HomeMy WebLinkAboutSCHOOL HOUSE ROAD EXTENSIONTOWN 0P SOUTHOLD : STATE 0F N E~W YOM{ In the Matter of the Application of WILLIAM J. BAXTER, JR., PATRICIA BAXTER, WILLIAM J. BAXTER, SR., ROBERT A. GOELLER~ JR. and JANI P. GOELLER, for the Laying Out of New HighWays in Cutchogue, Town of Southold~ Suffolk County~ New Yo~k, to be known as SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD ~ EXTENSION and GRIFFING STREET. APPLICATION To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Soutno~ in the County of Suffolk and State of New York: ~ ' ~a~IAM J BAXTER, JR. and The unde_smgne8 petitioners, ~ .... ~ PATRICIA BAXTER~ residing at Palmer Avenue, New Rochelie~ New York WILLIAM J. BAXTER~ residing at 10 Bayeau Road, New Rochelle, New York, ROBERT A. GOELLER~ JR. and eAt~ co G0mLLER.~ residing at Birch Lane, Greenwich, Connecticut~ liable to be assessed fo~ highway taxes in the Town of Soutkold, hereby apply to the Town Superintendent of Highways to lay out new highways at Cntchogue~ in the Town of Southold~ County of Suffolk and State of New Yo~k~ to be ~nown as SChool w · ~o~se Road Extension an~ G~iffing ~ ~ and to lay out a drainage control basin~ and more fully described as follows: !. Proposed ._zghways to be known as School House Road Exte sion and rmnning east and west and G~iff~n__ g Street runnmng' ' no~=~oh and south: BEGINNING at bhe northerly end of the westerly line of Griffing Street~ as dedicated May 28~ 19~8~ running thence through land of Baxter, three courses as follows: (I) N. ~9 34~ ~40~ W~ 122.~8 _~ee~ thence (2) N. 38° 05~ [~0~ ~f~ 635.81 feet~ thence (3) N~ 52~ pp~ 20'~ E. 220,00 ~et to a monument at the westerly end of the no~ther!y line of Sohooi House Roa~ Extension as dedicate~ July 2!~ 1960~ thence across the west~ er!y end of said School House Road - Extension and along lan5 of John Wickham, S. 37° 0~~ 40~ E. ~0 feet~ thence through land of Baxte~ five cou~ses as follows: (1) S. ~2~ ~ 20'~ 1~_~i0 feet; thence (2) on a curve to the ieft~ having a ~adius of 24.~6 feet, a distance of 39.01 feet~ therme (3) S. 38© 0~~ h0~ E. ~.91 feet~ thence (~) S~ ~9° 3h~ hO E. 122.~0 feet~ thence (~] S. 39° 09~ ~0~ E. 4.56 feet to the northweste~iy corne~ of lan~ of Schneide~ thence across the no~the~!y end of said Gz~iffing St~eet~ as dedicated May 28. 19~8 S. ~0° 50~ h0~ W. ~0.00 feet %o the polo% of b~gi~ning. Proposed d~ainage control basin: BEGI~N±NG at a monumeno at the weste~iy end of the northerly ~ine of School House Road - Extension as new.calleo TOWN OF SOUTHOLD : STATE OF NEW TORi~ In the Matter of the Application of ~LLI~ J. BAXTER~ JRo~ PATRICIABAXTER, ~ WILLIAM J. BAXTER, SR., ROBERT A. GOELL.ER~ JR. and JAR~ P. G~R~ for the Laying : Out of New Highway~ ia Cutchogue~ Town of Somthold, Suffolk County~ New York~ : to be kno~ as SCHOOL HOUSE RO~ = ~SION andGRI~ING ST~T. : CONSENT WE~ the umdersigned~ being a majority of the Town Board of th~ Town of So~thald~ in ~he County of Suffolk and State of New Yo~ having duly met at a reg,!ar meeting of said Town Board~ at the office of the Supe~rvisor at Greenport~ im said Towr~ on the ~ of ~_~ 1962 amd having duly considered the a~plication of W~~l~am J. Baxte~i~r~ Pa~r~c~a Baxter~ W~llmam J~ Baxter~ ~ t96~ for the laying out of new highway~ at Catch gue, in ~ai~ To~a~ and to be known as School House Road ~ Extensmon and Grilling Strest~ a~d a drainage control basin~ do hereby consent that such laying o~t be made in accordance with said petition~ d~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD :~ STATE OF ~ YOPX{ In the Matter of the Application of WILLIAM J, BAXTER, JR. ~ PA~ICIA B~TER, WILLI~ J. B~R, SR., ROBERT A. G0~R, JR. and J~ P, G0~L~ ff~ th~ Laying Out of New Highways in Cmtchogue, To~ of So~thold, SuffGlk Co~ty, New York, to be knowa ~s SCH0~ HOUSE R0~ - EXT~SION and GRIFFiNG ST~T. ORDER LAYING OUT HIGH~AYS AND DRAINAGE CONTROL BASIN WITH THE CONSENT OF THE TOW~ BOARD I~RtTTEN application having been duly made to me, the Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Sout~old, Suffolk County~ New York, for the laying out of Town Highways an8 a drainage control basin in the said Town of Southold, by William J. Baxter~Jr. Patricia Baxter~ William J. Baxter, Sr.~ Robert A. Goeller~ Jr. and Jane P. Goeller, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in said Towu~ and a dedication and release fro~ damages having been executed, acknowledged and delivered by the o~uers of the lands through which the proposed highways and drainage control basin are proposed to be laid out, a copy of which is hereto anneXed~ and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages~ NOW~ THEREFORE~ i~ the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Tow~ of Southold~ Sa_rolm County~ New York~ DO EEREBY DETERMINE ~N.D ORDER that town highways and drainage control basin shall be~ and the s~me are hereby laid out at Cutchogue in said To~ as follows: Proposed highway~ to be knowa as School House Road ~x~ens~on and running east and west and G~iffing Street running north and south: BEGINNING at the northerly end of the Westerly li~e of Grilling Street~ as dedicated May 28~ 19~85 running thence through said la~d of Baxter three courses as follows: ~l) N, 49~ 34~ 40~ W. 122.98 fe~t;~th~nce (2)N. 38~ 0~~ 40~ W. 63~81 feets thence ~3) N, h2e ~5:20~ E. 220.00 feet to a monmme~t at the westerly ~nd of ~e northerly line of School House Road ~ Exteusi~m as dedicated July 21, 1960~ thence across t~ we~teriy end of said School Ho~se Road ~ Extensio~ and along land of Joh~ Wickham S. 37~ 04:~ 40= E. %0 f~et~ thence throu~ land of Baxter five co~rses as folloWs: (1) S~ 52~ %~ 20~ W. l~.10 feet~ thence (2~ on a curve to ~ne loath.hay_rig a radius of 24.5& feet~ a dms~ance of 39.01 fe?t~ thence (3) o. 38 0~ ~0~ E. 554~91 Feet; thence (4~ S. 4~~ ~4~ 40~ E~ 122.%0 feets thence (~) S. 39~ 09~ 20~ E, 4.%6 feet to the northwesterly corner of lamd e~ Schneider~ thence ac ross ~ the northerly end of s~id Grilling Strset~ as dedz~te~ May 28, 19~8~ S~ ~0$ ~0~ 40= W~ ~0~00 fs~t to the point of beginniug~ 2. Proposed drainage control basin: Date, BEGINNING at a monumentat the westerly end of the northerl~ line of School House Road - Extension as dedicated July 21, 1960; running thence along the northerly line of the ~roposed. extension of said School House Road - Extension S. 52 551 20 W. 170 feet; thence along other lamd of Baxter two courses as follows: (1) N. 37e 04' 40" W. 100.00 feet; thence (2) N. 52e 551 20" E. t70~00 feet to land of Tyler; thence along said land of~Tyler S. 37e 04' 40" E. 100 feet to the point of beginning. the ~day of U~. , 1962. ~arold D. Price, Tow~ Superlntende~t of Highways, Town of Southold, Suffolk Comnty, New York. July 21, t960~ running thence along the northerly line of the o~ooosed extension of said School House Road - Extension S. ~ ~ 20,r W, 170 feet~,thence~along other land of Baxter two courses as follows: (1) N~ 37 04x 40" Wo 100o00 feet~ thence (2) N, ~2e ~ 20~ E. 170.00 feet to iand of Tyler~ thence alQug said la~d of T~ler S. 37e 04~ ~0~' E. 100 feet to the point of beg~nnmng. A ~ap of said p oposem highway and~ d~ainage control basin ' . b has oeen mac y Otto Wo Van Tuyl & Son, Licensed Surveyors~ Greenport¢ N. ~, and is annexed herebo and made part of this application. Annexed hereto and made a part of this app~zcatzon is a release and dedzca,mon to tm~ Town of $outhold by the petitioners herein~ over whose property said highway is to run. William ~ Baxterj~ro Patr~c~_a Baxter S TATEOP NEW YOPu%: :SS COD~I~k=' OF SUFFOLK: W-iLLIn24 J. B_~X~R~ ~ PATRICiA BAXTER, WILLIAM J~ B~TER~ ROBERT A~ GOELL~ ~ and JANE P. GOELLER~ being duly sworn~ de- pose and say that they ars the petitioners herein~ that they have read the foregoing petition and know the con~ents thereof~ and tha the same is true to their o~ knowledge~ except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged upon information and belief and as to bhose ~aatters they believe it to be true. W~lliam ~ B~ter, Jr. Pattie ia Baxter er TO~U~ OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF NA~ YORK In the Natter of the ~q0p!ication of JO~I~ WICKHA~ aud ~NNE L. WICKHA~ fo~ the Laying Out of New Highway in Cmtchogue~ Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New Ycrk~ to be known as S~HOOL HOUSE ROAD ~ ~SiON ORDER LAYING OUT HIGHWAY WITH T~-E CONSENT OF T~ T o'~U~ BOARD ~itten application having been duly made to me~ the Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Sout2~old~ Suffolk County~ New York, for the laying out of a Town Higi~way in the said Tov~n of Southold~ by John W~ickham aud A~e Lo Wickham, liable to be aassssed for highway taxes in said Town~ and a dedication and release from damages having been executed~ acknowledged alad delivered by the owners of and other persons interested in the lands through which the proposed highway is proposed to be laid out, a copy of which is hereto aD~exed~ and nothing having been paid to any claimant for such damages~ NG~ ?~REFORE, I~ the Town Superintsndaut of _Highways of the Town of Southold~ Suffolk Cou~aty, New York, DO P~REBY DET_ER~gI~E Ah~D ORDER that a town h~ghws$ shall be, amd the same is hereby laid out at Cutchogue in said Town as follows~ and is to be kno~ as School House Road -Extension and which shall be fifty feet in width~ BEGIh~NING at a monument at the ~ntersect~o~. of northwesterly line of School House Road with the south~ w~sterly line o_ North S~reet and r~ni.hg along sa~d southwesterly line of North Street~ $. 40° 13~ l0~ Eo .~9o50 fset~ thence along ~and of ~o_~n i~ickh~m~ S, 49 ~6~ 50~ W~ 211~86 feet to l~ud of Artt~ur~/~ehl~.%~ thence ~along said land of .... Mehl. .~ 49~57 feet to a monumant~ ~hence along land of Clifford Tyl?r~ N~ 49° 50 E. 209~16 f~et to the point of begmnntng. Being 49~50 feet in wmdth~ of Hmghwa~s, Tov~ of Sou~kold~ Suffolk Cou_uty~ ~ew York. ~t Sworn to be~ fore me this 1959. TOWN OF SOUT_HODD, STATE OF l~rg~W YORK In the Matter off the Application of JOHN WiCEH~j~ and ANNE L, ~I6~KK_~AN for th~ Laying Out of New Highway in Cutehogue~ Town of So~thold~ Suffolk County, New York~ to be known as SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD - EETENSION APPLICATION To the Town Superintendent of Highway of the Town of Southold in t~e Co~uty of Suffolk and State of New York.~ The undersigned petitione~s~ Jo~n ~Vickham and f~mne Lo V~ickham residi.ng at Cutchogue~ Suffolk County~ New York~ liable to be as- sessed for highway ts~es in the Town of Southolds hereby apply to the Town Superintendent of Hi~nways to lay out new highways at Cutchogue~ in the Town of Southold, Coo~uty of Suffolk and State of New York, to be known as SChool House Road - Extension~ and moms fully described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the northwesterly line of S~ool House Road with the south~ westerly line of North Street and rtu~ning along said south- we~te~ly~ ~ line of North Street, S~ 40° 13 ~ l0~ E~9 ~o 0 feet~ them_ce along land of Job~u ~'iekham~ ~S~ 49° w~ 211~86 feet to land of Artt~ur Mehl, ~. thence along said land of ~Meht i~ N. 37° 0~ ~0~ ~ 4%~7 feet to a mono~ent~ thence along ls~nd of Clifford Tyler~ N~ 49° 6~0~ E~ 209.16 feet to the point of beginning~ Being 9,D0 feet in width~ A Nap of said p_~oposed highway has been made by Otto W. Vs~u Tuyl & Son~ Llcsr_sed Surveyors~ Greenport~ ~Y~ Y~ and is an.nexe~ he_~sto and ~ade part of this application~ ~-n~exed hereto end made a pSa~t of this application is a releas and dedication~ to the Town of Southold by the petitioners herein, over whose property said highway is to run~ STATE OF NE~ :SS COUN'T~f 0F SD?FOLtI~ A~ue L~ Wickham J0~WiC~AM and ANNE L. WICKH~, being ~.ly sworn~ depose 'h mud say that ~ ~y are the petitioners herein~ that they have read the foregoing petition and know the contents thereof,.and that the ~,ame is true to their own knowlsdge~ except as to the mattems nereln stated to be alleged upon im=~ormation and belief ~ud as to those matters they believe it to be true, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF NE~ YORK In the Matter of the Application of JOHN WICKHA~ and ANNE L. WICKHAM for : the Laying Out of New Highway in : R E L E A S E Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as : SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD - EXTENSION : WE, JOHN WICKHAN and ~NE L. WIC~HAM, his wife, being the owners of certain land in Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, over which land a pro- posed highway known as "School House Road - Extension" and described in the application in the above entitled matter, dated ~ ~ , 19~9, will pass, and CLIFFORD R. TYLER and EDWINA M. TYLER, his wife, being the adjacent owners on the north of said proposed highway, NOW, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar to us in hand pai~ by Harold D. Price, Superintendent of the Highways of said Southold Town, and in further consideration of the layiag out of the new highway known as "School House Road - Extension" do hereby release and dedicate to the Town of Southold, all the land hereto- fore owned by us and through which said proposed highway will pass~ and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the northwesterly line of School House Road with the south- westerly llne of North Street and running along said southwesterly line of North Street, S. ~0° 13' 10" E. ~9.~0 feet; thence along land of John Wickham, S. 49° ~6' 50" W. 211.86 feet to ]and of Arthur Meal thence along said land of Mehl ~ N. 37 05' 50 W. 49.57 feet to a monument; thence along land of Clifford Tyler, N. 49° 46' 50" E. 209.16 feet to the point of beginning. Being 49.50 feet in width. And we do release the said Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the laying out of said highways. Anne L. Wicl~ham C~li. ffg?d R. Tyler/ Edwina M Tyler STATE OF i%~V¢ YORK COUNTY OF Su~FFOLK: the sub- scmibem, personally appeared JOHN ,~'ICKH~ and ~N-~E L. ~Yi(~iH~vt to me pemsonally knovcn and known to me to be the s~ne pemsons described in and who executed the within Instrument and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Residing in Suffolk Court ~.¢ Suffolk Co, C~erk's No, 52-~4,02D00 STATE OF NE~&~' COUNTY OF S~3~FOLK: sc~ibe~ personally ~ppeared CLIFFORD R. TYL~ and EDV¢INA ~. ~ to me personally known ~ud known to me to be the s~me persons described in and who executed the within Instrument and they severally acknowledged to me that they executed the s~c.~e. TO~£~ OF $OUTHOLD. STATE OF R~EV~ TORE In the Natter of the Application of JOHN W~ICEH~I and A~E L~ ~CKHA~ for the Laying Out of Nsw Highway in Cutchog~e~ Town of Southoid, Suffolk County~ New York, t o be known as SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD ~ ~TE~SION. CONStanT ~ the undersigned~ being a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold~ in the County of Suffolk ~ud State of New York~ having duly met at a ~egular meeting of said TOWn Board~ at the office of ths ~l- a~ G~-~p,~_~t~ in said Town~ on the ~[ ~ considered the application of Jo~ ~ic~h~ ar~ ~e L. ~ ~ -- ~ ~_c~h~ dated the ~ O~ day of ~ 19~9~ for the laying out 0f a new hi.way at Outchogue~ in said Town~ ~d to be known ~ School House Road - Extension, do hemeby consent that such laying out be m~e in accomd~uce with said petition: ~rVisor To~ C°~mCiiman~ Justicg of the Peae~ gugtice ~ th~ Peace LAW OFFICES WI LLiAM WICKHAM MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK MATT. ~- 8331 TOWN OF S0UTHOLD: SS STATE OF NL~W YORK: I DO ~EREBY CERTIFY to the TOWN Ol~ SOUTHOLD, that based upon an examination of the ~ecords in ~e office of the Clerk, T~easu~e~, and Smr~ogate of the County of Suffolk, in my opinion a good and marketable title to the premises dedicated to the Tow~ of Southold fo~ use as public highway to be known as School House Road -Extension, at Cutchogue, Somthold Town, Snffolk County, New Yo~k, and more fully described in the dedication f~om John Wickham and Anne L. Wickham, dated November /~,-1959 vested in John Wickham and Anne L. Wickham free and clea~ of all liens and encumbrences. William Wickham, Attorn~ Dated: November /~, 1959 TOWN OF~0UTHOLD : STATE OF NEW YORK In the Matter of the Application of WILLIAM J. BAXTER, JR., PATRICIA BAXTER, WILLIAM J. BAXTER, SR., ROBERT A. GOELLER, JR. and JANE P. GOELLER, for the LaFing Out of New Highway in Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N~w York, to be known as SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD - EXTENSION and GRIFFING STREET. -X RELEASE WE, WILLIAM J. BAXTER, JR., PATRICIA BAXTER, WILLIAM J. AXTER, SR., ROBERT A. GOELLER, JR. and JANE P. GOELLER, being the owners of certain land at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, included within which land are proposed highways known as School House Road - Extension and Grilling Street and a drainage ,control basin described in the application in the above entitled matter dated d~y~95 ~ NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of One ($1.00) Dollar to us in hand paid by Harold D. Price, Supe,intendent of Highways of said ;outhold'Town, and in further consideration of laying out of the ~ew highways known as School House Road - Extansion and Grilling Street, and the laying out of the drainage control basin, do hereby release and dedicate to the Town of Southold all of the land hereto. fore owned by us included within said proposed highways and. said Jrainage control basin and described as follows: 1. Proposed highways to be known as School House Road - Exten. sion and running east and west and Grilling Street running north and south: BEGINNING at the northerly end of the westerly line of Griffing Street, as dedicated May 28, 1958; running thence through said land of Baxter three courses as follows: (1) N. 49~ 3~' 40" W. i2~.98. ~e~t; thence (~) N. 38~ 05" 40" W. 63~i~1 ~fee.t; thence (3) N. ~2" 55~ 20" E. 220.00 feet to a me~eut a~ the w~sterly end of the northerly line of School House Road - Extension as dedicated July 21, 1960; thence across the westerly end of said School House Road - Extension and along land of John Wickham S. 37~ 04~ 40" E. 50 feet; thence throu~ land of Bmxte~ five Courses as follows: (1) S. 52" 55~ 20" W. l~.10 feet; thence (2) on a curve to the left, havin6 a radius of 24.56 feet, a distance of 39.01 feet; thence (3) S. 38" 05~ ~0" E. 554.91 feet; thence (4) S. 49" 34~ 40" E. 122.50 feet; thence (5) S. 39e 09' 20" E. 4~56 feet to the northwesterly corner of land of Schneider; thence across $he nerBherly end of said Grifflng Street, as dedicated May 29, 1958, S. 50' 505 40" W. 50.00 feet to the point of beginn~ng.=_~., ~ ~ 2. Proposed'dr~in~ge'cofit~ol basin: BEGINNING at a monument ak the westerly end of the northerly line of School House Road - Extension, as dedicated July21, 1960; running thence along the northerly line of t~e pro- posed extension Of. said'School House Road - Extenszon, S. 52~ 55x 20" W. 170 feet; thence along other land of Baxter two courses as follows: (1) No 37~ 04~ 40" W. 100.00 feet; thence (2) N. 52~ 55x 20" E. 170.00 feet to land of Tyler; thence along~Id land of Tyler S. 37~ 04t 40" E. 100 feet to the point of beginning. And we do release the said Town of Southold from all damages by reason of the laying out of said highways. STATE 0F NEW YORK: :SS COUNTY 0F SUFFOLK: On this I~''' day of .J~ personally appeared WILLIAM J. , 1962, before, me, the subscriber, BAXTER, JR., PATRICIA BAXTER, I WILLIAM J. BAXTER, SR., ROBERT Ac GOELLER, JR. and JANE P. GOELLER to me personally known and known to me to be the same persons described in and who executed the within Instrument and they severally acknowledged to me that they ~xecuted the same. RECORDED JUL 2 1962 Clerk of Suffolk County WILLIAM wICKH~ ~ NOTAR t' PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK No. 5Z-4ZSgO00 (~,a'mlJle¢] in SU{[O~ County TO~A~N OF SOUTHOLD, STATE OF NEW YORK In the Natte~ of the AP- plication of JOHN WICKH~ and ANNE L. WICKH~3~ £or the Laying Out of New Highway ii Cutchogue, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York, to be known as SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD - EXTENSION York CttF To , Esq. A~ome~ for Sir :- will be pr~ent~l tot settlement, and signature herein to th,~ Hon. one of the judses of the within n~med Court, at in the Bowush of City of NewYori~ on the day of I9 ,at NI. l~eed. N. Y.. for o~i~e Office end po~t A~d~e88 A~om~ for bio. Year ~OWN 0F SGUTHOLD:8~ATE 0P R'Ri/ YORK In the Matter of the Appli- cation of WILLIAM J. BAXTER, JR., PATRIOIA BAXTER, WILLIAM J. BAXTER, SR., ROBERT A. GOELLER, ~R. amd JANE P. GOELLER, for · t~e Laying Out of New Eighways in Outchogme, To,fa of Semibold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as 80H00L HOUSE ROAD - EXTENSION and GRIFFING STREET 'ORDER AND CONSENT William Wio kham A~m~ ~ Petitiomers Office and Post Or,ce Address Nattituck, New York ~orough o{ iNew York To , Esq. A~omey for Due tod timely servic~ of a copy of the within is hereb~ adml~d. Dali, N.Y. I9 Attorney /or /~'~" Ptem~ ~ke notice tb_~ ~ within is · true copy ofe tt~ d~ duly an2red herein in the or,ce of the Clerk of Dated, N.Y., ~9 Office end Po~ Office Addret~ B~'o~rb o~ N~w Yo~k City Tn ,/]sq. Attom~ for P~e~e teke notice that the within w~l be pr~e~, ted for settlement and signature herein to the oa~ of in the Borough of Ciw o! NewYork, on the day of 19 ~ at NL ~ N.Y., z9 A~ofney Office end Post Office Address New York City · Esq. Index lq[~ Y~r x9 TOWN OP SOUTHOLD:STATE OP NE~YO~ In the Matter of the Appli- cation of WILLIAM J. BAXTEr, ~., PATKIOIA BAXTER, WILLIAM J. BAXTER, SR., ROBERT A. GOELLE~, JK. and JANE P. GOEr.?.EH, for the Laying Omt of New Highways in C~tehogme, Town of Southold, ~lk County, New York, to be k~iae SCHOOL HOUSE ROAD - k-~TNi~IOll and GP~i~ING ST~I~..T. APPLIOATION and William Wic kham a~om~ ~ Petitioners Office and Peet Offd~ Address Mattituck, New Yo~k Due and timely service of a copy of the within is hereby admlt~ed. ' ,A,"/,e p