HomeMy WebLinkAbout25321-zFORM NO. 3 TOWN OF $OUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 25321 Z Date NOVEMBER 10 98 Permission is hereby granted to: PAUL M CHAZAN 165 WEST END AVE APT 2B NEW YORK,NY 10023 for : ERECTION OF A 6' HIGH STOCKADE FENCE AS APPLIED FOR AND TO THE CONDITIONS OT THE BOARD OF APPEALS DATED 10/27/98~ #4615. at premises located at 280 County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 091 pursuant to application dated JUNE Building Inspector. SUNRISE WAY $OUTHOLD Block 0001 Lot No. 013 16 98 and approved by the Fee $ 35.00 ~Buildin~/Inspect~- ORIGINAL Rev. 2/19/98 PAUL M. CHAZAN 165 WEST ENO AVENUE APT. 2B NEWYORK, NY 10023 Home: (212) 595-3254 Work: (212) 286-0264 June 16, 1998 Tovoa of Southold Building Department Town Hall PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Application for a fence permit Section 91, Block 1, Lot 13 - 280 Sunrise Way, Southold Dear Sirs and Madams, Enclosed please fred my application to build a fence along a portion of the southerly side of my land. The fence will be approximately 50 feet in length, and will be between 6 and 6½ feet high; it will be made out of wood, and will be similar to a stockade fence. The posts supporting the fence will be on my side, not my neighbor's (i.e., my neighbor will get the "nice" side). Also enclosed is a check for $35.00 for the application fee. Assuming permission is given, please telephone me at (212) 286-0264 when the permit is issued. enos. Very truly yours, ~UAgi) Ul-' HEALrll ," FO.[tMNO. 1 3 SE~S OF TOWN OF SOUI'IIOI_D SURVEY BUILDING DEPAI1TM ENI' CIIECK ......... t ......... TOWN ItALL SEI'TJC FORH SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11D71 l'E L.: 705-1802 ])isapploved a/c ................................ i .... CALL ................... HA ! L 'fO: (Building I sIector) ~' APPI-ICATION FOFI BUILDING PEI~MI1- Dale i ............ ¢.. INSTP, UCTIONS a. This applicalion illllSJ: be complelely filled ill by typewriter or ill ink and submilled Io lbe Buihling Inspeclor, wJlb sels of J)Jalls, accurale I)lol plan to scale. Fee according lo schedule. b. Plot plan showing Igcation of lot and of Imildings on premises, relalionsbip Io adjoining premises or public slieel: or areas, and giving a dehdled description of layout of properly most be {hawn on lhe dblgtam which is pad of this apl)Ii calion. c. The work covered by this ~tpplication may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon al)provaJol'lhisapplication, lbe Building Inspeclorwilligsued aBuildingl'ermit Io the applicant. Suchpermi~ shall be kept on Ibc premises available for inspeclion Ibroughout Ihe work. e. No building shall be occul)ied or ttsed in whole or Jo part for any purpose whatever until a Cedificale of Occupanc} shall bare been g~anled by Ihe Buildieg Inspector. API'LICATION IS IIEREBY MAI)E Io the Building Deparhnent for lbe Jssuallce of a Building Permit pmsuant Jo [hfilding Zone Ordinance or lbe Town of Soulhold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances o~ Regulalions, for Ibe construclion of buildings, addilions or alle~ations, or for removal ~ j' demolilion, as herein desc' The applicant agrees to comply wilb all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, boosing code, and ~egnlations, ami admit aulhorized inspectors od premises and in buihling for necess~clions. ~ '"' ~(Signature of aluOF~nt, or Ilame, il' a corpm'aticm) (~ailin~ a(Id~css of ~l)plicanl) Slalg whether applicmd Js owner, lessee, 'agenl, arcbJleci, enBineer, Beneral conH'~clor, elech'ici~n, I)lmnber or builder. (as on lbo lax mil or lalesl deed) APPJIOVED AS NOTED If applicanl is a corporation, signature of dt,ly aulho,iied officer. D ///,~/~BR~ J ~~~a~'~ (NalBe alld lille of corporale officer) N~ Bffi~NG ~ME~ AT Ih,ihle~'s License No. 7~-1~ g ~ ~ 4 ~ ~R THE ~ F~NDA~ - ~ 8EGUffiED PImnber's License No ......................... Eleclrician's License ~o ....................... Olher 'l'rnde's License No. ~ ~. FINAL - CO~$*RucTIoN MUST ..................... BE COMPL~E FOR C.O. ~ ~ ALL CONSTRUCT~N SHALL MEET I. Locnlion o[land on which proposed work will be done. ~0 3U~ ~ME~B~N y. COtlll(y Map No. I000 (Name) 2. Slale exisling use and occulmnCy of premises and hllended use and occupancy of proposed conslruclion' a. I:xisliug use and occupancy . ~ J~cpair .,, ' .... ........... (em°IVal .............. 'Demolition .... : ......... Oiher Work d. Estimaled Cost .... OO . ' . (to be paid on ~ling this applica'li~n) 5. Irdwelhng, mm~berordwellin~t'nlls ..... ~. . N~hberoftwe gtnitsone c Root . Ii'la,age numbero[c rs ..,. ~ ' ' ............... 6. If business, colnnlelclal or IIl[xed~ occupallcy, specify Ilaltlre and cxlent oLeach type of rise ............ 7. Dimensions of ex'sting stmcture~, if any: Ihon{ ............... Rear .............. l)eplh ............... lleight Nunq>el of Stories ' ' J)imellslolls ofshllle strttcht~e wi h alteraimns or Td~ ( o s F'o t Re ~ I)epth .... ' ............... , . lie g d ........... . ......... ..; Hmober of SloHes ........... i .......... 8. Dimensions of entire new conshYtclion: Front Rear . .............. Depth ............. I leight Numbel of Stories 9. Size of lot: Front . ............ ' ....... '.. Name of Former Owner . .~ ~%$ . . I I. Zone m use distrtcl in which pre : ....... nises are sihmted .............. ' ....................................... 12. Doesptoposedconstructionviohleany zoning law, ordinam:e or regulation: ..'~ ..... 13. Will lot be [egraded ....... '~ ~ ¢ ....... ; · . .~ .~?)11 excess ifil be removed from premises: ~/~ Yes No Hame of Architect ....... g .~i ........... ~ .... Ad(hess ................. P one No ............. Ha eof Co cto' ~ ~(~ A ess ~1~ ,), ~, ~9 ~[[ yes, Soukho]d l'pun trustees Perml~ may im required. ' .. PLOT DIAG RAM Locale clearly and distl,cdy all bm ~ rags, whether existing or proposed, and. indicate all set-back dimenskms from luoperly lines. Give street and block ~ umber or description according 1o deed, and show street names and indicale whether inl~Hor or corner lot. "..~ ~M ~4,'(~M~f*[l~lv~l}.l~lV~l~ni~g contracl) ...... being duly sworn, deposes and says Ihat he is the applicant " , '~':,"~;'t~' ':'', .... r-':'~ .................................................... , .............. . ,~ ;, , ,.. . , ,,,~ .-q (Cold, actor, age{~t Cm'lmrate officer, etc.) .... ~.w]m~ m .w.*-rs, and Is.duly~ atHI o.zed to imrform or have performed Ihe ~aid wink and to make and file this applica ion, ha all s a emen s conta :ct i, HHs'applicalion are Irue tO Ihe best of lus knowledge and belief; and that Hm k will be pe~lormed In the rammer'set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn Io befme me this J ' ' ...... ........ '..d yor. .... ..... '... .... 2¢ P,t, io, . ..... ............ - _ ~allfl~lnN~Y~ ....... .. . ' . (~ig~a/ure of applicant) ,~,. ~PE~A~LS~BOARD MEMBERS Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman James Dinizio, Jr. Lydia A. Tortora Lora S. Collins George Homing Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 ZBA Fax (516) 765-9064 Telephone (516) 765-1809 BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FINDINGS~ DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMINATION MEETING OF OCTOBER 27t 1998 AppL No. 4615 - Paul Chazan PARCEL 1000-91-1-13 STREET & LOCALITY: 280 Sunrise Way, Southold DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: October 15~ 1998 FINDINGS OF FACT PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The subject property is identified as Lot 177 on the Map of Cedar Beach and consists of approximately one-half acre in size, with 100 ftc. frontage along Sunrise Way and 106.99 ft. frontage along Sunset Way, Southold. The subject lot is improved with a single-family dwelling situated 47.5 ft. from the easterly front property line, as shown on the November 30, 1993 survey prepared by Roderick VanTuyl, P.C. Close to the southerly property line is the neighbor's fence which commences at a point approximately 40 ft. from Sunset Way and easterly to the front property line along Sunrise Way. BASIS OF APPEAL: Building Inspector's 3uly 30, 1998 Notice of Disapproval which reads as follows: "the proposed fence exceeds four (4) feet in height. Under Article XX[TI, Section 100-231, height of fences, walls and berms, fences shall not exceed four (4) feet in height when located in front...." AREA VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED BY APPLICANT: The request made by applicant is to locate a solid fence at a height of 6-1/2 feet commencing at a point 40 feet from the westerly front property line along Sunset Way, and extending east along the applicant's southerly property line a distance of 50 feet. REASONS FOR BOARD ACTION: 1. The granting of the area variance will not produce an undesirable change in character of neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties because the fence will be constructed in what appears to be the rear yard of the property. 2, The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some method, feasible for applicant to pursue, other than an area vadance because the applicant has two front yards according to Southold Town law. r~ge 2 - October 27, 1998 J Appl. No. ~t615:1000-91-1-13 (Chazan) Southold Town Board of Appeals 3. The requested area' applicant did not have ~ 4. The variance will no~ environmental condition 5. The difficulty has no In considering this appli fariance is not substantial and would be allowed if the road in the back yard. have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or . in the neighborhood or district. : been self-created. :ation, the Board deems this action to be the minimum necessary and adequate to preserVe and protect the character of the neighborhood, and the health, safety, welfare of the community. RESOLUTION/ACTIOiN: On motion by Member Dinizio, seconded by Chairman Goehringer, it was RI:SOL¥I:D, to GR~HT a variance for a six-ft, high fence to be located as applied, commencing at 40 ft. fllom the front property line along Sunset Wag, and extending east a distance of S0 feet. ~ ¥OTF OF ]'HI: BOARD: GOI:HRIHGI:R, DIHIZIO, COLklHS, HORNING. (Mem~r Tortora was absent due to bere Chazan/lO00-91-1-13 ~vement.) This Resolution was duly adopted 4-0. / GERARD P. GOEHR~NGER ~ / CHAIRMAN -- FORM NO. 3 TOI~ OF SOUTItOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT SOUTHOLD, N.Y. HO~IC~ OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: .................... Jnl. y 30: ?g ..... Paul M. Chazan, Attorney At Law .6. gast 4}~.~.ty~ ....... ~..~r~.,. AeC. ~p~....l~0JT. ............. .. June ~S ~9.~... PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated .................... for permit to.............erect a 6 I/2..hlgh........fen~........ ...................... ... .. .. .. . at Location of Property 280 Sunrise Way Southqld . House No. Street Hamlet County-TAxi, ap ~o. 1000 - Section .91 BLOCK I 13 ......... LOT Subdivision ....................... ... .... . Filed Map No .......... Lot No ........ is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds .~.~.~.~ ...... exceeds four(4) feet }~.height. Under Article XXIII, Section 100-231, height of fences, walls and berms, fences shall not exceed four(4) feet in height when located in the front Of a residential zone. BUILDING INSPECTOR Rv I/80