HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEAWOOD DRIVESTATE OF NEW- Ye~K CeUNTY 0F SUFFOLK T0~ OF SOUTHGLD ~ In the Matter of the Laying out of two certain To~n Highways in the To~ of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York DEDICATION AND RELEAS.~ WHEREAS~ application has been duly made to the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Tow~ of Southold~ in the County of Suffolk and State of New York~ for the layio~ out of two cer- tain to-~n highways to be known as SEAWGOD DRIVE and MID~_~ND PARtt%~AY~ and W~EREAS~ SEAW@OD ACRES INC., a corporation organized and existing under 'and by virture of the Laws of the State of New York~ with its principal office and place of business at South Main Street, Freeport, New York~ is the owner of the premises to be dedicated as hereinafter provided~ and EDWARD MILLS~ residing in the Village of 9outhold, County ~f New York~ ms the holder of a certazn mortgage coverzng certai~ of such l~uds to be dedicated as hereinafter provided~ and t~ are the only persons~ firms or corporations having any interei in the lands th_rough which the highways are proDosed to be oD NOW~ THEREFORE~ the said S~AW00D ACRES INC.~ and said EDWARD MILLS, in consideration of the sum of ON~ ($1.00~ DOLLAR pamd to each by HAROLD PRICE~ Totem Superintendent of Highways of the To-~ua of Southold, tho receipt whereof is her acknowledged~ and in fu_vther consideration of the laying out two new highways at Southold, in the To~ of Southold, Suffo Cour_ty, New York, to be kno~n, as SF~2~00D DRIVE and MIDLAHD PAR~,YA~ DOES HEREBY DEDICA~ REL~SE AND CONVEY TOTHE SAID T0¥N 0F~- SOUTHOLD, for highway purposes, the following lands~ ~o wit: 1. SEAW00D DRIVE: ALL that tract or parcel of tand~ situate~ lying and be. at Southoid, in the Town of Sout~old, County of Suffoi~ and of New YOrk~ bo~mded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the southerly line of Bayview Road about opposite the westerly line of Reydon DrAw and from the northwesterly corner of land of W~ Akscen along' sou~her_y line of said North Ba~-iew Road north 72 degrees 01 ~inute~ 30 seconds west 151.~6 feet; from said ooint of be rur~uLug through land of Seawood Acres inc. the following (1) south 2~ degrees ~ minutes 40 seconds west ~7ho31 (2) south 16 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds west 116.73 (~) south 12 degrees ~6 ~nutes 00 seconds west 133o42 south 36 degrees ~ minutes 30 seconds west 117,09 feet~ (6)~south 33 degrees O1 minutes 30 seconds west 100.?? feet; (?) south 26 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds west 723.12 feet; (8) north 71 degrees 03 ~nutes 40 seconds west 156.66 feet to the easterly line of Midland Parkway hereinafter described; thence along said easterly line of Midland Para, ay north 27 degrees 43 minutes l0 seconds east 50~59 feet; thence through other land of said Seawood Acres, the Following (1) south 71 degrees 03 minutes ~0 seconds (2) north 26 degrees 39 ~inutes O0 seconds (3) north ~3 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds (4) north 36 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds (5) north 32 degrees 04 minutes 30 seconds (6) north 12 degrees~6 minutes O0 seconds east 126o36 feet~ leet~ (7) north 16 degrees ~3 mmnut~s if0 seconds eastle .41 · (8) north 2~ degrees m5 ~inutes 40 seconds east 571.65 feet to the southerly line of said North Bayview Road; thence along said southerly line of North Bayview Road south 72 degrees O1 minutes 30 seconds east ~0o49 feet to the point of beginning eight courses: east 105.25 feet~ east 682o17 feet; east 105o20 feet; east 116~68 feet; east 120.27 feet; 2. MIDL&ND PARET~AY: ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate~ lying and being in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New York~ bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the northerly line of Bayview Road at the southwesterly corner of land of A~ R. Trapp and running thence along the northerly line of said Road north 6~ degrees 13 minutes 20 seconds west ~0o00 feet to the southeast- erly corner of land of Harry Kapp; thence along said land of Harr~ Kapp an~ along other land of Seawood Acres Inco, north 24 degrees 46 minuves 40 seconds east 319.88 feets thence along other land of Seawood Acres Inc., two cou~ses~ as follows: (1) north 27 degrees 43 minutes l0 seconds east 312~15 feet; (2) south 71 degrees 03 minutes hO seconds east 50.59 feet to Seawood Drive hereinbefore described; thence along said Seawood Drive south 27 degrees h3 minutes lO seconds west 50°59 feet~ thence along land of Seawood Acres Inc., south 27 degrees ~3 minutes l0 seconds west 268.00 feet to a monument at the northwesterly corner of said land of A~ R~ Trapp; thence along said land of A. R~ Trapp south 24 degrees k6 seconds 40 minutes west 318~63 feet to the point of beginning. AND the said Seawood Acres Inc., and Edward Mills do hereby release said Town from all damages by reason of the laymno out of the said above described new highways~ IN WITNESS I~HEREOF~ EDI~q&RD MILLS have caused this ~. day of ~ the said SEAWOOD ACRES INC~, and the sai~ these presents to b'e executed and sealed , 1956. SEAWOOD ACRES INC. Florence A. President On the ~ day of ~_~ , 1956~ before me personally came FL©RE,CE A TP~_PP~ to'me known~ who, being by me duly sworn~ did depose and say that she resides ~t 45 Archer Dr_ve in the Village of Bronxville, Co,~uty of Westchester sad State of New York; that she is the President of S~¢W0©D ACRES INC.~ the corporation described in and wi~_ich executed the above instr-mment; that she knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instr,~ent is such corporate seal~ that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors af said corporation, and that she signed her n~e thereto by like order. STATE OF N~ TORE ) COUNTY ~F SUFFOLK ) HI[_DA COSENTINO ~l~y P~blic~ St~e of New ¥o&° No~ 50-0771650 ~m!ifiecl in, Westchester Counl'~ E, xp_ire~/¢~mh 30~ 195~ this came EDWARD MILLS~ to me kno~aa and kno~ to r~e to be one of the mndmvmdua_~s described in and who executed t~e foregoing instr~men± and acknowledged that he executed the same~ STATE OF NEW YORK CO?JE'TY OF TOWN OF, S@UT~H©LD In the Matter of the laying out of two certain Town Highways in the Town of Southotd, County of Suffolk and State of New York° CONSENT 0P TbWi~ BOARD UPON READING AND FILING the dedication and release of SEA~©OD ACRES INC ~ and EDWARD ~L~S, dated 19~6 and duly acknowledged~ dedicating and releasing the necessary lands for two certain proposed to~n highways to be known as ~SEAW©OD DRIVE~ and ~MIDLAt~D PAR~2~AY'~ Be it RESOLVED, that consent be and the s~me hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the ~o~m of Southold~ make an order laying out the aforesaid Sown Highways to consist of the lands described in the said dedication and ~elease and to extend as delineated upon the map annexed to said ~Pplication~ all in accordance with the provisions of Section l~l of the Highway Law of the State of ~ew ¥ork~ and it is further RES©LVED~ that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to forthwith cause such r~lease to be recorded in the Office of the clerk of the Celerity of Suf_o_k and~ upon its return~ to attach it hereto. Dated, at the office of the Supervisor of the To~n of Southold, at Greenport, 1956. TOWN BOARD OP THE TOilet OF SOD~HOLD CODITY OF SUFFOLK~ STATE OP Sup orris or / Sdp~r~nt~nde¥~ o~ Hignways~ .ust~oes ofthe Peace STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK TOI~N OF S@UTH@LD In the Matter of the laying out of two certain Town HighwaYs in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York O~DER LAYING OUT HIGH- WATS WITH THE C@NSEh~ OF _H~: TOWN BOARD ORAL APPLICATION having been duly made to me the Town Super- intendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County~ New York, for the laying out of two certain To~n Highways, in the said Town of Southold, by Seawood Acres Inc., liable to be assesse for highway taxes in said Town~ and the written consent of the Town Board having been given as prescribed by law, and a dedicatioi and release from damages having been executed, acknowledged and delivered by the owner and mortgagee of the lands through which the proposed highways are proposed to be laid out, a copy of which is hereto a~uexed~ and nothing having been paid to any claiment for such damages, NOW~ THEREFORE, I the To~n Superintendent of Highways of the To~m of Southold, SuffOlk County, New York~ DO HEREBY DET~RI~NE AND ORDER that tWo to~n highways shall be, ~ud the s~me are here- by laid out in said Town as follows, and are to be knOwn as S~WOOD DRIVE and MIDLAND PARN~AY which shall be fifty feet in width: 1o S~WGOD DRIVE: ALL that tract or parcel of land~ situate~ lying and being at Southold~ in the Town of Southold~ Co-u~ty of Suffolk and State of New York~ bounded and described as follows: BEGZ3INING at a monument set on the sou~eriy line of North Bayview Road about opposite the westerly line of Reydon Drive and from the northwesterly corner of land oflWm~ Akscen along the southerly line of said North Bayview Road north 72 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds west 1~1o46 feet; from sa~d point of beginning running through land of Seawood Acres~ Inc. the following eight courses: (1) south 2~ degrees ~ minutes 40 seconds west ~74.31 feet; (2) south 16 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds west 116.73 feet; (3) south 12 degrees ~6 minutes 00 seconds west 133~42 feet; (4) south 32 degrees ~4 minutes 30 seconds west 130o7~ feet~ (~) south 36 degrees 4~ minutes 30 seconds west 117.09_eet~ (6) south 33 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds west 100.77 feet; (7) south 26 degrees 39 minutes ~00 secomds west 723.12 feet~ (8) north 71 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds west 1~6.66 feet to the easterly line of Midland Park~ay hereinafter described; thence along said easterly line of Midland P~r~ay north 27 degrees 43 minutes l0 seconds east ~0.~9 fee~ thence through other land of said Seawood Acres, the following eight courses: (1) south 71 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds east 10~.2~ feet~ (2) north 26 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds (5) north 3~ degrees 01 r minutes 30 seconds (4) north 36 degrees ~ minutes 30 sedo~ds (~) north 52 degress 04 minutes 30 secohds (6) north 12 degrees ~6 minutes O0 secohds (7) north 16 degrees 03 minutes 4© seconds east 682.17 feet; east I0~.20 feet; east 116.68 feet; east 120o27 feet; east 126.36 feets east 122.41 feet; (8) north 25 degrees ~5 minutes 40 seconds east 571.6~ feet to the southerly line of said North Ba~¢iew Roads thence along said southerly line of North Ba~¢iew Road south 72 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds east 50°49 feet to the point of beginning. 2. MIDLAND PAR~AY: ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the To~m of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a mon~uent set on the northerly line of Main Bayview Road at the southwesterly corner of land of A. Ro Trapp and running thence along the northerly line of said Road north 65 degrees 13 minutes 20 seconds west 50°00 feet to the southeast. erly corner of la~d of Harry Kapp; thence along said !~ud of Harr~ ~app and along other land of Seawood Acres Inc.~ north 24 degrees ~6 minutes 40 seconds east 319.88 feet; thence along other land of Seawood Acres Inc., two courses~ as follows: (1) north 27 degrees 43 minutes l0 seconds east 312o1~ feet; (2) south 71 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds east 50~59 feet to Seawaod Drive hereinbefore described~ thence along said Seawood Drive south 27 degrees 43 minutes l0 seconds west 50.59 feets thence along land of Seawood Acres Inc., south 27 degrees 43 minutes l0 seconds west 268.00 feet to a mon~ment at the northwesterly corner of said land of A. R. Trapp; thence along Said land of A. R. Trapp south 24 degrees 46 seconds 4~ minutes west ~18.63 feet to the point of begir~uing. D~ted~ this ~ ~ day of T6~m Superim~endent o~ Highways To-~n of Southold Suffolk Co~aty~ New York. TITLE Nb~ER 1215972 TITLE GU~RANTEE AN~ TRUST COMPANY certifies to the Town of Southold that it has examined ti61e to th~ lands in the beds of Seawood Drive and Midland Parkway in ti~e Town of Southold~ bounty o~ Suffolk and State of New York~ a description of which is hereto annexed. TITLE GDi~RANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY further certifies that title to the lands in the beds of Seawood Drlve and Midland Parkway as described~ is vested in: SEAWOOD ACRES iNC. who acquired title by deed from Edward Mills and Amelia Mills~ his wife~ dated 1/~/1955 recorded il/20/1955 zu Liber 3826 cp 535 and by deed from Edward Mills dated 1/8/1955 and recorded 1/28/1955 in Liber 3830 cp 584° TB~ premises are s~oject to a mortEa~e m~de by Acres Inco to Edward Mills dated 1/8/1955 recorded 1/20/1955 in Liber 2347 mp l~O in the amount of $20,000.00o Miueola~ New Certified as York of TITLE GUAP~aNTEE AI,~ TRUST COMPANY Authol~ze ~ 0-f~fic e r ~ Title No~ 1215972 ~ those certain streets~ situate~ lyiu~ and being at Bayview~ near Southo!d~ in the Town of Southold~ ~oun~y- ~ o_~ ~ ~_~ and State of New York~ known as Seaweed Drive and Midland Parkway and more particularly bounded and described as follows: 1 SEAWOOD r~T~r~. BEGINNING at a monument set on the southerly line of North Bayview Road about,opposite the westeri~ line ~of Re~don Drive and from the northwesterly corner of land of Wm.~ Aksceu along the southerly line of said North Bayview Road north 72 degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds west 151.46 feet; from said point of beginnin~ running through land of Seaweed Acres, Inc. the 55 minutes 40 secouds~west 57~.31 feet; 03 minutes 40 seconds 'west 1!6,73 feet; 12 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds'west 133.42 feet; 32 de~rees 04 ~i~utes 30 seconds west 130.75 feet~ 36 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds west !17~9 feet; 33 degrees Ot m~nute~ 30 seconds west 100.77 feet; 2~ degrees 39 minutes O0 seconds'west 723.12 feet~ 03 minutes 40 seconds west 156~66 feet Midland Parkway hereinafter ~eBcribed; line of Midland Parkway north ~7 degre~ 50.59 feet; thence through other land fmllowing eigh~ co~s~s: minutes 40 seconds east 105.~5 feet~ minutes 00 seconds ~ast 682.17 feet; followio~ eight courses ilsouth 25 degrees south 16 degrees south south south tsouth south north 71 degrees to the eas~'erly line of thence aloog said easterly 43 minutes I0 seconds east of said Seaweed Acres~ the north 26 degrees 39 north 33 degrees 01 minutes north 36 degrees ~5 minutes north 3~2 degrees 04 minutes north t6 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds ~ast iO~.RO feet~ 30 Seconds ~ast 1t6o68 feet~ 30 seconds ~ast 1~0o27 feet~ 00 seconds east 1~6.36 feet~ 40 Seconds east 1~2~41 feet~ no~th 25 degrees 55 minutes ~0 seconds east 57i~65 feet to the southerly i~ne of said NorbhBay~iew Road; thence along said southerly line of North Bayvlew Road south~?~ degrees 01 minutes 30 seconds east 50.49 feet to the point of beginniug~ 2~ MIDLAND BEGINNING at a. monument set ou the northerly line of ~in Bayview Road at tne~southwesterly corner of land of A. Re Trapo running thence along the northerly 'line of said Road north 65 degrees 13 minutes 20 seconds west 50~00 feet to ~he southeasterl~ cozier of land of Harry Kapp~ thence ato~ said land of ~Kapp 'and along othe~ land of Seaweed Acres inco~ ~orth 24 oeg~ees 46 mi~u~es 40 seconds east 319.88 feet; thence along othe~ land of S~awood '~cres iUC~o two courses a~ fol~ows: (!) north ~? aegrees 43 minutes l0 seconds-east 312015 feet~ ~2) south 71 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds east 50~59 feet to Seaweed Drive he~mei~before described~ thence along said Seaweed Drive_south ~7 degrees 43 minutes i0 seconds West 50.59 feet~ thence along laud of Seaweed Acres Inco south ~7 degrees 43 minut l0 seconds west ~68o00 feet to a monument at the northwesterly coz~aer of sai~ !and of A~ R. Trapo~~ tbence~ ~ a~on_ g'said land o~_ A~R Trapp south 24 degrees 46 = '~ minutes ,0 seconds west 318o63 fee~ to the point of begi~ni5go · CONCRE~ monuments are set ~or to be set at deflection points in the easterly line of the above described Seswood Drive and Midland Parkway~ both of which are 50 feet in width throughout their entire length~ TITI~E i~EU~-~ER 1215972 1. No tax search has been made for this examination. 9hz$ being a specz8i service examination, iiabillty of Company is azmz~m to Two Thousand ($2~000,) Doliars~ SEA7~0 0D DRIVE AND MIDLAND PARKWAY LJ I L_.Lc rt ~ :i , L '1 ! I I