HomeMy WebLinkAbout24232-zFORM NO.3 TOWN OF $OUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL Sou*r HOt. D, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) Dote ......,7~' ................. .Q ........................... 19..@.7. .... Permission Is hereby granted to: ....... .~.~,A~T,~.. ~,.. ,T..[ ~... A~ ~).~I~.~. .............................. ....... .~7.,55...G;8~:D..~,~rJ~ ........................................ ....... ~T.I.TU~CK..NY...1.1.9,5.2., ................................. .,.. to.....E~I~CT...A...~-,t,ICE..AC...At:?RLT.~])..EOR ................................................................................... at premises Iocoted at ................ ;~.?.SR.....G[:~z~L~D.._&.~.E .......................................................................... CounlyTax Map No......4.'Z. 3~Stg. ..... Section .L;LD?. ............. Block ....EIQ0.;L ......... Lot No. 0.0.5...Q0.2 ..... pursuant to application dated ...~.ULY .................. 1 ......................... 19.....R~ ...... and approved b/the Building Inspector. Fee $ ........ 85,- O.O ..... Rev. 6/30/80 S~PTIC, WAT'E/:l WELL LOCATION AS PER OTHERS, ARE, NOT GUARA~ .( FORH NO. I TOWN O1" SOUTIIOLI) BU1 I,') lNG I}E PARTMLr NT TOlIN IIAI.I. APPI,I(:ATION I"OP, BUII.I)ING PEftHIT l NSTRUCI'IONS BOAIH) OF IIEAI,TII ............... ] SETS OF PLANS ............... SURVEY ........................ CIIECK ......................... SFA:'T] C FORH ................... CAI.1 ................... MAIl. TO: .................... n. 'lids applicaticai re,st Im colt)letely filled irs by tyl~riter or in init al~l sula, itt~l to the I~filding 1,mlmclor 3 ~ts of plans, accurate plot plan to ramie. F~ accordi~ iD schechde. b. Plol: phm tigrisB I~ati~s of loc ami of Ixdldings on pre~nises, relationship rD mi, Dining prenises or lxll~l/e slr~t~; or areas, ar~l givir~ a (~l:ail~l (~scril)ti~{ of la~x]t of ptx)l~rty ~mt I~ dr~m on the diagrm~ al{ich is II{ri: ol' this application. c. 'lhe work c~reered by this alii,cation way [K)I. be ccxm~rv.:ed before issumme of lkdlding Pemir. d. Ilium ai~)rl~al off this application, the hdhlinR Insl~eCor will iss~ a Ik~ildin{[ Pemil to the applicanl.. Ix*rmit droll I~ kept m tim pr~i~s available for ins~cti~ thrcx~a: the ~rk. e. ~) Ixlihling ,frail Im ~cupi~l or u~l in ~d~ole or in ~rl for any lan-~ Omtever until a (~rtifieare of (ktCUlUl~my ~O~all have Immn grant~t by tim Ikdhling Inslmctor. ~PIl.If~'l~(g IS I[~fl~ b~ rD the I~ildinR ~lmrttmnt for tim iss,mme of a thdlding Permit. i~rs~mot to the l[dlding 7xam Ordi~mm:e of tl~ 'l'~a~ of ~tlmld, ~ff~olk l~gulal ,ms, for tl~ c~stn~:tiol of I~ildlrBs, ~kllti~m or alterations, or for ro~al or d~olition, as herein {kmcril~dl. '11~ applicant agr~s rD co*lily with all aplfl icahle Imps, ordlma~:es, ladlding c~le. I~ming c~le, regolar[{ms, m~l to mtMr autlmriz~l ins~etors ~a~ pmM~s m~l iD I~dlding for mces~ ins~ctions. ~lch (Si,limtt,re of al~)~icant, or re,m, if a corporal'ion) (['~dlinl; ~ldress o1: applicant) ...o ...................................................................... (aS (Xl Ihe tax roll or Iai. esl: dc~l) N{~IF~ BUILDIN~ ~E~ AT al,id ,cant is a COrlnration, sig~mlure of duly aull~)z-iz~l officer. 705-1~ $ ......................................................... (~,~e ami title of COrlX)rate officer) ~. ~ 4. FINAL - gO~VRU~ IMi Iders l,icemm ~ .......................... BE GOM~ FO~ ~.0. Ph~t~r~ Licen~ ~o .......................... AL~ ~ONgTRU~TION THE REOUi~E~ENT$ OF TH~ N.Y. Electriciam~ I.icen~ ~) ...................... ~TATE ~ONST~UgTIO~ CODES. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR o,,~ .,.,-~.~?~ ,.~,:.,~ ~, ..................... ¢~ ~ ~ =~,~ o~ co~s,~?~ =~o~s ... r~k ................ ~ltxliviMon ...................................... Filc~l ~hp ~> ................ l~t ............... (~m) a. Exisl lng u~ m~l {~cl,[~r~y .............................................................................. ~,,. ,,,,,~,~, ,,~, ,-, .~,.,,~..~ ~.~ ~. ~ c.~m~m,~. ........................................ ~)I,OT l) l ' 'A'II~ IHr LN~V YIHII(, . i ....... ~ ..... ,,,,, ,,~ ..~.~.(s..~. ,~... ~otaw Public, ~tate of K~;w YOrK No. 52-8125850, Suffol~ CougW Term Expires October 31~ (It,ly ;~)m, (l(!lXm(!~t oiH rmyr; theft, he ltl Ihe iq)pi