HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEVENTH STREET, GREENPORTTOWN OF 5OUTHOLD cOUNTY OF SUFFOLK In the Matter of the Abandon- ment of a portion of a Highway in the Town of Southold; known as Seventh Street Certificate of Abandonment The undersigned· RAYMOND C. DEAN· Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, hereby certifies: That the highway in said Town of Southold known as Seventh Street and extending from the Northerly line of Flint Street northerly to land of the Long Island Railroad· Co. has not been traveled or used as a highway for six and more years prior to the date of this Certificate and said highway is hereby declared abandoned pursuant to Section 205 of the Law as a highway and a public right of way. 5aid abandoned Highway highway is described as follows, to wit: All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being near the Village of Greenport, in the Town of Southold; Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of Flint on the extension of Seventh Street and running thence North 6 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds East 130.40 feet to land of Long Island Railroad Co.; thence along said land of Long Island Railroad Co. South 84 degrees 11 minutes 40 seconds West 51.26 feet to the extension northerly of the westerly line of Seventh Street; thence a~ong said extension South 6 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds West 118.86 feet to said northerly line of Flint Street; thence along said northerly line of Flint Street South 82 degrees 77 minutes 10 seconds East 50 feet to the point or place of beginning. That the above abandoned highway is shown on a certain map entitled "Map of Greenport Driving Park" filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 369. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Town Superintendent of Highways has executed this Certificate this ~,01~]~ day of ~r~!~f Highways of the Southold, above certificate this The undersigned members of the Town Board of the Town of constituting a majority of said Board do hereby consent to the 20th day of September , 1983. Supervisor Town~'~Ustice Filed and recorded in the Town Clerk"s Office of the Town of Southold this 20thday of September ~ , ;~983 3u~lity T. Terry, Town ~rk -2- ROBERT W. TASKER Town Attorney OFF 425 MAIN ST. GREENPORT, L.I., NEW YORK 11944 September 13, 1983 TELEPHONE (516) 477-1400 Hon. Judith T. Terry Town Clerk Town of Southold Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Abandonment of a portion of Seventh Street Dear Judy: Enclosed herewith is a proposed Certificate of Abandonment of that portion of Seventh Street lying between Flint Street on the south and the Long Island Railroad right of way on the north. This should be submitted to the Town Board at its next meeting and executed by the Superintendent of Highways and the members of the Town Board. Yours very truly, RWT :aa eric. ROBERT W. TASKER fee~ (2U2.3) ~o.~lrly fr~ ~e ~ntorleo~Aon of ~%e oen~re lane of qbe propou~ lt~w~ l~t he~Xn ee~r~b~ wAth ~e ~u~- M~ ~nnin~, ~ ~oetello, N~oy M. ~ge~, Deid~ia deoea~, ~ ~o now generally ~o~ ~ ~ ~1 be of ~e wL~ of Hl~, ~l~ point of be~im~n, ~0 about Two h~r~ s~enty f~ve feet (2VO) 8ou~er~ fr~ the ~u~ xine of Fron~, Street ~ ~l thence ~u~ 2i~t~ nine ~.s~e.. ~ifly Uln- u~ee ~ ~fly ~o~e ~ot ~bou~ ~even hu~ ~ a~y eASt ~ lave ~onthg feet (~6~.0) to ~io ~1 ~. T~yl~r, Brewe~er ~th, ~te Conkl~n, M~uel ~ ~ho u~%vid~ l~e of ~ohn ~. uo~ ~ ~ ~r~v~to ~tree~ laid out ~y two feet (902) ~outherly fro~ l~t~e oentre of the F. ur~ of the l~A~gh~aye heretn Applied for and run thenoe ~uth 2~ig~t~t eAght Degreee thArty ettf~t ~Anutee ~ T~enty oeeomto ~mt ~out 8even hundred and nAnety four and frye tenthm feet the ~eetorly lane of ~td ViAl~ge ~mt wall pamm ~Arou~h the mevmr~l landm of ~noy lf. r~erm, }larry ~Xlm~n, Fred. ~A~h, B~rth& yon Draohen, ~. ~er~an ~:~ellm, ~Allimm V;. Thorn- IIighw~y ~pz~v~e ~treet 1~ out by S. Buel CorwLn ~ gener~ly ~o~ am ~or~Xn Street. ~m~h of tho two propoe~t BXg~amays l~t hereAn named ~hm~l ibm of the ~Zdth of FZft~ Feet. ~ I ~o ~ereb~ release m~G To~ fr~ ~l 4~em b~ foemen of the ~Xng out ~ oponin~ of 8~XG hX~,~,uya. X~ ~ZTI~28 ~A~I~f. OF, I have hereunto set ~y ha~l ~ui sea~l i on th . before me perlon~ly O~e ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~o ~e ~ ~ ~own ~o ue t~ be the person deoor~b~ ~n ~ who exmouted the for~:~oAn~ inetrument aA~t ~uXy m~knowledt~ed that 2~he exerted the ~'~~ for value received, hereby ~eatimk~ to the Towl of 8outhold, sforee&id, ~11 tho~ o~r~n stripe or pieces of ~.~ wi~ia tho bo~ of the foXlow~ ~loh ~ X~t~ ~ult outlide of ~o ~ Vill~e of Green~ort at a point on ~e ~u~er~ side ~f Y~nt ~Feet, ~loh ~d point of beg~l~ lo ~e H~r~ ~ o~olty clx ~ ei~t ten,ho fees (~6,8) Westerly fr~ ~e Veeterly line of said Village with esii ~utherly aide of ~ront Street, a~ run the~e~ ~uth ~even De~ee~ e~A ~ine Minutes Vest Six hu~rll Id mevOlty elfht feet (678) to lmmi of ~he Loaf Is~ ~lr~'O~, ~ ~ll ~m ~ro~ ~e w~er~ ~uidio hto~ta, ~uel Ch~lo, ~llX~ Yie~er ~ ;. bri~ Ve~o ~ ~e ~ivided ~ he~e~ofero ~en ~ aa a private ~eet, hii ~ ~ 8. ~e centre ~ of the ~eo~ of ~A Hl~o ~ be~n at 8 point ~ ~e ~F~ o~e of ~oat ~ti~X~ is ~ee h~r~ ~ fo~ ~ fo~ tenb feet (~.~) Vester~ f~ ~e ~ntoroeo~on ~ the centre Xine of first hero~n ~plX~ fo~ wX~ ~e ~ubr~ o~e of Front Street, md run thenee 8oath 84, De~reoe, ~airt~iLtnutes mat Yofly been ua~ ~ a private ~re~ ~ out ~ S. ~ C~a ~ STATE 0F ~0NNE~TICUT~ SS. ~roton, April 2, ~cunt~ of New London, K, Etta ~. Burdia, k, Assistant Clerk of the Court of Probase ~thin and for ~he District of Groton, Oounty New L~ndon, and S%a~e of Co~eeticut, the s~e bei~ a Court of Record, do hereby certify that He~y L. Bmiley, whose n~e is subscribed ~o the Cer~ificaSe of acknowledg- men~ sf the ~exed ins&~u~ent, and endorsed thereon, was, on the 2d d~v of April, 1913, To~ Clerk of the To~ of .of. ~roton ~ro~o~, residing in ~ld To~/~na county of New London, duly elected and sworn, and authorized ~o take %he said ~ekno~led~en~ ~eording to the laws of said S~aSe. ~d further, that I ~ well acquainted ~%h %he hand~i%l~ ~he s~id ~o~ Olerk, and verily believe ~ha~ ~he signature %o ~h~ said ~er%ifie~%e is genuine. I fur~her certify %ha% said ins%r~en~ is exerted and aaknowledged ~ccord- i~ t) %he laws of ~he State of Com~eeticu~. IN ~ES~IMO~ ~EREOW, I have hereunto se% mY h~d and affixed ~he Seal of ~he s~ld Oour% %his 2d d~ of April, 1913. Assistant Clerk of Probate, Distric~ of ~roton. w~e, ~ ~ ~e desor~be~ ~ foXlowa:- ~ oea~re ~ne ~ ~e ~rmt er s~d H~o ~A beg~n Street, ~ ~ ~e~o ~v~ ~en De.eeo ~ ~ne West 8~ hu~ ~ oeveBty e~ feet (6~s) to l~ of ~e ~ley ~ul~es, ~n A. Petter, ~lle ~%o~X~, ~e~ez ~ ~. ~er~d~ WelXm ~ ~e ~vided ~ of ~. ~lo~ ~ Ines g. Yo~ ~ ~oh s~id propo~ 3~l Oo~n ~ ~o~FmX~ ~o~ M Seventh ~tzee~. ~e centre l~ of the ~co~ of ~l~ ~e ~AI bosun Wemtor~ fr~ ~e intoreeotLon ~ ~he oentre XLno of Six ~ r~ thence ~uth ~x Degreeo, ~Arty~Minutea ~ fleeo~s West, even hun~re~ ~ five feet to of le~ l~lro~ ~cm~ ~ w~ll p~e ~ro~ the o~eral of ~n C. ~, M~o~ol ~, ~%111~ Bel~e, Beflh8 Ton And eaoh of the eaidL propoeed Hlghwaye gA&Il be of ~he width of Fifty Feet. ~e oentre ll~e of the ~l~ ef aaid Hi~ ~11 begin at ~ point o~ ~e ~utherly lido of Front ~reet, ~i~ point of ~eg~nning le ~o h~dre~ ~d ~ine~y tw9 ~ ~ree ten~ feet (~92.~) ~eeterly fr~ ~e iateraeotien of ~e ~eatre line~ ~f the propoe~ Hl~w~ l~t hereia ~eaeribed w~th ~e South- erly ~de of Front ~reet, ~ ~ thenee South about ~eXve De~ee~ ~ ~rty Mlnu~ea Weet ~ven h~r~ ~ forty five fe~t t~ ~ of ~e ~ng Ia~ ~Xro~ C~p~ ~ w~Xl throu~ the ~er~ ~dl of M~O~I L~, ~le ~. ~e~n, M~ ~n~n~, ~ Ooltello, N~oy V. ~gerl,Deid~ni~ B~ley ~ C~rie M. ~e, ~l~ ~id proposed H~ ~a fo~erly a part ~f ~e eld f~ r~ ~f ~tlll~ Y. B~o~, deee~, ~ l~ now gener~ly ~o~ aa Bre~ er ~er~ ~e, ~ ~t~ ~l be of ~e w~d~ of Fo~y feet. ~e centre line of ~e ~h of aaid Hi~w~e ~1 Begia at a point on ~e ~ater~ aide of ~A ~t ~ed propo~ H~, ~ieh point of begl~ag i~ about ~e h~r~ ~ a~eaty five feet (2~5) 5ou~er~ fr~ ~e ~u~ liae of Front Street ~ r~e three ~u~h ~ty niae De~reee, ~y Mln- utea ~ ~lrty Seoo~e ~aet about Seven h~r~ ~ al~y e~t ~ five ~entha feet (~68.5) tc ~e Weater~ line of the Vlll~e ~ w~ll p~a ~ro~ ~e aeveral l~ of ~e ~. ~e~in, Will~ ~e, ~ C~in~, Gr~tley ~u~re~, Loui~ H~wiek, ~lea G. Bailey, ~o~ C. M~r~, Wl~l~ D. S~uel ~. T~Xor, erector ~ith, ~te Co.lin, M~u~ ~ ~e ~ivided ~a of ~ohn ~. Bartlett ~A Eliaa ;enningl, and whioh .aid proposed Highway hal heretofore bee~ '~1 ueld &l a private ~troet lal4 out by 8. ]~utl Col, win and gener-~ ~ ally kno~n ae ~lggine Btreet. The ee~tre line of the Fifth of eaAd Highwaye eha~ll begin at a point on the F~eterly side of the T~lrd of said ~C~ Highwaye, whioh point of beginning le about Three hundred and two feet (~02) Southerly from the oentre of the Fourth of the Highwaye herein applied for and run thense South ~.lght~ eight Degreee thirty eight minutee and Twenty eeeo~de ~aet about 8even hundred and ninety four and five tenthe feet (?94.§) to the WeeterXy line of said Village and will paes through the eeveral lande of Nanoy M. Rogers, Harry Wileen, ~red. Klipp, SeXliok Eapl~n, Charlee G. Bailey, Seraphina Crawfor~, Breweter ~alth, Bertha yon Draohen, ~. ~eridan Welle, Willia~ ~f. Thorn-, hill and the undivided lands of Ahnie ~. Bartlett and Inel G. : Highway Fordha~ and whieh enid propoee~hae heretofore been ueed aa a private Street laid ou~ by S. Buel Corwin a~d generally k~own ae 0orwin Street. ~aeh of the two propoeed Highwaye laet herein ~a~ed shall be of the width of Fifty Feet. An~ I aleo hereby releaee ~aid Town frmu all ~a~agea by reaeon of the l~y~ng out a~ opening of enid highwaye. XN I~ITK~S5 I~I~0F, I have hereunto eet ~y hand and eeal ~ OF m~ ¥O~X. ) COUNTY OF $~I~)LE ) On this before me perlon&lly came % ~-J. ~ ~---- -- - to me known and known to me to-be the person dei~rfbed who exeeute~ the foregoing inetrmaent an~ duly ~knowledged ,that~he the sa~e. ~r :~ Take notice of an ......... hich the within is a copy, duly granted the within entitled action, on the day of ............ 19 , and duly ed ~ '~e office of the Clerk of the ~ty of ................................................. on the ~ day of .................................... 19 )ated ........................... , bl. Y., 'ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney for Office and P. O. Address, SOUTHOLD, Suf/olk Co, lq. Y. Attorney for ............................. COUIqTY ALBERTSON CASE, Office and P. O. Address, SOUTHOLD, Suffolk Co., N.Y. Due and personal service of the within and of the notice hereon endorsed, is admitted this ........... ;._.....~ay of~ ............................ ~l~x9 , COUNTY OF ........... ............... ~ being duly sworn he ................. r/j~d the foregoing and knows the c~fitents thereof: that ~geAof deponent, except as to the matters therein s~exLto, ~ {ttm-g~mat~ he el~eve~ ~t to be true. Sworn to before me, this ....................... t day of ........................ ; .......................... 19 ) Sir : Take not~ce of an which the within is a copy, duly granted the' within entitled action, on the day of ...19 , and duly ntere' :q the o~ce of the Clerk of the :ounty of ............................................. on the ........ day of .................................... 19 COUNTY OF.. ~ .... ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney for Office and P. O. Address, sOUTHOLD, Suffolk Co., N. Y. Address, Due and personal service of the within and o£ the notice hereon endorsed, is a.dmltted thi~ ......... :.....~d~v of ..................... ,---~--'"'%: 9~ Attorney ior......-~ .... Attorney for ............................ · tgaow al. ~~~ for value received~ hereby dsdic~e to the Town of Southold-,. aforesaid, all tZ~os~ c~r~a£n strips cr pisces of !~d lying i~ fro~t of or ~ou'tting ~o~ my respective ~d withi~ the bouts of the f ~ ' ,~, - which ~e located just outside of the s~id Village of Greenport ~n~. ~te~]v ~he~eof i~ ~d To~ fo~ ~e purposes of hi~ ~ centre !in~ of tk~ First of said Hi~-s ~all b~gin at a point on the Southerly' side ~f F~en~ Street, which said ~poxmt of egz~n~ng xs O~s H~drsd and seventy six and ~tenths feet (1~8.8) ~esterly from the ~ ~ -n~ersectlon of the Westerly line of said Village with said Southerly side of Front Street~ ~d ~ thence South Seven De,tees ~d i~ine Minutes West Six hundred and seventy ~i~t feet (6V8) to land of The Long Island ~ I~z=ro~. Company, and will pass through the several l~ds of ~te Oon~np ¥/illi~ D. ki~p~, Go~r~e~ E. Arno!d~ Grahtl~y S~uires. ~ ~w~n~ ~ A. Potter, C~ills ~atochia, ~d Cecidio1~.,~aSoch~ ' ~-~nue~ Claudfo~ ~illi~ VL ~or~ill~ - Fieldgr ~d ~. ~eridan %~ells ~d the undivided land of E~. B~rtlett ~d Insz ~ For~ and which said proposed hi.way Busl Corwin ~nd generally ~no~ as ~ ~ve~th Street ~ ~n~ centre line of the Second of s~id Highways shall begin at ~ pcint on the Southerly sid~ of ~:ront Street, which point ~bsginning is ~ee hundred ~d four ~ud four tenths fee~ ~estsrly from the intersection of the centre li~ of~1~ h~w~y' ~first herein applied for with the Southsr!y side of Front Street. · ~ run th~nc~ South Six Degrees~ ~hi:t~i~utes and Forty ~Seconds ~est~ Seven hundred ~d five feet to land cf ~ !sl~d P~ilroad Company and will p~ss throu~ the several l~ads Of John C. Eurr~ ~ichael L~e, ~illi~ ~eink~ Bcrth~ yon achen~ Brswster ~ith~ Charles G. Bailey~ Seraphin~ Cra~ord, S~llick F~pl~ ~d the undivided l~ud of ~ni~ E. Bsrtlstt and Inez G. For~ ~d ~ich said proposed H~hw,~y has heretofore been used as a private Street l~id out by S. Nuel Co.in .~en by these pets erSt. s, tha~ i~ ~ ~ ~~ I1 generally known ~s~ 5ighth Street. And each of Se said Droposed Hi~.ways shall be of the width of Fifty Feet. The centre line of the Tq~ird of said Highv,~vs eh&ll begin ~t a point on the Southerly ~ide of Front ~r~st, v~ich point of b. eginning is Two hm~dred and ninety two ~d thrs~ tenths feet (29~.~) ~sterly from the inter~ec~ion of the centre line of the proposed Hi~w~ last herein described with the South- ~rly side of Front Street~ and run thence South about Twelve Degrees ~ud ~i~ty l~inutes West Seven hundred ~.d forty five feet to land of ~e Long Isled Railroad C~pmny and will pass throu~ the severml land~ of Eichs~el L~e. ~nie E. Benj~in, ~ Ounningh~ ~ Costello,~ancy~ z~. Rogers,Dead.ia Bailey ~nd Cs~rrie ~.~. Rsev,~ ~ioh s~id ~ .... ~ fo~srly ~_cart of the old f~rm ro~. off V~iiii~ v_. ~_o~, deceassd~ ~d is now generally ~o~ as Bro~ or Cherry L~e~ ~s centre lin~ of th~ Eo'~th of said Hi.ways sh~ll begin az ~ point on the Eazterly side o~ s~id last n~ned proposed Hi~nw~-, which point of beginning is about Two hundred and seventy five feet (2V5) ~outherzy from the South line of Front Street ~d runs thence South Eighty nin~ Degrses~ ~n_r~F gin- utes ~nd ~irty Seconds East abouz Seven hundred and ~ixty ei~t ~d five tenths feet (V58,5) to the Vfest~rly line of th~ said Villag~ and will pass th.~ the several lands of .~.ie ~. Benja~in, ~i~ma~ Reinke, gary Cunningham~ Louis Hartwick, Charles G.. Bail~y~ John C. Klipp, Gotfried R. Arnold, Bartlett Horton, Grantley Squires, ~urray, ~i!iiamD. ~mi!y Horton, 2~3~el B. ~aylor, Brewster ~_tn, Kate onk~n~ ~smuei Claudio ~nd the undivided lands of John J. Barzlett and ×lias P, ~enn~ngs, ama ,~,~cn sa~a proposed Highway- has heretofore been used as a private Street laid out by S. Buel Corwin ~ud gener- ally lcnow~o as 5iggins Street. of The eehtre line of the Fifth of said Highways shall begin at a point on the Easterly side of the Thi~. of said Hig~ways~ which point of beginning i~ mbout Three hundred amd two feet (302) Southerly from the centre of the Fourth of the Highways herein applied for a~ad run thence South Eights eight Degreee thirty eight minutes a~d Twenty seconds East about Seven hundred and ninety four ~nd five tenths feet (V94~5) to the l~esterly line of ssi& Village and will pass through the several,:la~ds of ~ancy ~o Hogers~ H~rry Wilsen, Fred.- Kiipp, Selliek E~pla~, Charles G. Bailey, Seraphina Crawford~ Brewster ~mith~ Bertha yon Drachen, Z. Sheridan ~eils~ V~iiliam ~ Thorn~ hill and the undivided lands of Ahnie Eo Bartlett smd Insz G. Highway Fordham and which s~id prcposedx~as heretofore been used ms a ~ivate Street laid ou~ by S~ Buel Corwin ~nd generally knom-n Corwin Street. iEa~h, of the two proposed High~mys last herein named shall )e of the width of Fifty Feet, ~ - re~eas,~ said Town f~om ~ll damages by ~d I ~so h~reb2 ~ = ~eason of the l~ying ou~ mnd op~ning of said highways. I~ ~T~SS ~0F, I h~ve hereunto set my h~d ~d se~ ~his ~ ~ day of 191~. STATE .OF COLORADO, G~TY A~ Co.mY of DEN~R I. THOMAS L. BONFILS. Clerk of the County Cou~, wit~n and for said City and County, and State (the same being a court of recqrd having common law jurisdiq~on, a clerk and a seal), do hereby certify that ...... ~~-- - ........... whose ~me is subscribed to the ce~ificate or proof of acknowledgment of the annexed if¢trumeut, was at the t~me of taking ~same a Notary PubUc in and for said City and County, duly commissioned and sworn and qualified to act ' as such: that as such Notary Public he was at the time of taking such oath or acknowled~ent duly authorized by the laws of the State of Colorado to administer ~5 oaths and to take the acknowledgments and proof of deeds or conveyances of ~ lands, tenements or hereditaments in the State of Colorado: ~hat I am well ~ verily believe ~siMuarure to the same to be genuine. fa Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto se~iy hand an~ff~ed the seal . . . ~ of said court, at Denver, m said ,~uty, this .......... day o[___~ The oehtre line of the Fifth of said Highways shall begin at a point on the Easterly ~ of the ~ird of said ~rgp~ Highways, which point of beginning ia about Thmee hundred and two feet (50~) Southerly from the centre of the Fourth of the Highways herein ~pplied for and run ~hsnce South Eights eight Deg~ses thi=ty eight minutes and Twenty seconds East ~bout Seven hundmed and ninety four and five tenths feet (79&~5) to ghe~s~erly line of emi~ Village ~n~ will pass through the several lands of ~aney ~ Eogerm, Hmrry ~ilsen, Fred.. Klipp~ Selilek i~plaa, Charles G. Bailsy~ Seraphina C~av~ord~ Brewster Smith~ Berthm yon Drachen, ~ ~eridan ~sils~ William ~. ~aorn= hill ~ud the undivided lands of Ahnie Eo Bartlett and Inez G. W ~ High. way ~ ~ ~or~mam and which said prcpo~d~a~s ~e~tofore be~n used ~s a o~ivmte Street lmid ou~ by S, Buel Corwin ~nd generally ~o~ ms Corwin Street, Ee~h of the two proposed Hig_hways last herein n~med shall be of the width of Fifty Feet. ~d I also hereby release s~id Town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening of said highways. this i~ PtKESE~CE OF I have hereunto set my hand and seal C~U~ 0F'~ On this me personally came before to me ~ov~ and ~o~ to d~y of ~ who executed the foregoing insZruanent and duly acknowledged that he sxecNted the same. :~r : Take notice of an .hich the within is a copy, duly granted the ~vithia entitled action, on the day of ........ 19 , and duly ~ed ;l~e office of the Glerk of the nty of ................................................ on the ..... day of ................................... 19 Dated ........................... , N. Y., ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney' £or Office and P. O, Address, SOUTHOI~D, $~ffolk Co. N. Y. Attorney for ........................... ~tat~ o~ ~e~ ~orh, COUNTY OF.. ~ ......... ~,~RTSON CASE, Office and P. O. Address, SOUTHOLD, Stdfolk Co., N.Y. Due and personal service of the within and o£ the notice hereon endorsed, is admitted th~.~y o~:-----~.-~f,~ ~ /~' (Jr Attorney ........ ~ Six Sir : Take notice of an if which the within is a copy, duly granted i the within entitled action, on the day of 19 , and duly mterc a tlte office of the Glerk of the F_,ounty of ............................................. on the day of .................................. 19 Dated ............................................ , N. Y., ALBERTSON CASE, Attorney tbr Omce and P. O. Address, SOUTHOLD, Suffolk Co., N. Y. To Attorney for .......................... ~tate of ~el~ ~oflh COUNTY OF ~ ..... ALBERTSON CASE, Office and P. O. Address, SOUTHOLD, Suffolk Co., N. Y. Due and personal service of the within and of the notice hereon endorsed, is admitted this Atto'rile .........................................................