HomeMy WebLinkAboutDiSapio, Charles 2023-40 RESOLUTION 2023-653 "°f* a DEFEATED DOC ID: 19350 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2023-653 WAS DEFEATED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JULY 18,2023: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to Charles DiSapio, to hold Special Event 2023-40 at the DiSapio Residence, 825 Leslie Road, Southold, New York as applied for in Application CD 1 a for wedding on July 15, 2023 wedding from 3PM- 8PM and breakdown to be completed by l OPM. This event is approved with the following conditions: 1. No parking for this event is permitted on land where development rights have been sold to the Town 2. No parking of vehicles for this event on Leslie Road. Provided they adhere to ALL conditions on the application, permit and to the Town of Southold Policy for Special Events. This permit is subject to revocation if the applicant fails to comply with any of the conditions of the approval or is unable to properly control traffic flow into and out of the event Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk RESULT: DEFEATED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sarah E. Nappa, Councilwoman SECONDER:Brian O. Mealy, Councilman AYES: Nappa, Doroski, Mealy, Doherty, Evans, Russell CD DEMS NONCARROW �'� ®� Town Hall,53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK _ P.O.Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER '�'� '�` r✓ Telephone(631)765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER mss'-southoldtownnygov RCCELVED OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ,UL 12 2023 APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO HOLD A Southold Town Clerk SPECIAL EV19NT ase rovide ALL of the information requested below.Incomplete a lications WILL NOT be reviewed. Date of Submission July 10,2023 Name of Event Jeanette Unger&Victor Civitillo's Wedding Name of Organization: Is this a Not-For-Profit Event?Yes/No Contact's Name: Charles DiSapio Mailing Address: 825 Leslie Road, Cutehogue, NY 11935 Contact's Phone Number. 631-398-3828 Contact's Email Address: ogearltd@gnW.com om Event Location and Site Diagram: 825 Leslie Road, Cutchogue, NY 11935 (Use additional paper if necessary) l Event Date(s): Saturday, July 15,2023-3:00pm-8:00pm � `3featdowyi 0Y\I�I5 -V0 t\'t 0 lO M 1 (Include set up and shutdown times and dates) `C'e hi- S et up= Fri d ay JLAI 1`1+ bek\Wn 2PVn Nature of Event: Wedding and co P m (Please attach a detailed description to this application) Time Period(Hours)of Event: From 3:00prn to 8:Oflpm Maximum Number of Expected Attendees: 48 attendees Specify any special requirements(i.e. road closure,police presence): none All garbage will be taken by the Caterer Noah's of Greenport If a Tent or other temporary structure will be used please contact the Southold Town Building Department at 631-765-1502 Mailing Address to Send Event Permit to: 82-9; 1 ea le Road. Odchogue, W 11935 Event Fees: X $250 for events with less than 1000 expected attendees $500 for events with 1000 or more expected attendees Clean-cep Fees(Can NOT be waived): n1a $1,500.00 Clean-up for Bicycle and/or Running Special events(ONLY) n/a 5250 or more Clean-up deposit all other events CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE REQUIRED: Piot less than$2,000,000 naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured. ***NOTE: PLEASE SEE ATTACHED REVISED,ADOPTED TOWN POLICY*** Additional information and requirements may be required as deemed necessary by the Town Board. s Charles Waplo Fj A Print name of Authorized Person filling out signadU&Auffiorizedpeirson h1ling out application application *Upon the request by applicant,the Town Board may waive in whole or in part any of the application requirements. 2 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 07/11/2023 TfM CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERMCATE DOES 140T AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELONG. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(Sh AUTHORIZED REFRESENTATiVE OR PRODUCER.AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER (MPORrANT. If the Cttt cgte haftter Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED.the Pofty(n)must 1»tndamed. H SUBROGATION LS WAIVED.ausbjert to Eh a arms and Cartdltiorlst of the pollcy.certain policies may require an ondomemeM. A atatemaat On this cerUflcaie does twt cont»rights to the cawficaaa tmider In Rest of Mich endomem s. Q"` IM • EILEEN CUSHMAN GEORGE FORMES =f=631-7224100 I FAX,a 631-722-4500 I t T6 MAIM ROAD e'r"'L •EILEEN.CUSHMAN ERICAN-NATIONAL.COI1dI PO ROK 2336: MURM14AIWORDIXGCOVERAGE MNISC. AQUESOGUE,NY 11931 IN A:FARM FAMILY CASUALTY INS CO azsu�rn iR3URiR res: CHARLES DISAFIO DLVJ leC: ESS LESLIE RD SOUREA 0: CUTi CHOGUE NY 11935 p9surm a K9Uff 1 F COVEPAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: TWS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD (NOtCATED. NOTIMTHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT.TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT METH RESPECT TO YMICH THIS CERTWICATE WAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERM. EXCLUS(M AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. �Tljqv EaFt,tsutrA,ICs ucr,wMas,r wucvO IOLICY s„oaS A CCUMERWILa80MLLIABILRY X 310163555 08127rM OW712023 EACH OCCURRENCE a 1,000.0w cLmws mwF ®OCCUR =7r=08127=4 DAIAAGE-FORENTED2w a 10D.0 XX SPECfAL FARM PACKAGE MED EXP l ono rsm) 3 5ODD PERSONAL&ADV INJURY 3 1 0w.OD0 GEEK L AGGREGATE LUT APPLES PER GENERAL AC-GREGA7E 3 2 00000 D X POLCY �r L-1 LOC PRODUCTS•COUPIOPAGG S 2.000.= OTHER S trraTosraaaeLrAauTY 1 ICOMBINED SINGLE WAIT3 AhT AUTO I OMLY;NAM(Per P&MM) s ALL GOWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Par Q=dtm 3 RUM AUTOS t NOWMWED PROPERTY DAMAGE 3 HIRED AUTOS AUTOS acodmi a ummrm"u" H OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE 3 6=3 Q CLANS-MOE AGGREGATE 3 DEO I I RETEwwr 3 3 MAKF,t cot"fiK"TI N I R 7 ARDS LMYEWLIASItay YIM AW PROKIETCRtPARTNEREXECUME E L EACH ACCIDENT 3 CFFtCERxerAsEREXCLUaecp MIA I wG'(nKK) EL DISEASE-EAEUPLOYEE $ 9 aB.CasmD®w4a D SCRfSStUM Of OPERATttXNS Ot a E L DISEASE•POLICY LIMIT 3 I 17fECRIFLtQNOaF aFHIrAATIalI�NLazAT1Qlq r vtaueLSH tA�D u,.Alam.W Rs.asa 13eN�st�4,an�r lest asacs»or/.ror.s�a.r requtrM CERTIFICATE HOLDER AS ADDITIONAL INSURED CF L ITIEtCELTE HOLDER CANCELLA71O SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF. NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN TOWN,OF SOUTHOLD ACCORDANCE VKTH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 63MS RTE 25 SOI;1THOlf?.NY 11971 AUTHOR3i6D//��lJITA7rVF 0 19W.2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights raaarwad. A.CORD 26 C2014IM1% The ACORD name and taco are realstered marks of ACORD Town of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 07/12/23 Receipt#: 313235 Quantity Transactions Reference Subtotal 1 Event Fee CD1 $250.00 Total Paid: $250.00 Notes: Payment Type Amount Paid By CK#0133 $250.00 Disapio, Charles C. Southold Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road; PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Name: Disapio, Charles C. Po Box 727 Bridgehampton, NY 11932 Clerk ID: LYNDAR Internal ID:CD1 RESOLUTION 2023-653 'DEFEATED DOC ID: 19350 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2023-653 WAS DEFEATED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JULY 18, 2023: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to Charles DiSapio,to hold Special Event 2023-40 at the DiSapio Residence, 825 Leslie Road, Southold, New York as applied for in Application CD 1 a for wedding on July 15, 2023 wedding from 3PM- 8PM and breakdown to be completed by l OPM. This event is approved with the following conditions: 1. No parking for this event is permitted on land where development rights have been sold to the Town 2. No parking of vehicles for this event on Leslie Road. Provided they adhere to ALL conditions on the application,permit and to the Town of Southold Policy for Special Events. This permit is subject to revocation if the applicant fails to comply with any of the conditions of the approval or is unable to properly control traffic flow into and out of the event Denis Noncarrow Southold Town Clerk RESULT: DEFEATED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Sarah E.Nappa, Councilwoman SECONDER:Brian O. Mealy, Councilman AYES: Nappa, Doroski, Mealy, Doherty, Evans, Russell o�oSu�Fat�coG O ' Office of the Town Attorney Town of Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone : 631-765-1939 Facsimile: 631-765-6639 MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Denis Noncarrow, Town Clerk From: Melissa Mirabelli Secretary to the Town Attorney Date: July 19, 2023 Subject: Special Events —Charles DiSapio Residence With respect to the above-referenced matter, I am enclosing the original application with committee comments and resolution of Town Board approval of event. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. /mm Enclosures Special Events Committee Application Summary and Recommendation Application name: Chayjj,s ISC[DIO Address: &% Laslie C(Akh j(q3S7", Application number: Cola Date of Event: 41115 1 aoa3 Ti me: &ml ?J "Vft � , r.LQt, {��M W (0 PM Date Received by Town Clerk: _ �" a3 Date Received by Committee: IN 01OR3 Nature of Event (S): W Committee Comments Received by: Government Liaison Lillian McCullough Leslie Weisman Missy Mirabelli Chief Flatley — Mikael Kerr- County Heather Lanza Andrew Amakawa-County - PU, CSWX Mike Verity Fred Visser III Paul DeChance Kevin Webster/ Claire Glew Committee Recommendation's: Approve as applied Approve with Additional conditions: Hold Public Hearing X Deny Special Event No: 4"D Date: Resolution No: ,, _ DEWTS NONCARROW lYy ; < ;;am -' 7bwn HaU,5M Main Road TOWN C LERII � ��� �� �t P.O.Box 1179 gra �.;e Nes Ywk 11971 REG OF il1T&L STATIMCS � � , x, 4�� Pay(691)76"146 MARRIAGE OFFICER (641)7&1,.-1800RECORDS MANAGEWWT OMCERH y . Y- vrrrea.�uiaatdsoddfvn:t}gQv FREEDOM OF'.INFORMATION OFFICER FIECIVED OFFICE OF THE TOWN,CLBRK TOWN OF SOtOLD J U.L 1 2° 2423 APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO HOLD A Southold Town Clerk SP ENS' IM provide ALL of the information requested bel6v..'In6m lete anolientions MYl'i:.t,NOT he revs - Dam of Submission July 10' 2023 Name of Event Jeanette Unger Victor r CWHo%Mddirig Adams ofOrganization: _ Is this a Not-Foe-Profit EveW _ Yes/No Contact's Name: Chatter DiSapio Mailing Address: 05 l..eae-Road,Cutahogue,RSP '61 935 Contact's Phone Number: 631"398-3828 Contact's Email Address: zgearttd§grnail. Event Location and Site Leslie Road,Cutchogue,MY 11935 (tJse-additional paper if heeessary) Ewcnt F7aE s : Saturday, July'l5,2023-E 3:0(lpm-8:000M � �3'C25�C10w� 0.11��!5 �01t�1� (fl 10.Gln) (include set up and shutdown times and dates) Te-j1 � S:2fi Ufa= fY►G�CtT .-.1 T Naturp of Event: Wedding, (Piease attach a detailed despriotion to this application) Time Period(Hours)of Eveat From 3:60ptta to 8:00pm Maximum Number of Expmted Attendees: 48 attendees Specify any spacial requirements(i.e.road closure.police presence): An garbage will ba taken by CatererNoah's d Greanport If a Tent or other temporary structure will be used please contact the Southold Torun Building Department at 631-765-1802 Mailing Address to Send Event Permit to: 95 2�I��_CsatChQ9i ie, 1 l_ 35 ------ Event Fees: X 5250 for events with IM than 1000 eupected attend 5500 for events with 1000 or more expected ndeea Clean-up,Fe a(Can NOT be walvaO: 51,500.00 Cleamm-up,for cL-and/or Running Special events(ONLY) SM or more Clean-up deposit All other events CERTIFICATE cw NS1111-ANCE RE 11 IR ED: Not less than$2,000,000 naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured. ** NOTV-... 'L-EAS.E;SEE .A,' TA.CHED REVISED,ADOPTED TOWN Additional information and requirements may be required as deemed necessary by the Town Board. a' Charfe-,�. . Print name of Authorized Person flung out Signal f uthori7 srson ,ling aQt apglicatioii application *Upon the request by applicant the Town Board may waive in whole or in part any of the application requirements. 2 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE' 0711112023 TRt%C6RT7ICATE 0 ESSUM M A MATTER OF INFORMA710M CKLY AND CONFMS NO Rlt'sM UPON THE CERTMATE HOLtlM THIS CMTtRCATS DM N*Ti.AFFMMTNELV OR Wit ATKIELY Amt c MEMO OR,ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY IM PCUCII;S Btww.,Tvm cesmmAw OF m8Ut211ucE DoEs fit'CL}!WiTM A C04TiiACT OETWEWi THE VSSUWG W.SURE�t(S), Att3HOWFED REFRESENrATWE OR PRODUCER,AND THECERTIFICATE HOLDER. tXPORTAmT*.,tt the cw lttctw hotdor Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED.the tsoftatitao)must be vodomotL t1Stf590GATI0N=WAlVMZibjqMW t,*au tL"dG'cre and candFfoaa d ft Patty.CWO PoWn Mt IuWro ad ando,f'ft6ttlOM A St2W€ittrd an this CaifiMeaw do"am ccmlor fjOhm so tial oklIcato tt dec in tleu of z=h andunwm a s ItFEN CUSNA9M GE FORMES Fl4L1ATAotaf1-7224100 f" 1722 45013 1115 MAW.ROAD tLEEN_CUSHMAINO ERICAN 14AT1644At:.COl1 IIS BOX 2338 ums AQUEBOGUE,NY 11931 =am A,FARM FAMILY CAA&MTY INS CO CHARLIES 000 ren: 95 aESUE RD fxtussEtt p:. CUTCF OGUE NY IMS CQit t!«C CS CERTIFICATE tdUMERs REVISION NUMBER: TUG VS TO CERTIt THAT THE 0QlXZS OF t iWRJAUW USTM MOW,HAVB,OEM ISStIED,TQ.T E 134°.UREO:NAVEE0'Ati JE f0R THE POUCY'PERM CATER: 'ft0%lTHSTAtt0tKG ANY REQUIREMENT.TEWAt3l1L1IT OR CON OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WTH RESPECT TO S;AOCH THZ CiERTtFFATE MAY W,taSilM OR UAY PERTAK.THE INWRANCE AFFORDED 9V THS POUCtES OZSCPJ8E?trREJN IS%WFCT TO ALL-THE TERMS., EXCf.LMM AM CONUMNS OF SUCH POMWS..LWIT5 GKVM MAY NAME BEEN BY PAID CLAW., AWL 5u" 1TiaOrt4ESktRAIkE iQL.�.'IfEd18dR3R.R IKitzCY ErR 'PL`i9CY A rrsc xaa a ir;ax u t:acTv X 31®1 8l271zt 2 8127rW3 vacm orxtrmm . ' s 1000 000 CtAGroV M ®=uR n`r, a 71�� p ret nTED f 100.000 SPECIAL_FARM PACKAGE e n ursi ne s S OOtD P6ALEAAYCiWY s 1.000000 elem AGGIREGASS LLAT ims RSR �t AG0.?�Ci1TE [s Z R Pt7llt;r T �.LOC ICTs-c4upop 4S s . QTI l s s3twE.iB @ t4 i t s'tT.Et2RB�.tt"1 'f•1 Mir AWO Qt LY iCr$MlY(' D 1 f Au OMSD rJeovaD o0oxy suuRY Pw smaggo8 AUTOS esfEEORNTpS fPRW R 0 ! tY.uASRhG` s UAMPEUM" Occkm EACN O=U t r. s aura TE s eETr. f+e±�nTeows f T7Qft WA. sxrrPR0PVUS1'C VAATr.Zs XEC.jTME nrw JEL,�r+aca T f tf EvTt£t43ERt xfxuCy b ts:C�:tx,0a e««xr .62.:"'''ttF?t4't�f'tl�PT'$t16TtfStU9 _ �-t- f t EL(MAZE_6AINKOM S c'�^.�@ �P,QF�ATs�trs'.n B6:Ci^ASFU74 rY�G '4 Sif,A.d��:attiW it�z6x@a:kck9:aAs.lsacyr/l AS�� t lJ7Re.:gl�aPb[S,�uUes`7 CERTIFICATS HOLDER AS.iADDITtONAL MURED t:EA LATE RtOt 1? R CA CEt.t.Ano SHOULD AW OF TINE ABOVE MCR=D POLICMS BE CANCF.Lt:SO BEFOfM T#E EXP r#'AAtION pAr. "Th'6R OF: WOTECE.'VALL If DEUVEFMO1i TOM OF SOUTHOLD ACCC? t�#rti, POt2C1r FRA 53M RTE 25 NY 11971 AuTitom= tKtArm t 0 9 •2014 ACCO CORP07tATTGX.;.AII di0h6 amuse Od- ACORD 26 41091 The ACOFW o mu mW Ww so rvatut*md narks of ACOW Town of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT Date: 07/12/23 Receipt#: 313235 Quantity Transactions Reference Subtotal 1 Event Fee CD1 $250.00 Total Paid: $250.00 Notes: Payment Type Amount Paid By CK#0133 $250.00 Disapio, Charles C. Southold Town Clerk's Office 53095 Main Road, PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Name: Disapio, Charles C. Po Box 727 Bridgehampton, NY 11932 Clerk ID: LYNDAR Internal ID:CD1 RE: Special Event Sparkling Pointe Kangas, Melissa<Melissa.Ka ngas@suffol kcou ntyny.gov> 07/06/2023 at 12:47 PM From: Kangas, Melissa <Melissa.Kangas@suffolkcountyny.gov> Sent: 07/06/2023 at 12:47 PM To: Mirabelli, Melissa <melissa.mirabelli@town.southold.ny.us> Cc: Kerr, Mikael <Mikael.Kerr@suffolkcountyny.gov>, Amakawa,Andrew<Andrew.Amakawa@suffolkcountyny.gov> Hi Missy, Regarding the Sparkling Pointe special events, we do not have any comments as the property is neither SC PDR nor is it adjacent to County holdings. Thank you, Planner Suffolk County Dept. of Economic Development & Planning Division of Planning & Environment 100 Veterans Memorial Highway, 2nd Floor Hauppauge, NY 11788 631-853-4910 Tel 631-853-4044 Fax Melissa.Kangas@suffolkcountyny.gov p r a c t i c e G R E E N Save a tree.Read,don't print,emails. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE. This electronic mail transmission is intended solely for the use of the individual/entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential information belonging to the sender. If you are not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any disclosure,copying,distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error,please notify the sender immediately by e-mail and delete the original message. From: Mirabelli, Melissa<melissa.mirabelli@town.southold.ny.us> Sent: Thursday, July 6, 2023 12:33 PM To: Visser III, Fredric<fredv@southoldtownny.gov>; McCullough, Lillian <lillianm@southoldtownny.gov>; Glew, Claire <Claire.Glew@town.southold.ny.us>; Webster, Kevin <kevin.webster@town.southold.ny.us>; Kerr, Mikael <mikael.kerr@suffolkcountyny.gov>; Kangas, Melissa <Melissa.Kangas@suffolkcountyny.gov> Cc:Amakawa,Andrew<And rew.Amakawa@suffolkcou ntyny.gov> Subject: Special Event Sparkling Pointe Good afternoon as always please send me any questions and or comments on the attached application a GYI Melissa UUM. Mirabelli Secretary to the Town Attorney Town of Southold Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25 (Main RD) P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Office (631) 765-1939 Fax (631)765-6639 This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential or privileged information. If you believe that you have received the message in error,please notify the sender by reply transmission and delete the message without copying or disclosing it. Disclaimer The information contained in this communication from the sender is confidential. It is intended solely for use by the recipient and others authorized to receive it. If you are not the recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking action in relation of the contents of this information,is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. This email has been scanned for viruses and malware, and may have been automatically archived by Mimecast, a leader in email security and cyber resilience. Mimecast integrates email defenses with brand protection, security awareness training, web security, compliance and other essential capabilities. Mimecast helps protect large and small organizations from malicious activity, human error and technology failure; and to lead the movement toward building a more resilient world. To find out more, visit our website. 1�pcufFD1k�o� � G� TOWN OF SOUTHOLD-FIRE MARSHAL , �a Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 <ay oma` Tele hone 631 765-1802 Fax 631 765-9502 htt s //www southoldtownny-gov p ( ) ) p leo Fent Permit Applicati®n Date Received • Fee; $50 Per Fent _ r 1 For Office Use Only Special Events Permit? ❑N/A ❑Yes—Permit# J U L 1 0 2023 Permit: ❑Approved ❑Disapproved Valid for: days. Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. 'A new 1;r=y.D1NC DEPT. application is requited for each tent. : Date:7.3.23 EVENT LOCATION INFORMATION: Address:825 Leslie Road Tax Map# 1000- City:Cutchogue Zip:11935 Event Organizer Name: Phone #: Date of Installation:7.14.23 Date of Event:7.15.23 Date of Removal:7.17.23 Dimensions:30X45 and 15X15 Sides/Drops:❑Yes []No #of Persons Attending:50 Proposed tent use:Wedding APPLICANT'S INFORMATION (check one): N TENT CONTRACTOR ❑ EVENT ORGANIZER Name:Meghan Murphy Mailing Address:608 Johnson Ave Suite 3 Bohemia NY 11716 Phone#:631.445.6109 1 Email:info@magnifatent.com TENT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION(to be filled out if applicant is not the tent contractor): Name: Phone: INDICATE ANY EQUIPMENT TO BE USED, CHECK ALL THAT APPLY: ❑ Generator Al Electrical Lighting ❑ Heating Equipment ❑ LPG © Illuminated Exit Sings ® Portable Fire ❑ Cooking Equipment-There shall be NO OPEN (Required if occupant Extinguisher(s) FLAME COOKING under a tent being used for load is 50 or more) (Required) I assembly. PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WITH THIS APPLICATION: A Certificate of Workers' Compensation And Liability Insurance Form A Certification of Flame Resistance for the tent membrane, sidewalls, bunting and combustible decorations. Site plan showing location of tent in relation to buildings, lot lines, equipment, etc. Floor plan showing the location and number of exits, seating capacity and arrangement, location of all heat and/or electrical equipment. (For tents with and occupant load of 50 or above) Application Fee Per Tent- $50. Checks payable to Town of Southold. 1 5:15 sell ^ E3 Photo 'r N B..•�ii 1� f r g f ` LAS x 30 ¢ r t ;1 � Y' �` •HEMI '- NY _ i �i"��� „� +ai*+� II r•� d 4M: r r Mirabelli, Melissa From: Leslie Weisman Forward Sent: Friday,July 14, 2023 9:25 AM To: Lanza, Heather Cc: Mirabelli, Melissa;Verity, Mike;Weisman, Leslie; Flatley, Martin; DeChance, Paul Subject: Re: Special Event RUSH LATE Thanks Heather.Then they absolutely need a special event permit. Leslie Sent from my iPad >On Jul 14,2023, at''.8:34 AM, Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>wrote: > It's a for-profit wedding on a small vineyard property. > From: Leslie Weisman Forward <lesliekweisman@gmail.com> >Sent:Thursday,July 13, 2023 5:33 PM >To: Mirabelli, Melissa <melissa.mirabelli@town.southold.ny.us> >Cc:Verity, Mike<Mike.Verity@town.southold.ny.us>; Lanza, Heather ><heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>; Weisman, Leslie ><lesliew@town.southold.ny.us>; Flatley, Martin ><mflatley@town.southold.ny.us>; DeChance, Paul ><pauld@southoldtownny.gov> >Subject: Re:Special Event RUSH LATE >actually I wondered about the same things Heather brings up.This is not the usual form and therefore s=does not include all the required information. However, if this is a private by invitation only wedding on a private residential lot without charge for the use of the property,do they even need a special event permit? > Leslie >On Thu,Jul 13, 2023 at 9:43 AM Mirabelli, Melissa <melissa.mirabelli@town.southo Id.ny.us<maiIto:melissa.mirabel li@town.southoId.ny.us>>wrote: > Received this application late. Please send any questions and or >comments >Thank You > Missy > Melissa M. Mirabelli >Secretary to the Town Attorney >Town of Southold >Southold Town Hall Annex >54375 Route 25 ( Main RD) > P.O. Box 1179 >Southold, NY 11971 >Office (631) 765-1939 > Fax(631)765-6639 1 > ********************* This electronic mail transmission may contain >confidential or privileged information. If you believe that you have > received the message in error, please notify the sender by reply >transmission and delete the message without copying or disclosing it. > ********************************************************************** > ********************* ><winmail.dat> 2