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67 Sound Cheshire LP
Glenn Goldsmith,President �O�Og11� _ `�OGy Town Hall Annex A.Nicholas Krupski,Vice President ` 54375 Route 25 0 Eric Sepenoski ? P.O.Box 1179 Liz Gillooly P, Southold,NY 11971 Elizabeth Peeples Telephone(631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection Report Date/Time:3 /-1123 �Completed in field by: Cole Environmental Consulting on behalf of 67 SOUND CHESHIRE LP requests a Pre- Submission Inspection to discuss a proposed single family dwelling on the vacant lot. Located: 520 Madison Avenue, Greenport. SCTM# 1000-42-1-1 Type of area to be impacted: Saltwater Wetland A Freshwater Wetland Sound Bay Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: kChapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: Wetland Coastal Erosion Amendment Administrative Emergency y Pre-Submission Violation Notice of Hearing card posted on property: Yes No Not Applicable Info needed/Modifications/Conditions/Etc.: _.e cownvv%.e(ad (P-j 1,7 S,�, Sjoye,*j&ne RCS' WSLA.i-ee. 5- b(P. Cu 'Z-y,rp s,e,CA.� 15 a P os;-lnw . 7ye I R o6qAV_Uk1o(ec( II w S w G r�e. -I- Present Were: K G. Goldsmith X N. Krupski E. Sepenoski L. Gillooly _E. Peeples 1 Maim Diane From: Cole Environmental Services <info@coleenvironmentalservices.com> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 1:45 PM To: DiSalvo, Diane;Cantrell, Elizabeth Cc: Kate Rummel;Chris Cole Subject: Madison Ave Project Build- Pre Application Meeting Attachments: Marked up Basic Sketch_Madison_Ave.pdf Good Afternoon Diane& Elizabeth. I have attached the basic sketch for the proposed build of a single family residence at Madison Ave Greenport, NY 11944 SCTM NO: 1000-04200-0100-001000.We are seeking the pre application meeting on site with the Trustees to discuss this build. Please let me know if there is anything else I can provide at this time. Have a great weekend! Best, Amanda MacDonald Project Coordinator Cole Environmental Services, Inc. 425 Montauk Highway East Quogue, NY 11942 631-369-9445 CES Website Facebook ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. FEB 24 2023 F......= 1 14 425 Montauk Highway East Quogue, NY 11942 (631)369-9445 Environmental Consulting www.ColeEnvironmentalServices.com Wetland Project Management February 13, 2023 Town of Southold Board of Trustees 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Attn: Diane DiSalvo and Elizabeth Cantrell Re: 67 Sound Cheshire, LP C/O Marc Rishe Madison Ave SZO Greenport, NY 11944 SUM NO: 1000-04200-0100-001000 Dear Diane and Elizabeth, Our client seeks to construct a dwelling on the vacant parcel listed above.We will be meeting the Trustees on- site,so we ask that the Trustees contact Chris Cole(516)-702-8172, regarding the pre-application meeting. Enclosed are the following items: 1. Check#517 for$50.00 made payable to the Town of Southold 2. Owner Affidavits 3. Authorization Forms Should you need anything further, please let me know. Sincerely, *Amanda MacDonald 631.369.9445 Cole Environmental Services, Inc. ��` FEB 1 3 2023 -"�' Board of Truspplication AFFIDAVIT (off 5 U)Z ct- 1 41KI�1:7 L S-1J5A-vlJ_.l I0N14(DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS HAT HE/SkIE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMITS) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S),IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION,I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES,THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES,INCLUDING THE CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL, TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS APPLICATION, INCLUDING A FINAL INSPECTION. I FURTHER AUTHORIZE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY AND AS REQUIRED TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ANY CONDITION OF ANY WETLAND OR COASTAL EROSION PERMIT ISSUED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES DURING THE TERM OF THE PERMIT. (off- �cry►�(Y� fit+( f1 LIP Signature of Property Owner Signature of Property Owner SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF ;24-IS ALWANDRO ROJAS NOTARY PUBLIC.STATE OF NEW YORK N0.01R06360799 N Public QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 26.2025 ofBoard of Truspplication AUTHORIZATION (Where the applicant is not the owner) I/We, iD UkD 64+1F-5R10-:U— IL—T owners of the property identified as SCTM# 1000- 04200-0100-001000 in the town of GREENPORT ,New York, hereby authorizes COLE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES to act as my agent and handle all necessary work involved with the application process for permit(s) from the Southold Town Board of Trustees for this property. rJO�' S SUN� GE{-X51-E-I � ►—�� Property Owner's Signature Property Owner's Signature SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF IU ,,202J3 ALEJANDRO ROJAS NOTARY PtMLIC,STATE OF NEW YORK NO.01R06360799 N Public QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JLYNE 26,2025 00 APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM Tlie town of Southold's Code of Etliics nrohibits•conflicts of interest on'the Dart of town-officers and emnloyees The ntirnose of this form is to nrovid�information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. r r YOUR NAME: (p 4` Sm) (Last name,first name,.middle initial,unless you are applying i i.the name of someone else or other entity,such as a company.If so,indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If"Other',name the activity.) Do you personally(or through your company,spouse,sibling,parent,or child)have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of-Southold? "Relationship"includes by blood,Marriage,or business-interest•"Busipess interest"means a'business, including a partnership,in which the town officer or employee hneven a partial-ownership,of(or.employmencby)a=corporation in which the tows n/officer or.employee owns more than 5%of the shares. YES 1" NO If you answered"YES",complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold C- SEAN �s l Title or position of that person-2 -r4Q t-7D 7T1--- Describe the relationship between yourself(the applicant/agent/representative)and the town officer or employee.Either check the appropriate line A)through D)And/or describe in the.space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse,sibling,parent,or child is(check all that apply): �v S A)the owner of greater than 5%of the.shares.of the corporate stock of the applicant (wilen'tile applicant is a corporation); B)the legal or'beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity(when the applicant is nota.corporation); �C)an officer,d(rector,partner,or employeeof the applicant;or „ D)the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Il� S I C-lti �` �f'^ Submitted t s day of �0 22 Signature Print Name Form TS I Revrsxms N _�-- 0 I O !-- r 0 11 2 -- j 1 � ' O YI s.xsev E 0I O O fo Z I�(7 T gpxxu'm' sumex ? N 1 s.o. aw a 1 ww P z W O,a 12 - � sNAPIF O ST n� � 1 s17 I ❑o 0 O 3� -Uw s.o.wwo � s.o ww6T. 148., }r w rb � 1 1 I L � � �.4,.x. I".I '^ —e---- �� __ w� NOTICE .�o-n,g COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © K so—ow secnoN No G ______ x`s Real Property Tax Service Agency v ow U r�r 1x ,..�,,x,Ha).,a�. '— —_— o.nu. --r-- y.ru--sr-- L Cwnty unmr wreRsaO.nx ttWt A y�i no �� Sfna.Vn` [ter P 1na0 PROPERTY MAP C=) i7 FRESH HATER Y'ETI.AHO / �'o d yy BMVAS FLAGGED BY �/ �'�• C"Y Fi �3 COLE ENIAR0 09MAL SERVICES MAY 14,2021 $ F u5 �LLiz�t / � I 50'sBTBArx FROM ttTLArro� S ��F9�� _ I \\ '/ ProposedbuildofI ogg fa residenc adheringto wetland line Q FRESH YIATER YETL.ANw \ \ setbacks eaJlBY %�MY ra 2T� \ \\ \ I ' \ U 7 \ � X1(1 (1) m ' `W 1E11.FROM YETLNID9 I U C cn SF. \ 35'FROM YARD SETBACK zLLI O Z U ¢ I = Z z> LU oz /ooA I LU F a I I f LL $W \ / d I� SO'sere' K FROM Y'ETI..AN09 T9'SETBACK FROM YETLA MAD 1 5 O N AVENUE n Q SITE PLAN — BUILDABLE AREA SCALE.1°=15'-0' u1 o a � I TUU O\ �U CONSULTYOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNWGTHIS INSTRUMENT-THIS BWMMENr SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY coo r, Bargain and Sale Deed,with Covenant against Grantor's Acts (DU kv Qp THIS INDENTURE,made the of �� 2022 , L' ��.��V ET4YEEN LORETTA MCIWIGHT Residing at 520 Madison Avenue,Greenport NY 11944 party of the fust part and 67 SOUND CHESHIRE LP VIP Residing at4 Broadway,I P Floor,New York,NY 10003 0� y party of the second part, WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part in consideration of dollars paid by the party of the second part does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Village of Greenport,Town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State of New York,bounded and described as follows: 'Schedule A Attached' BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to grantors herein by deed dated 0410211996 recorded 04/16/1996 in Uber 11769 Page 931. TOGETHER with all right,We and interest if any,of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises;TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part;the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the fust part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever,except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law.covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be appried first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word'paV shall be construed as if it read'pardee whenever the sense ofthis indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: LORElTAMCKN1C4 r TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORKSTATE i State of New York,County of $u K-'i' State of NewYodk County of ss 55 b On the�r day of Sul in the year 2022 On the day of in the year 2022 before me,the undersigned.personally appeared before me,the undersigned.personally appeared LORETTA MCKNIGHT _personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory,personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satiSfaCtOry evidence to be the indnadual(s)whose name(s)is(are)subscribed to;evidence to be the Mividual(s)whose names)is(are)subscribed ' the within instrument and aUmowledged to that helsheRhey;to the within instrument and adomAedged to me that he/shefthey executed the same in hisfierAhel fes), and that by i matted the same in hisfierRheir CapaoiWles), and that by hirdhedtheir signatures)on the Instru the individual(s),or the hislheMheir signature(s)on the Instrument,the individual(s),or the person upon behalf of which the i duals)acted. executed the, person upon behalf of which the IeMdual(s)acted,executed the instrument , instrument (signatru an of individual taking acknowledgment) (sigrhature and office of individual taking acknowledgment? TROY AMM I 1 , 1N0'lABY�OSIA7EN8W>�x QVAM=D.Y)assWCpOMV . j t�O3�ON>�DT$4S6PT,2>4�>Z i � TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Slate(or District of Columbia,Territory,or Foreign Country)of ss On the day of in the year before me,the undersigned,personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the i ndlividual(s)whose name(s) is(are)subscribed to '. the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshelthey executed the same in his/hedtheir capadty es),and that by hiisilwAheir signature(s)on the instrument,the individual(s),or the person upon behalf of which the indnridual(s)acted,executed the instrument,and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the in (rased the City or other political subdrvWon) (and insert the State or Country or other place the adai wledgment was taken) y (signature and office of individual takhg acknowledgment) Bargain and Sale Deed WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Title No. RFA13864 DISTRICT 1001 A IGC" SEC71ON 004.00&042.00 BLOCK 01.00 4 01.00 LOT 007.000&001.000 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk STREETADDRESS 610 MADISON AVENUE,GREENPORT,NY 11944 RETURN BY MAIL TO: a? so.."o titiC3��✓( C r6�J tw�7 (I'h flay �,��.. `lo•�� 1ti7 tpaa3 J RESMEINSSPACE FOR USE OF RECORDING OFFICE CER71FICATE OF INCUMBENCY OF 67 SOUND CHESHIRE LP The undersigned,as Manager of the FJ 67 LLC(the"Company'),which is the General Partner of 67 Sound Cheshire LP(" es i ')does hereby certify that the following persons have been duly authorized as Authorized Signatories of the Company and Cheshire and that.the:below are their, signatures: Nie. Positio Signatyre r-- Susan Hewitt Authorized Signatory vI Jenifer Steig Authorized Signatory 3 i t IN WM-XSS WHEREOF, .the undersigned has hereto affixed her hand this Z' day of December,2022. ame.: Susan Hewitt STATE OF OW 10(K } SS: COUNTY OF I ) On the. l day of December in the year 2022,before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public in and for said State,personally appeared Susan Hewitt,personally known to me or proved to on the basis-of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is,subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged tome that she executed the same in his capacity,and that by her signature on the instrument,the individual,or-the person on behalf of which the individual'acted,.executed the instrument; OTARY PUBLIC VM3=C,sTATE aF IM TWX NO.01GU6432694 Qumh ED IN 3UFF=A,COUNTY Cmoass'ON =CPrMS'MAY 09,29.14 CNFw Deyatmera cf TazMn and Fi am TP-584(9119) Recordhrg office e ffrne stamp T— YORK Combined Real Estate Transfer Tax Return, Credit Line Mortgage Certificate, and Certification of Exemption from the Payment of Estimated Personal income Tax See Form TP-684-1,Instructions for Form TP-584,before compieUng this farm.Prinf of Schedule A-information relating to conveyance Grantoiffranseror Name(lrrod>tiidnel.lestfasr,rdddlew&o(❑mat*anxirmoremanonegmnro4 Social Seculty mimber p Indiividual McKnight,Loretta ❑Corporation Maftg address SSN ❑Partnership 520 Madison Avenue 133-s- -3c) f O ❑EstalelTnui CRY State ZtP code Employer Idsnliilc l Number(EPQ ❑Single member LLC Greenport NY 11944 ❑Mul&member LLC Single member's name V grantor is a single member LLC(sea 3r*udkm) Single member EiN or SSN ❑Other cane gree Name(ifiir@vidrmtles;AmtrrdddrelnXXi marfrenXYnP0Mgtenone gmniee) SSN ❑individual 67 Sound Cheshire LP ❑Corporation &UHng address SSN ❑x Partnership 826 Broadway.11th Floor ❑EstateiTFust CRY State ZIP code �SS q ❑Single member LLC New York,NY 10003 16 r 6 2-2- ❑Mulll-mernber LLC Single member's name if grantee Is a strngte member LLC(see rndruc&r4 Single member EN orSSN ❑Other Location and description of property cone Tax map designation- SWIS code Street address City,town,or village County Section,block&lot (six digits) (Wude dots and dashes) race-ouz.00—oLoo-m q'738'89 690 gagQoA A-TFAU--L 000140-Of 0-007.00 4.7 3 SO r 520 Madison Avenue Greenport Suffolk Type of property conveyed(mom oroXinWficable box) 1 ©One-to(hree-family house 6 ❑Apartment building Date of conveyance Percentage of real property 2 Residential cooperative 7 ❑omce building conveyed which is residential 3 0 Residential condominium 8 0 Four-family dwelling 07 22 real property------10-0-OA 4❑Vacant land 9 0 Other (see tnshu U—) 5 0 Commerc ridustrial Condhion ofconveyance f.❑Conveyance which consists of a I.[I Option assignment or surrender (mark an X in a9 that apply mere drange of Identity or formof a ®Conveyance of tee Interest ..= "m8 p or organization(attach m.❑Leasehold assignment or surrender Form 7PSK1.Schedule F7 b.❑Acquisition of a co&dhng interest(stalen.❑Leasehold grant g.❑Conveyance for which credit for tax percentageacquired- °h) previously paid will be claimed(atladr o.❑Conveyance of an easement Form TP-584.1,SdmVo G) Q ❑Transfer of a controlling interest(state h.❑Conveyance of cooperative apartments) p•❑Conveyance for which exemption percentage transferred /o) from transfer tax claimed(complete d.❑ConveyanceSchedule B,Part 3) corporation to cooperative housing L❑Syndication q ❑Conveyance of propep rty partly within e.[I Conveyance pursuant to or in lieu of 1•❑Conveyance of air rights or and partly outside the state foreclosure or enforcement of security development rights r.❑Conveyance pursuant to divorce or sepera0on Interest(a8aeh fan TP•584.1,Sdwduk E) k.❑Contract assignment s.❑Other(desenbe) Farmoordbg officers use Amount received Data received TransacGon number Schedule B,Part 1 $ Schedule B.Part 2 $ INSMCnONS(RP•6217-PDF-M:vAvw.oMssmtuWa s FOR COUNTY USE ONLY NewYork State Department of c•smcode 1 I Taxation and Finance cx Dace Deed Recorded I / / 1 office of Real Property Tax SeMces I*-� RP-5247-PDF C3.Bock r ' C4 C" I r i i I Real PMVeflYTMm&*rRe?oIt(afto) PROPERTYINFORMATION t•Pro" 520 Madison Avenue Loeatbn -starrrraurew •smrsTxwe Town of Southold Greenport 11944 •CavortTowa %MUGIZ -ta•eooE L Buyer 67 Sound Cheshire LP Kim tAsrxw+EcarPwx FtrsrutrrE rAttN11SF/NiWA/N F=TKW s•Tax brdcatevAteehduletxctk9saremDasent 67 Sound Cheshire LP Ad�drass Hatl�etttw�buyeraQdr bottr�mart" tAsre +omrANr FOWNU C N`f r i�7-1 amareaaeFxwroruw �^mTarrwwr mnde ZPO= 4.bnUea*dom=barofAssnsorent 1 aaFaroels OR ❑Panda Farod (Only lNPartofa Parcel)CMekasMa ZFW.• RdaparWtstransfered onitredeed 4A.Plauerg Board wb&*&Wdon ArMody lEdsts ❑ LDwd X OR 0.76 aSSub6vislonAppmvalvasRegtiredforTreufa ❑ prtperw •nmrrrim -o®n+ RFs She 4C.FZ:CdApproved1or8ubdhWarvr4h Nap ProWded McKnight Loretta d-Sutler -usrwrr,CoWFUNTM rE Nano LW KUo-CM~ Fae.TNMW Z-Sel Umdesalpdmwhkhmostamc+teydwag mtm Cheek the bow bd wasthWappry: . aw oftha propaRyatthatlmeofsale: &DwnershipType(s CaMomlNun ❑ A.One Family RCddential A NewCarswdton on a VaardLa d I=Property LoeaWdwbin anAgdaBheal DL*kt ❑ IML Buyer retdved a datlosme nofice McWrg dutthe Property isin m Agricultural Dfstlft SALE INFORMAMONI 15.Chwkowxmaeofthesemrdrtimmvzappliub*toI lsr A.SoloBetweenRelidwesorFonmerRelatwou 17.Sale CoahaatDato 04/21/2022 B.SatebCaeee Related CortganimorPaftesln Buskie . G Onedtha BayersbaleoaSdkr 112.Data ofsalerunsfer 07/22/2022 D.Bayer orsaertscoemmentAgenry orLendnp Issnaim . E.Deed Type wWarardy or Bargain aad Sala(Speosy Bdo4 F Sale d F "LMOM Fee l West($pedly Batey '13.Fufl Salevrlw 725,000-00 _ G.Slp&cwx ChoWm Pto"Between Taable Statusand Sft Dates (FuDS*PrkeL4tletaWameurapaldforftpmpenybdu6nQPersorralpop". N.Bak ol'BrdnewislndudedInSale Pnka L OdwLko. WFadwsAfedng$dcPdoe(SpedyBela" TriaPayment may beinthefamdca9r,adrorpmptryorgooftortheasaump5mof ,.Nene or other obII=ro.)Phasemorrdto Menearestwhab doUw meant caam *)an ctummon: %brdlota thavafoe of peaaml propertyIncluded to the sale 0.00 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION-Data should reflect fhe ld Fk W AssessmeR Roll and Tax EIM tB.YoarofAsseasmeRRolltmmwhkhlnfonwHontakan" 21 Mr-Taal Assumed Value 2,400 -ILPropartyotasm 210 _ `13SGrodDhMetNama Greenport •20-Tax Nap Idergifier(sy;mBldmERe(s)0fineeotJtan fooralach ahsrawhtr addidonal iderbTia(s)) 1001-004.00-01.00-007.000 �ObD-Oya.00-o(.ao Oo(.00a cERnFlcaTwN t cetryfhatun orthe Fteots of Intern mm aeaarad onthisfona an true and omreet(mthe bostcfmy wwwM ft&md WBaf)and I undersandthattW makiag otanywWW hbestatemeetdmafalalfaabeatn subJectmemthenmvlsfans aftlaroena;lawtelativemtho making and IMM aftatso Instruments. SELLF8 SIGNATURE BUYER CONTACTINFORMATION c (lrbrbromweontararoaraer.NOW dbLWAsLLC,To;W.asaodere%o:rporaeon.iokrtsmdt000pay.ssnaor _ .nty duet b not m e�ldal aparn or4asLry.ern a rwme cud aaa.R YYa�tlar of an� ? a�plfA pagnMrDweaee�.a�raeanrraQarQ'rq MtraalYeootbe eraeOS'lypasemer7my� 9laiVta� Mm 67 Sound Cheshire LP •tui want FasfwarE ?• •IRFAC= �aerarmraa�rte°ssn+-y ara'aaaFAwuae ure • 520 Madison Avenue •mmesrraaasl •Srn¢rwuta Greenport NY 11944 -p11'OletarN ;AM -LPC= SWEWSATl RC NEY Siliato Steven LssrNtac FUW)VXt (516) 663-5151 ARFACOOE tezrronElarwaaeMctcaueal