HomeMy WebLinkAboutLagoudis, Ioannis & Stephanie Glenn Goldsmith,President �o��'�fFU(k�OGy Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President 54375 Route 25 Eric Sepenoski y P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly �y • ��� Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples ��� Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time: Completed in field by: Stephanos Lagoudis on behalf of IOANNIS & STEPHANIE LAGOUDIS requests a Pre- Submission Inspection to discuss re-installing a fence along the property's street front. Located: 22395, 22455 & 22615 Soundview Avenue, Southold. SCTM#'s 1000-135-1- 23, 24.1 & 25.1 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: Present Were: G. Goldsmith N. Krupski _ E. Sepenoski L. Gillooly E. Peeples � G•S,Z3 �.R. L�yl,p� Safer vt5Lr DLD Nor Y —FI �i p r V UGC .06Kflp d— -ro C./,/— �t_ Southold Town Board of Trustees �F S�Ul Town Hall Annex John M.Bredemeyer III,President Michael J.Domino,Vice-President �� �4 54375 Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 Glenn Goldsmith Southold,New York 11971 A.Nicholas Krupski Telephone(631) 765-1892 Charles J.Sanders Fax(631) 765-6641 yCOt1M[`t,� BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Permit No.: 8819A Date of Receipt of Application: May'11, 2016 Applicant: lonnis & Stephanie Lagoudis SCTM#: 1000-135-1-24.1, 25.1 & 23 - Project.Location: 22455, 22615 &22395 Soundview Avenue, Southold Date of Resolution/issuance: June 22, 2.016 Date of Expiration: June 22, 2018 Reviewed by: Board of Trustees Project Description: Install a sprinkler system and seed disturbed areas along top of bluff using fescue seed on two of the three properties; and install a split-rail fence along all three southerly property lines. Findings: The project meets all the requirements for issuance of an Administrative Permit set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code. The issuance of an Administrative Permit allows for the operations as indicated on the site plan prepared by Stephanie Lagoudis, received on June-6, 2016, and stamped approved on June 22, 2016. Special Conditions: No inorganic fertilizers are'to be used, and no permanent3 in-ground automatic sprinkler system allowed on this site. Inspections: Final Inspection. If the proposed activities do not meet the requirements for issuance of an Administrative Permit set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, a Wetland Permit will be required. This is not a determination from any other agency. John M. Bredemeyer, III President Board of Trustees 2-2 1,4 5;/2 2 4!5/2 2,6 q r APPROVED BY.. - . - _ �,,, � 5 orw Ayr, � SOP. Id OF 1 RUSTUS " `f f 'T ZOWN.OF SOURM r.,' A 9'71 ��JSP ...-•--- .' rn_ - '. aress aoo r, ) -ur, t nce Zine - E W RO0 eke- da "- OppmW019cndtnj. Yid cen- �� o . vy AI f0HOW VINCENT M. ORLANDO w x Tel.(631) 765-3140 Superintendent o (631) 734-5211 Fax(631) 765-1750 Highway Department Town of Southold 275 Peconic Lane• P.O. Box 178 -Peconic, N.Y. 11958-0178 June 3,2016 Board of Trustees D � � � � VSouthold Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Rd. P.O. Box 1179 JUN — 7 2016 Southold,NY 11971 outhoId Tuern Dear Board of Trustees, I have reviewed the survey submitted by Stephanie Lagoudis for her request to construct a new fence on her property located on Soundview Avenue. I have visited 22615 Soundview Avenue and approve of the construction of a four foot fence(as per code) on the property line as per the attached drawing. S' cerely, inc nt M. Orlando Superintendent of Highways cc: Stephanie Lagoudis ls�`ND gDUND }} L0114G .. N r ss z �.0000st I � -- ! O o �r^• .nen pa w BENE ., <<' - 6 4T •meq l' o a cn S RVEY OFPROPERTYPROPERTY SrWAa S SOUMOLD,TOWNOFSOUMOLD SUFFOLKCOUNTt NEW YORK Suffolk Tar MGP No.:I000-s35-01-023r Oz,-001&025.001ScA= LANE) SURUEYm `mau°Cr amsra, e°s-u�xo .woocncm� mwxwc�io L +.mraommavcavna1 oxaA�voc�rAao ae�li�eaWmn-oa�icafrwam:asaravramstm,i[rtn�cfaWtuw.',ppIurAabornaxaAaO•t'Anwirsanrut3Gaau�a•noi..us��+nonuucwmlsIEe+wsw�ncos�ro•.taaiwaaavtm w 6ewrmlLLomalS.sE m DAIE SURVEVED:R1.1m mNAm {°tE � Atxas®Po6a. uo South 4th Street,Lindenhurst,NY s x acaa w umo�am Awxcwaxrs m ossmonom icc Um AlxA15 acx No GUARANhPb 70: ? STEPHANIEL4GOUDLSANO r MJScalice@mjsiandsumey.com aioex n2 oetmnaw m oaar+da.rs rAe for oHo�w sono. _' M 9c a x aysxr lai auD��sxup xomw rm�ra snwrnea m oa rr^nam u.�wQ IOANNIS L9GOUDISA/l0JOHNLQG00016 0.X', y� P:631-957-2400 F:631-226-2400 i M A saasia arnese Am A m xmiamC of Imr Wo To aK w GxLiW wG.NA ABSlRACr f • 1 n.c m•mai rnt wac race nuvac A�IOOIVa m amid um uof ooax TRLENOL GN466/45 a.r rc mxv uoiwcns pmt wr uu wm venae suRae 4 CSD?E9 SCALE:i°moo' SURVEYED YzAJOB NO.SatF-x336 6 TO Smn£T xA9�m000aL LM A SSR{IOO6]0 Gums IDa SLm@t NUMAPPEDBY:A.Q.G �9� 1-1680 m� e ososn /+ o6nne �' SOUND / k ISLAND ^ P + LONG � II 24.1 / SpO2 � ze Mj i UNITS 4;V �a w C, e 6q S 'F` e Bs O 10022A�� h � / i Iv / » ` x 9 Ha.4umwnecN qxJ 05 ZI w s> qJ N OR. , SOUK � O,e u F h w ffi1 _ l �j � •tl " � }rl E�•ti=� _�_ "" �I '^ — -- �'^ __'°'__ �� m ' NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © K o' SOOiNOLO SECTION NO G ______ Q �� `^�^ �^ Real Property Tax Service Agency v 1 N�.� -`•�: m w o..=u. . o.uv. .__ u •__ry unw Rinnve,xv+,e0+ M os, 135'�,,y yp4`~ A cr No 1000 x,H=1 P PROPERTY MAP