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FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-27822 Date: 07/20/01 THIS CERTIFIES that the building ACCESSORY Location of Property: 5132 NORTH BAYVIEW RD SOUTHOLD (HOUSE NO.) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 79 Block 2 Lot 6 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot NO_ conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated MAY 19, 2000 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 26540-Z dated MAY 31, 2000 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ACCESSORY INGROUND SWIMMING POOL WITH FENCE TO CODE AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate :is issued to PAUL E & ADELAIDE M HALE (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL N/A ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO. 44740 07/18/00 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED N/A Z4d- �4tho3tized Signature Rev. 1/81 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 26540 Z Date MAY 31, 2000 Permission is hereby granted to: PAUL E & ADELAIDE M HALE PO BOX 339 SOUTHOLD,NY 11971 for CONSTRUCTION OF AN ACCESSORY INGROUND SWIMMING POOL WITH FENCE TO CODE IN THE REQUIRED REAR YARD AS APPLIED FOR. at premises located at: 5132 NORTH BAYVIEW RD SOUTHOLD County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 079 Block 0002 Lot No. 006 pursuant to application dated MAY 19, 2000 and approved by the Building Inspector. Fee $ 150 .00 Autho i ed Signature ORIGINAL Rev. 2/19/98 1 fiir ` ii `:; 'r' f Form No. 6 i JUN 12 , ' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL 765-1802 APPLICATION FOR.CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY A. This application must be filled in by typewriter OR ink and submitted to the building inspector with the following: for new building or new use: 1. Final survey of property with accurate location of all buildings, property lines, streets, and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. Final Approval from Health Dept. of water supply and sewerage-disposal(S-9 form) . 3. Approval of electrical installation from Board of ire Underwriters. 4. Sworn statement from plumber certifying that the solder used in system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. 5. Commercial building, industrial building, multiple residences and similar buildings and installations, a certificate of Code Compliance from architect or engineer responsible for the building. 6. Submit Planning Board Approval of completed site plan requirements. 1%1,1� For existing buildings (prior to April 9, 1957) non-conforming uses, or buildings and / '.'pre-existing" land uses: 1. Accurate survey of property showing all property lines, streets, building and unusual natural or topographic features. 2. � A properly completed application and a consent to inspect signed by the applicant. If a Certificate of Occgpancy is denied, the Building Inspector shall state the reasons therefor in writing to the applicant. C. Fees 1. Certificate of Occupancy - New dwelling $25.00, Additions to dwelling $25.0 Alterations to dwelling $25.00, Swimming pool $25.00, Accessory buildin 25.00, Additions to accessory building $25.00. Businesses $50.00. _ 2. Certificate of Occupancy on Pre-existing Building - $100.00 3. Copy of Certificate of Occupancy - I .25111 4. Updated Certificate of Occupancy - $50.00 5. Temporary Certificate of Occupancy - Residential $15.00, Commercial $15.00 Date New Construction. . _rr Old Or Pre-_existin Building. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . n '. Location of Property. �.1."'.0.. . . . . .� CJT 15.1. .13 ()(�w '�1 L1. .{:�Q. . . . . . . . . .%JAO'ct. . . . . . . . House No. Street Hamlet Onwer or Owners of Property. . .Pctul. .�', . . Pr tC Qr. 411ev. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County Tax Map No 1000, Section. . . . !79. . . . . .Biok. . . . ,a . . . . . . . . .Lot. . .b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subdivision. . .. . . .e . . .ii.''. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Filed rr��Map. . . . . . . . .�"Zcla_ LtPermit No. FT .RIO_5 A Hate Of Permit. .5:31.0V. .Applicant. ((''`.. . rr- Health Dept. Approval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .Underwriters Approval. . C01).1 Atr0cb.4'c1. . . Planning Board Approval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . cJ1 Request for: Temporary Certificate. . . . . . . . . . . Final Certicate. .�. Fee Submitted: S� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPLICANT s , , jjtt iitl;if.. i+,h: rnl y ,•}f..} rr. .,;iu �. :j+ dnf.i... j;{..�4'y�'•;. .;h, ??. .�ti�y,,. .;;:c^t;l;J,t•ii,�„�• - rl,,('. .yt.,(,'' �.:l.iN.i 2.t(t� frn^i ty Sr� j. k2 R�T^�7v\I/I 2tv 1'7 /"gt v�Y oY I f�! .vl sy,.Rn j .')•v fk.r{t+��,l if3 . e.i�rl;:' A7, �r21PMett.. ' s f' P:l*y tx•'=s r' }}s .i: r ..f .i,. ! j,l :�i jr t^ ` r Electrical Inspection certificate ~ Electrical Inspection Service, Inc. 375 Dunton Avenue ~� East Patchogue, New York 11772 ` (631)286-6642 Date: 7/18/2000 Application No. : 44740 s` Issued to: Paul Hale Street: 5132 North Bayview Village: Southold Zip: 11971 Town:Southold Section: 79 Block: 2 Lot: 6 Introduced by: Hank's Electric Inc. Lic.# 2675-E « . was exmnined and found to be in compliance with the A/afianal Electrical Codi ti4u ❑Attic ❑9st Floor ❑ O/S Residential © Pool ❑ Def. Garage ❑Basement ❑2nd Floor ❑ O/S Commercial ❑ Hot Tub W NV Defects Switches Receptacles Fixtures GFI Heaters A/C Fans 2 1 1 Dishwasher Washer/Amp Dryer/Amp Oven Range/Amp Garbage Disposal Furnace OU Gas Circulator Smoke Detector Bell Transformer Meter Amps Phase Motors Telephone Television Carbon Monoxide 1 Other Equipment: =3 Bui/tIn P00% 1-11/2 H/PMotor, 120Amp Timer,Outride Only ;. Hugo Surdi ' r President tz J x Building Permit No. This certiflcate must not be altered in any manner Inspectors may be identifed by their credentials ,y ���llFJ r,.a SE r i t fffJ f !?xg fl 't.l•1$'Y x t f t< it Sf � r t f '. y ; t 1) v _.j �, f `i $f..•, 3 .> f �•v� Sf V-L Ei+ �b`k( .\n �{h M1 of p/�, i � n t 2� 4PYt'i � Qx vL'f� �lf }f4 ,r•mM1 47 4!i 12" i " ;"!1>T'l i~t 'fix 'ht' jF\ � w y'•S �iC"s f!� i x¢4 y�� 71 •, r1y n^,. ✓�7�ti 'N�'Si Y".,;, �(4 1 Gt. �t�4a t t.v7i:M1 t 1 :�} i "1S4 � }t b .i 1,�4•s V".'M1Y S .5 il• Y ' � .i 1 � r� ,. . j ' a• .,1 1' � M - 1 It' «•IY' l: �i�: ' f: }i •i�!r. M:1 M' is ' tCJi' M : • •'• •.�. N: r: • ' •: 1 • t:cl• ►•;:w /• • '.•i p' •I' 1:7: '. t• •V' i• •• •.: o.- «:r: •:: a,dp • a.'�er sa' •^ •; ;r, •r:�•: a • . . «a' •.c :l, 1' • l •'.• : t,:{.y. •• t+ •: ' .«a• •.• • to ! e • 1 •,•'. ♦•`11 Y; :IK •� ' ap' '. • 1{I: •• to:f' J�. 1:�" I/:F «:ii I :f it Nal �! C; fv ���NNN ta; a• •' ¢': • ' •.' 1:1" . . i PpY?: 1 7:1•: t'•. I;i /1: •I aal t 1:1: 1 •.• 1:1 I' •. ' 1 'C ! %:C :�: ! :7' •C't' t: :•; 1 la' '1:11' ,r • 1' •'/ " �'Ip/ :A' «V!,J' to VR •: I:I •:Y., 1► ► � 1. if Y'p :IP' q'�r 1 •'• +: •• a• a► o :.1, 1• ;�'c: n / � 1 lu r.: aa• i t► , Ix• LIMa;Jnala► ' . ;1� J► � . .i/):c •:' I�N:r,Ja�l 1• rr: :•:a •1 ► a' : L.la a Lr. '�:n• • • ua �� sr . ..•+ac n..t• • a• » a� •.; aa• t t • taa' t: �� . K :h. • " I:al •.' t.'1' •3�: t: •:1' MJ • ' t:l' ♦•.�<•r• •: . ♦ «. •'r ta: • :!a to •:r ► • ' •� ;,.•� 1� or:../�.. •"�:• a t 765-1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. j ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING [ FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY REMARKS: DATE / 7 lel INSPECTOR----- y -1802 BUILDIN INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE&CHIMNEY REMARKS: z/ 4imws ;DATE_ © � INSPECTO feloma. 4yc.e SKIMMERS ;f✓�::a.t. i - V_•y..�.�• - RETURN n � —DIVING BOARD/f r I 313-3/8' BARB TO FILTER t r ;I (ISLOPE o O FROM SKIMMERS F FORM TIES FILTER..!PUMP N FROM FILTER A r TO RETURNS \. a 3TO31AM -- ROLLED S1ETWEENF31NER: o/ - PIPING ARRANGEMENT VINYL LINER Q 4 CONCRETE 3500@ B' e•.I[CCI SIDE OR END STEPS OPTIONAL PLAN d POURED CONCRETE 12I VINYL LINER f•��:'e- • u � 1 DIVING BOARD (SEE DETAIL SHEET) 4'A' ..•,R wr,,A FIBERGLASS •-'4"i1'"•��� µ e MOULDED I PIECE 2: 4 SAND 10" T_P SECTION 6EE TYPICAL WALL;I=ANDSOTTI)l DETAIL � FORM TIE"� 24 MAX 3/a BA R5 _i= OPTIONAL STEP SECTION B— B TYPE I. CCW SSyy OeT IM GRADE 3 STEPS o. e:o' G PLAN C;wc'' 'e PURA. n w F- -- TYPICAL -WALL -l- I 12' 14"0 ----� 12 1 SECTION A— A OPTIONAL STEP N 4�4E Of Eq} III ILGE TYPE 2. SIZE A B C D E I F G M CAP d,0 h - t FEET FT. rt rt. rt TT. rt tt s.n. .AL. CDNTRA7KING NOTES I I I c WALKS TO BE SMOOTH. NON SKID TYPE, SLOPED 14•go 1!{• Q. '7 •T I12 4 I Ate• A2A' iS,Ico! C'. ., ? AWAY FROM POOL RANDY ER, INC. WATER DISPCSAL SHALL BE LIMITED TO OWNERS I SWIOLS 32 16 32 8 B 112 4 4 1512 1"50D q OSfiIPROPERTY TO SUIT LOCAL REGULATIONS 0ROUTE 20'x 40 20 140 112 Ih 10 1 12 1 9 ' 6 1 2� .800 1 ' ROCKY POINT, NY 11778 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT DATE _ COMMENTS j =as=ssaaaxxxxo3=xsxx=xcx=rt.xxxxxa=xl'oxxx=�oxx==x=====-====oxooe=o=xo=x=xxxe=x==c==x.xsxxxx= ({� "4z- FOUNDATION OST) it p II 1 FOUNDATIONno --_-_-(2ND)(2ND) ------- -=x=--=- ---_ - - --- — -------- ------------------------------------------------ -- I ii n � ROUGH FRAME & W �_---_ PLUMBING n II ii u I N INSULATION PER N. Y. STATE ENERGY u H CODE u u ' II fl00, 09 of II NI 07 olt�! co II -� FINAL I� �n _=====xa=====__- it A ------ ---------- --- ------------ ------------- w ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: „b r-i 1 A H G O �- x Z LA ro H BOARD OF HEALTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FORM NO. 1 3 SETS OF PLANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SURVEY . . . .:. . . . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHECK . f. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOWN HALL SEPTIC FORM . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL: 765-1802 NOTIFY: CALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Examined................. 19..;. MAIL TO: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �} Approved...tF. 3.(......,n 9�raR remit No. .... .................................. Disapproveda/c .................................. .................................. ........................................ ... ......... (null dirg Inspec ) 9 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. . . . INSTRUCTIONS a. ibis application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspector .- 3 sets pf plans, accurate plot plan t.9 scale. Fee according to schedule. b. ' Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship'to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a,detailed description of layout of property moat be drawn on 'flue diagram which is part of this application. c. ` Tbo'work covered mby this',ajiplicationroay nbt be canneinced before issuanlce of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEESBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinance , building code, housing code, and regulations, and to admit authorized inspectors on premises and in buildi or necessary pections. ... ...................... ignature f icant, or name, if a corporation) (Mauling addr6s of appli t) / t 71' State whether applicaR ud,'1>miner, lessee ager 'uar`chitec'e eF ix�ur'�R iu'1"contractor elecFt�ryi+cciaandi builde 4�1r1:�.{. '�• 1{$ #m'U��gnt>t�'�Y,i e',�Cc'.:' ' {yy+�l�w�pi�/^�l'yS.yi�«�.Fyq...q� .............................. ............ •i� .i'x+�:tl'ids`Tf`�� �ir+l:r.:'{}d............�if#eFf'✓"48�.1i s ...... {7JA.1 Mlt"11TrACHU04 Name of owner ofanises ....... Q�..F 1/ L/( 31 �Z�RiJCi'd�Ci3.......... �1 D VII&. pr ........„t34fF'�'iC''�RtPla�. ....... (as on the taiFte€SfMAlQ A&1ed)HOW 4 S If applicant is a corporation, signature of M10►VA11*141 Al dylq,aa jpr itW,!P31. JAP14 b ?•O R 3 3131?fi!()D 3a .......................................... :.'., t3fnwl•tAI;:TJ:7fiTa1f03 J} A (None and title of corporate officer) Y,V 3iiY 40 '^7149N1: >WUf13A 34T Y%lrmHN ,!! *9!:!TSlaqT8NO3 3TAU I J L F' a .1ttsPSffn :iR 7D A .23003 ; Builders License No. `q� y!c8AZ30 Plumbers License No. .... / .............. Electricians License No. ..4�-S?.7w7 ...... Other Trade's License No. .................... 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done.............................................................. ........ fl .......... .........................66 eh ......................... Ba1se Number Street //Hamlet ,l.l. County Tax Map No. 1000 Section .... GG ........ Block .....Z........ Lot ..6 ............ Subdivision ...................................... Filed Map No. ............... Lot(Name) - , 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and octujamKy of proposed construction: a. 5dating use and occupancy .......................................... _ .............................. b. Intended use and occupancy . .V... �Z F/..... D�!u 4 t�YAe! t0Q/. .... � . Nature of work (check ,Thio applicable): New Building .......... Addition ........;yy Alteration .... .... P. . Repair ............ Removal ............. Demolition ............ Other Work .... 4�...................... 00 (Description) Estimated Cost -77. rV..•.......... fee ........................... ................. (to be paid on filing this application) If dwelling, nurber of dwelling units ............ Number of dwelling [nits on each floor ... ... ... ....... Ifgarage, number of cars ...................................... If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent o each !o use ..................... Dimensions of existingstructures if ' /( ltM� `� �O� any: Front.....��X.yVRear ............... Depth ........ ......... Height ........ ................. Number of Stories ...................... Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ............... Rear ............... Depth .................... Height: .................... Nwmiuer of Stories ............... Dinnensions of entire new construction: Front ................ Rear ............... Depth .............. Height .... ..................... limber of Stories ..................... Sireof lot: Front .................... Rear .................... Depth .................... I. Date of Purcihase ..................... Name of Former Owner ....................................... . I. Zone or use district in which premises are situated .............................................................. ?. Foes proposed construction violate arry zoning law, ordinance or regulation: ........................ i. Will lot be regraded .................... Will excess fill be removed ?from prciniseJs: YES NO r h. Hanes of Owner of premises .LfM3t?J.1. /�1G't............ Address5!/6/�L'.. ... ftwne NA-.7t'�✓.'� - Name of Architect .(V.FiQQ..�dS%.r.l1G40.6...D..........G.... Address 1/�1/oNSI.e4�!...(gl� ffffione No. w- 7P�e-S- Nae of ContractorKfiV��!/.� YWF.Y.U�" lnl�lAF mess :<7.l!P.�.1'l.✓�.&A4Y..ed&t.Hwne No. 63/^.:!1.:4!' i. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * YES .......... NO .......... *IF YES, S01MUD M%N TROS M FMIIT HAY BE REQUIRED. PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions ram property lines. Give street and block cumber or description according to deed, and show street names and irdicate tether interior or corner lot. SU�J�y 121me-j&5 L5-f APPROVED AS NOTED Gey DATE ' 1; t on FEE:.S-0 a� {UERKIRttERSfERTIFICATE NOTIFY BUILDING D NT AT ty1REQUIRED ��lff�i'rWlN G4i 786-1802 S AM TO 4 PAA FOR THE llFON l fi�11dN FOL[D4 NDA ION - T TWO 1 FOUNDATION - TWO #EQUIRED .y FOR POUNDONCRIM QI�AiUPANCY OR 2. ROUGH • FRAmNa t PLUMBING 43. SULAIM. FIUL N NSTRUCMON MUST �o UL IS UNLAWF BE COMPLETE FOR C.O. �a TI ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET T i Ho UPANCY f ICA mis orI w Y(YwtK, THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE N.Y. V =I-, (x ..sw.4QI.�.S.......... &S ODES�TM ESPOONSIBLEERGY FOR � N r � OR ONSTRUCTION ERRORS ..I........"t""'•� ..•° .`...S:�. rF:5;r 'zC ....being duly sworn, deposes ard,sdys that he is the applicant me laof individual sign in contract') hove nand, is the ....... ... ...................q. e ................................................ ............ (Contractor, urgent, corporate officer, etc.) r: said owner oT owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the,'sail wgtiti and to make and file this pplicationt; that all statements contained in this application are the to the best of his knowledge and belief; and [hat the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. worn to before mthis .......... day of ...rk .. 19. . Notary Public ......... . �.:.. .. .. J.: . EENL �,,1,1 tt 1[01 ture o Appli ). My' D N SSI mf'Co.Vno3 +innss'na u m r, REG'No'CIHW226j33D b35VH 1 N3380N O .. tr ✓ .� z. - r .Y wal- of y.: N 6' "• � � � � r�4�'0 11tVK�.�110,10, T�i�:-� w na,W Vw t�'r"n �Hfetd i �+i J._ c ; s c 'r. ate• ti pHC =- -M °�,.�o.ro -n"R �•� :_y k �G:'^r='k" Yom'.' ' ' : "yy Z' 4 1029AVAO err. gyXt.111 C3 t - "th(.FaS� ...t. . - . . a'°Kn�°'"uo",Mxo.�ua. +. TD 10 op • rIWAIM WA a+�.r wo /2. y 1 t�«�Nt=tzrY N � x - - N DO JGkOOTY 5.613'3T50"E. - 375.0 Ir [�ca�t.-bldo. � �}�'Aatrlt � ( _•'�. � J D I 'y�s`*"rS�! - c� r trAc•,w1` S•C7 'S4i.s.':;r- 1`�.6�'J7L�0 W ''T.5d '•i'.' 13 .�4�f C�� �.:. - 2'i': �-•. .:•a.. �. . .- - ti. c 'SA.a V'� '�»�'+�+.� �. �;�--- � . '-'- - : eigltf � Way' - � 77. O - ; - is r.. F.^'^. �'ei-Y't �` Nw�'Jl./a• �'. ti„ 1�. s�xyz tra Nee fix: - 4 y° Jog DJtX3HE2TY k w. m N b Y is- £k r: r 2&O Mica+ wwiiiwivb�5 A Mti F- enc - - _. 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' `i �, �_ '•' °_ _ �- -tra`te/ed earth ♦ ,gra�s.[ i-'. r - deg } e DO(ICa44Ee Y e tri � `n.jS[ �i t•L 5`22 is 4_, _ 11 '4Rly > .✓@Gtl: Wim. 2&0 ..` '1 e ' -. l"" Ss- i• F tf'�' i xY lF"y -K rY 1MI1YObCtF Al1BAl10N OA A001f,«• . . eE- _ ✓: F_ .. 7' a." w m vmm%A wa r a `�.I .. - - �n'l's�Y'�`�v^ �i'a•-r;' � �'. � - 'f. '� •3[E gala+ner a m law nnc aAn �+- �:_ A'� Til!TA•o Ranrorr aauo uA•a C�ctarvtriged 49 TMIOSfW YAT sxAu NUT w c«ao4a -rhe_T(4-fe 45L= xrtee a."T"m Iii.rrx�sa+�w.�wxoa Iiia w�'.rn. Q3 21' _ n INAIM Anna las 10"m IIa pIGIC [-1ZJYL i O C7CJUGHE:F'T'Y - - - l� w �w �orata,eHr�u Aci�e•Ier�Aeo to M Assimees Of>* aan /2; v .•--•• - TO AW TIORM !.AC NUT nANaYAMI J ro a GOAA aaT^ RI W " �tO Licen>;ed LCltic[ L. •rwKw C�xxe-rlhc>•—i• -- Nnw Y1 k: