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3 f . (i i �I LAUREL 7055 MAIN RD (NY-25) Northeast LAUREL, NY 11952 - LLC NSD @SITE NO. LI-03-1 10-A 3500 SUNRISE HIGHWAY, GREAT RIVER, NY 11739 WFC PROJECT NO. 22-15175 A R c x r r s c T s .'12.1•TEC:IINOLOGY DRIVE,SETAUKET,NY 11737 P.6]I AB9.B45 yg q,��gjI ,,Wfceiunm' kk` LOCATION MAP SITE INFORMATION DRAWING INDEX �`� ; �` LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT: GROUND DWG. EQUIPMENT SQUARE FOOTAGE: +_ DRAWING TITLE - INITIAL ISSUANCE NO:LATEST ISSUANCE � 1,•� �.�fi .f..� ski'•1 r. ±220 SQ.FT. T•! TITLE SHEET 04/20/22 4 04/11/23 + I SCOPE OF WORK: ARCHITECTURAL - EQUIPMENT: INSTALL NEW COhCREIE PAD;INSTALL,NEW ICC BRIDGE.ANSTALq;(I)' c1 I NE1H8160CA81NEL: LN51A11,:(I)'NEWb160,CABiNb'I;INSTALL(L)'NEW A•1 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN&GENERAL NOTES 04/20/22 4 q ` (3,C,INSTALL(1)NEW Vl.W,'AAV', INSTALL(3)NF•NJ RADl0 4480aN1STAll 04/11/23 7 . (3)NEW;RADIOX1460, INSTALL'121'NEWRAIJI08663.INSTALL(3):NE;W QA-2 ENLARGED COMPOUND PLAN&SITE DETAILS 04/20/22 ' 4 04/11/23 �,�%- �:_- -=,,.4r�au3• wi.�:.,.. „J 1,_•;,_,�q�„ l?AU.D,IPL'EX[RS:'JNSTAL;L;NEW.WGnLFICR'CANOPY.LyS[A1.lIN,NEW _ 4 ;='--- 48K1M1]I6SEL GENERATOR.-is1STAl}.'f i)'-NEW'GENERATOR:AUTOMATIC v� ' � •. F:,y:�' •: �Ia p TRANSFIR'SWILtLL A-3 ENLARGED EQUIPMENT PLAN 04/20/22 �4 04/11/23 4+ � ANTENNA: INSTALL=£- ?'t.>a I6)NEW COMMSCOPE FVV-65B-R3 ANTENNAS.INSTALL(3) A-4 CANOPY FRAMING PLAN AND TYPICAL DETAILS ND un:i saucsroN 1 NEW SMART BIAS TEE. INSTALL(24)NEW 7/8"COAX CABLES. 04/20/22 4 04/11/23 0 114/IJ/17'ISSUED FOR RFYCPI A-5 WEST ELEVATION w 23 2T".RLYSPD PCR 7F05 04/20/22 4 04/11/23 /7J 77:1{T.VSIO PER RI OS 9 p5 PROPERLY CONTACT: _ _(2 _ S I d s7 :amu FCR CSA' i1iHG" x€ s .; ELITE TOWERS LP(Sl b)4108730 A-6 EQUIPMENT CABINET DETAILS 04/20/22 4 04/11/23 G4/1N�s sumsm PER:coupe+ s� Al! 5 a - `y s � UTILITY CONTACT: (5 16)545-2242 LIPA A-7 EQUIPMENT DETAILS 04!20/22 4 04/11/23 SITE I LESSEE APPLICANT: T-MOBILE NORTHEAST LLC A-8 ANTENNA INFORMATION •r...t=>..,.=:e� t 1r-t1:�q r s &ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAILS 04/20/22 yI 4 04/11/23 DEVELOPMENT MANAGER: DAN GUSTAFERRI A-9 ANTENNA INFORMATION _ 04/20/22 4 04/11/23 RF ENGINEER: - - - y .N4TESi KUMAR NAREN A-10 GENERATOR,TRANSFER DETAIL AND ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM 04/20/22 4 04/11/23 NO CONSTRUCTION OR BIDDING IS TO PROCEED UNLESS ar,.,,a,,,„,.,r qww•, e '_! ; - c LATITUDE: PLANS INCLUDE THE STATEMENT ISSUED FOR )+ 4 3 a°v+ �" . � 1 N 40°58'43.7268"(NAD 83) [pR51R1teTIGN'1►tI�IKSgirISS DDLUON riBir4i. _ PAM,To-" [ONTRUIGA W 72°32'49.8372"(NAD 83) wM10 aTmN E4 N D5Isst09 w NEUptMS ELEVATION: ±23'(NGVD 29) ^"•er• DISTRICT: S{Forwoec KEY MAP 10 00 SECTION: - 122.00 BLOCK: ..lo�.y lr..hac•., d) .00 i' -'�(L t• is dt.r: V LOT: �•ra:e C =t; mss,'- 035,0014 ZONING JURISDICTION: — m,uga:•rl._:� '�� TOWN OF SOUTHHOLD V NOTE: �e Py COORDINATES AND ELEVATIONS REFERENCED ABOVE WERE SUPPLIED,BY T-MOBILE NORTHEAST LLC.THE ARCHITECT MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR GUARANTEES RELATIVE TO 4FIR . ACCURACY OR COMPLIANCE WITH FAA 2C TOLERANCE. }OM1 .-....Sl.� ®.1:)'®, l*IV•'a`° ¢� __ - af;'LLL���DDD �l.�o APPROVAL REVIEW FORM RECEIVEDy� Northeast LLC 11Q76UNHgDE 91, - R7�+'.-��fn•m _ GHWAY,GREAT HIVE➢,NY 11730 rr 4 !;- . '.y. DEVELOPMENT MANAGER: LAUREL ,:s�„� . ::ti,.4,,.,•�L:1 JUL 0 6 2023 NSD DAN GUSTAFERRI SITEe^t`;1 .a e,. RF ENGINEER: � _1A 'S' Flvg101TC+ F`- - Southold Town 7055 MAN RD(NY-29- - KUMAR NAREN Planning Board �'NY tW •,rh 'c PROJECT MANAGER: ell TITLE SHEET MARJORIE LINDSAY LEASING SPECIALIST: DATE; CAM/22- b COMPLETE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PROJECI NOI 22-15176 LANDLORD: DRnw sr: cl C.:tC<ED BY: ELITE TOWERS LP RFDSD.IED: r42 STI DRAWING NO, 'THE LANDLORD APPROVES THE LOCATION.MODIFICATION,AIND INSTALLATION OF THE ANTENNAE CIIRIES AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENTASSEI FORTH IN THESE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS "' T- 1 w\Ce\ess C0\0WVa,--7-mob\�e aA L.CI(IA(et StUn� k GENERAL NOTES: 1, ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL, LAWS, ORDINANCES, AND REGULATIONS WHEREVER APPLICABLE. ; I 2: EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL BE I-ELD TO HAVE VISTED TFE SITE AND TO HAVF VFRIFIFD All FXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO SUHM SSION i OF BID. 3. IN A_L CASES, DRAWINGS SHALL NOT BE SCAL-D FOR INFORMATION, FIGURED DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS MUST BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD. 4. CON-RACTOR SHA_L VERIFY AND BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL FIELD LANDN/FSUFF0WpbIJ DIMENSIONS AND JOB CONDITIONS, AND SHALL NOTIFY IHE A R C H. I T E C T S N122-.YA�7jig.ALl7NOR11Y ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES, CONFL CTS, AND/OR OMISSIONS S C T.M. 90D4i22 06,95:9 I 1x.1'Ts:ctltiotOc;YDnnEs>:-rn1;KEr,my 11733 ZONES WHICH WOULD INTERFERE WITH THE SATISFACTORY COMPLE-ION OF >•n'11.149, ilq'Y?kylly*J9{fijj ,rin imm R.O W THE WORK. SHOULD HE =AIL TO FOLLOW THIS PROCEDURE AND PER DEED L.12571 Cp. NEW T-MOBILE COMPOUND � CONTINUE WITH THE WORK, HE SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY �. AREA. SEE A-2 FORAND I IARI.ITY ARISING THFRFFROM, %;,�. ti S E�.i�! , 5. ALL ITEMS OF WORK IDENTIFIED 'ON THE DRAWINGS BY NAME, NOTEJ " ADDITIONAL INFORMATION , OR MATERIAL DESIGNATION ARE NEW, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 549'13'49"E _.. A. 6' • 6. ALL NEW MA-ERIALS AND INSTALLATIONS SIIALL 3E IN ACCORDANCE j'", 1 S - yI WITH THE VANUFACT JRFR5 t,ATE-91 PRIN-EO SPEC F6,IDN§: AND. >- VATH'ALL.APPLICA6-c C6AE ,REQUIREMENTS, u'• `• �� 439.35' 1O SLIBJECTPARCEL /. ALL WORK SHALL BL 'ERFORMLD IN ACCORDANC_ WIIH BESI S,C,TM.1000-122-06-35.4 STANDARD TRADE PRACTICES. EACH TRADE SHALL COO=ERATE M10 R 3. -tires. 1� ZONES OTHER TRADES TO FACILITA-E JOB SO -1EDULING AND COMPLETION. PARCEL S. PROPRIETARY NAMES IDENTIFYING ITEMS OF WORK ARE USED TO ...---•-•-- ��`'��. m �- 71,725 SQ.FEET DES GNATE THE STANDARD OF CONSTRLCTION, ITEMS OF EQUAL !� 1,6466 ACRES QUAL TY MAY RF SUBMITTED FOR THF ARCH REVIEW AND .��11.�'6:, 'I APPROVAL. ,` SFGT �� PARCEL AREA(NET LESS SCWA)= "'-�:;,„;,...• • 71,640 SQ,FEET 9. EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO rn: DAIS SUBMISSION 1.6446 ACRE ____. _ _ AWO:NING RcwdVING AREAS AS A,RESULT' or I IS;W13RAN ,K,' D O, CR 2.3 ISSUED CORcREVICVI 10 I I j se¢ I--I t� SiwLL R ?AW DAMAGED'. SURFACES 'TC THEIR'PRE—EXf!tIING T D+25 n:,,TrEyt o PER •D`s CONCI IONS OR AS MAY BE REQUIRED TO COMPLE-E THE ENTIRE ?' a5?Y/j_RCVSED-PER R,us O '3• 03 S27c ISS,LEC_FCR.—i1 I.�G SCOPE OF THE WORK. PHOIOGRAPH ALL AREAS OF NEW WORK 1 Cs 11Y23,RMS D.PE9 COVUrNIS _ 3— I-STORY BRICK S BLOCK vPRIOR -0 BUILDING#7055 10, ALTERATIONS TONEXISTIING OG WORK TISHALL BE PATCHED AND FINISHED, N I Io,q• I m ��, AS NECESSARY, TO MATCH EXISTING CON-IGUOUS SURFACES OR C7 a,_ v 2S70RY sown NEW FINISHES SHOWN. ZO L. i �•, 1 1. AT TH= COMPI ETION OF FACH WORKDAY, F.ACH TRADE S 1Al RF RESDONSIBLE FOR CLEANING UP THEIR WORK, RUBBISH REMOVAL _ y, SHALL BE DONE IN A DLST INHIBITIVE FASHION, AND THE JOB SITE SHALL B= FREE Or ALL DEBRIS AND BROOM CLEAN UPON NO CONSTRUCTION OR BIDDING IS i0 PROCEED UNLESS N" PLANS INCLUDE TUC OTATCMCNT"155U,ED FOR CQMPI FTinN CONSTRUCTIO10.1N'THE OESCY,PIKW EOIUMN AgOTC: 12. CLEAN ALL FLOORS, WAL_S, DOORS, MISC., GLASS, ETC, LEAVINGPRWR TO BOx1'0 OR CONSIRUCIIOk,tg0RjRACJOS W n'. N55\ 77.Oa' N45•2�49° �� y •10Bi FREE'CF.'DUST ANO DEBRIS. PRIOR TQ'PRO,(CCT^Cb�A{4?LETiON, MUST ALSO eOVUOT WFC 40;tWIRV IM aUg-IN' . POSSESSION OF THE LATEST PUNS, 13. Ek1STItvG.EQUIPVENT=AICD, MATERtA'.5 'T0 or (;EN.G)VED" S'irylCt- ARE p 13300 NOT REQUIRED:TO' BE'RELOCATEC..DR gE7/iINEp 13j,TI:fE,OWhcR; KEY PIA°,. SHALL B-CIDME' THE: PROPV TY.of TFIE .CCNfRACTOR AND B_ ak9AOFWORK z ^ REMCVED PROMPTLY FROM THE PREMISES. r 1'�, INn;Ci11"t0`S OF WURk '0 13E REMOVED'ARE'GENERAL, OVJY,,.AND - yµ N3}•bg,18W EXISTING NON-UTILIZED ARE NOT INIINOED.TO 51?OW AL1. ITEMS WHICt1 AIAY'REOUIRE DIES=_ TANK BY OTHERS REMOVAL. SUCi ITEMS SHALL BE REMOVED, RELOCATED, AND/OR Y. 1-STORY CONCRETE REINSTALLED, AS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLAT ON Or NEW WORK,BLOCK SHED EXISTING FIRE DEPARTMENT 15. THESEDETERMINING THE DOCUMENTS DO NOT AUTHORIZE DETI PRESENCE, NOR THE REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS OR OTHER HAZARDOUS su v _ EQUIPMENT AREA MATERIALS. IF DURING THE COURSE OF T-{E PROJECT, ASBESTOS OR 1 m EXISTING AT&T DIESEL GENERATOR OTHER HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CONTAMINATON 1S SUSPECTED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CARRIER'S PR&ECT MANAGER WITHIN 24 AFFECTED AREANATION- HE HOURS, UNTILO SUCHTARSHALL TIME THAT SPESA DN AR`AORS ICERTIFIEC i pDl ' N THE `EXISTING AT&T EQUIPMENT AREA to m;■■ EXIS-TNG PROPERTY LINE ENDEAVOR TORESCHEDULEWORKTO AREASRIM, THE UNAFFECTEDLL ED BY Northeast t LLC SUSPECTED CONTAMINATON IN ORDER TO VINIMIZE DELAY TO THE AUM0991GHWAT,GREAT RIVER,Pry 117," PROJECT SCHEDULE. DRIOR TO SJSPENDING WORK MAKE ALL AREAS OF WORK SAFE AND WHERE NECESSARY WATER'ROOF. LAUREL E C E I E 16. AL_ MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE IN FU-,L NSD CONFCRMANCE WITH N.Y.S. UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND U-03-110-A - BUILDING CODE, AND ALL CTHER APPLICAB_E CODES AND 7055 MAIN RD W-28 REGULATIONS, Nr,Wfi2 17. ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE INSTALLED pY AN ELEG`RICIAN, IIIIE: JUL 0 6 2023 LICENSED IN NEW YORK STATE AND IN SUFFOLK'COUNTY, IN ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN ACCORDANCE WIIH NEW YORK SIAIL 'AND'NAIIONAL ELLCIRICAL BGENERALNOTES Southold Town CODES. A NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITER'S CER-IF,CATE Planning Board SHALL BE OBTAINED FOR A_L ELEC-RICAL WORK, AND SUPPLIED TO THE OWNER AND ARCHITECT. DATE: Dyed 18, PROVIDE ANY AND ALL TREATED WOOD BLOCKING/BACKING OR 14 PROIECI N04 21_15175 /f�\��• GA. GAI V. =1.A7 STOCK SACKING AS RFQUIRFD TO FNSGRE PROPER CHECKED Z u. - / 1 CHECKED BY: n Ai AND ADEQUATE SUPPORT (IN COMPLIANCE WITH NEW YORK STA-E` RFUS DAZED. 06/2T/22 O7RAFD ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN BUILDING CODE MINIMUM LOADING REQUIREMENTS WHERE DRAWING NO 1 APPLCABLE) OF VARIOUS ITEMS INCLUDING, BUT NOT NECESSARILY �� , SCALE: 1"=50' NORTH LIMITEQ TO HANDRAILS, SHELVING, CABLE TRAYS, CONDUITS, ETC. 19. ADA'COMPLIANCE: THE FACILITY IS A NORMALLY UNOCCUPIED MOBILE RADIO FACILITY. 1 j NEW T-MOBILE ANTENNA CABLES X X X — X �- ROUTED FROM NEW EQUIPMENT T ALONG NEW ICE BRIDGE UP I EXISTING CONCEALMENT POLE TO I a I NEW.ANTENNAS.. X I NEW T-MOBILE ICE BRIDGE. I a r REFER,T0. DETAIL.,3/A-2 FOR I „ ' ,I \ I SEE A-3 FOR MORE QUIP ENT AREA. tI MORE.INFORMATION a NEW T-MORRE EQUIPMENT AREA A R C HI T" E C TS 12A ECIINOLODY DRIVE,SETAL;KET,NY 11'133 I NEW T-MOBILE POWER AND TELCO P.671.6B989SO I P.671.68999591(mc mm � � CONDUITS ROUTED FROM EXISTING "Sc'', METER BANK/MESASPAN CABINET TO -0 e � ,y�'I M < A , NEWT MOBILE EQUIPMENT. REFER TO 4. DETAIL 4/A-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION f es v- 14 EXISTING FIRE DEPARTMENT _- EQUIPMENT AREA EXISTING ELECTRICAL PANEL t EXISTING 110' CONCEALMENT POLE RECEIVED=.'G- EXISTING AT&T DIESEL GENERATORNO.' nAlc `y3^7+7RT"' ) D w PD�2VISSUED MR,REVIEW i 09�Jj"�IfL�v�,SEEty i3j_A REDS I 7,. D5/2!/2?'i9�NSETT Ly:k W'US:XISTING AT&T EQUIPMENT AREA Cs SD 2:lssufo Fo FluxG' x 1 Southold TOWFI a .a��T,�rItrL.T-�vi EXISTING COMPOUND FENCE Planning Board j -EXISTING CSC CABINET `t A �1 �A ' n p' =---EXISTING TRANSFORMER - ENLARGED'COMPOUND PLAN. NO CONSTRUCTION OR BIDDING IS TO PROCEED UNLESS PLANS INCLUDE THE STATEMENT'ISSUED FOR SCALE: 3/32"=1'-0" NEW T-MOBILE ELECTRIC METER CONSTRUCTION"IN THE DESCRIPTION COLUMN ABOVE. WITHIN EXISTING METER BANK NORTI I PRIOR TO BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION,CONTRACTOR MUST ALSO CONTACT WFC i0 CONFIRM THEY ARE IN POSSESSION OF THE LATEST PUNS. 6 MATC-i EXISTING GRADE CONDITION XEY PIAN: BACKFILL AT TRENCH SHALL BE x°FA�•W'<�� NOTE PROVIDE A MININUM OF (2) COMPACTED IN '2" LIFTS TO 957 - •_r� - SUPPORT POSTS PER TRAY SFCDRY DENSITY COMPACTEDSUBGRADE (COMPACT IN >,TT 8" LIFTS TQ'85% DRY DENSITY - PROVDE REBAR 24" O.C. EACs 3/4" CHAMFER DIRECTION �p f� 6" WIDE METAL CORE UNDERGROUND _ WARNING TAPE PRINTED WITH POURLD CONCHLIL- 3" iv NEW GRAVEL COVER N=W 10= BRIDGE KIT BY SITE "CAUTION BURIED UTILITY LINES" i PAD WITH HA.JNCH AT NEW LTER FABRIC PRO, PARI �JIB24Ur �_ x1 PERIMETER = 22 NOISTJRE TREATED WOOD O, ♦ �R� PLANKS PAINTED RED. NUMBER OF ° X x o " I II♦ i iV♦��;. PLANKS AS REQ'D FOR WIDTI I OF m ` A Ia 7 / CV., ♦ ., TRENCH i o■■ O, , ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED ALONG ' ♦ ♦� ♦ pJ���_ [���pa ICE BRIDGE ♦ :_ 7771 WWW_➢➢➢ V jI-I -" PVC CONDUT, TYP, COORDINATE ' ' _ �P- /f I Northeast LLC _ TYPE, SIZE AND NJMBER OF PROV DE #4 RLBARS II• ` _r-- _ ( 1 3pABOMIERB10HgAY,GREAT o1VMNY117M Tn jp II,--I� � r-I_ � CONDUITS WITH INFORMATION w 17` 1 -�-II-_ SHOWN ON ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS © 12" O.C, EA, WAS 1- �- , � "� 6" THICK LAYER OF NEW 8"X8"X1/2" STEEL PLATE < -IT AND WIT-i FI FCTRIC AND I COMPACTED SAND OR I I� LALWL GRAVEL BASE �j ?51y "I(- TELEPHONE UTILITY COMPANIES ?1-TTi° II i- I�� NSD, (a) 1/z" Bo_Is _- � ,,, L- -_ U-03-110-A COMPACT EXISTING L L - II{�RJI 1'='-I=1i1- - WASF-ED SAND IN 6" _IFTS GRADE 10 957 DRY POJRED CONCRETE FOOTING, SET PIPE F-1-I•� 7066 MAN RD W-20 DFNSITY MOUNT AS INDICATED WITH N. ZII CONTRACTOR TO 'DE-WATER' TRE' -I TH-. UNDIS"UR3LD LAR1H LAUM,NY 1?M CH 7v T.. AS REQUIRED DURING INSTALLATION OF nlc„„ ENLARGED COMPOUND PLAN CONCRETE TO ENSURE PROPER '0 " INSIALLAIION SIRENGfH MOTE &SITE DETAILS l / 1,:'CQIVTRACTOR SHAH 7NGAGF TFIF SFRVICFS OF AN UND=RGROUND UTIIITY IOCATING `? CbMPANY;TO LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND EQUIPMENT IN THE TRENCHING AREA TO AVOID ANY DAIS OA7L9722 UNDISTURBED EARTH DAMAGE. PRG.Ea NO: 12-16V6 2. HAND EXCAVA C WITHIN 5 OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND U-IL TIES (V.LF.) MAINTAIN 18" MIN. DRAWN BY: rr CLEARANCE, OR;AS;DIRECTED:BY THE VORC. GONTRACTCR TO MAKE ALL PVC JOINTS CHECKED BY LtA. WATERTIG-iT. j,LSl PR OR TO BACKFILLING. REDS DATED: W27/22 DRAFD 2 CONCRETE"PAD--DETAIL ICE'BRIDGE DETAIL DRAWING NO: SCALE: 1/2°=1'-0" SCALE: 1/2"=T'-0" 4 UTILITY'TRENCH DETAIL A-2 SCALE: 3/8"=1'-O" . x x x x — x x x -- x x x x -- X x NEW P1000 UNISTRUT SECURED TO NEW �I WEATHER CANOPY POSTS NEW T-MOBILE GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO NEW ICE BRIDGE POST NEW T-MOBILE H-FRAME. REFER TO j NEW B160 do 6160 EQUIPMENT CABINETS- ( DETAILS 1&2/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION I NEW AUTOMATIC GENERATOR TRANSFER I SWITCH MOUNTED TO NEW H-FRAME. REFER INSTALL (3) NEW OUAD,.DIPLEXERS I W X TO DETAIL 2/A-10 FOR MORE INFORMATION A R C H I T E C T S MOUNTED TO NEW M-FRAME: ' _ - t .l 12-1 TECI INOLOOY DRIVE,SETAUKET,NY 117]) NEW T-MOBILE PPC CABINET MOUNTED TO INSTALL (3) NEW RADIO 4460, (3) NEW '; f ). P.631.689.8450 RADIO 4480 & (2) NEW RADIO 8863 1 __ NEW H-FRAME. REFER TO DETAIL 2/A-6 r 1 MOUNTED TO NEW H-FRAME (STACKED) - I l: FOR MORE INFORMATION J,/ el 1: X NEW T-MOBILE VZW AAV CABINET tit� � 1� NEW T-MOBILE LIGHT FIXTURE SECURED MOUNTED TO NEW H-FRAME. REFER TO TO UNDERSIDE CANOPY DECK, DETAIL 1/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION OPERATED VIA TIM MER SWITCH, TYP.-REFER � � 1! �} .�t�•°..�,?� .,.:s� TO DETAIL 3/A-4 FOR MORE 1NFORMAI'ION; w C .s• 1i�(, F- Mv _ _ I j 0 FOUIPMENT AREA' X F e �•, �• I• � NO_ DATE .'SIIB1AiS51ON-- - (1 ISSUED FOR RWEtN (LF/1SF AE�FA1 z 1 tla 25722 RI:VISUB,NER R1tle dI C 7 765/777n R°ViSED:RCA RIDS - Cq 37 77ISSUED F-011 79—,r 4 DI/3f 73_—Ti�VibTS:kiEN(iilM1lt:N_i, N 1 I� 6" - UNE OF NEW T-MOBILE WEATHER CANOPY ABOVE NEW T-MOBILE ICE BRIDGE. - NOTES: 1. - - NEW,T-MOBILE 48KW DIESEL GENERATOR ATOP NO CONSTRUCTION OR BIDDING IS TO PROCEED UNLESS REFER TO DETAIL 3/A-2 FORo NEW CONCRETE PAD. REFER TO SHEET A-10 FOR PUNS INCLUDE THE STATEMENT"ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION"IN THE DESCRIPTION COLUMN ABOVE; MORE INFORMATION / ❑' MORE INFORMATION PRIOR TO BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION,CONTRACTOR 0 NUST ALSO CONTACT WFC TO CONFIRM THEY ARE IN POSSESSION OF THE LATEST PUNS. NEW T-MOBILE ANTENNA CABLES ROUTED d I'x - - NEW T-MOBILE CONCRETE PAD. REFER TO DETAIL FROM NEW EQUIPMENT ALONG NEW ICE / _ �, 2/A-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION KEY PLAN. Actx orwac BRIDGE UP EXISTING CONCEALMENT POLE a 1 D'-O" NEW T-MOBILE.CONCRETE PAD TO NEW ANTENNAS. NEW'•T-MOBILE POWER AND TELCO CONDUITS ROUTED FROM EXISTING METER BANK/MESASPANa X CABINET TO NEW T-MOBILE EQUIPMENT. REFER �' .•.� : ,i TO DETAIL 4/A-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION in d, EXISTING ='RE DEPARTMENT [XIS'fING COMPOUND FENCE EQUIPMENT AREA y X EXISTING ELECTRICAL PANEL —Mobil .' RECEIVED Northeast E HIGHWAY, rLLCVM NY ik739 4 JUL 0.6 2023 LAUREL NSD EXISTING DIESEL GENERATOR I Southold Town 7056 MAW RD W-20 Planning Board UuREL,W MW o. o EXISTING AT&T "E ENLARGED COMPOUND PLAN EQLIPMENT AREA &SITE DEIAILS EXISTING 110' CONCEALMENT 'OLE O- DME: MJt5171 IEXISTING 13UILDING PROJECT NO: ?2-16175 DRAWN BY: Ck CHECKED BY: MA RIW TIAIED: 0"7/77 myn DRAW TNG NO: 1 ENLARGED;EQUIPMENT PLAN (6) EXISTING 2 3OLTS /� _3 NORTI- / 1 t 1 1 1 DENOTES SPAN OF 22 GA. 11 3" GALV. S-EEL ROOF DECK, TYPE NS AS g'-2" CANOPY DECK MANUFACTURED BY UNITED SIE _ DLCK OR X rt X X XAPPROrt FASTEN DECK 1101 STEE_ 5" g° 8'_4 WI-H {f 1 2 5,5. OR GALV, STEE- SELF DRILLING TEK SCREWS 0 8" O.C. MAX, \ W,6X15 Q x i m 6 CANOAY SLOPE m x"hl/B" PER FOOT ;N. I A R C H I T E C T S I� �:,¢�`' I IY 1b1 TGC1 INDLDDY DRIVE,SETAUKET,NY 11771 x x x o RECEIVED A1ESBs.e4so 1 PATI: -11154 7 r ., z JUL 0 6 2023 NEW CANOPY KNEE BRACE, TYP. REFER TO DETAIL 2"A3"/A-4 t• T r I Southold Town . I' c I' N I Planning Board 1 1 u f, e NEW LIGHT FIXTURES SECURED TO I Lr , UNDERSIDE OF CANOPY DECK OPERATED I KE3 s I 3 x �►'` .,•m�'';}J . � x+". VIA TIMER SWITCH, TYP. SEE DETAIL ,. - 3/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATIONS -- NO. DATE .Sit"_isF.'S;li 0"qi rJ/17:15511E0 TOR-REVIEW- �!-Ct?5j2.RREVISCO'PE of p5 �'R V, [IR Ri$S�T 3"0 GALV. STEEL COLUMN WITH 2` 0527/77ESC :PE 3 raas ai+ssuEp FaR nChr, 6"x6"x1/2" GALV. STEEL BASE AND CAPA 131 11 HI:v:52DRATpuvETlls PLATES, TYP. OF (6) ON CONCRETE PADe2/ r _ x DASHED LINE REPRESENTS LINE OF / NEW WEATHER CANOPY ABOVE / NOTES: / NO CONSTRUCTION OR BIDDING IS 10 PROCEED UNLESS PLANS INCLUDE THE STATEMENT'ISSUED FOR X CONSTRUCTIOI IN•THC,DESC@PTIOV COEUUN.'ARO4E. PRIOR TO Bleu OR'COIISTkVI0N,•OONIPACIOR MUST ALSO CONTACT:WTV IO',COVFIRII`1NEY'ARC'W O POSSESSION OF THE LATEST PIANS. ❑ KEY PIAN. O - A<IAOFWOR[ O -. x ^'f •CANOPY FRAMING PLAN. ' SCALE: 1/4"=1'�0 -' NORTH h14GN TOP'OF NEW.�WEATH .CANOP,.Y LIG iTING F XTURE SCHEDULE - +• NEW 3" 22 GA. TYPE 'B' GALV. ROOF DECK. p�� O, MFG. & CAL.NO. HX. WAI I LAMP TYPE NO.LAMP/ FINISH MOUNTING/HT. I I TACK WELD TO NEW SUPPORTING STEEL I t1■Y p w �' ���b WATT I �8 .LLL @ Rf7 - 1NEW. GALV: STEEL W5x-5 Lt RA9 LIGHTING ,C L3x3x1 NG AUNDERSIDE OF DECK Northeast LLC FFLE039 39 LED t BRONZE SURFA MTD. 4" BRACING T / NEW 6"x6"x1/2" GALV. STS'_ PLATEMUSUNamGBIGHWAY,GUArar4igNyII7A . -h 1 4 SFCL,RFD TO NEW W6x15 WITH (4) 1 NEW VERIZON WIRELESS 3/4"0 A325 BOLTS, TMP. EQUIPMENT PAD LAL• -1."6 : . f • NEW 3" NSD 0 GALV. STEEL COLUMN WELDED �M_'NSD d '-0 TO NEW 1/2" THICK BASE PLATE NEW 3"0 GALV. STEEL 7(}�MAN�QAr E -28 I ,I y 6"x 1/2" GAI V. ST= PIAT= COLUMN WELDED 0 NEW I um Mr IM r " NEW 6"x SECLRED TO NEW CONIC. SAD WIT-i L3" X 3" X 5/16" 1/2" THICK BASE IPLATEW TITLE: " 1"'` m (4) 1/2"0 HIITI KWIK BOLT 11 GALV, STL, ANGLE 1- B" NEW 6"x6"xt/2" GALV. CANOPY FRAMING PLAN EX'ANSION ANCHORS 0-1/2" MIN. STEEL 'LATE SECURED TO AND TYPICALDEfAILS Q i/4 EMBED.), TMP. GF (4) PLATES in ' NEW CONC. PAD WITH 4 NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (1) 3/4"0 A325 _ BOLT1/2"0 HIL-I KWIK BOLT I DATE: � EQUIPMENT PAD . TMP. �= � � EX'ANSION ANCHORS PROJECT NO. 22-15776 e. 3/8" TAB WELDED (3-1/2" MIN. EMBED.), DRAWN BY: LIGHT FIXTUR=- N TO POST/BEAM 1"' TYP. OF (4) PLATES C.ECKEDBY: G VERTICAL BECMON'A1' TYP.KNEE BRACE'A3' PLAN AT CANOPY:POST'A2! RFDS DATED, 0&27722 URWn DRAWING NO: LIGHT FIXTURE DETAIL CANOPY POSTS -!= FRAMING DETAILS A-� a3 SCALE: N.T.S: '_ - SCALE: 1-1/2"=1'-0" f- 2 3 P.O. {Yisllnc S1HIF7 ANItKNli FIRE DEPARTMENT WHIP ANTENNAS' A R -t 10'-0" A.G.L-" C H I T,E C T.S .[.O.'.`X17. NG CONCEALMENT P.011 BY ELITE TOWf J 12.1 TE(:IINOLOOY DRIVE,SE7AUKET,NY 117)7 R 67L589.114.501 P,.671,689,84591 w+.w,vfrnGcom� 110' CONCEALMENT PO_EI i T:O. .E9CiST;NG 'ul'r,;+ 1 T,O. EXIST 9G:C:AYISTCI+V, I r!/ Lq,UPPER —MQBILES.CANIS E, 6 NEW T—MOBILE ANTENNAS AND 3 NEW -- SMART BIAS TEES INSTALLED WITHIN EXISTING - f .,UP. T-MOH LE N R, -r 2 t�aZ-ISSUED FOR,RN- EW ( ) ( ) 75' '0"''A.G.L' O c+20 n Issued Pmt�t73 CONCEALMENT POLE. REFER TO SHEET A-8 �r u RLw"'s t7:ar- 4—, FOR MORE INFORMATION. - + 70--O' A.G.L s Ds m?�:L,aF.Ei ON T7L,XG L TA' LOWER,`T—MOBILE-CANISTER i 04,11J:S'NI :PER. vv , 85'-,U" Ab.L c LOWER•T=MQ81LE;1.CANISTEFt (24) PROPOSED T—MOBILE 7/9' COAX SO'=0':A;G'.L. CABLES ROUTED FROM NEW T—MOBILE T,O. !STING'i�ASE POLE EQUIPMENT ALONG NEW T—MOBILE ICE BRIDGE UP TO NEW T—MOBILE ANTENNAS NOTES,nsreucrlDN DR BIDDING Is TO PROCEED uREss PLANS INCLUDE THE STATEMENT'ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION"IN THE DESCRIPTION COLUMN ABOVE. PRIOR TO BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION,CONTRACTOR NEW T—MOBILE ICE BRIDGE. REFER TO MUST ALSO CONTACT WFC TO CONFIRM THEY ARE IN - POSSESSION OF THE LATEST PIANS, DETAIL 3/A-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION KEY PLAN 'CIA OF WORK NEW T—MOBILE WEATHER CANOPY. REFER TO SHEET A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW T—MOBILE EQUIPMENT AREA. SEE A-3 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW T—MOBILE ELECTRIC METER WITHIN EXISTING METER BANK r� Yle� I EXISTING TRANSFORMER Northeast LLC 3lW8IUMM9BEGHWAY,G1UZATYIVLM,N 11= GiL" LAUREL TOa NEW.T-MOBILE WEA CANOPY= - NSD U-M-910-A '° ] 7066 MAN W W-20 {{ II t L LAUD NY MM, H _...J 0! b" E GRAS: a WEST ELEVATION [Kr'% C E I a/ E® DATE: OE/U/71 4Rjj" PROJECT NO: �_UrnS DRAWN BY: - G JuL 0 6 2023 CHECKED BY: RFOSDAIIII (Ia y AFT7 DRAWING NO: V4[ES1'ELEVaTIC)N SSCALE: outhold Town A-5 Planning Board i i ENCLOSUR=- -MFG.: ERICSSON -PART NO,: 8160 NOTE: (1) CABINET TO BE VERIZON AAV NCCIIANICAI INFOINFO OUTDOOR CABINET SJPPLIED BY -DMENSIONS (HxWxD): 53"x26%3z" T-MOBLE, AND INSTALLED BY NEW CANOPY POST- CONTRACTOR, REFER TO CABINET ENCLOSURE WEIGHT: 295 LBS MANUFACTURER SFECI=(CATIONS AND NEW VERTICAL P1000 -BATTERY WEIGIIT: 588 LDS (3 STRINGS) DRAWINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION„ UNISTRUT MEMBER, LENGTH TOTAL WEIGHT: 1,883 LBS SPECIFICATIONS FOR PU.RCELL SSC: TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD 24" TALL x 24" WIDE x 16.67" DEEP BY CONTRACTOR (25.24" DEEP WITH HEAT EXCHANGER) LBS WITH 4 BATTERIES WEIGHT: 64+ LBS CABINET ONLY, 100 II O A R C H I T E C T S 12.1 TECIINOLOOY DRIVE,SETAUKET,NY 11713 NEW VZW•Aq1/ O O C J O �, rl O P.63 1,689,84501 F,E71.689.8459 I� T ja NEW HORIZONTAL P1000 s` 1 UNISTRUT MEMBER, LENGTH I' -v&. {' q TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD �' - S BY'CONTRACTOR t`1` `7 P01 � � :N NEW CONCRETE SLAB f j ' (SEE DETAIL 2/A-2 FOR _ - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) $O ,� EXITING GRADE O O .O, C O 010 - __ _ I 0 64 22 2T ISSUED FOR RE10CW: T _ 1 U4'75 2' EmSE'D PER RFOS I - C.. O 0 C O G C Q 2:Ivi r7 72'•REV,@ED'BER los S'. 3.7 22'1SSlIEO.FOR PRIANG TOP - .. f,/2S lirv,5£D='nc'ff:'CAuy(iKTS, FRONT SIDE BACK (D'TYPICAL VZW AAV DETAIL TYPICAL 1316 BATTERY'CABINET DETAIL SCALE: N,T.S.. 3 : SCALE: 1/2"=1'=0"' 120VAC GFI Z!_Q" Nh01[ONSTRUCTION OR BIDDING IS TO 1101110 UNLESS PROTECTED ENCLOSURF- PLANS INCLUDE THE STATEMENT'ISSUED FOR CONVEMENCE -MFG.: CRICSSON RECEIVED CONSTRUCTION"IN THE DESCRIPTION COLUMN ABOVE.. PRIOR TO 1111-1 OR CONSTRUCTION,CONTRACTOR OUTLET 'a _ PART NO,: 61 60 ---- -- MUST ALSO CONTACT WPC TO CONFIRM THEY ARE IN POSSESSION OF THE LATEST PLANS, NEW CANOPY POST � ' MFC-iANICAL NFO JUL 0"6 2023 KPYP,�N M -DIMENSIONS (HXWxD): 63"x26"x31" NEW HORIZONTAL P1000 ��// 7-AC000rWORK UNISTRUT MEMBER, LENGTH -ENCLOSURE WLIGF-I: 414 LBS TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD - 200 AMP -EQUIPMENT WEIGHT: 285 LBS Southold BY CONTRACTOR GENERATOR / -TCTAL WEIGHT: 699 LBS Planning Board 701 AMP INLE- _ GENERATOR NLET'— I SCRLLN_D LOUVERS FOR TELCO A; 170VAC GFI PROTFCTF.D COM AR NEN(-- O O O O ' 'O O_ O 0 CONVENIENCE OJTL7 i , FLAN•PPC BOX II ,i j } -Mobile. SCREENED LOJVERS FOR �_ �' �•,1 ri o®q TELCO COMPARTMENT 200 AMP Northeast LLC GENERATOR ' I N_ET Lq NY uYN I: �:. , ��i� b�eeuNlnlaelRleewev,eaeArnro Iw Cb�.: a4 . ATTACH ENTIRE ° _ 12CVAC GFI + .• UNIS-RUT ASS=MBLY 10 - 110711-ED i O', O � 1 NEW CONCRETE SLAB _ K NEW 3-1/2"0 PPE y i" CONVENIENCE N� UTII I71NG 3/8" OUTLET C,'r "3-11�A (SEE DETAIL 2/A-2 FOR U-BOLTS AND NUTS I I 7066 MAN-O1Y A ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) j,- �f. EW 'MARCONI' AND WASHERS.. (TYP.) / r' O LAUREL,NY 1195E A _ 19 G8 SERIES � II P. OVER/UNDERUlf, EQUIPMENT CABINET DETAILS EXITING GRADE _ _- "'s AI IACH LNISIRUI IC O - EACH OTHER USING 1., POWER 3/B"0 SPRING BOL` ae PROTF.0-ION ' l; fi , AND WASHER WITH NUT moi.' CA91NE1 (-2PC). ` . _ 'DATE: Od/T3IYI. . / _• - .0 .0.` G C- PROJECT NO- 22115 NEW UNISTRUT FRAM= • - O"C ,O O= TO BE 'U'-BOLTED 70 - ;` 1.1 I Nl 1... .,' : TCP DRAWN DY: �. F SIDEnpA V CHECKED BY_ w ACK 1 RFos DATED: OL'd2f/22 n TO •qyp DRAWING NO: 1 . 2 TYPICAL'PPC CABINET DETAIL HGIHTSTR-NGT1-O HOT [3E O If ICAL_ENCLOSURE 6160:DETAIL A_6 SCALE: N.T.S. DPPED GALVANIZED.— SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" L I i RADIO 4460 13AD O-I 4480 RADIO 8863 -MFG.: ERICSSON -MFG.: ERICSSON -PRODUCT NO.: KRC 161 912/3 -MFG.: ERICSSON 'RODUCT NO.: KRC 161 922/1 PRODJCT NO,: B41 FOR N3 AND LTE i DIMENSIONS: (HxWxD) 17.0"X15.1"X11c" DIMENSICNS: (HxWxD) 21.8"X15.7"X7.5' WEGHT/ VOLJME: 1C9.0 LBS/ 13 GAL. W=GH-/ VOLUME: 93.0 LBS DIMENSIDIMLNSIONS: (HxWxD) 18.8"X14,8"X6,1"VOLUME: 53.1 LBS/ 13 GAL. FREQUENCY BANDS: 3GPP FDD B2/25 & 366 FREQUENCY BANDS; DUAL, BAND, WCDMA, LTE AND NR '=REOUENCY SANDS: B41 FOR NR AND LTE TBW: UP TO 65Mf z IN 82/25, UP TO 90MHz IN B6& 13W: 2X 2.5/ 4.9/ 9.B/ 10.1 GBPS CPRI BW: UP TO 65MHz IN B2/25, UP TO 90MHz IN B66 NORMAL OPERATING TEMP,: -40 - +55'C NORMAL OPERAIING IEMP.: -40 - +5t)'C NORMAL O'ERATING TEMP.: -40 -- +55'C OUTPJT POWER: UP TO 4x8OW IN 82/25, UP TO OUTPJI POWER: UP TO 4x6OW PER BAND, UP TO OUTPUT POWER: UP TO 4x8OW IN B2/25, UP TO A R C H I T E C T S 4XBOW IN B66. UP TO '40W IN TOTAL 4x8OW TOTAL W/O =AN.- U' TO 4x8OW TOTA•_ W/ FAN 4x80W IN 866. UP TO 140W IN TOTAL 12.1 7ECIINOLOGY.DRIVt,SBTnL'KBT,NY 117]]1 63; P. Rwv.vfale.mm' IN o , ®OoO�✓.f�: ® ®73-70 19 4 Hn:'pap' J �d BOTTOM SA.CI-K SI C _T70M BAC$ SIDE �} - ,� BOTTOM BACK SIDE 1`"""«-l.,- NO.1. DATE.''9LlVtIl" - D C4/2O/??;ISSUED.FOR REVIEW '2 05/?,? TdEViS:D PER REDS TYPICAL RADIO 4460 DETAIL TYPICAL RADIO 4480 DETAIL4 ?s Ingo 1 SCALE: N.T.S. 4 SCALE: N.T.S. 3 �TYPICAL RADIO 8$63 DETAIL:N.T.S. MANUFACTURER:^ jdICRODfi�TA T6DDEL: 121_5.1844 OU.Ap DIPLEXER_ _ DIMENSIONS SINGLE UNIT)`: 9.41"x 4.33�x 1.91 N z ll X !y �0 . RECEIVED WEIGHT (SINGLE UN1T} ��-15,73 LBS. NO CONSTRUCTION OR BIDDING IS TO PROCEED UNLESS PLANS INCLUDE THE STATEMENT'ISSUED FOR ----- CONSTRUCTION"IN THE DESCRIPTION COLUMN ABOVE: PRIOR TO BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION,CONTRACTOR NEW CANOPY POST MUST ALSO CONTACT WFC TO CCNFIRM THEY ARE IN "-GROUND- 2,76 J U L 0`6 2023 POSSESSION OF THE LATEST PLANS. NEW VERTICAL P1000TOP KEr rwN: UNISTRUT MEMBER, LENGTH ^ M -j - Southold Town `-WAO'WORK TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD I BY CONTRACTOR I - Planning Board 7.24 NEW RADIO NEW RADIO ; BOTTOM ( 4.13" - GROUND NEW HORIZONTAL P1000 f UNISTRUT MEMBER, LENGTH G TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD ! ,x. BY CONTRACTOR i -' _ ('cf?I .�. 1�'EoC. 3.5" n Northeast LLC 19E DUNnree RIcITTIrAr,coeA,r Ia,v1D;IN1r nnf NEW CONCRETE SLAB ' .47.1 CONN(O OUT.3 10Nj i . ANTENNA SECTOR -MFG.: COMMSCOP7 � -PART NO,. FW-65e-R3 340• P MECHAN CAL INFO �r U4� -WEIGHT (ANTENNA): 43.872 LBS. 9• ht` �' WEIGHT (HARDWARE,: 8.598 LBS. l -DIMENSIONS (I IXWXD): 71.969"x11.81"'x7,126" MAX. WIND VELOCIT`/: 149.75 MPH A R C H 1 7 E C T 5, EXISTING 12" SCF -HARDWARE MATERIAL: GALVANIZED STEEL a I 60 P•PE MAST- 2 -CONNECTOR TY-E: 4,3-10 FEMALE BOT-OM, 4 HIGH Ibi TECIINOLOOV gRIVE,SETAUKET,NY 11771 BAND, 2 LOW BAND � i pj P.5J1.5R9.84S0I P,MS1.zA/2,R45V I'�:..4TG[;na, - _ -COLOR:* LIGHT GRAY 36" O.D. MULTI PART, \ a_ TfT G � '�.•. i'�•t, MULTI-SIDED CONCEALMEN- I, ��•. QL .' Wit, I'` RADOME, TYP. OF (6) 0 (3) NEW FW-6587R3 11.81 1' f .� ANTENNAS TO BE INSTALLED' 94t_t5l r doIIOM d� 5J_lz N TYPICAL FW-6513"M ANTENNA DETAIL A 0AIC 2"ISSAED FOR-RE-MEW. o, 2_ SCALE: 1- PLAN -PLAN 0 TOP CANISTER (75'1 � � p�a7�issuenD c�aR LL+1a, - 'A US/it%t1 R'F:NSETT'T�FR�4vL+:fS ATS BT-TOP-M F-4G NOTE: INSTALL (3) NEW SMART BIAS TEES. (NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY) •-, Top Strad Blas Tee "�- re — _a`k !•et .educes cable am„de lee.erns;h7 eNn 114l ng the neetl foNd55 home ru•.aoles • AISd 11 am 2Uc filar- NOTES: • O,;ralc:,M 1GSn Vdr NO CONSTRUCTION OR RIDDING IS TO PROCEED UNLESS '.,;• • 4Neeaterpluu1 AI30 a�•1.•xve PLANS INCLUDE THE STATEMENT'ISSUED FOR • Irturtn cr;;,t�r.;zys;y-p'+Iyartl ens;re prol;e•mallator CONSTRUCTION"IN THE DESCRIPTION COWMN AROVL �' .^etia^u IghiriN7 atiID-uaui.�sq•o.na n9 stat rnrnd4ri:mal surgr.prolrohon PRIOR 10 BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION,CONTRACTOR SECT :Qb1111,1riv;¢c..mnetcr(AN) MUST ALSO CONTACT WFC TO CONFIRM THEY ARE IN �R C• fL.p. • 7-1F DN^1r.M-nnnmclor(ITS) POSSESSION OF THE LATEST PLANS, ` Kip P,AN 3yo, Y. rtp_ PIUdUL'L LIdSSIIILaI[UII — Ar{C'WORC c)j Praducl Type Iytl au=lee RECEIVEDEXISTING 12" SCF GeneEal Spe[ificaliuns --- 160 PPE MAST _ - ALSO InPLd Connector O-GInDIN Icrv:lc „� O 2023 .,jt ,•e ���-- ,7 Antenna Imorfa /-161AN Frms e Mtanm lnladaese.slptal R' d,Jx,ed 36" O.D, MULII-PART, BTS Warfaca M Aa /-16111NMae Southold Town MULTI-SIDED CONCEAL)EN- 'a 1 BTS lnterroce91gna1 A.30<W. I R= l dv Planning Board CYLINDER, TYP. OF C.I., sdve CEU CertiFiaatlon CIF GroundinRWgThreadSlze MR '®Mobllel N `�- _ _ - Smart Bias Too Typo 10-30V103 Northeast LLC....., (3) NEW FW-6513-R3 i" ANTENNAS TO BE INSTALLED Dimensions Northeast 4NC$FViglf Heigh] 143 r-un I:.4.2 - •- "-- ' A Width 94,m 57CI•t LALE�W�Qf�L' I Depth SCrnl 1.9TF1 v NSD Electrical Specifications Lt-03-110-A 7066 MAN RD NY-20 0rdariMD =,F,eDc LAUFE,W MM 3rd Od rar IA1D Teri Method t"LE � � Iwo X43 r,Hm czeivo InaanonEase,rypkal r, oA ANTENNA INFORMATION PLAN AOTTOM CANISTER (6S'1 Elenramagnallc CampauLifity(EMC) CFR 47 P,n•1S Sdh:uvl a, ,^s❑ I EhIS5u22(hesDI IC.TSL.,111v vnr 4,^.nr4 &ANTENNA MOUNTING DETAILS 1.1111111111111M, � DAf E: 04/13/72 IROACI NO72-15175 - DRAWN BY; �. REDS OAtED: (15/27/27 CRAM DRAVIING NO. ENLARGED ANTENNA PLANS TYPICAL BIAS TEE DETAIL'(AT ANTENNAS) A-$ SCALE: 1'=1'-0" NOR-H 3 SCALE: N s iI j ANTENNA SCHEDULE CABLE SCHEDULE NOTE: GENERAL NOTES SECTOR HEIGH MDT TX-RX MANUF-MODEL# CABLE LENGTH DIA. LABELINOTE ALL EXISTING AND NEW ANTENNAS,EQUIPMENT AND 1-ALL INDICATIONS OF NORTH ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY.CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY IN TXIRX TX1RX +/-120'-0" 718" 1 RED ASSOCIATED APPURTENANCES(IE:CABLE TRAYS,ICE FIELD TRUE NORTH PRIOR TO SECTOR ANTENNA INSTALLATION. TX/RX TX1RX +/-120'-0" 710" 2 RED BRIDGES,ETC.)MUST A GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE 2-CABLE LENGTHS LISTED ARE APPROXIMATIONS PROVIDED BY OWNER AND ARE NOT A 90' 75' D° NEW WITH T-MOBILE STANDARDS, TX1RX COMMSCOPE TX/RX +l-120'-0" 718" 3 RED INTENDED TO BE USED FOR-ORDERfNG'CABLE.ALL CABLE LENGTHS MUST BE VERIFIED IN TX/RX FVV-65B-R3 TX/RX +1-120'-0" 7/8" 4 RED FIELD, TX/RX TX/RX +/-120'•0" 7/6" 5 RED_ MIN.CABLE BENDING RADIUS TX/RX TX/RX +/-120'•0" 7/6" 6 RED 3-THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL BRASS TAGS(SUPPLIED BY T-MOBILE)AT EACH END TX/RX TX/RXk12 " 7i8" 1 WHITE � RAMS I WE F'T• 0.0. OF ALL ANTENNA,CABLES DENOTING THE NUMBER OF TAPE MAAKINO B/t' AND COLOR B 210° 75' p• TX/RX NEW TX/RX " 7/8• 2 WHITE 1I2'CABLE SUPERFLEX(FSJ•4.50 0 1/4" 0,14 LBS 52" OF TAPE'MMKINO BANDS. z TX/RX COMMSCOPE TX/RX ' 7/8° 3 WHITE 112"CABLE(LOF4.50B) 57 0.15 LBS. 0-63" 4-ANTENNA CABLES WICL_BC COLOR CODED AT THE ANTENNA,FILTER INJECTION A R C H 1 T E C T S Q TX/RX FVV-65B-R3 TX/RX 0" 7/8" 4 WHITE CABINET,JUMPER CONNLGTIONSAND.THE BTS CABINET. V " 5 WHITE 7/8'CABLE(LDF-5 SOA)_ 10" 0.33 LBS. .1.09" 1211 TECI INOLOGY DRIVE,SETAUKET,NY 1173 TX/RX TXJRX7 8" 5-THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL DRIP LOOPS ON ALL ANTENNA AND JUMPER P. 631.609.8450 1 FJ631,689.8459 1 uaw km l,,mm QQ, TX/RX TX/ 0" 718„ 6 WHITE 1 1/4°CABLE(LDF•&50A) 15" _ D.63 LBS, 1.55" CABLES. _ F- TXJRX _TX/RX " 7/8" 1 BLUE {� 15/B'CABLE LDF•7-50A 20" 0.82 LBS- 1.98" TX/RX TX/RX +l•120'-0" 7!8' 2 BLUE � L»t.�-r:/'k"�-`�e�\ C 340° 75' 0° NEW 6-THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL CABLE SUPPORTS AS NEEDED TO b � >"%�-• �+'^� TX/RX COV 650 R3E TX/RX +/-120 0" 7/B" 4 BLUE CABLE SIZESIL•ENG`fTMS MAINTAIN A MINIMUM SPACING OF 3'-0"ON CENTER. TX1RX; +/ 120`-0° 5 BLUE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED: 7-THE CONTRACTOR WILL'RRCORDiHE':LOCATfON•AND'SER(ALNUM8ER5'.QF ALL cJ —7! FOR SECTORS 0'-100'USE 7/B"0 CABLE ANTENNAS:'ANTENNA'CONTROLLER-MOTORS,AND THEIR'GORRESPONDING INSTALLED 0'4 TX/RX .TX/RX +/-120'-0" 7/8" _ 6 BLUE .LOCATION AT THE TIMC OFCONSTRUGTION., U (/' 'iy'='` <<'(•'j; FOR SECTORS 101'-150'USE 1-1i4"0 CABLE TX/RX TX/RX +l-110'-0' 7/8" 1 RED FOR SECTORS 1511 ABOVE USE 1-518"0 CABLE : TWRX TX1RX +/-110'•0" 7/8" 2 RED 8-AL'L',ANDREVtfS MOTORS'ARE GENDER SPECIFIC,AND WILL BE WIRED STARTING WITH A 90° 85' D° NEW THE MAL,E;EN,D.,OF.THE CABLE AT THE BTS AND CONTINUE ALONG THE RUN FOLLOWING TX/RX CoMMSCOPE TX/RX +/-110'-0° 7/g'' 3 RED THE,'FEMALE UP'RULE'; 7 TX1RX FVV-65B-R3 TX/RX +/•I IV-0" 718"_. 4 RED t .x� ir TX/RX TX/RX +1-110'-D" 7/8• 5 RED TX/RX 718" 6 RED Lr �4.. ' TXIRX•, •+/-110'-D" G - 1,•;, TX/RX' TX/RX +/-110'-0" 7/8"__1.WHITE Q B 210° 65' p° T /- _TX1RX NEW TX1RX + 110'-0" 718° 2 WHITE `!rf I•VI�� V TX1RX COMMSCOPE TX1RX 110'-0" 7J8" 3 WHITE -1701 DATE =11. _ TX/RX FVV-65B-R3 TX/RX +/=110'-0" 718" 4 WHITE a ct Y2 ISSUED.v DFO R it;REVIEW TXIRX +l-110'•D" 7/. 5 WHITE CIS- ;Z G3 .71" Firm 1.PER.RTAS --TX/RX. •TX1RX, +/-110'-0" 7/ 6 WHITES'US JrSJ,i2:S5uE0'.fiDFT-EllNC' TX]RX TXJRX +/_1101-01J/B" 1 BLUE 04 1/13 REY15°O-ALe�;CS1tS; 85' p° TX/RX NEW TX/RX- +1=110'-0" 7/8" 2 BLUE C 340° TX1RXCOMMSCOPE TX/RX +1-110'-0" 718" 3 BLUE TXJRX FVV-65B-R3 TX/RX +/ 110,4, 7{fJT 4 BLUE- TX/RX �x/PLx +%-110'-0" 71 _8" 5 BLUE TX/RX _ TX/RX +1-110'-0" 7/„ 8 BLUE NOTES: NO CONSTRUCTION OR 81001NG IS i0 PROCEED UNLESS PLANS INCLUDE THE STATEMENT'ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION'IN THE DESCRIPTION COLUMN ABOVE. PRIOR TO 810DINC OR CONSTRUCTION,CONTRACTOR MUST ALSO CONTACT WFC TO CONFIRM THEY ARE IN POSSESSION OF THE LATEST PLANS, RECEIVED BEY ELAN Ae'r.A[N'A'ORC JUL 0'6 2023 Southold Town Planning Board Tam in Mob o , Northeast LLC SSRR 11TMMIC IIIGEIIVAY.G"AT MVM NY 11M LALREL NSD LI-03-110-A ME MAN RD NY—W WE,W"m TIRE. ANTENNA INFORMATION DATE: DE/13/22 NO.'rc1 KQ. 22=15175 artC,ED nY: RIDS DATED, W27M MAFD DRAWING NO: A-9 1 • �� _ GENERAL RD048 RATED POWER 48kW, 31,25kVA, 60Fz DIMENSIONS (LxWxH) 103:461x35"x90" WEIGHT 2915LBS.- FI1FI CONSI.MPTION 2,15 GALLONS/HOUR B'-7 3/8" (50% LOAD) 96 HRS 3.06 GALLONS/HOUR (75% LOAD) 67 HRS C, 3.98 GALLONS/HOUR 0 (100% _OAD) 52 HRS ❑ I FUEL TYPE ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL 0 N TOTAL CAPACITY 240 GALLONS USABLE CAPACITY 229 GALLONS - - I ACOUSTICS 65 dB AT 23 FEET A R C H L T- E C T S 13.1 TEC11NU T;RFNAi51TTAUKEY,NY 117]] COOLING AIR FLOW '2824 CL_BIC FT/MIN_LT_E �:�3144 `� 9 _ / CXIIAUST TEMP. 1120'x, 604.4'C O c f )ki zf�'' VOLTAGE REGULAf ON +.' - 1,.0% A r �t' ' SAFETY 48 HR MIN. RUN TIME 142 LISTED LO TYPI K� ti✓�1' LOCKABLE CAS _FUEL CAP _ _ RATED ENGNE SPEE x,800 RPM DC GENERATOR ECP ATS REQUIRED FOR CC GENERATORERATIONS LEt. (t,r �5... „ PROPOSED #2 AWG BARE TINNED SOJND COPPER GROUND WIRE FROM sW+•�•W PROPOSED GENERATOR N _ q DATE SUBMISSION _ - nE SO\ ao FNOAC GROUND TO EXISTING GROUND r-� _ _ POWER MODIFICATIONS IN o HOLE LUG REVIEW E OF WORK PROVIDE 2- 75 2? IRssueO FOR RING, -I! /2Z o V�SiA PER,RFOh CONNECTION TO GENERATOR 2. 1n It?�: �ASEn va: RPOS AND CADWFI D CONNECTION TO 03.1022,"ISSuco ' EXISTING GROUND RING (TYP.) a �/T 1'?�•RLNSEOIPER COWEN-YS 10 1. I PROPOSED 1" SCH, 80 PVC CONDUIT WI CAT6 CABLE EXISTING -20/240V 200 FROM PROPOSED DC AMP AC PANEL, NO WORK GENERATOR TO EXISTING SWITCII B'-7 3/8" ON AC SERVICE DURING FOR DATA CIRCUIT (TYP.) EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB THIS SCOPE OF WORK - NOTES, EXISTING AC NO CONSTRUCTION OR BIDDING IS TO PROCEED UNLESS SECURE NEW GENERATOR TOAyyE y PROPOSED 2" SCI I: 80 PVC PLANS INCLUDE THE STATEMENT'ISSUED FOR GENERATOR DETAIL EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB W , 2^ nIRUGI,c��:INT�E.oEstP,Iw�G,�GN, �E; i / / CONTROLLER CONDUIT W!-H (2) 2/0 AWG TYPE PAGq i0',BD41KG Oq CANSTRL2110N'C6NTRACTOA'i' 1 S S RODS SET IN HILTT HIT HY-150, 4u5t'u5o.toxnn,vrcc.70.tanli nlEr A�iN: SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" / ¢ XH IW-2 QONDLC-ORS FROM vassTSSaN,GPTNE=ulgreutA�, MIN. 3-1/2" EMBEDMENT (TYP.) ��. "I -- m PROPOSED GENERATOR (TYP;) 71,1 �r--� I MTAfy WORT. PDUO� g-U NOTE; NEW CANOPY POST _ _ DAISY CI-ANGE (2) 2/0 AWG (1) AUTOMATIC GENERATOR TRANSFER D tea— ��. CONDUCTORS TO _XISTING _ SWITCI•• SWITCH SUPPLIED BY T-MOBILE EPCUA EXISTING AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR. REFERNEW VERTICAL P1000 BA—ERY CONNECTION A BFU EQUIPMENTTO MANUFACTURER SPECIFICATIONS AND UNISTRUT MEMBER, LENGTH `i------ CABINET W TH PROPOSED REMA SR 350 TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD - WVIS-9H CONNFCTOR ASSFMRI Y DRAWINGS FOR MORE INFORMATION_ BY CONTRACTOR �N ., HEIGHT RANGE: 36"-48" WIDTH RANGE: 24"-30" DEPTH RANGE: 10"-14.8" ®, EXISTING 50 AM-/2P BREAKN NEW AUTOMATIC SWITCH GENERATOR MOR TRANSFER SWRCH �a°1 �tli :Northeast LLC - - Y116UT(AL9RMdtIWAY.GnATMVMffyi1m NEW HORIZONTAL P1000 =I i UNISTRUT MEMBER, LENGTH LAUREL; TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD BY CONTRACTOR` ! NSD LI-03-110-A 7066 MIN RD W-29 I LAUREL,NY 11462 NEW CONCRETE SLAB RECEIVED GENERATOR,TRANSFER SWITCH DETAIL (SEE DETAIL 2/A-2 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) II �_- DATE.: &ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM 'Od/tlJYl EXISTING GRADE--=-� _i,^ -_ .JUL 0 6 2023 PRO,EC1n0 22-116175 DRAWN BY; u. CHECKED BY: W Southold Town 'IDS 011 o; OrV27122(DRAFT) _AITIOMA-n GENERA 'OR.TRANSI`ER SWITCH DETAIL. ELCTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM Planning Board DRAWINONO: �_: SCALE: SCALE: N.T.S. A-10 Town of Southold, New York CkyScagm C O N S U L T A N T S , I N C Telecommunications Site Review 2423 S.Orange Ave#317 Collocation Application Orlando,FL 32806 Tel:877.438.2851 Fax:877.220.4593 August 2, 2023 Mara Cerezo, Planner Town of Southold Annex Building 54375 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 PROVIDER/SUBMITTER: T-Mobile Northeast/Complete Development Services PROVIDER ID: Laurel/L1-03-110-A ADDRESS: 7055 Main Road, Mattituck,NY 11952 LATITUDE: 40° 58' 43.73"N LONGITUDE: 72' 32' 49.84"W S C TM#: 1000-122-6-35.4 STRUCTURE: 110' Existing Concealed Monopole Dear Ms. Cerezo, At your request, on behalf of the Town of Southold ("the Town"), CityScape Consultants, Inc. ("CityScape"), in its capacity as telecommunications consultant for the Town, has considered the merits of the above-referenced application submitted on behalf of T-Mobile Northeast LLC ("Applicant" or "T-Mobile") to collocate its equipment on an existing one hundred and ten (110) foot concealed monopole tower. The tower, owned by Elite Towers,is located at 7055 Main Road, Mattituck,New York,see Figure 1. AT&T and the Mattituck Fire District currently operate at this site and soon Dish Wireless will collocate on this tower, if it has not already done so as of this date. Support Structure & Equipment This application is for a T-Mobile collocation project and per the submitted construction drawings (CDs)' proposes to install new equipment, as shown in the table below, inside two canisters of the concealed monopole,both canisters being ten(10)feet in length and positioned on the tower between elevations of sixty (60) and eighty (80) feet above ground, see Figure 2. The antennas will be laid out as shown in Figure 4. TOWER EQUIPMENT # Description 6 Antennas:(3)FVV-65B-R3 at C/R 65'AGL;(3)FVV-65B-R3 at C/R 75'AGL 3 Quad Diplexers:Microdata MI-54844 at 75'AGL 24 Coax 7/8"Cables Regarding the mounting of the cables, Sheet A-5 is vague as to whether the cables will be mounted inside the monopole as would be required for a new collocation on a concealed tower; I CDs prepared by WFC Architects,Revision 4 dated 4/11/2023 signed and sealed by a New York Registered Architect. Town of Southold—SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4 CkyscapeT-Mobile/LI-03-110-A Page 2 C O N S U L T A N T S , I N C . however, the Applicant has provided a letter on T-Mobile letterhead stating its intention to do so, see Figure 3. At ground level in the compound, the Applicant proposes to modify the existing ground compound by adding its own equipment area to include the equipment shown in the following table, see Figure 5. GROUND EQUIPMENT # Description: 1 Ice Bridge from equipment cabinets to base of Tower 1 GPS Unit mounted to Ice Bridge Post 1 10'x 22'Concrete Pad to support all equipment listed below 1 Weather Canopy supported by(6)Posts 2 H-Frames secured to Canopy Posts 2 Ericsson Cabinets:(1)6160 Site Cabinet and(1)8160 Battery Cabinet 3 Quad Diplexers mounted to H-Frame 8 Ericsson RRUs:(3)4460,(3)4480 and(2)8863 radios mounted to H-Frame 1 Light Fixture secured to underside of Canopy Deck 1 Automatic Generator Transfer Switch mounted to H-Frame 1 PPC Cabinet mounted to H-Frame 1 VZW AAV Cabinet(presumably for backhaul)mounted to H-Frame 1 48 KW Diesel Generator Application Completeness Review The application was received by the Town on or about September 15, 2022, but the application was not complete. On September 27, 2022, CityScape requested several documents and clarification to make the application complete. The last of the requested technical material was received on July 7, 2023, and by that date, the Applicant satisfied other application requirement fulfillments requested by the Town. The delay of the application review was due in large part to T-Mobile's redesign of the ground facility. In late July, CityScape discovered omissions of important information in the structural analysis report and in the RF exposure report and immediately notified the Applicant. Cityscape promptly received a corrected structural report on July 27, 2023. The Applicant has contacted Pinnacle Telecom Group, the preparer of the RF exposure analysis, to send a corrected report, but as of this date it has not been delivered. The original analysis did not include the emissions from the Dish Wireless antennas on the subject tower. In the interest of completing this review report on time, CityScape has offered to calculate the predicted Dish RF emission levels to supplement the current Pinnacle report.In the meantime, the Applicant is expected to send Pinnacle Telecom's revised report to CityScape and the Town when completed. Town of Southold—SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4 CkyscapeT-Mobile/LI-03-110-A Page 3 C O N S U L T A N T S , I N C . Structural Analysis The Applicant submitted a Structural Analysis Report (SA) prepared by Tabb Structural Engineering, dated July 27, 2023, based on ANSI/EIA/TIA-222-H, Risk Category III and Exposure Category C standards. The analysis indicates that, after the Applicant's proposed modifications, the tower would be at 60.8% of maximum usage capacity (out of an allowable 105%) and the base and foundation would be at 63.4% of capacity (up to 110% allowed). Thus, it is determined that the tower, with the proposed modifications, would be structurally compliant, see Figure 6. RF Exposure Safety To verify RF exposure safety, an RF exposure evaluation report, dated March 22, 2023 and prepared by Pinnacle Telecom Group, was submitted by T-Mobile stating compliance with the FCC exposure guidelines,see Figure 7. However, as stated previously,this report omitted the Dish Wireless antennas from the analysis. The report states that with the proposed Applicant's antennas and the existing AT&T and Mattituck Fire District's antennas (but without the Dish antennas), the predicted RF exposure level at any location two meters above ground would be no greater than 6.901% of the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) level prescribed by the FCC for areas that could be accessible by the public. CityScape has calculated the worst-case RF exposure level due to the Dish installation using the technical specifications of the Dish operation. The calculation summary is shown in Figure 8. As seen in Figure 8, Dish's contribution to the total emissions level from the tower is estimated to be 13.44% of the public MPE limit; thus, the worst-case total public exposure level from the tower including the Dish operations would be a compliant 20.34% of the MPE limit. Interference to Other Radio Facilities The Applicant provided a letter dated May 2, 2023 stating that it will comply with the FCC rules and the FCC Best Practices Guide regarding interference to other radio facilities, see Figure 9. Summary-Approval Recommended CityScape verified this application to be an eligible facilities request and meets the definition of a non-substantial change ("substantial change" being defined in 47 CFR §1.6100(b)(7) of the FCC Rules). Therefore, this application qualifies for streamlined processing at staff level under 47 CFR §1.6100(c) and CityScape recommends approval with the understanding that the proposed cables will be installed inside the monopole shaft. Town of Southold—SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4 CkyscapeT-Mobile/LI-03-110-A Page 4 C O N S U L T A N T S , I N C . I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information included herein is accurate at the time of this report. CityScape only works for public entities and has unbiased opinions. All recommendations are based on technical merits without prejudice per prevailing laws and codes. CityS cape verified that the proposed appurtenances shown by Applicant's construction drawings were listed in the structural report,but we did not independently verify the calculations, statements or the appropriateness of the analysis criteria contained therein. Town staff should verify compliance with applicable building and fire codes prior to issuance of a permit for this modification. Respectfully submitted, 4 �- ,/4, r-- B. Benjamin Evans Senior Project Engineer Cityscape Consultants, Inc. • • • • • 111 • � � _ r, v. �,. T N-1 Sift d tai creek J 40 o .g arth 1000 ft Town of Southold-SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4 cKyscape T-Mobile/LI-03-110-A Page 6 C O N S U L T A N T S I N C . 123-0"A.G.L. Mattituck Fire District O. EXISTING F.D. WHIP ANTENNA RE DEPARTMENT WHIP ANTENNAS \� c _MENT POLE BY ELITE TOWERS AT&T 10' CONCEALMENT POLE _ 100-0"A.G.L.A T.O. EXISTING .*40 90'-0"A.G... .0. XISTING CANIS`_- 0. Dish 80'-0"A.G.L T.O UPPER LE CANISTER (6) NEW T—MOBILE ANTENNAS AND (3) NEW75'78"A.G.L SMART BIAS TEES INSTALLED WITHIN EXISTING c UPPER —M OBILE CONCEALMENT POLE. REFER TO SHEET A-8 70'-0 A.G.Lti FOR MORE INFORMATION T.O. LOWER T—MOBILE CANISTER Prop T-Mobile65'—D•CANII.G.L c LOWER T—MOBILE I. 60'-0" (24) PROPOSED T—MOBILE 7/8" COAX C °X1511NG BA5 CABLES ROUTED FROM NEW T—MOBILE EQUIPMENT ALONG NEW T—MOBILE ICE BRIDGE UP TO NEW T—MOBILE ANTENNAS NEW T—MOBILE ICE BRIDGE. REFER TO DETAIL 3/A-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW T—MOBILE WEATHER CANOPY. REFER TO SHEET A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION I NEW T—MOBILE EQUIPMENT AREA- SEE REASEE A-3 FOR MORE INFORMATION I NEW T-MOBILE ELECTRIC METER WITHIN EXISTING METER HANK I I EXISTING TRANSFC". 9'-0'0.C.L ' I — THER CANOPY I I I � Figure 2 — Elevation Drawing of Structure & Proposed/Existing Equipment Town of Southold-SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4 CkyScape T-Mobile/LI-03-110-A Page 7 CON SU LTA N T S , 1 NC . S E July 10,2023 Department of Planning and Cityscape Consultant Town of Southold 54375 NY-25 Southold NY 11971 RE:T-Mobile Site ID:LI03110;Site Address:7055 Main Road,Mattituck NY 11952 To Whom It May Concern, This letter is in response to the objection memo provided by City Scape consultants on September 27th 2022 as part of the review of documentation.This project includes the installation of new T-Mobile cables and feed lines from the equipment cabinets to the antennas. The T-Mobile feed lines and cables will be mounted entirely inside of the shaft of the monopole. If you have any questions regarding this application,please reach out to Ryan Bourke at 631- 896-2392. Sincerely, 1Chris Schaaf PPPPP Site Development Manager T•••Mobile-metroPCS T Mobile- 3500 Sunrise Highway,Suite 111,Great River, NY 11739 www.t-mobile.com Figure 3 — T-Mobile Letter affirming Cables to be inside Monopole Town of Southold-SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4 ckyscapeT-Mobile/LI-03-110-A Page 8 C O N S U L T A N T S I N C . •F oQ" EXISTING 12" SCH 60 PIPE MAST v 36" O.D. MULTI-PART, MULTI-SIDED CONCEALMENT M I RADOME, TYP. OF (6) h 10 (3) NEW FW-658-R3 ANTENNAS TO BE INSTALLED Y+ a n PLAN 0 TOP CANISTER (75') INSTALL (3) NEW SMART BIAS TEES. (NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY) SFcTo R •C, zo EXISTING 12" SCH 160 PIPE MAST — a 36" O.D. MULTI-PARI. 10 MULTI-SIDED CONCEALMLNI " v CYLINDER, TYP. OF (5) 0� I �• o �o (3) NEW FW-6513-R3 ANTENNAS TO BE INSTALLED F+ PLAN 9 8070H CANISTER (65:1 01 Figure 4 — Overhead View of Proposed Tower Equipment Configuration Town of Southold-SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4 cKyscape T-Mobile/LI-03-110-A Page 9 C O N S U L T A N T S , I N C . X x x x x x x x x x 0 NEW P1000 UNISTRUT SECURED TO NEW 1 WEATHER CANOPY POSTS NEW T-MOBILE GPS UNIT MOUNTED TO NEW ICE BRIDGE POST x NEW T-MOBILE H-FRAME. REFER TO DETAILS 1#2/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION NEW 8160& 6160 EQUIPMENT CABIN NEW AUTOMATIC GENERATOR TRANSFER SWITCH MOUNTED TO NEW H-FRAME. REFLR TO DETAIL 2/A-10 FOR MORE INFORMATION INSTALL (3) NEW QUAD DIPLEXERS MOUNTED TO NEW H-FRAME x NEW T-MOBILE PPC CABINET MOUNTED TO NEW H-FRAME. REFER TO DETAIL 2/A-6 INSTALL.(3) NEW RADIO 4460, (3)NEW D FOR MORE INFORMATION RADIO 4480 h (2)NEW RADIO 8863 MOUNTED TO NEW H-FRAME (STACKED) NEW T-MOBIL£VZW AAV CABINET )( MOUNTED TO NEW H-FRAME. REFER TO NEW T-MOBILE LIGHT FIXTURE SECURED DETAIL 1/A-6 FOR MORE INFORMATION TO UNDERSIDE OF CANOPY DECK, S OPERATED VA TIMER SWITCH, TYP. REFER �, d TO DETAIL 3/A-4 FOR MORE INFORMATION / x 0 a � o NEW T-MOBILE ICE BRIDGE. REFER TO OETAL 3/A-2 FOR 4 I o MORE INFORMATION / NEw T-MORn r 'W x I EQUIPMENT AREA /a (10-0' X 22'-01 ; a (I tact ARFAI Z _ _ __ R / o NEW T-MOBILE ANTENNA CABLES ROLRED FROM NEW EQUIPMENT ALONG NEW ICE x BRIDGE UP EXISTING CONCEALMENT POLE / TO NEW ANTENNAS /i 8' LINE OF NEW T-MOBILE WEATHER CANOPY ABOVE a 44 T x NEW T-MOBILE 48KW DIESEL GENERATOR ATOP a/ NEW CONCRETE PAD. REFER TO SHEET A-10 FOR r MORE INFORMATION a x NEW T-MOBILE CONCRETE PAD. REFER TO DETAL 2/A-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION 10'-0' NEW T-MOBILE CONCRETE PAD - EW T-MOBILE POWER AND TELCO CONDUITS ROUTED FROM EXISTING METER BANK/MESASPAN CABINET TO NEW T-MOBILE EQUIPMENT. REFER X R TO DETAIL 4/A-2 FOR MORE INFORMATION EXISTING FIRE DEPARTMENT -EXISTING COMPOUND FENCE EQUIPMENT AREA -x . _I NORTH i Figure 5 — Ground Equipment Configuration Town of Southold-SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4 CkyScape T-Mobile/LI-03-110-A Page 10 CON SL) LTA N T S , I NC . TABB TSIM STRUCTURAL Date: July 27,2023 ENGINEERING Tracy Crittendon Tabb Structural Engineering PLLC K2 Towers III Austin,TX 78737 57 E Washington St (512)956-6124 Chagrin Falls,OH 44022 EngineeringSupport(c)TabbSE.com Subject: Structural Analysis Report Carrier Designation: T-Mobile Co-Locate Site Name: LI-03-110-A K2 Towers 111 Designation: Site Name: Laurel Stone Site Number: NY-3 Branch Engineering: Project Number: 17507 TSE Designation: Project Number: 4072001.01.01 Rev 1 Site Data: 7055 Main Rd,Mattituck,Suffolk County,NY Latitude 40°58'43.73",Longitude-72°32'49.84" 110 ft-Monopole Tower Tracy Crittendon, TSE is please to submit this Structural Analysis Report to determine the structural integrity of the above-mentioned tower. The purpose of this analysis is to determine acceptability of the tower stress level.Based on our analysis we have determined the tower stress level for the structure and foundation,under the following load case,to be: Existing+Proposed Equipment Configuration Sufficient Note:See Table 1 and Table 2 for the proposed and other loading,respectively. This analysis has been performed in accordance with the 2018 IBC based upon an ultimate 3-second gust wind speed of 137 mph.Applicable Standard references and design criteria are listed in Section 2-Analysis Criteria. We at TSE appreciate the opportunity of providing our professional services.Please give us a call if you have any questions or concerns. Respectfully submitted by:Tabb Structural Engineering PLLC F NEW COA:20388 Exp: 11/30/2025 <<G O 1- �Q- Pp,O EN T,y O y�Fp 105816 7/27/2023 pRCFESS10NP� Braden Tabb,PE Figure 6— Structural Analysis Summary Town of Southold-SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4 cKyscapeT-Mobile/LI-03-110-A Page 11 CON S U LTA N T S , I N C . PINNACLE TELECOM GROUP Professional and Technical Services Telecom Consulliq ANTENNA SITE FCC RF COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT ANd REPORT FOR MUNidpA[ SUbMiSMON pREpAREd FOR T.-MObi[E NORThEAST LLC SITE L103110A 7055 MAi N ROAd LAUREL, NY MArich 22, 2023 14 RidcEdAlE AvENUE - SUITE 260 • CEdAR KNO«s, NJ 07927 • 973-451.1630 Figure 7 — RF Exposure Compliance Report Cover Page Town of Southold-SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4 CkyScape T-Mobile/LI-03-110-A Page 12 CON SU LTA N T s , I NC . Site Address 7055 Main Road, Mattituck, NY Carrier-Operation Dish-600 Dish-2100 Antenna C/R Height AGL ft 85 85 Frequency MHz 600 2100 Total input power for all channels per sector W 120 320 Max. Gain dBi 14.3 18.4 Gain below horizon dBi 5.3 6.4 MPE*for Public Areas mW/cm2 0.40 1.00 Emission Level as % of MPE* for operation 5.66 7.78 Total Emission Level as % of MPS* 13.44 Calculation of Emission Levels based on Equation (6)from OET Bulletin 65 (100% energy reflection). * MPE is Maximum Permissible Exposure as per OET Bulletin 65. Figure 8 — Calculation by CityScape of Predicted Worst-Case RF Exposure Levels from Dish Antennas Town of Southold-SCTM#1000-122-6-35.4 cKyscape T-Mobile/LI-03-110-A Page 13 CON S U LTA N T S , l N C . May 2,2023 Department of Buildings Town of Southold 54375 NY-25 Southold NY 11971 RE:T-Mobile Site 10:L103110;Site Address:7055 Main Road,Mattituck NY 11952 To Whom It May Concern, This letter is to confirm the current status of the T-Mobile site in the above subject line.An application has been filed at the Town of Southold for the installation of a wireless telecommunications facility within the existing concealment pole. In furtherance to the application,the town's wireless consultant City Scape has requested this letter be submitted. In reference to this application and installation of equipment,T-Mobile will comply with the FCC rules and the FCC Best Practices Guide regarding interference to other radio facilities.An FCC report is being submitted as part of the application,along with this letter. If you have any questions regarding this application,please reach out to Ryan Bourke at 631- 896-2392. Sincerely, Chris Schaaf Site Development Manager I' \lol>ilc metroPCS Sig Dated: 3 T Mobile 3500 Sunrise Highway,Suite 111,Great River, NY 11739 www.t-mobile.com Figure 9 — FCC Compliance Statement From: Cerezo, Mara Sent: Monday,July 31, 2023 9:00 AM To: Westermann, Caitlin Cc: Michaelis,Jessica; Lanza, Heather Subject: FW: [SPAM] - RE:T-Mobile collocation at 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck NY(Southold) Attachments: Laurel Stone-TMO Passing SA 7.27.23.pdf; image001.png; image002.png S u#0-P �, RECEIVED ] ..... JUL 3 1 Y)23 1 Planning Board From: Ben Evans<ben@cityscapegov.com> 12 35•L/ Sent:Thursday,July 27, 2023 1:18 PM To: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>; Cerezo, Mara <marac@southoldtownny.gov> Cc: Elizabeth Herington-Smith <elizabeth@cityscapegov.com> Subject: [SPAM] - RE:T-Mobile collocation at 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck NY(Southold) Heather and Mara, I'm sending both of you a new structural report for this T-Mobile colo application to replace the original one, as neither of you were in this email chain. My email to Ryan (below)will explain the necessity for the replacement structural. Regards, Ben Evans Cityscape Consultants, Inc. (262) 518-0178 Sent from Mail for Windows From: r an.bourke Ecom letedev .com Sent:Thursday,July 27, 2023 11:31 AM To: 'Ben Evans' Cc: brian.cummin s town.southold.n .us; 'Elizabeth Herin °ton-smith" Subject: RE: [SPAM] - RE:T-Mobile collocation at 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck NY(Southold) Ben, Thank you for the note. t Attached, please find the revised structural report including AT&T's equipment on the tower.. Thank you, Ryan Bourke 898 North Broadway,Suite#5 Massapequa NY 11758 631-896-2392 R an.bourke con letedevs.com O)WILIT UELO PM CT' From: Ben Evans<ben citvscaoe6v.corn> Sent:Wednesday,July 26, 2023 8:25 PM To: Nan.bourke@coMpletedevs.com Cc:brian,cummin s town.southold,n .us; Elizabeth Herington-Smith<elizabetl*Dcit sca e ov.com> Subject: RE: [SPAM] - RE:T-Mobile collocation at 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck NY(Southold) Hi, Ryan. While working on the review report, I came upon something that may create a major inconsistency in the application. The structural report from 2021 shows 6 AT&T Wireless antennas in the top two cannisters of the tower at 95 and 105 (approximately)feet.The structural you provided me, however,doesn't show those antennas on the tower diagram nor list them in the appurtenance loading list,thus I conclude that they weren't accounted for in the analysis by Tabb Structural. So my question is: Have the AT&T antennas and other tower equipment been removed from the tower or does AT&T plan to remove its equipment from the tower before the T-Mobile equipment is to be installed? If one or the other,the new structural with the T-Mobile (the one you sent me)appears to be valid with respect to the loads on the tower. However, if the AT&T equipment is still on the tower and will remain there,then the structural done by Tabb will have to be redone to include the AT&T tower equipment, and it would have to be done rather quickly in order to meet the Town's timeline. So it's rather important to immediately find out the status of AT&T on this tower,so can you make inquires, or have someone else make them? Thanks. My direct phone is 262-518-0178 in case you wish to talk. Ben Sent from Mail for Windows From: ryan.bourke@completedevs.com Sent:Tuesday,July 11, 2023 8:17 AM To: 'Ben Evans' Cc: 'Lanza Heather'; 'Cerezo Mara'; 'Elizabeth Herin ton- mith''; 'Michaelis.Jessica' Subject: RE: [SPAM] - RE:T-Mobile collocation at 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck NY(Southold) Hi Ben, 2 TAB B 1 STRUCTURAL Date: July 27, 2023 ENGINEERING Tracy Crittendon Tabb Structural Engineering PLLC K2 Towers III Austin, TX 78737 57 E Washington St (512) 956-6124 Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 EngineeringSupport TabbSE.com Subject: Structural Analysis Report Carrier Designation: T-Mobile Co-Locate Site Name: LI-03-110-A K2 Towers III Designation: Site Name: Laurel Stone Site Number: NY-3 Branch Engineering: Project Number: 17507 TSE Designation: Project Number: 4072001.01.01 Rev 1 Site Data: 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck, Suffolk County, NY Latitude 40° 58'43.73", Longitude -72° 32' 49.84" 110 ft-Monopole Tower Tracy Crittendon, TSE is please to submit this Structural Analysis Report to determine the structural integrity of the above-mentioned tower. The purpose of this analysis is to determine acceptability of the tower stress level. Based on our analysis we have determined the tower stress level for the structure and foundation, under the following load case, to be: Existing + Proposed Equipment Configuration Sufficient Note:See Table 1 and Table 2 for the proposed and other loading, respectively. This analysis has been performed in accordance with the 2018 IBC based upon an ultimate 3-second gust wind speed of 137 mph. Applicable Standard references and design criteria are listed in Section 2 -Analysis Criteria. We at TSE appreciate the opportunity of providing our professional services. Please give us a call if you have any questions or concerns. Respectfully submitted by: Tabb Structural Engineering PLLC OF N EIV COA. 20388 Exp. 11/30/2025 0) r I � 4�; y� 16 � p 5 8 �� A�OF NPS 7/27/2023 ESS 10 Braden Tabb, PE 110 ft-Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Report July 27, 2023 TSE Project No. 4072001.01.01 Rev 1, Mattituck, NY K2 Towers III No. NY-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1) INTRODUCTION 2)ANALYSIS CRITERIA Table 1 - Proposed Equipment Configuration Table 2 - Other Equipment Configuration 3)ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Table 3 - Documents Provided 3.1)Analysis Method 3.2)Assumptions 4)ANALYSIS RESULTS Table 4 - Section Capacity(Summary) Table 5 -Tower Component Stresses vs. Capacity Table 6 -Twist and Sway Results for Microwave Antennas 4.1) Recommendations 5)APPENDIX A tnxTower Output 6)APPENDIX B Additional Calculations 7)APPENDIX C Additional Information Page 2 110 ft-Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Report July 27, 2023 TSE Project No. 4072001.01.01 Rev 1, Mattituck, NY K2 Towers III No. NY-3 1) INTRODUCTION This tower is a 110 ft Monopole Tower designed by Valmont in 2020. 2)ANALYSIS CRITERIA IBC Edition: 2018 IBC TIA-222 Revision: TIA-222-H Risk Category: III Ultimate Wind Speed: 137 mph Exposure Category: C Topographic Factor: 1.00 Ice Thickness: 1.00 in Wind Speed with Ice: 50 mph Seismic SS: 0.173 Seismic Si: 0.049 Service Wind Speed: 60 mph Table 1 - Proposed Equipment Configuration Centerline (ft) Antenna Data Feedline Data Mount Antenna QTY Manufacturer Model QTY Type Size (in) 75.0 75.0 3 Commscope FVV-65B-R3 12 Coax 7/8 3 Microdata M 1-54844 65.0 65.0 3 Commscope FVV-65B-R3 12 Coax 7/8 3 Ericsson 4460 Ground 3 Ericsson 4480 -- -- -- 2 Ericsson 8863 Table 2 -Other Equipment Configuration Centerline (ft) Antenna Data Feedline Data Mount Antenna QTY Manufacturer Model QTY Size (in) 121.0 2 Commander 220-3AN 110.0 115.4 2 Sinclair SD314-HF2P2SNM 6 15/8 110.0 2 -- 8' T-Arm 105.0 105.0 3 -- 100# Panel 6 1 5/8 95.0 95.0 3 -- 100# Panel 6 1 5/8 85.5 85.5 3 Commscope FVV-65B-R3 6 15/8 81.5 81.5 6 -- Diplexers Page 3 110 ft-Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Report July 27, 2023 TSE Project No. 4072001.01.01 Rev 1, Mattituck, NY K2 Towers 111 No. NY-3 3)ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Table 3 - Documents Provided Document Remarks Date Reference Tower Data Tower Drawings by Vector 2/21/2020 VZ1 6-01355W-1 7R4 Foundation Data Tower Drawings by Vector 2/21/2020 VZ1 6-01355W-1 7R4 Soil Data Geotech by Thomas D Reilly PE 12/5/2022 -- Existing Loading SA By Vector 10/12/2021 U4654.001.211 Proposed Loading T-Mobile Application 5/2/2023 -- 3.1)Analysis Method tnxTower(version, a commercially available analysis software package, was used to create a three-dimensional model of the tower and calculate member stresses for various loading cases. Select output from the analysis is included in Appendix A. 3.2)Assumptions 1) The tower and structures were maintained in accordance with the TIA-222 standard. 2) The configuration of antennas, transmission cables, mounts and other appurtenances are as specified in Tables 1 and 2 and the referenced drawings. This analysis may be affected if any assumptions are not valid or have been made in error. TSE should be notified to determine the effect on the structural integrity of the tower and foundation. Page 4 110 ft-Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Report July 27, 2023 TSE Project No. 4072001.01.01 Rev 1, Mattituck, NY K2 Towers 111 No. NY-3 4)ANALYSIS RESULTS Table 4-Section Capacity(Summary) Sect. Elevation Component Size Load (k)k) ( )OPn k % CapacityPass/ No. ft Type Fail Ll 110 - 100 Pole TP 10.75x10.75x0.365 -1.147 472.64 31.7 Pass L2 100- 99.5 Pole TP 12.75x10.75x0.562 -1.385 713.931 21.4 Pass L3 99.5- 80 Pole TP12.75x12.75x0.562 -4.66 854.083 56.6 Pass L4 80-60 Pole TP12.75x12.75x1.312 -10.624 1871.173 60.1 Pass L5 60- 59.5 Pole TP36.072x12.75x0.999 -10.796 2288.716 52.4 Pass L6 59.5- 15 Pole TP42.48x36.072x0.25 -17.193 2017.375 48.0 Pass L7 15- 1 Pole TP44x41.140.25 -21.512 2132.403 60.8 Pass Summary Pole (1-7) 60.8 Pass RATING = 60.8 Pass Table 5 -Tower Component Stresses vs. Capacity Component Elevation (ft) % Capacityl 2 Pass/Fail Anchor Rods Base 52.0 Pass Base Plate Base 41.0 Pass Foundation (Pad & Pier) Base 63.4 Pass Structure Rating (max from all components) = 63.4% Notes: 1) See additional documentation in APPENDIX B-Additional Calculations for calculations supporting the%capacity consumed. 2) Rating per TIA-222-H Section 15.5. Table 6 -Twist and Sway Results for Microwave Antennas Elevation Microwave Microwave Microwave Twist and TIA-222-H ft Antenna Diameter Frequency Sway ° , Annex D Pass/ Fail (ft) Description ft GHz 2 y( ) Limit ° N/A 4.1) Recommendations The tower and its foundations have sufficient capacity to carry the proposed loading configuration. Page 5 APPENDIX A tnxTower Output DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING TYPE ELEVATION TYPE ELEVATION 3'x 5'Concealment Canister 110 (2)Diplexer 85.5 (2)20.7'x 2.75"Omni 110 (2)Diplexer 85.5 (2)SD314-HF2P2SNM 110 (2)Diplexer 85.5 8'Hor x 4"x 4"Angle Mount 110 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 80 8'Hor x 4"x 4"Angle Mount 110 10"x5"x2"TMA 75 Generic Panel 100# 105 10"x5"x2"TMA 75 110.0 ft Generic Panel 100# 105 10"x5"x2"TMA 75 Generic Panel 100# 105 FW-65B-R3 75 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 100 FW-65B-R3 75 CD CD m � M Generic Panel 100# 95 FW-65B-R3 75 o c, ti r- CD 0 0 0 o Generic Panel 100# 95 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 70 Generic Panel 100# 95 FW-65B-R3 65 o N LO LO 100.0 ft 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 90 FW-65B-R3 65 0 0 o N FW-65B-R3 85.5 FW-65B-R3 65 FW-65B-R3 85.5 3'x 5'Concealment Canister 60 FW-65B-R3 85.5 M LA MATERIAL STRENGTH co GRADE Fy Fu GRADE Fy Fu A500-42 42 ksi 58 ksi A572-65 65 ksi 80 ksi N TOWER DESIGN NOTES 1. Tower designed for Exposure C to the TIA-222-H Standard. a 80.0 ft 2. Tower designed for a 137 mph basic wind in accordance with the TIA-222-H Standard. 3. Tower is also designed for a 50 mph basic wind with 1.00 in ice.Ice is considered to increase in thickness with height. 4. Deflections are based upon a 60 mph wind. 5. Tower Risk Category III. 6. Topographic Category 1 with Crest Height of 0.000 ft LO o LO 7. TIA-222-H Annex S N 1- (N C� `" 8. TOWER RATING:60.8% CD 00 0M LO ti 60.0 ft O O N M 0 CO M C14 O 00 O M 00 ~ L N O 00 O N O co LO N ALL REACTIONS Q ARE FACTORED AXIAL 32 K SHEAR MOMENT 4 K_Ly 275 kip-ft TORQUE 0 kip-ft 15.0 ft 50 mph WIND-1.000 in ICE co AXIAL C9 0 0 0 22 K ti CD co N O co N O � � SHEA MOMENT 17 K 1166 kip-ft 1.0 ft `q N TORQUE 0 kip-ft � N REACTIONS-137 mph WIND o N J � i N (0 Y j5 i5 U) U (6 L CO J Z H 00 H m U Tabb Structural Engineeringob:4072001.01.01-Laurel Stone Project: Client: Branch Communication Drawn by:btabb App'd: Austin, TX Code: TIA-222-H Date:07/27/23 Scale: NTS Phone: FAX: I Path: Dwg No.E-1 C:\Usars115125\OneDrl\e-�abbse.wm\TSEWro ectsWO]21001-Laurel Sone\01-BrancM1 Communlcalion\01-SA\Nbtldl WO]2001.01.01-laure151one-Rev l.er TIA-222-H -Service -60 mph Maximum Values Deflection (in) Tilt (deg) Twist(deg) 0 5 10 0 0.5 1 0 0.05 0.1 110.000 110.000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 100.000 100.000 I I I I I I I II F I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 80.000 80.000 I f f 60.000 60.000 f I f I i W I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 15.000 15.000 1.0001 1.000 0 5 10 0 0.5 1 0 0.05 0.1 Tabb Structural Engineeringob:4072001.01.01-Laurel Stone � Project: Client: Drawn by: App'd: Austin, TX Branch Communication btabb Code: TIA-222-H Date:07/27/23 Scale: NTS Phone: FAX: Path: Dwg No.E-5 C:\Users\1512SOreDrlee-�ebbse.wm\TSEWro eors\40]5001-Laurel Srone\01-Brandi Gommunlcrelnn\01--b-.-7-1.01.01-leure151one-Rev l.er Feed Line Distribution Chart 1' - 110' Round Flat App In Face App Out Face Truss Leg Face A Face B Face C 110.000 110.000 105.000 105.000 00 100.000 100.000 N 00 Q0 95.000 95.000 00 r 00 r 85.000 85.000 80.000 80.000 75.000 75.000 00 ti N 65.000 65.000 �+ 60.000 60.000 %%..i r. O M� ++ W 00 U) 00 ti N 15.000 15.000 1.000 1.000 Tabb Structural Engineeringob:4072001.01.01-Laurel Stone Project: Austin, TX [Client: Branch Communication Drawn by:btabb App'd: Phone: Code: TIA-222-H Date:07/27/23 Scale: NTS FAX' I Path: Dwg No.E-7 C:\Users\1512SOr eDrlee-�ebbse.wm\TSEWro eors\40]5001-Laurel Srone\01-Brandi Gommunlcrelnn\01--b-.-72-.G1.01-leure151one-Rev l.er Feed Line Plan Round Flat App In Face App Out Face 7/8° (24)1 5/8" i Tabb Structural Engineering °b:4072001.01.01-Laurel Stone Project: Austin, TX client: Branch Communication Drawn by:btabb App'd: Phone: Code: TIA-222-H Date:07/27/23 Scale: NTS FAX: Path: Dwg No.E-7 C:\Usars115125\OneDrl\e-�abbse.wm\TSEWro ectsWO]21001-Laurel Sone\01-BrancM1 Communlcalion\01-SA\Nbtldl WO]2001.01.01-laure151one-Rev l.er Job Page tnxTower _ 1 of 15 4072001.01 Laurel Stone Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX.- Tower Input Data The tower is a monopole. This tower is designed using the TIA-222-H standard. The following design criteria apply: Tower base elevation above sea level: 1.000 ft. Basic wind speed of 137 mph. Risk Category III. Exposure Category C. Simplified Topographic Factor Procedure for wind speed-up calculations is used. Topographic Category: 1. Crest Height: 0.000 ft. Nominal ice thickness of 1.000 in. Ice thickness is considered to increase with height. Ice density of 56.000 pcf. A wind speed of 50 mph is used in combination with ice. Temperature drop of 50.000 °F. Deflections calculated using a wind speed of 60 mph. TIA-222-H Annex S. A non-linear(P-delta)analysis was used. Pressures are calculated at each section. Stress ratio used in pole design is 1. Tower analysis based on target reliabilities in accordance with Annex S. Load Modification Factors used: KeS(FW)= 1.0,KeS(tl)= 1.0. Maximum demand-capacity ratio is: 1.05. Local bending stresses due to climbing loads,feed line supports,and appurtenance mounts are not considered. Options Consider Moments-Legs Distribute Leg Loads As Uniform Use ASCE 10 X-Brace Ly Rules Consider Moments-Horizontals Assume Legs Pinned Calculate Redundant Bracing Forces Consider Moments-Diagonals Assume Rigid Index Plate Ignore Redundant Members in FEA Use Moment Magnification Use Clear Spans For Wind Area SR Leg Bolts Resist Compression Use Code Stress Ratios Use Clear Spans For KL/r All Leg Panels Have Same Allowable Use Code Safety Factors-Guys Retension Guys To Initial Tension Offset Girt At Foundation Escalate Ice Bypass Mast Stability Checks Consider Feed Line Torque Always Use Max Kz Use Azimuth Dish Coefficients Include Angle Block Shear Check Use Special Wind Profile Project Wind Area of Appurt. Use TIA-222-H Bracing Resist.Exemption Include Bolts In Member Capacity Autocalc Torque Arm Areas Use TIA-222-H Tension Splice Exemption Leg Bolts Are At Top Of Section Add IBC.6D+W Combination Poles Secondary Horizontal Braces Leg Sort Capacity Reports By Component Include Shear-Torsion Interaction Use Diamond Inner Bracing(4 Sided) Triangulate Diamond Inner Bracing Always Use Sub-Critical Flow SR Members Have Cut Ends Treat Feed Line Bundles As Cylinder Use Top Mounted Sockets SR Members Are Concentric Ignore KL/ry For 60 Deg.Angle Legs Pole Without Linear Attachments Pole With Shroud Or No Appurtenances Outside and Inside Corner Radii Are Known Tapered Pole Section Geometry Job Page tnxTower _ 2 of 15 4072001.01 Laurel Stone Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX.- Section Elevation Section Splice Number Top Bottom Wall Bend Pole Grade Length Length of Diameter Diameter Thickness Radius .ft .ft ,ft Sides in in in in L1 110.000-100.00 10.000 0.000 Round 10.750 10.750 0.365 A500-42 0 (42 ksi) L2 100.000-99.500 0.500 0.000 Round 10.750 12.750 0.562 A500-42 (42 ksi) L3 99.500-80.000 19.500 0.000 Round 12.750 12.750 0.562 A500-42 (42 ksi) L4 80.000-60.000 20.000 0.000 Round 12.750 12.750 1.312 A500-42 (42 ksi) L5 60.000-59.500 0.500 0.000 18 12.750 36.072 0.999 3.996 A572-65 (65 ksi) L6 59.500-15.000 44.500 5.833 18 36.072 42.480 0.250 1.000 A572-65 (65 ksi) L7 15.000-1.000 19.833 18 41.140 44.000 0.250 1.000 A572-65 (65 ksi) Tapered Pole Properties Section Tip Dia. Area I r C I/C J It/Q w w/t in int in in in in in int in L1 10.750 11.908 160.734 3.674 5.375 29.904 321.468 5.951 0.000 0 10.750 11.908 160.734 3.674 5.375 29.904 321.468 5.951 0.000 0 L2 10.750 17.988 234.090 3.607 5.375 43.552 468.180 8.988 0.000 0 12.750 21.519 400.420 4.314 6.375 62.811 800.840 10.753 0.000 0 L3 12.750 21.519 400.420 4.314 6.375 62.811 800.840 10.753 0.000 0 12.750 21.519 400.420 4.314 6.375 62.811 800.840 10.753 0.000 0 L4 12.750 47.145 781.126 4.070 6.375 122.530 1562.251 23.558 0.000 0 12.750 47.145 781.126 4.070 6.375 122.530 1562.251 23.558 0.000 0 L5 12.793 37.260 650.031 4.172 6.477 100.360 1300.918 18.634 0.486 0.486 36.474 111.210 17283.377 12.451 18.325 943.180 34589.496 55.616 4.590 4.595 L6 36.590 28.425 4608.227 12.717 18.325 251.478 9222.518 14.215 5.909 23.635 43.097 33.510 7550.012 14.992 21.580 349.864 15109.958 16.758 7.036 28.146 L7 42.590 32.446 6853.868 14.516 20.899 327.950 13716.754 16.226 6.801 27.203 44.640 34.716 8394.958 15.531 22.352 375.580 16800.963 17.361 7.304 29.216 Tower Gusset Gusset Gusset Grade Adjust.Factor Adjust. Weight Mult. Double Angle Double Angle Double Angle Elevation Area Thickness Af Factor Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt (per face) Ar Spacing Spacing Spacing Diagonals Horizontals Redundants ft ft2 in in in in- LI nL1 1 1 1.08 110.000-100.0 00 L2 1 1 1.08 100.000-99.50 0 L3 1 1 1.08 99.500-80.000 L4 1 1 1.08 80.000-60.000 L5 1 1 1 60.000-59.500 L6 1 1 1 59.500-15.000 L7 1 1 1 15.000-1.000 Job Page tnxTower _ 3 of 15 4072001.01 Laurel Stone Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances - Entered As Area Description Face Allow Exclude Component Placement Total CAAA Weight or Shield From Type Number Leg Torque ft ft Ift klf Calculation 7/8" A No No Inside Pole 65.000-1.000 24 No Ice 0.000 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 7/8" A No No Inside Pole 75.000-65.000 12 No Ice 0.000 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 15/811 A No No Inside Pole 85.000-1.000 24 No Ice 0.000 0.001 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.001 1"Ice 0.000 0.001 15/811 A No No Inside Pole 95.000-85.000 18 No Ice 0.000 0.001 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.001 1"Ice 0.000 0.001 15/811 A No No Inside Pole 105.000- 12 No Ice 0.000 0.001 95.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.001 1"Ice 0.000 0.001 15/811 A No No Inside Pole 110.000- 6 No Ice 0.000 0.001 85.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.001 1"Ice 0.000 0.001 Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances Section Areas Tower Tower Face AR AF CAAA CAAA Weight Section Elevation In Face Out Face ft ft2 ft ft2 ft2 K L 1 110.000-100.000 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.098 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L2 100.000-99.500 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.007 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L3 99.500-80.000 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.362 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L4 80.000-60.000 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.466 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L5 60.000-59.500 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.013 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L6 59.500-15.000 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.196 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L7 15.000-1.000 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.376 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Job Page tnxTower _ 4 of 15 4072001.01 Laurel Stone Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances Section Areas - With Ice Tower Tower Face Ice AR AF CAAA CAA Weight Section Elevation or Thickness In Face Out Face :ft Leg in ft, ft" ft2 ft2 K L1 110.000-100.000 A 1.291 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.098 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L2 100.000-99.500 A 1.285 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.007 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L3 99.500-80.000 A 1.271 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.362 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L4 80.000-60.000 A 1.240 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.466 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L5 60.000-59.500 A 1.220 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.013 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L6 59.500-15.000 A 1.164 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.196 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L7 15.000-1.000 A 0.997 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.376 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Feed Line Center of Pressure Section Elevation CPX CPz CPX CPz Ice Ice ft in in in in L 1 110.000-100.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L2 100.000-99.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L3 99.500-80.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L4 80.000-60.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L5 60.000-59.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L6 59.500-15.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L7 15.000-1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Note:For pole sections,center of pressure calculations do not consider feed line shielding. Discrete Tower Loads Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement CAAA CAAA Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft 0ft ft2 ft2 K ft .ft Job Page tnxTower _ 5 of 15 4072001.01 Laurel Stone Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement CAAA CAAA Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft0 ft ft2 ft2 K ft ft 3'x 5'Concealment Canister C None 0.000 110.000 No Ice 7.500 7.500 0.150 1/2"Ice 10.972 10.972 0.296 1"Ice 11.453 11.453 0.450 3'x 10'Concealment Canister C None 0.000 100.000 No Ice 15.556 15.556 0.300 1/2"Ice 22.295 22.295 0.558 1"Ice 23.044 23.044 0.826 3'x 10'Concealment Canister C None 0.000 90.000 No Ice 15.556 15.556 0.300 1/2"Ice 22.295 22.295 0.558 1"Ice 23.044 23.044 0.826 3'x 10'Concealment Canister C None 0.000 80.000 No Ice 15.556 15.556 0.300 1/2"Ice 22.295 22.295 0.558 1"Ice 23.044 23.044 0.826 3'x 10'Concealment Canister C None 0.000 70.000 No Ice 15.556 15.556 0.300 1/2"Ice 22.295 22.295 0.558 1"Ice 23.044 23.044 0.826 3'x 5'Concealment Canister C None 0.000 60.000 No Ice 7.500 7.500 0.150 1/2"Ice 10.972 10.972 0.296 1"Ice 11.453 11.453 0.450 (2)20.7'x 2.75"Omni C From Leg 0.000 0.000 110.000 No Ice 5.683 5.683 0.024 0.000 1/2"Ice 7.781 7.781 0.065 10.950 1"Ice 9.896 9.896 0.120 (2)SD314-HF2P2SNM B From Leg 0.000 0.000 110.000 No Ice 4.430 4.430 0.014 0.000 1/2"Ice 5.010 5.010 0.042 5.350 1"Ice 5.590 5.590 0.069 8'Hor x 4"x 4"Angle Mount C From Leg 0.000 0.000 110.000 No Ice 5.240 0.030 0.053 0.000 1/2"Ice 5.590 0.100 0.083 0.000 V Ice 5.990 0.190 0.119 8'Hor x 4"x 4"Angle Mount B From Leg 0.000 0.000 110.000 No Ice 5.240 0.030 0.053 0.000 1/2"Ice 5.590 0.100 0.083 0.000 1"Ice 5.990 0.190 0.119 Generic Panel 100# A From Leg 0.500 0.000 105.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 Generic Panel 100# B From Leg 0.500 0.000 105.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 Generic Panel 100# C From Leg 0.500 0.000 105.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.000 V Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 Generic Panel 100# A From Leg 0.500 0.000 95.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 Generic Panel 100# B From Leg 0.500 0.000 95.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 Generic Panel 100# C From Leg 0.500 0.000 95.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.100 FVV-65B-R3 A From Leg 0.500 0.000 75.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.107 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.163 Job Page tnxTower _ 6 of 15 4072001.01 Laurel Stone Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement CAAA CAAA Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft0 ft ft2 ft2 K ft ft FVV-65B-R3 B From Leg 0.500 0.000 75.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.107 0.000 V Ice 0.000 0.000 0.163 FVV-65B-R3 C From Leg 0.500 0.000 75.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.107 0.000 V Ice 0.000 0.000 0.163 FVV-65B-R3 A From Leg 0.500 0.000 65.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.107 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.163 FVV-65B-R3 B From Leg 0.500 0.000 65.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.107 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.163 FVV-65B-R3 C From Leg 0.500 0.000 65.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.107 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.163 10"x5"x2"TMA A From Leg 0.500 0.000 75.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.000 V Ice 0.000 0.000 0.011 10"x5"x2"TMA B From Leg 0.500 0.000 75.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.011 10"x5"x2"TMA C From Leg 0.500 0.000 75.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.011 FVV-65B-R3 A From Leg 0.500 0.000 85.500 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.107 0.000 V Ice 0.000 0.000 0.163 FVV-65B-R3 B From Leg 0.500 0.000 85.500 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.107 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.163 FVV-65B-R3 C From Leg 0.500 0.000 85.500 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.107 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.163 (2)Diplexer A From Leg 0.500 0.000 85.500 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.013 (2)Diplexer B From Leg 0.500 0.000 85.500 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.013 (2)Diplexer C From Leg 0.500 0.000 85.500 No Ice 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.009 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 0.013 Load Combinations Comb. Description No. 1 Dead Only 2 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No Ice 3 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No Ice Job Page tnxTower _ 7 of 15 4072001.01 Laurel Stone Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. Comb. Description No. 4 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No Ice 5 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No Ice 6 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No Ice 7 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No Ice 8 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No Ice 9 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No Ice 10 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg-No Ice 11 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg-No Ice 12 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg-No Ice 13 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg-No Ice 14 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg-No Ice 15 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg-No Ice 16 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg-No Ice 17 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg-No Ice 18 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg-No Ice 19 0.9 Dead+LO Wind 240 deg-No Ice 20 1.2 Dead+LO Wind 270 deg-No Ice 21 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg-No Ice 22 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg-No Ice 23 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg-No Ice 24 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg-No Ice 25 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg-No Ice 26 1.2 Dead+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 27 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 28 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 29 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 30 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 31 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 32 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 33 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 34 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 35 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 36 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 37 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 38 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 39 Dead+Wind 0 deg-Service 40 Dead+Wind 30 deg-Service 41 Dead+Wind 60 deg-Service 42 Dead+Wind 90 deg-Service 43 Dead+Wind 120 deg-Service 44 Dead+Wind 150 deg-Service 45 Dead+Wind 180 deg-Service 46 Dead+Wind 210 deg-Service 47 Dead+Wind 240 deg-Service 48 Dead+Wind 270 deg-Service 49 Dead+Wind 300 deg-Service 50 Dead+Wind 330 deg-Service Maximum Member Forces Section Elevation Component Condition Gov. Axial Major Axis Minor Axis No. ft Type Load Moment Moment Comb. K kip-ft kip-ft L1 110-100 Pole Max Tension 26 0.000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 26 -2.601 0.064 -0.188 Max.Mx 20 -1.147 40.853 -0.030 Max.My 14 -1.191 0.005 -37.316 Max.Vy 20 -3.067 40.853 -0.030 Max.Vx 14 2.707 0.005 -37.316 tnxTower Job 4072001.01 _ Laurel Stone Page s of 15 Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. Section Elevation Component Condition Gov. Axial Major Axis Minor Axis No. ft Type Load Moment Moment Comb. K kip- fit kip ft - Max.Torque 10 -0.339 L2 100-99.5 Pole Max Tension 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 26 -3.711 0.064 -0.188 Max.Mx 20 -1.436 43.136 -0.030 Max.My 14 -1.487 0.005 -39.418 Max.Vy 20 -4.575 43.136 -0.030 Max.Vx 14 4.214 0.005 -39.418 Max.Torque 10 -0.339 L3 99.5-80 Pole Max Tension 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 26 -8.556 0.064 -0.188 Max.Mx 20 -4.660 154.621 -0.041 Max.My 14 -4.703 0.007 -143.748 Max.Vy 20 -6.783 154.621 -0.041 Max.Vx 14 6.413 0.007 -143.748 Max.Torque 10 -0.339 L4 80-60 Pole Max Tension 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 26 -17.031 0.064 -0.188 Max.Mx 20 -10.624 339.012 -0.046 Max.My 14 -10.648 0.008 -320.703 Max.Vy 20 -10.168 339.012 -0.046 Max.Vx 14 9.799 0.008 -320.703 Max.Torque 10 -0.338 L5 60-59.5 Pole Max Tension 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 26 -17.770 0.064 -0.188 Max.Mx 20 -10.962 344.431 -0.047 Max.My 14 -10.986 0.008 -325.938 Max.Vy 20 -10.864 344.431 -0.047 Max.Vx 14 10.495 0.008 -325.938 Max.Torque 10 -0.337 L6 59.5-15 Pole Max Tension 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 26 -26.101 0.064 -0.188 Max.Mx 20 -17.193 847.366 -0.050 Max.My 14 -17.203 0.009 -814.694 Max.Vy 20 -15.085 847.366 -0.050 Max.Vx 14 14.722 0.009 -814.694 Max.Torque 10 -0.337 L7 15-1 Pole Max Tension 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 26 -31.664 0.064 -0.188 Max.Mx 20 -21.512 1165.877 -0.050 Max.My 14 -21.512 0.009 -1126.069 Max.Vy 20 -16.977 1165.877 -0.050 Max.Vx 14 16.621 0.009 -1126.069 Max.Torque 10 -0.337 Maximum Reactions Location Condition Gov. Vertical Horizontal,X Horizontal,Z Load K K K Comb. Pole Max.Vert 26 31.664 0.000 0.000 Max.HX 20 21.518 16.969 0.000 Max.Hz 2 21.518 0.000 16.614 Max.MX 2 1125.965 0.000 16.614 Max.MZ 8 1165.858 -16.969 0.000 Max.Torsion 20 0.316 16.969 0.000 Min.Vert 13 16.138 -8.485 -14.388 Min.HX 8 21.518 -16.969 0.000 Job Page tnxTower _ 9 of 15 4072001.01 Laurel Stone Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. Location Condition Gov. Vertical Horizontal,X Horizontal,Z Load K K K Comb. Min.H, 14 21.518 0.000 -16.614 Min.MX 14 -1126.069 0.000 -16.614 Min.M, 20 -1165.877 16.969 0.000 Min.Torsion 10 -0.337 -14.696 -8.307 Tower Mast Reaction Summary Load Vertical Shear, Shear, Overturning Overturning Torque Combination Moment,M, Moment,M, K K K kip ft kip ft kip ft Dead Only 17.931 0.000 0.000 0.041 0.007 0.000 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No 21.518 0.000 -16.614 -1125.965 0.009 -0.070 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No 16.138 0.000 -16.614 -1119.326 0.007 -0.070 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No 21.518 8.485 -14.388 -975.093 -582.954 0.070 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No 16.138 8.485 -14.388 -969.344 -579.475 0.070 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No 21.518 14.696 -8.307 -562.931 -1009.678 0.211 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No 16.138 14.696 -8.307 -559.618 -1003.652 0.211 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No 21.518 16.969 0.000 0.050 -1165.858 0.316 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No 16.138 16.969 0.000 0.037 -1158.900 0.315 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg- 21.518 14.696 8.307 563.032 -1009.679 0.337 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg- 16.138 14.696 8.307 559.693 -1003.653 0.335 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg- 21.518 8.485 14.388 975.195 -582.955 0.247 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg- 16.138 8.485 14.388 969.420 -579.476 0.246 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg- 21.518 0.000 16.614 1126.069 0.009 0.070 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg- 16.138 0.000 16.614 1119.402 0.007 0.070 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg- 21.518 -8.485 14.388 975.195 582.973 -0.125 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg- 16.138 -8.485 14.388 969.420 579.489 -0.124 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg- 21.518 -14.696 8.307 563.032 1009.698 -0.266 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg- 16.138 -14.696 8.307 559.693 1003.667 -0.265 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg- 21.518 -16.969 0.000 0.050 1165.877 -0.316 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg- 16.138 -16.969 0.000 0.037 1158.914 -0.315 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg- 21.518 -14.696 -8.307 -562.931 1009.697 -0.281 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg- 16.138 -14.696 -8.307 -559.618 1003.666 -0.281 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg- 21.518 -8.485 -14.388 -975.093 582.972 -0.191 No Ice Job Page tnxTower _ 10 of 15 4072001.01 Laurel Stone Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX- Load Vertical ShearY Shear.- Overturning Overturning Torque Combination Moment,M, Moment,Mz K K K kip-ft kip-ft kip ft 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg- 16.138 -8.485 -14.388 -969.345 579.488 -0.191 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 31.664 0.000 0.000 0.188 0.064 0.000 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg+1.0 31.664 0.000 -3.953 -268.406 0.070 -0.040 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg+1.0 31.664 2.004 -3.423 -232.419 -137.362 0.003 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg+1.0 31.664 3.470 -1.976 -134.100 -237.970 0.045 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg+1.0 31.664 4.007 0.000 0.205 -274.794 0.076 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 31.664 3.470 1.976 134.511 -237.970 0.086 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 31.664 2.004 3.423 232.829 -137.362 0.073 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 31.664 0.000 3.953 268.817 0.070 0.040 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 31.664 -2.004 3.423 232.829 137.503 -0.005 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 31.664 -3.470 1.976 134.511 238.110 -0.047 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 31.664 -4.007 0.000 0.205 274.935 -0.076 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 31.664 -3.470 -1.976 -134.100 238.110 -0.084 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 31.664 -2.004 -3.423 -232.419 137.503 -0.071 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp Dead+Wind 0 deg-Service 17.931 0.000 -2.755 -187.063 0.008 -0.012 Dead+Wind 30 deg-Service 17.931 1.407 -2.386 -161.996 -96.786 0.015 Dead+Wind 60 deg-Service 17.931 2.436 -1.378 -93.510 -167.645 0.038 Dead+Wind 90 deg-Service 17.931 2.813 0.000 0.043 -193.580 0.052 Dead+Wind 120 deg-Service 17.931 2.436 1.378 93.596 -167.645 0.051 Dead+Wind 150 deg-Service 17.931 1.407 2.386 162.081 -96.786 0.037 Dead+Wind 180 deg-Service 17.931 0.000 2.755 187.149 0.008 0.012 Dead+Wind 210 deg-Service 17.931 -1.407 2.386 162.081 96.802 -0.017 Dead+Wind 240 deg-Service 17.931 -2.436 1.378 93.596 167.660 -0.040 Dead+Wind 270 deg-Service 17.931 -2.813 0.000 0.043 193.596 -0.052 Dead+Wind 300 deg-Service 17.931 -2.436 -1.378 -93.510 167.660 -0.050 Dead+Wind 330 deg-Service 17.931 -1.407 -2.386 -161.996 96.802 -0.035 Solution Summary Sum of Applied Forces Sum of Reactions Load PX PY PZ PX PY PZ %Error Comb. K K K K K K 1 0.000 -17.931 0.000 0.000 17.931 0.000 0.000% 2 0.000 -21.518 -16.614 0.000 21.518 16.614 0.000% 3 0.000 -16.138 -16.614 0.000 16.138 16.614 0.000% 4 8.485 -21.518 -14.388 -8.485 21.518 14.388 0.000% 5 8.485 -16.138 -14.388 -8.485 16.138 14.388 0.000% 6 14.696 -21.518 -8.307 -14.696 21.518 8.307 0.000% 7 14.696 -16.138 -8.307 -14.696 16.138 8.307 0.000% 8 16.969 -21.518 0.000 -16.969 21.518 0.000 0.000% 9 16.969 -16.138 0.000 -16.969 16.138 0.000 0.000% 10 14.696 -21.518 8.307 -14.696 21.518 -8.307 0.000% 11 14.696 -16.138 8.307 -14.696 16.138 -8.307 0.000% 12 8.485 -21.518 14.388 -8.485 21.518 -14.388 0.000% 13 8.485 -16.138 14.388 -8.485 16.138 -14.388 0.000% Job Page tnxTower _ 11 of 15 4072001.01 Laurel Stone Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. Sum of Applied Forces Sum of Reactions Load PX Py PZ PX Py PZ %Error Comb. K K _ K K K K 14 0.000 -21.518 16.614 0.000 21.518 -16.614 0.000% 15 0.000 -16.138 16.614 0.000 16.138 -16.614 0.000% 16 -8.485 -21.518 14.388 8.485 21.518 -14.388 0.000% 17 -8.485 -16.138 14.388 8.485 16.138 -14.388 0.000% 18 -14.696 -21.518 8.307 14.696 21.518 -8.307 0.000% 19 -14.696 -16.138 8.307 14.696 16.138 -8.307 0.000% 20 -16.969 -21.518 0.000 16.969 21.518 0.000 0.000% 21 -16.969 -16.138 0.000 16.969 16.138 0.000 0.000% 22 -14.696 -21.518 -8.307 14.696 21.518 8.307 0.000% 23 -14.696 -16.138 -8.307 14.696 16.138 8.307 0.000% 24 -8.485 -21.518 -14.388 8.485 21.518 14.388 0.000% 25 -8.485 -16.138 -14.388 8.485 16.138 14.388 0.000% 26 0.000 -31.664 0.000 0.000 31.664 0.000 0.000% 27 0.000 -31.664 -3.953 0.000 31.664 3.953 0.000% 28 2.004 -31.664 -3.423 -2.004 31.664 3.423 0.000% 29 3.470 -31.664 -1.976 -3.470 31.664 1.976 0.000% 30 4.007 -31.664 0.000 -4.007 31.664 0.000 0.000% 31 3.470 -31.664 1.976 -3.470 31.664 -1.976 0.000% 32 2.004 -31.664 3.423 -2.004 31.664 -3.423 0.000% 33 0.000 -31.664 3.953 0.000 31.664 -3.953 0.000% 34 -2.004 -31.664 3.423 2.004 31.664 -3.423 0.000% 35 -3.470 -31.664 1.976 3.470 31.664 -1.976 0.000% 36 -4.007 -31.664 0.000 4.007 31.664 0.000 0.000% 37 -3.470 -31.664 -1.976 3.470 31.664 1.976 0.000% 38 -2.004 -31.664 -3.423 2.004 31.664 3.423 0.000% 39 0.000 -17.931 -2.755 0.000 17.931 2.755 0.000% 40 1.407 -17.931 -2.386 -1.407 17.931 2.386 0.000% 41 2.436 -17.931 -1.378 -2.436 17.931 1.378 0.000% 42 2.813 -17.931 0.000 -2.813 17.931 0.000 0.000% 43 2.436 -17.931 1.378 -2.436 17.931 -1.378 0.000% 44 1.407 -17.931 2.386 -1.407 17.931 -2.386 0.000% 45 0.000 -17.931 2.755 0.000 17.931 -2.755 0.000% 46 -1.407 -17.931 2.386 1.407 17.931 -2.386 0.000% 47 -2.436 -17.931 1.378 2.436 17.931 -1.378 0.000% 48 -2.813 -17.931 0.000 2.813 17.931 0.000 0.000% 49 -2.436 -17.931 -1.378 2.436 17.931 1.378 0.000% 50 -1.407 -17.931 -2.386 1.407 17.931 2.386 0.000% Non-Linear Convergence Results Load Converged? Number Displacement Force Combination of Cycles Tolerance Tolerance 1 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00000001 2 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00020326 3 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00011574 4 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00040463 5 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00017960 6 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00040021 7 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00017653 8 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00076193 9 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00047400 10 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00042351 11 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00018751 12 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00039415 13 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00017458 14 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00020332 Job Page tnxTower _ 12 of 15 4072001.01 Laurel Stone Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. 15 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00011577 16 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00039814 17 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00017647 18 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00042042 19 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00018604 20 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00076196 21 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00047401 22 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00039752 23 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00017525 24 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00040910 25 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00018173 26 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00000001 27 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00032264 28 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00034526 29 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00035049 30 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00033422 31 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.0003 5207 32 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00034667 33 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00032434 34 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00034720 35 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00035243 36 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00033480 37 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00035095 38 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00034589 39 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00001833 40 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00009352 41 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00008566 42 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00003111 43 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00010639 44 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00008559 45 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00001836 46 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00008809 47 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00010306 48 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00003112 49 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00008429 50 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00009810 Maximum Tower Deflections - Service Wind Section Elevation Horz. Gov. Tilt Twist No. Deflection Load ft in Comb. 0 ° L1 110-100 8.570 48 0.875 0.003 L2 100-99.5 6.801 48 0.799 0.002 L3 99.5-80 6.718 48 0.797 0.002 L4 80-60 3.818 48 0.580 0.001 L5 60-59.5 1.923 48 0.287 0.000 L6 59.5-15 1.893 48 0.286 0.000 L7 20.8333-1 0.250 48 0.106 0.000 Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Service Wind Elevation Appurtenance Gov. Deflection Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature ft Comb. in 0 0ft 110.000 3'x 5'Concealment Canister 48 8.570 0.875 0.003 8777 Job Page tnxTower _ 13 of 15 4072001.01 Laurel Stone Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. Elevation Appurtenance Gov. Deflection Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature ft Comb. in 0 0 .ft 105.000 Generic Panel 100# 48 7.669 0.832 0.002 8777 100.000 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 48 6.801 0.799 0.002 6230 95.000 Generic Panel 100# 48 5.983 0.769 0.001 7091 90.000 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 48 5.206 0.722 0.001 5793 85.500 FVV-65B-R3 48 4.551 0.667 0.001 4969 80.000 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 48 3.818 0.580 0.001 4276 75.000 FVV-65B-R3 48 3.225 0.486 0.000 3938 70.000 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 48 2.708 0.393 0.000 3682 65.000 FVV-65B-R3 48 2.272 0.320 0.000 3456 60.000 3'x 5'Concealment Canister 48 1.923 0.287 0.000 5217 Maximum Tower Deflections - Design Wind Section Elevation Horz. Gov. Tilt Twist No. Deflection Load t in Comb. 0 ° L 1 110-100 51.540 20 5.273 0.020 L2 100-99.5 40.906 20 4.811 0.012 L3 99.5-80 40.403 20 4.796 0.012 L4 80-60 22.968 20 3.492 0.005 L5 60-59.5 11.574 20 1.727 0.001 L6 59.5-15 11.393 20 1.724 0.001 L7 20.8333-1 1.508 20 0.636 0.000 Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Design Wind Elevation Appurtenance Gov. Deflection Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature fit Comb. in 0 0ft 110.000 3'x 5'Concealment Canister 20 51.540 5.273 0.020 1467 105.000 Generic Panel 100# 20 46.120 5.012 0.015 1467 100.000 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 20 40.906 4.811 0.012 1042 95.000 Generic Panel 100# 20 35.983 4.625 0.010 1190 90.000 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 20 31.314 4.347 0.008 972 85.500 FVV-65B-R3 20 27.377 4.014 0.007 833 80.000 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 20 22.968 3.492 0.005 716 75.000 FVV-65B-R3 20 19.401 2.924 0.003 658 70.000 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 20 16.292 2.362 0.002 615 65.000 FVV-65B-R3 20 13.672 1.924 0.001 576 60.000 3'x 5'Concealment Canister 20 11.574 1.727 0.001 869 Compression Checks Pole Design Data Job Page tnxTower _ 14 of 15 4072001.01 Laurel Stone Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. Section Elevation Size L Lu Kl/r A Pu �Pn Ratio No. Pu ft ft ft ins K K �Pn L1 110-100(i) TP10.75x10.75x0.365 10.000 0.000 0.0 11.908 -1.147 450.133 0.003 L2 100-99.5(2) TP12.75x10.75x0.562 0.500 0.000 0.0 17.988 -1.385 679.934 0.002 L3 99.5-80(3) TP12.75x12.75x0.562 19.500 0.000 0.0 21.519 -4.660 813.412 0.006 L4 80-60(4) TP12.75x12.75x1.312 20.000 0.000 0.0 47.145 -10.624 1782.070 0.006 L5 60-59.5(5) TP36.072x12.75x0.999 0.500 0.000 0.0 37.260 -10.796 2179.730 0.005 L6 59.5-15(6) TP42.48x36.072x0.25 44.500 0.000 0.0 32.843 -17.193 1921.310 0.009 L7 15-1(7) TP44x41.14x0.25 19.833 0.000 0.0 34.716 -21.512 2030.860 0.011 Pole Bending Design Data Section Elevation Size Mux �Mnx Ratio Muy �Mny Ratio No. Mux Muy ft kip ft kip ft �Mnx kip ft kip ft �M�v L1 110-100(i) TP10.75x10.75x0.365 40.853 124.049 0.329 0.000 124.049 0.000 L2 100-99.5(2) TP12.75x10.75x0.562 40.853 183.935 0.222 0.000 183.935 0.000 L3 99.5-80(3) TP12.75x12.750.562 154.621 263.160 0.588 0.000 263.160 0.000 L4 80-60(4) TP12.75x12.75x1.312 339.012 543.057 0.624 0.000 543.057 0.000 L5 60-59.5(5) TP36.072x12.75x0.999 339.012 621.353 0.546 0.000 621.353 0.000 L6 59.5-15(6) TP42.48x36.072x0.25 847.367 1712.733 0.495 0.000 1712.733 0.000 L7 15-1(7) TP44x41.14x0.25 1165.875 1859.192 0.627 0.000 1859.192 0.000 Pole Shear Design Data Section Elevation Size Actual Vn Ratio Actual Tn Ratio No. Vu Vu Tu Teti ft K K �Vn kip.ft kip ft Tn L1 110-100(i) TP10.75x10.75x0.365 3.067 135.040 0.023 0.318 123.296 0.003 L2 100-99.5(2) TP12.75x10.75x0.562 4.575 244.024 0.019 0.318 182.708 0.002 L3 99.5-80(3) TP12.75x12.75x0.562 6.783 244.024 0.028 0.317 261.483 0.001 L4 80-60(4) TP 12.75x12.75x1.312 10.168 534.622 0.019 0.316 537.622 0.001 L5 60-59.5(5) TP36.072x12.75x0.999 10.864 1951.740 0.006 0.316 672.944 0.000 L6 59.5-15(6) TP42.48x36.072x0.25 15.085 576.394 0.026 0.316 2089.275 0.000 L7 15-1(7) TP44x41.14x0.25 16.977 609.259 0.028 0.316 2334.317 0.000 Pole Interaction Design Data Section Elevation Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Comb. Allow. Criteria No. Pu Mux Muy V Tu Stress Stress ft W, Wtv WI), �V12 � n Ratio Ratio L1 110-100(1) 0.003 0.329 0.000 0.023 0.003 0.333 1.050 4.8.2 V L2 100-99.5(2) 0.002 0.222 0.000 0.019 0.002 0.225 1.050 4.8.2 L3 99.5-80(3) 0.006 0.588 0.000 0.028 0.001 0.594 1.050 4.8.2 Job Page tnxTower _ 15 of 15 4072001.01 Laurel Stone Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 10:13:43 07/27/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone_ Branch Communication btabb FAX.- Section Elevation Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Comb. Allow. Criteria No. P11 MILIC Muy Vu Tu Stress Stress ft �Pn Wa Wnv �Vz �Tn Ratio Ratio L4 80-60(4) 0.006 0.624 0.000 0.019 0.001 0.631 1.050 4.8.2 V L5 60-59.5(5) 0.005 0.546 0.000 0.006 0.000 0.551 1.050 4.8.2 V L6 59.5-15(6) 0.009 0.495 0.000 0.026 0.000 0.504 1.050 4.8.2 V L7 15-1(7) 0.011 0.627 0.000 0.028 0.000 0.638 1.050 4.8.2 Section Capacity Table Section Elevation Component Size Critical P pPallow % Pass No. ft Type Element K K Capacity Fail Ll 110-100 Pole TP10.75x10.75x0.365 1 -1.147 472.640 31.7 Pass L2 100-99.5 Pole TP12.75x10.75x0.562 2 -1.385 713.931 21.4 Pass L3 99.5-80 Pole TP12.75xl2.75x0.562 3 -4.660 854.083 56.6 Pass L4 80-60 Pole TP12.75xl2.75xl.312 4 -10.624 1871.173 60.1 Pass L5 60-59.5 Pole TP36.072x 12.75x0.999 5 -10.796 2288.716 52.4 Pass L6 59.5-15 Pole TP42.48x36.072x0.25 6 -17.193 2017.375 48.0 Pass L7 15-1 Pole TP44x41.14x0.25 7 -21.512 2132.403 60.8 Pass Summary Pole(L7) 60.8 Pass RATING= 60.8 Pass APPENDIX B Additional Calculations Anchor Rods & Base Plate Project Information TABB Project#: 4072001.01.01 Rev 1 JW STRUCTURAL Site Name: Laurel Stone MV TIA-222Rev.: H ENGINEERING Tower Type: Monopole Apply Section 15.5? Yes Loading Pole Properties Summary Results Wind Seismic-N/A Sides 18 Comp. Uplift Moment 1165.9 k-ft N/A Diameter 44.00 in Anchor Rods 52.0% 0.0% Comp. Axial 21.5 k N/A Thickness 0.25 in Base Plate 41.0% 0.0% Shear 17.0 k N/A Grade A572-65 Moment 0.0 k-ft N/A Material Fy 65 ksi Detailed Results Uplift Axial 0.0 k N/A Fu 80 ksi Comp. Uplift Shear 0.0 k N/A Put 133.03 k 0.00 k Puc 138.41 k 0.00 k Anchor Rod Properties Anchor Vut 2.12 k 0.00 k Quantity 8 Loads Vuc 2.12 k 0.00 k Configuration Symmetric Mut 0.00 k-in 0.00 k-in Bolt Circle 51.50 in 0 0 Muc 0.00 k-in 1 0.00 k-in Diameter 2.250 in OtRnt 243.6 k Grade A615-75 OcRnc 268.4 k Material Fy 75 ksi Anchor OcRnb 267.7 k Fu 100 ksi Strength OvRnv 149.1 k Grouted Base Plate No 0 0 (DcRnvc 120.8 k lar 2.250 in OfMn 128.1 k-in Base Plate OPn 45.0 ksi Details fu 19.4 ksi 0.0 ksi Mode Flexure Flexure Base Plate Properties 0 0 Shape Circular Diameter 57.50 in 0 Thickness 2.00 in Grade A572-50 Material Fy 50 ksi Fu 65 ksi Stiffener Config. None Pad & Pier Foundation Project Information TABB Project#:4072001.01.01 Rev 1 Site Name: Laurel Stone ! TRUCTURA►L TIA-222 Rev.: H Tower Type: Monopole ENGINEERING Apply Section 15.5?Yes Applied Loads Pier Properties Results Comp. Uplift Pier Shape Circular Capacity Demand Rating Moment 1165.9 k-ft 0.0 k-ft Pier Diameter 6.00 ft Uplift 310.2 k 0.0 k 0.0% Axial 21.5 k 0.0 k Ext.Avobe Grade 0.50 ft Soil Checks Sliding 176.6 k 17.0 k 9.2% Shear 17.0 k 0.0 k Rebar Qty 26 Bearing 3.00 ksf 1.89 ksf 59.9% Rebar Size #8 Overturning 2037.8 k-ft 1291.0 k-ft 63.4% Material Properties Trans.Reinf.Type Tie Tension 1109.2 k 0.0 k 0.0% Concrete Strength,fc 4.0 ksi Tie Size #4 Compression 16937.5 k 41.9 k 0.2% Rebar Strength,Fy 60 ksi Tie Spacing 16 in Pier Flexure 2925.3 k-ft 1233.8 k-ft 40.2% Concrete Density 150 pcf Pier Clear Cover 3.0 in Struct. Shear 644.5 k 17.0 k 2.5% BP Above TOC 4.5 in Checks 1-way Shear 681.3 k 75.3 k 10.5% Soil Properties Pad 2-way Shear 0.190 ksi 0.017 ksi 8.3% Soil Unit Wt. 115 pcf Pad Properties Flexure 1655.3 k-ft 390.0 k-ft 22.4% Ult.Gross Bearing 4.00 ksf Depth 6.5 ft 2-way Flexure 3399.9 k-ft 740.3 k-ft 20.7% Cohesion Pad Width 19.0 ft Friction Angle 330 Pad Thickness 3.00 ft Summary Structural Rating 40.2% SPT Blow Count Pad Rebar Qty 20 Soil Interaction Rating 63.4% Base Friction Pad Rebar Size #8 Neglect Depth 3.00 ft Pad Clear Cover 3.0 in Bearing Layer Behavior Plastic Groundwater Depth N/A APPENDIX C Additional Information ASCk ASCE 7 Hazards Report AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS Address: Standard: ASCE/SEI 7-16 Latitude: 40.978814 No Address at This Location Risk Category: III Longitude: -72.547178 Soil Class: D - Stiff Soil Elevation: 0 ft (NAVD 88) y 5 ,. 4hrfk^r Lo r4 Isla nd ::=1y d SoLd-vi SrI�II� T wn E�llk1 I.0 ul ho Id ?" s -iky Shelle r 1 s h rd Sound Cuthague LrMc I' yack Bay+ FSI LL ,rjr r Pecenic Eox tkld4r,k ,lame art C'�� _ LI a r I Laky n Frer3 LILue ' bend ris n r}.E;y '# NI#d'fQ, � � rilerhtitii - w • C;iea. Long IsLaed t Paccmlc Wrth.56a , Lau raa I MattlIULk - F►v' Lebkn F'ae k C. p Pafk- le i Beach I 130?2 rc�wn cif o I � ,-' -uWaI�G1011tlthampinn L-aurel La uiel lenks �� I"a�rk o C untry Club . � � Hamplon Bays SlYnr�coc:M y Gahmeki --•Casi Cluags Alesltm mplm P..II Wind Results: Wind Speed 137 Vmph 10-year MRI 76 Vmph 25-year MRI 87 Vmph 50-year MRI 98 Vmph 100-year MRI 105 Vmph Data Source: ASCE/SEI 7-16, Fig. 26.5-1C and Figs. CC.2-1—CC.2-4, and Section 26.5.2 Date Accessed: Wed May 03 2023 Value provided is 3-second gust wind speeds at 33 ft above ground for Exposure C Category, based on linear interpolation between contours. Wind speeds are interpolated in accordance with the 7-16 Standard. Wind speeds correspond to approximately a 3% probability of exceedance in 50 years (annual exceedance probability= 0.000588, MRI = 1,700 years). Site is in a hurricane-prone region as defined in ASCE/SEI 7-16 Section 26.2. Glazed openings need not be protected against wind-borne debris. https://asce7hazardtool.online/ Page 1 of 3 Wed May 03 2023 ASCF AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS Seismic D- Stiff Soil Site Soil Class: Results: SS : 0.173 Sol 0.079 S, : 0.049 TL 6 F a : 1.6 PGA : 0.094 F„ : 2.4 PGA m : 0.15 SMS 0.277 FPGA 1.6 SMS 0.118 le : 1.25 SIDS 0.184 C„ : 0.7 Seismic Design Category: B MCER Response Spectrum 0.20 Design Response Spectrum 0.25 0.18 0.10 0.14 0.20 , 0.1'2 0.15 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.05 0.04 - 0.02 - 0 4 0 7 0 4 t Sa(g)vs T(s) Sa(g)vs T(s) 0.10 MCER Vertical Response Spectrum 0.11 Design Vertical Response Spectrum 0.14 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.00 0.10 0.07 0.08 0.00 � 0.00 ease 0.05 0 �'�G,n� 0.04 �*�'e 0.04 �� 00000,�,� 0.00 *see Big 0.02 � 0.02 0 E 1.5 2.0 0 0 5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Sa(g)vs T(s) Sa(g)vs T(s) Data Accessed: Wed May 03 2023 Date Source: USGS Seismic Design Maps based on ASCE/SEI 7-16 and ASCE/SEI 7-16 Table 1.5-2. Additional data for site-specific ground motion procedures in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-16 Ch. 21 are available from USGS. https://asce7hazardtool.online/ Page 2 of 3 Wed May 03 2023 ASCE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS Ice Results: Ice Thickness: 1.00 in. Concurrent Temperature: 15 F Gust Speed 50 mph Data Source: Standard ASCE/SEI 7-16, Figs. 10-2 through 10-8 Date Accessed: Wed May 03 2023 Ice thicknesses on structures in exposed locations at elevations higher than the surrounding terrain and in valleys and gorges may exceed the mapped values. Values provided are equivalent radial ice thicknesses due to freezing rain with concurrent 3-second gust speeds, for a 500-year mean recurrence interval, and temperatures concurrent with ice thicknesses due to freezing rain. Thicknesses for ice accretions caused by other sources shall be obtained from local meteorological studies. Ice thicknesses in exposed locations at elevations higher than the surrounding terrain and in valleys and gorges may exceed the mapped values. The ASCE 7 Hazard Tool is provided for your convenience,for informational purposes only,and is provided"as is"and without warranties of any kind.The location data included herein has been obtained from information developed,produced,and maintained by third party providers; or has been extrapolated from maps incorporated in the ASCE 7 standard.While ASCE has made every effort to use data obtained from reliable sources or methodologies,ASCE does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy,completeness,reliability, currency,or quality of any data provided herein.Any third-party links provided by this Tool should not be construed as an endorsement, affiliation, relationship,or sponsorship of such third-party content by or from ASCE. ASCE does not intend,nor should anyone interpret,the results provided by this Tool to replace the sound judgment of a competent professional, having knowledge and experience in the appropriate field(s)of practice,nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the contents of this Tool or the ASCE 7 standard. In using this Tool,you expressly assume all risks associated with your use. Under no circumstances shall ASCE or its officers,directors, employees,members,affiliates,or agents be liable to you or any other person for any direct,indirect,special,incidental,or consequential damages arising from or related to your use of,or reliance on,the Tool or any information obtained therein.To the fullest extent permitted by law,you agree to release and hold harmless ASCE from any and all liability of any nature arising out of or resulting from any use of data provided by the ASCE 7 Hazard Tool. https://asce7hazardtool.online/ Page 3 of 3 Wed May 03 2023 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Southold,NY 11971 Chair � OFFICE LOCATION: JAMES H.RICH III 4 CATownHall Annex MARTIN SIDOR � 54375 State Route 25 PIERCE RAFFERTY + (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) COUNAMELIA JEALOUS-DANK µ g Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD State Environmental Quality Review NEGATIVE DECLARATION Notice of Determination Non-Significance August 21, 2023 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Law. The Southold Town Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: T-Mobile Colocation at Laurel Stone SCTM#: 122.-6-35.4 Location: 7055 NYS Route 25 SEAR Status: Type I ( ) Unlisted (X) Conditioned Negative Declaration: Yes ( ) No (X) Description of Action: This Wireless Communications application is for a proposed T-Mobile Wireless colocation at 60'-80' a.g.l. on an approved existing 110' tall monopole and the addition of associated ground equipment within a 220 sq. ft. lease area. There are two carriers already located on this monopole (all concealed within the pole). There are also ±5,078 sq. ft. of existing buildings including a stone supply yard and associated accessory structures, all on 1.6 acres in the General Business Zoning District Reasons Supporting This Determination: An Environmental Assessment Form has been submitted and reviewed and it was determined that no significant adverse effects to the environment were likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. The property is currently improved with a 110' tall monopole. AT&T currently occupies the top two canisters on the pole at 105' a.g.l. and 95' a.g.l. Existing equipment cabinets are located in a fenced compound surrounded and not visible from public areas. The new T-Mobile equipment will be located within a 220 sq. ft. lease of a 2,500 sq. ft. area of equipment area, will be screened by an existing fence, and will not be readily visible from public vantage points. The property is zoned General Business (B). The land use on site is commercial. The surrounding land uses within the vicinity of the site are also commercial. The proposed action of adding an internal concealed antennae will not cause a substantial intensification of the current use. The monopole is visible from New York State 25 due to its height; a New York State Scenic Byway. All antennae will be internal, and no change to the current view shed will occur. The new supporting infrastructure will not be visible from roadways. The Planning Board has determined that the placement of antennas in the monopole will not result in significant impacts on the view sheds important to the community due to the current use and operation of a wireless facility on-site. Further, the proposed action will not cause significant impacts to agricultural, open space, or recreational resources. The proposal will minimize ground disturbance. No substantial adverse change in existing air quality, ground or surface water quality or quantity, traffic, or noise level is expected due to this colocation. No major change in the use of either the quantity or type of energy will occur. The applicant has submitted an assessment of a Structural Analysis Report (2023). Cityscape, the Town of Southold consultant on the project, indicates that the structural usages were determined to be 60.8% of Maximum Tower Capacity under the allowable 110%. The Applicant provided a Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Energy (RF-EME) Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) Study Report, prepared by Pinnacle Telecom Group dated March 23, 2023. The report omitted one existing antennae and needs to be corrected. Nevertheless, the Town's consultant CityScape conducted an estimated worst-case scenario calculation and found that the public exposure level would be compliant. The combined emittance of RF from all antennae equipment located on this stealth pole does not exceed the maximum permissible % RF exposure levels for the FCC general population Maximum Public Exposure level (MPE). Therefore, no known creation of a hazard to human health is expected to occur as a result of the proposed action. The site is improved, no significant removal or destruction of large quantities of vegetation will occur. An active Osprey nest is located on the monopole. The Osprey is a bird of Special Concern in New York State. NYSDEC protocol is to wait until the nest is inactive and then remove it after September 1. 2 In the event of other species that interact within the area of the monopole, the New York Department of Environmental Conversation in a 2009 policy memorandum entitled Guidelines for Consultation with NY Natural Heritage regarding Proposed Collocations of Telecommunication Facilities on Existing Towers and Buildings (2009) has determined that proposed actions involving the colocation of new equipment on an existing structure (monopole) are not likely to adversely affect Federally-listed species in New York, nor have any significant impacts on migratory birds or other trust resources. Therefore, no substantial interference with the movement of any resident or migratory fish or wildlife species, or significant habitat area or result in adverse impacts to a threatened or endangered species or the habitat of such a species are expected to occur. No significant, new ground disturbance will occur; therefore, the action would not result in adverse impacts on cultural/historic resources nor impair the character or quality of important historical resources. The site is currently improved and the proposed action will not result in significant adverse impacts to aesthetic resources or to existing community or neighborhood character or result in a material conflict with the community's current plans or goals as officially approved. Based upon such, no significant adverse environmental impacts are expected to occur should the project be implemented as planned. For Further Information: Contact Person: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director Address: Southold Town Planning Board Telephone Number: 631-765-1938 cc: Town Board Building Dept. 3 A ,enc Use Only I IfApplicablv] 1'roject Ir-Mobile Cdocation Laurel Stone Date: [August 21,2023 Full Environmental Assessment Form Part 3-Evaluation of the Magnitude and Importance of Project Impacts and Determination of Significance Part 3 provides the reasons in support of the determination of significance. The lead agency must complete Part 3 for every question in Part 2 where the impact has been identified as potentially moderate to large or where there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action will not,or may,result in a significant adverse environmental impact. Based on the analysis in Part 3,the lead agency must decide whether to require an environmental impact statement to further assess the proposed action or whether available information is sufficient for the lead agency to conclude that the proposed action will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. By completing the certification on the next page,the lead agency can complete its determination of significance. Reasons Supporting This Determination: To complete this section: • Identify the impact based on the Part 2 responses and describe its magnitude. Magnitude considers factors such as severity, size or extent of an impact. • Assess the importance of the impact. Importance relates to the geographic scope,duration,probability of the impact occurring,number of people affected by the impact and any additional environmental consequences if the impact were to occur. • The assessment should take into consideration any design element or project changes. • Repeat this process for each Part 2 question where the impact has been identified as potentially moderate to large or where there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action will not,or may,result in a significant adverse environmental impact. • Provide the reason(s)why the impact may,or will not,result in a significant adverse environmental impact • For Conditional Negative Declarations identify the specific condition(s)imposed that will modify the proposed action so that no significant adverse environmental impacts will result. • Attach additional sheets,as needed. See Negative Declaration narrative dated August 2023 attached. .................----------......... ........... Determination of Significance-Type 1 and Unlisted Actions .................... ................ --— ---------- ... ....... SEQR Status: 21 Type I ❑Unlisted Identify portions of EAF completed for this Project: ❑✓ Part I Part 2 Part 3 .............--.-.... .......................--.....................-1-1—...--,............. Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF,as noted,plus this additional support information and considering both the magnitude and importance of each identified potential impact,it is the conclusion of the Southold Town Board.._......._....�.............._....._. ._..w_......-............_..___�._..�....,,............................__ ...w�..w..................._as lead agency that: Q A. This project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment,and,therefore,an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly,this negative declaration is issued. ❑ B. Although this project could have a significant adverse impact on the environment,that impact will be avoided or substantially mitigated because of the following conditions which will be required by the lead agency: There will,therefore,be no significant adverse impacts from the project as conditioned,and,therefore,this conditioned negative declaration is issued. A conditioned negative declaration may be used only for UNLISTED actions(see 6 NYCRR 617A). ❑ C. This Project may result in one or more significant adverse impacts on the environment,and an environmental impact statement must be prepared to further assess the impact(s)and possible mitigation and to explore alternatives to avoid or reduce those impacts. Accordingly,this positive declaration is issued. Name of Action: T-Mobile Antennae Co-location at Laurel Stone Name of Lead Agency: Town of Southold Planning Board Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency: Donald Wilcenski,Chairman Title of Responsible Officer: Same Date: Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency° August 22, 2023 Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) Date: August 22,2023 .................�..._......_..._................... ._w.wwww __. w.w..._.._...................._..w_ m. 14..............._..www__ _._...w....._.m..........__._....................... For Further Information: Contact Person: Mark Terry,Assistant Director of Planning Address: P.O.Box 1179,53095 Main Road,Southold,NY 11971 Telephone Number:631-765-1938 E-mail: Mark.Terry@town.southold.ny.us For Type 1 Actions and Conditioned Negative Declarations,a copy of this Notice is sent to: Chief Executive Officer of the political subdivision in which the action will be principally located(e.g.,Town/City/Village of) Other involved agencies(if any) Applicant(if any) Environmental Notice 1,.,ZL_w)Kdcc.9y.go.dcc yylpr't)'zf ,rta.html PRINT FULL FORM Page 2 of 2 Su bf PBI >4L NTRI, RECEIVED) July 10, 2023 A)L 12 2023 c utrw d Town Planning Board Department of Planning and Cityscape Consultant (ZZ� — (p — 3 S Town of Southold Ll 54375 NY-25 1 Southold NY 11971 RE:T-Mobile Site ID:L103110;Site Address:7055 Main Road, Mattituck NY 11952 To Whom It May Concern, This letter is in response to the objection memo provided by City Scape consultants on September 27th 2022 as part of the review of documentation.This project includes the installation of new T-Mobile cables and feed lines from the equipment cabinets to the antennas. The T-Mobile feed lines and cables will be mounted entirely inside of the shaft of the monopole. If you have any questions regarding this application, please reach out to Ryan Bourke at 631- 896-2392. Sincerely, A Z r& , Chris Schaaf Site Development Manager -T•••Mobile- metroPCS T Mobilee 3500 Sunrise Highway, Suite 111, Great River, NY 11739 www.t-mobile.coni From: Cerezo, Mara Sent: Wednesday,July 12, 2023 11:27 AM To: Westermann, Caitlin; Michaelis,Jessica Subject: FW: [SPAM] - RE: [SPAM] - RE:T-Mobile collocation at 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck NY(Southold) Attachments: L103110 feed line letter CS.pdf From: ryan.bourke@completedevs.com <ryan.bourke@completedevs.com> Sent:Tuesday,July 11, 2023 9:17 AM To: 'Ben Evans' <ben@cityscapegov.com> Cc: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>; Cerezo, Mara <marac@southoldtownny.gov>; 'Elizabeth Herington-Smith' <elizabeth@cityscapegov.com>; Michaelis,Jessica <jessica.michaelis@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: [SPAM] - RE: [SPAM] - RE:T-Mobile collocation at 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck NY(Southold) Hi Ben, My apologies, I thought the construction drawings would detail this but they leave it very vague. Please find the letter signed by T-Mobile manager Chris Schaaf attached. Thank you, Ryan Bourke 898 North Broadway,Suite#5 Massapequa NY 11758 631-896-2392 an,bc r rr@c amulet d yjxom OCDSCOMPLETE DEVELOPMENT From: Ben Evans<ben @citvsca e ov.com> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2023 4:01 PM To: r an.bourke com letedevs.com Cc: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza town.southold.ny.us>. Cerezo, Mara <marac southoldtownn ov>; 'Elizabeth Herington-Smith'<el za,beth c tysca e ov,coni>; Michaelis,Jessica <`essica.rnichaelis town,southold.Uy.up Subject: RE: [SPAM] - RE:T-Mobile collocation at 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck NY(Southold) Hi, Ryan. I reviewed the recent documents you provided regarding the application for T-Mobile to collocate on the site referenced above.The only document that seems to be missing is the letter from you stating that the added T-Mobile feed lines will be mounted entirely inside the monopole shaft.This was requested in my email of September 27, 2022 (Item#4). It's possible that you included that statement somewhere (for example embedded in another document) and I missed it. If this information wasn't provided,the application remains incom late and you should send me (and cc: the others included here) such a letter with that statement. If you previously did provide it, please send me the name of the file that contains that statement. Thank you, Ryan. Regards, Ben Evans Cityscape Consultants Inc. (262) 518-0178 Sent from Mail for Windows From:Cerezo, Mara Sent:Thursday,July 6, 2023 2:05 PM To: Ben Evans; Lanza Heather Cc: "Elizabeth Hermon Smith"; Michaelis Jew Subject: RE: [SPAM] - RE:T-Mobile collocation at 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck NY(Southold) Hello Ben, We have received the hard copy materials and check from the applicant, so you can commence the substantive review for this application. You can view the full subject file here: Sub"ect File- Laserfiche WebUnk. In order to comply with shot clock requirements, please notify the applicant within 10 days if there is still information missing on your end. Please be sure to copy us on any correspondence. In addition, we'd like to have the substantive review by Friday, August 4th to align with our Planning Board meeting schedule and shot clock requirements. Please let me know if this timing is feasible on you end, and if you have any questions. All the best, Mara --------------------------- Mara Cerezo, Planner Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 631-765-1938 Email: MaraC@southoldtownny.gov 2 From: Ben Evans Sent:Tuesday,June 27, 20331:OSPK4 To: Lanza, Heather Cc: 'Elizabeth Herington'Snoith' ; [erezm, Mara ; Michaelis,Jessica Subject: [SPAM] RE:l-K8mbi|ecollocation at7OSSMain Rd, MattituchNY/5outho|d\ Dear Heather, I examined the revised construction drawings, and I find that there are no changes that would cause the project to not remain an unsubstantial change under the Spectrum Act of 2012 (47 CFR Section 1.6100(b)(7)).The only significant change is that the proposed T-Mobile ground equipment will be in a different area within the facility compound (revised Sheet A-2).The specified equipment would be of the same quantities and types.The proposed T-Mobile equipment concrete pad would be of the same dimensions(22' x 10')and the equipment layout would be similar. When you have determined that the recently-sent material from the applicant makes the application complete, let us know that vvecan proceed mnthe review report. Thanks, and regards, Ben Evans CityScape [onsu|tants (262) 518-0178 Sent from Mail for Windows From: Sent: Monday,June 26, 2O2312:3ZPM To: 'Ben Evans'� ' Heather' Cc: ^ LCerezo ' 'Michaelis, Jessica' Subject: RE:T-yWobi|ecollocation at 7055 Main Rd' Mattituck NY(Southold) Hi Ben, Yes the location of T-Mobiles equipment on the ground did change. Please find attached the revised plans. No changes were done onthe tower itself,just the ground equipment. Heather-I will make sure to mail out a copy of these plans when directed to do so from the planning department, Thanks all' Ryan Bourke 8g8North Broadway,Suite#5 Massapequa NY117S8 631'896'2392 C 3D� COMPLET E DEVELOPMENT 3 From: Ben Evans Sent: Monday,June 2fi2823127PK8 To: 'Lanza, Heather' Cc: 'Elizabeth HerinBton'Smith' 'Cerezo, K4ara' ; 'Michaelis,Jessica' Subject RE:T-Mobi|ecollocation at7DSSMain Rd, K4attituckNY(Southm|d) Hi, Ryan.Thanks for cc:ing us on this email. Have there been any material changes in the proposed modifications to the tower and ground compound since the original submittal of the application? For example, in an email to me last April, you indicated that the tower owner directed the applicant to move its planned equipment to another area of the compound. Is that still a requirement or has it been dropped? if not dropped,we will need revised CID documents. Heather:Assuming there are no material changes to the applicant's plan, let us know when the town deems this application complete, sothat xvemay proceed toour report. Thank you both, Regards, Ben Evans [ityScspeConsu|tan1s (262) 518-0178 Sent from Mail for Windows From: r our Sent:Thursday,June 22, 282312:47PK4 To: 'Lanza Heather' Cc: 1BenEvans; ` LCerezo,Mara;` 'Michaelis Subject: RE:T-Mobile collocation at 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck NY(Southold) Good Afternoon All, Attached, please find the documents requested in the previous email.Those include the planning forms and all the documents that were submitted to the building department. I will send hard copies along with the checks via Feclex in the next few days. |fthere isanything else needed, please let nmeknow! Ryan Bourke D98North Broadway,Suite#5 Massapequa NY1l758 631-896'2392 (CD)� COMPLETE D I F,VELOPMENT From: Lanza, Heather Sent: Friday, May 12, 2U23 3:05 PM Cc: Ben Evans<ben cit sca e ov.com>; Elizabeth Herington-Smith<eli abeth cit sca e ov.com>; Cerezo, Mara <marac southoldtownn ov>; Michaelis,Jessica <'essica,rnichaelis town.southold.n .us> Subject: RE:T-Mobile collocation at 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck NY(Southold) Hello Mr. Bourke, We are writing to address the completeness of your application. Our consultant addressed the technical aspects that were required, and we just have a few administrative items that we need before we can officially deem the application complete. Please submit the following so we can find your application complete: Check to cover the technical consultant fee for$8,500 (see Southold Town Code 280-74) A. (4)) Planning Board site plan application form (see site plan application packet on the Southold Town Planning Department web page). Any necessary owners' affidavits and permissions Wireless site plan application fee: $1,000 (see Southold Town Code 280-74 A. (2) (a)) Five copies of the Building Permit application items (these are already submitted to Building Dept and our wireless consultant—we just need some paper copies for our records) Note that most of the requirements in the site plan application packet are not needed for a colocation application. Only the items listed above are required. Feel free to call with any questions. Please submit the above requirements as hard copies. And note that our email system rejects very large attachments. If you can submit this information by the end of May, we can have this on the June 5th meeting for it's first look, and then July 10th for a decision. Mara Cerezo is now handling wireless applications for Southold Town Planning. I am helping out while she is out of the office this week. Feel free to contact me with any questions. And please acknowledge receipt of this email. Thank you. Best regards, Heather Lanza,AICP Town Planning Director Southold Town Planning 53095 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Phone: (631)765-1938 E-mail: lig t.a> _@� sp liQI(t et,:rt ,.g a,;; From: <r an.bourke com letedevs.com> Date: Monday, May 8, 2023 at 11:29 AM 5 To: Ben Evans Cc: Elizabeth Herington-Smith Brian Cummings Subject: RE: 7-W1obi|ecollocation at 7055 Main Rd, MattituckNY (Southo|d) Just anFYI here, | got anerror message for Brian's email address. Thank you, Ryan Bourke O98North Broadway,Suite#5 Massapequa NY117S8 631'896'2392 tq (CD)S COMPLETE DEVELOPMENT Fnmnn: < Sent: W1onday, May 8, 2U331O:5OAM Tm: '8enEvans' Cc: 'Elizabeth Herington-Snnith' 'brianzumnmings@toxvn.sou1ho|d.ny.us' Subject: RE:T-K8obi|e collocation at 7055 Main Rd, K8a11ituckNY(5outho|d) Hello Ben, Attached please find the documents that were previously requested. Passing Structural Analysis, FCC EME Report, and affidavit from T-Mobile site dev manager Chris Schaaf. If there is anything further, please let me know. Thank you, Ryan Bourke 8g8North Broadway,Suite#5 Massapequa NY117S8 631'896'2392 (CD)s COMPLETE DEVELOPMENT From: Ben Evans< > Sent: Monday, April 1O, IO233:27PM To: Cc: 'E|izabethHerinQton-Smoith' ; Subject: RE:T-Mobile collocation at 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck NY(Southold) Sounds good.Thank you for the update. We look forward to getting the new material. 6 Please be sure to copy Brian Cummings at the Town of Southold (cc:'d above) when you do send the documents. Regards, Ben Evans Cityscape Consultants, Inc. (262) 518-0178 Sent from Mail for Windows From: r an.bourke co letedevs.com Sent: Monday,April 10, 2023 1:39 PM To: 'Ben Evans' Cc: 'Elizabeth Herin gton-Smith" Subject: RE:T-Mobile collocation at 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck NY(Southold) Hi Ben, I am still obtaining the required documentation that you had previously requested.The Tower owner also requested us to relocate our equipment area to a different location inside of the compound, so that is causing a hold up as well. I will make sure to send you all the documents once we receive them. Thank you, Ryan Bourke 898 North Broadway,Suite#5 Massapequa NY 11758 631-896-2392 yaq..hour e@ inp et dey coni CDS) COMPLETE DEVELOPMENT From: Ben Evans<ben cit sca e ov.com> Sent: Monday,April 10, 2023 2:14 PM To: r an.bourkec com letedevs.com Cc: Elizabeth Herington-Smith <elizabetti cit sca e ov.coni> Subject:T-Mobile collocation at 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck NY(Southold) Hi, Ryan. It's been many months now since I got an update from you regarding this project, so I'm just following up. Regard, Ben Sent from Mail for Windows 7 m OCDSCOMPLETE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 898 North Broadway,Suite 8,Massapequa,NY 11758 ih.LAMT, br, 4c, V ID Agent for T-Mobile: Complete Development Services �.C_.. ,.._... .�.. Date: 7/5/2023 Site Address: 7055 Main Road, Mattituck NY JUL, Dear Town of Southold Building Department, Planning Board Re: Eligible Facilities Request to Modify Transmission Equipment at Wireless Facility Located on a Structure at 7055 Main Road, Mattituck NY A. T-Mobile Proposed Filing an Eligible Facilities Request that Must be Granted Complete Development Services on behalf of T-Mobile Northeast LLC("T-Mobile") is submitting the attached Eligible Facilities Request application to add, remove, modify, or replace Transmission Equipment (the "Request") at an Existing Base Station located at 7055 Main Road, Mattituck NY. This Request is governed by Section 6409 of the Spectrum Act (which states that state and local governments "may not deny, and shall approve, any eligible facilities request for a modification of an existing wireless tower or base station that does not substantially change the physical dimensions of such tower or base station."' Under Section 6409, an Eligible Facilities Request is any request to modify a Tower or Base Station that involves "collocations of new Transmission Equipment," "removal," or "replacement" of Transmission Equipment. The FCC has defined Base Station as "the equipment and non-tower supporting structure at a fixed location that enable Commission-licensed or authorized wireless communications between user equipment and a communications network. ..the term includes equipment associated with wireless communications service including, but not limited to, radio transceivers, antennas, coaxial or fiber-optic cable, regular and backup power supply, and comparable equipment.112 The term existing Base Station also includes a structure that currently houses or supports an antenna, transceiver or other associated equipment that constitutes part of a Base Station at the time the application is filed even if the structure was not built solely or primarily to provide such support. The existing Base Station in this application is an existing concealment pole and presently contains wireless facilities. In its implementing regulations, the FCC determined that any modification to an existing Base Station that meets the following six criteria does not substantially change it (47 C.F.R. § 1 47 U.S.C.Sect. 1455(a))and the Federal Communications Commission's("FCC's")implementing regulations at 47 C.F.R. §1.6100 2 47 CFR§ 1.6100(b)(1) L00) COMPLETE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 898 North Broadway,Suite 8,Massapequa,NY 11758 1.6100(b)(7)), and therefore such project is an Eligible Facilities Request under the Spectrum Act that must be granted. The proposed project satisfies those criteria because it: 1) Will not increase the height of the Base Station by more than 10 percent (10%) or ten (10) feet, whichever is greater; 2) Does not protrude from the edge of the Base Station by more than six (6)feet; 3) The proposed project does not defeat any existing concealment elements at the site.To be considered a "concealment element,"the element must have been a part of the facility at either: (1)the time of original approval; or (2) at the last modification of the tower if such modification occurred prior to the February 22, 2012 or outside the 6409(a) process (whichever is later). A "concealment element" is something that makes a wireless facility appear to be something "fundamentally different than a wireless facility," it does not include "any attribute that minimizes the visual impact of a facility, such as a specific location on a rooftop site or placement behind a tree line or fence.,,3 Moreover, a modification can increase the size of the concealment features, so long as they: (i) do not increase by more than the criteria in (1) and (2) above, and (ii)would continue to make "the structure appear not to be a wireless Facility." If so,then the modification would not defeat concealment. Details: The proposed project will not make any changes to the concealment elements. Following the proposed project,the existing facility will continue to operate inside of the existing concealment pole. 4) Does not entail any excavation outside the current Base Station. 5) Does not involve the installation of more than the standard number of equipment cabinets for the technology involved, not to exceed four. 3 Implementation of State and Local Governments'Obligation to Approve Certain Wireless Facility Modification Requests Under Section 6409(a)of the Spectrum Act of 2012,FCC 20-75, Declaratory Ruling and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,1 35(June 10,2020).("5G Upgrade Order"). OCDSCOMPLETE DEVELOPMENT —� SERVICES 898 North Broadway,Suite 8,Massapequa,NY 11758 6) The proposed project complies with prior conditions of approval of the Base Station, except for any non-compliance that is due to an increase in height, increase in width, addition of equipment cabinets, or new excavation that does not exceed the thresholds above. These conditions may relate to aesthetics or minimizing the visual impact of the wireless facility. To be enforced,there must be express evidence of specific conditions of approval and continued compliance with such conditions. Not Applicable. Finally, the list of equipment that will installed as part of this Request qualifies as Transmission Equipment under the FCC's rules at 47 C.F.R. § 1.6100(b)(8). B. The 60-day Shot Clock Applies to All Necessa Permits or Authorizations for T-Mobile to Proceed with the Re nest Under Section 6409 "a State or local government may not deny, and shall approve, any eligible facilities request . . . " within 60 days of the filing of a complete application.a As the FCC's explained, that time period covers "all qualifying applications" and all necessary permits and authorizations.' Where a jurisdiction requires an applicant to obtain clearance from separate departments and/or numerous permits, the FCC explained that the applicant starts the 60 day shot clock when: 1) it takes the "first procedural step" that the jurisdiction requires, even if there are multiple potential "first steps" with various municipal committees or departments, and 2)the applicant provides written documentation demonstrating that the applicable eligible facilities request criteria are satisfied.' Here,the 60-day shot clock starts with the filing of the enclosed application. C. Federal Law Requires Expedited Permit Processing of Eligible Facilities Requests, Otherwise,they are and Deemed Granted Under federal law, an Eligible Facilities Request is deemed granted 60 days after a complete application is filed. 'Thus, if 60 days pass after the submission of the Request and the Town has not acted to grant or deny the Request, it will be deemed granted. At that time, the applicant may advise the Town that the application has been deemed granted. If the Town wishes to contest whether the Request has been deemed granted, the burden is on the Town to file a lawsuit in a court of competent jurisdiction within 30 days after receipt of a written communication notifying it that the Request has been deemed granted. Here, it is clear that the deemed granted remedy applies to all of the Town's requirements, 41d. ¶ 39(June 10, 2020).47 U.S.C. §1455(a)(1). 5 City of Portland v. U.S.,2020 U.S.App.Lexis 25553 **48-49(9th Cir.Aug. 12,2020). 6 5G Upgrade Order,¶¶ 15-16(June 10,2020). The FCC also explained that its ruling provided"considerable flexibility"to structure their procedures for review of Eligible Facilities Requests, but prevent localities from 'impos[ing]lengthy and onerous processes not justified by the limited scope of review contemplated' by Section 6409(a)."Id.117. 'Under FCC's rules,the City has 30 days from receipt to determine whether the application is complete. OCDSCOMPLETE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 898 North Broadway,Suite 8,Massapequa,NY 11758 T-Mobile is committed to working cooperatively with you to process this request in a timely and efficient manner. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions at 631-896-2392 or at my email in the below signature block. Sincerely, .8. Ryan Bourke 898 North Broadway,Suite#5 Massapequa NY 11758 631-896-2392 y ri.jl gu�ke. f.sqp M y&: Q! CCSCOMPLETE DEVELOPMENT C E I ' SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOADJU SITE PLAN APPLICATION FOM �°��ji����� �������ra�..... Planning Board Site Plan Name and hoca ion t Site Plan Name: .m � �_...._M...�v _ _ Application Date: .�mw _......_� 40 .. w33 Suffolk County Tax Map#1000n0-JU40 - %.00 - aWjOther SCTM#s Street Address: /L/( t 1�0a _ Hamlet: —mitC ......._........_�........ _w... _ w.._... .�_....._ww ..........�..._._.._ ..._..... Distance to nearest intersection: _._�w_..........__. .. ww _ _ _.._ ww.....�.... _ w w......_ _...._.�.......... _ ..........ww._ Type of Site Plan: New Amended Residential Zoning District _ __„_.........M w_...... ,.,Mw. Owners/Agent Contract information Please list name, mailing qc���es��w and�lao�re number orw the[�ec�:�1 below www Property Owner, (..►�Lalj Pro p . - c Street._ J .0 _............ _..... �.......M- .w..__w._ w_. _ ww.._._.w .....ww. � State r vCity_._....��tJUC_........,__. _........._ ..__.. _ .. 1_w_......_m.... ._.w. Home Tele hones I I t Other w . _........w...._ ......_..._..�-...w p._w ___.._..._w..... _...._. .. _. ..w......�w._. _w_.....___._..� .... _ ...H_.. ...._ Applicant l��!�6_k e-° ..w_... . � rw��..f. :.f�r._w.�c .AQ . _ . ...... ... . ..__... . ._ Street...J� I�a. __.SU I k _ ..... . _ ....... ................ . w _._...w.State_ ' ”� _.._—.zip....... 0 Home Telephony � ,.O _ cher _.. ........_.. _... _...�_......... _.__ _....�. ._._��....._....�_....__w..�.............._.,..._Applicant's licant s A ent or Representative', pp g ` I Contact Persons * al 0.V) ROV, ...__.. _. B�o�w f Si t Street o r ti f _ ..... w._ .w.__............ w . yH.www... Cit _ A:" i ? �� �r� ......._....__..�.._....._ i � 7 ¢ Office Telephone Other * :�.:..�..� ...__..W��.__.. . ._�. �....w�..n only to the contact �.�.�... ....._..._� Unless otherwise requested, correspondence will be sent o y person noted here. _ w... _ ...._qw. .,._....._ww.... ..w__.p.... w_..... _ wmM..._.. ..µ..._. ........_ w_..... �... Site Plan Application Form 2/18/2010 Site Data Proposed construction type: New Modification of Existing Structure Agricultural Property total acreage or square footage VAc- S 1,1m� change of use q- ft F.....--..........--.S— Site Plan build-out acreage or square footage: � IC) ac./(. q3 ............. No Is there an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on the property? Yes If yes, explain: ...... . ............... ................ Does the parcel(s) meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code §280-9 Lot Recognition? Y—N If"yes", explain(and attach any necessary documentation-title report, subdivision approval, etc.) .......... Building Department Notice of Disapproval Date: Is an application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals required? Yes No If yes, have you submitted an application to the ZBA? Yes No If yes, attach a copy of the application packet. .............. ............ Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more then one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area4),e,,use. 4-11 4C (�q 10 V� List all existing property uses: 01� S .......... ,-J-L 00 '-- - -...- Jelc Cow UR i � List all proposed property usesm, Dlio JYLWW'tGn ............ Other accessory uses:__.._ . ............... ...... Existing lot coverage:A//A % Proposed lot coverage:AMI-0/1 /V Gross floor area of existing structure(s): sq. ft. Gross floor area of proposed structure(s): ................-....--....................... Parking Space Data: #of existing spaces 4 of proposed spaces-, Loading Berth: Yes--... No ................... .......—........... Landscaping Details: Existing landscape coverage: %. Proposed landscape coverage:— 1 -% ..--] ............... ........ .............. _. __w-.._..µ... ......w........_. -------................ property Wetlands: Is this within 500' of a wetland area? Yes No Maybe..., ......... ............-1............ w. 1, the undersigned, certify that all the above information is true, Date: Signature of Preparer: ............... 2 Site Plan Application Form 211812010 Southold Planning Department Applicant Traissactional Disclosure Form The Town of Southol&s Code of fsthics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. 'rhe rugose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of lnlerc t and tillow it o take whatever ltction is necessary to avoid same. Your Name: I�1 l.nst 1 Irst,middle Ittllint unfert you arr applying to the name ojsomeone c tae or other entity,such at a company. /Jso, 01(fir efte the other 1wi-myn',s or rou►l►r►►{r's name \alum of 1\pplication: (CliLck nil that npply) Subdivision or Rc-suhtlivision Site Plan Other•(Plea_se name other nctivity) I)o You personally(car througli your corolmny,spouse,„sibling.parent or child)have,a relationship with any oflieer or employee of lite 1"o^rsa11 of Southold? "Relatiotiship includes by blood,marriage or business interest. "Ou.siness interest"rocans a bttsincs.s, including o partnership.to whicli the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of(or employment by)a corporation in which the town ofriccr or employee owns more than 5%of the shares. Yes-.,_... No If you answered"Ves"complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Dame of the person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position ofthat person Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant)and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A through D and/or describe in the space provided. The to%%m officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent or child is(check all that apply): A.the owner of Beater than 5%of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant(when the applicant is a corporation); B the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a noncorporate entity(when the applicant is not a corporation); C.an officer,director,partner or employee of the applicant;or D.the actual,applicant � Description of Relationship: IJ, i Submitted this f 20 Signature ' «,y Print Nam....... ......._ / a ' �llrcYarare carr► � i���� of w y , N f �tifittl ti ltt liwl t(Il F1l�Y�%err �ii" „wilf� �r 'AWN u WPM, /��� APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT APPLICANT'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK c !�✓ scV -Vtqir ................ _.M,..,_............being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at SQAScn1d _ W' 0. +Ve✓affm It 71 _µ in the State of New York, and that he is the-e of property located at Q"5q it) P /lel OAlk' , SCTM#_�aa.00 - 0(„(1U -D3S•GG 1 ,or that he is the STC e e I l a e� of the ... la tGu _._._.. �. __.._..........._._ (Title) _ (Specify(Ott Partnership or Corp.) r and said Corporation is the owner of the above property,which is hereby making a Site Plan application;that there are not existing structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan;that the title to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-way, has been clearly established and is shown on said Plan;that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads;that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same;that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be alter or changed in any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical improvements will be installed in cor ance with the plan as approved by the Planning Board. Signe �" µ Sighed (Partner or Corp irate Offic"nT' ) Swornto me this c)J��day of j v y)c'__.wwwwwww_. ( JENNIFER DONOHUE ,. P b c Notary Public-State.of New'York No, 01 DO62110'04 Qualified in Suffolk County„ Commission Exglras 09/0 t120 s June 15,2023 Department of Planning Town of Southold 54375 NY-25 Southold NY 11971 RE:T-Mobile Site ID:L103110;Site Address:7055 Main Road,Mattituck NY 11952 To Whom It May Concern, I, Christopher Schaaf, authorized applicant/agent of the owner,for a site plan or subdivision application on the property identified as SCTM: 122.00-06.00-035,0414 in Mattituck NY hereby authorize Ryan Bourke of Complete Development Services to act as our agent and handle all necessary work involved with the subdivision/site plan application process for this property with the Southold Planning Board. If you have any questions regarding this application, please reach out to Ryan Bourke at 631- 896-2392. i /clW',/6f Chris Site Development Manager -T•••Mobile- metrop, S Signature: Sworn Before me this day of � - 2 � ar Publ'c JENNIFER ;.NNCFE 'rCNCFr' Notary Public-state o New York 1ryAJ62111094 opotifed in Suffotk county commission ExpireS iJW08120- T Mobil.e.- 3500 Sunrise Highway, Suite 111, Great River, NY 11739 www.t-mobile.com rrR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD—BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P. O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 � r r Telephone (631) 765-1802 Fax (631) 765-9502lhtt.)s-//rL-,y�v.,,,outtioldtowvtiri . (,)yv Date Received APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Office Use Only PERMIT N0. Building Applications and forms must be filled out in their entirety. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Where the Applicant.is not the owner,an Owner's Authorization form(Page 2)shall be completed. Date:9/8/2022 OWNER(S)OF PROPERTY: Name:Laurel Stone Supply 7PCTM#i000-122.00-06.00-035.004 Project Address:7055 Main Road, Mattituck NY 11952 Phone#:631-298-7021 Email: Mailing Address:7055 Main Road, Mattituck NY 11952 CONTACT PERSON: Name:Ryan Bourke / Complete Development Services Mailing Address:898 North Broadway, Suite #5 Massapequa NY 11758 Phone#:631-896-2392 Email:ryan.bourke com letedevs.con DESIGN PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION: Name:William F Collins Mailing Address: 12-1 Technology Drive, E. Setauket NY 11733 Phone#:631-689-8450 Email:neil.macdonald@wfcaia.com CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: Name:Milicia Electric Corporation Mailing Address:87 Eads Street, West Babylon NY 11704 Phone#:516-6_94-0751 Eimail:jlavalle@miliciaelectric.com DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ❑New Structure ❑Addition *Alteration ❑Repair ❑Demolition Es irr� ed Cost of Project: 063 ❑Other $ �JJ Will the lot be re-graded? ❑Yes ONo Will excess fill be removed from premises? Dyes *No 1 "PRbPEkTY b ,Ti Existing use of property:ActvestonysupplystorewithwirelessaacfiayinDockofJot Intended use of property: Zone or use district in which premises is situated: _ Are there any covenants and restrictions with respect to this property? ❑Yes *No IF YES, PROVIDE A-COPY. " ("heck BoxAfter Rea0lt f �' flikrt t flt 14"Ien w0fessiono is fes aatw&fit e for all dralh ajt*And storm watur issues as providedto 00W 2,36 of 010 rOWn C00. X ',pf i t E* rtmem f f9f Issn ktn, f oWdIn Permit, �an`snmmt tat tbo Mns?s ron � rdirw a o of the n mf�N b t t � w Y 4"40 btu plit'Ale Laws,fbxRJYfaam*s or oa%# tlonf„for the cwvitfuttlern of araffwa m, na tl �olt rntloaaa o faaa fofra e p f1fN t C �N�n stn ofa lPount n Kenos om ly alt fl o fl blo l insq atfdkm nuo a a IOg cod#,,, ha osova J:0de raaari and noCo4sary Imf afa tfewaas. Isn ttaataulaafwata airan ea Ianauln arsµ an Eubin ns n Dasa at the New'Ytwk StAt#Peat Law, Application Submitted By(prim ):Christopher Schaaf ®Authorized Agent ❑Owner r If Signature of Applicant: °"" ` Date: Cnz3 t i STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: i COUNTY OF ) SuFfolk hcbeing duty sworn,deposes and says that (s)he is the applicant Christopher Schaaf . .� _ . ...,,,...�_ , (Name of individual signing contract) above named, (S)he is theAuthorized Agent _ _....... ... ...�_.._._.....�._ww.._.._"(C"ontractor,.AgentCorp.. , ..,... ..._,_...._ .....�... . ........��. .. _.,.. .m_.....� ........_...�� .._....._....._ orate Officer, etc.) of said owner or owners,and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application;that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his/her knowledge and belief; and a that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application file therewith. Sworn before me this C7� da "of 3A"t Zp -- . �. _. .�.n..._. ...Notary Public JENNIFER DONOHUE Notary Public-State of New York No. 01 D06211094 PROP�ERTre h OWNER IatAUTHtOhRIZA ION Qualified in Suffolk County. Commission Expires 09/08/20 pp ) residing at :. fl� "�-�`" p do hereby authorize Christopher Schaaf Mobile to apply on my behalf to the Town of Southold Building Department for approval as d�,sc "bed herein. Owner' Signature Date f Print Owner's Name i° 2 a PI II ACIE TEtECOm GROUP Professional and Technical Services Tehcom conwtrmg ANTENNA SRF ComphIANCE AsSESSMENT Alt REPORT FOR MUN'I'C*IPAISubmISSI*ON PREPAREd FOR TooM O l IE I ORTh EAST LLC SITE L 031 0; 705 MAIN RoAd LAUREL, N MARch 22, 2023 14 RidGEdAIE AVENUE - SUITE 260 * WAR KNOL[S, NJ 07927 * 973.451.1630 CONTENTS FNTROdUCTION ANd SUMMARY 3 ANTENNA ANd TRANSMISSION DATA 5 COMPLIANCE ANALYSIS 7 COMPLIANCE CONCLUSION 13 CERTIFICATION ApPENdlx A. BAckgROUNd ON THE FCC MPE LIMIT AppENdix B. SUMMARY OF EXPERT QUAtifiCATIONS 2 INTROdUCTION ANd SUMMARY At the request of T-Mobile Northeast LLC ("T-Mobile"), Pinnacle Telecom Group has performed an independent expert assessment of radiofrequency (RF) levels and related FCC compliance a proposed wireless base station antenna operation in an existing concealment pole located at 7055 Main Road in Laurel, NY. T- Mobile refers to the antenna site by the code "LI03110A", and the proposed modifications will facilitate a service upgrade and transmission in the 600 MHz, 700 MHz, 1900 MHz, 2100 MHz and 2500 MHz frequency bands licensed to it by the FCC. The FCC requires all wireless antenna operators to perform an assessment of potential human exposure to radiofrequency (RF) fields emanating from all the transmitting antennas at a site whenever antenna operations are added or modified, and to ensure compliance with the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limit in the FCC's regulations. In this case, the compliance assessment needs to take into account the RF effects of other existing antenna operations at the site by AT&T and the Mattituck Fire District. Note that FCC regulations require any future antenna collocators to assess and assure continuing compliance based on the cumulative effects of all then-proposed and then-existing antennas at the site. This report describes a mathematical analysis of RF levels resulting around the site in areas of unrestricted public access, that is, at street level around the site. The compliance analysis employs a standard FCC formula for calculating the effects of the antennas in a very conservative manner, in order to overstate the RF levels and to ensure "safe-side" conclusions regarding compliance with the FCC limit for safe continuous exposure of the general public. The results of a compliance assessment can be explained in layman's terms by describing the calculated RF levels as simple percentages of the FCC MPE limit. If the reference for that limit is 100 percent, then calculated RF levels higher than 100 percent indicate the MPE limit is exceeded, while calculated RF levels consistently lower than 100 percent serve as a clear and sufficient demonstration of compliance with the MPE limit. On the other hand, calculated RF levels 3 consistently below 100 percent serve as a clear and sufficient demonstration of compliance with the MPE limit. We can (and will) also describe the overall worst- case result via the"plain-English" equivalent"times-below-the-limit"factor. The results of the FCC RF compliance assessment in this case are as follows: ❑ At street level, the conservatively calculated maximum RF level from the combination of proposed and existing antenna operations at the site is 6.9011 percent of the FCC general population MPE limit —well below the 100-percent reference for compliance. In other words, the worst-case calculated RF level — intentionally and significantly overstated by the calculations — is still more than 10 times below the FCC limit for safe, continuous exposure of the general public. ❑ The results of the analysis provide a clear demonstration that the RF levels from the combination of proposed and existing antenna operations will satisfy the criteria for controlling potential human exposure to RF fields, and the antenna operations will be in full compliance with the FCC regulations and limits concerning RF safety. Moreover, because of the conservative methodology and operational assumptions applied in the analysis, RF levels actually caused by the antennas will be even less significant than the calculation results here indicate. The remainder of this report provides the following. ❑ relevant technical data on the proposed T-Mobile antenna operations at the site, as well as on the other existing antenna operations; ❑ a description of the applicable FCC mathematical model for assessing MPE compliance, and application of the relevant data to that model; and ❑ an analysis of the results, and a compliance conclusion for the antenna operations at this site. In addition, Appendix A provides background on the FCC MPE limit along with a list of key references on compliance, and Appendix B provides a summary of the expert qualifications of the author if this report. 4 ANTENNA ANd TRANSMISSION DATA The table that follows summarizes the relevant data for the proposed T-Mobile antenna operations. General Data T-Mobile Frequency Bands 600 MHz, 700 MHz, 1900 MHz, 2100 MHz and 2500 MHz Service CoveratTTry�e....... Sectorized Antenna Toe Directional Panel Antenna Centerline He ht AGL 65 ft., 75 ft. Antenna Line Loss ConservatiyqX1i nored assumed 0 dB) .mm 600MHz Antenna Data �� -._.. ,. .._.� e ( .__ ��- �.� _, ..., . 3,-,—..._..."B—iI— �.,.... ....� Antenna Models Max. Gain Commsco a FW-65B-R3 14 3 d� RF Channels Baer Sector _ Four 10-watt channels and four 20-watt channels 700 MHz Antenna Data�..... w� Antenna Models Max. Gains _ µ Commsco+ FW-656 R3 15.O dBBi) RF Channel s ►er Sector Four 10-watt channel .. .�:.. ,._ �._ ��. .. .µwµ 1900 MHz Antenna Data Antenna Models(CVM . Gain � Commsco a FW-65B-R3�18.0 dBi _ _� RF ChannE Four 30-watt channels 2100 MHz Antenna Data Antenna ModelMax. Gain Commscope FW 65B-R3 (118.7 dBi RF Channelspe Sector w wµM M Four 40-watt channels 2500 MHz Antenna Data .-....:......... �.-,.w. _.....� . ......- ]:� , ..... �,.._�enna Models Max. Gain Commsco a FW-65B-R3 18.8 dBiRF Channels"er Sectorne 120-watt channel Note Pinnacle prepared the report with documents provided by T-Mobile dated May 7, 2022 and August 30, 2022. The area below the antennas, at street level, is of interest in terms of potential "uncontrolled" exposure of the general public, so the antenna's vertical-plane emission characteristic is used in the calculations, as it is a key determinant of the relative amount of RF emissions in the"downward" direction. By way of illustration, Figure 1 that follows shows the vertical-plane radiation pattern of the proposed antenna model in the 2500 MHz frequency band. In this 5 type of antenna radiation pattern diagram, the antenna is effectively pointed at the three o'clock position (the horizon) and the relative strength of the pattern at different angles is described using decibel units. Note that the use of a decibel scale to describe the relative pattern at different angles actually serves to significantly understate the actual focusing effects of the antenna. Where the antenna pattern reads 20 dB the relative RF energy emitted at the corresponding downward angle is 1/100th of the maximum that occurs in the main beam (at 0 degrees); at 30 dB, the energy is only 1/1000th of the maximum. Finally, note that the automatic pattern-scaling feature of our internal software may skew side-by-side visual comparisons of different antenna models, or even different parties' depictions of the same antenna model. Figure 1. Commscope FVV-65B-R3-2500 MHz Vertical-plane Pattern 0deg .._ _.w. ._.. horizon w „ 5 dB /division As noted at the outset, there are existing antenna operations to include in the compliance assessment. For each of the wireless operators,we will conservatively assume operation with maximum channel capacity and at maximum transmitter 6 power per channel to be used by each wireless operator in each of their respective FCC-licensed frequency bands. For the other operator, we will rely on the transmission parameters in its FCC license. AT&T is licensed to operate in the 700, 850, 1900, 2100 and 2300 MHz frequency bands. In the 700 MHz band, AT&T uses 370 watts of input power per sector. In the 850 MHz band, AT&T uses 160 watts of input power per sector. In the 1900 MHz band, AT&T uses 160 watts of input power per sector. In the 2100 MHz band, AT&T uses 160 watts of input power per sector. Lastly, in the 2300 MHz band, AT&T uses 100 watts of input power per sector. Mattituck Fire District is licensed by the FCC to operate in the 450 MHz band. using an Effective Radiated Power(ERP) of 100 watts. COMPLIANCE ANA[ySIS FCC Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin 65("OET Bulletin 65") provides guidelines for mathematical models to calculate the RF levels at various points around transmitting antennas. At street-level around an antenna site (in what is called the "far field" of the antennas), the RF levels are directly proportional to the total antenna input power and the relative antenna gain in the downward direction of interest—and the levels are otherwise inversely proportional to the square of the straight-line distance to the antenna. Conservative calculations also assume the potential RF exposure is enhanced by reflection of the RF energy from the intervening ground. Our calculations will assume a 100% "perfect", mirror-like reflection, which is the absolute worst-case scenario. The formula for street-level compliance assessment for any given wireless antenna operation is as follows: MPE% _ (100 * Chans*TxPower* 10 (Gmax-VdisG10) *4 ) ( MPE *476 * R') 7 where MPE% = RF level, expressed as a percentage of the MPE limit applicable to continuous exposure of the general public 100 = factor to convert the raw result to a percentage Chans = maximum number of RF channels per sector TxPower = maximum transmitter power per channel, in milliwatts 10 ( max-vdisc/1o) = numeric equivalent of the relative antenna gain in the downward direction of interest; data on the antenna vertical-plane pattern is taken from manufacturer specifications 4 = factor to account for a 100-percent-efficient energy reflection from the ground, and the squared relationship between RF field strength and power density (22= 4) MPE = FCC general population MPE limit R = straight-line distance from the RF source to the point of interest, centimeters The MPE%calculations are performed out to a distance of 500 feet from the facility to points 6.5 feet (approximately two meters, the FCC-recommended standing height) off the ground, as illustrated in Figure 2 on the next page. 8 antenna height from R antenna bottom to 6.5' above ground levelI ,f 0 .. ...... .._.. ... ...._.. _............. . 500 Ground Distance D from the site Figure 2. MPE%Calculation Geometry It is popularly understood that the farther away one is from an antenna, the lower the RF level—which is generally but not universally correct. The results of MPE% calculations fairly close to the site will reflect the variations in the vertical-plane antenna pattern as well as the variation in straight-line distance to the antennas. Therefore, RF levels may actually increase slightly with increasing distance within the range of zero to 500 feet from the site. As the distance approaches 500 feet and beyond, though, the antenna pattern factor becomes less significant, the RF levels become primarily distance-controlled and, as a result, the RF levels generally decrease with increasing distance. In any case,the RF levels more than 500 feet from a wireless antenna site are well understood to be sufficiently low to be comfortably in compliance. FCC compliance for a collocated antenna site is assessed in the following manner. At each distance point along the ground, an MPE% calculation is made for each antenna operation (including each frequency band), and the sum of the individual MPE% contributions at each point is compared to 100 percent, the normalized reference for compliance with the MPE limit. We refer to the sum of the individual MPE% contributions as "total MPE%", and any calculated total MPE% result 9 exceeding 100 percent is, by definition, higher than the FCC limit and represents non-compliance and a need to mitigate the potential exposure. If all results are consistently below 100 percent, on the other hand, that set of results serves as a clear and sufficient demonstration of compliance with the MPE limit. Note that according to the FCC, when directional antennas (e.g., panels or dishes) are involved, the compliance assessments are based on the RF effect of a single (facing) sector or antenna, as the RF effects of directional antennas facing generally away from the point of interest are insignificant. The following conservative methodology and assumptions are incorporated into the MPE% calculations on a general basis: 1. The antennas are assumed to be operating continuously at maximum power and maximum channel capacity. 2. The power-attenuation effects of shadowing or other obstructions to the line-of-sight path from the antenna to the point of interest are ignored. 3. The calculations intentionally minimize the distance factor(R) by assuming a 6'6" human and performing the calculations from the bottom (rather than the centerline) of each operator's lowest-mounted antenna, as applicable. 4. The calculations also conservatively take into account, when applicable, the different technical characteristics and related RF effects of the use of multiple antennas for transmission in the same frequency band. 5. The RF exposure at ground level is assumed to be 100-percent enhanced (increased) via a "perfect"field reflection from the intervening ground. The net result of these assumptions is to significantly overstate the calculated RF exposure levels relative to the levels that will actually occur— and the purpose of this conservatism is to allow very "safe-side" conclusions about compliance. The table that follows provides the results of the MPE% calculations for each antenna operation, with the maximum (worst-case) overall result highlighted in bold in the last column. 10 T T o NT2CA) 2g1a00009 0....8 'm- ...0......Q "Mso2M000..rN rW (O IONMI� O � (000000 (000NMN00 (OOOOOrM 1 0 N � O 0 M O It LO N M 0O T 07 M Oa mU.) cl ONI� T (Oao - LO Il- 0T Ln 00M � (0 ~ 2 O � NM4TNNMMMMMMCh .T ,Td ,rLDL(iOOLO (oM Y LO M U) 00 T N LL) I- N Lo M 0 T T O •- N (0 a0 N O O N 7 N ' O I- ti O (0 M M M I- N 0 I` (0 LO rT M O 0 T O 00 I� T N I- ILTO _ a+ W ON COO'NOOTN "T 'tL() (0'1-- t-- 00II` I` (0 (0 (0M Lo U) r LL N a O p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O N N IT N N N tO T T 0 I-- C> 't I` I- U) LO M I- 0 0 T N (0 e 0 (0 O N N Cl C0 O N (0 M I� O Ir T W (0 M M 0 M T 0 M 0 I- ca W (0 O d' (0 1� M O N M 0 0 M M T 0 It Il- N � 00 h LO I� CO M H a T M (0 0 : ti b I` M O (0 N M LO o0 O co LO 00 (0 0 Cr N O O � Q O O O O O O T T T T O O O O O T T T T T T N N N N N N (0 N O o0 M O M 0 W N 0 LO O LO 0 M M T I- M 0 � T 00 N T � M T � 00o01- (000001- NrLo000000'I- NI- M0cMC) I- M (0 W I NLOOTM0 � WCOM MNOrNTT � MMWWNMMM oo a O l!) O T M O O T r TOO 0 0 0 0 0 0 T T (') 1 2 O O O O'O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N = o O N M M (0 LO CON O N T M 00 O d O M LO .- O LO O N M (0 O l0 (0 T M M M N M I� 00 O M 4 0 I,- LO 2 T 00 O (` M W O W M N LO LO T N I� LO M T O T (M N N 0 Lf) M M ti I` 0 T N boaC 00 ": NOTcM000000000TMMl, (0000004 r c O O O O T O'0 0 0 0 0 0'O O O O O O O O O T O O T T N � xN T 00 LO M O(1 (0 LLQ 1� T o I` ANCO �fML!) 00C00 � (')'� � � 0000NOr01� 0 0 W (MMr OpN 'TML00 (000N O I� O CO I� V � � 00 N N CO Ln M r T O OO In 00 '� CO N CO � 0 boa OONTI- OOOOOOOOOOOTN'N (O (0LOI` 0 Of � 000j000'00000000000000000000 � r I _ CO 0 N O T 00 CO T 'r- 'r'- 0 l0 00 LO lL7 0 N 0 LO (0 O � W O'0 -RT ODTU') (OT � d I- LOI- TOD (Od COOOOI� OOd 1� 0 O T 0 0 M M M I-- N r- N W O N -t M 0 0 LO .q- 0 I- 0 M oa 0000OTOOOTNcMV: V: LOtoLOLOI � 1-4: 14: 14: m V) co CD 0000oo00000000000000000000 0) N o 10 (0O T N (` d M O N O 0 M 0.10) O 0.00 M CT:, M O O 0 M O CO M co I� O T 00 M aa0 OD ti 00 00(0 a0 O M N p OLu d 0000 � IItm,MITtiOti (0NI-- 0O0MNmmMLOI-- I-- w T 00 r'......(0 O O LO 14: N ;' 'O 0 I- (0 "' M N....T O O O O O T T'O O O T N N N N N N N N N T T T T T T T T H to w 4L),V C C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O'O 0 0 0 0 Rv 000OOON � C000'ON � COa00N ,T M000N 't (0000 O N N d O T'r T T T N N N N N M M M M M As indicated, the maximum calculated overall RF level is 6.9011 percent of the FCC MPE limit—well below the 100-percent reference for compliance. A graph of the overall calculation results, shown below, perhaps provides a clearer visual illustration of the relative compliance of the calculated RF levels. The line representing the overall calculation results shows an obviously clear, consistent margin to the FCC MPE limit. COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT RESULTS Normalized FCC MPE Limit TotalMPE% Results 120TEE " ITF W ..... IL 100 2 Q80 _._ .. ......... __ _..... ......_ ....._. 0 C60 _.... ... ........ m 40 0 20 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Distance (ft) 12 COMPLIANCE CONCLUSION According to the FCC, the MPE limit has been constructed in such a manner that continuous human exposure to RF fields up to and including 100 percent of the MPE limit is acceptable and safe. The conservative analysis in this case shows that the maximum calculated RF level from the combination of proposed and existing antenna operations at the site is 6.9011 percent of the FCC general population MPE limit. In other words, the worst-case calculated RF level is more than 10 times below the FCC MPE limit. The results of the calculations indicate clear compliance with the FCC MPE limit. Moreover, because of the extremely conservative calculation methodology and operational assumptions we applied in the analysis, RF levels actually caused by the antennas will be significantly lower than the calculation results here indicate. 13 CERTifiCATiON It is the policy of Pinnacle Telecom Group that all FCC RF compliance assessments are reviewed, approved, and signed by the firm's Chief Technical Officer who certifies as follows: 1. I have read and fully understand the FCC regulations concerning RF safety and the control of human exposure to RIF fields (47 CFR 1.1301 et seq). 2. To the best of my knowledge, the statements and information disclosed in this report are true, complete and accurate. 3. The analysis of site RF compliance provided herein is consistent with the applicable FCC regulations, additional guidelines issued by the FCC, and industry practice. 4. The results of the analysis indicate that the subject antenna operations will be in compliance with the FCC regulations concerning the control of potential human exposure to the RF emissions from antennas. 3/22/23_ Daniel . ollins Date Chief nical Officer Pinnacle Telecom Group, LLC ApPENdix A. BAckgROUNd ON THE FCC MPE LIMIT FCC Rules and Regulations As directed by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the FCC has established limits for maximum continuous human exposure to RF fields. The FCC maximum permissible exposure (MPE) limits represent the consensus of federal agencies and independent experts responsible for RF safety matters. Those agencies include the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In formulating its guidelines,the FCC also considered input from the public and technical community —notably the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The FCC's RF exposure guidelines are incorporated in Section 1.301 et seq of its Rules and Regulations (47 CFR 1.1301-1.1310). Those guidelines specify MPE limits for both occupational and general population exposure. The specified continuous exposure MPE limits are based on known variation of human body susceptibility in different frequency ranges, and a Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of 4 watts per kilogram, which is universally considered to accurately represent human capacity to dissipate incident RF energy (in the form of heat). The occupational MPE guidelines incorporate a safety factor of 10 or greater with respect to RF levels known to represent a health hazard, and an additional safety factor of five is applied to the MPE limits for general population exposure. Thus, the general population MPE limit has a built-in safety factor of 50. Continuous exposure at levels equal to or below the applicable MPE limits is considered to result in no adverse health effects on humans. The reason for two tiers of MPE limits is based on an understanding and assumption that members of the general public are unlikely to have had appropriate RF safety training and may not be aware of the exposures they receive; occupational exposure in controlled environments, on the other hand, is assumed to involve individuals who have had such training, are aware of the exposures, and know how to maintain a safe personal work environment. The FCC's RF exposure limits are expressed in two equivalent forms, using alternative units of field strength (expressed in volts per meter, or V/m), and power density (expressed in milliwatts per square centimeter, or mW/cm2). The table on the next page lists the FCC limits for both occupational and general population exposures, using the mW/cm2 reference, for the different radio frequency ranges. Frequency Range(F) Occupational Exposure General Public Exposure (MHz) (mWlcm2) (mWlcm2) 0.3- 1.34 100 100 1.34- 3.0 100 180/ F2 3.0- 30 900 / F2 180/ F2 30- 300 1.0 0.2 300- 1,500 F/300 F/ 1500 1,500- 100,000 5.0 1.0 The diagram below provides a graphical illustration of both the FCC's occupational and general population MPE limits. Power Density (mW/cm2) 100 Occupational '-`-`---- General Public 5.0 , ---� 1.0 a ,f 0.2 0.3 1.34 3.0 30 300 1,500 100,000 Frequency(MHz) Because the FCC's RF exposure limits are frequency-shaped, the exact MPE limits applicable to the instant situation depend on the frequency range used by the systems of interest. The most appropriate method of determining RF compliance is to calculate the RF power density attributable to a particular system and compare that to the MPE limit applicable to the operating frequency in question. The result is usually expressed as a percentage of the MPE limit. For potential exposure from multiple systems, the respective percentages of the MPE limits are added, and the total percentage compared to 100 (percent of the limit). If the result is less than 100,the total exposure is in compliance; if it is more than 100, exposure mitigation measures are necessary to achieve compliance.. References on FCC Compliance 47 CFR, FCC Rules and Regulations, Part 1 (Practice and Procedure), Section 1.1310 (Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits). FCC Second Memorandum Opinion and Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 97-303), In the Matter of Procedures for Reviewing Requests for Relief From State and Local Regulations Pursuant to Section 332(c)(7)(B)(v) of the Communications Act of 1934 (INT Docket 97-192), Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation (ET Docket 93-62), and Petition for Rulemaking of the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association Concerning Amendment of the Commission's Rules to Preempt State and Local Regulation of Commercial Mobile Radio Service Transmitting Facilities, released August 25, 1997. FCC First Memorandum Opinion and Order, ET Docket 93-62, In the Matter of Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation, released December 24, 1996. FCC Report and Order, ET Docket 93-62, In the Matter of Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation, released August 1, 1996. FCC Report and Order, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Memorandum Opinion and Order (FCC 19126), Proposed Changes in the Commission's Rules Regarding Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields,' Reassessment of Federal Communications Commission Radiofrequency Exposure Limits and Policies, released December 4, 2019. FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Bulletin 65, "Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields", Edition 97-01, August 1997. FCC Office of Engineering and Technology (OET) Bulletin 56, "Questions and Answers About Biological Effects and Potential Hazards of RF Radiation", edition 4, August 1999. "RF Field Measurements for Antenna Sites", (video), Richard Tell Associates Inc., 1997. "EME Awareness for Antenna Site Safety", (video), Motorola (produced in association with Richard Tell Associates Inc.), 1997. AppENdix B. SUMMARY Of ExpERT QUAIMCATIONS Daniel J. Collins, Chief Technical Officer, Pinnacle Telecom Group, LLC engineering, related tion, and R �p MX X S no sis: «40+ ears of experienncece in all aspects of wireless system F ex osure •Has performed or led RF exposure compliance assessments on more than 20,000 antenna sites since the latest FCC regulations went into effect in 1997 •Has provided testimony as an RF compliance expert more than 1,500 times since 1997 Have been accepted as an FCC compliance expert in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and more than 40 other states, as well as bar the FCC w nn Education: •B.E.E., City College of New York(Sch. Of Eng.), 1971 •M.B.A., 1982, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1982 •Bronx Hiah School of Science, 1966 Current Responsibilities: •Leads all PTG staff work involving RF safety and FCC compliance, microwave and satellite system engineering, and consulting on wireless technology and regulation Prior Experience: •Edwards& Kelcey, VP—RF Engineering and Chief Information Technology Officer, 1996-99 •Bellcore(a Bell Labs offshoot after AT&T's 1984 divestiture), Executive Director—Regulation and Public Policy, 1983-96 •AT&T(Corp. HCS), Division Manager—RF Engineering, and Director—Radio Spectrum Management, 1977-83 •AT&T Long Lines, Group Supervisor—Microwave Radio S stem Desi n, 1972-77 Specific RF Safety/ •Involved in RF exposure matters since 1972 Compliance Experience: •Have had lead corporate responsibility for RF safety and compliance at AT&T, Bellcore, Edwards& Kelcey, and PTG •While at AT&T, helped develop the mathematical models for calculating RF exposure levels •Have been relied on for compliance by all major wireless carriers, as well as by the federal government, several state and local governments, equipment manufacturers, system integrators, and other consulting/engineering firms Other Background: •Author, Microwave System Engineering(AT&T, 1974) •Co-author and executive editor,A Guide to New Technologies and Services(Bellcore„ 1993) •National Spectrum Management Association (NSMA)— former three-term President and Chairman of the Board of Directors;was founding member, twice-elected Vice President, long-time member of the Board, and was named an NSMA Fellow in 1991 • Have published more than 35 articles in industry m ga roes TABB STRUCTURAL Date: May 5, 2023 TsIfir ENGINEERING Tracy Crittendon Tabb Structural Engineering PLLC K2 Towers III Austin,TX 78737 57 E Washington St (512) 956-6124 Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 En Ineenn Su ortTabbSE.coin, Subject: Structural Analysis Report Carrier Designation: T-Mobile Co-Locate Site Name: LI-03-110-A K2 Towers III Designation: Site Name: Laurel Stone Site Number: NY-3 Branch Engineering: Project Number: 17507 TSE Designation: Project Number: 4072001.01.01 Site Data: 7055 Main Rd, Mattituck,Suffolk County, NY Latitude 400 58'43.73", Longitude-72°32'49.84" 110 ft-Monopole Tower Tracy Crittendon, TSE is please to submit this Structural Analysis Report to determine the structural integrity of the above-mentioned tower. The purpose of this analysis is to determine acceptability of the tower stress level. Based on our analysis we have determined the tower stress level for the structure and foundation, under the following load case, to be: Existing+ Proposed Equipment Configuration Sufficient Note:See Table 1 and Table 2 for the proposed and other loading,respectively. This analysis has been performed in accordance with the 2018 IBC based upon an ultimate 3-second gust wind speed of 137 mph. Applicable Standard references and design criteria are listed in Section 2-Analysis Criteria. We at TSE appreciate the opportunity of providing our professional services. Please give us a call if you have any questions or concerns. Respectfully submitted by: Tabb Structural Engineering PLLC O pV COA: 20388 Exp: 11/30/2025 ENco 5/5/2023 CPESSICi ` Braden Tabb, PE 110 ft-Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Report May 5, 2023 TSE Project No. 4072001.01.01, Mattituck, NY K2 Towers 111 No. NY-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1) INTRODUCTION 2)ANALYSIS CRITERIA Table 1 -Proposed Equipment Configuration Table 2-Other Equipment Configuration 3)ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Table 3-Documents Provided 3.1)Analysis Method 3.2)Assumptions 4)ANALYSIS RESULTS Table 4-Section Capacity(Summary) Table 5-Tower Component Stresses vs. Capacity Table 6-Twist and Sway Results for Microwave Antennas 4.1) Recommendations 5)APPENDIX A tnxTower Output 6)APPENDIX B Additional Calculations 7)APPENDIX C Additional Information Page 2 110 ft-Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Report May 5, 2023 TSE Project No. 4072001.01.01, Mattituck, NY K2 Towers 111 No. NY-3 1) INTRODUCTION This tower is a 110 ft Monopole Tower designed by Valmont in 2020. 2)ANALYSIS CRITERIA IBC Edition: 2018 IBC TIA-222 Revision: TIA-222-H Risk Category: III Ultimate Wind Speed: 137 mph Exposure Category: C Topographic Factor: 1.00 Ice Thickness: 1.00 in Wind Speed with Ice: 50 mph Seismic Ss: 0.173 Seismic Si: 0.049 Service Wind Speed: 60 mph Table 1 -Proposed Equipment Confi uration Centerline(ft) Antenna Data Feedline Data Size Mount Antenna QTY Manufacturer Model QTY Type (in) 75.0 75.0 3 Commscope FW-65B-R3 12 Coax 7/8 3 Microdata MI-54844 65.0 65.0 3 Commscope FW-65B-R3 12 Coax 7/8 3 Ericsson 4460 Ground 3 Ericsson 4480 — -- -- 2 Ericsson 8863 Table 2-Other Equipment Configuration Centerline(ft) Antenna Data Feedline Data Mount Antenna QTY Manufacturer Model QTY Size(in) 121.0 2 Commander 220-3AN 110.0 115.4 2 Sinclair SD314-HF2P2SNM 6 15/8 110.0 2 -- 8'T-Arm 85.5 85.5 3 Commscope FW-65B-R3 6 15/8 81.5 81.5 6 Di lexers Page 3 110 ft-Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Report May 5, 2023 TSE Project No. 4072001.01.01, Mattituck, NY K2 Towers 111 No. NY-3 3)ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Table 3-Documents Provided Document Remarks Date Reference Tower Data Tower Drawings by Vector 2/21/2020 VZ16-01355W-17R4 Foundation Data Tower Drawings by Vector 2/21/2020 VZ16-01355W-17R4 Soil Data Geotech by Thomas D Reilly PE 12/5/2022 -- Existing Loading SA By Vector 10/12/2021 U4654.001.211 Proposed Loading T-Mobile Application 5/2/2023 -- 3.1)Analysis Method tnxTower(version, a commercially available analysis software package, was used to create a three-dimensional model of the tower and calculate member stresses for various loading cases. Select output from the analysis is included in Appendix A. 3.2)Assumptions 1) The tower and structures were maintained in accordance with the TIA-222 standard. 2) The configuration of antennas, transmission cables, mounts and other appurtenances are as specified in Tables 1 and 2 and the referenced drawings. This analysis may be affected if any assumptions are not valid or have been made in error. TSE should be notified to determine the effect on the structural integrity of the tower and foundation. Page 4 110 ft-Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Report May 5, 2023 TSE Project No. 4072001.01.01, Mattituck, NY K2 Towers 111 No. NY-3 4)ANALYSIS RESULTS Table 4-Section Ca aci Summa Sect. Elevation Component ° Pass/ /° No. (ft) Type Size Load(k) 4)Pn (k) Capacity Fail L1 110- 100 Pole TP10.75x10.75x0.365 -0.731 472.64 31.4 Pass L2 100 -99.5 Pole TP12.75x10.754.562 -0.971 713.931 21.2 Pass L3 99.5-80 Pole TP12.75x12.75xo.562 -3.591 854.083 55.9 Pass L4 80-60 Pole TP12.75x12.75x1.312 -9.316 1871.173 59.5 Pass L5 60-59.5 Pole TP36.072x12.75x0.999 -9.487 2288.716 52.0 Pass L6 59.5- 15 Pole TP42.48x36.072x0.25 -15.421 2017.375 47.7 Pass L7 15- 1 Pole TP44x41.140.25 -19.505 2132.403 60.5 Pass urnmary Pole 1-7 60.5 Pass RATING= 60.5 Pass Table 5-Tower Component Stresses vs.Capacity Component Elevation (ft) %Capacity' Pass/Fail Anchor Rods Base 51.9 Pass Base Plate Base 40.8 Pass Foundation Pad&Pier Base 63.3 Pass Structure Rating (max from all components)= 63.3% Notes: 1) See additional documentation in APPENDIX B-Additional Calculations for calculations supporting the%capacity consumed. 2) Rating per TIA-222-H Section 15.5. Table 6-Twist and Sway Results for Microwave Antennas Elevation Microwave Microwave Microwave TIA-222-H Twist and Antenna Diameter Frequency Sway °, Annex D Pass/Fail (ft) Description (ft) (GHz)z O Limit(°) N/A 4.1) Recommendations The tower and its foundations have sufficient capacity to carry the proposed loading configuration. Page 5 APPENDIX A tnxTower Output DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING TYPE ELEVATION TYPE ELEVATION z_5 Concealme" .. .. w.. nl Canister 110 3'x 10'ConcealmeM Canister 80 X 215, ..... ......_w..,.,. ... ... ... ... ti'mnvnO ... 110 .... 10 x5 x2 TMA.......... ......... ... ..75........ _....... ,......, (2)SD314-HF2KSNM 1110 FW-65B-R375 6'Horx4 x4 Angle Mount 110 FW-65&R3 75 ............. x2 TMA ,.. . . Angle Mount 110 75 10 x5 B'Horx4 x4..�..�............. ....,..., .. '3'x 10'Concealment Canister 100 75 .... "µ FW 0 Concealment Canister 90 10x5 x2 TMA 75 .........�_..... ....... .�... ...... ....�,.,,........._ .110.0 fl...' 3 x.... M_..„,.. .....,,,. ........ .-_....... .... .._...,,,,. _....... .. .... ..,. ....... ..�.� 1 -b5&R3 85.9 3'x 70'Concealment Camster 70 FW-65&R3 ..... 85.5....m... .. .... . .. _5B-R3 ......_� 65 ... _... FW�6 .� FW-65&R3 ... P 65 h ........ FW-65&R3 55 exer .. 855 ..... ... .... �()µ i lexer BS 5 3..5 Concealment Canister 60 „_,µ_µ 2 D ....... ...........__.... ..�... .. ... .,....,i 05 5 ............. .... TRIAL STRENGTH GRADE6y y A5013 42 .. 142 ksi....F.. ......_50 ksi . .... .. �A572-65 5 ksi 0 0 � M TOWER DESIGN NOTES q � N N 1. Tower designed for Exposure C to the TIA-222-H Standard, 2. Tower designed for a 137 rnph basic wind in accordance with the TIA-222-H Standard. 3. Tower is also designed for a 50 mph basic wand with 1.00 in ice.lCe is ctansidered to increase in thickness with height a 00.0 n 4. Deflections are based upon a 60 mph wind. 5. Tower Risk Category III. 6. Topographic Category 1 with Crest Height of 0.000 ft 7. TIA-222-H Annex S 6. TOWER RATING:60.5% o N o u) NtV N Il r.. V O N o�D O +Y h tori V ALL REACTIONS d ARE FACTORED AXIAL 30 K SHEAR MOMENT 4 K 274 kip-ft TORQUE 0 kip-ft 50 mph WIND-1.000 In ICE AXIAL I � o 20 K SMEAR � MOMENT 17 K 1162 kip-ft .�......,., ... ......,_....._...... .. 1�.�.ft. .............. � N TORQUE 0 kip-ft REACTIONS-137 mph WIND E YAr Tabb Structural Engineering 4072001.0101 Laurel Stone �pP C� �:� ..m................ DrawnbY ��PP� d mt Branch a Austin,TX lrarnur1i�a ar! blab _.. Phone: 4" TIA 222-H �q 'w05/05/23 Stow, N fS a v_. taro Na,E- FAX: TIA-222-H-Service-60 mph Maximum Values Deflection (in) Tilt(deg) Twist(deg) 0 ,a 10 0 0,5 ti 0 0.05 0.1 I I I A f I F I I P I I l l 1 1 f V l V I t l l 1 6 1 1 I l V l 6 B t 9 I I I I F I I E l I I I I I l I f 8 4 P A f' tl f I P M I I p 6 f I 8 6 4 tl I I G t l I I I 4 V C V I I Y I f C I f Y I I d i I I 0„ 'W P 6 R E N I R I I ( E t I P 1 6 Y V R 8 k 4 € P I I [ A I A A I A f I I I V II I K f ! C P Y V R I II 4 I I l I I I I f l 4 Y C I 4 I I I I k I I I I 4 I V I I I f I I V I k V l 8 W I p l I I t l I 60 Ov W W I I l I I l l V I I d 4 d I B I l Y G Y V t f ' Y I k ➢ I X Y L I f I I f V 6 t 1 { ! I I B I I I I f I I f G I { V I I I I ( I I I 0 I N Y I 4 B k 8 ! R tl I C I 4 f I N V R f G l V E V l C i G I I I f I k d I I u G l I I l u I f e € V V I l b ( I V I I l I I I I G V 0 I C I ! I G 0 B l I V I G I l f I ODO u5. D d 15,. ”` B I I Y I I I t f I I k f f I I I I l I I I 9 I C I I k I I I 6 I t f ,�;�, ,,,�,.........,............ ...... .. .5,,.... ...............,.... ......,,.. .L.,.,.....V,....... wG......�, ..1 ..,..1,m,....._.k......_ f....,... f.... J,..... L. .....I. ...h.0 1O.OS.....>�.,.....w.,.u.�.u�.. 66 6b. 1 0 Tabb Structural E,re; sneer n 6' 4072001 0101 Laurel Stone 6�rodect Austin, TX roe*ranch CC1rnn1gptgq!!q ¢ e«wa Ry btat6 AWd w_ Phone:rAX' Pte. DW9 Noa Feed Line Distribution Chart 11-110, Round _ F781 AWP In Face ,__ APP©ut Face Truss Leg Face A Face B Face C 10.000 z I MAW— _szg 75.000 75AMQ m c= na` 000 v 0 7 d W N F d v . ........... e . .. ,. .� ���.�.�..�,�,�, .,.,m,,,. ���..........., � .....,, M.,.maw. ...,,,,,.�.�...�.. "abb Structural Enginl rin 7 I Stone 40 2001 0101-Laurel Austin,TX saerrooh C crrnara�pn—'0 °' dt"'blab 'TIA 222 H _ oaMe 05005925 h6T Phone: .__ �...M._.._ M� _.. , FAX � a � Feed Line Plan Round Flat ........... )718" (12)1 5/8" Eilgineering 4072001-01-01-Laurel Stone rb ... ......... 5WwI;i......... Brandh Austin, TX NW705/05123 NTS Phone: Wgir...................... Ftp}: Job tnxTower Jo4072001.01.01 -Laurel Stone Page1 of 14 Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 08:46:01 05/05/23 Austin,TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX.- Tower Input Data The tower is a monopole. This tower is designed using the TIA-222-H standard. The following design criteria apply: Tower base elevation above sea level: 1.000 ft. Basic wind speed of 137 mph. Risk Category III. Exposure Category C. Simplified Topographic Factor Procedure for wind speed-up calculations is used. Topographic Category: 1. Crest Height:0.000 ft. Nominal ice thickness of 1.000 in. Ice thickness is considered to increase with height. Ice density of 56.000 pcf. A wind speed of 50 mph is used in combination with ice. Temperature drop of 50.000°F. Deflections calculated using a wind speed of 60 mph. TIA-222-H Annex S. A non-linear(P-delta)analysis was used. Pressures are calculated at each section. Stress ratio used in pole design is 1. Tower analysis based on target reliabilities in accordance with Annex S. Load Modification Factors used:Kes(Fw)=1.0,Kes(ti)= 1.0. Maximum demand-capacity ratio is: 1.05. Local bending stresses due to climbing loads,feed line supports,and appurtenance mounts are not considered. O tions Consider Moments-Legs Distribute Leg Loads As Uniform Use ASCE 10 X-Brace Ly Rules Consider Moments-Horizontals Assume Legs Pinned Calculate Redundant Bracing Forces Consider Moments-Diagonals 4 Assume Rigid Index Plate Ignore Redundant Members in FEA Use Moment Magnification q Use Clear Spans For Wind Area SR Leg Bolts Resist Compression J Use Code Stress Ratios Use Clear Spans For KL/r All Leg Panels Have Same Allowable 4 Use Code Safety Factors-Guys Retension Guys To Initial Tension Offset Girt At Foundation Escalate Ice 4 Bypass Mast Stability Cla%ks Consider Feed Line Torque Always Use Max Kz Use Azimuth Dish Coefficients Include Angle Block Shear Check Use Special Wind Profile q Project Wind Area of Appurt. Use TIA-222-H Bracing Resist.Exemption Include Bolts In Member Capacity Autocalc Torque Arm Areas Use TIA-222-H Tension Splice Exemption Leg Bolts Are At Top Of Section Add IBC.6D+W Combination Poles Secondary Horizontal Braces Leg Sort Capacity Reports By Component q Include Shear-Torsion Interaction Use Diamond Inner Bracing(4 Sided) Triangulate Diamond Inner Bracing Always Use Sub-Critical Flow SR Members Have Cut Ends Treat Feed Line Bundles As Cylinder Use Top Mounted Sockets SR Members Are Concentric Ignore KL/ry For 60 Deg.Angle Legs Pole Without Linear Attachments Pole With Shroud Or No Appurtenances Outside and Inside Comer Radii Are Known Tapered Pole Section Geometry Job tnxTvwer Jo4072001.01.01 -Laurel Stone Page2 of 14 Project Date Tabb Structural Engineering 08:46:01 05/05/23 Austin,TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX: SectionElevation Section Splice Splice Number TopBottom Wall Bend Pole Grade Length Length of Diameter Diameter Thickness Radius IA .. ....................... (...............�......Sides......... ...........in..,u..µ.....,............j............-............'n _.......,. .............'rr............ ..............._.._....... ... .., .L..............�...,.,.0.000._00.00 ...�..,��.. .� 11 .0 ]0 10.000 0.000 Round 10.750 10.750 0.365 A500-42 0 (42 ksi) L2 100.000-99.500 0.500 0.000 Round 10.750 12.750 0.562 A500-42 (42 ksi) L3 99.500-80.000 19.500 0.000 Round 12.750 12.750 0.562 A500-42 (42 ksi) L4 80„000-60.000 20.000 0.000 Round 12.750 12.750 1.312 A500-42 (42 ksi) L5 60.000-59.500 0.500 0.000 18 12.750 36.072 0.999 3.996 A572-65 (65 ksi) L6 59.500-15.000 44.500 5.833 18 36.072 42.480 0.250 1.000 A572-65 (65 ksi) L7 15.000-1.000 19.833 18 41.140 44.000 0.250 1.000 A572-65 Tape redPole Properties mRSectioti . Tip Dia. Area ..............����,m. ..................w.....................� ����� ............................oUC Lt/Q tvt 11.908 160.734 3 m 3- in, 1. .9 in .... �.i ...... .. 10�750 ���!OS....,.,._ 160734. "-"3,,.'6',7"4 674 5.375 29.904.. .32L468.�-... 5.951 0.000 0 5.951 0.000 0 L2 10.750 17,988 234.090 3.607 5.375 43.552 468.180 8.988 0.000 0 12.750 21.519 400,420 4.314 6.375 62.811 800.840 10.753 0.000 0 L3 12.750 21.519 400.420 4.314 6.375 62.811 800.840 10.753 0.000 0 12.750 21.519 400.420 4.314 6.375 62,811 800.840 10.753 0.000 0 L4 12.750 47.145 781.126 4.070 6.375 122.530 1562.251 23.558 0.000 0 12.750 47.145 781.126 4.070 6.375 122.530 1562,251 23.558 0.000 0 L5 12.793 37.260 650.031 4.172 6.477 100.360 1300.918 18.634 0.486 0.486 36.474 111.210 17283.377 12.451 18.325 943.180 34589,496 55.616 4.590 4.595 L6 36.590 28.425 4608.227 12.717 18.325 251.478 9222.518 14.215 5.909 23,635 43.097 33.510 7550.012 14,992 21.580 349.864 15109.958 16.758 7.036 28.146 L7 42.590 32.446 6853.868 14.516 20.899 327.950 13716.754 16.226 6.801 27.203 2 44.640 34.716 8394958 � 15.531 22.352 37 .580 16800963 m�17.361 7.304 29. 16q� ��er��������.........................�GusseT" Gusset „���.�.��wGussetGrade Ad�ust Factor Factor WeightMult DStilceA��"le DoubleA �'-'" �g- le ub ng ngle Double Angle Elevation Area Thickness Af h Bolt Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt (per face) Ar Spacing Spacing Spacing Diagonals Horizontals Redundants At_ _..,,,,..w... ........,.„ n in Vin......_. .........,.. 'n... .. LI C I 1.08 110,000-100.0 00 L2 C. I. 1.08 100.000-99,50 0 L3 I. I 1.08 99.500-80.000 L4 I I 1.08 80.000-60.000 L5 t 1 1 60.000-59.500 L6 1 R 1 59.500-15.000 L7 1 I 1 15.000-1.00,0 Job tnxTower Jo4072001.01.01 - Laurel Stone Page3 of 14 Project Date Tabb Structural Engineering 08:46:01 05/05/23 Austin,TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances - Entered As Area Description wFace.......��Allaw..��o��������� Exclude Component Placement ����NNNN��������.Totah��������������������������� ����������� �����������CAA.. � Weight ,w , or Shield From Type Number Leg Torque f Aft k1f _. ..7/8' a........ No...,,, No '� Inside... ............ -1.000, 2 _...m. .. ......... .o..a..� Calculation 4 No Ice 0.000 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 7/8" A No No Inside Pole 75.000-65.000 12 No Ice 0.000 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.000 1"Ice 0.000 0.000 A No No Inside Pole 85.000-1.000 12 No Ice 0.000 0.001 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.001 1"Ice 0.000 0.001 1 5/8" A No No Inside Pole 110.000- 6 No Ice 0.000 0.001 85.000 1/2"Ice 0.000 0.001 �l"I e �0.000 .. �. 0..001 . . Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances Section Areas 7bwerw �„ Tower Face NNmmmAR��.. .... �. ..w,adne� mAAAoNWeight Section Elevation In Face Out Face Lot.... 110.000 100.000..,.,,,, a... O.oo 0..� -- 000 _..... .. .f w_....�..,,,.- K-. .._m , 000 0.000 0.049 B 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L2 100.000-99.500 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L3 99.500-80.000 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,121 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L4 80.000-60.000 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.269 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L5 60.000-59.500 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0009 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 L6 59.500-15.000 A 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.758 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 L7 15.000-1.000 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.239 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000., ��..0.000 ...0.000 .dm0.000 m Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances Section Areas -With Ice tnAl"Wer Job 4072001.01.01 - Laurel Stone Page 4 of 14 Project Date Tabb Structural Engineering 08:46:01 05/05/23 ---------- Austin,TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. Tower Tower Face Ice AR A, C.4AA CAAA Weight Section Elevation or Thickness In Face Out Face in eg. f�__ _. 0000 Z_ 0 L 1 k 110.000-100.000 A 0.000 0.000 .000 0.049 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L2 100.000-99.500 A 1.285 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.002 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 OMO 0,000 0,000 L3 99.500-80.000 A 1,271 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.121 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L4 80.000-60.000 A 1,240 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.269 B 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0,000 L5 60.000-59.500 A 1.220 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.009 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 L6 59.500-15.000 A 1.164 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.758 B 0.000 0,000 0000 0.000 0,000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L7 15.000-1000 A 0.997 0.000 0.000 0.000 - 0,000 0.239 B 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C ................... .......... ................ ...................... ..........11-0.000-l-l�,�,��,����-������������,�.. 0,000...........................0......000 0 000 0,000 Feed Line Center of Pressure Section Elevation Px Z CT PZ Ice Ice in L 1 00- 110.0100.000 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 L2 100.000-99.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 U 99.500-80.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L4 80,000-60.000 0.000 0.000 MOO 0.000 L5 60.000-59,500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L6 59.500-15.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 U 15MO-1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Note:For pole sections,center of pressure calculations do not consider feed line shielding. Discrete Tower Loads .........A......... Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement CAAA CAAWeight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ftpft2 K fi ft Yx 5'Concealment Canister C None 0.000 110.000 No Ice 7.500 7.500 0,150 1/2"Ice 10.972 10.972 0.296 1"Ice 11.453 11.453 0.450 Yx IO'Concealment Canister C None 0.000 100.000 No Ice 15.556 15.556 0,300 1/2"Ice 22.295 22.295 0.558 tnxTower Job 4072001.01.01 - Laurel Stone Page 5 of 14 Project Date Tabb Structural Engineering 08:46:01 05/05/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX.• CAAA CAAA Weight ................ ....................................................... ................................................. .............. ;ion.................................F-a-ce N.........................O"ffsel Offsets: Azimuth Placement or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ftK ft ft fig ........ -ce 23.0444444 3 044 -1-_.2w.3...,044 0-.-8-2�6 31 x 10'Concealment Canister C None 0.000 90.000 No Ice 15.556 15.556 0.300 1/2"Ice 22.295 22.295 0.558 1"Ice 23.044 23.044 0.826 Tx 10'Concealment Canister C None 0.000 80.000 No'Ice 15.556 15.556 0.300 1/2"Ice 22.295 22.295 0.558 1"Ice 23.044 23.044 0.826 31 x]0'Concealment Canister C None 0.000 70.000 No Ice 15.556 15.556 0.300 1/2"Ice 22.295 22.295 0.558 1"Ice 23.044 23.044 0.826 Tx 5'Concealment Canister C None 0.000 60.000 No Ice 7.500 7.500 0.150 1/2"Ice 10.972 10.972 0.296 1"Ice 11.453 11.453 0.450 FVV-65B-R3 A From Leg 0.500 0.000 75.000 No Ice 8.026 5.356 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 8.481 5.810 0.107 0.000 1"Ice 8.944 6.270 0.163 FVV-65B-R3 B From Leg 0.500 0.000 75.000 No Ice 8,026 5.356 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 8.481 5,810 0.107 0.000 1"Ice 8.944 6.270 0.163 FVV-65B-R3 C From Leg 0.500 0.000 75.000 No Ice 8.026 5,356 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 8.481 5.810 0.107 0.000 1"Ice 8.944 6.270 0.163 FVV-65B-R3 A From Leg 0,500 0.000 65,000 No Ice 8.026 5.356 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 8.481 5.810 0.107 0.000 1"Ice 8.944 6.270 0.163 FVV-65B-R3 B From Leg 0.500 OMO 65.000 No Ice 8.026 5.356 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 8.481 5.810 0.107 0.000 V Ice 8.944 6.270 0.163 FVV-65B-R3 C From Leg 0.500 0.000 65.000 No Ice 8.026 5.356 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 8.481 5.810 0.107 0.000 1"Ice 8.944 6.270 0.163 10"x5"x2"TMA A From Leg 0.500 0.000 75.000 No Ice 0.417 0.182 0.003 0.000 M"Ice 0.504 0.250 0.006 0.000 1"Ice 0.598 0.325 0.011 10"x5"x2"TMA B From Leg 0.500 0.000 75.000 No Ice 0.417 0.182 0,003 0.000 1/2"Ice 0,504 0,250 0.006 0.000 1"Ice 0.598 0.325 0.011 10"x5"x2"TMA C From Leg 0.500 0-000 75-000 No Ice 0.417 0.182 0.003 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.504 0.250 0.006 0.000 1"Ice 0.598 0325 0.011 FVV-65B-R3 A From Leg 0.500 0,000 85.500 No Ice 8.026 5.356 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 8.481 5.810 0.107 0.000 V Ice 8.944 6.270 0.163 FVV-65B-R3 B From Leg 0.500 0.000 85.500 No Ice 8.026 5.356 0.058 0.000 1/2"Ice 8.481 5.810 0.107 0.000 V Ice 8.944 6.270 0.163 FVV-65B-R3 C From Leg 0.500 0.000 85.500 No Ice 8.026 5.356 0.058 0.000 1/2'Ice 8.481 5.810 0.107 0.000 V Ice 8.944 6.270 0.163 (2)Diplexer A From Leg 0.500 0.000 85.500 No Ice 0.408 0.121 0.006 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.490 0,173 0,009 0.000 V Ice 0,579 0.231 0.013 (2)Diplexer B From Leg 0.500 0.000 85.500 No Ice 0.408 0.121 0.006 0.000 1/2"Ice 0.490 0.173 0.009 0.000 V Ice 0.579 0.231 0,013 tnxTower Job 4072001.01.01 -Laurel Stone Page6 of 14 Project Date Tabb Structural Enginccriteg 08:46:01 05/05/23 Austin,TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX.- d �Weight tw ... Am .oN. PlN n StHoes. dunacement scription Foye ��peu � Ft e Leg Lateral Vert f f lt' .tt2 K f (2)Diplexer,,,,,,,,,,,,, ....,,.,,...From ..Leg ...w..,,,...0.000 .........0.000.. 85.500....,.,.... N2 II e........ 0.490.. 0.173 0.ce 0408 0.121 006....._ 0.000 1"Ice 0.579 0.231 0.013 (2)20.7'x 2.75"Omni C From Leg 0,000 0.000 110.000 No Ice 5.683 5.683 0.024 0.000 1/2"Ice 7.781 7.781 0.065 10.950 1"Ice 9.896 9.896 0.120 (2)SD314-HF2P2SNM B From Leg 0.000 0.000 110.000 No Ice 4.430 4.430 0.014 0.000 1/2"Ice 5.010 5.010 0,042 5.350 1"Ice 5.590 5.590 0.069 8'Hor x 4"x 4"Angle Mount C From Leg 0.000 0.000 110.000 No Ice 5.240 0.030 0.053 0.000 1/2"Ice 5.590 0.100 0.083 0.000 1"Ice 5.990 0.190 0.119 8'Hor x 4"x 4"Angle Mount B From Leg 0.000 0.000 110.000 No Ice 5.240 0.030 0.053 0.000 1/2"Ice 5.590 0.100 0.083 0 000 000P'Icew 5.990 mm�0 190 0.119.�. Load Combinations �Comb. I7escrtptian.��.. ��.d���.. � 1 Dead Only 2 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No Ice 3 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No Ice 4 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No Ice 5 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No Ice 6 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No Ice 7 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No Ice 8 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No Ice 9 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No Ice 10 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg-No Ice 11 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg-No Ice 12 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg-No Ice 13 0,9 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg-No Ice 14 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg-No Ice 15 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg-No Ice 16 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg-No Ice 17 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg-No Ice 18 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg-No Ice 19 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg-No Ice 20 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg-No Ice 21 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg-No Ice 22 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg-No Ice 23 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg-No Ice 24 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg-No Ice 25 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg-No Ice 26 1.2 Dead+1.0 lce+1.0 Temp 27 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 28 1.2 Dead+1,0 Wind 30 deg+LO Ice+1.0 Temp 29 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 30 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp Page t1 xi wer Job 4072001.01.01 - Laurel Stone 7 of 14 Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 08:46:01 05/05/23 Austin,TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX.- ............ ................ �� ������ uComb. � � �� �������������� ����������� NNN„ ��.� ������e�e������������ Description�a �������o. � �a ..oNd � . . ..., ..,,. ........ _..... -,.,. . 31 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 32 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 33 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 34 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg+1.0 Ice+l.0 Temp 35 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 36 L2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 37 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 38 1.2 Dead+].0 Wind 330 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 39 Dead+Wind 0 deg-Service 40 Dead+Wind 30 deg-Service 41 Dead+Wind 60 deg-Service 42 Dead+Wind 90 deg-Service 43 Dead+Wind 120 deg-Service 44 Dead+Wind 150 deg-Service 45 Dead+Wind 180 deg-Service 46 Dead+Wind 210 deg-Service 47 Dead+Wind 240 deg-Service 48 Dead+Wind 270 deg-Service 49 Dead+Wind 300 deg-Service w50 w.w Dead+Wind 330 dem§Mice� Mw� NdwwW �...............NNNNN . Maximum Member Forces Section mmElevation � Componentµ M.ConditionW u�Gov. Wµ Axial u o Major Axis m Minor Axis No. ft Type Load Moment Moment Comb.................._...... .................._ .......... P t...........-. .. .,. _ _K .-I.-L............................1.10_....1..._..., 00 ..,............_.,w._..Pole0.000...._.....,.,.,.,.,.,w..._. Tensionx Ma0.000 0.000.......... Max.Compression 26 -2.182 0.064 -0.188 Max.Mx 20 -0.731 40.669 -0,.030 Max.My 14 -0.774 0.005 -37,.142 Max.Vy 20 -3.031 40.669 -0.030 Max.Vx 14 2.673 0.005 -37.142 Max.Torque 10 -0.339 L2 100-99.5 Pole Max Tension 1 0,000 0.000 0,000 Max.Compression 26 -3.286 0.064 -0.188 Max.Mx 20 -1.016 42.934 -0.030 Max.My 14 -1.066 0.005 -39.227 Max.Vy 20 4539 42.934 -0.030 Max.Vx 14 4.180 0.005 -39.227 Max.Torque 10 -0.339 L3 99-5-80 Pole Max Tension 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 26 -7.482 0.064 -0.188 Max.Mx 20 -3.591 153 189 -0.041 Max.My 14 -3.633 0..007 -142.395 Max,Vy 20 -6.715 153.189 -0.041 Max.Vx 14 6.349 0.007 -142.395 Max.Torque 10 -0,.339 L4 80-60 Pole Max Tension 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 26 -15.720 0.064 -0.188 Max.Mx 20 -9.316 336.424 -0.046 Max.My 14 -9.340 0.008 -318.248 Max.Vy 20 -10.126 336.424 -0.046 Max.Vx 14 9.758 0.008 -318.248 Max.Torque 10 -0.338 L5 60-59.5 Pole Max Tension 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 26 -16.453 0.064 -0.188 Max.Mx 20 -9.648 341.822 -0.047 Max.My 14 -9.671 0.008 -323.463 Max.Vy 20 -10.822 341,822 -0.047 Job tnxTower Jo4072001.01.01 - Laurel Stone Page8 of 14 Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 08:46:01 05/05/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX.- S N� n`--6 o"v" Axial MajorisMP A s No. f Type Load tMoment Max,Vx C14b .... ]0455 _ OS k: t kiP 008 -323.463 Max.Torque 10 -0.337 L6 59.5-15 Pole Max Tension 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Max.Compression 26 -24.328 0.064 -0.188 Max.Mx 20 -15.421 843.467 -0.050 Max.My 14 -15.431 0,009 -810.980 Max.Vy 20 -15.064 843.467 -0.050 Max.Vx 14 14.702 0.009 -810.980 Max.Torque 10 -0.337 L7 15-1 Pole Max Tension 1 0.000 0.000 0,000 Max.Compression 26 -29.657 0.064 -0.188 Max.Mx 20 -19.505 1161.736 -0.050 Max.My 14 -19.505 0.009 -1122.121 Max.Vy 20 -16.976 1161.736 -0.050 Max.Vx 14 16.620 0.009 -1122.121 Max.Torque 10 -0.336 Maximum Reactions Location ConditionGov. . Vertical � Horizontal,X Horizontal,�Z Load K K K Comb. Pole . ......M. ...w.. ., _...... .., ..,... ....,,,.....w... ._. Max.Vert 26 29.657 0.000 0.000 Max.H. 20 19.511 16.969 0.000 Max.Hz 2 19.511 0.000 16.614 Max.Mx 2 1122.019 0.000 16.614 Max.M. 8 1161,718 -16.969 0.000 Max.Torsion 20 0.316 16.969 0.000 Min.Vert 13 14.633 -8.485 -14.388 Min.Hr 8 19.511 -16.969 0.000 Min,H, 14 19.511 0.000 -16.614 Min.M. 14 -1122.121 0.000 -16.614 Min.M. 20 -1161.736 16.969 0.000 Min.Torsion 10 -0.336 -14.696 -8.307 Tower Mast Reaction Summary � Aw� Vertical � Shea � �Shear, wNN .. Overturning Nw�Overturning Torque Combination Moment,M t P. ....................... .......k!h�..._..........� ,.Dead Onlywv.................-.....................wr........4...„...................K..1..6.2.5.......................� 0.000 ......._. 0.0_�..�.�......�.�.-.�.�._...k'._��...���..............................., Moment, 00 0. 41 0.007 0.000 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No 19.511 0.000 -16.614 -1122.019 0.009 -0.070 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 0 deg-No 14.633 0.000 -16.614 -1116.413 0.007 -0.070 Ice 1,2 Dead+LO Wind 30 deg-No 19.511 8.485 -14.388 -971.675 -580.883 0.070 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 30 deg-No 14.633 8.485 -14.388 -966.822 -577.946 0.070 Ice 1..2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No 19.511 14.696 -8.307 -560.958 -1006.092 0.211 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg-No 14.633 14,696 -8.307 -558.162 -1001.005 0.211 Ice Job Page tnxTower 4072001.01.01 - Laurel Stone 9 of 14 Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date08:46:01 05/05/23 Austin,TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX.- .................................... ...................... Load Vertical Shear, Shear, Overturning Overturning Torque Combination on Moment,M. Moment,A K K K 1 2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No 19.511 .969 0.000 0.050 -1161.718 0.316 Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg-No 14.633 16.969 0.000 0.037 -1155.844 0.315 Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 deg- 19.511 14.696 8.307 561.059 -1006.093 0.336 No Ice 0.9 Dead+L0 Wind 120 deg- 14.633 14.696 8.307 558.237 -1001.006 0.335 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg- 19.511 8.485 14.388 971.777 -580.884 0.246 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 deg- 14.633 8.485 14.388 966.897 -577.947 0.246 No Ice 12 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 deg- 19.511 0.000 16.614 1122.121 0.009 0.070 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1,0 Wind 180 deg- 14.633 0.000 16.614 1116.489 0.007 0�070 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 deg- 19.511 -8.485 14.388 971.777 580.902 -0.125 No Ice 0.9 Dead+10 Wind 210 deg- 14.633 -8.485 14.388 966.898 577.96I -0.124 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg- 19.511 -14.696 8.307 561.059 1006.112 -0.266 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 deg- 14.633 -14.696 8.307 558.237 1001.020 -0.265 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg- 19.511 -16.969 0.000 0.050 1161,736 -0.316 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 deg- 14.633 -16.969 0.000 0.037 1155.858 -0.315 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1,0 Wind 300 deg- 19.511 -14.696 -8.307 -560.958 1006.111 -0.282 No Ice 0,9 Dead+1.0 Wind 300 deg- 14.633 -14.696 -8.307 -558.162 1001.019 -0.281 No Ice 1.2 Dead+L0 Wind 330 deg- 19.511 -8A85 -14.388 -971.675 580.901 -0.192 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 deg- 14.633 -8.485 -14.388 -966.822 577.960 -0.191 No Ice 1,2 Dead+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 29.657 0.000 0.000 0.188 0.064 0.000 1,2 Dead+I 0 Wind 0 deg+I.0 29.657 0.000 -3.953 -267.440 0.069 -0.040 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+I-0 Wind 30 deg+1.0 29.657 2.004 -3.423 -231.583 -136.864 0.003 Ice+].O Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 60 deg+].O 29,657 3.470 -1.976 -133.618 -237.105 0.045 Ice+1.0 Ternp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 90 deg+1.0 29.657 4.007 0.000 0.203 -273.796 0.076 Ic;e+I 0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 120 29.657 3.470 1.976 134.025 -237.105 0.086 deg+].O Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 150 29-657 2.004 3.423 231.989 -136.864 0.073 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 180 29.657 0.000 3.953 267.847 0.069 0.040 deg+].O Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 210 29.657 -2.004 3.423 231.990 137.002 -0.005 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp 1,2 Dead+1.0 Wind 240 29-657 -3.470 1.976 134.025 237.244 -0,047 deg+].O Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 270 29.657 -4.007 0.000 0.203 273.935 -0076 deg+1.0 Ice+1,0 Temp 1.2 Dead+I 0 Wind 300 29.657 -3.470 -1.976 -133.618 237.244 -0,084 deg+].O Ice+1.0 Temp 1.2 Dead+1.0 Wind 330 29.657 -2004 -3.423 -231.583 137.002 -0.071 deg+1.0 Ice+1.0 Temp JPage tnxTower 4072001.01.01 -Laurel Stone 10 of 14 Project Date Tabb Structural Enginccring 08:46:01 05/05/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. mzVerticalShear, Shea „. turningOverturning Mverturrnrn Torque Load Combination Overturning M K . 030 de SSrvice .. ., .... . . 16.259 ...,... x° .0.a 00 -2,755 w._ -2,755 ..__.,.k ! 166 524.. _ -96.5010 .8 . kru,-0.012 Dead+Wind g 015 Dead+Wind 60 deg-Service 16.259 2.436 -1.378 -93.238 -167.149 0.038 Dead+Wind 90 deg-Service 16.259 2.813 0.000 0.042 -193.009 0.052 Dead+Wind 120 deg-Service 16.259 2.436 1.378 93.323 -167.150 0.051 Dead+Wind 150 deg-Service 16.259 1.407 2.386 161.609 -96.501 0.037 Dead+Wind 180 deg-Service 16.259 0.000 2.755 186.603 0.008 0.012 Dead+Wind 210 deg-Service 16.259 -1.407 2.386 161.609 96.516 -0.017 Dead+Wind 240 deg-Service 16.259 -2.436 1378 93.323 167.165 -0.040 Dead+Wind 270 deg-Service 16.259 -2.813 0.000 0.042 193.024 -0.052 Dead+Wind 300 deg-Service 16.259 -2.436 -1.378 -93.238 167.165 -0.050 DeadiNind 330 dem Service�w 16.259 -1.407 . N 2386 � -16LS24�N� �96.516 �0.035 Solution Summa uw �ro,. W Sum of Applied Forces Sum rr.ofReactlons K... ... .259..... ., 0�0- /.E..or, - Cor� -.... 0.000 -.�.... .....16 59 0.000��... ..w�,,. ..... ..._,.._� Error 0.000 16 00 0.000% 2 0.000 -19.511 -16.614 0.000 19.511 16.614 0.000% 3 0,000 -14.633 -16.614 0.000 14.633 16.614 0,000% 4 8.485 -19.511 -14.388 -8.485 19.511 14.388 0.000% 5 8.485 -14.633 -14.388 -8.485 14.633 14.388 0.000% 6 14.696 -19.511 -8.307 -14.696 19.511 8.307 0.000% 7 14.696 -14.633 -8.307 -14.696 14.633 8.307 0.000% 8 16,969 -19.511 0.000 -16.969 19,511 0.000 0.000% 9 16.969 -14.633 0.000 -16.969 14.633 0.000 0.000% 10 14.696 -19.511 8.307 -14.696 19.511 -8.307 0.000% 11 14,696 -14.633 8.307 -14.696 14.633 -8307 0.000% 12 8.485 -19.511 14.388 -8.485 19.511 -14.388 0.000% 13 8.485 -14.633 14.388 -8.485 14.633 -14.388 0.000% 14 0.000 -19.511 16.614 0.000 19.511 -16.614 0,000% 15 0.000 -14.633 16.614 0.000 14.633 -16.614 0.000% 16 -8.485 -19.511 14.388 8.485 19.511 -14.388 0.000% 17 -8.485 -14.633 14.388 8.485 14.633 -14.388 0.000% 18 -14.696 -19.511 8.307 14.696 19.511 -8.307 0.000% 19 -14.696 -14.633 8.307 14.696 14.633 -8.307 0.000% 20 -16.969 -19.511 0.000 16.969 19,511 0.000 0.000% 21 -16.969 -14.633 0.000 16.969 14.633 0,000 0,000% 22 -14.696 -19.511 -8.307 14.696 19.511 8,307 0.000% 23 -14.696 -14.633 -8.307 14.696 14.633 8.307 0.000% 24 -8.485 -19.511 -14.388 8.485 19.511 14.388 0.000% 25 -8.485 -14.633 -14.388 8.485 14.633 14,388 0.000% 26 0.000 -29.657 0.000 0.000 29.657 0.000 0.000% 27 0.000 -29.657 -3.953 0.000 29.657 3.953 0,000% 28 2.004 -29.657 -3.423 -2.004 29.657 3.423 0.000% 29 3.470 -29.657 -1.976 -3.470 29.657 1.976 0.000% 30 4.007 -29.657 0.000 -4.007 29.657 0.000 0.000% 31 3.470 -29.657 1.976 -3.470 29.657 -1.976 0.000% 32 2.004 -29.657 3.423 -2.004 29.657 -3.423 0.000% 33 0.000 -29.657 3.953 0.000 29.657 -3.953 0.000% 34 -2.004 -29.657 3.423 2.004 29.657 -3.423 0.000% 35 -3.470 -29.657 1.976 3.470 29.657 -1.976 0.000% 36 -4.007 -29.657 0.000 4.007 29.657 0.000 0.000% 37 -3.470 -29.657 -1.976 3.470 29.657 1.976 0.000% 38 -2.004 -29.657 -3.423 2.004 29.657 3.423 0.000% 39 0.000 -16.259 -2.755 0.000 16.259 2.755 0.000% 40 1.407 -16.259 -2.386 -1.407 16.259 2.386 0.000% Job Page WxTower 4072001.01.01 - Laurel Stone 12 of 14 Tabb Structural Engineering Project Date 08:46:01 05/05/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX: 42 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00002263 43 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00007889 44 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00006315 45 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00001266 46 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00006505 47 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00007636 48 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00002264 49 Yes 4 0,00000001 0.00006214 50Y� s40,00007268000000001 Maximum Tower Deflections - Service Wind Section Elevation Harz. Gov. Tilt Twrstmmm�������.���������o � No. Deflection Load LSM,...... 110-100 8.525....w b. 4$ '6_870...... _..... 0.003 L2 100-99.5 6.766 48 0.795 0.002 L3 99.5-80 6.683 48 0.792 0.002 L4 80-60 3.801 48 0.577 0.001 L5 60-59.5 1.916 48 0.286 0.000 L6 59.5-15 1.886 48 0.285 0.000 L7 20.8333-1 0.250 48 0.105 0.000 Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Service Wind Elevation ................ Appurtenance .....�.................... Gov ............Deflection ........ .TrTt���� � ......,-Tw"""ist ..... _"�'_""Radiusof ...a Load Curvature Com 1 000........ 3 x 5'„0.. ........... ............�.. ..,....., la..,... 'n........._, ..,,, t Concealment Canister 4$ $.525 0.870 0.003 8797 00 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 48 6.766 0.795 0.002 6250 90.000 Tx 10'Concealment Canister 48 5.181 0.718 0.001 5832 85.500 FVV-65B-R3 48 4.530 0.663 0.001 5006 80,000 Tx 10'Concealment Canister 48 3.801 0.577 0.001 4309 75.000 FVV-65B-R3 48 3.211 0.483 0.000 3968 70.000 Tx 10'Concealment Canister 48 2.696 0.391 0.000 3708 65.000 FVV-65B-R3 48 2.263 0.318 0.000 3480 X60,000nw� 3'xx�S.�.Concealment iCanister 48 1.916 0.286 0.000 5251 �___........ Maximum Tower Deflections - Design Wind Section . ...... .........Eievation Horz. .�_�Gov.......... �. Tilt No. Deflection Load ��.... ............. Comb- 110-100 �.............,w51?21.5 20 . w,,,,.„.. ... 5237... 0.020 L2 100-99.5 40.653 20 4.776 0.012 L3 99.5-80 40.155 20 4.762 0.012 IA 80-60 22.844 20 3.468 0.005 L5 60-59-5 11.521 20 1.718 0.001 L6 59.5-15 11.341 20 1.715 0.001 L7 20.8333-1 1.502 20 0.634 0.000 Job Jo WxTower" 4072001 01.01 - Laurel Stone Page13 of 14 Project Date Tabb Structural Engineering 08:46:01 05/05/23 Austin, TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX.• .... .w.._ Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature -Desi n Wind Elevation ............... ��............... APPurlenance ���������������������N����NW���� Gov. Deflection����m�m��������������� Tilt Twisl��� �������w����b�a���������„„„ � Radius of Load Curvature a.,, .._..... .. _..� _... 5.237 100.000 3 X ° Concealment Canisteterr 20b 20 51 215 4.776 0.010 1470 110.000 3'x 0 Concealment Can 2 1046 90.000 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 20 31.131 4.316 0.008 980 85.500 FVV-65B-R3 20 27.222 3.985 0.007 840 80.000 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 20 22.844 3.468 0.005 723 75.000 FVV-65B-R3 20 19.301 2.905 0.003 664 70,000 3'x 10'Concealment Canister 20 16.212 2.348 0.002 620 65.000 FVV-65B-R3 20 13.608 1.914 0.001 581 60.000 3'x 5'Concealment Canister . 20�������� �������w� 1„1.521 1.718 w q 0.001 876 Cor»ression Checks Pole Design Data Section ..w..-E/eva,ion........................ .......... ..mm........... .... .Siz.�.......... ......................N..... ... ..L'"',. ............��,..,,,,,...............KT/r�....",-",-Ap�������������.������� �p� Ratio No. P. f? .li ft ins,,,,,, K. .. .....,... ..... K_......,...., � P a.a..... 100(1) TP70.75x10.75x0.365 10.00-0- ��.o..0.00-6-0.0"",.. . 11.9-68, 00 -0.731 450.133 0.002 L2 100-99.5(2) TP12.75x10.75x0.562 0.500 0.000 0.0 17.988 -0.971 679.934 0.001 L3 99.5-80(3) TP12.75x12.75x0.562 19.500 0.000 0.0 21.519 -3.591 813.412 0.004 L4 80-60(4) TP12.75xl2.75xl.312 20.000 0.000 0.0 47.145 -9.316 1782.070 0.005 L5 60-59.5(5) TP36.072x12.75x0.999 0.500 0.000 0.0 37.260 -9.487 2179.730 0.004 L6 595-15(6) TP42.48x36.072x0.25 44.500 0.000 0.0 32.843 -15.421 1921.310 0.008 L7 15-1(7) TP44x41.14x0.25 19.833 0.000 0.0 34.716 -19.505 2030.860 0.010 Pole Bending Desi n Data Section�w���������Elevation Size M Ratio M ............������� M-Y.����� �Ratio �� No. M,a M,ry ........ �p ft kip-fi ,Wn� _..�k'p f -...L1 110- 00(1) TP1."75,-x _...7 w_o.. ........H. . ...- ...0 _ .........w. ...,. 7510.75x0365 404.669 1-2244.0_49 0.328 0.000 124.049 0.000 L2 100-99.5(2) TP12.75x10.75x0.562 40.669 183.935 0.221 0.000 183.935 0.000 L3 99.5-80(3) TP12.75x]2.75x0.562 153.189 263.160 0.582 0.000 263.160 0„000 L4 80-60(4) TP12.75xl2.75x1.312 336.423 543.057 0.619 0.000 543.057 0.000 L5 60-59.5(5) TP36.072xl2.75x0.999 336.423 621.353 0.541 0.000 621.353 0.000 L6 59.5-15(6) TP42.4806.0720.25 843.467 1712.733 0.492 0.000 1712.733 0.000 L7 15-1(7) TP44x41.14x0.25 1161.733 1859.192 0.625 0.000 1859.192 0.000 Pole Shear Design Data JPage MxTower 4072001.01.01 - Laurel Stone 14 of 14 Project Date Tabb Structural Engineering 08:46:01 05/05/23 Austin,TX Client Designed by Phone: Branch Communication btabb FAX. Section Elevation m� size Actual m . N V� Ratio Actual ���Actual ������� �O�T������o����N�ti�������Ratio�......m� No. V. V T T _, ..10-1t _......_,.. .,.,.. I O. x0.365..,......, 3.031 0 1 135.040 OM2 0.318 0.019 0.3 8......_. 123.08 0 02......_ �L1 110-100(1) TP10.75x10.75 L2 100-99.5(2) TP12.75x10.75x0.562 4.539 244.0 L3 99.5-80(3) TP12.75x12.75x0.562 6.715 244.024 0.028 0317 261.483 0.001 L4 80-60(4) TP12.75x12.75xl.312 10.126 534.622 0.019 0.316 537.622 0.001 L5 60-59.5(5) TP36.072xl2.75x0.999 10.822 1951.740 0.006 0.316 672.944 0.000 L6 59,5-15(6) TP42.4806.0720.25 15.064 576.394 0.026 0.316 2089.275 0.000 L7 15-1(7) TP44x41.14x0.25 16.976 609.259 0.028 0.316 2334.317 0.000 Pole Interaction Design Data Criteria aStress S , ,Elevation Roa� RioRo No Ratio Ratio Ratio w ]]0 100(1) .,.... 2 0.328 0.000 0.22 .....w. 0.003 ...... O33 ...... .....w... ...__..,,,,.,,,,, Ll . ... f l^r._............. � ...... "^�1^�,..�... �..^ . ^ 1.050 4.8.2 ....._, w.. L2 100-995(2) 0,001 0.221 0.000 0.019 0.002 0..�2/223 1.050 4.8.2 L3 99,5-80(3) 0.004 0„582 0.000 0.028 0.001 0..587 1.050 4.8-2 L4 80-60(4) 0.005 0.619 0.000 0.019 0.001 0..�6/225 1.050 4.8.2 L5 60-59.5(5) 0.004 0.541 0.000 0.006 0.000 0..546 1.050 4 8.2 L6 59.5-15(6) 0.008 0.492 0.000 0.026 0.000 0.501 1.050 4,8.2 L7 15-1(7) 0.010 0.625 0.000 0.028 0.000 0.635 1.050 482 Section Capacity Table .�w.� Section ETevation ., Component � Srzemti .������� �.. Critical .�P, p�dw .,, .. . _ ..wPassw . Fail L 1 � ............ ............... TYPE �„�, TP102.75x10.75x0�562.r Elem2ent .. ..--- 0971 713.931, .,..�����ry.....�., ass w Pass..........- No ... Ll 110..100 Po L2 100-99.5 Pole L3 99.5-80 Pole TP12.75x12.75x0.562 3 -3.591 854.083 55.9 Pass L4 80-60 Pole TP12.75xl2.75x1.312 4 -9.316 1871.173 59.5 Pass L5 60-59.5 Pole TP36.072x 12.75x0.999 5 -9.487 2288.716 52.0 Pass L6 59.5-15 Pole TP42.4806.072x0.25 6 -15.421 2017.375 47.7 Pass L7 15-1 Pole TP44x41.14x0.25 7 -19.505 2132.403 60.5 Pass Summary Pole(L7) 60.5 Pass �RATINGwo60 ,�5 „„„........wwPass...,,:, APPENDIX B Additional Calculations o 0 0 0Y Y Y 7 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 C:) o'x v o o O 0 o LL W vN N o r, oVZ w � Nom Nr14 zt in= W a A 7 0 00 CN `o — Y Y vZ . 00 ^ 7 cli m al E m � d S 4:5 > ; ac _ o o +; `o ca L -0 t d v Q +-� r c m Q �^ m a m C> 'CO i!1h1. *1 Ln O 07 t a a 0 a o6 m CL LL �? L N —fu N E U Y -a 2 t v1 D H 2 Z Q k y/ N_ a m �`;E- Ln ar (A E O C A .SIS-Y fJl.;. 1' Y Y "'C1 "� ';� U' N Y Y C E o mA c n "I C xc C ca duh of ,n o ,v �?" LK" O Ln O. fa r i o .-+ m ;l G, r a, o " ru T r In Ln io Z O oIn CL f ;' �z ui co > Ln -� > " "'• o z N c E — m E — m a ou m m m n. L LL a o a n a n o ll LL N o cce ^0 I-- F- vOi Q m O. E E w L ro S y+ 0 - Q U m Oi 4d'X PM? aMT h,Ck m fxF ++M M O btN O tl'� wPX r^± L"YF M m•a "4,.Y N w»Y Y O C+.. C$ wN dFY adli d5 Po,.,k kR., MYM wi T4� allbo CL W W ca 0 Q Z Y Lb ` W v u N U Z t� Q ~ W h rOSZ �tauv ' O O a..ry is a . . v CL wW M "ca m v"c`re C] ro au c ua w7'i" +,,.' WC -oc 0 �„y. 'o am ra rs ua cc ac w a tom, k6tl j d l!1 O Y N Ck J N 44ca C 4� L a APPENDIX C Additional Information ASCE ASCE 7 Hazards Report AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CML ENGINEERS Address: Standard: ASCE/SEI 7-16 Latitude: 40.978814 No Address at This Location Risk Category: III Longitude: -72.547178 Soil Class: D-Stiff Soil Elevation: 0 ft(NAVD 88) mx ,a � an i 6" Y " z ,o r0 a✓ Wind Results: Wind Speed 137 Vmph 10-year MRI 76 Vmph 25-year MRI 87 Vmph 50-year MRI 98 Vmph 100-year MRI 105 Vmph Data Source: ASCE/SEI 7-16, Fig. 26.5-1C and Figs. CC.2-1—CC.2-4, and Section 26.5.2 Date Accessed: Wed May 03 2023 Value provided is 3-second gust wind speeds at 33 ft above ground for Exposure C Category, Lased on linear interpolation between contours.Wind speeds are interpolated in accordance with the 7-16 Standard. Wind speeds correspond to approximately a 3%probability of exceedance in 50 years (annual exceedance probability= 0.000588, MRI = 1,700 years). Site is in a hurricane-prone region as defined in ASCE/SEI 7-16 Section 26.2. Glazed openings need not be protected against wind-borne debris. �d 21 Page 1 of 3 Wed May 03 2023 ASCE ANMCM SOGIUYOF CMLENGIN Seismic D-Stiff Soil Site Soil Class: Results: SS ; 0.173 Soy : 0.079 S, ; 0.049 TL 6 F, 1.6 PGA: 0.094 F„ 2.4 PGA m : 0.15 SMS 0.277 FPen = 1.6 SM, ; 0.118 le : 1.25 SDS ; 0.184 C„ : 0.7 Seismic Design Category: B once Design Res Spectrum 0 3 MCER Response Spectrum 02 9 p p 018 T 0,25 �: 01 U 20 �w y 0 14 012 4 0 1 �� .' 1'1.10 1141 01 i � .06_ 004 tl1111 �4 11.41 ww'°w� r alp i �w�i4�a 1 1 i _1 5 6., Q1,,, ....� . n.... �...m, �,,,, ,,,w.�.........—�. ,_ ,.... �1_.�...� ......._ ee, ,e,.v .,,e..r�vsT�� ,. �. _, 11 Sa(g)vs T(s) 4 41 1 Sa(g) ) 016 NICER Vertical Response Spectrum 0 111 Design Vertical Response Spectrum 0'1 011 �rRam o 0,011 . 012 00 r fff a Al r .0 , 41, 4 , 410 -- E - 141113 � 1 � G„dry„E1, 41412 0,02 0 Sa(g)vs T(s)10 .1 Sa(g}vs T(s) o 1: Data Accessed: Wed May 03 2023 Date Source: USGS Seismic Design Maps based on ASCE/SEI 7-16 and ASCE/SEI 7-16 Table 1.5-2.Additional data for site-specific ground motion procedures in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-16 Ch.21 are available from USGS. 1rFyf. nlad Page 2 of 3 Wed May 03 2023 ,LSCE AMICM SOGUY OF GML ENGINEHL" Ice Results: Ice Thickness: 1.00 in. Concurrent Temperature: 15 F Gust Speed 50 mph Data Source: Standard ASCE/SEI 7-16, Figs. 10-2 through 10-8 Date Accessed: Wed May 03 2023 Ice thicknesses on structures in exposed locations at elevations higher than the surrounding terrain and in valleys and gorges may exceed the mapped values. Values provided are equivalent radial ice thicknesses due to freezing rain with concurrent 3-second gust speeds, for a 500-year mean recurrence interval, and temperatures concurrent with ice thicknesses due to freezing rain. Thicknesses for ice accretions caused by other sources shall be obtained from local meteorological studies. Ice thicknesses in exposed locations at elevations higher than the surrounding terrain and in valleys and gorges may exceed the mapped values. The ASCE 7 Hazard Toot is provided for your convenience,for informational purposes only,and is provided"as is"and without warranties of any kind.'The location data included herein has been obtained from information developed,produced,and maintained by third party providers; or has been extrapolated from maps incorporated in the ASCE 7 standard.While ASCE has made every effort to use data obtained from reliable sources or methodologies,ASCE does not make any representations or warranties as to the accuracy,completeness,reliability, currency,or quality of any data provided herein.Any third-party links provided by this Toot should not be construed as an endorsement, affiliation,relationship,or sponsorship of such third-party content by or from ASCE. ASCE does not intend,nor should anyone interpret,the results provided by this Tool to replace the sound judgment of a competent professional,having knowledge and experience in the appropriate field(s)of practice,nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the contents of this Toot or the ASCE 7 standard. In using this Tool,you expressly assume all risks associated with your use.Under no circumstances shall ASCE or its officers,directors, employees,members,affiliates,or agents be liable to you or any other person for any direct,indirect,special,incidental,or consequential damages arising from or related to your use of,or reliance on,the Toot or,any information obtained therein.To the fullest extent permitted by law,you agree to release and hold harmless ASCE from any and all liability of any nature arising out of or resulting from any use of data provided by the ASCE 7 Hazard Tool, Wed May 03 2023 Ljqpyp AW iaga Q_qt,.9L1_rk!!e1 Page 3 of 3 TL-_rAL f'f y OFFICE LOCATION: °� ��i1�1� `.' MAILING ADDRESS Town Hall Annex " � ° �i P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631-765-1938 Southold,NY www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: July 6, 2023 Re: Check The attached check is a Consultant Escrow Fee for the project review listed below. Please deposit into B691 Deferred Revenue Account. Thank you. Applicant/Project Tax,Map # Amount N µ . Check Date/No. Name &Type �.....$8500 6I30/23#14703 Wireless Colocation T Mobileat 122.-6-35 ....._w niaml Ctnna P__..._,.,................ ..... * a an aro u ar w• m s �^.+w a .a. . � w.. ar a. COMPLETE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES JPMORGAN CHASE BANK,N.A. 14703 898 NORTH BROADWAY SUITE 5 MASSAPEQUA PARK,NY 11758 6/30/2023 PAY TO THE ORDER OF Town of Southhold $ **8,500.00 Eight Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100*******"�***"* **************** ********* DOLLARS Town of Southhold Building Dept PO BOX 1179 Southhold, NY 11861 MEMO Plann in qee.._ L1031 10