HomeMy WebLinkAbout49453-Z TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Mrd TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, NY BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES "i/'1PITH ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Permit#: 49453 Date: 7/6/2023 Permission is hereby granted to: Wyandanch RE Corp -----­­­-- w_ ..., .... . mmmm_ 1525 Locust Ave . Bohemia, NY 11716 ... ..,.,._ To: Construct an in-ground swimming pool with fencing to an existing single family dwelling as applied for. Pool and pool equipment must maintain minimum setbacks of 5 feet. At premises located at: 950 Tasker Ln, Greenport ................................ r ITITITITITITITm SCTM # 473889 Sec/Block/Lot# 33.4-37 Pursuant to application dated ......6/6/2023 and approved by the Building Inspector. To expire on _. 1/4/2025.__ Fees: SWIMMING POOLS-IN-GROUND WITH FENCE ENCLOSURE $250.00 CO- SWIMMING POOL $50.00 Total: $300.00 Building Inspector n � � pv TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold NY 11971-0959 ' Telephone(631) 765-1802 Fax(631) 765-9502 http ://ww a'.sou�tlioldtogLA � Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT (C .. 0 For Office Use Only PERMIT NO. 1 ,J Building Inspector 1 2023 Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety.Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant is not the owner,an b Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall becompleted 'P Date: OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: ((1�� Name: 14 ) tw dry )J" F-��LT IKTM:# 1000- 37'3 — C)4 -3!J, Project - C)4 - Project Address: Gie-EtO P6 k'-7 Phone#: 4o Email: Mailing Address: 1144) Jed ae -1 e- CONTACT PERSON: Name: � " l lad Mailing Address: Alxj bAbb , r JJ � / �y Phone#: ( Zq� `t� Email: D� /� lie-& D �.�tk � '"► DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name: Mailing Address: Phone#: Email: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: n Name: ®V D�i7I (blc- P,60 — Mailing Address: W 20t-Jb Rh-V-I-1-11(LK- Phone#: ��'f� Email: -L09--D �LJOf Tt/ ii1c- DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ONew � on �Structure ❑Addition ❑Altera ion ❑Rep it ❑Demoliti Estimated Cost of Project: 0 Oth e ILAL $ Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes YfN o Will excess fill be removed from premises? $1 es ❑No 1 PROPERTY INFORMATION Existing use of property: c lmTl r,� Intended use of property: Zone or use district in which premises is situated: Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑YesPINIo IF YES, PROVIDE A COPY. or Reading: The Fawner/ /design prof%doral is respon for-all dra ovid,stormwater,issuesaspmWdedby CWp i,,X%I6f1he 7 ale..APPUCA'RON-IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the Issuance of a Building Permit,pursuant to the Building Zone ordl nce;r t Toxm .of Southold,Suffolk,county,New York and other applicable Laws,Ordinances oultegrdations for the construction of buildings, ar9�ons a9ta�r 6ribi removal or demontionas hereindescrilmd.The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws,ordinances,building eode, he ad.regulaunnsand to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in building(s)for necessary Inspectiorm False statements made herein are punishable as a class A misdemeanor-pursuant to Section 2210AS of the New York state Penal Law. Application Submitted By(print n e) PLC:: L3 Authorized ent ❑Owner Signature of Applicant: Date: STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTYOFSulffd C, N 2s being duly sworn, deposes and says that(s)he is the applicant (Name of individual signing contract)above named, (S)he is the & + (Contractor,Agent,Corporate Officer,etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief;and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this da of , 20� ' Y Nq „y Public rr, DetwA ow* OWNER ""WT N)wy Mir,abac of New voa PROPERTY l( ( I PU-ow = ala,Cil x (Where the applicant is not the owner) E ' 0511 - (� tn�CF4 at l '�►I'l i A do hereby authorize U/Z-7#"fi� L (!C,1k- apply on my behalf Southold Building Department for approval as described herein. �m 4-bct- L Owner's Signature Date Evs�=AEP, Print Owner's Name 2 3 700 Main Road Mattituck,NY 11952 Office:631-298-4014 Info@NorthForkPoolCare.com Pool Walls are 10"thick at a height of 48" (Four Feet) Walls are formed and poured with 3500 PSI Gravel Mix Concrete #3 Rebar is placed inside the wall. Horizontally (doubled) at the top and bottom of the wall. Also, vertically every four feet at maximum. e • - A sand bottom is.installed for pool floor. A vinyl liner is installed on top of sand and concrete. d F ctgc l of l OF JT Z SURVEY:OF_ LOT 25 MAP OF-EASTERN SHORES AT GREENPORT T T.AT '0 UT, SITUATY'AT SOUTHOLD 70 OF Sl 'UOT TOWN OF-'SOUTffOLD FLY Cc SUFFOLK-COUNTY, NEW YORK FffM:0412711964 MAP No. 4021 SOS.C.TJf.No.'.i'000-33-04-37 lb'cm LOT AREA=15,000 S.F. cov; MMMG LOT COVERAGE=2,017 S.F/13.42 c"'. EXWNG LOT"CLEAR)MG=12.170 S.F 81.28 NO ACTIVE WMM W17HW 150. NO SURFACE WATER FMW 300. ELEVATIONS PER NAV88 DAME L.P. APPMCANP BOB FZSHER VAC LOT 24 1325 LOCUST AVMM a lk- BOM1M3N.Y. 11716 N W31,60:W B 150, RPM641100@rABOO.Com PROPOSED SANITARY SYSTEM(4 BEDROOMS) IIA OFM TREATMENT SYSTEM DESIGNED BY OTHERS -.7 PROPOSED ROOF DRUN"CALCULAT[ONS 1 2552,063 S.F X 2112"X 1.0=344 C.F. 3"C.F./42.3=8.1 V.F. PROVME(2)6'DiA.X 5'OP. LEACHING POOLS pe BR 423 C.P. OR EQUIVALENT 31 o 7 Nom c1 4 UNSUITABLE S06 MUST BE REMOVED AND REPLACED F+ As o9.4 WITH A THREE FOOT CLEW SAND AND GRAM COLLAR 27 19 AROUND THE LEACAUNG POOLS TO A DEPTH OF AT LEAST SIX FEET NTO A STRATA OF TYPICAL LONG ISLOW SAND AND GRAVEL. It t3.7 q4.5 iq ',4 TEST ROLE 6.1 .4 0 RL-31.6' to 9. Z0.6 raazM1 9 V rdkp�p Fe 1x7v 'E.0a'N 611, lw Wm"I's--lyg mrio S 8431 BO"w 150.00, VAN?f LOT as GROUND KFAVATTON=SIX PARK BROWN SANDY LOAM —j' BROWN SM su"SAND S' PALE BROWN Sp FRO SAND ,of NElv). sEccAnC0 LAND SURVEYING PC o 500 Montauk Highway Moriches,Now York 11955 TEST HOLE Phan& (631)878-0120 Phone(631)728-5330 BY MCDONALD GEOSERVICES psec'mfic000ptonline'nat DATE:231112=2ERED Pat C Seccofica.PLS Pot T secccr�PLS NO WATER RNCO NYS Lk.No.051040 NYS Ur-No. 049287 02/11/2029:I'DUKRAMN 1ACAEMN LAN JP cop)Kght 2023 Swoorico,Land Svrvayng PC o,;o Rowz iswoff PROJECT No. 63187 SCALE:1'=20' DATE:0312512022