HomeMy WebLinkAboutAU-06/06/2023 Fishers Island FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT -VENDOR 014223 BANK OF AMERICA 06/06/2023 CHECK 8943 FUND & ACCOUNT P.0.4 INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.500 052523 MODEM/IP ADDSS-4/27 286.14 SM .5710.4.000.800 052523 J.PARADIS-SHOES-4/7 125.00 SM .5709.2.000.100 052523 CONT RENTAL-5/1-5/31 218.01 SM .5713.4.000.000 052523 POSTAGE MCHN 'PYMNT-5/4 105.00 SM .5710.4.000.500 052523 COMPUTER-5/9 749.99 SM .5713.4.000.000 052523 POSTAGE REFILL-5/9 207.00 SM .5710.4.000.625 052523 TICKET CUTTER-5/11 10.59 SM. .5710.4.000.500 052523 SIM ORDS SCNNRS-5/12 63.80 SM .5710.4.000.625 052523 GAS FIFD PICKUP-5/12 28.39 SM .5710.4.000.625 0525.23 GAS FIFD PICKUP-5/12 75.00 SM .5710.4.000.800 052523 :S`1CONARY-SHOES-5/16 125.00 SM .5710.4.000.625 052523POS,-,=ROLLS-5/23 177.59 SM .5710 .4.000.625 0525;23 , NLT SUPPLIES-4/25 46.45 SM .5710.2.000.300 052,523 SE SUPPLIES:=4: 26 332.67 SM .5710.2.000.•300, ,, .. ... 052523 SE SUPPLIES-4/26 357.30 SM .5710.2.000:`3:0:0;:;;:;.::;;::;:>:„<:;;:'s.:>;;:>..;er,.>i:;.: ;:: a::.:x,:::.p:52523>...;::'";.::a <;<.,:.:::SE :'S UPPLZ�S r 4/2 7 . 76.55 SM .5710.2.000.300.:'. .05,25:23::. •' :; •-== :SE' SUPPLIES='4'/28 332.67 SM .5710.2.000.200 052523 RP VACUUM-4/30 125.96 SM .5710.2.000.300 052523 SE SUPPLIES-5/5 371.08 SM .5710.4.000.800 052523 CREW UNIFORMS-5/5 1, 049.75 SM .5710.4.000.800 052523 J.MCCARTHY SHOES-5/6 108.75 SM .5710.2.000.300 052523 SE SUPPLIES-5/9 123 .34 SM .5710.2.000.200 052523 RP FLOAT FREE LNK-5/23 74.10 SM .5710.2.000.200 052523 RP BOILER CLNG-5/10 260.03 SM .5710.2.000.200 052523 RP BOILER CLNG-5/12 244.70 SM .5710.4.000.625 052523 NLT COVERALL-4/27 139.05 SM .5710.2.000.000 052523 RP/MU SUPPLY-4/26 1,767.58 SM .5710.4.000.625 052523 NLT BATTERIES-4/28 22 .32 SEE ADDITIONAL REMITTANCE ADVICE ITEMS -- FORM ENCLOSED 4,638 .03 TOTAL 12,241.84 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIS RICT AUDIT., 0 6/.Q 6/2 02.3 ., ''53095 MAIN,ROAD,PO BOX 1.179... SOUTHOLD, d NY 11971-0959 CHECK NO.. '. 8;943 THE SUFFOLK CUTCHOGUE,NY01r1935 NAL BANK DATE AMOUNT 50.546l21'4. 12;.24.1.84.- TWEILVE' THOUSAND 'TWO 'HI7NDRED.-FORTY. ONE;: AI7D.':84/100 DOLLARS' '4Y. BANK OF AMERICA Q77fE:: PO BOX 7 5731..%' )RNR WILMINGTON 'DE 198.865'731 ii'00a943um 1:0 214054641: 68 00 L50 2 11i' ADDITIONAL REMITTANCE ADVICE ITEMS PAGE 1 VENDOR 014223 06/06/2023 CHECK 8943 BANK OF AMERICA PO BOX 15731 WILMINGTON DE 19886-5731 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------------------------- ------ -------------- ---------------- ----------- PRECEDING ITEMS WITH WARRANT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 603 . 81 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 NLT PAINTERS TAPE-4/30 42 .47 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 000 052523 JOB POSTING-5/1 195 . 53 SM . 5710 . 2 . 000 . 300 052523 SE SUPPLIES-5/1 26 . 56 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 NLT SUPPLIES-5/8 19 . 11 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 NLT SUPPLIES-5/8 40 .40 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 800 052523 CREW UNIFORMS-5/9 1, 049 . 75 SM . 5710 . 2 . 000 .300 052523 SE SUPPLIES-5/10 6 . 86 SM . 5710 . 2 . 000 . 300 052523 SE SUPPLIES-5/10 22 . 84 SM . 5710 . 2 . 000 . 000 052523 RP/MU FLAGS-5/18 122 . 84 SM . 5710 . 2 . 000 . 300 052523 SE POST FENDER 478 . 52 SM . 5710 . 2 . 000 . 300 052523 SE FUEL FLTRS-5/20 212 . 82 SM . 5710 . 2 . 000 . 000 052523 RP/MU SUPPLIES-5/24 25 . 26 SM . 5710 . 2 . 000 . 000 052523 RP/MU SUPPLIES-5/24 106 . 31 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 NLT FI SUPPLIES-5/25 440 . 12 SM . 5710 .2 . 000 . 300 052523 SE SUPPLIES-5/1 338 . 17 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 NLT SHOP SUPPLIES-5/1 43 . 01 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 NLT SHOP SUPPLIES-5/7 41.44 SM . 5710 .2 . 000 . 200 052523 RP SUPPLIES-5/23 4 . 24 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 GAS FIFD PICKUP-4/24 74 . 03 SM . 5711.4 . 000 . 000 052523 OFFICE SUPPLIES-4/26 179 . 04 SM 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 ERROR CORRECTION-4/27 3 . 26 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 000 052523 EMAIL BLST MNTHLY-4/28 45 . 00 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 FIT SUPPLIES-5/1 12 .44 SM . 5711 .4 . 000 . 000 052523 FI TONER-5/3 103 . 64 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 FIT SUPPLIES-5/4 10 . 04 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 FI TRUCK FUEL-5/9 30 . 00 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 FI TRUCK FUEL-5/9 79 . 00 SM . 5711 .4 . 000 . 000 052523 6 LIC MCRSFT CMP-5/16 75 . 00 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 FI SUPPLIES 28 . 23 • SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 ALMNM SGN/PST-5/16 146 . 60 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 FI TERM SUPPLIES-5/18 15 . 18 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 CABLES FOR SCNNR-5/19 70 . 00 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 WRST WRP FOR SCNNR-5/19 8 . 35 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 FI SUPPLIES-5/22 25 . 95 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 FI TRUCK FUEL-5/22 100 . 79 ADDITIONAL REMITTANCE ADVICE ITEMS PAGE 2 VENDOR 014223 06/06/2023 CHECK 8943 n BANK OF AMERICA PO BOX 15731 WILMINGTON DE 19886-5731 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ---------------------------- ------ -------------- ---------------- ----------- SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 950 052523 CG CPTN LIC RENEWAL 95 . 00 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 500 052523 UPGRD TO WNDOWS PRO 107 . 54 SM . 5710 .4 . 000 . 625 052523 NLW SEWAGE HOSE-4/28 212 . 69 ADDITIONAL REMITTANCE ITEMS TOTAL 4, 638 . 03 TOTAL 12, 241 . 84 Vendor No.. Cfieck ..., Town of Southold, New York- Payment Voucher 14223 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number 'Vendor Address Ellt_ei ea i)y PO Box 15731 Bank of America Wilmington, DE 19886-5731 Audit D"t n� �+ n'Y 'q' en or a ep one Number 23 Vendor Vendor Contact Towri Clerk U J Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Description of Goods or Services `:-.:General.Ledger Fund and Account Number-,,.'i Stmnt May 25,2023 5/25/2023 $12,241.84 $286.14 ATLANTIC BROADBAND Modem,IP adress 4/27/23 SM571;0 4 000 500 i_ . $125.00 REM BOOT J Paradis shoes 4127/23 '"'`"`"SM57;10:4000800``, $218.01 AARON SUPREME STORAGE container rental 5/1-5131/23(2) "$M57091.2.000:100 .:: ::: .; $105.00 PB LEASING Postage machine pmt 5/7/23 $749.99 DELL Computer 5/9/23 M57 _16 $207:00 PITNEY BOWES Postage refill 5/9/23 SM57.13:4000i0.00..:'..,' $10.59 1AMAZON Ticket cutter 5/11/23 =SM57.10:4.000.625.' $63.80 WIRELESS ZONE SIM cards for scanners 5/12/23 $28.39 GULF OIL Fuel for FIFD pickup 5/12/23 'SM5710:4:000:525 $75.00 GULF OIL Fuel for FIFD pickup 5/12/23 SM57104:000.625a:;, ?°_ $125,00 REM BOOT S.Conary Boots 5116/23 ''VSM57.1'0 4 000:800 Y $177.59 STAPLES DIRECT POS rolls 5/23/23 "°,:SM5.7;10:4:000:625':'<x:> , $46.45 CASH TRUE VALUE NLT supplies 4/25/23 SM571'0.4400.625';=;:'.; $332.67 1 DEFENDER SE supplies 4/26/23 '.SM5710.2:000.300, $357.30 WEST MARINE SE supplies 4/26123 $76.55 WEST MARINE SE supplies 4/27/23 S1N5710:2:000:300 <' ` $332.67 DEFENDER SE supplies 4/28/23 SM579.0.2;OOOs30,0;': `; $125.96 AMAZON RP vacuum 4/30/23 SM571020,00:200::LL0 $371.081 DEFENDER SE supplies 5/5/23 :,>$M571.0 2 000.300,;'"J $1,049.75 R&B APPAREL Crew uniforms 5/5/23SM5710:4:';-6ji:`� :;' $108.75 TIMBERLAND J McCarthy shoes 5/6/23 SM 5710:4:000:800` $123.34 DEFENDER SE supplies 5/9/23 .:S.M571.0'.2.000300 $74.10 LIFESAVING RP RP float free link 5/23/23SM5710'2000:200,;. , $260.03 MCCARTHY HEATING OIL RP boiler cleaning 5/10/23 SM 5710:2:000:2007`' $244.70 MCCARTHY HEATING OIL RP boiler cleaning 5/12123 SM57.10:2:000�200<:.; $139.05 AMAZON NLT coverall 4/27/23 SM5710:4:000:625! $1,767.58 CREATIVE SAFETY SUPPLY RP/MU supply 4126123 'SM5710:2.000:000- $22.32 COSTCO NLT batteries 4/28/23 >SM5710.4.000:625 $42.47 AMAZON NLT painters tape 4/30/23 SM5710.4.000.625 . $195.53 INDEED job posting 5/1123 SM571.0:4:000:000... , $26.56 ACE HARDWARE SE supplies 511/23 "':,SM5710.2.000:300` $19.11 AMAZON NLT supplies 518/23 SM5710.4.000;625 $40.40 AMZ NLT supplies 518/23 _ SM5710:4. 000.625.'_ $1,049.75 R&B APPAREL Crew uniforms 519/23 SM5710:4:000.800 $6.86 CASH TRUE VALUE SE supplies 5/10/23 SM57102000.300.=`:; $22.84 CASH TRUE VALUE SE supplies 5110/23 SM4710;2:000:300 $122.84 AMAZON RP/MU flags 5118/23 'SM5710:2:000.000---:.-, $478.52 OVERTONS.COM SE post fender $212.82 AMAZON SE fuel filter 5/20123 ::" SM57102000:300" :` $25.26 AMAZON RP/MU supplies 5/24/23 - 'SM5710:2:000.000 $106.31 JAMAZON RP/MU supplies 5124/23 SM5710. ..000000 w $440.12 GLOBALINDUSTRIAL NLT FI supplies 5/25/23 $M5710:4.000:625:' ; $338.17 WEST MARINE SE supplies 511123 SM5710:2000300,:;: :_,,,;, $43:01 LOWES NLT shop supplies 5/1123 :?SM5710:4000.625e?' $41.44 ACE HARDWARE NLT shop supplies 5/7/23 SM5710:4000.625: $4.24 OCEAN STATE RP supplies 5/23/23 s.t: SM5710.2;000:200`: $74.03 Z&S FUEL Fuel for FIFD pickup 4/24123 SM5.7104000.625' $179.04 STAPLES Office supplies 4/26/23 ", SM571,1:4:000.000 $3.26 ISLAND HARDWARE error correction 4/27123 < ;SM5710A.000:625 > - _- $45.00 CONSTANT CONTACT email blast monthly fee 4128123 -4. -000 , n $12.44 COURVILLES GARAGE FIT supplies 5/1123 SM5710:4.000:625: ;.` $103.64 STAPLES FI toner 5/3/23 57, Y" $10.04 COURVILLES GARAGE FIT supplies 514123 $30.00 Z&S FUEL FI truck fuel 5/9/23 -'.;SM5704 000:625_: = $79.00 Z&S FUEL FI truck fuel 519/23 SM5710.4:000.625 $75.00 MICROSOFT 6 license Microsoft comp 5/16123 `;:"'SM5711.4000:000 $28.23 AMAZON Fl supplies SM5710':4f000:625: ,_; $146.60 SMARTSIGN Aluminium sign and post 5/16/23 4;;SM5Z.10:4s000.625:.. $15.18 AMAZON FI terminal supplies 5/18123 ':'`SM5710:4.000.625 $70.00 AMAZON cables for scanner 5/19/23 .°::SM5710.4:000.625<'. $8.35 AMAZON wrist wrap for scanner 5/19/23 SM5710.4.000.625 $25.95 ISLAND HARDWARE FI supplies 5/22/23 SM5710.4.000.625 $100.79 Z&S FUEL FI truck fuel 5/22/23 SM5710.4.000.625 $95.00 USCG MERCH CG captain license renewal " SM5710.4.000.950' $107.54 MICROSOFT STORE Upgrade to windows 10//1 pro SM5710.4.000.500 $212.69 AMAZON NLW sewage hose 4/28/23 SM5710.4.000.625 $12,241.84 $12,241.84 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that axes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. J or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature Company Name Fishers sl Fe istrict Date 5/30/2023 Title Manager Date 5/30/2023 001000XXXXXXXXXXXX548520230525 BANK OF AMERICA ���� FISHERS ISLAND FERRY ACCOUNTING XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-5485 Purchasing Card April 26,2023-May 25,2023 Company Statement • Off 11 Mail Billing Inquiries to: Statement Date ............................................05/25/23 Previous Balance ....................................$17,789.56 BANKCARD CENTER Payment Due Date.....................................06/19/23 Payments -$17,789.56 PO Box 660441 Dallas,TX 75266-0441 Days in Billing Cycle ..............................................30 Credits .............................................................$0.00 TTY Hearing Impaired: Credit Limit ...................................................$40,000 Cash ................................................................$0.00 Dial"711" Cash Limit .............................................................$0 Purchases ...............................................$12,241.84 Outside the U.S.: Total Payment Due................................$12,241.84 Other Debits .....................................................$0.00 1.509.353.6656 24 Hours Overlimit Fee ....................................................$0.00 Late Payment Fee ............................................$0.00 For Lost or Stolen Card: 1.888.449.2273 24 Hours Cash Fees .......................................................$0.00 Other Fees .......................................................$0.00 Finance Charge ...............................................$0.00 Current Balance .................................I....$12,241.84 ----7--7777777777777 Global Card Access- your card information whenever,wherever and however you need it.From the dashboard,you can quickly check your credit limit, balance,available credit and recent card activity.Other features like View PIN,Change PIN,Lock Card and Alerts help you keep your card secure.For added convenience,you can easily view or download your current statement up to 12 months of past statements.Visit www.bofa.com/alobalGardaccess to register your card and start using Global Card Access today. 77-��- ardh-91dor Ac 31S Account Number Purchases and Credit Limit Credits Cash Other Debits Total Activity COOK,GEORGE B XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-7076 3,000 0.00 0.00 2,171.51 2,171.51 Posting payments: Payments received by mail at the remittance address shown on the Payment Coupon portion of the face of this statement on a banking day will be posted to your account on the day received. If we receive your mailed payment on a non-banking day,we will post it to your account on the next banking day. There may be a delay of up to 5 banking days in posting payments made at a location other than the mailing address listed on the front of your payment coupon. Service for the hearing impaired(TTY/TDD): We accept calls made through relay services(dial 711). Telephone monitoring: For the purposes of monitoring and improving the quality of service,Bank's supervisory personnel may listen to and/or record telephone calls between Bank employees and any person acting on Company's behalf. In case of errors or questions about your bill: Errors or questions about your bill must be received in writing no later than 60 days after we sent you the first statement on which the error or problem appeared. Please mail this information to BANKCARD CENTER,PO BOX 660441, DALLAS,TX 75266-0441. Your letter must include the following information: The company name,cardholder name and account number in question. The dollar amount of the suspected error. A written description of the error and why you believe there is an error. If you need more information,describe the item you are unsure about. Customer Service: For questions regarding transactions,general assistance,and reporting lost and stolen cards,call: Within the U.S. Outside the U.S. 1.888.449.2273 1.509.353.6656 (collect calls accepted) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your business. Posting payments: Payments received by mail at the remittance address shown on the Payment Coupon portion of the face of this statement on a banking day will be posted to your account on the day received. If we receive your mailed payment on a non-banking day,we will post it to your account on the next banking day. There may be a delay of up to 5 banking days in posting payments made at a location other than the mailing address listed on the front of your payment coupon. BANK OF AMERICA 001000XXXXXXXXXXXX548520230525 ���� FISHERS ISLAND FERRY ACCOUNTING XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-5485 April 26,2023-May 25,2023 Page 3 of 4 o e Or Account Number Purchases and Credit Limit Credits Cash Other Debits Total Activity ESPINOSA,NICHOLAS XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-7698 3,000 0.00 0.00 2,998.62 2,998.62 FRANCO,MICHAEL XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6673 3,000 0.00 0.00 504.73 504.73 HANEY,JONATHAN F XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-5166 10,000 0.00 0.00 4,718.34 4,718.34 MARSHALL,JESSE XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6278 500 0.00 0.00 426.86 426.86 MCCALL,DAVID XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-4642 3,000 0.00 0.00 1,006.55 1,006.55 MORGAN,JOHN XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-5301 500 0.00 0.00 95.00 95.00 MURPHY,CAROL XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-2247 500 0.00 0.00 107.54 107.54 PARADIS,JOHN XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0314 3,000 0.00 0.00 212.69 212.69 Posting Transaction Date Date Description Reference Number MCC Charge Credit FISHERS.ISLAND FERRY Total Activity Account N6mber:XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-5485 -$17,789.56 05/15 05/12 PAYMENT-THANK YOU 13315300000000548530580 0008 17,789.56 .COOK,GEORGE B Total Activity 'Account Number.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-7076 . 2,171.51 04/27 04/27 ATLANTICBROADBAND 888-339-3605 CT 24692163117103522376954 4899 286.14 04/28 04/27 REM BOOT CO 800-998-2212 CT 24018683117200157825091 5661 125.00 05/03 05/02 AARON SUPREME STORAGE CO 203-624-9915 CT 24801973122872180394037 4214 218.01 05/08 05/07 PB LEASING 844-256-6444 CT 24692163127102343228202 7394 105.00 05/09 05/09 DMI'DELL HIGHER EDUC 888-987-3355 TX 24430993129083329471278 5045 749.99 05/09 05/09 PITNEY BOWES 844-256-6444 CT 24430993129069190805553 7399 207.00 05/12 05/11 AMZN Mktp US"SG9NT39N3 Amzn.com/biIIWA 24692163131105314346089 5942 10.59 05/15 05/12 WIRELESS ZONE#120 NEW LONDON CT 24692163133106433932674 4812 63.80 05/15 05/12 GULF OIL 92061008 NEW LONDON CT 24231683133837001257723 5542 28.39 05/15 05/12 GULF OIL 92061008 NEW LONDON CT 24231683133837001257673 5542 75.00 05/17 05/16 REM BOOT CO 800-998-2212 CT 24018683136200171307073 5661 125.00 05/24 05/23 STAPLES DIRECT 800-3333330 MA 24164073143105124892583 5111 177.59 ESPINOSA,NICHOLAS Total Activity Account Number:XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-7698: 2,998.62 04/26 04/25 CASH TRUE VALUE HARDWARE EAST LYME CT 24801973116400244002186 5251 46.45 04/27 04/26 DEFENDERIND 800435-7180 CT 24492153116852941635150 4468 332.67 04/28 04/26 WEST MARINE#1318 MYSTIC CT 24692163117103761278580 4468 357.30 05/01 04/27 WEST MARINE#1318 MYSTIC CT 24692163118104568046385 4468 76.55 05/01 04/28 DEFENDERIND 800-435-7180 CT 24492153118852029537789 4468 332.67 05/01 04/30 AMAZON.COM`HM7NN4GTO AMZNAMZN.COM/BILLWA 24431063120083326047709 5942 125.96 05/08 05/05 DEFENDERIND 800-435-7180 CT 24492153125852365377577 4468 371.08 05/08 05/05 R&B APPAREL PLUS 877-8144102 CT 24037243125900011623349 5651 1,049.75 05/08 05/06 TIMBERLAND ECOMM 603-772-9500 NH 24943003126083383777355 5661 108.75 05/10 05/09 DEFENDERIND 800-435-7180 CT 24492153129852528167846 4468 123.34 05/24 05/23 LIFESAVINGE 985-384-7414 LA 24492153143852117527121 5085 74.10 FRANCO,MICHAEL Total Activity Account Number.XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6673 504.73 05/12 05/10 MCCARTHY HEATING OIL SERV860-4432839 CT 24028193131019276976183 5983 260.03 05/15 05/12 MCCARTHY HEATING OIL SERV860-4432839 CT 24028193133019295887484 5983 244.70 ;HANEY,,JONATHAN F. Total Activity Account:Number:XXXX-XXXX=XXXX-5166 . : 4,718.34 04/27 04/27 AMZN Mktp US"HF5AMODC1 Amzn.com/biIIWA 24692163117103497762154 5942 139.05 04/28 04/26 CREATIVE SAFETY SUPPLY 503-7997080 OR 24121573117310566364835 5099 1,767.58 BANK OF AMERICA FISHERS ISLAND FERRY ACCOUNTING XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-5485 April 26,2023-May 25,2023 Page 4 of 4 Posting Transaction Date Date Description Reference Number MCC Charge Credit 05/01 04/28 COSTCO WHSE#1372 EAST LYME CT 24943003119898002041845 5300 22.32 05/01 04/30 AMZN MKTP US*HM0B08T81 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 24431063120083728425800 5942 42.47 05/02 05/01 ONLINE JOB ADS INDEED 512.4595300 TX 24793383121253119996726 7311 195.53 05/02 05/01 ACE HARDWARE#17859 WATERFORD CT 24801973121091731000024 5251 26.56 05/09 05/08 AMZN Mktp US*OG0QE9V13 Amzn.com/biIIWA 24692163128102896355526 5942 19.11 05/09 05/08 AMZN Mktp US*YO8LN6G63 Amzn.com/biIIWA 24692163128102898513551 5942 40.40 05/10 05/09 R&B APPAREL PLUS 877-8144102 CT 24037243129900011823408 5651 1,049.75 05/11 05/10 CASH TRUE VALUE HARDWARE EAST LYME CT 24801973131400244600140 5251 6.86 05/11 05/10 CASH TRUE VALUE HARDWARE EAST LYME CT 24801973131400244002898 5251 22.84 05/19 05/18 AMZN Mktp US*FROP11HY3 Amzn.com/biIIWA 24692163138100769986243 5942 122.84 05/22 05/19 OVERTONS.COM 800-334-6541 KY 24692163139101741366479 5941 478.52 05/22 05/20 AMZN Mktp US*K51WROO93 Amzn.com/biIIWA 24692163140102516200981 5942 212.82 05/25 05/24 AMZN Mktp US*748BT3DP3 Amzn.com/biIIWA 24692163144102467368254 5942 25.26 05/25 05/24 AMZN Mktp US*ST6705LM3 Amzn.com/biIIWA 24692163144102566935722 5942 106.31 05/25 05/25 GIH*GLOBALINDUSTRIALEQ 800-645-2986 FL 24692163145102845143592 5085 440.12 MARSHALL,'JESSE -. Total Activity Account Number:XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6278 426.86 05/03 05/01 WEST MARINE#1318 MYSTIC CT 24692163122107906809731 4468 338.17 05/08 05/06 LOWES#02263* WATERFORD CT 24692163126101469220150 5200 43.01 05/08 05/07 ACE HARDWARE#17859 WATERFORD CT 24801973127091739000285 5251 41.44 05/24 05/23 OCEAN STATE 328 WATERFORD CT 24431063144400755000219 5310 4.24 MCCALL,DAVID Total Activity Acc6unt:Number:XXXX-XXXX-)O=-4642 1,006.55 04/26 04/24 Z&S FUEL AND SERVICE INC.FISHERS ISLANNY 24137463115500741341850 5541 74.03 04127 04/26 STAPLS7608677222000001 877-8267755 NJ 24164073116105250043103 5111 179.04 04/28 04/27 ISLAND HARDWARE SVSTR ISLANDHARDWARNY 24138293118091004896605 5251 3.26 05/01 04/28 EIG*CONSTANTCONTACT.COM 855-2295506 MA 24906413118172711597506 5968 45.00 05/02 05/01 STAX *COURVILLE'S G 860-848-1221 CT 24445003121300622429434 7549 12.44 05/04 05/03 STAPLS7609224314000001 877-8267755 NJ 24164073123105020303101 5111 103.64 05/05 05/04 STAX *COURVILLE'S G 860-848-1221 CT 24445003124300588587107 7549 10.04 05/11 05/09 Z&S FUEL AND SERVICE INC.FISHERS ISLANNY 24137463130500792792259 5541 30.00 05/11 05/09 Z&S FUEL AND SERVICE INC.FISHERS ISLANNY 24137463130500792792333 5541 79.00 05/17 05/16 MSFT*E040ON9Z76 MSBILL.INFO WA 24430993136400816021898 5045 75.00 05/17 05/16 AMZN MKTP US*ND7FK2TE3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 24431063136083330235086 5942 28.23 05/17 05/16 SMARTSIGN 718-797-1900 NY 24055223137083338217478 5399 146.60 05/19 05/18 AMZN Mktp US*WN6INOTQ3 Amzn.com/biIIWA 24692163138100784368930 5942 15.18 05/22 05/19 AMZN Mktp US*XW95M5BO3 Amzn.com/biIIWA 24692163139101422952167 5942 70.00 05/22 05/19 AMZN Mktp US*0649A81V3 Amzn.com/biIIWA 24692163139101423125979 5942 8.35 05/23 05/22 ISLAND HARDWARE SVSTR ISLANDHARDWARNY 24138293143091004911189 5251 25.95 05/25 05/23 Z&S FUEL AND SERVICE INC.FISHERS ISLANNY 24137463144500792143960 5541 100.79 MORGAN;JOHN . Total Activity Account'Number:XXXX-XXXX-x)=-5301 95.00 05/16 05/15 USCG-MERCHT MARINE 757-523-6721 VA 24240983136600139798897 9399 95.00 MURPHY,.CAROL Total Activity ,Account.`Number:XXXX-X)=-XXXX-2247 107.54 05/24 05/23 MICROSOFT*STORE MSBILL.INFO WA 24430993143091507003450 5818 107.54 .PARADIS,JOHN Total Activity Account Number:XXXX-XXXX-)=X-0314 212.69 05/01 04/28 AMZN Mktp US*HF5BOOR41 Amzn.com/biIIWA 24692163118104639063385 5942 212.69 Your Annual Percentage Rate(APR)is the annual interest rate on your account. Annual Balance Subject Finance Charges by Percentage Rate to Interest Rate Transaction Type PURCHASES 9.00% V $0.00 $0.00 CASH 9.00% V $0.00 $0.00 V=Variable Rate(rate may vary),Promotional Balance=APR for limited time on specked transactions. Account Number breeze'i ne 8282 30 017 0526913 43920 AIRPORT VIEW DR HOLLYWOOD MD 20636-3105 Bill Print Date 8282 3000 NO RP 25 04252023 NNNNNYNN 01 000499 0002 April 25,2023 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIS Billing Period ATTN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 607 April 12-May 11, 2023 FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 Account Password Illlillllll'I'IIII'III'III'1111111"1'1111'1"I'IIIII'I'IIIIIIIII 2114 Service at Due Date 1 Waterfront Park Pay upon Receipt Important information fromBreezeline New London, CT 06320 We are sorry to lose you as a customer. This statement includes the outstanding balance due for all services. URGENT:In order to avoid additional charges,all Internet,Video,and/or Phone equipment must be returned immediately. Please visit Bill Summary http://breezeline.com/returns Prorates -$131 .30 One-Time Charges & Credits $ 1 .42 Taxes, Fees & Surcharges -$10.90 ............Balance-Forward & Payments_ Previous balance (through April 1 1) $426.92 Payments* -Thank You! $0.00 Total Due upon Receipt 6.14 (This is a prorated bill.See the back for details.) See back for details 1/4 Your Telephone Number Account Number Billing Period 8282 3000 NO RP 25 04252023 NNNNNYNN 01 000499 0002 (631)788-7463 8282 30 017 0526913 April 12-May 11,2023 Tips that help you better understand your bill. Prorates -$131 .30 ® This bill includes prorates A prorate charge or credit is to align your 04.1 1-04.30 Business D3 Modem -$7.33 updated services with your billing period.The prorated amounts were calculated based on the number of days between the date of the service 04.11-04.30 5 Static IP Addresses/29 -$17.32 change and the start of your next billing period. 04.11-04.30 C Pro Power 3.1 -$141.97 -r i 04.11-04.30 Pro Power 3 Year $35.32 One-Time Charges & Credits $1 .42 a You can avoid late fees A late fee will be applied when a payment is not received on or before the due date stated on the Other Charges & Credits monthly bill. 04.10 Late Payment Fee a $1.42 Taxes, Fees & Surcharges -$10.90 Government Taxes and Fees State Sales Tax -$0.47 Gross Earnings Tax $0.08 Other Fees and Surcharges High-speed Network Recovery Fee -$10.51 Balance Forward & Payments $426.92 Previous Balance(through April 11 $426.92 Total Due upon Receipt $286.14 Pay upon Receipt 2/4 Your Telephone Number Account Number Billing Period 8282 3000 NO RP 25 04252023 NNNNNYNN 01 000499 0002 )631)788.7463 8282 30 017 0526913 April 12-May 11,2023 For additional supp®rt or to contact us: . Visit.breezeline.com/support Chatrwith'us Call Access multiple How To Videos and FAQs Visit breezeline.com and click the chat icon' '888.536,9600'(toll free) - How to Pay online Mobile Mail Visit breezelin6.com/payoplin.e Download the My Breezeline App` Please send all Breezeline payments to: We accept payment.via MasterCard, Breezeline,'PO Box 371801, Pittsburgh, PA Visa and Discover. 15250-7801.'Return.this payment stub.with your. _-. - chetk.or money order in the envelope provided: The Federal Government's Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)operated by the FCC reduces Internet charges for qualifying low-income -households with a one per householcl benefit up to$30/m6 or up to$75/mo for residents of Tribal lands. The benefit may be moved from one participating provider to another but cannot be transferred to another individual or household even if they qualify. ACP information can be found at breezeline.coin/acp. Qualifying households will be subject to Breezeline's Everyday Priceand general terms and coriditions,if they disqualify, de-enroll,transfer#heir benefit to another provider without cancelling service,.or if the program ends. l./ 3/4 _._... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------. .................--- .....-------................ .....................................-..----------------- -----....... ........ - ��. Fishers Island Ferry Dis Account Number ® breezel ne Po Box 607 8282 30 017 0526913 Fishers Island, NY 06390-0607 Due Date Pay upon Receipt Total Due q Amount enc .upon Receipt ���� enclosed: S • BREEZELINE PO BOX 371801 PITTSBURGH PA 15250-7801 (il(II(Ilrrrlll((Irl'I11'III�II�'I�'�Illrlllr�nl(IJlllu"11111 828230017052691300286146 Your Telephone Number Account Number Billing Period 8282 3000 NO RP 25 04252023 NNNNNYNN 01 000499 0002 (631)788.7463 8282 30 017 0526913 April 12-May 11,2023 CCTNK 4/4 ......................................................... ................. ------------ .......................-----------------------------...................................... Manage your account or pay your bill online;-anytime! Log into your account by visiting breezeline.com or scanning the QR code to View your bill and check the due date. It.15 also easy to-make,a payment from your,coimpUter,laptop,tablet or smartphone. Simply go to breezeline.com/payoniiine. Important Account information: Terms and conditions of service may be found at www.breezeline.com,under Policies and Agreements in the Support section..Please check frequently for updates. Closed Captioning:For immediate technical concerns or service issues, please contact Breezeline:888-536-9600(Phone)or at c.rs—esc@breezeline.com(Email). The Local TV Surcharge recovers a portion of the cost of retransmitting television broadcast signals. If after contacting Breezeline Customer Service at 888-536-9600 you are unable to resolve your questions or concerns about your television service or bill you may contact the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority,which can be reached at 1-800-382-4586,emalling Pura.Informatio"n@ct.gov,or visiting - - - https://portal.ct.gov/PURA/ConsumerZervices/Filing-a-Complaint.Please note that Pura does not regulate internet or long distance services. Breezeline has a Cable Advisory Co6ncil which can be reached at PO Box 50;Waterford CT 06385.This address does not,accept cable payments.. E� � Safety Su APIy' Inc. ., • -- work Boot WWI . . �NvoICE,No.'° 3 63T 789 Long Hill Road P.O.Box 3279 Groton,CT 06340 r 45 Robertson Boulevard,Suite 7 Brewer,ME 04412 Phone: 860-446-0754 >. Phone: 207_-989-5570 Fax: 1-8 869 84 -216 Fax: 207-989-5585 1-800-640-5570 remboot@hotmail-com S it H / S ° R t } I C i c. �...- i. s. T D , O — a T i 0 = "- DATE i ± CUSTOMER ORDER NO. SALESMAN TERMS NET 30 , I SIZE. AMOUNT QUANTITY STYLE DESCRIPTION mq-1 ORDERED CUST FAXED ORDER ORDER ADV REC'D SHIPD. AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYROLL DEDUCTION: EMPLOYEE NUMBER TAX EMPLOYEE�SFULLNAM "?1 ... f.�')I �-,r / f FREIGHT I HEREBY AUTHORIZETOTAL DUE cam' TO DEDUCT THE TOTAL AM0 �1T OF{THI INVOICE FROM MY PAY FOR SAFETY SHOES. X MPLOYEE SIGNATURE ALL CLAIMS AND RETURf��i GOODS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED TRY SHOES IN HOUSE AS WORN SHOES CANNOT BE RETURNED. BY THIS BILL. �' GROTON, CT 06340 860-446-0754 CUSTOMER COPY ::-_i-19-2023,,2:56:34 PM 20018408 f::�:ahier:l Reg: 001 it:-chase' BY: :.:radis/John/FIFERRY Account No. NO B00 co -000-2161 20002161 OJ9 LONG MLL RD 6R010N, CT 06340.0 ' :..;572E2110 _ 1____._180.00 uEAil ,:,SKINS 6 AT WP BROW - -- D: 005 0i5COUnt -15.00 Sub Total 165.00 Phone Or�de?r Shipping 0.00 (XXk�XX7076 Tax 10,48 _-_-_---- Entry Method: Hz Total Due 175.48 : + 125 W Payment Rcvd 175.48 Balance Due - 0.00 i23 07:5 . : :.'H $50.48 STORE CHARGE $125.00000001 Aper Code:-09 �� 4d: Online Batch1t: 11 - i:radis John/FIFERRY ode: ZIP MATCH Z Code: MATCH M oval Ref.11: 80100001 NO:FISHERS_FERRY—__ --- ` Cusiomrr COPY -alis John/FIFERRY ENCRYPrF0 TRANsAcrTON ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THIS SALE ..'11PLIES WITH THE CONDITIONS OF THE .�;:;tEEMENT MADE WITH THE MAJOR i;nI1NT Geb Cook From: Aaron Supreme Container Co. <donotreply@cardpointe.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 2, 2023 10:57 AM To: Geb Cook Subject: Receipt Aar®n Supreme Container Co. 410 Ella T.Grasso Blvd New Haven, CT 06519-1804 2036249915 5!2!23 10:56:43 AM Ref#: R122018039403 Authorization Code:006075 Invoice#:409524 Invoice#:410027 Customer#: L ,z Notes: / Total: $218.®1 use Card Number:XXXXXXXXXXXX7076 Card Holder:GEORGE B COOK Card Brand:VISA Thank you for your business.All sales final Signature Question about this receipt?Call us:800-243-0403 1 *03UPREME CORP t=�1 tl' �'� s� i; iS ® l°otZ AARON SUPREME CONTAINER COMPANY I 410 Ella T. Grasso Boulevard P.O. Box , 7084 New Haven CT 06519 aaronsupreme.com (203) 624-9915 1$800) 243-040 CUSTOMER NUMDER Fishers Island Ferry District PO Box 678 261 Trumbull St. Fishers Island Ferry 16279 Fishers Island, NY 06390- Invoice# 409524 04/27/23 PO: 40' container S/D Job: Fishers island, NY Item Tax Container#7209,Order#60283 RENT FOR 511/23-5/31/23 INCL $110.00 S6.98 Subtotal: $110.00 Tax: $6.98 CTOTAL DUE: $116.98 -V I �7 F-V Please return this portion with your payment Fishers Island Ferry District Invoice#: 409524 PO Box 678 261 Trumbull St. Fishers Island, NY 06390- Subtotal: $110.00 Tax: $6.98 16279 Total Due: $116.98 Fishers Island Ferry 6.35% Connecticut Tax if applicable Kasia Asmolov From: Pitney Bowes Billing <transactional@emails.pitneybowes.com> Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2023 4:14 PM To: Kasia Asmolov Subject: Confirming Your Recent Payment Confirming Your Recent Payment view as webpage Pitney bowes Thank you for paying your invoice online. Your payment has been successfully processed as reflected below: Payment Amount: $105.00 Payment Date: May 07, 2023 Confirmation Code: 53301051 Thank you for choosing Pitney Bowes. �r This email was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email.Please do not reply to this message. To help ensure the delivery of future communications to your inbox,add transactional@emails.pitneybowes.com to your address book. This message was distributed by Pitney Bowes Inc.,World Headquarters,3001 Summer Street,Stamford,CT 06926-0700.Pitney Bowes and the corporate design are trademarks of Pitney Bowes Inc,or a subsidiary.All other trademarks are the property of the respective owners.Your email address was provided by you to Pitney Bowes,and use of your email address is governed by the Pitney Bowes Privacy Policy. ©2023 Pitney Bowes Inc.All rights reserved. 18SMB05300 1 Other Order Details Quote:3000151856439/1 Invoice date:May 8,2023 Invoice Number:10670328302 Shipping Code:L IO Software &Subscriptions Your software and subscriptions will be accessible from the Dell Digital Locker once your order is complete. Visit Dell Digital Locker Order items(1) Service Tags&Warranty, View additional details of payments on this order. Download Pricing and Payment Details ITEM DESCRIPTION Bon TIO DT 5410 $708.23 210-BDST 210- > View specifications Discounts/coupons applied Q n PAYMENT DETAILS VISA Card ending with 7076 Payment:$749.99 ®Successful-May 8,2023 Please note: • Payments details displayed here are for this order only.To view other orders in your purchase,use your Dell Purchase ID:2008186999737 • The transaction dates shown here are based on the GMT time zone and may vary by one day,depending upon your time zone. n ADDRESS DETAILS Shipping Address Sold to Fishers Island Ferry District fishers Island Ferry District Geb Cook Geb Cook L 261 Trumbull Dr P 0 Box 607 Fishers Island New York 261 Trumbull Dr United States 06390 Fishers Island New York United States 06390 n Order Total $749.99 SHOW DETAILED BILL Shop Popular Essentials Microsoft , i ~ Dell Wireless Keyboard and Download Microsoft 365 Dell USB Slim DVD+/-RW Dell 24 Monitor—S2421 HN Mouse-KM3322W Personal Annual Subscriptio... Drive-DW316 2!3 DOLLTecf noloales Checkout QQ For your security,the shipping and billing addresses of this quote can only be changed by a Dell sales representative.Contact your Dell sales representative. Summary Sales Representative _ J inspiron sal o All In one Tramain Swindall Tramain_Swindnll@D 1 Co r Specs (800)4563355 6177621 ----- Get it by Thursday,May 11,2023 Ouanlity 1 $749.99 Order Information Quote Number:3000151856439.1 Expiration Date:Friday,May 12,2023 Subtotal(1) $749.99Delivery Free Order Contact Change Total $749.99 GEB COOK FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Terms of Sale Phone Number:(203),410-8156 Please note that someone will need to be on site to receive your order.Contact customer care if Email:GCOOK@FIFERRYCOM anything changes In your abilityto receive your delivery By selecting Submit Order,you agree to Dell's CDnsumer Terms of Sale(including an agreement to Billing Address binding arbitration)for purchases made for personal use and/or to Dell's Commercial Terms of Sale for GEB COOK purchases made for business use.You also agree to Deli's U5 Return Policy. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P 0 BOX 607 261 TRUMBULL DR ;uuRut Ows FISHERS ISLAND,New York,06390 Phone Number:(203)410-8156 Email:GCOOK@FIFERRYCOM Customer Number.530031468946 0 if you would like to make any changes to your quote billing address,Please contact your sales representative. Shipping Address I GEB COOK FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT ✓ � �1,,,',�J 261 TRUMBULL DR n PO BOX 607 `IrJ FISHERS ISLAND,New York,06390 Phone Number:(203)410.8156 Ercall:GCOOK@FIFERRYCOM Customer Number:530031468946 O if you would like to make any changes to your quote shipping address,Please contact your sales representative. Delivery Methods Standard Tax Exemption I am tax exempt Trade Compliance Change I do not want to export outside the United States Payment Payment Method Change Visa ending in 7076 (18/2023 Dalt Tern.¢o1 So, P"—_y'3tal_; rr A.7t,E Enrzvls 'DELL PREFERRW ACCOUNT(DPA)i uflu'ee!u U; by Fde Obdrd:,:;no dt9ern:mr•;quAftcat:on>for and tem:s ut cn,da 'fnxrs,:,upping.anct ot`.e,cbRrrc-;are nv,e.,r.i e•ary Veu:h7in,nui*t Unr i',iN,grants e'pithy:?:?0 or;S'k 7f tile P,ev? Balan,N slu»w;o:;yUur bliLnu-tuten:errt fe,rP.uhn6,any balance on a I';j::,;oo P,);,mow llun.hase poor to it,expiration date):ounded LIP 1.Ihv next dWiar,PIU,;ally LM1onddv t'U,,:n<-1 Payment D"e,plus 11:1.;mr o:all gaol aur:amour's(viinB;nun h:terest Chary'r_ .�:OD RntP-,ranc"PC-M;'!",-':4 79 APR 3:')f'h r7?!,""!?>.de;n'ai:ng on iwi lwortM+�eas Detl antl the DNl lego ;r,dem�r'cs of Chi he S:e and Iced'.,,nn-,,,. .,::21 fin:u,riru oi`ar-!.zcP,:,i re;r,a rninu n:e+:PurdtasN nquircrnenh.Sea Geb Cook From: Geb Cook <gebcook@comcast.net> Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2023 11:57 AM To: Geb Cook --- E ,?„rr:ih:�::.$c��'a';°�tx�y•ter;#G,��.1� :�:r b=5i:�t,-i C..s, .....:y' rr:"'>: 3i, _ - �'�•^. "'S?%�{at?irirx 3;tStttc*.t' t7r�fcr.5c�et�rrtary , C.; .t.[:,i,L.,u .: at,f�,.::g"v.it:lc:�t,ti; `;•.:i � ' `" ,,k"f x:i'}"fI' i�vd'+?2CA >4'r` 'h,G•i� y, , 'VISA' DON fed May -2023 -, 1 VH RELESS20NIE Sale Wireless Zone New London WZ120 I III 351 North Frontage Road,B 1 Invoice:W10121N94561 New London CT United States 06320 (860)439-1000 Tendered On: 12-May-2023 11:54 AM Sales Person: Jessica M Tendered By: Jessica M Tendered At: Wireless Zone New London Bill To: George Cook WZ120 261 Trumble Dr Fishers Island NY United States 06390 Product SKU Product Name Tracking# Qty Your Price Your Total AYOTVZ001684 5G SIM CARD 1 $15.00 $15.00 AYOTVZ001684 513 SIM CARD 1 $15.00 $15.00 AYOTVZ001684 5G SIM CARD 1 $15.00 $15.00 AYOTVZ001684 5G SIM CARD 1 $15.00 $15.00 Payment: Subtotal: $60.00 Visa $63.80 State Sales Tax(CT): $3.80 """ '* **"7076 Approval#:013309 Total: $63.80 COOK/GEORGE Entry Type: Chip Change: $0.00 \" G �}'19;> \� V" vl_ Comments: Wireless Zone®Terms and Conditions Wireless Zone&offers customers a 30-day return policy. You may return or exchange any device or eligible accessories one time within thirty(30)days of either the date of purchase(in-store purchases)or the date of shipment(for direct fulfillment device purchases). Merchandise received as an exchange cannot be re-exchanged or returned for a refund. All returned or exchanged merchandise MUST be: (i)in like-new condition, (ii)in the original packaging with the box intact and not marked or written on,and(iii)accompanied by the original sales receipt.Wireless Zone will not accept a device for exchange if it has any signs of physical damage(scratches,cracks,etc.). Prepaid only devices are not eligible for return once they are activated. 5G Internet Gateway(ASK-NCQ1338,ASK-NCQ1338FA&ARC-XC155AX)are not eligible for return to any Wireless Zone location. Customers must Contact Verizon Customer Care for return instructions. Iconic Direct Fulfillment Sales Orders will only be reserved for a customer for 7 days after delivery to the store. If the product ordered has not been picked up within 7 days,then any deposits will be refunded and the product will be available to sell on a first come first served basis. Each Wireless Zone®store is independently owned and operated. Franchisor: Wireless Zone LLC, 10300 Kincaid Drive,Fishers IN 46037 Please go to www.wirelesszone.com/returnpolicy to review the full policy Page 1 of 2 W10121N94561 CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I acknowledge that the following Activation/Upgrade Fees will appear on my first VZW billing invoice: Activation Fee $ perActivated Line Upgrade Fee $ per Upgraded Line I acknowledge that: I Accept the Verizon Wireless Equipment protection plan X I Decline the Verizon Wireless Equipment protection plan X Initials X Wireless Zone New London WZ120 351 North Frontage Road, B 1 New London, Connecticut, 06320 United States 5/12/2023 11:54:36 AM 8604391000 Transaction ID 301440791 RRN 00000002 TID 004 Sequence#4375 VISA CREDIT SALE************7076 Entry Method: Chip Read TOTAL USD$63.80 APPROVED 013309 VERIFIED BY PIN Mode: Issuer AID: A0000000031010 TVR: 0080048000 IAD: 06010A0360A002 TSI: F800 ARC: 00 TC: 70380E8CA15F7C1 D Lane ID: 52 Page 2 of 2 W10121N94561 WELCOME TO SAMS WELCOME TO SAMS Sams Food 290 Broad St Sams Food New London CT 06320 290 Broad St New London CT 06320 Description Qty AmCA W 1' ----------- --- )-'scr i pt ion Qty Amou.)t. Regular CR #04 8.3536 2E: ---------- --- ---- SELF @ 3.399/ 6 CR #04 22.0656 75. ---------- SELF @ 3.399/ 6 Subtotal 28 -------- -- TOTAL 2E3 _-tcl Subtotal 75. CREDIT $ 28. TOTAL 75 - CREDIT $ 75.,';,(j *******7076 <4if 1,75.00 .I{ try: Chip Read i-i*****7076 i'q,,�Aame: VISA CREDIT S i.i!,iy: Chip Read A�.,IhNet: VISA VISA CREDIT mCDE: Issuer VISA jr MD: A0000000031010 M= Issuer 1, > !.;.�th #: 003235 A0000000031010 ii.`.-sP Code: 000 #: 023349 t "tan: 22504176362 Code: 000 1,,,woice #: 125769 22504176359 5,1-4ift #: 1 ;(-;,.-oice #: 125763 ;Core # ftfD ft #: # ,rarified By PIN No Signature Needed V'!Jsfied By PIN No ;signature Needed THANK YOU COME AGAIN THANK YOU ST#7090 DR#1 TRAN#9042849 COME AGA I N CSHn 7090 DR#1 TRAN#9042;`:,','' : r!10:00 11 .0r,:?A lFi khr�xrh%il/i61G com 05-16-2023 12:47:06 PM 20018656 ESA Entry Method: Manual Cash ier:1 Reg: 001 Total. x.25.0® H Purchased By: I , Conary Steven/FIFERRY Account No. P SAIIE 000=0007-2535 20002535 1135:1 T { _ Inv If: 666662 Am)r Cede: 660665 j RK6710MI40 1 150.00 APPrvd: Online BACK: 136061 3 A DATE¢, RK6710 AVS Code: ZIP MATCH Z. t` Discount ----15.00 010 Code; HATCH 11 tALia�al ltetJC „U1tAJUl11, SIZE AMOUNT , Sub Total 135.00 Shipping 0.00 , ._.. - � Tax 8.57 c,r,L.,na, r:.,., j --- Total Due 143.57 Payment Rcvd 143.57 1 quint ai t.NCRYI'ILU tkr'dISACl1UW i Balance Due: ^ 0.00 IAC/VISA $125,00 IAC%VISA $18.57: f i worn merchandise cannot be retuned ` 4 30 day return policy on new merchandise t t � , { ORDER ORDER ORDERED CUST FAXED I RECDSHIPD. ADV I THORIZATION FOR PAYROLL DEDUCTION: EMFI OYES F NAME M ` E' � EMPLOYEE NUMBER �* � TAX `: r I HEREBY AUTHORIZE _ _ FREIGHT TO DEDUCTTHE TOTALAMOUNT OF THIS INVOICE FROM MY PAY FOR SAFETY SHOES. TOTAL DUE ur . r EMPLOYEE-SIGNATURE r�y �,r Yom y ALL CLAIMS ANP RETURN GOODS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED TRY SHOES IN HOUSE AS WORN SHOES CANNOT BE RETURNED. BY THIS BILL. I I a I ' 5/19/23,3:02 PM Order Confirmation Page M Stap ank you for your order, Georg A confirmation email has been sent to gcook@fiferry.com Print Order Number:9912489258 C0 1 item View details I- Create an account today with one click! �? Faster checkout Easy reordering Access to order history Create an account today with one more click! 3 Wtess ifor your account* t ferry.com Create agcou If you already have an account.in the future be sure to sign'In before you purchase Shipping&Billing address George cook Fishers Island Ferry District 169 Warpas Rd ✓� 111(((///���,/ Madison,CT 06443-2022 / 56 Payment method(s) Visa ' $177.5.5 charged charged 1 item ordered Delivery by Wedn May 31 Alliance Thermal Cash Register/POS Rolls,31/8"x 165',50/Carton(3495) 1 @$166.99 $166.99 https://www.staples.com/cc/sparq/ocp?cartld=e9b l66f8-f674-1 l ed-8567-0022484de9cO&tenantid=StaplesDotCom&tid=US&fromCart=true 1/4 1110 So W t rinda,' THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING AT 9 Maritime Drive CASH TRUE VALUE EAST I.YME Mystic, CT 06355 (860) '739-5496 860-572-0001 STORE HOURS)' MON-FRI 8-7 SAT-SUN 8-5 Qty__ Price Total Pump-Gear Lube Qt 1-6-6252--7 - .15/23 4:07PM PAM 554 Si 11 17.99 17.99 iv�i_.,ier-InProtcl:2000 Gy Ga Kit 234534 12 EA $3.29 El: 158.99 158.9El: ;ellaneous Fasteners $,: 'j- +', �',--ier-InProtct2000 Gy Ga Kit 234534 12 FA 35 EP 158.99 158.99 ;ellaneous Fasteners 4:-11 Subtotal 335.97 TO I A L $ 43.68 TAX: $ Sales Tax 21 .33 TOTAL: $ 4:1, BC AMT: - $ 41. Total 357.30 ::ARD#: XXXXXXXXXXXX7698 357.30 ********9883 l'ID:***8724 Journal Key: MS1004539454 090801 AMT 26 2023 09:04 am Trans# 54;'. reference #:818234 Bat# TRANSACTION RECORD %,-J, orizino Network: VISA -o Number ************7698 Read Type VISA TYPE;VISAEXPR: XXXX ,-s. Type PURCHASE AOOOOO00031010 Entry CHIP T, 0000048000--,-- - - # 054178 0601OA03602002 :o,ence # 1114972 FBOO # MS1004539454 00 --hant ID 00001318 Issuer # Verified by PIN VISA CREDIT $357.30 Removed :0039 $357.30 3710FE698016593A .:)/ValCode: 045840 -OVAL 054178 card USDs 46.45 VISA CREDIT AOOOOO00031010 0800048000 F800 JRN14118234 CU8T NO:*11722 ]"HANK YOU NTCHOLAa L FOR WOR PATRON­. TVR ID # for details on how you can i ;:i,.,tn or replace your item, #: 1318 Date: 4/26/23 #: 1 Time: 9:02 AM 5475 er: SAGE 11 In %Vewl c� 5 jon haney From: Defender <cs@defender.com> Sent: Wednesday,April 26, 2023 8:23 AM To: jon haney Subject: Defender: New Order#6000049154 Marine outfitters since 1938 THANK YOU'FOR YOUR ORDER Jon Haney Order# 6000049154 Placed on Apr 26,2023, 8:22:36 AM Once your package ships we will send you a tracking number. Billing Info Jon Haney Fishers Island Ferry District P.0 Box 607 Fishers Island, New York, 06390 United States T: 8604420165 Shipping Info Jon Haney 9 Westchester Dr East Lyme, Connecticut, 06333 United States T: 860-442-0165 Payment Method Credit Card Credit Card i Credit Card Type Visa Credit Card Numberxxxx-7698 ,Shipping Method Store Pickup Items Qty Price Interlux Micron CF Antifouling Bottom Paint 1 $312.81 SKU: 756066MCFBLU Color Blue Size 1 Gal Subtotal $312.81 Shipping& Handling $0.00 Tax $19.86 Grand Total $332.67 [Hinformation may not be available immediately Thank you for'shopping with us, Defender X FAQ EMAIL CALL Read the answers to the Our response time is 1 to 2 Monday to Friday most frequently asked business x ,X .. 8:00 to 17:30 EST. questions 1-800-628-8225 D- 2 est Marina i 9 Maritime Drive Mystic, CT 06355 860-572-0001 Price - Total.. rloaner-Aluminum Boat 64dz 15023815 35,99 35.99 ',:!aner-Aluminum Boat 64oz /5023315 35.99 35.99 /11.;C�/G 5 Subtotal 71 .98 Sales Tax 4.57 Total 76.55 76.55 Journal Key: MQ1431661714 27 2023 13:15 pm Trans# 55= TRANSACTION RECORD you for shopping at West Marine, Number : ************7698review our Return Policy online >, :—: stmarine.com/returns or ask an I,. i Type VISA late for details on how you can .:�s. Type : PURCHASE ;� Entry CHIP or replace your item. : i # 084946 #: 1318 pate: 4/27/23 aence # 1115098 . :ter #: 1 Time: 1 :15 PM # : MQ1431661714 :pant ID 00001318 : 5599 ainal # 1 „er: ANDREW -,,:,nt $76:55-- ,���� ILIIII I Il lllr��111111111111111111 Removed $76.55 .OVAL : 084946 VISA CREDIT .!. AOOOOO00031010 wl< 0800048000 TSI F800 TC 6005FB08BCF38539 ARC 00 jon haney From: Defender <cs@defender.com> Sent: Friday,April 28, 2023 7:14 AM To: jon haney Subject: Defender: New Order#6000050413 Marine outfitters since 1938 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER Jon.,Haney Order# 6000050413 Placed on Apr 28, 2023,7:14:20 AM Once your package ships we will send you a tracking number. Billing Info Jon Haney Fishers Island Ferry District P.0 Box 607 Fishers Island, New York, 06390 United States T: 8604420165 Shipping Info Jon Haney .9 Westchester Dr East Lyme, Connecticut, 06333 United States T: 860-442-0165 Payment Method Credit Card Credit Card Credit Card Type Visa Credit Card Numberxxxx-7698 Shipping Method i • - Pickup Items • rice Interlux Micron CIF AntifoulingBottom Paint 1 $312.81 756066MCFRED • • Red Size 1 Gal Subtotal $312.81 Shipping . • $0.00 Tax • :• Grand Total $332.67 [Finformation may not be available immediately thank you for Track our Order shopping with us, befender F'QQ EMAIL CALL Read the answers to the pur response time is� to 2 Monday to Friday most frequently asked business days 8:00 to 17:30 EST. questions Details cs defender.com 1=800 628-8225 X II X You are receiving this email because you signed up to Defender newsletters. amazon.com J Nl,=�7 Final Details for Order#111-5350520-5793850 Order Placed: April 27, 2023 PO number: RP CLEANING Amazon.com order number: 111-5350520-5793850 Order Total: $125.96 Shipped on April 29, 2023 Items Ordered Price 1 Of: BISSELL 2252 Clean View Swivel Upright Bagless Vacuum with Swivel Steering,Powerful Pet Hair Pick Up,Specialized Pet $118.44 Tools,Large Capacity Dirt Tank, Sold by:Amazon(seller profile) Business Price Condition:New Shipping Address: Item(s)Subtotal: $118.44 Jonathan Haney 9 WESTCHESTER DR Shipping & Handling: $0.00 EAST LYME, CT 06333-1028 ----- United States Total before tax: $118.44 Sales Tax: $7.52 Shipping Speed: ----- Standard Shipping Total for This Shipment: $125.96 Payment information Payment Method: Item(s)Subtotal: $118.44 Visa I Last digits: 7698 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Billing address ----- Fishers Island Ferry District Total before tax: $118.44 261 Trumbull Drive Estimated Tax: $7.52 P.O Box 607 Fishers Island, NY 06390 ----- United States Grand Total: $125.96 Credit Card transactions Visa ending in 7698:April 30, 2023: $125.96 To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary. Conditions of Use I Privacy Notice © 1996-2020,Amazon.com, Inc. 4l Credit Card Type Visa Credit Card Numberxxxx-7698 Shipping Method Store Pickup Items Qty Price Interlux Micron CF Antifouling Bottom Paint 1 $299.99 SKU: 756066MCFBLU Color Blue Size 1 Gal Interlux InterProtect 2000E Primer 1 $48.93 SKU: 756844QUAGRA Color G rey Size 1 Quart Subtotal $348.92 Shipping& Handling $0.00 Tax $22.16 Grand Total $371.08 [Nnfo'rmation may not be available immediately Thank you for shopping with us, Defender X 2 J� ion haney From: Defender <cs@defender.com> Sent: Friday, May 5, 2023 1:32 PM To: jon haney Subject: Defender: New Order#6000054871 Marine outfitters since 1938 a - THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER Jon Haney Order# 6000054871 Placed on May 5, 2023, 1:32:15 PM Once your package ships we will send you a tracking number. Billing Info Jon Haney Fishers Island Ferry District P.0 Box 607 Fishers Island, New York, 06390 United States T: 8604420165 ,Shipping Info Jon Haney 9 Westchester Dr East Lyme, Connecticut, 06333 United States T: 860-442-0165 Payment Method Credit Card Credit Card i 5/5/23,2:32 PM Your Sale Receipt from R&B Apparel Plus Cr(,uv O'(\` ( JE k9BApparel Pius, LLCLLC ) 46 Plaza Court. Groton CT 06340 Phone: (860) 333-1757 Fax: (860) 333-1760 R & B Apparel Plus 46 Plaza Ct,Groton, CT 06340 (860)333-1757 May 5th, 2023 at 14:32 PM $1 ,049.75 Subtotal $1,049.75 Total $1,049.75 Payment $1,049.75 visa...7698, 08/23 Transaction ID: NT-8316492677 R&B Apparel Plus 46 Plaza Ct,Groton,CT 06340 https://dashboard.spoton.com/terminal/transactions/NT-8316492677 1/2 Tmbedaa Thank You ORDER NUMBER: 38377735 A C-)< CC GET TEXT UPDATES %CD �� �(✓� -_l I want to receive texts about my �*� order and offerings from Timberland r0 QS 2 S �D Z J SHIPPING INFO BILLING INFO Shipping To: Shipping Method: Billing To: Payment: Nicholas Espinosa Standard Nicholas Espinosa Credit Card 860-442-0165 3-5 business days 860-442-0165 VISA FREIGHTNL@FIFE FREIGHTNL@FIFERR 7698 RRYY,COM Y.COM Address: Address: 261 Trumbull Dr 261 Trumbull Dr Fishers Island, NY PO BOX 607 06390-8021 Fishers Island, NY US 06390-8021 US ITEM SUMMARY Item Description Quantity Total WOMEN'S TIMBERLAND PRO® OVERDRIVE COMP- 1 a TOE WORK SHOES STYLE A5UGB001 $96.00 Size: 8.5 Width: Wide Color: Black/Copper/White • O DER SUMMARY Item Subtotal (1) $96.00 Promo Code Applied - CEJH910923 Shipping - Standard $7.95 Tax $4.80 Order Total $108.75 TIMBERLOOPTM - RETURN YOUR WORN ITEMS NOW Timberland. 200 Domain Drive, Stratham NH 03885 c - jon haney From: Defender <cs@defender.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2023 11:52 AM To: jon haney Subject: Defender: New Order#6000056972 Marine outfitters since 1938 0 _ THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER Jori;Haney Order# 6000056972 Placed on May 9, 2023, 11:51:36 AM Once your package ships we will send you a tracking number. Billing Info ,Jon Haney Fishers Island Ferry District P.0 Box 607 Fishers Island, New York, 06390 United States T: 8604420165 Shipping Info ,Jon Haney 9 Westchester Dr East Lyme, Connecticut, 06333 United States T: 860-442-0165 Payment Method Credit Card Credit Card i A Credit Card Type Visa Credit Card Numberxxxx-7698 Shipping Method Store Pickup Items Qty Price Martyr Diver's Dream Hull Plate Sacrificial Anode 2 $115.98 SKU: 204298 Option Zinc Subtotal $115.98 Shipping& Handling $0.00 Tax $7.36 Grand Total $123.34 x -- I — �►nformation may not be available immediately •Thank you,for shopping.With:us, Defender 'x FAQ EMAIL CALL Read the answers to the Our response time is 1 to 2 Monday to Friday' most frequently asked business days x .x x •• to 17:30 EST. questions Details cs@defender.com1-800-628-8225 x x x 2 jon haney GO From: Life Saving Equipment <tracking@shipstation.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 2:17 PM To: jon haney Subject: Your order has been shipped! r � � I r` Dear Jonathan Haney, Thank you for your order from Life Saving Equipment! We wanted to let you know that your order(#8447) was shipped via UPS, UPSO Ground on 5/24/2023. You can track your package at any time using the link below. Shipped To: Jonathan Haney 9 WESTCHESTER DR EAST LYME, CT 06333-1028 US Track Your Shipment: 1ZV05W560317412035 This shipment includes the following items: Item# Description Qty FF-L11-20 Float Free Link- 11-20 person "f}.l( 1 Thank you for your business and we look forward to serving you in the future! Life Saving Equipment Phone:9853847414 Email: lifesavingequipment@gmail.com Website: ion haney From: noreply@McCarthyHeatingOilServicelnc.com Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 2:16 PM To: jon haney Subject: McCarthy Heating Oil Service, Inc:Receipt of Payment Credit Card Transaction Receipt Customer Account Number Payment Amount 1395 $260.03 Transaction Date: 5/10/2023 2:15:52 PM EST Merchant Name: McCarthy Heating Oil Service, Inc. Merchant Country: United States Invoice Number: 999998266 Description: Subtota I: $260.03 :Convenience Fee: $0.00 Total Amount: $260.03 Transaction Type: Sale Billing Zip Code: 06390 Billing Address: 261 Trumbull Drive Billing City: Billing State: Transaction ID: 59659179 Result: Approved Message: Success Auth Code: 093294 AVS Result: Z CVV Result: Cardholder Name: Terminal Fishers Island F Card Number: ************6673 Card Network Name: VISA i McCarthy Heating Oil Service, Inc. I N V O I C E PO Box 332 May 10, 2023 Quaker Hill, CT 06375 860-443-2839 Account#: 1395 Invoice#: 6681 Transaction Date: 5/9/23 Terminal Fisher's Island Ferry Invoice Total: $260.03 PO Box 607 PD j� j, 261 Trumbull Drive TERMS: Net Due in 30 Days. Fishers Island , NY 06390 z,3 Amount Enclosed: $ Please onion With Your Payment Problems/Actions Performed: Annual Cleaning:Annual Cleaning-BOAT @ TERMINAL Description: Annual Cleaning-BOAT @ TERMINAL-275x45b, 835 eff Quantity Description Unit Price Amount 1.0 Non-Customer Cleaning $200.00 $200.00 1.0 Nozzle Delavan $16.00 $16.00 1.0 Filter-Garber.Complete $20.00 $20.00 1.0 Pump Strainer $8.50 $8.50 Sub Total: $244.50 Tax Total: $15.53 USD Total Due: $260.03 If you would like your invoices E-mailed, please provide us with an E-mail Let us keep you cool this summer!We are a Mitsubishi Ductless Heating and Cooling Diamond Contractor. Call today for a free estimate. For Fuel or Service At: .. Terminal Fisher's Island Ferry 5 Waterfront Park New London, CT 06320 McCarthy Heating Oil Service, Inc. Account#: 1395 PO Box 332 Invoice#: 6681 Quaker Hill, CT 06375 860-443-2839 Transaction Date: 5/9/23 1�v ��.0 jon haney CDW From: noreply@McCarthyHeatingOilServicelnc.com Sent: Friday, May 12, 2023 3:35 PM To: jon haney Subject: McCarthy Heating Oil Service, Inc. Receipt of Payment Credit Card Transaction Receipt Customer Account Number Payment Amount 1395 $244.70 Transaction Date: 5/12/2023 3:35:12 PM EST Merchant Name: McCarthy Heating Oil Service, Inc. Merchant Country: United States Invoice Number: 999998355 Description: Subtotal: $244.70 Convenience Fee: $0.00 Total Amount: $244.70 Transaction Type: Sale Billing Zip Code: 06390 Billing Address: 261 Trumbull Drive Billing City: Billing State: Transaction ID: 59789062 Result: Approved Message: Success Auth Code: 026844 AVS Result: Z CVV Result: Cardholder Name: Terminal Fishers Island F Card Number: ************6673 Card Network Name: VISA 1 McCarthy Heating Oil Service, Inc. I N V O I C E PO Box 332 May 12, 2023 Quaker Hill, CT 06375 860-443-2839 Account#: 1395 Invoice#: 6718 Transaction Date: 5/11/23 Terminal Fisher's Island Ferry Invoice Total: $244.70 PO Box 607 261 Trumbull Drive TERMS: Net Due in 30 Days. Fishers Island , NY 06390 Amount Enclosed: $ Please Return This Portion With Your Payment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Problems/Actions Performed: Annual Cleaning:Annual Cleaning-BOAT @ TERMINAL Description: Annual Cleaning-BOAT @ TERMINAL-clean and service unit-also replace smoke pipe-they had 2 elbows and a length-we supplied one more length Quantity Description Unit'Price Amount 1.0 Non-Customer.Cleaning'`' $200.00 $200.00 1.0 Nozzle Delavan $16.00 $16.00 1.0 Filter FB4 - $5.59 $5.59 1.0 Pump Strainer " '` $8:50' -- $8.50 Sub Total: $230.09 Tax Total: $14.61 USD Total Due: $244.70 If you would like your invoices E-mailed, please provide us with an E-mail Let us keep you-cool this summer!We are a Mitsubishi Ductless Heating and Cooling Diamond Contractor. Call today for a free estimate. For Fuel or Service" Terminal Fisher's Island Ferry i 5 Waterfront Park New'London, CT 06320 McCarthy Heating Oil Service, Inc. Account#: 1395 PO Box 332 Quaker Hill, CT 06375 Invoice#: 6718 860-443-2839 Transaction Date: 5/11/23 amazon.com J1� Details for Order#113-6432858-1089023 Order Placed: April 26, 2023 Amazon.com order number: 113-6432858-1089023 Order Total: $139.05 Not Yet Shipped Items Ordered Price 1 Of: DuPont Tyvek 400 TY120S Disposable Protective Coverall, White,2X-Large,pack of 25 $130.75 Sold by:Aabaco Environmental(seller profile) Business Price Condition:New Shipping Address: Item(s)Subtotal: $130.75 Jonathan Haney Shipping & Handling: $0.00 9 WESTCHESTER DR EAST LYME, CT 06333-1028 ----- United States Total before tax: $130.75 Sales Tax: $8.30 Shipping Speed: ----- FREE Prime Delivery Total for This Shipment: $139.05 Payment information Payment Method: Item(s)Subtotal: $130.75 Visa I Last digits: 5166 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Billing address ----- Fishers Island Ferry District Total before tax: $130.75 261 Trumbull Drive Estimated Tax: $8.30 P.O Box 607 Fishers Island, NY 06390 ----- United States Grand Total: $139.05 To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary . Conditions of Use I Privacy Notice © 1996-2020,Amazon.com, Inc. ?T k \--� CREATIVE SAL RECEIPT safety Suppe( SR00183555 Creative Safety Supply Date: 4/26/2023 Creative Safety.Supply - 8030 SW NIMBUS AVE Sales Rep: Steve Backen BEAVERTON OR 97008-6438 Payment Method: VISA United States Phone: 1-866-777-1360 Credit Card: ************5166 Bill To: Ship To: Fishers Island Ferry District NL ATTN:Jon Haney 5 Waterfront Park Fishers Island Ferry District NL New London CT 06320 5 Waterfront Park United States New London CT 06320 United States Ship Date Tracking Number(s) 4/26/2023 lZ66EV410328736403 lZ66EV410325650993 -Quantity Item Rate . , Line Total 1 LT402MN: LabelTac Marine Label Supply 4"x150': WHITE with Simple Peel $334.99 $334.99 Edge 1 LT102: LabelTac Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl Label Supply 1"x150': WHITE with $149.99 $149.99 Simple Peel Edge 1 LT204:LabelTac Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl Label Supply 2"x150':RED with Simple $209.99 $209:99 Peel Edge 1 LPR03:LabelTac 4 PRO/X Ribbon 4.33"x984':BLACK $219.99 $219.99 1 LPR02:LabelTac 4 PRO/X Ribbon 4.33"x984':WHITE $239.99 $239.99 1 LPR04:LabelTac 4 PRO/X Ribbon 4.33"x984':RED $239.99 $239.99 1 LPR01:LabelTac 4 PRO/X Ribbon 4.33"x984':YELLOW $239.99 $239.99 1 LTPX:(LTPX)LabelTac PRO X Industrial Label Printer $0.00 $0.00 -Includes Labeling Software&Templates -Free Black Ribbon(Pre-Installed).A$69.99 Value -Free Tech Support&Template Creation -Lifetime Bumper to Bumper Warranty -ProX List Price%1299 Subtotal $1,634.93 Shipping Cost $27.12 Sales Tax $105.53 Amount Paid $1,767.58 Thank you for your order! Need to reorder any of these items? Click HERE. ? Shop for more visual safety and efficiency products at www.creativesafetysupply.com. All Prices Shown in USD Country of Origin:United States of America 1 of 1 I h�L� ,�iyRP' ilPl � �8 A� $ 0, :_ 1c p � I I' 1"Wild amber- 111903419973 ` 1 119 DURAC'1_.L.L. Ai=l SUBTOTAL Ifµ CiYidL !' x)t L5,15,16A }9I l' 'e,� ! M,Cl�It);1Jr,)�7''SIr 'o �ICaI_tla (r i I,. QUEI) - p:11ji-chase ase t-l) 1NT: $22.3.2 -1. ,113/2023. 17%11 1372: 204 1 V 1 alb CHANGE I").CICI 'al_ NUMBER R OF ITE-MS SOLD � 1 1'7:11 1372 204 172 7214 � I . �'� Illlillllllll�llll�IIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIII it I I II I III!IIII I II III III 211:'.722040172230428'1711 7011 Gallie: SM l-7ank. Yau ° 1 r:r e3 x:a C::o In ca A s a i. n : .:13"� : Trim:204 Tr rl:172 OP.701 NL-7- amazon.com Details for Order#113-0557665-2063456 Order Placed: April 28, 2023 Amazon.com order number: 113-0557665-2063456 Order Total: $42.47 Not Yet Shipped Items Ordered Price 1 Of: Duck Clean Release Blue Painters Tape 1.5-Inch(1.41-Inch x 60-Yard),4 Rolls,240 Total Yards,240460 $13.95 Sold by:Amazon.com Condition:New 1 Of:Aluminum Tape 4 Inches x 262 Feet Aluminum Foil Tape High Temperature Insulation Duct Tape Silver Heat Resistant Tape $25.98 Waterproof Heavy Duty Hvac Tape for Ductwork Dryer Vent Sealing Hot and Cold Pipes Sold by:Markioct(seller profile) Condition:New Shipping Address: Jonathan Haney 9 WESTCHESTER DR EAST LYME, CT 06333-1028 United States Shipping Speed: FREE Prime Delivery Payment information Payment Method: Item(s)Subtotal: $39.93 Visa I Last digits: 5166. Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Billing address ----- Fishers Island Ferry District Total before tax: $39.93 261 Trumbull Drive Estimated Tax: $2.54 P.O Box 607 Fishers Island, NY 06390 United States Grand Total: $42.47 To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary. Conditions of Use I Privacy Notice © 1996-2020,Amazon.com, Inc. J� Itemized report for invoice#78341543 This itemized report reflects the cost of each item purchased on the associated invoice. It does not incli Itemization details Apr 30, 2023 Indeed Job Applies Job ID Job Title Location Quantity Unit Average Cc Total Currency 644004d2E Deckhand New Londc 10 apply 18 180 USD Total amoL 180 This itemized report reflects the cost of each item purchased on the associated invoice. It does not inclL ade any promotions, discounts,taxes, or fees. ade any promotions, discounts,taxes, or fees. THANK YOU FOR MOPPING AT ACE Hardware Waterford . ' (860) 326--5064 O5/01/23 8:31AM ANASTASIA 756 SALF 9009737 1 EA $6.99 EA N_. ,*ERY C THM 3V 2032 %.' )347 2 FA $8.99 FA BITER'S TAPE 1.41"11) $17, 'TOTAL:$ 24,97 TAX, $, TOTAL: $ 26.5 - - - 8C AMT: $ 6.Gr YXXXX5166 11 us about your experience **40*3887 TIC):***3273 ;day and Enter 'to win a .$50 .1.11: 010239 AMTS $ 26,:. ; - �At card! reference #:0903119 Oat# **** ****+ .r*•** *,+*t** ** * participate ,iorizinp Network-: VESA ait: laikTca,Ac�ilardware.r<aio ., , Read ext HELPFUL. to 22;3439 -- "� fYPE:VISA EXPR: XXXX Js survey invil:ation,is A0000000031010 Jid for 12 hours 0000008000 .i 0601OA036OA002 ore # 17859 F800 approximaWIY 5 mit's 00 Issuer Na CVM purchase ,r�ece;;;�ary, :00VVISA CREDIT ist be 18 car older;, to I ter rwp.prjMtakes'. Jaid C3740900ACFEE D/Va1Co(ie: 044422 F, card USIA$ 16.56 Illllllll�lll�lllll�lllllllllfull JRNL#, A90309/6 CUST' NO:*5 THANK, YOUJONATHAN HANLY FOR YOUR PATRONAGE Acca: GASH CUSTOMER N L` V__ a'fzQn.CQm` (2F) Final Details for Order #113-2901245-6972216 Print this page for your records. Order Placed: May 8, 2023 Amazon.com order number: 113-2901248-6972216 Order Total: $19.11 Shipped on May 5, 2023 Items Ordered Price 1 of: Titanium Quick Release Keyrings 2-pack Side-pushing Labor-saving Gear System $7.99 (K28) by BANG TI Sold by: BANG TI Titanium (seller profile) Condition: New 1 of: Stainless Steel Key Rings - 10 Pcs Nlinch, 25mm Round Split Key Rings for $9.98 Keychains - Surgical Grade Stainless Steel Keychain Rings Sold by: CREST Products(seller profile) Condition: New Shipping Address: Lydia Haney 9 WESTCHESTER DR EAST LYME, CT 06333-1028 United States Shipping Speed: Standard Shipping Payment information Payment Method: Item(s) Subtotal: $17.97 Visa I Last digits: 5166 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Billing address Total before tax: $17.97 Fishers Island Ferry District Estimated tax to be collected: $1.14 RO Box 607 261 Trumbull Drive Grand Total:$19.11 Fishers Island, NY 06390 United States Credit Card transactions Visa ending in 5166: May 8, 2023:$19.11 To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary. Conditions of Use I Privacy otice© 1996-2023,Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates J� amazon.com Final Details for Order#113-9571559-3281839 Order Placed: May 8, 2023 Amazon.com order number: 113-9571559-3281839 Order Total: $40.40 Shipped on May 8, 2023 Items Ordered Price 1 Of:AeraMax 300 HEPA Filter Replacement Compatible with Fellowes AeraMax 290 300 DX95 Purifiers True HEPA Air Filter Also $37.99 Fit AP-30OPH HF-300 Part#9287201 Sold by:ZouHwaSo(sellerrp ofile) Condition:New Shipping Address: Item(s)Subtotal: $37.99 Jonathan Haney Shipping & Handling: $0.00 9 WESTCHESTER DR EAST LYME, CT 06333-1028 ----- United States Total before tax: $37.99 Sales Tax: $2.41 Shipping Speed: ----- FREE Prime Delivery Total for This Shipment: $40.40 Payment information Payment Method: Item(s)Subtotal: $37.99 Visa I Last digits: 5166 Shipping& Handling: $0.00 Billing address ----- Fishers Island Ferry District Total before tax: $37.99 261 Trumbull Drive Estimated Tax: $2.41 P.O Box 607 Fishers Island, NY 06390 United States Grand Total: $40.40 Credit Card transactions Visa ending in 5166: May 8, 2023: $40.40 To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary. Conditions of Use I Privacy Notice © 1996-2020,Amazon.com, Inc. ese-U-) INVOICE # 37598 (51c) Embroidery k6B Apparel Plus, LLC 46 Plaza Court. Groton CT 06340 Phone: (860) 333-1757 Fax: (860) 333-1760 PO Terms ON RECEIPT I Created 4/6/2023 j Payment Due 5/2/2023 Ref 92340 Ship Via Pick Up I Ship Date j Completed On 5/2/2023 BILL TO SHIP TO Sales Rep Fishers Island Ferry leyyoua Jon Haney *pp 0 *>HANKi Phone:860 442 0165 Ext E-mail:jhaney@fiferry.com Description Product Color Size Qty. S M L XL 2 XL 3 XL 4 XL Qty. Each Total Port Authority Dry Zone UV Micro-Mesh River Blue Navy 3 3 29.00 87.00 Port Authority Dry Zone UV Micro-Mesh River Blue Navy 3 8 10 21 27.50 577.50 j Port Authority Dry Zone UV Micro-Mesh River Blue Navy 2 2 22.50 45.00 Sport-Tek Posi-UV Pro US Tee True Navy 1 1 24.50 24.50 Sport-Tek US PosiCharge Competitor True Navy 1 1 23.00 23.00 s —FI4 Number of Print Colors Number of Stitches Total Units Screens 4345 1 1 11 28 Press Setup Front Back Right/S Left/S Front Back Right/S Left/S Shipping Film Artl Rush Define Total 757.00 Tax Total With Tax 757.00 Payments 757.00 Balance 0.00 All prepress work including but not limited to screens, art work, films and embroidery files are the sole property of R & B Apparel Plus, LLC. J� INVOICE # 37599 Embroidery 1Z9B Apparel Plus, LLC 46 Plaza Court. Groton CT 06340 Phone: (860) 333-1757 Fax: (860) 333-1760 PO Terms ON RECEIPT Created 4/6/2023 Payment Due 5/2/2023 Ref 92340 Ship Via Pick Up Ship Date Completed On 5/2/2023 BILL TO SHIP TO Sales Rep Fishers Island FerryNKYo�* Jon Haney *THANK{O Phone: 860 442 0165 Ext E-mail:jhaney@fiferry.com Description Product Color Size Qty. S M L XL 2 XL 3 XL 4 XL Qty. Each Total Port&Company-Essential Fleece Full- Navy 2 4 6 36.25 217.50 :Sport-Tek Super Heavyweight Pullover True Navy 2 2 48.25 96.50 Sport-Tek Super Heavyweight Hooded True Navy 6 6 10 22 46.75 1028.50 i I I 1 Number of Print Colors Number of Stitches Total Units Screens 4345 1 1 11 30 Press Setup Front Back Right/S Left/S Front Back Right/S Left/S Shipping Film Artl Rush Define Total 1342.50 Tax Total With Tax 1342.50 Payments 1342.50 Balance 0.00 All prepress work including but not limited to screens, art work, films and embroidery files are the sole property of R & B Apparel Plus, LLC. THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING AT CASH TRUE VALUE EAST LYMt (860) 739-5496 STORE HOURS MON-FRT 8-7 SAT-SUN 8-5 : /10/23 6:49PM SMB 554 SALE L I EA $11-99 EA xellaneous Fasteners $11 j EA $9.49-EA i:;cellaneous Fastener=_: A-TOTAL:$ 21.48 'FAX: $ TOTAL: $ 22, BC AMT: $ 22. CARD#: XXXXXXXXXXXX5166 ; 1:********9883 TID:44*8724 `H: 007112 AMT: $ 22. l-,:;t reference #:825295 Bat# �-'.�:torizinq Npttgork: VISA ip Read ,,.-D TYPE:VISA EXPR: XXXX 1!,� : AOOOOOOO(jjloio iVN 0000048000 IAO 0601OA03602002 FBOO Aki, 00 11.1160E Issuer VH Verified by PIN kime VISA CREDIT 0i.1, :005C ' AC : 288F5BE9C32OE520 hmJD/ValCode: 058849 Bank card USD$ 22.84 Ill llll l lllilllllillllllllll 11 l 111 w, jRNL#T25295 «, CUST NO:*5 THANK YOU JONATHAN HANEY "MR RATM�J�GF amazon.com OD� Final Details for Order#113-5320969-3508263 Order Placed: May 17, 2023 Amazon.com.order number: 113-5320969-3508263 Order Total: $122.84 Shipped on May 18,2023 Items Ordered Price 1 Of: VIPPER American Flag 2.5x4 Outdoor-Nylon US Flags with Embroidered Stars,Stitched Stripes and Brass Grommets $18.95 Sold by:VIPPER(seller profile) Business Price Condition:New 1 Of:American Flag 2.5x4 FT For Outside 100%In USA Most Durable,Heavy Duty,Luxury Embroidered Star with Brightly Colored $15.99 Brass Grommets Premium US Flag Sold by:American-Flags(sellerrte) Condition:New 1 Of: 6128 American USA Flag 12.5x4 Ft I ToughWeave Series Embroidered 210D Polyester Country Flag,Embroidered Stars, $14.80 Sewn Stripes,Indoor/Outdoor,Vibr Sold by:Smiley Hope International(G128 LLC)(sellerrp ofile) - Business Price Condition:New Shipping Address: Item(s) Subtotal: $49.74 Jonathan Haney 9 WESTCHESTER DR Shipping & Handling: $0.00 EAST LYME, CT 06333-1028 ----- United States Total before tax: $49.74 Sales Tax: $1.96 Shipping Speed: ----- FREE Prime Delivery Total for This Shipment: $51.70 Shipped on May 18,2023 Items Ordered Price 2 Of: G128 American USA Flag 12.5x4 Ft I StormFlyer Series Embroidered 220GSM Spun Polyester I CountryFlag,Embroidered $21.77 Stars,Sewn Stripes,Indoor/Outdoo Sold by:Smiley Hope International(G128 LLC)(seller profile) Business Price Condition:New 1 Of: US Flag Factory-2.5x4 FT US AMERICAN FLAG(Embroidered Stars,Sewn Stripes)Outdoor SolarMax Nylon Flag-Made in $25.95 America-Premium Quality(2.5x4 F Sold by:U.S.Flag Factory(seller profile) Condition:New Shipping Address: Items)Subtotal: $69.49 Jonathan Haney 9 WESTCHESTER DR Shipping & Handling: $0.00 t EAST LYME, CT 06333-1028 ----- United States Total before tax: $69.49 Sales Tax: $1.65 Shipping Speed: ----- FREE Prime Delivery Total for This Shipment: $71.14 Payment information Payment Method: Item(s)Subtotal: $119.23 Visa I Last digits: 5166 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Billing address ----- Fishers Island Ferry District Total before tax: $119.23 261 Trumbull Drive Estimated Tax: $3.61 P.O Box 607 ----_ Fishers Island, NY 06390 United States Grand Total: $122.84 Credit Card transactions Visa ending in 5166: May 18, 2023: $122.84 To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary. Conditions of Use Privacy Notice © 1996-2020,Amazon.com, Inc. Sr jon haney 1 From: noreply@overtons.com Sent: Friday, May 19, 2023 7:29 AM To: jon haney Subject: Overton's Order Confirmation y ~ Help Center 800-334-6541 HELLO! WE HAVE RECEIVED YOUR ORDER. Hi Jon, Good news! We have received your order, and are currently processing it. If you have any questions regarding your order, please contact Customer Service by phone at 800-334-6541. We appreciate your business! Thanks, Overton's Order Number: Order Date: 9SI1569468 May 19, 2023 Billing Address: Payment Method: Jon Haney Visa 9 Westchester Dr Amount: $478.52 .East Lyme CT 06333-1028 860-428-7517 Ship To: Shipping Method: Jon Haney Economy i T 9 Westchester Dr East Lyme CT 06333-1028 860-428-7517 Products Qty Price Dockmate 72" Piling Post Fender - White 9 $449.95 Item No. 360802_WHIT $889.91 In Stock Promo(s)Applied: Dockmate Piling Post Fenders-Buy one,get one FREE Discounts: ($359.96) Subtotal: $449.95 Shipping: $0.00 Tax: $28.57 Order Total: $478.52 We would love your feedback - take this quick survey! X America's Marine &Watersports Superstore overtons.com Need anything? Call Marcus I'm here to help! 866.232.8960 "IF YOU'RE HAPPY, I'M HAPPY." 2 S4fe)c cf,"c,1, J amazon.com Final Details for Order#111-7447891-1201023 Order Placed: May 17, 2023 Amazon.com order number: 111-7447891-1201023 Order Total: $212.82 Shipped on May 20,2023 Items Ordered Price 6 Of: Racor 320R-Rac Series Gasoline Fuel Filter(Outboard or Inboard) $34.95 Sold by:Discount Marine Source(sellerrte)I Product question?(Ask Seller) Condition:New Authorized Racor Dealer Shipping Address: Item(s)Subtotal: $209.70 Jonathan Haney 9 WESTCHESTER DR Shipping & Handling: $0.00 EAST LYME, CT 06333-1028 Amazon Discount: -$9.60 United States ----- Total before tax: $200.10 Shipping Speed: Sales Tax: $12.72 Standard Shipping ---- Total for This Shipment: $212.82 Payment information Payment Method: Item(s)Subtotal:.$209.70 Visa I Last digits: 5166 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Billing address Promotion applied: -$9.60 Fishers Island Ferry District ---- 261 Trumbull Drive Total before tax: $200.10 P.O Box 607 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Estimated Tax: $12.72 United States ----- Grand Total: $212.82 Credit Card transactions Visa ending in 5166: May 20, 2023: $212.82 To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary . Conditions of Use I Privacy Notice © 1996-2020,Amazon.com, Inc. amazon.com Final Details for Order#113-3809675-9377814 Order Placed: May 23, 2023 Amazon.com order number: 113-3809675-9377814 Order Total: $131.57 Shipped on May 24,2023 Items Ordered Price 1 Of: Performance Tool W2237 25'18GA 1,000 lumen 120V LED Drop Light with Extra Built in 120V Outlet, 1 Pack $23.75 Sold by:Amazon(seller profile) Business Price Condition:New Shipping Address: Item(s)Subtotal: $23.75 Jonathan Haney Shipping & Handling: $0.00 9 WESTCHESTER DR EAST LYME, CT 06333-1028 ----- United States Total before tax: $23.75 Sales Tax: $1.51 Shipping Speed: ----- FREE Prime Delivery Total for This Shipment: $25.26 Shipped on May 24,2023 Items Ordered Price 2 Of: Bayco SL-425 Incandescent Work Light w/Metal Guard, Yellow $29.49 Sold by:Quest Safety Products,Inc.(sellerrofiile) Business Price Condition:New Shipping Address: Item(s)Subtotal: $58.98 Jonathan Haney 9 WESTCHESTER DR Shipping & Handling: $0.00 EAST LYME, CT 06333-1028 ----- United States Total before tax: $58.98 Sales Tax: $3.74 Shipping Speed: ----- FREE Prime Delivery Total for This Shipment: $62.72 Shipped on May 24, 2023 Items Ordered Price 1 Of: DEWENWILS 25ft COB LED Work Light, 120OLM LED Trouble Light,Extra Long Handheld Corded Work Lights with Strong $40.99 Magnet,Swivel Hook,ETL Listed Sold by:Dewenwils(seller profile) Business Price Condition:New 4 Shipping Address: Item(s)Subtotal: $40.99 Jonathan Haney Shipping & Handling: $0.00 9 WESTCHESTER DR EAST LYME, CT 06333-1028 ----- United States Total before tax: $40.99 Sales Tax: $2.60 Shipping Speed: ---- FREE Prime Delivery Total for This Shipment: $43.59 Payment information Payment Method: Item(s)Subtotal: $123.72 Visa I Last digits: 5166 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Billing address ----- Fishers Island Ferry District Total before tax: $123.72 261 Trumbull Drive Estimated Tax: $7.85 P.O Box 607 Fishers Island, NY 06390 United States Grand Total: $131.57 Credit Card transactions Visa ending in 5166: May 24, 2023: $106.31 Visa ending in 5166: May 24, 2023: $25.26 To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary. Conditions of Use I Privacv Notice © 1996-2020,Amazon.com, Inc. jon haney From: Global Industrial <do-not-reply@globalindustrial.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 10:04 AM To: jon haney Subject: Your Global Industrial Order#23247087 Is Confirmed Attachments: Order Confirmation23247087.pdf Order Confirmation Order Date: 05/24/2023 10:03 AM EST .Account#: Guest Account ! Order#: 23247087 Pb#: Dear Jonathan Haney, Thank you for placing your order with Global Industrial. Your order details are below. We will send a Shipment confirmation once your item(s) ship. Please note, orders containing multiple items may generate additional notifications as items may ship separately. X Order Details Billing Address Shipping Address Jonathan F Haney Jonathan Haney P.O Box 607 Fishers Island Ferry District FISHERS ISLAND, New York 06390 5 Waterfront Park UNITED STATES NEW LONDON, Connecticut 06320 UNITED STATES Payment Information Card Type: Visa Card Number:XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-5166 Subtotal: $398.85 i Shipping: $14.99 Tax: $26.28 Total: $440.12 ❑ .__ _____ __._ Product Description QTY Price, :Total Magic Master Springer Standard 3] $132.95 $398.85 Message Board 24"L X 36"H-White Item#: 61338979 Shipping Method: UPS-GROUND Estimated Delivery On or Before:Thu, May 25 *Please Note:This item is not cancellable. *Please Note:This item is not returnable. x 11 Harbor Park Drive, Port Washington, NY 11050 Copyright©2023 by Global Industrial.All Rights Reserved. Help I Contact Us This order is subject to Global Industrial's Terms&Conditions of Sale. Global Industrial objects to any other additional or different terms in your purchase order or acceptance. This email was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message. 2 Sever �,� Wo West Marine 9 Maritime Drive Mystic, CT 06355 860-572-0001 ;; -- -- - ... -- - -- Price._.._. Total i imer-InProtct2000 Gy Ga Kit 234534 158.99 158.99 1, imer-InProtrt2000 Gy Ga Kit 234534 ` 158.99 158,99 Subtotal 317.98 Sales Tax 20,19 --------- ---- - --- --_ —--- Total 338.17 338.17 Journal Key: MQ1432007892 ' :1::y 01 2023 14:21 pm Trans# 59".j :::•....� ,;. :..n. t: card holder agreement. TRANSACTION RECORD ITEM COUNT = 2 ;rd Number : ************6278 `ic you for shopping at West Marine :':�rd Type : VISA ;cans, Type : PURCHASE " -�se review our Return Policy onlirn:: :rd Entry : CHIP westmarine,com/returns or ask an !'..-th # : 070795 ... Jciate for details on how you can > quenre # : 1115500 ern or replace your item. R:.f. # : MQ1432007892 4-rchant ID : 00001318 a #: 1318 Date: 5/1/23 1' retinal # : 1 inter #: 1 Time: 2:21 PM #: 5994 Ariount $338.17 :shier: SAGE ;-!t Removed $338.17 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 911318015994231218 .",PROVAL : 070795 Customer Copy •''P : VISA CREDIT A D : AOOOOO00031010 0800048000 I : F800 8815F78256AF55E8 u�?C 00- THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING AT ACE Hardware Waterford (860) 326-5064 a 1b 1/23 11 :03AM DANIELLE 755 SALE. Low8400_._.._...__..._�2_......EA....__-�,GO_............ EA v Lnw> °S HOME cErlTcHs. I�Le -0 DISC TYP 2'1.4-1/2 $119 167 WATERIORD PARKWAY 140HI 979 1 EA $23.99 EA WRIERFORD, eT 063u5 Lf1601 701-2Of P BLADE9" 6/10f 5PK 423,c,--: ;1901 1 EA 00 EA hi ' 3BAGSTUFF $5OFF$25+- $N/C ,:.FS#: S2.63LUO 4791266 WNW 19303986 05-06-2. %aLlr3can DisroLlnt 121642 DW NP 4-1/2-IN X 1/4-TN 2 4.46 TOTAL:$ 43.97 TAX: $ 2.'. 1.78608 NW 4-1/2-IN T29 ;36 ORf Fl. 10.90 ;:,COUNT; -5.00 TOTAL: $ 41.4-i 118`18 LNX 8-0 18TP1 REC1P OLD 24.98 8C AMT: $ 41 SUBTOTAL: 40.44 : ARD#: XXXXXXXXXXXX6278 TAX,: 2.57 44000,3887 TIO:0*3273 I11uV1r,E 19543 rurAL: 43.01 055911 AMT: $ 41, 4,1., VISA: 43.01 reference #:091361 Bak# ISA: xXxxxxXxXXxX6270 ArulUA1:43.01 AUrni;D: 039391 �orizing Network: VISA CHP REFID:`L26319138749 05,1016/23 10:39:36 ,vPIN Verified Read APL° VISA CREDIf TUR: 00110048000 :: :+ TYPE:VISA EXPR: XXXX AICD: A0000000031010 TSI: [000 !; : A0000000031010 5100f: 2'263 fEHNINAL: 19 0510612310:39:46 0000008000 of-' 0601OA0360AD02 EXQA!DES FLES, SERVICES AND SPECIAL ORAER ITEMS FB00 00 II��IIIIII!��IIIIII(III�II�!IIIIII�IIIII�IIIIIID��Ii�IIIIIII��!�IIIIIIIiII�II�IIIIIIII�IIII : No CVM Issuer VISA CREDIT fHANK YOU FOR SHOPPIIIU LAWPS. ! :002F FOR DETAILS ON OUR RETURN POLICY, VISIT' 8F8L1F13C6D987F20 LOWES.COM/RHURNS ::O/Va1Code: 048237 A W1111TEN COPY CIF T111: RETURN POLICY IS A01LAHLE. AT OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE DESK card USO$ 41 .44 Il 111 1lllllllllillllllllllll11 JRNL# A91361/6 OUST NO:*2685 THANK YOU JESSE MARSHALL_ FOR YOUR PATRONAGE ACE REWARDS ID # 1952290009 "^^a VS—gE MAR.gHALL flceah :Mate J015 Lo OCEAN STATE JOB LOT, #328 A LOT MORE FOR A LOT LESS 128 BOSTON POST RD WATERFORD, CT 06385 860-440-0866 ,. ; .. 06/23/2023 12:60:32 PM it:328 Trans#;9600 Res#;5 ,io• r;75,152 V7,58.4 ti r`•'.,''1'99 TOY.WATER NOODLE F 3.99S 3,99 .. i:i:;�T.S;6,360'6 on 3,99 0.25 fitrrl ; 9,24 .:¢•u"riit � 9,29 XXXXXXXXXXXX6278 or.qu t;t Entry Mode;Chip Read i ira fC:;ISSUER (•,r r encu Code;USA ID;3461212.87881 ,, .iririeinal ID:9276176 Verified by PIN ` l Fi.1 i .A0000000031010 l� :i i;rx',.0000048000 ta(I.0601 OR03AO2002 � 7.. 1 .E800 \ xiri,•Z3 i.der #; 1602121624 Thank wou for shopping of Ocean State t,b Lot. We accept returns on mosf' items, w.iO,in 90 days, See our website for more details. Visit us online at OceanStateJobLot.com Customer Receipt woo Online cOn , The Ocean State Job Lot ' Charitable Foundation, a 501(c)(3) i?+:r',-exempt organization, thanks you for your cash donation in the-,amount shown above. goods or services were provided by the organization in 'exchanse for this donation, Jain our team! Apply at oceanstateJoblot,com/careers .. i•' trct'�f:l��ii.h'•,t!il:ilf ii if iii 9�.4i'll Mil.Ht�A.�J Lii?;i i Z8S FUEL.AND SERVICE INC. 776 110HI R ANY 106350 FiSFfE(621)739 1343 Sale Merchant P"fi4292980521$fififi Term ID. LK999003 1D:59:26 04/24/23 I❑v 11: 0015 Dat�hll: 461 Entry Methal; C VISA - ;, �XXX10Dl1iX4fi42 ` SeuJ►; 3192 Rnpr Code; 030233 Product Qty Q Unit Price Amount --- ;REGULAR 1 14.928 Q 4.959 24.03. Total: 74.03 APPROVED VISA CREDIT AID: 008000001010 NR: ]AD: D6011203AOA006 TSI: E900 EF7 AC: E5AC551AE0AC5 Custwo'COPY E3115f ess Advantage Order# 7608677222 Order placed: April 25, 2023 Accounting Information Billing address Shipping address Budget Center FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT 1234 #PC67296 DAVID MCCALL PO PO BOX 607 261 TRUMBULL DR FI TERMINAL FISHERS ISLAND, NY 063900607 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 CHARGED Items(s)Shipped Item# Item Description Price Quantity Subtotal 365374 Coastwide Professional T"^Multifold Paper Towels, 1-ply, 250 Sheets/Pack, 16 $30.64 Packs/Carton (CW58045) 2 $61.28 On Contract 365377 Coastwide ProfessionalTM 2-Ply Standard Toilet Paper, White, 500 Sheets/ $58.88 2 $117.76 Roll,96 Rolls/Carton (CW26212) On Contract Method of payment VISA ending in "4642-$179.04 Merchandise Total: $179.04 Total: $179.04 ISLAND HARDWARE INC PAGE NO 1 THE GLOAMING PO BOX 741 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 PHONE: (631) 788-7233 THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING AT ISLAND _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ HARDWARE!!,____ __� _ •COST NO:p` JOB NO: °.:PURCHASE ORDER: ^REFERENCE: TERMS: ~�y CLERK: _ DATE/TIME: :721 �OQO ' CASH/CHECK/BANKCARD _4/27/23- 2:24 { TERMINAL:551 SOLD TO.rr. SHIRTO: 1 `F'I"FERRY DISTRICT _ !� �• �_ P0BOX H:. ... t FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390:' ! ! = 0%TAX:NTX o NON-TAXABLE SALE 516-788-7463 INVOICE: E89660 TINE ,SHIPPED ORDERED UM' : SKU ':.< DESCRIPTION SUGG UNITS PRICE/ PER EXTENSION 1 1 1 EA 1 CORRECT OVERAGE ON REFUND 1 3.26 /EA 3.26 N 2 INV E89304/1 NV E89310 3 ??-JOHN K ISLND HRDWARE 4 788-7233 1 `I **PAID IN FULL** 3.26 TAXABLE 0.00 NON-TAXABLE 3.26 SUBTOTAL 3.26 TAX AMOUNT 0.00 BANKCARD PAYMENT 3.26 TOTAL 3.26 BKCRD#XXXXXXXXXXXX4642 TOT WT:0.00 Nanual Signature MID:***9899 APP:056982 XR:489660 Received By Kasia Asmolov From: Constant Contact Billing <notification@ co nsta ntcontact.co m> Sent: Friday,April 28, 2023 6:31 AM To: Accounting Subject: Constant Contact Payment Receipt for David McCall X Payment Receipt for April 28, 2023 Thank you for your recent payment. Your payment receipt is found below. Attention: David McCall Fishers Island Ferry District P.O. Box 607 / Fishers Island, NY 06390 US 6317887463 User Name: dmccall@fferry.com Tbday's Cate:,.April 28,'2023_ Payment Date: April 28, 2023 Payment Method: VI (last 4 digits: 4642) Amount: $45.00 Thank you for your payment! Amounts shown may reflect sales tax which is applicable in certain areas. You can view payment receipts at any time in the Billing tab of your account. Important Notice: To help maintain Constant Contact's strong sending reputation, we have implemented a monthly email send allowance and overage fee if the allowance is exceeded. This charge will be reflected on your next invoice, if you exceed the allowance. While most of our customers won't be impacted, click here to learn more. We appreciate your business. Best Regards, Constant Contact Billing 1601 Trapelo Road, Suite 329-Waltham, MA 02451 Questions? Please give us a call! US/Canada Toll Free: (855) 229-5506 1 L; UUKVILLE ' S . Ina.10 Div. of Courvillers Garage, Inc. Tha Greatest NamolnTrueks P.O. BOX 262 - ROUTE 163 Quahty , MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT 06353 Parts ,. PHONE (860) 848-1221 ",Sewing The Trucking Industry Since 1964" ALL RETURNED GOODS ARE SUBJECT TO A 15 DAY LIMIT AND A HANDLING CHARGE, POSITIVELY NO RETURNS WILL BE ALLOWED ON ELECTRICAL AND/OR SPECIAL ORDER PARTS.PLEASE HAVE YOUR INVOICE COPY, A * CORES MUST BE IN ORIGINAL BOX. 1 Y2% PER MONTH i D ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS, PURCHASER AGREES TOP Y ALL COLLECTION EES AND REASONABLE ATTORNEY FEES. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES warranties on the product sold hereby are those made by the manufacturer. The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either express or implied,including m Von warranty merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in :::entice with the sale of said products. 5:%TE ENTERED VOUR ORDER N0. DATE SHIPPED r! INVOICE DATE 1 MAY 23 INVOICE 01 MAY 23 01 MAY 23 NUMBER s 361456P ACCOUNT NO. 10543 H D I PAGE 1 OF 1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT T FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT 0 DAVID MCCALL 261 TRUMBULL DRIVE o 261 TRUMBULL DRIVE FISHERS ISLA1'%TD NY 06390 FISHERS IS LAND, NY 06390 GM• TERMS F.O.B POINT PART N0. CASH DESCRIPTION LIST"' . : _':NET. AMOUNT 0 1232919 NUT : 7.26 5:_"85 11.70 PAID C.C... I I ; t �.;nTv1T t . . C O URV I L L E SG ARAG E .0 0 - M .. ... ...... .: :::..::.:;.:.:. SERVICE 7:30 AM TO 5: 00 PM M-F PARTS PARTS 7:30AM TO 5: 00PM M-F SUBLET 7 a ODS 7:30 AM TO 4:30 PM M-F FREIGHT 24H WRECKER+R E SALES TAX 0 CUSTOMER'S SI NATURE 4 X '•.:TOTAL; :;:: :< '•:::°;: 4 1 MTTN T/14PAT raAw�� M Staples. Order Number:7609224314 Status:Submitted Placed on:May 2,2023 Shipping&Delivery Accounting Payment Order Summary David McCall Budget Center Credit card Items(1) $103.64 FIFERRY 1234 Visa Pretax subtotal $103.64 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY xxxx-xxxx-xxooc-4642 DISTRICT Purchase Order Total $103.64 261 TRUMBULL DR FI TERMINAL Expiration date FISHERS ISLAND,NY 06390 US 02/2027 203-410-8156 PO Release 607 1 item purchased Expected delivery by May 03, 2023 Brother TN-750 Black High Yield Toner Cartridge Item#:356338 1 MFR Item#:TN750 I CIN#:356338 ©w_ �'On Contract ECO 2 @$51.82 1/EA $103.64 _. 9383-99 pm�t U 'VILLES , ' Inc . i iiAC K Div. of Courville's Garage, Inc. P rhe Greatest Name In Trucks P.O, BOX 262 - ROUTE 163 Quality , MONTVILLE, CONNECTICUT 06353 Part' PHONE (860) 848-1221 .� "Serving The Trucking Industry Since 1964" ALL RETURNED GOODS ARE SUBJECT TO A 15 DAY LIMIT AND A HANDLING CHARGE. POSITIVELY NO RETURNS WILL BE ALLOWED ON ELECTRICAL AND/OR SPECIAL ORDER %L PARTS. PLEASE HAVE YOUR INVOICE COPY. * CORES MUST BE IN ORIGINAL BOX. l Y-%PER MONTH CHARGED ON PAST DUE ACCOUNTS. PURCHASER AGREES TO PAY ALL COLLECTION FEES AND REASONABLE ATTORNEY FEES. DISCLAIMER OF V.1ARRANTIES.— : s >.rrentias on the product sold hereby are those made by the manufacturer.The seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including -:y :n:pi;ed::arrancy of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and the seller neither assumes nor authorizes any other person to assume for it any liability in cern er:cn with the sale of said products. DATE ENTERED YOUR ORDER NO. DATE SHIPPcD INVOICE DATE INVOICE 04 MAY 23 04 MAY 23 04 MAY 23 NUMBER 361571P S L ACCOUNT NO. 10543 H PAGE 1 OF 1 D I FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT T DAVID MCCALL o 261 TRUMBULL DRIVE 261 TRUMBULL DRIVE FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 91767502 Ib'M' B/L NO. TERMS i 172. F.0.8.POINT CASH PART N0.' DESCRIPTION LIST : :..NET -. .: AMOUNT- 0 MOUNT 0 1232918 SLEEVE;: . 6. 02 4..72 j PAID/CC ELIVER TO FERRY, NL ' THANK YOU! i ib 0 0.0 7. } i i ['511W COURVILLESGARAGE.COM SERVICE 7 :30 AM TO 5: 00 PM M-F PARTS PARTS 7:30AM TO 5: OOPM M-F SUBLET 4 0 ODS 7:30 AM TO 4 :30 PM M-F FREIGHT 0 24H WRECKER+ROAD SALES TAX CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE X i yi -L&S FUEL AND SERVICE INC. 776 HDITTAUK AVE AB FISHERS 1SIAND, N5 06390 4631)788-7343 Sale Merdwt 10: 592929805218666 Term I0. US999003 = 05/09/23 .08:49:11_ Batchll: 472 Inv II: 0802 VISA Entry Method: C KKXXI(XXl{K�l(4642 Seq.g: 3347 Agar Code: 003124 Product 0ty 0 Unit Price Amount ------------------------------------------ REGULAR 1 6.050.. "0 .4359 30.00 ----------------------------------------- Total: -$. 30.00 APPROVED . VISA CREDIT AID: A0000000031010. TUR: 0080088000 IAD: 06011208AOAO06 TSI: E800 , .AC: 089DUMD10C849 'w F1 e, ZkS FUEL AND SERVICE INC. 776 tIGWAUK AVE IIB — FISIIERS ISLAND, NY 06390 (631)788-7343 Sale Merchant ID; 592929805218666 Term ID, LK99M 12:10:04 05/06/29 Inv II. 0806 Batchil: 472 Entry Method,-C .- I r VISA k �i1l�kX}�X11k�96,42 . Sea.@;3354 bpr Code; 022000 Product qty 0 Unit Price Amount ------------- --= --------------------- IBM. -------- ---- 19.00 --------------- 79.00_ --------------------------- Total: APPROVED VISA CREDIT AID: A0090000031010 TVR: 0080088000 F IAD: 06011203AW'06 k TSI: E800 AC: 60DCD722C3ED8ABB • ' �Cuotumer CaNV Invoice Microsoft May 2023 Invoice Date:05/16/2023 Invoice Number: E0400N9Z76 Due Date:05/16/2023 75.00 USD W7 jr Formula for charges Licenses in service period X Monthly(or Yearly)price per license X(Days in service period/Total in service period)=Charge New charges These are your charges for the next billing period for your current number of licenses. 7- Licenses Days In,, [77711 liln service 'Monthly Iservice"- I[ " �1i . Service period ;Details ' ;peri d price/license'pefiRd IEI!aqg, je : =Disco'un'ts'' jtiedits jSu'btiAaI Tax%' • T I'Mo' y hthl­ -ri.t s6bsc p ion 5.06 30 L 12 I�42,V2023—05/23/2023, icharges. 15.00! 0.00% Subtotal0.'00! O�00 75.00. O.OU r ------ --A 75.00,Grand _I Grand Total 75.00:. 0.00, "0.0075.00 Billing or service question?Call 1-800-865-9408 or visit https:Haka.ms/Office365Billing.https://aka.ms/Office365Bi I ling Microsoft Corporation,One Microsoft Way,Redmond,WA 98052,United States US FEIN 91-1144442 2/2 Invoice ■�; Microsoft May 2023 Invoice Date:05/16/2023 Invoice Number: E0400N9Z76 Due Date:05/16/2023 75.00 USD Sold-To Bill-To Service Usage Address Fishers Island Ferry District Fishers Island Ferry District Fishers Island Ferry District 5 Waterfront Park 261 TRUMBULL DRIVE 5 Waterfront Park New London CT 06320 FISHERS ISLAND ny 06390-8021 New London ct 06320 United States United States United States TaxID: 11-6003307 r . y, _.,.- Product: Online Services .. Charges:` 75.00 Customer PO Number: Discounts: 0.00 'Order Number: 119687a6-27e2-472f-bac7-d9ca5dcdbf94 Credits: 0:00 Billing Period: 04/16/2023-05/15/2023 =Tax: Due Date: 05/16/2023 Total: _ 75.00 Payment Instructions: Please DO NOT PAY.You will be charged the amount due through your selected method of payment. Billing or service question?Call 1-800-865-9408 or visit https://aka.ms/Office36SBilling.httos://aka.ms/Office365Billing Microsoft Corporation,One Microsoft Way,Redmond,WA 98052,United States US FEIN 91-1144442 1/2 5/26/23,2:49 PM Amazon.com-Order 112-8512537-3570650 Print this page-for records. Order Placed: May 15, 2023 Amazon.com order number: 112-8512537-3570650 Order Total: $28.23 Shipped on May 16, 2023 Items Ordered 1 of: 3 Pack 16"FlOTS18301L Fluorescent Light Bulb Replacement For3asco,Philips,Linear T51OW 3000K Warm White Price Bulbs,GS Miniature Bipin Base $25.99 Sold by: KosunRefill(seller profile) Condition: New Shipping Address: David McCall 261 TRUMBULL DR FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-8021 United States Shipping Speed: FREE Prime Delivery Payment information Payment Method: Visa I Last digits: 4642 Item(s) Subtotal: $25.99 Billing address Shipping & Handling: $0.00 David McCall Total before tax: $25.99 261 TRUMBULL DR Estimated tax to be collected: $2.24 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-8021 United States Grand Total:$28.23 Credit Card transactions Visa ending in 4642: May 16, 2023:$28.23 To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary. https://www.amazon.com/gp/css/summary/print.html?orderlD=112-8512537-3570650&ref=ppxyou2ov_dt b_invoice 1/2 5116/23,1:41 PM Invoice P r r e 300 Cadman Plaza West,Suite 1303,Brooklyn,NY 11201 Invoice Questions?Call(800)952-1457 Bili To Ship To David McCall David McCall Fishers Island Ferry District Fishers Island Ferry District 261 TRUMBULL DR 261 TRUMBULL DR FISHERS ISLAND,NY 06390 FISHERS ISLAND,NY 06390 Phone:917 675 0296 Phone:917 675 0296 Email:DMCCALL@FIFERRY.COM Order No.:MPS-784828 Date:May 16,2023 Ship by:Two-Day PO Number:607 Item Description Unit Price Qty. Amount 1. Reflective Aluminum Sign $64.99/Sign 2 Signs $129.98 Size:18"x 24" Package:1 Sign Part#:K-3428-HTC Code:8310.00.0000 2. Post Attachment Kit-2 Bolts for Heavy Duty Posts and 2 Bolts for Economy Posts $2.49/Kit 2 Kits $4.98 Size:2.5"x 0.3125' I f Package:1 Kit Part#:K-KIT2•HTC Code:8302.49.6085 C ` L Product Subtotal: $134.96 VVV Estimated Shipping Charges: Free Tax: $11.64 Order Total: $146.60 Please make checks payable to SmartSign. Print Close https:/www.myparkingsign.com/Xp5lprintinvoice v2.aspx?eqs=vQVgGpdhxix99tOErUogOtHL1qQ%2f1%2fjjjoQWpeXrtHY%3d 111 5/17/23,3:47 PM Amazon.com-Order 114-2520880-9265036 amazon.com• [Details for Order 114-2520860-9265036 Print this page for your records. Order Placed: May 17, 2023 Amazon.com order number: 114-2520880-9265036 Order Total: $15.18 Not Yet Shipped _ Items Ordered Price 2 of: COCASES 4 Pack Phone Tether Tab, Phone Strap Replacement Part for Cell Phone, Safety Lanyard Patch (Black x4) $6.99 Sold by: COCASE(seller profile) Condition: New Shipping Address: David McCall 261 TRUMBULL DR FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-8021 United States Shipping Speed: Standard Shipping Payment information Payment Method: Item(s) Subtotal: $13.98 Visa I Last digits: 4642 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Billing address Total before tax: $13.98 David McCall Estimated tax to be collected: $1.20 261 TRUMBULL DR ----- FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-8021 Grand Total:$15.18 United States To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary. Conditions of Use I Privacy Notice© 1996-2023,Amazon.com,Inc.or its affiliates https://www.amazon.com/gp/css/summary/print.htmi/ref=ppxyq_dt b_invoice_o01?ie=UTF8&orderlD=114-2520880-9265036 1/1 5/17/23,3:48 PM Amazon.com-Order 114-5942576-3353005 am'azan.com• Details for Order 114-5942576-3353065 Print this page for your records. Order Placed: May 17, 2023 Amazon.com order number: 114-5942576-3353005 Order Total: $70.00 Not Yet Shipped Items Ordered 5 of: xiwxi iPhone SE Case 2022/3rd/2020,iPhone 8/7 Case,with (2xTempered Glass Screen Protector][360 Full Body $1P2!89 Shockproof][Heavy Dropproof],Hard PC+Soft Silicone TPU+Glass Screen Phone Case-Black Sold by:TIGERtwo(seller profile Condition: New Shipping Address: David McCall 261 TRUMBULL DR FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-8021 United States n rC_�,��.. Shi Ce—Sv f Aping Speed: FREE Prime Delivery Payment information Payment Method: Visa I Last digits: 4642 Item(s) Subtotal: $64.45 Reference number: 607 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Billing address Total before tax: $64.45 David McCall Estimated tax to be collected: $5.55 261 TRUMBULL DR FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-8021 Grand Total:$70.00 United States To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary. Conditions of Use I Pri https://www.amazon.com/gp/css/summary/print.htmllref=ppxvacy Notice© 1996-2023,Amazon.com,Inc.or its affiliates yc dt b_invoice 002?ie=UTF8$orderlD=1145942576-3353005 1/1 aima On.com- Details for Order x#114-0576363-9472262 Print this page for your records. Order Placed:May 17,2023 Amazon.com order number: 114-0576363-9472262 Order Total.$8,35 Not Yet Shipped Items Ordered 1 of:Avorast Hand Wr/stPrice Strap Lanyard,6 Pack Adjustable Colorful Nylon Hand Wrist Straps for GoPro, Camera, Keys, $7.69 Keychain,Phone, USB Flash Drive,Joy-Con, Wallet,ID Name Tag Badge(Black) Sold by:AvorastDirect(seller or file Condition:New Shipping Address: David McCall FISHERS. IS TRUMBULL DR FIS ` , HERS.ISLAND, NY 06390-8021 United States ` t S�^p Shipping Speed: FREE Prime Delivery Payment information Payment Method: Visa j Last digits:4642 Item(s)Subtotal: $7.69 Billing address Shipping&Handling: $0.00 David McCall Total before tax: $7.69 261 TRUMBULL DR Estimated tax to be collected: $0.66 FISHERS ISLAND,NY 06390-8021 _ United States Grand Total:$8.35 To view the status of your order,return to Older Summary,. Conditions of Use I Privacy Notice©1996-2023,Amazon.com,Inc.or Its affiliates ISLAND HARDWARE INC PAGE NO 1 THE GLOAMING PO BOX 741 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 PHONE: (631) 788-7233 THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING AT ISLAND CUSTNO: JOS'NO: PURCHASE ORDER: . REFERENCE: HARDWAREII 721. QQQ TERMS:. . CLERK:_ PURCHASES 5/4/23 ::CASWCHECK/EANKCARD ISI DATE/TIME: 5/22/23' 7:55 SOLD TO:. SHIP TO: TERMINAL:551 .'F1 FERRY DISTRICT ORDER:490004 P O BOX H DEL.DATE:5/4/23 FISHERS ISLAND'.NY 06390 516-788-7463 TAX:NTx 0%NON-TAXABLE SALE INVOICE:E91778 LINE SHIPPED ORDERED UM SKU DESCRIPTION SUGG UNITS PRICE/ PE EXTENSION 1 1 1 EA 1 DUPLICATE KEY-D.MCCALL 2 2 2 EA 1 1 3.59 /EA 3.59 N DUPLICATE KEYS(2)DMCCALL 2 3.59 /EA 7,18 N 3 1 1 EA 208344 7/64"COB Drill Bit 4 8 8 EA N 6.49 1 5.841 /EA 5.84 CN 5 MISC.NAILS&FASTENERS 8 0.35 /EA 2.80 N DMCCALL 10/18/23 6 1 1 EA 208345 1/8"COB Drill Bit 7 2 2 EA N 6.49 1 5.841 /EA 5.84 CN MISC.NAILS&FASTENERS 2 0.35 /EA .70 N *"PAID IN FULL** 25.95 TAXABLE 0.00 NON-TAXABLE 25.95 SUBTOTAL 25.95 TAX AMOUNT 0.00 BANKCARD PAYMENT 25.95 TOTAL 2g.gg BKCRD#XXXXxXXXXXXX4642 TOT WT: Nanual Signature MID:***99899 99 APP:035972 XR:491118 Received By .K US FUEL-AND SERVICE INC. 776 NONTAUK AVE ItB FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 (631)788-7343 nerchant ID: 542929805218666 Term ID: LK999003 j6,2323 10:05:16 '6.1chll: 482 Inv II: 0036 VISA Entry Method: C J(?fX1(Xl'�%1IX)(X9642 Sao: 3490 Apar Code: 009314 Product 0ty @. Unit Price Amount. ------------------------------------------ REGULAR 1 14.979 @ 4,959 74,28 DIESEL 1 4.449' @ 5,959 26,51 ------------------------------------------ Total: $ 100.79 APPROVED VISA CRED1"f AID: AODOOOOOD31010 TUR: 0080088000 IAD: 06011203AOAOOG TSI: E800 AC: 8-MM234392860 Customer COPY Date purchased: May 23, 2023 Order details Item description Quantity Price Upgrade to Windows 10/11 Pro 1 USD 99.00 Order Subtotal USD 99.00 Sales and Compensating Use Tax USD 3.96 Local Sales and Use Tax USD 4.21 Metropolitan Commuter Transportation District USD 0.37 Order Total USD 107.54 Payment Visa **2247 USD 107.54 manageView or your order > Dates . - Dates are displayed per Coordinated.Universal Time.Order date may vary based on your location. Privacy Statement Microsoft Corporation,One Microsoft Way, Redmond,WA 98052 Microsoft 2 Kasia Asmolov From: Fishers Island <ticketingNL@outlook.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 11:37 AM To: Kasia Asmolov Subject: Fw:Your Microsoft order#1075121711 has been processed Hey Kasia, Below is the order confirmation for the Windows Pro installation for the new computer. Please let me know if you need anything else. Sincerely, Karina Curbelo KCurbelo@Fiferry.com From: Microsoft<microsoft-noreply@microsoft.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 23, 2023 10:10 AM To:ticketingnl@outlook.com<ticketingnl@outlook.com> Subject:Your Microsoft order#1075121711 has been processed Microsoft Thank you for shopping with us on May 23, 2023. Any downloads you bought, except preorders, are available now. If you need help, we're here for you. In addition to free shipping and returns, our Microsoft Store Promise includes free virtual workshops, video tutorials, expert help, and more. We also offer one-on-one help with Surface devices and accessories, gaming devices, Microsoft 365, or Windows. If you've purchased a product for personal use, book a free product expert appointment for setup assistance or personal training. For business customers interested in personal training, book a free appointment with one of our business product experts. Order Number: 1075121711 1 amazon.cam Details Zr Order #111® 0'�336-03746®4 Print this page for your records. Order Placed: April 27, 2023 PO number: SEWAGE SUCTION Amazon.com order number: 111-5694396-0374604 Order Total: $212.69 Not Yet Shipped Items Ordered Price 1 of: HydroMaxx® Flexible PVC Heavy Duty Green Suction and Discharge Hose (2 Dia x 50 ft) $199.99 Sold by: DHL Stores (seller profile) Cv ci Condition: New SUS low Shipping Address: HOse Jonathan Haney 9 WESTCHESTER DR EAST LYME, CT 06333-1028 United States Shipping Speed: Standard Shipping Payment information Payment Method: TO�'�l 2ac�o(�`S / C � Item(s) Subtotal: $199.99 Visa I Last digits: 0314 Shipping & Handling: $0.00 Billing address Total before tax: $199.99 Fishers Island Ferry District Estimated tax to be collected: $12.70 261 Trumbull Drive RO Box 607 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Grand Total:$212.69 United States To view the status of your order, return to Order Summary. Conditions of Use I Privacy Notice© 1996-2023,Amazon.com,Inc. or its affiliates I I �T--------------------------------- ____________________________ ____----- _--- .___ ....._______ A FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT A ' I ! I I VENDOR 002235 THE BELL SIMMONS COMPANY 06/06/2023 CHECK 8944 I I FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ! I SM .5710.2.000.100 S013792102.001 MU SUPPLIES 28.71 ! TOTAL 28 .71 i I I ! I i I ! � I I I ' I ' I I 1 I I n ! 1 I I I ; � I I I ! ! ! � 1 I I I I f I 1 N I M I r I * � I I t I ' ______________________________________________________.._____________-______-____-__________-______________-________-__________J_�_ I I I I I —�1------------- ------- --- -- - --------- ---------- ---------- -- - --------- --------d----------- --------------------- FISHERS -- ------- i _ I FISHERS ISLAND..179 DISTRACT :. ' AUDIT: 0`6/.0 6/2.023`:;:. 63095;NIAIN_ROAD,PO-BOX 1.779.' I ..:. SOUTHOCD,.NY.1-1971.0959 - .944 CHECK NO; 8. THE i - CUTCHOGUEK CO.-NATIONAL 1NAL BANK NY 1935 DATE - AMOUNT . 50-546!214 0 6'/06/2 0 2 8. TWENTY EIGHT AND::71/100` DOLLARS 23 7�1 I `I PAY THE BELL SIMMONS. COMPANY T077iE.:` PO.':BOX- 677 ORDR'R, GLASTONBURY.'CT 06033-0677 orf. G ! 'Z ' 111008944ii' i:0 2 140 54641: 68 00 150 2 10 Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York- Payment Voucher 2235 Vendor Address Entered by PO BOX 677 Vendor Name Glastonbury,CT 06033-0677 Audit Date, . ' The Bell/Simons Companies Vendor Telephone Number J U 1 v O 6 '2023 FY 2023 Town Clerk. Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number S013792102.001 5/9/2023 $28.71 $28.71 MU Supplies SM5710.2.000.100 $28.71 $28.71 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature—�CIUL Title Signature �'b ✓vim/ Company Name Fis d Fe nYDistrict Date 5/24/2023 Title 11Dater— L 70� LS BeflSimons INVOICE COMPANIES INVOICEDATE INVOICE HVAC REFRIGERATION PLUMBING 05/09/23 S013792102.001 -Smlrg Mr/odour/IGn I910-- The Bell/Simons Companies • PO Box 307 Biddeford,ME 04005 The Bell/Simons Companies PO Box 677 Glastonbury,CT 06033-0677 BILL TO: SHIP TO: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIST. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIST. 261 TRUMBULL DR. 5 WATERFRONT PARK P.O.BOX 607 NEW LONDON. CT 06320 FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 CUSTOMER • CUSTOMER-• NO. CUSTOMERNO. ORDERED BY 41845 MU WRITER SHIP VIA TERMS SHIP DATE ORDER DATE Malachi Conway PU PICK-UP Net 30 days 05/09/23 05/09/23 STOCK NUMBER DESQRIPTION ORDER QTY SHIP QTY UNIT PRICE EXT PRICE 90649 97 26GA BIN X 2'FULL LGTH PIPE lea lea 13.490 13.49 097560 90160 90 26GA BIN 90D ELBOW 090550 2ea Zea 6.754 13.51 ® GET A DEDICATED PORTAL TO VIEW,SEARCH,AND PAY YOUR BILLS. BeIlSim®ns Visit Billtrust einvoice Connect to sign up today. C O M P A N I E S HVAC•REFRIGERATION•,PLUMBING Follow the link http://bellsimons.com to get started. TAXABLE MDSE 27.00 Invoice is due by 06/30/23. NON TAXABLE MDSE 0.00 Items purchased at The Bell Pump Service Company-NL Phone:860-443-2036 SALES TAX 1.71 A Service Charge of 1.5%per month(APR of 18%)will be added to all past due SHIPPING 0.00 balances.Please direct any questions concerning this invoice to the Branch of purchase.Customer will be liable for all collection costs including all attorney's HANDLING 0.00 fees.All DEFECTIVE RETURNS are subject to vendor approval prior to issuing of credit.RETURNS may be subject to a RESTOCKING FEE.NO RETURNS ON AMOUNT28.71 ELECTRICAL! ***NO RETURNS AFTER 90 DAYS.*** TO VIEW AND PAY ONLINE GO TO: http://belisimons.com Page 1 of 1 i • ' 9 I � t i A FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT A I ; VENDOR 002800 BURRIS YACHT HAVEN INC. 06/06/2023 CHECK 8945 I , I FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I � , I I SM .5710.4.000.350 D8980 SE FUEL 64.9G 289.39 i I ' TOTAL 289.39 I ' I I I I � I i I o ! v I n I � � L I i I ^, I I i 1 � � I n I I 1 I � _ I I I I I I e I I I I I I , I I i I � I I I rn , ! r I * I I I : I I I : '`g O b D • B D D I I FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT : AUDI'T,. 06/0.6/+2'023' . .53095'MAIN'ROAD,PO'BOX 1179,. SOUTHOLD,7JY.b1971-os5s CHECK NO ;. .8945 CUTCHOGUE,NY 11,935 NAL BANK' DATE AMOUNT • 06/0:6/2023, , . $28.9.39 .50-546/214 •. TWO :HUNDRED EIGHTY NINA AS' ::. '.:90 . -. ..: I I .. _ - I : AY •. BURRI.S_ YACHT ,HAVEN INC.. T6 ME:: QUOT :AVENUE ': , . NEW 'L-O°NDON `CT 0��6' 3'2`'0:Df I ii'00894Silo 1:0 2 L40546LO: 68 00 150 2 Iii' Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 2800 '-� Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Entered by Vendor Name 244 Pequot Ave Audit Date Burr's Yacht Haven Inc New London,CT 06320 Vendor Telephone Number JUN O 6 2023 Town Clerk Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number D8980 5/11/2023 $289.39 $289.39 SE fuel 64.9 gal 4.459 SM5710.4.000.350 $289.391 1 $289.39 Payee Certification Department Certification nt)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly :in stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions axes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature , �� Company Name Fishers I Date 5/25/2023 Title Manager Date s L t Invoice -jff; M`1,-, Date 244 Pequot Ave. 5/11/2023 New London, CT 06320 Invoice# Bill To: D8980 Fishers Island Ferry Due Date 5/11/2023 Item Quantity Description Rate Amount Gasoline 64.9 Gas Sales-$0.10/gallon discount 4.459 289.39 � C Gcs Subtotal $289.39 Sales Tax (6.35%) $0.00 Invoice Total $289.39 Customer Total Balance $289.39 BurrsMarina1 @gmail.com 860-443-8457 BURR'S MARINA 244 Pequot-,Avenue New London,:GT 06320 J (860)7443-'8457 Fax (860):44.3-8459 www.burrsm.iina.com CUSTOMER'S ORDER NO. PHONE - DATE kv� NAME ADDRESS CITY SPATE ZIP SOLD BY CASH G.O.D. CHARGE I ON ACCT.'.;MDS.RET'D PAID OUT REPAIR QTY. PART NO. DESCRIPTIONvAMOUNT 54 TAX RECEIVED BY: TOTAL °2 ��t B PRODUCT 3026 • • All clai-_ms arid-[et goods MUST be accompanied by this bill. 0980 t j i I -4-------------------------------------------- -—---- --------- ----------------- - �.— A FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT q , VENDOR 003731 CUMMINS SALES AND SERVICE 06/06/2023 CHECK 8946 I I I i FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I ` I I SM .5710.2.000.100 G4-2295 MU PARTS 121.93 i SM .5710.2.000.200 G4-2898 RP PARTS 1, 681.02 I ! TOTAL 1,802.95 I 1 I � I i I I I I I � I I I I I � I I � I I I j I I 1 I j I L � I A 1 I I I I I 1 I e ! i I I � I i I 1 1 I f I � I I I I � � I I 1 . I ' I I I � I , I ' _ ...__.......... ......__-_..____.____________________________rf I 8 1 I I FISHERS ISLAND FERRYDISTRICT IT. 0..6/.0..6/.2'0'23 .- .' . I N' 117 ". I , o SOUTHO D',.NY 1197�095s s.. CHECK:NO,..: THE SUFFOLK I CUTCHOGUE,NY011�935 NAL BANK DATE AMOUNT 0 6/0.6/2023'.: . . $:1 8.0:2.9:5: 50.54'621'4 I ONE 'THOUSANb'�EIGHT HUNDRED`:.TWO AND, 95:%1'00'"DOTI�ARS. I I . I AYCUMMINS SAL,ES..P,ND SERVICE TO THE. .`PO `;BOX :7.726`39: ORDER :.DETRQ2T MI 4.8277-2639' OF:: I 1 0089L, 1 iV 1:0 2 L40 54640: 68 00 L 50 2 III I t � Vendor No. Check No. . . Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 3731 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Entered by P.O. Box 772639 Audit Date Cummins Sales and Services Detroit, Mi 48277-2639 JUN;;:Q,,6 .:2023. Vendor Telephone Number Town Clerk Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account' nib G4-2295 5/2/2023 $ 121.93 $ 121.93 MU parts SM5710.2.000:100 G4-2898 5/15/2023 $ 1,681.02 $ 1,681.02 RP parts SM5710.2.000.200 1,802.95 1,802.95 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature Q' 0' Company Name nd Ferry Date 5/24/2023 Title Date s- x- 5/24/2023 ` )t j AlgomaPayment terms are 30 days from invoice date unless Sales and otherwise agreed upon in writing. Remit to: Service . Cummins Sales and Service PO Box 772639 ® Detroit,MI 48277-2639 ROCKY HILL CT BRANCH 914 CROMWELL AVENUE ROCKY HILL,CT 06067 G4-2295 (860)529-7474 TO PAY ONLINE LOGON TO customerpayment.cu mmi ns,com SOLD TO SHIP TO FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIST FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIST PO BOX 607 5 WATERFRONT PARK PAGE 1 OF 1 FISHERS ISLAND,NY 06390-0607 NEW LONDON,CT 06320 ON ACCOUNT CHARGE`•• CONTACT JOHN PARADIS DATE CUSTOMER ORDER NO. DATE IN SERVICE ENGINE MODEL PUMP NO. EQUIPMENT MAKE 02-MAY-2023 JOHN P CUSTOMER NO. SHIP VIA FAIL DATE ENGINE SERIAL NO. CPL NO. EQUIPMENT MODEL 177525 UPSG-UPS GROUND REF.NO. SALES PERSON PARTS DISP. MILEAGE/HOURS PUMP CODE UNIT NO. OESD-100-387645 I B450 Mom=[ -. BACK ORDER 1 1 5333845 SWITCH,MAGNETIC CECO 114.65 114.65 SIGN UP FOR AUTO EMAIL OF INVOICES AND CREDITS AT HTTP:HCUSTOMERPAYM ENT.CUMMI NS.COM Vendor PS#::CTN2432343 Vendor PS#::CTN2724972 TRACKING# 1ZA35OF30301905682 SUB TOTAL: 114.65 STATE SALES TAX: 7.28 Billing Inquiries?Call(877)480-6970 THERE ARE ADDITIONAL CONTRACT TERMS ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS TOTAL AMOUNT:US$ 121.93 DOCUMENT,INCLUDING LIMITATION ON WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES,WHICH ARE EXPRESSLY INCORPORATED HEREIN AND WHICH PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES HAVE BEEN READ AND FULLY UNDERSTOOD. RECEIVED BY(print name) SIGNATURE DATE �<ac.e- QOI l" Payment terms are 30 days from invoice date unless othenvise Sales and agreed upon in writing. Remit to: Service CK) Cummins Sales and Service roe PO Box 772639 Detroit,MI 48277-2639 ROCKY HILL CT BRANCH INVOICE NO 914 CROMWELL AVENUE ROCKY HILL,CT 06067 134-2898 (860)529-7474 TO PAY ONLINE LOGON TO customerpayment.cumm ins.com SOLD TO SHIP TO FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIST FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIST PO BOX 607 5 WATERFRONT PARK PAGE 1 OF 1 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-0607 NEW LONDON,CT 06320 ON ACCOUNT CHARGE CONTACTJOHN PARADIS DATE CUSTOMER ORDER NO. DATE IN SERVICE ENGINE MODEL PUMP NO. EQUIPMENT MAKE 15-MAY-2023 JOHNP CUSTOMER NO. SHIP VIA FAIL DATE ENGINE SERIAL NO. CPL NO. EQUIPMENT MODEL 177525 FEDEX GROUND REF.NO. SALESPERSON PARTS DISP. MILEAGE/HOURS PUMP CODE UNIT NO. OE-100-394612 ON695 PART DESCRIPTION PRODUCT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT NUMBER .D 6 6 FF5776 F COMB FLG 82.13 492.78 12 12 LF14001 NN PAC,LF FLG 85.59 1,027.08 SIGN UP FOR AUTO EMAIL OF INVOICES AND CREDITS AT HTTP:HCUSTOMERPAYMENT.CUMMINS.COM TRACKING# iZ1738E60340796785,iZ1738E60342434199 FREIGHT: 60.79 SUB TOTAL: 1,580.65 STATE SALES TAX: 100.37 Billing Inquiries?Call(877)480-6970 THERE ARE ADDITIONAL CONTRACT TERMS ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS TOTAL AMOUNT:US$ 1,681.02 DOCUMENT,INCLUDING LIMITATION ON WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES,WHICH ARE EXPRESSLY INCORPORATED HEREIN AND WHICH PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES HAVE BEEN READ AND FULLY UNDERSTOOD. RECEIVED BY(print name) SIGNATURE DATE TERMS AND CONDITIONS These Terms and Conditions,together with the estimate/quote(the*Quote")and/or invoice('Invoice-)attached to these Terms and Conditions,are hereinafter collectively referred to as this"Agreement'and shall constitute the entire agreement between the customer('Customer)identified on the Quote and/or Invoice and Cummins Inc.('Cummins')and supersede any previous agreement or understanding(oral or written)between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.Customer shall be deemed to have made an unqualified acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and it shall become a binding agreement between the parties on the earliest of the following to occur:(i)Cummins'receipt of Customer's purchase order or purchase order number;(ii)Customer's signing or acknowledgment of this Agreement;(iii)Cummins'release of Products to production pursuant to Customer's oral or written instruction or direction;(iv)Customer's payment of any amounts due to Cummins;or(v)any other event constituting acceptance under applicable law.No prior Inconsistent course of dealing,course of performance,or usage of trade,If any,constitutes a waiver of,or serves to explain or interpret,the Tens and Conditions set forth in this Agreement.Electronic transactions between Customer and Cummins will be solely governed by the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement,and any terms and conditions on Customer's websde or other Internet site will be null and void and of no legal effect on Cummins.In the event Customer delivers,references,incorporates by reference,or produces any purchase order or document,any terms and conditions related thereto:(i)shall be null and void and of no legal effect on Cummins,and(ii)this Agreement shall remain the governing terms of the transaction. SCOPE OF SERVICES;PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES Cummins shall supply part(s)and/or component(s)and/or engme(s)and/or generator sells)('Goods')and/or perform the maintenance and/or repair('Services')on the equipment Identified in the Quote and/or Invoice('Equipment'),if applicable,in accordance with the specifications in the Quote and/or Invoke.No additional services or goods are included in this Agreement unless agreed upon by the parties in writing,or otherwise,as applicable. CUSTOMER OBLIGATIONS If necessary,Customer shall provide Cummins safe and free access to Customer's site and arrange forall related services and utilities necessary for Cummins to safety and freely perform the Services.During the performance 01 the Services.Customer shall fully and completely secure all or any part of any facility where the Equipment is located to remove and mitigate any and all safety Issues and risks,including but not limited to Injury to facility occupants,customers,invitees, or any third parry and/or property damage or work interruption arising out of the Services.If applicable,Customer shall make all necessary arrangements to address and mitigate the consequences of any electrical service interruption which might occur during the Services.Customer is responsible for operating and maintaining the Equipment in accordance with the owner's manual for the Equipment. INVOICING AND PAYMENT Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing and subject to credit approval by Cummins,payments are due thirty(30)days from the date of Invoke.If Customerdoes not have approved credit with Cummins,as solely determined by Cummins,payments are due in advance or at the time of supply of the Goods and/or Services.If payment is not received when due,in addition to any rights Cummins may have at law,Cummins may charge Customer eighteen percent(18%) Interest annually on late payments,or the maximum amount allowed by law.Customer agrees to pay all Cummins'costs and expenses(including all reasonable attorneys'fees)related to Cummins'enforcement and collection of unpaid invoices,or any other enforcement of this Agreement by Cummins. TAXES;EXEMPTIONS The Invoice includes all applicable local,state,or federal sales and/or use or similar taxes which Cummins is required by applicable laws to collect from Customer under this Agreement.Customer must provide a valid tax exemption certificate or direct payment certificate prior to shipment of the Goods or performance of the Services,or such taxes will be included in the Invoice. DELIVERY;TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties,any Goods supplied under this Agreement shall be delivered FOB Origin,freight prepaid to the first destination.If agreed,any charges for third party freight are subject to adjustment to reflect any change in price at time of shipment.Unless otherwise agreed to,packaging method,shipping documents and manner,route and career and delivery shall be as Cummins deems appropriate.All shipments are made within normal business hours,Monday through Friday.Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties,title and risk of loss for any Goods sold under this Agreement shall pass to Customer upon delivery of Goods by Cummins to freight carierorto Customer at pickup at Cummins'facility. DELAYS Any delivery,shipping,Installation,or performance dates indicated in this Agreement are estimated and not guaranteed.Further,delivery time is subject io confirmation at time of order.Cummins shall not be liable to Customer or any third party for any loss,damage,or expense suffered by Customer or third party due to any delay in delivery,shipping,Installation,or performance,however occasioned,Including any delays in performance that result directly or indirectly from acts of Customer or causes beyond Cummins'control,including but not limited to acts of God,accidents,fire,explosions,flood,unusual weather conditions,acts of government authority,or labor disputes.AS A RESULT OF THE OUTBREAK OF THE DISEASE COVID-19 ARISING FROM THE NOVEL CORONAVIRUS,TEMPORARY DELAYS IN DELIVERY,LABOUR OR SERVICES FROM CUMMINS AND ITS SUB-SUPPLIERS OR SUBCONTRACTORS MAY OCCUR.AMONG OTHER FACTORS,CUMMINS'DELIVERY OBLIGATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CORRECT AND PUNCTUAL SUPPLY FROM OUR SUB-SUPPLIERS OR SUBCONTRACTORS,AND CUMMINS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE PARTIAL DELIVERIES OR MODIFY ITS LABOUR OR SERVICE. WHILE CUMMINS SHALL MAKE EVERY COMMERCIALLY REASONABLE EFFORT TO MEET THE DELIVERY,SERVICE OR COMPLETION OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH HEREIN,SUCH DATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. LIMITED WARRANTIES New Goods:New Goods purchased or supplied under this Agreement are governed by the express written manufacturers'warranty.No otherwarranty for Goods supplied under this Agreement is provided underthis Agreement. Cummins Exchange Components,Other Exchange Components,and Recon:Cummins will administerthe Cummins exchange component warranty and the warranties of other manufacturers'exchange components or Recon Components which are sold by Cummins.In the event of defects in such items,only manufacturers'warranties will apply. HHP Exchange Engine:HHP Exchange Engines remanufactured by Cummins under this Agreement are governed by the express Cummins'written warranty.No other warranty for HHP exchange Engines supplied under this Agreement is provided under this Agreement General Service Work:All Services shall be free from defects in workmanship(1)for power generation equipment(including engines in such equipment),for a period of ninety(90)days after completion of Services or 500 hours of operation,whichever occurs first;or(ii)for engines,for a period of ninety(90)days after completion of Services,25,000 miles or 900 hours of operation,whichever occurs first.In the event of a warrantable defect in workmanship of Services supplied under this Agreement ('Warrantable Defect'),Cummins'obligation shall be solely limited to correcting the Warrantable Defect.Cummins shall correct the Warrantable Defect where(i)such Warrantable Defect becomes apparent to Customer during the warranty period;(ii) Cummins receives written notice of the Warrantable Defect within thirty(30)days following discovery by Customer,and(iii)Cummins has determined that there is a Warrantable Defect.Warrantable Defects remedied under this provision shall be subject to the remaining warranty period of the original warranty of the Services.New Goods supplied during the remedy of Warrantable Defects are warranted for the balance of the warranty period still available Imm the original warranty of such Goods. Used Goods:Used Goods are sold'as is,where is'unless exception is made in writing between Cummins and Customer.Customer agrees to inspect all used Goods before completing the purchase. THE REMEDIES PROVIDED IN THE LIMITED WARRANTIES AND THIS AGREEMENT ARE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES PROVIDED BY CUMMINS TO THE CUSTOMER UNDER THIS AGREEMENT.EXCEPT AS SET OUT IN THE WARRANTY AND THIS AGREEMENT,AND TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW,CUMMINS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER REPRESENTATIONS,WARRANTIES,ENDORSEMENTS,AND CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION,ANY STATUTORY OR COMMON LAW IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS,WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF FITNESS FOR A PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY. INDEMNIFICATION Customer shall indemnity,defend and hold harmless Cummins from and against any and all claims,actions,costs,expenses,damages and liabilities,including reasonable attorneys'fees,brought against or incurred by Cummins related to or arising out o1 this Agreement or the Services and/or Goods supplied under this Agreement(collectively,the*Claims"),where such Claims were caused or contributed,in whole or in part,by the acts,omissions,fault or negligence of the Customer.Customer shall present any Claims covered by this indemnity,including any tenders for defense and indemnity by Cummins to its insurance carrier unless Cummins directs that the defense will be handled by Cummins'legal counsel at Customer's expense. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY NOTWITHSTANDING ANY OTHER TERM OF THIS AGREEMENT,IN NO EVENT SHALL CUMMINS,ITS OFFICERS,DIRECTORS,EMPLOYEES,OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY INDIRECT,INCIDENTAL,SPECIAL,PUNITIVE,OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND(INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION DOWNTIME,LOSS OF PROFIT OR REVENUE,LOSS OF DATA,LOSS OF OPPORTUNITY,DAMAGE TO GOODWILL,ENHANCED DAMAGES,MONETARY REQUESTS RELATING TO RECALL EXPENSES AND REPAIRS TO PROPERTY,AND/OR DAMAGES CAUSED BY DELAY)IN ANY WAY RELATED TO OR ARISING FROM CUMMINS'SUPPLY OF GOODS OR SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT.IN NO EVENT SHALL CUMMINS'LIABILRY TO CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTY CLAIMING DIRECTLY THROUGH CUSTOMER OR ON CUSTOMER'S BEHALF UNDER THIS AGREEMENT EXCEED THE TOTAL COST OF GOODS AND SERVICES SUPPLIED BY CUMMINS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT GIVING RISE TO THE CLAIM.BY ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT,CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES CUSTOMER'S SOLE REMEDY AGAINST CUMMINS FOR ANY LOSS SHALL BE THE REMEDY PROVIDED HEREIN EVEN IF THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY IN SECTION 7 IS DEEMED TO HAVE FAILED OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION This Agreement and all matters arising hereunder shall be governed by and conslmed in accordance with the laws of the State of Indiana without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision.The parties agree that the court of the State of Indiana shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising in connection with this Agreement. ASSIGNMENT This Agreement is binding on the parties and their successors and assigns.Customer shall not assign this Agreement without the prior written consent of Cummins. CANCELLATION.Orders placed with and accepted by Cummins may not be cancelled except with Cummins'prior written consent.Cummins may charge Customer a cancellation charge in accordance with current Cummins policy which is available upon request,in addition to the actual,non-recoverable costs incurred by Cummins. REFUNDS/CREDITS Goods ordered and delivered by Cummins under this Agreement are not returnable unless agreed to by Cummins.Cummins may,at Its sole discretion,agree to accept Goods for return and provide credit where Goods are in new and saleable condition and presented with a copy of the original invoice.Credits for returns will be subject to up to a 15%handling/restocking charge and are limited to eligible items purchased from Cummins. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Any intellectual property rights created by either party,whether independently or jointly,in the course of the performance of this Agreement or otherwise related to Cummins pre-existing Intellectual property or subject matter related thereto,shall be Cummins'property.Customer agrees to assign,and does hereby assign,all right,title,and Interest to such intellectual property to Cummins.Any Cummins pre-existing intellectual property shall remain Cummins?property.Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to have given Customer a licence or any other rights to use any of the intellectual property rights of Cummins. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS Customer shall comply with all laws applicable to its activities under this Agreement,including without limitation,all applicable national,provincial,and local export,anti-bribery,environmental,health,and safety laws and regulations in effect.Customer acknowledges that the Goods,and any related technology that are sold or otherwise provided hereunder may be subject to export and other trade controls restricting the sale,export,re-export and/or transfer,directly or indirectly,of such Goods or technology to certain countries or parties,including,but not limited to,licensing requirements under applicable laws and regulations of the United States,the United Kingdom and other jurisdictions.It is the intention of Cummins 10 comply with these laws,rules,and regulations.Any other provision of this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding,Customer shall comply with all such applicable laws relating to the cross-border movement of goods or technology,and all related orders in effect from time to time,and equivalent measures.Customer shall accept lull responsibility for any and all civil or criminal liabilities and costs arising from any breaches of those laws and regulations and will defend,Indemnity,and hold Cummins harmless from and against any and all fines,penalties,claim,damages,liabilities,judgments,costs,fees,and expenses incurred by Cummins or its affiliates as a result of Cuslomer's breach. CONFIDENTIALITY Each party shall keep confidential any information received from the other that is not generally known to the public and at the time of disclosure,would reasonably be understood by the receiving parry to be proprietary or confidential, whether disclosed in oral,written,visual,electronic,or other form,and which the receivingp party(or agents)learns in connection with this Agreement including,but not limited to:(a)business plans,stmtegies,sales,projects and analyses;(b)financial Information,pricing,and fee structures;(c)business processes,methods,and models;(tl)employee and supplier information;(e)specifications;and(1)the terms and conditions o1 this Agreement.Each party shall take necessary steps to ensure compliance with this provision by its employees and agents. PRICING To the extent allowed by law,actual prices may vary from the price at the time of order placement,as the same will be based on prices prevailing on the date of shipment.Subject to local laws,Cummins reserves the right to adjust pricing on goods and services due to input and labor cost changes and other unforeseen circumstances beyond Cummins'control. MISCELLANEOUS All notices under this Agreement shall be in writing and be delivered personally,mailed via first class certified or registered mail,or sent by a nationally recognized express courier service to the addresses set forth In the Quote and/or Invoice.No amendment of this Agreement shall be valid unless it is writing and signed by the parties hereto.Failure of either party to require performance by the other party of any provision hereof shall in no way affect the right to require such performance at any time thereafter or the enforceability of the Agreement generally,nor shall the waiver by a party of a breach of any of the provisions hereof constitute a waiver of any succeeding breach.Any provision of this Agreement that is Invalid or unenforceable shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining terns hereof.These terms are exclusive and constitute entire agreement.Customer acknowledges that the provisions were freely negotiated and bargained for and Customer has agreed to purchase of the Goods andfor Services pursuant to these terms and conditions.Acceptance of this Agreement is expressly conditioned on Customer's assent to all such terns and conditions.Neither party has celled on any statement,representation, agreement,understanding,or promise made by the other except as expressly set out in this Agreement. To the extent applicable,this contractor and subcontractor shall abide by the requirements of 41 CFR§§60.1.4(a),60-300.5(a)and 60-741.5(a).These regulations prohibit discrimination against qualified Individuals based on their status as protected veterans or individuals with disabilities and prohibit discrimination against all individuals based on their race,color,religion,sex,sexual orientation,gender identity or national origin.Moreover,these regulations require that covered prime contractors and subcontractors take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment individuals without regard to race,color,religion,sex,sexual orientation,gender identity,national origin,protected veteran status or disability.The employee notice requirements set forth in 29 CFR Part 471,Appendix A to Subpart A.are hereby incorporated by reference into this contract. I i � I ____________________________________________ -------------------------------------- ----------------.-----------------------.- ..___-___-___.___________-____.______.._.____________-- A FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT A I VENDOR 004038 THE DAY PUBLISHING CO. 06/06/2023 CHECK 8947 I ' I FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ' I ' I ' SM .5709.2 .000.200 D01059199 RFP 5/22/23-5/23/23 374 .24 I i I I TOTAL 374.24 I I I I I e I I I ' I ' I I I � I � I r I I I � * I I ' I i I I 1 I i L n L I I -------------------------------------------------- I I I p I I I I I I I I I , I I I � I I I � I n I f � I I 1 I 1 I � I I _. -- ___________......_.._ ------ .. -------- __. .. ------ ------ ....___.._____..___ __ I I FISHERS ISL-AND FERRY.DIS7RICT AUDIT, 06/0:6/2.0..23. 53095 MAIN,ROAD,PO BOX 1179,: SOUTHOLD,NY.11971:095.9 - CHECK`;NOr. .:.. 8:94:7 F LK CUTCHOGUE,NY 111935 NAL BANK DATE AMOUNT I _ .. . .. - .-06=/06/2023' .. $ .7'4.2:4 . . .. .: _ ..-. _ .. .. . .. .. � 50 546!214 _ � _ THREE: HUNDRED SEVENTY -AND 24/100:';:DOLLARS " : PAY THE.. DAY PUBLISHING CO._ I TO.771Y.,: 47, 'EUGENE O-'NEIL;L .DR VE OR' , - - : ORDER. . , I PO ' I NEW.LONDON CT..06320-1231 I I 00894711' 1:0 2 L4054641: 68 00 LS0 2 Li'' ' I Vendor No. Check No.-, Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 4038 -� Vendor Address Entered by 47 Eugene O'Neill Drive A4L Vendor Name New London, CT 06320 Audit Date . The Daqq ry Vendor Telephone Number U NA`IV,.0 '6 COryryL J 860-437-7504 Town Clerk., Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger.Fuind'arid'Account Number D01069199 5/23/2023 $374.24 $374.24 RFP 5/22/23-5/23-23 SM5709.2.000.200 $374.24 $374.24 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signa Title Sign ature Company Na rs Island Ferry District Date 5/23/2023 Title Manager Date 5/23/2023 ACCOUNT NUMBER CUSTOMER D24103 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT THE DAY PUBLISHING COMPANY PO BOX 1231 47 EUGENE O'NEILL DRIVE NEW LONDON,CT 06320-1231 CLIENT PAGE NUMBER DUE DATE Page 1 of 1 Upon Receipt Order Number Amount Due d01059199 $374.24 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT MAKE CHECK NUMBER FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT DAMP HECHINGCKS PAYABLE DAY PUBLISHING COMPANY PO BOX 607 Include your account#/ FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 order#on your check AMOUNT PAID United States remittance PLEASE RETURN UPPER PORTION WITH YOUR REMITTANCE SIZE/LINES - ': .GROSS - NET, DATE DESCRIPTION PUBLICATION: REFERENCE#� ; OTHER - OR QTY AMOUNT AMOUNT '05/22/23- Notice to Biddersv _ ^ The Day Notice to -� -�2 col $322.24 $0.001 $322.24 05/23/23 -� - Bidders 05/22/23- Notice to bidders Day Classified Notice to Y 2 col $2.00 $0.00 $2.001 05/23/23 4 j Webpage Bidders 105/22/23- Notice to bidders IICT Public Notices Notice to Not Applicable $50.00 $0.00 $50.00 105/23/23 Webpage Bidders --� iTotal $374.241 $0.001 $374.24, Account Number Customer Total Due D24103 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT $374.24 Day Credit Department 860-701-4204 Accounting Fax 860-437-7504 Community Classifieds-Toll Free 800-582-8296 Advertising Fax 860-437-8780 Day Publishing Company-Toll Free 800-542-3354 Classified Fax 860-442-5443 J FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 004277 DIME OIL COMPANY, LLC 06/06/2023 CHECK 8948 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.100 110311 371.OG #2 HTG OIL 1,123.69 SM .5710.4.000.300 110662 RP 5481.6G 14, 969.15 SM .5710.4.000.100 110809 218.1G #2 HTG OIL 585.02 SM .5710.4.000.300 111042 RP 5479.9G 14, 162 .25 TOTAL 30,840.11 1 FISHERS ISLAAD:FERRYDISTRICT :. AUDIT. 0161o`5./ZQ2`3.: : . ,... �; ':53095.MAIN.ROAD,PO'BOX 1179.: SO UTHO LO j;NY:11971-09596"59 CHECK';NO:,THE SUFFOLK CC 8.94.8 CUTCHOGUE,NY*11935 NTIOAL BANK DATE AMOUNT ,....; 50`548/21'4 HIRTY ,THO,USAND "EIGHT (HUNDRED FORTY AND 11'/.1:00 DOLLARS ,. ?AY; DIME''.OIL"'COMPANY,,- LLC 'O TUE:r 93, '�NDUSTRY'iLANE .L RD R PO..BOK''1112`5' WATERBURY' CT'-.0 6 7.9.4 . : 1110089 L,Rus 1:0 2 L40 SL P3LX 68 00 L 50 2 Leto Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 4277 �g Entered by P.O. Box 11125 Audit Date Dime Oil Company LLC Waterbury,CT 06703 Vendor Telephone Number JUN 0 6 7023 203-754-5334 Town.Clerk Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 110311 4/11/2023 $1,123.69 $1,123.69 371.0 gal heating oil @$3.0198 NLT SM5710.4.000.100., 110662 4/25/2023 $14,969.15 $14,969.15 RP� 5481.6 gal $2.7238/gal plus tax SM5710.4.000.300 110809 5/1/2023 $585.02 $585.02 218.1 gal heating oil @$2.6733 NLT SM5710.4.000.100 111042 5/11/2023 $14,162.25 $14,162.25 RP 5479.9 gal $2.5774/ al plus tax SM57W.4.000.300 { $30,840.11 $30,840.11 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. 0 Signature Title Signature 5 0G, Company Name Fis d Ferry District Date 5/25/2023 Title_ Manaeer Date Dime Oil LLC Phone: 203-754-5334 PO Box 11125 Date 04/11/23 Waterbury, CT 06703 Page 1 Dime Oil LLd www.dimeoilco.com INVOICE ACCOUNT NUMBER 4420165 Fishers Island Ferry District AMOUNT ENCLOSED: PO Box 607 (EMAIL) Attn Accounts Payable Fishers Island, NY: 06390-0607 Re: Fishers Island Ferry Dist 5 Waterfront Park-Race Point, New London Terms: Net 30 Days From Invoice Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Invoice Charge and Credits Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PO Number: 0 04/11/23 110311 4420165 -B Fishers Island Ferry 5 Waterfront Park 42C 42 HEAT EXPT134 371.0 GALS @ 3.019800 1120.35 Dyed Unmark Heat oil:Not for use in hwy/non-hwy,train/boat eng NORA ASSESSMENT 0.74 S-F Cost Recovery 0.78 LUST TAX 0.37 FED SUPERFUND TAX 1.45 110311 Fuel Invoice Total 1123. 69 Amount Due 1123.69 Dime Oil LLC 203-754-5334 Account:4420165 Dime Oil LLC Phone: 203-754-5334 PO Box 11125 Date 04/25/23 Waterbury, CT 06703 Page 1 Dime Oil LLC www.dimeollco.com INVOICE ACCOUNT NUMBER : 4420165 Fishers Island Ferry District AMOUNT ENCLOSED: PO Box 607 (EMAIL) Attn Accounts Payable Fishers Island, NY 06390-0607 Re: Fishers Island Ferry Dist 5 Waterfront Park-Race Point, New London Terms: Net 30 Days' From Invoice Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Invoice Charge and Credits Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PO Number: 0 04/25/23 110662 #6 #2 ULSD Dyed 5481.6 GALS @ 2.723800 14930.78 I / z o t3 02 Dyed Diesel Fuel NonTaxable Use ONLY Penalty For Taxable Use �� S-F Cost Recovery 11.51 LUST TAX 5.48 FED SUPERFUND TAX 21.38 ---------- 110662 Fuel Invoice Total 14969. 15 Amount Due 14969.15 ,RMS:WE RESERVE THE RIGH f TO LIAKE A FINANCE CHARGE COMPUTED BY A PERIODIC PATE OF 1.5%PER MONTH VMICH IS ;+1 �.y 6 2 I ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 18%ON AI:OUNTS PAST CUE 3O DAYS OR +ORE AND TO ADO'ALL COLLECTION FEES. t1 � • {! Li I f i.`.. .�iT� i-T.i\?ti�.' l I w DELIVERY DATE m = S < say WSJ,'::nd t'L:t='1/ L12 a :�tl� � l� .� J .. &�Fr 5 14 i ^rWil. ..:=1. Pcdt.i at ;,:i µ i.!..i: • • GALLONSCT 0632f)_ 19296 FULL RRI!:E PSf,:.�A�O�.(, 7;z �'c?C l�i�i'.r J ,+'ui7f 3� I� . !�[ r �)j _Ijt!/1_/Jog 0.-- n 1�-�...f psi .!s'._C,,.�`.. I-, _.-.' :.ti1 ry..i Y� �$ - Y-' —H N n *` DISCOUNT PRII'T�PER GALLON S 74 PAY DISCOUNT AMQUHT c3 m 1 N PAY THIS AMOUNT ct? ; rl I✓;...> l . O��J.C° .. } . LI to. `? AFTER DAYS n 1 I I ®IME OIL COMPANY, LLC Tu;x i --- T,,:< p P.O. BOX 11125 TMST � I D WATERBURY, CT 06703 TIr.I ' : v' -t A&I PAYt urr RECEIVED q u (203) 754-5334 TMF1 OF D`I �I^ CASH -CK rUSTM.Errs[�unT JHk:THIS IS YOUR INVOICE �<. — r. Dime Oil LLC Phone: 203-754-5334 PO Box 11125 Date 05/01/23 Waterbury, CT 06703 Page 1 Dime Oil LLC www.dimeoilco.com INVOICE. ACCOUNT NUMBER : 4420165 Fishers Island Ferry District AMOUNT ENCLOSED: PO Box 607 (EMAIL) Attn Accounts Payable Fishers Island, NY, 06390-0607 Re: Fishers Island Ferry Dist (� 3 5 Waterfront Park-Race Point, New London / v Terms: Net 30 Days From Invoice Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Invoice Charge and Credits Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PO Number: 0 05/01/23 110809 4420165 -B Fishers Island Ferry 5 Waterfront Park 4-r'2C 42 HEAT EXPT134 218.1 GALS @ 2.673300 583.05 Dyed Unmark Heat Oil:rot for use in hwy/non-hwy,train/boat eng NORA ASSESSMENT 0.44 S-F Cost Recovery 0.46 LUST TAX 0.22 FED SUPERFUND TAX -----0_85 - 110809 Fuel Invoice Total 585.02 Amount Due 585.02 -� —TERMS:WE RESERVE THE RIGM TO.!AK£A FWA•:C6 CHAFGE CO`aPUTED HY A PfflIDQ:C HATE OF 1.S°o AER tAOYTH WHICH L4 AN MS: E RE E RVE T RAT OF�8% UNTS PAST DUE 30 DAYS OOq 1•VO.RE AND TO ADD ALL COLLECTION FEES. O SIM (..�.. I J "1 DELIVERY DATE vu rJ1. • • {•�;,� ; }; %47..z 2-0765 3 yz75F D} , 0 _.L (_­i, t, _:2 _FU ` (CinEC�PI_Et RGALLON j �i1 J : L tI c i r-)( Al A il11, D, -r , .r(v q. V^,v`j-•s �,'}Z,y:. $. �" •t L DISCOUNT PAI,-n PER GALLON i _ „vrr1 1-:.. � - T1'vGt:L`� i PAY DISCOUNT AMOUNT r e PAY THIS AMOUNT f `:`c..: `�0 i.�+ �� U (t 10, f „ AFTER DAYS i` DIME OIL COMPANY(, LLC TR -(S TAX 7 11{ 1lCc aalI P.O. BOX 11125 R r�lT TMST( TWE •� -:AAA PAYldENT RECEIVED WATERBURY, CT 06703 ,�g� q= DP��t G (203) 754-5334 TMFI — U��TGHATURE -- i -.CASH j_;CHECK t • ■ � I:jCHARC,E Dime Oil LLC Phone: 203-754-5334 PO Box 11125 Date 05/11/23 Waterbury, CT 06703 Page 1 Dime Oil LLC www.dimeoilco.com INVOICE ACCOUNT NUMBER 4420165 Fishers Island Ferry District AMOUNT ENCLOSED: PO Box 607 (EMAIL) Attn Accounts Payable Fishers Island, NY 06390-0607 Re: Fishers Island Ferry Dist 5 Waterfront Park-Race Point, New. London Terms: Net 30 Days From Invoice Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date Invoice Charge and Credits Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PO Number: 0 05/11/23 111042 n6 #2 ULSD Dyed 5479.9 GALS @ 2.577400 14123.89 42 Dyed Diesel Fuel NonTaxable Use ONLY Penalty For Taxable Use S-F Cost Recovery 11.51 LUST TAX n ��. L� 5.48 FED SUPERFUND TAX ----21_37- 111.042 Fuel Invoice Total v 14162.25 Fp Amount Due 14162.25 '^ TERMS:WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO MAKE A FINANCE CHARGE COMPUTED BY A PER!OD!C RATE OF 1.5°o PER!LO>'Ml WHICH is i ANANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 1$?o ON '6!OUNT5 FAST DUE 30 DAYS OR MORE AND TO ADD ALL COLLECTION FEES, L.h. -J _ 7 ORDEA.OATG ,g< -� C- DELIVERYDAIE w c 11.1.,t - �"'.i: �.i'.}.:.:i 1-`aLaLA!I. }:'c:'Lry J__._"4,:. S 4 2vIG�. GALLONS y IPc -_) t2t _.i,i, r L 1a v r1 .�.o c::}7 i l.i f L v 04/ 2 5 f 2 3V 1) �y 2'2.h FULL NtRICE PE!i GALI�N �5 '25-7-7 ti. fro OISCOUNiPRI'tPER ALLOtJ c L�.�ti:.'. ... L""'°s,tiT'.. .i Ll.C.,�l:.`�': %.L} 4'_.�.iS� ( '.1 _i I?r1 m�•?.f i v1 j r 1 PAY DISCOUNT/jSiOUl�7 Rti�S � 1 00!0 lj 0 J CI PAY THIS AMOUNT AFTER DAYS h DIME OIL COMPANY, LLC i4ucy TAX 3� 31� P.O. BOX 11125 �'', trrt"IF'F'•'Y- s TMST WATERBURY, CT 06703 ?`AL7 PAYMENT RECEIVED ` �.. D (203) 754-5334 TMFI 1.c OF 00I!..i i I pm CASH [ CHECK CUSTOMEF SIUfJATORE THIS IS YOUR INVOICE ! iGIORGE '�' Kasia Asmolov From: Kasia Asmolov Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2023 11:01 AM To: Kasia Asmolov Subject: FW: FIFD fuel and heating oil invoices Attachments: 111042.pdf, 110662.pdf, Scanned-from-a-Lexmark-Multifunction-Product05-25-2023-141010.pdf From: Beth Skojec [mailto:beth@dimeoil.com] Sent:Thursday, May 25, 2023 10:49 AM To: Kasia Asmolov<kasmolov@fiferry.com> Subject: RE: FIFD fuel and heating oil invoices CT 2023-05-11 16:59:00 EDT **OPIS CLOSING BENCHMARK FILE** **OPIS GROSS ULTRA LOW SULFUR DISTILLATE PRICES** Move Terms No.2 Move No.1 Move Pre Move Date Time NWENGLPTR u N-10 245.20 + .75 -- -- -- -- 247.95 + .75 05/09 18:00 S.R.& M. u N-10 246.77 + .07 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/10 18:00 Buckeye u 1-10 247.80 + .50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/10 17:00 Gulf u Net 248.10 + .65 -- -- -- -- 249.60 + .65 05/10 18:00 Marathon u .N-10 248.40 + .20 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/10 18:00 Shell u N-10 248.99 + .47 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/10 18:00 Valero u N-10 249.00 - 1.00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/10 18:00 Irving u N-10 249.61 + .22 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/10 18:00 Sprague u 1-10 249.71 + .20 306.98 + .30 251.63 + .21 05/10 18:00 Citgo b 1-10 251.05 + .23 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/10 18:00 Citgo u 1-10 251.05 + .23 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/10 18:00 Valero b 1-10 251.29 + .07 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/10 18:00 Gulf b N-10 252.20 + .40 -- -- -- -- 254.70 + .40 05/10 18:00 Irving b 1-10 252.21 + .08 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/11 00:01 Shell b 125-3 252.21 + .47 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/10 18:00 Sunoco b 125-3 252.65 + .17 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/10 18:00 BP b 125-3 252.73 + .12 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/10 18:00 XOM b 125-3 253.15 + .06 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/10 19:00 LOW RACK 245.20 306.98 247.95 HIGH RACK 253.15 306.98 254.70 RACK AVG 250.12 Plus vendor mark-up 7.62 Total 257.74 Convert to dollars $ 2.5774 i **OPIS CLOSING BENCHMARK FILE** **OPIS GROSS ULTRA LOW SULFUR DISTILLATE PRICES** Move Terms No.2 Move No.l Move Pre Move Date Time NWENGLPTR u N-10 259.45 + 4.50 -- -- -- -- 262.20 + 4.50 04/24 18:00 Gulf u Net 261.00 + 3.75 -- -- -- -- 262.50 + 3.75 04/24 18:00 Marathon u N-10 261.45 + 3.15 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04/24 18:00 Shell u N-10 262.61 + 4.10 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04/24 18:00 Irving u N-10 262.75 + 4.31 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04/24 18:00 Sprague u 1-10 263.44 - .86 320.87 - .76 267.48 - .86 04/24 18:00 Buckeye u 1-10 263.80 + 4.00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04/24 17:00 Valero u N-10 264.00 + 5.00 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04/24 18:00 S.R.& M. u N-10 264.36 + 7.49 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04/24 18:00 Citgo b 1-10 264.93 + 3.80 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04/24 18:00 Citgo u 1-10 264.93 + 3.80 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04/24 18:00 Valero b 1-10 265.70 + 4.39 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04/24 18:00 Shell b 125-3 265.97 + 4.14 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04/24 18:00 Gulf b N-10 267.10 + 3.80 -- -- -- -- 269.60 + 3.80 04/24 18:00 BP b 125-3 267.86 + 3.23 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04/24 18:00 Irving b 1-10 267.87 + 3.91 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04/25 00:01 Sunoco b 125-3 268.54 + 4.49 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04/24 18:00 XOM b 125-3 269.92 + 4.24 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 04/24 19:00 LOW RACK 259.45 320.87 262.20 HIGH RACK 269.92 320.87 269.60 RACK AVG 264.76 Plus vendor mark-up 7.62 Total 272.38 Convert to dollars $2.7238 2 I I L j �_----------------------------------------- ._ ------ -----------..__.. ------------------ ---- _"________ -------- __ __.________.____..__.____.___-.____-__________________________.._"__.._."Ta A ; FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT I VENDOR 004443 DOCKSIDE ELECTRONICS SVC,LLC 06/06/2023 CHECK 8949 I FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.2.000.000 15828 CREW RADIOS 300.00 � I i TOTAL 300.00 I I � I I ' I I I I � I I I I I � I • I ' I .. •, .:.,:. ... ter. ...... I I � I � L I I 1 I 1 I I I I I i I I I � 1 i I I I I I 1 • 1 I I 1 I I ' I 1 I N I I i n I I 1 i I I i I I I I I i ___ _ _____ _ --�1......._. .. .. ............. .. ....... .... _ "rte_ I ® _ t I i v .:FISHERS ISLAND ��FE� D A . 6/2023 '; 63095 MIN R .oSOOTO .. LD,NY CHECK-NO:.. 8 94.9 THE SUFFOLK CO'.'NATIONAL BANK I CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 1 DATE AMOUNT .. :. sosa'sn�a' 06;/Q6%2023^ $`3 Q,0 0.0. I 'THREE: HUNDRED AND: 0 0/1'0 0.;:DOLLARS . .. .. I PAY.. DOCKSIDE ELECTRONICS_ S.VC,LLC To THE.: 18STAFFORD:-S„TREET.. dRD'R..: i I MYSTIC':'CT 06.355.- or lie 00894911 1:0 2 140 5464x: 68 001502 111' Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 4443 vendor Address Entered by 18 Stafford Street Vendor Name Audit Date Dockside Electronics Service LLC Mystic, CT 06355 -—JUN Q 6 2023 Vendor Telephone Number 860-536-1919 Town Clerk Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number,, 15828 5/10/2023 $300.00 $300.00 Crew radios SM5710.2.000.000 i $300.00 $300.00 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature `e Title Signature a / Company Name Fi d Ferry District Date 5/23/2023 Title Manager Date 'L,C 1 5/23/2023 ®GKslo DOCKSIDE ELECTRONICS Invoide SERVICE LLC h 18 Stafford Street DATE INVOICE# Mystic, CT 06355 5/10/2023 15828 ec 860.536.1919 BILL TO. SHIP TO FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO Box 607 FISHERS.ISLAND,N.Y.06390 Boat Name P.O.NO. TERMS SHIP VIA FOB NET 30 ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION SERIAL NO. RATE TOTAL SERVICE 12 Reprogram used radios provided by ferry 25.00 300.00 �J Fax# E-mail Subtotal $300.00 860-536-9272 tim@dockside-electronics.com Sales Tax (6.35%) $0.00 All service calls are subject to a minimum charge of$145.A 50%deposit is required on all new installations. If final payment has not been received after 30 days of completion Tota .of services,the credit card we have on file for you will be billed the invoice total in $300.00 addition to a 3%service fee. Additional Freight Charges May Apply. ry � r I ' • I E j I --------------------------------------------------------.----------..-----.._..---------.. __ _._. ._____. A ; FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT I ' A ; I ' VENDOR 005029 MARK EASTER 06/06/2023 CHECK 8950 i FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I I SM .9060.8.000.000 022123 RETIREE PREM-12/21-12/22 851.50 ' I SM .9060.8.000.000 052323 RETIREE PREM-1/23-5/23 327.50 I , TOTAL 1,179.00 I I i I I I I � � ' I � ' I i L' I I 1 I I.}.r i I � I . L I 1 I I ; I I I I I ' I � 1 • I i o i I I 1 I iI I I I I I � I I n I * I I ... .- _.. _ _.. _ -__ __ ____________ I I I i I I I I I I ; -".-.___________________________________________- I I FISHERS ISLAND_ .FERRYDISTRICT --AUDIT: 6G/0'6/2G23' ,. I _ I ' 53095 MAIN.ROAD,PO BOX 1179:;. SOUTHOLD,NY11971-09,5,9 ,. '.:;' CHECK„NO'.” :. 8950 THE fSUFFOLK CO.-NA • CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 NAL BANK' DATE AMOUNT 06 50-546/2•(4 ' _ 023 - ;/96%2 ONE-THOUSAND-*ONE*:HUNDRED:::SEVENTY'NINE:,'AND'0.0/100 DOLLARS I : I PAY. MARK.EASTER TO THE: ;: 1;5,2;GAGER ROAD BOZRAH'CT 06.334.' . i OF: I I 110008950110 1:0 2 140 5464 : 68 00 L50 2 1110 I Vendor No. Check No.. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Vi 5029 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Entered 6y 152 Gager Road 447 Bozrah, CT 06334 Audit Date Mark B. Easter Vendor Telephone Number • . ;i UN O 6 �2023;�:•~ . Town,Clerk Vendor Contact .... Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Disc Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services 'Gegeral,Ledger.Fund and Accoiin4 Number':';'", 3 2/21/2023 851.50 851.50 Retiree Ins Prem Dec 2021 to Dec 2022 SM9060.8.000:000 : f d5 5/23/2023 327.50 327.50 Retiree Ins Prem Jan 2023 to May 2023 SM9060.8.000.000 100% RX,100% Health ,65%of Dental " i 1,179.00 1,179.00 s Payee Certification Department Certification 'he undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claiman I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me es hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part I in good condition without substitution,the services properly een paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actual performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions ue and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are exclude or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. 0 Signatur b di keL Title I Signature Q)�,4 1. Company Name 5/24/2023 1 Title Manager Date ��� .`oaNfc q�or i R[rfRtMf.. CT TEACHERS'RETIREMENT BOARD 165 Capitol Ave 2"D FLOOR HARTFORD,CT 06106-1673 Toll Free 1-800-504-1102 Local(959-)867-6324 Fax(860)622-2849 "An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer" www.ct.noy/trb February 21, 2023 Mark B. Easter 152 Gager Rd Bozrah, CT 06334 To whom it may concern: ACCT#140288 Mark B. Easter is enrolled our in our United Health Care Medicare Advantage PPO which covers medical, prescriptions, dental, vision and hearing at a cost of$80.00. From December 31 St,202' — December 31 st of 2022 the premiums totaled $963.00 The premiums are deducted from Bonnie's pension. The breakdown of coverage is 33.00.for RX and Health and $ 50.00 for dental. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 405.LTO aEowarols � �- �L �Dec2l LaToya Edwards C9 L A0 --DeG,ZZ Retirement Examiner �^ Benefits Division C 100-/, 100'x, l� Ss m `, RCft0.tME�=. CT TEACHERS'RETIREMENT BOARD 165 Capitol 2ND FLOOR HARTFORD,CT 06106-1673 Toll Free 1-800-504-1102 Local Fax(860)622-2849 "An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer" www.ct.vov/trb May 23, 2023 Mark B. Easter 152 Gager Rd Bozrah,CT 06334 To whom it may concern: ACCT#140288 Mark B. Easter is enrolled in our United Health Care Medicare advantage PPO Plan which covers medical, prescriptions, dental, vision and hearing at a cost of$83.00per month. From December 31 st,2022— November 30th, 2023, the premiums will be $913.00. The premiums are deducted from Bonnie's pension. The breakdown of coverage is $33.00 for RX & Medical and $ 50.00 for dental. . Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, LaTo a Eclwa rcls LaToya Edwards c>?- 3 _ �a 3 Retirement Examiner iot Benefits Division MG�As u �w►o�-s -Is 27 Mark Easter 152 Gager Rd. Bozrah, CT 06334 May 23, 2023 Fishers Island Ferry District Accounting Office Hello, I am submitting for reimbursement for my health insurance payments. Your last reimbursement payment to me was dated 11/3/2021 (check#7722),and covered the period from December 2020 through November 2021. Therefore, I am now submitting for the period from December 2021 through May 2023. If have included with this transmission a current letter from the CT Teachers' Retirement Board confirming my payments and the breakdown of coverage. Thanks for your assistance in this matter. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter. If you have any questions, please contact me via email or by phone (680 460 8864). Sincerely, Mark Easter r . I A ; FISHERS ISLAND FERR Y DISTRICT A ; 1 VENDOR 005434 ENCORE FIRE PROTECTION 06/06/2023 CHECK 8951 I I FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I i SM .5709.2.000.200 12545819 FI FRGHT BLD ANNL FR INS 310.00 i SM .7155.4.000.000 12545862 THTR BLD ANNL FR INSP 315.00 I I I � I TOTAL 625.00 i - I I I I I I I I 1 I O I v I i I � i I I ' I I I J I L � � I L I 1 1 I ' l I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I � I M ' r I I I I i I ' __________________________________________________________________________________ I ' I I : 1 i , I I ., - 'FIS R AUDIT.; 06/06'./2.0:23 :53095�MAIN'FOAD,PO BOX 1179; ., SOUTHOLD,.NY 11971.0959 CFPECK.NO: 8;951 I - THE SUFFOLWCO.'NATIONAL BANK ' I I CUTCHOGUE,NY'11935 DATE AMOUNT '.' ;. .. :. ;.. .. . : 5.o:5as/z1a' . . : ..' ;_ 06'/0.6/_20 $625 0'0' 23 S-IX ,HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE AND'00/100 DOLLARS; : I PA Y. ENCORE FIRE. PROTECTION, ' TO THE` J5 :PHIL MACK' DRIVE-- SUITE'D = QRDCR ,MIDDLETOWN `CT 06457 I 11'00895 111' 1:0 2 140 54640: 68 00 150 2 1118 Vendor No. Check No.- Town o.Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 5434S91C Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Entered by Vendor Name 70 Bacon Str Audit Date Encore Fire Protection Pawtucket,R102860 Vendor Telephone Number JUN (�.�. " 202 Town Clerk Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number " 3 12545819 6/10/202% $310.00 $310.00 FI Freight Bid annual fire extinguisher 7) inspection SM6709:2:000.200 3 12545862 5/10/202* $315.00 $315.00 Theater annual fire extinguisher(7) inspection SM7155.4.'000.000 • $625.00 $625.00 'ayee Certification Department Certification t)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly n stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions xes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature aq, �L Company Name Fishers Isl Date 1/5/2018 Title Date L Encore Fire Protection } 70 Bacon Street Pawtucket,RI 02860 ore (800)966-0000enc FIRE PROTECTION Bill To Ferry District Freight Building PO Box 1.179 https://www.encorefireprotection.com/ Southold,NY 11971-0959 If you have any questions or concerns please reach us at servicelocation5@encorefireprotection.com Invoice No. 12545819 Service Location Ferry District Freight Invoice For Inspection Job#29075862(05/,10/2023) Freight Bldg Wading RoomFishers Island,NY 6390 Transaction Date 5/10/2023 Due Date 5/10/2023(Due Upon Receipt) Notes Completed:05.10.23 Inspection of the Portable Fire Extinguishers Serviced&Tagged Per NFPA-10:(7) Code Item Svc Qty Unit Price Amt Annual Extinguisher Inspection EXT 1 $125.00 $125.00 PE-INS-001 Portable Fire Extinguisher Inspection EXT 6 $15.00 $90.00 FE-NEW-011 2.5 Ib ABC Fire Extinguisher-New EXT 1 $95.00 $95.00 GRAND TOTAL $310.00 Terms&Conditions For the easiest way to pay:Go to www.encorefireprotection.com Click-Pay Here Encore Fire Protection 70 Bacon Street Pawtucket,RI 02860 encore (800)966-0000 . . FIRE PROTECTION Bill To Ferry District Movie Theatre PO Box H hftps://www.encorefirer)rotection.com/ Fishers Island,NY 06390 If you have any questions or concerns please reach us at servicelocation5@encorefireprotection.com Invoice No. 12545862 Service Location Ferry District Movie Theatre Invoice For Inspection Job#29076161(05/10/2023) 510 Whistler AvenueFishers Island,NY 06390 Transaction Date 5/10/2023 Due Date 5/10/2023(Due Upon Receipt) Notes Completed:05.10.23 Inspection of the Portable Fire Extinguishers Serviced&Tagged Per NFPA-10:(7) Code Item Svc Qty Unit Price Amt Annual Extinguisher Inspection EXT 1 $125.00 $125.00 PE-INS-001 Portable Fire Extinguisher Inspection EXT 7 $15.00 $105.00 Ferry Fee EXT 1 $85.00 $85.00 GRAND TOTAL $315.00 Terms&Conditions For the easiest way to pay:Go to www.encorefireprotection.com Click-Pay Here C V I --------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -- A A FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT A I I VENDOR 006155 FEDEX 06/06/2023 CHECK 8952 I I I FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT ' I I I I I ' SM .5711.4.000.000 2-159-44807 MISC (1) 154 .16 1 � SM .5711.4.000.000 8-123-40213 AP (1) PR (1) 56.25 SM .5711.4.000.000 8-130-17756 PR (1) 23 .72 i i TOTAL 234.13 I _ I I I I I 1 I 8 � ' n i * I I I ]ft'j i I 1 I ' L i n 1 I I I I � I I � I I I o ' I I i I I i I I I rn i � I n ' I * I I -------------------- _.. ............_._..--r— i I I I � I ..���________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I i I D fJ © • D © D @ 0 D © q I I 1 :FISHERS ISLAND FERRY... RICT AUDIT:, 66/0:6/?023'.:: .: .53095:MAIN'.ROAD,P6 BOX 1179,' i I SOUTHOLD,NY.1.1971-0959 ' CHECK, NO.: ;$95,2 I r ... .. THE"SUFFOLK CO'.NATIONAL BANK CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 DATE• AMOUNT I 60 5asizla 06'/0:6/2023 X23`4.1-3 Tw. WO_'HY7NDREb` THIRTY FOUR AND "13/10 0: DOLLARS I i : PAY.. FEDEX PO TO,TIDE: . :'BOX`•3.714`.61" ORDER. � � OF,: ,PITTS'BURGH 'PA 15250:746:1' I —� 1100089 5 211' i:0 2 140 54641: 68 00 1 50 2 L11' Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York- Payment Voucher 6155 . C Vendor Address Entered by P.O. Box 371461 Vendor Name Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7461 Audit Date Fedex JUN 7 ' Vendor Telephone Number JUN U 6 6023 800-622-1147 Town Clerk Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 8-12340213 5/8/2023 $56.25 $56.25 AP(1)PR(1) SM5711.4.000.000: 8-130-17756 5/15/2023 $23.72 $23.72 PR(1) SM5711.4.000.000 2-159-44807 5/16/2023 $154.16 $154.16 Misc(1) SM5711.4.000.000 . $234.13 $234.13 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. 0,1 C Signature Title Signature Company Name i erry District Date 5/25/2023 Title Manager Date y J recitx © Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Page 8-123-40213 May 08 2023 1206-0334-5 1 of 3 Billing Address: Shipping Address: Invoice Questions? FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT FISHERS ISLAND FERRY TERMINAL Contact FedEx Revenue Services ACCOUNT PAYABLE 5 WATERFRONT PARK Phone: 800.622.1147 PO BOX 607 NEW LONDON CT 06320 M-F 7 AM to 8 PM CST Sa 7 AM to 6 PM CST FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 Internet: fedex.com Invoice Summary Account Summary as of May 08,2023 FedEx Express Services Previous Balance 152.79 Total Charges USD $52.03 payments 0.00 Adjustments 0.00 Other Charges USDNew Charges 56.25 TOTAL THIS INVOICE USD =$56.25 New Account Balance $209.04 You saved$20.50 in discounts this period! Payments not recelved byMay23,2023 are subject to a late fee. Other discounts may apply. To pay your FedEx invoice,please go to www.fedex.com/payment.Thank you for using FedEx. Detailed descriptions of surcharges can be located at fedex.com Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Pae 8-123-40213 May 08 2023 1206-0334-5 2of3 FedEx Express Shipment Summary By Payor Type FedEx 111.RA D. �a r? 7Ca. :3@'� Shr�me� lbs t�rarg+>3� urge;! �Jer 13! onnl� a#ati, Shipper 1 2.0 29.54 10.70 -10.25 29.99 Recipient1 29.54 2.75 -10.25 22.04 'dar�[ pr+ass $13.45 .. �.E .. 2lt.5g .. ',► Other Charges Summary ----.._.................-- ...- Imrarce fnv�ice ' �iigatal _ -;_-.im+ealEs Pat�a� Namteer :.�p�e � - ��' Late Fee 8-087-92334 04/03/23 56.97_ 4.26 52.71 8% 4.22 fiQta1A. .7`I. __ TOTAL THIS INVOICE USD $56.25 FedEx Express Shipment Detail By Payor Type(Original) 'hi(rly t1,X023i[�t#.#t+f. l i2EWERFil{dFiiiwRTii � Pay®r:Sflipr .. RI>F#3 • Fuel Surcharge-FedEx has applied a fuel surcharge of 14.25%to this shipment. • Distance Based Pricing,Zone 2 Automation AWB Sender Recipient Tracking ID 817445215930 KASIA ASMOLOV KARIANE CHEW Service Type FedEx Standard Overnight FISHERS ISLAND FERRY TERMINAL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD-ACCT DEPT Package Type FedEx Envelope 5 WATERFRONT PARK 54375 MAIN RD TOWN HALL ANNEX Zone 02 NEW LONDON CT 06320 US SOUTHOLD NY 11971 US Packages 1 Rated Weight 2.0 lbs,0.9 kgs Transportation Charge 29.54 Declared Value USD 100.00 Discount -10.25 Delivered May 02,202314:02 Fuel Surcharge 3.74 Svc Area A8 DAS Comm 2.96 Continued on next page F6cEx. Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Page 8-123-40213 Ma 08 2023 1206-0334-5 3o13 Tracking ID:817445215930 continued Signed by K.CHEW Declared Value Charge 0.00 FedEx Use 012195132/200% Courier Pickup Charge 4.00 Total Charge USD $29.99 Shipper Subtotal USD $29.99 Shi�rAIte FERE NC dust.R+�F'.hif 1�t� 1IFRIATICN:: f, Falyor N. • Fuel Surcharge-FedEx has appliedafuelsurchargeof14.25%tothisshipment. • Distance Based Pricing,Zone 2 Automation AWB Sender Recipient Tracking ID 817263247983 DIANA WHITECAVAGE CAROL MURPHY Service Type FedEx Standard Overnight TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Package Type FedEx Envelope 53095 MAIN RD 5 WATERFRONT PARK Zone 02 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 US NEW LONDON CT 06320 US Packages 1 Rated Weight N/A Delivered May 03,202311:13 Transportation Charge 29.54 Svc Area A4 Discount -10.25 Signed by D.WHITE Fuel Surcharge 2.75 FedEx Use 012298310/200L Total Charge USD $22.04 Recipient Subtotal USD $22.04 Total FedEx Express USD $52.03 L 1126-01-00-0009886-0001-0023444 ® Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Page 8-130-17756 May 15 2023 1206-0334-5 1 of Billing Address: Shipping Address: Invoice Questions? FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT FISHERS ISLAND FERRY TERMINAL Contact FedEx Revenue Services ACCOUNT PAYABLE 5 WATERFRONT PARK Phone: 800.622.1147 PO BOX 607 NEW LONDON CT 06320 M-F 7 AM to 8 PM CST FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 Sa 7 AM to 6 PM CST Internet: fedex.com Invoice Summary Account Summary as of May 1 S,2023 FedEx Express Services Previous Balance 209.04 Total Charges USD $21.94 payments 0.00 Adjustments 0.00 Other Charges USD New Charges 23.72 TOTAL THIS INVOICE USD (:$23.72 New Account Balance $232.76 You saved$10.25 in discounts this period! Payments not recelvedbyMay30,2023 are subject to a late fee. Other discounts may apply. To pay your FedEx invoice,please go to www.fedex.com/payment.Thank you for using FedEx. ❑� �i. r a. z Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Page 8-130-17756 May 15 2023 1206-0334-5 2013 FedEx Express Shipment Summary By Payor Type FedEx Express Shipments(Original) . ... Weigh riralnsortation Handligg #Cbg/1ax Payor'r� e Sh�pm6nts lbs..; Charges charges dits,oer 0isrou fiota[t ►arge Recipient1 29.54 2.65 -10.25 21.94 OtherCharges Summary.:..._.:..::.,...:.:.,..,.....:...:.:............,::..,::..._..:........:..............__.....:...:.:..._:...,,:. ,_,,:.,..:... .......:...,._........:..:..._......:...:... . ._.. .. ..._:_.:,._ .,,:..,:._: Invo[+r :faV+��ce Csrcg17 m�al paymenrts ,Pasi Due Number 1iIou ::.:::Applied/Cre4it int.... ...:: Rate..... CYtares Late Fee 8-094-64004 04/10/23 24.02 1.79 22.23 8% 1.78 TOTALTHIS INVOICE USD $23.72 FedEx Express Shipment Detail By Payor Type(Original) S ��t��sy�� 6t,A� yafft�gqyY�yy 1r► ,.L Rpt Ct�� �blpVYiCaIrJS 14/j,G1i -' " j -_ LuRiCluf.[G _GIEYPV[itYltit3 [Y _ eJi ": Pa iedpl8ttt..:. ..:. llef.#3. • Fuel Surcharge-FedEx has applied a fuel surcharge of 13375 to this shipment. • Distance Based Pricing,Zone 2 Automation AWB Sender Redpient Tracking ID 817263247972 KARIANE CHEW CAROL MURPHY ServiceType FedEx Standard Overnight TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FL FERRY DIST Package Type FedEx Envelope 53095 MAIN RD 5 WATERFRONT PK Zone 02 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 US NEW LONDON CT 06320 US Packages 1 Rated Weight N/A Delivered May 11,202310:32 Transportation Charge 29.54 Continued on next page ■ �+ ' Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Page 8-130-17756 Ma 15 2023 1206-0334-5 3of3 Tracking ID:817263247972 continued Svc Area A4 Discount -10.25 Signed by D.WHITE Fuel Surcharge 2.65 FedEx Use 013057099/200/ Total Charge USD $21.94 Recipient Subtotal USD $21.94 Total FedEx Express USD $21.94 1133-01-00-0010162-0001-0023566 FWEX@ Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Page 2-159-44807 May 16.2 23 1206-0334-5 10" Billing Address: Shipping Address: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT MURPHY,GORDON Invoice Questions? Contact FedEx Revenue Services ACCOUNT PAYABLE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY TERMINAL Phone: 866.728.8587 PO BOX 607 5 WATERFRONT PARK M-F 7-5(CST) FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 NEW LONDON CT 06320 Internet: fedex.com Invoice Summary Account Summary as of May 16,2023 FedEx Express Services Previous Balance 232.76 Total Charges USD $154.16 Payments 0.00 TOTAL THIS INVOICE USD Adjustments 0.00 Other discounts may apply. New Charges 154.16 To pay your FedEx invoice,please go to www.fedex.com/payment. k New Account Balance $386.92 you for using FedEx. _ Payments notrecelvedbyMay3l,2023 aresubject to a late fee. r of surcharges can be located at fedex.com Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Page 2-159-44807 May 16 2023 1206-0334-5 2of6 FedEx Express Shipment Summary By Payor Type FedEx Express Shipments(Original) .:R ' S�1 -si= tejtrnnstn' #iug #C6gi1` - e .. �h�lme>I�s __ lbs.:: _ r��s baryes trelrJe�-:_I7i�coiin�-�'1`irFa�C,�as Third Party1 49.2 1154.16 154.16 fiti "re5s TOTAL THIS INVOICE USD $154.16 FedEx Express Shipment Detail By Payor Type(Original) Payr; hard Party R+a.#3 Automation INET Sender Reci ient Tracking ID 772001512550 ROGER WU REYNOLDS DUPONT JR Service Type FedEx International Economy JUWEI SCALE MODELS C/O FI FERRY DISTRICT Package Type Customer Packaging 1082 JIAXIN HIGHWAY WATERFRONT PARK NORTH Orig./Dest. FUG/SKK MALU INDUSTRIAL PARK NEW LONDON CT 06320 US Packages 1 SHANGHAI 201 801 CN Rated Weight 49.2 lbs FedEx Use JJ_ Air Waybill Commodity Description CountrVfTerritory of Manufacture Customs SHIP MODEL CN Entry Date May 07,2023 Entry No. 79951012020 Customs Duty 112.50 Customs Value USD 1,500.00 Merchandise Processing Fee 29.66 Disbursement Fee 12.00 Total Duties,Tax,Customs,Other Fees USD $154.16 Third Party Subtotal USD $154.16 Total FedEx Express USD $154.16 Invoice Number Invoice Date FAccount Number Page 2-159-44807 May 16 2023 1206-0334-5 3 of 6 Air Waybill-, 772001512550 1- DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY OMBAPPROVAL NO.16514112 y E%PIMTION DATE OlMrID21 U.S.Customs and Border Protection ESTIMATED BURDEN 10 MIN 1.Filer Cudc/Entry No. 2.Entry Type 3.Summary Date ENTRY SUMMARY 799 5101202-0 01 ABII P 0511812023 4.Surety No 5.Bond Type 6.Port Code 7.Entry Date ACE 036 8 209599 0510712023 S.Importing Carrier 9.Mode of Transport 1D.Country of Origin 11.Import Date FX 40 CN 0510612023 12-BIL or AWB No. 13.Manufacturer ID 14.Exporting Country 15.Export Date 02352540880 772001512550 CNSBA]UW1082S1M CN 0510512023 16.I.T.No. 17.I.T.Date 18.Missing Docs 19.Foreign Port of Lading 20.U.S.Port of Unlading 2095 21-Location of Goods1G.0,No. 1 22.Consignee No. 23.Importer No. 24.Reference No. 46-179241800 16-080722399 25.Ultimate Consignee Name end Address CT 26.Importer of Record Name and Address POULOS ENTERPRISES INC FEDEX TRADE NETWORKS TRANSPORT 7310 GOLDEN STAR LN 145 IT GEORGE W LEE City CARLSBAD State CA US Zip 92011 City MEMPHIS State TN US Zip 38103 27 28.Description of Merchandise 32. 33. 34. A.HTSUS Rate Duty and LR.Tax Line 29- 30. 31. A.Entered Value S.ADA/CVD Rate No. A.HTSUS No. A.Grosswelghf Net Quantity In B.CHGS C.IRC Rate Dollars Cents B.ADAlCVD No. B.Manifest Qty. HTSUS Units C.Relationship D.Visa No. 1 PKG HIP MODEL NOT RELATED 001 ARTICLE OF CHI NA,US NTE 20 9903.88.15 7.5% 112.50 EMO INSTBUMTS APPART&MODE 023.00.0000 21 2I KG 1,500 FREE C450 MERCHANDISE PROCESSING FEE .3464% 5.20 Other Fee Summary for Block 39 35.Thtal Entered Value i USE ONLY TOTALS MPF 499 29.66 A,LIQ CODE B.Ascertained Duty 37.Duty $ 1,500 112.50 Total Other Fees REASON CODE C.Ascertained Tax 38.Tax $ 29.66 36.DECLARATION OF IMPORTER OF RECORD(OWNER D.Ascertained Other 39.Other OR PURCHASER)OR AUTHORIZED AGENT 29.66 I declare Thal I am the ❑X Importer of record and that the actual owner. E.Ascertained Total 40.Total purchaser.or consignee for GBP purposes is as shown above. OR []owner 142.16 or purchaseror agent thereon. 1 further declare that the merchandise K] we s obtained pursuant to a purchase or agreement to purchase and that the prices set forth in the Invoices are true. OR F-1 was not obtained pursuant to a purchase or agreement to purchase and the statements In the Invoices as to value or price are true to the best of my knowledge and belief: I also declare that thestatements in the documents herein filed fully disclose to the hest of my knowledge and belief the true prices.values.quantities.rebates.drawbacks.fees.commissions and royalties and are true and correct.and that all goods or services provided to the seller of the merchandise either free or at reduced cost are fullydisclosed. I will immediately furnish to the appropriate GBP officer any information showing adifferent statement of facts. RP6G CP6GI 41.DECLARANT NAME TITLE 'y SIGNATURE DATE CYNTHIA A ALLEN, VP '65y�J '� �' 0511812023 42-Broker/Filer Information(Name-address,phone number) 43.Broker/importer File No. FEDEX TRADE NETIVORKS TRANSPORT& BROKERAGE, INC I E 69-9505530 3800 FOREST HILL IRENE RD 000230259 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION MEMPAI S IN 38125 901-752-3000 P., 05108123 0:40:27 CDP Form 7501(2!181 PAGE 1 OF 1 1135-01-00-0003558-0002-0007504 Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Pa e 2-159-44807 May 16 2023 1206-0334-5 4of6 Air Waybill: 772001512550 I I Shanghai Juwei Sc�Iax e Mdde Ltd. F ,3"1082 JiaXin Hwy,Mala IndoShan 8(11,PRChina Tel:+862164540366 : I -ft COMMERCtA'�� VOICE ISi to PQULOS ENfERPRISC5INC ,�, DATE Alt Apltl 2021 A 7710 Gddrn Sla Lmc Cadshad CA 92011 Co as LLrad Poulos(7601525d7J1 � I � Co afon MudemChnre ®J= l Shlppmg Item Desmpoan i QI Y An—M US$ t I sbwnwm Shwmodnl M—Mm nb ABS A.A.Pj Meso)etc 1 1,50000 Displayffi*tbgmo Propose HS wd,90230090 GRAND TOTAL USS I 120000 FOR CUSTOMS PURPOSE ONLY f I I I 1135.01-00-0003558-0002-0007504 F I. pp invoice Number invoice Date Account Number Page 2-159-44807 May 16,2-023 1206-0334-5 5 of 6 Air Waybill: 772001512550 pP�GI4WDfUG�13]B1fiB09B5 SXm P4TFe1K e 11 n ENWFlS TfKl G n lL--i15N SMl3O1.Val SS.&41 OM yh� ------ TO Neynoles EuPOOU, (860)442-9165 CIM F1 Farry Mama Wa1KrOgl ANo,N a. NEW LONDON,CT06320 AWB I�IM��M��Ip(�'IIn�nW'�[p'�!y'�'6ryq!JII'ryIJpl9pp 1pgfI��I'1111yp'�'p1�jp1�IW'6' 1'MII1MNI IAI66N�11W�� TE SKKA r o YIWI�[A 1191ll11111N tlIWtl0111I�i1111111111�I VKO M— � AA .a o mnecoNOW KFG. oEOESC1911PNOeEL ESG oper GNRWCE VAL�0AI JSD iIC.s9WQ., I'M—M-1--m—MMM-1-1 cusiansvi4ue.lsoaaousM rvl:n w�qn�.sweu�.a4v., rr MN. , 's9 WAH 1135-01-00-0003555-0001-0007503 Invoice Number Invoice Date Account Number Page 2-159-44807 May 16 2023 1206-0334-5 6 of 6 Air Waybill: 772001512550 LOCATION MEM NEW I NTERNATI ONAL AI RBI LL ENTRY ENT# 799-5101202-0 FLT/TRK FX0012 FTDT 06MAY23 BCH MTR CLC CHKR AB OF ROUTE FX0012 DOC/NC N CO CONT BAG SHP DT 05MAY23 ORIG FUG DEST SKK SNDR# 902729011 RECIP# AB 772001512550 MSTR BILL 02352540880 RECIPIENT PH (860)442-0165 NAME ROGER WU NAME REYNOLDS DUPONT JR COMP JUWEI SCALE MODELS COMP ADD1 1082 J I AXI N HIGHWAY ADD1 C/O FI FERRY DI STRI CT ADD2 MALU INDUSTRIAL PARK ADD2 WATERFRONT PARK NORTH CITY SHANGHAI CITY NEW LONDON ST/PV CNTRY CN POSTAL 201801 ST/PV CT CNTRY US POSTAL 06320 REF SVC IE PKG HLD WDL SDL SPEC HDLG DG CA BRKR CITY CN PSTL PH BILL-T/C S ACCT CASH EXP DT BI LL-D/T C ACCT I D NO: NO SED REC"D AT PKGS K/L WEIGHT COM CURB. CARR VAL CUSTOMS VAL EX LIC HDLG UNITS 1 K 21. 00 CN USD 1500. 00 DESC: SHIP MODEL *** END OF REPORT *** 1135-01-00-0003558-0001-0007503 L i �!___----------------------------________ _________ __ _____________ __------_-------------------- ________________ _ ---------_-------------------------------------_------------- __________i f A FISHERS ISLAND FERRYDISTRICT I AI VENDOR 006482 PAUL J. FOLEY 06/06/2023 CHECK 8953 I i FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.#$ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I I SM .9060.8.000.000 051823 ANTHEM RX-6/23 94 .95 TOTAL 94.95 I ot i I I I I i I 1 I I i I I n I i � I I n I I I I � I I I � � I i I i I I J 2 I � I I CL a I I I I I I I � I i e i I I I I I I I I I i I i i I i I I I � I n I * I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 51 9 : ..FISHERS ISLAND.FERRYDISTRICT AUDIT 05/0.6/202.3 53095.MAIN.ROAD,P0,BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD;NY 11971-0959'. - ,;. :.. CHECK:NO: ,..: 8..953 THE SUFFOLK co.-NATIONAL BANK CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 DATE AMOUNT 50'546!21.4: 06/Q6/2023:. NINETY FOUR,AND ':9 5/140. DOLLARS - I I I , PAY_ PAUL..J,._ FOLEY_ Td THE: 690',WILI;IAMS:.STREET .. .. - NEW LONDON CT 06320 . ' " OF: i , i no008953no 1:0 2 L4054641: 68 00 L50 2 Li'' Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 6482 r " Vendor Address Entered by 690 Williams Street KL New London, CT 06320 Audit Date Foley, Paul J UN O 6 2023 Vendor Telephone Number Town Clerk Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund.and Account Number " G0230330801 5/18/2023 $126.60 $94.95 Anthem Retiree Prescription Plan June 2023 SM9060.8.000.000 ($31.65) 75% Reimbursement Paul Foley Ck#3467 5/18/23 $94.95 $94.95 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature odk Title Signature �1 �I. Company Name Fisherss and Ferry District Date 5/23/2023 Title Manager Date a L I F^^y„un,.,�..�^` `•�;•"'.\.r,'nr'w :f'-n^'in•,' ';ed.-if(.:"• _ 4F;','f':sW::rnsa f Blue 6'di 1Yiedicare 'rem}er(PDP) -r1" B(" Medica (PDP) t _ eRx Customer Care: 1-$$$-620-1747 t z v ConnecticutI Massachusetts I Rhode island I Vermont low— T86 'P1'14743(270)693363402500 G [2-2 Il�llljlill�lll�lll�'rli��'��Ihrii0��l�9yl�l1j1111��1�111�1 PAUL J FOLEY Payments received after the due date may 690 WILLIAMS,ST ; appe _ ny :next invoNEW LONDONCT 06320=4132 ice. _ yy A� /�'` � NT 7 D.A► ,R4Yr!. ISy:t`! 'a5.. �."1 i,-�JE ,UE TE Y ,_ MEMBERID 5 $.126 60.. " 6/Oi12023. , „ G02 CAB 30330841 Payan ent Options $ • For check payment or automatic withdrawaf&tn our bank account .AG Y.; use the:form.below:, , For credit card payment or..liithhold' frnm,y6ur SSA/RRB_check;call 1.-$8.8-624.=1747. o For one time credit card payment through our automatedaystem;caii 1-86&5358407. Previous Balance $126' 0 Payment Activity Since Last,Invoice -$126.60 Payment Type Date Received Amount Check Payment-3456 04/25%2023. -$126:60 Activity Detail $126.60 Transaction i'vne .� Premium'Month Amount Premium NNE 2023 $126:60 Amount Due $12,6.60 PAUL JTOLEY �o-a ; 2&5 , 690 WILLIAMS ST. 3 4 6'7+_ NEWIONDON,CT 063204132 1 PAY TO THE ORDER OF C'1 ��/a10 •� - ,•II/cJ' DOLLARS`.;•u. �' M&1'Bank ME-mo-4 d-13,C) ,V p 2 200 . . . 0046�� i6 3090 2 1 2.8 n" 7: . I � I 4 I =1--------------------------------- ----- ------ --- - ----. A FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT A VENDOR 006489 FORERUNNER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 06/06/2023 CHECK 8954 ' I I FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION .AMOUNT I r I I SM .5709.2 .000.200 INV434035 IT SPPRT PHN SYS 612 .50 I I - I I TOTAL 612.50 ' I ' I I , I - I I I I � I � I ` I I I I . ........ . ------------ ------------------- ---._....-._...___________._ _ _ .... __..___ ...________.._, ._ ..__- .__..__.. .. ...._______.____....... ________ _._._.________._.___..___________________ I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I � I I I � _f I I I I -'AUDIT: 0.6/06/2.0:23.: FIShIERS ISLAND'FERRY.DISTRICT ' 0SOUTHO D.'NY1197011971 OX CHECK NO, 8954 64 .53095 9:i THE SUFFOLK CO.NATIONAL BANK CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 DATE AMOUNT. 06/0.6/2023 ••.: � � � 50-5461214�,� S'IX :HUNDRED: TWELVE AND 50/'100 DOLT;ARS:.::::` i I ' PAY FORERUNNER TECHNOLOGIES, INC-. TQTlIE;: 150-M `EXECUTIVE,. DRIVE I .. ` .. . . ORDER . . .. ; I �.::E'DGEWOOD NY.'.1171.7...' "• I OF'` I - . I ii'008954ii' 1:02L40SLF3I, Ui 00L502 1110 ' Vendor No. Check No.. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher v"= 6489 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Entered by Vendor Name 150-M Executive Drive Audit Date' . Forerunner Technologies Inc Edgewood, NY 11717 SUN"0. 6 2023 Vendor Telephone Number Town-Clerk Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number INV434035 5/11/2023 $612.50 $612.50 Tech support for phones stem 4/26 5/2 5/5 SM5709.2.000.200 z $612.50 $612.50 Payee Certification Department Certification nt)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me foregoing claim is true and correct that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly ;in stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions axes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature Company Name Fishers I Date 5/23/2023 Title Manger Datel Z�' Invoice# INV434035 OAP - FORERUNNER kkz� T E M N Q L U G � � , M G . Type Incident Billing V Date 05/11/2023 Remit To: Forerunner Technologies 150-M Executive Drive Order 296571 Edgewood, NY 11717 855-378-3282 Applied To Bill To: Ship To: Fishers Island Ferry District FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX 607 261 TRUMBULL DRIVE FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 Problem Notes: I have two specific problems around our voicemail answering system with our NEC phones. 1.When you call the Freight Office and get voicemail, the recording refers to the"Fisher Island Ferry".We are the"Fishers Island Ferry", there is another island in Florida named Fisher Island.We need to have this updated. 2.Any reference to "Gordon Murphy"should be replaced by David McCall. Please let me know if you are able to make those changes to our voicemail tree script. Solution Notes: Loaded new greetings and messages for NL greeting 001, 005 and message 302 P.O. NUMBER CUSTOMER NO. TERMS VENDOR WO# FISHERS10001 Net 30 HRS/QTY. DESCRIPTION -DATE. UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE . Normal Labor for Resource Ed Blackwell 2.00 R-REGULAR- Getting info and remote access 04/26/2023 $175.00 $350.00 1.00 R-REGULAR- REMOTE REGULAR TIME 05/02/2023 $175.00 $175.00 0.50 R-REGULAR- Loaded new greetings and message 05/05/2023 $175.00 $87.50 c` J SUBTOTAL $612.50 AVATAX Tax $0.00 Invoice Total $612.50 For any inquiries regarding this invoice, please call 1-855-378-3282 or email invoices@frtinc.com 1191 Page 1 of 1 � r ' i L I � , i -a..l________________________________..__-______-._._ . __---_______.._._-___-.- _____.__ .._.-_.._ _.....__._________.-.._ A FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT I AI VENDOR 006559 FORT RACHEL MARINA 06/06/2023 CHECK 8955 i I FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I SM .5710.2.000.300 2023-359 SE REPAIRS 4,437. 00 I I I � 1 TOTAL 4,437.00 I I I I I I I o I �r I I � 1 I I I - I I CL CL I I W EL I I I I I I , I � . I � I I I I I I i - I 1 I I I t I i I I I r I ; I I * I I ...------------------------------------h— I -i--- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------j--f I � 1 I I I I I I _ a I I FISHERS ISLAND FERRY.DISTRICT AUDIT 0 6/o,6./2 0 2 3 : , i. . N 1 SOUTHO DI;NY]971-0 591 79. 69,. . 8955 THE SUFFOLK CO:NATIONAL BANK CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 1 DATE AMOUNT 50-5ns/2fa:' ... 4'',.:4: 06/0'6/2023 .. FOUR, THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED'.THIRTY SEVEN AND:: 00/100.::DMLARS:' ' I PAY FORT ;RACHEL, MARINA TO THE: 44 'WATER STREET ORbER: ' MYSTIC�'CT 06355 . I ii'0089 5 5ii' 1:0 2 L40 546I,i: 68 001502 Lill L J I A L J Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 6559 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Entered by 44 Water Street Vendor Name Mystic,CT 06355 Audit Date Fort Rachel Marina =tt' /+ EVendor Telephone Number JUN Q 2023 Town Clerk--:' Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 2023-359 5/9/2023 $4,437.00 $4,437.00 SE repairs SM5710.2.000.300 $4,437.00 $4,437.00 Payee Certification Department Certification nt)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me foregoing claim is true and correct that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly ;in stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions axes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature Company Name Fishers Islan Date 5/25/2023 Title Date ti'511,1 cxf Invoice 44 Water Street FORT RACHEL Mystic, CT 06355 Date Invoice# MARINA 5/9/2023 2023-359 Bill To Fishers Island Ferry District r_" 261 Trumbull Drive TfixtbW foryour Fishers Isarid'NY 06390 6ttsiness! Phone# 860-536-6647 www.fortrachel.com Insurance Boat Boat Name Boat Length Terms Armstrong Silver Eel 36' Due on receipt Item;;, ; Quantity. :Description Rate Amount YAM 6CF4530016... 1 Lower Unit Assy 4,437.00 4,437.00 a es Tax' -6.33%W . 0.00 Service Charges of 1.5%per month will be retroactively added to all accounts not paid in full within 30 days of Total $4 437.00 invoice date.In the event this is referred to collection,the vessel owner will be liable for all attorney fees,expenses and costs of collection as well as legal interest from the date the original amount was due.The vessel owner expressly agrees that Fort Rachel Marina,a blp Marine LLC company shall have a lien on the vessel in order to secure the Payments/Credits $0.00 amount due. Balance Due $4,437.00 Fort Rachel Marina a blp MARINE LLC co jon haney From: Cliff Smith <cliff@fortrachel.com> Sent: Friday,April 28, 2023 3:58 PM To: jon haney Cc: Don Sargent Subject: Yamaha Quote Hi John, We can sell you the Yamaha Port side lower unit for$4437.00. If you have any questions don't hesitate to call. Clifford Smith Fort Rachel Marina i jon haney From: Matt Menders <matt@boatsinc.com> Sent: Thursday, May 4,2023 9:16 AM To: jon haney Subject: L/U quote Based off info provided to us counter rotation f300nca Part#6cf-45300-16-8d Lower unit Price 5382.10+tax free freight to boats inc.—will need to be picked up 1 _jon haney From: kandkob@optonline.net Sent: Thursday, May 4, 2023 9:30 AM To: jon haney Subject: Yamaha lower unit John, We do have a Yamaha F300 30" left hand rotation lower unit in stock for your motor with serial#6CEN-1031290. Your price is$5,100.00 Dan K& K Outboard Inc. 1 � r I i I ' —i-------------------------------_ --------------------- ..____ ----.----------.----------------- A -__._.-__._.-_.A FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT A VENDOR 006803 FRONTIER 06/06/2023 CHECK 8956 FUND & ACCOUNT PLO.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I I SM .5710.4.000.100 86019658310523 NL TERM INT-5/15-6/14 505.29 SM .5710.4.000.100 86044201650523 NL TERM TEL-5/15-6/14 463.53 I TOTAL 968.82 I - EL I I ' I I a ! I ' � I I i v.- I .� W 'n EL I I � I I . t ! o ! I 1 ' I I I ' I n I I ' I * i 1 -� __ _____________________ ____.... .. .._____.. .. .__ - -------------- ------ ___ . ---------------- ________________y_ I I ______ _ I I I I I I ..__....-.._ _...._.- ... .. ._.... ________________________________________ illD0 D 0 g I FISHERS ISLAND FERRYDISTNCT 5 AUDIT: 06/06/2023.:. : ,PO BOX 1179 SOUTHOLD,:NY,1197.11-0959 HECK.NO... 8.956 : THE SUFFOLK CO.NATIONAL BANK CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 DATE AMOUNT 06/06/2023. $968.82, " 50 546/214 .. I 1 NINE'HUNDREDt SIXTY EIGHT-:AND. 82/1.00 DOLLARS:_.' ' I I I PAY. FRONTIER TO THE PO BOX'7'.40407' OF° CINCINNATI OH 45274=04.07 ' : I i Ila 008956Ila 1:0 2 L4054641: 68 00 L50 2 Lila L J I L J Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 6803 Vendor Address Entered by Frontier Vendor Name PO Box 740407 Audit Date Frontier Communication Cincinnati, OH 45274-0407 J UN 0 6 2023 Vendor Telephone Number Town Clerk Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 8604420165-011484-5 5/15/2023 $463.53 $463.53 NL Terminal Tel SM5710.4.000.100 5/15-6/14/23 8601965831-110917-5 5/15/2023 $505.29 $505.29 NLT Internet Service SM5710.4.000.100 5/15-6/14/23 $968.82 $968.82 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. U1Signature Title Signaturef✓- Company Name nd Ferry District Date 5/23/2023 Title Manager Date 5/23/2023 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Page 1 of 4 Your Monthly Invoice FRONTIER Account Summary Important Information New Charges Due Date 6/08/23 Avoid account suspension by paying your past-due balance Billing Date 5/15/23 immediately. Log in to frontier.com or use the MyFrontier app for Account Number 860-442-0165-011484-5 latest balances and due dates. PIN 3876 Previous Balance 930.93 " Payments Received Thru 4/20/23 -468.13 Thank you for your payment! Balance Forward 462.80 New Charges Total Amount Due $ 3 wow-{. mfs WRi i TO SUPPORT WOVR signupforau p y si nu forauto a SILL Our new MyFrontier®app makes it easy to manage your account,make QWj �.`- Da payment,track your orders and get support on the go." if frontier.com/resources/myfrontier-mobile-app 800-801-6652 MyFrontier°app FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Page 2 of 4 Date of Bill 5/15/23 ` FRONTIER Account Number 860-442-0165-011484-5 LET FROIMTIERO BE WOUR TECH SUPPORT Tech issues won't wait until you have an IT team to fix them.Get the tech support you need—without the overhead—with Frontier Premium Tech Pro. _{ busi ness.frontier.com For help:Customer Service at frontier.com/helpcenter or chat at frontier.com/chat or call 1-800-921-8102.Visually impaired/TTY customers,call 711.For languages other than English or Spanish,call 1-833-557-1929. PAYING YOUR BILL,LATE PAYMENTS,RETURNED CHECK FEES and PAST DUE BALANCES You are responsible for all legitimate,undisputed charges on your bill.Paying by check authorizes Frontier to make a one-time electronic funds transfer from your account,as early as the day your check is received.When making an online payment,please allow time for the transfer of funds.If funds are received after the due date,you may be charged a fee,your service may be interrupted and you may incur a reconnection charge to restore service.A fee may be charged for a bank returned check.Continued nonpayment of undisputed charges (incl.900 and long distance charges)may result in collection action and a referral to credit reporting agencies,which may affect your credit rating. IMPORTANT CONSUMER MESSAGES You must pay all basic local service charges to avoid basic service disconnection.Failure to pay other charges will not cause disconnection of your basic service but this may cause other services to be terminated.Frontier Bundles may include charges for both basic and other services.Frontier periodically audits its bills to ensure accuracy which may result in a retroactive or future billing adjustment.Internet speed,if noted,is the maximum wired connection speed for selected tier;Wi-Fi speeds may vary;actual and average speed may be slower and depends on multiple factors.Performance details are at frontler.com/internetdisclosures. SERVICE TERMS Visit frontier.com/terms,frontier.com/tariffs or call Customer Service for information on tariffs,price lists and other important Terms, Conditions and Policies("Terms")related to your voice,Internet and/or video services including limitations of liability,early termination fees,the effective date of and billing for the termination of service(s)and other important information about your rights and obligations, and ours.Frontier's Terms include a binding arbitration provision to resolve customer disputes(frontier.com/terms/arbitration). Video and Internet services are subscription-based and are billed one full month in advance.Video and/or Internet service subscription ranrnllafirtnc an_r!any Parly fwrminafinn fE+Fac arP offPt�tivP Qn fha last clay gf v_QQr FrQntigr illinlg Nr ial month gr it Qr FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Page 3 of 4 Date of Bill 5/15/23 FRONTIER Account Number 860-442-0165-011484-5 CURRENT BILLING SUMMARY We are increasing the Road Recovery Surcharge by Local Service from 05/15/23 to 06/14/23 $0.75 starting this month. We charge this fee to cover a portion of the money we spend to move our Qty Description 860/442-0165.0 Charge network due to road work projects required by Basic Charges government agencies. To learn more, go to 4 OneVoice Nationwide 299.96 frontier:com/taxes-and-surcharges 4 Flat Business Line 4 OneVoice Long Distance Inter 4 OneVoice Long Distance Intra - 4 OneVoice Features 4 Multi-Line Federal Subscriber Line Charge 27.48 4 Access Recovery Charge Multi-Line Business 18.20 �{ Carrier Cost Recovery Surcharge 13.99 Frontier Roadwork Recovery Surcharge 1.65 'Other Charges-Detailed Below 20.94 Frontier Long Distance - Federal USF Surcharge 27.26 CT State Tel Sales Tax 25.50 Federal USF Recovery Charge 13.24 4 911 Surcharge 1.68 Federal Excise Tax 1.46 CT State Sales Tax 1.33 4 CT Service Fund .20 Total Basic Charges 452.89 Non Basic Charges WiFi Router Lease 10.00 CT State Sales Tax .64 Total Non Basic Charges 10.64 TOTAL 463.53 EAS PLAN/USAGE CHARGES for 860/442-0165 Minutes Used 99 Minutes Allowance 0 Minutes Minutes Billed 99 Minutes @ .0000/min .00 EAS Plan Charge .00 Maximum Plan/Usage Charge .00 Total Billable EAS Charge This Month .00 EAS PLAN/USAGE CHARGES for 860/444-0320 Minutes Used 3 Minutes Allowance 0 Minutes Minutes Billed 3 Minutes @ .0000/min .00 EAS Plan Charge .00 Maximum Plan/Usage Charge .00 Total Billable EAS Charge This Month .00 EAS PLAN/USAGE CHARGES for 860/447-9371 Minutes Used 41 Minutes Allowance 0 Minutes Minutes Billed 41 Minutes @ .0000/min .00 EAS Plan Charge .00 Maximum Plan/Usage Charge .00 Total Billable EAS Charge This Month .00 ** ACCOUNT ACTIVITY ** Qty Description Order Number Effective Dates 1 Late Payment Fee 5/12 20.94 860/442-0165 Subtotal 20.94 Subtotal 20.94 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Page 4 of 4 Date of Bill 5/15/23 FRONTIER Account Number 860-442-0165-011484-5 Detail of Frontier Charges Toll charged to 860/442-0165 Detail of Frontier Charges Toll charged to 860/444-0320 Detail of Frontier Charges grow Toll charged to 860/447-9371 Detail of Frontier Long Distance of CT Charges Toll charged to 860/442-0165 Detail of Frontier Long Distance of CT Charges Toll charged to 860/444-0320 Detail of Frontier Long Distance of CT Charges Toll charged to 860/447-9371 Calls: 150 Minutes: 404.0 Charge: .00 Legend Call Types: DD - Day Caller Summary Report Calls Minutes Amount Main Number 113 329 .00 860/444-0320 13 25 .00 860/447-9371 24 50 .00 ***Customer Summary 150 404 .00 Caller Summary Report Calls Minutes Amount Intra-Lata 45 145 .00 Interstate 105 259 .00 , ***Customer Summary 150 404 .00 ._.._.............. .. ... . .. llllllllll� FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Page 1 of 4 Your Monthly Invoice FRONTIER Account Summary Important Information New Charges Due Date 6/08/23 Avoid account suspension by paying your past-due balance Billing Date 5/15/23 immediately. Log in to frontier.com or use the MyFrontier app for Account Number 860-196-5831-110917-5 latest balances and due dates. PIN 1128 Previous Balance 1,010.58 Payments Received Thru 4/20/23 -505.29. Thank you for your payment! Balance Forward 505.29 New Charges 2 Total Amount Due $1,0 .58 • -{ WfkWSTO F�Nnw frontier.com/ SUPPORT SOUR signupforautopay SILL Our new MyFrontier°app makes it easy to manage your account,make 0: '� �.`- D a payment,track your orders and get ` support on the go. d frontier.com/resources/myfrontier-mobile-app 800-801-6652 MyFrontier'app FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Page 2 of 4 Date of Bill 5/15/23 FRONTIER Account Number 860-196-5831-110917-5 LET FROF%ITIE BEr �OVR TECH SUPPORT Tech issues won't wait until you have an IT team to fix them.Get the tech support you need—without the overhead—with Frontier Premium Tech Pro. business.frontiencom For help:Customer Service at frontier.com/helpcenter or chat at frontier.com/chat or call 1-800-921-8102.Visually impaired/TTY customers,call 711.For languages other than English or Spanish,call 1-833-557-1929. PAYING YOUR BILL,LATE PAYMENTS,RETURNED CHECK FEES and PAST DUE BALANCES You are responsible for all legitimate,undisputed charges on your bill.Paying by check authorizes Frontier to make a one-time electronic funds transfer from your account,as early as the day your check is received.When making an online payment,please allow time for the transfer of funds.If funds are received after the due date,you may be charged a fee,your service may be interrupted and you may incur a reconnection charge to restore service.A fee may be charged for a bank returned check.Continued nonpayment of undisputed charges (incl.900 and long distance charges)may result in collection action and a referral to credit reporting agencies,which may affect your credit rating. IMPORTANT CONSUMER MESSAGES You must pay all basic local service charges to avoid basic service disconnection.Failure to pay other charges will not cause disconnection of your basic service but this may cause other services to be terminated.Frontier Bundles may include charges for both basic and other services.Frontier periodically audits its bills to ensure accuracy which may result in a retroactive or future billing adjustment.Internet speed,if noted,is the maximum wired connection speed for selected tier;Wi-Fi speeds may vary;actual and average speed may be slower and depends on multiple factors.Performance details are at frontier.com/internetdisclosfires. SERVICE TERMS Visit frontier.com/terms,frontier.com/tariffs or call Customer Service for information on tariffs,price lists and other important Terms, Conditions and Policies('Terms")related to your voice,Internet and/or video services including limitations of liability,early termination fees,the effective date of and billing for the termination of service(s)and other important information about your rights and obligations, and ours.Frontier's Terms include a binding arbitration provision to resolve customer disputes(frontier.com/terms/arbitration). Video and Internet services are subscription-based and are billed one full month in advance.Video and/or Internet service subscription g&nDeIL2tions and any n-arly tPrmination feet amt-Pffirtiyg on thg last v of your Frsnt r filling gygle NQ partial month gredit_c gr FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Page 3 of 4 Date of Bill 5/15/23 FRONTIER Account Number 860-196-5831-110917-5 CURRENT BILLING SUMMARY Local Service from 05/15/23 to 06/14/23 Qty Description 860/196-5831.0 Charge Non Basic Charges Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) 10 Mbps 400.00 Managed Router - Network 99.00 CT State Sales Tax 6.29 Total Non Basic Charges 505.29 TOTAL 505.29 CIRCUIT ID DETAIL �{ FA/L2XN/658077/SN 10 Mbps DIA SVC 400.00 5 WATER ST NWL CT r CUSTOMER NID 5 WATER ST NWL CT CUSTOMER PREMISE FA/CUXP/658085/SN FRONTIER CENTRAL OFFICE INTERNET ACCESS 5 WATER ST NWL CT CUSTOMER PREMISE - FA/L2XN/658077//SN --................................_.. .............. ... - - - - - -- - -- -- ............__._..... _._ e 7 , I ' -__------------------------------------------------------------ _____________ _______________________ --------------_--------------------.----------------------------------------..--- ----- _!-s- A ; FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT AI I VENDOR 007677 GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE GROUP 06/06/2023 CHECK 8957 I I ' FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.## INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT , I ' I I SM .9060.8. 000.000 041423 DED-K.EDWARDS 12/11/22 1, 000.00 I - I TOTAL 1,000.00 I I � I I I I ' I ' I ' I n i I I I I 1 ' � I � I ` I aI � I w a t 1 I I � I � I I i I I I I I , i I � I I I N r i * 1 1 1 I - ---------------------------------------- -:--.. �f I I I I _.. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.f I I ; I I I I FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT AUDIT. 06/0.6:/202.3 :. :. 53095:MAIN_ROAD,PO BOX 1179, o SO UTHOLD,`NY.:1,197-1-0959 ;. CHECK,NO;; 8957 ^." THE SUFFOLK CO:.NAYIONAL BANK' 1 CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 DATE AMOUNT': . I _ 'So-5asn.ra; - •.06;/06/2023` :_$:10.0:0.00 ONE :THOUSAND AND.':.00/100 DOLLARS I � • : I PAY GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE GROUP lQTHE.'::: 301:E'.:4TH ST..-. 16NE:..:: C�RDLR CINC . INNATI 'OH 452:02: OF - I �i'OOB9571i' 1:0 2 140 54640: 6B 001502 L'i' Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Entered by One-time vendor PO Box 2468 Audit Date Great American Insurance Group Cincinnati3OH 45201 `/+ q q " Vendor Telephone Number JUN' Q U 2 0 2 3 Town Clerk -- - Vendor Contact .: Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund"and Accorint Number CLAIM 4/14/2023 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Deductible for Claim-Kenneth Edwards SM90601.000.000 Date of loss 12/11/2022 A00510451 . $1,000.001 1 $1,000.00 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature Company Name Fishers s and Ferry District Date 5/24/2023 Title Date ZS �. Y OCEAN MARINE DIVISION 28 Liberty St. NEW YORK,NY 10005 REATAMERICAN . TEL: (212'4z°=„o8 11A1C: ) INSURANCE GROUP JOANNE P.MARZARIO March 14,2023 SENIOR CLAIM SPECIALIST i VIA EMAIL: DMcCall@iferry.com David McCall Fishers Island Ferry District PO Box 607 Fishers Wand,NY 06390 Insured: Fishers Island Ferry District Claimant: Kenneth Edwards Claim No.: A00510451 Date of Loss: December 11, 2022 Dear Mr, McCall: We have settled the claim for$1,474.78. Fishers Island Ferry District has a policy that provides Protection&Indemnity Coverage with Great American Insurance Company under policy no.,OMHI 854380. This policy has a deductible of$1,000.00. Currently,we request that you forward a check for$1,000.00 payable to GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY with Claim#A00510451 in the check's memo field at your earliest possible convenience to: Great American Insurance PO Box 2468 Cincinnati, OHIO 45201 Attn:Millie Melendez Should you have any questions,please feel free to contact me. This letter does not constitute,nor is it intended to be a waiver of any undisclosed existing or future violations of any other term or conditions of the policy contract. If you have or obtain any information,now or in the future,which may have a bearing on our decision, we request You forward it to us immediately for review and consideration. If you have any questions,please contact me at 212 510-0128 Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m.—3:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. on Friday. Mailing Address: Great American Insurance Company,Ocean Marine Claims,Post Office Box.2468,Cincinnati,Oh 45201 Fax Numbers: (U.S.Only)800-498-2178 - (U.S.or International)513-345-1363 V ly truly PUTS, - - oanne P.Marzario �" "�l1 Senior Claim Specialists cc: mmelendezai con, The HILB Group of New England 2000 Chapel View Blvd 240 Cranston,RI 02920 1 i 1 ' I i i r I � � 3 1 t I ' A ; FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT AI ! VENDOR 013564 MCMASTER–CARR SUPPLY CO. 06/06/2023 CHECK 8958 i I I FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I ' SM .5710.2 .000.100 96714127 MU SUPPLIES 412.47 I ' I SM .5710.2.000.100 96970519 MU SUPPLIES 65.30 SM .5710.2. 000.100 97115580 MU SUPPLIES 54 .40 SM .5710.2 .000.100 97366011 MU SUPPLIES 27.83 i SM .5710.2.000.100 97415090 MU SUPPLIES 55.70 I 1 ' I TOTAL 615.70 1 ' ! r � I I I � I � I t I I I I I 1 _ J I 1 1 .0 n ' 1 ! I I I 1 I I I � c I I I I I i I I I ' I ' I I m an , M ! n ! {c I I _... — - - - ------------ .. ....----- -..._... ------ -- . . — ------- ---- ---- ------------- ------------- ------------- ---------------- -----------------�f I I — --I----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------f I , l _may....._.. -- ----------- .--------. ----- ------ .. _.__ t I ..FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT' : :.AUDIT; 06/0:6/2023—, : . 53095 MAIN ROAD,PO'BOX 1.179. o SOUTHOLD,'NY11971-0959 CHECK, 895:8 THE SUFFOLK CO:NATIONAL BANK* I CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 DA­T_E___T AMOUNT eo-546121a 0 6,/0;6/_2 023­. SIX :HUNDRED- FIFTEEN AND' T.0%1'00 D%OI LARS::'; ! PAY .,MCMAS.TER–CARR,SUPPLY.. CO.. TO 71IE., 6,0 0 'N:`.COUNTY LINE.,ROAD:, I ORDER' EL MHUR$T IL-.6012'6.. .. ... ... Cd�Gc . ii'008958um 1:0214054641: 68 00 150 2 1110 Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 13564 Vendor Address Entered by P.O. Box 7690 Vendor Name Chicago, IL 60680-7690 Audit Date"' McMaster-Carr Supply Co. .JUN'Q. 6 2023 Vendor Telephone Number 609-689-3000 Town Clerk Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 96714127 4/25/2023 $ 412.47 $412.47 Mu supplies SM5710.2.000.100' 96970519 4/28/2023 $ 65.30 $65.30 Mu supplies SM5710..2.000.100 . 97115580 5/2/2023 $ 54.40 $54.40 Mu supplies SM5710.2.000.100 97366011 5/5/2023 $ 27.83 $27.83 Mu supplies SM5710.:2.000.100 97415090 5/8/2023 $ 55.70 $55.70 Mu supplies SM5710.2.000.100 $ 615.70 $615.70 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepanciesr noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature Cl, 6� Company Name s stand Ferry District Date 5/25/2023 Title Manager Date 7 5/25/2023 r,1 ,_, ' McMASTERmCARR. Invoke 609-689-3000 609-259-3575(fax) . nj.sales@mcmaster.com Purchase Order MU Tota 1 $412.47 I nvo ice 96714127 Billed to Invoice Date 4/25/23 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Y P O BOX 607 Pa ment Terms 2% 10, Net 30 FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 Deduct$7.48 on merchandise and tax if paid by 5/5/23. Shipped to 1/� Mail Payment to McMaster-Carr Fishers Island Ferry DistrictG�(/ PO Box 7690 5 Waterfront Park Chicago IL 60680-7690 New London CT 06320 Your Account 260910000 Mike Fiora placed this order. Line Product Ordered Shipped Balance Price Total 1 6818T53 High-Strength 4140 Alloy Steel Rod, Multipurpose, 1 1 0 56.48 56.48 1/2"Diameter,6 Feet Long Each Each 2 775OK236 Standard-Wall Steel Pipe Nipple, Unthreaded,2 2 2 0 147.53 295.06 Pipe Size,5 Feet Long Each Each Merchandise 351.54 Sales Tax 24.63 Shipping 36.30 Total $412.47 Packing List Shipped Weight Carrier Tracking 1915919-01 4/25/23 341b UPS 1 ZO835200360496492 Federal ID 36-1458720 McMaster-Carr Supply Company Page 1 of 1 RD 949 M MA TERoCARR® f � t s Invoice 609-689-3000 609-259-3575(fax) nj.sales@mcmaster.com Purchase Order JOHNP Total $65.30 1 nvo ice 96970519 Billed to Invoice Date 4128123 FISHERSISLANDFERRY DISTRICT PO BOX 607 Payment Terms 2% 10, Net 30 FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 "� Deduct$1.15 on merchandise and tax if paid by 5/823. I / V Shipped to Mail Payment to McMaster-Carr Fishers Island Ferry District PO Box 7690 5 Waterfront Park Chicago IL 60680-7690 New London CT 06320 Your Account 260910000 John radis placed this order. Line Product Ordered Shipped Balance Price Total 1 3069A68 Cobalt Steel Drill Bit,Size Q 2 2 0 12.98 25.96 Each Each 2 12931<11 303 Stainless Steel Grease Fitting,Straight, 1/8 2 2 0 14.03 28.06 PTF-SAE Male,3/4"Overall Height, Packs of 5 Packs Per Pack Merchandise 54.02 Sales Tax 3.90 Shipping 7.38 Total $65.30 Packing List Shipped Weight Carrier Tracking 2151262-01 4/28/23 1 Ib UPS 1 ZO835200360682218 Federal ID 36-1458720 McMaster-Carr Supply Company Page 1 of 1 CP 151 MAASTERmCARR® . I�1 Invoice 609-689-3000 609-259-3575(fax) nj.sales@mcmaster.com Purchase Order JOHN P Total $54.40 I nvo ice 97115580 Billed to Invoice Date 512123 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT n L P O BOX 607w{`y%, Payment Terms 2% 10, Net 30 FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 Deduct$0.88 on merchandise and tax if paid by 5/1223. Shipped to Mail Payment to McMaster-Carr Fishers Island Ferry District PO Box 7690 5 Waterfront Park Chicago IL 60680-7690 New London CT 06320 Your Account 260910000 John Paradis placed this order. 3 Line Product Ordered Shipped Balance Price Total 1 2662A36 Pipe and Conduit Thread Tap for Steel, 1/8 Size 1 1 0 41.56 41.56 Each Each Merchandise 41.56 Sales Tax 3.25 Shipping 9.59 Total $54.40 Packing List Shipped Weight Carrier Tracking 2308362-01 5/2/23 1 Ib UPS 1 ZO835200360814370 Federal ID 36-1458720 McMaster-Carr Supply Company Page 1 of 1 CP 777 U_AMASTERmCARR. Invoice 609-689-3000 609-259-3575(fax) nj.sales@mcmaster.com Purchase Order JOHN P Total $27.83 I nvo ice 97366011 Billed to Invoice Date 515123 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Y P O BOX 607 Pa Ment Terms 2% 10, Net 30 FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 Deduct$0.40 on merchandise and tax if paid by 5/1523. Shipped to Mail Payment to McMaster-Carr Fishers Island Ferry District PO Box 7690 5 Waterfront Park Chicago!L 60680-7690 New London CT 06320 Your Account 260910000 John Paradis placed this order. Line Product Ordered Shipped Balance Price Total 1 8971K33 High-Strength Formable 544 Bearing Bronze, 1 1 0 18.81 18.81 5/15' Diameter, 1 Foot Long Each Each Merchandise 18.81 Sales Tax 1.66 Shipping 7.36 Total $27.83 u G�' Packing List Shipped Weight Carrier Tracking 2527397-01 5/5/23 2 Ib UPS 1Z0835200360992820 Federal ID36-1458720 McMaster-Carr Supply Company Page 1 of 1 CD IAA% " � MCMASTERmCARR. EI_ Invoice 609-689-3000 609-259-3575(fax) nj.sales@mcmaster.com Purchase Order JOHNP Total $55.70 invoice 97415090 Billed to Invoice Date 5/8/23 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Y P O BOX 607 Pa meet Terms 2% 10, Net 30 FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 Deduct$0.94 on merchandise and tax if paid by 5/1823. Iq Shipped to / Mail Payment to McMaster-Carr Fishers Island Ferry District l/ PO Box 7690 5 Waterfront Park Chicago IL 60680-7690 New London CT 06320 Your Account 260910000 John Paradis placed this order. Line Product Ordered Shipped Balance Price Total 1 5574K38 Worm-Drive Clamps with Smooth Band,304 1 1 0 20.22 20.22 Stainless Steel,2"to 2-3/4"Clamp ID, 1/2"Band Pack Per Pack Width, Packs of 10 2 5574K41 Worm-Drive Clamps with Smooth Band for Soft 1 1 0 24.05 24.05 Hose and Tube,304 Stainless Steel,2-3/4"to Pack Per Pack 3-9/16"ID, Packs of 10 Merchandise 44.27 Sales Tax 3.33 Shipping 8.10 Total $55.�7'0�q- VN Packing List Shipped Weight Carrier Tracking 2564809-01 5/8/23 3 Ib UPS 1Z0835200361024552 Federal ID 36-1458720 McMaster-Carr Supply Company Page 1 of 1 CP 1A9 L i : I r - -------- ---------------------- ------------------------------------------ �^- A FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT A VENDOR 013948 CAROL MURPHY 06/06/2023 CHECK 8959 i I I FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I SM .9060.8.000.000 050123 REIM-AETNA MED 5/23 90.30 SM .5711.4.000.000 050323 OFFICE SUPPLIES 187.25 I � TOTAL 277.55 I � I I I I I I I I i � I I � I I � ' I I I I � —f I - . I I I W to CL I I I i I I i � I t � I I I I I I I i I I I I I � I n I * I I _______________________I_ I I I I I I I I -!._._._ ----------------- ___________________ ______________________ ------ ____________..._.._____._.- ----- . ..______--.____ ___ -------------------------------------------- I 0 • 0 0 0 �B • 0 0 e. • .0 D 0 • r L FISHERS IS AAD.FERRY DISTRICT :' ':.:.AUDIT, .0-6/0:6-1 2:0 z:3.: 53095 MAIN.ROAO,FO BOX 1179:. .. :.. .. ' UT - - . o SO HOLD,NY 11971 0959 , I ;,..' . CHECK..NO;:� _.; :8959 THE SUFFOLK CO.NATIONAL BANK CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 DATE AMOUNT, o 05:%0'6/:2 23 TWO:JiUNDRED.. SEVENTY SEVEN..AND 55/7.00'':bOLLARS`: PAY CAROL MURPHY 740 7N ."i}.',.CASTLE HILL': ORDER OF ;PAWCATUCK CT.-r06379 .. .. .. , I i ii'0089 Sii' 1:0 2 140 54641: 68 00 15 0 2 I'll Vendor No. Check No.o_-_ Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher c3q � Vendor Address Entered:by 4 Castle Hill Rd Pawcatuck,CT 06379 Audit.Date Murph Carol JUN. ..:. Vendor Telephone Number 2023, FY 2023 Town Clerk Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number MED REIMB 5/1/2023 $90.30 $90.30 Aetna Medicare Reimb May 2023 SM9060.8:000.000 REIMB 5/3/2023 $187.25 $187.25 Office Supplies Reimb SM5711:4.000:000 $277.55 $277.55 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. dillSignature ` Title Signature �cass Company Name d Ferry District Date 5/24/2023 Title Date Z` 1 '? Thursday, May 11,2023 USAW Transaction Details , 44 Amount: -$90.30 Description: AETNA HEALTH MGT WEB PAY***********4967 Posted Date: May 11,2023 Category: Category Pending Status: Posted Transaction Type: WEB PAY Original Description: AETNA HEALTH MGT WEB PAY***********4967 Additional Details: PENDING ACH DEBIT ACCOUNT ENDING-51008 CARD MEMBER M American Express Gold Card CAROL MURPHY DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT May 3 Deluxe DLX FOR SMALL'BUSINESMINNEAPOLIS MN $187.25 3680 VICTORIA ST Will appear on your May 24,2023 statement as DLX FOR SMALLBUSINESMINNEAPOLIS MN SAINT PAUL CARD MN CAROL MURPHY 55126 (800)865-1913 MEMBERSHIP REWARDS POINTS https://www.deluxe.com/ 1Xon Other purchases 187 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2053454363 BUSINESSFORM deluxe® Shipping Details Payment Summary Shipping Address Shipping Method Billing Address Amount: Carol A Murphy Standard Shipping Carol A Murphy $187.24 4 CASTLE HILL RD, Arrives in 7-10 business days 4 CASTLE HILL RD, Pawcatuck,CT 06379 PawcatucK CT 06379 USA, (860)204-2300 USA (860)204-2300 Order Details: Order #: 526279803 PRODUCT NAME QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL .......- ------ Endorsement Stamp - Self-inking, Popular Layout 1 $65.99 $65.99 Item#:102170 ---- ------ Laser Deposit Tickets,QuickBooks Compatible 250 $114.99 $114.99 Item#:80200 Product Total: $180.98 Discount $36.20 MR016:20%Off any Order Sub Total: $144.78 Shipping & Handling: $31.28 Tax $11.18 Order Total: $187.24 Total Savings: $36.20 C. ML'upk)� �)`rnb . ACCOUNT ENDING-51088 CARD MEMBER AMERI[aN EXPRESS American Express Gold Card CAROL MURPHY DATE DESCRIPTION 'AMOUNT ,Apr 24 Deluxe DELUXE $187.24 Pending 3680 VICTORIA ST Will appear on your Apr 25,2023 statement as DELUXE SAINT PAUL METHOD CARD MN Card used online CAROL MURPHY 55126 _. (800)865-1913 REWARDS https:/Iwww.deluxe.com/ You'll be able to see Rewards information for an eligible charge within 5 days of the charge posting to your account.Please check back later. Carol Murphy From: customerservice@deluxe.com Sent: Monday,April 24, 2023 5:38 PM To: Carol Murphy Subject: Your Deluxe Order Confirmation Order#2053454363 Add customerservice@deluxe.com to your address book to ensure you receive our emails du , ORDER CONFIRMATION m " x e Thank you for your order.We're excited to bring your products to life.Your order has been entered and your order number is: 2053454363. Order Date: 04/24/23 Priority Code: MR016 Company Name: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT THIS IS NOT A PROOF. Content does not depict formatting, font, logo, bank information or complete text of the products ordered. 1. Product: 102170 Product Description: Endorsement Stamp-Self-inking, Popular Layout Quantity: 1 Location Imprint Imprint Color Front Fishers Island Ferry District Black Ship Method: Standard Delivery 2. Product: 80200-1 Product Description: Laser Deposit Tickets, QuickBooks Compatible l/1 Quantity: 250 Location Imprint Imprint Color Deposit Fishers Island Ferry District Black 261 Trumbull Drive, PO Box 607 Black Fishers Island, NY 06390 Black 860.442.0165 Black Account ending in: 7759 Ship Method: Standard Delivery Billing Address: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT 4 CASTLE HILL RD PAWCATUCK, CT 06379 Phone: 860-204-2300 Shipping Address: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT 4 CASTLE HILL RD 1 PAWCATUCK, CT 06379 Payment Method: AMEX 1008 Please do not reply to this email. Instead, if you have any questions, please call us at 800-878-9443, Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. CT Saturday 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.CT. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you! Privacy Policy Deluxe-PO Box 818094, Cleveland, OH 44181 800-878-9443 CONFIDENTIAL z t r I E - -- - - -- - - - ---------------------------------------- ------------- -----.._._.. A FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT I A ' I VENDOR 019136 NINA SCHMID 06/06/2023 CHECK 8960 i I FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .9060.8.000.000 050123 MED PART D SUPPLMNT-5/23 10.60 SM .9060.8.000.000 050123 MED PART B SUPPLMNT-5/23 57.71 I 1 1 TOTAL 68.31 i I I ' 1 I ' 1 ' i 1 n I i p I I n I I I - " _ I I I ; t I 1 � I I I J I I 1 I � I ' L I • 1 ; I i I 1 I I 1 � � I � I u I I I I I I i I 1 ' 1 I � I I � I n I , I * I • --+E+__ ____ ------------------------------------ - ____ J-.i- I I I - I � I , I � i 1 . ........ . ........... ..______________________________..__ I ' 1 I ;. . ..:FosHER RISLAAD FERRY I7 06/0:6/. . 3 ;`: ..DISTRICT' "AUD 2 0'2: SOUTHOLD;NY 1197. 79 11 CHECK CHECK NO.. 8960 i THE SUFFOLK CO:NATIONAL BANK" CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 DATE AMOUNT • 06:%0.6/2023 50.•546%21 $'68. I .. :. _ ,4: ` , ., : SIXTY: EIGHT: AND 3;1/T00: DOLLARS AY, NINA:.,SCHMID. TO TLE. .' I 18,91•.:MAIN $TREET',.;'APT.`B : I ORDER . OF, SOUTH '.WINDSOR CT :0'60T4:' - I ii'008960um 1:0 2 14054E4i: 68 00 150 2 Lii' Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 19136 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Entered by 1891 Main Str Apt B South Windor,CT 06074-1024 Audit Date Nina Schmid Vendor Telephone Number Town.Clerk . . Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services Gerieral Ledger Fund and Account Number j s REIMB 5/1/2023 42.40 (31.80) 10.60 May 2023 Medicare Part D Supplement SM9060.8.000.000 'I REIMB 5/1/2023 230.85 (173.14) 57.71 May 2023 Medicare Part B Supplement SM9060:8:000.000 _.......... .................... .... 10 years of service reimbursed at 25% J 273.261 204.941 68.31 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature `�+K--- Company Name Fis erry Date 5/23/2023 Title Date L� - ;s - _ •r d Blue MedicareRx PDP ,B "1U ,Value`PTus'w c'DP - Connecticut I Massachusetts I Rhode Island I Vermont Customer.Care: 1-888-620-1747 T208 P1 19839 270 093362936326 Z I'��I'Iill�llu�l�'0'I�I�Ill�oullllmll��'����ill �l"'�Illlln NINA J SCHMID Payments received after the due date may Rod 1891 MAIN ST APT B appear on your next invoice. SOUTH WINDSOR,CT 06074-1024 AMOU T=DUE : .: N DUE DATE -MEMBER ID -- — $42.40 — - --- 05%01/2023- -�- - —-- G8C618173 -- r :h Payment Options N • For check payment or automatic withdrawal from your bank account(ACH),use the form below. • For credit card payment or withholding from your SSA/RRB check, call 1-888-620-1747. s • For one time credit card payment through our automated system, call 1-866-535-8407. 0 Previous Balance $84.80 Payment Activity Since Last Invoice -$84.80 Payment Type Date Received Amount One Time CC Care VISA 04/04/2023 -$42.40 One time ACH ECHECK 03/07/2023 -$42.40 Activity Detail $42.40 Transaction Tyne Premium Month Amount Premium MAY 2023 $42.40 Amount Due $42.40 Please detach and send coupon with check payable to Blue Medical-ellx` BILLING FOR: NINA J SCHMID DUE DATE: 05/01/2023 CT I01 PAYMENYID; AMOUNT DUE ° AMOUNT°ENCLOSED: "=- G8C618173 $42.40 Please include your Payment ID on your check or money order. Do not send cash. ❑ If you would like to change your payment to automatic withdrawal from your bank Blue MedicareRx- CT account(ACH), please check this box, P.O. Box 505171 enclose your check payment, and see the St. Louis,MO 63150-5171 r r reverse side. 20002001AG8C618173I010042405 Anthem Blue Cross and Blue shield 1 of 4 20868 PO Box 659816 San Antonio TX 78265 1 m N IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111IIIIIIIII1�1111I�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII � >x 5 ** ********* ** ****SCH 5—DIGIT 06001 vl 14920 1 AV 0.471 67 UJ C2 NINA J SCHMID 1891 MAIN ST APT BCD SOUTH WINDSOR CT 06074-1024 0 co c N N O N _ _. _Invoice No.::.-0.0.0280288262_- _ . Member-Name:. Mina J_Schmid_ Member ID No.: 862M97252 Billing Period: 05/01/2023 to 05/31/2023 Billed Date: 04/08/2023 Payment Due Date: 05/01/2023 Prior Bill Amount $230.85 Paid Amount $230.85 Other Adjustment Subtotal $0.00_ Prior Balance Due $0.00 Retroactive Eligibility Adjustment Subtotal $0.00 Manual Adjustment Subtotal $0,00 Current Charges Subtotal $230.85 Billed Amount $230.85 - PLEASE PAY THE BILLED AMOUNT UPON RECEIPT TO AVOID CANCELLATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLEASE TEAR OFF THIS PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT DUE DATE: 05/01/2023 - *DO NOT SEND CASH* AMOUNT DUE: $230.85 *MAIL PAYMENT TO THE ADDRESS BELOW"- Aount Enclosed f' ? f'`l:` o � Nina J Schmid r Make Check Payable To: . ��: �:. �L 1 , Member ID No.: 862M97252 11111�111111��11llllillllllll�llilllllllll�ll�lll�llllllllllll�l'� Invoice No.: 000280288262 ANTHEM BCBS - f Billing Period: 05/01/2023 to 05/31/2023 PO BOX 11750 Billed Date: 04/08/2023 NEWARK, NJ 07101-4750 ° `.. li' 4 000000000000150500400000000862M9725''2300028828826`205012300000000000230853 • ; t � a I —�— --------------- _..------------ " — --------------- ----------- ' A FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT I A ' VENDOR 019231 SHRED—IT US JV, LLC 06/06/2023 CHECK 8961 I I i FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I I SM .5710 .4.000.625 8003934083 NLT SHREDDING SVC 184 .85 I i TOTAL 184.85 i I I I I I ' r` I a I � I , I � 1 I --- ......_____..____-_____ ._.. . Y I , I I - i 1 � I � I I L 1 I I ' l i I e l I i I I I 1 I I I I - I I I I m I ' N I [.7 I n I I I L-f I 1 i I -------J-�- I I I I I AUDIT_ 06/06:.2Q23 ::: FISHERS FERRY .► SOUTHO D;:NY,i 1971.0959• CHECK,NO.: .: ,896,1 .. " THE SUFFOLK CO:NATIONAL BANK CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 DATE AMOUNT 6-5461214.- 06:/06]2023 .ONE HUNDRED:. EIGH'T'Y FOUR AND. 85/100` DOLLARS' •:.'. I i : i PAY. SHRED-TT US. JV, LLC. TOTlIE 28883:'NETWORK`PLACE " ORDER.. . OT' CHICAGO IL '6.0673-1288... v0089G lul 1:0 2 14054641: 68 00 150 2 Iii' I M J I I L J Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 19231 �I Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Entered by 28883 Network Place Audit Date Shred It USA LLC Chicago,IL 60673-1288 JUN O 6'-'2023 Vendor Telephone Number Town Clerk Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and'Account Number 8003934083 5/18/2023 184.85 184.85 Shredding Service NLT SM5710.4.000.625 184.85 184.85 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature—&& Title Signature Company Name Fi and Ferry Date 5/24/2023 Title Date 2—�� i• SteriCyCIE: Shred'it®® � TAX ID: 36-3640402 Page 1 of 2 Customer No.(Payer) 1000359919 We protect what matters. A Stericyclo"Solution Invoice No. 8003934083 Invoice Date 05-18-2023 Total Invoice Charges Stericycle has updated the Fees for Shred-it customers.For more payment Terms Net due in 30 days information, please visit our'Fees'Page on shredit.com. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY 261 TRUMBULL DR FISHERS ISLAND,NY 06390-8021 USA For Billing,Scheduling or Customer service:(800)697-4733 Hours of Operation:(Mon-Fri)7 AM to 7 PM Customer-relationsOStericycle.com Customer Proof of Unit of Surcharges/ Subtotal Service Date PO Service Service Description Qty Measure Unit Price Discounts Price Invoice Charges Site#: 3000454140 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEW LONDON CT 06320 05-16-2023 8154657350 REGULAR SERVICE I OFF- CONSOLE(STANDARD) 1.00 EA $135.37 Recycling Recovery Surcharge $12.05 Fuel Surcharge ` $20.98 Environmental Surcharge � ) $5.41 i v STERICYCLE,INC Page 2 of 2 (800)697-4733 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY Customer#: 1000359919 Invoice#:8003934083 Invoice Date: 05-18-2023 Customer Proof of Unit of Surcharges/ Subtotal Service Date PO Service Service Description Qty Measure Unit Price Discounts Price Invoice Charges Sub Total $135.37 Surcharges/ $38.44 Discounts State Tax $11.04 Tax Total $11.04 Site Total $184.85 Total Invoice Charges $184.85 . a I 1 , -------------------------------------------- ----- ----- -"------- -- A FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT AI I I I I VENDOR 019432 SKYLINE CUSTOM CARPENTRY & 06/06/2023 CHECK 8962 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT � I SM .5709.2 .000.100 1 INV#1-RPLC WNDWS WHSTLR 8,640.00 i I I I TOTAL 8,640.00 I I I � I � I 1 1 u 1 � I � I t` I a I J I n � , I I � i I I I , I 1'. C7 I .....v. a .. .... ........... � f 1 . . .t. I ' 1 I L L � I i i I I I I iI I e I I � I i I I I I I I m I I � I r f I : * I I ------------ ----- ------------ .._.. ------ ... ..----------- ._________._____..____.._ _______.__..__....___.__ _ - I ' I I -i–_ I ______________________________________________________________________________________________________�__f I 1 � 1 1 ______ __.____.__________: __ __________�_ __ RNDOFERRY DISTA2023UD0 / 5$095 MAIN 8:962E _I — Y11971-0959 I THE SUFFOLK C0:NATIONAL BANK' I CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 DATE, AMOUNT I • .. .. � .. •. :, .. 06/0:62023 $8,64'0.00 50.546!214. : .. .. EIGHT.'THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED:-FORTY AND 0'0/100'.DOLLARS I : r _ I I _ Ay. SKYLINE, CUSTOM CARPENTRY & . TQ THE `.' REMODELING f: INC IRDFR.: PO :BOX 342 . . Ly . I OF' FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 , I 11'00896 211' 1:0 2 140 5464 : 68 00 150 2 111' Vendor No. Check No.,. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 3 2 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Entered by PO Box 342 Audit Date Sk line Custom Carpentry Inc Fishers Island NY 06390 Vendor Telephone Number 407-0-7-6-1023 Town Clerk Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total 'Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and'Account Number 1 5/11/2023 $8,640.00 $8,640.00 Window replacement at 357 Whistler Ave SM5709.2.000.100 Payee Certification Department Certification nt)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me ;foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly ;in stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions axes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature Company Name and Ferry District Date Title Manager Date (6 L .c. k Request for payment on window installations ^ �!n����- J 1 1) Prepping windows for installation, remove all packing materials 2) Removal of all side and top tabs so windows fit into existing openings 3) Removal of 6 windows on first floor to prep openings for new window installation 4) Set up ladders and scaffolding on job site 5) Removal of all rubbish to dumps Six man crew for six days labor----------------$ 8,640.00 1 e, 1✓1 V•-1 THOMAS AHLGREN SKYLINEFI@LIVE.COM (0) 631 788-7193 (C) 631 943-7487 . '+,-u,w..y^`M:''31'`LFs::-...r+_'i?t�:a.++=• ��.?_+"cam•_ --=--b':.:lan'".!'. P.0 Box 342 Fishers Island Ferry District March 1St 2023 PO box 607 261 Trumbull dr Fishers Island N y 06390 Installation of new Replacement windows into existing openings 1) Remove existing window sashes and prep window openings to accept new windows.All windows were measured and supplied by Ferry District. Contractor is not responsible for measurements or warranty on windows. 2) Removal of all rubbish 3) Install new windows into existing frames, caulk,seal and install Azek stops where necessary. Painting by others and not included ' in estimate. Cost of Construction-----------------------$14,550.00 Thank you Tom Ahlgren �rF THomAs AHLGREN sKYLINEFI@LIVE.COM (0) 631788-7193 QCl6319 7437 NON-COLLUSIVE BID CERTIFICATE The undersigned bidder certifies that this bid has been arrived at by the bidder independently and has been submitted without collusion with any other vendor of materials, supplies or equipment of the type described in the invitation for bids, and the contents of this bid have not been communicated by the bidder,nor,to its best knowledge and belief,by any of its employees or agents,to any person not an employee or agent of the bidder or its surety on any bond furnished herewith prior to the official opening of the bid. ) Signed: Printname ol�(�`I S Fl 11 Cr'&'L e c cC Corporate Title `--� (if any) Company Name ` 4,cME Mailing Address Phone Number(/o tJ ` Y3 --7 ` F / PAUL'S HOME IMPROVEMENT Estimate 544 HOUND LANE PO BOX 661 Date Estimate# F1 NY 06390 3/15/2023 59 Name/Address �701— 4r Fishers Island Ferry District 261 Trumbull Dr.P.O.Box 607 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Fishers Island NY.06390 Description Total /_— Whistler Ave.Ferry Housing windows 7,700.00T -Remove and dispose of 28 existing wooden window sashes and aluminum combination window units -Prep window openings -Modify new vinyl window units purchased by others -Install new units Purchase and install new interior and exterior trim as conditions allow using stainless steel fasteners -Seal,caulk,prime,and paint new interior and exterior woodwork -Clean scope of work area and return to an as better condition Labor: 40hrs @$175.00=$7000.00 Material: Misc trim,fasteners,paint and sundries=$700.00 NYS Sales Tax 664 1 3f Total $8,364.13 The Toldo Company Inc PO Box 164 THE r o L o o COMPANY Fishers Island, NY 06390 i +1 6313776442 billing@thetoldocompany.com www.thetoldocompany.com Estimate ADDRESS ESTIMATE# 16117 Fishers Island Ferry DATE 03/17/2023 5 Waterfront park New London,Ct 06320 DATE ACTIVITY CITY NATE AMOUNT 03/17/2023 Materials and Iabor:Lump Sum 1 16,500.00 16,500.00 All labor and miscellaneous materials needed to install 27 replacement windows purchased by the Ferry. All scope items included in 3-9-2023 RFQ and received via Dave McCall email dated 3-9-23. 33%deposit required to begin work. Full payment 14 days after final invoicing at project completion. + This estima he purpose of establishing a pro'e nly. TOTAL �+�6,500.�� Labor hours will be invoic an hour. Payments shall be �P V made with' eeks of receipt of invoic contractor. Accepted By Accepted Date ��� C1+uZ)s16V % FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT April 03,2023 Legal/Window Installation Award RESOLUTION 2023-056 WHEREAS the Fishers Island Ferry District("FIFD") desires to install 27 new windows in the Town of Southold building at 357 Whistler Avenue; and WHEREAS,the FIFD has sent out an RFP and requested quotes from various contractors related to replacement of the windows at 357 Whistler Avenue; and WHEREAS the three bids were opened on March 17,2023 by the Island Manager in the presence of Andrew Ahrens,Commissioner of the Fl Ferry District for the replacement of 27 windows,and the winning bid of$14,550-for the work contained a signed non-collusive bid certificate and the contractor is able to complete work in an acceptable time frame for the District. RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the FIFD hereby accepts the proposal of Skyline Custom Carpentry Inc., dated March 1,2023,for the installation of 27 windows at 357 Whistler Avenue Fishers Island, NY subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Moved by: Commissioner Ahrens Seconded by: Commissioner Burnham Ayes:Ahrens, Burnham,Cashel and Reid Nays: None U.S. Department of Labor PAYROLL Wage and Hour DivisionN a (For Contractor's Optional Use;See Instructions at www.dol.gov/whd/forms/wh347!nstr.htm) Hour Persons are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Rev. Dec.2008 NAME OF CONTRACTOR E] OR SUBCONTRACTOR ADDRESS PO Box 342,Fisgers Island,NY 06390 OMB N,.:1235-0008 Skyline Custom Carpentry,Inc, Expires:OV3112024 PAYROLL NO. FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT AND LOCATIOPI PROJECTOR CONTRACT'NO. 05/20/2023 7 Whister Ave,Fishers Island,NY I Resolution 2023-056 (2) (3) (4)DAY AND DATE (5) (6) (7) 12 no 14115 16117118119120 DEDUCTIONS NAME'AND INDIVIDUAL IDENTIFYING NUMBER r,,o NET (e.g.,LAST FOUR DIGITS OF SOCIAL SECURITY ci��M WORK ';u I M I Tu I W I Th F So GROSS WITHRATE AMOUNT HOLDING- WAGES NUMBER)OFWORKER `EW I T.11.1-- 'TOTAL PAID CLASSIFICATION HOURS WORKED EACH DAY HOURS OF PAY EARNED FICA TAX OTHER DEDUCTIONS FOR WEEK Thomas Ahlgren #2702 Project Mgr 0 $32.62 1,043.84 51,043.84 S 9.00 H100 8011 8100 32,00 .42,62 Michael Ahlgren #5769 Carpenter 0 $32.62 $1,043.84 $1.043.84 S 32.0C 32,62 Samantha Ahlgren #0290 Carpenter 0 $3162 $1,043.84 $1,043,84 3100 -,2.(,2 James W I ardlaw #6302 Carpenter 0 $32.62 $1,043.84 $1.043.S4 h.Qf, 8.0 soo 8,10), 32.00 32-62 Alex Sacco #1390 Carpenter o $32.62 7 51,304.80 S 40.00 12.62 Melissa Ahlgren #6767 Carpenter 0 $32.62 $'1,04.3.84 KAO got) 8.00 g.. 32.00 32.62 0 S While completior:of Form WH-347 is optional,it is mandaiory for covered contractors and subcontractors performing work an Federally financed or assisted construction contricb;to respond to the Information collection contained in 29 C.F.R.§§3,3,5.5(a).The Copeland Act (40 U,S,C.§3145)contractors and subcontractors porlonning work an Federally financed or assisted construction contracts to"fetish weekly a statement with respect to the wages paid each employee during the preceding week."U.S.Department of Labor(DOL)regulations at 29 C.F.R.§5,5(a)(3)(ii)require contractors to submit weekly a copy of all payrolls to the Federal agency contracting for or financing the construction project,accompanied by a signed"Statement of Compliance'indicating that the payrolls are correct and complete and that each laborer or mechanic has been paid not less than the proper Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rate for the work performed,DOL and federal contracting agencies receiving this information review the information to determine that employees have received legally required wages and fringe benefits. Public Burden Statement We estitnale that is will take an aver-age of 55 minutes to complete this collection,including time for reviewing instructions,searching existing data sources.gathering and maintaining the data needed,and completing and reviewing the collection of information,if you have any cornments regarding these estimates or any other aspect of this collection,including suggestions for roduct"this burden,send them to the Administrator,Wage and Hour Division,U.S.Department of Labor,Roorn S3502,200 Constitution Avenue,N.W. Washington,D.C.20210 (overt Date 05/23/2023 (b)WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID IN CASH i Thomas Ahlgren Owner El — Each laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll has been paid, (Name of Signatory Party) (Title) as indicated on the payroll,an amount not less than the sum of the applicable do hereby state: basic hourly wage rate plus the amount of the required fringe benefits as listed i in the contract,except as noted in section 4(c)below. i (1)That I pay or supervise the payment of the persons employed by (c)EXCEPTIONS Skyline Custom Carpentry, Inc. on the (Contractor or Subcontractor) EXCEPTION(CRAFT) EXPLANATION 357 Whistler Ave dwelling ;that during the payroll period commencing on the (Building or Work) 15th day of May 2023 , and ending the 22nd day of May 2023 all persons employed on said project have been paid the full weekly wages earned, that no rebates have been or will be made either directly or indirectly to or on behalf of said Skyline Custom Carpentry, Inc. from the full (Contractor or Subcontractor) weekly wages earned by any person and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly from the full wages earned by any person,other than permissible deductions as defined in Regulations,Part 3(29 C.F.R.Subtitle A),issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act,as amended(48 Stat.948, 63 Stat.108,72 Stat.967;76 Stat.357;40 U.S.C.§3145),and described below: i i REMARKS: (2)That any payrolls otherwise under this contract required to be submitted for the above period are correct and complete;that the wage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are not less than the applicable wage rates contained in any wage determination incorporated into the contract;that the classifications set forth therein for each laborer or mechanic conform with the work he performed. (3)That any apprentices employed in the above period are duly registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program registered with a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,United States Department of Labor,or if no such recognized agency exists in a State,are registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,United States Department of Labor. (4)That: i (a)WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID TO APPROVED PLANS,FUNDS,OR PROGRAMS NAME AND TITLE SIGNATURE — in addition to the basic hourly wage rates paid to each laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll, payments of fringe benefits as listed in the contract THE WILLFUL FALSIFICATION OF ANY OF THE ABOVE STATEMENTS MAY SUBJECT THE CONTRACTOR OR have been or will be made to appropriate programs for the benefit of such employees, SUBCONTRACTORTO CIVIL OR CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.SEE SECTION 1001 OF TITLE 18 AND SECTION 3729 OF except as noted in section 4(c)below. TITLE 31 OF T!1E UNITED STATES CODE. , WN I U.S. Department of Labor PAYROLL Wage and Hour Division (For Contractor's Optional Use;See Instructions at www.dol.gov/whd/forms/wh347instr.htm) 4az - Persons are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid 0h48 control number. Rev. Dec.2008 i NAME OF CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR ADDRESS PO Box 342,Fisgers Island,NY 06390 OMB No.:1235-0008 Skyline Custom Carpentry,Inc. Expires:07131!2024 PAYROLL NO, FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT AND LOCATION PROJECT OR CONTRACT NO. 2 05/27/2023 357 WhtsterAve,Fishers Island,NY Resolution 2023-056 (1) (2) (3) (4)DAY AND DATE (5) (6) (7) (9) z z I DEDUCTIONS '! o N 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 NANiEAND INDIVIDUAL IDENTIFYING NUMBER is o NET GROSS WITH- WAGES (e.g.,LAST FOUR DIGITS OF SOCIAL.SECURITY Q?� WORK o Su M Tu W Th F Sa TOTALI RATE AMOUNT HOLDING TOTAL PAID NUMBER)OF WORKER z w CLASSIFICATION HOURS WORKED EACH DAY HOUR OF PAY EARNED FICA TAX OTHER DEDUCTIONS FORWEEK Thomas Ahlgren #2702 Project Mgr $32.62 5521.92 5521.92 i s s.a x.ao 16,00 32.63 Michael Ahlgren #5769 Carpenter 0 $32 G2 S521.92 $521.92 s 8.00 "d 16.00 32.62 Samantha Ahlgren #0290 Carpenter O $32.62 $521..92 S521.92 s Feta SAO 16.00 32.62 James Wardlaw #6302 Carpenter 0 $32.62 $521'92 t $521.92 S sAr F.do 16.00 32.62 Alex Sacco #1390 Carpenter 0 $32.62 5521.92 $521.92 S 8.00 Rod 16.UU 32.c2 i Melissa Ahlgren #6767 Carpenter 0 S32.62 $521.92 S521.92 s x.dd f rn 16.00 32.62 i 0 s C) i 5 s While completion of Form WH-347;3 optional,it Is mandatory for covered contractors and subcontractors performing work on Federally financed or assisted construction contracts to respond to the information collection contained In 29 C.F.R.§§3.3,5.5(a).The Copeland Act I (40 11.5,0.§3145)contractors and subcontractors performing work on Federally financed or assisted construction contracts to"furnish weekly a statement with respect to the wages paid each employee dung the preceding week.' U.S.Depadmant of Labor(DOL)regulations at 29 C.F.R.§5.5(a)(3)(ii)require contractors to submit weekly a copy of all payrolls to the Federal agency contracting for or financing the construction project,accompanied by a signed"Statement of Compliance'indicating that the payrolls are correct and complete and that each laborer or mechanic has been paid not less than the proper Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rate for the work performed.DOL and federal contracting agencies receiving this information review the information to determine that employees have received legally required wages and fringe benefits. Public Burden Statement We estimate that is will take an average of 55 minutes to complete this collection,including time for reviewing instructions,searching existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the data needed,and completing and reviewing the collection of information.if you have any comments regarding these estimates or any other aspect of this collection,including suggestions for reducing this burden,send them to the Administrator,Wage and Hour Division,U.S.Department of Labor,Room 53502,200 Constitution Avenue,N.W. Washington,D.C.20210 (over) r } Date 05/23/2023 (b)WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID IN CASH Thomas Ahigren Owner 1. ❑ — Each laborer or mechanic listed in the above referenced payroll has been paid, (Name of Signatory Party) (Title) as indicated on the payroll,an amount not less than the sum of the applicable do hereby state: basic hourly wage rate plus the amount of the required fringe benefits as listed i in the contract,except as noted in section 4(c)below. (1)That I pay or supervise the payment of the persons employed by (c)EXCEPTIONS Skyline Custom Carpentry, Inc. on the (Contractor or Subcontractor) EXCEPTION(CRAFT) EXPLANATION 357 Whistler Ave dwelling ;that during the payroll period commencing on the (Building or Work) 15th day of May 202322ndand ending the day of May 2023 all persons employed on said project have been paid the full weekly wages earned, that no rebates have been or will be made either directly or indirectly to or on behalf of said Skyline Custom Carpentry, Inc. from the full (Contractor or Subcontractor) _ weekly wages earned by any person and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly from the full wages earned by any person,other than permissible deductions as defined in Regulations,Part 3(29 C.F.R.Subtitle A),issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act,as amended(48 Stat.948, 63 Stat.108,72 Stat,967;76 Stat.357;40 U.S.C.§3145),and described below: i REMARKS: (2)That any payrolls otherwise under this contract required to be submitted for the above period are correct and complete;that the wage rates for laborers or mechanics contained therein are not less than the applicable wage rates contained in any wage determination incorporated into the contract;that the classifications set Forth therein for each laborer or mechanic conform with the work he performed. (3)That any apprentices employed in the above period are duly registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program registered with a State apprenticeship agency recognized by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,United States Department of Labor,or if no such recognized agency exists in a State,are registered with the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training,United States Department of Labor. i (4)That: (a)WHERE FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAID TO APPROVED PLANS,FUNDS,OR PROGRAMS NAME ANC"TITLE SIGNATURE i — in addition to the basic hourly wage rates paid to each laborer or mechanic listed in 1 the above referenced payroll, payments of fringe benefits as listed in the contract THE wiLLFUt. FALSIFICATION OF ANY OF THE ABOVE STATEMENTS MAY SUBJECT THE CONTRACTOR OR have been or will be made to appropriate programs for the benefit of such employees, SUBCONTRACTOR TO CIVIL OR CRIMINAL PROSECUTION.SEE SECTION 1001 OF TITLE 10 AND SECTION 3729 OF TITLE 31 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE. except as noted in section 4(c)below. !i I I L ------------------------------------- ----- --- --- '---- .__-- -------- ---- - --_._- ._ --- --------------- ----------------------------------------.------- -��- A FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT A I I VENDOR 021506 UPS 06/06/2023 CHECK 8963 I FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT I I ' SM .5710.4.000.700 026639183 W/E 5/5 35.64 SM .5710.4 .000.700 026639193 W/E 5/12 35.88 ' SM .5710.4.000.700 026639203 W/E 5/19L 36.92 I I , I I ® i TOTAL 108.44 ! _ , I I � ' I ` � I ' 0 I ' a I ' I I � I I I (^ 1 I I - I i I , I 1 i � i 1 L I I 1 I I I � I � I ' I I I o i I I I I 1 I I � I ' I I N I r I I I I I , T______________________ ___________________-____-__________________` _____________________________________________________'__f 1 I I I i 1 _______ ___________ _____________ _ ...._ _ .._____.__ ._.___._ ,.___. .. - .. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT ,: .'AUD N 117 �. SOUTHO DI',NY 1,9710-0959 9 IT, 06/06./2023 .:,., CHECK NO. 896.3 THE SUFFOLK CO. CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 NAL,BANK' DATE AMOUNT, I 50-5461.214 06./06/2023 :$1.0.8 ' 4'4 ONE 'HUNDRED EIGHT AND. 44/ibjo DOLLARS '•,..' I I PAY .UPS I I _ TO,THE:;'; PO BOX 8.094:88.: . ., ORDER CHICAGO IL 60680=.9488'- or �•: . I 0013963110 1:0 2 140546141: 6B 00 L50 2 111' ! I 4 , , Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York- Payment Voucher 21506 Vendor Address Entered by P.O. Box 809488 Vendor Name UPS Chicago IL 60680-9488 Audit.Date United Parcel Service J UN 0. 6 2023,; ..,., Vendor Telephone Number 800-811-1648 Town Clerk . Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Udger Fund and Account Number' - 26639183 5/6/2023 $35.64 $35.64 ME 5/5/23 SM5710.4.000.700 26639193 5/13/2023 $35.88 $35.88 ME 5/12/23 SM5710.4.000.700, 26639203 5/20/2023 $36.92 $36.92 ME 5/19/23 —S M5710.4.000.700. $108.44 $108.44 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded.01or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. Signature Title Signature 0'v Company Name Fishe Ferry District Date 5/24/2023 Title Manaeer Date 'Z ( L 5/24/2023 Delivery Service Invoice Invoice Date May 6, 2023 Shlpped from:'-- Invoice Number 0000026639183 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY Shipper Number 026639 5 WATERFRONT PARK Control ID 898Q NEW LONDON,CT 06320 Page 1 of 3 L. Sign"up for electronic billing today! 0729A00000266393 77366010003971 Visit ups.com/billing AB 01 009735 03777 H 34 A For questions about,your.-invoice,call: —+ (800)811.1648;; �I�Inl�ll�ll��l��ll�ll��ll�l'IIII��II���I�I���IIII��I�IIIIIIII�I .,Monday,-Friday " FISHERS ISLAND FERRY 8:00 a.m.-s:oo P.m.E.T. ACCTS PAYABLE orvisit:°" PO:BOX 607 www.ups. com/billing FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390.0607 Account Status Summary Thank you for using UPS. Weekly Payment Plan Summary of Charges _ Amount Due This Period $35.64 Page Charge Amount Outstanding(prior Invoices) $153.92 3 Adjustments&Other Charges $3.00 Total Amount Outstanding $189.56 3 Fees 4 Please Include the Return Portion of each outstanding Invoice with 3 Service Charges $30.00 your payment.$ee Account Status for details. Amount due this period $35.64 Have yoU seen the new bill payment platform? UPS payment terms require payment of this Invoi The UPS Billing Center,our new billing portal,can make,your 2023. bill payment experience easier.You can view and organize your UPS account information using your mobile top. Payments received late are subject to a late.payment fee of 8%of You can also pay your bill o Im tl�a your the Amount Due This Period.(see Tariff/Terms and Conditions of bill at www.Ups.com/gu U Service at ups.com for details) "I Zo�3 Note:This Invoice may contain a fuel surcharge as described at :s' ups.com.For more information,please visit ups.com. BSP Delivery Service Invoice Invoice Date May 6, 2023 ' Invoice Number 0000026639.183 Shipper Number 026639 Page 2 of 3 Account Status Weekly Payment Pian Payments Applied Invoice Number Invoice Date Amount Paid 0000026639123 03/25/2023 $33.00 0000026639133 04/01/2023 $35.98 Account Status Weekly Payment Plan Amount Outstanding(prior invoices): Please Include the Return Portion of each outstanding invoice with your payment. Invoice Number Invoice Date Balance Due 0000026639143 04/08%2023 $33.00 0000026639153 04/15/2023 $36.01 0000026639163 04/22/2023 $49.03 0000026639173 04/29/2023 $35.88 Total $153.92 Outstanding balances reflect any payments received as of . 05/05/2023..Please ignore this message If a recent payment has been made for any outstanding invoices. Delivery Service Invoice Invoice Date May 6, 2023 ' Invoice Number 0000026639183 Shipper Number 026639 r� Page 3 of 3 Adjustments & Other Charges Miscellaneous Billed Explanation Charge WEEKLY PRINTER SERVICE FEE 3.00 FOR 1 PRINTERS AT$3.00 EACH FOR 05-MAY-2023 Total Miscellaneous 3.00 Total Adjustments&Other Charges 3.00 Fees Week Ending Unpaid Billed Date Balance Rate Charge 04/08 Late Payment Fee 33.00 8.00% 2.64 Pursuant to the UPS Tariff, a late payment fee has been assessed. Total Fees 2.64 Service Charges Week Ending Billed Date Explanation Charge 05/06 Weekly Service Charge 30.00 Total Service Charges 30.00 ............................................................................................................................ 009736 2/2 " Delivery Service Invoice Invoice Date May 13, 2023 Shipped from: Invoice Number 0000026639193 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY Shipper Number 026639 5 WATERFRONT PARK Control ID 4800 ION NEW LONDON,CT 06320 Page 1 of 3 Sign up for electronic billing today! 0729A00000266393 77366020003936 Visit ups.com/billing AB 01 002090 80207 H 7 A For questions about your Involve,call: �II�,IIn��lll'I'I'I II,Iilli� -1648 ��lllnli�ll,Il,lnl�ll'llll'�I1°�I Monday Mondaayy--Friday FISHERS ISLAND FERRY s:oo a.m.-s:oo p.m.E.T. ACCTS PAYQLE or visit: PO BOX 607 `NY"0[� �07� www.ups.com/billing FISHERS ISL 0639 MAY 17 2023 icy Thank you for using UPS. Account Status Summ Weekly Payment Plan Summary of Charges Amount Due This Period $35.88 Page Charge Amount Outstanding(prior invoices) $189.56 3 Adjustments&Other Charges $3.00 Total Amount Outstanding $225.44 3 Fees $2.88 Please Include the Return Portion of each outstanding invoice with 3 Service Charges your payment.See Account Status for details. Amount due this period '$35.88 Have you seen the new bill paymentplatform? UPS payment terms require payment of this Invoice by June 4, the UPS Billing Center,our new billing portal,can make your 2023. bill payment experience easier. You can view and organize your UPS account information using your mobile device or desktop. Payments received late are subject to a late payment fee of 8%of You can also pay your bill on the go. Sign up today or pay your the Amount Due This Period.(see Tariff/Terms and Conditions of bill at www.ups.00m/guestpay/us. Service at ups.com for details) Note:This Invoice may contain a fuel surcharge as described at ..a ups.com.For more Information,please visit ups.com. Nati; Delivery Service Invoice Invoice Date May 13, 2023 Involce Number 00000266391,93 Shipper Number 026639 OTM Page 2 of 3 Account Status Weekly Payment Plan Amount Outstanding(prior Invoices): Please Include the Return Portion of each outstanding Invoice with your payment. Invoice Number Invoice Date Balance Due 0000026639143 04/08/2023 $33.00 0000026639153 04/15/2023 $36.01 0000026639163 04/22/2023 $49.03 0000026639173 04/29/2023 $35.88 0000026639183 05/06/2023 $35.64 Total $189.56 Outstanding balances reflect any payments received as of 05/12/2023.Please Ignore this message If a recent payment has been made for any outstanding invoices. M 1A a P _ w Delivery Service Invoice Invoice Date May 13, 2023 ON Invoice Number 0000026639193 Shipper Number 026639 Page 3 of 3 Adjustments & Other Charges Miscellaneous Billed Explanation Charge WEEKLY PRINTER SERVICE FEE 3.00 FOR 1 PRINTERS AT$3.00 EACH FOR 12-MAY-2023 Total Miscellaneous 3.00 Total Adjustments&Other Charges 3.00 Fees Week Ending Unpaid Billed Date Balance Rate Charge 04/15 Late Payment Fee 36.01 8.00% 2.88 Pursuant to the UPS Tariff, a late payment fee has been assessed. Total Fees 2.88 Service Charges Week Ending Billed Date Explanation Charge 05/13 Weekly Service Charge 30.00 _ Total Service Charges 30.00 irm: ---------------. . .... . ........................................................ ..... .. .. _............ .. ................... 002080 z/2 0 r4 Delivery Service In voice Invoice Date May 20, 2023 ug. Shipped from; Invoice Number 0000026639203 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY Shipper Number 0266396 WATERFRONT PARK Control ID 5163 NEW LONDON,CT 06320 Page 1 of 3 Sign up for electronic billing todayl .® 0729AO0000266393 77366030004026 Visit ups,com/bllling _ AB 01 001989 87326 H 7 A For questions about your Invoice,call: Innl i it I i) ni it iii illi nil Ilii illll (000)811.1646 Monday-Friday ® FISHERS ISLAND FERRY e:oo a.m.a 6:00 p.m.E.T. ACCTS PAYABLE or visit: MUM PO BOX 607 www.upe.com/bliling FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390.0607 Account Status Summary Thank you for using UPS. We _Payrnent Plan ,, Summar of Charges Amount Duo This Period $36.92 Page Charge Amount Outstanding(prior Invoices) $226.44 3 Adjustments&Other Charges $3.00 Total Amount Outstanding $262.36 3 Fees 3'92 Please Include the Return Portion of each outstanding Invoice with 3 Service Charges $30, your payment.See Acoount Status for details. Amount due this perlod 36.92 - Have vou seen the new bill pavirrient latform? UPS payment terms require payment of this invol ,lune 1 T175"UPTI511'Ift-Center,our new billing portal,can MaKe your 2023. bill payment experience easier,You can view and organize your UPS account Information using your mobile device or desktop. Payments received late are subject to a late payment fee of 6%of You can also pay your bill on the go. Sign up today or pay your the Amount Duo This Period.(see Tariff/Terms and Conditions of bill at www.upe.com/guestpay/us. Service at ups.com for details) J!;Note.This invoice me oonfain s luol auroharge as desorlbed at l�'J': upa.com.For more Information,please visit ups.cam, l �3 0 Delivery Service Invoice Invoice Date May 20, 2023 Invoice Number 0000026639203 Shipper Number 026639 YM Page 2 of 3 Account Status Weekly Payment Plan Amount Outstanding(prior Invoices): Please Include the Return Portion of each outstanding Invoice with your payment. Invoice Number Invoice Date Balance Due 0000026639143 04/08/2023 $33.00 0000026639163 04/15/2023 $36.01 0000026639163 04/22/2023 $49.03 0000026639173 04/29/2023 $35.88 0000026639183 05/06/2023 $35.64 0000026639193 05/13/2023 $35.88 Total $225.44 Outstanding balances reflect any payments received as of 05/19/2023.Please Ignore this message if a recent payment has been made for any outstanding Invoices. Delivery Service Invoice Invoice Date May 20, 2023 uq;, Invoice Number 0000026639203 Shipper Number 026639 Adjustments & Other Charges Page 3 of 3 Miscellaneous Billed Explanation Charge WEEKLY PRINTER SERVICE FEE 3.00 FOR 1 PRINTERS AT$3.00 EACH FOR 19-MAY-2023 Total Miscellaneous 3.00 Total Adjustments&Other Charges 3.00 Fees Week Ending Unpaid Billed Date Balance Rate Charge 04/22 Late Payment Fee 49.03 8.00% 3.92 Pursuant to the UPS Tariff, a late payment fee has been assessed. Total Fees 3.92 Service Charges Week Ending Billed Date Explanation Charge 05/20 Weekly Service Charge 30.00 Total Service Charges 30.00 Jli�l ------------------ --------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- v � 001889 2/2 • � 1 A ; FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT A ` VENDOR 023285 NATHAN WHITE 06/06/2023 CHECK 8964 I I FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.625 052423 REIM-36MI @ $.655/MI 23 .58 I I TOTAL 23.58 1 I I , I i I 1 I , � I i p I i r I I I I I I I . i - I I � � I , n 1 I I I I i I I I I I i ° I , I I I I I I I I I I I I � I n , * I 1 I .._..________ ----------------------------------------------- I : ' _______-__-� I I Ii 1 I ________ ------------..-------------------------- - '..FISHERS ISLAND FERRYDISTRICT AUDIT 06/06"/2023 i - 1.53095 MAIN ROAD,PO-BOX 1.179.'. 1 :.' SOUTHOLD,.NY 11971-0959 �......... ..r. - ' 1 HECK NO.. ..�. 89614 THE SUFFOLK CUTCHOGUE,NY CO. 11935 NAL BANK' DATE AMOUNT 50'-5461214 6,!0 6/.2 $2 p 023:. .:.. 3 58: ..- I _ TWENTY THREE D: AN .;58/1 0' DOLLARS i i PAY. NATHAN WHITE TQ.THE,... 10.71LONP COVE ;ROAD; ORDCR:, L'GtG ��i�C �T OF :.GALES FERRY.:CT 0 63 3 5 : I I I I iIt ul00B964ii' 1:0 2 1405464i: 68 00 150 2 1110 i Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 23285 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Entered by 1071 Long Cove Rd Audit Date Nathan White Gales Ferry, CT 06335 • JUK0 .6 . 2023 _::•. Vendor Telephone Number Town Clerk Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number REIMB 5/24/2023 23.58 23.58 Milage to Mid City Steel SM5710.400.625 23.58 23.58 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned(Claimant)(Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct,that no part has in good condition without substitution,the services properly been paid,except as therein stated,that the balance therein stated is actually performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing,and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. or discrepancies noted,and payment is approved. QSignature TitleSignature � 0" Company Nam land Ferry Date 5/25/2023 Title Manager Date 5/25/2023 Mileage Reimbursement For Naive: Date Miles Destination Purpose S/2�/fz' 3( Nc.d C;F• 5f�a/ !!��-�� /Ve l y'/G /r—c Oct �-• r c_ ���� up I - I i 1 } r r �1 Total miles X d5.� per anile � o si-7nature clate WWW.BusiiiessFormTemplate.coni