HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/23/2023 Historic Preservation Commission our Unique ` flm 90 LUMHOLD r A �1G9C A 9FSEIR 101 Regular Meeting Minutes TOWN HALL ANNEX CONFERENCE ROOM THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 2023 at 3:00 PM Attendees: Chairperson Ostroski, Vice Chairperson Surchin, Commissioner Wexler, Commissioner Woodhouse, Commissioner Cubie and Commissioner de Conciliis. Kim Fuentes, Coordinator and Julie McGivney,Assistant Town Attorney Work Session: 3:00 PM Pre submission Conferences: (30 Minutes allotted to each presentation) 3:05 P.M. —Judith Woodard —to Reapply for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark property to install roof mounted solar panels on a single family dwelling, located at 1945 Village Lane, Orient, NY. SCTM # 1000-25-3-11. • Judith Woodard, owner, and Kevin Orlando, representative for Power Solutions, appeared before the Commission to describe the proposed project. • The Chairperson presented documents relating to code of conduct, as well as documents relating to research on sustainability and solar panels. • Ms. Woodard described her choice of the solar panel company and desire to compensate for 80% of her electrical use. • Mr. Orlando indicated that the panels come with a 25 year warranty with a life span up to 40 years. • Ms. Woodard stated that the existing architectural grade roof shingles are 2 years old. • There was a discussion relating to the decommissioning of solar panels. • Commissioner Woodhouse presented photos of homes possibly located in the historic district or in close proximity to the subject property, having visible solar panels which seem more egregious than subject project. The installations may have pre-dated the HPC or have been installed illegally. • Discussion was raised relating to the installation of both front and back roofs of the barn. • Many options for placement of solar panels on the applicant's property were presented during prior meetings. • Commissioner Cubie read aloud the minutes of the December 9, 2022 meeting which stated that the HPC granted approval for installation on both front and rear roofs of the barn. • Asst. Town Attorney, Ms. McGivney determined that since a public hearing was held on December 9, 2022, for installation of panels on both structures, a motion could be made today to determine whether to approve or deny this amended application without an additional public hearing. A motion will be made during the regular meeting. Page 2, Minutes of Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission March 23, 2023 3:40 P.M. —Orient Realty. LLC —for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark property to legalize an as built hot tub on premises having a single family dwelling, located at 675 Skippers Lane, Orient, NY. SCTM #1000-24-2-1. • Janet Markarian, real estate salesperson, was present to represent the applicant. • Commissioner Surchin stated that the screening for the air conditioner condenser currently placed on the side of the house never came before the HPC, and therefore not approved by the HPC. • Photographs of the property were distributed and discussed. • The homeowner came before the Commission on February 18, 2021 for patio upper deck. The railing on top was approved as painted wood, but is currently made of stainless steel. • The application will need to be amended to add all structures that have not been approved by this Commission, which may include the air conditioner condenser, wood panels, hot tub, etc. • The Commission requested a revised site plan showing all structures and as-built screening, and photos showing elevations. • The railing balcony, balusters, and modesty wall were not approved as depicted. • According to the Minutes of the January 4, 2021, the Commission determined that the design amendment was not in keeping with design approval and requested another pre-submission conference with the applicant. 3:59 P.M. — Michael and Alison Ventura—for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark property to construct a porch addition to an existing single family dwelling, located at 1780 Village Lane, Orient, NY. SCTM #1000-24-2-19. • Peter Marren, Architect, was present on behalf of the applicant. He presented photographs and described the project as breakfast porch about six feet in size. The current door is homemade, and the same design will be built for the porch. • Mr. Marren indicated that the Suffolk Times Newspaper wrote an article about the subject house. • Alison is currently the Executive Director of the Orient Historical Society. The contractor had built the Historical Society Museum. • The Commission agreed to move this matter to a public hearing. A Motion was made to set a public hearing for April 27, 2023 by Commissioner Woodhouse and seconded by Commissioner Surchin. AYES: Commissioners Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Cubie, Woodhouse and de Consiliis (6-0). 4:12 P.M. — Peter and Irene Treiber—Amend Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark property located at 405 Rackets Court, Orient, NY. SCTM #1000-17-6-8. • Anthony Portillo, Architect, was present on behalf of the applicant. • A stop workorder was placed on the property. Photographs depict walls taken down and the chimney still in place. 2 Page 3, Minutes of Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission March 23, 2023 • The Commission and the applicant discussed the discrepancy between the Building Permit indicating a demolition "per Town Code", the Notice of Disapproval for additions and alterations, only, and the submitted building plans. • Mr. Portillo indicated that only recently, the Building Dept. requested demolition plans. • The Commission discussed the first and second design of the roof line. • The Chairperson indicated that the HPC obligation is to preserve historic character in the District. She indicated that they believed that they approved an addition to an old house based upon the Notice of Disapproval, and the application which stated an increase of 740 sq ft. in size of the dwelling. • Both parties agreed that there was a misunderstanding, and that the manner in which an improvement is graphically depicted is very important. • Going forward we will need to be specific by asking for a demo plan with all addition and alteration improvements. Procedures and protocols will change. • The Commission agreed that an amended application is not necessary. • The HPC members, Commissioners Surchin and de Conciliis, will review the Building Department records. They will meet with John Jarski, Senior Building Inspector, and make a determination whether to lift the stop workorder. • Commissioner Surchin announced that Chapter 170 of the Town Code is being amended in order to establish clarity for owners and designers. Regular Meeting Called to Order: 4:33 pm Pledge of Allegiance: Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve February 23, 2023 meeting minutes by Commissioner Wexler, seconded by Commissioner Surchin. AYES: Commissioner Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Cubie, Woodhouse and de Conciliis. (6-0). Motion approved. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (None) Old Business: 1. Code of Conduct—the Chairperson discussed standards. 2. Landmark Incentive— No activity. 3. Potential Awards or Request Historical Status, include individuals, non-profit organizations, etc. No Activity 4. HPC Handbook. Revision is currently in process. 5. Shiloh Baptist Church—No activity reported. 6. Orient Congregational Church —A member of the Church, Tim Frost, came before the Commission to describe the decommissioning of cellular equipment in the steeple. The cellular equipment was installed in 2001. The church was obliged to fulfill mandates of the HPC and return the steeple to a certain standard. Unseemly seams on the outside will need to be repaired.and the steeple will need to be re-shingled to make it whole again. Assistant Town Attorney, Julie McGivney, and the Chairperson agreed that the church is subject to Chapter 170 and that a letter should be written to the church reminding them of the standards of the Historic District. 3 Page 4, Minutes of Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission March 23, 2023 New Business: RESOLUTION AND DISCUSSION: 4:34 P.M. —Judith Woodard —to Reapply for a Certificate of Appropriateness under Section 170-7(b) of the Southold Town Code at a registered landmark property to install roof mounted solar panels on a single family dwelling, located at 1945 Village Lane, Orient, NY. SCTM # 1000-25-3-11. • The Chairperson indicated that an exception could be made if the roof was not very visible from the public right of way. The rear of the house roof line can be seen from every direction. • The Commission offered options to the applicant during prior meetings. • The original public hearing of December 9, 2022 included for both house and barn together, and at that hearing, the applicant amended the application to request a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of solar panels to the barn, only. • NYS Secretary of Interior Standards document was presented and discussed. • Commissioner Surchin indicated that the HPC has never approved panel installations before in a situation just like this. • The Chairperson remarked that the applicant may file for an appeal to the Town Board. A motion was made to grant the relief requested, said motion was seconded, but the motion failed to carry as four (4) members voted against the relief, and as a result the application was DENIED. Meeting Adjourned: 5:14 P.M. Motion to exit the public meeting and enter into Executive Session was made by Commissioner Wexler seconded by Commissioner Cubie. AYES: Ostroski, Surchin, Wexler, Cubie, Woodhouse and de Conciliis. Motion approved. (6-0) Next HPC work session and regular meeting, with Zoom access, scheduled for April 27, 2023 hearing scheduled in the Annex Building, Second Floor Conference Room. 4