HomeMy WebLinkAbout25036-zFORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 25036 Z Date JULY 15, 1998 Permission is hereby granted to: END GOLF & COUNTRY ISLAND PO BOX 2066 GREENPORT~NY 11944 for : ERECTION OF A 6' STOCKADE FENCE AND GATE IN REQUIRED YARD AREAS AS APPLIED FOR. at premises located at 5243 County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 035 pursuant to application dated JUNE Building Inspector. MAIN RD EAST MARION Block 0002 Lot No. 012 16 1998 and approved by the Fee $ 35.00 ORIGINAL Rev. 2/19/98 IIIL ''~ ' ~ ~1111/ ~o~s oF I1[,~ ~ IIIIII .olu)?o DF, PaR'Il'lENT I~ ~ ,, / SOUTIIOLO, N.Y. 1197 I .,.,~.~ ~.~..., ,~2~ ~.,,,,.....~.~P.~ Di~l ~/~ ................................. APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PKRHIT INSTRUC'I'IO~S BOARD OF I1EALTII ......... ; ..... 3 SETS OF ~?LANS ............... SURVEY .?-~-- ....................... CI1ECK ,¥. SEPTIC FORH HAIl. TO: .................... a. 'fids application utter be conpletely filled in by t~ypcnvrtter or in ink ~ md~itted to tim l~dhling Tnsoector w 3 sets of plans, accuraLe plot plan to ~cale. ]Fee according to 8ched~de. b. Plot plan ~hcratng location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or l~,blic streets or areas, and giving e detailed de~:ripttan of layont of property .~mt Im drmm on tim dlagr~n ~hlch Is Imrt of this .pp1 icatlon. c. 'rise v~rk covered Iry this application ~ay not be ccmnenced before ie~usnce of lluildlng Permit. , d. tlFnm approval of this appllcatic~, the ]~uildlng Inspector wilt issue a Building Pemir to the applicant. pern~it ~hall be.kept on tl~ premises available for inspection thro~hont tim ~ork. e. Bo buildlng aim11 be occupied or used in Wale or in part for any purpose ~hatever until a Certificate of Occ~pasey ~mll have been granted by the Ikdlding Inspector. APR.ICA'ti(Il IS IIE~EBY ~I~ to tim I~dlding Departrmnt for tim issuance o~ a l~uilding Pemtt poranant to the I~Jilding Zone Ordinance og the To~n o[ Se~athold, guffolk County, k~ York, and other applicable l~e, ordi~mnces or Regulatlo~s, ~or tim construction of I~dldlnge, addittone or alterations, or for r~oval or demolition, as berein descril~l. 3he applicant ngreee to cemply with ail applicable la~e, ordicancee, Imtlding code, honaing code, and regulations,~m~d to admit ~mthortzed tn~ectora on pr~nlsee and in b~ilding for eeceaeary i~E~etions..~ (Slgnatura of appliomt~ or n~e, tf * corporation) · -~.,.~. :~>...~. ...... .z- ....... (Nniling address of applicant) S~ate *t~ether applicant is ore,er, lee~ee, agant~ architect, engtseer~'ge[eral contractor, elec:rtcian, pl~i~r or I~ihk ..<~..~,..~c... ~ ..C~....~..~...~.~. ~ ................................... ~l~,W~O. tm a0rEa ~=. :_..~. If eppiica]ia a corporation, signg~e of duly~Jti~)r~zed o~l~cer/~ '~1~0~ ~ ,4LM ~'0 4 {~M r-o~T'f~lE (~/~ title o1~ corn~rate~fHcer) "' ~l~lll~OIJtl~O~t~ \ / -.,,.,--,,-~ Bo ~9,:,, ~,4.,,~,. ,. ,,,^~. CO, S.SUCT,O, MUST ~/ l~lildera License ............ BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. q ~ Plunbers Licanse Eo ............ .... .. .. .. .. .. ~ ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS O~T, HE N.Y. Electricians License Bo ...................... STATE CONSTRUCTION & ENERGY O~her Trade', License No ..................... CODES. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ~SIGN OR CONSTRUCTION ERRORS I. loca~itm of land on ~hld~ proposed mr~ will be. (lone ............................... ~. ............. V ............... Ilonse l~i~r Street ~,ty~a~pBo. i~ ~t~on ...¢...5. ........ ~inc~ ..... ©..~ .... ,,~ Subdlvi*[on ............... J: ............. Filed BOp No ......... ~ ..... l.ot ............ 2, State existing use and occupancy of pr~ntsea and intended use and occmq'~nt~j of proposed eon8tn~ction: a. F~deting ~me and occupancy ............................................................ ... .... ........ · · b. Intended use and occupancy ....... .' ........................... ...... ..... ~kttta's (t~ ~ork (deck dilch alii Ilel~ai r ............ ~a~vat If &ara&e) t~Jd~r of cars 6. If lamheas, ~)erclal or 7. I0. II, 12. 13. 15. ls title prexN~rty within *ltl' ~akq) tltllllltll) "IR~ lcable)l IL~ Building ........... Nklltiea~ ., ) ?r, ~ , . ~ ~,. I)e~lltlon . Other I~ork ' ~'~. ~ : ........ ........... (Lo be [)aid ~xt l:jlin locate clearly and distinctly al itrolerl:y li~a. Of~ street atxt ~dmtlmr JaLerJor or corner loc, I)l.ettMom o~ ~lstlng atnmtur,~a. I1~ any: lTl'(mt ................ l~ar ............... I~p~h ................. I)lnenalam of ~m stnmmre wi h alterathm8 or a~ltlona~ gr~C ............... ~ar ............... Ibi~it ......................... a~dar oe Stories ..................... fil~ of lot= t~t ............ m..., '~ ~ar ~l)th / · ~e o[ Arddt.t .................................... ~lreaa .............................. H~ ~ ............... 1 Mll(ll~s, ~atber ~lattng or pro~, ~ ledleat~ ali ~t-I~ dtmnMona I)1~ azdmr or i~scrlprl~ aeco~lng to (~, a~ ~m street ~ma aal t~lieaUe .... i~.~..~O~:l,~ll~';lfJq~ ............. being duly ~m,, delx)~9 taxi ~ys that he ia the appl. l(un,t I~ ia the ................... ~.[ ....................................................................... (C~)tractor,~epr~)rat¢ offtcor, etc.) I oP said (~r or ~mra, a~KI is ([lly ~tberl~ to i~rfonn or ht~e i~rforn.l the ~t(I m*rk alKl to fl~ke atxl file t, hia alq)l ication; tirol: all state.nra c(mtal~ t ~ t tis al~),Icatlm~ ere tn~ to lite list of l~la k~l~ge md I~lief~ t. xl that th& ~rk will tm ~r~onml te thel.mnt~r ~t forth tn tle app.lcadon filed ~m~ to I~}r~¢~ this ~ I ~ ~ I ........