HomeMy WebLinkAbout24870-zFORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 24870 Z Date MAY 12, 1998 Permission is hereby granted to: DAVID ZUHOSKI PO BOX 465 CUTCHOGUE,NY 11935 for : ERECTION OF A 4 FOOT HIGH PICKET FENCE IN REQUIRED SIDE AND REAR YARDS AS APPLIED FOR. at premises located at 3870 County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 084 pursuant to application dated APRIL Building Inspector. BRIDGE LA CUTCHOGUE Block 0005 Lot No. 009 10 1998 and approved by the Fee $ 35.00 Building Inspector ORIGINAL Rev. 2/19/98 BOARD OF HEALTtl ............... 3 SETS OF...PLANS ............... SURVEY-~'{- - -. ·... .................... c. Ec~ '~ ~,s.g .................. SF. PTIC PORN ................... NOTIFY: c^~.~ 75y.~.5~?.~ ..... HAll, TO: .................... APPLICATION FOR BU. ILDINO PERHIT INSTRUCTIONS a. 'lh|s application mint be conpletely filled in I)y t3rpe~riter or in ink and md~ltted to the Buihllng Tnapector 3 sera of plans, accurate plot plan to ~cale. Fee according to ~chedule. b. Plot plan d~<:~in8 location al lot and of buildi~gs on pre:ni~es, relattonddp to adjoining premtsea or lmbllc streets or areaa, and giving a detailed deeA:riptlo~ of. layont o[ property must be drt~n on tile dtagran ~hlch is part this appl icat i(~l. ¢. 'lhe ~ork covered I~J thta application may ~t be cm~nenced before i~smance al IAdldlng Permit. d[ Upen approval of thla application, tire lh~ildlng lnapector uil[ ia~ue a lluilding Petmlt to tile applicant. .~ch permit ~hall be.kept on t~va premises avaiiable l~or tnapectlon three,out Cbc e. ~ building droll be nccupied or used in ~dvale or in part for any gJrpose ~mtever until a Oerti[tcate of Occupancy ~hall have been granted by the P~lilding Inspector. APPLICATI(~I IS t£1~BY NI~ to tl~e IAdlding Departraent for the issuance al a i~ailding Pemlt purmmat to the I~uilding Zone Ordinance al the To~n al Sunthold, Su[£olk County, Nee York, and otber applicable l~a, Ordinancea or Regulations, £or the construction al botldlnga, additie~a or alteraCto~m, or for r~oval or demolition, as herein deacribed. ~e applicant ngreea to ccmply ~ith all applicable la~a, ordtnaneee, building code, housing code, regulatlona, ~md to ad, it ~Jthort~ed tn~ctore on prenisea and in .b~ilding for necessary tnapecttona. ............... :..:. (Signature al o~tcant, or name, if o corporation) (Hailtl~g address al applicant) State ~ether applicant ia o~n~er, leeaee, agent, architect, engineer, geoeral eontrecto~:, electrician, plumber or .......................................................................................--z'_;~-a~ ~ ~~ ............ (aa on tbe ta~ mil or lateet aec-d) l~dldere License l~ .......................... ~. *. FINAL - ¢ON$?RUCTION MUST Plunbera I,icenae leo ..................... .. .. . BE ¢OMPLE~ FOR C.O. AU. CONSTRUCTION SH~LL MEET Electriciana Licenae No ..... ;'. ............... THE REQUIREMENTS O~ T~iE Other Trade% License No ..................... STATE CONSTBUCTIOH & ENERGY · ,~ ~..~ ._...~) __. ........... RESPONSIBLE FOR I, location oE lam m ~hldl propeeed ~x~rk wtll se dooe.~L"~.'I~f~-O~:~,ONSTRU~,TtON'K'RRORS .... Sro-z, .o. ~..a.~. p. c~.E .~, ~... ................................. .6.0..~..q ~..~..G.q £.... N. ~., ...... IIoase Nun~er St~e~.~t ~ ~ "~nlet c~.t~ xa~ ..p No. ~0 ~t~un ...~.~ ......... ~lo~ ....~. .......... ~ ................ ~Jbdlvlalon. ....................... . .. . . .. . .. ... Filed Nap [1o ....... ... ~ ..... Lot ............... State exlatJn§ use and nccupancy o~ premlsea and intended uae and ncctq.~ncy of proposed conatroctlon: lng ....... a. F~x/at ~me and occupancy .............................. I~lmir ............ ~al ......... ' .... I~lttlml .. ........... Odmr ~ ..~.~ .... ~.:~..~ ..... 4. ............ ............ ,. ............... .... If gnr~ge, ~Mdmr of cars ...................................... 7, Di,ensimm of ~lating strictures, 1~ any: ~(mC ................ ~sr ............... ~p~h ................. l~pth .................... Ibl~lt .................... K~dmr o~ Stories ............... ~i. I)JlJ~nai~ of eotJre ~ ~lat~tJm; I~mt ................ l~ar ............... ~pth .............. 9. Sl~ of IotJ l%lt .................... ~ar .................... ~pth .................... I0. I~*l'e off ~irdm~ ..................... ~m of Forn~r ~mr ........................................ II. ~m or u~ district In ~ddl prml~s a~ at~t~l .............................................................. 12. ~s propel ~mt~tl~ ~lolate any ~lng Ira, ordl~me or regulatl~J ..,~g .................. 13. ~ill lot I~ rear~..-.-.....,.........~ 0 ~111 ~ess fill Im r~ 14. ~us of ~mr of p~J~a ........................... Mklresa .............................. l~m ~ ........ ' ....... ~m~ of Arddt~t ......................... · --. .. · · ... ~lress ............................. · . -: .......................... ~klren$ ............................... Hm~ ~ ............... 15. [a this p~rty ~ithin ~ f~t. ofa ti~Ml t~tla~? * W~q PI,OT DIAORAH. I~ate clearly ~ dl~ti~tly all ~ildl~s, ~mtlmr ~ls~Jng or pro~, m~ tt~licate all ~t-I~ dt~nsions tdmtlmr Jeterlor or co~r lot, ,t ' .9?) nos aYa. M~Oa~$ :~qO'~'TI,t~M:~I1J~"~T .................... I~i,,B duly ~,rn, del.,~s taxi mays Lime he i, the appl. itmnt I~ i~ Lhe ................................................................................................... o~ said (~er or ~[s, ami la (ktty mthorlM to I~rgonn or h~e [~rfor.~] the ~J(J zrk algl to nmke taxi file t. hi. alq~l JcnLion; tirol rill atata~nea cimtai. M in this nlq)l.l(:ati(~ are tn~ to tile ImaC of his km~l~ge m~ I~l. lef~ mgl that Lh~ ~rk will Im ~rfon~l in the .~m~mr ~t forth in the application fli~ tter~ifll. ~)rn Lo Imfore nn Lids ...... ......... ............... { ~. ~i ~COl'~, J~/ (Silllml:t,re of Al~cant) - ' ~No~i~, Stat~oC~York Qualifi~ in S~gunN SUFFOLK SINGLE H.D. I:IEF. NO. DATE JUL '2 7 THE BEWAGE DISPOSAL. AND WAT~=.R SUPPLY FACILml ~;~ATION HAVE BEEN INSPECTED BY THIS DEPARTMENT ND TO BE SATISFACTORY. ONef o WaMewater nag~ment Section HEALTH DEPARTMENT -DATA FOR APPRO'~:/AL TO CONSTRUCT , ,EAR"ST ""'" .A,,,...~,:.~.".'.O.~."C'.? ~L"' ~,',%~ ;,"".lC__ AODRES$ IOTE: · -- MONUMENT ~ = STAKE SUBDIVISION MAP FILED INTHE OFFICE OFTHE CLERK OF SUFF CO, ON MAR. 15~I973 AS FILE SURVEY FOR DAVID ZUHOSKI I~ JACQUELINE ZUHOSKI LOT 17 "ISMAR ACRES" AT CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK NUHAUTHORIZEO ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO 'tHIS SURVEY ~S A VIOLATION OF SECTfON 7209 OF THE HEW YORK STATE EDaJCATION LAW ~¢OPIE$ OF THIS SURVEY NOT ~ARI~G THE LANO NOV. 21, 1986 APR. 17, 1986 DATE AUG. 6,1985 SCALE' I" = 50' NO. 85 - 867 GU AR A N T E_~,..T,~.~ CO. · ~,....,~.~ -, ~/~,'~llkl~'~ 400 0sTRANDER AVENUE 1'y~,~[..,J[~..~ ~1, '~,..JUl~l~..~ RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK ALDEN W. YOUNG, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR N,Y.S. UCENSE NO. 12845 HOWARD W. YOUNG~ LANO SURVEYOR , NY.S. LICENSE N0,4§895