HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/04/1952 1 A.e3 FISHERS ISLA. GARBAGE & REFUSE DISTRIX r MEETING OF APRIL 4, 1952. J a A public hearing of the Southold Town Board was held at the Fishers Island Schoolhouse on Friday, April 4, 1952, to consider the petition and to hear all persons interested in establishing a Refuse and. �■ Garbage District at Fishers Island. Present were Supervisor Klipp; Justices Terry, .Tuthill, Clark and Edwards; Superintendent of High- ways Price; Town Attorney Terry and Town Claris Booth. Notice of said hearing was duly published and posted as required by Law. Supervisor Klipp opened the hearing at 9:30 o 'clock A.M. read the call of the meeting, affidavits of publication and post- ing. The Supervisor then calldd upon any person desiring to be heard in favor of establishing a Refuse and Garbage District. Persons speaking in favor of said district were: Mrs. Mildred Andrews, A. John Gada, Harold 'J . Baker, Warren Maynard, Jr. , Adelard LeGere, Mr. Wall, Theodore Arasimowicz, H. Lee Ferguson, Mrs. H. Lee Ferguson#' Mr.Callahan representing Remington Rand Inc. stated that while Remington Rand Inc.• had not signed the petition he was authorized to state that the Company was whole heartedly in favor of it and wanted to be put on record as supporting it. Supervisor Klipp then called upon any person desiring to be heard against establishing a Refuse and Garbage District . 'No person spoke against establihhing said district. The Supervisor' called upon all persons in favor of establishing a Refuse and barbage District to signify by raising their hand. Apparently everyone in 'the room responded favorably. Discussion upon the establishment of said district having been had and all pesons desiring to be heard, having been heard, the meeting was recessed by the Supervisor for a brief period of time for deliberations on the Resolution for the establishment of said district. The meeting was reconvened and the Supervisor read the Resolution which was adopted. by the Town Board.The hearing was duly closed at ll .o'clock A.M. Moved by tustice Edwards; seconded by Justice Clark: In the Matter of „ , . The petition for the establishment of a Refuse and Garbage District at .t ,�..4 Fishers Island in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, RESOLUTION OF SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD APPROVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A REFUSE AND GARBAGE DISTRICT AT FISHERS ISLAND IN THE TOW14 OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. WHEREAS, a petition for the creation of a refuse and garbage district bo be known as the Fishers Island Refuse and Garbage District- in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, the said petition being dated August 21, 1951' was duly presented . to this Town Board, and WHEREAS, an order was .duly adopted by' the Town Board on March 11, 1952, reciting the filing of said petition the improvements proposed, the boundaries df theroposed .tistrict, and the estimated expenses thereof and specifying �pril 4, 1952 at 9:30 o 'clock A.M. as the time and the Fishers Island Schoolhouse in said Town as the place where the said Board would meet to consider the petition and -to hear all persons interested .in the subject thereof, con- cerning the same, and WHEREAS, such order was duly posted, published and served as re- quired by law, and WHEREAS, a hearing in the matter was duly held by the Board on this j4th day of April, 19521 commencing at 9:30 o 'clock A.M. , at the Fishe.rs 'tsland Schoolhouse in said .Town, and considerable discussion upon the matter having been had, and all persons desiring .to be heard, '., Now, upon the evidence given such hearing, and upon motion of Justice E. terry Edwards and seconded by Justice Renry A. Clark, it is RESOLVED AND DETEpRMIIMD,.,�hat (a) the petition aforesaid is signed and acknowledged^aa required by law, it duly complies with the re- quirements of Section 191 of the Town Law as to sufficiency of signers with respect to the boundaries of the proposed district as herein approved and it is ' otherwise sufficient; (b) all the prop- erty and property owners within the proposed district are benefited Y. thereby; (c) all the property and property owners benefited are in- cluded within the limits of the proposed district; and (d) it is in the public interest to grant in whole the relief sought; and it is further RESOLVED AND DETERMINED, that the establishment of a refuse and garbage district as proposdd in said petition be approved; that the improvement therein mentioned be constructed and the sertice therein mentioned be provided for upon the required funds being made atailable or rovide a " nd that such district shall" be desig- { Nom. nated and known as the Refuse and Garbage District at Fishers Island ' '" in the Town of Southold and shall be bounded and described as follows: = - All the real property of Fishers Island, tn .the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of Bew York, inclus- f . ive of the whole of Fishers Island, with the exception of certain parcels which are the -°' property of the .united .. States Government, said tracts being known as "Fort H.G. ' Wright"., "Mount Prospect" "Wilderness Point" and "Coast_ Guard Station leo. 5911, alb as shown on map accompanying t. the petition, said territory being bounded" and described . as follows: sawed- On the North by Fishers Illandf; on the East b Block •Island Soutd, on the South by Block lslandinand U. S. Government reservations; on the West by "Fort H. G.' Wri ht U. - S'.g , Military. reservations; and Block Island Sound. The boundaries herein described are intended to coincide with the present boundaries of Fishers Island, in the Town of Southold, .i Suffolk County, New York; and it is further RESOLVED: that the proposed improvement, including the 'cost of con- struction work, acquisition of the necessary land, legal fees and all other expenses, shall be financed by the issuance of bonds or "other evidence of indebtedness pursuant to the provisions of the Local . : •�� `• ��;_; Finance Law of said Town which shall be a charge upon said District - in a sum not to exceed $50,000 And it is further RESOLVED: that .the Town Clerk of this ' Town shall within ten days after .zF� the adoption" of this resolution file certified copies thereof in dup- licate in the office of the State Department of Audit and Control at ;''' Albany', New York, together" with as application by this Board in dup- licate for permission to create such' district asy` provided for by Town Law, Section 194; .and that such -application shall be executed by and in behalf of the Town Board by the supervisor of the Town. THE QUESTION QUESTION OF THE ADOPTION OF THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION WAS DULY''' ',< PUT TO •A VOTE WHICH RESULTED AS FOLLOWS:PrviAYES. . . . . . . :. . . . . Nnrman n,�n, E.. '79 tSce Harry H. Terry 1 h W. ' . Jus • .. _ ,, ,. . �E�H:, tice Ra Tuthill �a- `;.' . ":. :• Justiceeery A. Clark -"A '"` = " Justice E. Perry Edwards ABSENT. . . . . . , . .Justice Lester M. Albertson NAYES . . . . . . . . . . .NONE THE SUPERVISOR THEREUPON DECLARED THAT THE RESOLUTION WAS DULY ADOPTED.'­ 1;", Ralph P. Booth > Town Clerk �r; < "'