HomeMy WebLinkAbout23890-z IFO'n'ae NO. ~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N. Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PEPu~(T MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) D~te ........ ~ /: ,~..~Z N.° 2~890 Z .-- .... =... .................... , / hereby granted to - Permission is ......................... ...~.~...~~:....~.zz~ ~~..~..~.~~~~...-~.~~ ~~ ............... ~,~,~,~ ...... ~ ......... ~.~..~ ............................. pursuont to oppl'cotion d,,tea ................~...~. ...................... , Jg..~.., and opproved by the Building Inspector. Building Inspectoy Rev. 6130/80 i ¢/,: STOI~Y Fr~. HO 9o,44 (SS'~) ~5.0 .. % FORM NO, I 'I'O~N OF SOUTIIOLI} RUILDING I)EPAR'rHENT SOlITI1Ol,ll~ RoY . 1197 I BOARD OF IIEAI,TII ............... ,?3 SETS OF PLANS ............... /SURYEY ........................ CI1ECK SEPTIC FORH ................... a. 'lhla alldication uust Im co~pletely [itled in by typewriter or in ink and m~lJaltted to the ]ktildlu8 Inslector will 3 ~ts of plans, ack,rate plot plm~ to scale. b. Plot- plan ~i~ l~ati~ of lot a~ of I~ildi~s ~ ~i~a, ~elatlonshlp to ~.]oining pr~i~s or ~a~llc ~ ptr~ts or areas, a~ glvi~ a t~tail~ ~seriptim o~ last of ~-o~rky ~,~mt 1~ dram a~ the dla~ ~1ct~ is ~rt of t.lda a~llcati~. c. ~e ~k c~ I~ this a~licat:i~ ray ~t l~ c~l I~fore ismm~e of A~ilding Permit. d. U~ ~al of this applicati~, the Mildin~ Insl~ctor will is~ a Afildiog l'enait to the appllcm~t. ~ch l~mlt Mmll ~ kept ~ tl~ p~i~s ~ilable for ins~cti~ thra~t the ~rk. e; ~ I~tildi~ ~mll 1~ ~a~pi~l or u~ in ~le or ia Dart for a~ ~se ~mt~er until a ¢~rtlficate of (~:~a~y ramtt h~e I~n grm~t~l I~ tim Adldlng los~tor. APHA~TI~ 18 1~1~1~ ~ to tl~ A~ildlog I~r~nt for the is~a~e of a ~ilding Pe~it ~:rmmnt to the l~ildi~ r~e O~i~e of ~m Ta~ of ~tl~ld, ~ffolk C~nty, ~ York, m~ other applicable ~a, O~li~es or ~lOflati~s, for tl~ ~mkn~ti~ of l~itdi~s, ~iti~s or alterations, or for ~al or ¢~lltion, as herein &scril~l. 'lira applic~t agr~s to co~ly with re,latices, ai~ to ~nit a~tl~rlzml ins~ctors ~ ~ises a~l in l~il.di~ for ~ecea~ in~ti~s. (Si~mt~re o[ applicant, or m~, ii a cor~rati~O (~ailh~ ~dress o[ applicant) State Mmther applicant is o~ner, lessee, agent, ard~iteet, engiz~zer, §eneral c~tracCor~ electrician, plmtmr or Ixlihler. ..O~.Oa~ .......................................................................................................... ~,~ o~ ~ o~ p~i~,. ~.l.~a~...~a~ .............................................................. (as ~ tie tax mil or latest de~) If a~licsnk is a co,ratio, si~mtu~ o[ ~ly a~tl~rlz~l o[~icer. ..... .~.~. ............................................. (~ a~ title o[ co~mra~e Plt~d~ers Liceose Ro .......... t ...... ' ......... ! Electriciass License ~ ..... i~ ............... Oliver l¥ade's I,icense ~ .... .~ ............... ~. ~m, ti~, ,,~ ~a~ m ~o~ m~m~ ~rk ~m ~ ~.~.Q.~ ..... ~ ............................ ..... ..................... ...................... ............... Ik~me ~r Strut l~le~ (~mty Tax ~,p ~. I~ ~ti~, ...~ ......... Bilk .. ......... lot ........... Mlxllvisi~m ...................................... Fil~l ~p ~.' ............... lot ............... (~) 2. State existing u~ a~ ~D~ o~ prmi~s ~ inte~l use a~xl a. gxist, it~ o~ a~ ~ .. I..~ .......................................................... ~,. ~,t¢,~k~* ,,~ ~ ,~,,~y ...~&~ ................................................................ I.. I , APPR~ED 76~-180~ B A~ TO ~ ~ FOR TH~ FOLLOWING INSPE~IOND: L 6OLJ~OATJON ~O REQUIRED FOR POURED CONCRETE 2. ROUGH - FRAMING & PLUMBING 3. INSU~TION FINAL OON~TRU~ION BE COMPLETE ~R ~.0. ALL CONSTRUCTION 8NALL MEET THE REQUIRE~ENT~ OF ~E N.~ s~,r~ CONS~UCTION & ENERGY COOES, NOT RES~ONB~LE FOR DESIGN O~ CON~U~ION ERROR~ (C(~llrn(:tor~ ~llelll:. (:(!rlx~rJHe of Elect, et(:.) eppl i(:m. io~H t.h/)l: ell atatelenttl (:ontaJ~d in t Ilia al)pi l(:aLion nre l l'~ Lo Ihe I~al; oF hi*~ kin~lc~ll~(~ aixl I~1 iefj m,I I ; . Ih;iL Lhe ~)rk will I~ i~rl:m,ed in [ilo illgllll~E BE~ forth il1 the nppl l(Itil. Jon riled H~rc~iLh. JOYCE M. WILKINS j NoteW Publi;, State of New No. 4952246, Su~lk ~u~, Term ~plr~ J~ne 1~ 1~ (Si[~.ah,'e ()f Appl ieeal.)