HomeMy WebLinkAbout23458-zFOIJM NO.$ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. N£ 23458,Z BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permission Is hereby granted to: ..~.....~...~.~.~.~.....~.,~ ~,,~,,~.~....../..,,,~,..~_~ ....... ~ ..~.~~ .......... ~....~/..~..~ . to ...~ ......... ~ ......... .~.. .~.~..~. ....... ~~ ....... ~......~ ................ Building Inspector. ~ee ~ .,~...'..~ ....... Rev. 6/30/80 /// B,,,d,ng,,spec,or l;O^lll) OF IIF. M.TII ............... 3 ,ql~,'l'8 OF l'l,AH,q ............... SURVEY ........................ GIIF. CK ......................... SEPTIC FORtt ................... (i~i I/n8/l ssi>eclat ) APPI.1CATIOF1 FOil BUI1.DIN~ FEIIHIT I NS TIIIJCTJ 1[)1518 a. 'Ibis al~dicaticm s,st be ~ospletety filled in by tylx~.~riter or in lek taxi md~nittcM'to the ~ildiug los~ctor with 3 sets o~ plans, ~marate plot plan to scale. Fee accordi~ to schedole. str~tn or areas, a~l givh~ a ~tallal (~scriptla~ off logit al prolerty ,amt t~ dram a~ the dlagr~ ~ich is l~art of this al~licati~. c. 'I1~ ~rk c~r~l I~ this al~lleatit~ p~ ~x~t I~ ccm~:~l I~Pore ismm~:e off ~ildlng Pe~it. d. UlXn~ n~nl cE this aH~licatica~, the lhHl¢lislg lnsleCtor will iaaa a l~Hlding l'e~it to the al~pllcant. ~ch e. ~ Ixdhli~ ~mll Im ~¢a~l)i~l or o~l in ~ole or in l~rt for any ~]r~)se ~ml~er tmtil a ~rtlficate of fil~A(~'l'l~ 18 l~t~l~ ~II; to tl~ IhHldi~ l~l~rt~nt For the ismm~e of a ~Hhling Pennlt ~rm~,k to the Ik~Idi~ ~ O~1[~¢ off tl~ '1'~ o~ ~tl~)Id, ~lfrolk (~mty, ~ Yorl% m~l other applicable I~, O~i~es or ~gulati~m, for tl~ ~mknetia~ of Ixdldlngs, mklltia~s or alterations, or for ~x~a[ or d~l ition, as herein ¢~scril~l. lie applicant agrees to tacitly with all al~licable l~s, call,amies, Imildln8 c~, I~slng c~le, ar~l re~daticms, a,~ to ~iait m~tl~ri~l iOSl~ctora ¢n~ proalses a,~ hi la~ildlog for ~cesc~ry hm~cti~s. State ;d~ther al~dicant is o~ver, lessee, ago,,t, architect, eugleeer, ge,~rat contracto~D~,~r or Is, ihler. ........... g .................................................................. ~i"'~69',~.~ .... f.~.CF~ .... (aa ~ tI~ tax ~ol 1- or latest de~l) ' ~6fi¢9' ~'0fCOla~ 'OE~AR~ENT'AT" ' II al~dicmtt is a corporaticm, ~ipff~0tore of. duly at!tl,)vLz~l.offlcer. · .... .... (~ m~ t~tle ~ ~orl~rate officer) ' I~[Iders IAces~ ~) ........ ,.., ............. OU~r ~s l,lcm~ ~ ..................... 765-1802 9 AM TO 4 PM FOR THE FOLLOWING INSP~ECTIONS: 1. FOUNDATION = TWO REQUIRED FOR POURED CONCRETE 2. ROUGH - FRAMING & PLUMBING 3. INSUlaTION 4. FINAL - CONSTRUCTION MUST BE C,OMPLETE, FOR C.O. 'ALL CONSTRuctioN .~HAI~L MEET THE REQUIREMdNTS OF THE N.Y. S~ATE CONSTRUCTION & ENERGY CODES. NOT RESPON~tlBLE FOR DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTIObJ ERRORS I. Docaticm el~ land on ~hid~ proFo,,~d work will I~ ~k~oe .............................................................. .... ~ff~.~ P ................ ~.. fig~.0 .................................. ~YZ~ .................. ~ R~t~r 8tr~t lbnl et c.~,ty T. ~, ~. ,xx~ ~ti~ ..~9.~,~ .... ~,,~, .... 0~0. .... ~t ..P~.,.q.e .... ~lxlivlsi~ ...................................... Fi l~l ~p R~ ................ lot ............... 2. State existing u~ taxi (~cnl~q~K:y O~ p~d~s atxl inte~x~l use taxi t~l~y of ptoff~ c~struction: a. Existhll u~ a~ ~Ca,l~a,~y ...~.. ~g~ ......................................................... EuL i.~sted (~)~1: ......................... fee ......................... i ..................... If Iamheua~ cxm~ercXal or mi.ed tx:cu m~y. al~cif~ luJt.u[e taxi eatenk of euch t~l~ off use ...................... ~. ~,~ ,,~ ,,,,.: ,,,,,, ....--. ............ ,~ .... .,.,. ............ ,~,,,,, ...=~.~.., ......... ~ll, 2z~ or u~e diutrlct in s]~ich i.~.[~ are ~ib~ated ........................... [ ................................... PI.OT I) I A(;IIAH lL~)rl~ lo I~fme .~! Ih|n .4 'i UNDA R KOWALSKI Notety Publlo, b~tate of NewYork , No. 62-4624771 r ~ / Ouallfled In Suffolk County ~ Comml~lon Expires Nov. 30, 1 ~ ,,,C. ~- ^ppi i~1: iJnhl (~r (~r (~r~, taxi J~ duly m,tllorlz~l to i~l film or I.~ve ix~rforu~d Ihe m~hl ~)tk taxi LO lmke taxi file IhJll .ppi ic:n~io, q thul: .11. tJtnl~m, to. talcuM in Lhi. nlqd,Je4~t 19. ~re t.~ to Ihe Imtll;~ of hi. kl~lmll~e m~l I~l. iefj IhnL lile ~itk ~iil I~ I~rl'om~l iii iJI~ ii~iiiig~F flat' I'oltII ill l~e nlqd. imd:lou 'lied tharwiLh.