HomeMy WebLinkAbout24243-zFORM NO,3 TOWN OF $OUTHOLO BUll. DING DEPARTMENT TOWN HAU. $OUTHOLO, BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Dote...,.3~L~.,; ............ l& ........................... 19,.9~ Permission IS hereby granted to: ....... GEORGE...L...];N,C, ~E, NR,¥ ...................................... ....... ['~A,T.N...RO~]~ ............................................................ ....... GRE, EbIPOR.T... t'.1¥....1. ~944.~ .................................... to ....... EREC~...A- ~.EN.CE..A.S.. AP~qLI. ED-.FOR ................................................................................. at premises located at .................. 400.....K]~RT~I t~.. ~L.V.D ..................................... GRE~,NPOR~' ......... CounlyTax Map No.....4.'7.,~8~.9 ......section .4)5@ ............. Block--00,0.2 ......... Lot No. O2,5.,.(~(~:t ..... pursuant to application dated ...$U.1:.¥ .................. 7 ......................... 19..-.@'7 ...... and approved bythe ~ulldlng Inspector. Fee $ ........ 35,~ O,0 ..... /fl~ilding Inspectdr Rev. 6/30/80 WCA2~ . EC. 02. 'oo LOT' ~T Y~R ~ER B~ SIGNING THIS INS~K~_~iS I~T~M~ SHO~ BE US~ BY ~WE~ O~Y. 10813 PC385 .... 2 n d day of March , ~net~ hundr~ ~d Eighty-Nine RISHE A~ KRISTEN E. RISHE, his wife residing Gr~eenport, New York T~US INDENTURE, made ~e BE11R~.N 'GREGORY A. at 306 Fourth Street, / o oZ?I?? ~ts ~ncl~l ~l~oe ot business ~t ~in Bo~d, O~e~??~,~, / '' REAL ESTATE ~AR 1~ 1989 TRANSFER TAX p~y of the s~nd ~n, SUFFOLK CouNrY ~'~, that the ~my of the first ~rt, ~n conside~t~on of ' ~red ~enty Five ~us~nd gnd 00/100 ................... 000.00) ~lhr% la~ul mo~y o~ th: Unit~ States, p~d 6y ~ ~ o~ th~ s~nd ~, d~ hereby grant and rel~se unto the ,pa~y of the second pa~, the heirs or ~u~rs ~d assize o~ the pa~y of the se~nd pa~ ~orever, ~ ~t ~]~ plot, pl~e or panel o~ hnd, with the buildings aud improvements thereon er~t~, slt~e, 12],gaad~i~ia~e at Greenport~ in the Town o~ Southold, County ~*fo!~nd State o~ Ne,w York, known a~ Lot~ No~. 161, 162, 163, ~20~and part o% Lot. No. 155 and part o~ a ~orty (~0) Eoot road known as "La~renoe Lane" all a~ shown on map entitled, "~ended Map A o~ Peconic Bay E~tates", ~iled in the Suffolk Count2 Clerk's O~toe a~ Map No. 112~ and as shown on map entttled~ "Fecontc Bay E~tates, Revised", ~iled in the County Clerk's O~Eioe ae Map ~o. 658 ~ald premlses helng more particularly hounded and described a8 ~ollows: BEGINNING at a point ~ormed by the inter~e~tlon o~ the ~esterly line o~ Kerwin Boulevard ~tth the ~ortherl~ 11ne o~ land o~ the Lon~ Island Railroad Company, being the Southeasterly corner Lot Ho. 163 as shown on sald Map Ho. 112~, ·HENCE alon~ the northerly line o~ sald land o~ Long Island Railroad company South 5~ degrees 01 min~te~ 00 seconds ~e~t 225 ~eet to the easterly llne o~ Lot. Ho. 202; ·HENCE along said easterly line o~ Lot No. 202 Horth 34 degree~ 59 minutes 00 seconds ~est 125 ~eet to the southeasterly line o~ said ~orty (40) ~oot road shown as "Lawrence Lane" on said map no · THENCE across said "Lawrence Lane" North 25 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds'West 40.57 feet to the southwesterly corner of Lot No. 155 as shown on said Map No. 1124; THENCE North 59 degrees 35 minutes 40 seconds West along the Westerly line of said Lot No. 155, 70.08 feet to a point formed by the intersection of the westerly line of Lot No. 155 with the prolongation westerly of the southerly line of Lots Nos. 156, 157 and 153 as shown on Map No. 1124 and continuing thence North 30 degrees 24 minutes 20 seconds East 50 feet northeasterly along said westerly prolongation to the southwesterly corner of Lot No. 156 as shown on saidMap No. 1124; ¥~E~CE:~uth~;59~degrees35 m~nU~s ~s~ond~'East 'l~g":'th;~';:~asterly ltn~ n~ ~ southeasterly Lb ~ : .......... ~ ........ ~ TOIdN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTHENT 7 1991 ' ;': jUL ' TO N '~ SOUTtlOLD, ~.Y. 11971 3~ T~I.: 765-1802 F~ni~. 19 BOARD OF IIEALTH ............... 3 SETS OF PLANS SURVEY ........................ CHECK ......................... SEPTIC FORH ................... NOTIFY ..... HAIL TO: ................... (Building lnsli~ctor) APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS Date ................ ,19 .... a. ~his application ntmt be completely filled in by typ~.rclter or in ink and anNnltted to the Pidlding Inspector with 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to sche&de. b. Plot plea sl~ing locatlan of lot and of buildings on praises, relationship to adjoining pr~ises or pablic streets or areas, ar~l giving, a detailed deseription of layout of property must be drann on the diagram whid~ is part of this application. c. Ibc work covered by this application my not be. cowaenced before issuance of Building Pemit. d. Upan approval of this application, the Building .Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. BUd~ permit shall he kept co the premises available for inspection thren~ont tim work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in ~ole or in part for any parpose whatever until a Certificate of occupancY shall have been granted by the. Building Inspector. ' APPI~ICErlIlq IS lgl~t~lY ~ to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to tim Building Zane Ordinance of the To~ of So~thold, ~fffolk County, ~ York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the cormtn~ction of buildings, alditians or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described, abe applicant ~rees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, buosing cede, and regulatians, and to admit anthorlsed inspectors en praises m~d in ~'~or neces.sery/i~spectians. 'il." W; ii;i;L agO'if a co ratlan; o '12' ..... i ' ~ ................... rr ................... (Ha~htlg address of applicant) /1 ................................. · ............................................ .......... , .... ~ .......... rizx~l officer.V NOTIFY BUILDING DEPARTMEIg~' ' ~,anc ~s a)coz a~,/~guacure " 765-1802 9 AM TO 4 PM FOR TH[.: ' /~--~_~/~~--~, FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS', ': ..... ~"."'~:.:..'"'~ ................... 1 FOUNDATION - TWO REQUIRED ~,N~ne and Jfitle or corporate officer/ FOR POURED CONCRETE Builders License No...~. ..... ~. ............. Phsebers Lieense No .......................... Electricians License No ...................... Ottmr Trade'~s License No ..................... 2 ROUGH - FRAMING & PLUMBING 3. INSULATION 4 FINAL - CONSVRUCTION MUST BE COMPLF'rE FOR At L CONg'"RUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE N,Y. STATE CONSTRUCTION & ENERGY CODES. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR 1. Ix~cation of land m stfich proposed ~ork will be &nm .............. ~ ......... .DI~JGN .QB. C~$.[~U~TJO~ .~8B~85... I~ ~r St~t I~.let ~ivislm' Fil~ ~p ~ lot (~) / ~ (to l~ ~id (~ filing tlda a~licatjc~O 6. If I~ml~maa, ~m~rcial or m~l ~..~y, a~cif~ natura m~l extent af ead~ t~l~ of u~ ...................... Dineeai~m of am~ atn~ture~lth alterati~m or ~klltloaa: Front ............... I~ar ............... I~pth .................... I~ilO~t .................... ~d~r of ~toriea ............... I0. l~ffe of l~wcha~ ........... I I. 7x~ or u~ district in ~dd~ pr~Maea ar~ si~at~l .............................................................. ~,e of f~tracror ..................... f... ~ ........ 15. Ia this pm~rty within ~ PI,OT I)IA(IRAH I~:ete clearly nt~ diacl~tl~ all lxdldi~s~ ~etl~r existing or propel, m~l imlicat~ all set-I~k dhmnaiona ~d~tl~r interior or con~r (~. ~ff,q~t~H v idtml, signing said {~xw (~ taxi ltl illin] aethol iz(,I t'o ix~r,fotm Ol h~tv(l i~n'lo.;i,d II~(t anld ~}ik elil to n~lko mil file Ihitl apl)licatlon; that al [ stait~T~nt~ Ihat the ~)rk will I~ i~rronl~l Jn[lhe n,un~r set I~)rlh in Ihe aPldication filed tl~r~ith. oNIIO$