HomeMy WebLinkAbout26474-z FORM NO. 4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Office of the Building Inspector Town Hall Southold, N.Y. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No: Z-27640 Date: 04/27/01 THIS CERTIFIES that the building NEW DWELLING Location of Property: 400 OLD FIELD CT MATTITUCK (HOUSE NO. ) (STREET) (HAMLET) County Tax Map No_ 473889 Section 120 Block 3 Lot 8 .24 Subdivision Filed Map No. Lot No. conforms substantially to the Application for Building Permit heretofore filed in this office dated APRIL 7, 2000 pursuant to which Building Permit No. 26474-Z dated APRIL 26, 2000 was issued, and conforms to all of the requirements of the applicable provisions of the law. The occupancy for which this certificate is issued is ONE FAMILY DWELLING WITH ATTACHED TWO CAR GARAGE & COVERED FRONT PORCH AS APPLIED FOR. The certificate is issued to GREENBRIAR HOMES (OWNER) of the aforesaid building. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH APPROVAL RSO-00-0062 04/03/01 ELECTRICAL CERTIFICATE NO_ 1873 03/19/01 PLUMBERS CERTIFICATION DATED 04/12/0 WARREN KEANE llxbo'�4 ed Signature Rev. 1/81 FORM NO. 3 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Town Hall Southold, N.Y. BUILDING PERMIT (THIS PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON THE PREMISES UNTIL FULL COMPLETION OF THE WORK AUTHORIZED) PERMIT NO. 26474 Z Date APRIL 26 , 2000 Permission is hereby granted to: GREENBRIAR HOMES COLD SPRING HARBOR,NY 11724 for CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH ATTACHED TWO CAR GARAGE AND COVERED FRONT PORCH AS APPLIED FOR. at premises located at 400 OLD FIELD CT MATTITUCK County Tax Map No. 473889 Section 120 Block 0003 Lot No. 008.024 pursuant to application dated APRIL 7 , 2000 and approved by the Building Inspector. Fee $ 683 . 00 Author ed SignAfture ORIGINAL Rev. 2/19/98 Nassau Suffolk Electrical Inspections, Inc. 5A Canal Street• Center Moriches,New York 11934 • Tel:631-878-3500 • Fax: 631-878-3764 Application No: 1873 Date: 3/19/01 Issued to: Greenbriar Homes Address: 400 Old Field Ct (Lot 22) Village: Mattituck Zip: 11952 Township: Southold Introduced By: Zar Electric Inc. License# : 4808-E was examined and found to be in compliance with the National Electrical Code , UCIA 1st Roo-0 Residertial❑x Pod Det. Garage B serrtertEl 2nd floor El Commercial Hoi W[Wects Switches Receptacles Fixtures G.F.I. Heaters Air Conditioners 44 48 42 5 FansDishwasher WasherlAmps Dryer/Amps Oven Carbon Range/Amps Monoxide 1 20A 30A 40A 1 �t Furnace Oil Gas Circulators Smoke BellDetectors Transformers 7 yes 2 6 1 Other Meter Amps Phase Motors Equipment 1-Hood 1 [OOA UG 1 -Exhaust Bath 1-Attic Fan 1-Whirlpool-20A -Air Handlers -30A Compressors Out,Res This certificate must not be altered in any manner Town Hall,53095 Main Road CA Fax(616)765-1823 P. 0. Box 1179 Telephone(516)765-1802 Southod, New York 11971 41 OFFICE OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD C E R T I F I C A T 1 0 N DATE: Building Permit No. Owner: '44 Z-Z (please print) Plumber. 1A j J r 29f a (please print) I certify that the solder used in the water supply system contains less than 2/10 of 1% lead. —Lo�I (Plumbers Signature) Sworn to before me this day of Notary Public, County SALLY BLADDS N*qPiW Wool Nm York NM479M Oj~nSulf*Co� CWM*dm 69k"JM 90.2D APR 7 E 1, t. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) 14- 1VJc0:;'I.A being duly sworn, deposes and says: That deponent is over the age of 18 years and resides at PO)Aji' 6rz-& ,ty jkL 1'-ecK� jg2jvY v� That on the IgTday of tAFLe=i—t- 2000 deponent architect/engineer, licensed by the State of New York, hereby states that s/he accepts full responsibility for the accompanying plans compliance with the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code (9 NYCRR); said plans pertain to property located at SCTh4# 1000- l��10--3 street address / Architect/Engineer Sworn to befo a me this 161'd-ay of 121 L 2000. J ELIZABETH&WE7SS No Naary Public,State of Nary York No.52-4768237 of Public Oualiffed In Suffolk Cou �►nmiWon Exptraa April 3a, cc-. Applicant APR a `� STATE OF NEW YORK } ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) e.Rlc. !V/zotPIA being duly sworn, deposes and says: That deponent is over the age of 18 years and resides at `t portiY Aa.&&z,b A2- T— That on the 14rday of &v=l L 2000 deponent architect/engineer, licensed by the State of New York, hereby states that s/he accepts full responsibility for the accompanying plans compliance with the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code (9 NYCRR.);; said plans pertain to property located at SCTfl9# 1000- %��--3 — cP• � (S�sb�� c.a, zz-- street address ©��.�i6�D Cpde;• �,9TTiTdGK Architect/Engineer Sworn to belA me this �rday of I`1 l�i�t 1- 2000. Sta EUYABworse �+Y Public,State of NeW York tfW In OM CCou of Public WNW cc: Applicant Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Z 2 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 04/07/00 Receipt#: 6573 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Septic Permit- Construct- Resid. $10.00 Check#: 6573 Total Paid: $10.00 r � Name: Homes, Greenbriar Clerk ID: LES Internal 1D:8044 765-1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECT1®N [ ] F NDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. - [ FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION L l FSAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREP E CHIMNEY REMARKS. - DATE INSPECT 765-1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ FOUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE A CHIMNEY REMA DATE INSPECTOR AW 'A� 70-1802 BUILDING DEPT. I NSPECTIO >jF UND ION 1ST ROUGH PLBG. NDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION AMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACIM aCHIMNEY REMA u L Doo,K v .�2 pAT90 0 INSPECTO 765-1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ j FOUNDATION IST [ ] =NSULATION BG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ [ j FRAMING [ ] FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY REMARKS: .DATE � 1�i� �/ INSPECTOR �1 M-1802 BUILDING DEPT. INSPECTION [ ] FOUNDATION IST [ ] ROUGH PLBG. [ ] FOUNDATION 2ND [ ] INSULATION [ ] FRAMING [ FINAL [ ] FIREPLACE & CHIMNEY REMARKS: LAO ;DATE �11?101 INSPECTOR BUILDING PERMIT REVIEW CHECK LIST Applicant/ Date � � Owners Name: n p Din _ drn.2o o� Reviewed: 00 Architect/ Date Engineer: Ltce Submitted: " SCTM #: District: 1,000 Section: 10 0 Block: Lot: Project Subdivision Location: 146,9Name: Single&separate Requir� � certification: {Yes XNti)) Req ��� Zoning District: [tot size: � 6TOO Actual: /73• [Lot'coverage—'!U Proposed: Req. / Req. /s �s Req. / y( [Front Yard '5W Proposed: ;?5 [Side Yard Proposed:�I [Rear Yard S� Proposed: Project Description: /1/ > AGENCY PERMITS Permit REQUIRED FOR REVIEW N.A. NO YES/ Number Suffolk County Health Dept. New York State D. E. C. V Town Trustees Town Zoning PP Board approval: Town Planning Board approval: Flood Plane Elevation ??? Flood Zone: /� 77 to • 4F w FIELD INSPECTION REPORT DATE ---- -- -----------------------COM!'I- - -- ==-=====xx=ax=xxl II if II II -G FOUNDATION OST) II d� 77 FOUNDATION (2ND) ------- ________________________ ----- -- - ------- -- ---- ---------- ----- if -- - - z ROUGH FRAME & 14 PLUMBING >r- ii ii rte, ------------------------ _=_____° ----- --------------- ------------------------ _________________________________ INSULATION PER N. Y. u—_moi H STATE ENERGY CODE II jj ca aaaa=xseaasssaaaaaaaassasu s�lxa=x�xsasaasa---xxxx==saaasasaassaaa=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxx � II ry II II jj FINAL u p =aaaaxaxasassssssss==x=cs��z=s--=as==�=assss_aaas-----==aaaaaa _asaox--�-----s=s ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ----------------- -------------- -------- —_____-- 7d � v o d x a � r —---- - ----- -- t G r& bH ----------- --- — --- BOARD OF HEALTH y(/ i FORM No. 1 3 SETS OF PLANS <.. .. . . . . . . .. .. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SURVEY .. . h 2 R BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHECK �E.,6.5[�j . .. . . . . . . . . . . TOWN HALL SEPTIC FORM . . . . . . . . .... . . .. . . T—, 0:-;' :" SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL; 765-1802 NOTIFY: CALL . . ... . . . . . . Examined.. ...... : � MAIL TO . . . . . ... . . Approved r Permit No. P..�!,t ... ................................ Disapproved arc .................................. ................................ (Building Inspector) APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date. . . � . .7. . . . . .6;igeG INSTRUCTIONS a. This application sort be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted to the Building Inspecto 3 sets of plans, accurate plot plan to scale. Fee according to schedule. b.- Plot plan sharing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property must be drawn on the diagram which is part this application. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. S_ permit shall be.kept on the premises available for inspection throughout the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HMW MALE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk Cxmty, New York, and other applicable Lars, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or alterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. 'Die applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building code, housing code, and regulation, and to adnit authorized inspectors on premises and in build' for necessaryAns ............................ (Signature of applicant, or name, if a corporation ,j-g /�Au�Nves. �j4D Cz?z D SP.¢ir!G frl22B9/2 i✓� /M Mailing address of applicant) State whether applicant is carer, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or bu �vvLJ ............................................................................................ Name of owner of premises ...............C .'ei�}f� ........................................................................ (as on the tax roll or latest deed) l If appli t a a corporat' ,/suture of duly authorized officer. ........... ..�L....�....� ..... (Name and title of corporate officer) Builders License No. ......................... Plumbers License No. a 2/! Electricians License No. ..................... Other Trade's License No. .................... 1. Location of land on which work will be done... ��.,,L7L�`��t� ✓,�T 9c. 39 ' <� 4 6�iewilEd `'owls �,�rri�uc,� ........... ....................................................................................... House Number Street ;Hp .amlet County Tax Map No. 1000 Section ..�a�....... Block ....... Lot ...Q..:.. ....... Subdivision Fern✓Fid/ /9SSOCYR S . Filed Map No. Loc �oZ ......-(tie) .......... ...... ............... 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of,proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ......................................:' :: 4 .....,.... b. Intended use and occupancy .........................../l7JG9......�h. .G. 1'�� ......i7.............. hvkhue M tium.k kupecK women appucaote): New building .. .... Addition .......... Alteration .......... Repair ............ Removal ............. Demolition ............ Other Work .................................. 9 (Description) p t� EEstimatedned Cost ......./................. fee .............................................. (to be paid on filing this application) If dwelling, ovber of dwelling knints ...../..... Number of dwelling units on each floor Ifgarage, nu:ber of cars .......4` ........................... If business, e®ercial or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use...................... Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front................ Rear ............... Depth ................. Height ......................... lumber of Stories ...................... Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ............... Rear ............... Depth .................... Heigh2 ................... Number of Stories ............... Dimensions of entire new construction: Front ....�.3......... Rear ....... Depth / Height ........ Z.............. limber of Stories ....+� ..............p Size of lot: Front .. 3 rlt ........ Rear rO..... Depth .." . .::.3 �3 ]. Date of Purchase .......� / ..... Name of Former owner ..j.�. 2 ............................... I. Zone or use district in which pnamises are situated ...../.�/ ........................................................ 2. Does proposed construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation: .....! 3. Will lot be regraded ...../,/:.0.......... Will excess fill be r+eomoved from YES'/ NO 'h. Names of owner of seg .........................../� Address �'.. r.5F'R•...ae.. Y/�72T�hahe No. ;?'.2/.I�a'y Nape of Architect ......R ..... Address PA2T �EGFEeSev✓ Phone No. 928 —�K6 ....................... C-2F�J %92 hfn.n��..... ea �Ar�✓3Yz3 ..... z/-/spa; Hare of Contractor ....:. ...................... Address .......5. �1..�./:a....l:�>� Phone No. .. .... ............ tiny 5. Is this property within 300 feet of a tidal wetland? * TES .......... NO ...�... *IF YES, SOUIKID MM IMSM PMMT MAY HE REQIIRED. PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions ram property lines. Give street and block ember or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate nether interior or corner lot. -5;> E� 147-)-,9eA1F� PAIL• OF NW YORK, SS ...`IJ�6�mt ........E.........:..... L................beicg duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant Now of individual signing contract) bove named, eis the ................................. ........ ............................................... (Contractor, agent, corporate officer, etc.) I said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this pplication; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and hat the work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. worn to b�effore me this ..................day of Notary PublicGf/ � G???2�.:. :........... (Signature of Applicant) ELIZABETH A STATHIS NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York No.01ST6008173,Suffolk County Tann Expires June 8,20.Q0 JOB No. FRMV-22 TAX I.D. No. 1000-120-0 i '- 3P 1 I Vo•�2 I I of 9 .�428� j � A N2 i j l i w I 0 WE? rTi I i Q W I l 1 �S i p, Z�ERl11G s ss EW 01, 91 0AYN I VM1 O p'• °o J;2o3s6 ns t9.7• OT?� •NIJQ HRro O *tih i 01 9 �ti^ ro 10 N 9 � 41 p � < I 1 e_J. � n39.5T I 1 t - ,. 1 I ,_,c ¢ r!_. 0-CXD-poloZ r�F r I THE LOCATION OFWELLS,WATER SERVICE 18 � LINES, SEPTIC TANKS AND CESSPOOLS SHOWN HEREON ARE FIELD OBSERVA• 160 TIONS AND OR DATA OBTAINED FROM J I OTHERS. I ' FILE MAP No. 8808 9/1/89 CERT OF CORRECTION L71866 P247 12/5197 j WUultxla xd alleutial a a f=to it"documerd a a violatwn of Seca m 7269 ; of the New York State Uucatlon Law. SURVEY OF; LOT 22 CelfiCatNNis indicated hereon shall fun only to the Ikon for whom it m prepa!ed and on his bebop to the Tdk Companys-o ntnental Agency and Lending OF NEW a ldestriedh�'.andtemeasspnea,ieftheLenofngistnuoorror MAP OF FARMVEU ASSOCIATES cop"of thm document not beanng the ptofessaws anked Geo!a embossed C* DMTING.GRAF f '9"moi aen�Nedavabdtrue eco�fanstruqulstotheOrWe property MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTTHOLD The for a sperA c o purpose and use and therefore are trot intended to guide the erection of re g wags,twols,pat",wanting areas.addAlon to buildags or any other SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK � Z The not ow ewst n end nght a ways andia easements of record Ir any not shown are SURVEY DATE: 12/19/00 SCALE; 1"_.�' SOA s MO50007 yJ CERTIFIED ONLY TO: 9 SIO A NICK RANIERI AND ROSA RANIERI DESTIN G. GRAF COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY LAND SURVEYOR . 73 Woods r m Road Rocky Pofrtt,New York, 11778 631-821.3442 By DESTIN G. GRAF N.Y S. LIC NO. 50067 JOB No. AUG-22 TAX I.D. No. 1000-120-03-8.24 i i i -oA G�tiy p1a oa 01 i o� (o of o v rti (l WELL AREA X m LOT 23 tro OCC RES ,yo W WELL REAR YARD �o S 1 Ir °moo PROP NOTE ADJUST DRIVEWAY WITH FIRE WELL AND CB 6�0�� 015 [ LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE 1 j J FIRE WELL "Foix L'e'.'ujr.rY^rAPwsa ✓� "XTuea 0F'M'k1 H SERVICES SE7V'O9.E F:�Si,�i7L7 - Y�A V�LYx ICOR A ,�'A /�04� 'DATE HS RBF,NO. APPROVEDN FOR ..11AXSTM OF T L BBDROO.WS B YEARS FRO,N4 DATE OF APPROV L ' �r 00, ill < �� cCl- WW L0 C) .rG LID ¢i— FILE MAP No. 8808 9/1189 CERT OF CORRECTION L11866 P247 1215/97 AZO Q L,_> ELEVATIONS IN ASSUMED DATUM i= tits UnanRharaM Ntenmm or addamn to Ihm docunwN r a adahon of Section i 209 dthe Navy York St#eEducalwnLaw SURVEY OF: C 111k,1taa rttdc,ned hereon"I=only to the Pelson rot whom prepared LOT 22 and aahia oaken dl Me,an Co the asGo+ern ol"Apencyantlendnp MAP OF FARMVEU ASSOCIATES a Al qwa acted hereon,and to the ssagneea d the lendrp,miRdgn a - sut»Wuerd ownen; cava.a" aous^d"not h.anpthe paaanara nwea-aim—,)-se,, MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD soot wwx not be ocr adered a wad true WPy rorsspecft pwap�, yaua'e anditardoore a am no trderfrom dee togu et^a SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK faneea Mariap wkh.aoak,patios,plenhnp areas.addkron to twJdeps,or any doer The e>aaterwe of nsft of ways and/or easements of recorda any.not aM are SURVEY DATE: 3/2/00 SCALE: 1"=50' not qu°t—mtwd-- --- m a, CERTIFIED ONLY TO: LIC E4050NT ya¢ _ - _._ GREENBRIAR HOMES DESTIN G. GRAF p LAND SURVEYOR 0 SIONpV 73 Wooftwn Road Rocky Poirt,New York,117-78 516.821-3442 By DEiSTiN G, GRAF N.Y S. LIC NO 50067 ak4e 714 JOB No. FRMV-22 TAX I.D. No. 1000-120-03-8.24 �Z 2 i1101 x 1bZ C N2��30 I � w V cs I m w s ^� fOUN ''l v' r ' ba.e 11b 4'+ Gotr- �a ti 'u 30 tel. ,e 10 "fib o 11'1 }9.2' ry56 ° u 4OT?J f 75.T 10 it T O I coG�Tr I `�a I FILE MAP No.8808 911/89 CERT OF CORRECTION Ll 18M P247 12W7 0Awmrkwdy I b J d� f d «k ddb[eucewkmionn 1 wa d=m A w a vmwwn or saunn nae SURVEY OF: LOT 22 41 Cwfaksbons erwcded hereon w"R ntn owy to the Presort for vk mn R a prepwed In' n ��}/ ww m TK*beW t)em nCompw r.[,o� Mw tat Aowcy wid Lwwkm ` ar %f f ; 1rpd7 tiorsIiBedhemon.w"totheasson or the Lw&VI"r sbona MAP OF FARMVEU ASSOCIATES su6ewWaft ov""nr. r 1 ODp ss of tis domffa t ret beemQ the polaeswers muted saw a embossed sew w"R nw be oor*k*md a Valk!true owy MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUTHQLD The oRsebt[ a dPwwbm I sho hsr Nom wrudurea to the Property""s we '(�' -...� r•Q Pora speoft WWW end uss and fwakre are not klWKW to pWde 144 erection or ra �� Rf mose,rdWnNVw1k,PooKprowe,pt amen, addRontoNanwormyahe SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK The eatatenoe of rt0t ofways andkr eeewnerts of record,M wry,not woven are SURVEY DATE: 10/12/00 SCALE 1"=W na f r+ CERTIFIED ONLY TO: a �A SN eos r .J I GREENSRIAR HOMES DESTIN G. GRAF LAND SURVEYOR 73 WoodhNn Road Rocky Pokt,New York,11778 518.821-3442 _ 1 By DESTIN G. GRAF N.Y.S. UC NO. 50067 1_. _ c • • 1 1 1 1 � .c 1 F}- I oil v 1 1 .[ ✓rl It — - 0 - - =11■-=o-i1 IM■■■ - ONE - _ ��� - 1—M—M[INN mom 1�1 1:90010 Mom ME ijmom iiiiiiiiL11I i I ��� 63'-0" ------------- ° 8"X16"PG PIER, STOP _ BELOW GRADE - -- — — — — — -- - 44'-2"- PITCH 4"P.G.SLAB TO 4"6.1.DRAIN TO / _ l DRYNELL -5ET 5LA5 b" n (/ BELOW DOOR 5ILL V �I 1/2"ANCHOR ,,.:�' L _� —RAILING ABOVE_BOLTS 8'O.G., N I 1' MOM CORNERS IN 8'P.G.FOUNDATION ON I I 8"X16"CONTINUOU5 D KEYE , RAIL P.G.FOOTING ° (2)1-3/4"X 9-1/4" ('iELLAR LL ry I UP P.G.STEPS 1 MICRO-LAM ON TPA O I j TR IV T 5TEEL COLUMN ON 4"P.G.SLAB ry – — ° I Ir AM POGKET 2,-O.'X2•-O"Xt'-0'P.G. I 1 � " FOO11N65 i _co _ I}}I �D beam pk -'-------�- -�--------`-i-�---�---- - -------�i�------- -Y�--'(A ---I BEAM POCKET p CV V_0" 6'-2"4-0" 6'-2" m l Q i i I HEAT i I m ry �D = I I UNEXCAVATED i t I I` U.L.LISTED 4 ry I Q 11 I 1 FLUE I Q �-; � I I N O � _ P I s Q I a I ry A � I • I ry (/p.J�. x�,l, � �(/(� �p I I I I I I b I V Y/� r _> - - - - - - - - - - � - - - = - II I I it GGA LEDGER �U1 8"X16" OI PIER, STOP_ �------� I BELOW GRADE ._________________I 1-10" �'-1C_ 4 m BEAM ___ ______ m 2-2x8 GGA 2-2X6 GGA 1 I - - 4)(4 GGA NTH "VMP5014"COL GAP 6 BA5E 1 1 84'10 ., 84"10 ON 12"MIN DIA.P.G.FOOTING - 1'-1o" 8'-4" �I L'_4" P7'_41•" 1'_10" FOO'nN65 TO RE5T ON UNEXCAVATED SOIL F f� 2'-0" 35'-4" J 22-8" 56-0" ERIC NICOSIA 5/16" = 1'-0" '•LU AF7 \ R£015TERED ARCHITECT Nlcp ij. 414 Main Street, Port Jefferson, N.Y. 11-M Tel: (516)9:28-4456 Fax: 928-9545 0 12" 3LOTT 22 FARMVEW Arrr ; ` �� MATITUGK, N.Y. ' FOUNIDATION FL,�N DATE:4/4/00 SCALE: 5/16, = 1'-0" �-2 JOB%:200280 I REV#: 1 BY: EN 4T-6" ccA sTEI „ 1 _21 I !� CENTER �_ 4" a'-6" 4" 5'-2" 4" 2-O" 4"— 'T-0 6" ON SINK K 'ITi I 2842 2842 -' o 28210 242101 24210 �I -� 2-2X10 ----------(2)1-3;47-TX 7,-1/4' 2-2X10. II -_ - MICRO-LAM —I o D O Ll � VENT 4"; 101-11" 25'-O"; a'-10" O Ow `r `� I O O i0 FAMILY iV NOOKI `t BATH o m CH (D 4" a'-4" L 4" '-101;' ;4� 51-:2 1 4, � 2 (2)1-3/4"X 41/2" tS-LABZ 0 2x1MICRO-LAM x, C4-051"6 51N6 DR 26 010 55 oRP G.STEP 62-2II w"m I I I O II a FIRE5TOP GHA5E ;0 N 0 x p� • FLR a cw3t_0 414- 0 41 3'-4" 4`2'-10" 4" 5'-21, — — — �d v. 0 3 ( N I Ic6 .0 o I d3 3 I I m - = be LIVING N i11 " ° 0 Q ry LL I -DINING o = n 0i ry PRE-FAB i X q /5"TYPE X 67P 6D O I 5i_O�i LI5TEDriF�PrL ,ULES I I " ry N Y`LV_L5 a CEILING _- GARAGE ` 15'-O" 4^1� F-7'-4" 12'-O" � W F4, T-5LAB. I o I I� ;S y;.u;� jC A°N 2-2X12 I I FLUSH M X 41/14" 1 2-2X10 0 PITCH TO DOORS ry , w SfCpu/9 z1 % v 8 842 _^� 2842 28 _ a "� �=•, 3 FOR 1268306 1268 - - = w I I I O +� A 1 I O z crr n eve 4" 21'-0" 4' I I CGA DECKING I j- I / l RAILING TO PORCH P05 lap - I \TT 24F` / 2-2X10'd' 2-2X10 i FmRIG NICOSIA 7-10" '1'-6" 4'-O" 4'-O" 6'-D" 61-0" 6'-0" a1-8" 6'-O" REGI5TERED ARCHITECT 414 Main Street, Port Jefferson,N.Y. 11TH 20'-4" 8'-0" 121-0 21'-8" Tel: (516)928-4456 FaX: 928-9543 LOTT 22 FARMVEW MATITUCK, N.Y. 3/1 " , '_ A FIRST FLOOR PLAN LIVING AREA DATE:4/4/00 SCALE: 3/16' = 1'-0" A_3 1120 5q ft .)os•:20awo REv : 5Y:EN PAI A0Z e 4-941 Sq4 7 GENERAL NOTES: 1.µL MA7ER119 A99ENMF5 CLN9'RUG`IOI+ANV EO)PTMEHT ME TO BE IN AOGGRDENCE NTH THE N 15 FIRE PRE•/ErvnCl+i DJILDN6 LON9'R,.t,TpN AND ENERGY CODE 2.THE ARG 17ECTsc TMCATIDNIPP.IE5GNL` TO THIS PLPH5COHFGRMAVCE ! TO THE ABO+E REFERENCED W 5 11_2„ 4" 2'-4" 4" 5'-0" 6" 6' O" 4"! 3'-O" 6" 5'-b" 4' 9.THESE PLA49 TO BE U3ED'N CON,LNG W N M THE OJTLINE 9PEG9 YMEN I I 1 I J i PRONL£') {rPQjj a A551MEO 5OL BEPRw6 COPlGTM 2'ON5 PER 90.PT 28310-28310 j — fo 28310 �B I r "i.!LL FOOnNbZ TO RL9T ON I", JNJ'9'E28ED 5OL. T I p CONCRETE TO BEP J IL UNRNFptCEp 2500 LB,0 2 DAY TEST t y NOTED. 2-2X10 . -2-4X)0 T PRViLE O9MOXE LETEGTpt IN EKH BELROOM.HALL.FI.ODR-EVE-ANO BATH C BAS E T. o 8.THE D!5. EGT A^,M/n1E5 NO I+E5F0R51BILI�'FOR tL FERyCTILN.MEPN9 n METHODS,INC O q£5. H PITrvCES PR .THE OR SAFETY LL NOT E AND PRCGR(W IN GCMNEGTGN PITH THE VON TNF THE SOELT$MICR NOT 2E -^ RE9PGN91ELE FOR ERRORS OR G1.,MI•yGN9OF THE CLTITRPGTGR OR / h.,9 GGNTRIGTGR.s. cV BEDROOM U BATH ((� OLO5ET � � `//////_J 9.LCNTRAG TO VER,ALL ITMENSIONS BEFORE STAR 6 Cp S R Lnq, NOTIFI'ARLHIIETE GT OF ANI IT-K.REfxIGE91MMEDIAIFLY. 1 - ❑ 10 MMATGN FROM THEEE PLPN5 OR UNA 7NOItl=LLPLIG TION WLL NEGATE m (bD� Q GLOPJE THE< ITEGT9 CERnFiCATON AND 6 A VO-AT10N OF N Y.9.LAYI ill (V \ KD C 1\868 468 I 5TRUCTURAL NOTES: \ I <t �f 2468 / 2668 1.ALL WMBER TO BE L LM MR„]UNLESS NOTED OIHERPI E lft D DESIGN �(� ,Il I,_2' 4" 1V,_Q„ VOLUE]MEB^^,'FD ON NT55TAM GOLF REFERENCE STAVDMDS Rs-yS-tT THRL 21 ^vI HALL + BY THE IWEMI FOREST FR T9 P55lNJATIGN PND?RE A9 FO,LOM6, It HEALERS AND 61RLERs: N ("D N (2 1-3/4"x14"MIGRO-LM9 RIDGE BEAM E,i sm,� *1.Mt 925 pc,,w U61 —2-2X10 - .,DIsTs oND�5: ry - 2668 32X4 POST 2X6 EeTe�.ctro WL Po.125511 "SIMP5ON" each end ' 2%B Fs1,5W.CL0 pl.ib.HO p61 15_011 z-2x4 3'-4„ A5TER BDR OLT I�p 29'10 E:1,ECY.4 &I, b.,OM 061 HANGER 2zt2 E.iew.ODD(.6I.Fro=mD wl ��F���L r G THEDRAL CEILING. I L NaINATED VENER LUMBER fMlcrolmn'or Equm)TO HAVE MIN.vN.UES A5 FOLLcre: 0 BEDROOM 3 d / \ J E-19 00001Po=28O0p51 v20lWI V U p (Q 1 W I x Ja LN.9 TO HAVE MINIMUM OF 3'BEARH6 I . - s o D a, LVL IFt.D IN TRIRLICATE N TO BE PMTEIED TO!5E7HER NTH A MINIFVM OF 2 RLY� f OF 160 NPILS II'OG,9 Rq'C OF I&D NNLS 1S O.G.FOR la'-15"MEMEE Pv. n W © ry ,` v / X I \ tYQ. I a 2.LF916N LDAP3 ARE MYO.LOM6(ro6hgFE: DL: DEP n ^ m O 15T FLOOR a0 10 L/ IN Nt VO�I 1�\~)]1 / \ I ry I ry �cLCOrs p!) 2O 10 L9L� ATTIC(IM1#',LBWro1eJ 10 10 L/KU' V/ '1 ✓ ROOF 17,Frsn Clq) 2L6 15 L� i 12'-8'F 4" 2'-O" �t RCDP mem 6n cp 28c o- 0 vao HEA 5 AND 61R 5£ LIVE LOAD LEP LIMIT 2-2X70 ?-2X10 2X9 RR ib 9.OONNELT J'Jl TO ALL FLL9H HEADERS,6RDR5 AND LEPSR5 NTH STEEL 4CvnN,-c uw6ERa M PER MoFIN NO TTT ITON5 TION$f51I ' N"OR ECL/1) -- 12'-0" J"- I IF LPECARG H0.N6ER5 ARE 9NDYN NO 5s5TNnONS ARE FERM1TEp. 28310 28310 24310 � 4.NEPLL£Rs TO BE MINRMT W 3-2Y8 %A ^J� 3.PR DOJa31£ROCR,KJ19T9✓NC/cFG PAeALLE,PPRTnp15 0.VD TIA9. 4 6. m GUB E FRA4MBER$AYq,ND MEALL OPEN M6^aLLN L T NTH 5TFE (2)1-3/4'X 9-1/4' GTG28 OVER FRN''R'6 MINCERS.b PR MAwPA 7UKEk5 wsTRLrnONS f51MP5ON•OR E AL). M cRc6'-4" D H>,, ERIC NICOSIA cos R1=GI5TERED AROHITEGT F` 414 MSIn Street, Port Jefferson,N.Y. 11997 �'+ Tel: (510 928-4456 FaX: 928-4543 LIVING AREA " * „ p >a LOTT 22 FARMVEW q36 qq ft '1 U^ !11 MATITUCK, N.Y. ADDITIONAL STAIR AREA: 37 SOFT. i917.47 SECOND FLOOR PLAN DATE:4/4/00 SCALE: 3/16' = 1'-0" A- -IOB*:200280 REV*: BY: EN '7 a'wn n RMF map TYMAL MTR 9ATR MTR a VBRE GGLE 50 - 9ifi 90 FTR IS' Irn a'n Tn I_V 15 2� DATN T n mcit K n }, LAuo19Y CHIiY NQI!! bk�•bW WY a 1. T•E CaoE r 11WCyEaIa�llbd L 1Ml KWbdw Dn 1 ba•L a fd4 pYptlgr Nr Y 9d.M C46L51m th 7EP W 600•Y) :rJan�'lOef9r'NwdYaat gdlrtr�tlY��t�mpb)aidd aipr 1 sT RR 31Y 7Y1 1311 131'1 FAI. MI1�d`•AYY dto raiiNNa: dev.ad b proMM cl ahtla B d.t t•ha•Yt•q'q tlryr. a•n LA ten•.. a•n E NDN b, ropreigw.rc reeb caiMa.5.50mkrd mom TRAP TO AFFRDVW k NI YbiwtT1Y rwyir•b at M•IlY3.Erg mEr.Q ��Y bYpr!Ax m al IrdY9 y� 1 EN•TARY 5Y3T@7 blKr•�11#b a ECR ARlrrmF4 ' WALL U-VALUES ARM INTEYIL rvr. ,,, mw A"`""" asAwsnaR• P,-° edn•I• Vl ItYKYO � Nna;�6VwlR Fi.I6�,fVI� W PPA•r ] .w a4 A!b- PLUMBING R15ER DIA C7RA►M o,� 1FTCTAL FOR rw,.Allh .Rs. NO sCAL�- wA<� GEILING U-VALUE5 FLOOR U-VALUES AIlA ANCA rvaeuAi. Itv w A`R ' ra.iul.ac naa xr.-w aa. feAlrll• V.SIiYFaLa12 Rpm COSTRymm lfOrl mrw r•FY_T 96Rma ae'FLYMttO (� AMWT FIlBMIAY WORM 94NSLM Mn�w1w aor w az. � 'N a AIK FIL 6� of FELT dW C 7X f1.YTlTaD NwR[e MF1F1 la•eah:a IFMIM.Fp1•aO NRA .�.Ta. LTafAL Fpl••n ucw ..r[I_ USE w RAFTER LB16T16 IMafAL Ftw lwa_ua .m r.=a FCRrxLAIeA ZL2L I�MFIl FGR MALL ,�S_ IFIVTIL FCRYVI.L - am-HALL IOYMw.b F.W1., laa/rv/.n Y.bbsn SUMMARY OF TOTAL THERMAL RATING corsmrGT1GN, y11(C�n� aR Few.GN 1•>K TRFAI nealw_.wT.r r moo a a tlenta,M naon� gE•pROOM BEDROOM Jba • RWL. aeRrY mane euarewrweca+�afRR ad��r AAEa LLVNI@ nF�r' u® 12 A RxF.crl.w Ino_ iG!_ d— a_ _�° s ferrl•Ct• 900_ as ar•_ G •LAft 19-11 IIL9L. b*FAWA W C4W YBnED W"T Mk-- S. �_ !I_ TWO TD Llvmn rtv Sm"" vmt ECMT p. RGOr _ 110_ a!•_ FAMILY LNI"ROOM ..��,' `. _'� 1.• FRYa1119.GCi•NE ON YE•Cox FLYMXO }]7E0 GCA fl &aEAQa Qi m YiJ3T CR'IB'd GGi. LNx aR1O6#16 R-n XlaA. 11'DIA FL FODTIN6 � ""•.�_•.-'.'�:. y�• / • .� WL El.taIOI bTNIGTL V✓�. .i..L1 F1FjC� . I I Nicosia I I oz,E GGA S#l.J g(ELL MA-ON (''! =NC y.\ I 1 n TBdiIE 9R.D Y#TX V3'/iKAf019 .\1.: �� �S r0OMS5 VI d In501�L OG.C 17 FI1an L0fatJb r {) tii _ it (��\ RP-619 1. RW I•Y Z HI I LCT W FL FaROATIgI '�1 414 Main Strtd, POrt kfFerbM,N.Y. 11-M DAAFRGarfNE :i ti✓ * Tel: (516)9'?8-4456 Fmt: (516)9Z6-0543 E•x NO LGNTH"FL Paurm A ;� If By, LOT 22 PARMVEV'! 5EGTION A—A scar,ve•=I'-0' yarn By,E.talGa•la ,eq Det•.4/4/00 .lab#, RN, d �,t.p'�S" C �71 ,�. 3 nfw"*m'2"•n't'wS+st'ew+ t r. . n:', a .'..faeAN-x: . ,. .,. .. ,... M, af� '� ry.jati SA iS-vE-K� w _ � -� TAX I.D. No. 1000-120-03-8.24 - _ -- --- - b B vJ rys a E w �� ary5 0 (. OpOwo m WELL AREA X ���` m LOT 23 W OCCRES p2o WELL REAR YARD t S - 27 Q9� i PRO PP �H f 9 ryd Ti NOTE'. ADJUST DRIVEWAY WITH FIRE MffLl ANO CS p Q 1g I LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE J '� yP 1 —FIRE WELL. SUFFOLK^niJAT!Y^, °'� Ca '�'� �>�iI.THSfiRVICES TiF4'�391 P] u3i2! OF� SFR'f:3,R a�.11gtI 3' X'wM7JC IDV 3A'i"E= OiILY Q APPROWD 2— 0440 FOR MA7 jWV OF' BEDROOMS TRFM YRARS FROM DATE OF APPROVAL p I COOK `R°b T cc> 4 CM u�W i1 ftl+(� d x4 FILE MAP No. 8808 9/1/89 i CERT OF CORRECTION L11866 P247 1215P97 ELEVATIONS IN ASSUMED DATUM _ • ' 1L d Or-1�.. UpaWnetitl}j(dWidaanrem totMa eooanrrttaa NaMtbnotSaiton7209 cn a w W 0(-#*t aw.Yom smiarueaaOn Low. SURVEY OF: �" O�� cenMatktM,n1>1ps6,iwaa,arr6tun oMrto tt»warran to wttan a b wwared LOT 22 `�+n"'aML`m°° MAP OF FARMVEU ASSOCIATES P i ubseWi�s Ow OMfoo,atteto tha atigneea a tlh LanCiro bwtihrtron w E Doo m of t fiiYlllfi a wsa«wte a ,r,»awn= "�a+a�aefimaa�, MATTITUCK, TOWN OF SOUT'FtOLD .aa aneX nat rdeworadawWeruL paoy. - ,(�,°"�` T%= am uotamMwwom awe na mm mct�of � ,� pods,�pawnure� lo Nwhve, my SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK CO DE3TIP#f#.rkA;: owatn'tionmesoderto�ao7rVMawe"anaroreawrfftaareeord.Kany,mtanownare SURVEY DATE: 3/2100 SCALE: 1"= not cuataaara CERTIFIED ONLY TO: UC ex050ne7 yJ� -- . -- GREENBRIAR HOMES DESTIN G. GRAF p LAND SURVEYOR rONA� - ---- ------- -- —— 73 Woodlewn Rasa Rocky P 344New York,11778 I By DESTIN G.GRAF N.Y.S. LIC NO. 500$7