HomeMy WebLinkAboutSHIRLEY ROADOR~ER LAYING OUT NI~HWAY8 WITH THE CONSENT OF THE TOW~ BOAHDi · Written application having been made to me town superintendent of highways for the Town of 8ou~hold, Suffolk County, New York, by Edith M. Young, liable to be assessed ~or highway taxes in said Town and the written consent of the Town Boar~ of said Town having been given as prescribed by law, and release from damages having been executed by the owner of the land through which the proposed highways are to be laid out, copy of which is hereto annexed, and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages, it is hereby ORDERED and DETERMINED that the five highways shall be and the same are hereby laid out in said Town as follows, and are to be known as 1. Shirley Road 2. Youngs Avenue 3- Horton Avenue ~. Pine street 5. Oak Street respectively, and described as follows:- 1. SHIRLEY ROAD- The westerly line of Shirley Road is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the~ortherly line of Middle Road at the southwesterly corner of land convey~d~=by Gillie to Edith M. Young by d~ed dated 19~; running t~?~- along land of said Gillie, N.3~u~O~W. -540.0 feet; to the westerly end of Youngs Avenue, next herein described; the easterly line of said Shirley Road being ~9.5 feet easterly from the above described westerly line. 2. YOUNGS AVENUE - The northwesterly line of Younge Avenue is descri- bed as follows: Beginning at a point on the southwesterly line of Westphalia Road at the easterly corner of land of Reeve; running thence at right angles to said line of Westphalia Road, S.19°26'20"W.-26~.O0 feet; thence 5.39°29~20H W.-866.23 feet to the northerly end of the westerly line of Shirley Road; the southeasterly line of said Youngs Avenue being a9.5 feet southeasterly from the above descri~e~ northwesterly line. 3. HORTON AVENUE - ~he southerly line of Horton Avenue ia described as follows: Beginning at a point en the easterly line of Shirley Road feet northerly along said easterly line from the northerly line_cf Middle Road; running thence at right angles to said Shirley Road, N.55°20'E.- 223.5~ feet; thence along the northerly line of land of ~yte and other land of Edith M. Young, N.?3~lS'5OHE.-~3b.93 feet;thence N.5? 21'E.-~.12 feet:. to the southerly end of Oak Street as herein after described; the northerly line of said Horton Avenue being ~9.5 feet northerly from the above describe, southerly line. ~. PINE STREET - The northeasterly line of Pine Street ie described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of Younge Avenue 353.6? feet northeasterly along said line from the easterly line of Shirley Road; running-thence, 8.~03~'20#E.-~2~.26 feet; thence,S.~Ao~OeE.-163.03 feet to the northerly line of Horton Avenue; the southwesterly line of said Pine Street being ~9.~ feet southwesterly from the above described northeast- erly line. 5- OAK STREET - The northeasterly line of Oak street is described as followec Beginning at a point on the,southeasterly line of Younge AvenUe ?28.29 feet northeasterly along said line from the easterly line of ~hirley Road; running thence, S.5~°3~'20"E.-690.O5 feet to a point which is a9.5 feet northeasterly from the easterly end of the southerly line of Horton Avenue; the southwesterly line of said Oak Btreet being ~9.5 feet south- westerly from the above described northeasterly line. which proposed laying out will pass through lands of Edith M. Young only. Dated this day of ~ 19~8 Town Superintendent of Highways. T~O THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN TH~ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK, The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to you to lay out five new highways at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as 1. S~IRLEY ROAD YOUNGS AVENUE 3. HORTON AVENUE PINE STREET 5. OAK STREET respectively, and described as follows:- 1. SHIRLEY ROAD- The westerly line of Shirley Road is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of Middle Roa~ at the southwesterly corner of land conveyed by Gillie to Edith M. Young by d~ed dated 19a8; running thence along land of said Gillie, N.3~v&O'W. -5~O.O feet; to the westerly end of Youngs Avenue, next herein described; the easterly line of said Shirley Road being a9.5 feet easterly from the above described westerly line. 2. YOUNGS AVENUE - The northwesterly line of Youngs Avenue is descri- bed as follows: Beginning at a point an the southeasterly line of West/mhalia Road at the easterly corner of land o~ Reeve; running thence at right aRgles to said line of Wes~phalia Road, 8.19 26'~O"W.-26~.OO feet; thence $.39v29'20# W.86b.23 feet to the northerly end of the westerly line of Shirley Road; the southeasterly line of said Youngs Avenue being a915 feet southeasterly from the above described northwesterly line. 3. HORTON AVENUE- The southerly line of Horton Avenue is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Shirley Road 167.66 feet northerly along said easterly line from the northerly line of Middle Road; running thence at right angles to said Shirley Road, N.55°20'E. - 223.59 feet; thence along the northerly line of land of Why~e and o~her land of Edith M. Young, N.?3UlS'50~ E. 336.93 feet; thence N. 57 ~1~E--3~5-12 feet: to the southerly end of Oak street as herein after described; the northerly line of said Horton Avenue being ~9.5 feet northerly from the above described southerly line. ~. PINE STREET - The northeasterly line of Pine Street is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of Youn~s Avenue 353.b? feet northeasterly along said line from the easterly line of shirley Road; running-thence, S.5~o3~20"E.-325.26 feet; thenee,S.34°~O'E.-163.O3 feet to the northerly lin~ of Horton Avenue; the southwesterly line of said Pine ~treet being ~9.5 feet southwesterly from the above described northeast- erly line. 5. OAK STREET - The northeasterly line of Oak Street is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of Youngs Avenue 72~.29 feet northeasterly along said line from the e,sterly line of Shirley Road; running thence, S. 5a°3~20"E.-b90.O5 feet to a point which is ~9.5 feet northeasterly from the easterly end of ~he southerly line of Horton Avenue; the southwesterly line of said Oak Street being ~9.5 feet south- westerly from the above described northeasterly line, which proposes laying out will pass through the Dated this lands of Edith M. Young, O day of only WE, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Bosrd of the Town of Southold, having met at the office of the Supervisor, at Greenport, in said day of ~ 19~8, and oonsidered the ~pp~ieation Town on the of Edith M. Young, for the l~ylng out of five new highways at~$e~eMe-l~, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be know~ as 1. Shirley Road 2. Younge Avenue 3. Horton Avenue 2. Pine Street 5. Oak Street respectively, do hereby consen~ ~hmt such laying out be made in accordance with the prayer of the within petition. upervieor 'tTo Clerk. eaoe Superintendent of Highways. EDITH ~. YOUNG, reeiding~in the Village of Nattituck, in the Town df~ Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, in consideration of ONE DOLLAR, to me in hand paid by HAROLD PRICE, Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, and in further consideration of the laying out of five new highways at Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known ae 1. SHIRLEY ROAD 2. YOUNGS AVENUE 3- HORTON AVENUE PINE STREET §. OAK STREET respectively, and described as follows:- 1. SHIRLEY ROAD - The westerly line of Shirley Road is described as follows; Begining at a point on the northerly line of Middle Road at ~he southwesterly corner of land conveyed by Gillie to Edith M. Young by ~eed dated 19~8; running thence along land of said G~lllis, N.3~ 40~W. -5~0.0 feet to the westerly end of Youngs Avenue, next herein described; the easterly line of said Shirley Road being ~9.5 feet easterly from the above described westerly llne. 2. YOUNGS AVENUE - The northwesterly line of Younge Avenue ie descri- bed as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of Westphalia Road at the easterly corner of lend'of Reeve; ru~nlng thence at right angles to said line of Westphalia Road, S.19o26'~O"W.-2b4.O0 feet; thence S.39°29'20" W. 866.23 feet to the northerly end of the westerly lihe of Shirley Road; the southeasterly line of ~said Youngs Avenue being ~9.5 feet southeasterly from the above described northwesterly line. 3. HORTON AVENUE - The southerly line of Horton Avenue is described as follows: Beginning at a point cn the easterly line of Shirley Road 167.66 feet northerly along said easterly line from the northerly llne of Middle Road; runni?g thence at right ~nglee t~ s~id Shirley Rqad. 223.59 feet, thence along the northerly line of land ogWh~te and other land of Edith M. Young, N.?3 15'50"E. 336.93 feet; thence N.~ 57°21'E. -3~5.1~ feet; to the southerly end of Oak Street as herein after described; the northerly line of said Horton Avenue being 49.5 feet northerly from the at~ve described southerly line. 4. PINE BTREET- The northeasterly line of Pine Street is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of Youngs Avenue 353.~? feet northeasterly slon~ said line from the easterly line of Shirley Road; running -thence, S.5~°34~20"E.-325.26 feet; thence, S. 3Ao40'E.-163.O3 feet to the northerly line of Horton Avenue; the southwesterly line of said Pine street being 49.5 feet southwesterly from the above described northeast- erly line. 5. OAK STREET - The northeasterly line of Oak Street is described as follows: Beginning a~ a point on the southeasterly line of Youngs Avenue 728.29 feet northeasterly along said line from the easterly line of Shirley Road; running thence, S.54°3~'20"E.-690.05 feet to a point which ie feet northeeeterly from the easterly end of the southerly line of Horton Avenue; the southwesterly line of said Oak Street being 49.5 feet south- westerly from the above deecri~e~ northeasterly line. which proposed new highways will be known as Shirley Road; Youngs Avenue; Horton Avenue; Pine Street and Oak Street, respectively, and will pass through the lands of Edith M. Young only, do hereby dedicate and release to the Town of Southold, all land heretofore owned by me and included within the premises above described, and do hereby release, said Town from all damages by rea2on of the laying out of said new highways. (L.S.) (L.S.) (L.8.) (L, S, ) STATE OF NEW YORK, SS: - COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. On the ~-~ day of ~ 1948, before me personally came Edith M. Young, _-n_~'_.~.-- -:_' Dny~,-~e,~[--ef. Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk Oounty, New York, to me known and known to me to be the individual~ described in and who executed the foregoing Instrument and~severally acknowledged to me that~xecuted the same. Notary Public. STATE OF NEW YOBK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK,. SS :_ day of ~W~o~ , 1948, before me personally came On the M~RGARET DAYTON, of Matti~uck, Tow~ of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to me known and ~b~n'td-me* executed the foregoing instrument and she duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same. NotarY Fubllc.