HomeMy WebLinkAboutSOUND DRIVE, Mattituck 1935 TO T~ TO?~.N SUPERINTENDenT OF HIGI{f;AYS OF 2.~HE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN ~E COU~ OF SUFFOLK ~D STA~ OF NE~ ~ne ~udersi~ed~ liable to be assessed fo~ hi~w~ t~es in the To~m of Southold, hereby apply to you to l~ out a new ~w~y at ~tti~ck, To~ of Southold, Suffolk County~ New York~ to bs ~o~ ~s SOU~ D~VE~ ~s follows:- Proposed hi,way is sho~ on a map entitled, ~Nap of Shore Acres situate ~tti~ Town of ~uthold~ Suffolk Co., N.Y~~ dated Dece~Oer, l~13, ~d filed in the office of the Clerk of said ~ty of Suffolk, J~uary 3rd~ 1514, sa~d proposed highway bei~ more p~rticul~ descried a~ follows:~ The westerly line ~gi~ on the southerly line of ~y View Avenue as sho~m on said m~p ~d ~m described in o~er layi~ out said B~v View Avenue~ in 1~30~ said point of beginni~ of said ~sterly line bei~ 357.44 ~ ~ee~, more or less, easterly along the southerly lin~ of m~id B~y View Avenue from the easterly end of the second co~s~ of said southerly line' of s~d ~y View Avenue as shown on said map~ ~uning thence o curve to the right whose radius is 52.95 Feet, a distance of ll4~ll feets thence 32~ W.- 95.59 feet; then~ on a c~ve to the left whose radius is 144.58 fset~ a distmnce of 1i4.52 ~ee~ thence S. ~4o o ' ~' 51~30~ E.- 118.85 f~et; ~hen~ S. 44 I3~50'~ E.-t59.51 feet~ thence S. 32°58~40~ E~- 199.72 feet to a point one foot northerly from the southerly line of property of said Shore Acr~s~ ~e easterly line of s~d propped highway is to be parallel to ~d ~ f~et dist~t easterly f~m the abov~ ~scribed westerly line~ excepting at its ~ ~unct ~n with southerly line of B~~ View Avenue at which point said easterly line of proposed h~ay meets said southerly tine of ~ view 2~ve~e on a c~ve whose radius is 18.89 feet, the en~ of ~id curve b~ing t~gent resp~ctively to the said e~terly line of proposed high- way ~d the southerly line of ~id ~y View Avenue, which p~posed l~ing out ~11 pass through the lands of H~rry W. Egin~on~ Mattituck Development Corporation~ Ernest Uh~m~n ~d ~'~=' = - ~_z~ Mabel ~ry~a, ~Se Northrid~e mud wife; Paul~Schiss~l ~d wife; ~.~Sturge~ ~d Alice Butterworth, ~t~d this ~ ~ ~ day of November, 1935. x.~ / Pp~sident. W]~, ths u-udsrsigned~ a majority of the To~n Board of the To'~,~ of Southoid, tmving met at the office of the Supervisor, at Greenport: in ssid Town on the f~ day of November~ 195~ end considered the application of H~y ~¥~ Eginton and others~ for the laying out of ~ new highway to be F~.own as SOUTH DEIVE~ at N~ttituck~ in the Town of Southold~ Suffolk County~ New York, do hereby consent that such laying out be made in accord~uce with the prover of the wlth~n petition° Supervisor, TO~,~ Ole~k~ Superintendent of Highways. ) Justices ) of tbs )Peace. ~,~ HARRY ~. EGINTON; MATTITUCK DEFELOPM~F!ON~ ~-RNEST UHLNANN and MOLL~ UHL~ANN~ his wife~ ~EL DU~ ~ NORT~DiGE and /~ NORTHRiDGE~ ~s wlfe~ PAUL SCHISSEL ~d~/'Z~ ~ SCHISSEL~ his wlfe~ J~STUR~ES and ~tCE BUTTER~'ORTH~ all of ~ttituck, Town of Sout~ld~ County of Suffolk ~d State of New Yomk, ~' consid~tion of the s~ of O~ DO~, to us in h~ud paid by H~old D. Price, Town Supsrzntendenv of Highways: of the Town of Southold, ~ in further consideration of the laying out of a new highway to be known as SOUTH DRI~ at Mattituck, in the Towm of ou~no~e~ S~fOlk Co~ New York~ as follows:- P~posed hi~w~- is shown on a ~p entitled~ ~p of Shore Acres situate l~attituck~ .... C ~ N.Y~~ Town of Southola~ SaIfotE oun~y~ dated December: 1915~ ~d filed in ~he office of the Clerk of said County of Suffolk~ J~uary ~rd~ 19I~: said p~pos~d highway being more p~ti- culsr!y descDib~d as follows:- fne westerly line b~g!ns on the southerly line of Bay View Avenue as sho~ on said map ~d as described in order laying out ~id B~ View Avenue~ Ln 19~ Said p6int of be~ ginning of said westerly line beiD~ ~97.~ feet~ mope or less~ easterly along the southerly line of said B~ View Avenue from the easterly end of the second co~ss of said southerly lin~ of said B~ v- , ~iew kvenu~ as shown on said map; running thence on a curve to the right whose r~dius is 8E~98 f~et~ a dist~ce of 11~.11 feet~ thence S. ZO°5~~ %%~- ~.59 feets thenc~ on a curv~ to tho left whose radius is 14~.56 foet~ a dlst~ce of I1A.5~ fe~t~ thence o S. ~4 81:~0~ E~-118.88 feet~ thence S~ 4A© o 15~80~ E.-189~5i feet) thence S~ 19~7~ f~et to a point one foot northerly from the sou~erly line of property of said Shore ~ ~asterly line of s~id proposed highwRy is to bs parallel to ~d 80 feet distant e~terly from th~ above described westerly line~ ~sxcepti~ at its Junction wi~h ~id southerly line of Bay View ~venue at which point s~Id e~terly lin~ of p~pozed hi~wsj z~,s zzid ~utherty tine of Bay View Avenue on a c~ve whose radi~ is 18~S$ fs~t, the ends of said curve, bei~ t~ugent respectively to the said easterly line of p~oposed way ~ud the ~sou~herly line of ~id B~- View which proposed laying out passes through th~ l~d of Harry ~. E ~ g~nton~ E~tti~ck Development Corporatlon~ w ~ ~ ~rn~st 5~mann ~d ~golli8 Un~?ann~ his wife~ ~abel ~arye~ ~ Northri~ and Northridge~ h~ wife~ Pau~ Sch~s~el ~d ,~i~/~ Schiss~l ~ his w~fe~ ~ ~' STO~RGES end ALICE BUTTEE~ORTH only, do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold~ all lmud heretofore o~wned by us end included within the premises above des- cribed~ and do hereby release eald Town from all damages by reason of the laying out of the said new_ highway. Dated November ~] 1935. STATE OF L~W YORK, SSt- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK~ On this may of November~ 1935~ before me personally came EGENTON~ of Mattituck, New York~ personally ~own to me mud known to me ~o be~o~e of the persons described in and ~fno executed the foregoing instruunen~ and he duly ledged zo me that ~e executed the same. Notary Public, Suff. Co. S~TE OF ~Et~[ YORK~ ~U~Y OF SUFFOLK~ ~/,.~ On this -~- day of ~ovember, t~35~ before me Dame CHARLES ~ to me lanoYm, who~ beip~ by me duly swor~ did depose end say~ that he resides in Mattituck~ Suffolk County, New York~ that he is the President of the ~TTI~O~ DEVELOP}gENT CORPORATION the corporation described in, and which executed the foregoing instrument; that hs knows the meal of said corporation; that the seal affixed vo said instrument is such corporate seal~ it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. Notary ?ublie~ ~uff.Co~ STATE OF NEW YORK, 2:- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. ~ On this ~- ~ day of November, 1935~ before merpersonally came EI~I~ST UHL~NN and MOLLIE UH~N, his wife, of Navt.~.ck, New York, personally known to me and kuown to me to be two of the persons described in and v?no executed the foregoLug i~trument and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Public~ Suff~Co~ STATE OF NA~¥ YORK~ EOUN~Y OF SUFFOLK. On this c~ d~ of November~ 1935~ before me p~rsonalty came }~BEL DUEYE~, of ~ttituck, New York, personally ~o'~ to me and ~uow~ to me to be o~ of the persons described ~ and ~o exerted the foregoi~ ir~tr~ent ~ she duly ac~owle~ed to me ~.~t ~he ex~cuted the s~e ~ Not~y Publi% Suff. Co~ STATE OF N£¥~~ YORK, COUNTT OF ~ On this ~z~ day of November, 1935, before me personally c~e~¢mIDGE NOR~HRIDGE mud ~ NORT~IDGE, his wife, of Mattituck, New York~ perso~lly ~o~ to me ~d ~uown to me to be zwo of the persons described in mud ~o exe~atsd ac~o~d~ed to me that th~ executed the ~me, the forego~g i~tr~ent ~d they severa_~ STATE OF t~W YORK~ COUN~ OF ~ On this ~ d~ of Novem~er~ 1935, before me personally c~e PAUL ~ SCHISSEL mnd~'/~D~ ~ SCHISSEL, his wife, of ~ttituck, New York, personally ~o~m to ~ and ~o~ to ms zo be two of the persons d~scrib~d ~ mud ~o executed the foregoi~ instr~nt ~d ~n~y seve~lly acknowledged to me ~at they ex~ted the z~e. Not~y ~blic~ Surf. Co, STATE OF NE% YORK~ SS :- COU~qTY OF SUFFOLK. On this ~. day of November, 1935~ before me perso~lly c~e S~JRGES~ of ~ttituck, N~w York, p~rso~l~ of ~he p~sons described ~ ~d who executed the foregoing i~tr~nt and he duly a~nowledg~d to m~ t~t he exe~ed the ~e.~ ~.. ~~..~~ Notary ~bli% Suff~Co~ STATE OF NE~ YOEK~ COUNT~ OF SUFFOLK~ On this ~/ day of Nove~ber~ 1935~ before me cams ALICE BUTTEEWOETH~ of Mattituck~ New York~ personally known to me a~M _known to me to be one of the persons described in and who exe~ated the foregoing Lustrument and she duly acknowledged to me that she executed the aameo Notary ~bli% Surf. Coo In the matter of the Application of Harry W. Eglnton and ors. for the laying out of a new highway at ~attituok, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, tc be known as SCU~H DRIVE. APPLICATION; CONSENT and EL~,AS~.