HomeMy WebLinkAboutSILVERMERE ROADSTATE OF NEW YORK COU~¥ OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain town highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. Application having been duly made for the laying out of a town highway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York~ extending from New York State Route 2% near the Village o~ Greenport, Suffo~lk ~oun~y, New York through the ~red ROnik to the ±anas oI ' lands of/The Long Island Railroad Company and from the lands ofthe Long Island Railroad Company through the lands of Edna A. Brown to highwater mark of Pipe's Cove and adjoining the lands of Clarence C. Roach, Harry G. Steinmetz, Albert Frohne and Veronica Frohne, his wife, Thomas Jurczenia and Florence Jurczenia, his wife, August Sleger and Bertha Sieger, his wife, Henry Baak and Margaret. Baqck, his wife, Royal Toner and Greenport Shores Inc., and a dedication and release from the owners of and other persons interested in the lands through which the highway is proposed to be opened having been given; NOW, THE~EFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, New York, do hereby determine and order that a town highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid out in said Town as follows~ PARCEL O~E~ All that tract or parcel of land. situate~ lying and being near Greenport, in the Town of · Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows~ Beginning at a point on ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove at the southeasterly corner of land of Thomas Jurczenia and rUnning thence along said land of Thomas Jurezenia, N.lO24,40,,E. 2¢8.26 feet; thence along said land of Thomas Jurczenla and land of August Sieger, N.8Oo5%,N. 189.49 feet] thence along said land or'August Sieger and land of Albert Frohne, N.4?o33,W. $6.41 feet to land of Clarence C. Roach; thence along said land of Clarence C. Roach and across a %0 foot right ofway on land of said Edna A. Brown, N.1%°21'30"~. ~40 fee~, more or lesS, to land of Long ISland Rail Road Company, thence northeasterly on the curved southerly line ofsaid land of Long Island Rail Road Company 5~ feet, more or less, to a point 50 feet easterly from the last described course, measured at right~ angles thereto; thence along Other land of Edna A. Brown, la~d of Clarence C. Roach and land of Albert Frohne, S.1~o21,30,W. %3~ feet, more or less; thence along said land of Albert Frohne on a line parallel to and ~0 feet northeasterly from the third course herein described, S.47o33,E. 40.84 feet; thence along land of Albert Frohne and land of Edna A. Brown on a line paraIleI to and %0 feet northerly from the second course h~rein ~scr~bed, S.80o55,E. 267.8~ feet~ thence axong o~ner land of Edna A. Brown on a line parallel to and lOOfeet easterly from the first course herein described, S.lO24,40,W. 2?6.24 feet to ordinary high wa~er mark of Pipes Cove; thence aloD~ Said ordin- ary high water mark of Pipes COve, S.86o16 W. 100.40 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL TWO: All that tract or parcel of land, situate lying and being near Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Main Road at the northwesterly corner of land of V. Santacroce Estate and the northeasterly corner of land of said F. Ronik; running thence along said land of V. Santacroce Estate, two courses as follows: (1)S,6°26'30"E.'522.09 feet to a monument; thence (2)S.14°13~lO"W.-56.04 feet to a monument on the northerly line of land of Long Island Railroad Company; thence westerly along the curved northerly line of said land of Long Island Railroad Company, 55 feet, more or less, to a point distant 50 feet westerly from the last described course, measured at right angles'to said course; thence along other land of said F. Ronik on a line parallel to and 50 westerly from the second course above desc=Ibed, N.i$°13~iO.E. 65 feet, more or less; thence along other land of said F. Ronik on a line parallel to and 50 feet westerly from the first course above described, N.6°26,30,,W.. 510 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of said Main Road; thence alongthe southerly line of said Main Road, N.77o54,40,E._%0.22 feet to the point of beginning. Dated, this /~ day of~Se~~ , 1948. STATE OF, ~~ OOUNT¥ OF on this ~0 day of~ Nineteen Hundred and Forty-seven before me, the subscriber, personally appeared HARRY G. STEINMETZ to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he exec~e~ the same. N&tary Public GEORGE O. BECKER F ~~,k~ Notary Public in the State of New York, Commission Expires March 30,I~-~ On this /~-~aY of ~~ Nineteen Hundred and Forty-seven before me, the subscribers, personall appeared ALBERT FROHNE and VERONICA FROHNE to me personally ~own aM ~own to me to be the same perso~ described in and who executed the within Instrument, and they acknowledged to me that they executed ~e same. #~BLIC, ~ueen~ Coun~ ~ns ~. ~'s No. ~43 ~g. No. 21.R.8 ' ~--~otary l~t'olt e ~mmi~ion ~ims Ma~ch 30, 194~ STATE OF ~ COUFTY OF On this o~ ~ day of~ Nineteen Hundred and Forty-seven before me, the subscribers, personall appeared THOMAS JURCZENIA and FLORENCE JURCZENIA to me personally known and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the within InstrUment, and they acknowledged to me that they executed the same. --. C~. ak ~ Xo. 36~, eel. N~. ~]e.l,4 Notary Publl c6Y Ten, F.,4dms Ma~ 30, I~4S On this day of P ' ineteen ~undred and Forty seven before me~ the subsc~bers~ perso~l] appeared AUGUST SIEGER and BERTHA SIEGER to me personally known and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the within Instrument, and they Ne Re .~,.~ i. su.o~ co. ~he~ ~,~,:~:~.~ ~ ~-'¢-~-'"'~ T.,.,~.,..-~"~....~ % muff?~ ~n~ Cl~rk s~o. 1~9~.. ~.//~ Notary Publt~ ' '- mmmslon ~pir~ ~rch 30, 1~/,/ S~A~ OY ~ ~0~) On this /~ day of ~~~Nineteen H~dred and For~-seven before me~ the subscrihers~ person- ally appeared HENRY BAACK and MARGARET BAACK to me personally known and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the within Instrument, and the~ acknowledged tome that they ~xecuted the same._ Notary Public in the State of New Yor$~: Residing in Suffolk Co. when Appointe~ i Suffolk County Clerk's No. 1899 Commission Expires March 30, 1S cou~ o~ ~ On this ~o~_-~,~ay of~-~T Nineteen Hundred and Forty.~ befo~ me personally came to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did I:idepose and say that he resides in.~2~_._~~ ithat he is th~_~iD~ of ~reenport~h~.Inc. the corporation described in, and which executed, the above Instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said Instrument is such corporate ~aI; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of of said corporation; and that he signed his name ithereto by like order. STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Notary. co.mss,oN ~Pm~S ~Rc. ~. ~ On this 7th day of January~ 1948 before me~ the Subscriber~ personally appeared ROYAL TONER to me personally ~known and known to me to be the same person described in and · ho exeuuted the within Instrument~ and he acknowledged to ime ~hat he executed the same. ~ ~f~e~:i ~. ~iel~ Cler~ o/the County o/~eache~t~, and gao Clerk o/the S~te~ ~d CounIy Courts iu and for the said County, th~me being Courts.~ Recor~ , a ~ ~ u,hose name ,s subscribed to the de~sition or;/,rt,ficate of lhe ~o~owledgmenl of the annexed hzstrument, and thereon wrilten, win, k} the time of taking such deposition, or ackno~tlvdgment, a Notary Public h~ and for such County, duly commissiond and sworn, and thorized by the laws of said Stat6 to take depositions and to administer oaths to be used in Court of said State and for general purposes; and also to take acknowledgments and proofs o deeds, of conveyances of Lind, t~,~em~,nts or hered)taments in sam State of New York. And ]urther, that I am well acauaintd with the handwriting of such Not~y PuMic or have compared the signature of such officer upon the original certificate with a specimen of his signature filed deposited in this office pursuant to law, ~d verily believe that the signature to said deposition or certificate oI proof or acknowledgment is genuine. No sod requital by the laws of the State of New York. ~ ~sfim=ng ~he~ea~ I havfl hereunto set my hand and affi~ the s~al of the said Courts and County, the ~ ~ ~ q day o/ ~N' ~ 194 . .............. ................ ~~ ~aa-:- ~"~'~eH~$'0ou ~ ~AN$O~, Oounty ¢lork and. Ol~rk o~ ~ou~ oI N~au { ~ ~&Yi ~ 0ou~ oI R~eord ha~ng by law a a~l, DO ms~men~ ~ at the ~me of ~ ~e sam~ ~ ~nma~v ~r,~,-~ p the annexed -- .............. ~ m ~d Ior the S~te of New Y~ dul~ ~mmi~ioned and ~o~ ~d qu~fi~ ~ act ~ such in N~au d~Y~'au~o~ed b~ the lawL ~* -~ Y~-~ff~i'k~'~ ~ee; ~nat as. ~uc~ NOTARY ~BLIC he w~ ~ ~ ~- ~e ~m~ ox ~ew xork ~ admml~er oa~ and ~atio~, ce~ the ae~owle~ent or p~of of deeds ~d other ~t~n ins~me and h~amen~ to be read in e~d ...... ............ n~ 1or lands, ~nemen~ ~ve eom~d ~e ~=na~re o- 'u~ -~,~ ~ ~'~' .~=.~uwrmng ox such ~o~ Pubhc, or e, and behove that the si~ature is-~ine. ~p ~ e deposited m ~/ : IN WITheS W~EEoF, I have hereun~ Seamy ~nd ~d affixed my 89378 Y., ...... No 37129 '¥ ot Queens, j ss.: ................................................. I, PAUL L~[dT~O~I, Clerk of the County of Quef.~fi~k of the Supreme Court and County ~urt in and for said ~_ou~fy, the same being courts of ~cord.~f~avi~'a seal, DO /I~REBY C~RTIFY, ~. whose /(ame is subscribed to the/fdeposition, certificate of acl~o¥1edgment or proo e ~annexea instrument, was at the tjfi~e of taking the same a N0~I'AIj[Y PUBLIC in and for the '~'~ State of New York, duly commisl~ilfned and sworn and qualifiedtl134ct as such in Queens County and tbroughout sa'M State ;that IJqrsuant to law a commission, or a certificate of his appointment and qualifications, and his autograph signature, have been filed in my office; that as such NOTARY PUBLIC he was duly authorized by the laws of the State of New York to admin- ister oaths and affirmations, to certify the acknowledgment or proof of deeds and other written instruments for lands, tenements and hereditaments to be read in evidence or recorded in said State, to protest notes and to take and certify depositions; and that I am well acquainted with the handwriting of Sulih Notary Public, or have compared the signature on the annexed instru- ment with his a,utog/~ph signature deposited in my office, and believe that the signature is ~ genuine.ijC.~i~N~l~tF, _I~ha e..v he~reu~nto_ ~.~/my h~nd affixed my official seal this~ .......... County Court, Queens County. 37128 State o~ New York, ~ $$ · ~q0 ................................................. County Ot Queens, J " I, pA~VJOTI, Clerk of the County of Queens ajad~Cl~'~f the Supreme Court and County Court in and fort~id~ntyl~e same being courts of recorfi/ha n~ seal, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, ~ho~~bed to the depositio , ' ate ot ac~r~owteagmenz or pro annexed instrument, was at the time of taking the same a NOT~RY PUBLIC ~in and for the State of New York, duly commissioned and sworn and qualified ['o act as such in Queens County and throughout said State; that pursuant to law a commission, or a certificate of his appointment and qualifications, and his autograph signature, have been filed in my office; that as such NOTARY PUBLIC he was duly authorized by the laws of the State of New York to admin- ister oaths and affirmations, to certify the acknowledgment or proof of deeds and other written instruments for lands, tenements and hereditaments to be read in evidence or recorded in said State, to protest notes and to take and certify depositions; and that I am well acquainted with the handwriting of such Notary Public, or have compared the signature on the annexed instru- ment with his au~graph signature deposited in my office, and believe that the signature is genuine. th'~. ............... - ~'-da~~. IN THE ~,.aTTER OF THE LAYING 0~JT CF ~ CERTAIN TOVfN HIGR-.?ak I]~ THE 0F SOUTHOLD~ COUI~TY OF SUFFOLK aND 2Ta'fE OF Y 0RK ORDER HENRY TA~KER COUNSELLOR AT LAW STATE OF NEW YORK COUi~TY OF SUFFOLK T0%~ OF SOUTHOLD In the katter : of the : Laying out of a certain town highway in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. UPON READING AND FILING the dedication and release of Fred Ronik, Edna Brown, Clarence C. Roach, Harry G. Steinmetz, Albert Frohne, Veronica Frohne, Thomas Jurczenia, Florence Jurczenia, August Sieger, Bertha Sieger, Henry Baack, kargaret Baack, Royal Toner and Greenport Shores Inc.~ dated /~ , 1947, and all duly acknowledged, dedicating and releasing the necessary lands for a proposed town highway to extend from New York State Route 2~ near the Village of Greenport, Suffolk County, New York through the lands of Fred Ronik to the lands of The Long Island Railroad Company and from the lands of the Long Island Railroad Company through the lands of Edna A. Brown to highwater mark of Pipe's Cove and adjoining the lands of Clarence C. Roach, Harry G. Steinmetz, Albert Frohne and Veronica Frohne, his wife, Thomas Jurczenia and Florence Jurczenia, his wife, and Bertha Sieger, August Sieger./his wife, Henry Baack and kargaret Baack, his wife, Royal Toner and Greenport Shores Inc. RESOLVED, that consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendents of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order laying out the aforesaid town highway, the said town highway to consist of the lands described in the said dedication and release all in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of Dated~ the Highway Law of the State of Eew York. Town Board of the Town of Southold County of Suffolk ~ New York Supervisor Justice of the Peace Jus$'lce of the Peace / Justice of the Peace - [ II Town Clerk ¥ STATE OF NEW YORK c0~ or ~o~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain town hig way in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York HENRY TASKER COUNSELLOR AT LAW STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOWN OF SOmOLD In the Matter of the Laying out of a certain town highway in the Town of Southold, CoUnty of Suffolk and State of New York. WHEREAS application has been duly made to the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold~ in Suffolk County, New York, for the laying out of a certain town highway to extend from New York State Route 2~ near the Village of Greenport, Suffolk County, New York through the lands of one Fred Ronik to lands of The Long Island Rail- road Company and from the lands of the Long Island Railroad Company through the lands of Edna A. Brown to highwater mark of Pipe's Cove and adjoining the lands of Clarence C. Roach, Harry G. Steinmetz, Albert Frohne and Veronica Frohne, his wife, Thomas Jurczenia and Florence Jurczenia, his wife, August Sleger and Bertha Sieger, his wife, Henry Baack and Margaret Baack, his wife, Royal Toner and Greenport Shores Inc., and WHEREAS the said Fred Ronik, Edna Brown, Clarence C. Roach, Harry G. Steinmetz, Albert Frohne, Veronica Frohne, Thomas Jurczenia, Florence Jurczenia, August Sieger, Bertha Sieger, Henry Baack, Margaret Baack~ Royal Toner and Greenport Shores Inc. with place of business at ~ Liberty Street, Hempstead, New York are the owners of a right of over the premises to be dedicated as hereinafter provided either as grantee..~r mortgagee and are all of the persons having any interest in said right of way and said proposed highway. ~0~, THEREFORE, the said Fred Ronik residing at Greenport~ Suffolk County, New York and the said Edna, A. Brown residing at East Marion, Suffolk County, New York being the owners of all lands to be included within the said highway and the said Clarence C. Roach residing at 2~Lynch Street, Huntington Station, New York, Harry Go Steirmetz residing at 21 Orchard Avenue~ Port Chester, New York, Albert Frohne and Veronica Frohne residing at 85-11 122 Street, Richmond Hill, New York, Thomas ~urczenia and Florence ~urczenia residing at~-21 215th Street, Queens Village, New ¥ork~ August Sieger and Bertha Sieger residing at 1765 New York Avenue, Huntington Station, New York, Henry Baack and Margaret Baaek residing at Old Country Road, Huntington, New York, Hoyal Toner residing at Oxford Bouleva~ Garden City, New York and Greenport Shores Inc., residing asforesaid and being all of the persons having any interest therein, in consideration of the laying out of a certain highway and in consideration of the dedication of the lands hereinafter described to the Town of Sou,hold for highway purposes by the said Fred Rontk and Edn~ A. Brown do hereby dedicate, release and convey to the said Town of Sou,hold for highway purposes, the following lands, to wits PARCEL Olds All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying, and being near Greenport, in the Town of Sou,hold. County of Suffolk and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows~ Beginning at a point on ordinary high water ~ark of Pipes Cove at the southeasterly corner of land of Thomas Jurczenla and running thence along said land of Thomas Jurczenia, N.lO24t40.E. 2&8.26 feet; thence along said land Of Thomas JurCzenia and land of August Sieger, 1.80o55'N. 189.49 feet; thence along said land~of August Sieger and land of Albert Frohne, N.4?o33'W. 86.41 feet to land of Clarence C. Roacht thenc% along said land of Clarence C. Roach and across a 50 foot right of way on land o~ said Edna A. Brown, N.I~°21'30"E. 540 feet, more or less, to land of Long Island Rail Road Company; thence northeasterly on the curved southerly line of said land of Long Island Rail Road Conpany 55 feet, more or less, to a point ~0 feet easterly from the last described course, measured at right angles thereto; thence along other land of Edna A. Brown, land of Clarence C. Roach and lan~ of,Albert Fr~hne, S.1~o21,30.~. 535 feet, more or less, thence along said land of Albert Frohne on a line parallel to and 50 feet northeasterly from the third course herein described, S. 47o33'E. 40.84 feet; thence along land of Albert Frohne and land of Edna A. Brown on a line parallel to and 50 feet northerly fro~ the second co~rse herein described, S.80o~5'E. 26?.85 feet; thene&along other land of Edna A. Brown on a line parallel to and 100 feet easterly from the first course herein described, S.lO24,40-~. 2?6.24 feet to ordinary high water ~ark of Pipes Cove; t~enee along said ordinary high water mark of Pipes Cove, S.86o16'W. 100.%O feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL TWO: All that tract or parcel of land, situate, lying, and being near Greenport, in the Town of $outhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of ~ain Road at the northwesterly corner of land of V. Santacroce Estate and the northeasterly corner of land of said F. Ronik; running thence along said land of V. Santacroce Estate~ two courses as follows: (1)S.6o~6,30.E.-522.09 feet to a monument; thence (2)S.14 13'10"W.-56.04 feet to a monument on the northerly line of land of Long Island Railroad CoHpany; thence westerly along the curved northerly line of said land of Long Island Railroad Company, 55 feet, more or less, to a point distant 50 feet westerly from the last described course, measured at right angles to said course; thence along other land of said F. Ronik on a line parallel to and 50 feet westerly from the second course above described, N.14°13,10,E.-65 feet, more or less; thence along other land of said F. Ronik on a line parallel to and 50 feet westerly from the first course above described, N.6°26'30"W.-SlO feet, more or less to the southerly line of said ~ain Road; thence along the southerly line of said ~ain Road, N.77°54'40"E.-50.22 feet to the point of beginning. Together with all of the right, title and interest of the parties hereto of in and to any and all rights of way over, upon and across th~ lands of the Long Is~nd Railroad Company. IN WITNESS WHE~EOF~ we have caused these presents to be executed and sealed this 10thday of December , 1947. Fred Ronik Edn~r0wn Clarence C~ Roac~h Thomas Ju~'ze~ia ~ ~lorence ~/~en~a A~ust Steger// ~ ~. ~~ertha Slege~ (L.S,) (L.S.) (L.S.) STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS.,, and Forty-~for® me Nineteen HundrE , personally appearE FRED RONIK to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the within Instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary ~q.lb ~L~-~" '''''°LosMIm ~ ~01~I~.IC, STATE OF NEW Y~ R./ding in Suffolk County Suffolk ~unty No, 784 C0~Y OF S~0~ss'' and Forty ~fore me~ th~subserib~, personal~ appear~ d d EDNA~hROWN to me personally known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the Within Instrument, and she acknowledged to me that she executed the same. STATE OF NEW YORK) bid n! in ,Suffolk County Suffolk'County No. 754 ' O~i, ~._~'a/,/~ )SS o , ~mmission £xpires March 30~ 1948 COUNTY On this~'~/- /J f~'~ clay of ~.~ ~ ~, ~ ~-~ Nineteen Hund. r~ and Forty-seven before me, the subscriber, personally appeare CLARENCE C. ROACH and Adeline E. Roach to me personally known and known to me to be the same person~ desCribed in and who executed the within Instrument, and ~be acknowledged to me thatthe~executed the same.. J. GILBERT SMITH Nota~ Pub#c in the State of New Yorh Residin8 in Suffolk Co. when Suffolk County Clerk's No. 1899 Commission Expires March 30, 19,~ IN THE kaTTEP, OF THE LAYII~G OUT OF A CERTAIN TO~;~ HIG~,:~aY I~ THE OF SOUTHOLD~ COUETY OF S~JFFOLK ~ND STATE OF NE~'! YORK C ON SENT HENRY TASKER MAP OF PROPOSED HIroHWA¥ Z TO El E KNOWN CAS 51LVERMERE P-.. O A D ~REENPORT TOWN OF 50UTHOLD J 0 0 C 0 .