HomeMy WebLinkAbout24109-zTO%VN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL SOUTHOLD, N. Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) N? 24109 Z Dote .................................... , 19 is hereby granted to: , ~ , Permission ....... ~~_ ~ ....... .............. ~.~:~.~.. ~.......~...~....' - './.--...~:~-~...s .... ..~......'z...~...~~.~~.......-. ..................... i. .............. ~.....iii' County Tax Map No. 1000 Section ....... .,~,...~,, ........ Block ........ .,,~,,, ........ Lot No ....... ,,~,,Z ......... pursuant to application dated ...~.......~..../. ...................... , 19...~..7., and approved by the Building Inspector. Rev. 6/30/80 FORIt HO. ] TONN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEFARTItENT TOI~N HALL SOUTHOLD, N.Y. I 197 ! TEL: 765- ]802 BOARD OF HEALTIt ............... 3 SETS OF PLANS ............... SURVEY ........................ C~ECK ......................... SEPTIC FORH ................... NOTIFY: I~IL TO: .................... 'APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERItIT INSTRUCTIONS a. ~ais application mast be completely filled in by typeeriter or in iuk and subrdtted to the lhilding Inspector with 3 sets of plaus, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b. Plot plan six.ring leeation of lot and of baildings an premises, relationship to adjoining premises or pablic streets or areas, asd giving a detailed description of layer of property mast be dra~ on the diagram ~hich is part of this application. c. U~e ~k covered by this application ~ay not be ccrauenced before issuance of Building Pemlt. ,, d. Upo~ a~,oval of this application, the lhilding Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applic~t. pd~mit shall be kept on the pr~fises available for inspection thre~hout the ~orl<'~ "' e. No building slmll be occupied or used in ~hole or in part for any pm-pose ~hatever anti1 a Certificate of O~ascy shall have been grasted by the ]hilding Iospector. APPLICATI(iq I$ I~ ~ to the Building IIeparmcot for the issuance of a lhildiug Pemit parsu~t to the lkfilding Zone Ordinaoce of the To~ of Sonthold, Suffolk County, ~ York, and other applicable La~s, Ordiuasees~or P~ulations, for the constrection of buildiu~s, additions or alteratioas, or for ~,,)val or demolition, as herein described, lhe applicant agrees.to co~ly ~dth all applicable la~s, ordinances, building codez, _ho_using code, and "-- I/' '/c~-*- //.¢.~' ~ '-', ......... L....&Z...X. ....... . .............. : ...... (I~iling addres~ of, appl~c'ast), _ ............................. ............................... . ............... ?E$-180~ S AM TO 4 ~M FOR 'I~tE 'If applicant is a corparatim, sig~atore of duly authorized officer. FOLLOWING INSPECRONS: 1. FOUNDATION - TWO REQUIRED ......................................................... FOR POURED CONCRETE (Narc and title of corporate officer) 2. ROUGH - FRAMING & PLUMBING $. INSULATION .¢~...(?.....--.,¢..~....~-~'rc~..~...r-~v 4.BEF'~^'COMPU~E' CO~S~'~UCTtO,FoR C.O. MUST Builders License ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET Plmbers License ~o .......................... THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE N.Y. STATE CONSTRUCTION & ENERGY Electriciass License No ...................... CODES. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR Other Trade's License No ..................... DESIGN OR CON~TRUCllON ERRORS Hon~ t4~x~ Street ~1~iv~sJon ........................ Fil~] ~ No ...... Lot .......... ,. ~,tlng ,se ~ ~,~-~ . . .~.~.( £.~ ~ <. . .~.. . ................................................... ~. ~.t~,~ ~ ~ ee~ .... ~ .... ~ ....................................................... I0. II. 12. 13. I/~. 15. It)cate clearly and dlsrinetty ~ frm~ proper£y lines. Give street and ~,4mtlmr interior or corner lot. Est fim~t~l (to Im ~id on filing this appli~ti~) If ~rage~ I~l~r of ears .... ~ ................................. If I~Mness~ ~reiM or ~ ~, s~ei~ ~tu[~ m~ ~tent of ead~ t~ of u~ ...................... I)in~nMms. of ~isti~ steam,es, ff a~: ~t ................ ~ar ............... I~pth ................. I ~t~r of ~tories ...................... I~i~st ....................... ~ . Di~nsi~m of ~ str~tx]re ~ith alterati~m or ~itions: ?rent ............... ~pth .................... l~i~st .................... ff~d~r of ~tories ............... Di,~nsions of entire ~ ~st~ti~: l~t ................ ~ar ............... ~ptl~ .............. Si~ of lot: ~t .......... ] ......... ~ar .................... ~pth .................... l~lte of ~rdm~ .............. ~ ....... ~ of Fo~r e~r ........................................ ~ or u~ district in ~id~ ~rmi~s ~m si~t~ .............................................................. ' Will ~ess fill I~ Will lot I~ ~r~ .......... ~ .......... ................. &Mrese ............................. ~m ~ .... ~e of Arddtect ............. I ....................... ~ress .............................. M~ ~ ............... · ~ of C~r~tor ............ , ....................... &Mreas ............................... ~ ~ ............... Is Ibis pm~rty within ~ f~t of a till x~tla~? * ~ .......... ~ .......... PI.OT DIAGRAM [1 ~ildi~s, dmflmr ~isti~ or pro~, a~ i~icate all ~t-I~k dimnsions bilk ~i~r or ~scripti~ ~co~ing to ~, a~ ~ strut ~s. ami i~licata .... Imi[ql duly ~)r[,~ delx.mea mxl m~ya that lie ia the appli(mnl, lie ia Lhe ~ *~"-- (C~tractor, agent, ~or~rate o['fleer, etc.) sa, id c~n~.ra, t~uthorized perfona or l)erfotmed said s,~rk m~l to make and file this appheatiCm; thai: all statanents cont~i~nl in [:llla appl ieation are tn~e to the beat off his kl~x~ledge aod bdtieFi algl that the.~rork wilt I)e perfonned in thq manoer set forth in the application flied therewifl~. · ,',',',',',',',','~)m Lo before ne thin t .... ........... ,,a, ..... . ~t.ary l,,I,1ic .~¢.~ ........ L INDA ,J; COOPE~ , ' Nolarv [;ublic, State of NewYork / r I~<~, 4822563, Suflol~ounW ~'~ li~rm Expires December 3~, ($i p,~u~ture~nt )