HomeMy WebLinkAboutSMITH DRIVE~EO~E M~ S~ITH; DANIEL To SEITE: ~EOI~E ~RBEHT -a~iTH and ~ILLIAN ]~o S%IT]~, all rasldlng In the Village of Southold, ~n the ?o~n of Eouthold, County of Suffolk end State of Nee York, in consideration of the sum ~f ONE DOLLAR, to us In hand paid by ~AROLD PRICE, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the laying out of five nee highways at Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Yor~, to be known as 1. -~ilth Drive North; 2. Smith Drive South; ~erry Place; 4. ~/est Creek Road; 5. Wllltaas Road, respectively, and described aa follo~e:- 1. SMITH DRIVE NORTH - The southerly llns begins on the northeasterly line o£ Main Bayview Road -% 51- O0t E. 206.08 feet southeasterly along said line freI the dlvlslon llne between land of G. We Snihh & Sons and land of Go R. Tlsdals ~-nd ru~s thence at right an_les to said line of Main Bayview Road, No 39e 00! Re 688.0 feet; thence N. 80, 30t E. ?14.0 feet; thence on a curve to the right l~ving a radius of 100.0 feet, a distance on said curve of 157.0~ feet to thc northeasterly and of ~lth Drive .~th aa next herein. after described. T~e northerly line of said highway to be paraltel to' and ~0 feet northerly from the above describes southerly line. ~. SMITH DRIVE SOUTH - The northerly line begins on the northeasterly line of Main Bayviaw Road -% 51. 00~ E. ~6.08 f~t southe~terly ~o~ said 11~ fr~ the dlvlslon line between l~d of G.W. ~lth ~ S~s ~d l~d of O. ~. Tladale and r~ thrace to said line of M~n ~yvlew ~ N. ~, ~ E 925.~5 feet; th~ce M. 80~ ~ ~. 48~.~ feet; thence on a ~rve to the left hevl~ a ~ of 1~.0 fe~, a ~at~ee on aald cu~e of 157.~ feat to the south~terly end of ~lth Drive North aa ~reinabove described. The ~thePly line ~ s~d h~ to be p~llel to ~d ~ feet a~t~ly fr~ the a~ve des- cribed a~e[ly line. S. TERRY PLACE - The southwesterly line begins at a point on the second course of the southerly line of the above described ~lth Drive North, N. 80o 20~ E. 16.02 feet along said course from the Initial point of said course, and runs thence p~rellel to %sin Bayvlaw load 5. 5lo O0~ E. 9.S9.~S feet to a point m the northerly line of the above described Smith Drive South 900.0 feet fro~ the nct~thensterly line of said Main Bayvlew Road. The north- easterly line of said highway to be parallel to and 60 feet northeasterly fro~ the above described sou~hwasterly l~ne. 4. WEST CREEX ROAD - The easterly line begins at a point In the extension north- easterly of the first course of the southerly line of Saith Drive N~th, ~. 39~ O0~ ]~ ?5;46 feet from the northeasterly terminus of sald first course, said point being on the northerly line of said .~lth Drive North; end runs thence M. 4~ 30~ E. ~00 feet more or leas, to the ordinary high w~ter mark of West Creek. The westerly line of said highly to be parallel to and 50 feet westerly fron the above described easterly line from said lest Creek southerly until It intersects the extension northeasterly of the first course of the northerly line of said Smith Drive l~orth, and rune thence along said extension S. '39~ O0~ W. to said no-th- easterly line. 5. WLLLIAMS ROAD - The westerly line begins at a point m the northerly line of the second course of the above described ~lth Drive North, ~. 80o 20~ E% 669.~9 feet from the intersection of said line with the easterly line of the above dencrlhed ~eet Creek Road, end r~ms thence parallel to said West Creek Road, ~. 40 20t E. 185 feet, mc~e or leas, to the ordinary high water mark of West Creek. The easterly line of said highway to be parallel to and ~0 feet easterly from the above described westerly line, which proposed new highways will be known aa SMITH DRIVE NORTH; SMITH DRIVE SOUTH ~ PLACE; WEST CR~K ROAD, and WILL~AM~ ROAD, respectively, and will pass through the lands of GEOROE W. SMITH, DANIEl, T. SMITH, Gl{OldE H~BB~T SMITH and WIl`LIAM B. SMITH, only, do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore o~med by us end included within the presses above described, end do severally hereby release said Town from ell deme~ea by reason of the layln~ out of said new hig~h~ey~. · 5~TATE OF HEN YORX, SS:- COUNTY O~ SUt~LX. C~t the ~ da~ of March, 1948, before me personally came GEORGE W- ~MITH: ~k_~..-.~.~- GIORGE H~,~,~' ~H and ]~, all of Southold, Town of Southeld, Suffolk CoUnty, Mew York, to me knomn and known to me to be the in- dividuala described in end who executed the foregoh~ Instrument and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. tar~ Public, MOTJ~ PUBLIC in THESTATEOf NEW YT)RV, looming in Suffolk County Written application h~vlng been ~ade to me to~ superintendent of highways for the H~T SM~H ~d WI~N B, SM~H, liable to be a~assed for hi,way t~es in sa~d T~n and the ~ltten ~ent of the To~ Bo~d of s~d To~ having been given ~ prescribed by las, ~d release from ~ea ~ving been exerted by the owne~ of ~he l~d thresh which the pr~osed hl~ a~e to be laid out, copy of ~lch i~ hereto an~xed, ~d nothing havl~ been paid to any claimant for such ~s, It ls hereby O~ERED and ~TE~INED that the five hi,ways ~all ~ and the s~e a~ ~reby laid out In said Town ~ foll~s, ~d ~e to be ~own as 1. Smith Drive North~ 2. Smith Drive South; S. Terry Place; 4. Wast Creek Road; 5. Williams Road, respectively, and described as followm:- 1. SMITH DRIVE NOI/TH - The southerly line beg/ns ~ the northeasterly line of Main Bayview Road S. 5la O0~ E. J~06.08 feet southeasterly along said line from the division line between land of G.~/. Smith & Sons and land of G.~/. Tindal® and runs thence at right angles to said line of Main Baygiew Road, N.See O0t N. 888.0 feet; thence N. ~0t E. ?14.0 feet; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 100.0 feet, a distance on.said surve of 157.08 feet to the northeasterly end of Sai~th Drive South as~herein- after described. The northerly line of said highway to be parallel to ~ad 50 feet northerly from the above described southerly line. 2. SMITH DRIVE SOUTH .. The northerly line begins on the northeasterly llne of Main Bayvlew Road $. ,51- 00' E. 506.08 feet southeasterly along said line from the division line between land of G.W. Smlth & Sons and lend of ~, M, ~tsdale and runs thence at rlght angles to said line of Maln Bayvlew Road N. 39e O0f E- ~2~,~ feet; thence N. 80e 20~ N. feet;~hence on a curve to the left having a radius of 100.0 feet, a distance on said curve of 157.08 feet to the southeasterly end of Smith Drive North as hereinabove described. The southerly line of said higheay to be parallel to and 50 feet southerly from the above des- cribed northerly line. 3. TERRY PLAC~ . The southwesterly line begins at a polnt on the second course of the southerly, line of the above described ~lth Drive North, N. 800 30~ R. 16.02 feet slang said co~rae from the initial polnt of said cotn~se, and runs thence parallel to Main B~-vie! Road S. 51o 00' E. ~89.S8 feet to a point on the northerly line of the above described ~mlth Drive South 90~0.0 feet from the northeasterly line of said Ma~n Bayvie~ Road. The north- easterly line of said h~ihm~y to be parallel to and ~0 feet northeasterly free the above described southwesterly line. 4. ~EST C~X ROA~ - ~he easterly line begins at a point in the extension north- easterly of the first course of the southerly line of ~lth Drive North, ~. 39~ OOt E.75.46 feet from the northeamterly termlnns of said flret course, said point being cu the ~ortherl~ line of said Smith Drive Not, ch; and runs thence N. 4- 30~ N. 200 feet more or less, to the ordlnory h/gh water mark of West Creek. The westerly line of said highway to be parallel t~ and 50 feet westerly from the above described easterly line from said Rest Creek southerly until it intersects the extension northeasterly of the first course of the northerly line of said Smith Drive Morth, and runs thence along said extension S. 39o 00~ W. to said north. easterly line. 5. WILLIAMS ROAD - The w~sterly line begins at a point on the northerly line of the eecond course of the above described Smith Drive North, N. 80o 30t B. 669.89 feet from the intersection of eald line with the easterly line of the above described West Creek Road, and runs thence parallel to s~ld West Creek Road, N. 4* 30t E. X65 feet, more or less, to the ordinary hig~h ~ater mark of West Creek. The easterly line of said highway to be parallel to end ~0 feet easterly from the above described westerly line, ~hich prOposed laying out sill pass throt~h lands of Q~or~e W. Smith, Denial ~. Smith; George Herbert Smith and William B. Smith, only. U, the unde~lEnad, a m~Jorlty o£ the Town Board of the Tom of Souchold, having ~t a~ the office of the Su~r~lsor, at Greenport, ~mlth; ~ntel T. ~l~h; Geo~e Herbert flve new hl$~yz at ~uthold, Town of ~outhold, ~ffolk ~ty~ New Yo~k~ to be ~own 1. Smith Drive North; 2. Smith Drive South; &. Terry Place; 4. West Creak Road; 5. Wllll~m~ Road, respectively, do hereby consent that s~ch layin~ out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petltlon. To~n ~pervl sot. ~ ?o~ Clerk. ~Juatlcea . )Pewee. Superintendent of HighWays. TO TH~ TO~N -~UP~INTF~D~T OF NI~HNAi~ OF TH~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IM TH~ COU~ITy OF SUFFOhK A~D STATN OF NEW YORX, The undersigned, liable to be a~eeesed for high,ay taxes in the To~n of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out five nee highw~/s at Southold, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, Nee York, to be k~o~ -= 1. Smith Drive North; 2. S~lth ~rive South; ~. Terry Place; 4. West Creek Road; 5. Wlllla~s Road, respectively, and described aa follows:- 1. SMITH DRIVE NORT~ - The southerly line begins on the northeasterly llne of Main ~ayview Road~. Sle O0t N. 206.08 feet southeasterly along said lime from the division line between land of G.W. ~lth & Sons and land of O. Mo ?isdaie a~d rune thence at right angles to said line of Main Bayviee Road, N. $9o OOt E. $88.0 feet; thence N. 30! E. 714.0 feet; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 100.0 feet, a distance on said curve of 157.08 feet to the northeasterly end of ~alth Driv~ South as next herein- after describeS. The northerly line of said high,ay to be l~railsl to and 50 feet northerly fro~ the above described southerly lime. 2. SMIT~ DP. lIE SO~TH - The northerly line begins'on the northeasterly line of Main Bayvies Read S- ~le 00~ E. 505,08 feet southeasterly along said line fro~ the division line between land of O. W. ~lth & Sons and land of G. M. Tisdaie md runs thence at right angles to said line of Main Bayviee Road N. ~ge O0~ g. 9~5.~5 feet; thrace N. 80e 30~ g. 48?.29 feet; the~ee on a curv~ to the left having a radius of 100.0 fast, a distance on said curve of 1S?.08 feet to the southeasterly end of ~ith Drive North aa hereinabovs described. The southerly line of said highway to be parallel to and 50 feet &outherly from the above des- cribed northerly line. 3. ~Y PLACE - The southwesterly line begins at a point on the second course of the southerly line of the above described S~lth ~lve North, N. 80e ~0~ Eo 15.OR feet along said course frcea the initial point of e~ld cc~ree, and runs thence parallel to Main Bayview Road S. 5la O0~ R. P~9.~8 feet to a point on the northerly line of the aho~e described IMatth Drlvs South 900.0 feet fro~ the northeasterly line of said Main BayviesRo~d. The north- easterly line of said highway to be parallel to and 50 feet northeasterly from the above described southwesterly line. 4- WEST CREEK ROA~ . The easterly line begins at a point in the extension north- easterly of the first course of the southerly line of ~lth Drive North, N. ~ge 00~ R. ?5.46 feet from the northeasterly telmflnms of said first course, said point being ~ the nol~hsrly llne of said S~ith Drive North; and runs thence N. 40 ~0~ R. ~00 feet more or less, to the ordinary high water mar~ of West Crask. The westerly line of said high, ay to be parallel to and 50 feet ~aterly fr~a the above described easterly line frc~ said Neat Creek southerly until it intersects the extension northeasterly of the first course of the northerly line of said ~ith Drive North, and lams thence along said exten~loa S. $9o O0~ W. to said north- easterly line. 5. WILLIAIgl ROAD o The westerly line ~/pl~sat a poln~ on the northerly line of the second coux-.ss of the above described Smith Drive Mc~'th, N. SOo 30~ E. 669.89 feet from the intersection of said line ~lth the easterly line of the above described West Creak Road, and runs thence parallel to said Nest Creek Road, N. 4o 30t E. 185 feet, ~ore or less, to the ordinary b~gh water mark of West Creek. The easterly line of said highway to be parallel to and 50 feet easterly from the above described westerly line, which proposes laying out will pass through the lands of ~ George W.Sm~Ith;Dan.lel T.Smith; George Herbert S~lth and William B.S~lth, only. ~~,~ ~J ~/~,~ ' Dated this ~ day of March, 194S. ENITN ~DRIVE NORTH ;' M.'. SNITH: DRIVE