -iw CHECKED BY: CCB S1 ■2 GNCN Consulting Engineers,P.C. 1358 BOSTON POST ROAD POST OFFICE BOX 802 OLD SAYBRC>OK CONNECTICUT 06475 PHONE:860 388 7224 GNCBENGINEERS.COM CL, SEE - _ '/ s �� n Y n 1 I IV 3:p, AREA AT D 51.4 Aqq\ RIDGE I 3ATC �I p1'A I I I FqR q1 I I I HORIZONTAL 4' I 1 EXISTING 2x8 RCOF RAFTER I �q. I ncc,V.1I \ .� i RAILS�GRIDS 1S ,---. �ff � � I EXG FLY:'MCDt2 RDCFSI ;''NIG ;FJ, �' "I I. ' I .s�"� I .+ I. I �V• R'VA,yN� i � •Nu DFS('AtPIiC14 DATE : / \ S'4• '70'�0� I FLASH FOOT2 ISSUED DRAWINGS _ w HARDWARE MOUNT BRACESTUDS iv HORI WITH LOCATIONS TPOERRAPLAN R NOTES:_S.: CONTZ16HORIZ BRACE Ipvls op, > �; '�✓Fj'I I p'9C oq se. o f I Ac e i 1 SPACE — SIMILAR DETAIL Y 7' �•'�,7 3• 1 N I iw I i 2X8C0NTPTPLATE 2.4 WOOD �- �` •'� I GAELEENC -XG E I SCREWED INTO CONIC :'FREE\= STUDS LAP I "IRR 1 VENTBEYOND CC\Cr TE G:<DER S� ON EXG RAFTERS P40T SHC:YN i I 4 PER RAFTERI I _ TYP. cxG COh:C SEE ENLARGED AREA ATEAVE _ 312' 4'-4' 3 f!Y 4'4' 3 V2' 4'-0' .—._.—.—.—. —.—. SEE ENLARGED I 'I AREA i I '+ ,'c X16T,NG WALL EAST END ROC.M EMSTLNG 14'SO CoNc UPPER LEVEL '� y�SGURiLyo9,1, ils FISHERS ISLAND COMMUNITY CENTER ROOF FRAMING REINFORCEMENT 66 HOUND IANE FISHERS ISLAND,NY CONSTRUCTION PHASE REFERENCE DATUM APPROXIMATE ----------------------------- ------ ----- -------------------------------GRADE-I� - p°V BUILDING SECTION VERIFYALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD MINK=1'-0" 'SCALE: 3:5-1'L'.. PROJEC17NUTLBER: P:www._ DATE: JULY.7.zom oRAWN BY: RDH: CRECKED RY: C®' S1.3 @ GNGN �� 51.4 6 aro r--HORIZONTAL Consulting Engineers,P.C. OH'AYp 1358 BOSTON POST ROAD CUT TOP OF STUD / qh/ FLASHFOOTRAI_MOUNT POST OFFICE BOX 802 TO FIT ROOF SLOPE I HARDWARE FASTENER 3/e'DIA x4112' OLD SAYBE20C3K 1 0� 1 /LONG LAGscREw CONNECTICUT 06475 st.s PHONE:860 388 1224 PHOTOVOLTAIC GNCBENGINEERS.COM 1 I SOLAR ENERGY PANEL-PER PLAN - - - it I 1 I( LAP 9c4 PT------— ,fd'x3'SDSSCREWS 1 WOOD STUD STUD TO RAFTER TO SIDE OF EACH TIP. i 2'd3- 28' Exu�.S:ilCF R:.=}'Sn L-sv F:DG�BO�kD EXISTING RAFTER - Tn'• I t —— — — — — — — — — ROOF I BRACEWALLSTUDs •-L'" R,;,';-.'Rs —— — • — — — ,I•II— — HORIZ WTH 2x6 PT CO NT. 2x4 WALL FASTEN WTIH 2SDSSTUD SCREWS 6LONG AT EACHSLAPS EACH RAFTUD 112'-3112'x-.112' "2si;j.]F cc I �4 DESCRIPOV i! L47E FSEE DETAIL 5 OR DIAGONAL BRACING ISSDRAWCNGS'x 3'LSSCW7YP.114 , SEGTIGN-AT-RIBGE-ENL4RGE — 314"=,'-0" NOTES: 114',V BRACE EACH SIDE OF (tALLESi 2x6 PT SDS SCREWS STUD IYITH 2x6 CO NT. STUD DIAG BRACE PT HORIZONTAL,TYP. 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TOWN OFqf'9l n -n! n Fishers Island Community Center Solar Energy Project Specifications Reissued: 2/27/23 for permit Reference: Plans dated 6/21/22(13 sheets) t� 4� DESIGN LEARNED, INC. positively impacting the lives of animals 860-889-7078• 112 Main Street,Norwich,CT 06360•designlearned.com•info@designlearned.com TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 26 -ELECTRICAL 260519 LOW-VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES 260526 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260529 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 26 0533.13 CONDUIT FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 26 0533.16 BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 260553 IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 262416 PANELBOARDS 263100 PHOTOVOLTAIC COLLECTORS 264300 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES OF NEwY T LE�R2 r_ I' r - � 0�5056 � v ` ARD ESS10 Fisher Island Community Solar TABLE OF CONTENTS 02-27-2023 SECTION 26 0519 LOW-VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL POWER CONDUCTORS AND CABLES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Single conductor building wire. B. Underground feeder and branch-circuit cable. C. Service entrance cable. D. Metal-clad cable. E. Power and control tray cable. F. Wiring connectors. G. Electrical tape. H. Heat shrink tubing. I. Oxide inhibiting compound. J. Wire pulling lubricant. K. Cable ties. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0526- Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems: Additional requirements for grounding conductors and grounding connectors. B. Section 26 0553 - Identification for Electrical Systems: Identification products and requirements. C. Section 26 3100- Photovoltaic Collectors: Additional wiring requirements for photovoltaic systems. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS w A. ASTM B3-Standard Specification for Soft or Annealed Copper Wire 2013 (Reapproved 2018). B. ASTM B8-Standard Specification for,Concentric-Lay-Stranded Copper Conductors, Hard, Medium-Hard, or Soft 2011 (Reapproved 2017). C. ASTM B33-Standard Specification for Tin-Coated Soft or Annealed Copper Wire for Electrical Purposes 2010, with Editorial Revision (2020). D. ASTM B787/B787M -Standard Specification for 19 Wire Combination Unilay-Stranded Copper Conductors for Subsequent Insulation 2004 (Reapproved 2020). E. ASTM B800 -Standard Specification for 8000 Series Aluminum Alloy Wire for Electrical Purposes-Annealed and Intermediate Tempers 2005 (Reapproved 2021). F. ASTM B801 - Standard Specification for Concentric-Lay-Stranded Conductors of 8000 Series Aluminum Alloy for Subsequent Covering or Insulation 2018. G. ASTM D3005 -Standard Specification for Low-Temperature Resistant Vinyl Chloride Plastic Pressure-Sensitive Electrical Insulating Tape 2017. H. NECA 1 -Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction 2015. I. NECA 120 -Standard for Installing Armored Cable (AC) and Type Metal-Clad (MC) Cable 2018. J. NECA 121 - Standard for Installing Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable (Type NM-B) and Underground Feeder and Branch-Circuit Cable (Type UF)2007. K. NEMA WC 70 - Power Cables Rated 2000 Volts or Less for the Distribution of Electrical Energy 2021. r L. NETA ATS -Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems 2017. ' FISHR.NY/Fisher Island Low-Voltage Electrical Power Community Solar 260519 - 1 Conductors and Cables M. NFPA 70- National Electrical Code Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having .. Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. N. UL 44-Thermoset-Insulated Wires and Cables Current Edition, Including All Revisions. O. UL 83-Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables Current Edition, Including All Revisions. P. UL 267- Outline of Investigation for Wire-Pulling Compounds Most Recent Edition, Including All Revisions. Q. UL 486A-486B -Wire Connectors Current Edition, Including All Revisions. R. UL 486C -Splicing Wire Connectors Current Edition, Including All Revisions. S. UL 486D -Sealed Wire Connector Systems Current Edition, Including All Revisions. T. UL 493 -Thermoplastic-Insulated Underground Feeder and Branch-Circuit Cables Current Edition, Including All Revisions. U. UL 510 - Polyvinyl Chloride, Polyethylene, and Rubber Insulating Tape Current Edition, Including All Revisions. . V. UL 854- Service-Entrance Cables Current Edition, Including All Revisions. W. UL 1277 - Electrical Power and Control Tray Cables with Optional Optical-Fiber Members Current Edition, Including All Revisions. X. UL 1569 - Metal-Clad Cables Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: 1. Coordinate sizes of raceways, boxes, and equipment enclosures installed under other sections with the actual conductors to be installed, including adjustments for conductor sizes increased for voltage drop. 2. Coordinate with electrical equipment installed under other sections to provide terminations IA suitable for use with the conductors to be installed. 3. Notify Engineer of any conflicts with or deviations from Contract Documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. w _ 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for conductors and cables, including detailed information on materials, construction, ratings, listings, and available sizes, configurations, and stranding. B. Sustainable Design Documentation: Submit manufacturer's product data on conductor and cable showing compliance with specified lead content requirements. C. Design Data: Indicate voltage drop and ampacity calculations for aluminum conductors substituted for copper conductors. Include proposed modifications to raceways, boxes, wiring gutters, enclosures, etc. to accommodate substituted conductors. D. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, and installation of product. E. Project Record Documents: Record actual installed circuiting arrangements. Record actual routing for underground circuits. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with requirements of NFPA 70. B. Maintain at the project site a copy of each referenced document that prescribes execution requirements. C. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. D. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSHA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory(NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having FISHR.NY/Fisher Island Low-Voltage Electrical Power Community Solar 260519 -2 Conductors and Cables jurisdiction. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Receive, inspect, handle, and store conductors and cables in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 1.08 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Do not install or otherwise handle thermoplastic-insulated conductors at temperatures lower than 14 degrees F, unless otherwise permitted by manufacturer's instructions. When installation below this temperature is unavoidable, notify Engineer and obtain direction before proceeding with work. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CONDUCTOR AND CABLE GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Provide products that comply with requirements of NFPA 70. B. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. C. Provide new conductors and cables manufactured not more than one year prior to installation. D. Unless specifically indicated to be excluded, provide all required conduit, boxes,wiring, connectors, etc. as required for a complete operating system. E. Comply with NEMA WC 70. F. Thermoplastic-Insulated Conductors and Cables: Listed and labeled as complying with UL 83. G. Thermoset-Insulated Conductors and Cables: Listed and labeled as complying with UL 44. H. Conductors for Grounding and Bonding: Also comply with Section 26 0526. I. Conductor Material: 1. Provide copper conductors except where aluminum conductors are specifically indicated or permitted for substitution. Conductor sizes indicated are based on copper unless specifically indicated as aluminum. Conductors designated with the abbreviation "AL" indicate aluminum. 2. Copper Conductors: Soft drawn annealed, 98 percent conductivity, uncoated copper conductors complying with ASTM B3, ASTM B8, or ASTM B787/B787M unless otherwise indicated. 3. Tinned Copper Conductors: Comply with ASTM B33. 4. Aluminum Conductors (only where specifically indicated or permitted for substitution): AA-8000 series aluminum alloy conductors recognized by ASTM B800 and compact stranded in accordance with ASTM B801 unless otherwise indicated. J. Minimum Conductor Size: 1. Branch Circuits: 12 AWG. a. Exceptions: 1) 20 A, 120 V circuits longer than 75 feet: 10 AWG,for voltage drop. 2) 20 A, 120 V circuits longer than 150 feet: 8 AWG, for voltage drop. 2. Control Circuits: 14 AWG. K. Where conductor size is not indicated, size to comply with NFPA 70 but not less than applicable minimum size requirements specified. L. Conductor Color Coding: 1. Color code conductors as indicated unless otherwise required by the authority having jurisdiction. Maintain consistent color coding throughout project. 2. Color Coding Method: Integrally colored insulation. a. Conductors size 4 AWG and larger may have black insulation color coded using vinyl color coding electrical tape. 3. Color Code: a. 480Y/277 V, 3 Phase, 4 Wire System: 1) Phase A: Brown. 2) Phase B: Orange. FISHR.NY/Fisher Island Low-Voltage Electrical Power Community Solar 260519 -3 Conductors and Cables r , 3) Phase C: Yellow. 4) Neutral/Grounded: Gray. b. 208Y/120 V, 3 Phase, 4 Wire System: 1) Phase A: Black. 2) Phase B: Red. 3) Phase C: Blue. 4) Neutral/Grounded: White. c. Equipment Ground, All Systems: Green. d. Travelers for 3-Way and 4-Way Switching: Pink. e. For control circuits, comply with manufacturer's recommended color code. 2.02 SINGLE CONDUCTOR BUILDING WIRE A. Manufacturers: 1. Copper Building Wire: a. Cerro Wire LLC: www.cerrowire.com/#sle. b. Encore Wire Corporation: www.encorewire.com/#sle. c. General Cable Technologies Corporation; r www.generalcable.com/#sle. d. Southwire Company: www.southwire.com/#sle. e. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Description: Single conductor insulated wire. C. Conductor Stranding: 1. Feeders and Branch Circuits: a. Size 10 AWG and Smaller: Solid. b. Size 8 AWG and Larger: Stranded. D. Insulation Voltage Rating: 600 V. E. Insulation: .. 1. Copper Building Wire: Type THHN/THWN or THHN/THWN-2, except as indicated below. a. Size 4 AWG and Larger: Type XHHW-2. b. Installed Underground: Type XHHW-2. c. Fixture Wiring Within Luminaires: Type TFFN/TFN for luminaires with labeled maximum temperature of 90 degrees C; Approved suitable type for luminaires with labeled maximum temperature greater than 90 degrees C. 2.03 UNDERGROUND FEEDER AND BRANCH-CIRCUIT CABLE A. Manufacturers: 1. Cerro Wire LLC: www.cerrowire.com/#sle. 2. Encore Wire Corporation: www.encorewire.com/#sle. 3. Southwire Company: www.southwire.com/#sle. 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Description: NFPA 70, Type OF multiple-conductor cable listed and labeled as complying with UL 493, Type OF-B. C. Provide equipment grounding conductor unless otherwise indicated. D. Conductor Stranding: 1. Size 10 AWG and Smaller: Solid. 2. Size 8 AWG and Larger: Stranded. E. Insulation Voltage Rating: 600 V. F. Cable Jacket: Listed and labeled as sunlight resistant. 2.04 METAL-CLAD CABLE A. Manufacturers: 1. AFC Cable Systems Inc: www.afcweb.com/#sle. 2. Encore Wire Corporation: www.encorewire.com/#sle. 3. Southwire Company: www.southwire.com/#sle. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island Low-Voltage Electrical Power Community Solar 260519 -4 Conductors and Cables r" 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000- Product Requirements. B. Description: NFPA 70, Type MC cable listed and labeled as complying with UL 1569, and listed for use in classified firestop systems to be used. C. Conductor Stranding: 1. Size 10 AWG and Smaller: Solid. 2. Size 8 AWG and Larger: Stranded. D. Insulation Voltage Rating: 600 V. E. Insulation: Type THHN, THHN/THWN, or THHN/THWN-2. F. Grounding: Full-size integral equipment grounding conductor. G. Armor: Steel, interlocked tape. 2.05 POWER AND CONTROL TRAY CABLE A. Manufacturers: 1. Encore Wire Corporation: www.encorewire.com/#sle. 2. Okonite: www.okonite.com/#sle. 3. Southwire Company: www.southwire.com/#sle. 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000- Product Requirements. B. Description: NFPA 70, Type TC cable listed and labeled as complying with UL 1277. C. Conductor Stranding: Stranded. D. Insulation Voltage Rating: 600 V. E. Insulation: Type XHHW or XHHW-2. F. Jacket: PVC or Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE). 2.06 WIRING CONNECTORS r, A. Description: Wiring connectors appropriate for the application, suitable for use with the conductors to be connected, and listed as complying with UL 486A-486B or UL 486C as applicable. B. Connectors for Grounding and Bonding: Comply with Section 26 0526. C. Wiring Connectors for Splices and Taps: 1. Copper Conductors Size 8 AWG and Smaller: Use twist-on insulated spring connectors. 2. Copper Conductors Size 6 AWG and Larger: Use mechanical connectors or compression connectors. D. Wiring Connectors for Terminations: 1. Provide terminal lugs for connecting conductors to equipment furnished with terminations designed for terminal lugs. 2. Provide compression adapters for connecting conductors to equipment furnished with mechanical lugs when only compression connectors are specified. 3. Where over-sized conductors are larger than the equipment terminations can accommodate, provide connectors suitable for reducing to appropriate size, but not less than required for the rating of the overcurrent protective device. 4. Copper Conductors Size 8 AWG and Larger: Use mechanical connectors or compression connectors where connectors are required. E. Do not use insulation-piercing or insulation-displacement connectors designed for use with conductors without stripping insulation. F. Do not use push-in wire connectors as a substitute for twist-on insulated spring connectors. G. Twist-on Insulated Spring Connectors: Rated 600 V, 221 degrees F for standard applications and 302 degrees F for high temperature applications; pre-filled with sealant and listed as complying with UL 486D for damp and wet locations. H. Mechanical Connectors: Provide bolted type or set-screw type. 1. Manufacturers: FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 260519 -5 Low-Voltage Electrical Power Community Solar Conductors and Cables r a. Burndy LLC; r www.burndy.com/#sle. b. Ilsco: www.ilsco.com/#sle. c. Thomas & Betts Corporation: www.tnb.com/#sle. d. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. I. Compression Connectors: Provide circumferential type or hex type crimp configuration. 1. Manufacturers: a. Burndy LLC; 1: www.burndy.com/#sle. b. Ilsco: www.ilsco.com/#sie. c. Thomas & Betts Corporation: www.tnb.com/#sle. d. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. J. Crimped Terminals: Nylon-insulated, with insulation grip and terminal configuration suitable for connection to be made. 1. Manufacturers: a. Burndy LLC; r www.burndy.com/#sle. b. Ilsco: www.ilsco.com/#sle. c. Thomas &Betts Corporation: www.tnb.com/#sle. d. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 2.07 ACCESSORIES A. Electrical Tape: 1. Manufacturers: a. 3M: www.3m.com/#sle. b. Plymouth Rubber Europa: www.plymouthrubber.com/#sle. c. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 2. Vinyl Color Coding Electrical Tape: Integrally colored to match color code indicated; listed as complying with UL 510; minimum thickness of 7 mil; resistant to abrasion, corrosion, and sunlight; suitable for continuous temperature environment up to 221 degrees F. 3. Vinyl Insulating Electrical Tape: Complying with ASTM D3005 and listed as complying with UL 510; minimum thickness of 7 mil; resistant to abrasion, corrosion, and sunlight; conformable for application down to 0 degrees F and suitable for continuous temperature environment up to 221 degrees F. 4. Moisture Sealing Electrical Tape: Insulating mastic compound laminated to flexible, all- weather vinyl backing; minimum thickness of 90 mil. B. Heat Shrink Tubing: Heavy-wall, split-resistant, with factory-applied adhesive; rated 600 V; suitable for direct burial applications; listed as complying with UL 486D. 1. Manufacturers: a. 3M: www.3m.com/#sle. b. Burndy LLC; r : www.burndy.com/#sle. c. Thomas & Betts Corporation: www.tnb.com/#sle. d. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. C. Oxide Inhibiting Compound: Listed; suitable for use with the conductors or cables to be installed. 1. Manufacturers: a. Burndy LLC; www.burndy.com/#sle. b. Ideal Industries, Inc: www.idealindustries.com/#sle. c. Ilsco: www.ilsco.com/#sle. d. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. D. Wire Pulling Lubricant: 1. Manufacturers: a. 3M: www.3m.com/#sle. b. American Polywater Corporation: www.polywater.com/#sle. c. Ideal Industries, Inc: www.idealindustries.com/#sle. d. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island Low-Voltage Electrical Power Community Solar 260519 -6 Conductors and Cables 2. Listed and labeled as complying with UL 267. 3. Suitable for use with conductors/cables and associated insulation/jackets to be installed. 4. Suitable for use at installation temperature. E. Cable Ties: Material and tensile strength rating suitable for application. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that interior of building has been protected from weather. B. Verify that work likely to damage wire and cable has been completed. C. Verify that raceways, boxes, and equipment enclosures are installed and are properly sized to accommodate conductors and cables in accordance with NFPA 70. D. Verify that field measurements are as indicated. E. Verify that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Clean raceways thoroughly to remove foreign materials before installing conductors and cables. 3.03 INSTALLATION A. Circuiting Requirements: 1. Unless dimensioned, circuit routing indicated is diagrammatic. 2. When circuit destination is indicated without specific routing, determine exact routing required. 3. Arrange circuiting to minimize splices. 4. Include circuit lengths required to install connected devices within 10 ft of location indicated. 5. Maintain separation of Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 remote-control, signaling, and power- limited circuits in accordance with NFPA 70. 6. Maintain separation of wiring for emergency systems in accordance with NFPA 70. 7. Common Neutrals: Unless otherwise indicated, sharing of neutral/grounded conductors among up to three single phase branch circuits of different phases installed in the same raceway is not permitted. Provide dedicated neutral/grounded conductor for each individual branch circuit. B. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Perform work in accordance with NECA 1 (general workmanship). D. Install underground feeder and branch-circuit cable (Type OF-B) in accordance with NECA 121. E. Install metal-clad cable (Type MC) in accordance with NECA 120. F. Installation in Raceway: 1. Tape ends of conductors and cables to prevent infiltration of moisture and other contaminants. 2. Pull all conductors and cables together into raceway at same time. 3. Do not damage conductors and cables or exceed manufacturer's recommended maximum pulling tension and sidewall pressure. 4. Use suitable wire pulling lubricant where necessary, except when lubricant is not recommended by the manufacturer. G. Paralleled Conductors: Install conductors of the same length and terminate in the same manner. H. Secure and support conductors and cables in accordance with NFPA 70 using suitable supports and methods approved by the authority having jurisdiction. Provide independent support from building structure. Do not provide support from raceways, piping, ductwork, or other systems. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island Low-Voltage Electrical Power Community Solar 260519 -7 Conductors and Cables 1. Installation Above Suspended Ceilings: Do not provide support from ceiling support system. Do not provide support from ceiling grid or allow conductors and cables to lay on ceiling tiles. I. Terminate cables using suitable fittings. 1. Metal-Clad Cable (Type MC): a. Use listed fittings. b. Cut cable armor only using specialized tools to prevent damaging conductors or insulation. Do not use hacksaw or wire cutters to cut armor. J. Install conductors with a minimum of 12 inches of slack at each outlet. K. Neatly train and bundle conductors inside boxes, wireways, panelboards and other equipment enclosures. L. Group or otherwise identify neutral/grounded conductors with associated ungrounded conductors inside enclosures in accordance with NFPA 70. M. Make wiring connections using specified wiring connectors. 1. Make splices and taps only in accessible boxes. Do not pull splices into raceways or make splices in conduit bodies or wiring gutters. 2. Remove appropriate amount of conductor insulation for making connections without cutting, nicking or damaging conductors. 3. Do not remove conductor strands to facilitate insertion into connector. 4. Clean contact surfaces on conductors and connectors to suitable remove corrosion, oxides, and other contaminates. Do not use wire brush on plated connector surfaces. 5. Connections for Aluminum Conductors: Fill connectors with oxide inhibiting compound where not pre-filled by manufacturer. 6. Mechanical Connectors: Secure connections according to manufacturer's recommended torque settings. 7. Compression Connectors: Secure connections using manufacturer's recommended tools and dies. N. Insulate splices and taps that are made with uninsulated connectors using methods suitable for the application, with insulation and mechanical strength at least equivalent to unspliced conductors. 1. Damp Locations: Use insulating covers specifically designed for the connectors, electrical tape, or heat shrink tubing. a. For connections with insulating covers, apply outer covering of moisture sealing electrical tape. b. For taped connections, follow same procedure as for dry locations but apply outer covering of moisture sealing electrical tape. O. Insulate ends of spare conductors using vinyl insulating electrical tape. P. Field-Applied Color Coding: Where vinyl color coding electrical tape is used in lieu of integrally colored insulation as permitted in Part 2 under"Color Coding", apply half overlapping turns of tape at each termination and at each location conductors are accessible. Q. Identify conductors and cables in accordance with Section 26 0553. R. Install firestopping to preserve fire resistance rating of partitions and other elements, using materials and methods specified in Section 07 8400. S. Unless specifically indicated to be excluded, provide final connections to all equipment and devices, including those furnished by others, as required for a complete operating system. 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. See Section 01 4000 -Quality Requirements, for additional requirements. B. Inspect and test in accordance with NETA ATS, except Section 4. C. Perform inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Section 7.3.2. The insulation resistance test is required for all conductors. The resistance test for parallel conductors listed as optional is not required. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island Low-Voltage Electrical Power Community Solar 260519- 8 Conductors and Cables R, - 1. Disconnect surge protective devices (SPDs) prior to performing any high potential testing. Replace SPDs damaged by performing high potential testing with SPDs connected. D. Correct deficiencies and replace damaged or defective conductors and cables. END OF SECTION FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island Low-Voltage Electrical Power Community Solar 260519 -9 Conductors and Cables SECTION 26 0526 GROUNDING AND BONDING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Grounding and bonding requirements. B. Conductors for grounding and bonding. C. Connectors for grounding and bonding. D. Ground rod electrodes. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0519 - Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables: Additional requirements for conductors for grounding and bonding, including conductor color coding. B. Section 26 0553- Identification for Electrical Systems: Identification products and requirements. C. Section 26 3100- Photovoltaic Collectors: Additional grounding and bonding requirements for photovoltaic systems. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NECA 1 -Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction 2015. B. NEMA GR 1 - Grounding Rod Electrodes and Grounding Rod Electrode Couplings 2017. C. NETA ATS -Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems 2017. D. NFPA 70- National Electrical Code Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. E. UL 467 - Grounding and Bonding Equipment Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: 1. Verify exact locations of underground metal water service pipe entrances to building. 2. Coordinate the work with other trades to provide steel reinforcement complying with specified requirements for concrete-encased electrode. 3. Notify Engineer of any conflicts with or deviations from Contract Documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. B. Sequencing: 1. Do not install ground rod electrodes until final backfill and compaction is complete. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for grounding and bonding system components. B. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of grounding electrode system components and connections. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with requirements of NFPA 70. B. Maintain at the project site a copy of each referenced document that prescribes execution requirements. C. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. D. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSHA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory(NRTL)and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island Grounding and Bonding for Community Solar 260526 - 1 Electrical Systems 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING • A. Receive, inspect, handle, and store products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GROUNDING AND BONDING REQUIREMENTS A. Do not use products for applications other than as permitted by NFPA 70 and product listing. B. Unless specifically indicated to be excluded, provide all required components, conductors, connectors, conduit, boxes, fittings, supports, accessories, etc. as necessary for a complete grounding and bonding system. C. Where conductor size is not indicated, size to comply with NFPA 70 but not less than applicable minimum size requirements specified. D. Grounding System Resistance: 1. Achieve specified grounding system resistance under normally dry conditions unless otherwise approved by Engineer. Precipitation within the previous 48 hours does not constitute normally dry conditions. E. Grounding Electrode System: 1. Provide connection to required and supplemental grounding electrodes indicated to form grounding electrode system. a. Provide continuous grounding electrode conductors without splice or joint. b. Install grounding electrode conductors in raceway where exposed to physical damage. Bond grounding electrode conductor to metallic raceways at each end with bonding jumper. 2. Metal Underground Water Pipe(s): a. Provide connection to underground metal domestic and fire protection (where present)water service pipe(s)that are in direct contact with earth for at least 10 feet at an accessible location not more than 5 feet from the point of entrance to the building. b. Provide bonding jumper(s) around insulating joints/pipes as required to make pipe electrically continuous. c. Provide bonding jumper around water meter of sufficient length to permit removal of meter without disconnecting jumper. 3. Concrete-Encased Electrode: a. Provide connection to concrete-encased electrode consisting of not less than 20 feet of either steel reinforcing bars or bare copper conductor not smaller than 4 AWG embedded within concrete foundation or footing that is in direct contact with earth in accordance with NFPA 70. 4. Ground Rod Electrode(s): a. Provide two electrodes unless otherwise indicated or required. b. Space electrodes not less than 10 feet from each other and any other ground electrode. F. Service-Supplied System Grounding: 1. For each service disconnect, provide grounding electrode conductor to connect neutral (grounded) service conductor to grounding electrode system. Unless otherwise indicated, make connection at neutral (grounded) bus in service disconnect enclosure. 2. For each service disconnect, provide main bonding jumper to connect neutral (grounded) bus to equipment ground bus where not factory-installed. Do not make any other connections between neutral (grounded) conductors and ground on load side of service disconnect. G. Separately Derived System Grounding: 1. Separately derived systems include, but are not limited to: a. Transformers (except autotransformers such as buck-boost transformers). b. Generators, when neutral is switched in the transfer switch. FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 260526 -2 Grounding and Bonding for Community Solar Electrical Systems 2. Provide grounding electrode conductor to connect derived system grounded conductor to nearest effectively grounded metal building frame. Unless otherwise indicated, make connection at neutral (grounded) bus in source enclosure. 3. Provide bonding jumper to connect derived system grounded conductor to nearest metal building frame and nearest metal water piping in the area served by the derived system, where not already used as a grounding electrode for the derived system. Make connection at same location as grounding electrode conductor connection. 4. Provide system bonding jumper to connect system grounded conductor to equipment ground bus. Make connection at same location as grounding electrode conductor connection. Do not make any other connections between neutral (grounded) conductors and ground on load side of separately derived system disconnect. 5. Where the source and first disconnecting means are in separate enclosures, provide supply-side bonding jumper between source and first disconnecting means. 2.02 GROUNDING AND BONDING COMPONENTS A. General Requirements: 1. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. 2. Provide products listed and labeled as complying with UL 467 where applicable. B. Conductors for Grounding and Bonding, in Addition to Requirements of Section 26 0526: 1. Use insulated copper conductors unless otherwise indicated. a. Exceptions: 1) Use bare copper conductors where installed underground in direct contact with earth. 2) Use bare copper conductors where directly encased in concrete (not in raceway). C. Connectors for Grounding and Bonding: 1. Description: Connectors appropriate for the application and suitable for the conductors and items to be connected; listed and labeled as complying with UL 467. 2. Unless otherwise indicated, use exothermic welded connections for underground, concealed and other inaccessible connections. • 3. Unless otherwise indicated, use mechanical connectors, compression connectors, or exothermic welded connections for accessible connections. 4. Manufacturers - Mechanical and Compression Connectors: a. Burndy LLC; L1: www.burndy.com/#sle. b. Harger Lightning & Grounding; f 1: www.harger.com/#sle. c. Thomas & Betts Corporation; r www.tnb.com/#sle. D. Ground Rod Electrodes: 1. Comply with NEMA GR 1. 2. Material: Copper-bonded (copper-clad) steel. 3. Size: 3/4 inch diameter by 10 feet length, unless otherwise indicated. 4. Where rod lengths of greater than 10 feet are indicated or otherwise required, sectionalized ground rods may be used. 5. Manufacturers: a. Galvan Industries, Inc; 1: www.galvanelectrical.com/#sle. b. Harger Lightning & Grounding; f l: www.harger.com/#sle. c. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that work likely to damage grounding and bonding system components has been completed. B. Verify that field measurements are as indicated. • C. Verify that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. FISHR.NY/Fisher Island Grounding and Bonding for Community Solar 260526-3 Electrical Systems 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Perform work in accordance with NECA 1 (general workmanship). C. Ground Rod Electrodes: Unless otherwise indicated, install ground rod electrodes vertically. Where encountered rock prohibits vertical installation, install at 45 degree angle or bury horizontally in trench at least 30 inches (750 mm) deep in accordance with NFPA 70 or provide ground plates. 1. Outdoor Installations: Unless otherwise indicated, install with top of rod 6 inches below finished grade. 2. Indoor Installations: Unless otherwise indicated, install with 4 inches of top of rod exposed. D. Make grounding and bonding connections using specified connectors. 1. Remove appropriate amount of conductor insulation for making connections without cutting, nicking or damaging conductors. Do not remove conductor strands to facilitate insertion into connector. 2. Remove nonconductive paint, enamel, or similar coating at threads, contact points, and contact surfaces. 3. Exothermic Welds: Make connections using molds and weld material suitable for the items to be connected in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Mechanical Connectors: Secure connections according to manufacturer's recommended torque settings. 5. Compression Connectors: Secure connections using manufacturer's recommended tools and dies. E. Identify grounding and bonding system components in accordance with Section 26 0553. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. See Section 01 4000 -Quality Requirements, for additional requirements. B. Inspect and test in accordance with NETA ATS except Section 4. C. Perform inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Section 7.13. D. Perform ground electrode resistance tests under normally dry conditions. Precipitation within the previous 48 hours does not constitute normally dry conditions. E. Investigate and correct deficiencies where measured ground resistances do not comply with specified requirements. END OF SECTION FISHR.NY/Fisher Island Grounding and Bonding for Community Solar 260526 -4 Electrical Systems SECTION 26 0529 HANGERS AND SUPPORTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Support and attachment requirements and components for equipment, conduit, cable, boxes, and other electrical work. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0533.13-Conduit for Electrical Systems: Additional support and attachment requirements for conduits. B. Section 26 0533.16- Boxes for Electrical Systems: Additional support and attachment requirements for boxes. C. Section 26 3100- Photovoltaic Collectors: Photovoltaic module mounting systems. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ASTM A123/A123M - Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products 2017. B. ASTM A153/A153M - Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware 2016a. C. ASTM B633 -Standard Specification for Electrodeposited Coatings of Zinc on Iron and Steel 2023. D. MFMA-4- Metal Framing Standards Publication 2004. E. NECA 1 -Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction 2015. F. NFPA 70- National Electrical Code Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. 1.04 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: 1. Coordinate sizes and arrangement of supports and bases with actual equipment and components to be installed. 2. Coordinate work to provide additional framing and materials required for installation. 3. Coordinate compatibility of support and attachment components with mounting surfaces at installed locations. 4. Coordinate arrangement of supports with ductwork, piping, equipment and other potential conflicts. 5. Notify Engineer of conflicts with or deviations from Contract Documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. B. Sequencing: 1. Do not install products on or provide attachment to concrete surfaces until concrete has cured; see Section 03 3000. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for channel/strut framing systems, nonpenetrating rooftop supports, and post-installed concrete/masonry anchors. B. Shop Drawings: Include details for fabricated hangers and supports where materials or methods other than those indicated are proposed for substitution. C. Manufacturer's Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, and installation of product. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island Hangers and Supports for Community Solar 260529- 1 Electrical Systems 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Maintain at project site one copy of each referenced document that prescribes execution requirements. B. Installer Qualifications for Powder-Actuated Fasteners: Certified by fastener system manufacturer with current operator's license. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Receive, inspect, handle, and store products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SUPPORT AND ATTACHMENT COMPONENTS A. General Requirements: 1. Comply with the following. Where requirements differ, comply with most stringent. a. NFPA 70. b. Requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Provide required hangers, supports, anchors, fasteners, fittings, accessories, and hardware as necessary for complete installation of electrical work. 3. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for purpose intended, where applicable. 4. Where support and attachment component types and sizes are not indicated, select in accordance with manufacturer's application criteria as required for load to be supported with minimum safety factor of U. Include consideration for vibration, equipment operation, and shock loads where applicable. 5. Do not use products for applications other than as permitted by NFPA 70 and product listing. 6. Steel Components: Use corrosion-resistant materials suitable for environment where installed. a. Zinc-Plated Steel: Electroplated in accordance with ASTM 8633. b. Galvanized Steel: Hot-dip galvanized after fabrication in accordance with ASTM Al23/A123M or ASTM Al53/A153M. B. Conduit and Cable Supports: Straps and clamps suitable for conduit or cable to be supported. 1. Conduit Straps: One-hole or two-hole type; steel or malleable iron. 2. Conduit Clamps: Bolted type unless otherwise indicated. C. Outlet Box Supports: Hangers and brackets suitable for boxes to be supported. 1. Manufacturers: a. ABB: www.electrification.us.abb.com/#sle. b. Eaton Corporation: www.eaton.com/#sle. c. Emerson Electric Co; O-Z/Gedney: www.emerson.com/#sle. d. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. D. Metal Channel/Strut Framing Systems: 1. Comply with MFMA-4. 2. Channel Material: a. Indoor Dry Locations: Use painted steel, zinc-plated steel, or galvanized steel. 3. Minimum Channel Thickness: Steel sheet, 12 gauge, 0.1046 inch. 4. Minimum Channel Dimensions: 1-5/8 inch wide by 13/16 inch high. E. Hanger Rods: Threaded, zinc-plated steel unless otherwise indicated. F. Anchors and Fasteners: 1. Unless otherwise indicated and where not otherwise restricted, use anchor and fastener types indicated for specified applications. 2. Concrete: Use preset concrete inserts, expansion anchors, or screw anchors. 3. Solid or Grout-Filled Masonry: Use expansion anchors or screw anchors. 4. Hollow Masonry: Use toggle bolts. 5. Hollow Stud Walls: Use toggle bolts. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island Hangers and Supports for Community Solar 260529-2 Electrical Systems 6. Steel: Use beam clamps, machine bolts, or welded threaded studs. 7. Sheet Metal: Use sheet metal screws. 8. Plastic and lead anchors are not permitted. 9. Powder-actuated fasteners are not permitted. 10. Hammer-driven anchors and fasteners are not permitted. 11. Preset Concrete Inserts: Continuous metal channel/strut and spot inserts specifically designed to be cast in concrete ceilings, walls, and floors. a. Manufacturer: Same as manufacturer of metal channel/strut framing system. b. Comply with MFMA-4. c. Channel Material: Use galvanized steel. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that field measurements are as indicated. B. Verify that mounting surfaces are ready to receive support and attachment components. C. Verify that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install hangers and supports in accordance with NECA 1. C. Provide independent support from building structure. Do not provide support from piping, ductwork, or other systems. D. Unless specifically indicated or approved by Engineer, do not provide support from suspended ceiling support system or ceiling grid. E. Unless specifically indicated or approved by Engineer, do not provide support from roof deck. F. Do not penetrate or otherwise notch or cut structural members without approval of Structural Engineer. G. Equipment Support and Attachment: 1. Use metal, fabricated supports or supports assembled from metal channel/strut to support equipment as required. 2. Use metal channel/strut secured to studs to support equipment surface mounted on hollow stud walls when wall strength is not sufficient to resist pull-out. 3. Use metal channel/strut to support surface-mounted equipment in wet or damp locations to provide space between equipment and mounting surface. 4. Securely fasten floor-mounted equipment. Do not install equipment such that it relies on its own weight for support. H. Preset Concrete Inserts: Use manufacturer provided closure strips to inhibit concrete seepage during concrete pour. I. Secure fasteners in accordance with manufacturer's recommended torque settings. J. Remove temporary supports. K. Identify independent electrical component support wires above accessible ceilings, where permitted, with color distinguishable from ceiling support wires in accordance with NFPA 70. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. See Section 01 4000 -Quality Requirements for additional requirements. B. Inspect support and attachment components for damage and defects. C. Repair cuts and abrasions in galvanized finishes using zinc-rich paint recommended by manufacturer. Replace components that exhibit signs of corrosion. D. Correct deficiencies and replace damaged or defective support and attachment components. END OF SECTION FISHR.NY/Fisher Island Hangers and Supports for Community Solar 260529- 3 Electrical Systems SECTION 26 0533.13 CONDUIT FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Galvanized steel rigid metal conduit (RMC). B. Aluminum rigid metal conduit(RMC). C. Galvanized steel intermediate metal.conduit(IMC). D. Stainless steel intermediate metal conduit (IMC). E. PVC-coated galvanized steel rigid metal conduit (RMC). F. Flexible metal conduit (FMC). G. Liquidtight flexible metal conduit(LFMC). H. Aluminum electrical metallic tubing (EMT). I. Rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conduit. J. Reinforced thermosetting resin conduit (RTRC). 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0519 - Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables: Cable assemblies consisting of conductors protected by integral metal armor. B. Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems. 1. Includes additional requirements for fittings for grounding and bonding. C. Section 26 0529 - Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems. D. Section 26 0533.16 - Boxes for Electrical Systems. E. Section 26 0553 - Identification for Electrical Systems: Identification products and requirements. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSI C80.1 -American National Standard for Electrical Rigid Steel Conduit(ERSC) 2020. B. ANSI C80.3-American National Standard for Electrical Metallic Tubing --Steel (EMT-S)2020. C. ANSI C80.5 -American National Standard for Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit--Aluminum (ERMC-A)2020. D. ANSI C80.6-American National Standard for Electrical Intermediate Metal Conduit 2018. E. NECA 1 -Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction 2015. F. NECA 101 -Standard for Installing Steel Conduits (Rigid, IMC, EMT)2020. G. NECA 102- Standard for Installing Aluminum Rigid Metal Conduit 2004. H. NECA 111 -Standard for Installing Nonmetallic Raceways (RNC, ENT, LFNC)2017. I. NEMA FB 1 - Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit, Electrical Metallic Tubing, and Cable 2014. J. NEMA RN 1 - Polyvinyl-Chloride (PVC) Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Metal Conduit and Intermediate Metal Conduit 2018. K. NEMA TC 2- Electrical Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Conduit 2020. L. NEMA TC 3- Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing 2021. M. NEMA TC 14 (SERIES)- Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Conduit and Fittings Series 2015. N. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. O. UL 1 - Flexible Metal Conduit Current Edition, Including All Revisions. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island 26 0533.13- 1 Conduit for Electrical Systems Community Solar P. UL 6- Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit-Steel Current Edition, Including All Revisions. Q. UL 6A- Electrical Rigid Metal Conduit-Aluminum, Red Brass, and Stainless Steel Current Edition, Including All Revisions. R. UL 360 - Liquid-Tight Flexible Metal Conduit Current Edition, Including All Revisions. S. UL 514A- Metallic Outlet Boxes Current Edition, Including All Revisions. T. UL 514B -Conduit, Tubing, and Cable Fittings Current Edition, Including All Revisions. U. UL 651 - Schedule 40, 80, Type EB and A Rigid PVC Conduit and Fittings Current Edition, Including All Revisions. V. UL 797- Electrical Metallic Tubing-Steel Current Edition, Including All Revisions. W. UL 1242- Electrical Intermediate Metal Conduit-Steel Current Edition, Including All Revisions. X. UL 2419- Outline of Investigation for Electrically Conductive Corrosion Resistant Compounds Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: 1. Coordinate minimum sizes of conduits with actual type and quantity of conductors to be installed, including adjustments for conductor sizes increased for voltage drop. 2. Coordinate arrangement of conduits with structural members, ductwork, piping, equipment, and other potential conflicts. 3. Verify exact conduit termination locations required for boxes, enclosures, and equipment. 4. Coordinate work to provide roof penetrations that preserve integrity of roofing system and do not void roof warranty. 5. Notify Engineer of conflicts with or deviations from Contract Documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. B. Sequencing: 1. Do not begin installation of conductors and cables until installation of conduit between termination points is complete. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for conduits and fittings. B. Shop Drawings: 1. Indicate proposed arrangement for conduits to be installed within structural concrete slabs, where permitted. 2. Include proposed locations of roof penetrations and proposed methods for sealing. C. Project Record Documents: Record actual routing for conduits installed underground, conduits embedded within concrete slabs, and conduits 2-inch (53 mm)trade size and larger. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Documents at Project Site: Maintain at project site one copy of manufacturer's instructions and shop drawings. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Receive, inspect, handle, and store conduit and fittings in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CONDUIT APPLICATIONS A. Do not use conduit and associated fittings for applications other than as permitted by NFPA 70, manufacturer's instructions, and product listing. B. Unless otherwise indicated and where not otherwise restricted, use conduit types indicated for ' specified applications. Where more than one listed application applies, comply with most restrictive requirements. Where conduit type for particular application is not specified, use FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island Community Solar 26 0533.13 -2 Conduit for Electrical Systems galvanized steel rigid metal conduit. C. Underground: 1. Under Slab on Grade: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit (RMC), stainless steel rigid metal conduit(RMC), PVC-coated galvanized steel rigid metal conduit(RMC), rigid PVC conduit, or reinforced thermosetting resin conduit (RTRC). 2. Exterior, Direct-Buried: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit (RMC), PVC-coated galvanized steel rigid metal conduit, rigid PVC conduit, or reinforced thermosetting resin conduit(RTRC). 3. Where rigid polyvinyl (PVC) conduit larger than 2-inch (53 mm)trade size is provided, use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit(RMC)elbows for bends. D. Concealed Within Masonry Walls: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit(RMC), galvanized steel intermediate metal conduit(IMC), galvanized steel electrical metallic tubing (EMT), or stainless steel electrical metallic tubing (EMT). E. Concealed Within Hollow Stud Walls: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit(RMC). F. Interior, Damp or Wet Locations: Use galvanized steel rigid metal conduit(RMC), galvanized steel intermediate metal conduit(IMC), or galvanized steel electrical metallic tubing (EMT). G. Flexible Connections to Vibrating Equipment: 1. Dry Locations: Use flexible metal conduit(FMC). 2. Damp, Wet, or Corrosive Locations: Use liquidtight flexible metal conduit(LFMC). 3. Maximum Length: 6 feet unless otherwise indicated. 2.02 CONDUIT -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Comply with NFPA 70. B. Provide conduit, fittings, supports, and accessories required for complete raceway system. C. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for purpose intended. D. Where conduit size is not indicated, size to comply with NFPA 70 but not less than applicable minimum size requirements specified. 2.03 GALVANIZED STEEL RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC) A. Manufacturers: 1. Allied Tube & Conduit, a division of Atkore International: www.alliedeg.com/#sle. 2. Wheatland Tube, a division of Zekelman Industries: www.wheatland.com/#sle. 3. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Description: NFPA 70, Type RMC galvanized steel rigid metal conduit complying with ANSI C80.1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 6. C. Fittings: 1. Manufacturers: a. ABB; T&B: www.electrification.us.abb.com/#sle. b. Allied Tube & Conduit, a division of Atkore International: www.alliedeg.us/#sle. c. Bridgeport Fittings Inc: www.bptfittings.com/#sle. d. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 2. Nonhazardous Locations: Use fittings complying with NEMA FB 1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 514B or UL 6. 3. Material: Use steel or malleable iron. a. Do not use die cast zinc fittings. 4. Connectors and Couplings: Use threaded type fittings only. Threadless fittings, including set screw and compression/gland types, are not permitted. 2.04 ALUMINUM RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC) A. . Manufacturers: 1. Allied Tube & Conduit, a division of Atkore International: www.alliedeg.com/#sle. 2. Wheatland Tube, a division of Zekelman Industries: www.wheatland.com/#sle. 3. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island 26 0533.13 -3 Conduit for Electrical Systems Community Solar B. Description: NFPA 70, Type RMC aluminum rigid metal conduit complying with ANSI C80.5 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 6A. C. Fittings: 1. Manufacturers: a. ABB; T&B: www.electrification.us.abb.com/#sle. b. Bridgeport Fittings, LLC: www.bptfittings.com/#sle. c. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 2. Nonhazardous Locations: Use fittings complying with NEMA FB 1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 514B or UL 6A. 3. Material: Use aluminum. 4. Connectors and Couplings: Use threaded type fittings only. Threadless fittings, including set screw and compression/gland types, are not permitted. 2.05 PVC-COATED GALVANIZED STEEL RIGID METAL CONDUIT (RMC) A. Manufacturers: 1. ABB; Ocal: www.electrification.us.abb.com/#sle. 2. Robroy Industries: www.robroy.com/#sle. 3. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000- Product Requirements. B. Description: NFPA 70, Type RMC galvanized steel rigid metal conduit with external polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coating complying with NEMA RN 1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 6. C. Exterior Coating: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), nominal thickness of 40 mil, 0.040 inch. D. PVC-Coated Boxes and Fittings: 1. Manufacturer: Same as manufacturer of PVC-coated conduit to be installed. 2. Nonhazardous Locations: Use boxes and fittings listed and labeled as complying with UL 514A, UL 514B, or UL 6. 3. Material: Use steel or malleable iron. 4. Exterior Coating: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), minimum thickness of 40 mil, 0.040 inch. E. PVC-Coated Supports: Furnish with exterior coating of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), minimum thickness of 15 mil, 0.015 inch. 2.06 FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT(FMC) A. Manufacturers: 1. AFC Cable Systems, a division of Atkore International: www.afcweb.com/#sle. 2. Electri-Flex Company: www.electriflex.com/#sle. 3. International Metal Hose: www.metalhose.com/#sle. 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Description: NFPA 70, Type FMC standard-wall steel flexible metal conduit listed and labeled as complying with UL 1, and listed for use in classified firestop systems. C. Fittings: 1. Manufacturers: a. ABB; T&B: www.electrification.us.abb.com/#sle. b. Bridgeport Fittings, LLC: www.bptfittings.com/#sle. c. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000- Product Requirements. 2. Description: Fittings complying with NEMA FB 1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 5148. 3. Material: Use steel or malleable iron. 2.07 LIQUIDTIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT (LFMC) A. Manufacturers: 1. AFC Cable Systems, a division of Atkore International: www.afcweb.com/#sle. 2. Electri-Flex Company: www.electriflex.com/#sle. 3. International Metal Hose: www.metaIhose.com/#sle. FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 26 0533.13 -4 Conduit for Electrical Systems Community Solar 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Description: NFPA 70, Type LFMC polyvinyl chloride (PVC)jacketed steel flexible metal conduit listed and labeled as complying with UL 360. C. Fittings: 1. Manufacturers: a. ABB; T&B: www.electrification.us.abb.com/#sle. b. Bridgeport Fittings, LLC: www.bptfittings.com/#sle. c. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 2. Description: Fittings complying with NEMA FB 1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 514B. 3. Material: Use steel or malleable iron. a. Do not use die cast zinc fittings. 2.08 GALVANIZED STEEL ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING (EMT) A. Manufacturers: 1. Allied Tube &Conduit, a division of Atkore International: www.alliedeg.com/#sle. 2. Western Tube, a division of Zekelman Industries: www.westerntube.com/#sle. 3. Wheatland Tube, a division of Zekelman Industries: www.wheatland.com/#sle. 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Description: NFPA 70, Type EMT galvanized steel electrical metallic tubing complying with ANSI C80.3 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 797. C. Fittings: 1. Manufacturers: a. ABB; T&B: www.electrification.us.abb.com/#sle. b. Allied Tube &Conduit, a division of Atkore International: www.alliedeg.us/#sle. c. Bridgeport Fittings, LLC: www.bptfittings.com/#sle. d. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 2. Description: Fittings complying with NEMA FB 1 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 514B. 3. Material: Use steel or malleable iron. 4. Connectors and Couplings: Use compression/gland or set-screw type. a. Do not use indenter type connectors and couplings. 2.09 RIGID POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) CONDUIT A. Manufacturers: 1. ABB; Carlon: www.carion.com/#sle. 2. Cantex Inc: www.cantexinc.com/#sle. 3. JM Eagle: www.jmeagle.com/#sle. 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Description: NFPA 70, Type PVC rigid polyvinyl chloride conduit complying with NEMA TC 2 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 651; Schedule 40 unless otherwise indicated, Schedule 80 where subject to physical damage; rated for use with conductors rated 90 degrees C. C. Fittings: 1. Manufacturer: Same as manufacturer of conduit to be connected. 2. Description: Fittings complying with NEMA TC 3 and listed and labeled as complying with UL 651; material to match conduit. 2.10 REINFORCED THERMOSETTING RESIN CONDUIT (RTRC) A. Description: NFPA 70, Type RTRC reinforced thermosetting resin conduit complying with NEMA TC 14 (SERIES). B. Supports: As recommended by manufacturer. C. Fittings: Same type and manufacturer as conduit to be connected. FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 26 0533.13 -5 Conduit for Electrical Systems Community Solar 2.11 ACCESSORIES A. Corrosion Protection Tape: PVC-based, minimum thickness of 20 mil, 0.020 inch. B. Conduit Joint Compound: Corrosion-resistant, electrically conductive compound listed as complying with UL 2419; suitable for use with conduit to be installed. C. Solvent Cement for PVC Conduit and Fittings: As recommended by manufacturer of conduit and fittings to be installed. D. Epoxy Adhesive for RTRC Conduit and Fittings: As recommended by manufacturer of conduit and fittings to be installed. E. Pull Strings: Use nylon tape with average breaking strength of not less than 200 pond-force. F. Sealing Compound for Hazardous/Classified Location Sealing Fittings: Listed for use with particular fittings to be installed. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that field measurements are as indicated. B. Verify that mounting surfaces are ready to receive conduits. C. Verify that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install conduit in accordance with NECA 1. C. Install galvanized steel rigid metal conduit (RMC) in accordance with NECA 101. D. Install aluminum rigid metal conduit(RMC) in accordance with NECA 102. E. Install intermediate metal conduit (IMC) in accordance with NECA 101. F. Install PVC-coated galvanized steel rigid metal conduit(RMC) using only tools approved by manufacturer. G. Install rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conduit in accordance with NECA 111. H. Conduit Routing: 1. Unless dimensioned, conduit routing indicated is diagrammatic. 2. When conduit destination is indicated without specific routing, determine exact routing required. 3. Conceal conduits unless specifically indicated to be exposed. 4. Conduits in the following areas may be exposed, unless otherwise indicated: a. Electrical rooms. b. Within joists in areas with no ceiling. 5. Unless otherwise approved, do not route exposed conduits: a. Across floors. b. Across roofs. c. Across top of parapet walls. d. Across building exterior surfaces. 6. Conduits installed underground or embedded in concrete may be routed in shortest possible manner unless otherwise indicated. Route other conduits parallel or perpendicular to building structure and surfaces, following surface contours where practical. 7. Arrange conduit to maintain adequate headroom, clearances, and access. 8. Arrange conduit to provide no more than equivalent of four 90-degree bends between pull points. 9. Arrange conduit to provide no more than 150 feet between pull points. 10. Route conduits above water and drain piping where possible. FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 26 0533.13 -6 Conduit for Electrical Systems Community Solar 11. Arrange conduit to prevent moisture traps. Provide drain fittings at low points and at sealing fittings where moisture may collect. 12. Maintain minimum clearance of 6 inches between conduits and piping for other systems. 13. Maintain minimum clearance of 12 inches between conduits and hot surfaces. This includes, but is not limited to: a. Heaters. b. Hot water piping. I. Conduit Support: 1. Secure and support conduits in accordance with NFPA 70 using suitable supports and methods approved by authorities having jurisdiction; see Section 26 0529. 2. Provide independent support from building structure. Do not provide support from piping, ductwork, or other systems. 3. Use conduit strap to support single surface-mounted conduit. a. Use clamp back spacer with conduit strap for damp and wet locations to provide space between conduit and mounting surface. 4. Use metal channel/strut with accessory conduit clamps to support multiple parallel surface-mounted conduits. 5. Use conduit clamp to support single conduit from beam clamp or threaded rod. 6. Use trapeze hangers assembled from threaded rods and metal channel/strut with accessory conduit clamps to support multiple parallel suspended conduits. 7. Use of spring steel conduit clips for support of conduits is not permitted. 8. Use of wire for support of conduits is not permitted. J. Connections and Terminations: 1. Use approved zinc-rich paint or conduit joint compound on field-cut threads of galvanized steel conduits prior to making connections. 2. Where two threaded conduits must be joined and neither can be rotated, use three-piece couplings or split couplings. Do not use running threads. 3. Use suitable adapters where required to transition from one type of conduit to another. 4. Provide drip loops for liquidtight flexible conduit connections to prevent drainage of liquid into connectors. 5. Terminate threaded conduits in boxes and enclosures using threaded hubs or double lock nuts for dry locations and raintight hubs for wet locations. 6. Provide insulating bushings, insulated throats, or listed metal fittings with smooth, rounded edges at conduit terminations to protect conductors. 7. Secure joints and connections to provide mechanical strength and electrical continuity. K. Penetrations: 1. Do not penetrate or otherwise notch or cut structural members, including footings and grade beams, without approval of Structural Engineer. 2. Make penetrations perpendicular to surfaces unless otherwise indicated. 3. Provide sleeves for penetrations as indicated or as required to facilitate installation. Set sleeves flush with exposed surfaces unless otherwise indicated or required. 4. Conceal bends for conduit risers emerging above ground. 5. Where conduits penetrate waterproof membrane, seal as required to maintain integrity of membrane. 6. Make penetrations for roof-mounted equipment within associated equipment openings and curbs where possible to minimize roofing system penetrations. Where penetrations are necessary, seal as indicated or as required to preserve integrity of roofing system and maintain roof warranty. 7. Install firestopping to preserve fire resistance rating of partitions and other elements; see Section 07 8400. L. Conduit Movement Provisions: Where conduits are subject to movement, provide expansion and expansion/deflection fittings to prevent damage to enclosed conductors or connected equipment. This includes, but is not limited to: 1. Where conduits cross structural joints intended for expansion, contraction, or deflection. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island 26 0533.13- 7 Conduit for Electrical Systems Community Solar 2. Where calculated in accordance with NFPA 70 for rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) conduit installed above ground to compensate for thermal expansion and contraction. 3. Where calculated in accordance with NFPA 70 for reinforced thermosetting resin conduit (RTRC) conduit installed above ground to compensate for thermal expansion and contraction. 4. Where conduits are subject to earth movement by settlement or frost. M. Conduit Sealing: 1. Use foam conduit sealant to prevent entry of moisture and gases. This includes, but is not limited to: a. Where conduits enter building from outside. b. Where service conduits enter building from underground distribution system. c. Where conduits enter building from underground. d. Where conduits may transport moisture to contact live parts. 2. Where conduits cross barriers between areas of potential substantial temperature differential, use foam conduit sealant at accessible point near penetration to prevent condensation. This includes, but is not limited to: a. Where conduits pass from outdoors into conditioned interior spaces. b. Where conduits pass from unconditioned interior spaces into conditioned interior spaces. N. Provide pull string in each empty conduit and in conduits where conductors and cables are to be installed by others. Leave minimum slack of 12 inches at each end. O. Provide grounding and bonding; see Section 26 0526. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. See Section 01 4000-Quality Requirements for additional requirements. B. Repair cuts and abrasions in galvanized finishes using zinc-rich paint recommended by manufacturer. Replace components that exhibit signs of corrosion. C. Where coating of PVC-coated galvanized steel rigid metal conduit (RMC) contains cuts or abrasions, repair in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. D. Correct deficiencies and replace damaged or defective conduits. 3.04 CLEANING A. Clean interior of conduits to remove moisture and foreign matter. 3.05 PROTECTION A. Immediately after installation of conduit, use suitable manufactured plugs to provide protection from entry of moisture and foreign material and do not remove until ready for installation of conductors. END OF SECTION FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island Community Solar 26 0533.13 -8 Conduit for Electrical Systems SECTION 26 0533.16 BOXES FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Outlet and device boxes up to 100 cubic inches, including those used as junction and pull boxes. B. Cabinets and enclosures, including junction and pull boxes larger than 100 cubic inches. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0526- Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems. B. Section 26 0529 - Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems. C. Section 26 0533.13- Conduit for Electrical Systems: 1. Conduit bodies and other fittings. D. Section 26 0553- Identification for Electrical Systems: Identification products and requirements. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NECA 1 -Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction 2015. B. NECA 130-Standard for Installing and Maintaining Wiring Devices 2016. C. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment(1000 Volts Maximum)2020. D. NEMA FB 1 - Fittings, Cast Metal Boxes, and Conduit Bodies for Conduit, Electrical Metallic Tubing, and Cable 2014. E. NEMA OS 1 -Sheet-Steel Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers, and Box Supports 2013 (Reaffirmed 2020). F. NFPA 70- National Electrical Code Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. G. UL 50 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Non-Environmental Considerations Current Edition, Including All Revisions. H. UL 50E - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations Current Edition, Including All Revisions. I. UL 508A- Industrial Control Panels Current Edition, Including All Revisions. J. UL 514A- Metallic Outlet Boxes Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: 1. Coordinate the work with other trades to avoid placement of ductwork, piping, equipment, or other potential obstructions within the dedicated equipment spaces and working clearances for electrical equipment required by NFPA 70. 2. Coordinate arrangement of electrical equipment with the dimensions and clearance requirements of the actual equipment to be installed. 3. Coordinate minimum sizes of boxes with the actual installed arrangement of conductors, clamps, support fittings, and devices, calculated according to NFPA 70. 4. Coordinate minimum sizes of pull boxes with the actual installed arrangement of connected conduits, calculated according to NFPA 70. 5. Coordinate the placement of boxes with millwork, furniture, devices, equipment, etc. installed under other sections or by others. 6. Coordinate the work with other trades to preserve insulation integrity. 7. Coordinate the work with other trades to provide walls suitable for installation of flush- mounted boxes where indicated. 8. Notify Engineer of any conflicts with or deviations from Contract Documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 26 0533.16 - 1 Boxes for Electrical Systems Community Solar 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for cabinets and enclosures, boxes for hazardous (classified) locations, floor boxes, and underground boxes/enclosures. B. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Indicate application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, and installation of product. C. Maintenance Materials: Furnish the following for Owner's use in maintenance of project. 1. See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements, for additional provisions. 2. Keys for Lockable Enclosures: Two of each different key. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with requirements of NFPA 70. B. Maintain at the project site a copy of each referenced document that prescribes execution requirements. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Receive, inspect, handle, and store products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 BOXES A. General Requirements: 1. Do not use boxes and associated accessories for applications other than as permitted by NFPA 70 and product listing. 2. Provide all boxes, fittings, supports, and accessories required for a complete raceway system and to accommodate devices and equipment to be installed. 3. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. 4. Where box size is not indicated, size to comply with NFPA 70 but not less than applicable minimum size requirements specified. 5. Provide grounding terminals within boxes where equipment grounding conductors terminate. B. Outlet and Device Boxes Up to 100 cubic inches, Including Those Used as Junction and Pull Boxes: 1. Use sheet-steel boxes for dry locations unless otherwise indicated or required. 2. Use cast iron boxes or cast aluminum boxes for damp or wet locations unless otherwise indicated or required;furnish with compatible weatherproof gasketed covers. 3. Use suitable concrete type boxes where flush-mounted in concrete. 4. Use suitable masonry type boxes where flush-mounted in masonry walls. 5. Use raised covers suitable for the type of wall construction and device configuration where required. 6. Use shallow boxes where required by the type of wall construction. 7. Do not use"through-wall" boxes designed for access from both sides of wall. 8. Sheet-Steel Boxes: Comply with NEMA OS 1, and list and label as complying with UL 514A. 9. Cast Metal Boxes: Comply with NEMA FB 1, and list and label as complying with UL 514A; furnish with threaded hubs. 10. Boxes for Supporting Luminaires and Ceiling Fans: Listed as suitable for the type and weight of load to be supported; furnished with fixture stud to accommodate mounting of luminaire where required. 11. Boxes for Ganged Devices: Use multigang boxes of single-piece construction. Do not use field-connected gangable boxes unless specifically indicated or permitted. 12. Wall Plates: Comply with Section 26 2726. C. Cabinets and Enclosures,,Including Junction and Pull Boxes Larger Than 100 cubic inches: FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 26 0533.16 -2 Boxes-for Electrical Systems Community Solar 1. Comply with NEMA 250, and list and label as complying with UL 50 and UL 50E, or UL 508A. 2. NEMA 250 Environment Type, Unless Otherwise Indicated: a. Indoor Clean, Dry Locations: Type 1, painted steel. b. Outdoor Locations: Type 3R, painted steel. 3. Junction and Pull Boxes Larger Than 100 cubic inches: a. Provide screw-cover or hinged-cover enclosures unless otherwise indicated. 4. Cabinets and Hinged-Cover Enclosures, Other Than Junction and Pull Boxes: a. Provide lockable hinged covers, all locks keyed alike unless otherwise indicated. b. Back Panels: Painted steel, removable. c. Terminal Blocks: Provide voltage/current ratings and terminal quantity suitable for purpose indicated, with 25 percent spare terminal capacity. 5. Finish for Painted Steel Enclosures: Manufacturer's standard grey unless otherwise indicated. 6. Manufacturers: a. Cooper B-Line, a division of Eaton Corporation; f 1: www.cooperindustries.com/#sle. b. Hoffman, a brand of Pentair Technical Products; f 1: www.hoffmanonline.com/#sle. c. Hubbell Incorporated; Wiegmann Products; F www.hubbell- wiegmann.com/#sle. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that field measurements are as indicated. B. Verify that mounting surfaces are ready to receive boxes. C. Verify that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install boxes in accordance with NECA 1 (general workmanship) and, where applicable, NECA 130, including mounting heights specified in those standards where mounting heights are not indicated. C. Arrange equipment to provide minimum clearances in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 70. D. Provide separate boxes for emergency power and normal power systems. E. Unless otherwise indicated, provide separate boxes for line voltage and low voltage systems. F. Flush-mount boxes in finished areas unless specifically indicated to be surface-mounted. G. Box Locations: 1. Locate boxes to be accessible. Provide access panels in accordance with Section 08 3100 as required where approved by the Architect. 2. Unless dimensioned, box locations indicated are approximate. 3. Locate boxes as required for devices installed under other sections or by others. 4. Locate boxes so that wall plates do not span different building finishes. 5. Locate boxes so that wall plates do not cross masonry joints. 6. Unless otherwise indicated, where multiple outlet boxes are installed at the same location at different mounting heights, install along a common vertical center line. 7. Do not install flush-mounted boxes on opposite sides of walls back-to-back. Provide minimum 6 inches horizontal separation unless otherwise indicated. 8. Acoustic-Rated Walls: Do not install flush-mounted boxes on opposite sides of walls back-to-back; provide minimum 24 inches horizontal separation. 9. Fire Resistance Rated Walls: Install flush-mounted boxes such that the required fire resistance will not be reduced. FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 26 0533.16-3 Boxes for Electrical Systems Community Solar 10. Locate junction and pull boxes in the following areas, unless otherwise indicated or approved by the Architect: ` a. Concealed above accessible suspended ceilings. b. Electrical rooms. c. Mechanical equipment rooms. H. Box Supports: 1. Secure and support boxes in accordance with NFPA 70 and Section 26 0529 using suitable supports and methods approved by the authority having jurisdiction. 2. Provide independent support from building structure except for cast metal boxes (other than boxes used for fixture support)supported by threaded conduit connections in accordance with NFPA 70. Do not provide support from piping, ductwork, or other systems. 3. Installation Above Suspended Ceilings: Do not provide support from ceiling grid or ceiling support system. I. Install boxes plumb and level. J. Flush-Mounted Boxes: 1. Install boxes in noncombustible materials such as concrete, tile, gypsum, plaster, etc. so that front edge of box or associated raised cover is not set back from finished surface more than 1/4 inch or does not project beyond finished surface. 2. Install boxes in combustible materials such as wood so that front edge of box or associated raised cover is flush with finished surface. 3. Repair rough openings around boxes in noncombustible materials such as concrete, tile, gypsum, plaster, etc. so that there are no gaps or open spaces greater than 1/8 inch at the edge of the box. K. Install boxes as required to preserve insulation integrity. L. Install permanent barrier between ganged wiring devices when voltage between adjacent devices exceeds 300 V. M. Install firestopping to preserve fire resistance rating of partitions and other elements, using _ materials and methods specified in Section 07 8400. N. Close unused box openings. O. Install blank wall plates on junction boxes and on outlet boxes with no devices or equipment installed or designated for future use. P. Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 26 0526. 3.03 CLEANING A. Clean interior of boxes to remove dirt, debris, plaster and other foreign material. 3.04 PROTECTION A. Immediately after installation, protect boxes from entry of moisture and foreign material until ready for installation of conductors. END OF SECTION FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 26 0533.16 -4 Boxes for Electrical Systems Community Solar SECTION 26 0553 IDENTIFICATION FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Electrical identification requirements. B. Identification nameplates and labels. C. Wire and cable markers. D. Voltage markers. E. Warning signs and labels. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0519 - Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables: Color coding for power conductors and cables 600 V and less; vinyl color coding electrical tape. B. Section 26 3100 - Photovoltaic Collectors: Additional identification requirements for photovoltaic systems. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. ANSI Z535.2-American National Standard for Environmental and Facility Safety Signs 2011 (Reaffirmed 2017). B. ANSI Z535.4 -American National Standard for Product Safety Signs and Labels 2011 (Reaffirmed 2017). C. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. D. NFPA 70E-Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace 2021. E. UL 969- Marking and Labeling Systems Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: 1. Verify final designations for equipment, systems, and components to be identified prior to fabrication of identification products. B. Sequencing: 1. Do not conceal items to be identified, in locations such as above suspended ceilings, until identification products have been installed. 2. Do not install identification products until final surface finishes and painting are complete. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for each product. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with requirements of NFPA 70. 1.07 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Do not install adhesive products when ambient temperature is lower than recommended by manufacturer. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS A. Identification for Equipment: 1. Use identification nameplate to identify each piece of electrical distribution and control equipment and associated sections, compartments, and components. a. Switchgear: 1) Identify ampere rating. ' FISHR.NY/Fisher Island Identification for Electrical Community Solar 260553 - 1 Systems 2) Identify voltage and phase. 3) Identify power source and circuit number. Include location when not within sight of equipment. 4) Use identification nameplate to identify load(s) served for each branch device. Do not identify spares and spaces. b. Panelboards: 1) Identify ampere rating. 2) Identify voltage and phase. 3) Identify power source and circuit number. Include location when not within sight of equipment. 4) Use typewritten circuit directory to identify load(s) served for panelboards with a door. Identify spares and spaces using pencil. 5) For power panelboards without a door, use identification nameplate to identify load(s)served for each branch device. Do not identify spares and spaces. c. Enclosed switches, circuit breakers, and motor controllers: 1) Identify voltage and phase. 2) Identify power source and circuit number. Include location when not within sight of equipment. 3) Identify load(s) served. Include location when not within sight of equipment. 2. Service Equipment: a. Use identification nameplate to identify each service disconnecting means. 3. Emergency System Equipment: a. Use identification nameplate or voltage marker to identify emergency system equipment in accordance with NFPA 70. b. Use identification nameplate at each piece of service equipment to identify type and location of on-site emergency power sources. 4. Use voltage marker to identify highest voltage present for each piece of electrical equipment. 5. Use identification nameplate to identify equipment Utilizing series ratings, where permitted, in accordance with NFPA 70. 6. Use identification label or handwritten text using indelible marker on inside of door at each fused switch to identify required NEMA fuse class and size. 7. Available Fault Current Documentation: Use identification label to identify the available fault current and date calculations were performed at locations requiring documentation by NFPA 70 including but not limited to the following. a. Service equipment. b. Industrial control panels. c. Motor control centers. d. Elevator control panels. e. Industrial machinery. 8. Arc Flash Hazard Warning Labels: Use warning labels to identify arc flash hazards for electrical equipment, such as switchboards, panelboards, industrial control panels, meter socket enclosures, and motor control centers that are likely to require examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance while energized. a. Minimum Size: 3.5 by 5 inches. b. Legend: Include orange header that reads "WARNING", followed by the word message"Arc Flash and Shock Hazard; Appropriate PPE Required; Do not operate controls or open covers without appropriate personal protection equipment; Failure to comply may result in injury or death; Refer to NFPA 70E for minimum PPE requirements" or approved equivalent. 9. Use warning signs to identify electrical hazards for entrances to all rooms and other guarded locations that contain exposed live parts operating at 600 V nominal or less with the word message "DANGER; Electrical hazard; Authorized personnel only" or approved equivalent. B. Identification for Conductors and Cables: FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island Identification for Electrical Community Solar 260553 -2 Systems I. Color Coding for Power Conductors 600 V and Less: Comply with Section 26 0519. 2. Use identification nameplate or identification label to identify color code for ungrounded and grounded power conductors inside door or enclosure at each piece of feeder or branch-circuit distribution equipment when premises has feeders or branch circuits served by more than one nominal voltage system. C. Identification for Boxes: 1. Use voltage markers to identify highest voltage present.. 2. Use identification labels or handwritten text using indelible marker to identify circuits enclosed. D. Identification for Devices: 1. Wiring Device and Wallplate Finishes: Comply with Section 26 2726. 2. Use identification label to identify receptacles protected by upstream GFI protection, where permitted. 2.02 IDENTIFICATION NAMEPLATES AND LABELS A. Identification Nameplates: 1. Manufacturers: a. Brimar Industries, Inc: www.brimar.com/#sle. b. Kolbi Pipe Marker Co; r : www.kolbipipemarkers.com/#sle. c. Seton Identification Products; [ : www.seton.com/#sle. d. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 2. Materials: a. Indoor Clean, Dry Locations: Use plastic nameplates. b. Outdoor Locations: Use plastic, stainless steel, or aluminum nameplates suitable for exterior use. 3. Plastic Nameplates: Two-layer or three-layer laminated acrylic or electrically non- conductive phenolic with beveled edges; minimum thickness of 1/16 inch; engraved text. 4. Stainless Steel Nameplates: Minimum thickness of 1/32 inch; engraved or laser-etched text. 5. Aluminum Nameplates: Anodized; minimum thickness of 1/32 inch; engraved or laser- etched text. 6. Mounting Holes for Mechanical Fasteners: Two, centered on sides for sizes up to 1 inch high; Four, located at corners for larger sizes. B. Identification Labels: 1. Manufacturers: a. Brady Corporation; www.bradyid.com/#sle. b. Brother International Corporation: www.brother-usa.com/#sle. c. Panduit Corp: www.panduit.com/#sle. d. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 2. Materials: Use self-adhesive laminated plastic labels; UV, chemical, water, heat, and abrasion resistant. 3. Text: Use factory pre-printed or machine-printed text. Do not use handwritten text unless otherwise indicated. C. Format for Equipment Identification: 1. Minimum Size: 1 inch by 2.5 inches. 2. Legend: a. System designation where applicable: 1) Emergency Power System: Identify with text"EMERGENCY". b. Equipment designation or other approved description. 3. Text: All capitalized unless otherwise indicated. 4. Minimum Text Height: a. System Designation: 1 inch. b. Equipment Designation: 1/2 inch. 5. Color: FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island Identification for Electrical Community Solar 260553 - 3 Systems a. Normal Power System: White text on black background. b. Emergency Power System: White text on red background. D. Format for Caution and Warning Messages: 1. Minimum Size: 2 inches by 4 inches. 2. Legend: Include information or instructions indicated or as required for proper and safe operation and maintenance. 3. Text: All capitalized unless otherwise indicated. 4. Minimum Text Height: 1/2 inch. 5. Color: Black text on yellow background unless otherwise indicated. 2.03 WIRE AND CABLE MARKERS A. Manufacturers: 1. Brady Corporation; r www.bradyid.com/#sle. 2. HellermannTyton; [1: www.hellermanntyton.com/#sle. 3. Panduit Corp: www.panduit.com/#sle. 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Markers for Conductors and Cables: Use wrap-around self-adhesive vinyl cloth, wrap-around self-adhesive vinyl self-laminating, heat-shrink sleeve, plastic sleeve, plastic clip-on, or vinyl split sleeve type markers suitable for the conductor or cable to be identified. C. Markers for Conductor and Cable Bundles: Use plastic marker tags secured by nylon cable ties. D. Legend: Power source and circuit number or other designation indicated. E. Text: Use factory pre-printed or machine-printed text, all capitalized unless otherwise indicated. F. Minimum Text Height: 1/8 inch. G. Color: Black text on white background unless otherwise indicated. ' 2.04 VOLTAGE MARKERS A. Manufacturers: 1. Brady Corporation; F www.bradyid.com/#sle. 2. Brimar Industries, Inc: www.brimar.com/#sle. 3. Seton Identification Products; r : www.seton.com/#sle. 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Markers for Boxes and Equipment Enclosures: Use factory pre-printed self-adhesive vinyl or self-adhesive vinyl cloth type markers. C. Minimum Size: 1. Markers for Equipment: 1 1/8 by 4 1/2 inches. 2. Markers for Pull Boxes: 1 1/8 by 4 1/2 inches. 3. Markers for Junction Boxes: 1/2 by 2 1/4 inches. D. Legend: 1. Markers for Voltage Identification: Highest voltage present. E. Color: Black text on orange background unless otherwise indicated. 2.05 WARNING SIGNS AND LABELS A. Manufacturers: 1. Brimar Industries, Inc: www.brimar.com/#sle. 2. Clarion Safety Systems, LLC; []: www.clarionsafety.com/#sle. 3. Insite Solutions, LLC; [ : www.stop-painting.com/#sle. 4. Seton Identification Products; r1: www.seton.com/#sle. 5. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. B. Comply with ANSI Z535.2 or ANSI Z535.4 as applicable. ' C. Warning Signs: 1. Materials: FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island Identification for Electrical Community Solar 260553 -4 Systems a. Indoor Dry, Clean Locations: Use factory pre-printed rigid plastic or self-adhesive vinyl signs. 2. Rigid Signs: Provide four mounting holes at corners for mechanical fasteners. 3. Minimum Size: 7 by 10 inches unless otherwise indicated. D. Warning Labels: 1. Materials: Use factory pre-printed or machine-printed self-adhesive polyester or self- adhesive vinyl labels; UV, chemical, water, heat, and abrasion resistant; produced using materials recognized to UL 969. 2. Machine-Printed Labels: Use thermal transfer process printing machines and accessories recommended by label manufacturer. 3. Minimum Size: 2 by 4 inches unless otherwise indicated. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Clean surfaces to receive adhesive products according to manufacturer's instructions. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. B. Install identification products to be plainly visible for examination, adjustment, servicing, and maintenance. Unless otherwise indicated, locate products as follows: 1. Surface-Mounted Equipment: Enclosure front. 2. Flush-Mounted Equipment: Inside of equipment door. 3. Free-Standing Equipment: Enclosure front; also enclosure rear for equipment with rear access. 4. Elevated Equipment: Legible from the floor or working platform. 5. Branch Devices: Adjacent to device. 6. Interior Components: Legible from the point of access. • 7. Boxes: Outside face of cover. 8. Conductors and Cables: Legible from the point of access. 9. Devices: Outside face of cover. C. Install identification products centered, level, and parallel with lines of item being identified. D. Secure nameplates to exterior surfaces of enclosures using stainless steel screws and to interior surfaces using self-adhesive backing or epoxy cement. E. Install self-adhesive labels and markers to achieve maximum adhesion, with no bubbles or wrinkles and edges properly sealed. F. Secure rigid signs using stainless steel screws. G. Mark all handwritten text, where permitted, to be neat and legible. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. See Section 01 4000 -Quality Requirements, for additional requirements. B. Replace self-adhesive labels and markers that exhibit bubbles, wrinkles, curling or other signs of improper adhesion. END OF SECTION FISHR.NY/Fisher Island Identification for Electrical Community Solar 260553 -5 Systems SECTION 26 2416 PANELBOARDS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Power distribution panelboards. B. Overcurrent protective devices for panelboards. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems. B. Section 26 0529 - Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems. C. Section 26 0553 - Identification for Electrical Systems: Identification products and requirements. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. FS W-C-375- Circuit Breakers, Molded Case; Branch Circuit and Service 2013e, with Amendment(2017). B. NECA 1 - Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction 2015. C. NECA 407 -Standard for Installing and Maintaining Panelboards 2015. D. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment(1000 Volts Maximum)2020. E. NEMA PB 1 - Panelboards 2011. F. NEMA PB 1.1 - General Instructions for Proper Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Panelboards Rated 600 Volts or Less 2013. G. NETA ATS -Acceptance Testing Specifications for Electrical Power Equipment and Systems 2017. H. NFPA 70- National Electrical Code Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. I. UL 50 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Non-Environmental Considerations Current Edition, Including All Revisions. J. UL 50E- Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Environmental Considerations Current Edition, Including All Revisions. K. UL 67- Panelboards Current Edition, Including All Revisions. L. UL 489- Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches and Circuit Breaker Enclosures Current Edition, Including All Revisions. M. UL 869A- Reference Standard for Service Equipment Current Edition, Including All Revisions. N. UL 943 - Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupters Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: 1. Coordinate the work with other trades to avoid placement of ductwork, piping, equipment, or other potential obstructions within the dedicated equipment spaces and working clearances for electrical equipment required by NFPA 70. 2. Coordinate arrangement of electrical equipment with the dimensions and clearance requirements'of the actual equipment to be installed. 3. Verify with manufacturer that conductor terminations are suitable for use with the conductors to be installed. 4. Notify Engineer of any conflicts with or deviations from Contract Documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island 262416 - 1 Panelboards Community Solar 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for panelboards, enclosures, overcurrent protective devices, and other installed components and accessories. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate outline and support point dimensions, voltage, main bus ampacity, overcurrent protective device arrangement and sizes, short circuit current ratings, conduit entry locations, conductor terminal information, and installed features and accessories. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with requirements of NFPA 70. B. Maintain at the project site a copy of each referenced document that prescribes execution requirements. 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Receive, inspect, handle, and store panelboards in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and NECA 407. B. Store in a clean, dry space. Maintain factory wrapping or provide an additional heavy canvas or heavy plastic cover to protect units from dirt, water, construction debris, and traffic. C. Handle carefully in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions to avoid damage to pane lboard internal components, enclosure, and finish. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. ABB/GE; [ : www.electrification.us.abb.com/#sle. B. Eaton Corporation; Lam: www.eaton.com/#sle. C. Schneider Electric; Square D Products; U: www.schneider-electric.us/#sle. D. Siemens Industry, Inc; [ : www.usa.siemens.com/#sle. E. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. F. Source Limitations: Furnish panelboards and associated components produced by the same manufacturer as the other electrical distribution equipment used for this project and obtained from a single supplier. 2.02 PANELBOARDS -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. B. Unless otherwise indicated, provide products suitable for continuous operation under the following service conditions: 1. Altitude: Less than 6,600 feet. 2. Ambient Temperature: a. Panelboards Containing Circuit Breakers: Between 23 degrees F and 104 degrees F. C. Short Circuit Current Rating: 1. Provide panelboards with listed short circuit current rating not less than the available fault current at the installed location as indicated on the drawings. D. Panelboards Used for Service Entrance: Listed and labeled as suitable for use as service equipment according to UL 869A. E. Mains: Configure for top or bottom incoming feed as indicated or as required for the installation. F. Branch Overcurrent Protective Devices: Replaceable without disturbing adjacent devices. G. Bussing: Sized in accordance with UL 67 temperature rise requirements. 1. Provide solidly bonded equipment ground bus in each panelboard, with a suitable lug for each feeder and branch circuit equipment grounding conductor. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island 262416 -2 Panelboards Community Solar H. Conductor Terminations: Suitable for use with the conductors to be installed. I. Enclosures: Comply with NEMA 250, and list and label as complying with UL 50 and UL 50E. 1. Environment Type per NEMA 250: Unless otherwise indicated, as specified for the following installation locations: 2. Boxes: Galvanized steel unless otherwise indicated. a. Provide wiring gutters sized to accommodate the conductors to be installed. 3. Fronts: a. Fronts for Surface-Mounted Enclosures: Same dimensions as boxes. b. Fronts for Flush-Mounted Enclosures: Overlap boxes on all sides to conceal rough opening. c. Finish for Painted Steel Fronts: Manufacturer's standard grey unless otherwise indicated. 4. Lockable Doors: All locks keyed alike unless otherwise indicated. J. Future Provisions: Prepare all unused spaces for future installation of devices including bussing, connectors, mounting hardware and all other required provisions. 2.03 POWER DISTRIBUTION PANELBOARDS A. Description: Panelboards complying with NEMA PB 1, power and feeder distribution type, circuit breaker type, and listed and labeled as complying with UL 67; ratings, configurations and features as indicated on the drawings. B. Conductor Terminations: 1. Main and Neutral Lug Material: Aluminum, suitable for terminating aluminum or copper conductors. 2. Main and Neutral Lug Type: Mechanical. C. Circuit Breakers: 1. Provide bolt-on type or plug-in type secured with locking mechanical restraints. D. Enclosures: 1. Provide surface-mounted enclosures unless otherwise indicated. 2.04 OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES A. Molded Case Circuit Breakers: 1. Description: Quick-make, quick-break, over center toggle, trip-free, trip-indicating circuit breakers listed and labeled as complying with UL 489, and complying with FS W-C-375 where applicable; ratings, configurations, and features as indicated on the drawings. 2. Interrupting Capacity: a. Provide circuit breakers with interrupting capacity as required to provide the short circuit current rating indicated, but not less than: b. Fully Rated Systems: Provide circuit breakers with interrupting capacity not less than the short circuit current rating indicated. 3. Conductor Terminations: a. Lug Material: Aluminum, suitable for terminating aluminum or copper conductors. 4. Thermal Magnetic Circuit Breakers: For each pole, furnish thermal inverse time tripping element for overload protection and magnetic instantaneous tripping element for short circuit protection. 5. Multi-Pole Circuit Breakers: Furnish with common trip for all poles. 6. Provide the following circuit breaker types where indicated: a. Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter(GFCI) Circuit Breakers: Listed as complying with UL 943, class A for protection of personnel. 7. Do not use tandem circuit breakers. 8. Do not use handle ties in lieu of multi-pole circuit breakers. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that field measurements are as indicated. FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 262416 -3 Panelboards Community Solar B. Verify that the ratings and configurations of the panelboards and associated components are consistent with the indicated requirements. C. Verify that mounting surfaces are ready to receive panelboards. D. Verify that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Perform work in accordance with NECA 1 (general workmanship). B. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Install panelboards in accordance with NECA 407 and NEMA PB 1.1. D. Arrange equipment to provide minimum clearances in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 70. E. Provide required support and attachment in accordance with Section 26 0529. F. Install panelboards plumb. G. Install flush-mounted panelboards so that trims fit completely flush to wall with no gaps and rough opening completely covered. H. Mount panelboards such that the highest position of any operating handle for circuit breakers or switches does not exceed 79 inches above the floor or working platform. I. Provide minimum of six spare 1 inch trade size conduits out of each flush-mounted panelboard stubbed into accessible space above ceiling and below floor. J. Provide grounding and bonding in accordance with Section 26 0526. K. Install all field-installed branch devices, components, and accessories. L. Provide filler plates to cover unused spaces in panelboards. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. See Section 01 4000 -Quality Requirements, for additional requirements. B. Inspect and test in accordance with NETA ATS, except Section 4. C. Molded Case Circuit Breakers: Perform inspections and tests listed in NETA ATS, Section for all main circuit breakers and circuit breakers larger than r amperes. Tests listed as optional are not required. D. Test GFCI circuit breakers to verify proper operation. E. Correct deficiencies and replace damaged or defective panelboards or associated components. 3.04 CLEANING A. Clean dirt and debris from panelboard enclosures and components according to manufacturer's instructions. B. Repair scratched or marred exterior surfaces to match original factory finish. END OF SECTION FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island 262416 -4 Panelboards Community Solar SECTION 26 3100 PHOTOVOLTAIC COLLECTORS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Photovoltaic system requirements. B. Photovoltaic modules. C. Photovoltaic module mounting system. D. Photovoltaic combiner boxes. E. Photovoltaic inverters. F. Charge controllers. G. Monitoring system. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0519- Low-Voltage Electrical Power Conductors and Cables. B. Section 26 0526- Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems. C. Section 26 0529- Hangers and Supports for Electrical Systems. D. Section 26 0553- Identification for Electrical Systems: Identification products and requirements. E. Section 26 4300 - Surge Protective Devices. F. Section [ 1: Batteries for interconnection with photovoltaic system. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. IEC 61215-1 -Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules - Design Qualification and Type Approval - Part 1: Test Requirements 2021 (Corrigendum). B. IEC 61215-1-1 -Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules - Design Qualification and Type Approval - Part 1-1: Special Requirements for Testing of Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic (PV) Modules 2021. C. IEC 61215-1-2 -Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules- Design Qualification and Type Approval - Part 1-2: Special Requirements for Testing of Thin-Film Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) Based Photovoltaic(PV) Modules 2021, with Amendment (2022). D. IEC 61215-1-3 -Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules- Design Qualification and Type Approval - Part 1-3: Special Requirements for Testing of Thin-Film Amorphous Silicon Based Photovoltaic (PV) Modules 2021, with Amendment(2022). E. IEC 61215-1-4 -Terrestrial Photovoltaic(PV) Modules- Design Qualification and Type Approval - Part 1-4: Special Requirements for Testing of Thin-Film Cu(In,GA)(S,Se)2 Based Photovoltaic (PV) Modules 2021, with Amendment (2022). F. IEC 61215-2 -Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules- Design Qualification and Type Approval - Part 2: Test Procedures 2021. G. IEEE 1547 - IEEE Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces 2018, with Amendment (2020). H. NECA 1 -Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction 2015. I. NECA 412 - Standard for Installing and Maintaining Photovoltaic (PV) Power Systems 2012. J. NEMA 250- Enclosures for Electrical Equipment(1000 Volts Maximum) 2020. K. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. L. UL 1449-Standard for Surge Protective Devices Current Edition, Including All Revisions. M. UL 1699B - Outline of Investigation for Photovoltaic (PV) DC Arc-Fault Circuit Protection; Current Edition Current Edition, Including All Revisions. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island 263100 - 1 Photovoltaic Collectors Community Solar N. UL 1703 - Flat Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels Current Edition, Including All Revisions. r O. UL 1741 - Inverters, Converters, Controllers and Interconnection System Equipment for Use With Distributed Energy Resources Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.04 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Coordination: 1. Coordinate the work with other trades to avoid placement of ductwork, piping, equipment or other potential obstructions within the spaces dedicated for photovoltaic system components. 2. Coordinate arrangement of electrical equipment with the dimensions and clearance requirements of the actual equipment to be installed. 3. Roof-Mounted Arrays: Coordinate the work with other trades to provide roof penetrations that preserve the integrity of the roofing system and do not void the roof warranty. 4. Notify Engineer of any conflicts with or deviations from Contract Documents. Obtain direction before proceeding with work. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's standard catalog pages and data sheets for each product. Include ratings, configurations, standard wiring diagrams, outline and support point dimensions, finishes, weights, service condition requirements, and installed features. B. Shop Drawings: Include dimensioned plan views and sections indicating locations of system components, required clearances, attachment locations and details, and proposed size, type, and routing of conduits and cables. Include system interconnection schematic diagrams showing all factory and field connections. C. Design Data: D. Certify that products of this section meet or exceed specified requirements. E. Source quality control test reports. F. Field quality control test reports. 1. Include manufacturer's field reports. G. Electrical Designer's Qualification Statement. H. Warranty: Submit sample of manufacturer's warranty and documentation of final executed warranty completed in Owner's name and registered with manufacturer. I. Maintenance contracts. J. Project Record Documents: Record actual locations of system components, installed circuiting arrangements and routing, and final equipment settings. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with NFPA 70. B. Comply with Utility Company requirements for interconnection. C. Maintain at the project site a copy of each referenced document that prescribes execution requirements. D. Electrical Designer Qualifications: Registered electrical engineer licensed in NY experienced in the design of photovoltaic systems. E. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with minimum five years documented experience with photovoltaic systems of similar size, type, and complexity. F. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSHA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory(NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 263100 -2 Photovoltaic Collectors Community Solar R 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING w A. Store products in manufacturer's unopened packaging, keep dry and protect from damage until ready for installation. 1.08 WARRANTY A. Specified warranties indicate minimum requirements. Provide additional warranties or extended warranty periods where required to qualify for rebate and incentive programs. B. Photovoltaic Modules: 1. Provide minimum five year manufacturer warranty covering repair or replacement due to defective materials or workmanship. 2. Provide manufacturer warranty guaranteeing minimum 90 percent of rated power output for 10 years and minimum 80 percent of rated power output for 20 years. C. Photovoltaic Combiner Boxes: Provide minimum five year manufacturer warranty covering repair or replacement due to defective materials or workmanship. D. Photovoltaic Inverters: Provide minimum five year manufacturer warranty covering repair or replacement due to defective materials or workmanship. E. Charge Controllers: Provide minimum five year manufacturer warranty covering repair or replacement due to defective materials or workmanship. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Photovoltaic Modules- Basis of Design: As indicated under product article below. B. Photovoltaic Modules, Crystalline Silicon: 1. SolarWorld Americas; [ l: www.solarworld-usa.com/#sle. 2. Q-Cells:www.q-cells.comf 1. 3. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. C. Photovoltaic Module Mounting System: 1. Cooper B-Line, a division of Cooper Industries; f l: www.cooperindustries.com/#sle. 2. Metal Roof Innovations, Ltd. S-5! Attachment Solutions; S-51 PV Kit: www.s-5.com/#sle. 3. PHP Systems/Design; [ 1: www.phpsd.com/#sle. 4. TRA Snow and Sun; Lam: www.trasnowandsun.com/#sle. 5. Unirac, Inc; r 1: www.unirac.com/#sle. 6. Ironridge inc.:www.ironridge.comf 1. 7. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. D. Photovoltaic Combiner Boxes: 1. SMA America, LLC; 1: www.sma-america.com/#sle. 2. SolarBOS, Inc; [ l: www.solarbos.com/#sle. 3. Solectria Renewables, LLC; f 1: solectria.com/#sle. 4. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. E. Photovoltaic Inverters: 1. Schneider Electric; f l: www.schneider=electric.us/#sle. 2. SMA America, LLC; l: www.sma-america.com/#sle. 3. Solectria Renewables, LLC; f 1: www.solectria.com/#sle. 4. Generac PWRcell:WWW.Generac.comr 1. 5. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. F. Charge Controllers: 1. Outback Power Technologies, Inc; l: www.outbackpower.com/#sle. 2. Schneider Electric; r 1: www.schneider-electric.us/#sle. 3. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. G. Monitoring System: " FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island 263100- 3 Photovoltaic Collectors Community Solar 1. Schneider Electric; f 1: www.schneider-electric.us/#sle. 2. SMA America, LLC; f 1: www.sma-america.com/#sle. 3. Substitutions: See Section 01 6000 - Product Requirements. 2.02 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS A. Provide complete photovoltaic'system consisting of photovoltaic modules and associated balance of system components necessary for connection to facility electrical system. B. System Description: 1. Photovoltaic array is roof-mounted in location indicated on the drawings. 2. Orientation of array is as indicated on the drawings. 3. Photovoltaic DC system is negative grounded. 4. System includes interconnection with utility grid (grid-tied system). a. Utility metering configuration: Net metering. 5. System includes DC system surge protection. C. Capacity: 1. Total Nominal Rated Power Output of Array: Equal to or greater than the rated output of the basis of design array. 2. Nominal Rated Power Output of Individual Modules: Equal to or greater than the rated output of the basis of design module. D. Size: 1. Array: Designed to fit within the area designated on the drawings. E. Appearance: 1. Only systems with similar appearance to basis of design system will be considered. 2. Arrange array such that modules are aligned with uniform spacing. 3. Make no alterations affecting appearance of building exterior or interior without approval of Engineer. 4. Final determination of acceptable appearance is by Engineer. F. Fire Resistance Rating: Provide photovoltaic module and mounting system combination that together with the roof covering form a system listed in accordance with UL 1703 to provide a fire rating equal to or better than the required fire rating of the roof. G. Provide photovoltaic system and associated components suitable for wind loads, snow loads, seismic loads, and other structural design considerations of the installed location. H. Provide photovoltaic system and associated components suitable for continuous operation under the service conditions at the installed location. I. Provide products listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended. J. Unless specifically indicated to be excluded, provide all required equipment, conduit, boxes, wiring, connectors, hardware, supports, accessories, software, system programming, etc. as necessary for a complete operating system. K. DC Arc Fault Circuit Protection: Provide DC photovoltaic arc-fault protection devices listed as complying with UL 1699B as required for compliance with NFPA 70. L. Rapid Shutdown of Photovoltaic Systems on Buildings: Provide listed equipment arranged to provide rapid shutdown in accordance with NFPA 70. M. Arrange equipment to provide minimum clearances in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 70. N. Arrange array to provide adequate access to rear of string(s)for maintenance. O. Arrange array to minimize shading during peak production periods. P. Roof-Mounted Arrays: 1. Arrange array such that normal roof drainage is not affected. 2. Arrange array to maintain required safety clearances from edges of roof as indicated. 3. Arrange array to maintain access and clearance requirements for other roof-mounted equipment. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island 263100 -4 Photovoltaic Collectors Community Solar 4. Arrange array to avoid spanning of expansion joints. 2.03 PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES A. Acceptable Module Types: Either crystalline silicon or thin film modules complying with specified requirements will be considered for this project. B. General Requirements: 1. Photovoltaic Modules: Factory assembled; consisting of photovoltaic cells, frame,junction box, cables for series connection, and bypass diodes for shade tolerance; rated for 600 V DC; complying with IEC 61215-1 and IEC 61215-2 and listed as complying with UL 1703. 2. Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Modules: Comply with IEC 61215-1-1. 3. Thin Film Photovoltaic Modules: Comply with IEC 61215-1-2, IEC 61215-1-3, or IEC 61215-1-4 as applicable. 4. Frame: Anodized aluminum. 5. Factory-Installed Junction Box: Weatherproof, with factory-installed terminals and bypass diodes. 6. Factory-Installed Cables: Type USE-2 or listed photovoltaic (PV)wire with polarized locking connectors. 7. Unless otherwise indicated, specified module performance characteristics are rated under Standard Test Conditions (STC). 2.04 BALANCE OF SYSTEM COMPONENTS A. Photovoltaic Module Mounting System: 1. Provide complete mounting system compatible with modules to be installed and suitable to properly install them in the location indicated, including all necessary hardware and accessories. 2. Support Structure and Associated Hardware Materials: Use aluminum, galvanized steel, or stainless steel. 3. Roof-Mounted Arrays: ' a. Provide system compatible with the roof at the installed location. B. Photovoltaic Combiner Boxes: 1. Provide combiner box(es)for termination of strings as indicated or as required for the array configuration installed. 2. Combiner Boxes: Rated for 600 V DC; current ratings suitable for connected strings; equipped with fuseholders; listed as complying with UL 1741. 3. Fuseholders: Touch-safe; suitable to accept fuses indicated. 4. Number of Input Circuits: As indicated or as required for termination of strings, with minimum of 25 percent spare capacity for future expansion. 5. Enclosure: NEMA 250, Type 3R, unless otherwise indicated. 6. Provide integral load-break rated disconnect. 7. Provide with capability of current monitoring for individual strings. C. Photovoltaic Inverters: 1. Provide inverter(s) as indicated or as required for connection of the photovoltaic array DC system to the AC system indicated. 2. Inverters: Suitable for the requirements of the connected array; output configuration compatible with connected system; listed as complying with UL 1741; furnished with the following features: a. Maximum power point tracking (MPPT). b. LCD display. c. Integral AC disconnect. d. Integral DC disconnect. 3. Grid-Tied Inverters: Comply with IEEE 1547, including over/under grid voltage and frequency protection, and anti-islanding protection to automatically disconnect upon loss of utility power and to remain disconnected until utility power restoration has been maintained for five minutes. FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 263100 -5 Photovoltaic Collectors Community Solar 4. Grounded Photovoltaic DC Systems: Furnish with integral isolation transformer. Transformerless inverters may be used if a separate isolation transformer is provided. 5. Total Harmonic Distortion: Less than five percent. 6. Enclosure Environment Type per NEMA 250: Unless otherwise indicated, as specified for the following installation locations: a. Indoor Clean, Dry Locations: Type 1. b. Outdoor Locations: Type 3R. D. Enclosed Switches, in Addition to Requirements of Section 26 2816.16: 1. Switches for DC System: Rated for 600 V DC. E. Charge Controllers: Suitable for the requirements of the connected battery storage system; no readily accessible user adjusting means; listed as complying with UL 1741. F. Batteries: Comply with Section f 1. G. Surge Protective Devices, in Addition to Requirements of Section 26 4300: 1. Surge Protective Devices for DC System: a. Rated for 600 V DC. b. Listed and labeled as complying with UL 1449, Type 1. c. Surge Current Rating: Not less than 50 kA per mode. d. UL 1449 Nominal Discharge Current (1-n): 20 kA. H. Monitoring System: 1. Provide a system to monitor photovoltaic system performance including all sensors, dataloggers, connections, software, equipment and accessories necessary for a complete operating system. 2. System communications interfaces to be wired or wireless, with compatible interconnected components. a. Provide suitable raceway, minimum 3/4 inch trade size, for all required wired connections. 3. System to monitor and record, in 15 minute intervals: a. Inverter status. b. Instantaneous power(kW). y c. Cumulative energy production (kWh). 4. System real-time and historical data to be accessible from the following locations: 2.05 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL A. Factory test the following products to verify operation and performance characteristics. Include test reports with submittals. 1. Photovoltaic modules. 2. Photovoltaic inverters. 3. Charge controllers. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that field measurements are as indicated. B. Verify that ratings and configurations of system components are consistent with the indicated requirements. C. Verify that mounting surfaces are ready to receive system components. D. Verify that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Perform work in accordance with NECA 1 (general workmanship). B. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Install photovoltaic system in accordance with NECA 412. D. Provide required support and attachment in accordance with Section 26 0529. FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island 263100 -6 Photovoltaic Collectors Community Solar E. Mount equipment such that the highest position of any operating handle for circuit breakers or switches does not exceed 79 inches above the floor, ground, or working platform. F. Circuiting Requirements. in Addition to Requirements of Section 26 0519: 1. Wiring Methods: a. Unless otherwise indicated, use exposed module factory-installed cables (not routed inside building)for module interconnections. b. Unless otherwise indicated, use type THHN/THWN-2 single-conductor building wire in suitable raceway for wiring between combiner box(es) and point of interconnection. c. Secure exposed cables in accordance with NFPA 70. Where possible, conceal behind array. d. Install cables in suitable raceway where readily accessible or where required by authority having jurisdiction. 2. Photovoltaic DC System Conductor Color Code: a. Negative Grounded System: 1) Positive: Red. 2) Negative/Grounded: White. 3. Maintain separation of photovoltaic and non-photovoltaic circuits in accordance with NFPA 70. G. Grounding and Bonding Requirements, in Addition to Requirements of Section 26 0526: 1. Ensure that there is only one AC System bonding connection between grounding system and grounded/neutral conductor, including external connections and connections internal to equipment. 2. Grounded DC Systems: Ensure that there is only one point of system grounding connection to the grounded conductor, including external connections and connections internal to equipment. H. Identification Requirements, in Addition to Those Specified in Section 26 0553: • 1. Use identification nameplate or means of identification acceptable to authority having jurisdiction to identify the presence of multiple power sources and the location of main service disconnecting means and each photovoltaic system disconnecting means. Locate at main service disconnecting means and at each photovoltaic system disconnecting means. Verify format and descriptions with authorities having jurisdiction. 2. Use identification nameplate to identify each photovoltaic system disconnecting means with text"PV SYSTEM DISCONNECT". 3. Use identification nameplate or identification label to identify systems equipped with rapid shutdown and associated rapid shutdown switch(es). Format, descriptions, and locations to comply with NFPA 70 and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. 4. Use identification nameplate or identification label to identify the information required by NFPA 70 for marking of direct-current photovoltaic power sources. Locate at each DC disconnect means requiring marking. 5. Use identification nameplate or identification label to identify the interactive system point of interconnection at the disconnecting means as a power source and with the rated AC output current and the nominal operating AC voltage. 6. Use warning labels to identify electrical hazards for photovoltaic system disconnecting means. Include the word message"Warning - Electric Shock Hazard; Terminals on the. line and load sides may be energized in the open position" or approved equivalent. 7. Use wire and cable markers to identify photovoltaic system source, output, and inverter circuit conductors at all points of termination, connection, and splices. 8. Use voltage markers, identification labels, stenciled text, or suitable permanent marking approved by authority having jurisdiction to identify exposed raceways, cable trays, pull boxes,junction boxes, and conduit bodies with the text"Warning: Photovoltaic Power Source" at maximum intervals of 10 feet in accordance with NFPA 70. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. See Section 01 4000-Quality Requirements, for additional requirements. r- FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island 263100 -7 Photovoltaic Collectors Community Solar B. See article "SYSTEM STARTUP" below for additional requirements related to testing and inspection. C. Provide services of a manufacturer's authorized representative to observe installation and assist in inspection and testing. Include manufacturer's detailed testing procedures and field reports with submittals. D. Inspection and testing to include, at a minimum: 1. Inspect each system component for damage and defects. 2. Verify that equipment enclosures, boxes, and associated connections installed outdoors are weatherproof. 3. Verify proper wiring connections have been made and check for conductor continuity. Verify proper polarity. 4. Verify tightness of mechanical and electrical connections are according to manufacturer's recommended torque settings. 5. Perform insulation resistance tests. a. Disconnect surge protective devices (SPDs) prior to performing any high potential testing. Replace SPDs damaged by performing high potential testing with SPDs connected. 6. Measure and record voltages at the inverter AC and DC inputs. 7. Measure and record AC output power. 8. Perform inverter functional test. a. Grid-Tied Inverters: Include simulation of loss of utility power and subsequent power restoration. E. Correct defective work, adjust for proper operation, and retest until entire system complies with Contract Documents. F. Repair roof or adjacent roof-mounted items damaged as a result of work of this section. ` 3.04 SYSTEM STARTUP A. Provide services of a manufacturer's authorized representative to assist in performing system startup. Include manufacturer's detailed startup procedures with submittals. B. Obtain Owner's approval prior to performing system startup. C. Grid-Tied Systems: Obtain Utility Company's approval prior to performing system startup. D. Prepare and start system in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.05 CLEANING A. Clean modules using only methods recommended by manufacturer to avoid scratches and other damage. Clean exposed surfaces on other components to remove dirt, paint, or other foreign material and restore to'match original factory finish. 3.06 COMMISSIONING A. See Section 01 9113 - General Commissioning Requirements for commissioning requirements. 3.07 PROTECTION A. Protect installed products from subsequent construction operations. 3.08 MAINTENANCE A. See Section 01 7000 - Execution and Closeout Requirements, for additional requirements relating to maintenance service. B. Provide to Owner, a proposal as an alternate to the base bid, a separate maintenance contract for the service and maintenance of photovoltaic system for two years from date of Substantial Completion, to include the work described below; Include a complete description of preventive maintenance, systematic examination, adjustment, cleaning, inspection, and testing, with a detailed schedule. r FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 263100 -8 Photovoltaic Collectors Community Solar r C. Conduct site visit at least once every six months to perform inspection, testing, and preventive maintenance. Conduct tests similar to those made during original field quality control testing. Submit report to Owner comparing test results with those of original tests along with evaluations and recommendations. END OF SECTION r 9 ,r FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island 263100 -9 Photovoltaic Collectors Community Solar h SECTION 26 4300 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Surge protective devices for distribution locations. B. Surge protective devices for branch panelboard locations. 1.02 RELATED REQUIREMENTS A. Section 26 0526 - Grounding and Bonding for Electrical Systems. B. Section 26 2416 - Panelboards. 1.03 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS A. EMI/RFI: Electromagnetic Interference/Radio Frequency Interference. B. SPD: Surge Protective Device. 1.04 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. NECA 1 -Standard for Good Workmanship in Electrical Construction 2015. B. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment(1000 Volts Maximum)2020. C. NFPA 70- National Electrical Code Most Recent Edition Adopted by Authority Having Jurisdiction, Including All Applicable Amendments and Supplements. D. UL 1283 -Standard for Electromagnetic Interference Filters Current Edition, Including All Revisions. E. UL 1449-Standard for Surge Protective Devices Current Edition, Including All Revisions. 1.05 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 1.06 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Include detailed component information, voltage, surge current ratings, repetitive surge current capacity, voltage protection rating (VPR)for all protection modes, maximum L continuous operating voltage (MCOV), nominal discharge current(1-n), short circuit current rating (SCCR), connection means including any required external overcurrent protection, enclosure ratings, outline and support point dimensions, weight, service condition requirements, and installed features. B. Shop Drawings: Include wiring diagrams showing all factory and field connections with wire and circuit breaker/fuse sizes. C. Certificates: Manufacturer's documentation of listing for compliance with the following standards: D. Manufacturer's Installation Instructions: Include application conditions and limitations of use stipulated by product testing agency. Include instructions for storage, handling, protection, examination, preparation, and installation of product. E. Operation and Maintenance Data: Include information on status indicators and recommended maintenance procedures and intervals. F. Warranty: Submit sample of manufacturer's warranty and documentation of final executed warranty completed in Owner's name and registered with manufacturer. G. Project Record Documents: Record actual connections and locations of surge protective devices. 1.07 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Comply with requirements of NFPA 70. B. Maintain at the project site a copy of each referenced document that prescribes execution requirements. FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 264300 - 1 Surge Protective Devices Community Solar C. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum three years documented experience. D. Product Listing Organization Qualifications: An organization recognized by OSHA as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory(NRTL) and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1.08 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND PROTECTION A. Store in a clean, dry space in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. 1.09 FIELD CONDITIONS A. Maintain field conditions within manufacturer's required service conditions during and after . installation. 1.10 WARRANTY A. Manufacturer's Warranty: Provide minimum five year warranty covering repair or replacement of surge protective devices showing evidence of failure due to defective materials or workmanship. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Field-installed, Externally Mounted Surge Protective Devices: 1. ABB/GE; r : www.electrification.us.abb.com/#sle. 2. Current Technology; a brand of Thomas & Betts Power Solutions; f l: www.tnbpowersolutions.com/#sle. 3. Schneider Electric; Square D Brand Surgelogic Products; r]: www.surgelogic.com/#sle. B. Factory-installed, Internally Mounted Surge Protective Devices: 1. Same as manufacturer of equipment containing surge protective device, to provide a • complete listed assembly including SPD. C. Source Limitations: Furnish surge protective devices produced by a single manufacturer and obtained from a single supplier. 2.02 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Description: Factory-assembled surge protective devices (SPDs)for 60 Hz service; listed, classified, and labeled as suitable for the purpose intended; system voltage as indicated on the drawings. B. Protected Modes: 1. Wye Systems: L-N, L-G, N-G, L-L. C. UL 1449 Voltage Protection Ratings (VPRs): 1. 208Y/1 20V System Voltage: Not more than 1,000 V for L-N, L-G, and N-G modes and 1,200 V for L-L mode. D. UL 1449 Maximum Continuous Operating Voltage (MCOV): Not less than 115% of nominal system voltage. E. Enclosure Environment Type per NEMA 250: Unless otherwise indicated, as specified for the following installation locations: F. Equipment Containing Factory-installed, Internally Mounted SPDs: Listed and labeled as a complete assembly including SPD. 2.03 SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES FOR DISTRIBUTION LOCATIONS A. Distribution locations include SPDs connected to distribution panelboards, motor control centers, and busway. B. Surge Protective Device: • 1. Surge Current Rating: Not less than 80 kA per mode/160 kA per phase. k 2. UL 1449 Nominal Discharge Current(1-n): 20 kA. FISHR.NY/Fisher Island 264300 -2 Surge Protective Devices Community Solar n. 3. UL 1449 Short Circuit Current Rating (SCCR): Not less than the available fault current at the installed location as indicated on the drawings. 4. EMI/RFI Filtering: Provide EMI/RFI filter to attenuate electrical noise; listed as complying with UL 1283 for Type 2 SPDs (UL 1283 listing not available for Type 1 SPDs). 5. Diagnostics: a. Protection Status Monitoring: Provide indicator lights to report the protection status for each phase. b. Alarm Notification: Provide indicator light and audible alarm to report alarm condition. Provide button to manually silence audible alarm. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that field measurements are as indicated. B. Verify that the service voltage and configuration marked on the SPD are consistent with the service voltage and configuration at the location to be installed. C. Verify that electrical equipment is ready to accept connection of the SPD and that installed overcurrent device is consistent with requirements of drawings and manufacturer's instructions. D. Verify system grounding and bonding is in accordance with Section 26 0526, including bonding of neutral and ground for service entrance and separately derived systems where applicable. Do not energize SPD until deficiencies have been corrected. E. Verify that conditions are satisfactory for installation prior to starting work. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Perform work in accordance with NECA 1 (general workmanship). B. Install products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. C. Arrange equipment to provide minimum clearances in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and NFPA 70. D. Provide conductors with minimum ampacity as indicated on the drawings, as required by NFPA ` 70, and not less than manufacturer's recommended minimum conductor size. E. Install conductors between SPD and equipment terminations as short and straight as possible, not exceeding manufacturer's recommended maximum conductor length. Breaker locations may be reasonably rearranged in order to provide leads as short and straight as possible. Twist conductors together to reduce inductance. F. Do not energize SPD until bonding of neutral and ground for service entrance and separately derived systems is complete in accordance with Section 26 0526 where applicable. Replace SPDs damaged by improper or missing neutral-ground bond. G. Disconnect SPD prior to performing any high potential testing. Replace SPDs damaged by performing high potential testing with SPD connected. 3.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. See Section 01 4000 - Quality Requirements, for additional requirements. B. Procure services of a qualified manufacturer's representative to observe installation and assist in inspection, testing, and adjusting. Include manufacturer's reports with field quality control submittals. 3.04 CLEANING A. Repair scratched or marred exterior surfaces to match original factory finish. END OF SECTION FISHR.NY/ Fisher Island 264300 - 3 Surge Protective Devices Community Solar